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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY TIKE: "WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4, 190(5. Tim Omaiia Daily Bee. E. ROSE WAT EH. EDITOR. Pt'BUSHED EVERT MORNINO. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. Dally (without flunday), One yar..t40n Iially We and Sunday, on year 0 Illustrated rr yr&r .150 Sunday Bee, ena year 1M Saturday Bee, on year 1.M DBMTEREU BY CARRIER. Pally Be (Including Runday), per week.ITc Pally Bee (without Sunday), per week..l2o Evening H (without Sunday), per Week c Evening Bee (with Sunday), par week.. 10c Sunday Bm. per copy Sc Address cnmpliiinta of Irregularities la de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha-The Bee Building. South Omaha City Mall Building-. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 1640 I'nltv Building. New York-lf Home Life Ins. Building. Washington oi Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should le addressed: Omaha Bee. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit hy draft, express or postat order payable: to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 1-cent stamps received as payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. TNS BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 8TATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nehraeka, Douglas County, ss. : C. C. Rosewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, Says thst the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of March, 190t, was as follows: I ai.lMO 17 ftft.lli" 2 81,H50 Is 8OJIO0 8 R2.1Z0 J9 S1.400 4...r 2,ROO SlJtftO ........ .nt si x i ,1 ao 6 Sl,4TO 22 31.B20 7 ll,ttO 23 iw.Bao S Xl.aftO 24 H3.1SO .' 31 TO 26 .1o 10 .32,0(10 as 81.210 11 2,100 27 Sl.OAO II SiJMO 28 Hl.a-40 IS 82.070 29 81,20 14 ...81.41A JO 81,HOO IS 31, ISO , . si. sa.iao 16 31,434) , Total.. ; B6T,4SO Leas unsold copies.. lO,741 Net total sales , iMW.Tott Dally averaga SI. 151 C. C. R08EWATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this list day of March. 1WA. (Seal) M. B. HUNGATE. ' Notary Public. whew OCT ot' rows. (be-rlbera leaving; Ilia city tern porarlly should have The Be nailed 4 them. Address will Carbolic acid seem for the nonce to hove distanced the unloaded gun an means of sudden and unwitting egress from earth- It Is hardly probable thw missionaries will be permitted to prepare the Congo exhibit for the imperial exposition to be held In Brussels. With the shipper acquitted of re ceding rebate at Philadelphia, the transportation companies may present their pleas for Immunity. President Plat attributes Mexico'! prosperity to the adoption of the gold standard. Can it be that the ruler of Mexico never heard of the "crime of '73"? ' ' V - ' The ordinary householder In these parts does not seem to be half as much alarmed over the prospect of a coal famine as over the prospect of an ice drouth. ' ' The real test of French power in Mor ocoo will come when the new pollc force attempts to Interfere with the established prerogatives of the banditti In that country. The guess of Senator Long on the probable action of the court on the rate bill would be more valuable if the sen ator's experience were not principally with Kansas courts. That decision by the United States su preme court in the Michigan tax cases ought to be a pointer for the Nebraska railway tax shirkers. Better pay up and save costs of litigation. It is to be hoped that no designing nation will take advantage of Auier lea's weak defenses and make an at tuck ttefvre the coast artillery can be put Into shape to repel an Invasion. Pemocruts have again carried Mtcbl gan, which seems to have adopted the comparatively safe plan of going ove to the enemy only when such a course ban no Influence on national policies. The assessors are again abroad lu the land to make np the tax list on whit tax bills will be rendered next year, and for a month or more it will be order to repress evidences of prosperity Before Insisting that Senator Tillman cease offering dally letters ou the rate Mil. Senator Hale should remember that some day be may again want to let the country hear from New England cod tUners. Senator Burton's case la being pre sented to the supreme court. The Kan tia senator has already received his won puni8ttroeut that ot being barred front ; talking while the rate bill is pending. , The statement that Filipino students are showing well as runners In college athletic events Is not surprising to those who remember the good races won by the followers of Agutnaldo during the Insurrection. ',. leuio-ratlc House leader Williams ; has offered a rule to restrict debate ; on the bill creating national quarantine j for the south. Thus does democracy pay : to the republican party the sincere Battery of imitation. V Now that "Apostle" Powie has been ofnctally deposed from power In ZIon he Is free to work out the Mexican scheme and incidentally to prove that his sup planters are either correct or mistaken as to his mental condition. XOT VALID OtUtTTHiXS. The objections that have been urged against Inntiguratlon of a direct primary by the state committee to get a popular expression of preference for candidates seeking places on the ticket this fall sre of two-fold character. The first rests on the assertion that a law must be first enacted to govern the conduct of the primary and to nmke it compulsory upon all political parties. There Is nothing, however, In the law as It stands today to prevent Uie party or ganization from Instituting a direct pri mary system on its own account, nor Is there any good reason why the method of nominating republican candidates should be in the least dependent upon the method adopted by the opiositlon to nominate democratic candidates or pop ullst candidates. If the republican party takes the lead In responding to the growing demand for popular participa tion In party nominations it will have that much advantage over the democrats or populists, who refuse to trust their party members and persist In perpetu ating a system of nomination barter and trade. So far as the protection of the law to insure the integrity of the primaries is concerned, the present stat utes are sufficient to cover primaries for direct nominations Just as well as to cover primaries to select convention del egates. The second objection Is that a direct primary system for the whole state Is impracticable because of the expense. The expense, however. Is grossly exag gerated, presnmably because the experi ence of Pouglas county has been un necessarily costly. Outside of the addi tional expense for printing and distrib uting the primary ballots the outlay should not be much more than Is now In curred under the convention system. Every member of the party Is now sup posed to help choose delegates to con ventions. Caucuses or primaries are supposed to be held in every voting dis trict and when these caucuses are held It will cost no more to have them called for fixed hours during which the voters may cast their ballots not only for dele gates, but for their preferred candidates as well. The canvass and certification of the voter would Impose a little more labor, but volunteers among the party workers ought to be found without diffi culty In every voting district. But even If the expense of a direct primary were twice that now incurred for the selec tion of delegates and holding of conven tions, it would still be worth the money In making the machinery of the party respond directly to the will of the rank and nle, whose votes will be necessary later at the election to achieve party success. A The Bee has already stated, the objections to the proposed direct pri mary adhere tn much more flagrant form to the convention system of nomi nations, which is honeycombed also with other abuses, and for this reason these objections are not valid, ' TO TEST IXSURAXCK CRIJfff. The whole question of the criminal phase of the acta of the officials of the big life Insurance companies, including contributions to political parties, is now to be thoroughly gone over by a New York grand Jury. It Is noteworthy that Recorder Goff, a magistrate of un doubted ability who possesses public confidence, in charging the grand Jury approves the legal position already taken by Prosecuting Attorney Jerome and Judge O'Sulllvan. Pespite news paper attempts to represent their views as to campaign contributions as con flicting, they were In substantial har mony. The real point is that it rests with the grand Jury to decide whether the facts warrant Indictments. The mass of evidence developed be fore the Armstrong Investigation regard ing vast expenditures of Insurance funds for lobbying, for allowances under one pretense or another to rela tives and other favorites, for syndi cates and many other purposes outside of the legitimate ends of insurance, has certainly created In the public mind belief of the existence of criminal mo tive and a reasonable demand that the question be thoroughly tested. Whether It be practically possible to bring the guilt of such misdoings where actual criminal Intent existed within the technical' requirements of the law mam trial, it U possible so to expose the dan ger of It the.t hereafter men high in places of corporate trust will beware how they abuse it. FOLK TO IOWA. DEMOCRATS. Governor Folk' In his address at Pes Moines before a notable gathering of democrats from various localities in Iowa did uot put too much stress npon the present eriod as one lu