Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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Open a Charge Account at Mantfclberg's
diamonds on Creciif
,-r-. Iw 1
Buying a Blaffinf (5 Hot jsm Extravagance
It la a wise (4vatmol m U m'6sl ..valuable and quickest cash pro
ducing gem in jthp'ld. .flaands have, increased in value more than
20 per cent In tie past .ttfeWe. jiiontha'', and the best of European au
thorities, predict n even gfgatr increase during the coming year. Re
member, 1 sell them for fcKfcertCASII OU CREDIT.
v- ?'Y . . - . ' . .
A; r-landelberg
Jeweler and Watchmaker
1 1522 Farnam St.
"' J-:-HIMilll
H0I7 Week Will Be Observed by the
. Omaha Toltiu"""
Celebrations Planned for the Wtck
After Raster Are Such Will
Make l for tr e rreeeat
. ' Rest. .
The Latest r4. :
A dame who thought- herself too stout
One day went Into training.
And luxuries commenced to scout.
Begun, Indeed, refraining
From necessary thing" to eat;
Her abstinence was quite complete.
A hydropathic health resort.
Where everything was horrid,
This sacrificing lady sought;
Her daily bath were torrid ,
Vntll all raw became her skin;
They literally rubbed It In.
Owing to the backward spring season vre have not sold as much In
March as we expected, so we now have to sell more than our share for
April; so we are Koine to make prices to force business away beyond
value's up to $4.00 .2 95
200 Nicely Trimmed Hats
. at
200 Trimmed Hats, value up to $5.00
26V Trimmed Hats, value up to $7.50
ixpert de-
.7.50 to 45.00
Lovely Pattern Hats and many lovely creations of our own expert de
signers are being offered at pi ices ranging
Women's Suits, Coats and Skirts In all the newest models, ex
quisitely designed Model Suits distinctive and exclusive styles, no two
alike. The prices 13.D5, $10.0. (10.05, $23, $20, $35.
, . " - , HOSIERY.
Ladles' HosieryLarge line of hosiery in plain and fancy colors also
In lace effects- a special bargain for 25c a pair in this f Oi
sale per , pair. .". . I C
Ladles' hosiery, in lisle thread and fine cotton, plain embroidered and
t lace effects 50c and 75c values In this sale at "Qn '
per pair...
Full line of Warner's, R. G.'and Kabo Corsets, ranging In price from
; 60c to $3.60. We will sell all the regular $1.50 grades of f in
Corsets during this sale at per pair. Y.YJ1
Ladlea' New Covert Jackets reduced for this sate-?
$10.00 Jackets
ror . . i .
$15.00 Jackets
for .....,
Large variety, all priced specially low for this TQCi iCl iA
sale prices range from J.JD 10 IZf.UU
bread and butter. Sugared tea
The faculty resented.
And served up patent foods with alee,
Which they l.hemelves Invented;
And when her year was up, the dam -Weighed
to a fraction Just the same.
The Bcoffer In Town Topics.
The Social Calendar.
TUESDAY Miss Laura Montfromeryi enter
tains the Thimble club; Miss Dlllworth
entertains the South Side Whist club;
Mrs. Charles Kountse entertains the
Cooking club.
WEINhtfl)AV Mrs. Harry Reed enter
tains the West Farnam Luncheon club;
Mrs. Uunther entertains at whist lunch
eon. THURSDAT-Mr. snd Mrs. Bo! Degan en
tertain at the Metropolitan club.
FHIDAY Luncheon for the Young
Women's Christian asoclntlon by the
women of the, First Presbyterian church.
The social calendar Indicates that society
will turn Its attention to devotlonals rather
than entertainment for the next seven days
and that Holy week will be the quietest
of the Lenten season. Only a few things
are In prospect, and these are of small
consequence. Friday the women of Che
First Presbyterian church will serve lunch-,
eon In the church parlors at,: hoon, .for
the benefit of the Young Women's Chris
tian association building fund, and It Is
expected that this will call out the largest
gathering of the week. Fof the week fol
lowing, however, a number of hostesses
have already issued cards.
