THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4, 190G. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS n . . . . , . . OUPporten OI Uariet nr lUrd llCtVt . , BueUin Priow. EFFORT ONLY , PARTLY SUCCESSFUL Higher Ra for .Mnney tnsttls Hard foul Settlement All Disturbing Fnetor. NEW TORK. April 1 The supporters of the stock market were put to some contest today to sustain price and the efforts met with only varying success In contrast with the ready advancing tendency of yesterday. The speculative uartv. committed to higher prices, operated with markedly less vigor ana confidence than was the case yemeroay nd the market was given over to reaction at different times dminc the day. A few strong storks only here and there served to limit the proportions of the decline. Consideration of tho money situation h4 much to do with the modified sentiment of the speculation. Although the flurry to 10 rer. cent lata veaterda had been Ignored the opening off the call loan market at t tier rent today had a disturbing effect on sentiment. This Influence was aggravated by the Indication that the currency move ment was continuing ajrainat the banking position at this center. It was feared that the effect on the money market of the re distribution of the dividend ana interest navments made on the first of the month would be delayed for soma time on this ac count. It was reported today that Paris had taken largo amounts of gold In Ber lin, thus forestalling the chances of se curing further amounts there for New York account. Much reliance has been nlarerl on the onenlne- of foreign money re sources to the needs of the New York market by reason of the restoration of con fidence growing out of the Alseclraa set tlement. The continued accumulation of funda In Pnrls is taken for granted to be Independent of the Russian loan and threatens to modify the foreign money out look to that extent. Expectation was less sanguine today of an early settlement of the wage con troversy In the anthracite Industry owing to the tone of some of the expressions by 'mem hern of the conference which gathered here today. The reported determination of the so-called Independent soft coal opera tors to contest the terms conceded by the Pittsburg Coal company also came In for more serious consideration today than was the case yesterday. The Important point of resistance to the reactionary tendency In today's market was Amalgamated Copper, which was bought on an enormous scale Rumors were renewed of an Intended In crease in the dividend rate, following the advance In the dividend In the subsidiary Anaconda stock. Union Pacific also made a- show of strength and was helped by the favorable report of February net earnings for both the t'nlon and the Southern Pacific svstems. The market ahowed some rally ing tendency late in the day In spite of the ' fact that call money touched HI per cent again, but the closing was Irregular. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $.1.32,nno. United States bonds were all unchanged On call. Quotations on stocks today were as fol lows: Sales. High. Low. Close, Adama Ripfeea Aioalsamated Copper . Am.rlraa C. A P Ainarlran C. A P. pld. Atnarlran Cotton Oil... Ameriran Cotton Oil... American Rapreae American H A 1.. pM 146 ..141.400 .. .oo 400 .. 1.(00 lll4 4H 1M1 14' 1114 46 ins 400 144 (7 MS M Amorlran '. aacurltlaa.... 12. TOO American Llnneed fill.,.. American I,lnaad OH pfd.. American Locomotive Amar. Locomotive pfd Amarlran g. aV R American St R. p'd- A re erl ran Sugar Raftnlng... Am. Tobarce pM. otfa Anaconda Mining Ce Atchison Atahlaos p'd .'. Atlantlo Coaat Uu.., Iialtlmora A Ohio... ,..... fialtlmor Onto pfd ...... Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. .... t'noadian Pacific , Central of Near Jersey Chesapeake Ohio t'hicaso A Alton f hlraso Alton pfd Chicago Groat Western t'hicaso A Northwestern... Chicago. Mil. A Bt. Paul... Chicago T. A T Chlrago T. A T. pfd 1.. C. C. St. Louie Colorado Pual A Iron Celwfado A Southern Colorado A Bo. lat pfd Colorado A. Bo. td pld Consolidated Gas om Produeta. rfg rl Product pfd. rfg. 'tclbwara A Hudson Delaware. 1. W.. n-dlv. Tl lift HI 1(1 4 1234 a: liS 1H4V, IMS M nS 1734, TO 1164 1(14 1114 141, 1044 17(4 s m 166 111 4 M4 1724 IDA M KJO l.wo 4.0 700 Tf.lOS 11.000 10 tn ,0 too (l.ioo 4,100 T.400 (04 44 4.(00 o 1.400 US 113 1714 114 1124 1714 1.300 . 700 i 7oo (00 64 CO 1.(00 1.W0 400 1014 (7, M 70S 61 1414 17 4 6 10 lots (( sr.. 704 60S 1174 1 (4 lot I 'stiver Rio Oranda ' (.100 47 47 Itettver A R. O, prd' geeurltlea l.ioo (l ( Kris ,ooo 4H 464 F.rla 1st pfd (0 714 T4 Erie Id pfd too 71 704 General risctrlc l.ioo 1744 173 Hocking Valley (00 124 U4 Illinois Central Inttmallonal Paper 100 S 114 luteraatlonal Paper pfd International Pump 100 41 Inlernotloaal Pump pfd 700 66 144 Iowa Central too 11 II Inwa Central pfd KiO 40 tl Kanaaa City Houthera. 400 14 3D Kansas City Bo. pfd 100 64 6 Ix.ulsrllle Nashrllle g.eoo I614 1614 Manhattan L 100 167 167 Metropolitan Street Ry. Mexican Central Mlnneapolla A 0t. Iota... M , Bt. P. A 8. 8. M M . Bt. P. A 8. g. at. pfd.. Missouri Pacific Mlsaonrl, K ansae A Texas., MlroouH, K. T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of M. pfd... New York Central New York. O. W Norfolk A Waatern Norfolk A Western pfd North Americas PaclB. Mali Pennsylvania People'a Gaa P . c. C. Bt. Lou la Preaaed Bteel Car Preaaed Bteel Car pfd....... Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading M pfd Republic Btael Republic Bteel pfd Ro. k Island Co Rook Island Ce. pfd Bt. U g. P M prd at. Lou la 8. Wj Bt. Lou la 8. W pfd Southern Pactflo Mouthers Paclne pfd. ,. Southern Rellway j.,, mithera Railway ftt loneeeeee Coal A iron Teiaa A Paoinc v Toledo, Bt. U A W Toledo, Bt. L. A W. pfd.... t'nioa PaeiSa ... I nton Pacific pfd t'nitad States Ekpreea. l ulled Slates Realty l ulled Bwtea Rubber I . 8. Rubber, lat pld t nlud Btataa Bteel t utted States Steel pfd,... Va. -Carolina Chemical .... Va. -Carolina Cheat, pfd.... Wabash Wabash pfd Welle-Vargo Kxpreae WeatlnghuiiM Klevlrie .... Western I' nton Wheeling A Lake Brio...., Wisconsin Ceiitral Wlaeonain Camral pft...;.. Ntirthera Pertne Central Loatiier Central leather pfd Blosa-Sheffield Bteel Total sales lor the day. 11. toe 400 too too 400 l.ioo 1.000 11.600 'ifloO N 7(4 lit 1744 MS IK 4 TI-4 44 144' 6V 76 16s 1734 7 M 714 II 14S 14 ioi 4( 13t HS 1.(O0 "4 I.S00 0 l.ooe 600 14. Too ' 1,400 'i!(ni lot 4( 1404 64 fiiii te wit (t.400 1M 117 1(0 100 I.SUO 100 l,7oa ( too ' too 1,7'W too M0 700 l.ioo 1,100 mo 400 1M.7IW 100 1 "4 103 4 4 u 4 144 74 T04 11(4 414 102 1(1 4 . e4 664 ts ta 31 102 17 (74 4 14 M4 (S ll4 414 10J4 160 144 M 66 lit l.ioo nt I4.KS) 664 1144 iot2 61 6444 114 43 10 M 'ii" 140 " la ' 6H4 t 46 106 M.4dt . (uO '"lot 1100 " ioo luO "ioo 4M (.(" 11 61 itin'' IV, 'iia 67S tii 4 106 4.ISW l.txe I (( (44. l.Ul.M shares. Boat an Storks nad Bonds. BOSTON. April 8. -Call loans, cent: tliut loans. 6(16 per cent, closing on atocka and bonds: At-htaon adj. Allouea Aanalgamates . Americas Sine to 4a Mei. Central Atihlaon ..101 .. so At la mm da W .MM VSlagham Boston A Albany . I A tlecls... Boston A Maine.. ....1st t'enteaalal ..... topper Itanga .. Hair Weal Isoeloa K leveled li ritchhurg pfd 141 Vlsaloea Central Kranslin N. V.. N M. A H ..IKS Uraabr ..Ift.S lile . orals .... .. i; Maaa. allslug .. I aina rtwlte Anter. Arge. CUem do pM Aster, fneu. Tube Amer. S-jgar da pfd Amer. T A T Amer Woolen do pfd IHimlaio-i I. A 8.. ... t lairuiran ... M4lMohak ...141.alonl C. C. Old lKtmluioo .. . ..:SI tiareola ... 