which the people's rights are to be. defined and observed as they never have been be fore, and as a time of awakening which proceeds not from a spirit of dlscon tent, but from the moral sense of the jieoplo. It Is a point of view which can uot 1m too much Insisted upon, and it is especially appropriate for such an audience as the Missouri governor ad dressed. Yet It is easily osslble to press the point to extremes In partisan service. The moral awakening which Governor Folk made the keynote, whose aim Is to make government representative of the good and not of the bad, has so far at least leeu distinctly not partisan, what ever It may come to be in practical pol Itlcs lu the future. It Is a movement of the mass of the people without regard to party lines. Its expression tn local politics depending on practical clrcum stances. In one locality Jerome a dem ocrat, In another IFollette a repub lican. In still' another Folk himself, democrat, assuming leadership aud com manding support from all political par ties. The nonpartisan hasls of the movement 1 Indeed Its uio-t cooiU'U- ous characteristic If we except Its no!- versanti. The democratic party as a national organisation certainly has not tn a special sense Identified itself with the popular revolt against monopoly and privilege, although It has been strong tnongh in some localities, as In Missouri under the lead of Governor Folk, to scire the democratic organiza tion for the time. But It Is wholesome to Impress upon all political party or ganizations at this time the paramount popular demand which Is stronger than any mere party organization or tradi tion, or than all of them together. Insofar as Governor Folk can enforce this Ideal upon Ms own party In any state, influencing It towards genuine services bleness to the people's demands, be Is continuing the good work that litis made his name honored by all good men of all parties, but he will succeed better therein by not pressing too far partisan claims. TIM MKniQ AX TAX CASK. The decision of the supreme court of the United States In the Michigan rail road. tax case establishes another land mark In the movement to compel rail road property to bear Its Just propor tionate share of the public tax burden. In Michigan as In Nebraska and other states the railroads had so long shirked their equal share that they perversely resisted to the bitter end when the peo ple at length resolutely undertook to force a more equitable assessment, but It Is significant that the court of last resort brings to naught nil their elab orate evasions and rigidly applies the rule of equity. In Michigan as elsewhere the diffi culty has not been so much the question of principle as that of Its application, for the state constitution, like the con stitutions of most of the states, requlret railroad property to be assessed on th-i same basis as other proierty. But the mischief has arisen from the vlclout Influence of railroad and confederate corporations in legislatures and In the whole political field whereby thing were so brought about thot In fact theli property paid only a small fraction of what was Justly due and of what other property of equal value had to pay. It has taken years of serious conflict for the people of Michigan to relieve themselves of this evil of railroad tax evasion which had grown to be Intol erable, beginning first with reform of the statutes, which had been cunningly manipulated, and Involving a swuggle with the railroad lobby, with the free pass abuse and with railroad machina tions In political conventions. And when at last a fair assessment was secured. more than trebling the quota of the railroad companies in order to bring their valuation to the same basis of valuation as other property. Instead of yielding they transferred the stmgglo to the federal courts and there ex hausted every resource of obstruction. It is encouraging! to other . states which are engaged in a similar tax struggle with railroad corporations that the supreme court now cuts the ground from under their contention with pub lic authority in Michigan, and It ought to be a warning to the railroads them selves. The most serious consequence to them Is not that they have now to pay the original levy with the accumu lation of penalties and interest, al though this is no small thing, but that they have shown a spirit of defiance which cannot fall to Irritate the people and canse further requirements which otherwise might not have been made. The Michigan case ought to be sign enough for railroads everywhere to pay their fair taxes without compulsion of the courts. Why should the annual election of of ficers of the Omaha Electric Lighting company be held away off In Bangor, Me., when the sole business of the con cern is transacted