Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1906, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Atfvvrtl In
Tour Monay Worth
Best A". West
Best West
Anthracite Men Propose to 8ubmit fjifler
encei to Board of Conciliation.
Employee to Resume VotIl as fioon as
Propoeition ia Aocepted.
Beale 80 Created to Continue in Force
Until April '"908.
4a loon an Proposition I tha
(oiamltlM Ttkra Iteress
Monday te Allow Em
ployer to Coilfr.
NI.W TORK. April B.-lIavlnB failed to
come to an agreement among themselves,
.the hard coal miners of Pennsylvania,
'.hrough their representatives, today pro
posed to the operators that all matters in
dispute be referred to a board of arbitra
tion for settlement, the tribunal to be com
posed of the board of conciliation which
was created by the award of the anthracite
strike committee In 1903, with Judge Georgo
Gray of Delaware or any person he may
appoint as chairman and umpire. If the
operators accept the proposition and a con
vention ' rif mine workers approves the
plan the I6M00 men now Idle in the anthra
cite fields will return to work nt once.
While It had been reported for several
days that the miners might ask that the
differences be arbitrated, the proposition
made to the mine owners today came to
them as a, great surprise, as they did not
believe the union leaders were readv to
leave the controversy to a third party at
this tlma.
That the operators will accept the miners'
proposal aa submitted Is not generally be
lieved; in fact. Jt Is Intimated they may
flatly refuse the offer, on the ground that
the existing conditions are the result of
arbitration. The employers have decided
.to consider the miners' latest move and
promise to give President Mitchell and his
men an answer on Monday, when another
meeting of the two sub-committees will be
held In this city.
Teat of Miners' Offer.
The text of the arbitration proposal as
submitted to the operators Is as follows:
The subcommittee of miners met at 1
o'clock today and the minors submitted
the following proposition:
The committee appointed by the Shaain
kin convention of December 14 last, repre
senting the employea of the various com
panies operating the mines, waaheries and
breakers in the anthracite coal region
having under consideration our proposition
to you, dated February 27, together with
your eoiTHTiittce'e proposition of March ,
which was a continuation of the award of
the Anthracite Coal Htrtke commission, and
a letter from the governor of Pennsyl
vania, has decided In view of the great pub
He Interest Involved, snide from those we
represent directly, it Is oil duty , to make
some- further effort nd sacrifice, of what
we helluva Justly our due In the matter
of wages and conditions of employment In
order that a great public calamity may be
Therefore we propose that, subject to the
approval of. a convention of anthracite
mine workers, which shall be called at the
earliest date possible, the differences be
tween us as stated In our propositions and
your counter proposals be referred for de
termination and settlement to a board of
arbitration composed of the present board
of conciliation provided for in the award
of the Anthracite Coal Strike commission
with Judge Oray or any person he may
sppolnt to act as chairman and umpire,
. The decision of this tribunal or the ma
jority of members thereof insofar as it
Influences wages lo be effective fmm April
1, ISO, and to continue in force until March
Jt, 1908, such decision to be final and bind
ing upon all parties in Interest. The em
ployes of the anthracite mines, washerles
and breakers to resume work Immediately
and to continue at work pending the deci
sions of said boards. (Signed)
T. D. NICOLL8. .
I statement by Operators.
The conference of the subcommittees
lasted lest than an hour, and at Its con
clusion the operatora held a meeting to
discuss Informally the miners' offer. Later
In the day they Issued the following state
It should be observed that in the astutely
drawn proposition of Mr. Mitchell and his
committee, the operatic are asked to sub
mit lo arbitration the. question of the closed
shop and the "check-on"" a scheme requir
ing. In the, words of the miners' commit
tee, "that each company shall collect from
each employe such amounts aa may be
levied by their organisation monthiv. the
amount thus collected at each colliery lo
be turned over to an authorized committee
at the colliery" a plan which would make
.or every operator a collecting agency on
behalf of the strike fund of the miners.
In their letter of March 9 to the miners'
committee, the operators said, concerning
the "check-off ": "As a matter of policy
we would nut make such an agreement as
you request anil, as a matter of law, we
r e.ot permitted to make It."
" tiese two subjects the Anthracite Coal
coTim-.ssion of 1SW, appointed 'by President
Koseveit, maae tne following vigorous
"The light to remain at work where
others have ceased to work or to engage
anew in wura wnirn oiners nave aoau
clorved is part of the personal liberty of a
citlseu that can never be surrendered, and
every Infringement thereof merits and
should receive the stern denouncement of
tne law.
It should also be - observed that Mr.
Mitchell a committee abandons the proposal
for a one-year agreement and suggests an
arourauon, moieim 01 wnicn would ex
pire on April 1, IS a presidential vear-
ihus affording a now opportunity to make
tnis great inuusiry trie toot pull or politics.
The operators had already onered. it will
be remembered, to extend the findings of
the coal committee until April 1. Jin.
