TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, ATRIL 7, 1906. -ft J-s ' 2 (RAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKET Wriest Hews, Foreign snd Domestic, li Quite Bearish. MAY PRICES ARE INCLINED TO DRAG FnTOrafcle Kevra of Oronlac Crop ( win In Corn Firm and Hoy shew AiTaiMM)ili Are ftllgfctly Knaler. dairies, IBaic. cases Included. firsts. IS'v HfjleHc. F-ggs, steady: a?, mark, 1&Vc; ftrsM. 1&V: prime extras, 18c Cliche, steady. SKW lORK tiF.SF.RA:. MARKET luotatlons ot the Day on t'ommodltlra. Varloea OMAHA, April t. The wheat market was unusually quiet anil prices were Inclined to drag. Opening quotations were Mic lower and there wan Home soiling. Liverpool cables were lower, Argentina shipments were large, domestic crop news was favorable, and receipts were large. Trade is very light and the market la on the scalping order. Corn was firm and the day showed a sngnt advance. Receipts did not come up to the estimates. The domestic demand was good and prices a shade better on carlots. Oats showed a slight easiness. In spite of good domestic demand. May lost ao and July was unchanged. From the Modern Mlllr: Reports from miller In the principal winter whoat terri tory ahow unusually high average eondl Hon for this season of the year. Only one "fate (Michigan) showa a condition below veraae for April 1. Other states' con ditions tre fully up to tho average or better. Highest condition Is Ohio, Kan sas, Nebraska, Illinois and Missouri. Crop lias been Impaired by cold weather and too much moisture. Iowa lowlands suf fered from excessive precipitation. In the Paclflo northwest damage to wheat was largely over-estimated. In most sections the plant showa revival under warmer weather." Primary wheat receipts were 442,000 bush els and shipments 164, ooo bushels against receipts last year of 311.000 bushels and shipments of 194.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 326,000 bushels and shipments 877.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 749, 00 bushels and shipments of IM.OU) bushels. Clearances were 3,tw bushels wheat, 20,000 barrels flour, 653.000 bushel corn, 17,000 lnisli.I oats. Liverpool closed d lower on wheat' and unchanged to 4d higher on corn. MrsdHtreets' clearances were 1,000,000 lmshels wheat. Hroomhall cabled that London firms esti mate the Argentina wheat surplus as varying from 8n,mo,io to 110,000,000 bushels. Argentina shlpmenta for the week were 4 2.-.2.000 bushels wheat and 300.000 bushels i'orn. Since January 1 Argentina, wheat shipments have been 38.104,000 bushels, against 89,8hS.000 bushels last year; corn nhipmenta were 4.112,uio bushels, against ..'.:H.0C0 bushels last yexr. Patten of Chicago wired: "Winnipeg! May wheat this morning is Hie premium over May wheat In Minneapolis, and the market here Is weak. I am not going to sell wheat snort, i don t care who else minus it is a sale; they may be driven in again on cash demand." Iyocal range or options: Articles. Closf.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat- I May 70A 70R 70S 70 Corn I May 40 A 4nA K 40 July 40'A 40 40 40A Oats May 1 90 A Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 7TWTT74e; No. I hard. &VS71Wc; No. 4 hard. 60iifi74c: No. 2 aprtng. 72fi73c; Nd. 3 spring. SoUTIHc-. CORN No. s. 3o4c; No. 4, 27443ao: No. S yellow, 3!)fi39s.ic; No. 11 white. 40o. OATS No. 5 mixed. rSVaW.c; No. ! white, 3nf?30c: No. 4 white, 29c. RYK-No. 2. 53c; No. S. 51e. Carlo! Receipt. i Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City . Minneapolis .. Omaha Duluth .i..,.. 81 Louis ) 1W 137 t CHICAGO GHAI AM- :MlOVI8IOX9 Kratare of the Trading- nnil I losing Prleea Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 6. Liberal shipments of wheat from Argentina and continued fuvorable reports concerning the crop In the United States had a depressing effect today on the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was oft H'0 o. Corn was up Htfr'ic. Oats showed a loss of Wc Provisions were unchanged to mo higher. The wheat market opened easier be cause of report that the export from Argentina were 4.-360,000 bushels against 2,616,000 bushels the previous week and favorable weather conditions In this coun try. During the first hour there wa free selling by pit traders and commission linusi-s and the weakness became pro nounced. News of the day, however, was not all In favor of the bears. The Mis souri reports, which declared the condi tion of wheat In that state to be 86 on April 1 against 87 on March 1, caused con Biderjiblo covering by shorts. The local market win ateady during the last hour and a large part of the early loss wai regained. The close waa ateady. May opened unchanged to Ho lower at 77 77o, sold off to 77o and closed at 77W& 77c. July ranged between 76i(S77c and 77'tjT7a and closed unchanged at 77V. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 120,000 bushels. Exports lor tho weea as shown by Bradstreet' were equal to t.Oiiu.000 bushel. Primary receipts were 442.000 bushels against Ill.OOO bushels a veer im. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 348 cars against 840 i-ari last week and 206 cars a year ago. The corn market was weak early In the dav because of Improved weather condir tiona, but later became Arm on buying by cash bouses. The niarket closed nrm with prices almost at the highest point of the day. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 4&64o'8c to 46'4c. sold off to 44a-45o and then rallied to 45V:. The close was at 45V.C. Local receipts were liJI cars with 1 cars of contract grade. Selling of the May delivery by local bulla was the feature of the oata market. This Ulnar which had a deDresHing effect on the entire market, waa brought on by Improvement In weather conditions throughout the middle west. The market closed steady. May opened unchang at 9114c. sola on lu aic aim i-iockha . 017140141;. Local receipts were 137 cars. Trading In provisions was very quiet but prices were steady. There was some nrnAt-taktng In pork early In the day, which caused a moderate decline In that product, but the loss later was entirely regained. At the close May pork was tin changed st $16.124- Lard waa also un changed at $6.26. Ribs were 2o higher at 28.65. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 3 cars; corn, 167 cars- oats, 11 cars; nogs, ltl.P0 head. The leading future ranged aa follows: NEW YORK, April 8,-FLOrR-Ilecelpta. 2i? bbls.j export, 10.M1 hbls. ; market suady, with light trade; Minnesota r jnis, $4.iii4.4C; Minnesota bakers. H43 lib; winter patents. I3 90g 4 26; winter straights, 13. 70-3 . an : winter extras, I2.7M? mon to extra, I6"a-2e; etate dairy, common to extra, 16'u2be; renovated, common to extra, HVilHc; western factory, common to firsts, ISCjltic; western Imitation creatn 8.26; winter low grades, $i.t.Mi. Rye flour, quiet; flr to good, 8a.3i'a'3.SK; choice to fancy, 3.