flTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4. 100C. SPECIAL NOTICES AdveMleeaieBle for the colamns will ba ikn antll it m. for f?ln edlllna aad watll a) . a, far the mornlna: aad Kmrnamy rdltlna. Ratee 1 l-2e a word Mrat Ineerttnn. 1a a Tord thereafter. JotklaaT taken for less thaa. ao for aa Mrat ! ttoa. These adverllaenieata ataat ba raa coaaeeatlvely. Advertleera, "r rfqintlat a bered rkrek, r hare aaawrra ad stressed fo a aamhered letter la rare of Tha llf. Aaawere ao addrraard tI1I a delivered oa preaeatatlen of rhfeU. MISCELLANEOUS I30YLES COLLEGE NOW OPEN Pay and night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, abort hand, typewriting and Knglieb organised every day. J't a catalogue. Address H. B. BOYLES, President, Hoy lea Hid J., Omaha. R-Mlt KNfJROPHiNU and fancy penmanship, Boylea College. R MW4 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a ape clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doora and antes. O. Andreen, Prop., 103 S. 101 h Bt. R-114 Rain. Tioa R RUMBKL A SON. 1124 Dd.16 N, nth BU. Omaha. Rao SIGN. TAINTING. 8. H. Cole, 1308 Douglas. R lis WE buy and aell typewritera; will tell your machine on small commission. Omaha Typewriter Kxchange, XX Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4603. R 111 8TKINWAY piano, upright, big hargain. Ftrtleld l'lano Co., 1611 Farnam St. R 1H Gl'NSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing, lleflln. 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2974. R-119 TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3K0. R 11 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. R-ll MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to order. R MOOS A21 J. II. 8TANWOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Res. SJ427 lake. Tel. Doug. 4727. R M5a Al SIRVKTING, Bllckensderfar, 312 Bee Bldg. R-LK HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean pnper cleaning a specialty. Tel. Douplas b"tf. . R 544 Al FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 60DA FOUNTAINS, any alze, 1818 Farnam. BHERW1X-WIUJAM8 CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . (j 124 HALL.' 8 safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. Q-125 FOR BALK Two lira scholarampa oa Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams. Ouiaha Bee, Omaha, Nab, QS29 MllX'I I COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. y iiitt FOR BALE-rAt a discount, dua bill from pue of the most desirable Ufa Insurance companies, which may ba applied on a tlrst year's premium; any one considering taking out a policy can - save money. Address 1 67, care Bee. Q 907 PIANO FOR SALE Party wno purchased piano only a few weka ago will aell It at a discount from the caau price paid,' Adureua P U, cara Bee. Q tot PIANO Square. $10; 60 cents weekly. Per Held Piano Co., liill Farnam St. Q 12 CRIBBING, ftr timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 16th A lsard. Q-127 WE buy everything in the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-128 SPECIAL. PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send for lu-t-pnKB free catalogue; 260 poultry Illus tration M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter, Neb. Q 132 FOR SALE An eight-room house. In good repair. Want It taken from the lot and will sell cheap. Inquire of J. R. Camp, hell, loll South 29th St. Q 284 8x HOt'Sa'S FURNISHED COMPLETE Re liable, goods and bedrock prices, on easy pay inenlH. OMAHA FURNITURE AND C 4.RPET CO.. 12u8-iai-12U. Farnam St D 678 3 CAUTIONl Beware of fake piano ada.; genuine new Steinwuy planoa are sold ONLY by Bohmoller & Mueller and they are the ONLY' authorized Nebraka rep-i-eaentatives. Tel. Douglas 1625. 1407 Har ney Si. Q 12 KINDLING for sale; good wood, sawed and spilt, ready for stove. Balbach A llage uorn Planing Mill. 'Phone Harnav lba. . Q M738 A8 CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed beat In the world for young chicks; try it Stewart's Seed Store., Hi North 18th St.. me only authorised selling sgent In Omaha. U-Maai A26 GASOLINE engines slightly used. 3U home Jifr and ll horse power. Air t ooied Kelly. 'Phone Douglas i ':r agncr Bros., 135 Leavenworth. Q 98S FOR SALE One large Ice box about 7x11 In best of condition. Call on T. T Mun iter. 411 -N. 2ith St.. So. Omaha. Must sell t once. Q 283 FOR SALE-Fox typewriter; good condl lion. or particulars address A 69. Bee. . Q-M4S3 7x FOR SALE-Kmpty Ink barrels. Inquire of 4. H. Campbell, Bee mail room - Vi 642 FOR 8ALE-5flO.OuO brick at 86 per thousand, delivered. Smith Brick Co., ffid and Wool worth Ave. Tel. Douglaa t&. Q-M562 x FOR 8AI.K Second-hand pool and billiard table, almost new. Address B 1. care J'J"-. Q-.1M7 10 BUSINESS CHANCES OLD established well pump and windmill bualneas for sale. J. E. Hoover Lock Box 46, Benedict. Neb. Y" Mlbl A14x I0 YOU want to sell your property Do you want to buy a home? IK you want to rent a house? lo you want to get in or out of business Do you want to borrow money? If so. ll!t your wants with us; we get results TKMPLETON & MANKER. Bee Bldg. XeL Douglas-W4. - ' Y-i A GOOD restaurant for sale at a baraaln J. ,E. Smith. Jr.. Ashland. Neb. " Y-M348 A6 FOR SALE One of the best barber ahoDS in; the middle meat. Address A 48. .are of Bee. Y-M7 FOR SALE Meat market In northern Ne braska; only shop in town. Write at onve. Addresa A 46, care Bee. Y-M271 At LOST IX 8T Lady's gold watch, between Presby tei4an hospital and Wih and Farnam' Inlilal "1." on fob; 16 reward for return to 1J0 Douglaa St Lost 637 ix S l RAYED Black horse, weighing about l.'