A number of the card and dancing clubs
that have served so well as a Lenten di
version have held their last meetings for
the season during the last week or will
celebrate the finale this week. Of course,
there will be a little flutter after the Len
ten restraint is lifted, but this cannot last
long, for the season is practically over now.
The spring vacation of the University of
Nebraska, which begins Wednesday, will
bring home the majority of the Omaha stu
dents for the week and Insures at least a
few lively days. There are to be several
little reunions among the sorority girls.
these to take the form of luncheons and
kenstngton afternoons chiefly, but It will
be an exceptional vacation If a dancing
party or two are not given before the young
folks go back to school again.
Successors to
1511 Douglas
. Street i
South Side Be
tween 15th
and 16th Streets
guest of Mrs. Oeorge Holdrere, has re
turned t her home In Boston.
Mrs. Lyle Brotnerton, who hat been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Clarke, has
returned to her home In Pennsylvania.
Mrs - H W'PMveer and MTSS Helen West
veer of Schuyler. Neb., are the guests of
Mrs. M. D. Cameron, JSff Cuming street.-
Miss Hnldrege and Miss Susan Holdrege
went to Chicago Thursday for the -opera
and have been with Mrs. H. E. Palmer.
Miss Carlta Curtis Is expected home this
week from- Colorado Springs, where she
has been the guest of Mrs. Avery for some
Mr. and Mrs. a. W. Wattles, Mr. anl
Mrs F. P. and Miss Klrken
dall are expected home from California
Mr. and Mrs. Edward 1a Pache have re
turned to their home In Denver after visit
ing Mr. La Pache's mother, Mrs, M. M.
Mrs. Francis Brogan who has spent the
winter In California with her mother, is
expected home Tuesday or Wednesday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wf. H. Clarke, with' their
daughter, Miss Gertrude, are expected In
Omaha this week enroute from New York
to Manila.
Mrs. Oeorge Myers has returned to her
home In Dubuque, having been with her
mother, Mrs. E. W. Nash, since the death
of Miss Esther Nash.
Mrs. Nathan Merrlam and Miss Merrlam
are expected home the middle of the week
from Excelsior Springs, where they have
been for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murray and Mrs. Jay
D. Foster spent the week In Chicago. Mr.
Foster- joined them there Saturday and
they will return Monday.
Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck has spent the
week In Chicago, where she went Tuesday
to meet her daughter, Mrs. Mlxter. She
Will be absent for some time longer.
Mrs. John Hornbach, Mrs. Bourke and
daughters have arrived in Chicago- from
the south where they have spent the win
ter, and are expected In Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. J. B. Baum went east last week
to spend the Easter vacation with hor
sons Dick - and Jack Baum. who have
spent the week with her in Washington.
Miss Blanche Wooldrldge of Sioux City,
who has been visiting With her friends,
Miss Marie Harden and Miss Hester Peters,
for the last week, returned to her home
Saturday afternoon.
13o-Carts Sold at Factory Prices
. Buy your Go-Carts of
the manufacturer, with a
guarantee. All our goods
are made up of the best
American feed and the
latest Improved gears
and fixtures. fifi
From UU
This beautiful Canopy
Reed Go-Cart, with fina
upholstery and the vory
latest and best tubular
gcarr and -lnch rubber
tire wheels. If ft
Your own ' selection
from a bl-j line of uphol
stery and parasols; also
lace covers.
Do not fail to sea our
goods before buying any
where else.
Omaha Reed and
Fait 1 n Works
1512 Hownrd St.
Tel. Doug. 2013. Omaha
Social Chit-Chat. 1
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Robinson Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountse sailed for
Japan ' Saturdny from Sua Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holdrege have taken
the Foster home on South. Thirty-second
street .
Mrs. Rose Strawn Is at present In San
Francisco, . expecting to return to Omaha
about April 12.
