1 1 HE EDITORIAL SECTIOl Pagss 1 to 12 unbay" Bee. No rilthy tanaatlon THE OMAHA DEC Best tlT. West ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1906. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. a a a n n a ITT f dci hd a nn UVU U Omaha 2 7 CiZm.fi wmr. "u iv rn rr It I - n. MSl I HI Tll 1- ! -S3 v. a Ajrf 'n.'r J.TL W TTir P Last Week for the Young ellp IOC I . Wo IU0 A, ' Women to Raise $125,000 ' To guarantee an astounding Success all depart ment man agers have born Instruct ed to make special cuts in prices, to Rive extra Green Trad ing 8 tamps, and especially for the sake of the Y. W. O. A. make Easter week the lied Let ter Week, of Bennett History. Easter week during the entire week The Bennett Company will give twenty per cent of its increase in sales Increase reckoned against total sales for Easter week last year to the building fund of the Y. W. C. A. Every man, woman and child in or around Omaha who has a dollar or a nickel to spend should make it a matter of conscience to spend it in The Bennett Store during Easter week so help the Y. W. 0. A. Every little bit helps twenty cents on the dollar goes to the Y. W. C A. The claims of this institution need no espousal or argument from us. The women of Omaha are engaged in a noble cause they need anew building they must have the money to build it. The Bennett Company has guaranteed from this percentage of sales increase One Thousand Dollars. It's up to the people to make it Two Thousand or more. Our business increases by leaps and bounds. We wouldn't unwind our tow-line in this way unless we were ab solutely confident of a gigantic increase in sales sufficient, at least, to assure the Y. W. C. A. of a very handsome and most gratifying sum of money. Every department is in trim with special attractive bargains; every clerk and sales person knows of this plan, is enthused with it, will do everything to make it a huge success. Every member of the Y. W. C. A. knows this plan will produce a big lump of money. Every man, woman and child in Omaha should feel it's up to them to HELP THE Y. W. C. A. TRADE AT BENNETT'S. Extraordinary Easier Aitnouncemen Ladies' 'Waists' Our Great Monday Sale Fine India Linon Waists Trimmed with French Val. lace, in serting and tucks, very full sleeve, deep cuffs, regular CfcQ $2 and $2.50 styles Monday at $1.25 and. J'OC Sale of Ladies' Suits at Special Prices for Y. W. C. A. Week The nobiest Tony Suits, Eton Suits and Jacket Q QH Suits ever produced at $12.50 and JJ3 t Petticoat Sensations Rich black shadow cloth, deep ruffles and tucks, very full Y, W. C. A. Week at. . 50c Heather Bloom Petticoats The lightest weight material ever woven for such a purpose Black at $2.95, $2.50, I Qfl $2.25- and.... lJO 'Colors Alice blue, shell pink, sil . -Ver gTay and other new ' - shades at ............ llisses Box and Three-Quarter Coats Ages 10, 12, 14 and .16 years, elegant rtyles and materials. Prices, J AP $3.b5, $7.95, $6.50, $5.95 and . . StZtD Hand Bags for Easter Nobby White Can vas Hand Bags, fancy embroidered, purse inside, clean, just like a canvas shoe, in three sizes special , )C J"U each 69c, 50o and. EASTER WEEK COSTUMES AND WRAPS In silk, fine wool, voiles, nets, cloth of gold and all-, over laces. Ladies, come and in spect thein. . . Ladies' Skirts Black navy and cream rnoJbairji,. and serges, fancy plaids,. cfcecks a,nd stripes the very latest models. Bet your price and we caa match it. New Spring Umbrellas Silk and linen cov ered Umbrellas, in blue, red, green black and brown, fancy border, a $1.69 value special . t Cl each New Arrivals in Art Pillow Tops Grand display of finished Pillow Covers, in Ori ental, floral, songsters, bachelor and postal card patterns, a lot painted tops in numerous designs sale 7C. ....... Wv price each 50c and. Pl Itennett's Great Store will hare a bras-rh Y. W. C. A. Headquarters till close of money raiding campaign. y. w. c. a. booth is located on main floor A bl Y. W. C. A. clock is fixed up at Main entrance Watch it go 'round. Easter Glories in Millinery The entire department a bloom-with loveliest specimens of 1906 Easter Millinery. Every table