-j4.10. CO R N M K A L Firm ; One white and yel low, im- coarse, ll.u3fcl.u&; kiln dried, I2.2S 4i SB. FARLEY Steady; feeding, 4c. c. I. f.. New York; malting, 664ilc, c. I. I., Buffalo. WHEAT-Receipts, 1im bu.; exports, 30.17 bu. ; sales, 2,!10 bu. futures. Spot, steady; No. I red. 87c, elevator, and We, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth. o- b., afloat. Options opened lower. under easy cab es. Ihtip Ar-ronilni mhn. nients ami good weather: rallied sll-rhtlv on covering, but eased off again later under n uenrisn crop Condition rennrt end In the absence of bull hnmirt 'iVivnni iim close part of the loss was recovered on shorts realising and lust prices were steady at a net Ions of He M;y, bb-g$ie, closed at SoHc: July, MVi3Ho, closed "at 83-Hc; nepiemoer, w-'t'ijitec, closed at 82,c. CORN Receipts. 2,950 bu.; exports, 4.14 bu. Spot; firm; No. 2, 5674c, elevator, and D.ic, 1. o. t., afloat; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 wnua. Die. j tie ontlon ir.arket w.i mniinr. ately active and generally steady on light .rv-eipis ana uneral clearances. The close was He net higher. May, f2--,-(-'62He. closed at e2-c,- July closed at 62V; September. B2t,iWSc closed at S2Sc. OA 1 8 Kecelpts, 63.000 bu.; exports, 4.775 bit. Spot, steady; mixed oats, 2 to 3- lbs., ?36i4c: natural white m in :ti is atiu.it .1. "PP"1 wnite, n 10 w lts., 3!V2ti404C. lAj-rinn; snipping, soy-oic; good to , liOPS julet; state, common to choice-, 1906, 101(16c; 1SKH, itiiic; olds, 6?f7c; Pacific Coast. li6. fMiWc: 1XJ B-SKl- llfifin HIDKS-Steady; Galveston. iS to 25 lbs.. laiuornia, 11 to los., Zlc; Texa dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHER-.steady; acid. 2SMij27'c. PROVISIONS Hcef, steady; family. 211.60 io w; me.ss, v "ti WAD; beef hams. 21 60; packet. $10.5011 tO; extra India mess, 815.00Qlo.V. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, JH.OtXi 10.26: pickled shoulders. 27.00 7.2S; pickled hams, 21O.2u4i.ll.0O. Lard steady, western prime, Js ti(ji8.66; refined, steady: continent. fS.00: South Amerli-a. 29.6fl; compound, W. 3716. 75. Pork steady; 11 mi; continent, vu: South America, 89.6; compound. 26.37Vi,.75. Fork. Arm: family, IW.OUfllS 25; short clear, 21-206 18.00; TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country, Bft 6Hc. RICEJ Firm ; domestic, fair to extra, 3'4 sine; japan, nominal. MUTTER Kasy. Street price, extra creamery, 2620740. Otllclal prices: Cream ery, common to extra, lbwUc; held, coin- ery. extras, zoc; western nrsts, lie. CIIEESB Firm; state, full cream, large and small, colored and wnlte, fancy, 14c; food to prime, 13Vtal4c; common to fair, lfnl3c. EtiaS Firmer; state, Pennsylvania and nearoy rancy, selected while. Zlc; state, choice, is'4'ii'20c ; stnte, mixed extra, lSUjc; western nrsts, lTf'inMjc; western seconds, 17c; southerns. 15s( 174C. POULTRY Live, steady; western chick ens, 12o; fowls, 16c; turkeys, KxftlSc; drewsed, easy; western chickens, lOftjtfc; turkey. id(K1c; iowis, ii'imc. St. Loots General Market. 8T. LOUIS, April . WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 8'(9ic; track. W'g me: May, .b tu.-c; July, i4-,(c; no. s hard, 7(0 3C. corn Higher: No. Z cash. 43Vic: track 44.n4t4c; May, 43"4c; July, 43Vt'i-t431)4c. OA 18 Easy; No. 2 cash. 32c; track. 31ttU 22c; May. Slc: July, No. 2 white. 34c. FLOURBteady; red winter patents. S4.1S (6-4. 2&; extra fancy and straight, 23.704.00; Clear, z.iom"j.!. SEED Timothy, steady. X2.60QSJI0. CORNMKAL Steady; fc-30. EUAN Steady: sacked, east track. 21.09. HAY-Steady; timothy, 26 0014.60; prairie. B.VUrfIll'.aU. COTTON TIES 11.01. BAOGINO-SV. HEMP TWINE 74c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady: lobhln-. 215.75. Lard, steady; prime steam, .(M. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short. tB.si'-i; ciear i-ids, jit.w; snort clears, zy.i24. jHacon. steady poxea extra snorts. a.6'4 clear ribs. 29.75: short clear. 29 87. POULTRY Weak: chickens. 11c: turkey l(Pe: ducks, 13c; geese, 7e. BUTTER Dull; creamery. ir.?i27tte: dairy. Ktgsne. EUQS Finn at 14HC. Receipts. Shipments Article. . Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yea' y Wheat May July Sept. Corn . May Julv Sept. tat I May July Hepl. Pt It May July I .ard . May ' July ri.-pL ltllm May July pt. 77 r-:77'ii76TrT7l 77VI 45 64 4M, 44W45 45'4fSI 4&H 4VJ-M oH 4SitjS 21l 21W 2ttti2Wl 1 10 1 10 8 2TH 1 f 8 6r,j 8 55 8 7ttl H 15 1 12,W 8 8TW 8 60 8 67H 8 T7i 774 7u"4 4- 4-S 4.-.V4 81 SlWtiV1l31,'B a'AfeSI 2C,!2S'" &t4; 18 00 100 8 27U 8 42, 8 60 8 52VJ 8 6:41 8 6271 2H5i-1 18 12S H 07W 8 2S 8 47H I to 8 56 8 NO 8 (5 i i:h W07V, 8 28 8 47'.4 1 eo 8 62 8 57H 06 No. 2. Cash Quotations were a follow: viail'H -Dull and eaay: winter patents, ' 21.40u2 W; winter straights. 23 .30iaJ.0; spring patents, J-iw-iusv; swaignis, u.wui.m Inkers. 82 ai2.is. WHEAT No. 8 spring, TTtfanc: No. iDrtm TStr0c: No. 2 red, 84ViioA;o. CORN No. 2. 44c; No. 2 yellow, 46itr 4&14C. . OATS No. 2. 81Hc; No. 1 white. 22CI No. 2 white, Sl!d3Zo. . RYU-No. 1. lc. BARLEY Good feeding, tTWSffilttc ; fair to choice malting. 44a(JC. RFKlMi No. 1 flax. 81.MH; No. 1 north western, 21 12W, Prime timothy, t3.17, I'lover pontract arade. 812.50. PROVISION Mess pork, per bM., 214 05 til 10. lrd. rer 1j0 Iba.. t If-. Short ribs side (loose, to 5t.iu8.8u. Shurt cK-ar side ll,n.i Ik md.0U. Following were the receipt and ship ment of flour ana gram: Kecelpts. Shipment. Flour bbla TOO 20.100 Wheat, bu ,0) SiXl Corn bu n4.b0 16-V&-0 Oat, bu S0.3" ISJ.1'0 Rve bu . 4,0d lrler. bu 8U.0U0 1M00 On tha Irwtaea oxohanao today the but ter market we wee; creamerle. lt-g2io Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Com, bu. ... Oats, bu. ... 4,0iio 24,010 5.00 9ti,OUO NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Call Honey Situation Again Dominate Wall Street Market. RATE RISES TO 31 PER CENT locks Come Oat More Freely aaa. A alee Peellae, bat Fall la Moaey Rate Tsrst tho Tide Close la Steady aad Doll. NEW YORK. April .-Money on call went to 31 per cent on the stock exchange today thus keeping up tne tendency of a progressive rise In the niaxlmtiin, for each day of this week. Tho excess of yester day s rale, however, as is seen, was oiuy nominal. The severest stringency of the day whs over before the period at which the flurry has occurred on previous oays of the week. This was due In large part to the fact thRt necessitous borrowers were prompt to supply their needs rather tnan to wait until late In the day In fear that rates by that time would be higher than yesterday and tho supply of available fund reduced to narrow proportions. Stocks came more rreely upon tne mar ket today than at any time this week, the early flight In the call loan rate arousing apprehension of still severer conditions be fore the close. But tne mantel mane a strong recovery when the local loan rate ran off and the most urgent necessities were seen to be filled. The compilation of the week's currency movement puhllshed during the afternoon offeied ample explana tion or the course or tne money mantel during the week. The subtreasury ha ab sorbed la.l.i'OO. The estimates of the move ment to the interior Dy express on oatance differ widely, making the estimates of the net loss of cash vary all the way from 87.000,000 to considerably over 210.OoO.000. As the surplus reserve of the banks last ween stood at only a little over 8n.uoo.ooo. It is clear