THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. APRIL 0. 1M6. 4 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Breaki to Eeven-Eihth Cents Below Prefkrat Diy. ARGENTINA SHIPMENTS WILL BE LARGE fash Demand Only Fair and Flour Market Mow Corn Firm oa Mht Receipts Oats Close ' hade Lower. . , OMAHA. April 6. 1906. The opening in wheat was lower on lower cables. Covering wai Induced by the strengln In corn and oats, and prices ad vanced Ho to about e over yesterday. J litre a heavy selling at the advance and the market turned weak, closing price being about c lower than yesterday. Blocks are still increasing In the north west and receipts today were larger than .1 Jar. Cash demand la only lair and the demand for flour is reported, slow, leather continues excellent for the (trow Ing crop. Heavy estimated Argentina shlp- 5-uU were bearish feature, ii Vie corn """-'kit "as firm by reason of light receipts and wet weather, and prices showed an advance of o for the day. .1 PIV" advanced Ho and held firm there. The market Is narrow. Oats closed easy after a firm market, day C Wa" BhadB lowpr I ban yester- Prlmary wheat receipts were 395,000 bush els and shipments 1,8.01 bushels, against receipts last year of SiH.nuO bushels ami snip ments of 199,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 345,000 bushels and shipments S62.0HO bushels, against receipts last year of 74!S,(iO bushels and shipments of 564,000 bushels. Clear ances were 85,000 bushels wheat, 11,020 bar rels flour, 612,000 bushels corn and 705,444 bushels oats. Liverpool closed d lower on wheat and unchanged to d lower on corn. Argentina wheat shipments this week are estimated at 4,400,000 bushels, against 3.016, 000 bushels last week and 3,523,000 bushels last year. Corn shipments are estimated at lO.OOO bushels, against 220,000 bushels last week end H19.000 bushels last year. The Minneapolis flour output last week increased 36,610 barrels. The output wa: largest since February 24. This Wfck s product Is estimated at 290.POO h-ir-rcD. From the Record-Herald: The whcit trade has begun to look with about eiii,il Interest for signs of liquidation of the bin northwestern line of..hort wheat nnd the large eastern line -of long wheat. The lat ter has been hanging; over the market for soms time and has exerted a depressing Influence. The Improved tone In the wheat market yesterday, apparent through conti nental Europe, as well as In this country and Canada, turned the attention of the trade, temporarily at least, to the big line of northwestern short wheat existing here and at Minneapolis. The bear interest fought vigorously In both markets yes terday, but without success. The advanro at Minneapolis during the first half of the session was very slow, prices there going up only c, while Duluth was advancing over lc. Late In the session, howcer. the Minneapolis market ran away from the shorts and bobbed up almost as much as Duluth." Local range of options: extras, 18c cheese. prime firsts. ijc llrm st lMiUitc. Following were the receipts and ship ments of Hour and grsln: . P.ecclptg. Flitur.i'-nt. r nMir, ijims Wheat, bu Corn, bu... Oals, bu.... Rye, bu Hat Icy, bu NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS . 1410 .159 I.'! . 23.1.1 ! . 2.1'U) . 4l.i jo 7m.him ! Strincenry in the Money Market 8how 4 ' I ., . -r, . jLviaenoes 01 JLiaujeernion. 1 11 I' it KF.W YORK tiKHKRAI, l:tKi:f CALL RATE RISES TO 30 PER CENT Articles. CIose. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I I I May 71b! 71,70'ft! 70B Corn I I May 9R 40 I R9l 40A July 4011 40 I 40BI 40 Oats I May 30A Omaha. Cash gales. WHEAT No. 3 hard. 1 ear. 744c; No. 2 northern, 1 car (forwarded). CORN No. S yellow, 1 car (applied on sale); No. 4, 3 cars (applied on aale). Omaha. Cash I'rlces. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 71F74c; No. S hard, 6W71o; No. 4 hard, 604?t;7o; No. 2 spring, 72a73e; No. 3 spring, 66j71o. Corn No. 8. 89ru:v4c; No. 4, 87j38vi.e; No. 3 yellow, 39c; No. S white, 4040. OATS No. 3 mixed, 29c; No. 3 white, 30 Vi3nc:; No. 4 white, 29o. K YE No. 2, 63c; No. 8. 61e. Carlot Itecelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth ........ St. Louis e M 2&1 2 .-. 51 . 3 67 54 'o5 223 3 ( Hl( AGO (iRAIH AXD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing" Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO April 6. Various reports de claring fall sown wheat to be In excellent condition caused a general selling of wheat today and resulted in a weak market. At the close the May delivery wua down to Vfrfcc. Corn was Vo hlulier. Oats showed a loss of ,yc. Provisions were 6'ol2c lower. The Ohio state crop report was the prin cipal weukenlng influence In the wheat market. It gave the condition of wheat April as $1.01 compared with 98c on De cember 1. This anouncement brought out heavy selling, which caused a sharp de cline In prices. An estimate of an English statistician which placed shipments of wheat for the week from Argentina at 4.404.000 bushels against 3.618.000 bushels the preceding week. Increased the selling movement. The market was higher at the opening on active buying by leading com mission houses, but the firmness was of short duration and prices were weak for the remainder of the day. The close was weak with the prices nearly at the lowest point of the day. Muy opened &c to Vn-Sc lower at 78c to 78c. advanced to 7So and gradually declined to 77'777e. Final quotations were at 77c. July ranged between 74c and 77677c and closed with a net loss of 6e. at 77Vtc. Clearances of wheat and tlour were equal to 85,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 896.000 bushels, against S25.000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 308 cars against 3t9 cars last week and 239 cars a year go. There was a lively demand all day for corn and the market was llrm. Cash houses and brokers were tne principal nraaw, their demand being the result of small local receipts, unfavorable weather and an advance of o to c In the price of cash corn. The market closed steudy and close to the highest price of the day. May opened a shade to c lower at 44c to 44fi45c, advanced to 46e and closed at 46o. Local receipt were 306 cars with 4 cars of contract grade. Oats were firm early In The day because of active demand by pit traders who wet's in,...i,c.,l hv re nuns of wet weather. Later (laotatlaaa of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK. April (. FLOUR Receipts. S.7H5 bbls. ; exports, ,7 bbls. ; mark"l was firm wlfh light trade; Minnesota pat ents, $4. loft 4.40: Minnesota bakers, ll.totl 3-75; winter patents, t3.e0fy4.25; winter straights, 83.70Hi3.; winter extras, $2. 7641 mon to extra, 1622c; state dairy, common to extra, IS'aJfcc; renovated, common to extra. ll'o'18c; western factory, common to firsts, lftjrlHo; western Imitation cream 8.2R; winter low grades, $2.Mi 3.20. Rya Hour, quiet; fair to good, .1.3iU.W); choice to fancy, t3.K4.10. CORNMKAL Firm; fine white and yel low, tu&; coarse, $1.03-51.06; kiln drlea, 2.25 6265. KARLET Steady; feeding. 4c. c. I. f.. New York; malting. S66;tc. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 2.000 bu.; exports, 2, 445 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, 7ic; elevator; No. 2 red, 8Se. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, IWc, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened lower on poor cables, but rallied on covering and reports of a largs demand for cash grain. Later they turned very weak under a bearish Ohio stato rrop report, expected big Argentina ship ments and full receipts, closing easy and S'o'nc net lower. May, st6-lfc; closed at K5Hr; July. BWV; closed at c; September, 82V?3ic; closed at 2VC. CORN Receipts, 22,575 bu.: exports, fo0 bu. Hpot market nrm; No. 2, 55V, elevator, snd 63c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, 64c. Option market was higher and more active on bad weather reports and closed Arm at a net advance of 60. May, 52iJi62c; closed at 62c; July, 51V 624,c; closed at 62V4c; September closed at 62Vc. OATS Receipts. 31.500 bu.; exports. 625 bu. Spot market firm: mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 3SW.iic; natural white, 80 to 35 Ins., 3HVaMc; clipped white, 33 to 40 lbs., SSHlWOHc. HAY-Stendy; shipping. 46050c; good te choice, SofgNoc. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 15, I0tf16c; 1KV4, 7i(9c; olds, 67c; Paclflc const. 19u6. &13c: 1904. ffcfiloe: oids. 4ao. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to Sfi lbs., "oc. California, VI to 25 lbs., 21c: Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., ISc. LEATHER Steady ; acid, 26VJtff27Hc. PROVISIONS-Beef. steady; family, $11.80 13.'); mesa, Jitooffi 10.00 ; beef hams, $20.0Oia 21.50; packet, $10.50 11.00; extra India mess, $16.0018.f0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $9VB10.26: pickled shoulders, $7.00 67.25; pickled hams. tl0.2iViill.o0. Lard steady; western prime, 8.60ro8.li6; refined, steady; continent, $H.90; South America, $9.60; compound, tS.37VitMS.75. Iork steady; tlrm; continent, $8.90; South America, $9.80; compound, $6.3TVig6.75. Pork, firm; family, tl8.00Q 18.26; short clear, tltt.25a 18.00; mess, tl7. 26 17.50. TALLOW-Steady; city. 6c; country, && 6Vtc. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, SVi ftfcc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Easy. Street price, extra creumery, 26f2bV4c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, liS-gilc; held, com erv, extras, 20c; western firsts, 17c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, 14c; good to prime, 13Vi'al4c; common to fair, 1111 i3c EdUS Steady; state and Pennsylvania and nearby selected, white, Wit21c; state, choice. 18'nl9c: state, mixed, extra. 18o: western firsts, 17c; western seconds, W ltc; southerns, logilic. POULTRY Live steady; western chick ens, 12c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 16'al8c. Dressed 12c; fowls, ltic; turkeys. lC'tilSc. Dressed, barely steady; western chickens, 1013c; turkeys, iwiiisc; iowis, 11a nc. St. Loals General Market ST. LOUIS. April 6. WH E AT Lower ; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 8592c; track, 94 695c; May. 76c; July, 74,74T4c; No. 2 hard. 77ki83c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 43V4c; track, 44Wd45c: May. 4;)Vkc: July. 43Vke. 1 OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 32c; track, 32 t(32Vjc; May, SIVso; July, 29Hc; No. 2 white, 84 PL FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.15 U4.Zb; extra fancy ana straignt, i.iv(Qi.iu clear, $2.7O2.80. SEED Timothy, steady; $3.60(52.80. COHin MEAL Steady. SZ.3. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, toe ll.OOi ..... HAY Steady; timothy, $6,003)14.60; prairie, tvaio.6o. IRON COTTONTIES $1.01. BAGGING 8Vc HEMP TWINE 7V4o. PROVISIONS Lower; Jobbing, $15.76. Lard, steady; prime steamed, $8.00. Dry fait meats, steady: boxed, extra shorts. $8.87Vi; clear ribs. $9.00; short clears, $9,124. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $9.62; clear ribs, J9.76; short clears, $9.87V. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 11c; turkeys, 17c; ducks. 13c; geese, tc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1927V4c; dairy. 1716'JOc. EGGS Lower; 14 Vic parlous . Honior of Cngaaement of Several ' tllillon Dollars of (iold for Import Closing; Prleea Weak. $162.784. K; gold coin and bullion. $78 9C.248; gold certificates, gi7.715.790. Receipts Shipments. .... 3.01)0 7,(0 ....22,(rt 39.000 ....Uo.O'iO tft.OOO ....97,000 171,000 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Minneapolis Grain Market. fSunerlor Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The rang of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day 61 Co, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: vviv Viiitw Anril K The stringency In the tnonev market was unrelieved today and Indeed showed evidences of aggrava tion. The effect was 10 paralyse specu lative activity In the stock market. Larly In the day there was some show of ani mation and a marking up of prices In an apparent effort to revive speculative In terest and keep prices moving upwards. The attempt was almost entirely abandoned as soon ss the loaning operations for the day began. The selling pressure, how ever, was singularly free from urgency and the effect on prices was slight. The argument Is heard In this connection that the Indifference of the market to the high rates for coal loans is evidence of the equipment of the active parties to the speculation with money resources secured In time loans, wnicn leaves nn.ii"ii .... the exigencies of the call loan market. Vricea of stocks have been held at an average level considerably above that at the close of last week, annougn in in mum money rate on each successive day has mounted to a higher level. Last week s speculation was bssd largely on the con fidence that any flurry there might be In money would be temporary and would pass the worst on Monday. It Is hardly suffi cient explanation of the indifference to the money rate renectea in tne mi" today, that speculative holders are supplied with time funds, in view of the very active borrowing which occurs at the Stock ex change day after day and the eager bid ding which carries the call loan rate up with fevensn fluctuations. iumj . rate reached 15 per cent by noon and 30 per cent before the close. Discussion cen tered entirely in tne money siiuanuo. n ,-. n a nrrnl itorlna- the early part Of the day of an engagement of several million dollars gold for Import, ine orani on local bank reserves continued largo to dav. Transfers through the subtreasury were made of $500,000 to San Francisco and of $400,0(10 to New Orleans. The movement Is supplemented by express umpmrnm ui currency and the sumreasury aosorpiiun continues large on account of customs col lections. These conditions leave no room for mystery over the stringency of the money market. Other considerations were Ignored. Reports of Intended concessions bv the anthracite miners In their demands and the declaration of an Initial dividend on the preferred stock of the Missouri, Kansas Texas company were 01 boboi. offsetting effect. The money situation pro h,ii lis ureatest effect durlna the flurry In the closing dealings and the closing was consequently weaa. nui 10c uj in clines were restricted to moderate proportions. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value 12516.000. United States old 4s de cllned V4 per cent and the new 4s Pr cent on call. Quotations on stocks today were as fol- lW"' Sales.High. Low. Close AA.a rrnHul . 2.0 Amal. Copper 94.900 112VJ II0T4 110 American C. & F.... 3.400 44 ' Amer. C. & F. pfd. ew York Money Market, NEW YORK. ApHI S-MONEY-On call strong snd higher; highest. ; per rent; lowest, 8 per cent; ruling rale. 1ikh12c; Inst loan, 30; closing bid and offered, no. Time lnsns. firm; sixty and ninety days, bil-i per cent; six months, 5 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER-6V6Vt per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Wesk. with actusl business In bankers' bills at $4 f 4V( 4 85 for demand and at 4 S'JKVfH :0 for sixty day bills. Post rates. t4.s3'ci4.83i and W.KH 44 801. Commercial bills. t4 fcya 42. Silver, Mar. M'c; jviexicn onuars. s:v . Bonds, government, weak; rsllroad, heavy. Closing quotations on bonds toady wers s follows: U. 8. r. 2s. reg.. lffv Jnp. 6s. 2d ser.. I7vi do rojpon no s ens ff '. S. 3s. reg l'i3V, do 4i6s ctfs do coupon lfl4 do 2d series MS V. 8. o. 4s. reg...1WL N. unl. 4s do coupon W111 Mm. c. g. 4.. . 8. n. 4s. reg do coupon 132 Am. Tobscco 4s.. 9 do 6s 114 inn g. 4s... do adJ 4s 9V Atlantic C. L. 4s. 9 . A O. 4s 1"Z' do 3Vks 9ft Brk. R. T. c. 4s.. 97V Cen. of Ga. 6s. ...114 do 1st Inc ssvyo. 8. L. r. 4s... do 2d Inc HHIPenn conv. SV4s do 3d Inc 89U Ches. O. 4Hs...lft5- C. A. 8V4s 80 C. B. Q. n. 4s..H0 C R. I. & P. 4s. R0 do col 5s m rcc.8 l. g 4s..i Readlna- gen. 4s..imV4 8.1. I M.r.Ks..1l44j R.L. 4 8 F fg.4s.. 7 St. L. B. W. c. 4s so Seaboard A. L. 4s 88 80. Psclfle 4s MS do 1st 4s ctfs... Si Col. I. 6s, ser. 4.. 7SV, 80. Railway 5S...118 do series R T7 Texns P. Is 123 Colo. Mid. 4s...., 77 IT. St. L. W. 4s 81 Colo. So. 4s... 94m"nlon Pacific 4s.. 111514 Cuba 5s 105 do conv. 4s D. A R. O. 4s.... 99 f. 8 Steel 2d 6s.. 99H DIs. Sec. 5s 85V. Wabash Is lloU Erie p. I. 4s 101 do deb. B 81 H do aen. 4s K4 western Ma. 4s.. mi Hock. Vel. 4Via...K W. & L. E. 4s.... 8914 Japan 6s 98 Wis. Centrsl 4s.. 92s Offered. Ex-Interest. Amer. Cotton OH Amer. Cotton Oil pfd American Express... Am. H. & L. pfd.... American Ice, sec Am. Linseed OH Am. Linseed OH pfd. Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd. Am. S. & R Am. S. St R. pfd IliO 5.9110 34 66H 3.5O0 69V4 68 200 lloVi 115 16.2I0 1(12 160' boo 122H Yii 44S 102 34'4 92 Vi 230 i'l'i 564 21 43 68 115 1H l 34 55 Vi Am. Suitar Refining. 1,800 141V 141 20U 1') Am. Tob. pfd. ctfs. Anaconda Min. co... Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantlo C. L. Baltimore 4 Ohio.... Bal. A: Ohio pfd Brk. Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Gt. W Chicago & N. W C. M. ft St. P Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd. C. C. C. ft St. L.... Colorado F. & I Colorado & So. Colo. ft. 80. 1st pfd... Colo, ft Bo. 2d pfd. Consolidated Gas . Corn Products, rfg.. Corn F. pfd, rrg Delaware ft Hudson. Dela., L. ft W Denver ft R. O D. ft R. G pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper. Int. Paper pro W6' 35.700 281 277V4 9,4"0 934 93V4 100 04 lo4 800 15l4 154 3.900 113. 113 1110 96' Wi 2.700 173 87Vi 172 1,600 60 300 36 200 76 S,4i0 21H 100 Zll 69V4 32 75V, 20 :n 10.900 178V4 176T4 176 too 11 11 11 3i0 28V4 28 28 700 102 101H 101 19.8D0 4 14 I1 400 3f4 35Vi Soil 1.300 70 70 70 00 51 60V4 60V4 .. 13.ino H3-i 141W 141V4 trs n-ti natJ QK. i , Tr "J til 'M tf" 81O 84 83Vi 5"0 216 3,000 RnO 1.700 10.9HO 100 400 600 464 89 6014 83VJ 834 212V 211 450- 45H 45T4 89 8S 69 44 781.1 78V. 78V, 6954 69V$ 69i 174V 173 172V4 100 173 173 600 International Pump.. 3,3"0 auu 86 44 86 V4 Articles. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Tes'y. Wheat May... July... Sept... Flax May... July... Sept... '6V8HI 1 I6V4I 1 17VI 1 17 I 77 79V4 74l 1 1 17VI 1 17V.! 76 78V 71 1 15Vi! 1 l.' 1 li 78-tij 77 1 16 76 . 1 16H 1 17m 1 17V, 1 16V 1 I6V4 the market weakened some on iree ciiiih by a prominent bull. May opened c lower to a shade higher at 81o to 3l'4'fl31c. sold ... i ,is. 11,,., 1 in .tlic and closed at 1 31Vc. Local receipts were --a cars. 1, in provisions was quiet and the market was Inclined to be weak. Selling : of lard by foreigners, a decline of 6c in the price of hogs and profit-taking by local packers, oauaed the price to sag. At the close May pork was down to 7',c at $16.12. Lard w as down 6f7S,e at $S.J5. ..Ribs were 1o12c lower at $a.5r. ' ,., Estimated receipts for tomorrow: A heat. 1 car; corn, 182 cars; oats, 176 cars; hogs, 22.iiO head. , , The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open.! Hlh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I May July Sept. Corn Mar July Sept. Oats Sept. Pork May July lard May July Huyt. Rlb May July H-Pt. 78'iV 7S, 1. 77'7S1H'W,r T7t 77.4:, 77 VV ' I I I 1 '4f IN 1 4M4I ' 4 !4.'.u4". -V 4.S 7,781,ti 7V4l77'i7S I 31V" S! i a'j.'o;".; 1 T! 45' 4.-.S.I 15' 31 3 I H 10 16 9) 16 12: 16 15 I It 37 8 5J! $ 62 I 55 t to 4:, 4i SlS'Sliri,! 31 29.2!r'fl !9.t 28-Vtl 28l2','.(29 1 12' 16 20 16 V7! 16 20 8 37 S 52 8 6-: I 57' 8 I 16 00 16 10 8 32 i 4ft 8 36 8 47 8 B7l 8 60 I t 50 1 8 l? 8 57! I 67 t 42 t 62 66 8 63 t67' 67Vt: 8 06 166 I t 72 . 2 yellow, white, 32:'a No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull and steady: winter patents, $3ot90; winter straights, $3.WKU3.t0; spring patents, f; 5.V(i3.M); straights, $3.3t'g3 6o; bakers, $!Soi2. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 77'fi80c; No. S, 74'tf mic- Ko S red. 84WoMi,. CORN No. 2, 4.44c: No. 4Si46',c. OATS -No. t 31V.IH311.-: No. 2 !t'c; No. t white. XltrSllnc. H YE No. 2. "ii61c. BARLEY GiKjd feeding, 87'S3Sc; fair to rhon-e malting. i.vii.r. rEfcrxj No. 1 llax. fl.OhVi; No. 1 north western, 11.12. Prime timothy, $3.17. Clover, contract gr ule. :iL PROVlSUlNa-iM'--s ia 1 . per b!4., 116 05 il.10. ljird. per P4 Ihs., t tz,. Short ribs Ides (loose 1. 5mi.iiw. Short clear sides Ifxjxed). t 5i1 t. Oa tbe PruUuoe rxcliange to.lMV th h'lt-tt-r market was easy: rreainsrles, 10-J tl-: dairies. J i-lc. Fgs. , lra , at Uuuk, :asca im.luJtd, l'.i-', tirt, 1J',, , Minneapolis Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 77c; to arrive, 77c; No. 3 northern, 75c; to arrive, 7c; No. 3, 73a74c; No. 1 durum, 71c; No. t durum, 69c. Corn: No. I yellow, 40c; No. 3, 39c. Oats: No. t white, 29c; No. 3, 28c. Barley, 40o. Rye. 66i(iV40. Flax: Cash, tl-14; May, $1.16. Kansas City Orals and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 6. WHEAT May, 73o; Juiy, 7wc; September, 6Uc; cash, No. 2 hard, 77ijj79c: No. 3, 74477c; No. 2 red. 82C'i94c; No. 8, 87Q03c. CORN May, 40c; Juiy, 40c; Septem ber, 41c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 43c; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 8, 42c. OATS-No. 2 white, tl0. RYE Steady; dJi65c. EGG Sr Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included. 14o; case count. 13c; cases returned, c less. HAY Strong; choice timothy, $U.6OH00; choice prairie. $9.uof(i9.2&. BUTTER Creamery, 26c; dairy, 14c. Itecelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu "l.ouO 66,0n0 Corn, bu 4S,iu0 38.0nO Oats, Uu 8.C0O 12.000 Dalnth Grain Market. DULUTH. April 6 WHEAT No. 1 northern and to arrive, 78c; No. 2 northern, 76c; on track. No. 1 northern. 