t 18 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATTTHDAY, ArRTL 7, lMft. tUSILK CKEFE LUCE KUCHIHQ AT 6kC. MCH i MM - j ,. a LADIES' AND MEN'S All UHtN Handktr. chiefs 10c Easter Kid Gloves The most complete stock of high grade gloves In Omaha. Saturday we mention special bargains. KID GLOVES at 69c and 93c On Bargain Square : New lots of sprlns; kid Rlore" In street and evening shades, two and three ' clasp many of the beet known and moat popular brands, very epeclal bar- i rain on bin bargain enure, worth up to li.60 a pair, at, per pair : 69c-98c Newest Spring Shade la Fine Kid Gloves These are the highest quality of kid it loves made Pen-Ins. Revniera. Rents. Fownes and others very latest spring; effects ion sale In our glove department at pair $1, $1.50 and $2 Long Drcsi and Party Gloves These are the, most popular and fashionable of all kid blacks, whites and all correct evening shades 8, P 12 and 16 button lengths, at, pair Pretty Silk Gloves in AU Colors New showing of the finest lisle thread and silk gloves the famous Kaysers and other makes very stylish this spring specially priced Saturday In lour f r f mj lots, at a3COUC-C-?l Wkl gloves in ?3.50 Y -A IBS E"?f Neckwear 0C.5t f The dainty new spring designs in neck- wear for Easter wear and all other occa sions pretty new turnovers, silk braided collars, lace stocks, silk embroidered tabs, etc., scores of fine styles, all of them new this spring regularly worth as hlfth lk p as 36c each a special sale at .HCalejC 7g HOSIERY ON BARGAIN SQUARE sfij Ladies', men's and children's plain fast black and fancy Hosiery, In all sizes children's heavy ribbed School Hose - i f m men's Silk Mercerized Hose, I rt,! T etc., prices pair ,2'm Tint Cotton and Lisle Thread Hoiierv ' . - - 'Wi-V Also ladies' Allover Lace Hosiery, lace boot ef fects, etc. plain and fancy on sale in regular Hosiery partment. at pair. ..... . 25c-35c RG JCORSETS Give the grace ful tapering con tour and the de fined waist line demanded by the prevailing fash Ion. A style for every figure and every ' kind of dress. . R. & G. Corsets wear as well as they fit, and they fit to perfection. ' Prices, $1 to $3 Every Pair Guaranteed. Flowers for Easter Easter Lilies, with "7 P 5 buds, in pot, at. . 'i JC Boston Ferns 29c Sunday Palms. .39c and 49c Cineralions .... .... .....29c Heliotropes ....19c Creraniums ....12c Carnations, doz ...... 39c On Sale In Annex. Japanese Goods New shipment of beautiful novelty ware, tea table ware, bric-a-brac, etc. MODEST PRICES. yiroinni foche Is to Furnish Better Suits for 10 and 15 Than You Can Get Any Other Place on Earth INSIDB SIO HAND TAILORED and SI5 You Pay Others $15 $22.50 Is the Price for Some Not as for Same Quality Good Elsewhere Clothing Go. 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. OMAHA Thi Embodiment of ill That Is Desirable In Table Delicacies 33c which contribute to form the essen tials governing quality at vastly re duced prices. Fresh Laid Eggs 1 C per dozen... Walter Baker's Chocolate-pound Fure Borax , : q per package. . ...... .'. ...... OC Llpton's Tea per pound can fj Q Grape-Nuts . g per package .lUC Shredded Biscuits - f f per package.. IUC Quaker Oats three packages Invincible Salmon two cans , Imported Sardines two cans Alton Flour warranted sack CHOICEST SELECTION Spanish (Jur-en Olives f per quart 9UC A SUGGESTION. If you desire to purchase beautiful KASTKR LILIES and avoid paying exorbitant prices, place your order with SOMMER BROS. Exponents of Good Living . 28TH AND FARNAM STREETS Telephones 730-132!). . . 25c 25c 25c 1.15 Your Spring Suit is here. It'i H, S. O M., hand tailored. THE RELIABLE STARS 1 J LET US SHOW ' YOU THE ' BEST IN yt Readyh-Wcar ' t Clothing. Pleasing Spring Suit Styles Special Sale Mounted Combs Entire stock from N. T. importing house. These combs bare pearl bands, plain gold bands, inlaid with tur quoise brilliants, rose emeralds, sapphires, f (TK etc.. actually worth 75c, $1.00 and $1. 