Miss 'Minnie Meyer has returned from
New York, where she has spent the winter
Studying vocal music
Mr. and Mrs.,. Louis Wolf have moved
from 10 South Thirtieth avenue to 1111
South Thirty-first street.
Miss .Alice Parker .left Saturday for Los
Angeles, where aho; will join her parents,
who have gono there to make their home,
Mrs. E. H. Bprague has been detained
In Chicago by ' the illness of her mother.
who suffered! a stroke of apoplexy a week
ago. Mr. . Bpnague went to 'Chicago Eatur
day. - '
. Mrs. W. J. Broatch will leave soon to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Donnelly, near
Newport News; Va. t Mr. and 'Mrs. "Broatch
wilt give up their present home and Mrs.
Broatch will spend the Summer In the
Miss Ella Miy Brown is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jaques In Chicago this
week, having returned there from Wash
ington, where she invited Congressman
and Mrs, Kennedy. Miss Brown will go
from Chicago to Janesvllie. Wis., where
she will be tne guest of friends for a
The retiring members of the Ladles' Aid
society of Clifton Hill Presbyterian church
entertained the old officers at luncheon Fri
day at the home of Mrs. M. V. Soloman.
The women present were: Mesdames R- B.
Wilson, Harry Rowley, W. H. Norman,
Thomas Johnson, Charles Van Nostrand,
McMurray, Dunn, Charles Sexton, J. S.
Bennett, C U. Braden, W. A.- Leavett, 8.
E. Dutcher and E. E. Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakefield and Miss
Wnkefleld, who have spent , the past two
years in St. Louis, Portland, Ore., and
California, expect to return to ' Omaha
about May 1 and will occupy their borne at
Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets. Their
return, will be welcomed by many Omaha
friends, .particularly among the young set,
of which Miss Wakefield was one of the
most popular members.
Pleasures la Proapeet. 1
Mrs. Charles Kountze will entertain the
Cooking club this week, Tuesday.
The C. 8. club will hold Its next meet
ing with Mrs. P. A. Patterson, April 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Degen will entertain
at Metropolitan club Thursday evening.
April 12. .
Mrs. W. H. Munger has cards out for
a euohre party Wednesday afternoon,
April 18.
Miss Dlllworth will be hostess of Tues
day afternoon's meeting of the South Side
Whist club.
The members of the "West Farnam
Luncheon club will be entertained this
week by Mrs. Harry Reed.
Miss Laura Montgomery will be hostess
of this week's meeting of the Thimble
club which will be held Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Owen will entertain
the last meeting of the Kountxe Place
Euchre club Friday evening, April 20.
Mrs. Albert Egbert and Mrs. Oeorge Mor
ton will entertain the next meeting of the
Charmonte club at the home of the latter,
April 1.
A number of Omaha women Will partici
pate in the American Whist congress
which' will be held at St. Louis the week
of April a. " ' ";
Mrs. Francis Otis Cole has issued invi
tations for the wedding of her daughter,
Miss Fayette Stewart Cole, to Mr. Herbert
Wheelock, which, will take place Wednes
day evening, April 18, at half after (
o'clock at St. Mathlaa chwroh.
1 iiipl' lie ideal glove for Summer IMI
?AffiMS9SfiHLy weir. blA5I
!! S finnnnWaaDDu' I TU m n V eVi? rsn 9 nnmwx! f n PTT1 - Hr lrwoauana a
"lZ f M II II MUU-.W-Tvi'-flLKW;!
itrj!ffiDDrr'sr"ii Economy ,-iognaougVria
iia CamMnea in the "EAYSER" Jfetelj
KaorSjQCiflBn iss iliTi: Eli! fiTi unl fiiil T-nl fei! ml finl ml f?Y! firiTirfe p wGP?aa & I 9
m w- x si i i uuuuoij?iai:iJivIai,-iai,1.aii;,,:,i i;'i i" 1 r nhnn i : j air se ji
?z yus t sniii! srta-tt ijcxn j44t-r-w-
K. I wn - , a i . i T'-zz. t . . i im - - . . i ' . . u r-n li i w
for damages alleging a conspiracy to sell
them land In Yuma county, California, of
which they did not have the legal title. Mr.
