Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Two Missionaries Who Suffered at Pekinsr
Come Together in Omaha. .
Mrs. F. D. namewell, Oae of tke
Wif, Telia How Christianity
Has Elevated Her ls-
' tere at Orient.
Just an Mn. F. r. Qamcwell left tha
rostrum upon the close of her address At
the missionary conference at the First
Methodist Episcopal church Thursday
morning a woman stepped forward and
embraced her. It was Mrs. Balnbridge of
Council Bluffs, who was with Mrs. Game
well during the slogs of Peking, China,
and suffered with her all the privation
and anxieties of that trying period. This
was the first neetlng of tha two women
since those momentous days and was joy
ous to both.
Mr. and Mrs. Oamewell and Mr. and Mrs.
Bain bridge were members of the besieged
missionary and legation colonies. W. K.
Balnbridge was the second secretary of.
the American legation under Minister Con
ger and Mr. Game well was chief of the
fortifications staff during the slega at the
legation compound, 7
Wtara of Chins Aristae.
Mrs. Gamem ell a address pertained al
most exclusively to woman's Work in ths
China mlsslanry field. She told of the
deplorable condition of tha women of
China, saying:
"The standing of a nation Is based upon
tho standing' of Its women. The work of
the ' Christian, missionaries has dona and
is doing much for the elevation of the
Chinese women. 1 have here in my hand
an article which a few years-ago would
have been an Impossibility in China, Had
some one told you then that such a thing
should exist today you would have been
laughed to scorn as a dreamer. It is a
woman's Journal, published at Peking,
China. It gives an account of woman's
work for the emancipation of women, both
spiritually and materially."
"This paper Is published at the .subscrip
tion price of 10 cents per month and Is de-.
Uvered at the homes of the subscribers. It
has already taught the Chinese women that
the world Is round, the beauty of truth and
the folly of Chinese women bandaging their
feet. Reading rooms are now establlshod
In Peking and If the patrons of those rooms
are not able to read, readers are there to
read for them. The siege of Peking awak
ened China to the existence and beauties of
modern civilization and the necessity of the
Chinese people adopting the practice of
modern civilization. In fact China has
turned squarely about and Is now making
the most marvelous strides In all the graces
of modern civilization, Christianity and all
that can contribute to awaken it from the
sleep of past centuries into the great active,
busy world of today."
Conference Closed Last Klsrht.
The other speakers of the morning session
wore Don W. Nichols, who gave an inter
esting review of the educational work of
the association; Dr. R. C. Beebe spoke of
the medical work, J. I. Mclaughlin of tho
evangelistic work and Robert Ward of the
(amine relief work in India.
Bishop McDowell presided at the morning
session. Thursday afternoon . Dr. F. D.
Clamewell presided. Tho addresses of the
afternoon were by 8. Earl Taylor, Dr. J. B.
Trimble, and Bishop W. F. McDowell.
Bishop McDowell Draws a Lesson
from His I'sefal Ufa.
The concluding session of the conference
was hold lust evening with a program, the
chief part of which was a biographical
sketch by I'.lsiiop W. F. McDowell of Chi
cago on the work and achievements of the
Immortal Jlr. David Livingstone, the Scotch
missionary, The bishop's talk had an Inter
esting and sympathetic touch and was
scholarly throughout. The church was well
"Tho present generation apparently does
not know much of David Livingstone, al
though he is still a living theme. Ills
name Is one to conjure with," began the
bishop. "The name of David Living
stone makes a tremendous appeal to man
liness. He was born In a period when many
groat men wore coming Into the world,
when great things were happening and
when there was Immense activity. In ex
plorations. "At the age of 10, while working in a
factory, LK'lngstone was studying . his
Latin, and at the age f 3D he was deep In
philosophic study. Boon afterward mis
sionary biography stirred his blood and he
made a solemn covenant he would devote
Ms life to the missionary cause. When
Robert Mnffatt returned from Africa and
told Livingstone he saw 1,000 smoking vil
lages where the word of God had never
been. Livingstone exclaimed. 'Anywhere,
so long as It Is forward.' referring to his
anxiety to help the benighted."
