TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. ATOIL fi, lf0ft. The Omaha Daily Bel. B, ROSEWATKR. EDITOR. nnU8IIED EVERT MORNINO. TEII.M8 OF StTBPCRIPTION. 1.bI1v (without Bunday). one year. .14 "0 illustrated lice, one yur .. 1 50 pZVV.y.ony:::::::::::::::::::i.M HEMVERKU BY CARRIER. Pally Flee (including Sunday), per week. lie J'ally Bee (without Sunday). pr weck..lJn Evening Hc (without Humiayi, pr week sc Evening Bee (with Sunday . ir week..l0e. Sunday Hop, per copy 6l Address complatnts'of Irregularities In de livery lo City Circulation Department. ttvrtrv.a Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs--!0 Pesrl Street. ( Chicago 140 t'nlty Building. -, New Vcrk ISTO Jnme Life Ins. Building. Washington &1 Fourteenth Street. . CORRESPONDENCE. Communication! relating to news and edi torial tnattpr should he addressed: Omaha - B', Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit bv draft, express or postal order payshle .to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-eent stamps rpcelved as payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 8TATEMENT OF CIRCCLATION. fllate of Nebraska. Doualaa County, as.: C. C. Rose water, general manager of The nee furnishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full ami romnlete conies of Ths Dally. Morning. JSh Va? W;h ftff 1 8i.B4o 17 aa.i 20 ' 2 JU.KBO 18 20.2O0 i ju.im 4.....'.,.,r....t.BOO B .81,400 IM.4TO 7.;. 31,fW0 8 S1.3.TO i 81. .170 1 S2.0RO II 2D.100 13 V........S1.2UO 13 S3.07 14 31,410 15 31, loO 14 31,4.10 Total Less unsold copies.. 20 8i!ao it M.tao 2tl'.'.!'.'.!'.!'.'.!.a.i 26 sw.iso Vj SMI" 27 Sl.OBO 28 81.340 3 814MO 31 82! 180 ..907.4S0 .. 10,741 Net total sales , MOR.700 Dally average 31.1(51 C. C. ROSE WATER, General Manager Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this Slat day of March, 1. (Seal) M. B. H UNGATE. Notary Public. WHEJ OIT OF TOWN. Sabs?rlbers leaving the city tem porarily ahoald have The Be mailed to them. Address will be Now for the sworn to expense accounts to which every candidate takes oatl) aud mental reservation. Since the socialist party has reached the dignity of a primary contest for nominations it may be considered ns having "arrived." The World-Herald is In u quandary whether to blame The Bee for beating Broatch or to give It credit for uomlna ting Benson. Let It go nt that. 4 now rat-niiitinn hm tawit I,, Qnnu I Domingo. The Tnlted States mar be compelled to send Agulnaldo , to the la and to nrench the beauties of r.acs Now that the Republic Oil company 1 going out of business tho result of "com petition" In the oil trade may be ascer tained as far a the west is concerned. In giving twenty-four hours' notice oft bis Intention to address the senate Sen- itor Elklns allow Governor Cummins J ample time to reach his bomb-proof or prepare for action. The pending bill to take the tax from alcohol used In the arts may, If enacted soon enough, make It unnecessary for Mr. Garfield to complete his report on the state of the oil trade. Natal, which was showing Its teeth at tho mother country over the execution of natives, will now -be ready to cat "humblo pie" until Bambaata is driven back to1 the reservation. With call money at 30 tier cent there Is evidence that something besides movement of western crops can be used t feather the nests of those with ready monev to risk nn Ions- .wl.1. The New York lav- which requires lobbyists to display their expense ae- count and tell how much they are being paid might be improved by making them how the ultimate source of revenue. i.ouni von uueiow was overcome while listening to a speech by a socialist membe r of the Reichstag. Socialist speeches in America have been known to have a similar effect upon the hearers, Tn.lirn nniaIfl.tin,a A...nl. - A. I .... "l- " -" aucm inn- irui ui nirporniiniji dj me government should be a tip to the I nlted States dis trict attorney the next time he is ready to start a suit along the lines of the packers' vases. v ii y persist in miking about it as the "World-Herald's plan" to have can didates for the Tutted States senate put their names on the ticket by peti tion when it Is the World Herald's plan only by misappropriation. CanHda is welcoming American farm- ers with all of the fervor it once dls- played to hankers who passed ln the night, but still there are comparatively few who desire to exchange American mill for that of the Dominion. The bill to restrict the congressional franking privilege to the personal use of vongressnien will add further woe to the