" : - ... THE OMAIIA t)AILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 190G. 5 ,1 1 l Old Butch SOLD IN Large Sifting Top Cans IOc at all Grocers, 10c 1 Mad by W CUDAIIY PACKING CO.. HEAD nCSTliRS OF BORNEO Missionary Telli of Lift Amon Ferociorifl 'Malaysian Savages. CONFERENCE OF j KETHODIST WORKERS ! Hlshona Mnceat a ad Uldhaai In At tendance and Many Ilt lasalahed Wnrkrri Take Fart In the . Proceedings. ' TJie opening action of th missionary conference at th First Methodist Epis copal church Tuet-Bay evening was greeted with, a very larsd audience and Is the . most remarkable assembly of Its typa which has yet cotvened In Omaha. 'It Is the eighth of a sanies of twelve delegated conventions being held under the auspices of the Methodist church. Each convention Is a delegated bcly representing one or more states, and the present convention represents the st .tea of Iowa and Ne braska. A special feature of the present convention Is the presence of so many bishops and the li umber of distinguished misnlonarleB from the foreign field. At Tuesday light's meeting Bishop Hartsell,- who hap just returned from an extensive tour ol Africa, presided. The quiet hour ' of devotional exercise was conducted by Hi hop Vincent of Indian a polls. The opening adi ress was by Pr. H. L. E. Leurfng, rulsstoiUry at Ipoh, Parah, one of the federated Malay states. His address was confined to personal experiences In Alio '- missionary held of Borneo, chiefly '.'among the head ranters of north Borneo. Ills' first visit tot that field) In which he worked -alone, ' wfcs among a completely ' Btrange' people wh lose language he had to succeeded In overcoming . learn.. He finally their aversion tcJ foreigners. This was ago, the doctor re "Home fifteen' yea maining among tiem for several years. The favorite delluicy of the people was snake, which tlier fattened In huge Jars u .1-,, Ui h... tm . - for, Utfcfli'.XMvn cla;s. "'' lllman ltrud In one of the el: SCO. human beads as hi principal ti Chief Trraaurc ef'n houses he counted hith the datto valued isures. He said: lt was my first iiientlon to penetrate the Interior of .north Borneo, but flood, 1 swamps mihJ impenetrable jungles reused me to ,abtndon tli t Intention and I ob tained permlaslon rom one of the chiefs to build my house n sight of his own on a mini II plain at Hie foot of a hill, the top of which was a series of tonrus of some of the notabl of the region. The lopl were kind a id hospitable, and not averse to receiving the gospel. I was as sisted in the bulletin t of my hoiuia by some of the people, and hue by contant asso ciation with them I wa soon enabled to I' in n their languuf. and found that my best Instructors we e children. These peo ple worrhlppcd a c. rtaln god. who. accord ing to their belief Inhabited a mountain about forty mile distant from my house. They could not cori eive that it wns wrong to kill, and it naj diflleult to make them understand that ornmandment which says "Thou ehalt not kill," especially In view of the fact that w4 killed animals for food. They thought it (no wrong- to kill their enemies and did I so mercilessly and In variably brought the heads to their homes and preserved item as their greatest treasures. They Imalnlalned that whom ever they killed,! that soul entered their own and made (them stronger, and the more heada they) had (ft their credit the liiiater and etninger they became. The i-bief of the trlhf with' which I lived had 1 o heads hung fp In his house and took 1he utmost piirfn In them. They were heads of men, Women and children, Standard! Oil There Flrat. With them war waa an eesenMal dutv and it was difficult to make them t-oSi-prehend that vfirlst' kingdom Is a king dom of peace. But here let me slate that the comaierciall kingdom bad preceded the lrtUH klngium In thla lonely land, for 1 found that Jfihn D. Rockefeller' prior to my time in die country had Introduced Ma Standard Oil. and t must admit that I wh somewhat humiliated to see that the Standard CHI company had got Into the country Shead of the missionaries. Tlies people) were very, observant and carefully watched me that I should walk as I taught. Word waa finally sent me from Blngapie that It would be impossi ble to send Imp an assistant Into that region, -and hi y superiors In the mission ary field roiilU not reconcile themselves " to th thought thut I should remain there In constant danger. It waa my duly to .. obey, tind I prepared to leave. Before fining so I 'called on the chief who had been, o Jtlng to py. He could not under stand why I should go away and became fouch Incettsed. Aa I stood la-fore him he drew hit sword with the evident pur pose of ad4ing my head tn. hla collection of gruesome trophies. I was helpless lie fore Mia, hut at that moment some