43i'perrot ...107 Uulnr .. . S ftisuaoa ...1474iiTaniarack ... l(1(Trlull)t ... at 1'aiiad Copaar . ... at t. g. aiming... ... 64 f. s. Oil ... tutelftab ... 4.H Vtrtorta .--tua-,wtnoea ... at. "A elierlae Edi.eci Klesr. litis. . Usee. Klelrlr do pfd , Maaa. Use tuned rtlioe Ma-b do pld .... V. a. Steel do pld Westing ceeBtaoa AHxetiture ........ Lid. K reign Flnnnrlal. IjONDON. April 8 Supplies of money were Increasingly abundant in the market todav and the borrowings from the Hank of Kugland were rt-ald. Discounts were eesn. On the Stot-k egi-hung ih tone was Improved by the cleared etliticl out- look ana cheap tonne thmigh bunui was r. trier quiet. I uiimiIi. were in niest. Americans opened Arm snd sxriened to well above parity. Atchison. Topeka A Bunts Fe and I nlon PaclMc were the fturM on (rood New York supi-or'. TmAirtm M f m 4 rl w .rlv hilt 11 r t S rinsed I ' . - W Foreigners Were cnceriut Jr I nee were strong In connection with 'hi he unissued balunre of the last loan. The new acrip reached par, hut closed a frac tion off. R-isalana were dull on the re ported terms of the approaching new loan. Kaffirs were In good demand on moderate Paris support, but closed dull, Japanese Imperial He of 14 were quoted at 104V I AKIK, April l-rnml gem-rally on u.o Pmirae today were firm, but Russians de clined, owing to the Imminence of a new Russian loan. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 83.10 and Russian bonds of ml t 1M BERLIN. April I. The tone on the Bourse today was hesitating. Russians went down V Hew York Mosey Market. NEW YORK. April S. MONET On call. strong and higher at o12 per cent; ruling rate, f4j per cent; cloning Did, per cen-. , Offered. 10 per cent. Time loans, slightly easier; 0 and W day and months, S per cent. . . PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 34j&Vi per cent. 8TEKL1NO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8"i2.,'d 4.(540 for demand and at l4.8tt6ti4.X-W for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.83B4.8J'A nd $4 8;s4; commercial bills, H I:V SILVER Bar, 4Vc; Mexican dollars. 4V- BONDS Government, steady ranroaa. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows tt. t. Kf. is, rg. ,.ltn ..1"3 ..104 ..KM ,.1 ..1.12 ..lilt 'Japan la 14 aarlea.MM go eowpoa ........ do 4a etta enu. C. g. la. r do 44a ctra... do td serin L. eY N. unl. 4a Man. o. g 4a . tiei. Central 4a do lat Ine Minn. Bt. L . . tl .103 .101 . "4 . 8f. . 12 V .It'ltS . 6 i. :i's . .isa'4 .lMV . 77 . .lot ie coupon C. I. oM 4a, rag.. So eeunoe t!. g. dw 4s, rag. eoupoa ........ Am. Tobacco 4a.... IS 114V,, m. K. at T. 4a Atrblaon gea. 4 .!' do la do adj. 4s.... . 5V, N. R. R. of M a. Atlantlo C. I tt N. T. C. g. IVia Bal. Ohio 4a 102 N. J. C. (. 6a No. Pacific 4a. do 3 Vie Mi. Brk.R. T. e. 4a do 8a Central of O. la 114 N. W. e. u a K rlda do lat ine 4H do td Inc til, do id inr Penn. conr. 3Ha loll Iteadlns aen. 4a !"- Che. Ohio 4Ha....Ki 8. U A I M. . la .114d ( hlosgo A A. lv,e... Ion C , B 4V Q. n. 4....100H C. R I. P. 4a.... My, fit. U S P. ff. 4a. 17 St. L. S W. 0. 4 Wl Seaboard A. U 4a.... HI do col. 6s tl So. Parlllc 4a 3l COC A St. U g. 4s. .JOSl, do lat 4a ctla 17 uoio. ma. te, eer. A. sos So. Railway Aa 1.4 do ftarlfi B 78-it Taxaa A P. la 121 Colorado Mid. 4 7m Colo. Bo. 4a 14 V, Cuba ta V T., Bt. U A W. 4a.. 81Vi I nlon Parillr 4a Wo do conr. 4a 100 u, a. u. loo Plstiller' Sac. (a M V. 8. Bteel Id 6a M'4 Wabaiih la . do deb. ft. Western Md. W. A L K. ....110 Erl p. I. 4a IW-i do son. 4o lis .... !' .... s4 Honing val. 4Vis....ll0 .... :V, Japan (a 101 Wit, Cantral 4a. .... n Ex-ln te rest- London Closing- Stocks LONDON. April S. Closing quotations on ine BtocK exchange were: Conaola, money .. 0 16-14 N. T. Central. ...161 oo account Anaconda ... 1'4 Noitulk ak W. ... ti ...94 .. 14, do pfd Atcblaon .. tt ..101 ..117 ..17 .. (S .. a ..1st 4 .. US .. 41 .. 2 .. 47 .. (1 .. 12 ..177 V. ..167 Ontario A W ... 6J do pfd Penneylvania .... ...71 Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Paclfto . Chea. Ohio Chlrago Ot. W.... Rand Mlnea ... ( Heading ... 11 ... 4 ... ... 43 do lat pfd do td pfd C . M. A 8t. P.... Southern Hallway DeReera do pfd ...106 Denver A R, O... Southern Paciflo Union Paciflo ... do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd .Vabaah do pfd panlah 4a .... 724 134 do pfd Erie st 1124 464 101 4 I 210 14 64 ' 46 70 116 14 1234 1424 104. 134 44 1034 164 111 M 114 173 111 (04 11 16 11 111 I74 10 Mti IO14 ((4 4 . 704 10 140 11 14 lot 446 47 St (0 46 7t TO Kl 117 do lat pfd 44 do td pfd Ill 14 al Illinois Central ... Loulavllla A Naak. M . K. A T 17 V. .1 SILVER Bar, steaov. 291-16d tier ounce. MONKY iUfla per cent. The rata of discount in the onen market for short bills Is 3y4 per cent; for threa months' bills, S1 per cent. New York Mining- Stocks. NEW TORK. April 8. Closing Quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Cea 16 Little Ckltf ... .. TVfa ..too ..67s .. 8 .. 11 .. M .. II .. 10 ..3we Alloa ...160 ... 6 ... 6 ... S3 ...13V ...Kit ,..6J6 ... Ontario Ophtr Pboenla Breece Bnanaartck Coa . Comet or It Tunnel Coa. Cel. aV Vs.. Hora Silver , Potoai ......... savago Mlerra Nerada Small Hopea Butadarg Iron Hllrer Leadrllle Coo .... Offered. Bnnk of Germany Statement. . BERLIN. Anrll S The weekrv state. ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash In hand, decreased I4b.to0.uuom: treasury notes, de creased 4.0uO.O0om: other securities, in- creased 3J6,6O.000m; notes In circulation, creasea 4,u,uwm. Treasnry Stntement. WASHINGTON. April 8. Todav'a state. ment of the treasury balances In the eral fund, exclusive of the 8150,000.000 p gen gold reserve snows: Avauaoie casn balance, IIM), 286,794: gold coin and bullion, 878,916,89; gold certificates, JM, 232,210. Bnnk Clenriags. OMAHA. April 1. Bank clearlnes for day were 1,631, 939.68 and for the corre sponding date laat year 11,606,781.42. 1724 1-' 66 4 41 Wool Market. BOSTON. April 3. WOOIwrhe m.ri.t 86 strong with fair activity. The eastern deal ers have ahown a renewed disposition to contract for the new clip wools. Shearing has started in several aectlons of the west. 114 69 W 6 4 161 noiamy in southern California and Nevada. Territory woola are in continued tmonH 154 111 and a little Improvement In clothlna Brradea 16 la noted. There la a fair movement Lulled wools. Foreign grades are firm, ending Quotations follow: Oh in anrl Tiin- 161 4 173 ' sylvania, XX and above, e4i'364c; X, sa axi rso. 1, m'bc; o. i, ao'uic; nne un washed. 264j'2614c: aunrter-blood. unwasltMd Tt 11 32032Sc; three-elghths-blood. S3a33"c. hair ttlood, 4WaZ3c unwashed delaine, 146 61 nne wanned aeiaine, WQtiiC. Michigan An unwashed. 244ic: uuarter-blood. nn (1 t4 washed. 81Vo'32c; three-eighths-blood, 32V 101 44 mc; naii-oiooa, n-rnqix; unwaahed delaine 27(i(28c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc.. three- IMS eighths and quarter-blood, 32iiV3Sc. Terri 6 tory: Idaho, fine, 22&3tc; heavy fine. 191J) 20c; fine medium, 22ni'J3o; medium, 24VQ "TTo; low medium, 2tVo27c. Wyoming, fine, 224ii3c; 1 64 t 117 '114 neavy nne, iisu'-oc ; nne meuium, a;(uZ3c; ine diuni. 2tk27o; low medium, aW7c. I'tah Nevada, nne, 2241230; heavy nne, 19(&a)c; ta II medium. r.'cJc; medium, ZTuatc: low me dium, 26'27c. Montana, fine choice, W'ibc; im 17 7 44 -44 nne average, xaztc; nne medium choice, 4-n'26o: average. Ua24o: staple. 27ii28c: me dium choice, 276380. ST. IXJl IS. Aor II I. WOOL ntead v : ai dlum- grades, combing and clothing. 