that the maintenance of Its Integrity depends on the extent to which the deposit liabilities have been reduced by the scaling down of loans. There was continued re sort also to the foreign exchange market. under which prices for bills in that market made rurther wide declines and increased the likelihood of gold moving to New York. A small enKagement wss reported late to day and It was rejvirted that local bankers expected to secure gold to arrive In London on Monday. i ne rate or aiscouni narn ened in London today and the price of gold was marked up in tl.at market. A the coal conference wo adjourned for the day. that factor was without much influence In the market. Published esti mates of the condition on April 1 of the winter wheat crop, showing a highly favor able situation, were a helpful influence. The demand for slock following the run nlng off In the money rate was attributed largely to professional short account, but earlier losses were generally recovered and a number of one point gains established Pennsylvania's gain reached nearly ! points. The money rate fell a low as 8 per cent, but closed at 16 per cent. The closing tone of the stock market was steady, but very dull. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, 23.2SO.OOO. United States bonds were all changed on call. Quotations on stock today were a fol lows: Sales.HIgh.Low.Ctose Adtims Exnress 2S0 Amal. Copper 154,t0 111 10! llli Atnunrail J. ox r... w n- Am. C. & F. nfd i0 102 102 HI 100 31i 34i 6.7; gold coin and bullion, 78,"4.47; gold crriincates. ti,44.iK Am. Cotton Oi: Am. Cotton Oil pfd.. American Express .. Am. H. 4 L. pfd Am. Ice. sec Am. Linseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd. Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd. Am. B. v 100 233 235 2,000 110 6 22 1,100 69 cm'4 22 '67" 44 1J 34 32 .3l 3.T 5,'H 22 4o 671 lln R 32.500 160 mK 160 Am. 8. & R. Pfd 100 1214 121 12H4 i;"4 Am. Sugar Reflnlnc. 2.W0 141 Am. Tobacco pfd. elf 3i0 P 104 14H Ana. Min. Co. ex-div 4S.3i 27&V4 z.l A . . . I. , .. a ,,n O'jiZ at AlVIUflUll .............. O, 7 Atchison pfd 100 104 Atlantic C. L 3i0 lM Bal. &. Ohio 12,6iO 113 Bal. & Ohio pfd , Brooklyn R. T 32.700 S7S4 Canadian Paclflo .... 4,900 173 Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago A Alton.. Chicago A A. pfd. Chicago Gt. V Chicago ft N. w. 4.800 50 60 3 140H 274 9.1 93 104 1034 lt3 1&344 112 113'i 95 171 172 Zl 59 32 69 69 21 209 177 11 28 Htm 101 100 101 l,4oo 21'. ao 209 20 Z"8 31,200 'ioo 61 '70 6.000 TS.OtiO 73.000 117,000 Mloneapolls Grain Market. fSuceiior Board of Trade Quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, a furnished by F. D. Day tc Co., 110-111 Board of Trad building, waa: Articles. Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat- May... July... Sept... Flux- May... July... I 7V376'4 "WtfV 1 16'i I 117; 76t TxMtl 77V.I 1 16' 1 17 I 75 7s, J6 1 15 1 ItHt 751 77 1 15 76 1 1 1 J 9.300 143 3,9"0 27 400 S3 7N) 213 'i',206 'is" 69 4S'n I!!' 70 8.64 2 9"0 64 'TO ' iV 26 K 2t '45H oi" 44 71 683 400 172 172 'i'.ioo 174" in 3,700 3O0 300 46 87 31 44 8ti 3H 111 I 1 17 Minneapolis Cash Prices Wheat: No t hard, nc; No. 1 northern, 76"c; to ar rive, 74c; No. 1 northern, 75c; to ar rive. 75L,c; No. 8, 73'd'74o; No. 1 durum. 'mo; No. 2 durum, 6ac. Corn: No. 2 yel low, 40c; No. 2, 3Ko. Oats: No. 2 white, 2V; to arrive, 2sHc; No. 2, Barley: 3oa47c. Rye: 56V68c. Flax: CaaU, l.n; to arrive, i.i4: May. 41.14 4. Kausaa City rirala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 8. WHEAT May. 7S'4C; July, 70-,c; September, tiSHiC. Cash: No. 2 hard, 7'iutwc: No. 3, 74ai6c; No. 2 red. .Vq9&c; No. 8. 88i&3V4c. CORN May. 410; July, 4"4c; September. 41e. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 424i43c; No. 2 White. 4341 44c; No. 2, 4:i4Sc. OA 18 AO. I Willie, iWtfMC. RYE Steady at 66c. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 211.509 1100: choice prairie, $.00W.2. EGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. J whltewood cases Included. 14c ner doxen; case count, 13c per doxen: case returned, c less. BUTTER Higher; creamery. 24c: Duck ing, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 240 27.000 Corn, bu 3o.0- 4K,ijiO Oata, bu 14,000 11,000 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, April 6-WHEAT-Sleadv. No. 1 northern, Swihle; No. 2 northern, lid) RYE Lower; No. 1. 64! 64c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 56u; sample. SSV4 6&4o COKIN itigner; no. s cash. 43Wu44c: Mav. 46o aeked. Dulath Grain Market. DULUTH, April . WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, 777,c; No. 2 northern. 77c: on track. No. 1 northern, 77c: No. 2 north ern, 7fi-c; May, 77'c; July, 787c; Heptem- per, 7,-c. OATS To arrive and on track and May, Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. April . BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 24c; extra nearliy prints, EGGS Firm and He higher; nearby freth and western fresh, 1S; at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, 12G 14c. reorta Grain Market. PEORIA. April . CORN-Higher; No. 2 yellow, 4-i"4c; o. 9, 'c; iso. 4, 43c; no graae. tc. OATfl-Strong; No. 2 white, 21c; No. White. 3tSc-. RYE-Steady; No. 2. 3c. Y HISKY-On the basis of $1.H. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. AprU .-WHEAT-8pot nominal; future steady: May, 4a id; July ta in; Deptemoer, os a. CORN Spot steady; American mixed new, 4 2d; American mixed old, 4a id, future quiet; May, 4 4d; July, 4s 3d. Toledo Meed Market. TOLEDO. O.. April . 8EED Cash clover. 27.75; April. 87.72: October. 2n.2u. Tim othy, 81-52: alalke. 88 20. agar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK. April -8UGAR-IU a . steady; fair rertnltig. l-3:i3 1-ltks centiif ugal, ( test , 8 17-i-16 8-liic, too in a tudi', 2 25-21 J 13-16c; refined, steady; crushed, 8.4oc; powdered. 4"e; granulated, 4.7"c. NEVV ORLEANS. April t.-SUGAR Firm; open kettle centrifugal. 2a3;-:4c; centrifugal whites. 54.'; yellow. ZH'ii 2 lvl6c; seconds, 2i3'-c. MOLASSES Nominal; oen kettle, 17 10c; centrifugal. i0W. 8YRUP Nominal; Sia30c. 3.500 150 U'. 1O0 157 157 'i,406 '25 '2s" 100 173 173 4,200 96 96 l,6o0 35 34 3.2O0 73 72'4 6.900 83 82 1.8O0 145 144 bl4 !. 2.30 t-4 90 Chicago, M. A BU P. ,8oO 177 176 Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd.. .. C. C. C. A Ht. LOUIS Colorado r . A 1 Colorado & 80 Colo. A So. 1st pfd.. Colo. A So. 2d pfd.. Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products, rfg.. C. P. pfd.. ifg Dela. A Hudaon Dela. L. A W Denver A R. G D. A R. G. pfd Distiller' Sec. ex-div l.OoO Erie Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. Int. Paper pfd International Pump. Int Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City So Kanans City So. pfd. ljoutsvllle A Nash... Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central Minn. A St. Louis... M., St. P. A 8. 8. M. M. H P. A S.8.M. pfd Missouri Pacllic Missouri, K. A T.... M. K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd... New York Central... New Y, O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd.... North American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania , people a Uua P.. C., C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car.... Pressed 8. C. pfd.... Pullman Palace Car. Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading 2d pfd Republic. Steel Republic Steel pfd... Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd. Rubber Goods Rubber Goods pfd... St. L. A'B. F. 2d pfd. Ht. Loul 8. W St. I 8. W. pfd Southern raclilc .... Bo. Pacific pfd Southern Railway ... 80. Ry. pfd, ex-d'lv... Tennessee C. A 1 Texa A Pacific T., 8t. U A W T St L. A W. pfd.. 1 nion r-acinc Union Pacific pfd U. 8. Express V. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber U. 8. Rubber pfd U. 8. Steel U. 8. Steel pfd... Va. -Carolina Chei -t . t hem. pfd Wabash Wabash pfd Wells-Farro Express Westing. Electric Western Union Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central .. Wis. Central pfd ... Northern Paclilc. ... Central Leather Central Ieuther pfd. SloKM-Shelfleld Steel. Total sales for the day, 9o8,00v shares. Sevr York Money Market. NEW YORK. April . MON F.Y tin call. stron: highest. 31 per cent: lowest. per cent; ruling rste, lRc; last loan, 15; closing bid, 12; offered, 16c; time loans, firmer; sixty and ninety day and six months, 6'u. f per cent. I HlMri MMtt Anill.f, I'AKr.rl fc'.'UfvV. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak with actual business In bankers' hills at 24 4&off 4 8456 for demand and at 24 215ii4.2JO for sixty day bills; posted rates, $4A11i4.W and X4 ,vol 7. commercial phis. 4.l4 8U,. silver Bar, o4?4c; Mexican dollar. 40c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. heavy. Closing Quotation on Ponds today were sa follows: U. 8. r. 2s. reg...10' drt cojnon l' V. H. 3s. reg 101V do couim)ii 104 U. 8. o. 4s, reg...lo:V do counon I'M-4 N. S. n, 4s. reg...l do coupon 12 Am. Tobacco 4s.. 79 do 113-4 Atchison g. 4a....l2 tlo adj. 4s 951- Atlant c C. I, 4a. V Bal. A Ohio 4s. ...lo2 do SWs 94, Btk. R. T. c. 4s.. 977 Cen. of Ga. os.... 114 do 1st inc 99 do 2d inc 92 do 3d Inc 89 Ches. A O 44S...1 C. A A. 28 80 C, B. A W n. 4s. .loot.; C. R. I. A P. 4s.. 794iSo. Paclilc 4s do col. 6s 91V,1 do 1st 4s ctfs. Japan 6. 2d bct.. 9 do 4s ctfs te.(, do 4Ss ctfs 92 do 2d serlts 91-4 L. A N. unl. 4s...103'4 Man. c. g. 4s 101 Mex. Centra.! 4s.. 81 do 1st Inc. 24 M. A St. U 4s.. 94 M . K. A T. 4s...loi4 do 2s 9 N.R.R. of M.r.4. 84 N.' Y. C. g. 3f... 9r4 N. J. C. g. 6s V.1"4 No. Pacific 4s lo4'i do 3s 704 N. A W. c. 4s ... 101 O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s.. 914 renn. con v. 314s.. ioii4 S U A I M. c. 6a,.114 P L. A S F.fg 4s.. 87'4 SI. Ij. 8. W. c. 4s Ro Seaboard A. U 4s 8S 3 9rt CCC. A 8.L. 4s..lo!So. Rallwav 5S...11HW Col. I. 6s. ser. A.. 7S iTexas A P. Is 123 do series B 7'4! T. 8. L. A W. 4s. 81 Colo. Mid. 4a ifrV Colo. A 80. 4s MT Cuba 6s 14- D. A R. G. 4....10o DlBtlllers' Sec. 6s SM4 Erie p. 1. 4s 1 no aen. 4s Hock. Val. 4. 92 14 .19 I . 9(l Union Pacific 4s..lo5 do oonv. 4s 1584 V. S. Steel 2d 6s.. .V Wabash la 11 do deb. B 81 Western Md. 4s... 8i W. & L. K. 4s.... 89 Wl. Central 4s... 92 Japan 6s Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, April 6 Call loans, 677 per cent; time loans, per cent. Official closing on stock and bond: .. 39 ,.lll- ... m .. 21 .. 39 ..705 .. 26 .. 61 .. 14 .. 194 .. 13 .. 22 ... 8S .. 13 .. 61 .. 3 ... 44 ..105 .. 38 .. 97 .. 7'4 ..109 ... 11 ... 6874i .. 60 .. ...6.14 ::: i ...135 ... 83 Atch. adj. 4s 9b do 4s 101 Mex. Central 4s.. 81 Atchison 9314 do pfd loj Boston A A 2.M-4 Boston A M 180 Boston Ele 157 Fltchburg pfd ...143 Mex. Central 254 N.Y. N H. A H..lt 1 nion i-acinc ....idi; a. Arge. chem... is do pfd 94 Amer. Sugar 140 do pfd 138 Amer. T. A T....138 Amer. Woolen ... 42 do pfd 107 Dominion I. A S. 32 r.niHon E. 1UU....Z4H Mass. Electric ... ao pro mi Mass. Gtis 48 United Fruit 108 United S. M 83 do pfd 30 Ij. 8. Steel 42 no pro ; joft Westing, com 79 Adventure 7 Asked. Allouel Amalgamated . American Zinc Atlantic Bingham Cal. A Hecla... Centennial .... Copper Range Daly West Franklin Oranby Isle Royale ... Mass. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C. Old Dominion . Osceola Parrot Quincy Shannon Tamarack Trinity United Copper U. 8. Mining... U. 8. Oil Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine North Butte .. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Enonch Cattle to Make a Teet of Values. HOGS SHADE HIGHER THAN YESTERDAY Mot Knoagh of Either heep or Uaki In eight to Make a Market 'r Week Sheen Are a Uttle gtronger. SOUTH OMAHA. April nweipr were: Cstt'. Official Monday 2.787 Official Tuesday 4 U Official Wednesday 8.!T8 Official Thursdav 2.4.to Official Friday " Five day this week..l.097 Same dny last week 18.133 Same two weeks ago... 21.612 Same three weeks ago.. 19.217 Same four weeks ago.. .18.302 Same day last year ....15,773 The following table snow the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comnared with last VT- 19o. 1906. Inc. Cattle 2M.W1 216.449 47.t2 Hogs 7236 g.13.597 Sbeep 490,641 444,683 45,952 RANGE OF PRICES. Omaha 11 snh cn is 75fin.2S v iiicago 1.751i 25 Kansa City 2 2fS 90 St. Louis llorSU0 Sioux City 2.uuc6 .50 rATTI.E Ol-nTlTtnM The following will show the prices paid for the different kind of cattle on the South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steer 24 8Mi6.59 Fair to choice corn. fed steers 4 711 4 90 Common to choice corn-fed teer.. 4.004.16 uooa to choice cow and heifer.. S.i8'a4o alr to good cow and heifer 8.2V43.73 Common to fair cow and heifer.. 1.75fl3.23 Good to choice feeders...... 4.00414.60 Fair to good atockeis and feeder. 3.&"g4.0O iTimmon to fair Blockers 2.7553.50 oun. stugs, etc 2.&0W4.0O Ihe following table show the average price of hog t South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison: thing a little bit atronger than yesterday' general market. The early sale were largely on the basis of 26.224 for strings of hogs. Later on It eased oil and dropped back to KM In other words, the bulk of all the hog sold at K2"'ulU. the ami aa the bulk brought yesterday, but Ihe proportion of sales at 2 221 ws somewhat larger today. The trad was slow from tart to finish and in spit ot the fact that the receipt were so light. It took con siderable time to effect a clearance. Representative sales: No A v. bh. Pr. No. 9.. 67. . 78.. 2 S7 130 5 78 4.1 3)6 I 10 66 t) iJU 15 9 7 13 40 15 73. 72 6 86. 76 41 84 83 .210 120 it ....214 1J0 6 20 ....222 1' 20 80 20 63. 74... Ar. gh. Tr. ,..2" 80 U ..21 80 2 t2 ...224 240 2214 ..314 200 224 .247 ... 24 IVew York Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK. April 6-Closlng quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con 25 Alice 280 Breece 35 Brunswick Con .. 60 C omstock Tunnel 21 Con. Cal. A Va...l45 Horn Silver 2oo Iron Silver 550 Leadvllle Con .... 6 Little Chief .... Ontario fhir Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra, Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard ..226 ..550 .. 2 .. 26 ..121 .. ai .. oO ..300 200 100 100 44 ..103.5O0 H2 .. 