The bishop drew a vivid picture of the
devotion, heroism and wonderful work of
treat any
(10 W until
nolson. No matter how skeptical you hve become over failure of others, do .lot
f ..a n tus . . . i ,,,W rllf U n .4 MrfiTt hnlth And VflU Will MVCP
aaaia have to be treated for ths same trouble. Do not take treatment .Maewhere until
" have consulted the oid relliifcle Dr. ovaries a Snarlee, fcWT A BUI 8HED In OMAHA
fa, 11 HOARS, whose name and reputation are so favorably known as the mom ex
LTrleaced and suoceseful SPEOiAXJtrra IN THE WEST. WE CVRK TOU. THEN
Wttk, nervous men, nervous debility, arlcooele, troubles, blood poison, contracted
atsisr proataUa troubles, waatlas weaknesses, hydrocele, chraulo diacaaea, stomach,
and sals oiseasee. '
RtS examinations and consul tattoo. Write for Symptom blank. U years la Omaha.
w --Mr"1- M M tC-I 1 I'ourtcvuUi tuiJ DouLas SUeeta, OsuMwW 2eb,
Livingstone in Africa, giving Incidents
along the way. He apoke of the anguish
which nearly broke Livingstone's heart
whn. In Central Africa, he heard of the
theological hair splitting at home while
the world was waiting for the message of
eternal salvation.
Cladlus B. Fpencer, editor of the Central
Christian Advocate, preceded the bishop
with a short talk of general missionary
work and the salvation or the wosld.
Bishop McDowell was Introduced by l)r.
J. B. Trimble, seeretary of the conference.
Jlels Anderson Sits Down In Court
Honae After Climbing- Stairs
and Umpires.
Nels Anderson, a feeble old man 61 years
of age died suddenly yesterday afternoon
In the office of the county treasurer at
the court house. He entered the office
about 3 o'clock and attracted the attention
of the clerks because he was breathing
very heavily on account pf the exertion of
climbing the two flights of stairs. He sat
down on a settee In the lobby of the office
to rest and a few minutes later one of the
clerks, noticing his strange appearance,
rushed over to him.
He was leaning back on the bench and
his head was bent over on his breast. A
physician was summoned and when he ar
rived he declared, he had been dead for
some time.
Mrs. Anderson had driven with her'hus
band to the court house entrance and
alarmed at his long delay .she went up to
the office .reaching It shortly after the'
clerks had discovered the condition .of her
husband. She was almost prostrated ani
attempted to bring him back to life by rub
bing his hands and face. She said he was
troubled with heart disease and it Is sup
posed the exertion of climbing the staits
overtaxed the weakened' organ. He lived
at Fifty-sixth- and Center streets.
He has a son, Carl Anderson, who works
for Llninger & Metcalf company. He was
Immediately summoned. The body was
placed In charge of Coroner Bralley.
Denies Report that He Experts to
Retire to His West Vlr
ginla F.states.
W. J. Broatch declares the report untrue
that he contemplated leaving Omaha soon
end going .to his estates in West .Virginia
to reside.
"I have no such expectations at all," he
said, and Intimated he did not cure to say
anything further on the subject.
"The Bee fought me bitterly In the recent
contest," Mr. Brotch continued, "but the
most contemptlblo newspaper in the city
Is the Dally News. Ifs course towards
ine was outrageous. I feel much hurt over
an editorial reference in The Bee lust night
that accused me of using my position ub
Fire and Police commissioner to make
members of the Fire and Police depart
ments support me. I want to say I never
asked a fireman or policeman to help me
out politically, and that the charges are
not true."
Fair Today anil Tomorrow In Ne
braska Fair and Warmer Today
In Iowa and Sooth Dakota.
WASHINGTON. April B Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For .Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming, Kan
sasFair Friday and Saturday.
For . Iowa ' and Missouri Fair. ' warmer
Friday; Saturday fair, warpier . n ,,east.
portion.' , ' 1 .. '.'
For South Dakota Fair, . wanner, Fri
dayVySaturday fair.,
Loral Record.
OMAHA, April 6. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1900. l')05. 1904. 1908.
Maximum temperature.... lit 4 i;
Minimum temperature.... 31 31 to 49
M"an temperature 4S 40 W ts
Precipitation 25 T T .uD
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal ut Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the lust two years:
Normal temperature , 44
Deficiency for the day 1
Total dellelenry since March 1, 1906 219
Normal precipitation Oil Inch
Excess for the day.., .in Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 2.22 inclii'S
Excess since March 1 ..H Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. lWKi.... 1.01 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1;h! 56 inch
Reports from Stations at T 1. M.
Station nnd State Temp. Max. Rnln-
of Weather. 7 p. m.
Bismarck, clear 41
Cheyenne, clear M
Chicago, cloudy 4H
Davenport, part cloudy.... 4i
Denver, clear .i.... 5
Havre, clear ". . (IX
Helena, cloudy 6"
Huron, clear 44
Kansas City, clear 5
North Platte, clear K0
Omaha, clear 55
Rapid City, clear ftt
St. Louis, cloudy 52
St. Paul, cloudy t...
Halt Iake City, clear 52
Valentine, clear 52
WUHston, clear
. 1
. 38
"T" indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecaster.