4J8c st ugnt nne, siic; neavy nne, 18-flSic; lit washed. 3iuac,. 41 1011, 1MH 141, 3 66 Mrttl Market. NEW TORK. April 8. METALS There waa a further advance In the lxmdon market with spot closing at 171 lus 16' tutures at audi, locally the market was firm with spot quoted at 837 .62t4rjiHi 00. Cop. per advanced 6a In the London market lit 14 1I4U with spot closing at i.k4 Ida and futures tt 4.82. Locally no change was renortetl. 43 U Lake Is quoted at 81 &JK 18.76; electrolvtlc at 818.2fytm.60 and (.aatlnar at Iih iki ik 61 Lead was Is 3d lower at 15 17s td In ntvt don. Locally the market was quiet 60 St uncuangea at to tains. ta. epeiter waa un changed at 26 2s d In London, but wits a shade lower In the local market, clos lto II Uj 1 ing at 86.ltxu6.30. Iron waa higher In markets with standurd foundry t - t 57 V4 130 46 106 4 4 ng it h ana Cleveland warrants 4os d. Locally the market la steady; 1 lounary. northern, la quoted at I1S25'', ino. s tounury. northern, si, itxnn No. 1 foundry, southern. 3!8.2.".fil8.75: 1 foundry, southern, 817.7VB 18.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 3. COTTON-8im per mcial clotted quiet, 10 points lower. Middling lands, 11 ic; middling gulf, ll.Soc. Sales. .. 40 Dales. NEW ORLEANS. April S - COTTON - ..112 .. il .. si mai'Kei quiet, oaies, d.4ou Da lea. ordinary, 8c; good ordinary. 9 ll-16c; low middling .. 4.. uc; mioaiing. iic; gooa nnuaiing, middling fair. 12c Kecelpta. 6.4 111,0 bales ..70S .. 17 .. 11 alock. bales. LIVERPOOL. April J. COTTON 8 .. 14 .. .0 .. 13 .. 1! ' .. Un .. tl S .. 4-a .. 4t .. 40 .. tt . . .107 .. 10 .. It .. tit. moderate tiusiness a. me, prices steady American niiildllng, (HO. 1 he salea of day were 8.ou0 bales, of which l.Ouu were f speculation and eiport. and included American. Receipts were 13.000 bales, eluding Ameiican. ST. LOI 1H. April 3. tlTTt); Market dull: middling. eitn. .ri iMtles; 42.jo4 bales. 11'. c. Sales. 1.-0 bales: shipments, lo3 bales, Oils nnd Roaln. NEW' YORK. April 1-4 1 1.8 Col I unseed. Irregular: prime crude. I'Mjiu:: prima yel low, 34'iuH4V- Petroleum, quiet; refined, liia-. Iku-MV- Petroleum, quiet; refined, New York. 87 60; I'hlladelplila and Balti more, 87 bi; prune in bulk, ft.65. Turpen tine, dull at lJTj:0c. ROSIN Quiet , (.trained, common to good, Mt'TV. OIL CITY, April J Oil J Credit ' bal ances, tl 6s. Shipment, w.fe' bbls . average 77.816 bbls.: runs, 1.V162 bbls. Shipments, Lima. 71.1X4 hl'ls , average 71,818 bbU.. rjus. . 6 lit Lima. M bbls. SAVANNAH. April firm. c. 1 Oil. Turpentine, ROSIN-Klvin. A. H P. K. r 4 : 1, IS'.l. 3 15 If a ! tt H ,': I. 14 35 . 48 30; Y. liu J 8i 15 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET About the Cattle (kratinne Bellini; in 8ame Notchen. - HOGS RECEIVE A SLIGHT SETBACK Rheen and Lntnba firadaally Workltg to Higher Level, bat s Marked Advance Reported Any (lae Hay. RecelDts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. ...2.7S7 B.i35 13.1M Official Monday Official , Tuenday .... 4,!l 54.2") 19.! 10.7TH 14.SK2 11.744 12.: ,irsft 6.t) Two dnys this week... 7,W(7 341 i7.i:a 25.M0 Re. me dnvs last week... Baine two weeks ago. 8me three weeks ago. Kama four weeks ago., hams days last year... S.H13 I0.1.M) The following tattle slioas the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the year to date, compared with Uat year: lOiaJ. lis. Inc. Cattle a.S.iKl f7.t 48.735 Hogs 66.IKSi l4.Hfil Sheep 47a,oti 424,111 oO.'JM itie following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the laat several days, with compariaoua: Date. I 190. 106. 1S04. 11903. 11902. 11801. 11900. 1 7 241 001 ' 4 71 4 ?5 4 71 4 U 4 91 e 4 90 4 17 . . U t 1W 221 t 26 la ft 21 4 98 t HI 1 101 8 17 t ?i 7 OS! 221 t 29 O US 4 98 t 19' i 5 27 7 331 tf I 0! a 13 4 n: 7 So f Ul 5 26 4 61 4 M (VI I 13 4 81 7 44; e C;t b 16, 4 fl 01 4 9T t 081 1 021 77; 7 24 7 22 6 081 t 22 4 93 e 4 89 4 97 t 17 6 13 ft U t 06 14 e 6 13 i 18 t 13 7 28 6 12 I M 6 98 061 e I 22 6 :s; 6 M 7 II 5 14 t lti e 4 98 i 04! 6 0B 7 2 7 29 5 9 i 18 I 10 4 bo 8 971 7 301 ( Mi S l I m 5 16 7 24. 8 6 99, 6 Ij Sunday. CATTLE OUOTAVIONB. The following will show the prices paid for the different kinds of cattle on the South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed ateers... Fair to choice corn-fed steers.... ,$6.0S'5.5O , 4.7h'tfo.w , 4.0'?4.6 Common to choice corn-fed steers. Good to choice cows and helters. Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers. Good to choice feeders Fair to good stockers and feeders. Common to fair stockers Bulla, atags, etc , u4 00 4.0O34. 60 , I 6091.00 . I.7MS.50 150 4.00 YESTERDAY S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the country and their points ot destination: CATTLE. Cars, J. 8. Craig, Clarks, Neb. U. P ' H. Smith, Tobln, Neb. Q Bell & M., Tabor, la. g H. S. Bieson, Karlham, la. R. 1 A. Johnson, Hepburn, la. t C. E. Mulholland, High View, la. I. C. 1 SHEEP DOUBLE-DECK. J. Hector, Walnut, la. R. 1 j J. Franti, Calumet Park, 111. 0 1 F. M. Wldner. O'Neill, Neb. V. E J. G. Ruts, Bloomneld, Neb. M. & O.... ! Coppersmith Bros, Platte, 8. D. Mil... : R. K. Jenkins, Adair, la. R. 1 ; RANGE OF PRICES. Cut! la Thtne-a Omaha 82.864r6.00 86.00424J.8B C hicago 1.6W06.26 6 fWoS MH stamen v-lljr .tJu 00 .0tX0a. 40 St. Louis 2.10U6.00 6.7542J6.66 Sioux City .0OS.6O 6.2ot.40 1 he Official number of ret-a nt erntlr Drougnr. in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H'rV C, M. & St. P 7 2 1 26 18 69 14 Wabash 2 Missouri Paciflo 8 Lnion Pacific system. 49 14 "J C. A N. W.. east. 4 & N. W.. west 88 SO 74 C, St. P., M. & O.... C, B. & Q., east C, B. & Q., west C, R. I. & P., east.. C, R. I. P.. west.. 6 31 8 17 1 S 6 iilnols Central Chicago G. W in, - J -Total receipts.;.. '..21I '"Si'H 24 The diBDfiBltion of the day's recelnta waa as ioiiowb, eacn ouyer purchasing the num oer 01 neaa inuicatta Omaha Packing Co... Cattl. Hoftft. 8heep, -4X2 2,870 3.805 Swift and Company.., Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co 1,006 907 1,4.11 93 ' 61 61 3 152 37 164 88 19 ! '282 1.000 4,642 2,633 l,3ti!l 1,913 Lobman & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill A Son Huston & Co to. Hamilton L. F. Huts Wolf Mike Haggerty 1. J. B. Root eV Co LftUTC Other buyers 123 2.23; Totals 4.774 13.833 7.063 CaiilK Receipts ot cattle were auue liberal this niorniitg, 208 curs being repot ted aa against lu one week ago. 1 tie run in however, was smaller than two weens ago Dy auout seventy cars, the market as whole was In fair condition and tew new or 8iif Interesting features were presented Among the receipts there were a good many ateers and mere was at the sumo time a good liberal demand on the part ot local puckers. On account of there being 2nS so many on sale, however, buyers were In ciined to loo tne yards over pretty trior oukhiy before starting to nil tnelr orders. so that the murket was a little slow at the opening and the middle of the forenoon had passed bei ore business ot any conaequenece was transacted. When ine cattle aia sen, it was largely on a basis of a steady mar ket, there being very little change in any direction Cowa and heifers were In moderate supply and In suite of the large total receipts of cattle, due At the same time there was a very good demand and buyers of that kind of caltlo were out In good seaaon and rode rapidly Naturally under such circumstances tli market was fully steady with the trade reasonably active. Moat everything In th ma. way ot desirable cow stun cuangeu nanus In aood seasou. tub The demand on the part ot speculators and yard traders was vory good for Blockers and feeders. The market was fairly active and fully steady, so that everything desirable met with quits ready tin and sale. Men. 13.. I 10341 Men. 14..I UI Mch. 15.. 