The operators at tiuir meeting decided
that beture they would frame a reply to
in isiiuci in-) ,', ,( 111 ml ..-Humid an in
terests. In oruer lu i-i tut; sentiment of
the heads of uil tne c.i.ul carrying roads.
us well as wtai 01 wiu iiiaepeiiileni upvr
The Anthracite Hoard of Conciliation oon
lits of six members three representing
the operators, and three the miners. The
members are William L, Connell of Scran
tun, aa Independent operator, who ia chair
man of the board; Samuel D. Warrlner of
Wllkesbarrr,' general manager of the Le
high Valley Coal company; V. J. Rich
ards, second vice president of the Philadel
phia Reading Caul and Iron company
and general manager of Its mining inter
eats; William II. Dcttrey of Hast I ton,
president of district No. 7 of the miners'
union, who Is secretary of the board;
Thomas D. Klcholla of 'Seranton, president
of district No. 1, and John Fahy of Sham
ukln, president of district No. (. These
nun, with the exception of Mr. Richards,
, who took the place of R. C. Luther uf the
Reading company, haw held frequent ses
sions during the lust three years settling
local disputes In the anthracite regtoua.
The award of the atiiitc comirisstuu pro
' vlded that a hen they could not agree, u
federal Judge la the Third Judicial district
Should appoint an umpire, who should make
tauutd on Second Faga)
Kxeltlna Scenes Aroond Month of Pit
Where French Miners Were
LKNS. licpirtment of the Pits l'c Calels,
France, April 5. The night paused without
further lnrldnts. The numlcr of the
striking miners have slightly increased and
the salvage work at Counicres continues
without result up to the present.
A double line of gendarmes and dragoons
surrounds the pit mouth, holding back the
crowds of women who continue to foment
disorder, pelting ti e troops and denouncing
the engineers ns murderers and bandits.
The salvage men coming up from tho
mine report that there ate no traces of any
living men. Many doctors have arrived
In the expectation of, being of assistance
In the case of further rescues of miners.
Auguste Berton, the miner who wns
rescued yesterday, la slightly feverish to
day. Ills hand was injured cither by tho
explosion or by being gnawed by si rnt.
during his entombment.
PARIS, April 5. Henri Neniy, louder of
the rescued miners of Courrieres, and his
mine boy, Auguste Provost, arrived here
at noon today and were driven In an auto
mobile through the principal thoroughfares.
They were warmly received by the crowds
in the streets and afterwards attended the
special races nt Autcull, arranged In old
of the victims of. the mine disaster. Presi
dent Falllurios was among those present.
Insurgent Zuln Chief Drives Natal
Force 1 frcut lis Laager Heln
furrrnientn Harry to Front.
I J t: K YTi VN. Natal, April 5. The colon
ial Meld force which was concentrating at
Iminnta, twelve miles northwest of Grey
town, for operations against the Insurgent
chief Bambaaln, the deposed regent of the
Grcytown district, has been compelled to
abandon Its laager after heavy lighting
and retire to Greytown.
A portion of tho force sent to rescue the
Women and children, Isolated at Keatea
Drift, succeeded in doing so. but while
turning were attacked by rebelious nntlves.
A running fight was kept up for six miles,
the Zulus continues the pursuit until with
in a mile of Greytown. Three of the
colonial police were killed and several were
wounded. 'The remainder are safe at Grey
town. '
Tho police report that t:.e rebels are in
strong numbers and flushed with victory
and the officials fear further excesses. A
strong force . of artillery. Infantry and
mounted men Is moving out of Greytown
today, to operate against the rebels.
A laager has been formed here and every
preparation has been made to defend Grey
town, In case of attack. An assault on
the town, 'however. Is considered unlikely
to occur, the Zulus preferring to light in
the rugged country outside. The British
field force, at present only numbering a
few hundred men. will bo strongly rein
forced during the next twenty-four hours,
Koaanth an J Andrassy Draft hrhrnit
. for HrrnkUg Legislative Dead- .
lock in Hungary.
Bl'DA PEST, Hungary April 5. As a re
sult of a conference of leaders of the coali
tion party held here today under the presi
dency of Francis Kossuth a complete under
standing has been reached which may be
expected to end the legislative deadlock.
Herr Kossuth and Count Andrassy started
tonight for Vienna, whore they will have
an audience of Emperor Frnncis Joseph to
morrow. Premier Fejorvary, lu his Inter
view with M. Kossuth here yesterday, Is
reported to have suggested summoning the
lower house to discuss the electoral re
form bill and the subsequent Issue of writs
for new elections under the proposed law
providing for universal suffrage. The
scheme Is said to have been ' approved by
the cmperor-klng and a portion of tho
coalition party, but it Is understood that
the followers of Count Andrassy, the
former premier, and the clericals e;o op
posed to the suggestion.
Residents of Mountain Side Pray for
Relief and Move to Safer
NAPLES, April 5. The eruption of Vesu
vius is assuming alarming proportions.
Five streams of burning lava are descend
ing the mountain,' threatening everything
below. Roaring explosions are heard for
twenty miles around.
The Inhabitants of the small villages near
the crater are escaping, while processions of
villagers earning Images of saints and
madonnas and praying for a cessation of
the eruption are passing through tho
neighboring towns.
. The smoke and ashes are carried bo far
that all Naples Is sprinkled with cinders.