900 &5 61 H 84 69-V. 49V 142', 27 3 2U 445 40 8t 59 46V4 78 6HV4 ft 85 4S 86 30 58 28 68 150 153 115 25 74 158 172 9 36 72 83' 39 144 62 89 90 100 44' 88 ioo" 444 130 14114 JT U'4 794 33" 63 8 .1 237 237 200 54 6o0 2iW 237 21,500 13841 136T4 188 90 '"ioo 'i 'a- Sl ViO 103 1I274 5,700 27i 27 27 J 64r4 66 6H-4S 42 A 106 106 110 2oO 4SU 48 4 8 S"0 2:; 2,i 23 J po DO 1.600 8:v 600 118 118 8.00 41 40 M 151 ISO J00 SlKl 64 36 sr.. 60 118 9914 lbo- 33 26 64 Foreign Financial. LONDON, April . Supplies of money were more abundant In the market today. Discounts were firm, owing to the weak ness of continental exchanges and the state of the money market in New York. Ameri can eaglet advanced and the price of bar gold was put up d In anticipation of a demand from America. Prices on the stock exchange were irregular and the market was stagnant, the numerous loan flotations checking investment -purchases. Consols were easier, which was attributed to the situation In Natal. Americans opened dull, but recovered to above parity notably, Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe, Erie and Union Pacific but the tone generally was unsettled and business was Inactive. Prices dropped during the last hour and tha mar ket closed dull at the lowewt figures of th day. Foreigner generally were fairly steady. Japanese were Irregular. Jnpanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 101. BERLIN. April 6.-The tone on the bourse today was undecided. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. April 8 Bank clearings for to day were 81 .495,149.11 and fT the correspond ing date last year 21,344.629.20. Wool Market. . BOSTON, April 6. WOOL-The Boston Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market: Manufacturers are watching the situation very closely and a large number of both worsted and woolen representatives are around the mar ket. Buyers from New England and Pennsylvania are hero and quite a fair aggregate of Bales la being accomplished There seems to be an undertone of un easiness, owing to the manner In which supplies are vanishing and the extreme improbability of replacing them at local selling quotations. Merchants now re luctantly admit that It la likely that higher price than a year ago will rule In the territories on tho new clip and consequently, they say. that It will be "up to the manufacturer to produce and mar ket his goods in conformity with 11 new price. Australian and South American wools are necessarily having the most active movement. About 1,500 bale of the former have been sold at 4Jc for 46's, 43c. for 60's and H'sHIo for Merino 70s. Territory wools are very limited, while the demand for them In unabated. Worsted wool are most actively called for and full prices are being paid. Sale of all grade are small. Fine staple 1 worth 72tfi73o and fine medium 68'i")7ne. Fine clothing Is strong at 9-ft70c and fine me dium at 66igc. Fine scoured territory Is moving to speculators and consumers at 6or&70c for fine and 65HjH7c for good. A little California baled, scoured, sells at 600 for free and &3ift5Go for slightly de fective. Fleece are not Helling to any extent and stocks are well d'mlnlshed. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 27, 1905. according to the same authority, are 66.371,777 pounds against 68,325. 753 pounds at the same time Inst year. The receipts to date are 70, 469.461 pounds against 75.625,179 pounds for the same period last year. ST. IH'18. Mo.. Aprir 6. WOni Pteady; medium grades, combing and cloth ing. 24&2Xe; light fine. 2i24c; heavy fine, lSfc21c; tub washed, 3138c. ..151X1 M 156 158 88 52 100 86 2,7 631 4'i0 114 113 lS.Ht'O llM,t 800 60 800 2i 6ii 5o 40 25 '22 4il 255 3o0 92 92 11, 8 2- 60O 44U 219 44'4 120 86 83 114 42 ION 5.1 17244 22 JO 250 If 2 IK14 2 ., 219 "4 63.... 83.... ....2-8 ... 2ft .... . ...2"4 40 20 .... ws so a in sa "i'VT, "'.T.Vi 83 24 40 20 74.... il-sn tiu Ml 210 8 20 4.. 5'J- 2o4 100 8 20 65.. t. T'Jla w 8 2 ') 1-4 74 231 120 20 74.. J-?.1; 69 222 !) 6 20 74.. f ? 68 230 40 8 20 'V? 84 219 80 ( 20 "Ji. t'l 80 8 20 29.165 M 236 ... 6 22 M.vns FJ. . Ill H-o a 7'IL. 7R 9tS 70 240 80 6 22 66 2H2 63 224 40 S 22V4 89 22 r7 270 ... 2i4 69 2-11 61 224 40 8 2C-4 71.. 42 2J ... 8 224 145. 68 37,8 80 22 64 219 71 232 40 6 1!2 75 191 72 191 ... 2 22 M 257 68 219 ... 2 221 06 261 46.538 37.715 M.621 35.192 40.38' . 29.213 6.7Mi44 8.25436 6 i 'u.'t 46 .0&(a4.22 Date, j 1906. !1906. tl 904. 11903. 11902. 11301 . 11900. Mch. Mill. Mch. Mch. Mch. -Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 22.. M.. 24.. 28.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. 1... 2... 3... 4... E... 8... 8 19 6 27 6 2t. 6 27 6 80 6 26 30'4 274, 6 L'i 6 21 6 11 5 161 8 081 14 1741 8 081 4 96j 6 .. 6 Oil 4 971 7 44 3 5 08 I 021 7 87; ft 15 i 06 T 24 I 5 13 7 22 5 131 7 28 12 5 lu 6 17 7 30i i K 6 09 15 14 I 5 98 t 091 071 S 121 4 81 6 031 4 15 4 91 6 09 6 16 6 211 5 14 5 29 5 07 5 30 16 00 5 071 7 21 4 9$ 7 U i 04 7 29 7 301 7 24 7 26 7 25! 8 221 4 98 8 231 5 181 4 69 4 7 I 221 5 i 5 5 17 051 t 261 i 13 5 971 5 18 8 10 6 65 8 I'm 6rt 00 6 08 68! 6 99i 5 15 641 6 9l 2 26 8 621 6 5 8 80 8 771 5 SO Sundar YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. H. A. Glfford, Lewis, la R. 1 1 S. B. Bird. Lewis, Ia.-R. 1 1 S. I). Rltchey, BrookH, la. J 1 G. Hamilton, Decatur, la. y I N. J. Uch. Woodlake, Neb F. E. 1 W, L. White, Tekamah, Neb.-M. A O... 1 R. A. McEachen, Wayne, Neb. M. A O.. 2 8. A. Robb, Pender. Neb. M. A 0 2 George Honey, Arlington, Neb. F. E 1 I. Johnson. Fremont, Neb. F. E 1 A. E. Roeburg, Scrilmer, Neb. F. E 1 W. P. Fergerson, Grunt Jnc, Ia.N. W.. 1 V. W. Quuss. Yutan. Neb. U. P t William Prlesman, Shenandoah, la Wab. 8 J. R. Gerring, Ixiretta, Neb. F. K 2 The olflcial number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H'r'a. C, M. A St. P. Ry 2 Mo. P. Ry 2 U. P. system 9 C. A N. W. (east) .... 4 C. A N. W. (west) .... 11 C, St. P.. M. A O.... C, B. A Q, (east) .... 1 C, B. A W. (west) ... 9 C, R. I. A P. (east) .. 1 C. R. I. A P. (west)., .. Chicago Gt. Western.. .. Total receipts 44 14 6 20 2 4 11 10 1 1 74 The disposition of the day's receipt was aa lonowa, eacn nuyer purcnaaing me num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing CO. . Swift and Company . Cudahy Packing Co. . Armour A Co Hill A Son Mike Hugger ty J. B. Root A Co Bulla A Kline Other buyer 89 t:6 246 1.316 259 445. l.b-iO 801 91 .2.032 V 14 12 25 8 140 1,208 Total 1,045 5.50 2,335 loo 1o4i, lmfti iim.. 2.0m) $.1 c 82 London Closing Stoeka. LONDON. April . -Closing quotation on the Stock exchange were Con, money .. 9) 11-16' N. Y. Central.. do account.. 90 15-16i Norfolk A W Anaconda 14 do pfd Atchison 9"- Ontario A W.... do pfd 107; Pennsylvania Bal. A Ohio HoVsiRand Mines ICan. Patlttc 1. 1 - Rtading dies. A Ohio'. W41 do 1st pfd.. Chicago G. W....21V, do 2.1 pfd.... ('.. M. A 8t. P....ls2S,8o. Railway Ik-Beer , l'-! do pi'd D. A R. G 47 80. Pacific do pfd Si 1 Union Pacific ... Erie 46' do pfd do lt pfd 81 U. 8. Steel do Id pfd 72', do pfd ... Illinois Central ..1 .s Wabash Ijouis. A Nush 1. 1 do pfd .. M . K. A T J6:i Spanish 4s .."!!' .150 . 92 . 94 . 53 . 72 . 60 W .loj . 71 .16.? . 99 . 4S-, .IIP, . 23 . 51U 91 4 SILVER Bar llm. i:A,a per ounce MONEY-:SW2 l"-r cent. Hie rate of discount In the open market for short blils is J'.ifi-.' 