03l Mch. IS. . 07 HI Mch. 17.. 11 Mch. 18.. Mch. 19.. 10 Mch. 20.. 164 Mch. Jl.. 1SI, Men. 22.. 17 Mcll. id., ti I'n1,, Mch. 24.. 23V Mch. 26.. I Mch. .. e lSVil Mch. 27.. 27 I Mch. 2s.. 264 Mch. 1T9.. 6 Mch. 30.. 6 3PSI Mch. 31.. 6 26 Apr. 1... Apr. 2... Sol, Apr. 8 Representative sales: BEEF STEERS.. , No pr. No. At. Pr. 1. .. 400 I 10 17 nut 4 (I 1 Its) 8 60 IC ..1031 .4 (6 Jt 1614 I 60 M ml 4 (6 1 tltf 4 00 It 1114 4 TO 1 HMO 4 00 T lit 4 76 I eat 4 00 17 Mtl 4 71 I...; uo 4 oo i: li.'J 4 76 I (It 4 U It 1M1 4 70 I ion 4 oo 11 lodi 4 70 1 U 4 10 to 1124 4 71 16 Wl 4 it 14 1161 4 70 il Ml 4 10 . 7 1134 4 76 j lull li 14 1431 4 76 1 ISO 4 12 1(7 4 76 10 til 4 10 1 11M 4 to 41 K4 IN I tlsl 4 to 10 114! 4 K II 1140 4 S6 I lout 4 40 21 1141 416 II llll 4 40 40. 1XI( 4 60 4 1007 4 40 II 1160 4 to II liiut 4 4 7 111 4 (6 17 1UUI 4 46 II 1071 t It 41 t 4 4a II 1100 4 66 11 luuu 4 46 6 1JM 4 tt 1 1000 4 60 II 1100 I 00 I llll 4 60 10 l.'H 4 16 14 as 4 60 It 1110 6 0 I in 4 66 - 1 UVO 6 oo 14.. HKJt 4 60 I U10 I (41 K 1O40 4 M It 141 i 00 ti4 4 (o ;t im i at II luSJ 4 (t 10 1414 I 16 13 ti7 4 40 1 lilt 6 13 II lilt 4 (6 I l:i76 I to :7 Ill 4 (6 lu Ul I 46 HEIFERS. 11. .. .1 61! t 76 1 too I II 1 214 I 71 I Ill to 4 (30 I so 1 a IN 1 tno 1 to 1 110 4 00 1 tut 76 10 til t it 1 Ill I SO 1 ta 4 16 I M IW 1 1060 4 II I tie I It 11 1011 4 10 t tm I 40 1 (SO 4 16 I (71 1 60 1 146 4 26 II 631 16 1 IsaO 4 4 COW 8. 1 it 75 t. IIT I 16 1 100 1 16 1 tit I 76 1 138 I IS 7 1(4 I 76 1 tto I 3 1 1110 I 16 1 1H 111 1 1116 1 76 1 two I it 14... lot! I St I M lU I ! I as 1 (3 1 60 I list to 1 Puo t 6t . 4 1020 I t 1 664 I I lult I M 1 HI I It I list I W 1 1t 1 16 1 11M ( na 1 .. ttu I at I an 4 at I tit I to It 101 4 no I tot I it t Id lit 1 loi I It I noo 4 it 13 ion I 10 I vest 4 to I Ho I :i 1 , i2t ( m 1 I I 16 l e4 4 06 II ttl I 16 11 M S 1 ....uuo I at I list i it I 4 tt I S4 II..., 1117 4 16 4 8 36 1 M.-IO" i 16 vs Lon and Eng los a No. hi No up 66 Spot pot th 7.4O0 in re iiuik : n. N, 1 sen t tt 1 urn 4 11 1 Ifo I 13 6 1213 4 l 1 nee 1 40 1 i4a ui I f.6 I 6S 51 11( ( Ht 1 !' I in ) i..lfin 4 H to ! I 7a 4 lt"0 4 f I ll"l I to 1 1?10 4 . ". ino I an 7 1 t-T 4 3n 4 1s I ts 7 ..mat 4 4 4! aa 1 7a 1 iiao 4 4n 4 114 Iff 1 U41 4 II M4 111 I lilt t 75 1 14 I U I. i?o 1 tt 1 1 tt 1 .114 I OS 1 1110 I 6 1 1110 111 , 1 1430 I 71 1 l?ao I 6 1 14n I 7 1 1 IK I 1 14MI I 76 1 I'M I 40 1 K.WJ I 71 1 Hto 1 (O 1 1510 1 to I If," I 4d 1 14KO I I" 1 740 3 60 1 1?0 I 0 1 ltne 1 60 I tl 4 00 1 I 60 I KtKl 4 00 1 140 lee 1 50 46 1 1IM I 6ft CALVK8. 1 rto 1 Ki 1 to 6 oo 1 340 I 75 1 110 6 16 T 141 I 15 1 110 6 16 14 470 I 16 I. 113 I 60 1 40 4 00 ! 1 no 6 76 1 0 4 00 7 4 I 00 1 I.K 4 00 1 17(1 ( 00 1... 100 4 16 1 1(0 I 00 1 4o 4 t. ' 1 i.mi 1 :. 1 160 4 76 .' 1 160 (til 1 10 4 76 t 176 t 60 I0 6 00 1 160 ( 60 . 8TOCKEK8 AND FEKDKR9, 1 460 I 60 21 741 I M M 711 I to 1 110 IW 1 4(6 I 00 4 (IS 4 00 1 31. I 00 1 360 4 Ot S 135 I to It 42 4 1( 1 170 I ?6 !" 6M 4 16 H til I 40 16 tit 4 14 1 140 I 60 1 10O6 4 10 1 t21 I 60 12 171 4 10 31 t.'S I to 1 410 4 II tt I 75 !7 W 4 16 1 (?0 I 70 IS !! 4 41 1 t?0 1 76 lit., (61 4 30 1 (40 I 15 41 1010 4 40 HOGS It was a case of too many hogs run mum us for the aood of the sellers. With 200 cars In sight, packers seemed to feel that the situation was entirely in their favor and they proceeded to pound values rtgnt rrom tne start, it was evident, now- ver, that they wanted the hogs, and In plte of all their efforts they did not sue ceed In getting the market down more than tc on an average. Some hogs sold at fully yesterday s prices, while In some cases as much as 5c was taken off. The big bulk of all the hogs sold at 35. 27 5.30. while It will ne remembered that yesterday the long trlng aold at 86.30. The trade was slow at the prevailing prices, owing to the strong effort made on the part of tellers to main- am the market, and still the most ot tne hngs aold In good season. Representative sales AT. 364 ,....231 Ill loo 1(4 101 114 1st Pr. I 10 I 16 4 II 4 16 I 16 I 16 I 16 I 26 16 4 24 4 16 I U I 15 I 16 I Is I II I 17 I rrvi ' I I7t 4 IT 4 I 17 1, 4 17 4 17Sk ,4 17 II 71V, I 17 4 17 I 17V, I 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 No. 6.' . . . . 71.... (7..., 64. ... S".... 76..., At. .ir,l .111 .161 .171 .171 Bh. Pr. to I 27 ... !7t, ... 4 17 140 I IT', 40 I 27 100 I 17 0 4 17 261 234 71 ft. ....242 (11 17 ( 17 ( 17 4 27 4 30 4 30 I 31 t 30 I 30 I 30 4 10 I 10 I 10 I 30 I 60 I 10 I M I 30 I 10 I 10 ( so I 30 I M I 30 4 10 I 30 I 30 I 30 I 30 '.'... 17... 71... .1... 7... 44... 7t... 14... 71. .. 10... 46... 67... T6... 70... no... 7C... to... 19... 11... 71... ... 46... 64... 2... 73... 11... 19... M... 71... II... IT... ... II... 71... 41... II... t7... Tl... .. to.. ' M.i. . . . 2.H ...230 ...111 ...194 ...227 ...3ut ...Kl ...170 ...131 ...161 ...!(.( ...246 ...1U1 ...1C1 ...m ...160 ...216 ,...:( ...131 ...116 ...141 ....17 ...191 ...lit ....161 ....III ....!!( ....0 ,...Pi ....171 ....171 ...111 ....136 ....861 ....171 ....174 ....! ....101 ....210 ....311 141 ill 171 311 141 Ill 141 134 161 241 121 146 101 i:4 no 167 194 161 .....111 IHI Kl I7 lot 131 141 Ill Ill 0 t 120 84. 14. II. 141 110 SO 64... (1... 44... 110 74... (7... (0... II... 66... T7... 71... 71... 67... (4... (6... 77... Tl... ...161 ...Ili4 ...141 ...101 ...134 ...171 ...111 ...101 ...164 ...104 ...141 ...134 ,...144 40 I 30 I 80 I 10 I M I 30 I 30 I 30 4 30 4 10 I 10 I 10 I 80 7... 40 100 ... 71... 74... 11... 74... (A... 44.., 41.. 111 114 4 17 SHEEP Some of good duality were sctivs snd stronger and lambs were fully steady This, In brief, was the situation In the sheep barn this morning. ins lighter receipts at all murket points are evidently having s beneficial etlect upon tne -margei. in consequence of the mors moderate offerings, packers are able to keep the,narkets better cleared' up with tha.trti-it that . desirable killers sire more Ssurtfy' Sold end prices are better. While then lis been pu special advance at- this polyt. on any one day values have been gradually strengthening until' everything wit s Jbo." exception of lambs and light yearlings, la -selling as hign as any time. A double fleck of the Hershey Bros ewes from ttcotts ttlurc sola at, which was only 20c less tht..l the highest 4o6 price ever paid on tills- market. Shippers will understand, however ,that they were very choice, and Just happened to be wanted to fill tt special order., Good lambs sold up to $n.30, which Is higher than anything has brought tor some nine time. It will be understooa from mis mti tne sheep and lamb market at this point la In a very neanny ana aaiuiiauiury coi:ujiioii. Buyers are taking hold ireeiy ana seem to have use for quite a number ot good killers. At the same time, it would tie well for shipper not to get excitea ana nooa tne market with unfinished atuff. Good steady receipts are needed, but not a flood. Quotations: uooa to cnoice native tamos, to.oi4i.4x; good to choice light western lambs, to.26a.40; good to choice, heavy lambs, 3ti.OC'uo 3u; fair to good lambs, tnWJ (.50; cull lambs, 84.uoiiia.6u; good to choice light yearlings, 6.66'aJ.i; good to choice heavy yearlings, 6.W116.S0; fulr to good heavy yearlings, 86.4ikuu.60; good to choice wethers, 8o.6ou6.76; fair to good wethers, $5 25(i5.65; good to (choice ewes, $5.4(Xi!5.7u; fair to good ewes, J4.Lixii4.6i; cull sheep and bucks, H ou4.00. Representativs gaits. No. 7 western burks 233 western feeder lambs.... 