ihir Impulse seteed him and he returned bis nord to it scabLutrd. The fierceness left Ms eyes and he became kind ag.iln and pleaded with me to stay. , Head aa aa Araanaent. I convinced him that I couM not, but asked him to give me one of the heads he had that I might take It to Singapore - to show nty people of hla prowess and the need of the gospel to such aa he and hla people, lit pleaded with me to send him another infainimr. He finally told me to take niyplck of his collection of heads, and I cut ne down, that of a handsome voung man iwith flowing black hair. As I left his htule his wite, a Christian con- ert. gave ie a sack In which to carry the head fot fear that some of the people would eee it aud mierht object to my tak ing it aw&v, aa It would thua detract from His fame am) prowess as the greatest head hunter of Urn tribe. This head 1 brought with me to Singapore and later to Anier li a and have it with me here tonight. Dr. Luerina, then unwrapped the uncanny head from Its covering and displayed It be fore the greai audience. It waa a gruesome 'object. The Costs had completely dried ou the skull anq waa of a deep bronae color, . with some of the black silken hair at ill adhering to I he scalp. !r. LUertng left lhe rity shortly after the lecture and will gn to New fork and thence to his old home in Germany for a short visit, after which he will return to bis missionary du ties In the Malayan peninsula. Mlaslaaavr War la ladle. . Bishop V. f. Oldham, who haa Just ar. rived from tka mission fteld in India and lhe Philippines, made bis flrat public ap pearance and address since his return to America. IU gave aa Interesting review of the growti ef -the missionary work n India an4 44erlte4 the anxlousneas with aLlch Uie people of India a ho have come Cleanser hows nn of It beat feature In cleaning marble or porcelain, bath-tub and sink. It Instantly dissolve, ahaorha and carries away rreaaa and eum that oap will not touch and will not discolor marble a imtp doea. H ran be used nn statuary, encaus tic or tiling with perfect safety, restoring It ta a freahneae and purity Impoaalble to attain with any other preparation. Polish without cratch ln(. Clean windows, crack ery, floor, painted walla, tiling, mo saic, etc., without hard labor. Nothing- In It to hurt the hands, makes them soft and smooth. SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA under the Influence of the gospel are to know more of tt and to receive the bless ings of Christianity. He said: South Asia consists of a decayed civiliza tion. There is the aspect of an ancient hate about India that only the revivifying work of Christianity can dissipate. It Is an arrested civilisation that has made no progress In centuries. India Is not suffering rroin a tack or religion, nut ironi an over weighing of religion. The Hindu is a philosopher, easy, impracticable, but at the tame time l exquisitely loveiy in nis ro mantic soul. They are philosophers, though untaught. Their religious belief I that the Individual cannot die, but Is a component part of the eternal whole. India is ripe for the evolution of the Qod spirit, and India must belong to Christ, and it will come to Christ. A new breath of the old revival spirit I now sweeping over Iivila irnm tne Himalayas to tne sea coast. You cannot teach the women of Asia ex cept through the women of the Chrlstlan world. There were more baptisms in the Malayan conference lost year than for any two years previous. What we need there is more missionaries. Sena us tne mis sionaries; wo will build the churches. Missions In Philippines. Speaking of the Philippines Bishop Old ham said: It la the mission of the United States to lift the Filipino into that condition that they may become a great Christian republic of their own. The United States govern ment is building up a school system there that Is unparalleled in Asiatic history. In stitutions cannot make a people; people must make Institutions, and it is your duty to lift these people to the level of your institution. You are responsible to these people and to Ood, and the American invasion of the Orient has put a new mean Ing into an old religion, it has been said by those who look with aversion to our oc cupation of the Philippines that bur mis slon is evidently to shut the Filipinos from one Christian church to another. We have too much on hand there to worry much about the antls. The great work we have to do la to win this people to Christ, and this wa can do with the aid of the native Christians, and, Ood helping us, thla whole woria Will D ncner for Christ. Plans for Today. . . The session will begin this morning at 8:80 o'clock. During the forenoon the sub ject will be the home field, and addresses will be made by 8. Karle Taylor, secretary of the Young People's Missionary societies Mr. Taylor soon starts on a tour around tho world to atudy missionary conditions among the young people of different coun tries. Miss Snyder, will speak of home work. Mr. Caldwell of Tennessee will discuss the. missionary -work -among the poorer white people of the aouth; Dr.