Required to Commence Treatment
II Mn for f
Until April
May Trt,
W Cur
BPiXJlAL OFFER. Owing to the fact that no nuny
have been unable to avail themselves of our treatment
and In view of there bem so many afflicted WITH
IHbX'IAL and CHRONIC 11SEASES who are treat
ing with Inrxperiencrd doctors without receiving any
benefit, we tutva decided to mke a special offer to
stiurx uncompucaiea case ror ne ie or
April 1st. those who are now undergoing
elsewhere and are dtsa.tlsned. except bio
Rcmaim of Soldier, Brought from Cpban
OraTe to Omaha Cemfterj.
Comrades and Friends f all In Line
to Tay Trlbate to Life
Kaded Foar Years
The body of the late Paul Vandorvoort
arrived In Omaha at 7:15 Thursday morn
ing from Cuba and was taken to the under
taking establishment of Cole-MacKay on
Capitol avenue, where the arrangements
for the funeral were completed.
The. services were held in conformity with
the Grand Army of the Republic ritual at
Forest Lawn cemetery, being conducted by
Adjutant General Culver or Lincoln, as
sisted by Department Commander John
Lett, Past Department Commanders 8. J.
Alexander, R. 8. Wi-ox, H. E. Palmer and
members of the various Grand Army posts
of Omaha. ,
Paul Vandervoort was the first com
mander of the Nebraska department. Grand
Army of the Republic and waa elected commander-in-chief
of the Natlonol department
at Baltimore in 1S82. Il was also chiefly
instrumental In making the Woman's Re
lief Corps the auxiliary to the Grand Army
of the Republlo at the national encampment
at Denver In 1883, and enjoyed the distinc
tion of being the only man who was ever
a member of the national department of
the Woman's Relief Corps. He was bIpo
the first private soldier elected to the
position of eommaiider-ln-ehlef of the
Grand Army.
'atlTe of Ohio.
Mr. Vandervoort was a native of Ohio
and was SS years of age at the time of his
death four years ago. He entered the
army early In the war as a member of
the Sixteenth Illinois volunteer cavalry and
served In the Army of the Potomac during
the entire civil war. After the close of tho
war he entered the posts! railway service
and later became chief clerk of the railway
mail service at Omaha, still later superin
tendent of malls. He was one of the charter
members of Custer Tost, Grand Army of
the Republic, and afterwards transferred
to Phil Kearny Post at South Omaha.
Following tho close of the Spanish-American
war he became Interested In a Cuban
colonisation scheme and removed to Cuba,
where he died of paralysis of the heart
July :, 1902.
He Is survived by Mrs. Vandervoort, who
Is still In Cuba, and four children. They
are Miss Grace Vandervoort, clerk In the
offlce of the United States circuit court;
Percy Vandervoort of Omaha: Samuel Van
devoort. now In Cuba, and Fred Vander
voort of Alliance, O.
Requested Burial fn Omaha.
It waa at the request of Mr. Vandervoort
that hi3 body should be brought to his eld
home at Omaha and buried In the Soldiers'
circle at the Forest Lawn cemetery.
Those In attendance at the funeral were
Commander John Lett. Past Commanders
Palmer. Alexander, Wilcox and Culver;
Past JPost Commanders 8. F. Moore, F. W.
Simpson, C. W. Allen, Jonathan Edwards,
Thomas Creigh and W. W. Eastman of the
Omaha Grand Army posts and two or three
members, and Miss Grace Vandervoort and
Percy Vandervoort, children of the de
ceased. The casket was covered with a handsome
American flag, which will be burled with
him. Rev. ,T. V, Moore of Westminister
Presbyterian church conducted the devo
tional services' at the tomb.
One Chars; e Made by Woman In Salt
for Reparation from
Alleging that he broke a dish over her
' head, mashed the furniture and made
threats against her, Mrs. Tilla Norman has
begun suit In district .court for a divorce
from Harry Norman. Tho principal acts
of alleged cruelty are said to have occurred
June 15. On lafct St. Patrick's day, she
says, he threatened her with a policeman's
billy and called hor bad names. She asks
the court to restore to ber her maiden
name, TMl.a Morasskey. They were married
In Council Bluffs June 19, 1809.
Alletha Hesse ho begnn suit for a
vorce from Richard Hesse, a pharmacist.
She charges that he has failed to support
her and their young daughter. They were
married In Omaha October 19. 1KXS.
Colia A. Rnrstow hns begun suit against
Silas A. Barstow, an architect, for divorce
and has secured from Judge Day an order
restraining her husband from interfering
with her in her home at 405 North Nine
teenth street. She alleges he is addicted to
the use of Intoxicating liquor and has failed
to a upport her. She began suit for divorce
once before, but she says he induced her
to dismiss the suit, promising to quit drink
ing. In December, 1905, he began again and
she declares sho can no longer live with
him. She wants the custody of their minor
Carrie B. Bowen has also applied for a
restraining order to prevent her husband,
Thomas H., from carrying out throats she
says he has made to do hor great bodily
injury -v She says he has a bad temper and
has threatened her with a loaded gun nnd
a butcher knife at different times. She
wants the custody of their 13-year-old son.