The Neapolitans are not alarmed; In fact
they are rather glad, saying that the new
eruption of Vesuvius is In preparation for
the arrival of King Edward, who left Mar
sellles April t on the royal yacht Victoria
and Albert, accompanied by Queen Alex
andra, and who la expected here today.
Fifty-Two Persona Dead and Seventy
Injured by Collapse of
NAGOLD.. Black Forest, South Germany
April 6. Fifty-two were killed and seventy
dangerously injured today by the collapse
of the Hotel Zum Hlrschen. The building
had not been fully completed and the catas
trophe Is attributed to the nnnobkervance
of proper precautions. The roof of the
building had only been put In place this
morning and an event which, in accordance
with German custom, was celebrated by a
feast. Guests were reported to have en
gaged In a dance, and this, together with
the large number of persons on the poor,
a as probably wi.ul caused the building to
Delegates to I atveraal Postal t wa
itress Assembling; la the
Klerual City.
ROME, April 5. More than if0 delegates,
representing fifty-eight dilTrrent couutrles.
have arrived here for the I'nlversal Postal
rongi-ena, which will ho inaugurated April
7 by King Victor Emmanuel. Edward Koto
water of Omaha. Neb., one of the 'Ameri
can delegate!, has arrived here.
Amcng the reforms to b submitted to
the congress are plans fur the reduction
of the luteraational postage rate to I cents,
for the adoption of a universal postage
stamp for international service and fur
the raising of U.e weight of letters to thret:
quarters of an ouuee.
Dahlnian Chooses Chairman of Democratic
Citj Committee.
Promises Lower Taxes, Independent
Telephones. Dollar Gas, Inlvcrsal
Transfers, Personal Liberty and
Enforcement of the Laws.
The democratic city central committee
orginizcd for the campaign last night at
the Paxton hotel, electing officers and
adopting a platform. Forty-one members
of the committee were present, besides the
party candidates and others. George
Rogers called the meeting to order and
E. P. Berryman ucled as temporary secre
tary. )
At tho request of James Dahlnian, W,
C. Bullaid was elected by acclamation
chairman of tho committee. For secretary
the names of Georae Holmes. W. W. Mc-
Combs, Otto Bnughmnn and Daniel Hor
rlgan were presented, Mr. Horrlgan with
drawing. W. W. McCombs was elected.
For treasurer Fred Elsasser was electod by
A committee of eight consisting of Gil
bert M. Hitchcock. George Rogers, L. J.
Piatt!. W. S. Shoemaker. W. II. DeFrance,
Joseph Butler, D. J. O'Brien and Dr. A.
H. Hippie, drew up the following platform,
which was adopted without changes:
On behnlf of the democratic party the
city cntnniitte recently elected and the
candidates recently nominated, assisted
by other representative democrats, hereby
declare and promulgate the following state
ment of principles and promises, which all
the democratis candidates ore nledaod to
observe and carry out If elected to office:
First We recognize that in city affairs
party polities should be subordinated to
guild government und we affirm that local
rather than political Issues are at stake in
this cmpaign.
Kconomy In City Government.
Second We point to the extravagance of
city government In Omaha and promise
economy. We point to excessive tax bur
dens and promise reductions. We point to
the squandering of public, funds and
promise that 110 machine, old or new, shall
spend puhllc money for political ends.
Third We denounce the present nnd past
city government of Omaha ss subservient
to tho public service corporations and we
pledge tlw democratic candidates If
elected to free the city from that
control. We specifically denounce the
telephone company, the water company,
the electric light company, the Has
company, and the street car company
for the prurtitutlon of our city govern
ment and pledge the democratic candi
dates to accept no favors, contributions or
assistance from any of those corporations
during the campaign or after tho election.
Independent Telephones,
Fourth Wc pledge the democratic can
didates if elected to reduce telephone rates,
the exact amount of reduction to be de
termined by a full and complete Investiga
tion by tho mavnr nnd city council, nnd wo
pledge our candidates to secure telephone
connection wit it uil telephone exchanges In
tributary territory, and If necessary for
this purpoae to promptly submit, to the peo
ple a proposition to establish In Omaha nil
Independent telephone enterprise, which
right shull be granted in open competi
tion to the company offering to give serv
ice to the peoplo on the most favorable
Fifth We Condemn the unbridled license
allowed to the nodal evil In Omaha which
tlaunta Itself with full approval of city r.u
thoritiea and Invades respectable neighbor
hoods with Impunity. .1 . ... j-
StxthWe pledge hc mayor and crtimril
and other democratic ofilcliUs that may l
elected to co-operate to the fullest extent
with the Omaha water board in acquiring
the waterworks at an early date and for a
fair price. " ,
, Dollar Gaa for Everybody.
Kventh We pledge the mayor and tha
city council. If the democratic candidates
are fleeted, to provide at an early date
gas at Jl or less for the people of Omaha,
nnd lu view of the existing contract with
the gas company, which remains In force
until lOlfi. this pledge binds the mayor and
council to Ho to tun extent, If necessaiy,
of establishing a municipal gas plant or
procuring gas from an Independent com
pany unless the present company concedes
tho reduction demanded.