15-1 per cent; for three months' bills. 2 15-lti3 pt-r cent New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. April 6. BEEVES Re ceipts, 4.325 head Market for steers, slow to loc lower; bulls and fat cowa steady; medium and common cows weak to 10c off: steers, f5 'Vi5 85; bulls. cows, 22.00 '(J1. SO. Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle selling at 11i12c ier lb.; few tops at Indon, 12c, dressed weight; sheep steady: refrigerator beef, lower at 8S per lb. Exports tomorrow, 1,611 cattle and 6,621 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. C4 head; demand fair ana prices steady to nrm; veals, oihc; dressed calves. steady to strong: city dressed veals, Tnjll'-e per lb.; choice, 12c; country dn-sned. 5'u91sc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.228 head; trade slow and prices weak; sheep, nnminbl; good unshorn lambs, $6.75; good cllpned. 2550. HOGS Receipt, 2.836 head. Market 10 20c lower; good state and Pennsylvania hogs. 26.80. CATTLE With only forty-four curs of cattle in sight this morning there was not enough of any ono thing to create much enthusiasm among buyer or make much of a market. Beef cattle of desirable quality sold In fair season at prices that did not show any material change as compared with yesterday. The common to medium grades, that la. cattle not especially desirable, were slow sale, aa buyers, having plenty of cattle on bund, were not obliged to take mivililnu- that thev did not want. Good cowa and heller were also free seller at steady prices, ine niarket on the better grades of she stuff ha been In very bud saape all the week. On the other hand, common and Inferior grade, such as are usuully culled canners, are very slow, not only today, but they have been the tame way every day this week. Ship pers should understand thoroughly that runners or anything else In the way of old. common or medium grades of cow are not wanted. There were no alockcra or feeders in tne yards In first hands to amount to any thing. Speculator still had quite a num her on hand, and while the feullng was steady. It would 110 doubt liavo been lower had there been anything like a large num ber of fresh arrivals on ule. Representative Kales: tfi,r DiLr,no, Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April . COTTON-Spot closed quiet and 10 points lower; middling uplands, 11.60c; middling glilf, 1136c; sales, 10.1 bales. ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 6. COTTON Quiet; middling. llc; sales, none; re ceipts, none; shipments, 872 bales; stock, ll.x:;2 bales. LIVKRP.MIL. April 6. COTTON Spot In fair demand; pines 1 point lower: Ameri can middling fair. 6.'xJ. good middling, 6 3x1; middling, 6.1od; low middling. iHI, good ordinary, 5.7td; ordinary, 5.&.;d. The sm cs of the duy nere lO.C-u bales, of which l.i bans were for sneculslion and ex port and Included 8 81 11 bale American. Receipts were 5.40 bales, including 3.7uO bales American. NEW ORLEANS, li.. April 6. COTTON Spot firm; sulea, 3,uott bales: ordinary, 8 7-l6c; good ordinary, ; low middling, 10 9-IO-: in ill 1 1 11 ar. 11 3-lx ; good middling. 11 11-Ps-: middling fan. 11 U-l.;c: stock. ;1..;:t bail-. Trrnanry gtatement. WASHINGTON, April i Today state ment of Ihe treasury Valance in the general fund, exclusive of the ll.io PVS" gold re serve, (hows; Available cash balance, 1162,- l'oe Mnrket. NEW YORK. April . The market f.,r coffee future opened teady at unchanged price to an advance of i points In sin pathy with steady European cable and somewhat lighter Braxlllan receipt No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr I 1078 4 00 28 730 4 55 1 830 4 00 11 1064 4 66 8 8o3 4 t) 11 1207 4 70 SO 918 4 (0 8 1385 4 75 4 7J0 4 10 18 IK4 4 76 t e 4 20 16 1131 4 75 4 1143 4 25 77 12K5 4 80 8 930 4 35 12 1292 4 80 13 11 4 40 38 1244 4 80 1 8! 4 40 2 Iu75 4 85 7 1101 4 46 1 1220 4 85 6 976 4 60 18 1033 4 95 12 1012 4 50 4 1413 '5 00 42 946 4 50 61 1335 6 20 COWo. 1 930 1 50 4 1005 2 60 2 836 1 75 1 960 2 50 1 730 1 80 2 870 2 56 1 TXiO 2 00 24 m t 65 1 1030 2 00 1 970 8 60 1 710 2 25 1 4, 661 2 60 1 840 2 30 1 1440 8 65 1 720 2 60 2 1155 2 78 1 M 2 75 7 96") 8 80 l; l'TO 2 80 1 1310 2 W I T80 2 90 4 1167 2 90 1 luio 2 25 5 UU 2 90 3 I"7S 2 25 3 12o6 8 M 1 ioro 3 25 7 Iu21 4 0") 6...; 1002 3 25 2 1010 4 00 1 lloO 3 2a 3 1190 4 10 5 76 3 JO 1 1050 4 10 2..: loofl 2 2o 20 12.S6 4 20 1 950 3 40 1 6 T5 4 15 1 li:' 2 60 1 1260 4 26 1 lloo 2tV 1 1230 4 50 JIEIr ERS. 1 690 1 50 3 706 2 35 1 6K0 2 bo 1 840 8 26 .4 757 2 75 1 Ik) 1 6 2 9fi 6 574 2 65 1 670 I . 14 ... 732 2 80 2 b-D 2 Wi 2 940 I 80 1 w0 2 00 858 4 uO 1 40 3 25 29 821 4 10 4 472 3 25 4 847 4 53 BUL1JI. 1 610 1 60 1 1790 2 65 1 1370 2 90 1 1730 2 65 1 13 ) 3 00 1 14 I 66 1 1"!0 2 10 1 2.--J0 2 A. 2 1) 3 ao 1 16B0 2 7" 1 lm 2 26 1 1870 2 76 1 1770 t 50 1 1740 2 75 1 1-sDn 2 50 1 1730 2 s.) 2 1376 2 50 1 1:i7 I Nu 1..... 12) 2 50 1 1880 S M 1 1510 2 50 1 1710 4 10 1 1373 I 65 CALVEo. 1 800 2 25 i 190 25 1 3.4. 4 10 1 1U. 25 1 2:o 4 60 4 167 25 1 90 4 60 1 I'lo 60 1 110 5 25 2 140 6 50 3 96 5 59 3 196 6 b 1 240 5 50 1 80 6J0 1 165 6 0l STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 74.1 2 35 1 77u 2 75 I 1 h'H 2 W 19 6T 2 85 1 610 3 15 1 V 4 trt 1 610 8 15 1 6-6 4 10 1 fc-0 3 2'. 1 30 4 30 1 424) 2 50 212 ... 8 22 ts 240 r 240 40 22 77 245 120 8 224 2w XZ14 2:4 160 I il't 24 40 12 4 200 8 22 l W I 22 229 ... 8 22 78 237 80 8 22 .fm ISO ( 2-"4 .2x1 80 8 22 .24) 120 6 2:: .221 ... 8 22 .235 ... 8 22S .243 ... 8 22 70 233 160 t 22 5 3o 120 8 2i 83 214 40 224 71 225 80 8 22 ... 6 Zl'4 ... 8 22 ... 8 224 ... 6 22. .2.12 11 8 22 .211 40 8 22 ... 822 40 8 21 ... 8 234 86 22 ... 8 25 ,.. 8 25 SHEEP RecetMa this morning were ex tremely light, there not being enough here to amount to anything or really to make a test of the market. Aside from a little Dunch of fresh ewes, the receipt consisted largely of feeder lamb, everything selling in aoout the same notches aa yesterday The receipt all this week have been moderate, as compared with previous weeks, but still about on a par with a year ago. The market on sheep has shown some strength during the weeg and prices are considerably stronger than they were a Week or ten day ago. Lambs have not sold much different, being generally quoted steady, and atlll anv change that has taken place in the market ha been on the aide of Improvement. Ooidnlions: Good to choice native lambs, 6 2"69.50; good to choice light western lanihs. lti.2iri1H.9O: good to choice heavy lainna, x;.()j(j6.0; fair to good lamb. 16.00 tt6.i. cull lambs. T4.5Oi5.60: aood to choice light yearlings. 85.75fi6.10; good to choice neavy yearlings, x,-. aj(.a; rair to good heavy yearlings. 25.50((;i.76; good to choice wethers. I5.6Vn6.20: fair to good wethers. 