.iti IHjondH, 7 years old, white snot in forehead, some white on one hind foot lump under chin oa left side of Jaw' Hee return to 21st and Paul and ie reive reward. 6ii 3x I-08T On Farnam St., Friday last, a pearl and diamond pin. Finder return to First National bank and receive reward. 670-4 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. T. L. Tel. Doug. DR. WKLL8, L. O. and M. D. Manila Blk. -Hm AS WANTED MALE HELP W A NTKIV- For U. 8. army, able-bodied men letwern acea of 21 and 3n; cltlaens or i niien states, or good character and temKrate habits, who esn speak, read ana write .ns.ur. f or information a ply to Recruiting OfTice. l;tth and Ionr laa Hts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 172 POSITIONS of the right klhd with good houses at good salaries and with good fu tures, obtainable through us. We can plaoe. office men, salesmen, man alters, retail clerks, collectors, etc. Call or write for complete list of va- canrios ana nooaiet. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. (Inc.) uept. a, Mv-i-z in. x. Lite Biag. B-677 I DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wantea. r . V. Knlest, Kl M. X. L. B-134 MEN and boys wanted to learn Din m bine: bricklaying, plastering trades; pays $6 a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free rata logue. B 13s WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Ten positions for every graduate; top wages paid; few weeks completes. Course In cludes tools and diplomas. Can nearly earn expenses If desired. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 111 Farnam St. B tiM A6x WANTED Three men of good peraonal ap pearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co., 161 Howard St. B Mill WANTED A good, all-around plaining mill man; state experience and wages wanted. 6. G. Collier, Falrbury, Neb. B-861 BECOME a chauffeur at home; positions guaranteed at 86 weekly. Write for par ticulars. Automobile, iJept. 8, No. 742 Seventh Ave., New York. B M467 7x WANTED 2 coat. 1 vest. 1 pant B&aker; steady work. Lad the Tailor. Sioux Falls. S. D. B-M47C 6x CARPETINA CO. wants two or three good, live solicitors for city work. Room 115 Midland Hotel. B M553 4x TAILOR WANTED First class roatmaker; union; back shop; bill $8.70 to 81660. W. H. Shepherd, 404 Locust St., Dea Moines, la. B M549 7x MUSICIANS that can play In band and nouDie on stage or orchestra; work winter and summer. Call 415 N. 15th St.. side door. B 665 3x WANTED Engineer and draughtsman, one laminar with structural Iron and steel work. Address A 67, Bee. B M550 8 WANTED At once, competent sign Writer, Sooi letterer, must be swift and steady, ood position for right man. Advertising Department, The Bennett Company. B M563 5 WANTED Experienced calico and muslin salesman. Apply to A. D. Brandels, be tween 8 and 10 a. m. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B M583 WANTED Old man for ntght watchman. tine capable of doing light work. Ad dress B 2, care Bee. B 672 & BOYS for factory work. Bemls Omaha Bag CO. B 668 4 WANTED Plumber who understands tin ning; also benchman preferred. Address Box 823, Hartlngton, Neb. B 666 8 WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. C WANTED Experienced coat and skirt nanas lor ladles alteration department; good salaries. 8. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1617 Farnam St. -C 240 WANTED Girl for general housework; rererence required; three In family; good wages. K3 N. 22d St., South Omaha. C-862 WANTED Girl for general housework; iiiiiiy ui uirec, no waaning. lairc h. 82d. Ave. C M263 WANTED Experienced stenographer and uiucr cii-n in oaaery ana coniectloneTy. Apply 1620 Farnam St. C M278 WANTED Middle aged ladies In the i-uuMiijr kmu sniaii wwna surrounding Omaha to work at home In aiwre time. Liberal pay. Call on Mrs. Lee, 1701 Cap itol Ave., Omaha. C M50A 7x EXPERIENCED hand buttonhole makers vuBiuui muuvm, Aiuen l.ann. l&tA lvar nam. C M636 4 WANTED Neat, competent girl; German preierreu; must oe good cook ; 8 In fam ily; good wages: references required. 1U S. S2d St., on Hanncom Park car line. C-640 6 CARPETINA CO. wants several girls, not miBiu vi it iimw worn, sooa pay. nooin 16 Midland Hotel. C M654 4x WANTED A good girt The Creche. 19th ana itarney. C 578 6x WANTED Girl for general housework. Airs. a. a. jaquitn, zon spencer St. C 669 6 WANTED Girl for general housework. wnem secniia gin is Kept; private ram lly. 2225 Farnam. C M581 GIRL for general housework; 85.00 per week; no washing or ironing; references required. 