- Ixigan, one of the leading black men of Methodism In Amer lea, will discuss the wArk among the lie groea of the southand Rev. F. H. Sheets, D. D., field secretary for tho west, will also speak. In the afternoon the subject will be for eign missions. Dr. Wright of Rome will speak nn Protestant missionary movements in relation to Roman Catholicism. Vr Smith, missionary In Burmah, will tell of the work there. Dr. Swearer, from Corea. will speak of that country, and Dr. Spencer, for many years successful missionary in Japan, will make the closing address. Each speaker la assigned so many mln utes and all the addresses are packed full of Interest and details concerning the work In different sections of the country. In the evening the address will be deliv ered by Bishop Hartsell and his theme will be Africa and the work of God among its people. Features of (be Convention. The most Interesting feature of thla con vention is a missionary exhibit of Inter eating samples of work by the natives of different countries. The exhibit la in the basement of the church, and all are cor dially welcome to see it, and at each booth representing different countries there will be a-omen or men who win explain the meaning of the exhibits. These curios have been gathered from for eign landa and are typical of the customs and manners of all the people with whom the missionaries come in contact. TheV em brace Idols, photographa, maps, all the lat est missionary tracts, leaflets published by the Methodist church, and are carefully classified and mounted on cardboard. About KiO Bibles and other religious books pub. Ilshed In many foreign languagea show how varied Is the wotk of the- Christian nils slons. On the walls are displayed scrolls, ban Tiers, etc.. Indicative of religious customs and maps and charta filled with missionary Information, all prepared In different languagea Other Workers on Program. Other workers who will appear on tho Omaha program from day to day are: Rev. David 8. Spencer, who haa been a missionary In Japan for the past twenty years, now on furlough. Dr. Spencer Is at present presiding elder of the Toklo district. Rev. Frederick H. Wright of ' Rome, Italy, . who haa for many years been leading figure in Methodist mission work In Italy: Rev. Wilbur C. Swearer, for seven years In the mission field and editor of the Corea n Christian Advocate; also Rev. Jesse I. Mclaughlin, who I one of the pioneer missionary workers in the Philippines and at present editor of tli4 Philippine Christian Advocate; Rev. Don . Nichols, who was for seventeen years a missionary in central China and now stationed at Kiuklng. Xanchang and Nanking. Dr. F. D. Oamewell, who saved the be sieged missionaries at Peking in 1) dur ing the Boxer uprising, la here and Is In charge of the "exhibit," whirh is one of the most prominent and important fa turea of the convention. This exhibit ex. teuds over all the floor space of the par. lors of the First church and will be open every day to visitors whether they are members of the convention or not. Idols, curios, 1 maps, charts, periodicals and an endless variety of other nutter la on ex hibition and will be explained by experts to all who care to study the exhibit. For your pleasure the Lenten concert has been designed. It will be given on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mra.. Kelly will sing a recital program and the choir or St. Mary's will be beard In concert for the first time. Tickets at Hoape'a. An ar-tiktK- event fromoted by lbs Ladies' so ciety. . Vow,, fVrV SOFT COAL MINERS AT WORE Eighteen Thousand Men Back in the Pit at Pitteburp. , INDEPENDENT OPERATORS STAND OUT Owners Kmploylnsr Twelve Thousand Men Hay They Will Xot la t'le Mtaatioa la Other States. PITTSBURG, April 8 With the excep tion of ode or two points outside of the Pittsburg district the strained situation between operators andjr miners In the soft coal fields of western Pennsylvania Is hourly growing more pacific. Following the signing of the acale yesterday demanded by the miners the mines of the operators who signed the scale resumed their opera tions today, although In many Instances With reduced forces. In the Pittsburg district there were 18.000 miners working and 1,200 were Idle. Nearly II of the mines of the Pittsburg Coal company were In operation and It was ex pected that those men who are out will return within a day or so. It was ex plained that, following holidays, It was generally several days before all