TILE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: F1UDAY, A PHIL 6, V.K)0. PLANS FOR NEW INDUSTRY Seter! General Iden Considered but Oora mittea it not yet Determined. 1 , OTHER CITIES FURNISH SUGGESTIONS Crime Parpose la Incorporate t em Mor of Ileadreel Tkeasead Dol lars Capita) e tloll Enterprise. The proposition of the Omaha Commercial club (or the organise 'on of a stock com pany to srure new Irwustrle for the city, has aroused considerable.' distfusstoh among the business men. Numerous luiitilloni have heen made to the sjie-lal committee appointed In the matter, conststlns; of I. W. Carpvniei, J. E. Uaum and Z. T. Llndioy, though aa yet no man haa had detailed plan to offer. The committee haa had two meeting and ts working out a, schema which will be presented, to the executive committee of the club In the near future. It la the love to Incorporate a company f not Jess than $100,000 capital stock. divided Into l.ono shares of $100 each, to be aubscrlbed by business men who wish to see the elty grew. The money would be used to tart email Industiiee, which. In the judg ment of the directors, haa good money niak Ing possibilities after onre placed on their feet. The company could furnish sites for new factories, taking stock In the business In exchange for the site., and could erect hulldlnge to lease to the new concerns. The payment for the stock In the company Is a matter which has called out many ue aestlons. Some say pay. each down; others say pay 10 per cent ; quarterly; other . ! per cent annually, and still , others think It best to call for payments as the money Is needed for new concerns. What Other t itles Are Uolee. In case he should be called on for In formation as to what other towns are doing In this line. Commissioner K. J. MeVann of the Commercial club haa collected some data, showing plana carried out and pro (jected. Bcranton, Pa., with a population of 102,009, haa organised a company with a capital stock of $600,000, and several months ro had already $130,000 subscribed. Bu lierlor. Wis., with S1.000 people, has a com pany with ITS, OOU capital stock, 20 per cent to be called for any one year, and to lie used either aa loans or to buy stock In new concerns. A company In Duluth, where li.l.OOO people live, has $100,000 capital stock. 2d per cent of which Is paid In cawh each year. Dayton, O., with a population only about two-thirds that of Omaha, proposes to go In for $500,000. Haverhill, Mass., pro. poses to form a building association to erect modern factory- buildings. Marlon, Ind., a town of less than 30,000 peopl. has raised $100,000 to secure factories. Nash vllle, Tenn., a city of 81.000, plans for stock subscriptions of $300 each from 30 men, to be called for 10 per cent at a time when a new industry can be got. Joplin, Mo., haa K.ono people. Ijist fall a stock company was organised with $200,000 , capital in ,4,000 shares, to be paid at the rate of $1 a month on each share. Kewanee, til., has 10.000 inhabitants. A proposition Is under way to lay out acreage property In l!ie edge of the city and sell 398 lots at $17fi each, the proceeds to be tired in subsidizing new Industries. Land Platted at Per. lad The Oakdale . Improvement association, . Peru, Ind.. platted land and got a belt line through It. Through the Commercial club 7(10 Iota have been sold at $275 cash each and the money wilt be used to locate fae tnrle. Peru has J0.O00 people. . The fijiVjiigll".''!!!.) Improvement ciHtion line been Incorporated by ten men, with n cip'inl Ktcrk or Jl'jo.ono. Land to the extent rf ?ri mv ln teii syndicated and tilicd p il,1 New Qi.1ri.tir .1 nv.ki irv 11 r trims hustle to oiganice a r-imiwny hijcIi us H proposed In Omaha. The plan provide for a capital stock of $.').WJ,"j0n In :,Ono xliarea of $100 each, not more than 20 per cent to be as- " sessed against the subscriptions to stock In any one year, assessments to be pro ' rated as Investments are made and ordered by the board of governors. . The Kansas City Star last September said: j Coffeyvllie. Kan., haa a Commercial club which in the last three years haa dis bursed more than $W,000 for new !n- ' dustries. Has It paid? In that cltv there Is unlv one answer, and that la "Yes." The town has grown from UK) in March, 1902. to 15.000 nw. The mark set for 1916 is 'S.ooo, and that figure "will be reached be fore then tf the present rate of progress continues. The Coffeyvllie Commercial club bought land at acreace wires, subdivided it Into lots and had It annexed to the city. It then used the lottery