32 THE OMAHA " DAILY ' TtEE: SUXPAY. APRIL P, mnfl. :jr i m 4 I r. ft? if a. i t y ".'6 1 ' 'il.f- f5 V V P. 6 Hi1 . W ,.4 (V Y 91 4 1." J f, 1 1 A ' 3 24 n a At Eastertide, fashion's demands for season able and modish apparel are imperative no woman who would be considered rightly dressed can neglect the call. It is now that Brandeis' millinery fulfils its most im- nortant mission in supplying the requirements of a city of well dressed, women. Authentic snrine style, created in Paris and adapted in New York, finds its correct expression in Brandeis bewitching modes. "We have iust received our special Easter Importation of Paris'Pattern Hats, selected by Monsieur D. Koditi, our foreign buyer, who is an authority on Parisian millinery and a style connoisseur ot exquisite taste. WM Every hat pictured here it an original Brandtia model sketched in our own millinery department The Brandeis Eastor Hats at $10 A fashionable character to these hats at $10 that is rarely found in millinery that sells so moderately. Original Joseph Pattern Hats from N. Y.'s famous designer. Stunning Countess of "Warwick styles cute little Peter Pans, smart sailors, graceful Cromwell shapes a complete range of au thentic style, at . Qray is a favorite thade in millinery whites are more popu lar every day light and dark bluet, corals, resedas, cardinals, browns, natural ttraw colors and plaids are all favoritet. $10 Exquisite Pattern flats for Easter The richest assemblage of original models from America and abroad, exclusive designs from the famous Rue de la Palx, Paris, compete for favor with elegant conceits from renowned Fifth Avenue, New York, designers. Each bewitching pattern Is exclusive and was designed expressly for ultra fashionable Easter wear. Perfect harmony of spring colors and a graceful character throughout. Never such a fascinating expose of style In millinery. An Easter hat selected from this group will lend an air of elegance to the costume ' Exquisite Dress Mllllneru Tbmn hatg nhow all the ntrm Btyl features of French millinery combined with the unfallln Ifood taste of the American designer; Eauter special 115 Ladies' Easter Gustumes and Wraps Everything that is presented for Easter wear at Brandeis Is correct, whether it be In fabrics, apparel or emolla f nrnlchlncra Cliir nnsttlnn am uThlhHnri nt firltmr atvln in ladles' read V-tO-Wear aDParel. IS DlOrC than ever pronounced this spring. V Easter Dresses and Demi-Costumes These are all individual styles which you cannot find t duplicated exquisitely fashioned taffetas and Jap silks, at Up tO $35 Dainty Costumes and Dressea of Net and Lac eg The elaborate character of these gowns make them serviceable for any fashionable dress function the styles are extremely attractive $19 up to $65 The Chic and Stylish Princesa Gowns The reigning . The Season's Popular New Silk Jacket Suit Harjd style for 1906 a score of Individual and beautiful I some creations in Eton Jackets and the new circular U.r iSfff !t . 17.50 to $75 SKr. !.?. 14.85 to $39 The New Linen Jacket and Shirt Waist Suite Hand embroidered and lace trimmed, summery and dainty $1.00 Spring Dress Goods at 49c a Yard Favorite Panamas, new checks and plaids, black and white, 46-in granites, iQf summer serges, etc., yd. . . "C Dress Fabrics for Spring and Summer DAINTY WASH GOODS The richest silk dress stuffs, plain and fancy, Alice blue, raspberry, reseda, navy, black 7Q and white, 60c grade, at, yard $1.50 Spring DresBGoodit at 69c a Yard Fine all wool and silk and wool dress stuffs, also SO pieces the most exquisite silk iZQ eollennes and voiles, yd...U7C Prettiest ; patterns in silk organdies, pongees and printed mulls (in annex), regular 50c grades, at, yd. . The Reigning Novelties Shown in our regular dept. New arrivals in Lingerie Waist Patterns, hand and ma chine embroidered, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50 and $3.50 each Robes, $3.95, $4.50, $6.50, $8.50 J $20 Dress Patterns . .$12.00 New crew dress goods, Chiffon and .1.00 25c 48-In. Lingerie Lawn, In all colors and white or black, 60c ZQ grade, at, yard QsC Pure Irish Linen white, 60c grade, a yard, at 39c Taints cloth, old rcsa, Allr blue, reseda, eta, :ty.f: ;...49c tropical Panamas, at. yard Wool Taffeta, Alice blue, rid rose, resetla, and all the new . Of". V.V t White Yachting". Serce fine Imported l.&o grade I and Panama, "yrJrt?",.sr. 9c :,.d: 85c tones, at. 9.98 to$29 Children's Dresses Dainty little creations for juveniles, nets lawns and Swisses for little misses, ages 6 to 14 years, also pre'Uy Xovelty cloth Suits. . . L -mm : Evening and Reception Hats The elaborate character of the pretty hats In thin group adapt them for every fashionable func- TCl tlon beautiful and entirely new designs, at A Hundreds of absolutely neu mod tit, expressly created for East' er, await your verdict here. The Brandeis Easter Hats at $5 Brandeis has won renown throughout the country for spe cializing in dressy hats to sell at this moderate price. These are our own choice designs faithful copies of expensive French models yet each one with a smart and original note that is all its own pretty sailors Em pire hats turbans Derby crown hats spring's favorite trimmings will 'go on sale at ' Wreathes of small roses are extremely modish in trimming also large tingle rotes, foliage, quills and bows of ribbon Ladies' Stunning Tailored Suits and Goats The Celebrated "Fashionseal" Suits More of these