Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 19

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Mnfl(lav (( 1 a OUIlMe).; ' Tuesdav ..pWrawitf - '
. UplflSffeWM , Wontey- r -aaayy- ' "esaay y a J g
i ii , I , ... tf A ih'(i sk7.
All the Drumnvera Sample .
Lace CuriaLins ga in
oie lot, at, each
Eeorcanized - Church Will Hold Session at
PollOTrera of JonriH Smith ,81 timber
Plftr-Thpr ,1iUiianil,' or( 6n
I .INDEPENDENCE. Mo.; April 7.-Aspeclal
J ffT4-BTam.) Promptly at 10 o'clock Friday
J nurnlns- the gavel of President Joseph
NfcT" "OBmlth tapped upon the table and a hush
fell upon the vast throne which had as
i aembled in the Saints' church at this place
i to wltnesa the openlnir ot the fifty-third
J ' Ireneral conference of the Reorganlxed
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
; Saints.
The opening; hymn was followed by an
' . Impressive and toucliinni Invocation offered
by U;e venerable hend of the church.
i- Organliatlon of the conference was ef
A fected, the first presidency being chosen to
presiii the church secretary to act as iec
rctary. the local chorister, organist, ushers
and Janitor to act In such capacity for the
Conference. .- (
The committee on . credentials, wae com
posed of Myron H. Firher, Ponton; Charles
. Crumley. California; Alvln Knlsley,
The preaa - committee Is composed of
Walter W. Smith. Philadelphia; Frederick
Gregory. Canada; Culvln H. Rice. Maine.
Official .stenographers were provided for
In the persons of I -eon A. Oould. Iowa,
and Mrs. O. L. Jamia, Indian Territory.
The report of the general recorder. Henry
Special Elomeseekers' Excursions
Tiiocrliue PrI1 m Mjfltlind 15th
I UCbUuyS jBne m ml IStH. July 3rd ml 17th.
Via tha
One Fare Plus $2
8TOP-OVEKS will be allowed within Transit Liiult of 15 day going,
after reaching first Homeseekers' point euroute, and returning within
Transit Limit of 21 day.
To tho who are not satisfied with present conditions and who are
seeking new locutions, this will afford an excellent opportunity for
Investigating localities in the West and Houthwest.
. For Further Information, Maps, Folders, Etc., Address,
T. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
i ok .
n. 0. TOWNSEND, Gen. Puss, and T'k't Agt, St. Louis, Mo.
An Entire
One of the leading eastern manufacturers of lace curtains was
money quickly. He wired Brandeis (or a spot cash offer on his entire stock on hand. We bought it all for a little
less than it cost him to manufacture. It was an extraordinary chance of trade. Together with this stock we offer
Also The Entire Stock of Hand Imported Lace Curtains From a New York Importer
These high quality goods had been contracted for by an eastern house but the shipment had been refused owina
to its late arrival. A spot cash offer from Brandeis bought the entire stock at far less than its value. . We never
offered anything like these magnificent values. The display of the goods in the window has attracted'thousahds
of women who have marveled at the ba'rgains. It is a sale that will be remembered for .years. -
Both These Immense Stocks Go on Sale Monday at Wounderful BaLrgains
Cluny. Irish Point. Arabian, Duchesse, Brussels Nst'ani Batten burg. Q 1 Qfl '1011x1)00 Q f 00
These splendid curtains ara positively worth as hign as $ld. a pair 1 UU l)UU V SiOU ujlui
Monday at a pair : $1$ if
?IIIT A IMC P $7.50 fair.
in m. .yr li - . -
11 Jr
JjOjars fieah.
l V(Jreat lot df fine
A. Btefflne of loWa, show a greate gain
In membership for the, church than for I
eight years. New baptisms numner ,ms.
The net gain over all losses . is 1,928, of
which IU occurred in foreign countries and
the- remainder,; in the .t'nited Btatee. , The
lAal',nct 'membership, of the' church at tho
present time Is 63,781.
Recorder Bteffins has been connected with
the church since the early, days of lta re
organization, having served most 'of that
time as both . general secretary and re
border.' Feeling the weight of years, he re
quests' In his report 'that he "be released
'from "the arduous duties. This request was
granted by vote of the body.
The report of Chilrch Secretary R. S. Sal
yards of. Iowa Indicates a prosperous con
dition of the church In various branches.
Resolutions of respect and condolence
upon the death of High Chancellor James
Caffal of Council Bluffs were passed by vote
of the conference.
... . Son Takes After Father.