Mary L. Avis alleges desertion and drunk
enness In her petition for a divorce from
Braxton D. Avis. They wore married June
30, 1897. In West Virginia.
Former Employe of Lodging; Honse
Foaad Galltr of Bobbins; One
at 111 Gaests.
Bert Chandler, a former employe of the
Diamond lodging house, was found guilty
yesterday afternoon In the district court
of robbing Peter Hensen, a guest. The
Jury recommended "extreme clemency."
the minimum penalty being three years In
the penitentiary. Chandler was a co-defendant
with E. H. Eyre, who was found
guiliy of the aame crime last week. It Is
charged they went to Hensen'a room dur
ing the night, took 115 from him and forced
him to leave the place.
The information against George Breck
ner, charged with manslaughter, has been
dismissed by County Attorney Slahaugh.
Breckner was charged with shooting a
playmate, Arthur Kuhn, with a shot gun,
January I, 1904. The case was tried once
and the Jury disagreed. The evidence In
dicated the shooting was unintentional.
Heaert af Threat Made ta O'Heara
Jnrar .abject mt Official
laqalry. .
County Attorney 8labaugh Is investigating
the report from South Omaha that Otto
Bchults, one of the Jurors In the OH earn
case, was threatened with assault by three
men Monday night on account of the ver
dict returned by the Jury. Bo far no one
has reported the inaiance to his office. In
rase It Is found threats were made It la
probable a vigorous prosecution will be be
gun against the assailants In order to pro
tect Jurors In the dischaxge of thuir duty.
A very welcome announcement comes
from the local biennial board of St. Tsui,
to the effect that a plan has been devised
whereby the visiting club woman la to be
spared all that Inconvenience and anxiety
In connection with her baggage that h
teen a part of all previous biennials. Til
president of the St. Paul Union Depot com
psny has promised to provide a separate
room for all biennial baggage, and that It
may be taken care of Immediately upon Its
arrival. To make this possible a red label
six Inches long and two lnchog wide will
be Issued, and on this Is printed "Conven
tlon O. P. W. C, St. Paul." This label Is
to be pasted on all biennial baggage and
In case of club women being overlooked
In the distribution they are advised to Im
provise suoK a label. Use a strip of red
paper of the dimensions named and print
on the Inscription. The chairman of the
baggage committee emphaslxes the neces
sity of using thla label or the substitute
suggested, for unless It Is In evidence the
bnggHge will have to go through the regu
lar bnggnge room and the heavy travel at
that season of the year will occasion delsy.
Another convenience will be the estab
lishment of A postoffice station at the
armory Vhere the meetings will be held
and club women are requested to remember
that mall sent to that offlce must be ad
dressed "In care of O. F. W. C, Armory,
St. Paul." It has been suggested by the
chairman of the bureau of Information that
visiting women who wish to get money at
the St. Paul banks provide themselves with
New York exchange Instead of personal
checks and with letters of Identification
from their home banks.
One of the subcommittees on registra
tion will prepare and post In a prominent
place as soon as possible an alphabetical
list of all visitors at the biennial. A com
plete cataloguo will be prepared and filed
for reference of all women visiting the
meeting. No badge will be Issued to any
one until credentials have been presented
and signed for. -.
The club Journals are full of announce
ments preparatory to the convention. Sev
eral special excursion trains from various
parts of the country are being arranged
for. New England will send Its usual large
delegation, which will be divided Into a
half dozen excursion parties, with h many
different routes for the trip. Tho southern
states are Interested as never before and
will send large delegations, while from the
west and all other sections come Indica
tions that more women than ever before
will attend the eighth biennial.
The literature department of the Omaha
Woman's club held its annual election of
officers Friday, March 30. Mrs. Harry
May was olucted leader and representative;
Mrs. C. R. Glqver, Mrs. Joseph Polcar and
Mrs. Edward Johnson . were elected Brit,
second and third assistant leaders, re
spectively, and Mrs.. Theodore Mayer was
elected secretary and treasurer, American
history was selected as the subject for next
year's study.
At the annual meeting of the current
topics -department' of the Woman's club
held Tuesday. Mrs. L. J. Healey was
elected leader for the coming year. , There
will also be sven assistant leaders, who
will euch have charge of two meetings dur
ing the year. Mrs. Healey will represent
the department oryjhe directory of the club.