elegant and highly modish tailored suits just arrived and placed on display Monday. A wonderfully fine assortment of correct and stunning style. "We expect Monday's selling will even surpass our first record breaking sale of fine garments the "Fashionseal" suits at . A LINE OP "FASHIONSEAL" SUITS AT $35 Shown for the first time, beautiful, exclusive crea- 55 25 tlons a refinement in style to be found only in the "Fashionseal" suits- at LADIES' TAILORED SUITS AT $14.8.T Splendid ex amples of smart, catchy spring styles for 1906 novelty mixtures, the swell new pas- tel shades Ponys, Polos and Etons IL aS at. THE NEW COATS AND JACKETS FOR EASTER WEAR These are stylish and beautifully made gar ments, of taffetas, pongees, broadcloths, novelty mixtures large and small plaids Q QO up fflC and covets prices from O f0 tpDD Silk Lined Voile Skirts All newest styles, cut accord ing to the latest style dictates, 991-12--11 Our Showing of Elaborate Waists for Easter Wear Our separate Waist Section on second floor is filled with a noteworthy array of season's smartest dress waists. Beautiful new Qjyera and Royal Waists Fine Batistes, lawns and handkerchief linens, lace trimmed, prettily hand embroidered or cluster 1QC 11 CA tucked Z.JO-Z'r. 3U The dressy new waists with long and short sleeves wash lace and embroidery trimmed every new and fetch- 5" .':!t.u.r.e.f..r. 98c-l.50-l.98 - "St, Baster Gloves NEW LOTS OF VERY FINE EMBROIDERIES Fresh, new shipment of the highest class embrold - erles and inset-tings all new and elaborate pat terns lota Include the corset cover embroid eries up to 18 Inches wide actually worth as high as 60c a yard at, , yard 10c-15c-25c - FINE WISII LAGE5 100 new styles of Vals., torchons, fine mechllns, etc. on bargain tables Mon- 71 . f 7 day, at DlQ-DQ-1 2t All Over Laces and Embroideries For making entire Easter waists laces are Ori entals, Irish Crochets and Venlse embroideries are Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric up to 21 inches wide worth as high as J1.Z5, at yard 69c EASTER SALE LADIES' OXFOR TIES $250 OF at Tomorrow we place on sale 4 00 pairs of ladles' Low Shoes a great cash purchase from a Boston wholesale shoe manufacturer. A great assortment of stylea. Exceptional values. Oxford Ties,' Court Ties, Christie Ties, Pumps. Welt and hand turn soles, all the fashionable heels crnn Tnta1a ri am fl 7.H V I P i klri. 4fe BMt A patent leather every pair warranted J O II The newest and most fanhionable shades for Easter, wear most popular makes two and three clasp effects a complete showing in regular glove dept., at, pair $1, 1.50 and $2 Fashionubln Long Gloves The long 8. 12 and 16-buttou lengths, In glace and suede, raoiisquetatre, blacks, white and all the correct shades for evening and dress wear. -13. 60 values at Special Values in SILKS 39c49c-69c Special tables of the newest spring silka,' fancy silk suiting, chiffon taffetas, printed warps, checks and stripes. In the latest com bination of Alice, Reseda, old rose, grays, etc., plain and fancy shantungs (pongee), peau de cygne, black dress silks, heavy S7- mcn rustling taneia ana nne grades oi 1'eau de Sole for coats and suits, positively worm up to 1.50 five special tables yard Five Solid Gases of White China Silks Our own importation direct from Japan, at the time when tb demand is strong. 39c qualities, full 27 inches wide Z9c 75c qualities, f;ill 27 inches wide l9c $1.00 qualities, full 36 inches wide. 39c SALE OF BLACK SILKS 25 pieces fulr 27-inch black taffeta, ia three different finishes, worth $1.25; special, yard 25 pieces full yard wide, mellow or skirt fiulsh, a positive 11.50 article; at, yard 25 pieces C. J. Bonnet Co. (genuine) finest taffeta In the world, made expressly for us In Lyons, France; Monday, only, yard. Latest ; Novelties Just Received London grays, French grays, Vleux rose, Alice blues, new blues and a One collection of self colors, plain weaves, scroll effects, Jac- f f quard novelties and some elaborate 2 and 3-tone effects, 20 r f to 27 Inches wide; prices, yard, from $1.60 down to J mf Black perspiration and spot-proof summer silks (Habutal), 27 inches wide, $1.00 quality at 68c; yard wide, $1.25 quality at 76c :69c .98c .59c 1 at pair. $2 to 3.50 Silk pop and Gloves on Bargain Square All 6ltes of ladles' kid gloves on bar gain square, blacks and colors, worth p.!!.V:!!.p.a.!:-.....69c. 98c gloves will be very and I.lsle Gloves These umr wus spring OlacK m j n ni colora pair & JC.OUC, JC,$I Wf iwmm MEN'S WEAR Evcnj Alan Should Be Well Dressed on Easter A the Leadlnz Outfitter for Men la Omaha, Brandeis Offer Men's Hand Tailored Suits at $15 Suits with a refined, well-fitting appearance that marks the highest grade, clothing everywhere. The new shades of gray, the popular blues and A 1- .1 ."a. mixiurea long sacK coals mat nt pfirtectly about collar and shoulder. These euits are the equal of any $35.00 custom tailored veuit, at Bous' Dressu Spring Glothes for Easter In our separate Boys' Clothine necttion, on the third floor. we are showing the leading stylea in apparel for the littlo chaps all the new spring styles the most popular fabrics and patterns moderate range of prices. aster v third floor, LcJy THAT IN THE SPRING, ABOUT EASTER TIME, WE .SHOULD ALU COME OUT m NEW CLOTHED IT make s vs look poor. AND FEEL POOR "WITH OLD " CLOTHE J ON. WE ARE OUT OF date; .&U5TER BROWN is EE LACE CTBTAIX AD ON PAGE 7. EDITORIAL BECIIOX. VI n