25-all at ohe price Latest styles in Wash Belts, at 15c-25c-49o Imported Filled Pearl Bead Strands, worth 50c, at . . . .25o 15 Jewel Elgin or Waltham Movement Watch dust proof ease, worth $8, at . $4.98 17 Jewel Deuber Hampden Movement Watch, in heavy sterling silver case, worth $15, at $8.98 BRANDEIS BOSTON STORE -i '-ii i --' 1Z Headquarters for Popular Priced Millinery. Charming Easter Millinery Hundreds of Beautiful Imported and Domestic Dress and Street Hats at POPULAR PRICES. Extraordinary Sale Saturday Never bafor has MILLINERY baan ao PRETTY or PRICES 80 REASONABLE. BEAUTIFUL HATS at S3.75, S5.00, $6.75, $8.50. BiMSiaassaaMMaBSBSsaBiBisiaMaiBBai See Ours Before You Buy KERN 1508 Douglas. LA Double Cylinder Bwick The Most Remarkable Hill 0 limber on Record. We Have in Stock the Following Machines: THOMAS ,TLYER"-50 IL P.. $3,500 PEERLESSS 35 IL P $3,750 HAYNES 30 II. P $2,250 BTJIOK TOURINO OAR-22 IL P. $1,250 WOOD'S ELEOTRIO Queen Victoria $1,900 We are State Agents for (i3rdDr Presto-O-Lile Gas Tanks, H. E. Fredriekson KTTEENTH AND CAPITOL AVENUE. THE day when everyone wears gooa clothes. We're made quite a preparation for Easter. On our tames you wm nna displayed all the new and handsome gray fabrics at prices less than you expect. Trousers, $5 to $12 -Suits, $20 to $50 WILLIAM JERREM3 SONS. 00-21 Bo,l&0 Street. 1 Aaa Live Diamond On continually In motion f.hows Its brilliancy to Its full extent. Ours r aU lr Uamond belDf continually on ths moT. Tbera's no Investment so t- Ufactory the excelUnt gem we will Mleot tor you. wny nov w to u00 wortui TDrown &Dorsheim 0 JEWILER3 riZZZ 5outli 1823tree1,0inha. BUY SHOES THIS WEEK ; AND HELP THE Y. W. C. A. BUILD THEIR NEW HOME TEN PER CENT OF OUR SALES THIS WEEK GO TO HELP THEM HELP US SWELL THE AMOUNT ALL NEW SPRING STYLES NOW IN JUST THE TIME TO BUY YOUR EASTER SHOES -AT- T. B dORRIS' 17317 DOUGLAS The Auto Show Is a big success but not half the success wo are having- with our boys' shoes. The extra wear that you get out of a pair of them Is what has made them so popular. Best of leather best of workman ship tell the tain. Bat" 8.i.ltS..1.!0.. $2.00 Tattle Gents' sizes 10 to 13 $(,50 Saturday Is hoys' day at our store and we always have extra help . to properly watt , on mem. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. BBBaaass7 Sassafras Bark ' Clean and Frasb Just received from the woods. 5ea It In our window FOR 20c PER POUND. Free delivery any place In Omnba, So. ; Omaha or Council Bluffs. Use your phone. SCHAEFER'S ,?SuaS. PR Corner 16th and Chioaso. OMAHA. Hth and N.. SO. OMAHA. Cor. ith and Main St.. CO. BLUFFS. IA. HOTELS. Hotel Kupper Kansas City KlMUIK:yLlllst4. Missouri rv Thli BtsalBMnt bw hoUl hil WO Wutlfnl rooms. ad la looatad at 11 lb aa4 McOae atraata. ta tha ahapplas dlatrlrt. Ouij kali block frsm tna Bmorr. Bird. Tharar Arj (oeos aiora: sear all tha thaaura. ' lOO private' baths Telepboaea la all rooms VBxeellNt le Perfect Colaloe Hot and cold r on nine; water ta very room It kla aparlona lobby aaa laaaaat parlora, raadlDf aod wnilns rooma. $1 to 4 per Day European Plaa Raaarratlooa ba mada br talagrapk at eur axpaaaa. KIPPER-BEXSON nOTEL CO. F. A. BEIIO.1, Maaaaer BEST of ALL The Sprtrs; Medicine Is Howell's Bar aapaiih'. It purines the blood and stirs up tbe liver ROc 80c 50c 25c bottle... $1.00 Wright Celery Compound Pint bottle Beef. Jon and Wine Howell's Foot Powder, "a box, best fur the fuet nVhen in Chicago Stop at The Howell Drug Co. 16th avnd Capital Ave. Sfiord Hotel European Flan Rafined. Eleraat. Ouloi. Located eoe uar of city's two noeat boulevard., convenient to enlite bualoaas center. Cloae to beat tlica'.res and shopping dl.lrlct. Z1S rooma, 150 private balha; luiurloua writing sod recaption rooma; woodwork mubogaay tbroucbont; braaa beds and all modern corafoi la: telepbono In av.ry room; beautiful dining rooms' the beat of every tiling at mouerate