'7 til V
' Through the General Federation bureau of
Information, Mm ' LVdla Avery Coonley
Ward, one o Jhe biennial" committee,
makes ' the following suggestion to tlub
women regarding the much-discussed bi
ennial exhibits:
I think mutual interest. In different sec
tions of our country, would be greatly
stimulated If there could be practical ex
hibits of the thlna that women are In
terested In and are trying to promote.
When they are described, in nddressos or
even in print, much imagination is needed
for appreciation, whereas, if the thing is
actually seen. It ' becomes of vital interest.
Take, for example, homespun materials,
such as bedspreads, table covers, etc., that
are tnudo by the mountain women In Ken
tucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas Hncl other
states, the rag carpeting and mats made
in many sections of the country, the bas
ketry and metal work and many other
kinds of work; If each state made an ex
hibit of Its products in such lines It would
enlighten siKter states In addition to its
educational value.
For example, Massachusetts hns devel
oped embroidery, cross-stitch, weaving and
basket making to a high degree, and the
Visible evidence of this development would
probably raise the quality of work through
out the country. The books that women
have written, the music they have com
posed, tho things they hav invented all
these would be of great interest. It would
not be difficult to arrange for the taking
of orders for articles exhibited, nnd It Is
quite probable that the expense of the ex
hibits would bo met by sales. I would not
conflno the Fhowing to what women have
made or Invented, but I would. If possible,
add articles not well known that are dis
tinctly useful to women, such us the Alad
din oven, the bread machine (a woman In
vented the llrst and best),! the cake mixer,
etc. The bread mnchlne results in an Im
portant saving of time and strength, and
the bread li makes Is more wholesome than
that kneaded by hand.
These are merely suggestions. The ex
hibits may be extended indefinitely, but
tltey should be confined to things that are
of distinctive value to women and to- fami
lies. 1 hope it may le arranged to de
velop then Into "traveling state exhibits."
Eleventh Prodnct of Isloa rarifle
Shops Makes Fine ShoTrlna; oa
. Initial Trip.
The'Uriion Pacillc railroad officials have
been experimenting with their new motor
car, No. 7, Just out of the shops. This
car Is mi improvement on the previous
luotois cars in that it Is specially designed
for cljmbing grades and has several new
arrangements, tho most conspicuous of
which is the ventilation of the cars, the i
windows being round, similar to port holes
In -teamshljis, and is air, water and dust
proof; car has also side entrance in middle
of car Instead of at the end.
The first trial run made to Valley and
back yesterday developed good climbing
ability over the grades and a speed of
forty miles an hour with ease. The new
method of ventilation fairly well avoided
the close and sometimes foul atmospheric
conditions so often encountered In electric
and other transportation cars, sufficiently
so as to predict complete success In this
direction. The vibration and noise of the
engine was largely eliminated and the
mechanism of the car worked splendidly
on tills trial run. The Union Paclfi officials
were much pleased and believe that the
final result of these experiments, which
ere not yet completed, will show this car
to be the most perfect car of the kind In
Third On Tried for Saaday kales
Convicted aad Appeal"
His Case.
Walter Brandes was found guilty late
yesterday afternoon by a Jury in county
court of selling liquor on Sunday. The
Jury waa out over an hour and returned
the verdict of guilty on only one of the
six counts In the complaint. Mr. Brandts
gave bond and will appeal to the district
This is the third of the saloon cases filed
by Elmec Thomas to bo tried. The trials
have resultud lu two convictions and one
acquittal, '
Tl bought a ehort tlm bro from a larg-e manufaclnror who wont into ,ar? "' nrompflv t
nd rutin Silk!.. The eoods httvo nil hern delivered nd will po on Bale t rl APr" 'torJJi
10 a. m. The low prlre, at which these good, were bought compelled lis to nto t IS
all Rllks of a similar character, and these will be offered at the same time. In "f w8tJ '"Vnot hve
have been displayed for several days. The Block, however, in m rf. "ATl .!r.i .h-VIS
sufllolent display spare In which to do It Justice. The lot Includes Plain Black Taffetas, seeral shades of
Colored Taffetas, a large variety of beautiful fancies, stylish Rough Silks, some or j jf-"
which are the much advertised Heather Brand; a few pieces of Ixs Jungle.; small if
checks, which are exceedingly popular; Pongees. Plaids, Changeable Ixiutaonnes, 7 M ff
etc., etc. silks which sold and which are being offered elsewhere now as nigh as u n li t u
per yard. There will not he one vard offered worth less than $1 per yard and every 'r
piece will go AT ONE rilICK rKIt YAKII.
We have also prepared several treats for yon to occupy yonr time and excite your Interest while yon
are waiting for the time bell to announce this sale at 10 o'clock.
IX Om NEW llt'O DEPT. OX SECOND FLOOU A very attractive purchase of ORIENTAL RUGSA. M.
