D THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 'ATIITTJ "8, 190(1 WIFE AND BABES DESERTED Tonne Woman in Destitute Oircnmit&ncM U' Left' by Btaee-Bick Husband.' ' WORKS OUT WITH INFANT IN ARMS Authorities Who Find Her with tt Qanrtrr trnffsillas; wltk Penary File Complaint Asjalnst Mas. An unusually pathetlo case of destitution and alleged wife abandonment cams to the attention of Deputy County Attorney Bhot well In the police court Saturday morning, when Mr. Bhotwell filed with the police Jude-e a complaint against William J. Woolever of 1HI North Nineteenth street, charring the man with having wilfully deserted his wife, k-montha-old baby boy and X-year-old daughter. Thla offense now carries a penitentiary sentence. A war rant far the roan's arrest was given to Court Sergeant Whelan Saturday morn ing, but as yet the authorities have been unable to locate Woolever. A diligent search la to be made for him, as it was. reported the case was a most distressing one. Woolever Is 80 years of age. A fascina tion for stage life Is said to have caused his downfall and the present plight of his sick wife, nursing Infant and little daugh ter. Mrs. Woolever said her husband left Omaha two weeks ago last Monday to Join a cheap stork theatrical company' organ ized tn Omaha under the name of the Na tional Stock company. The organisation went to pieces In eastern Iowa after hav ing been out ten days. Woolever and his companions . were strsnded. Woolever came home to his wife and family last Sunday morning, but finding his wife In no pleasant frame of mind Immediately left In a tantrum and did not return, the wlfo stated. Woman Does House Work. "I have but 26 cents left for the support d myself and two helpless Infants. I am In poor health myself, but have been doing day work when I could," said the wife Saturday morr.lng as she picked up her nursing babe and went forth to earn a little money at general house work. The little girl is being cared for by sympathetic friends in Omaha. Mrs. Woolever's rent at her present ad dress was due last Thursday and the land lord said Saturday morning he would be as lenient as possible with the unfortunate Woman, but he feels he must have his rent. The -woman has been bereft of all her personal effects, the said her hus band pawned a' lot of their household goods and her only set of knives and forks for 12.60 Just before he left, nearly three weeks ago. Since that time she has been trying to get $2.60 together to redeem the goods, but has been unable to succeed. A landlord at Seventeenth and Grace streets Is now holding some ot - the Woolever effects for rent. Married Three Years Ago. The Woolevers were married three years ago at Long Pine, Neb., and came to Omaha about eighteen months ago. The husband Is said to have worked at odd Jobs during most of his residence here, but neglected his family when he became Im bued with the Idea' he Was cut out for a tags career. Mrs. Woolever la now 25 years of age. The mother says she loves her two little children "as dearly as life Itself and will cling to them to the bitter end," although the way looks dark Just now. There was a deep touch of pathos when the woman shewed Attorney Shotwell Saturday morn ing the laat 26. cents ' she had, but there was a little rainbow of hope for her when he spoke of her Infant offspring. The Bennett Company and V. W. C. A. Unquestionably the most novel and dar ing of plana yet propounded by Omaha's publlolrttodmerihanta for, behoof of the Toung Women's Christian association, falls to the credit of Mr. J. E. Baum of the Bennett company. The advertising col umns of The Bee give the plan sufficient detail. The Bennett store pioneer of "the new retail center",-eeems. assured of the blue ribbon 4 the way of merchant help to the Young Women's Christian associa tion. The plan Is most generous and lib eral and Its success Is no less ardently hoped for by the management of the Ben nett company than It Is by the hustling workers of the Young Women's Christian association. Commencing Monday a. m. and continuing until Saturday evening, close of the $126,000 raising effort, the Ben nett company will give twenty per cent of their increase In sales, the increase to be tabulated against total sales for the entire tore during Easter week a year ago. With the extraordinary growth of the retail business which has blest Omaha since last Easter, the stimulus that persistent in telligent -retail . advertising has brought about for all merchants In all lines of mer chandising. It la, of course, conceded that the. Bennett company store sales will naturally be ahead of the corresponding week of last year A per oentage of such an Increase ordinarily would mean a goodly sum. for any caase or object, but when the public-spirited and generous hearted ettlaons of this hustling metropolitan city are appealed to In this way for aid for so metropolitan a cause as the Young Wo men's Christian association, building fund. It Is a foregone conclusion that twenty cents on the dollar of Increased sales pledged by this enterprising firm, must mean the most handsome donation of Its kind yet produced. In order to top the effort with unqualified success the Bennett company, throwing Itself heart and soul Into the project, has gone to a very considerable