finance committees of the national po- "n tot the party, as well as Its repre liMeul parties, which have already been wntatlve at Washington, to make cut off from former generous eontrlb- ntora. Houth Omaha's outgoing city council I trying to celebrate Its exit from the stage by puttiug the finishing touches pn the city hall site Job, on which the ral estate speculators are working the imp vers of the Magic City. The time Ietween an election aud the installation of the newly elected officers Is always tn time wueo the Jobbers get busy. rnr. wf.ht asp the mjtMisiny It Is Inevitable that the character ol the Interstate Commerce tXHiuiilsalon will receive serious consideration aa soon as legislation shall be enacted In creasing Its power over transportation, and 111 view of the growing probability tlint that time In unw not far distant option" " already bcmB riod to the commission as fit present COI1HI' ttr(i. The WPt certainly has ground for complaint and In due time will make Itself board for more adequate repre sentation. The five membera of the commission. together with Its secretary and assistant secretary, who are almost as Important as members, are as follows: Martin A. Knapp (N. Y.), chairman. Judson C. Clements, Georgia. Francis M. Cockrell, Missouri. Charles A. Prouty, Vermont. Franklin Lane. California. Edward A. Moseley, (Mass.), secretary. Martin 8. Decker (N. Y.), assistant secre tary. A glance shows thnt the distinctive In terest of a vast region of the west have no direct representation on the commis sion. New York and New England In tho extreme and narrow northeast have two membera besides the secretary and MWnt secretary, while tho southern states have two members. The remnln- n member la from California, which nni "pwlai transportation and sectional Interests of Its own entirely apart from and In some respects antagonistic to thfse of the great tranamlssouri region commonly and properly known as the west. It Is not a safe representation which allots such disproportionate Influence on Mn commission to New York and New England, the section of capitalistic and speculative Interest, while that enor mous region north of the Ohio, Including all the grent commonwealths of the npper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, which pays .the freight. Is without a single direct representative. Precisely within this region lies the bulk of the railroad mileage, the freight, tlie travel and the business of the continent. With the broadening of the powers of the commission to Include rate making, in volving vitally sectional Interest as well as the Irrepressible conflict between the various stock and bond Interests on the one hand and the freight-paying Inter- ests on the other. It will be incomparably more necessary for tho west to assert Itself when the time comes to recon stitute the commission as the pending rate ,,, contemplates shall be done. Mere arbitrary geographical lines, to be sure, are not to le Insisted upon too far. Distinguished ability, character and special fitness are required for the great tribunal that is to deal so momentously with transportation. But transportation interests fall within distinct groups and largely within definite ones. those of ,be WMt rtalnly being inferior to no oth" SPCtlon n(i thlH r,8Pwt 1""- l"-B n !""" "- require western representation SEyATUR ALLISOX l!f THE OPEX. The appearance of Senator Allison of Iowa on the floor of tho senate In active support of the administration in the con- test over the rate measure is one among multiplying signs that the lines are le- Ing drawn more closely. There has, in- deed, been no doubt in well Informed circles as to where the senior Iowa sen ator stood on the main Issue, but the lrm,or Hella,or Dolllver - has bee,, puHhed to the front lu tue opon flght( , be has repeatedly aud publicly stated, with the advice and counsel of his col league all tho way through. But it is reassuring to the friends of ! efficient rate control that Senator Alii son. than whom there Is no more ex perlenced, skillful aud Influential mem ber of the senate, should conspicuously signify his co-operation at this stage of i thi ,n,rovp"y hen strategy and wis t,om majr a" ,mlrtant as seal for t"- Kxperlcneed observers are now 1oted as anticipating that the sen- aeuaie may run on ror anotner month or even longer. But It has lat seemed to fall In rest and Interest al, be concerued more with technl- rnlltle and fine-drawn distinctions. In "hort, the real struggle In the senate eeins now to bu entering upon the It