The conference resumed Its sessions at
t o'clock, being called to order by Frederick
M. Smith, eldest son of and first counsellor
to President Joseph Smith. This young
jiian is thought by many to be the future
leader ot the church. He la but little over
30 years old, yet Is considered to be pos
sessed of rare executive ability, well versed
in usages of parliamentary law and of a
forceful and magnetic character, though
somewhat brusque in manner. Routine
business occupied much of the afternoon
Apostle U. W. Greene of Ohio was the
speaker last night. Patriarch J. R. Lambert
of Iowa occupying this morning.
President Joseph Smith was In the chair
at the opening of today's session of the
general conference of the Hatter - Day
Saints, but soon called his second counsel
lor, R. C. Evans of London, Ontario, who
occupied the chair the rest of the session.
Prayer was offered by Apostle W. H.
Iron Ellountain
to Certain Points In the
for Ilia Round Trip
Stock of High Class
rnnv mttn n Anni&tn'r &t nnwwwr nmAm nonn ait a mir
i m t. Mrar. hi iHHirai.i
There were thousands of yards of fine bobblnet in this
This fine, bobbinet all comes in full
madras grenadines up to 36 inches
Kelley, president of. the Quorum of Twelve. I
Church Librarian H. Hale 8mlth reported I
the condition bf the church library, stating
that more shelf room is needed for the
growing library..
Lamonl'a Invitation' Accepted.
'An -Invitation from the Lambni, la.,
branch of the church,, supported by the
entire Lamonl stake, for the church to hold
Its next conference at that ' place, called
forth the placing In nomination of Inde
pendence,' Mo., Klrtlaud, O., Chicago and
Toronto, Canada. The vote when called
resulted In 300 for Lamonl, 18 for Independ
ence, 2 for Klrtland, t for Chicago and 8 for
Toronto. Thus, when this conference ad
journs It will do so to meet at Lamonl, la.,
April 8, 19(7.
Elder Frank J. Chatbum of Holden, Mo.,
Is the speaker tonight. Provision Is made
for two overflow meetings at each sen-ice
tomorrow to accommodate the large crowds
In attendance.
In the main auditorium Patriarch Alex
ander II. Smith, brother to the prophet,
will proach at 11 o'clock.
' In the lower auditorium "Elder Columbus
Scott of Iowa, one of the seven presidents
of seventy, will occupy, while AJvin J.
Knlsley of Canada will, address the as
semblage at Ensign hall.
Business will be resumed Monday after
noon. -
Flsnt Is a for Kaavoo.
BURLINGTON. Ia.. April 7.-(Special.)-Indlcatlons
are that the Mormon church is
again attempting to get a foothold in Nau
voo, the city from which they were driven
mere than fifty years ago. This became
known through the proceedings of the
general world convention of the Tounj
People's association ef the Reorganised
Church of Latter Day Saints Just closed at
Independence, Mo. The matter came up
In the discusalon of the proposition to hold
the next world convention at Nauvoo. The
arguments in favor of the invitation, which
had been signed by over 400 cltlsens ot
Nauvoo, were based on the fact that the
Utah church, known as the "Brighamlles"
or followers of Drigham Toung, were work
ing hard to regain the lost ground and !
that they had four or five elders there j
at work all the time. It was stated that
the Reorganized Church, which Is bitterly
oppoeed to the tenets of the Utah church,
should use their influence to keep down I
the "Mormon Invaders." It was .furtner
pointed out that the Utah body had so
cured the old Jail at Carthage, III., where
Joseph Smith was shot, and will turn It 1
Into a sort of museum of Mormonlsm which I
in time will become a shrine for visiting !
Mormons. The Latter Day Saints' body
will probably do what they can to prevent
the Utah forces from again taking the old
Large Proertr with Little Exception,
Goes Members ef His
BALEM. Mass.. April T. The will of E.
C. Swift, the millionaire packer, was ad
mitted to probate today in this city.
Beyond a bequest of IS 000 to a church at
Sagamore, Mass., there were no public
gifts. Except for this donation and small
annuities for two long-time employes of
Mr. Swift, the estate, estimated at about
tlO.OW.OOO, is left in trust for the benefit of
the family of the testator.
The will names James P. Lockwood ot
Hyde Park and Freedom Hutchinson of
Newton, Mats., as executors. These 'two
men also are named as trustees, together
with Clarence, Moore, son-in-law of the
testator, Prank W. Crocker, Mr. Swift's
private secretary, and Oustavus F. Swift,
brother of the deceased. The will is dated
January U. 1801.
New back combs. Copley, lis & lth st
Curtains Bought From i Leading Philadelphia Mfr.
rv 1 1 111 11 .1
purchase finest white Arab and ecru,
piece. ,.
wide, a variety of desirable patterns for
"S" '""-111
Bosoo Beale Threatened ' with Destruction
by, Eruption of VMUYius. V
'. ; ' ' '
, , 1 r ' ' '... v i i;-. '
1 ' . . : . f v r (
Artillery Carts Bent to Help Resident
Remove Property- from (tangtr
and Streets '-A' Killed
'- H With Goods.