Karaghenslan, large New York Importers, were overstocked. They made ns an exceedingly low price on
an assorted lot of Shlrvans. Kurdistans, Kazaks, Cablstans. Mlssouls, etc. Small and medium sizes oniy .
and no a very extensive lot altogether. These will be open for your inspection when the store opens at
8 o'clock, and you can while away an hour or two very profitably, for we promise some rare 4CQ
bargains. .lust a few Anatolian Mats in the lot J we
200 pairs of Battcnberg, Scotch Net and Arabian Curtains,' worth up to $3.50, will go at I8
per pair ... w W
60 pairs of Brussels Net, Point Lace, Arabians and Clunys, worth up to $6.75, will go quick O "TR
at pair . . . . W W
Near entrance to elevator, main floor, we have gathered together a lot of high priced fabrics. Including Silk
Mulls, plain, printed or embroidered; Mercerized Pongees, plain or printed; Mercerized Checks, Embroid
ered Voiles, Madras Carraux, Printed and Woven Madras, Scotch Ginghams, Vice Reines, 0 '?.
Panamas, Angela Mulls, etc. all to be offered Friday at yard ssUC
A sieclal bargain In All Linen Suiting worth fifty cents wil go on Friday at Q
yard I wW
AT HOSIERY SECTION For two days women'i full regular made Fast Black Cotton Hose fl Ca
pair i I3C
IX BASEMENT A handsome offering-of Cotton Challls, in Persian designs, will go at t
yard OC
1 A VERY SPECIAL LOT OF SUITINGS Formerly twenty-flve cents on Friday j mi
r I O2C
AND A VERY SPECIAL LOT OF SUITINGS Formerly twenty.flve cents on Friday
of variety. Some pieces are small. First comers will have an advantage.
FKVfl f
Both Lincoln and Minneapolis Teams Keep
Busy with the Stick.
Minneapolis the Victor liy a Score of
rninrfD to six on a Jinaar uia
mond, Maklna Fast Play
LINCOLN, April 5. Lincoln's new team
In the 'Western league had Its trying out
today and was beaten by the Minneapolis
Ameiican aaaoclation club by a score of
13 to 6. The grounds were soft from yester
day's heavy rain and the players did not
exert themaelveB. Manager Holmes of the
Lincoln presented a patched up ' team,
many of his men not having yet reported,
and thoFe on hand being without practice.
The visitors played snappy ball, aside from
base running, which could hardly be other
wise; than poor., on a muddy diamond- The
hitting was hard on both gldeB. A crowd
of 400 saw the game. Score:
AB. R. BH. PO. A. K.
Ketchum. cf 2 10-10
W. Holmes, 3b 5 0 2 110
Qulllln. sa 4 2 2 13 0
Shueart. 2b.... 4 0 0.61 0
Thomas, lb.....' 4 1 2 11 0 0
Shepard. If 5 1 2 0 0 1
Harms, rf 5 0 1 3 O 0
t Holmes, p 2 0 0 0 5 1
Kinran. c 4 0 2 4 7 0
McCormlck, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hhuman. p 1 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 36- 6 11
27 17 2
Tf) A. K.
3 0 0
Sullivan, cf
Freeman, lb...
Grahitm, 3b....
Fnx. 2h
Persons, if
Veager, o
Shannon, c
Oagnier, sa
Welsenberg, rf
fjehrlng, p
HrittBen, p
Bporcr, p
... (i
.. 6
.. 5
.. 4
.. 3
.. 1
.. 3
13 1!
Ketchum out, hit by
2 10 0-13
0 1108
Lincoln, 2.
-base lilts :
k out: 8ul-
Minneapolis 3 1 1
4 1
Lincoln 1 0
1 1 1
Knrned runs: Minneapolis, 5;
Three-baae lilt: giilllln. Two
Hulllvan, leaner, Zinran. Sum
livan. Fox. Bporcr, C. Holmes
Wood of Havelock. Neb.
'.). Umpire:
Prospects for the llase liH Season
Arc Bright.
VERMILION, 8. I- April 5. (Special.)
The university buae ball players Ix-nuii
outdoor practice the latter part of last
week, ana, although the diamond has been
pretty muddy ever since, the men have
niaiiuged to locale a lew dry spots on the
canipux wnere they could limber up their
arms nnd Judge a few nk scraprrH. The
outlook lor a Buccusful sou son ia liriKht.
ax a majority of last year's men have re
turned to college Hun year. Several prom
ising new men nave appeared.