plan and sold the lots, the first addition coins for Ii25 and the second for $175 per lot. The profit on the two sales made a Ng fund for the club to' work on. Factories having been brought in and the workmen having built houses near them, the lots are worth more than when the club sold them. WIFE ENTIRELY TOO WILLING -His Mind Aeett Ceasssltttag lelde. What Is the use of dying by your own hand and of your own wish for the purpose of piquing somebody when that body refuses to be piqued and tells ' you to go ahead and dieT This reflection la probably, ac cording to the police, what saved Ed Oil more, Sixteenth and Orand avenue: from going to aleep forever from eelf-admtn-latered laudanum, on a pile of aawdust at the Jensen Ice houses on Orand avenue. The finding of Ollmore lying prone and motionless, by John Johnson, 14 North Seventeenth street, and a companion, was the cause of , the hurried departure of Police Surgeon Wills from the station to the scene late Thursday afternoon. In pocket of the man's coat Wills found an empty bottle of laudanum, but he could not find any sigh of the contents having reached the Inside of the man. Seeing himself In the hands of a physician OH more gave tip playing dead man and before long the police were In possession of the reasons for his peculiar act. They are: Ollmore married a daugTrter of O. H. Schlotfleld, 4219 Sherman avenue, recently. but did not get along well with his wife and at last she left him to go and live with Thomas Murray, Sixteenth and Port streets. The deserted husband went to the house Thursday . to secure his wife and met Murray, an old man of nearly 60 years, for the first time. Ollmore is young man, but when a hand-to-hand con flict ensued between the two he found the aged protector of the wife too much for him and he was obliged to depart, leav ing his run-away wife behind and with sundry Ignominious bruises about the face. Finding a show of force had worked against him he now tried the opposite tack and threatened to commit suicide. But bis words met only with laughter and he was told to go ahead and kill himself. This showed plainly he would be the only loser by such action, but nevertheless, he went to a drug store at 28 UT Sherman avenue and secured the laudanum. Then he made his way to the icehouses and lay down. Possibly he took a smalt portion of the poison, but most of it was poured out on the ground. Ollmore was dressed In a soldier's, kahkt uniform. Me said he had just enlixted and the blue had not yet been Issued to him. He was placed under art est and locked up. AUTO SHOW ASSURED SUCCESS Fint Exhibition of Whit Wtrom at Andi torium Prorei Popular Affair. 1 " LARGER CROWDS THAN WERE EXPECTED Oaliil-'Uws People Are .Not Italy l.aoltlaa-, bat Arc Bating, mm4 F. very !, Therefore, Is Happy. the benk until litigation resulting from the" transaction Is concluded. MEN TO ASSIST THE WOMEN Reaalt t t'esfereare lasting Several Haare at V. W. C. A. Head- dwarrera. II j Prepa El 1 Cure Forjhe Blues CXE MED1CKE THAT HAS KEYER FAILED Health Filly Restored and the Jey - Life Regained. When a cheerful, brave, light-hearteii woman ta suddenly plunged Into that perfection of misery, the BLUES, it la ' a sad picture. It la usually this way 1 ha haa been feeling "out of aorta" NEW BELT LINE ENTERPRISE I pdike Lwiuber ss)d Coal Company Will Establish riant er West Dedee Street. The Updike Lumber and Coal company Is to open a plant In Omaha for the dis tribution of wholesale and retail lumber and coal. This plant is to be on the Beit line. Just north' of Dodge street, -and W. J. Miller, with O. A. Hoagland for ten years. Is to be the manager. The Arm will spend fio.uoo In buildings on the land which has been bought, half a block wide and two blocks long, and will immediately put in a SlOO.ouO stock of lumber and coal. The Updike Lumber and Coal company is a different corporation from the T'pdlke Grain company,' although it haa practically the same stockholders. The lumber com pany has twentyhree plants in the state from1 which lumber and coat are retailed and these will be supplied from the Omaha yards. The Belt line was built about twenty years ago to accommodate just such con cerns as the new lumber company, as It has direct connections with all roads lead ing Into Omaha. "We think we have a good location for a retail lumber yard, as we, are right In the center of the big residence district which Is working to the suburbs," said Mr. Miller. for tome time; head haa ached an back also ; haa slept poorly, been quits nervous, and