NAPLES, April ?. Bosco Reale has been
surrounded and invaded by lava and one
stream is closely threatening Ottajano.
New craters are opening in the volcano.
The population ot the towns and ' vil
lages near the danger zone are still panlo
stricken. Whole families surrounded by
household goods are waiting in the streets
hoping to And a part, horse or donkey to
help them place their possessions beyond
danger. Many hartrendlng scenes are wit
nessed. Artillery carts have been sent
to help the fugitives.
Cardinal Joseph Prlsco, archbishop of
Naples, has ordered special prayers to be
offered for the safety of those who are
In danger and It Is expected that he will
go to the scene of desolation. Bdsco Reale,
one of the villages In danger of destruc
tion, Is the birthplace of the cardinal and
the home of most of his relatives.
Drontb and Pest of Locusts Fore
shadow Failure of Crops
I In Country.
TANGIER. April 7. (Special Cablegram
to Tho Bee.) If conditions do not change
for the better In the near future the people
of Morocco may find themselves confronted
by a condition of affairs more disquieting
than anything that has been considered at
Scarcity of rain and a plague of locusts
are threatening the crops, especially In
southern Morocco, and the distress is al
ready prevalent. Owing to the representa
tions of the British minister the sultan has
sent orders to the native authorities of
the coast towns to purchase and destroy
locusts' eggs. This 'should to some extent
alleviate the danger, though the orders
have been delayed too long to make the
effort really productive cf results. This
It Is believed will help In a measure, how
ever. The merchants and officials of Fes
are attempting to relieve the existing suf
fering by the distribution of foodstuffs.
The execution of this charitable work was
originally delegated to certain Maghezen
officials, but the merchants, suspecting,
apparently with good reason, that consid
erable sums never reached the poor, pro
tested and obtained the nomination of cer
tain of their class to undertake the work.
Resident ef Hon Kens Reports Out
rage to American Consul
t Canton.
HONG KONG. April 7. Chinese pirates
on April t held up three passenger boats
fourteen miles from Sanshu, not far from
Canton, and robbed the Rev. Dr. Charles
B. Hager, on American missionary.
In an interview here today Dr. Hager
said: "Our boat and two others were an
chored off a village on the Tung river,
when tbey were attacked at night by four
pirates armed with Mauser riflea They
fired at us and narrowly missed me. The
compelled to raise a
CURTAINS worth up to
$4.00 a pair, new patterns EACH
it. nu ni hvi Mnn v
in widths ud to 72 Inches, "fine and
.......'...; i-ii.
eash curtains and draperies, at
....a..... . '. .......
boats were riddled i with eulVettj I was
divested of my clothes, cash and surgical
Instruments. I have -reported the matter
to the American consul at Canton."
Dr. Hager and hhv.vwira, Mrsy Marie. V.
R. Hager, reside lit jilong Kcng., That are
,Copgregatlonaf(syi ifid u&der fli ordeffp of
th$ AmerlcanboWoot:4oBWloners'tor.
foreign missions. V J
Measure Whlck Mar Satisfy the Ktnf
nih People' Provides for '
t Woman la SnljrsVr.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 7. Finland's
new election law, which virtually Is a new
constitution, has been completed. It Is lib
eral and it is believed will be entirely sat
isfactory to the Finns. 'The law provides
for a unl-cameral Diet of of 200 deputies
elected for three years by the various dis
tricts. Suffrage is granted to all adults 24
years old,, regardless of sex, only public
charges and criminals being excluded. There
will be annual sessions of the Diet lasting
ninety days, beginning February 1, 1907.
The Diet will elect Its own president and
vice presidents, who must subscribe to an
oath to protect the rights of the emperor
as grand duke of Finland, and the Diet,
according to the fundamental laws of the
grand duchy. , i
The sessions opened and closed by
the emperor or his deputy, who will sub
mit the Imperial program for legislation,
the budget, etc., and the bills lntroducable,
covering all Bubjccts except ' the funda
mental laws and the organization,, of the
hind and sea defenses. Members of the
senate, who have the right to sit In the
Dkt, but who cannot vote, must reply to
Interpellations. Bills which pass their third
reading become laws. ( '
The sessions will be public and both the
Finnish and Swedish languages may fee
used during the debate.
Bomb Explodes oa Principal Street of
Capital, Ta kin; Life of
Official. '
TVER, Province of Tver, Russia, April
T. While the governor of Tver, M.
Sleptzoff, was passing through the prin
cipal street of the town at I o'clock this
afternoon he as killed by the explosion
of a bomb.