right here in Omaha aud Council Bluffs? It must be, of course, that the incorporation laws of Maine are supposed to give some prlv lieges or exemptions that would not be enjoyed under the Incorporation laws of Nebraska or Iowa. It si-ems to us. how ever, that it wonld be a good idea for a home Institution to do all Its business at home. The probating of the will of the late Mayor Moores confirms the statement made by The Bee that he laid down the cares of office poorer In worldly goods than he was when he was first elected chief executive, and this despite the con stant efforts of his political opponents to create the impression that he wag the central beneficiary of a great system ol organized graft. The comparative pov erty of the mayor's estate is the conclu slve answer to those who sought Impeach his integrity. to The councilmanlc candidate who Is resorting to a public card to express his contempt for the "Jack-ass battery" Is infringing ou a patent right of The Bee. The "Jack-ass battery" will always live in the annals of Omaha as referring to a certain Journalistic team that used to shoot paper bullets at one another across the table In a frantic attack while courteously passing the canteen at regular intervals from one side to the other. The World-Herald calls uou demo crats to attend the democratic primaries and cast a preliminary vote for "Jim" Pahlman for mayor "In order to get the habit." It adds that It will help a month later. No doubt about it. A whole lot of democrats will hare to spend a month acquiring the habit In order to nerve themselves to vote for Pahlman at the election. It Is an 111 wind that blows nobody ! good. . The windfall to (he local pnatof ' th e from the transmission of campaign literature has swelled the receipts of the office sufficient to false It to the next higher class, which means an Increase of pay for Uie poatofflce force from postmaster down. If It brought them all more money the postal clerks would not objoct to having an election every month in the year. Public sentlmeut among Nebraska re publicans is strong for glvlug the rank and file of the party something to say as to who should be the party choice for United States senator, but the only proper way to get the sentiment of the party focused for a senatorial nomina tion Is by the Inauguration of a direct primary system. Candidates for primary nominations in Omaha am said to have speut nearly $S,000 for postage on their campaign lit erature alone during the last few days of the canvass. When the affidavits of election expenses come to be filed this 5.000 will look more like 80 cents. Iowa's Laeky Boy. Minneapolis Journal. Senator Elklns, the man who took the pains to send all over Iowa an attack on Governor Cummins, has Just been forced to yield to the demand of an Independent min ing company which! charged in a suit at law that his railroad was trying to crush It out of existence. That Cummins boy Is a lucky cuss. Comlaac Errata Cast Shadows. Baltimore American. Owing to the multiplicity of other sub jects of world Interest, the Easter hats have been rather in the background as matter of contemporary discussion. But they will soon be In the limelight, and then the sex that Is to wear them and the sex that Is to pay for them will neither one care much about the outcome of the Algcclraa conference. Rabbin It la. Cleveland Leader. If England and the United States wen not such good friends, the giving of the name Constitution to the great battle ship which will take from the British Dreadnaught the honor of being the big gest war vessel, might be called "rubbing It In." It recalls the doom of the Guer rlere, the Java, the Cyane and tha Le vant. Secretary Root's Mission. San Francisco Chronicle. Secretary Root will attend the Pan-Amer ican congress, which will be held In Brasll this summer. Tt Is to be hoped that the re sult of his visit will bo to convince South Americans, not that we wish to be their protector, but that we desire their assist ance In firmly establishing the I policy of "no outside Interference with the destinies of American republics." otes of the Early Robin. Cincinnati Enquirer. Don't you feel It? Spring Isn't here yet, but It Is coming, and very near, for even now Its soft, reviving breath Is In the air, and Its advance couriers are seen and heard making their way northward, dim specks against thedlstant blue, or pausing to warble and chatter in the bare, brown branches of the waiting trees. The whole earth seems in a state of expectancy. BRI AR ASD HEARST. Polata Wherela MThey Differ, Accord- Ins; to, Kew Yorker. Springfield .Mass.) Republican. A faithful chronicle of current political developments could not be ma te were on to Ignore. tha blistering attach upon Mr. Hearst by