Eighth As rapidly as may be we pledge
the democratic candidates. If elected, to
follow the acquisition of the waterworks
by the acquisition of an electric light plant
and other pulille utilities, and the final mu
nicipalization of nil public service corpora
tions In Omaha, and pending such acquisi
tion to compel the street car company to
grunt universal transfers.
Ninth We point to the fact that the dem
ocrats under the leadership of Mayor Dunne
In Chicago and under the leadership of Mr.
Hearst In New York represent to the full
est extent the principle of public ownership
of public utilities, and so they are hereby
pledged to do in Omaha.
Personal Liberty and Law.
Tenth The democratic party stands for
personal liberty, and we favor the greatest
degree of personal liberty In Omaha con
sistent with the good government of the
Eleventh-We stand for law and order and
favor the enforcement of laws equally
against all, without discrimination, preju
dice or fanaticism.
Twelfth We denounce machine rule In
cities as the cause of much nongovernment,
and not that the republican party has only
exchanged Its old machine for a new one,
of which even the republican Bee has said:
"The Fonlanelle club was organised by
corporation hirelings and carried along by
corporation money. It takes decidedly much
brass for the Fontanellltes to lay claim to
Immunity from corporation taint, especially
when a large number of their favored can
didates have at various times been on cor
poration payrolls. '
Holding the views as above stated and
presenting a list of candidates pledged to
carry them Into effect, the democratic party
asks the co-operation of citizens of all
Early In the meeting James Dahlman
said: "Gentlemen, you are going In to win.
You are framing a platform. I have had
nothing to do with It, but I'll stand on It,
because I said so over my own signature
when I went into this fight. If there is
anything left out of the platform, and the
people want me to explain, I will tell them
from the platform where I stand.
, "We are going to get these offices. And
. when we get there we are going to fulfill
our pledges or there will be the damnedest
fight all through the next three years that
you ever heard of."
While the committee was drafting the
platform addresses were made by a nun. her
of the candidates for the council. The
meeting progressed smoothly except when
Dan Custer began to talk about factional
fights, which had killed the democratic
party in Omaha, and 'he was diverted to
another theme by cries of "cut it out. Cut
It out."
George William Curtis Medal for
Oratory Awarded to aa
African Prince.
NEW YORK. April l-Columbia s hlgu
est oratorical honors went today to a full
blooded African prince, who won the con-
I test today for the George William Curtis
I medal. Prince Pka lsaka Seine is the nunie
I of the winner and he Is a son of the line
of chiefs that ruled Zululand up to the
tune 111c- r.uaiiBU briiibu lumiui. iu im a
member of the clasa of 1SM' In Columbia
college and Is an ardent student, specialis
ing In economics. After getting his bach
elor degiee from Columbia. Seine will spend
three yean at Oxford and then return to
Zululand, where the position of attorney
general for hU people Is being held open
, for, 1,1m. The subject of lis oration aa
I "Tha Regrneiatiua of Africa.'
1 .
Adjunct to the Standard Withdraws
from Business la Sebraafca
and Indiana.
LINCOLN. Neb.. April S The Republic
Oil company, which has been operating In
Nebraska with a central station nt Omaha,
has nied notice with the Nebraska secre
tary of. state that It has abolished all Its
stations and withdrawn from the state.
The company la organised under the laws
of New York, but a recent Inquiry showed was owned by(the Standard Oil
INDIANAPOLIS, April 6.-The Republic
Oil company, a New York corporation, to
day filed with tho secretary of state a
notice of Its withdrawal from Indiana. L.
N. Nichols is mentioned lu the notice as
president of the company. The paper sets
forth that the company has disposed of
all Its properties and Interests in Indiana
and has no further use for offices, agents,
or reports In the state.
The authority of F. R. Burnett, who has
been the representative of tho company
here, is revoked. The general officers of
the company are at Cleveland. It was re
ported here several works ago that the
company had turned over all its business
to the Standard Oil company.
DES MOINES. Ia , April 5. Secretary of
States W. B. Martin today received notice
from the Republic Oil company of New
York of its withdrawal from business In
Iowa. The annonncmcnt simply states
that tho business has been sold.
C. L. Alleman. local manager of the
Standard Oil company, In an Interview In
The Bee some weeks ogo, confirmed the
purchase of the Republic; Oil company in
this territory bv the Standard Oil mmnrnir.
The terrltorv hnimht eotnnrliuvt Hint
covered from this office, Including Nebraska
and western Iowa.
Head of Rook Concern Denies that
Improper Matter Was Insned
from that Shop.
NEW YORK, April 6. -Difficulties between
the Methodist Book Concern of this city
and Typographical union No. ( were dis
cussed today at the session of the New
York East conference, of the Methodist
Episcopal church In Brooklyn. It wns pre
cipitated by circulars which were dis
tributed nt the door of the church where
tho conference was in session by the de
fense committee of the union. The circular
told of the union's view of the Methodist
Book Concern's attitude In the recent
printers' strike and said that the composi
tors of the Methodist Book Concern hud
sot type for advertisements for whisky. It
also was charged In the circular that the
"author's apology."" a defense by George
Bernard Phaw of "Mrs. Warren's Profesr
slon." the production of which st a New
York theater was stopped by the police,'
was printed from plates made nt the Metho
dist Book Concern. .