143 N. 31st Ave. C 671 4 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to sell American DeFor- i ,iicwM xciegrapn siock. i nis sys tem is the one used and endorsed by the U. S. government; good territory and liberal contracts to active, energetic so licitors. Call and see us. . Walnisley & Wemott. 644 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. J-M298 7 A GENERAL agent wanted for Nebraska in naiiuiB mo cleverest invention of the day (patented specialty); exclusive control to right man, who can make big money. Call on W. L. Haines, Paxton House. J M6k4 4 AGENTS The Farmers' Manual la the greatest farmer a noon ever written; price only 8175; commission 66 per cent. Agents make 840 a week now; exclusive territory; outtlt free. J. L. Nichols & Co., Naper vllle. 111. J-286 ix A GENERAL agent wanted for Nebraska to nanaie me cleverest invention of the day (patented specialty); exclusive con trol to right man, who ran make big money. Call on W. L. Haines. Paxton House. J MSM 4 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can luiiiisii ineir own team ana wagon to Sell and deliver Medicines and Household articles on commission. Expenses paid and a reasonable earning guaranteed. Tne Hailer Proprietary Company. Blair. Neb. t M423 Ml WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young married man. posl- Hi,., - iiiuui&Kfr oi country newspaper or as an all-around printer; experienced In both; no boozer; state salary. Box 474. Missouri Valley, la. A 64ft Sx HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR 8ALE-8mall horse, harness and buggy. Address A 20. Bee. P MS70 DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, well broke, and gentle. Apply Jones' Stable. 1114 Dodge. P 281 FOR SALE Pair of black mares 4 and 5 J-si. old; weigh 1,1(0 ll,s. each; la hands height: well matrhed and city broke, In good order and aiylish; good manes and tails. Five-yen r-ekl horse by Patron. 1: HKt; weight H30 lbs.; bay with white alar; well broke; good style and action; good tail and mane; will sell cheap If Bold at once. Also two 8-year-old colts by Redllght. Dr. E. F. Stewart, Beatrice, .iieb P 6W 3 PATENTS II. A. STL' RUES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade murks, copyrif.hu; no fee un less successful. 617 N. V. Lif-J. Omaha. -4l P. J. LARSON A CO., patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb 7 SHARPS MACHINE WOKKB-Patenta procured, Inventions developed, drawtasa, Patterns, castings, machine work. B. loth St. m PATENTS procured, bought and Bold. Na tlonal Inveatment Co.. 61 Douglas Block. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 1; Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E-137 N'CF.IY furnished south front parlor, sult- or man ana wire; home cooklns; steam bent; modern. The Capitol, istli and Capitol Ave. E MolS A19 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated l""rnm Farnam, Flat f. Tel. Doug. 2303- E 781 ROOMS FURNISHED with reliable, up-to-riate rrwul. f .. trc. ... OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO,. ii"-iai-Bia ixmam St. E-573 3 NEWLY furnished rooms, 2S34 Davenport. tr i;s FURNISHED rooms for rent at 2634 Dav enport Bt. B 753 NICELY furnished large southeast room; .i rI,,i""p i't one or iwo gentle men. 217 South 26th St. E 13s STRICTLY modern rooms In private fam- ii; excellent location. 210 Webster. Doug. -6390. E 676 AJ6 2 NEW, modern rooms, housekeeping. S320 K M-XI Ml FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. IV 1 A. a. i TV Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F 141 MAN and wife or 2 gentlemen can find i",arni eouin rooms, excellent board. Address A 64. Bee. F 638 8x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1509 3. 28th Et. G-143 WE FURNISH YOUR ROOMS on easy payments. it me rent pay for the fur niture. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., j-un-iiji-iija rarnam Bt. G 674 3 TWO large roonia. with alcove. 2412 Cass. iei. Meq-KTig. G Ml 44 FOR RENT HOUSES HOTISKS ,n " Par, oi th" citJ'- u m HOUSES ,n a" J-rt of the City. The D Sit HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D 146 THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack. move ana store ft. n. gooas. storehouse, 1120-24 N. J9th. Office, 1611H Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. D 119 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 74Wj. omce, 1Kt Web ster St- D 160 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. C. M. Bachmann, 428 paxton Blk. Tel. Red-263. D 3:4 SEE us when shipping household goods to targe cities wcm. " c c-nii a tt money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1195. D 151 WE SELL GOOD FURNITURE on easy payments. . We don t ask installment Tirloes. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 12U9-1 211-1213 Farnam Bt. D 575 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. E. cor. '.'bin avo. ana Leavenworth; house in perfect order; new plumbing; hot water heating; rent 40. W. J. Connell, 101 Bee Bldg. D Mlil FOR RENT Ten-rocm modern house, 2)21 Mason Bt. inquire at r. r. auAeiiiinu tt Co., 1103 Harney St. D M441 7 9-ROOM, modern dwelling, good condition. lawn and snaae trees, autn mm oi. Mary's Ave. J. B. Kelkeimey, Karbach block. D 4421X WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas-its. iscnnioncr at Mueller Piano Co., 1407 Harney. D M512 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall DUiiaing, n r- 'm " Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; tnree noors ana osseinem, elevator; will rent 22x100 separately. 1003 6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. 1-163 CENTRAL drug store, with fixtures; also laundry, wun power, nxara, nnnn ) I Mtl $40 Large store room for rent. 181 Harney St. N. f. Donge at k:o. i w THREE-STORY and basement building. with electric elevator, in wnoiesaie uia trict. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglaa. 1 M51 7 STORAGE OR TRACKAGE for rent; 14.000 square feet; will rent an or part ai low figures. Inquire 1312 lzareV St. Phone Douglas 27U I-MM1 7 FOR RENT Germanla hall, 1M4-1818 Har ney; lar.je room, Mixiiti, ground noor; suit able for garage, factory, etc. N. P. Dodge Co.. 1714 FarnanV; 1 6.i9 3 WANTED TO RENT WANTED immediately, furnished or un furnished house; small adult family; good references and pay. Give full particulars or no notice. W 16, cara Bee. K-633 3x WE HAVE good tenanta for 60 houses that will rent below io per month. XJst your houses with us for good returns. N. P. DODGE & CO.. Bee Bldg. 171 Farnam. 1. 6a7 I WANTED By married couple, room and. board In private family; referencea ex changed. Address B, care Bee. K M582 Sx CLAIRVOYANTS 11ME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. itu at no. iu Boutn torn Bt., upstairs. Kesultful prediction absolutely given. o-07 REV. EDWARDS, spiritual life readings; aiao reaaings ny man. Room 1, Patter son Blk., 17th and Farnam. 8 MS34 7 LADIES' consult Mrs. Faust, reliable palm ist, neaaings ouc. satisfaction guaran teed 17n9 Jackson. S i43 3x BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay trust prices? 8olld oak billiard uu imxii imiiri, urn AibO oar nxturea No agency expeneee. Catalogue mailed free. Chas. Passow sV Bona. Chicago. 131-Maysx WE TRU8T EVERYBODY, easy payments. aim ieu ins worm in cheap prices on billiard and pool tablea and bar flxturea catalogue free. The Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co.. 407 8. loth St., Omaha. Neb. 133 PLUMBING JOHNSON, THE RELIABLE. PLUMBING AND HEATINO CO. BEST 8ERVICE-IXWk8T PRICES. ik.u Douglas tm, mt hahney. R-M-ta A 16 RICH a FALCONER, repairing a apeclalty; i. himvum( au avio. iougiaa l . l. -MI47 A 11 ILaOoTr fof Special Announcement, on another page of this paper, regarding REAL ESTATE AND FARM EDITION To be issued Sunday, April 8. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE West Farnam DWELLING Special price on a modern home, almost new, near car, south front, parlor, din ing room, re:eption hai), kitchen on first floor, I bedrooms and bath upstairs; $3,000. SHIMER & CHASE CO.. 1609 Farnam, Ground Floor. Douglas M67. RE-678 4 THE Glover Cuban Land Co., R. 2. N. T. U Bldg , Omaha, sell lands In Cuba. Round trip, Omaha to Havana. $67.86. RE 93 WHOLESALE DISTRICT Southwest corner 12th and Harney Sts., 44 feet on Harney by 132 feet on 12th St. Price $12,000. GEORGE St CO., 1901 Farnam. RE M276 FOR SALE BARGAINS $1,500 8-room house, 18th near Vinton 8t. $2,100 4-room house, corner lot; 17th, near Vinton. $1,000 6-room house, 20th near Castellar St. $ 460 Fine lot on grade on South loth St Also fine trackage property and many other properties. Inquire, MELCHIOR. LE1S SON, 'Phone Douglas-56S8. 1913 So. 20th St. $2,200 6-room house, all modern, on South 20th St. RE-M458 3-ROOM, well built house; hard pine fin ish; furnace; sewer; gas; strictly modern; fine lawn; shade and fruit trees;! blocks Farnam; Dundee car; 5t-foot lot; south front. 4160 Chicago St. Sale or rent KE-567 8x FOR SALE A home worth 30,0n for Hi. 000; west side. Address L 17. Bee. RE MS5 Williamson Co.tJ- d RE T FARMS and city homes. Kemp. Real E. tater. Blair, Neb. ' RE MJ TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x234, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sts.. $12,000 wUI take It for immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. . RE MjSO CHOICE location for residences or flats at l!9th and Harney; 170x140; will divide to suit purchaser. East half lot 2, block 172. Omaha, at 14th and Jackson; 33x132. Choice lot at 2Mh and Blondo. Tel. Douglas 6291. Western Realty Co., 429 Paxton Blk. RE 660 3 A FINE BARGAIN. A nice little home; barn and chicken coop; 100 fruit bearing trees, grapevines, etc.; with 3 elegant lots and an acre of ground; all for $1,700. Call on FITZGERALD-DERMODY Co., 36 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE M556 4 . BIG BARGAIN Inside property; choice corner, 19th and Capitol Ave., 120x80 feet, with large house, all modern conveniences, only two blocks from postofflce three blocks from new Brandels $1,000,000 building and proposed eight-story hotel at 17th and Douglas. Present building will pay over S per cent net on