nearly, fainted once or twioe; head dixsy, and heart beats very fast; then that bearing-dawn feeling, and during; ber periods the ia exceed injrly . despondent. Nothing pleaaea her. Her doctor aaya : " Cheer up.: you have dyspepaia; you will be all right soon." But aha doesn't get " all right," and hope vanishes) then come the brood ing, morbid, melancholy, everlasting BLUES. Don't wait until your sufferings have iri ven you to despair, with your nervea 1 shattered and your 00 u rape rone, but take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound. See what it did for Mrt. Roe Adams, sY10 12th Street, Louisville. Ky., niece of the late tSen eral Eoger Hanson, C.8.A. She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkbam: " I cannot tell you with pea and ink what I.vdia E. Piukham's Vegetable Cwipound hu done for ma. J suffered With fmnaje troubWe, extreme lassitude, 'taa blues,' nerrouanens and that all jr one feeling. I was a.ivUed to try Lvdia K. PinkUeiu'a Vegetable ( mnpound, and it not only cured my female deranenixat, but it has restored Die to pert et IwoJth and snwngth. Tba buoyancy of any vounger davs has returned, and I do not tub ier any longer with deepondenor. as I did be fore. 1 1-on.ider Lydia E. Puikhaxo'i Vege table Compound a boon to sick and suffer uig women." ' If yen have aeote derangement of the female ergaalam write Mrs. Hakhaan, lyan, Mas., for ed vice. GENERAL IN THE LORD'S ARMY Joseph W. Pewell. from Family of Soldiers, rosisti His Warfare to gataa's Hosts. Joseph W. Powell of Buffalo, N. Y., who Is to handle the dedication of tho South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal church Sunday, has reached Omaha and la the guest of Dr. S. H. Smith. Iu23 South Tenth street. Mr. Powell la national organiser of the St. Paul Brotherhood, which now numbers about -to.we in the United States Last Sunday he organised a chapter of the Brotherhood at Anderson, Ind., 166 men meeting aa charter members. The object of the fraternity Is the mutual Improve ment of members by religious, social physical and literary culture and to pro mote the spirit and practice of Christltn brotherhood. Mr. Powell cornea of a fam ily of soldiers. Ills father received a medal from Queen Victoria for bravery, and King Edward VII. has lately knighted his cousin. Oeneral Baden Powell for spe cial service during the Boer wsr in Africa, hut he himself seems to be doing all his fighting against his Satanic majesty and seems to be a general In church work. Omaha's first automobile show la an as sured success. This much is made certain by the attendance for the initial day and by the enthusiasm of all who go to view the show. A few people were expected from eut ot the city, but they havo boon coming In droves and numerous sales are being made to out-of-down parties. This new Impetus to the auto dealers was not anticipated and they are correspondingly happy. Alt conceivable sorts . of machines are shown, some fresh from the shops and some showing the condition after years of wear. George Bogcrs' machine, which' he has driven around the streets of this city, Council Bluffs and South Omaha tor the last four years. Is shown with the expense account for repairs. This exhibit Is made by the automobile men to show how much cheaper It ia to run an automobile for busi ness than to keep a horse, or two horses, aa would have been required to cover the mileage which Mr. Rogers has made with his machine. Men Have Prod act. The exhibit which attracts the most at tention is the new home product of the Karbach company. This machine is strictly a home-made affair and la a beauty. It is a heavy truck with sn elghteen-horse power engine on a low gear, which will be able to haul a load up any of the hills of the city. Several Omaha firms are figuring on his machine with a view of putting It on the streets, as a machine of this char acter would be worth considerable for an advertisement, while the novelty lasts. Everything Is automobile at the show. even the decorations consisting of minia ture automobiles strung around the arena. Each dealer has all his available men at the show to expound the virtues of the various makes and each, of course, has "the best machine made." Many of the new machines which have been ordered for this year by Omaha owners have arrived and are on exhibition. The semi-limousine, which belongs to Emll Brandels, and the similar auto beside It with a different top and which cost more money, belonging to Louis Nash, attract considerable attention as ' thev, are