rlod of practical arrangement. The Judicial review amendment. which was generally credited with the preHideut's approval, was decided upon last ween clearly with a view to tactical advantage, and It was in connection With that ainenilnient that Kanalnr 4 111 ollr orwni- ti.n .,i,inia.M tlni' aide JOIST CAVCVS FOR OROASlZATlOX. The initiation by the united republican membership of the senate and the house of organisation for this year's political contest is a reminder that that contest is at hand and in fact has already be gun. The congressional elections com plicated with the election of state legis latures which choose one-third of the membership of the 1'nited States seuate, oc'urrlus luldw".v ln presidential term, " '"." considered as really of "rrc'1r lo8H importance than a presl rt,nnB "w itself. The republican I'"'1 "icn carnea the last preslden- ,,M pl"n Is now up to the serious test of a resubmission to the people In several congressional districts and 'n the states which this year elect Vid States senators, and It Is not too ready. In suy event the question of oriraulita. tlon U of great luiortam-e, but ss Speaker Cannon admonished the repub- Hcan Joint caucus the question of actual record and present purpose is of far greater importauee. Very much depends uisui what congress shall yet accomplish at the present session. The fact re- mains that the musses ure as earnestly with President Roosevelt for the (tolicles he represents as they -were a year aro Inst November. If congress shall fall short of the required measure of supinirt of the president. It will count gravely against the party In this year's election. If It should fall far short. It will be all the more necessary for loyal republicans In the several districts and states to draw unmistakably the Hue In their candidates and party organizations. If President Roosevelt Is to be sus tained during the last two years of bit administration It must 1k by a loyal re publican majority In congress. The dem ocratic party, especially under the par tisan temptations of sn approaching presidential campaign cannot be trusted for one moment for such support. The people are insisting upon verities now. mere party name and tradition being no longer conclusive, and It behooves repub licans In every state, if they would win. to get tight In the preliminaries as to tickets, platform and purposes, and to get right In the people's eyes beyond a peradventure. XOT ASTAQOSISTIC The recent flurry In the Omaha Grain exchange over the proposed election of the new secretary is said to have sprung from a feeling on the part Of some of the grain men that the active manage ment of the Grain exchange should be free from all participation by the whole salers and Jobbers, who dominate the Commercial club. This feeling Is sup' posed to refer more particularly to the relations between the Grain exchange and the railroads In the fixing of the grain rates, where the interests of the Oniaha grain market are at stake as distinguished from the general freight rates srovernlng the transportation of general merchandise. The Bee falls to see any good reason for antagonism between the grain men and the nongraln men in the Grain ex change. The grain market at Oniaha was made a reality' only by the com blned efforts of the entire business com munlty. Eventually the interests of the grain men will, without doubt, be come so preponderant that membership will come to be held only by men actually engaged lu the buying and selling of grain, but until that time ar rives, the help of every one interested in the development of Omaha as n grain market will be needed to defend It from outside attacks and give it the en trenched position it should have as the natural market for all the grain grown within Omaha's tributary territory. So far as favors from the railroads are concerned, Omaha maj count on securing fair treatment in the future as In the past only to the extent that it. Is prepared to fight for it. Whenever 11 comes to a fight, the assistance of the Jobbers and other heavy shippers will come in right handily for the grain men. Omaha's elevator facilities will soon be adequate tp present den.ands, aud the next thing Is to establish a milling In dustry that will create a larger demand for local consumption. On this side the Grain exchange will again come In closer contact with the Jobbing houses which must market the product of the mills and factories. The policy of the Grain exchange should be constantly to unify and strengthen all the interests behind it. The