25.4u5.65; good to cholco heavy ewes, 15.40 1(5.75; good to choice light ewes, VtHi5 3e; fair to good ewes. 2l.502ia.00: cull sheeD and DUCKS, 44.UtKfl4.UU. Representative sales: No, Av. Pr. 1 western buck 130 4 00 19 Colorado cull ewesj 77 4 00 10 Colorado cull lambs 48 4 75 9 lambs, broken fleece 72 4 75 378 western lambs clipped 67 4 85 w western latnns clipped 67 4 80 10 western cull lambs 58 8 00 135 Colorado ewes 8S 6 00 1 Cnlorudo buck 80 & 50 166 Colorado feeder lambs 65 5 65 6 western ewes and lambs 120 C 00 410 western feeder lambs 74 6 15 1 western feeder Iamb TO 6 15 12 western spring lambs 61 11 00 CHICAGO 14 VE STOCK MARKET Cattle strong; to Ten Cente Higher- Hogs ateady Sheep gtronsr. CHICAGO. Aorll 6. CATTLE Receipts, l.OoO head. Market strong to 10c higher; common to prime steers, X4.0lwi.40; cows, $3.254i 4.50: heifers. $2.754i6.00: bulla. 82.6W 4 25: calves, $2.75tii6.50; stockers and feeders, $2.75i&4 76. HOGS Rece pt. 20.000 head. Market steady; choice to prime heavy. $6.35nt.45; medium to good heavy, J6-X;'u6.3S; butcher weights, fh.3.vds.4&; good to choice neavy, mixed, i6.35tt6.37: packing. 23.7541 6.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000 head. Market strong; lambs dull; year lings, Xu.754j4.Z6; lambs, 4.7&3. Eyaporated Applea anal Dries! Fralt NEW YORK, April 6. EVAPORATED Al'FliBS-Market continue steady to nrm with some export demand for low prime and a local Jobbing demand for practically U grades, common to fair are quoted at 7u8i-c: fair to good. 190a. K,livc; nearly to strict prime, 9-9e; choice, 9 10c; fancy, He. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune re fairly active and firm with quotations ranging from 4Vqc, according to grade. Apricot are In active demand, and with stocks cleaning up the market 1 firm. Choice are quoted at Joi(fflle: extra choice. UDj'12c; fancy, 12(il2c. Peache are mov ing more freely and the market 1 harden ing. Choice are quoted at 10fifl0c; extra choice. lOHfillc: lancy. ll(aUo; extra fancy, ll4il'Jc. Raltdn are unchanged. Loose Muscatel are quoted at tii6Sc; seeded rafulns, 67c; I.ondon layers. 21.601.60. ICansaa City Live Stuck Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 8. CATTLF. Receipts, 1,000 head; market slow to shade lower. Choice export and dressed beef steer. $5.9"Q5.90; fair to good, $4.I5i&6.25 western fed steer. $3.5016.25; stockers and feeders. $3.00(4.80; southern steers, $3.75 6.00: southern cows, -'.6.K4.Jf); native cows, $2.25fi4.60; native heifers. $3.503.10; bulls, so.unt-t.io; caivea, 4J.vtu. .a. HOOS Receipt. 4.3O0 head: market op ened strong, closed weak. Top, $6.35; bulk of sales, xti.rott.so; heavy, X6.3tRU6.36: pack er. t 20io.324: pigs and lights, $5.25'a .30, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 650 bead; market steady; native lambs, $5.00r3 .ot; western tamos, 43.uotjo.wi; ewes and yearlings, 4.50iji4.(0; western fed yearlings, o.toy.; western fed sneep, Htsi'att.OO Btocgers ana reeaers, 4j.uuq44.bo. St. Louis Lire Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS, Mo.. April 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 bead. Including 500 Texan. Market steady. Native shipping and ex port steers. $4SMi6O0: dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.75&6 40; steers under 1.000 pounds, 3.7&&l.rO; stockers and feeder, $2.40 U4.40: cow and neirers. z.iixut.;a; canners $1.752.26; bull. $2,4044.40: calves, $2.60o 50; Texas and Indian steers, x3.B04j4.7u row and newer. (2.aU4.a. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head : niarket strong: nigs and lights, 25.amri6.3o: packers 86 00441.40; butchers and best heavy, $6.2vji' 46. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,200 head; market steadv; native muttons, $4.00 Tift M: iambs, x&.oci'i.i&; cull and buck 13.86.60. Slona City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. April .-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar. ket, steady; beeves. 24. 25415.60; cows, bull and mixed. 83.00i4.5(): stinkers and feeders $a4f64 60; calves and yearling $3.2Si4 25. HOGS Receipts. 2.600 head; market steady: selling at S Ai.22. bulk of sales, J6 lZHfffl 16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 800 head market strong. St. Joseph Live . Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. April 6. C A TTLE Receipts, 634 head; market irready. Natives, $4 25416 00; cows and heifers, 1.7Ml4.0 Stockers and feeders, X3.Zoli4.40. HOGS Recelrt. 3.773 head: marke steady to 6e higher. Light, 26.15iji6.25 medium nd nesyy, p znsm.jo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.962 head; market steady to loc lower. Twenty-fourth and K street and will cost Pout h.e. It Will tie twtl l-'iri-n ana m basement and ! feet long by S3 feet wide. OMAB4, WHt)l,K.---.S; MARKET, Condition ol Trna aad Qnotntlen an EOUtt-Meovlpu, liberal; tcvah atock, cat Count, liyo. LIVE POLLTRT - Hen, lie; old roosters, 6cj luikeya, 10c; duck, uc; young roosters. 8-uic; geese. 8c. PKbnsbP rvihiKi-iuiiifyi, umci old toms. ifloc; cnicken. Huic; old roost- rs, .c: duck, i:"t13c; geese, c. BL'T'f EJt Pacalng slock. 12c; rholc to fancy uadry, l.vwluc; creamery, IviHt"- tiAX i riuea quoteo uy uhihiii ri-ui. .wm- pany: No. 1 upland. $7; medium, .u; course, $6.00u6 60. Hie atraw, $6.60. 11,1 . VI 1 , . . t, 1 . 1 tun, sn.vt TKOl iCAL TRUITS. DATES Per bo, of 20 l ib. rkgs., $200; Hallow en, in 7u-lb. boxes, t-r 10., ic; bay rs, per lb . 4c: walnut sluiied, l-iu. pkgs.. $2.(0 oer dox.: -lb. boxes. $1.00. OKANGKe) California. exra fancy Bed- land nsvels. all aisea. $2 2a; fancy navels. $17w; choice, all ivs $3. r UMO.N6- Limonieis, extra taucy, lie, 22.75; Sou to 200 ise, 14-26. Flilsl California cr lu-lb. carton, .Ml 85c; Impel ted Smyrna, tliree-crown. Uc; lx- crown. iso. . ..... BANANAS per medium ixea ouncn, 41.1s 62 J6; lum bos, 22 oUiu8oO. TANiJERlNES California, par bog o bout 125, $3.00. . GRAI'E FRUIT Florida, per oox. . wi I.U); California, rr r.- 4.0oiU4.6o. FRUlTn PEARS-Winter Nell!. $2.80. APl'LES California Newton, Pippin and Baldwin. 82 per bu. box; Ben Davie, u per bu. box; Wlnesaps, 12.50 1 bu. box; other varieties. $2uwu6o per bu.; New York apples, Baldwins and Russet, $6.00 per bbl. potatoes Home irtu. per bu., 609 $0c; Soutb Dakota, per bu.. 75a ..... NAVI Bk.A t'er ou., ti.so; ino. 4. si. .a, LIMA BKAN8 Per lb.. CABBAGE California. c per id.; vvie- Stock la Sight. Receipts at the six principal western mar ket yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 956 5.302 1.449 40 2,5.10 1,0.4) 4.3IO 60.) 34 3.773 3.962 l.OnO 6.000 1.3l i.cuo ao.u)o 7,000 8.590 4L 875 14,211 MAn.ln I .. - r I., IU1T 1 tl 7L.ll ' UlV . 1 Alton li a anu uumi Por bu., 85c. CELERK California, $1 per dos. SWEET. rOTATOiia-'iUuola, pef U-pa. bbl., 84.60. TOMATOES FlorlOn, per ciai Of SO loa.. BVAX BEANS Per hamper of about SO lb , net, $6. ONIONI noma grown, yeuow ana rea, ner l.o . iut: bnanisii. per crate. $3.25; Colo rado, red and yellow, per bu., $1. b T RING BEANo--Pr uainper of about 84 lbs., net, $3.0041 4.00. . , TURNIPS, BtlB,lo Ai u v-Aiuiuio-Loulhlana, per do, bunches, 75c. SHALLOTTS Louisiana, per down bunches, 6c HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl., $7.w-uo 00; 'or dox. beads, (1.004)1. 24. LlkAtr LL 1 I jl.Bllul.uvtme, vcr oo heads, 45c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dog., il.7& 2 2b. No. 1 ribs. 13c: No. 1 ribs, llc; No. 2 lib. $c; No. 1 loin. 16c: No. 2 loin, 13c; i loin, nuo: iso. 1 chuck. 