expense ad vertising the same. Every Bennett wagon on the streets will be an ad for the Young Women's Christian association sign painters and carpenters Incidentally profit therefrom newspaper space will be con sumed to a greater extent than any pre vious Easter week ever witnessed. Ex traordinary buying Inducements will characterise every department of Omaha's metropolitan store; every clerk and sales person has been personally appealed to to have his or her heart open for the Young Women's Christian association building fund cause. The gods have been suppli cated to honor ths event with propitious weather in short, nothing has been left undone that could be done to swell the money bag for the Young Women's Chris tian association. The Bennett company back their effert with the guarantee of 11.000. It's up to the buying public of this etty and surrounding territory to double thta donatio! by making every purchase for person, home, family or for friends at Bennett'a this Easter week. So will each have a direct personal share In this best of good works and own to that peculiar personal satisfaction of knowing that he or she contributed something no matter how little to a meritorious cause. Experienced Seamstresses Wasted. In cloak alteration department Apply at once.1 J. L. Brandela A 8ons. Removal Not lee. The Bchmoller A Mueller Piano company hav moved to their new store, 1311 and 1113 Faroam street. Formal opening will be announced later. Vote In all the wards for Ooodley P. Brurkw. demorratio nominee fur -ooiincM-man. Fifth ward. WWA1 IX CLUB 1X3 CHARITY The annual meeting of the Young Wo men's Christian association will be held Monday evening at I o'clock In the asso ciation rooms In the Paxton block. Tin regular order of business will be postponed and the time devoted to discussion of mat ters pertaining to the new building anl the campaign. It Is hoped to make this occasion a building rally and members and Interested friends are Invited to at tend. The membership secretary has an nounced an enrollment of 1,990 members, the largest In the history of the associa tion. Two thousand members has been the goal for three years and It Is hoped to reach this number before the close ot tho campaign. A large membership will be of great help to the association and Its work and many women can help by taking a 1 membership that may be unable to make a subscription to the building fund. By permission of Governor Johnson, the old state capitol building will be used for state headquarters for the St. Paul bien nial. This insures ample provision for meeting places for state delegations and will be welcome news to club women. Con cerning it the Federation Bulletin says: The use of thirty-nine rooms has been granted. These vary in slxe from a seat ing capacity of three hundred to small rooms seating fifteen and will be assigned to the states according to their number of delegates and also according to the use to which the room will be put. It Is expected that some of the states will have exhibits of work done by their women and such exhibits will be placed In the state's head quarters. This Is an especial Interest of Mrs. Coonley-Ward's. She Is giving It her particular attention, and, In her Interest In furthering the plans for securing wider notice for women's work, which may be come a means of livelihood if a market can be obtained, she has given up a pro jected trip to Europe. The beautiful weav ing done by the mountaineers of the south ern states will be displayed and probably there will also be a dlxplay of some of the work done by Porto Rican women, whose sales are said to have reached already (32,000. Educational and literary exhibits will be made by New York, Colorado, MUsouri, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Mrs. Hugh Harr Smith, sub-chairman of Household Economics and Mrs. Walter McNab Mil ler, chairman of the Pure Food committee, are both planning Interesting exhlbttR. Mrs. Lydla Phillips Wllliums, chairman of For estry, will have space on the first floor for a fine exhibit. The women of the Relief Corps of Acker and Garfield Posts, Q. A. R., have perma nent quarters In the old capitol and will maintain a lunch room and tea room dur ing the convention. In the Federation Bulletin Mrs. Helen Guthrie Miller, chairman of the pure food committee of the General Federation1 of Women's clubs, says: One of the features of the pure food exhibit at St. Paul Is to be a section de voted to meat and market Inspection. This will show results of women's endeavor In this field and prove most Instructive and suggestive to all visitors looking for work crying to be done. Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane of Michigan and Mrs. Sarah A. Evans of Oregon will (rive their expert assistance In making this sectlton one of the most valuable In the exhibit. As everyone knows, the pure food bill has paused the- senate, but the united efforts of the women are still needed, as strenu ous work Is being done to alter Its provi sions, so as to make It, If possible, In nocuous. It would be wise If each club would send letters to the congressmen In Its district, reminding them that the united womanhood of the country Is behind this measure and will never give It up until It becomes a law. Mr. Wiles, In a recent letter, speaks In warm terms of the work already done, saying, In part: "The women of this country through organized effort. In my opinion, ran secure any good thing they demand. Their work In behalf of pure food legislation, both In the states and in the, national congress, has been wonderfully effective." Therefore, let us not weary In well-doing, but continue steadfastly at work until we have attained the end ao greatly desired a federal law. At the annua meeting of the current topics department of the Woman's club, Mrs. W. H. Wilbur waa elected honorary leader, Mrs. L. J. , Healey active leader, Mesdamea N. H. Adams, C W. Hayes, Remington, W. A. Chains, C. T. Boudenot, W. J. Fawcett and J. A. Kaly associate leaders and Mrs. E. Oehrte secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Healey will represent the department on the directory. Mr. C. C. Belden will be the speaker be fore the domestlo science department Thursday morning, his subject to be "Shop ping." All club members are invited to at tend. The current topics department will pre sent the program at the open meeting of the "Woman's club Monday afternoon. There will be a violin solo by Miss Olive Car penter, a humorous talk by Mr. Carl Belter, a vocai solo by Miss Irene Lydell and a talk by Mrs. C. R. Glover on a re cent trip to Cuba, The department of physical culture and expression will hold Its election of officers Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Dr. Cochran of Burlington, la., will de liver a lecture lit the audience room of the public library Monday evening at 8 o'clock, his subject to be "The Force and Effect of Thought" The lecture will be free and Is offered especially for club women and teachers. . i Miss Mary Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr college, made the statement recently that there are m the United States about 2.000,000 less women than men and that the women already constitute considerably over one-third of the entire student body and are steadily gaining on the men. 8he predicted that In another generation one-half of the college-bred people of the country will be women. ROSSA TALKS IN SCOTLAND Repatriated Irish Exile Te.ka of His Experience la Prisons of Britain. GLASGOW, April T.-(8peclal Cablegram to The Bee.) Mr. Jeremiah O'Donovan Rosea la lecturing In Scotland at the pres ent time and hla lectures are being largely attended. His first lecture in Glasgow was upon the subject of "Ireland Forty Years Ago," under the auspices of Branch Erie Oge of the Sinn Fein league. Mr. O'Du no van Rossa, In his address, salu that many of the friends that he made in Glasgow forty years ago he found were dead, while many others were living in America. They went over to Ireland In '66 and '67 to fltiht, and, although there was no fight then, they bad the same spirit still, and he must say that this spirit had been kept up mainly by Irishmen, who had spent some of their youthful days in either England or Scot land. In alluding to two addresses which had been presented to him by two organi sations In Tyrone, one of which was the Land league, which expects to get the free dom of Ireland by parliamentary means, Mr. Rossa said: "I hope they may get it.'' He expressed a preference for the othe- ad dress, which began "We, the unronqucred hearts of the planters and owners of this part of Ireland," and said that these senti ments were the sentiments of the Irish race the world over. The lecturer dealt chiefly with his prUon experiences and the poetry he bad composed while undergoing incarceration. He read an extract from a book which he had obtained from the library of an Atlantic liner, In which he was described as a "liar and bru tal ruffian and most intractable person, who refused to submit to prison discipline." The writer went on to say that "If ever there waa a man who shunned the truth he mo mil far uperior Iup Advantage arc demonstrated to you in the quality of our merchandise and by the prices we offer Our connection with the great Furniture Buying Syndicate enables us to secure the best goods made at lower prices than are possible to houses that buy singly or in small groups. We share these great ad vantages with you. You realize them in the lessened cost of your pur chases and in the satisfaction they give you. In addition we extend to you the benefits and convenience of our Very Liberal Credit. Think ; for ; u. moment. What does it mean tu you? The Best Goods, the Lowest Prices and the Easiest Terms. Could you expect us to b3 more generous? We want you to investigate and know for yourself that our goods are exactly as represented in our advertisements; that we have large quantities of the" goods we advertise, and that you may have thm on the easiest terms any honest person may demand. When you wish to furnish a room, a flat or a house, remember YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD MONDAY (TOMORROW) WE DONATE 10 PER CENT OF OUR SALES TO THE Y. W. C. A. BUILDING FUND 5 sX--STt"C' 1 i Dressers You can pur chase Home Furni shings and clothing on the same account at this store and have your payments apply on your entire purchase. Velour Couches (Kxactly like cut.) Upholstered In Rejected velours; can be hnd in plain or tufted tops; frames of solid oak, full sanitary construction, guaran ted springs our special price. . .'