Dclancey Niooll of the Demo cratic c(ub In New York. Mr. Nlcoll was vice chairman ot the democratic national committee In 1904; August Belmont, who was chairman of the democratic advisory committee In the same year, heard what Mr. Nlcoll said and asked the company of democrats present to vote In approval or In condemnation of the sentiments ex pressed. The vote was unanimous in ap proval, which renders the views of the said Nlcoll worthy of more extended cir culation. Mr. Nlcoll denounced. Mr. Hearst for treachery to Judge Parker. The national committee, he said, had paid for a room for the Hearst, bureas at headquarters. "They came to me and said they wanted 'to come in with us.' We said, 'Coma on In: we are .glad to have you with us.' " Everybody on the democratic side was ex pected to help. Mr. Nlcoll gets very angry now and thumps the table as he recalls that phase of the democratic campangn of 1904. Let him explain In his own words: "They came, Hearst and Ihmsen, to our headquarters, asking for a place with us, and they accepted our hospitality, they took our money, and then they tried to stab us In the dark. When I recall b treacherous record of this man Hearst I am compelled to contrast It with the rec ord of another man a man with whom ws have not always agreed. I am led to contrast the treacherous record of this man Hearst with the honorable record of William J. Bryaa, I know a true democrat from a false one. Mr. Bryan did his best with his great "eloquence and the power of his great personality, after he was de feated In the convention, to elect the can didates of his party. He was not with us In spirit, perhaps: he did not believe aa we believed; but. when tha platform was adopted and the candidates named he sup ported the ticket loyally. He did the brave thing the honorable thing as between man and man. He went on the stump and advocated the election of Judge Parker, He couldn't control all his friends and wo knew when he went on the stump that he would not be able to control them, but ha didn't sneak Into our headquarters with promises of fealty to our common cause and take our money and put out his ban ner under our banner, and then Inspire his emissaries to stab the party's cadi- dates In the back. Ilk this traitor Hearst did. I'm telling you this to Illustrate the difference between an honorable man and a disloyal man and a scoundrel." That Judge Parker himself feels much as Mr. Nlcoll and Mr. Belmont do may be taken for granted. 4 He has Indicated his hostile attitude toward Mr. Hearst In va rious ways, notably In his attitude of legal counsellor and friend for Mayor McClellan and In his recent utterances In the south. But one man. under present conditions, fits Judge Parker's remark about the dema gogue, the shadow of whose "baleful, sinis ter figure" we now see "for the first time In our history reflected on the screen of the future." The Parker democracy will fls'it Hearst In New York state this year as beasts fight each other In the Jungle. And It looks more and more, judging by Mr. Nlcoll's laudation of Bryan, as If Mr. Belmont, Mr. Ryan and all the "safe and sane" democratic gentlemen of New York and vicinity were prepared to accept the Ncbraskan, In a flnul emergency, ss the pillar of true JefTersonlan conservatism. If Hearst should run In New York state for governor next full, on an Independent ticket, as well or nearly as well as he did for mayor, the flocking of these eminently conservative leaders of thought to the standard of William Jennings Bryan wouM be one of the snertacles of the euade. Much now diend on Hearst and the ter- I ror he can lns;ir. IF.SATORIAI. St4:ET10a. Fremont Tribune: If Norris Brown at up a trust every morning before breakfast our democratic friend would not be satis fled. They want for one of their number the senatorial seat for which Mr. Brown Is headed. Beaver City Times-Tribune: The Norrii Brown skyrocket has sent forth another shower of press bureau sparks. Walt for tha final explosion of red, white and blue stars. Then the stick will fall back to earth with a dull thud. Center Register: There Is strong talk of ex-Congressman George D. Melklejoha coming home to make the run for United States senator. Now, you're talking. We never did bellevs that story about Oeorge wearing a corset, and If he wants the place, we have concluded to let him bars It. Ashland Oaietta: Now that the Oasette a preferred candidate for the United States senatorshlp from Nebraska, the Hon. Host L. Hammond, has withdrawn from tha race, we are unqualifiedly in favor of Senator Millard as his own successor of all who have so far been mentioned In that connection. Alliance Times: Senator Millard la recog nized in Washington as one ot the greatest of western senators. Fie