Governor Sleptzoff was regarded as a
very reactionary official and was held
responsible for the beatings administered
to the intellegencla by the Black Hun
dreds last falL
The body of the governor, who . was In
his carriage when assassinated, was
mutilated and, his coachman, was seriously
Injured. The governor's body was removed
to the palace. The bomb exploded with
terrino force. All the windows were
broken. The assassin, who Is a very young
man, was arrested.
At the time of his assassination Sleptzoff
was on his way to attend the election of a
member of the council of the empire.'
Disorderly Bands Forced from Bel
alum by Police and Numbers
Art Decreasing.
LENS, France, April 7. The striking coal
miners are comparatively calm, though the
number of small depredations continue to
be reported. Strikers blew up with dyna
mite fifteen feet of the rails of the bridge
st Toquerell and cavalry charged and dis
persed a crowd of manifestaatg at Nuuex
laraa su m of
n. r
..... . IwG
M 2
Les Mines. The numbers of strikers are
diminishing ' In some sections and disor
derly, bands who crossed the Belgian fron
tier were forced back by Belgian gendarmes.
tPARIS, April 7. The Gaulols today says
that the strlKlng miners in the eoal regions
of the Pas de Calais ane. reported to have
placed f price on ' the heads; of tbS" en
sinners of the Courrleres mlnoc, where, the
recent great disaster occurred, and to have
designated those who are to assassinate
them. Therenglnecrs have been warned
and have adopted extreme precautions.
All Foreign Nations Seem to Be Out
of Harmony vrlth Gov
ernment. TOKIO, April 7. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The JIJ1 Shlmpo's correspondent
claims that three countries, Japan, Great
Britain and the United Slates, have de
clared that to maintain the integrity of
the Chinese empire is out of harmony
with the spirit of the times in China.
Great Britain's negotiations with reference
to the railway and mining rights In Thibet
and elsewhere are net going on smoothly.
America is really not reforming Its emi
gration laws, but on the contrary Is send
ing a large force of troops to the Philip
pines. The Japanese administration , is in
constant conflict with the Chinese authori
ties In Manchuria, who boldly report to
Peking that the Japanese are "second Rus
sians." The Germans on the contrary by with
drawing their troops have undoubtedly
made a great Impression on China and the
delay In the departure from Peking of
their minister, Baron Mumm von Schwart
senstoln, to take up his new post as am
bassador to Jupan mean, so it is reported,
something Important. .
The Peking correspondent of the Asahl
supplies a complexion of this diplomatic
picture. He says that nobody believes
Russia will ever evacuate Manchuria. It
has Important stations along the frontier
and Is building barracks along the Amur
Other correspondents say that Japan Is
;1 All the Single LACE ' p
!; CURTAINS, worth up to' i Tv fi
I; $4.00 p&Jr, t,t each 4
for Easter.
Whit and Colored.
Lisle, Silk ass Cotton.
To see the vast array of these lines
4 will convince you that .no good or
wanita sort is uusslug. Let i
show them to you.
Albert Cnhn.
- J
Men's Furnisher. 1Z2X Farnam.
calmly proposing, ' without China's per- ,
mission, to hold an exhibition at Mukden,
which at present is closed to the trade of
the world.
Mary Hamilton
for Man She Is
i LONDON, April 7. The bye-electlon in
the Eye division of Suffolk resulted in the .
election of H. Pearson, liberal, a son of .'.
Sir Weetman Pearson, by a majority of .
197 over the marquis of Graham, con
servative, eldest son of the duke of Mont
rose. The campaign was known as the "ladles
battle," because the most prominent figures
in It were Lady Mary Hamilton, the rich-
est woman of Great Britain, who la en
gaged to be married to the marquis of
Graham, and the young wife of Pearson.
The small liberal majority 'Is chiefly duet
to the Intense popularity In the cotgitry of
Lady Mary, who appealed personally to
the voters and asked them to give her as
a wedding present the election to Parlia
ment of her future husband. .'
Dental of Story of Illness of Frauds
Joaepb Comes from
VIENNA, April 7. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) There Is not a vestige of truth
In the reports that Emperor Francis
Joseph, who In a few months will have
completed his 76th year, is in a serious
state of health. The emperor -sleeps and
eats Svell and nothing In his appearance
betrays his advanced age.
His most serious ailment Is gradual
calcification of the arteries, which the
physicians are treating with the utmost
rare. A few months ago he was 111. but
has completely recovered.
Make Tour Wants Known Through The
Bee Want Ad Page.
v f-'Vy :i A 'aft I I