Rev. Homer Eaton, one of the managing
clergymen of the Book Concern, addressing
the conference on the statements made in
tho circular, said: . .
There is a young 'in' n Wnlug against
the sU-oet lamp outside- ni.dw I-riv not
know whether he is o.ilnk or not. but he
thrusts tinder the face of every person who
makes his woy to this church n pamphlet
In which Brother Mains and myself are
charged with all sorts of abominations. I
want you, brethren, to know that we are
two loyal Methodist clergymen, and noth
ing has been printed In our shop unless it
was pure, wholesome and uplifting. When
such accusations as these are made against
me I want that you should stand bv us. If
anything Improper was printed In tho
offices of the Hook Concern neither Mr.
Mains nor myself knew anything of it.
Inquest to Be Held on Body of
Balloonist Found r
NEW YORK, April 5. A coroner's Inves
tigation Into the tragic death of Paul Noc
qnet, the young balloonist who perished In
a Long Island salt marsh Tuesday after he
had safely landed from a perilous ascen
sion, will be made tomorrow.
To determine the exact cause of his death
an autopsy will be held. It Is believed that
Nocquet died from heart failure, following
complete physical exhaustion and the men
tal anguish he must have felt when he be
lieved he waa being carried to sea.
Paul Nocquet made preparations for death
before starting on his last voyage. A letter
was found In a pocket of his clothing today
giving complete directions aa to the- dispo
sition to be made of his property In case
he should be found dead. The letter gave
the names of his friends in this country, of
his relatives In Europe and spoke of his
mother In Belgium in endearing terms. It
provided also that all property of which he
was possessed at the time of his death
should go to his mother.
It was suggested today that Nocquet
might have fallen from his balloon to the
tiny island where his body was found in
stead of making his way there In an effort
to reach Amltyville, as generally supposed.
One of the men who found the body says
that he heard cries for help at 10:15 o'clock
Tuesday night. It was 10 o'clock when the
balloon was found and Nocquet could not
have gone a mile and three-quarters
through marshes and creeks In fifteen
minutes. The body lay with the head to
ward the ocean.
Lincoln Man Kichanaes Telephone
for Machine Shop and
Abstract Books.
CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo., April 5 (Spe
cial Telegram.) A. R. Scott of Lincoln,
Neb., who traded a telephone system In
the suburbs of that city for the machine
shop and abstract office owned by T. J.
Moynahan of Cripple Creek, arrived here
this evening to take charge of his new
property. Moynahan knew nothing what
ever about a telephone system and Scott
had neither seen the abstract office nor
the machine shop here until hit arrival.
The Moynahan holdings are worth about
S&i.OuO. The trade was arranged by mail
and Scott is well satisfied with his end
of it.
Supreme Court Sett Aside Measure and
Governor Calls Special Session
of Legislature.
SPRINGFIELD, III.. April 5.-The su
preme court this afternoon handed down a
decision declaring the new primary law
unconstitutional. Governor Deneeu will
call a special session of the legislature for
lu o'clock next Tuesday morning to pass
a new primary law In conformity with to
day's decision of the supreme court. The
republican state central committee will
meet In this rity at 10 a. m. Saturday to
remind the voll for a state convention.
Republicans to Meet at Capital City on
Wednesday, August 22.
Convention It Also to Be Asked to
Formally Endorse Constitutional
Amendment 'for an Elective
Rnllway Commission.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. April E. tSpeclal Tele
gram.) The republican state convention
will meet at Lincoln. Wednesday, August
22, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon and will
nominate a candidate for United States sen
ator in addition to a full ticket of state
officers. Including three rnilroad commis
sioners, which wus decided upon at tha
meeting of the state committee tonight,
with every member In attendance In per
son or by proxy.
Never before was so much Interest ex
hibited In the preliminaries of the stu'.o
campaign. A lnrge number of outsiders,
prominent In politics, were present aa spec
tators, but were shut out by a motion for
executive session.
The first business of the meeting, when
culled to order by. Chairman Warner, de
veloped upon the resolution for inaugurat
ing a direct primary expression on the
candidates to he nominated. This resolution
had been offered by Victor Rosewatcr at
the last meeting of the committee and had
been put over without action. A sharp and
general discussion ensued, and after an
Ineffectual attempt to get a secret ballot
vote a roll call was had, resulting In the
defeat of the resolution by 23 to 11.
Reavis of Richardson then endeavored to
put himself on record in favor of the di
rect primary principle, although voting
against It In-practice y moving to reaffirm
the direct primary plank of the stte plat
form, which motion, amended to Indlude the
entire state platform, was declared carried.
Lincoln Gets Convention.