has been ap pointed to the chairmanship of several Important committees. His abilities are recognised by the members of tha senate, and his work for western Nebraska has bten good. He Is making a good record and should be retained. Bloomlngton Advocate: It Is reported that George Meiklejohn, who was formerly quite prominent In politics In this state, will shortly return and enter the senatorial contest. For the past four or live years Mr. Meiklejohn has been interested n mining in old Mexico and Nevada, where he has property "worth several millions, but his millions will never scours him tha seat in the senate. Nebraska Politician: While candidates for United States senator are being men tioned, It Is noticeable thst Edward Rose water of The Bee Is getting a major share of the compliments. There Is none who de nies the qualifications ot the Omaha editor for the position. Edward Rosewater woull be a credit to tha state as a senator. It would be known In Washington that Ne braska Is on thti map. Scrlbncr Rustler: If tha state wants a fearless and conscientious worker In the United States senate, one who would work In the same class at LaFollette and Folk, and with the administration, no better man could be found for the place than Judge R. E. Evans of Dakota City. He may not b a candidate but we feel safe In saying . that be Is not brought out by any conference of political manipulators. David City Banner: Whether Nortis Brown was brought out by a "news bu reau" or not as a candidate for United States' senator, aa is charged by the few newspapers opposing his candidacy, makes but little difference to us. This paper Is for Brown because he Is a man of brains, he Is a man who does something and ha U the kind of republican that the party and the state needs In the upper branch of congress. Calloway Queen: Tha Gothenburg In dependent, which, a few short weeks ago, was whooping It up for Norris Brown for United States senator, has opened Us eyes to the errors of its ways, and comes out flat-footed In support of Senator Mil lard. Senator Millard has done much for the good of Nebraska during his term of office, and there will bp many more pa pers open their eyes to this fact before the next session of the state legislature. Loup Valley Queen: If Senator Millard Is a friend of the railroads he la friendly to the best Interests of the common people. It Norris Brown Is an enemy of the rail roads, he Is an enemy to the best In terests of the laboring class of the state, and should not be placed in a position where ha will be able to legislate against those Interests, tt not Senator Millard to succeed himself, give us some one who Is possessed with business principles and good judgment enough to work with those who are working for the upbuilding of our grand and glorious Nebraska. Crete Vldette Herald: Rumor hath It that the city of Omaha has another can didate for United States senator "up Its sleeve" In the person of Hon. J. L. Web ster. The more men of that kind the bet ter. We would not care if the republican party would trot out a dosen such candi dates, and she has 'em, right in the North Platte county too. Among the list might be mentioned Brown, Calkins, Abbott of Grand Island, Judge Harrison, Webster, Cowan, Charley Green. Lorenio Crounse, E. Rosewater, M. P. Klnkald, Judge Barnes, George D. Meiklejohn and Charles Lk Manderaon. Grand Island Independent: If the re publicans of the state are alive to their Interests as Individual citizens of the com monwealth, and alive to their interests a privates In the ranks of a political army, with the weal of that army at heart, they will, in every precinct of the state, In struct their delegations to the county con ventions to Instruct the delegates to the state convention that they want Norrl Brown for senator, and want him selected, as was Senator Burkett, by the state con vention. It la the political -bureaus of the railroad and other corporations of the state against the attorney ' general, and the choice is plain. Indifference will be Just about as much In favor of the former as a direct vote in favor of railroad domination. Burt County Herald: The Lyons Sun says "that we have Imbibed the en thusiasm of the State Journal In advancing the candidacy of Norris Brown." We ad mit that we are enthusiastic tor Norris Brown for United States senator, but that enthusiasm was not dictated or created by any press bureau. It is from our ac quaintance extending over ten years with the gentleman and an admiration of his ability and sterling integrity. As to Ben ator Millard, we have no 111 word to say regarding him; he Is one of Nebraska's best financiers and an old and respectud cltlien of Omaha, but when considered from the standpoint of a statesman of ability, he