78c; No. t northern, 76c; May. 78c; July, 7&c; Septem ber. 78c. OATS To arrive, on track and May, avo. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April (.WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; May, 6s 7d; July, 6s 7'd; September. 6s 6d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 2d; American mixed, old. 4s 7d; futures, quiet; May. 4s 3a; July, 4s 3d. Philadelphia Prodsrt Market. PHILADELPHIA. April (.BUTTER Steadv; western creamery. 24c. EUiS e lower; nearby fresh and west ern fresh, 23c. CHEESE Steady; full creams. 1214c. Peoria t.raln Market. PEORIA. April (.CORN Higher; No. S yellow. 4Sc; No. t. 43c; No. 4, 41c. OATS Higher; No. 2 white, $2c; No. 1 white, 31'c; No. 4 white. Toledo seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. April 6-8EED-Cash. (7.70; April. 17.70; October, $6 20; cash timothy, $150; ulslke, $8 Jo. Cotton Markrt. NEW YORK. April (.-COTTON Spot closed quiet. I points higher: middling up lands. 11.7oc; middling gulf, 11.96c; sales, 438 bales. LIVERPOOL. April t.-COTTON-Good business done: prices I points higher; American middling fair. 661d; good mid dling. 6 31d: middling, 6.11d; middling, (96d; good ordinary. (.77d; ordinary, t.STd. The sales of the day were li.iol bales, of which l.t0 bales were for speculation and export, and included 13.0UO Anierloan; receipts, ( OuO bales, all American. ST. LOI Is. April ( -COTTON-Stead-: middling. llc: sales. ".'I bl ; receipts. 302 bales: shipments, 2 Ipalea. NEW OHLEAN8, - Aril) (-4'OTTON-eixit closed active; sate. bales; or- olnary. 7 7-lic; good ordinary. M,c; low mld dltna. 10 t-ltc; middling. 11 3-16c: sood nod. dUiis. 11 11-lw: luiddliiig fair 12 1-Pc; re-, celpu, 1,416 l-slo; stock, 22', 273 tales. j 1O0 117V 117 2,800 6 24 400 173" 173 J.9"0 97 95 1,9110 35 35 7.4'iO 73 72 t.f 84 82 127 173 22 85 4414 86 811 58 28t 67i 150 1304 lb 86 42 86 2t 74 167 173 95 86 83 39 200 145 146 144 5,2ill 63 62 52 2.200 90 89 89 14o6 ioi" i6t) 'lOiiVj 4 27,700 14v 139 1S9'4 1.500 tti 95i 96 stH t Int. Pump pfd.... Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City So Kansas City So. pfd Lcuisvllle ft NaBh... 1,100 151 Manhattan L Metropolitan Bt. Ry.. Mexican Central .... Minneapolis ft St. L. M.. St. P. ft 8. 8. M. M. 8. P.4S.S. M. pfd Missouri Pacific M., K. ft T M.. K. & T. pfd National Lead Nat. R. R. of M. pfd New York Central... N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft W Norfolk ft W. pfd.... North American Pacific Mail, offered. Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C., C. ft St. L.... )' Pressed Bteel Car.... S'O P. 8. C. pfd 600 Pullman Palace Car Reading , Reading 1st pfd Reading 2d pfd , Republic, Steel Republic Steel pfd.., Rock Island Co R. C. Co. pfd , Rubber Goods Rubber Goods pfd St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd 200 48 48 St. Louis 8. W 6t. L. 8. W. pfd.... Southern Pacific ... So. Paclflc pfd Sojthern Railway . So. Railway pfd... Tennessee C. ft I... Texas ft Pacific Toledo. St. L ft W T.. St. U ft W. pfd T nlon Pacinc Union Paclflc pfd l n. Kxpress t'. B. Realty V. 8. Rubber V. 8 Rubber pfd.... t 8. Steel tT. 8 Steel pfd Va.-Carollne Chem. Va.-Car. Chem. pfd. Wabash Wabash pfd Wells-Farm Ex 3ti0 260 Westing. Electric Western Union 500 (2 Wheeling ft L. E. Wis. Central 100 29 Wis. Central pfd 2 67 Northern Pacific .... 15.7t 228 Central Leather loo 4S Cen. leather pfd 2 10s Sloas-Sheeflild Steel. l.fO 84 Total sales for the day, 734.100 shares. 54 99 96 900 139 HiO 91 200 98 8nO 82 l.&io 108 4.9iO 27 300 67 64 98 is7 91 98 31 108 27 60 .. 17.3"0 i0 118 200 69 68 1KI.7 11BU 118 118 10 41 40 10 102 102 I0 34 83 l'O W 36Z 6ml 6i 6H ..137.700 159 167 :4 9S 237 137 31 9S 31 102 27 en 42 . 1"0 48 23 64 lis 40 102 lftl 83 36 l It 86 53 113 13i 1.800 54 53 4.10 114 114 68.6H0 4SU 42 l.eiio 107 7'rt 6TH4 60 HO 112 112 111 10 5i 22 49 250 "tin 22 49 24 158 i4 19 28 2 67 22n 22o'. 45 44 1-16 104 Loadoa Cloalac g forks IXlNDON. April (.Closing quotstlons on the Btoca exenange were: Cons, money.. 9ul3-16N. Y. Central. ...151 do account . l i-ie Norfolk ft W. Anaconda 14l do pfd Atchison Ontario ft W. do pfd 17 ; Pennsylvania Bal. ft Ohio 117 Rand Mines .. Can. Pacific 17S, Reading Ches. ft Ohio 61",, do 1st pfd... Chicago G. V.... 22 do 2d pfd... C M. ft St. P....1M Ho. Railway .. DeBeers i1l do Pfd : D ft R G 48 Bo. Pacific ... z il nion Pacltlo 4 do pfd 81 V. 8. Steel.... a oo pfd 9: 94 64 ?5 7 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd.. ... 49 ... 42 ...JutS ... 71 ... 90 !"invt - Si ... US Illinois Central.. 176 Wabash Louis, ft Nati...U) do pfd M . K. ft T 86 Spanish 4s SILVER Bar 'quiet. 29d car ounoe HDNEV-iWiSS per cent. The tats of discount in the open market for short bills is -Syi per cent; for three muntiis puis, ::,iu4i-is per cent. Treaenry Statement. WA8Huto.ii. April . Today s state im-nt uf the liV'isjiy balances in the gen eral fund exrlnuve of the $lJim"Vw gold reserve enow.:: Available ian lalancr OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET rt Steere Show Lower Tendencj, While Other Are About Sternly. HOGS SELLING TWO AND A HALF LOWER Moderate Ran of Sheep and l.amhs, vlth k ateady Opening, hat glow Trade and a Lower Range at loslna. SOI TII OMAHA, April 8, 1906 13 .101 Mex. On 4s 2 do 1st Inc 3 Minn. A St. L. 4s 92 M.. K. ft T. 4S...1U1 do 2s N. RR. Of M. c 4s 84 N. Y. C. g. 3s.. 98 N. J C. g. 6s 129 No. Paclflc 4s.... 104 do 3s 7R'- N. ft W. c. 4s.... 10ti 9 n lilt RecelDts were: Official Monday ... omclal Tuesday ... iftlclal VedneFday Official Thursday .. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. April (.-Call loans. '6fi7 per cent: time loans, 6B6 per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atch. adl. 4s 96 do 4s 101. Mex. Central 4s.. 81 Atchison 93 do Dfd !'; Boston ft A 2.S6 Boston ft M I80 Boston Ele 156 Fitchburg pfd ...148 Mex. Central 24 N. Y. N. H ft H..l! L'nlon Pacific ....157 Am. Arge. Chem. 28 do pfd 94 Amer. P. Tube... 26 Amer. Sugar ....14i ao nra i; Amer. T. ft T....1.W Amer. Woolen ... 43 do Dfd 107 Dominion I. ft 8. 33' Edison E. Illu.. Mass. Electric do ifd Mass. Gas United Fruit .. United 8. M... do pfd 2bo .. 19 .. 66 .. 48 ..1( .. 84 .. so V. 8. Steel 12 00 nra lti.v. wolverine .. West, common .. 80 North Butte Adventure 7 Bid. Allouez Amalgamated . American Zinc Atlantic Bingham Cal. ft Hecla.... Centennial Copper Range Dalv Weet Franklin , Granby Isle Royale M.tss. Mining .. Michigan Mohawk , Mont. C. A C. old Dominion . Osceola Parrot Qulncy Shannon .. Tamarack .... Trinity United Copper U. 8. Mining.. U. 8. Oil Utah Victoria Inoua ,. 40 ..ill .. 10 .. 21 .. S9 ..706 .. 27 .. 81 .. 14 .. 19 .. 13 .. 22 .. 13 .. 61 .. 3 .. 43 ..1114 .. 38 .. 97 .. 7 ..111 .. 13 .. 8 .. til .. 12 .. tJ .. 8 ..135 .. 84 Four davs this week..l5.1"S 41.228 31.115 Same days last"93 19.478 47.074 Same week before 19.7'3 42.2.18 44.302 Same three weeks ago.. 17.500 78 42. Ji7 Same Tour weeks ao....l6.8o4 ;J.!:2 !.at7 Same days last year. . . .13,f13 22.20 32.167 The following table snows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ior tne year to date. iumiitri witu last year: iocs,. 