Water lxuird has again gone through the onerous labor of a monthly meeting to appropriate the salaries of board members and attaches, and in cidentally to O. K. another $1,000 draft In favor of one of the special attorneys employed to milk the water works cow, The latest and most official forecast of the actual acquisition of the water planl by the city allows from two to three years yet to complete the "immediate and compulsory" purchase that was started three years ago. The State Board of Assessment has sagely decreed that cattle should be as sessed where they are pastured rather than where the owner happens to reside, if the cattle are pastured in a different county from that in which the owner lives. Railroad property In Nebraska, however, by the fiction of distribution continues to be scattered for assessment all along the line, irrespective of the location of the property that Is valued. Congressman McCarthy of the Third Nebraska district Is on the new repub lican congressional campaign commit tee as the representative of this state a place that used to be occupied by "Our Dave." If McCarthy can use the position for his own benefit as shrewdly as did his predecessor, that threatened squall iu the Third district may not be so much of a storm after all. Should the United States begin to as certain the value of railroad properties as a basis of rate making, some of the gentlemen who have contended that the actual value of the roads Is the price of the rails and rolling stock would at once he found Insisting upon consideration of the value of the stocks and bonds as well. Such an investigation might be Invaluable to assessors. The primary election has probably settled It that Mayor 7. Iranian will re main in the mayor's office without mo lestatlou until the new mayor commis sioned at the election presents his cred entials and takes the oath of office. All talk about the council electing some one else to fill the gap created by the death of thtt late mayor should now subside. Omaha democrats managed to poll l.tvsi votes in the municipal primary. That looks pretty small beside the 8,3H) votes polled by the republicans, but when compared with the previous demo cratic primaries. It Is pretty good for the democrats sfter all. The Honorable "Jim" Dahlmsu will now iiroceed. In conjunction with his I PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. CHICAGO. party associates, to formulate a plat form that will promise everything that any one can think of. Whether the Dahlman platform can be built without Infringing upon the patent of "Judge" Cooley remains to be seen. Now that Iowa miners have decided to be guided by the will of tho majority Instead of insisting upon unanimous action, the prospect for a settlement of the strike Is brighter, but there Is also opportunity for trouble In case the set tlement dissatisfies a lorge minority. Hasina- Off the Load. Indianapolis News. A nimsiiRe from the president concerning the Beef trusters may, of course, relieve his feelings somewhut, but It Is feared that it will have no appreciable effect on the prices charged by the retail butcher. Drswlag the Line. St. lxuis Globe-Democrat. The railroad companies announce that they have enough coal on hand to run trains without stealing- fuel from the pub lic. It would be shameful for the railroads to add larceny to their other offensvs. Wonders Sever Cease. New York Tribune. The great debate on the rate bill is mak ing It clearer every day that the fathers of the republlo had no idea what a complex Instrument they had devised when they made the constitution of the United States. (reed Menarlna- Industry. Spring-Acid Republican. We are being mors reminded' of how sadly Imperfect our civilisation la. All In dustry Is periodically exposed to untold In jury from the Inability of two compara tively small and entirely selfish Interests to compose their quarrels. Left Oat im the told. Philadelphia Tress. The people who do not mine coal and who do not sell coal, but who have to buy coal, have not had any part ln the nego tiations between the miners and the oper ators. They are the ones, however, who I will have to pay the cost of the disagree ment Where the Kick Comes la. San Francisco Chronicle. Senator Knox remarked In a speech deliv ered ln the senate on Wednesday that "the railroads cannot be deprived of their day In court." Nobody wants to subject them to such a deprivation. The protest Is against their keeping cases In court weeks, months and years. Mach Information Wanted. Philadelphia