both finished up about as line as the builder's art can contrive. Clarke Colt is considerably disappointed that the new machine ordered by Oeneral Cowlu has not arrived for the show. The big machine belonging to Bert Bradford Is not on exhibition, because of no agency In the city. . o Fall Ureas Affair. Manager Gltlan says a mistaken impres sion has gone forth that the people are expected to wear full dress at this show, but this ia wrong. XThe show Is given for the public and people can wear any attire which suits their convenience. The success is such that the show next year is bound to be a hummer and all manufacturers will be more anxious to get In on the ground floor. Kotes of the Shove. Among the most striking of the new fes- tures added to tne snow rnureoay mgnt was the six-cylinder FrnnKiin. The powe.11 Bacon company had this big machine ex pressed from Syracuse In order to get it here in time, for the show. It .landed in Omaha last, night and . was immediately taken to the Auditorium. It is tlie nrst six cylinder car ever brought Into this terri torv and aroused considerable interest, ai prominent engineers predict that the six cylinder motor will be practically the one universally ustd in the large high class touring cars. It is claimed for this car that in comfort, smoothness of running, luxuriousness of finish and appointments it is not surpassed by any car built. This six-cylinder car represents the highest de velopment of Franklin principles. emtody ing power with strength ana light-weight flexible construction. The White steamer exhibit consisted, of an Imperial Victoria with full leather ex tension top and a de.ml-llmousine, model F, owned respectively by L. C. Nash arid Emll Brandels. They attracted constooraoie la vnrubla attention. The Cadillac exhibited was devoted solely to slncle cylinder cars. It included a run about, a runabout with convertible body and a ugnt touring car. Good Word! for t'hsnkerlaia'i Coagh Remedy. People everywhere take ' pleasure In tes tifying to the good qualities of Chamber- lalu's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phil Hps of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My tittle girl, Catharine, who Is 2 years old, has been taking this remedy whenever she has had a cotd since she was I months old. About a month ago I contracted -a dreadful cold myself, but took Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever. Recently when my husband was buying a bottle of this remedy a man stopped up and said, 'Mr. Phillip Is that a good medicine? and my husband replied, 'It can't be beat SUIT OVER FLORENCE LOTS Legal Flaht la Which Milton Huaers Cstate Compaoy Takes aHaad. A Controversy over the possession 0f some tots In Florence haa found Its way into diatrict court by the securing of a restraining order from Judge Day Thurs day morning by Irving Allison. Milton Rogers ..Entate company and the Florence company against Jasper Smith. The plain tiffs assert they were the owners of lots I te IS, block of the village, and sold them to Allison under a warranty deed. April I lie had some engineers start to work locating a place f-r a house be In tends building. Ttw defendant. It is as serted, claimed some rights to the prop erty, drove the engineers off and Imme diately began to build a wire fence around the place. The order restrains the defend ant from interfering with the property in sny w" until the hearing Is had 01 the application for an injunction. VIADUCT ' WILL BE LONGER Teeth Street Bridge Is to He l.ragtheaed la sleapoaae to retltloa. Richard Carle is one of the Comedians of whom It may truly be said, "He never dls appoints," and as the author of his own plays he ta able always to aecure the very best of results with rrgard to himself. His "Mayor of Tokio-' haa never been seen in Omaha, but the praises that have been ahowered on the piece Jy the eastern critics warrants the belief that Its performances at the Boyd theater on Sunday and Mon day evenings will be witnessed by capacity houses. n Chauncey Oleott is coming next week for his annual engagement at the Boyd, offer Ing his newest play. "Edmund Burke." "8owing the Wind" is making a deeper Impression en the public than any play the Woodward Stock company ha yet pro duced at the Burwood. The run has three more performances. Including the matinee on Saturday. "Dr. Pill" Is In preparation for next week. A number of bulivs men of ttmaha gathered at a dinner at th Central Young Women's Chrlit!s.rt association rooms at :3o o'clock last night fur the