Three dates were suggested for the con
ventionJune 31, August 8 and August 22
and the last, one was agreed upon. Lincoln
and Omaha presented Invitations for locaj
tlon and Uncoln won out, 19 to 15. Tho
LIneolnltesiind had quite n scare in the aft
ernoon and had been workijig Ilka beavers
to prevent the. convention from going to
Another roll call was had on the ques
tion of including 1'nlted States senator In
the call, and although much parliamentary
sparring was Indulged jn, only seven votes
were recorded against it. The formal reso
lution for the call was adopted as follows:
Resolved, That the chairman be In
structed to issin a call for a republican
state convention to be held In the city of
Lincoln on Augus't i'i. lis, st 2 o'clock In
the afternoon for the purpose of nominat
ing candidates for the following offices
and transacting such other business ss
may properly come before It:
One 1'nlted States senator.
fine governor.
tine lieutenant governor.
Three railway commissioners.
One treasurer.
Ono a ml I lots.
One secretary of state. .
.One attorney general, t
- One commissioner of public lands and
buiidinga" . .
One siipertntrtndeiit m fnsttnHirrfr. v-e
The said convention shall h made up of
delegates chosen by the republicans of the
respective counties of the state, appor
tioned one delegate-at-large for each county
and one for each 125 votes or major frac
tion thereof cal at the last election for
lion. Charles H. Letton. republican nomi
nee for Judge of the supreme rourt.
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed and that the delegates present
from each of the respective counties be
authorized to east the full vote of their
delegations. The various odd nuinberd
senatorial districts are also notified that
they will at the same time tiy their dele
gates choose members to represent them on
the state committee for a., term of two
Convention to Ant on Amendment.
Tho commltee also adopted the following
resolution by Victor Rosewater relating to
tho state railway commission amendment:
Whereas, A constitutional amendment has
been submitted by the last legislature ror
ratification of the voters, and
Whereas, I'nder the election law of Ne
braska straight party votes will be counted
as voles in favor of said amendment if
formally endorsed by party convention,
therefore, be It
Resolved. That the convention call in
clude a recommendation that delegates to
the state convention be instructed to vote
for or against the endorsement of the
constitutional amendment relating to the
creation of a slate board of railway com
missioners, to be submitted for ratifica
tion at the coming election.
Another innovation was arranged for by
Instructing the chairman and executive
cdmmlttee to select, thirty days before the
convention, a temporary chairman and a
resolutions committee of seven to be rec
ommended to the convention.
Still another resolution provided for a
committee of five to draw up and report
rules for the government of the state com
mittee. I'nder the call the convention will
consist of SS7 delegates, of which Douglas
county will have eighty-three and Ian
caster, aa the next biggest delegation,
thirty-four. V. R.
Gamblers Kotlfled to Close nt Once
and Remove All Devices Within
Three Days.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark., April 5,-Tomorrow
all gambling houses here will be closed.
Today Governor Davis appointed W. T.
Scogglns as prosecuting attorney of the
district, an office which haa been vacant
since the death of District Attorney Mor
rison last February. This appointment
was made after a conference between Gov
ernor Davis and local ministers. Tonight
the following signed statement was issued
by Mr. Scoggins:
I hereby notify all managers, owners or
manipulators isf gambling houses in the
city of Hot Springs that I shall expect
each and every gambling house to close on
the morning of April . lisni. And if any
such house should remain open on that
day or thereafter I shall proceed against
the same and shall ask the court to have
all gambling devices of all kinds burned,
according to law. If, alter three days
after the publication of tliis notice any
gambling device or paraphernalia whatever
prohibited by law shall be found In this
Judicial district 1 shall ask that all of
1 the same be burned according to law..
I Club owners say the orders will be
i obeyed. Two of the largest clubs, the Ar
kansas and Indiana, voluntarily closed
their doors today. '
The only question likely to arise is n
regard to the closing of the pool rooms
aud race t lacks, as there is no specific
state law prohibiting the making of books
or selling pools on horse races.
Prosecuting Attorney Scogglns stated to
night he probably would lake no action
against Uie Oaklawn race meeting, inas
much as it would be closed within a week.
ew York Banker ot Liable.
I'( EHIXi. Colo. April &. Judge Rinr In
the I nited district court today decided in
the SchitTer bankruptcy case that the evi
dence was Insufficient 10 show that Herman
Sihiffer of New York as a director. The
decision releases Schiffer from liability i
almut l.'ii.'xi. which amount, as a director
of the bank of Alamosa, lie had been su-d.
i Xur bf Um-oollui s.
Fair and Warmer Friday. Saturday
Fair and Warmer In Fast Tortlon.
Hoar. lies,
t p. m ..'... . ilii
il p. m (IA
:t p. m n
I p. m ..... . Bn
21 p. hi II I
p. m ns
T p. m fill
M p. m Sit
9 p. m BO
Seventy-Five Persona Killed nnd
Many Injured at Festive
Dinner at agold.
NAGOLD. Little Black Forest. Germany,
April 6. The Hotel Zum Hirsch fell today
during the progress of a festive dinner.
There were KXi persons present, most of
whom were buried In the ruins. At 10
o'clock tonight fifty-five dead bodlos had
been recovered and 100 Injured were taken
from the ruins, many of them In a serious
condition. Twenty persons still are missing
and probably are dead.
The accident is attributed to carelessness
on the part of those who were making
repairs on the building, which had been
raised five feet from the ground In order
to give more space for the lower story.