Hacker says he paid fl.OoO down and Mr.
Lancaster says he gave up tl.600. They auk
judgment In those amounts.
Hand painted china. Copley, 215 S. 16th.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend to our friends and
neighbors our sincere thanks for their as
sistance and many acts of kindness shown
us In our sad bereavement, the sickness
and death of our beloved wife ond mother;
also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Back to Roller Skating:.
From the automobile show back to roller
skating Is the program' at the Auditorium
this week. Skating will be resumed on
Monday night with an exciting race and
there will be Interesting events at the rink
every night during the week. Roller
skating will be continued at the auditor
ium as long as the patronage seems to de
mand It.
Salt for Dinifti.
John D. Hacker and Hahnpman Lancas
ter have begun suits in district court
against Samuel Russom and Ellas L. Burrls
The funeral of Sister Edith Durr of Ivy
Rebekah lodge, No. 33, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, will be held at Barlght
hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, on
Sunday, April 8, at 1:80 p. m. Members
please attend,
MRS. ANTHONY, Secretary.
A 25 per cent discount on
- Art Steel Celling
' for next SO days.
The Vinton Steel.Works, Vinton, la.
of a good
thing. You
may need a
whole one.
Order them
made fri m
our new
' Shirting
sold by the
2024 Farn'm
Just Received Some ' splendid carnation
plants. Will soon be In flower. Each only
6c. Fruit section. THE BENNETT CO.
Experienced Seamstresses Wanted. ,
In cloak alteration department. Apply at
once. J., L. Brandeis & Sons.
Removal Motlee. .' 1
The Schmoller ft Mueller Piano company
have moved to their new- store, 1311 and
1313 Farnam street. Formal opening will
be announced later. . '
Douglas Printing Co., IK Howard st.
Latest style bracelets. Copley, 215 8. 16th.
Exclusive Corset Shop.
Omaha is at last to have an exclusive
corset shop. This will Indeed be welcome
news to those who know the value of a
real tailor-made corset. A local office of
the famous Artist Model Corset Company
of Cleveland, O.,- will be opened tomorrow
at .'07 Farnam street. The shop will be In
charge of a Chicago expert. Corset fitting,
figure moulding and perfecting are special
ised. The Artist Model company produces
a special model for every figure. If you
have never known what corset comfort is
your emancipation is at hand. You will be
delighted with the -results of this system.
Every laflv-In Omaha Is cordially Invited
to Inspect otir stock. - '
Tel Douglas 6WS6. 22CT' Farnam St.
to the telephone girl and
she .will connect you
with the print shop that
will give you what you
want, when you want It,
as you like it.
Is our business, and as
a specialty we make imi
tation Typewriting
that you can't tell from
the real.
Mangum Co.
109 So. 13th St.
.- A lietil Present.
Subscription . One dollar a rear.
A beautiful line' of Cards, Chicks, Duck8, Bunnya.
New Novelties in Folding Carda -
Our Lin Is Unusually Largre) '
The Moy er Stat toriery Co.
220 South 16th Street . -
Dry Cleaning to Perfection
We like to clean your waists, skirts, gowns, evening dresses, opera
cloaks, also your lace urtalns, rugs and draperies. Our work cannot
bo excelled, and none beats our prices. We live to dye and dye to live.
We dye laces to match your dress. We dye carpets.
Let us clean your suits and overcoats,
phone Covclas 947.
We do repairing. Tele-
. The Fashkmable Cleniiers. . . .
NOW 821 8. 1TU 8T COH. JACKSON. . FOK J8 YEARS 1515 HOW.
All!) MM It 10TH. H. C. Iiehrecs, Pres.
CLr Events Ever? SUM This Week.
Office and luaruuury, ana and Maeoa St,.
Come anil Go Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShano have re
turned from Texas.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher la spending a fort
night in New Tork.
Mrs. EltMbeth Parrotte Goodrich has re
turned from Chicago.