1906. Inc. Cattle 2U2.540 :u.J28 49.212 Hogs 718.19a 627, lift 91.U17 Sheep 49.150 441,457 47,t93 RANGE OF PR ICES. tattle. Hogs Omiiha J2.fn6.90 ti. 06.24) Chicago 1 6,V(i6 26 ..b.5i Kansas Citv 2. 2.106. o i.ui..i St. Louis 2.104141. HO ( 6t'u 46 8loux City a.OO'.W 6.0g.2t CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The foliowmi.' win snow tne mlces Bald for tbe different kinds of cattle on the South Omaha mftrknl! Good to choice corn-fed steers $4 .900.54 rair to choice corn-fed steers t.wat w Common to cnoicu corn led steers.. 4.UU44.16 uroi to cnoice cows ana neuers.. it Fair to good cowa and heifers .2Vij 3.7 Common to fair cowa and heifers.. 1.764i3.26 uood to choice feeders 4.00ff4.60 fair to good stockeis and feeders. .5'ii4.U) Common to fair stockera 2.764i3.60 Buns, stags, etc 2.bui4.oo 1 he loiuwina table shows the average price or hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Hew York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. April 5. Closing auotatlons on mining stocks were: 25 Adams Con Alice Breece 80 Brunswick Con .. 60 Comstock Tunnel 23 Con. Cal. ft Va.,.130 Morn Sliver io5 Iron Silver 550 Leadvllle Con ... & Offered. Little Chief Ontario .... Ophlr Phoenix ... 1'otosl , Savage Sierra Nevada .. 28 Small Hopea M Standard 300 .225 .525 . 2 . 22 .100 Bank of England itatensent. LONDON. Anrll (.The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreased 1.956.000: elrculatlon. Increased 681 000: Duuion, aecreasea de1.r14.4u9; otner securi ties, decreased 3.201.000; other deposits. decreased 3 672.000; notes reserved, de- creasea avi,eiB.ut8; government securities. decreased 2,000. The proportion of the Dana s reserve to ,. liability this week Is percent as compered, witn 46.13 per cent last wees.. Bank of France Statement. PARIS. April 8. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following rnanges: Notes In circulation, Increased francs: treasury deposits, de. creased 61.525.000 francs: general deposits. decreases ss lio.oun francs: gold In hand. In creased . 175,0110 francs: silver in hand, In creased 75. POO francs; bills discounted. In creased 30.375.000 francs; advances. Increase z.120,000 francs. Call Moaey High. NEW YORK, April (High rates for e a 1 1 Min nn Ihi affair AvhanwA tlnued today. Onenina at 10 ner rent money receded to . but oulcklv advanced again, ana perore afternoon several loans were made as high as 15 per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. April It. Bank clear! nrs for wetinestiay were il.tnx.593.Z7 and for the corresponding date last year (1,381,194.85: for 1 nurstiay. ii.4y?,4d4.8h. and Tor the corre spondlng date last year $1.310,833. fj. Wee I Market. BOSTON. April 6. WOOT The market Is strong with fair sctlvltv. The eastern deal era have shown a renewed disposition t contract ror tne new cup wools. Shearing naa sisneo in several sections or tne west. noianiy in soutnern nurnrnia and Nevada Territory wools are In continued demand and a little Improvemet In clothing grades Is noted. There Is a fair movement In pulled wools. Foreign grades are firm. leading Quotations follow: Ohio and Penn avlvanfa, XX and above, S."35c; X. 32i$ .; iNO. 1, sxTje; rvo. z, 3n4nc; fine un washed, 26(fi2iic; quarter blood unwsshed S2tfi32c: three-eighths blood. S333ic half blood, 32WSlc; unwashed Delaine. 28& 29c; fine washed Delaine, S6ffi37c. Mlchlran. fine unwaahed. 24J2fc: quarter blood, 32 jjc: nair moon, sitjai-c; tinwasnea Delaine irfiaLUc. Kentucky, Indiana, etc.. three eghths and quarter blood, 32ff33c. Terri tory: Idaho, fine, Vttrc hesvy fine. 19r 20e: fine medium. 22'f23c; medium, 2RW77c low medium. 2'27c. Wvomlnar. flns. ?L'2Sc heavy fine. 19r-20c: fine medium. 22r?3c: me dlum, 260'27c; low medium. 2iv27c. Utah snd Nevada, fine. 22323c; heavy flne. 29ff20e; fine medium. ?2i23c: medium. 27i&28e: low me dium, 28(&,27c. Montana, flne choice, 24frfic flne average, ZifiHe: flne medium choice 24i 26c: average. Wiff24c; staple, 27fj28c; me onnn rnotce. 27tzxc. BT. LOUIS. April R.-WOOL Steady ; me dlum grades, combing and clothlnr. 24ft zsc: light nne. wi4c; heavy fine, 18ff21c tun wasnea. satassc. C'sttl' ....2.787 ... 4'.l ... 3,v8 . .. 3.40 llogs Sheep. 6.736 1Z.1W 14.33 13.ii . 7,8i (.263 k.9vi 6.833 8 I 80 is HH4 4 6S.7 3 8" BfUA 1 $ i: 4 i-t 3 n 1 9.H1 s ;i . 1 lf.9ti ;l 1 141 i is 2 1Mi 2 i 3 Iimm $ to 1 lirnl 3 8.1 1 1(. 8 60 1 14i 3 8.1 3 Ml i b S 14' 3 8 1 9.40 Jo". 1 199 4 1 14"HI S i 1 14 0 4 no t 15"0 3 73 1 4 ti I 1170 t 76 j 16-0 4 "0 1 MO 3 75 ' II" 4 i" 1 e-ti S 75 1 '' 10 1 1 1 7i 1. 1"' 4 1 1940 I , 9 Ul 2 Hi CALV KS. 1 830 4 W IS 120 no 1 90 ini 7i e 2f 1 260 00 1 17H ; 1 90 ( 00 It) 1.1 6 r- 1 110 6 ) 1 110 2 :. 1 110 iim 1 141 5-1 1 l'J ( 60 1 190 50 1 130 ( 7i STAGS. 1 1S.W 4 4S I scd mixed. $.1 f'ti4 V: stockers snd feeders. $3.W'i4 fin; ciihrs nud vesrlitms, 13 2Mj4.26. IK K!S R. ceipts. S,5i head: market weak to c lower, selling St K. ii.2f.; bulk of s.le. Jii.U'wrrs.iT'v. Slir:KI' AM l.A.M 1.8-Receipts, ii0 head. uiaiKet strong. St. Joseph Live Stork Markrt. ST. ,li)8KPII, Mo. April (.-CATTLE Receipts. 1.Mil lii'iol. ni.ii Kit stead: na tives. V I.V116 im; cows and heifers, $l.i Vj 4.1; etocker and feeders. tk26liKiO. llotiS Receipts. i.:1" head; mnikel sliiidv; IlKlit. 1 7' in 6.27; medium and heavy. i.ii)'ii SllKEU A.t LAMBS-Itecelpts. 1,."4I head, market steady; lambs, t.5"; ewva, $ STOCK ER 8 340 3 26 6M) R40 ) 716 690 , 6X6 61 636 eio 826 3 4i S 60 S (o $ eo $ 85 1 so S 91 S 90 4 00 4 10 AND 1... 2 1 2 3 4 13 1 FEEDERS. B4i 4 7S .. 770 .. b .. 466 ,So .. 444 ..! ..1225 in 4 13 4 IS 4 2 4 2o 4 30 4 4 :i 4 ri 4 So HOGS The first reports from ell selling rnlnta this morning were 6c lower and ttyers st thU pf lnt followed the eximple set elsewhere. That Is thev started out bidding $4 17 for long strings of hogs, an against $.22. the popular price yesterday. Sellers, however, were slow to make that much concession and by holding on Anally forced buyers to raise their bands some what. The hogs finally sold on the basis of a 2c decline, that Is, at $6 ?ofii.22. for the big bulk of the hogs, with $6.-0 the popular price. While the trade was st no time very ac tive there was a fair movement when the market was once under way and the hulk of the offerings changed hands In reason able season. Representative sales: Date. I 1906. !19u6.1904.t9UO.19U2.jlOl. 11900. Men. 22. Mcii. at. Mch. 24. Mch. 26. Mch. 26. Mch. 27. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 17 ( 09 4 96 I 0? ( 13 1 si 1 h e w v la 1 ( 02) 7 371 081 6 221 4 93 6 2 -4; b 01 23 ( 08 1 6 16! 19 6 27 26 t 10 2i-)4 26 30 27 6 22 i 131 6 on ( 091 6 14 S 16 6 06 7 24 14 ( 131 ( 131 7 22 ( 18 4 89 7 28 ( 12) 4 ae. a .,.,1 ! ,.1, AflT ( 17 7 W o lt -( 07! 7 21 4 98 7 28 ( 04, 7 i9 I OB, 6 16 S 211 ( 14 6 291 ( 07 1 i 96! ( 22; ( 6 6 98 ( ; ( 17 ( 061 ( 26 ( 13 ( 971 ( 181 ( 10 6 t&i ( y 7 aw 6 lto 001 & 08 7 24 6 68 6 99 ( 15 7 i6 6 64 1 5 99i 6 26 I 6 6-1 ( 96 ( 30 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hobs. She'D. H r s. C, M. ft St. P 1 3 Missouri Pacific 1 3 U. P. System 33 vi 22 I C. ft N. VV., east 4 ( 2 C. ft N. W., west 46 32 2 C, St. P., M. ft O.... 20 ( C, B. ft Q , east 2 9 8 .. C, B. ft g., west 45 19 i 4 C, R. I. ft P.. east 1 C, R. I. ft P., west 1 .. 