purpose of talking ever wrtji the members of the building committee for the new association structure the matter ot joining hands with the Women during the closing days of the fund-raising campaign. The feature of the evening was the speech of Miss Mary 8. Dunn of Chicago, national secretary of the association, in charge of building ope ration throughout tho country, who ts In the city to assist In the local struggle. Miaa Dunn has had experience In many cities of the United States during the last fifteen years and Is thoroughly acquainted with all methods of procedure. She re counted several instances of close cam paigns and the rlan used in eih. She said nowhere before h.ive the women at tempted to do the entire work alone as here In Omaha, and for Hint reason the eyes of workers In every city tn the coun try are on Omaha to note the outcome of their efforts. Remarks were mad" by almost every person present, among whom were C. M. Wilhelm. II. A. Beaton. H. D. Neely, XV. F. Smith. G. M. Hitchcock. Charles S. Sherman, J. C. Wharton. C. M. Robinson, Nathan Merriam, C. 8. Hayward, Charles E. McOrew and J. E. Bauin. The delib erations and talks were continued until after 9:3 the result being a, committee consisting of J. E. Baum, chairman; J. C. Wharton, C. M. Wilhelm, C. S. McOrew and Robert Cowell, was appointed to co operate with the chairman of the building committee and secretary of the associa tion to appoint a committee of thirty busi ness men to advise and assist the women during the rest of the campaign. This committee will be named without delay, as It was the opinion of all that male effort Is necessary to assist in the speedy con summation of the work. The team work afforded the feature of the Toung Women's Christian association building campaign Thursday, their 'Subscrip tion up to noon having raised their total considerably over their original goal $10,000. Several teams have changed places on the list and if their results continue In propor tion gs they nave so far their final result will easily reach $15,000. Interested friends from out of town, or those who are out of the city temporarily, continue to be heard from. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempster, who are wintering in San Antonio, Tex., telegraphed $50 to the building fund Thursday morning. The French Dry Cleaning works, 190$ Far- nam street, has offered 8$ per cent of its proceeds from April I to 14 to the building fund. Something over $400 was realised from the Orchard-Wllhelm percentage given last week and the women are urged to co-operate with the merchants In this plan of helping the work along. STANDING OF TEAMS. Colors and Captains. Amount. Dark Hue, Miss Halite Hood. ...,...$ tm.tt a 111.. Vtek UlrmM ' rm at rMj, jvi inn j-j mi , Pink, MIm BeBHift Chambers....... 1 If I a.iateiot T .tn ' 1 re the Boys for Easter ; Spring Styles in New Clothes for Doys Our clothing department Jevotetl to the task of dressing hoys in style, is ready to prepare th boys for Knster. With the newest spring modes that 'have been brought out. "NVe would bo nuieh pleaded to have the person who puts up the money for the boy's clothes to come along with the boys and insjieet the newest ideas. We have made it a point to have our clothes for boys built young. This thing of putting models for old frames on young folks is ridiculous the boy will grow old fast enough without pushing him along. That, next to our low prices is the secret of our big business in boys' clothes. With our help your boy can he dressed hetter than ever before CONFIRMATION SUITS-Knee Panta $2.50 to $S. Lone Pante $3 to $14. Otlt 2.03 HOYS' SUITS HAVK XO KQl'AL, 2.9.T In aelectlnR our spring as sortment for bovg. we laid ptirtlcular stress on our 12.95 assortments. W'c claim a H Jftit '.' e4 Orange, Miss Susan Pax ton.. violet, miss uiara Aay Frown, Miss Ora Johnson Yellow. Mrs. C. E. Perkins Green, Miss Mary Larson Ught blue. Miss Neuie'Crandall. Lavender, Mrs. May IL Finley.. Total m.trn.w The Ooal. $1S,OUO-' ---Entries to Date Donors. Ami. Total. .- Dors, Amt. Total. 2 $1U,OOU l-v.wo , 1$10,000 $10,000.00 2.179.26 $36.10 1,103.00 D42.00 7S9.0O 70.00 MX 42.26 430.00 4.. 10.. 20.. 0.. 25.. 3 200 $.000 1,MI0 bM 250 2U0 100 to IS 20.000 10,00 i-T'-4...', 10,000 n.-',. 5.0MO "'$ Small sums.. Teams Total $.0W a,ooo lo.ooo 5.000 5,000 li.OOO .$126,000 6,000 1,000 600 260 200 100 50 26 mall suras 1,741.00 Teams 11,077.10 Total ... 31... 52... 4.000.00 4.000.00 1 0(0 00 1.600.00 6,100. 00 i.eoooo 8,076.0 WOMAN WIELDS THE ..