613 western feeder lambs.... 74 western feeder lambs.... 124 western feeder lamba 2n6 western ewes 1W) western wethers ...i ZM western lambs LT.l Mexican lambs, ........... 21 Colorado lambs 2t3 Colorado lambs 1 cull lamb ... Jol western ewes 214 western ewes .'..... t western Cull Iambs 13 western cull lambfi 16 western cull ewes 210 western ewes inn western lambs........... . A v. Pr. IJo 4.50 . , nt 6 05 7ti 6 L'a ,77 25 73 6 25 111 6 80 ; , 115 6 15 . 'J. C L4 ,84 tj 40 ,80 (Ml .80 60 1 70 4 00 .88 4 86 . 101 c ; .80 6 50 .73 6 50 . 118 6 is) : , li4 i 50 ,67 00 MARKET CHICAGO IJVK STOCK Cnttle SIott !! Five t ents Higher Ikrts nnd l.asnb Steady. CHICAGO. April J CATTLE Receipts. SoiiO head: market slow; common to prima steers, $4.U0CgU.40; cows, $3.4o'u6.00: lieifeiM. $2.756u.BO; bullH, $2. ft (4(1.25; calves, $2.76'a' 8.76: stockers and feeders. $2 ,ui(4. i i. HOGS RiH-elpts. liM head; market c higher; mixed and butchers. W.464iii.6JH ; light, $.4j((I o?1; heavy, $.3tUti.tii; pack ing. $J.MV(6 67vj. KHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts. 18.0ttO head; market steady; sheep, $4.5oi6:n); yearlings, $i. 754 4. 40; lambs. $4.74jti.7o. Kanaaa ltv Live Stork Market KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 8 CATTLE Receipts, 14.0U0 hend. liicludlutf S")0 liea.l southerns; -inurket steady lo V lower; Philadelphia Prod -re Mnrket. choice export and drcsstd beef steers. 3'i 21 PHILADELPHIA. April 3 BI'TTER ffro.i"); fair to good. $4.35'6'5: Western fed Steady; extra w.-trn creamery, 23c; extra steers. 33.8Vn5.25: Blockers and feeders. $3 ((4.80; soutliern steers, $3.75'f)5 '!5: southern cows, $2.rti4.25; native cows, $2 25Ji4 73: na tive heifers. $3.50ftj5.25;' bulls. $3.0O4(4.'5; calvesi. $30mS66i. HOGS Receipts, 15,700 head: market steady; top. $i.4t; bulk of sales. $0 Z.'Hii 8 35; heavy, tAJfiV: packers, $6,204)0.'; pitis and lights. $5..'6iii 3:''v BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S tVO head: murket 5fil0c hlglier; native lumba. $."t.2ffl.5y: western lambs, $5 .24v .50; ewes and yearlings. $4 oiiiS.pO; western fed sheen, $5. Els'"-6. uO; western fed yearllntts, $4 5c43.8j; stockers and feeders, $3 0414. fat. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST JOSEPH, Mil., April 3. CATTLE Receipts, 3. (..11 head; market steady: na tives, $4.15fis.Ui; cows and heifers. $1.75'(( 4 85: stockers and feeders, $3.25 i4.S. HOGS Receipts. 10.402 bead; market mostly lie lower; lisfhl. Pi fcsiiti Su: medium and heavy, $ 25VH 37S; bulk of salea. 16. a ts 35. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelnts. S.927 head; market steady; lambs, $tj.4i. Slon City I.lve Stack Market. SIOUX CITY, April $.-lSpecihI Tele grain.) CATTLE t Receipts. I.tit head: market steady: beeies. tie; cows, bulls and mixed. $2; stockers and feedets. $3.2o4j4 5o; calves and yearlings, $3 Ism 4 26. HOGS Receipts 3.2(a"i head: market strong, selling at ti.tfQ fl; bulk of sties, $t.22tni.27. I. Louis Lit Stock Market. ST. LOI1S. Mo.. April 3. CATTLE- Re. ovlpts, l.Ouu head. Including head 'J ovipis, s.mai neaa. uuiuomg sis. ncao aits, market steady; native shipping export steers. $4 Vo : di e... J Ik-( butcher steers, $t ite-ia under pounds. l8.9LtT4.S5; stockers and feeders. 3-' 40(14 40; rows and hetfern. 82 l(f5.3n; t an ners. l 7Sti2.M: bulls. 12 4"ti4 4"; calves. 33 fiufiti 50; Tcs nnd Inrlliin steers. 33 8"W 4.70: cows nnd heifer. t2.2tii4.2.'i. Hons Receipts, S.sco heed; market higher: plus nnd lights, tn.64j6 n: packers. 8"; butchers and best heavy, 88S! If SHEEP AND IJMRS-Rec'lpls. 1.5"0 hend; market etendy; native minions. It.OO to.iiO; lnmbt, 35 'uM). Stock In siabt. Receipts at the six principal markets yesterday: t:attie Sheep. 12.1X3 'i.oon 97 l.feO 18.000 Routh Omsha Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Joneph .... St Louis ..... Chicago Total 4.610 .... I.SW ....14.( .... 3.079 .... 8.0"O .... 8..Vrf) ....29.9J9 62.012 42,V rt EW YORK f.K4KRAt. MARKET Qnotatlona of the I)y n Varlons Commodities. NEW TORK. April S.-FLOCR-Re-celpts. 17.1fi2 bbls.j exports, 12.11 bbls. market firm with Minnesota pat ents, t4.2C4.40; Minnesota bakers, St." 3.75; winter patents. tS.90Ji4.s6; winter straights, $3.70413.80; winter extras, $3.764J 8.25; winter low grades, t'J.tiotiS . Ry flour, quiet; fair to good, I3.354i8.90; choice to fitncy. H. 951M 10. COR.NMEAl.r-Firm; fine white and yel low. 11.15; coarse, lX3ii 1.05; kiln dried, $2.25 4)2 65. BARI,ET-fteadv; feeding, 41c, c. I. f , Buffalo; malting. fiotirW r. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 72.0U) hu. ; exports, 17.64!1 Int.; spot, firm; No. 2 red, 8fjc, nom Itinl, elevator and 88c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern. Doliith. Ss"!,-! f. o. b. afloat. Options opened stesdy and ruled V,c higher on favorable cables, predicted Im-ge decrease in world's visible supply, strong spot markets at the lending points, eased off partially under renllsing and wag generally quiet, four leading markets be ing closed 011 account of holidays. Final prices were t1iWc net higher; Ma v. ViVa: ro 13-lf.c, closed at 8nc; July, 83Hti84c, closed at 84c; September, RLVuL'i4e, closed at 8iic CORN Receipts, 9.fi75 bu.; exports. 129,242 mi.; spot market, firm; No. 2, 55c elevator and R2Vc f. o. b. alloat: No. 2 yellow snd Io. 2 white. &31.C. The out Inn market opened a shade higher In sympathy with wheat, but ruled very dull and featureless all dny. The close was 'c net higher. May. 614f614ic, closed nt Blci July closed at nlVic September closed nt 61c, Decem ber closed at 50V. OA 18-Rece nt s. 3 oflO hu. : evnortn IS Sfjl bu. j spot market, firm; mixed oats. 2n to 2 lbs., 36c; natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., aiTivflvic; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs., 38Htp 40Sc, HAT Steady: shlnnlnar efLCTfsVv e-nnrl te Choice. StVfiMc. HOPS yuiet; state, common to choice. 19t5, lOfjlSc; 1K04, 7-fi9c; olds. 6W7c; Pacific coast. 1t5. 8ai3c; 1004, SWioc; olds, 4f6c. HIDE3 Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 20 lbs., 70c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHER Quiet ; add. 2t:V4i27V4c. PROVISIONS-Beef. tlrm; family, $1150 13. 00: mens 19 ISKfi 1(1 fV lieef hems) lofi (sVt 2150; packet, $10.5tKall.00; extra India, mess, $16.00&18.50. Cut meats, steady; pickle1 peine. IS.Willl.2fi: nlckleri shoulders 87.00 7.60; pickled hams, $10. 2541 11. OC. Lard, linn; western prime. $S.404,j8.5; refined, tlrm: continent. 88 90: Smith Amertnn $9.60; compound, $6.37ff5.75. Pork, Arm: family, $18.ixs'm 18.25; short clear, $lH2o4il8.l mess, $17.26(17.60. TALLOW Firm; city, 5c; country, 54? 6-o. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to sura 3t,ic; Japan, nominal. FOl LTRY-Uve, firm; western chickens, 12c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 16'ul8c. Dressed, easy; western chickens, 10(al3c; turkeys. 18 iim-; fowls, lwto. Bl'TTER Easy. Street price, extra creamery. 25Ca2f.Vic. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, lMjilc; held, com mon to extra, lMi22c; state dairy, common to extra, 15&2tic; renovated, common to extra, llHG'lVkc; western factory, common to firsts, lZ'glw, western Imitation cream ery, extras, 20c; western firsts, 17c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, 14140; food to prime, 13 0 14c; common to fair, 11 13c. EGGS Firm; state and Pennsylvania snd nearby, fancy selected, white, 22c; state, choice, 2oea21c; state, mixed, extra, ioc; western firsts. ISc; western seconds, 18c; southerns, 17H'Ol8c. St. I.onls General Market. ST. IXi;iS, April $.