Mr. artd Mrs. C. F. Weller are expected
home from CoUrado today.
Judge Wool worth Is expected home from
Florida the middle cf the week.
Miss Hortenso Clurku spent part of the
week the guest of friends at Lincoln.
Miss Cera Wilton of Jacksonville, III., Is
the zuest of Mrs. J. D. Clancy for a few
Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Popplcton have
returned from a three weeks' trip to New
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell have gone
to California, expecting to be absent about
tlx weeks
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon spent
part of the week in Chicago attending
grand opera. '
Miss Webster Is expected home some time
this week from the east, where she has
been for some time.
Mrs. William L. Karnes, who has spent
the week the guest of Miss Curtis returns
to Fort Mrade today.
Mrs. Arthur Remington !s at Excelsior
Springs, having gone there with Mrs. How
ard Baldrlge last week.
Mra James Watson of Chicago la the
guest of Mrs. Caldwell at the home of her
son. Mr. Victor Caldwell.
Albyne D. Peter and f4;nl!y of Pus
Moines, who formerly lived In Omaha, are
the guests of Milton C. Peters.
Miss Buelah Mumaugh, teacher of Ger
man In the First State Normal school of
MUlersvllle, Pa , spent the Raster vacation
with her mother, Mrs. Frances Mumaugh.
In New York City.
Mrs. C H. Watson, who baa been the
!f liil IraaratkiB .Radically Hiseelll
Look over the following lists carefully and you will surely find a few
things you are in need of at prices that are hound to please the purse.
Our stock is the most complete in the west. New and up-to-date.
: .
Fino Toilet Goaps
25c box Glycerine and Cucumber Soap,
this week, per box 12o
S cakes In box.)
SSo box Lotus Soap, this week, per box..lOo
(t caaes In box.)
25c box Lily of Nile Soap, per box lOo
(3 cakes In box.)
25c Packer's Tar Soap ' 15 j
(Our every day price.)
25c cake Juvenile Soap, per cake. ...... .10a
(Our every day price.)
tuo Society Hyglenlcjue Soap 19o
(Unacented. every day.)
25c Sanltol Toilet Soap, per oake 12o
(Monday And Tuesday only.)
25c Resinol ctoap .u..Uo
- (Monday and Tuesday only.) , .
Face Powders
C0c Poszonl's Powder
6oc Java Klce Powder
ova Lubiache Powder
bhc Carmen Powder
(This Is the powder we mailed you i
pie of.)
75c Anthea. Powder, R. O
$1.00 La Trefele Powder
11.00 Plnaud's Violet Powder
25o Swansdown Powder
26c Heaton Violet Talcum Powder .
Jso Palmer's Talcum Powder
21c Mennen's Taicum Powder
2oc Colgate's Talcum Powder
Standard Toilet Waters
The world's best makes. Considerable
less than prices asked elsewhere and some
what lower than our usual prices.
7&C 4711 Violet Kose or Lilac 430
(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.)
fl.00 lludnut s Violet Toilet Water
(tvery aay.;
$1,00 Hess Toilet Watery, any odor S4o
(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
$1.00 Palmer's Toilet Waters 80o
(AH odors during this sale.)
$1 00 Allen's Vegetol Toilet, all odors Sic
Il iO Plnaud's Vegetol, all odors, during
this sale - S9e
60c Bradley's Florida Water, during this
sale 26c
$1 to Roger A Gallet Violet T5c
$1.(10 Plver's Trebele Toilet 74o
$1.U0 Labrook's Toilet Waters 69o
(All odors during this sale.)
And any other makes of toilet water, all
at a reduced price.
Face Creams
50o Elder Flower Cream
(For beautifying the complexion.)
EOo Daggett RamsdeH's Cold Cream. . lie
(And all other sizes at a cut price.)