does not come within the limit As a senator he is an accident, a com promise of a railroad caucus, Millard was never thought ot tor senator until it was known that D. E. Thompson could not be made by the railroads without making Edward Rosewater, the able editor of. The Bee. who the railroads hated worse than the devil hates holy water. To defeat Rosewater, Deltrlch and Millard were made by that railroad caucus. Then why talk of Rosewater being a possibility. Every railroad In the state would fl-ht him, be sides all ' the machine politicians and grafters, also a good many others who have a lingering Idea that If it was not for the sting of The Bee that they could have climbed the political ladder and lined their pockets out of the public treasury. Norris Brown Is of the Roosevelt kind, he Is clean, able, fearless, and absolutely fair. Put Norris Brown In tha senate with Burkett, then Nebraska will have a pair that will . be a credit to the state, the same as Deliver Is to Iowa. Ureal Seheiae for Faaa. Cleveland Plain Dealer. That verdict of tlO.OriO damagea -for In juries received from a batted ball at a league game seems a trifle steep. No doubt a lot of Innocent bystanuera would cheer, fully get in front of a batted ball for a good deal Was aaoney cash oowa. For B Luncheon r or Tea!I.'.'. A-few small biscuits easily, made with Royal Baking Powder. Make them small as small round as a napkin ring. Mix and bake just before . the meal. Serve hot. Nothing better for a light dessert than these little hot biscuits yvith butter and honey, marmalade or jam. You must use Royal Baking Powder to get them right. OVAL BAK'NO OWOEA CO., NEW VORK PERSONAL BOTES. There Is yet uncertainty as to whether the case of Mr. Perkins pf New York, be longs In the news columns or among the gems of humor. This country may participate In the next conference at The Hague for the sum of $50,000. Some of the participants heretofore seem to have received less than the worth of this much money. Camilla Flammorion, the well known French astronomer, has been collecting data? regarding the havoc worked by light ing and Is compiling a book to popular interest, which will shortly be published In this country. Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia Is the em press' fifth husband. No. 1 waa a general under King Theodore, who put him In prison: where he disappeared; No. 2 got a divorce; No. I was also Imprisoned by Menellk's predecessor; No. 4 was In posses sion when the lady took Menellk's fancy and when "all obstacles had been removed" Menelik married her. Major H. 8. Hersey, section director of the Weather Bureau at Milwaukee and in spector of Western stations,, has been directed from Washington to get every thing In shape in Milwaukee to leave at the earliest moment and to report as soon as possible at Washington to prepare to ac company the Walter Wellman polar ex pedition In search of the north pole. Congressman Babcock, leader of the house Insurgents, was gossiping with some newspaper men. "I understand a good many of the republican members won't be able to draw their mileage," said Babcock, s If imparting valuable information. How's thst?" asked some one. "Those ten republicans from Missouri and Kansas who kept Oklahoma and Indian territory from statehood are afraid to go home," he replied. MR. CARXKaiH'9 Bl'GOE8TIO!f . , Coatrol ( Railroad Rates "Impera tively Reqalren. Washington Post, in,, vt.wa or Andrew Carnegie on the juestlon Of regulating railroad rates are of great Interest. He takes me position i.. .n..nm,nt control of railroad rates is 'imperatively required," and thereby contributes to the strength of the public demand upon congress by revealing the true opinion of those who conduct the great Industrial operations of the country. Mr. Carnegie perceives that the public welfare requires that the Industries of the country and the common carriers shall be divorced. u rnroKl susraests that appeals from decisions of the Interstste Commerce com mission should be permitted only wnen the revenues of the railroads are seriously Impaired. He believes that the commission .i.n..M k. trusted to decide trifling cases fairly. This Is an entirely new suggestion and Is likely to receive tne attention oi the lawyers of the senate. It Is certain to be met. of course, with the argument that the right of appeal by either party i. inherent, and cannot be restricted by limiting the amount of money Involved. Th rtvhta of small shippers, wno, as Mr. Carnegie says, "can spare neither the time nor the money" required to contesi cases on appeal, are protected in the pend ing bill by making It the duty of the gov ernment Itself to defend the rates attacked by railroads on appeal. There does not appear to be any