Record. Never before did railroad officers have so many questions fired at them. I'nder a congressional resolution the Interstate Commerce commission Is getting ready to Investigate them and has demanded of them Information of the things they ought to be Investigated about, and two sets of subpoena servers are haunting the Penn sylvania railroad offices to summon ths officials to appear in court and tell all about the corporation's relations to the coal business. Railroads will have to es tablish Information bureaus to attend to the interrogatories addressed to them. PERSONAL NOTES. Llcenslado Cleto Qonxales Vlques has been elected president of Costa Rica, to serve until deposed or assassinated. The toreador who has Just taken from the City of Mexico 1140.000 for twenty-two per- pect the senior senator to be in bed. formances evidently made the most of the Senator Knox's early retiring Inclinations bull movement In his markot. j are well known. Also his getting up J. Eads How of 8t. Louis, founder of u betimes. When Quay and Cameron were philanthropic Institution In that city, has the senators from Pennsylvania it was safe decided to become a "tramp" In order to to ask for them up to midnight, the in learn needs of "hobo" class and scatter lit- J qulrer being pretty sure tov find both still erature along the way. ahroad. They aay Cameron saw more sun- One of the men whose co-operation Mr. ' han man who rvn "ved ,n Carnegie should enlist In his spelling re- Washington and Senator Quay saw a good form camDalan Is Mr Knroushtv of Vlr- glnia, whose family name for many genera tions has been pronounced "Darly." the rnlted State. Just rendered the rail. roads of Michigan will have to pay hack taxes to tha estimated amount of 17.000.000 and annual taxes hereafter to the amount of il.&OO.OnO. as against some 1263,000 hereto- fore. President Roosevelt frequently takes out genator Lodge of Ma.sachuelts as riding companion, uuuic im an inuiiirrvni uurpe man at best and when the president gets out on the road and urges his horse to the funny He w ,oil0wed. pot by a utmost Lodge has hard work keeping up man who w,n,d t0 make hlm dlSOrge. and keeping aboard his horse. ( but by h, dl,buing officer, who. ae- E. O. McCormlck, assistant traffic man- . cording to law, had to go to him to pay ager of the Harriman railroad system, be- , ,m ),ls salary. 1 gan life as a newsboy In the place of his birth. Lafayette, Ind. That was over thirty j Washlngtonians are uep in an effort to years ago. His first railroad work was as ! from congress legislation that shall a clsrk with the Lake Erie & Western. ' cieaB the city of Its many alley accumu Oolng over to the Moaon, he worked up to iations of shacks and hovels, the like of the general passenger agency, then was ' wri, h do not exist In any other Amerlcsn general passenger agent of the Cincinnati, j c,y. pishop Batterlee earnestly ad Hamllton A Dayton, the Big Four, ths ' dressed the committee and others in tirn, Southern Paelllc and then to this city as , tut the congressmen took the astounding assistant traffic director of the Harriman j revelations In the manner of men who were lines. It Is said "the father of general pa- hearing an oft told tale, scnger agnta" la a term ofteu applied to j a hot shot from a member of the As Mr. McCormlck, for it l said that more j sn isted ChsrltWs finally stsrtled them to men now general paeng-r agents have i a"-t'on served under him than anybody else In the J "v are not talking about something a but"ts. (thousand milts away." he said. "Exactly To) WW I 1 t r 1 1 1 iiiij -mr 1 1 1 1 J f I T ' fj v A bating powder of nigncst class and highest Icaycning strength. Makes the food purer, sweeter and more wholesome. Tested and Approved by the Government BITS OP WASHISGTOS LIFE. Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched on the Spot. The I'ostoftlce department Is posting fraud orders with gratifying regularity and vigor. Between forty and fifty bogus doctors In New York and a score ln Boston have had their mall order business squelched. Simi lar action will be taken In other cities as soon os Investigations are completed. T. Carl, or T. C. Carl, Station M, New York, was also debarred from the use of the I'nlted States malls. These names were found to be fictitious. The person using them advertised that he was SO years of age and that at the age of 21 he came into a large fortune, but that he lost it playing the races. He thereupon set to work to de vise a system to beat the horses, and was successful. Through his