low price asked, $12,500. If you want to secure this splendid investment call and see us af "once. HICKS REAL- ESTATE CO., 439 Board Of Trade Bldg. ' RE-547 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans ana warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., U.'O Farnam St W-924 MONK TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. w-ea BUILDING loaws on residence property; ( per cent, W. M. Melkle, Kamge Blk. W-2$ LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block, W-Z7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglaa, W-t GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, and 6H per cent Interest; no delay. W 929 (1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennarj, R. 1, N Y. Ufa. W-430 LOANS made on Omaha improved prop erty; also for building purposes. Hastings ft 1 Icy den, lVt Farnam. W M5S 4 t & 614 P,R CENT loans on city property. W. II. Thomas. 1st National Bank Bldg. W-sal WANTED City Loans. R. C. Peters a- Co. W-833 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Heed Bros., 1710 Farnam St W-31 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W 669 FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands. )ebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Land Dept.. U. P. K. R., Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." OUT THET GO THIS MONTH to North Dakota to select a 330 or a 610 acre farm out of our Iu0,0u0-acre tract for $12 to $15 an acre; will yield over $12 as acre; free coal, living water, black soil; send for maps and Brown's Farmer. Wm H. Brown Co., 141 La Sail St, Chicago or Rlchardtou. N. D. t iim Alt FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS. also deeded landa, both Irrigated and upland, fur alfalfa, sugar beets, grain, fruit and stockgrowlng. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wanted. The Sterling In vestment Co., 201 Front St., Sterling, Colo. H M2j FARMS FOR RENT WEJ.L Improved, 2:'tf acres, three miles from Stennett, S5 acres hog tight, 40 acres seeded; rent for $3.50 per acre one year, privilege of five. Bell 'phone after 7 In evening. It P. Light, Stennett. Ia. M5G2 7 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This sgrtcultural weekly goes to 60. 006 homes of fanners and aloca raisers, so if you have a good piece of land 'a sell at a reasonable price you will nnd a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word In small type -r $3.08 per inch If net In large type. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy horses, all classes. Call 1810 Harney St. Tel. Red-7516. N Mill WE HAVE great demand for houses for sale below $2.6u0. If you wish a quick sale list your property with us. N. P. DODGE Sl CO.. Bee Bldg. 1714 Farnam. . N 6t $ TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 7d4. i4 LARSON JOHNSON, 140 Farnam. Doug. llio. j7 v PERSONAL FLESH, white, pink, brunette; Satin akin powder Is made in 4 dainty tints, ac. V LAUNDRY CITY STB AM TeL Doug. 264. SU B. nth St. U-9G1 PI FATINCl RucTng. Buttons! and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. WO Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1Q31 U-e62 MAONKTTH treatment & Baths. Mme. u srs ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home lor women at 3824 N. 24th Bt., Omaha. Neb. U M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 64 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All muslo lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam SU U-966 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. UatdelU 2J16 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6S11. U-S THE Salvation Army solicits cast-otl cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at lit N. inn St, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call Phone Doug. 4136 and. wagon will call C I FREE Tierticul and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised br college ptofessors. "Phone Doug. UH7. Calls answered day or night U 129 MARCEL-WAVE ..'""lu. Bryant. 816 Bea Building. U -1527 A19 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $3. Perlield Plauo Co., 1611 Farnam. U 6 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet SI nick lure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. U-861 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. Doug. S630. PHONB U S6 DR. ROY. Chiropody. 8.1 (1 1606 Farnam. U aa GOLD STICKPIN FREE To any person aending ua tbe name of any peraon owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PERF1ELD PIANO CO.. Tel. 701. lbll Farnam St U-U7 GREEN TRADING wine. and liquors; by jug or bottle.. Cackley Bros. Opposite postofflce. U 126 All CHAMPION J Carpet Cleaning Works. Beautiful, unlaue runs from old carpets; prices reasonable. 724 8. 14th St TeL Douglas-6ue U 15S Jel2 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten house, 412 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. U-61 A-U ANTIQUE Furniture Sale On account of leaving the city I am compelled to aell my entire stock of 60 pieces of antique, colonial furniture. You can have them at great bargain. S.