the men returned to their labor. The cause of the Idleness of the men today, however, was Bald to be due to their failure to receive word of the signing of the scale. Independent Will Sot Sign. The independent operators who met last night and decided not to sign the scale held another meeting tonight. The Inde pendent operators employed between 12,000 and 14,000 men and their mines were all Idle today and will be so until either the acale Is signed or an agreement is reached be tween the operators and employe. The Independent operators were In ses sion until almost midnight. Representatives ef twenty operators were present, rep resenting an annual output of 20,000,000 tons. A permanent organisation was formed and after the meeting the following of ficial statement was given out: At a meeting of the Indenendent oner. ators held tonight the position taken at the previous meeting was reaffirmed and no action W'S taken toward the nceentAnee of the 1 ecale. The probable outcome of these meetings will be the formation of n Independent coal operators' association or western Pennsylvania district. Those present were absolutely unanimous against signing the 1903 scale. It Is announced that the independents would 'not work their mines nonunion, which means an entire suspension of their eperatlon. It was learned tonight that the entire nonunion field of the Allegheny valley would continue work without Interruption. This is In what Is known as the Freeport vein. Oolan Starts Tronhle. Interest In the labor situation in the Pitts burg district today was diverted to the dis trict convention in this city and the attempt of Patrick Dolai) to regain control of the convention. The convention met to hear the report of the tellers, the reading of which consumed the entire day.' The result was not announced with certainty because of a dispute as to some of the voting en velopes. It' was seml-officially stated, how ever, that Frank Feehan was elected -president; J. 8. Clark, Moon Run, vice president: John Hurley, Arnold City, secretary-treas urer. National executive board members are stated to be William Uttle, A. J. Krat- ershl, James Sheehan, William Booth, A. L. Davis, George Black, S. A. Whtzle, Paul Flynn, E. P. Hanaway and James Watc- horn. During the session of the convention Dolun appeared In the liall ana' attempted to preside over the convention, announcing that he waa the only legal chairman of the meeting. The convention was In a turmoil when Dolan's counsel appeared and an at tempt was made to eject hltn from the hall, He notified the convention that they had no legal right to remove Dolan and then left the hall. A few minutes afterward riot and disorder broke out again and the dele gates clamored that Dolan be forcibly thrown from the hall. A committee of .ten was appointed to carry out a resolution to this end and as the committee approached Dolan he quietly left the hall. It Is ex pected that Dolan will appeal to the court tomorrow to adjudge the delegates In con tempt of court. Strike Conditions at Irwin. From other districts it is announced that few mines are operating with full forces, the same conditions prevailing as In the Pittsburg district. At Irwin, however, tho nearest to an actual strike prevails. There the men are being urged to stand fast and told that the operators will eventually concede the demands. At a delegate con ventlon today a scale committee fixed a scale which calls " for an advance of I cents more than the scale of 1903 for pick mining, and the operators were Invited to a conference on April 12. The works have been picketed in the meantime ar.d the strikers are In an ugly mood over the appearance of armed deputies. At Clearfield, where the annual conven tion of the district Is being held, the oper ators announced today that they cannot meet the acale committee until tomorrow. It was reported tonight that the scale would be signed and It Is expected that work will be resumed in this district within the week. In the Johnstown district work is prac tically at a standstill. No trouble haa occurred at the Berwlnd-Whlte. works, al though a number of armed guarda are on duty. No attempt was made to interfere with the strikers. It Is reported tonight that the company la bringing In non union men and evicting union miners from company houses. A big mass meeting was held at South Fork today and It was resolved to re- frain from returning to work until after the Clearfield convention takes action. IOITHWESTERS MINES TO HtMHK Arkansas nnd Indian Territory Ooer atora Heady to Sign. KANSAS CITY, April 3.