provision, however, for the relief of the small shipper, who him self may be compelled to appeal from the decisions of the commission. jjr, Carnegie Is recognised tnrougnoui tne ,rA a successful master of those economic and Industrial problems that fig ure so prominently in the activities of this busy, strenuous work-a-day age of ours, and his suggestions are certain to com mand the thoughtrul attention ot tne men who are charged with the duty of putting a sattsfactcry solution of the rate problem Into congressional enactment. It Quiets the Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valuable in consumption: it stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it con trols the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it, then do just as he says. S I I IS i We have no secrets We publish the formulas of all our medicines. SUA. r the . C. ayr o... LewaU, sin. AIM Kuatiim f ATTB'g EAIB TlOOt-Vor ta katr. ITER'S MLL Tot soutlaetlea. AYER'S BAkaAPAJUI.lA let ta Moos. Alfclt'S AfiliB CUfcA Tar ktaauts gas aftA, resJxfexst FLABBES OF PIN. Custtomer How can you afford to rive away a pair of rubber overshoes with ev.ry palr of shoes? Dealer If you had ever observed hn soon rubbers spoil a good pair of shoes you wouldn't ask. Cleveland Lead.r. Visitor What Is Colonel Bourbon swear ing about so furiously this morning? Louisville Man Oh, thia la the day when he has to pay his water tax. SomervlUe Journal. Mr. Ferguson was In a high state of In dignation. "Ijaura." he said, "rhat have you been doing to my new safety rasor? It's ruined:" "I didn't know It waa a rator, George," answered Mrs. Ferguson. "Norah tried for half an hour to slice potatoes with it and then gave It up. She says It's of no ac count." Chicago Tribune. i suppose you are tmnKing nara about i y viii. t4ucBiiuii ui railway legislation. , no, answered senator Sorghum. "I am afraid that If I think too hard about It I'll lose my nerve and be afraid to talk about It." Washington Star. "He's gone out to look for work." "Don't you bellevs It." "Well, he told me he was." "The most he'd do would be to go out and look at It." Philadelphia Ledger. "It Is Important that wa continue to rule the Pacific," said the statesman. "Thinking of oriental trade, as usual." "No. sir, I'm thinking of tha proposed battleships. We've srot to have an ocean somewhere big enough to float "em." Philadelphia Ledger. "Why do you express yourself with so much violence against railways and cor porations?" "I s'pose," answered Farmer Corntossel, "it's mostly 'cause I git kind o' lonesome an" don't want to be left out of the conver sation that's goln' on." Washington Star. "Here . Is somebody who says that the glory of Niagara lies in the volume of Its water." "Seems a pity to suggest a comparison between the greatest of cataracts and an Inflated stock company." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Before we were married," she com plained, "you swore you would go to the ends of the earth for me, and now" "And now," he Interrupted, "there are no 'ends' of the earth any more than there were then." Philadelphia Press. Captain Kldd was burying his Ill-gotten treasure. !i c?'f lv' ft away, .of course," he said. "It's tainted." Cheered, however, by the reflection that by the time posterity hsd succeeded In finding the swag every particle of taint would have vanished, he dug the hole still deeper. Chicago Tribune. HOW TO filCC'EED. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Gl.Yr. '"'d- 'e young, ambitious ones. VI ho seek to win and rise; Just practice what I preach to you. And do aa I ad vis. (For. having often failed myself. I am most wondrous wise.) If your ambition Is for wealth. Or yet for power or fame, Pray do not undermine your health By working for the same. riM0!",1"1' lo" and "midnight oil" Will bring you only shame. Do not eschew nor "scorn delights - And live laborious days" (The formula of scholar fools You'll find it never pays.) Eat, drink, be merry; please yourself But In nutritive ways. Eat much laugh much-at other's Jests Say nothing and look wise. And soon your reputation will ' Excite your surprise. Be silent and grow fat, and you Will soon begin to rise. Be silent, yes, except to laugh. And be discreet In that, Look wise, frown deeply now and then As though you "smelled a rat." Ble-p much, eat much, but, over all ' Get fat, my son, get fat! ' The world forever trusts fat men. Silent, discreet and strong. It holds them too good-natured, far To do lor question) wrong. ' The fat man doen't have to scheme Or work, to get along. . Be silent, then; look wise and smile. Get fat, it you'd be erreat. And when you weigh i0 pounds (Or somewhere near that weight) The world will come and hand you things Upon a silver plate. jV A 1- it