- Smith. 216 So. 19th St. U-5S0 4 C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging; high-class work at low prices. Dnug.-3i U M192 A14 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Feiinell Millinery Co.. Ill South 15th. St ' ' U-700 WALL PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney 3:96. U-6u4 SPENCER MATTRESSES renovated. . U-M97 A22 RAMSU rtPr"'cUcl Hatter. Hats reno- 4662. U-MS17 As BUTTERMILK at creamery. 1008 Cass. U MtW AJ FOR Raster millinery at reasonable prices. 610 South 16th St. ' U M6a A6 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, Zulu N. 21st ut Tel. ik U M70J YOUNG woman keeping house wishes lady roommate. Address A 40, care Bee. U M229 A5x FURNITURE packing and repairing; np holalering and mattress making. L. Smith, laiS Lake. Tel Douglas 66t4. U-M1J0 AI3 PRIVATE hospital during confinement Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest in tha city; m S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U Motil A 20 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium 7a First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774.' U- WE RENT sowing machines, $1 week and $3 per mo. We repair all makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, $5 to $10 Neb. Cycle Co., TeL Doug. 1663. Cor. :&th and Harney. U 967 KOCHER, carpet weaving, ua llar U-M203 All TRFF trellises, grapevines trimmed; 1 1.IJ now u Uie Ume John c U10 Cuming. Doug. 1ML U M209 A14 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food Burr Incubator Co., 26th and Davenport U MS34 A22 CARLSON A CO.. upholstering and repair ing. TeL Douglaa 2MS. U M663 a3 SEWING machines and supplies. P. E. Flodman & Co., 1514 Capitol avenue. U MU Mayl SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wks., 2:"21 N. 2oth. Doug.-lb.,9. U M3.V9 Ml ANTIQUE Furniture Sale On account of leaving the city I im compelled to sell mv entire stock of 60 pieces of antique, colonial furniture. You can have them at great bargain. 8. Snilm. 216 80. lth St U-6ta MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond Pills women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious wuuien; no pain, no danger, 110 lnieifei euce with work; relief In i to 6 days. We have never known of a single tailure Price. $ by mall. Raymond a Monthly Regulator In liquid. $4. Dr. It ti. Kay. moud Remedy Co., Room 26, 4 Atlanta bu Chicago. 111. 964 LADIES. $1,000 REWARD1 I poaltively guaiuiitee my Never-Falling EHtio. KOLO Remedy. Safely lelluvea louguat moat obatlnake caaea of delayed Monthly Perioda In 1 to 6 tUya without harm, paia or lnlerturence with work. Mail, 1 xK Double strength $2.u0. "KPECIAL FOLl EH FOR LADIES FREE. Dlt. R H fcOUTHlNOTON CO., KANSAS CITY. sau. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Narva r ood Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman at Mcl 011n. il I'rua -o umtna LAW AND COLLECTIONS I. M. MACFARLAND. $U N. T. I Bldg. i t 1. iwug. wti DEATH NOTICES M'CANN Peter, age $7 years. Funeral Wednesdnv niornln- Anrtl 4. a 30 a. nt from family residence, A Norm inirty-ntin street to St. Cecilia a church interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. RICHARDS-Joseph M.. ace 2 vears. Funeral from family residence. 1115 South Thirty-second street, Thursday afternoon at x o clock, interment Forest Uirn cemetery SCOTT-James N., aged 63, died Tuesday, April 3. Funeral from residence of daughter. 1342 nuutn 1 wenty-seventh street. Thursday 2 p. ni. Interment Forest Lawn. . The funeral of John I. Redlck will be held rrmn his late residence. .V12 North Twenty-fourth street, Wednesday, April 4, i t P. m. fTtenas invited. No flowers interment private. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN 3t Gentleman. 702 N. Uth. I'oucms 6.,!' -MiBH As JVIONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS l t t $ I IIS Mf$ $$$ t f I I I $$$!$! $ I 1 $ $$$ 1 n $$$$$$ I $$$$ $ $ $W$ t $ I Mii I WW $ I i ! $ $ tax WW $$$ $ $ I $1 I ' ! $ t f wn w I ft $ $ i i Kill $$W $1 IN OMAHA THAT HAS THE BEST RATES AND THE EASIEST TERMS. If you need ready cash for moving or spring purposes you can get It here on short IMPORTANT. Don't let a denlrtlhla M.Mn" llf on account or ready money. WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN FROM $10 TO $iino ON SECURITY SUCH AS PIANOS. HORSES, WAG ONS. HOT'SEHOLD GOODS. SAL ARIES. ETC., LEAVING SAME UN DISTURBED IN YOUR POSSES SION. PRIVATE RECEPTION ROOMS. If you cannot call, write or 'phone. RELIABLK CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-008 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Streets. X-M) OUR LOANS Our employes are well informed and courteous and we are always pleased to lILaii our manlier 01 10 na. TV tela juu to the cent whit the cost will be. and If you conclude tl.st it will not pay you to borrow there i no harm done. We loan on furniture, nlanos. live stock and other chattel, and to salaried people upon ineir own agreement to pay. We offer von rutaa na low an vnu will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern In our line In the city and we always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade fciag. 