Royal Johnson, a catcher of experience
and more than ordinary ability, i this
year's captain of the base ball squad. Ho
has a wealth of material for the pitching
staff. Including Sawyer. Orr, Williams nmi
I'ttaum, the latter a new man at the uni
versity. The first base position Is in doubt,
though It would not he If it were known
for a certainty that O'Neill would be In the
game. Hupp, second base; Good, short
stop; Cooper, third lase, and Fickey. c-n-terHeld,
are permanent tlxiuros, while Ills
ley, Fflaum and Ryan will have to tight
It out for the two vacant positions In the
outfield. Ryan at present la on the hospital
list with a badly jammed finger.
The following schedule has been ar
ranged: April and lu. Yankton college at
Vankton; April 11 and 12. Dakota Weso-yan
at Mitchell; April 13, Canton High at Can
ton; April 14. Klk Point at point; April
lii 17. IS, 19 and 20, Sioux City Packers at
Vermilion: April 23. Yankton college ut Ver
milion: May 2. Simpson college at In
dlanola, la.; May 3, Iowa' State at Anus;
May 4, Mornlngside at Sioux City; May 10.
8. I). Aggies at Vermilion; May 17, Morn
lngside at Vermilion; May 29, Dakota Wl-s-leyan
at Vermilion.
Other games are under consideration lor
the Iowa trip and an attempt will be made
to bring ths Flandreau Indiana to Ver
milion. .
Traeir nrnsnects are unusually good this
year. For the sprints there are Stoland,
Fowler, a fast man from the Black Hills,
and Bromley, the speedy foot ball player.'
Meyers, Gunderson. llrockman. Turney,
Woodwort. Klelbaugh and Collins are all
good middle and long distance men. Mey
ers will take care of the hurdles, and there
is a string of men who will look after
seconds In these events. In the high Jump
are Meyers. Fowler and Hupp, all capablo
of negotiating 6-7. Hupp Is good for more
than 21 feet in the broad Jump, tioodncr.
a new man from Pierre, is very proficient
at pole vaulting. All the big men In the
university are trying for the weight events.
Dual meetings will be arranged with Yank
ton. Mornlngside Dakota Wesleyan and
Brookings. All these meets, with the ex
ception of the one with Mwrniugslde, will
occur In Vermilion.
(las Call for staax.
SIOI'X CITY, la.. April 5.-Tbo Univer
sity of South Dykota base ball team g;ivo
the local Western leaguers a close call this
afternoon, the latter winning by 11 score
of 6 to I. The feature was the work In
the box bv Sawyer of Souih l'akola. who
struck out eleven men.
Atlaatle la llstr Hall 4 lub.
ATLANTIC, la.. April 5.-' Special.!- At
lantlc will- have a basw 111 club agiilu
this season. This was decided at a meet-,
lug last night at which the old "At-
lantlc Grays" were reorganised with prac
tically the Mine lineup as played such
(rood ball lat year. I)ale Morrow was
again selected captain and practice will
commence at once. It Is expected that the
optmlng game will bo played about the
3Jth of the month.
Iowa Fixes Dates for Uames with
Other Clubs.
IOWA CITY. In.. April G. (Special.) The
athletic management of the State Univer
sity of Iowa bus announced the schedule
tor the baseball team following immedi
ately after the opening of active work on
the athletic Held. The Hiiwkeyes will pin;
nineteen games, twelve of them being nt
Iowa City, the rest at different places in
the state. The longest trip will be to Min
neapolis, where they will meet the Uni
versity of Minnesota in one game. On that
same trip the team will meet upper Iowa
I'niverslty or Luther College. Minnesota
will be the only conference team the men
will meet. The season opens here with a
series of preliminary games with the
Davenport leaguers. Beginning on April
17 tliev will play one game every day for
the balance of the week. From that tlms
on the college se-ason will open In the
state, the team meeting from three to four
rival teams each week.
The schedule is not as heavy as It would
have been had the old squad kept out of
brush league bull Inst summer. At the
close of the last college season, when Iowa
had by far the strongest bunch of players
It had had In several years, plans were
made for at lenst two eastern tripa for the
team this spring, going as far as Ann
Arbor and swinging buck up through Wis
consin. Bui when It was known this win
ter that the men would be Ineligible for
the university team, all plans for an ex
tended schedule were promptly dropped
and only about half of the number of
games proposed were arranged for. The
completed schedule Is as follows:
April 17-21 Davenport at Iowa City.
April 26-28 Minnesota trip.
. Mbv 2 Nebraska at Iowa City.
May 5 Normal at Cedar Falls.
Mv 12 Cornell at Iowa City.
Mny 11 ( op at Cedar Rapld-t.
Mav IK Orinr.ell at Iowa City.
Mnv 18 Cornell nt Mt. Vernon.
May L'S Normal at Iowa City.
May 2H Ames at. Iowa City.
May 29 Simpson at Iowa City.
Mav 30 Ames i.t Ames.