. Terms, f 1.00 Cash and 50c Per Week. g)50 All payments cease during sickness or loss of employment arpefs, Gugs and Each of these departments is replete with many beautiful things. better prepared to meet your most exacting demand. ra penes We were never ifMS (Exactly like cut) ' Ons of the best values we have ever offered In low priced dress era. Made of SOLID oak, with very fine finish; has three larre t drawers, the top one is quartered oak and swell shaped; FIXH FRENCH BEVEL PLATE MIR ROR, oblona- shaped. The stand ards are rounded and carved. Trlm . i AM oni tn ukass. (special n price Is Terms, f 1 Cash and ROo Week. Art Reversible ling 9x12 size, large assortment In most beautiful designs Q QQ . special at 0,IC9 Velvet Carpet Handsome de- Brussels Net Curtains Dainty signs, pretty floral effects, design, Rood width and extra splendid quality ' " "7ft value special at Q sn special at I IC pet pair We have hundreds of ready-made rugs any size an endless number of beautiful 50 new designs better see them.' We Will Trust ;',y.r.v-3i Our Special Steel Ranges This Is one of the very best low priced Steel Ranges. Made of cold'rolleil' steel, asbestos t lined, duplex ,faT) i fill grate and nickel trimmings.. It ,jT Is very compact and serviceable. j on sale at Terms, f2.50 Cash and 1 Per Week. You Can Trust Us Elwell Kitchen Cabinets We are sole acents for this well known line. - They are made by skillful cabinet makers. Ths' drawers, bins, etc., fit perfectly. They are easy to keep clean and r iog most tm-, pm g convenient cab- sfl Afl Inets made. It "itJV Prices range upwards from. Jisi Direct Action Gas Ranges HOIS & fARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. (The Peoples Furniture A Carpet Co.) We are sole agents for these celebrated ranges; the oven is ready for baking as j swinA .. soon as the gas Is lighted; wlllTj ry UU cui your gas dim one-third; come ana see a demonstration. Price Terms, $1.00 cash and 50c per week. was O'Donovan Rossa," the passage wind ing up with "at last he sunk Into the ob scurity from which he should never have emerged." Mr. Rossa said that this book could be found In most of the Carnegie libraries and that It had been placed there by the government. KAISER STUDIES AIRSHIPS Emperor of Germany Shows Modi Interest la Prosjresa of Aerial Kavlaratloa. BERLIN, April 7. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The reports that the German emperor has turned his attention to aerlsl navigation are undoubtedly true. The kaiser la said to have been stimulated to action bythe announcement that the FYench government had adopted a navigable air ship Invented by M. Julllet. a French engi neer, for use In war by the French army. The emperor Is said to have stated his con victions upon the subject to his military advisers In the strongest and most em phatlp fashion. During his conversation with his advisers reference was made to the plans -t the French government In connec tion with the experiments of the Wright bruthers of Dayton, O.. also the experi ments now being made by Wellman In planning for a trip to the north pole In the Interest of the Chicago Record-HeraM. On account of the large sums which he has already obtained from the Reichstag for his army and naval programs the kaiser openly declared that he did not feel like again asking for appropriations, espe cially In a Held so experimental as aerial navigation. He therefore appealed tO) the patriotism of four Jewish millionaires who are prominent in the commercial life of Berlin. Without hesitation they subscribed $200,000 to form a company to carry out the experiments necessary to ascertain which type of airship is most suitable for military purposes. if Good Words for Chamberlain's Coach Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure in tes tifying to the good qualities of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Mra Edward Phil lips of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My little girl, Catherine, who is I yoars old, baa been taking thU remedy whenever she has had a cold sinos she was 1 months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself, but took Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever. Recently when my husband was buying a bottle of this remndy a man stepped up and said, 'Mr. Phillips is that a good medicine r aad my auaband replied. 'It an't be beak' J i i IS Call at our retail salesroom, 1608 aad 1610 Harney street, and obtain free of charge color cards, books with instructions on painting and finishing, also prices and full information on the subject. Our salesmen are prepared to give you reliable advice on household decorations. r .. We are western agents . for PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS, which includes house paint, barn paint, floor paint, wagon paint, carriage . paint, screen paint, porch paint, enamels and shingle stains. We also carry large and complete stocks of varnishes (all kinds), floor wax, wall finishes, linseed oil, white lead, brushes and general painters supplies. If its Paint you want we have it. M Retail Sales Room 1608-10-12 Harney St. We deliver telephone orders. Private Exchange Douglas 791. P. S. We are headquarters for Jap-aLac and Lacqueret. 0 n LITE?