6c; No. 2 chuck, ic; No. t chuck. c; No. I round, 8c; No. 2 round, J4c; No. 2 round, 7c; NO, 1 plate, 4o; io. puii, vu, , iiuiw, 8-" ...n.v v . ktr-AIIB CIDER Per keg, S..5: per bbl., $6.75. HONEY-New, per 24 lbs., $2.50. i-u w-si,i Swiss, new. 16c: Wisconsin brick. 15c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twin. 13c; Young America, im. Nuts valnuts. No. 1 oft shell, new crop, per lb., lic; hard aliella. per lb., 13c I'ecan, large, per ib.. 14c; small, per 10., A-C rimi", 1'-. ' i mjtw lb., 8o. Chill walnut, per lb.. 12il3c. Almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard Shells, per lO.i ovuaiiuia, r Jisr av;a "iTTtPSH FI8II. Trout. 11c; halibut. 11c: pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass, 11c; sun fish 6c; perch, skinned and dre.Aed, c; Dike triiluc; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, 13c; crappiea, oc; m, . , -n nB, , , whiteftsh, 10gl2c; frog legs, per dox., tic; lobsters, green, 28c; boiled lobsters, 42o; blueflsh, 15c; heiTlng, 6c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; haddock. 10c; shrimp, $1.00 per gallon; melt 12c; cod, 12c; bullheads, 12c; cattish, 15c; roe shad, 75c; flounder, 11c. MUSHROOMS-Kotliouao. pr lb., 6030c. RAD1SH1SB o:nouse, pet uua. duucu, 604J75C. . .... i OYSTERS Eren anoam, i.w per gai.; hell oyster, $l.ooi3.00 per ioo; UlUe Neck clams, 81.&0 per am. SUGAR Granulated c.e. tn bbl., $5.06: granulated cane. In sack. $o.ul; grauulatsd test, In ack, $4.91. BYRUp In barrel. 24o per gal.; In ca-ea $ 10-lb. can. $160; cases, 11 a-lb. can. 52.u; caaes, 24 W4-lb. can. 81.90 COFr U.IW ouieu; ao. aotxo per in. ; No. 80, 20V4O No: f.;,.0 pr ,b ' No. 20, 154 P' N021'.' h" jrijOLIR, twnoienaier wnv iiiau iiaui ner c wl. 11.90: best high grade Pal- tot Minnesota, per cwt., $2 30; straight pat ent Nebraska, per cwu, a.su, aevuua pat ent Nebraska, $1.80. CURED FlSH-Famlly whlteflsh. per bbl . loO lbs., $1.6o; Norway mackerel, per bbl.. 200 lba' bloaters. $4o.oo; No. 1 $uu; k: 1'auu: No. 3. 241.00: Irish. No. 2. 116.00: Herring. In bbl.. 200 lbs. eucn, Norway, 4k, $13 00; Norway, 8k, $13.00; Holland, mixed. U.aO; Holland herring, in keg, mukers. fcoc; kegs, mixed, Joe. CANNED u00t)6-Corn, scandard west ern, 5&4muc; Maine, $1.26. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans. i.ou; -iu., wtTtiwi.w. A-ii.eapp.es, grated. 2-lD.. VOL'utM; sliced, $1.90ii2.2o. Gallon appies, fancy, 83.50; California apri cots, $1.4uiu2.u0; pear. $1.75ii2.fa0; peaches. lancy, 11. iicja.u; x. - peacnes. liwilj j. Alaska salmon, red, $1.16; pink, 80c; fancy Chinook, F.. $2.10: fancy ockeye, F., Il.ssi; sardines, oil. $2.50; mustard. 2.6o4 $10. Sweet potatoes, 81.1a4jil-25; sauerkraut, $1.00; pumpkin, 80cti$1.00; wax beans, ss-lb., 76u90c; lima beans, 2-lb., 7fcclul.o; spinach. t.SJtllA.w; cnenp lss, -iM., euu, VAL1S, tony $0c; fancy, $1 8511.76. BROOMS No. I cirpet, $- 26; No. 3 carpet, $2.40; No. 8 plain. $3.2a. tiiut.o, rtLig An u iauajiv-iiio, i green hides, 9c; No. X 8a; No. 1 salted, lie; Ne. 2, 10c- bull hides, l8Kc; dry hide. 12200.. Horse hides, large, $3; amall, $2. feheep pelts, each 60cg$l .26. Tallow, No. L 4c; 10. 2, $e; rough, 1C REAL estate: THASSFERS. HoGS Receipts of hogs were very small this morning and the inatkti opened If any- South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City .. St. Joseph St. liouis Chicago Total Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 6.-M ETAI-There was an advance of 6'glua In the London tin market with spot closing at 173 10s and futures at .hji l&s. Locally the mar ket was quiet with spot quoted at 838 liiff 3825. Copper was a little lower abroad with spot quoted at 54 6s and futures a 81 5. Ixically the piurret was un changed. . Lake copper Is quoted at 218.60 ft 18.75: electrolytic. I18.:&ti 18.50; tasting. $18 0.018 25. Lead was unchanged at $5 Sfii 6 45 In the local murket. but waa a shade higher at 15 12s 6.1 in London. Spelter was unchanged at 25 7s 6d in Iondon. IxH-ally the market was a shade lower with spot quoted at $0.1CT 1.15. Iron as lower abroad, closing at 48 Id for stand ard foundry and 4a ld for Cleveland warrants. Locally the market continued firm, but without further change In pricee. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at (18 504? It. 2u; No. 2 foundry, northern, $18 00 418 25: No. I foundry, southern, $18 -Jf,i 18.76: No. 2 foundry, southern. $17.7518.60. HT. mi'18, April (. M ETA I. H Lead, firm at $5.67. Spelter, weak at $5 97. ew Ksraaage Betiding. J. 11 Wlese of Booth Omaha lias secured the contract for the erection of the Ne braska Telephone company's exchange at South Omaha. Th building will be at George T. Crandcll to Maude C. Sherman, lot 7, block 8, McCor mlck addition $l,2u0 Edward D. Jones and wife- to John W. Bate and mother, lot )6, 17 and 18, block 1, Halcyon Height.... 1,050 O. M. Oleson to John Bates, lot 26 and 26. block 15, Rose Hill 400 Valentine Koot and wife to Ingar Miroyke, lot 4, block 4, Arbor Place 1.300 W. V. Church to Thoma B. Shafor, part taxlot 23. 16-15-13 (00 Catherine B. Nash to The Bee Building comany, tract block 124, Omaha John J. Ryan to Thoma F. Corrl gan, lot 7, block 24, First addition, Corrlgan Place 6jo Carrie 8. Hammond to Bridget M. Wright, part lot 8 and 9, block 2. A. 8. Patrick addition.: 2,000 Albert A. Lamercaux and wife to D. W. Merrow, one-half lot 5, block 1. Sherwood's addition 1,075 Central West Investment company to same, lots 28 and 'M, block S, Baker Place 2 The Byron Reed company to Ijivina Bsbcock, lot 13, block 4. Heeds Third addition 1,850 Anna Corrlgan to Iioillsa F. Lang, lot 22. First addition to Missouri Ave nue Park 500 F. J. Persons 10 Charles M. and La vllla W. Schlndel, n75 feet lot 7 nd 8, block 13, Jetter's addition 3,0") Charles D. Brown and wife to Harsha J. McLenithan, e4 lot 11, Hawes' addition 2,750 Mary M. Reed et al. to the Chicago Lumber company, lots 7 and 8, block ' Xii. Omaha 2 Edward Seater to James A. Hamilton, lot and 7, Hawley' Terrace ' 150 Nelson Scherer and wife to Daniel Davis, lots 4 and 6. block 12, Saun ders & tlimebaiigh'a addition loo Same to Matthew Kinnegau, lot 8, block 32, .uth Omaha 400 John H. Ix-vy and wife to Antou Guiila. lot 4. block 1, Levy addi tion a Low man Realty and Improvement company to Samuel Dresher. south west corner lot 4. Johnson addi tion , 1,356 John C. Wharton and wife to Ida M. Cole, w of sw. 30-16-13 1 Lizzie and Joseph T. Rynkoskie to Ste phen and Mary limine, lot 15, block 2. Murrteon s addition 1,350 Albert J. Casper to Anna Corrlgan, lot 1. block 7. I.ogan Place James Cosgrave and wife to Frank L. Kgleslon. wbe feet or lot L7i, Millard at Caldwell s addition 3,200 O. M. Oleson to Alia M. Peacock, lots 18 10 iO and 21, block 2, Rose Hill addition Sarah D. Howard et al, to Ella Jones, of lot 8, block 1. Patrick addi tion 4 500 l.m F. D. Day Ql Co. Stocks. y Crat In. Provisions Snip 4 ear Grain lo l a. Chicago anal Minneapolis Delivery. On-clghta commltslou on Grain, one quarter on 6 loess. Prompt and careful attention given to outside account. Writ for cur dally Market Letur, mailed fisa, Main Giro. - 3 20-212 Beard of Trait Bid. OMAHA. MCH. Loag Distance 'Pbeae, Doagla 8614. V