-Nogotiatlons are in progress In the various mining dis trict ol the southwest that ar expected to result in resumption of work by a large number of jnen within a few days. The officers of the) mine workers of the district including westeru Arkansas and' Indian s FortheBaby mm When buying an infant's food, ever mother wants a food that will not only tide aver present troubles, but fiva permanent results. You want 4 food that will feed, a food that will snake your baby grew strong, with rosy cheeks and strong limbs. Msllin's Fowl will o this lor ycK-t baby, aeod r a aw ssmpte Isr yeur ety. The OftlT Infanta Feed reeolviag the GAi hU at C Lewis. Gald hadal, blkest Award. fortUnd, Ora. 1905. UCLL1N I TOD CO.. BOSTON. MAIL Territory, have received overtures fmm operator with a view to signing the cl. There Is to be a meeting of the operators at Bouth McAleeter tomorrow, and, al though there will be no conference with the miner until after the meeting, there Is every reason to believe that the op erator of the district will sign end re- sume work within the next few dsy. In the Kansas fleld a rmmber of operators are ready to sign the scale aa soon It Is ready. A district convention to be held In Pittsburg, Kan., next Monnay will arrange the detail of the contract. By the mid dle of next week It Is expected the con tract will be signed by many operators In the Kansas fleld. All the mines In the southwest remain closed. COMPLETE SlSPEtSIOS IV OHIO District OOleera Authorised ta Sign 10O3 Scale. COIA'MBCB, O., April I. The executive board of the Ohio Mino Workers today de cided to permit the miners to sign contracts with any operators who are willing to pay the 1903 scale. The various subdlatrlct or ganisations will prepare agreement based on the 1903 scale, adjusted to meet changes In conditions since the scale was drafted, which will be presented to those operators who are willing to sign contracts. Merlin- of the miners of the subdtstrlcts will be held for this purpose and there will be about eighteen In all of these meetings. The first will be held at Athens next Fri day and will comprise the miner of the Hocking valley. The wages paid in the Hocking valley have for years been the basis for all state agreements, and or this reason the scale for these mines will be adjusted first. The operators of the Hock ing valley will meet at Athens next Monday and a joint conference will be held. The position which the operators take in that conference will have much to do with de termining the action of the operators In the other districts of Ohio. As there are great quantities of coal stored and there is no pressing necessity for tho operation of many of the mines, It may be thirty days before contracts are ready In all of the subdlstricts. There is a complete suspension of work In the mines of the state. Horace L. Chapman, one of the members of the bituminous operators' advisory board,, said today that he had been In communication with the leading operators of Illinois, Indiana and eastern Ohio and all of them would continue Arm In oppo sition to the miners' demands. The operators, who are opposed to pay ing any advance In the mining scale, have appointed a joint advisory board consisting of two members from eacn state. No new action la to be taken in the matter of a settlement of the mining question by any atate without consultation through this board. Its members for Ohio are: John H. Win der and H. I Chapman of Columbus; In diana. J. C. Koslem of Terre Haute and A. M. Ogle of Indianapolis: Illinois, A. J. Moorhead of St. Louis, and H. N. Taylor of Chicago: Pennsylvania, George A. Ma goon and J. T. M. Stoneroad of Pittsburg. WARM TIME IX IOWA MEETING Dispatr Over Pay of Emergency Mea Nearly t'aasea -m Rnptnre. DE8 MOINES, April 3. A rupture In the Joint conference of the United Mine Workers and operators of Iowa . division was narrowly averted here today In . a clash over the pay ef the emergency men on service In the mines during the shut down pending an agreement or disagree ment on the wage scale. The miners in sisted that tho emergency; men were only wanted temporarily and that they should be taken out . tonlgUtu U. the , operators would not consent o-pay them the 1903 scale. The operators' refused. In the heat of discussion President 'White of the Mine Workers, who Just reached the city from Indianapolis, came to the rescue by an nouncing that the emergency men should remain in the mine during the negotia tions with the understanding that they should receive the scale to be fixed by the Joint scale committee which meets tomor row. This was finally agreed to by the operatora and minera. The final decision regarding the scale will be reported prior to April IS according to statements made by the leaders today. EIGHTEEN INDIANA MIXES R ESI. ME Indications that Larttr Operators Will Stand Oat for Some Time. TERRE HAl'TE, Ind., April S.