The work bepan early in the morning and
was supposed to have been finished at
noon. The keeper of the hotel Invited the
workmen and a large number of towns
people to a grand dinner. The company
assembled in the middle banquet room
and was drinking the health of the builder
and landlord when suddenly a crash was
heaid above. A score of those In the
banquet room Jumped from the windows
and doors In time to escape, when the
house came down.
The town tonight presents an Indescrib
able scene of horror and grief. There Is
hardly n family but has lost one or more
members. The villagers and people of the
surrounding country are inquiring for their
relatives. The dead are laid out In the
town hall adjacent to the scene of tho
disaster. The work of rescue Is still pro
ceeding, but the full losses will not be
known until tomorrow
F.xpectatlon of Trouble Causes Serlont
Condition to Wife of the
CHICAGO. April 6. Physical collapse of
Mrs. John Alexander Dowie today followed
rumors that tho party In favor of tho
"First Apostle" had grown so strong that
a serious conflict between the two factions
In Zion City might follow tho return of her
husband. Friends of Mrs. Dowlc say that
she expressed the belief that bloodshed
might tesult. Early today she fell In a
swoon, while In her home and It was feared
.for a time that she had suffered a stroke of
paralysis. It was reported later that she
is suffering only from a severe attack of
nervous prostration. , .
The appellate court today, by a decision,
deprived rxmle of fti.0(in, which liad been
lef" t- hln by -Frudwick -Kulfwv ft. New
Zeiilauder. The heirs of Sutton brought
suit to have the will set aside On the
ground of undue Influence end won their
case lu the lower ' court. Dowie appealed
and the appellate court today decided
against him.
CITY OF MEXICO, April u.-John Alex
ander Dowlc, the first apostle of the Chris
linn Catholic Apostolic church in Zion, left
here with his party tonight for Chicago,
where he will confront the local leaders
who have attempted a revolt against him.
Dr. Dowie was In goad health and spirits
and indignant at the' conduct of the men
who, according to Jcttera In his possession,
were professing loyalty to him within the
last week.
Attorney for Ha 1 1 road Would tarry
Judae Humphrey's Construction
of Law a Step Further,
KANSAS CITY, April 6.-Judge K. L.
Scaritt, representing tho Chicago & Alton
and other parties to the railroad reboto
cases which will be argued In the federal
court here next Monday, has filed a plea
which has for Ha basis the decision of
Judge Humphrey of Chicago In the suits
against the beef packers, wherein It was
decided that the members of the corpora
lions who had furnished Information on
which Indictments were returned were Im
mune from prosecution, but that tho cor
porations themselves were not.
The Chicago & Alton acts up the claim
that It was compelled to produce its books,
papers and other documentary evidence for
the inspection of the federal grand Jury
in Chicago and that this Information was
presented to the Kansas City grand Jury
before the local agents of the road were
Meeting; Will Be Held In Denver In
tha Month of No
vember. DENVER, April 5. The board of direc
tors of the American Mining congress an
nounced today that the ninth annual con
vention of the congress will be held In
Denver November 13 to 1 next.
Simon Ouggenhelm and David II. Mof
fatt have subscribed ttiO.OOO each to the
fund for building an International mining
temple In Denver on .condition that the
congress shall raise from 150,ou0 to SJW.QUO
more for tho purpose.
Woman Commit Suicide.
CHICAGO, April 6. A woman, said to be
Mrs. Edith Cuoper of Philadelphia, com
mitted suicide in the Palmer house today
by bliooting. She was registered as the
wife of "Lino Bardeleben," but the latter
afterward slated that his name was Kau
delchen. lie said the woman was yeirs
of age and was not hit wile. She came to
Chicago, he said, to consult a specialist,
meeting of that Bksocistion at til. Paul
next AugUKt, will be delivered by Alton li.
Parker of New York. 1 lie annual address
Is one of the greatest features of the asso
ciation's meetings. It Is expected that Ixird
Alverstone. lord chief Justice of England,
will be present and deliver an address.
Movements of tlcean Vessels .(aril B,
At New York Arrived: Chemnitz, from
Bremen: Ciltu Dl Messina, from Naples;
Prinsesii Irene, from Naples; Baltic, from
Llvrrponl. Sailed: Im Tuuralue, fur Havre;
I'uhrornlan, for San Francisco; Sicilian
Princes, for Naples.
At Boston Arrived: i'hlludelphlan, from
London: Iberian, from Manchester.
At Qje.-nMown Arrived. Cediic, from
KfW York.
At Ix ndon Arrived: Lancastrian, from
At Movllle Arrived: PretorUn. from 81.
John, N. H.
At Havre Arrived: Harmatiun. from
At Genoa Silled: fit la Dl Nuisdl. for
New Yoik.
At Bremen Sailed : Steamer Gnelsenau,
for New York and Baltimore
Iowa Senator Takes Exception! to Crltioiutt
of White House Meeting;.
Nothing Unusual in Consulting with Execu
tive About Legislation.
Speaker Sayi Some of His Critics Consulted
Bailroad President,
Demand for Aaraea of Senators Re
ferred to Hefueed Incident F.nda
Pleasantly After Explanation
by Ohio Man.