-WHEAT-Higher; NIrt rtiA rm at Vi ulntru Ins Q&.f. tMWLt ... ... 8935c; May, 787jc; July. 74c; No. t llHKl. ititlMilC. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 42c; track. 44c; May. 4-'Ve '0.4240 ; July, tHfltV. OA' 3 Firm; No. i rash, 31sc; track. 31Vd-c: May, 3oc; July, 2914; No. 2 white, Siijc. FLOl'R Bteady; red winter patents. $4.15fa4.26; extra fancy and straight, $3.7C"(; clear, i. ii".o. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.501!.80. COKNMEAIeteady; $2.30. HAY Steady; timothy, $6.00914.50; prairie 4tt.iiKmi.uo. BRAN Firm ; sacked, east track, 96c IRON COTTON TIES-81.01. RAGGING 8Vc. HEMP TWINE 7 Wc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing; 110.00. i-iiru, steady; prime steam, $8.00 Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $S.87Vi; clear ribs, $9.00; short clears, $0.1JH. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $!.KL'4; clear ribs, $K.V6; short clears, $9.87"A. POL'LTRT Steady; chickens, 1U4c; tur keys, 17c; ducks, 13c; geese, 7'(i"VjC. BL'TTER Lower; creamery, 19ii7C7c; dalrv, 17i-jnc. EGGS Steady at 14, case count. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8,000 8.000 Wheat, bu 30.000 74.000 Corn, bu K9.000 H6.000 Oats, bu 113,000 121,000 Minneapolis Grnln Market. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The rangs of priced, as furnished by V. D. Day at to, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. I Tes'y. Uheat-I I I May...(6ST8, 7fiVa July...,iVq'e Si Sept...77(uii'i Tiw; 78S: "6ti T7.: 784 I MlnneHpollsh Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 77atc; No. 1 northern, nSc; to arrive, 7,v4c; No. 2 northern, 'iLc: to arrive, 7640; No. 3 northern, 73V471tsc; No. 1 durum, 7Hc; No. 2 durum. tiSftc. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 39'c; No. 3, :tc Oats: No. i white. i';c; No. 3, 2Sfj'2Slc. Barley, 37U 47c. Rye. 66i(i67c. Flax: Cash, $1.13'; May, $1.14'. Mllvraakee Grnln Market. MILWAUKEE. April 3 WHEAT-Firm; No. 1 northern. -(i twe; No. I northern, iis (U'iMic; May, 77V. bid. RYE Swady; No. 1. rMltiEc. HA RLE V Steady ; No. 2, boc; sample, 43 tfffuC. j I CORN Firmer; No. 3, cash, tSt-U'sC; ! May, 44Hc. aaked. Oulntb Grain Market. Dl'LUTH. April 3.-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern, (fic; No. 2 northern, 7b'4c. On track: No. 1 northern, 78v,c; No. 2 northern. 7'ilc; May. isc; July, 7ic. OA I b -To arrive and on track, and May. I 2ST i nearby prints. 2iC. EGGS Finn; neurby fresh nnd western fresh, lftc at mark. CHE Ei E Firm ; New York full creams, 12VJHC. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April 3 -WHEAT-Spol, nominal; futures ulei; May. ba 7Vd; Jul), tm t"j; sepiemoer. nominal. COR-V Spot, ttrady; American mixed new. Is JV,il, American mixed old, 4s 7d; futures quiet; Muy. 4s ia; July, 4s 3',d. Peorm Murket. PEORIA. April 3 -CORN-Steady; N yellow. 42V; No. J. 42V; No. 4. 41 V; glad-, 37lVu3,1t!, OATS-Sirong; No. 2 white, ZVe; No. while, 30 c; No- white. 3ui. Sattar and Molasses. I ! NEW YORK. April 3. 1 'GAR Ha w. : quiet; fulr refilling. 3 1-31m l-lfc-; centrilu i gal. la; 8 17-3.4(3 9-1 tic; molasses sugar. , i 2 2i-X."u2 13-18. Rt flhfd. steady; No. ti, 4. Ioc: ! 1 No. 7. 4. lie; No. 8, 4.IIV; No. 9. 4 toe; No. lo, ! ' 4c; No. 11. 3.95c; No. Ii. 8.9"o: No. 13. :1 tec; 1 No. 11, 3.86c; confectioners'. 4 Sic; mould A, I 5.ic: cut loaf. 5.4oc; crushed. 5 4 c; new ' der.d. 4 .Sue; granulated. 4.7oc; cubes. 4.95c. j J MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open 1 kettb' gi.od to choice. rl .'.:. : i NEW ORLEANS. April -8l'GAR-' ! Firm: opeii kettle centrifugal. '.'4'it 7-lc: ; .centrifugal whites 3V'(4c; yellows. 3' , 1 1.1-liic: seconds. :43M,i' MoLABHKf-.Nominal; open kettle , are; cenlrif uusl. iv::. 17t I 8sr Market. Jex - NEW YtrKK. April I ( or K IMS-Market and j for coffoe futures opened steady at a de- itni . dine of fri 10 points in response to loaer !.) ; Ku: "i can cabl-e, tail.oj- bearish private es- NEW YORK. April 2 -COKFEE-Market tlmatea if Rrstlllan receipts during April and as s result of May llniiliintlnn. Trading was considerably more active than recently and the tone seemed somewhst unsettled, but offerings were pretty well nhsortied around the Initial figures and the market closed steady net Mi 10 rxunts lower. Sal. -a for the day were reported of 1.n lags. of which about 19,(00 hags represented ex changes. Transactions Included April at S.oflt, May at SftMiHfbo, jy at Ci.ioJ'iAV, September at ti 9"ti 7.ooc. December at 7 .in 7 ISc and March at J.. Spot Rio steady; No. 7 Invoice, 8'tC. OMAHA WHUe.KSAL.tS MARKET. Condition nf Trade antl Qnotatlona nn Staple nnd Fsnty Prod nee. EGOS neceipta, liberal; frvalt stuck, cats Count, 14c. 1VE POCl.TRT Hens. 1JH; old Hu roosters, 5v,c; tuiveys. ioc; ducas, voiinat rooaterw ..:Ht. 80. DRESSED POtLTR. -Turkeys, 18fl!9e; old torn. JfxffltK.-. chickens, toy lac; old roost rs, 7c; ducks, li'ulic; snese. ioc. Bl'TTER Packing stock. IW.SVic: choice to fancy dairy, 18ultc; creameiy, .. 1411 He. HAY Prices quuted by Omsha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland. $7; medium. Woo; coarse, $.otv (o. Rye straw, $ W. BRAN Per ton, $17.60. TROPICAL fMtl'l'fB. DATES Per box ot 10 1-lb. pkgs., $200; Ilallowe en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., c; Say ars, per lb. 4c; walnut sinned, 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00 per dog.: 8-lb. boxes. $100. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red land navels, all sites, J; fancy navels, $3.26; choice, all alien, $3. LEMONS Limonlers, extra rancy, 144 Slse, $3.76; ) to 3U0 site, $4.2$ FIGS Calif orn l. per U-ib. carton. i3 85c; Imported Bmyina. three-crown, Uo; six crown, 18c. . BANANA8 Per medium slsed bunch, 31.71 S2.26; Jumbos, $2 tX'u U0. TANGERINES California, per bos of about Vi, $3 00. GRAPE FRClT-FlorldS. per box. $..00y T.50; Callfornis, per box. $4 004j4.rJ. TRUlTfc PEAHS-Winter NeUls. C.60. APPLES California Newton. Pippins and Baldwins, $2 per bu. box; Ben Davis. $2 ner bu. box: VVIneaans. 82.50 Iter bu box; other Varieties, $2.0u2.40 per bu.; New Yurk apples, Baldwins and Runnels, SvOo per bbl, GRAPES Imported Malagas. $ti.0t7.60 PO'l A 1ULS-Home (.ice ii, pec bu., 604 COc; South Dakota, per bu.. ioc NAVY BEANS Per bu., $; No. 2. $1.76. LIMA BEANS Per lb., ti'jC. CABBAGE California. per lb.; WU cousin, in crates, per b.. LtuJIaC. CARROTS. PAUBINll't AlU w tilll O Per bu., S5a. CELERY Calirornlft, $1 per dos. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per U-pk. bbl., $4.60. TOMATOES FlorlOei, p4r crate ot 30 lbs.. net. 80.60. WAX BEANS For hamper of about 30 lbs . net, $. ONIONS Horns grown, yellow ana rta, oer bu.. 85c: Spanisii. per crate, $2.26: Colo rado, red and jellow, er bu ti. STRING liEANS l'er hamper of about 30 lbs., net, $3.MKS4.00. tLrNIPB. BEETS AND CARROTS LouiBlana, per dos. buncoes. Vtc. SHALLOTTS LvulslaiiU. per OOien bunches, ioc HEAD LKTItLlt- i,ouisiana. per ooi., $T.auUi.OO; per dos. heads, $l,ooCl.iii. LEAF LETTUCE Hotnousc, per doa. heads, 4CC CUCUMBERS Hothouss, per dos, 1.7o-f BEEF CUT8. No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. l ribs, ll'c; No. S ribs, iW. No. 1 loin, 10c; No. 2 loin, lie; No. 3 loin, ll-Ac; No. 1 chuck, tic; No. 2 chuck. She; No. I chuck, 6o; Nn. 1 round. 