-It was announced at the district headquarters of the United Mine Workers of America to day that eighteen coal companies have agreed to sign the 1903 scale and resume operations at once. It Is the belief at headquarters that the operatora of the larger mines will hold out until the last At Petersburg three operators have signed the 1903 scale and the Carbon and Aberdeen mines resumed operations this morning. District President Wellington O'Connor of the mine workers today signed the 1903 scale with the operators of the five mines in this region. The mines af fected are the Crescent, Worsham-New- hurgK i:ansville Sunny side and Dln mond. NEITHER SIDE YIELDS (Continued from First Page.) attempts in any part of the region to operate the collieries. Reports from Bcranton are to the effect that the Delaware A Hudson and the Erie companies are making preparations to resume at soon as possible. A number of men have been engaged at the mlnea of these companies ostensibly for guard duty. In this city the Delaware & Hudson company has opened two offices for the purpose of employing guards and laborers In and about the mine. The railroad campanies have laid off a number of coal ciaws and telegraph operatora In various sections, but those suspended. It Is said, have been requested not to leave the re. gion, Indicating according to the miners that au early resumption Is anticipated. The Reading company has stored at Read ing about 122.00U tona of bituminous coal and la reported to have stored at landing ville, A bra me and other places about 1,750,000 tons of anthracite. Several minor disturbances occurred dur ing the day near Wllkesbarre. The com panies of the state police again patrolled the roads In the vicinity of the collieries and reported that good order prevailed. Systematic steps were taken today by the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron company to learn definitely where hard coal la needed for Immediate consumption and In what quantities. The company has created for Itself an information bureau whli h will be continued during the cessa tion of mining operations. The coal agenta of the company will furnish the executive offtVes with "daily coal neod" schedules. An official of the company outlined the con dition aa follows: The seven big anthracite companies have In stock nearly Iimiuu.OuO tona of coal. This means that there la availalile for distribution ample roal to supply all actual needs now and for several months to come. The companies have agreed upon a sale policy at prices which have obtained dur ing the winter and are determined to pre vent.speculation. as there is no Justification for an advance In retail prlcea. , Thia arrangement is said to be umtalis factory to the retailers and today at a meeting of the Philadelphia Coal exchange a committee waa appointed to cooler with the big coal companies. A NEW MAT FOR We Men's Neckwear You will want new neckwear to go with your Easter clothes. Out Easter neckwear for men is piling In so fast we havn't room to show half of them. Buy your neckwear here you have 3 to 1 to select from. More variety than the regular haberdasher. Our 45c quality Is equal to their 75c; our 25c grades are equal to their 50c On Farnftm . 15th St. AFFAIRS AT SODTH OMAHA Large Delegation from Ixchange Going to Bouth Dakota Stock Convention. LIVELY TIMES PROMISED TO THEM Men Mho Have OKIces In Kxchange Petition to Have Peddiera and Solicitors Barred from nnlldlntt. A large delegation of the Bouth Omaha commission men will leave Monday after noon In a special car to attend the ses sion of the Western Bouth Dakota Stock Growers' association, which are to be held at Rapid City next week. The full num ber which can be accommodated has al ready promised to go and all the arrange ments have been made. They will have their headquarters during the stay at the Harney hotel. It la expected that the delegation will be one of great benefit to this market for the reason that such a wide district of the country will be rep resented. There are to be many novel features by way of entertainment, one of the most realistic being a wild west ba'. tle between the Indians and 'the freight ers, such as often occurred In early days. The spectators are all to be located on a high hill from which they 'can watch the whole plain below whore the battle is fought. . Xew Polish Lodge.' A new lodge, the Polish Catholic Knights, was organised last Sunday afternoon. There was a large number of young men who entered as. charter member. It Is expected that In the near future the lodge members will be furnUhed with a full .re galia and will hold meeting regularly. The following officers were elected: Preal dent, Frank I.' Madura; vice president; Jo seph Labeds; recording secretary, John Zymula; corresponding aecretary, Jacob Eempek; treasurer, Joseph Vodek; trustees, W. Otagoskl and J. Lzabawskl; sergeant-at-arms, Frank