50c Magda Cream 40c
50c Malvlna Cream
5oc Creme Simon &c
$1.00 Pompeilan Massage Cream 0"c
25o Satin Skin Cream iOc
5oo Orange Flower Skin Food 2c
60o Hind's Honey Almond Cream ..v &c
Easter Sweets'
Send her a box of Chocolates or Bon
Bons, they will tickle her the most. We
sell I.OWNEY S H to 5 lb. boxes at 60o a
pound. HUB EL & ALLEGRKTTl Choc
olates In 1 to 5 lb. boxes at Chicago prices.
And our own O Brlen's famous Monti
Chrlsto Chocolates in 1, 2, $ and 5 lb. boxes.
. Leave your order and we will deliver tree
Of charge Easter morning.
We have eight registered clerks, who fill
prescriptions with drugs of full strength,
absolute purity and highest quality, 'i'hey
help your doctor to help you by following'
his Instructions exactly. The best way you
can help yourself or loved ones Is to bring
your prescriptions here, or telephone and
we will call and deliver any time, day or
night Prlcea are lowest possible consistent
with best drugs. Utmost accuracy in tilling
and prompt service.
Ask your doctor as to our accuracy, for
be knows that we never substitute.
Houseclcanlng Hints
Note the prices, then phone In your wants
as we deliver free to all parts of the city.
5 Disinfectant, full pint bottles ?5o
150 Potash or Lye, per pound .'. loo
Moth Balls, per pound So
Household Ammonia, full pints, bottles
and all Bo
Packing Camphor, In cans 16c
Borax. Mule Team, per pound lbc
Carbolic Acid, pure, per pound ....4oo
Insect Powder, pound packages SiO
Putennan's Roach Food, b-oz. cans Uo
(Sure death to roudies.)
Peterman's Lliiuld Discovery, full pints. 25a
(Guaranteed bug killer.)
Peterman's Red Ant Destroyer 20o
The only positive article to rid the house
of ants.
25c Sure Desth Roach Paste 15c
6oc Furniture Polish, pint bottles tr
Perfume Specials
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only.
Remember three days only.
TRACTS, all odors, per ounce 19c
(By mail add 10c.)
EXTRACTS, perfumes, such odors as
Vera Vlolette and India Hay we have
15 of these newest odors, limited two
ounces to a customer during this sale,
per ounce 59c
$2.00 Lazell's Perpetua Extracts, one of
the popular ones, during this sale,
per ounce fl.23
50 ounce Colgate's Triple Extracts, all
odors, per ounce ,...i'c
$1.U0 PIVKR'B GUI ESSENCE, a dainty
perfume, during this sale ,.&9o
per ounce 03c
(The New Tork fad.)
limit 1 ox. to a customer, per ounce.. 19o
lon't miss this the greatest sale of popu
lar perfumes ever offered.
(By mail add 10c to above prices.)
Tooth Powders
26a Lyons' Tooth Powder l4o
26c Graves' Tooth Powder Ho
250 Le Grand's Tooth Powder l&o
26q Tooth Paste 15o
ibt Sanltol Tooth Paste 1m:
lbc Le Grand's Tooth Wash lie
Soda Water
The home of Omaha's famous 10th Cen
tury Fountain. We have made an envious
reputation on our freoh fruit sundus and
our famous root beer.
Once a patron always a customer.
Patent Medicines
We handle everything In this line. Come
to us for the rare ones, as we can ssve you
money on all your drug wants and give you
prompt service.
$1 "t Herd s Sarsaparllla sc
$100 I H-Mar's Sarsaparllla 67o
$1.(ii) Peruna !o
$1.0 IJquosone t-tc
$1.00 LeMars Wine of Cod Liver OII....060
(No oil taste.)
$1.00 Fenner's Kidney and Backache
Cure fi9a
5oc Syrup of Figs (genuine) 46c
60C Swamp Root 16o
toe Electric Lfnlment Use
5oc Hyomul (Inhaler) 4oc
Kc CascaraToulo and Liver Pills 15c
15th and Farnam Streets.
Phone your drug wonts lo us, we deliver free to nil parts of Omaha, doy or night.
J" JJ3snSsnninnn3nnns5