uperb!y arrayed with the handsomest and most perfect creations. Pattern Hats! Pattern Hats! An exquisite new line, originated ' for per fect harmony with the' easter gown, in greys', greens, blues and- rare old rose shades the mirror of Paris fashions, touched un with mrot X m skillful perfections of American art in millinery. Some Entrancing E&stcr Specials Art Old Rose Empire Hat in chip, reminUctnt of the 1860 styUiar tique, yet elegant; poetic, yet practical a hat with a character and an individuality trimmed with large French roses and old rose 08trica plumes, giving tt a quaint yet pleasing . Easle price. . and old Fren cK Capete Fancy White Maline Hat Small, nobby, quaintly trimmed with pink roses, blue , ostrich .plume, sweeping aigrette a dashing striking, attractive specimen. $25 SWAGGER. SAILORS In fancy shades, quite a museum of styles tn all materials, coloring 8, deli cate shadings. Children' White Caps and Hatt Confirmation Veils and Wreaths 1 Every occasion or duty pertaining to Easter finds its affinity in something really beautiful in our superb millinery section. Every lady, whether interested to the extent of buying or not, especially invited Easter .week. Second Floor. Ladies' Side and Back' Combs On Sale Monday for Y. W. C. A. Week Over 1,000 handsomo mounted Back and Side Combs, fresh from the importers about half the regular value prices, $1.50, $1.25, 95c, ,75c, 50c C and v. The Big Silk Sale-Monday .We place on sale Monday morning a choice collec tion of brand new Silks, the. latest designs, in all colors "wanted this season for waists and suits these beautiful silks are practical and are sold everywhere at 59o yard C one day only Monday a yard. ...... Radium Peau de Cygne Pure silk, soft and cling ing, in all new plain shades for street and even ing dresses, regular price $1.00 'SQp special Monday a yard dJ 36-inch Satin for lining pockets, in all (I shades wear guaranteed Monday, yd...vp Colored Dress Goods 48-Inch Wool Chiffon Taffetas, in all the new spring shades, smooth finish and bright luster, worth 1.50 yard. , 4 6-lnch 811k and Wool Tamlse, with shadow checks and dots. soft, rich fabrics, makes a very dressy gown, regular price $1.89 yard. 46-lnch "Ovledo" Cloth, chiffon finish, sim ilar In weave to a Panama, with small, lr-1 regular self-colored checks the -newest de signs for spring; wear dust repellant. Just received, full line of Rainproof Cloths, splendid range of colors, ranging in price from, a yard, $3.00 Cf down to Jut 60c Sheer Linen at 20c Yard 10 pieces of Sheer Linen, All Go Monda.y, ; L Yard, at $1.00 29c for waists and dresses, regular 60c quality, Monday a yard only.' (Twelve Yards to a Customer.) Imported India Dlmitlea In checks and bars very pretty floral designs, Monday only a yard JC The Manaco 811k Organdie" Make the most stylish evening or party gown, very pretty floral designs, Mon- 'Z f? day, a yard, only ...W 25 pieces of White Dotted SwiMsea and Checked Mescalines, 28 and 34 inches wide, wortn ibc ana zdc a yara, ir Monday, a yard. UC 80-inch Linen Finished Chanibrays, In checks and invisible plaids, Monday, a yard 15c CUT GLASS CUT GLASS New Shipment Received Ma-ny New Cufiinrfa. Van.. Etc. - " O " Each Piece Cut from an Original Blivnk. ' 1.69 SEE OUR TABLE OF CHOICE PIECES FOR MONDAY'S SELLING. AT Sugars and Creams, Water Jugs, Carafes, Eiwls, Celery Trays, Covered Bon Bona, Vases, Etc., JJ Etc. Choice, each. A J NEW WHITE CHINA A Sdelayed shipment, many new things PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. EASTER NOVELTIES IN CHINA Pretty little fig- C u reseach 60c, 35c, 26c, 20c, 15c and C BEAUTIFUL THIN CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS Very neat decoration, gold traced, a good 2 5c, value r Monday, eaoh 1JC IOO-1'IECE DINNER.8ET8 Pretty neat de- n JO sign, gold traced Monday, a set i .tO Clothes of Distinction Our Garments are Very Different from Ordinary Ready-to-Wear Clothing. OUR CLOTHING HAS CHARACTER It conies to us from the best makers known to the trade there's a guarantee' in a pocket . of every coat.' " Handsome. Spring Suits, choice Top Coats, Rain Coats, Dutchess Trousers, etc., are produc tions not excelled even by high priced, exclusive tailors. Suits at $20, $17.50, $15, $12.50 and $10.00 Rain Coats, at $20, $17.50, $15, $12.50, $10, $7.50 Top Coats at $15, $10, $7.50, $6.50 and. .. .