system he recov ered his fortune, and being unselfish, he wanted to let others in on a good thing. It cost a small sum to get in touch with the tipster. The. postal officials decided that T. Carl and T. C. Carl was one and the same person and was operating a scheme to do fraud. Hence the fraud order. Reece T. Boger, who had a long string of aliases, and who conducted a specialty com pany at Concord, N. C, was another of to day's victims of the fraud order division of the Poatofflce department. He advertised that he would pay $20 cash to all persons who would forward him pennies of the date of 1880. Those who bit received a reply no tifying them to forward W cents for further Instructions. Then they were told to for ward a remittance for membership In a "pretended association," and for certain manuals of the prices of old coins. Then came the answer to the pussle In the form of a notice that the specially company would pay them (20 for 1.K80 pennies of the 1SS0 date. A few days ago a fraud order stopped a game, worked successfully by a woman inmate of a Nebraska, asylum. Reports to the postmaster-general show that she has victimised a number of men through a matrimonial bureau by offering to marry them, and obtained upon the strength of such promises money, engagement rings, dress patterns and other articles. It was reported to the department that under the laws of Nebraska the asylum authorities had no power to Intercept let ters addressed to the woman and that they were, therefore, unable to prevent the practice of a fraud. Accordingly, the postmaster-general was asked to issue an order prohibiting the woman from using the malls. All letters addressed to her In the future relating to matrimony will be marked with the word "fraudulent" and returned to the senders. Some angry senators were discussing the presidential amendment to the railroad rate bill. "He can't do it," said one. "Can't do what?" asked another. "Can't force an amendment on ua like that." "I am reminded of a man out In my city," said a third, "who owed the bank a large ; sum of money. He kept renewing and re- i newlng bis notes, but paid none of them, Finally the banker sent for him and said: " This thing must be stopped. You can't have this money.' " 'Can't have It?' shouted the man. 'Why, what are you talking about? I've got It.' " Pennsylvania's senators appear to be in a competition to discover which one can be the best exemplar of the truth of the old saying "Early to bed, early to rise," eto. Pensvlvanlans. and others for that matter. too who have recently had occasion to see senator Penrose, or rather to try to see him, ln the evening have discovered that a o'clock is not too early an hour to ex , many. A point of order by Representative Prince of Illinois the other day uncovered a ! situation In the house employes' force. The question was one giving power to the clerk to discharge Janitors. Those In charge of the bill said that the janitors refused to work during the recess of con gress, and that, as matters now stood. nothing could be done with them. In the lust recess, It was declared, one of the Janltor, proved to be a thief, and after he had looted the cloak rooms set out on a tour of the country. Then came the Not. The gorernmmt reports show the cheap baVinrrxrse ders to contain alum, which tho f ovemment chemists de clare cannot ue4 in food without danger U bcaJu. two blocks and a half away from this capltol Is Basset alley, a plot on the city, where families of eight are living In two room-stys, where disease Is rampant and men and women live more like animals than human beings, while the district authorities are powerless to act. That breexe blowing In here now may be bring ing deadly disease germs" Representative Morrell glanced appre hensively toward the window. "And senators and representatives pass daily near enough to that alley to be the means of carrying to their homes and families the germs of contagion." A messenger back in the corner softly creot to the window, saw that It was jammed tight down on the ventilator board and closed the ventilators. The bill will be favorably reported. The capltol guide was telling two New England school teachers In the senate gal lery interesting things about the senators below. "There are several of them," he said, "that have eaten 'too many society dinners and drunk too much fire water." "Oh, how dreadful in our public men!" said one of the teachers. "But there Is Senator Lodge. He doesn't drink, does he?" "Oh, no," replied the guide. "He is a