WASHINGTON, April l-In the seriate
today there was a re-echo of the Whit
House conferenco of lust Sunday relative
to railroad legislation and while the dis
cussion resulted In good nature, the waa
a time when tho feeling was quite intense.
The Incident occurred at the Aid of a '
speech by Mr. Stone.
Mr. Dolliver took tha floor and In a brief
speech devoted to a defese of the tight
of senators to confer with the president
charged that other senators had been In
consultation with the presidents of rail
road companies. The Intimation contained
In the charge was resented by both Mr.
Bailey and Mr. . Foraker and they do-
manded the names of senators referred to.
These Mr. Dolliver declined to give, but he
Justified his coursp in making the chargn
by saying that he and other senators who
had participated In the conference had
been sneered at and ridiculed In tha dis
cussion of last Tuesday. This avowal of
his motive brought 'ubont an explanation -from
Mr. Fornker and the Incident ended
pleasantly. Mr. Elklns has given notice
of a speech on tho rata bill tar tomorrow
and Mr. Bailey for a speech on that sub
ject Tuesday. The Toxa senator will
reply especially to the criticisms made
by Messrs. Spooner and Knox of his plan
for the limitation of tho powers of the su
perior courts In granting Injunction In rata
Rate BUI Taken 1'p.
The rate bill was then taken up and Mr.
Newlands continued his argument In sup
port of his proposition for the national in
corporation of railroad companies. When
Mr. Newlands concluded Mr. Btone took,
the floor in support of the rate bill.
Mr. Stone dealt especially with tha
amendment suggested by Mr. Long, con
tending that It gives the railroads all they
can possibly ask for, but before taking up
that branch of tha subject ha discussed
the general question at soma length, say
ing among other things that, as tha hill
stands. It provides sufficiently for a Judi
cial review of the order, of tha proposed
commission, HesUted his substantial rn
tlersemtnit tt Mr. lu!.'Y' ppsltl'orr "rn favor,
of the restriction of the power of tha In
ferior courts In the matter of suspension
of orders of the commlsleon.
Regarding 'the "Long amendment" he
said that while it was proposed by the
senator from Kansas, the president of tha
United States is lta author.
Sharp Reply from Dolliver.
When Mr. Stone ceased speaking Mr.
Dolliver took the floor to reply to the Mis
souri senator's criticisms of the house bill.
He said that the Long amendment neither
enlarged nor abridged the Jurisdiction of
the circuit court, yet he was willing to
make the concession. Mr. Dolliver also
commented on the criticisms of the presi
dent. He did not consider that In the pend
ing legislation the president had shown a
partisan spirit, nor that he had departed
from the customary methods of the execu
tive. The question was difficult and com
plex, he said, and he did not purpose to be
disparaged by any sneering allusion to tha
president, because he considered it Juat aa
consistent to consult with the president on
this subject as with the presidents of tha
railroad companies as tho opponents of tha
bill were doing. He warned the opponents
of the measure that the friends of the rata
legislation had on their fighting clothes, !
adding that failure at thla time would
create the largest issue that congress had .
ever to deal with., In sharp language ha
opposed any stronger court review than
that proposed by the Long amendment, say
ing that the opponents of the bill would re
duce the presldent'a recommendation to a
practical and legal absurdity.
Response by Mr. Bailey.
Mr. Bailey responded. Outlining his own
position In opposition to the practice of
conferring with the president, he tald that
the present situation presented peculiar
reason why the president should not inter
fere with legislation. He expressed the
opinion that not a third of the republican
senators agreed with the chief executive.
Mr. Bailey then turned his attention to
Mr. Dolliver' s assertion that some senators
had been conferring with railroad officials
on the subject of railroad legislation and de
manded that Mr. Dolliver name them, say
ing the country at large had a right to tha
Information. Mr. Foraker endorsed tha
statement by Mr. Bailey, declaring that tha
Texas senator had anticipated what ha
wanted to say.
"I shall take the liberty of not pursuing
that counsel," tald Mr. Dollver, dellbat
ately rising from his seat.
The senate haa a right to know," Mr.
Foraker Insisted.
Mr. Dolliver then said that he had never
dreamed of committing ahoy Impropriety In
his statement, because he did not tee any
reason why senators should not confer oft
this subject with men who are experts ua
the tuhject, indeed he considered it un
fortunate that the railroads were devoting
their time and resources In an effort to
Influence public opinion against legislation
instead of co-operation In framing a proper
measure. He said that railroads had spent
I ILio.O") in their efforts to antagonise tha
legislation. He did not believe that a sen
ator a right lo confer with the railroad men
should be questioned; no more did he be
lieve that senators who confer with the
president of the 1'nlted States should be
made tho subject of ridicule.
Mr. Foraker did not dissent from the
last proposition. "But," he continued,
"there is only one Inference to be drawn
from the senator's assertion, and that la
the senators who do not agree with his
assertions are here representing the rail-
klra Begin to t lear.
Mr. iMilllver again disclaimed any tit
tent tun to impute Improper mot! vet to Mr.
Foraker or any other senator, saying that
he would probably uol have raised th
point if lilt visit to the White House with
otUai senators hud not been made tha Sub