8c; No. 2 round, 7Wc; No. i round, rc; No. 1 plate, 4c: No. 2 plate, 3Vc; No, 8 plute, 1 1 Ol. CLUAil t 'UO. CIDER-ler Keg. per bbl.. $6,74. HONEY-New, per 24 lbs., $350. CHEESE Swiss, new, lo ; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin Umbel ger, 16c; twins. 13c: Young Americas, loo. NUTS V il a u is, No. I toft shells, nsw crop, per ib.. llHc; hard snails, per lb., 13Vkc. Pecans, large, per ib.. 14o; small, per lb., 12o. Peanuts, per lb.. Svgc; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 124,1a vc. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., l'.c; bard shells, per lb., lie. Cocoanula. $4 per sack of 100. FRESH FISH Trout, lie: halibut, lOo; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass, Hu; sun fish, 44i c; perch, skinned snd dressed, te; pike, lwo; redsnapper, 11c; talmon, lie; crapples, fore; eels. 18c; black bans, tie; whileflsh, 12c; frog legs. pr oos., ioc; lob sters, green, J3c; boiled tobtters, 27c: blue Osn, 15c; herring, 4c; Spanish inackt.-el, lbc; haddock, 10c; surimp, (l.uuvl-60 per gallon; smelts. 12c: cod, 12c RADISHES Hoitiouse, per dos. bunches, $0li(6o. MUSHROOMS-IIOtl-.ausB. per lb.. 6060r. OYSTERS Fresh standarrl, $1.40 per aal.; sheU oysters, $l.uou.i.oi per iuo; Lulls Neck clams. 41.60 per 100. r. . . . - . . . it.nftinl.' ,.sns In Kit 1 - eAa. granulated cane, in sucks, $0.01; granulated beet, in sacks, $4 l. , SYRUP In barrels, 24c per gaL; In casea t 10-1 b. cans. $1.00; cases, 11 5-10. caus, 2su; caaet, 24 LV-lt. cans, 1.9C; COFFEE Roasted; No. to, 28Vc per lb.; No. 80, UMAo per lb.; No. Jtt, lHc per 10.; No rut. 15V.O tier Ib.. No. 21. lVo per lb. FLOUR (wholesale) Bust ingh grade Ne braska, per cwt., 11. uu; nest rugn grade pat ent Minnesota, per cwt., $2.3u; struight pat ent Nebraska, per cwt., $1.90; stcond put em Nebraska, tl.r0. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per H DDI., im os., et-w, wi nj iiisiuKcre., per bbl., WO IDS., Diuaiei , mw.vj, sv. i, t- 0J No. 2. 826.1): No. 3. iJD.uO; Irian. No. 2. lit. mi Herring, In bble., 20u lbs. eucn, Norway, 4k, $13.00; Norway, 3k, $13.00; Holland, mixed. $11 BO; liouanu iieriing, - aegs, IlluKeri, ink-: kens, mixed, 70c. CAN n EL uOOuS-tJorn, standard west ern, bb'ttvue; Maine, i.a. toiuutoes. 8-lb cans. $1.2.'44i.dU; 2-iu., ivicli.0(.'. Pineapples, grated. 2-1d $2.00u2.0; aUced, l.lej(.i20. Gallon appies. fancy, (3.50; California xpri cots, $1.4oj2.00, pears, tl.7u4s2.80; penclius, fancy, $1.7uq2.40; H. (.'. peaches. $4iui S-i. Alaska aaimon, red, $1.16; pink, 9uc; fancy Chinook, V.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F., !., sardines, bt oil, $2.60; 4 mustards, $J.f'a $10. Sweet potatoes, $l.iu5l.2u; sauerkraut, $1.00; pumpkins, 80c(hS100; wax beans, jv-lu., 7it'U0c; lima beans, I-b., 75ciui.; spinach -18jiU2.O0; cheap leas, 2-lb., 80c; exits, ,bul 0c; fancy, $1.3661.76. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, $3 26; No. I carpst $2.40; No. 3 plain. $3.2S. HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW-No. I tt ten hides, 9c; No. t. 8c; No. 1 salted, lie; No. 2. 10c; bull hides, 7t4r,s)jc, diy hitUt, 12$20r. Horso hides, large, $3; small, 42. bheep pelts, each 6ocf$1.2S. Tallow, No. I. 4rtc; No. t lc; rough. IHo. Howard loes to Penitentiary. LOUIBVILLE, Ky April 3.-Jameg H. Howard, who has been In Jail here pend ing the disposition of his case by the United States supreme court, this morning was taken to Frankfort to begin his term of lire Imprisonment to which he was sent enced for the murder of William Got 1x1. HEAL KSTATiS TltNIFERI. A. H. Paddock to William Lyon lot 35. Redlck's 2d add part .$ 1.800 John Swanson to Oeorge t'alliroe. lot 40. s. E. Rogers plat of ( lit ihoiiul. . Elslnore Place company to Charles C. George, lot 84, Beiivonhurst Louis and Olive Hokaneon to C. G. Anderson, lots 3, $ a. id 8, block 81, Benson Peter Jet.Hen, Jr., to J. C. Augeisen, part lot ltd. Neluon's add Elenora Hoelscher and husband to Richard Dickson, lot IX block F. Prospect Place Edwin J. Brutgger el al. to same, same J. L. Pierce, receiver, to Elizabeth H. Abbott, e", lot I, block n. Reed s let add C. F. Harrison, receiver, to same, same Mary A. B. Howell to Peter Thoin sen, lot 2, block l". Prospect Place.. Jacob Kutleman and wife to Peter Jessen, Jr., lot 101. Nelson's add I.ltzle B. Potter and husband to 2"J) 8"0 2,fJ0 1 IwO 1 1 5D 1 Charles G. McDcna d, pait lots 10 unci 11, block 10. McCormlrk's add.. 10,00) Charlta H. Gulou und wife to John Avondet, lot 3. Heiny Heights. 50J ' The OmaJia Realty company to Gus Anderson. ri' lot 2, block 8, Park Place Claus Jacobs and wife to August Faust, lots $ and ti. block 6. Mil. aid 910 I Thomas Cflgh. truster, et al., t.- El mer A. Johnson, part lot 12, Lait- I left's add 1 Montp'ller Savings Bunk and Trust I .)! company 10 t htub's G. Sumis, vW-7 feet lots :3 and 24. block 7, Hans com Place Benjamin Fulsom snd wife to the By ron Reed coniiiaiiy, lots 17. IS. 19, 20, H and 22. block 4. Max ne Place Becker A Frederick to Otto Gehr inan. lot A. block 1, Becker al- Fred erick's add E. J Dickey to Jali't-s II. Hunter, sub lot 3. lot 1. 21-1M3 400 F. D- Day & Co. stocks, tjrain. Proviil 1 t tklt luur tir-tla In la. Cblcnan tul Minnvnpnlla Datlltery One-eighth -omiiii tsion iu Uraiu. un. Quarter on Slocaa. Pioinpt ami caistul mention glen 10 outside accounts. W rit tor cur daily Market Letter, mailed free. i'" cmiiiw. $14W4 4 Bainr f Trnds Bl)a. 41UAIIA, MRU. tons; Dlstnnes Tkeae, Doaglaa 3614. Main limit SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 141?. State against Peversl Psrcelg of Land. (Homer.) Apieal from Douglas. Af firmed lotion. J. 1. A person sgalnst whose property S de fault decree upon constructive service has been rendered In s tax suit under ths scsvenger law'' (sections ltst44 10 10891, Colmey's Anotated Ststutes. 1908) Is not entitled as s matter of right to have the ssme opened tip sfter the term, either un der the provisions of section 8.' of the codrt or under the general rVulty powers of the court. !. The provisions of the statute granting the land owner the right to object to the confirmation of sale and defining ths grounds of objection afford him nn oppor tunity to hsve the question of the validity of the t.x determined before he t de prived of his property, but he rosy be re quired to wslt until confirmation Is spplled for to litigate that question. 14irS Rarber against State. Error from -Lincoln. Reversed. Ieiton, J. 1. Where the regular panel of the petit Jury has been discharged It Is not error In a criminal rase to summon a hew Jury under the provisions of section SK4, code of civil procedure. Harney against Slate, 49 Neb., 615, followed. 2. I'nder the clrcumstancss of this case an Instruction to the effect that "If any witness for the stste has willfully testified falsely as to anv material fact In the esse you are at liberty to disregard the entire testimony of mich witness unlesw eorrobo rated by the evidence" waa proper, and It whs error to reftiae the same nt defend ant's request. Tltterlnton against State, Neb.. . N. W.. , followed. S. An Instruction to the effect "that tha disagreement of witnesses In minor points does not necessarily militate against the candor of anv of them" approved in Davis against State, 8 Neb.. .Vl. criticised. 