'Phone Doug- 2296 (Kstablianed, la9 S. ltth St X -6 1H. PRLBENOW'B PRIVATE MONEY loanea on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc.. In any amount at less thaa half tne rate; uo red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any term wanted; payments suspended In case of slcanese or out of employment. Room 214, Karbach blk., 209 ti. 16th Bt a.O When In need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX. CREDIT CO. -a Paxton Blk. X-071 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obliged to olhers? It's eaity te sab money ok me. i o rea tape. J'ay when you can. BOW EN, 703 t. Y. Life. Open evenings until 7. X 912 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLU ana otneis wituout security; easy pay ments. Utllces In 63 principal citiea. Tul man. loom 714, New tork. Lite Bldg. X-973 SEE the Western Loan company tor furni ture, aiaiuouu anu aeiary loans, &u Ne ville blk., lbtn and Harney. Tel. Douglas 6619. X-9.4 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. llnf , 1 nan i L, r , Block. X 976 CHATTEL salary and jewelry loans. Foley I ...... , . 1 . , L.'n ... , . . - , UUW w.. MV1 Bl 0.. A VIS MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, lit B. 13th. X-977 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. i Douglas. X-v.s Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings until 7. X M46I DRAMATIC Chambers' School of Stage Arts, Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam, Thorough Course of Instruction In Stage Crait Public performances by dudIIs In thele own theater, under personal directorship of Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead, ina character with "Arizona," "Frederick Warde " "Frohman'a," nine years Wood ward Stock. Kansas City, Omaha. Tele phone, Douglss 1S71 14S8. Willard E. Charuuera. Manager. : DRESSMAKING M'DOWELL school, 162 Far., room 14.. MRS. ROYS lingerie waists and fancy summer dresses. Douglas 2746; ibOt Dav enport Moil as 6CANLON, robes, dressmaking. 119 N. 161b. M74S A FOR dressmaking done at home. Doug. JI1S. M-276 FOR EXCHANGE IF Y'Ol do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will B'jon get It. Z 913 ONLY HOTEL In town; trade for land or sell; bus line and mall from train; livery barn. Pays from $1,600 to $2,0u0 a year. Sell on account of wife's health. Addrens W-2L Z-M144 A 12 PRINTING LYNGSTAD re 1 Calendar. Oi JUKVC Capitol Ave. ENELL Planting Co., 310 8. 12th St. M-23S STORAGE MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. Goods stored st lowest prices; Insured without extra charge. Phones DoukIus l''3J and Douglas 14. art AM TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade and ornamental flues, vine, shrubs, roses, etc Address Omaha Nursery, Papillion, Neb. MWH) A24X CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY ' 1 TT VjJl Face Down cement block ma-j.ixj--ii ciery. Call or write and let us show you our line. 'Phon ikiii. 7a Tapp Construction Co., 3ug Neville Blk. ! 646 Al FLORISTS l HENDERSON, 161 Faroam. Tel. Doug. I -eat HESS 6WOBODA. 1416 Fata-aor -49 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ROSALIA A. 8AALFEI.D. FIANI8T and teacher. Boon 21, Arlington block. M-217 All GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAIJ4 FOR INDIAN SUPPIJFfl. Ivpartment of the Interior, Office of In dian AfTxIra. Washliicton, D. C, March !4, llmfi. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of tlio envelope: "Proposnl for rubber goods, boots and shoes," etc., as the case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton, D. C ," will be received at the Indinn office until S o'clock p. m. of Thursday, April 26, lKV, and then opened, for fur nishing the Indian service with, rubber goods, boots and shoes, hardware and med ical supplies. Sealed proposals, plainly marked ofl the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for crockery, furniture." etc., as the case may be. and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton. D. L," will be received at the Indian office until t o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. May 1, 19n, and then opened, for furnishing the Indian service with crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., school supplies and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidders will b furnished on applica tion to the Indinn office, Washington. D. C; the V. 8. Indian Wsrehnuses at New York City; Chicago, III.; St. Iiils. Mo., and Omaha, Neb. The department re serves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. F. E. LEt.'PP. A4to28 Commissioner. RAILWAY TIME CARD tNIOFJ ITATIO& -TENTH AND MAItCT. I a lea Pael-a. Leers. Arrive. a:U am Overland Limited .a 9:40 am Ihe China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:11 m a It in - Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:16 pnt a .K am California 4V Ore. Ex. .a 4 i r,m a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:30 am alo:45 pin Fast Mall a 1:66 pin a 9:90 Dm Colorado Special .a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4 so nm Beatrice Local ..b 1:15 cm b 2.00 dis Chicago tircat Wtmra. Leave. Arrira. Bt Paul eV Minn... Bt Paul & Minn.., Chicago Limited . Chicago Express ., ...a t:30 pm ...a 7:46 am ...a 6:00 pm a 7:16 a i a 7:66 pm al0:S0 am ...a a:u am 1:30 pra Chicago, Hook Islaad as faclga. !'