teetotaler. He even thins his water." A manufacturer Is petitioning congress to protect his Infant Industry In manufac turing wooden shoes. It appears from th( petition that there is enough demand ir this country for wooden footwear to make it pay to manufacture it, but also there Is a terrifying competition with shoes Im ported from Holland. Without a protective tariff the little Industry is unable to stand In Its own little wooden shoes, so to speak. . WAR IX THE THIRD. Stanton Register: It Is whispered around town that Attorney W. W. Young will be a candidate for the republican nomina tion for congress. And why not? He Is more capable than McCarthy. Lynch Journal: We believe the Norfolk News will succeed in making Congressman McCarthy sorry he did not make a clean campaign when he first ran for congress. Then all the lawsuits and hard feelings would have been avoided. We believe Mr. Huse Is right In his stand. " . Center Register: After reading Congress man McCarthy's answer to Mr. Huse's open letter, It will be a hard matter for the News editor to make a whole lot of people believe there wasn't something more than friendship for the plaintiff buck of his settlement of that libel suit. Tllden Citizen; Since the announcement of tha candidacy of Judge Boyd for con gress, he Is receiving very encouraging mention throughout the Third district. His record as Judge is well known and It la very generally conceded that he possesses all the attributes and qualifications for a representative who will represent the whole. Instead of a part, of his constitu ency at Washington. Wayne Herald: It Is reported that W. W. Young of Btanton will be In the field as a candidate for nomination to aucceed J. J. McCarthy as congressman from the Third Nebraska district. This congressional fight is surely getting Interesting with Mc Carthy, Boyd and Young In the field and several counties yet to hear from. We were assured a short time ago that Mc Carthy would have no opposition for the nomination. How easy It Is for a fellow to be mistaken In his political guesses. Burt County Herald: We have occasion to make a great long mark because we are ln receipt of the first scratch of a pen from our congressman, Hon. J. J. McCar thy, since he first entered congress. Not even a package of garden seeds or any public document of any kind was ever re ceived until now. The enclosure contained u column of matter In his own defense ln the matter of the Norfolk News. In a private note to us he says: "I write you simply to apprise you of the fact that I am not, and never have been, unfriendly to newspapers, and whenever possible I have tried to give them the best of It, simply because I thought they deserved It." We are not from Missouri, but still we would like to be showu, how, when and where the newspapers got the best of it, unless It was the honor and privilege of defending him In two campaigns without fee or. hope of reward. ve are not dis appointed In McCarthy, we never asked him for a favor, nor never expect any. We realise that he compares favorably with the average politician In using the newspaper as a door mat to wipe his feet on to get office. When a campaign Is on or a defense of a candidate is to be made, the newspaper Is expected to devote col umns of space gratis. As far as the Her ald Is concerned, that practice will not continue. It will always be ready and willing to advocate pitrty principles free, but when it conns to (If fending the pri vate character of a p-irty candidate, It will draw th line and make the c ha rye regular rates over the signature of the contributor; cash must Invariably accom pany the cupy; also an lad-mnlfyimi bond to protect us against damage suits that may be brought against the paper for giving publicity to the article. McCarthy will find that his troulilet about getting k third term will gather sad run as fast as water down hill. Outside of drawing his salary McCarthy's record .a a blink. Why not try some other candidite, any body ran do as well, th chance Is in favur of a change? IS THE FIRST DISTRICT. Table Rock Argus: Congressman rollnrii has done very efficient work for a new man and deserves consideration from the voters of the district, even though some of the politicians may have it In for him and seek to shelve him. Nemaha Advertiser: Hon. E. M. Pnllai.l will seek a renominatlon for congress by the republicans of the First district, lb- has made a good record during the short inrt time he has been congressman. As Poll uru ate. 1 be ... is the only farmer member from this