prices. Micfclgaa sad Jackaoa auvda, Chicago ".a and at nockethook pleasing prices. N need psylng twice the price for a suit that fit. look or wear no better than one ot our splendid hand-tailored suits. Get Into one of our HART. BHAFFNER ft' MARX SUITS. If you do. you'll wear . It for Easter. Their superiority In style. ' character, fit and workmanship can be readily rccognled. They are the acme of perfection In - the clothes-making art. Hand Tailored Suits Almost unlimited assortment of colors, patterns and material, all possessing pleasing Individuality of style, the best on the msrket at our prices $12.50, $15. $16.50. to '$30. $18 up Time to Buy that Cravenette Coat "April showers bring spring flowers." "Tie true they also bring much bodily dls- comfort to you unless you're properly protected. One of our fine cravenette Coats will Insure you not only bodily comfort, hut perfect style and satisfac tion, ram $7.50. $10. $12.50, $15 and $18 Men's Top Coats Splendid value $12.60 and .... it 116.00. $10 Youths' Long Pants Suits In great variety at $10.00. $8.60, $7.60 and Copyright 1906 by Hart Schsffner W Mart Boys' Knee Pants Suits Greatest assortment m the city at $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 up to $6.50. MAYDESvl BROS. Are You Aware of the Fact that you can still do better than you are doing? Do you wish to bo convinced that -what wo say Is the real truth? Then get In line and follow the crowd to The Lange (Jrocery Oo. We al ways handle the very best goods money can buy and In prices wa are the lowest. Saturday Special G I Sugar has gone up with some stores, but not with us wo still giro .21 lbs. fine pure cane sugar for fl.OO' Orape Nuts, per package 10c Orangos, 'fancy navels, sweet and Juicy, per doz, 25c down to.... 20c Sardines, Imported, always sell at 20c, Saturday, 2 for 2flc Table Sauce, bottle 7 He Sweet Corn, 2-lb. can.... ..6c Wisconsin Peas, 2-lb. can 7c SAIiMON! KALMON! For Saturday only, one-quarter of the regular price, limited," no more than 1 dozen cans to a customer, per 1-lb. tall ran Red Alaska, each 6c, per dozen 70c Radishes, fresh and nice, ' 2 large bunches Bo 8-lb. sack Purity Flour, the best on the market $1.15 IICIT nCDADTIUrCMT i Chuck Roast, per lb.. c to So mtMI. UUI Mill iiil.ii i I Good Polling Beef, per lb..., IS lbs. Iaf Lard.... $1.00 Rib Roast, per lb o .ms .7Vm Rolosma Baussge. per lb 6 Wo Good Hams, per lb 10c ....i'B ' . f tlood Bteak. per lb. THE LANGE GROCERY CO., 24th and Cuming Streets TELEPTTONES DOITGLAS-J 530-8223. K9lBllalltBIBaalBIBlBllBlSElMBa1 1 It's a Dead Cinch H ....... 5 Tou can't buy as good meats as we sell at any other market In H Omaha. Would-be competitors claim they have, but they are not In It with our meats.' Quality Is what counts with us. S The reason of this is we buy In such large quantities and only H the very choicest native steers which gives us an advantage as to quality and price. If you've never traded with us, better give us a 5 trial order. M See our window display of choice spring lambs for Easter trade, g , FRESH BUCKWURST DAILY. ! CENTRAL MARKETS 5 6th and . Harney 3 Tel. 2899. 16th and Capital Ave. Tel. 179 6 H 0 H IS 0 M 8 M m M n H 4 M N M H N saVBBBBB9BOBIB0E9B9BB9B9B9BBMBIBVBB9E9B984fl9B9a1 ffn? Best of Everything The Only Dobble TracK Railway to Chicago VERY, VERY LOW ONE-WAY Settler's Rates to points in Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian Northwest BVERV TUESDAY la March and April. if dCity Office: 14011403 FARNAM ST OMAHA TKL. 14-e1 3' Mi ' r ibsi mm vlV il Girls' and Boys' Shoe Headquarters There Is no other place you can so and find such a complete stock of hlh grade. Ions wearlnc. late style, shoes for boys' and slrls' as you will find at this store. $1.50 and $2.00 ! are a special .feature with us. We have them for boys and girls of any ace. We have others up to the finest dress shoes, and low prices on ail. FRY SHOE CO. V 1 J ' l! V 3t T l!