$0,193.10 KNIFE Tesale Phillips Arrested for Stabbing; Charles Wattch Wednesday . Sight. Teaale rhillips, $12 Capitol avenue, was arrested Thursday afternoon and locked up at the police station charged with having stabbed Charles Wattch at Fourteenth street and Cspitol avenue, Wednesday evening. Wattch was taken to the station early Thursday morning by Patrolman F. Murphy with a deep knife wound tn the upper left breast. His explanation) that a strange man on passing him oh the street had reached out with a knife and stabbed him without provocation was not believed by the police. Sergeant Hayes and Officer Murphy went out to investigate and secured evidence that Wattch had been stabbed by the Phillips woman. The glory stated the man and woman were oa their way to a dance at Osthofr hall when Wattch drew a knife ' and attempted to strike his companion with it. She, how ever, threw up her hand, hitting him In the face, and knocked the knife to the walk. "Immediately, It Is said, she picked up the weapon and stabbed Wattch In the breast. The woman could not be found during the night, but was located during the afternoon by Detective Maloney. Wattch is progressing satisfactorily and It Is not thought the wound will prove serious. Police Surgeon Willis attended to the Injuries and the mun was dptulm.-d by the police. . OMAHA PRIEST GOES TO OHIO Rev. M. Keller Beeoanee Assistant to Another Xebraakan la Cleve land's Blgr Illsh harrh. U-M-iiil Manager Mbhlur of tli I'uion Pauinc has promised a committee of job bers gad shippers that the approach to the Tenth street viaduct from t'qiou sta tion will be lengthened to make the hauling of heavier loads- possible. A petitlun Was presented to Mr. MohW signed by over if) bualneaj men whose teams have ooca sion to Uae this approach, asking that this be done, and Mr. Mohler suld It would be done aa soon as certain plan which he is considering fur improvement at the sta tion are completed Passengers east from ChVngo to Fort Wayne. Findlay. Fostorla, Cleveland. Erie, Buffalo, New Tork City. Boston and all point east, will consult their Interests nd And advantage. In selecting the Nickel Plate road east from Chicago. Three through trains are run daily, with through gy roaches to New Tork City, and modera Pullman sleeping care to destination. Rates always the lowest, and ne excess fares are charged on any train, for any part of the Journey. Modern dining car service, with Individual club meala, rang ing In price from $6 cents to $1; also meala a la cart. Ask for tickets via the Nickel Plate road. Chicago depot. LaaaJie aa4 Van Buren streets, the onlr atiin. i. A Chicago on the F.levated Loop. Chicago ' city ticket office. Ill Adams street. De- tatled information may be secured by ad dressing John T. Calahan. general agent. No. 11$ Adam street, room 206, Chicago. The Very Rev. Theobald Kalamaju, pastor of, the Catholic church at Columbus, Neb., who haa been transferred to the church at Cleveland, passed through Omaha Mon day evening, going east on the Milwaukee He will become pastor of St. Stanislaus parlhh, the largest Polish parlnh In Ohio, with l.iUO families and 1.200 children at tending scb vol. His assistant will be Rev. M. Kcltar of the polish church at Twenty- fourth and Bancroft streets, Omaha, Rev. Vaclav Skryeckt of 8uerior, Wis.', will come to the chinch in this city. I.lttcatt Over tnd. t Walter !. Demlng haa secured an order from Judge Kennedy restraining the United Siaies National haxlf from returning to J fcarl Luak and Charles Coesuni, executora Of the estate of Richard K. Lusk, deeds to lour quarter section of land in Kit Carson county, Colorado. Demtug declares he bought an option on the property from an accrceited agent of the defendant, but when h went Ui nay do an his niuney at tlia tNitik it refused to turn tha geeds over to him. He ask that lti das be held at Card el laanks. wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors and to I. O. O. K. Lodge No. M. and Royal Highlanders Dundee Castle No. 11. of Sutton, Neb., for the kindness and sympathy shown u.1 and for the beautiful floral offerings sent-us in our late bereavement. CHARLF8 DC COMB. NICHOLAS BAILEY. MR. AND MRS. W. 11. LA NP HIE It. MR. AND MRS. J. A, CXLTON. great deal of thin line, nnd when you nee tho wonderful assortment of Norfolk suits, with Knickerbocker trousers, doublo breasted, single breasleds, and the grand army of cute, little novelty stilts for the young er boys made of materials thnt look best and weitr best yoit'll find assortments very "choosy" si . . . , t 9S 