sta his friends do not see why he should not renominated and re-elected. Plattsmouth Journal (dem.)r Congress man Pollard proposes to call his committee together Just as soon ss possible and In stead of holding a convention to" nominate a candidate for congress have the nomina tion made direct by the voters at pri mary election. This will prove a shrewd stroke on the part of our congressman ami will no doubt result in his renominatlon, which he is truly entitled to. Falls City Journal: It looks very much a though there would be another contest over the nominee from this district. Everyone thought Mr. Pollard would be renominated for at least one fult term, but matters po Itical are so shaping themselves now that lie will be compelled to fight for all he gets. fr. Pollard has started out In a manner to ndicate that he would make an energrtie -ongressmsn If given the opportunity. Pawnee Republican: Judge E. P. Holmes of Lincoln announces his candidacy for the republican nomination to' succeed Congress man Pollard. The Judge says he believe conditions are' favorable , and he is tbeie fore a candidate for the nomination. K by this he means that Congressman PnlUnl has not labored sealously and efficiently in the interests of the people, but in the inter ests of the corporations and speculators, he certainly has not read the congressman's record rightly. " Burchard Times: That Congressman Pol lard of this district will meet with opposi tion In his campaign for a renominatlon this year there can no longer be any doubt. Judge Holmes of Lincoln boldly proclaims his candidacy for the position, and the plan of campaign appears to be to divide up the district against Tollard by encouraging pos sible candidate:- In the several counties to enter the race and go to the congressional convention with their home delegations at their disposal, to do with as they may see fit. This Is an old political trick, but it ap pears that It Is to be dragged from its sepulcher to accomplish the defeat of Con gressman Pollard In this district this year. LAlilllU LINKS. "I know men," said t'ncle Allen Spark, "who talk about the good, the beautiful, and the true, and chew tobacco In church. " Chicago Tribune. : "He's so bashful that he never could pro pose to a woman." "Oh, I guess not. He's married, you know." "Yes, but he married a widow, didn't he?" Cleveland Leader. "I must congratulate you." said the man with the cold gray eyes. "Your paper is truly tilling a long-felt want." "Evidently you haven't heard," the edi tor of the "Social Budget'' replied, "that we have Suspended publication." "Yes, that's what J mean." Philadelphia Press. ", They were talking about the new star in society. , "She never laughs at Jokes," said the man. ' .' "Maybe she has no sense. of humor," said the other man. ' "Maybe she has false teeth," said the woman. And then the conversation lnc,ulshd. Lculsvllle Courier-Journal. . "What are you eryjng a!out?". . "I got licked twice Unlay." "How was that?" "Teacher licked me an' I told pa an' pa went up to lick the teacher an' the teacher lit ked pa, an' pa came home an' licked mi." Houston Post. The coal operator to the miner: "Pooh!" The coal miner to the operator: "Hah:' Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Maria, what's the use of your telling the girl to be sure and wake you at 8 o'clock? She does It every morning and you never get up." "John, I don't want you lo interfere with my way of running the house. I know Jut what I am doing. When that girl calls me at o'clock I know she's up." Chlcugo Tu buue. .- "Was that little inclosure you sent the cditir used?" "Fart of It " "Part of it?" "Yes, the stamp." Philadelphia ledger. "No wonder you are getting rich." sH the customer. "You charge two prices for your goods.' "My dear sir." protested the man be hind the counter, ''you surely" "I know what I'm talking about. I've found out. You charge me one price, while the fellow who kicks at your liguvs gut a lower price." C hicago Tribune. SPRING FEVER. Elinor Van Houton In Four Track Ness. When Spring comes hurrying o'er the hills. And muHlc ripples In the tills And soft ths winds begin to blow, I want to pack my grip and go Ua where? Oh, anywhere! Just go. I grab my grip and hustle dow n To that vn little railroad town, And when the engine w hist lex blow I Luv my ticket i,nd I go Oo w here? Oh. an) where ! Just go. ""here's mrmilain top -eJ.j d1' Th ics piul'ie. labM aid sa lds-ell it -n.il.et. n.j diffetei.ee . i u You up and k your grin tnd go Go where? oh, auyhfl Just