Fllipawlcs: captain of the drill team, William J. LzaWryk. Move Aaalaat Solicitors. A petition wa presented to the hoard of director of the Uve 8tock exchange yesterday afternoon asking that the In fluence of the exchange be used with the Stock Tarda company to require that all peddlers, solicitors and professional graft er be required to secure a permit from the company before they should be allowed to canvass the buildings or the grounds. It Is hoped that this will abate the rapidly growing nuisance of this sort. Of late there has been scarcely a day when there are not from six to twenty annoying and persistent solicitors golbg from office to office in the Exchange building. Most of them have a Hue of the most worthless articles to dispose of. Many, are beggara pure and simple. The commission men are exceedingly tired of the annoyance. Improvements at Hammond Plant. A new flag pole waa raised on top of the National racking company's building, formerly the Hammond plant. The Im provements to the bulldlns Itself have been progressing in a hatlsfsctory manner. The walls on the sides of the building have been raised half a story to bring the slope of the roofs to one angle. The retlmbering and refloorfug of the Interior is progressing rapidly, though there is much to be done yet. The foundations of the walls of the power house are near ing completion. .Maa)le City Uoaaip. T. C. Marsh returned yesterday from a visit to West Bide, la. The meeting of the Women's auxiliary of the Young Men's C'hrlxiian asoclatlun post poned the election of officers to a later date yesterday afternoon. A son of O. I... Clark from Dea Moines, la., is visiting him. The Young People's Society of Christian Kndeavor of the First Presbyterian church met with Miss Mabel Reed last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otterman leave Thursday for Pasadena. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Gibson left yes terday for Seattle, Wash. Edward Raker and wife. Twenty-first and F streets, are grieving over tin death of their baby, which occurred early yesterday morning. Harry Smith reports the birth of a eon. Mr. Smith lives at 1522 Y afreet. Work on the Country club grounds be gan m earnest yesterday, the building will be begun before the tenth of April. Hot Ashe Start Kire. I-lve roal among ashes dropped Into bar rels In the baxemeiit of the Westera Elec trical company's store at U1J Karnam street Were the cauve of a slight blaze shortly after I o'clock last night. Several wooden L5o AttLi 5Lm1i JS-tLi uLn, G aaj oiti a coat. sane. ciutTT, ntseo ee. That's What You Need! Have Four New Candidates iWr.TK . Cbolce. STETSON HATS, $3.50 98 Dl'frant Styles NEW L0NGW0RTH, $2.00 100 Different Styles Easter Furnishings for barrel filled with ahen stood eld by side near the furnace, while considerable highly Inflammable rubbish wa near at hand, no only the prompt work of the nre depart ment prevented the communication of the flames to the upper floor. A It was, the damage will be entirely from smoke. HOME TO BE DIVIDED, TOO Mayor Moore' Residence Goes in vrltn ' Remainder of Hi Real Estate. The will of the late Mayor Moores made no disposition of the residence property on South Eighteenth street which he occupied st the time of his death. It was errone ously stated he had left this to hi eldest daughter. Other real estate belonging to the estate wa transferred to the wife and children Jilst before hi death, but the home property Is left undisposed of and be longs to that part of the estate which In to be divided equally among the four heirs. Announcements of the Theater. "Hermann the Great" la proving one ot the most Interesting and delightful cards In magic that ha ever been seen at the Orpheum. The average spectator is left In a bewildered mood by the famous magi cian, who tells them "the closer"you watch, the less you know." Every detail of his occult art I carried out cleverly. The stage settings are elaborate and well timed to add an atmosphere of the occult to the Illusions and legerdemain. On Thursday s matinee will be given. "When the World Sleeps," a sensational melodrama from the Joint work of Lang don McCormick and Lawrence Marston, comes to the Krug Thursday, April 5. The production Is said to be one of rare soenlc splendor and the story I one that is brim ful with startling and well worked out climaxes. Theater-goers who fancy the lighter form of entertainment with Its accompaniment of catchy muslo, handsome scenery, won derful stage light effects and a stage filled with a kaleldescoplc mass of brilliant cos tumes will doubtless find much to enjoy In "The Duke of Duluth," which will open at the Krug theater April U. This offering Is'ort the musical comedy order, with that popular laughmaker, Nat M. Wills, as the bright particular star. DIAMONDS Edholm, 16th and Harney. Man Who Playa with Bones. Ellis Whitman, a young man from' New York City, known ns the "Human Rattle box" because of his ability to throw many bones of his body out of place and back again aa easily as most people would cross CKItTIFICATE 8TATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LINCOLN, February 1, 9og. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That tho American Credit Idemnity Company of New York, in the state of New York, has complied with the Insurance law of this State, applicable to such companies, and Is therefore authorised to continue the business of Credit Insurance In this State for the current year ending January 81st, lfKff. Summary of report -filed for the year ending December 31st, lfKjfi. INCOME , Premiums '....,l,aa.492.92 All other sources 6T.7L'2.&2 Total DISBURSEMENTS Paid policy holders... All other pnyment.. Total ADMITTED LIABILITIES Unpaid iaini and expense Unearned premiums All other liabilities t'l.pital stork paid up Surplus beyond capital stock and other liabilities.. Total I2.2O0.7M.O4 Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. K. M. BEARLE. JR.; (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy THE AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY, CO, OF NKW YOIIK. . mri Broadway, Xevc York City. Broadway and Locust Kt., Kt. iuuis, Mo. K. H. WK.ATllHKLKY, General Agent, 101 McCafue Building, Whero The Oest The trl!) can be made It tannoi but be pleasurable te" U how' There's most to see .Ion, the shortest VoJ Wh'' Let us tell you what. UNION PACIFIC For full Information innulre i CITY TICKKT OFFICK. 13. FAH.NAM bT. I bone EASTER ASDUPvY HATS. 5250 100 Different Styles NEBRASKA SPECIAL, J1.5U 87 Different Styles Alen Men's Shirts Tho celebrated "Nebraska Special" shirts. Every one bearing our label. We charge a dollar for this grade. They're better than the ordinary $1.25 shirts and being made specially for us. You'll find them here and nowhere ele, made of the fl prettiest madras, in neat, new styles, I llfi all sires, at eW We have finer grades at $1.60, 1.75 and up to $2.50. Every one full value for your money. On Firmm at 15tK St. their Hngers, will give demonstration to day at medical collegea In Omaha. The young man gives a demonstration bv wblch he says he dislocate hi heart, and he hs lettera fmm physicians testifying to the fact. "I wa born that way," i hi only explanation for hi phenomena. He says he sold hi body to a Philadelphia physltisn and then outlived the doctor. CARPENTER HURT BY FALL Albert Lnrsen Plnngea from Second to First Floor, bnt Eacnprs Serlone Injnriea. Albert, Larsen, a carpenter working on the remodeling of the Patterson building. Seventeenth and Douglas streets, fell through a stairway from the second to flm floor. Tuesday morning .and . sustained a sprained wrist and several body bruise. At first It was believed the' mfcu had been seriously Injured, but upon examination at Wise Memorial hospital it was. learned tho moil's Injuries were not of a severe nature. I&rsen waa taking out a stairway when he fell. The workman resides at 27 North Twenty-fifth avrnuo and Is single . t'hrlatlan Science Lertnre. A lecture on Christian Science by Rev. Arthur R. Vosburg, C. 8. B., will be deliv ered at Boyd's theater Friday evening, April , at 8 o'clock. This lecture will af ford a delightful opportunity to hear an entertaining, as well a a correct exposi tion of Christian Science. Th lecture la ftee. It la for you that the Ladles' society of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational .church are directing the Lenten concert on Thurs day evening. They have engaged Mr. and Mra. Kelly In song recital and the choir of St. Mary's In choral masterpieces. Tilt expenses are .large; the .admission Is but $1 (reserved section) . or 75 cents (unre served). Tickets at Hospe's, from the Indies' society or at the door. Uo to evv York. on. the Lehigh. Double track scenic highway. Connects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all lines from tho west. Write passenger department, Lehigh Val ley R. It., SI South Clark St., Chicago, 111. , APRIL BIRTHdTOfrES-Edholm, Jeweler Marriage License. The following marriage license was Is sued yesterday: Name and Residence. Amp. Charles Campbell. Omaha SJ Jennie Constant Ine, Omaha a.' Spring Vacation. Public school are not In session this week, the ieriod being tlist of the regular spring vacation. No examination or -promotions are made at this time. OK ri'BLlCATlOX. t 5Mo.HSll.llV' . MM, Ml li,.-7,aifi.to $-.',3no.7:t.oi M5.H54. ... 546.153.H7 19,CHliS-$ 770,.44 ... l.OnO.notuiO ... 4ni.bw.eo l.tuxme) ASSETS. Omaha, . Nebraska. to Have Good Timoo ,UI KUua time as In profitable, too Douglas 881.