. Chicago Limited a 3:25 am a 7:10 am a 9:66 pm a 4:20 pm bll.60 am a 1.1a pm Ciucano Express a 7.00 m Chicago Expreaa, Local. b'.l:;t am Dea Moines Express. ...a t.ju yni Chicago Fast iuxpress..a 6 a) WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltu..a 7:20 am a 1:15 am Colorado Express a 3.-01 pm a 4:66 pro Oklahoma tt lexas h.x.a 4:4u pui a:u tui Chicago 4fc nsrthwaatera. St Paul Daylight a 7:60 am 10:00 pm 11:60 pm 9 16 am ' 9:60 am 7.u am 9:6 am t .M pni a 7. am 10: am lo: am 6:16 pm Cliitago Dayligut a 6:W am Chicago Limited ..a I:A pm Carroll Local a 4.-4 pm St. Paul Fast Mall a :2e pm Sioux C. 4k St P. LocaLb k:a0 Lin Fast Mail Chicago Express a 6:60 pm Norfolk t Bonesteel....a 7:40 am Lincoln 4k Lone Pino. ..a 7:40 am Caspei sc Wyouilng a 2:ow pin Dead wood 4k Lincoln, .a 2.ixl pm Hasllnaa & Album b i:ui nut e:ia pm 6:16 pui :4a pm U.16 am 1:40 am al0:J0 prs bU:M am xl:66 pra a 7J am b 66 pm a 10 mill Chicago Local all:JM win Chicago Limited all:00 pm Wabash. St Louis Express a t:t) pm alt. Louis Local (front Council Bluns a 9:16 am Stan berry Local (rrom council Biuns)....iI...o 6:00 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a t:co am Cmcago Liiuiteu a pis Minn. & tit. Paul Jx...4 S:M am Minn. 4fc bt Paul Ltd... a suwpm Luivaau, Mllwsska A SU faul. Chicago 4k Colo, spec t.a l.bo am a 7:36 am 6.19 put a 9:j ara Mi, ,00 pia Overland LimlMd a : pin Marlon 4k Cedar tt Lo,.b .4a aia Jniaaoart PaalMe. St Louis Express a 9:00 am a. U bU , u,xpress..aUa pm a :10 pm a 6:uw via ULBLINGTON S TAT1OH.10TH aV HAfU.t BarlloHtoa. Denver & California. ...a 4:lo pm a t au'on Black Hills ajaopm a JiSI pS -v. .....w v.v a i:ivuii Norm west h,-piess ....all.w pm a Ju Dui Nsnraaka Local ....v..a S:uo am a V.auum (Nouiaaaa i-xpiess 9:1U am a 7:o pm blllCOlll UIWI a 9 -6 n i i....i l u mi vi mii k-i:! r.T-"" ILm Ft Crook at 1 iatlain .b :oo t,ia bio s I Uull.vii. X, flu 1 1 Mm II . 7 ,-1 : Denver Limned a J:lo am eelievue st i'au. juuu..a i.M am a k.ju . V w . . . - . h a:ui nm Chicago Special a 7:6 aiu a 7: Clllcago cxproaa a m pm a .:U nui Cnicao Flyer. a s:u6 pm A j.A am Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0: um tit Louis Express u 4:46 pui allow -m Kansas Clty-ot Jos'h..alo:4i pm a kS i! Kansas Clty-St Jos h..a 4:4a pm WEBSTEn DEPOT 1GTH aY WEBSTEIt Cblcaso, St. PanL Mlaaeapolls as Omalia. Twin City Passenger. ..b :ao am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:06 pm Oakland Local b 6:46 pm Emerson Local o 1:46 am b 9:10 pm aU:20 am b 9.10 am 6:00 pm Mtaaoarl Paelflo. Nebraska Local, via I-eave. .b 3:60 pm . Arrive. b!2:M pm Weeping Water .... Dally, b Dally axrent Slnrut.a a n.n. except Saturday, c Sunday only, a Dalle except Monday. . OCR A STEAMERS. EUROPE ;ir Tours do i-uxa And Vacation, covering all VS. '".n S175 to S118S LeUureiy travel. l- offices abroad. Est 1641. TIIOS. COOK ION, 1 4k 1186 Broadway. 64 Madison Avenue. New York. Independent Travel Tickets Everywhere, CCANDIMVUN-AMERICAN USE IJ 1SS0S Tea Twla-Screw fiiimiu Itlnmail ., Direct te Norway. Sweden and Denmark Sailing frua New York st soes. Hells Olav Apl. , t'NITKD STATES Apr. tt jnn. July It OSAR l Mar 10. June It. Au. J HELICI OLAV Umr U. July 6. us H Flr.t rabln. M and upward.; aecoan cakls . f or Tlrkwa appljr (. o Atanta. or to A. E. JOH N SO Jt CO.. 1 Broadway, N. . WATER DEVELOPES WYOMING Irrlajatloa Is Worklog Vast Changes with Tbonaaada of Acrea af Arid La ad. Numerous irrigation project are being brought to the front in Wyoming under the Carey act. which grants water rights to people who will develop land and ditches. W. H. Knepper of Buffalo, Wyo.. was In the city Tuesday booming his new project by which he proposes to water 10,000 acres In Johnson county near Kaycee. It Is called the Sahara ditch and Is situated 109 miles from a railroad midway between the Burlington and Northwestern railroads. "The state sells this land for 60 cents an acre and regulates the price to be charged for the 'water rights. Many of these en terprlses are coming to the front In Wyo ming, which bid fair soon to transform this state Into one vast Irrigated farm," said Mr. Knepper. Said 4a Have Robbed Tills. Herbert Stewart, an employe of tha Ne bia.ka Telephone company. Iiaa been ar re.led and taken to the city jal I o" the charge of being a auspicious character It the tills of the pay telephone booths, the thefts amounting to over 3 loo. Stewaii hai not been tried yet. Halldla Penults. The cltv haa Une,i !.- f..n.. per,.,,..: J.n. Peter-enV ,7 BUf" 'n oweuing n rat south Seventjenth: J w ,w2 'L'6"0 swellings at Thirty third an4 Krrl n n T '"" frame dwelling at Twentv.eih,t. ' . Spalding; Ll.llln l! triXL dmelltng at Seventeenth anX Blnney- C D and'brot72 ,mM 'v-t-lrd