1 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Gt. Western. 6 2 Total receipts ....166 103 29 S The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 2i Swift and Company 676 ..1,131 Ne. Av. V 166 89 178 81 178 83 215 85 225 44 238 87 240 75. $7... 77... 72... 81... 70... 76... 87... 83... 94... 62... 73... 38... 64... 32... 77. . . 74... 75... 66... 31... 42... 66... 68... G8... 18... 2... 69... 73... 1... 68... 83. 238 215 ...223 ...231 ...219 ...22S ...189 ...216 ...211 ...193 ...263 ...22 ...240 ...262 ...307 ...258 ...241 ...232 ...263 ...238 ...232 ...244 ...261 ...236 ...3.-W ...348 ...196 ...195 ...21$ ....179 ....2o8 61 253 42 2.' 63 224 '4 227 Hogs. Sheep. Cudaiiv Packing Co. Armour ft Co 786 Van Bant ft Co 118 Carey 100 Hill ft Son 126 Huston ft Co 2 Hamilton ft Rothschild... 13 L. F. Huss 89 Mike Haggerty 23 J. B. Root ft Co 43 Other buyers 274 l,i5 1.S52 1,936 2,838 ill 1,21.1 1,921 1,213 i 12.... 74... 76... 79... 68... 88... 74... 48... 81... 65... 39... 76... 2. 1.144 Totals 3,431 7.901 (.206 CATTLE Receipts this morning num bered only 158 cars, which Is the smallest run for a Thursday since the third "week In February. As has been the case all the week, the big end of the receipts consisted of beef steers, there being quite a number of right desirable cattle In sight. While the total receipts were not large for a Thursday, there have been a good many fat cattle received and sold this week, so that buyers seem to be on easy street, so far aa fresh supplies were con cerned. At the same time reports from eastern market points were not especially reassuring and buyers were very much dis posed to take tne Dear siae 01 me ueat. The result was a slow market on beef steers, with prices anywhere from weak to 10c lower than yeaterday. It was late be fore a start was made and still later be fore anything like a cleaiance was effected. Cows and heifers were In moderate sup ply, as has been the case all thla week. The market was also In about the aame condition as detailed yesterday and day before in these columns that Is, ' good to choice cows and heifers were fully steady and were aought after by buyers, so thst holders of such had no trouble In unload ing. On the other hand, tanners and cut tersthat Is, anything old and thin or rough were slow sale at any price, buy ers not appearing to want them. As has been the case every day this week, It toot a struggle on the part of holders of such to unload. Blockers and feeders In first hands were in moderate supply, which was rather for tunate for the selling interests, as specu lators seemed to have quite a good many cuttle on hand and as the week is draw ing toward the close. As It happened, the desirable kinds of both stockera and feed ers did not show any material change, but anything that was not desirable wai slow and weak. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 8 Monev was In In creased supply In the. market today owing to the distribution of . government divi dends and the payment of $10,000,000 of treasury bills. Inscoiints were weaker, Prices on the Stock exchange were steadier witn tne reduction of the Hank of Erne land's rate of discount, though business did not Increase materially, the loans penn In causing hesitancy. Consols were supported 1 and horns rails occasionally had a better ! tone. Americans opened weak and Im proved somewhat on the reduction of the 1 bank rate. Union Pacific was In request and Erie and Ontario and Western be came harder. But prices weakened later, then recovered sharply and closed Arm. Grand Trunk was flat on the unsatisfac tory report of the board of directors at today's meeting of the stockholders. Japa nese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 1014. ex-Interest. RERUN, April (.Prices on the Bourse today were weaker. PARIS. April (.Prices on the Bourse were heavy today owing to continued strikes, but closed with an upward ten dency. The new Russian bonds were at a premium of 1 to 2 per cent. Russian Im perial 4a were quoted at 83.20 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 61. I Metal Market. NEW YORK, April (. METAIJJ The London tin market was lower, with spot closing at 173 and futures at 1& Ins. Locally the market was quiet, twith prices showing little change on the average and spot quoted at $J.12ft3S.27. Copper was lower in London, closing at 84 7s td for spot and at 1 17s 6d for futures. Lorsliy no change was reported, with lake quoted at $18.6oa3l8.75. electrolytic at $18.&0'1 60 and casting at $11&'1& 25. Lead was unchanged at 1( 10a In London and at $5 367 6 45 In the local markets. Speltsr advanced 6a to '25 7s 61 In London, but remained dull at $6 10 tie 20 in the local market. Iron was lower In the English market, with standard foundry closing at 48s 4d and Cleveland war ran La at 4s 4d. Locally the market is quiet but Arm, with Inside prices a shade higher. No. 1 northern foundry. $11 Va 1.$5; No. 1 northern foundry. $l Ouvf It 50; No. 1 southern foundry. $18 X918 76; No. 2 south ern foundry $17. TtajOf.&o. ST. I.OUIB. April ( METALS Lead, steady, to 27. Speller, quiet, (6 0v. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 570 3 25 1 1120 4 60 1..... 1060 S 65 10 1113 4 60 1 10UO 4 00 4 1030 4 tJ 4 1217 4 00 6 995 HI 7 875 4 10 1 4 1177 4 65 9W 4 15 16 1166 4 70 4 800 4 15 27 971 4 70 9 934 4 15 4 1285 4 75 1 1110 4 25 9 IHIO 4 75 12 806 4 26 11 1U3 4 75 4 8ii3 4 25 35 1193 4 75 2 1015 4 25 18 1146 4 75 1 1050 4 25 31 1214 4 80 14 747 4 40 32 1:121 4 80 t 1015 4 40 11 1282 4 80 2 1060 4 4u 17 1261 4 80 6 HIM 4 40 82 1321 4 80 40 1140 4 40 13 1143 4 86 4 9X5 4 45 10 1205 4 85 15 1021 4 45 42 1282 4 86 ( 1112 4 45 2.1 1316 4 90 7 I'M 4 45 19 1261 ( 00 1 1215 4 50 1 1310 ( 00 16 890 4 50 19 1342 ( 10 5 926 4 60 40 1333 ( 10 10 9i 4 56 21 13.T4 ( 10 19 118 4 60 16 1371 I lu lo Hi6 4 60 8 1580 ( (O cowa. 1 imo 1 75 6 948 I 66 1 640 1 75 1 1330 $ 70 S 813 2 00 ! 9i $ 76 2 9J5 2 On 1 1080 S 75 1 70 2 40 1 1610 I 76 1 M 2 45 4 1075 2 76 2 965 2 60 1 1240 8 ;. 1 870 2 W 2 1290 $ 75 2 870 2 (0 1 1140 S 76 1 HilO 2 50 1 11X0 1 76 1 Ml IW 1 1170 t 76 1 810 2 60 IO 1073 t 80 1 910 2 75 S 0 $ 86 ' 9(5 t 76 " 1070 3 84 1 100 2 85 1 1170 S 90 6 Mil 2 9n 6 944 I 91 1 8-m I 90 13 1070 S 90 1 760 t 1 1120 3 X 1 9o $ Ofi 17 1045 4 1 117 8 00 ( 1-J 4 00 1 lmv $ 00 1 uvi 4 00 1 920 3 io 1188 4 06 1 7K0 $ 15 S 141 4 10 2 9k5 3 ?". 1 1170 4 1 0 2 ll 3 ( 4 15 1 1"0 8 5 $ 1214 4 20 1 1150 3 "J J3 96! 4 1 101 3 50 t 1008 4 25 S 9"3 3 M 1074 4 4 852 S 50 i II) 4 25 11 T. V 1 i'i 4 25 1 990 8 55 14-5 4 36 1 1'! 1 611 II 1135 4 (5 871 3 4VI 1 VoM 4 ) 2 1210 t W HEIFERS. 1 510 2 25 t 5t 3 0 1 680 i 50 t 8"5 4 On 1 480 2 75 II ,. 8'S 4 00 . " ! 75 1 610 4 tat 61 3 On 2 " f 4 00 2 H9) 3 10 2 71 4 on 1 " 3 2" ! S 4 00 1 870 ( 60 t tm 4 20 63 2 611 4 9K2 4 30 4 41 3 .Vi 2 410 4 25 2 785 3 65 3 9f. 4 25 7 ifcl S 45 21 V i 4 SO 1 .. 640 $ 85 11 i0 4 30 ' V 3 75 8 1021 4 SO t 850 (75 1 8RO 4 85 8 873 75 1 4 (6 7 765 I 76 12 K 4 u 241 ..248 ..197 ..2i6 ..225 ..1K2 ..230' ..276 ..197 ..261 ..243 ..233 ..268 6 246 6 226 Sh. 