14199 First National Rank of Platts moulh airntnst Gibson. Error snd appeal from Cass. On rehearing former Judgment vacated; revet sed and remanded. Sedg wick. J. 1. A point necessarily determined by this court upon appeal becomes the law of the case, and ordinarily will not be departed from In the further course of the litigation, unless clearly wrong, so that It cannot be supported upon reason or suthortty. J. When a petition Is held by this court to state a cause of action as against a general demurrer this ruling becomes the law of the case anil will be adhered to upon a second appeal If the cause has been tried In the district court without specific objection to the sufficiency of the petition. S. When s ennveysnce of real estate Is set aside as fraudulent at the suit of a . creditor snd the land subjected to the lien of his Judgment and Is Insufficient to pay the lodgment such fraudulent grantee may. In proper proceedings, be compelled to applv upon the Judgment the rents and profits of the land which accrued while the land wns In his possession under the fraudulent conveyance. 4. While an Issue Is being litigated In the courts the statute of limitations will not run In favor of one of the parties, to the litigation and against the other as to any claim depending upon the result of that litigation. 14208. Reed against State. Error from Douglas. Affirmed, names, J. Sedgwick, C. J.. dissenting separately. 1. The main purpose or tne requirement that the names of the witnesses be Indorsed on the Informutlon in a criminal action is to convey to the accused the Information or knowledge of the Identity or the witnesses to be produced on behalf of tho state; antl. although a witness Is designated on the In formation tiy the wrong "jnnaiian name, ir the accused Is not misled thereby, and Is aware of the Identity of the witness, such mistake affords no ground for the exclusion of his evidence. 2. Where an objection lo a question pro pounded to a witness is sustained, and the testimony sought to be elicited by such question Is brought out by the one succeed ing It, such ruling. If erroneous. Is error without prejudice. 3. Insanity cannot be proved by hesrsay or reputation, and It Is proper to exclude such evidence. 4. The rule permitting non-expert wit nesses to testify ss to the sanity or In sanity of one whose legal accountability Is the sole matter In Issue does not allow such witnesses to testify that at s certain date suci party knew tho difference between the right snd wiimg of the set at that time committed by him. Schults v. State, $7 Neb., 481. t. It Is not the true method of construing Instructions to select detached portions thereof and consider them as Independent of the whole of the charge to the Jury. The correct rule of construction la tiiat all that is said In the entire charge upon any one question shall- W construed together, and If when so construed It Is not Inconsistent as a whole, and states the law correct ly, no ' valid assignment of error ran be predicated thereon. 8. Self-defense is extended to ths defense of the person and of the domicile, and an Instruction which correctly defines the ele ments of such defense Is a sufficient charge on that subject. 7. The opinions of non-expert witnesses on the question of the Insanity of one charged with a criminal offense, are entitled to llttlx or no regard unless supported by good rea sons founded on facts wheh warrant them. From such opinions and the facts slated to support them, It Is the province of the Jury to draw their conclusions as to ths sanity or Insanity of the defendant. 8. An instruction In this caee uy which the Jury were told that If they believed from the evidence that the deceased and the scctised were engaged in a acufrle, and while so engaged the revolver was acci dentally discharged and thus Inflicted the wounds which caused her death, they should find the defendant not aulltv: held. to be as favorable to the defendant on thbt question as the evidence warranted. 9. Where the court, on his own motion, haa correctly Instructed the Jury on all the Issues presented by the record and evldenco In a criminal case. It In not error to refuso to give Instructions requested by ths de fendant. 10. Where, hy a supplemental motion for S new trial, the competency of a Juror, on account of an alleged bodily Infirmity, amounting to a disability, la put In issue, and ia determined as a matter of fact upon competent evidence Introduced before the trial court, the finding of the fact on that question will not be set aside by a court of review, unless it is unsupported ly the ev idence and la clearly wrong. 11. In a criminal action where, after trial and conviction, the competency ot s Juror Is challenged for the first time on tho ground that he has been . convicted of a felony snd served s term in the sts.te peni tentiary, the fact that counsel for the ac cused failed to exuming the Juror, and aa- ' certain his Incompetency In that' respect, . full opportunity therefore having bet 11 ac corded him. will amount to a waiver uf such objection. 14:i. Shoemaker against Commercial I'nlon Assurance Company. Appeal front lincaster. Reversed and remanded. Ai- uert, . lUviHion iso. 1. Where the Jury is Instructed that tht plaintiff is lequired to establish a certain fact in ol der to ent It 1 1 her to a verdict and there ta uo evidence tending to aatab lisli that fuct a verdict In her favor will be set aside. - 2. Where the plaintiff pleads piiyment of an Insurance premium and the court In structs t lie Jury thai such payment must be established by ihe evidence to entitle the plaintiff to a verdict, the requirement is not satisfied by evldt nee tending to es tablish a waiver or postponement ttl UtS time uf payment. 3. It Is iwjI every admission or d4taaatV t Ion of an agent that is binding on his principal. The general rule is, that the principal Is not bound by such admissions or declarations unless they are made during the trunsuciton of business by the agent for ihe principal and within the scope of the agency. 4. Evidence examined and held insuffi cient to sustain the verdict. 14114 The City of Lincoln against Lincoln Street Railway Company. Appeal from Lancaster. Affirmed in all things except as lo the tletcrlptlon of property; as to said 1 'in ttcr, r' muiuled with direction Ramus, j. 1. A motion for a continuance is directed to the sound legal dlHcretlon of the trlkl court and Its decision thereon will not be revet sed. rules there has been an abuse of such discretion. t. The purchaser under a decree of fore closure acquires by his deed sll of the In terest nf the mortgagor In and to the mort paged property, and Ihe grantee of such purchaser who is In posssion of the prop erty hs owner In fee. Is not liable to a Junior incumbrancer for rents and profits where such Junior Incumbrancer does uot reek to redeem the pilot encumhratiers. 3. The rule That is certain w hich can ba 2 1 made certain" a). plies to the description of property onu rtu soia ny a uecree or ior& cloture, and where the piuerty ta dc tctilied a ll is commonly known and deaig- : 1,1: lid uml lis Identity t an tie ascei u.lned the decree will nut b vaeuted for i uno.-rtalnti . ! 4. Section 3 of article x of the constftu ! tlon grants the owner of real enisle se'd j (or the nonpayment of taxes 4ir special as ; aeesments tf any character whatever, the 1 right of red'-mitlon for a iiertod of two ; Iran irom the dale of the talc. This pro I viuUm is self -executing and a Junior Hen ; holder Is not entitled lo a decree ordering the sale .f sveh proierty without tliu I right of reden pliori. A proeeeui.-ig cannot lie maintained lo g . B,lrt or v( t). g decree cf foreel ' h. 1 -d on an allegation of fact whlc j lntt"je and was determined In tkl hh resulted is tutu decrea. decree nf foreclosure. h wus Ik Uial