June 2 firlnnell at Orinnell.
Sporting; Hrrvltles.
Runkle is making a hit with the fans,
as well as hitting the ball. He batted 1,000
in the Fort Crook game.
Perrine and Wamble are fighting for the
third base position and Pa is giving each
an equal break, playing one and then the
other. ,
Stone Is starting out well and may have
his eye right with him again tills season.
At any rate he made four hits In a recent
exhibition game.
Dolan's injury did not keep him out of
the game long and he Is taking up Ills new
position ns If he liked it. U0U11 also seems
to have his batting eye this year.
Omaha can have the pictures of a real
automobile race if not the race itself. Mov
ing pictures of the Vanderbilt race are be
ing given at the Auditorium tills week.
Caruthcrs Is a vast improvement on the
general run of umpires generally at the
opening of the season for the exhibition
games, or any other time for that matter.
And this is the conviction of every un
biased man on the circuit. But because
Bobby won't stand for Mike Cantlllon's
I lig
Are you suffering from any hidden drains, weaknesses or private diseases.
If so. why not be cured? Why not win hack the vim, vigor and vltaliiy lost?
The spark of sexual vitality seldom dies out. It Is often weakened, impaired,
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sunshine snd water. We have been the direct means of restoring thousands or
afflicted sufferers to complete and perfect health. Years of practical experi
ence thousands of dollars spent In researches and an Immense practice have
, enabled us to evolve a system of treatment that la a powerful, permanent and
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come weakened or debilitated. The change in thousands of cases Is simply
marvelous Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weakened systems, debilitated and
atrophied organs and nervous wrecks are perfectly restored by our system of
treatment. 11 you vm iivi m un miniiu t""- V Ti r ...,
and ability by curing you of your ailment. If you need skilled medical atten
tion give this matter your earnest thought and consideration, as your future
hlth snd haonlness may depend upon the course you pursue at this time. Ne
cure safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexnal Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of men
abuse, excesses, or the result of speelno
Consultation If you
aas) exsmlnstiea umce tiours a. in. 10 p. iu. cumufi. iv r u,...
1S03 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
disgraceful hoodlumlsm. Cantlllnn'a man
Friday, is not allowed to retain him.
Fenlon and Bassey also are scrapping it
out for the outfield pjsltlon made vacant
by the disposal of Buckerlno ThleL Bassey
seems to have the better at the plate, but
Fenlon is tha fastest on the bases and In
the Held.
Seven pitchers ar battling for positions
on tho local team. Who will get tho
plums? McNeeley, Quick and Saunders are
the old men and Koukallk, Port, Huesser
and Corns are the new ones who will havo
to light it out for ths vacant positions.
Afier waiting for many moons after somo
of the other schedules were out, O'Neill
finally has given out his schedule for tho
coming year. From a rough view, Omalia
fans have no cause to conii,Jn of tho
treatment they will receive in tho way
of games here. Because the good peoplo
of Lincoln will not permit Sunday bail
Omaha will have four extra Sunday games'
which w.ll suit most of ths fans. The
trams have to travel a trifle farther under
the present schedule, when Lincoln Is
paired with Omaha Instead of Des Moines,
but Omaha gets mora holidays and Sun
Couple Seeking Divorce Severely
Arraigned by Court for Violating;
Marriage latlaa.
With a scathing lecture on the sailefty of
the marriage relation. Judge Troup yester
day afternoon dismissed the divorce sut
of Amelia Ranney against Alvlrous Raa
ney and directed that each party pay lk
own costs.
Judge Troup declared the evidence
showed both had sinned before and after
marriage and the sins of each had been
Condoned by the other. Under such cir
cumstances he thought the parties should
have no standing In court. He declared
he was tempted to dismiss the petition
fore the evidence was half In, but srat
strained from so doing because he wantei.'
to hear all of the case.
Mrs. Ranney charged her husband with
being an habitual drunkard and with
abusing her. He In turn declared Bhe hnd
conducted an unsavory resort before their
marriage and had Bold him liquor and
knew his habits perfectly well. He says h
was drunk when he married her and that
she had a husband living at the time, from
whom she had not secured a divorce.
Mrs. Ranney wept copiously white Judge
Troup arraigned her and her husband for
their conduct.
Queer Sensations
In stomach, back or bowels are signs nf
certain dangers, which Electric Bitters are
guaranteed to cure. GO cents. For sale by
Bhertnan it McConncll Drug Co.
Prick Leaves Rock Island.
NEW YORK. April 6. It was announced
today that Henry C. Frlck has resigned
from the hoard of directors of the Rock
Island company. His successor has not
been chosen.
due to Inheritance, ' evil habits, self-,
or private diseases.
cannot call wnte for symptom blsnk.