259 f Nebraska lodge No. 1 Ancient Free and Aurepted Masons will avsemhle at K':J p. m. Friday, April t. to escort the body of our late Rt. W. Hro. K. H. Clark to Calhoun for burial. All brethren Invited lo the tepipie, and thoae who ran are united to go to Calhoun. KDWARD A. NORTH RlP. Master. be te ew 1'srk um the ihlgh. Double track scenic hlglmay. Connects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all Unas from the weet. Write pasaenger department, Ihlgh Val- leal Estate mi mm Sunday, April 8th On Sunday, April 8, The Bee will issue & Real Estate and Farm edition that w;.ll be invaluable to anyone interested in real estate, whether as buyer or seller. This edition will contain a larger list of hoines, vacant lots, business property, acreage and farm lands than ever before pub lished by any newspaper in this vicinity. IF TOU HAVE MONET TO INVEST IN REAL ESTATE. TCU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS EDITION -WATCH FOR IT Special Articles and reviews of the Real Estate situation in Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Also on Farms in Nebraska and Iowa. will appear in this edition, written by prominent authorities oa these subjects. No pains have been spared to gather a complete list of prop erty for sale in this vicinity and the edition will be eagerly watched for by every prospective purchaser. Don't fail to let it contain your list of properties. IT YOU HAVE ANY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE, or a house for rent, this edition will be of. great value to 'you',"! - Call Douglas 238 and an advertising man will call and get your ad. Edmon TIRED OF FARMS IN TOWN i Trro Veller C'ltlaena Bar t'ltr ReatrU-t Moderw-l p-to-lte Till ing of "oil. i - Dissaiixhed with city life, Fred Curtis and J. Burke are trying to move their farms outside the corporation limits of Valley by judicial proceas. Each owns forty acres of farm land, which is included althln the vil lage limits. Thy derlare the village ordi nances interfere with modern up-to-dato farming in that they limit the amount of fertilizer which may be used and precrlbe regulation regarding the distance between hay and st&aw stacks, which are burden some to a farmer. A their property 1 not platted and is used -wholly for agricultural purposes, th"' auk . the ordinance includ ing their property In the corporation he al tered so as to put them outside the limits. Their case is being heard by Judge Day. Paalc Aierted. . In ease of constipation, perltonltir. etc., panic Is averted by curing yourself with Dr. King' New Life rills, tic. For sale by Sherman tc McC'onnell Drug Co. DIAMONDS Edho.m. Uth and Harney. Marrlege Merasea. The" following marriHgc liocnHes havo been issued: Name and Residence. . Agi Emery E. Hoyle, Mlssuurl Vallev, la.., I.ydla B. Hhultg, Schuyler. Neb Peter M. Cochrane. Omaha 4:' iMia J. Caldwell, Omaha Kverett Brown, Omaha i5 Kunlce Wright, Omaha .'7 AND RETURN San Francisco or Log Angelen. Tickets oa nale Aprtl 25th to May 5th, 1906. 50 for the Round Trip To accommodate delegates aurt others to Meeting of the Myntlc Shrine this remarkably low round-trin rale to Ixa Angelea hag been granted by the UNION PACIFIC SHOKT LINK FAST TKAIX8 NO DELAYS Be sure your tickets read over this line. Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Fariium tit. 'I'lione Ikugla8-S34. YOU'LL TAKE A "SHINE to 1 hl fabric that doean't shine a Twilight Gray Saxony that we ordered last full and that has just reached m. This fabric will wear like a lilece of cowhide. Ita press-retaining and shaiie-retatning qual ities are simply remarkable. We'll make our No. til 12 Guu Club Plaid Baxony very exclu sive made to your meatnire in lt)tf style for to $45 per suit. MacCarthy-Wilson TAILORING CO.. 'I'hune Duutclus lyH. t-s 8. 1Ui Bl. Nxt dtior to Wabuxh Ticket 'tftce. Sulls lo Order Wl tv ley R. R . m Mouth Clark St., Chicago. III. j High class tailoring at vopuUr ink GOOD SIZE OFFICE WITH FINE VAULT $18.00 PER MONTH This id conveniently located next to the ele vator, bo that the office is a particularly desir able one. Offices are wcarce these days, bo if you want it, don't wait till after the other fellow haa snapped it up. THE BEE BUILDING Is the best known office location in Omaha. Every body knows that The Bej Building is tiu best "office neighborhood" in townaiid you ire known by the company yon keef. The prii in cludes heatelectric light, water and janitor service. Apply for offices to R. W. linker, Supt. Room 418 C.C. Hose writer, Sec'y Corner 17th and Farnam. es.