'lb "io 40 120 SO '40 i20 '20 20 '40 120 80 80 80 130 i&9 80 80 40 'so 180 40 120 ieo 80 160 40 200 40 80 80 40 80 40 160 Pr. 6 15 16 ( 20 6 20 C 20 6 20 2ii 20 ( 20 2n 6 20 2n 2i tti 6 20 2 6 20 20 6 20 6 20 20 6 20 ( 20 e 20 6 20 6 20 ( 20 20 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 2i 20 6 20 20 20 6 20 20 20 20 ( 20 20 6 i 6 20 20 20 at c 20 6 20 (20 20 20 20 20 No. 78... 79... 80... 80... 76... 69... 56... 30... 159. . 159.. 26... 158.. 35..., 77... 27... 7S. 46. B0... 62. . . , 63... 42... 7 X'.'.'. 76... V . 6bl.! 72... ... 8... i.'... 39... 79... 66.. .4 v. ...200 ...2H ...234 ...213 ...23X ...2M ...200 ...252 .244 ...244 ...216 ...246 ...2.76 .".'56s ...218 ..156 ) .'.22 ..218 .-,? !!l07 ..240 ..rsm ..227 ..197 ..284 22 "221 ..m 73 23? Sh. Pr. 120 ( 2ii 6 20 6 20 6 20 20 6 20 6 2.1 C 20 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 2o ( 20 C 20 e 20 6 20 6 20 40 80 40 '46 40 40 ') 80 80 80 80 40 40 120 80 10) 240 'SO 81. 82... 24... 63. . . 6S... 84... 60... 46... "... rt5 . . 01... 78.. 70., 53.. 65.. 68.. 80., .204 .217 .:;6 ...295 .. .253 ...2l ,...281 ...244 ,...119 ; !206 . ..2.9 ,...2"9 222 241 ,...249 ,...240 ....268 ....3-13 ....264 ....90S ....256 ..274 80 40 40 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 2n 6 22 22 6 22 6 22 6 2." 22 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 22 22 6 22 22 22 22 22 C 25 26 6 25 6 25 25 bHKJtP Sheep opened about steady and a few loads of both sheep and lambs sold at prices not materially different 'rom yes- ieraay. 11 soon necame apparent, however that there was a weak undertone to the market and buyers, after picking up a few loads which they especially wanted, dropped out of the market, and for a time there was very little doing. The reason was to be found In the fact that some very high prices were paid yesterday and buy era seemed to feel that the prices prevail ing In the east did not Justify them. The further fact that the quality was on an average none too good helped to make a alow market. The result was that the trade not only became very dull, but closed easier. As noted yesterday quite a number of shorn sheep and lambs are coming forward, the sheep selling about $1 a hundred lower than wool grades snd lambs $1.0l)fL2S lower. Junta tlona: Good to choice native lambs, $f..8osj3.50: good to choice light western lambs, (6.2RI&H.50; good to choice heavy lambs. $6.ooj.40; fair to good lambs. $6.00 tt0.26; cull lambs. $4.(O(.60; good to choice light yearlings, $5.75i6.10; good to choice heavy yearlings, $6 .H6gt 10; fair to good heavy yearlings, $5.&Oii5.75; good to choice wethers, (6.65&4.00; fair to good wethers. $6,404(6.66; good to cholco heavy ewes. $6 40 45.75; good to choice light ewes. $5.0ua6.S6 fair to good ewea, $4-(0-&6.00: cull sheep and bucks, $3.0064.00. o. 49 Mexican cull -ewes 162 western ewes 4 western ewes , 95 Mexican ewes 16 western lambs 257 western ewes 375 Mexican lambs 1 western lamb 428 western ewes too western yearlings and weth ers 260 western yearlings and weth ers 202 western wethers 240 Mexican lamba and ewes.... 2.8 Mexican lambs and ewes.... 44s western lambs lambs lambs 27ifi western 233 western CHICAGO LIVE gTOrfTK Av. Pr. 73 4 l 96 4 40 HiO 4 40 (in 69 5 60 114 ( 60 71 6 25 110 ( so 96 ( 35 ,96 (86 ,94 6 85 ,99 6 00 91 6 10 , 81 ( 25 ,83 (0 ,79 411 ,80 6 40 MARKET Cattle Mew Hogs Fire Ceats Lower keep Steady. CHICAGO. April (.CATTLE Receipts, 7,000 head; market alow; prices steady to a shade lower; common to prime 'steers, $4 00rg4.60; cows, $3.4416.00: heifers. $2.75U (.60; bulls, $2.e0tf4.26; calves, $2.7(16.76; stockers and feeders, H.'ft4.y HOGS Receipts, 33.000 head; market 5c lower; choice to prime heavy. $6 3ftiiV 42 ; medium to good heavy, $6.30016.35; butcher weights, $364i42; good to choice heavy mixed, $rt.ije 87; packing. $fi.7i-iO.S5. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. lfi.Oi 0 read; market sheep steady: lambs dull; Sheep, $4 500 50; yeirllngs, $3.75j6.40: lambs, M.754J6.70. OMAHA WHOI.MAM! MARKET. Condition of Trade and tlnotattoae on Staple and Fnney l'rodnce. EGGS receipts, liberal; fresh sunk, case count, 14o. LIVE POULTRY - Hens. 11c. old luosters, oc, lui'..eys. isc. duis.s, lw; young roosters. Nysc; geese, sc. DKi;st.ii 1 OIjl 1 h 1 - t ui'Keys. iui;. Old lorn., ii.ti !.'. cnickens. imui.-c; 01a roosi- ers. ic: ducks. 12iuUc: tcesc. 9v. BUTTER Packing slock. 13c; cholue 10 fancy d.ilrv. iMiinc: creamery, 2ld21c. tl A 1 1 'litis quoted by miiana reeu com pany: No. 1 upland. $7; medium. (.5u; course. (6,Wu.(a. Rye straw, $6 60. BRAN per ton. $17.60. TKOPiCAI. rnuns. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00; Hallowe'en, In 7o-lb. boxes, per io., 6c; ha. ers, per lb,, 4c; walnut sluned, 1-lb. pkgs., $J 00 tier dux . 8-lb. boxes. $1 uO. . ORANGES-Callfornki, extra fancy Kea land navels, all sixes, $$.3e; fancy navels, $3. ii; choice, all sixes, (S. ' LEMONS extra fancy, .49 sire. $3.75; to 360 siie, 4 24 FIGS California. L-cr ti-ib. carton, Mt 85c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. 11c; alx- crown, 13c. . BANANAS I'er med'um slcd bunch. $1.74 62.26; Jumbos, $2u.oO. TANGERINES California, per bog of about 125. $3.00. GRAPE FRUIT-Flortda. per bog, $7.Mi 7.50; California, per box. 4 Ottoe-GO. . FRUIT. PKAHtf-Winter Nellie, $2.50. APPLES--Calirornia Newton. Pippins and Baldwins, $2 per bu. box; Ben Davis, Si per bu. box; W'lnesaps, $2.50 per bu. box, other varieties, $2.oii!U2.60 per bu ; New York spiles, I'.iilUwIiis and Russets. $6.00 per bul. URAPES Imported Malagas. $6.0utf7.(O POTA'iGES Hume ferivii, per bu 60tf Kc; South Dakota, per bu.. 75c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.'. $1.85; No. 2, $1.76. LIMA BKANH-Per lb.. 6c. 'AHUAGD-California. 3a per lb.; Wis consin, 111 ci.ltes per '.b.. 2 'J -5,0. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AlD I liKMPS Per bu., 85c. CELERY California, $1 per dos. SWEET POTATOES-llflnols, per U-pk. bbl.. $4.60. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florliio, per crate of 30 lbs., nel. fi.U). WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs., net. $6. ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red, per bu.. luc: Spanish, per crate, $2.25; Colo rado, red ami yellow, par bu., $1. STRING liEANS--t'er namper of about 30 lbs., net, $xuku4a. TURNIPS. liEETS AND CARROTS Louisiana, per dos. buncoes, 75c. SHALLOTTS Louisiana, per aoxon bunches, 75c HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbL, $:.oun 00; por dux. beads, H.ooyl.26. LEAF LlCTTL'CE Hothouse, por dux. lieuiis. 45c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dux, il.Tud 2"!' BEEF CUTB. No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 1 ribs, llc; No. 3 ribs, c; No. 1 loin, ltic: No. 2 loin, 1-V. No. "4 10I11, llc; No. 1 ctiuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck, i',c; Nu. 3 chuck, 5c; No. 1 round, c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 3 round, 5',c, No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plule, 3c; No. S plute, t' MISCELLANEOUS. C1DEK Per kig. 3.ii: per bbl., $6.75. HONEY New, pur 24 lbs., $3.