$5.00 Vests! Something In up-to-date styles and goods, as well as plain whites, from $5.50 down to $1.00 Remember, please, that we also have every thing that's new and right in Hats and Haberdashery. THE DANGLER the One Minute Gas Range Pride of the Up-to-Date Kitchen. Common sense house keeping approves the One Minute Dangler, and demands its universal adoption. There's no waste, no fuss nor muss in'its operation, it combines best qualities of all gas ranges in a simplified form that means one minute action and perfect results 20 to 30 Per Cent Saved on Gas GENERAL DESCRIPTION Ranice built of very best cast iron and ujate steel, galvanized Iron under the burners, improved remov able star single burners and large burners of double i)wer. simmer ing burner under grate of left-hand back burner; built and eo,ulpied for periunueiioe, nuccena and leeJ. ALL SIZES." See special demonstration baking and cooking, Easter week ' . -W . ' II at. HARDWARE ITEMS LAWN RAKES. M 24 tooth t4tC And 90 green trading gtampa. Siading Fork, extra J M good, 84c and And40 green trading stamps. Extra good steel Hoes, ! f ' at 45c, 38c and JDC And 3D green trading stamps. Good steel Itakes, 1 C 35c, .SUc and... DC -And SO green trading stamps.- . Carpet and. Rug Beaters, 25c, ISo 15c - f and lC And 30 green trading stampa Scrub Brushes, f f at lUC And 10 green trading stamps. Electric Wall Palter !); Cleaner, 18c aud.'K.IdC And SO green trading stamps. Toultry Wire and Poultry Fencing at Loweat Prices. Btt Quality. louble Green Trading Stamps, Monday.' Furniture, Carpets andDraperies HOME-REMODEI.INO BARGAINS IN RUG9. , PALISADE TAPESTRT BRUSSELS RL'US, 8-lzlu-t, In orlnenial and floral patterns, a good value f tJ at U5o. Monday lUiVO TAI'tS VRY BRUBSEL8 RUGS. xlO- In medallion and oriental pattern, big variety, Monday, 1 1 PA LISAb' 'BRUSSELS 'rUOS, IiU, in all colors and beautiful pattern, ' worth tK.W, Monday, g 8A MPLE ' ' "VELVET ' ' ' RUGS, 4x12. about H dlrTrrent patterns, a good value at Monday J J & CltEX "" RUGS," ' ' ' In" ' pTaln colors . or. stripes, a good rug for dining rooms or bed rooms, sise i en i tor 4.0U ftfor...6.50 SK...8.50 Email . Rugs In all sises for halls, living rooms, bud rooms, etc., Atr from V down to MU.NDAf BARGAINS IN DRAPERY SECTION. SCREEN FRAMES Three panels, full 19 Inches wide and S foot ( . Inches hiKh, (rams nicely decorated, regular 11.60 value, Monday OW MERCERIZED PILLOW GIR DLES, I yards long, with, tassels In beautiful shades of green, lavender, red, yellow, blue, etc., regular 60c value, Okie Monday at BENNETT'S SILK DOWN SOFA PILLOWS, made exclusively for us, of fine materials, Idr1 special prices: 18-Inch for...- vIC .40c .50c "io.....60c .....70c ARABIAN COLORED BOBBI NET, 46 Inches wide, regular. 'Ho value, Monday (O for luw WHITE BOBB1NET. M Inches wide, regular He grade, 10r Monday for IVW 1.0UO PAIRS IRISH POINT CUR TAINS, worth up to 110 a pair 1& paltrrs to select " (1Q from Monday for Real hand-made CLUNY LACE CURTAINS, whit and beige, mounted on French net, (1 worth (6, Monday for .- T t Extra heavy mercerised Tapestry Portieres with fringe, corded edge or tapestry bordered, regu lar la bu and (10 values, fL ttf Monday for U.UVI (like cut), a 4.00 .2.35 FOLDING GO-CART. recllner, rubber tire, for Folding Oo-Cart non- -reclining, rubber tire.. Handsome Go-Cart. beautifully up holstered, heavy rubber tire, 7i best reed body, for ITJ SIDEBOAUDS, solid golden oak, 'x4o, swell front, beveled e t plate mirrors, 12.75 and IOU CHINA CLOSETS, at I117S. A fin ii 35 ana b-.jv BUFFETS, quartered golden oak, large beveled plat mirror, 22 75 Fin 'large "IRON BED, V j gQ SI DEBO ARD8,' ' ' 's'olli' ' 'golden ' 'oak anil quartered, beautiful grain. Cx44, swell front. Urge and A "R beveled mirror All-Iron Woven Wlr Fabrlo Spring, none btter made...., 3.95 SANITARY COUCH, best fE 7a money can buy, at JdJ 4?' 51 inr Tn 8 Vi O 33 r JZJ V ' if j