t So You Etilay 'Travel In IHealtEj'and omfor Do we travel westward in search of invigorat ing rest and recreation? Then let us get a good start and not find our selves all "pulled down" when we get there. ofrao has the, most wonderful health-giving climate in. the world. Why? Much oxygen in the air, that means vigorous life little oxygen means sluggish life. Ordinary trains are "stuffy" because the peo ple and lights use so much of this same oxygen ordinary lights burn oxygen. Electric lights do not, they simply glow in a vacuum. That's why the air is better in Electric-lighted trains. The- Union Pacific verland Limited is Electric lighted throughout and is two meals the quickest and cheapest way to San Francisco. r Get the books that tell all about going and what'i to be eeen on the way and after you get them Addrsa CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARIIAM ST. PHN3 DOUGLAS 134. . (