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, Kc; Wisconsin brlcK, luc; Wisconsin linibeiger, 16c; twins, 13c; Young Americas, 16c. NUTS uinuto, N. 1 toft shells, new crop, pur ib., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c. pecai.s, Uige, per ill., 14o; small, per lb., 12c. Peaiiuia, per lb.. 6c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chili walnuts, per id.. l.ii--. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., shell, per lb., lvc. Cocoanuia, of luo. FRESH FISH. Trout, 11c; halibut, 11c; Hie ksiel, drcasod, 7c; wh'te bass, He; sun- hsh, 6c; pcrcn, skinned ami uressed, e; pike, IHijloc; redsnupper, 11c; salmon, 1,1c; crapples. be; eels, ic; black bass, 22c; wluteflsii, lwl2c; frog legs, per dm., 56c; lobsters, kreen, Kc; bolieo": lobsters. 42c; blueflsh, lbc; herring, 5e; Spanish mackerel, ltic; haddock, lc; surlmp, $l.uu per gallon; smelts. 12c; coo. 12c; huiineuds, 12c; cattish, 16c; roe shad, nc; flounders, 11c. RADISHES-ln;ia)Use, per dog. bunches, UOb)7bo. alL'SHROOMS-UoUisuso, per lb., 60560c. OYSTERS--Fresn ataiidurd, $1.40 per gal.; shell oysters, Jl. uunji.uu per ivu; Little Neck clams, l.i0 per lou. SUGAR Gi ununited cane. In bbls., $5.06: granulated cane, in sucks, 5.oi; gianulated beet, In sacks. $4.81. 8RU iu barrels, 24c per gal.; In cases. ( lo-lb. cans. $l.uo; cases, 11 -lu. tans. 2.u; cases, 24 i-lb. cans, $1.9C. COFFEE Roasted : No. S3, 25c per lb.; No. 30, 2uo per lb.; No. 2U, UV50 per lb. j No. 2u. 15c per lb.. No. 21. lic per lb. FLOUR (wholesale) Beat high grade Ne braska, per cwt., $1.90; best hlth grade put ent Minnesota, per cwt., $2.3u; straight pat ent Nebrasku. per cwt., 1.9u; secuud pat ent Nebiaska, $1.60. CURED FiSH Family whiteflsh. per hli., liu lbt., $4.5o: Norway luackei'Hi, per bbl., WO lbs., bloi . T. $40.00; No. 1, No. 2, (2C.u0; Nu. 3, 4J.O0; Irish, No. i, Sl4.uu; Herring, In bbls.. Mi lbs. euen, Norway, 4a, $13.uu; Norway, 3k, $li!.O0; Holland, luUad, ill bu; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers. Hoc; kego, mixed, uc. CAN.NK.L uuuiib-Corn, scandard west ern. Ikuooc; Maine, $1.25. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, (1.2.ui.5o; 2-lb., 9icj$1.0i'. Pineantiles. grated, 2-lb.. $2.U,(tf2.30. sliced, $1.9u2.iW. uauu cots, fane Alaska aaimun, red, (l ib, pink, 90c; fancy Chlnuuk, $:.10; fancy suckeye, F.. $l.Ka: Sardinia, oil. $2.5u; mustards, $2.6uls 810. Sweet potatoes, $l.loi 1.2ii; suuerkraut $l.oo; pumpkins, 8Cc'm$I.O0; wax beans, 2-lb, ii'u90c; lima beans, 2-lb., 75cul.Jj; spinach $l.8o'w2.0o; cheap peas, 2-lb., 80c; extia, ,oa ic; fancy, $l.Sif(1.75. BROOMS No. 1 carpel, $3.25; No. 2 carpet $2.4u; No. 3 plain. $3 2u. ' HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW No. 1 gieen hides, 9c; No. 2, 8c; No. 1 salted, lie; No. 2, 10c: bull hides, 748Uc; dry hides, 12'o20c. liorse hides, large, $3; small, $2. fc been pelts, each 60c J!. 25. Tallow, Nu. 1. 4c; No. 2, 8e; en,,gh. 1C. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, April 6.-COFFKlVFuturea ruled steady at unchanged pilcos to an advance of ( points on stesdy F.uropean cables and a If t tin covering. . Sales were reixirtod of 27.750 bags, Inc UkIIok May st 6.611c; July, 6.8'Jc; September. s.h&UT.r'Uc: De cembf r. 1. 26c; February, 7.4"c. . The busi ness Included an exchange af 7,iti bugs of May for Dvcembcr at tt& points. S' . Mil , RRAI, F.8TATB TRAK8FKKS. lie : hard $4 per sack mea, s wnf -v. siiccu, fi.yu.g. .lion apples, fancy, 43.50; California uprl ts, $1.4uj2.uu; pears, $1.752.50; peaches, ncy, l.'.i.'i2-40: H. C. peaches. ' $2.uui(i,.(t Kaaaaa City Lire gturk Market. KANSAS CITY, April (.-CATTLE-Receipts. 4.000 head. Including 200 southerns; market, slow to a shade lower; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $l".3tKiU6.90; fair to good. $4.26i85.25: western fed steers, $4.00h(.S; stockers and feeders. $3.0Oii 4.80; southern steers, $3.76t6.00; southern cows $2.504.28: natlvs cows. $22546; native heifers. $3.6i4i6.l0; bulls, Jvi.oifj 4 1; calves $3.0"H6 50. HOGS Receipts. 8.000 head; market 5 lower; top. $ li; bulk of ssles. $rf J.tifl 30 heavy. $6 2f.ft6 St: nackers, KSH43.32; nlKs and ilahts. $6.4or,.26. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 4.000 head; market for sheep, steadv for lambs 10c lower: nstive lambs. t5.30$6.!t5; western lambs. Sn.SfMni 58: ewes and y-arlinaa. $4 751 5.90; western led yearlings, $4.7f'5 ; west, ern fed sheep. $4 So' stockers and feeders, $3.Uir4.50. tt. lonls live ftork Market. BT. LOl'IS, Mo.. April (-CATTLE-Re-celpts. 1.200 hesd: no Texans; msrkot steudy; native shipping and export steeis, $4 dressed beef and bin, -lo r steers $3 5Xt6.56; steers under l.ocn pounds. $3 ibi,t 4 40; stockers and feeders. $2 4o04 4i: mm and heifers. S2.I1V110.S6; csnners. $1,756:25; bulls, I2.40ti4.40; calves, $3 (0ii.2i; Texas and Indian steers, $3.9g4.70; cows and heifers $3 30(14 HOGS Receipts. head: market 6'nlOc lower; pigs and lights. 6 5"-ij4 40; packers. f4r6.40; butchers and best heavy. u3i SHEEP AND LA MRS--Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady; native muttons. $t to $6 o: lambs, $6 bog. 76; culls and bucks, $3.UOu3 60. Stock la Sight. Receipts st the six principal western msr kets yesterday; Cattle. Hogs Sheen South Omaha 7.4o0 4.8.U Sioux City 300 l.8l f,n Kansas City 4(0 ' 4W St. Joseph 1 8 4 7.6 l 1511 St. Louis 1.2U 7iVa) I.011Q Chicago 1.000 S3.uiX 16.0UO Totsl .17.74 4 910 28.874 Sloag City Lie Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. April (.-'Special Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts. 310 Sead: mar. Vet steady; beeves. $4 WC Su. cues, bulls Republic Oil company to SLandard Oil couiiany, putt of lots (, 6 and 7. block 7, Met ague's add $ Frank Crawford el al. to George E. Gibson, sublot 8, lot 6, Capilul add.. Frank H. Palmuteer to John Chall inuii. iart of lut 4, Cliallniuii's add Ida I.ehovitz to W. F. Patt. lots at and 25. block 2. Mystic Park. ..,.. Frank Colpctxer and wife to the Chi cago Lumber coiniaiiy, . taxlot 2, 31-15-13 The Byron Reed roniiutiiy to Carrie Hruska, part of Mock 9, Bowery Hill C W. Spargur and wile 10 jasggie. B. Spargur, lota 17 and 18, block 11, Summit add Frank A. llinailwell to William Kryer, lot 2, block 10, Puitersoti Park t, Omaha Real Eftate and Trust coin iMiny to Daniel O. Whitney, kit 7. block "A," Suumlera Ac Hlmebaogh's add .1 Mets Bros. Brewing company., to James C. McKcll, part of lot. 8, block 23. Omaha Fred C. McMillan and w'.fe to Ethel H. AVIIcox. part or lot 6. block 96, a .... 1. i.u nuui 11 1 Mii Thomas J. O'Nell snd wife to the city or noutll inniina, pari ui iuisa 1 ami J. bli ck 64. Souili t)mali..i Anna M. Plainer to Anita Dunn, w of lot 15. block 10. Patrick's 2d J. L. Chan to Nels C. Madscii, lots 5. 7 and 8. block 05. llmmiii John I. Redlck aid wife to William A. Redlck et nl.. lot 7 and purt of lut 6. block in. Omaha Same to same Robert H Callyer and wife to .lames A. Kennedv. s .f lot 3. b!o k,. 4. Horbah'H 2d 1 1 1 I.S00 1 12, 350 ,0u0 700 02( 1 JtlO ,ro F. D- Day Gl Co. Stock. Grain, rov lelois big sons Grain to I'a. ' Chloaga and Miaaeapolla Delivery. tine-elghtb cotuiultsion on Grain, one quarter on Stocks. Prompt and careful Munition given tu ouislJa accounts. Write for our daily Market Letter, mailed free. Main Otttee. 110-111 Board of Trad Bid. OMAHA. 1KB. Leac Dlstaaee Tkest, Oeeglas SO 14.