Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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County Attorney SUbaneh Baji Filine Tm
Woulil Help Some,
Architect Finds Faalt with Qaallty of
Stone Rather Thaa Contractor
Who Performed Work oa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLN, April . (Special.) County At
torney Slnbaugh of Douglas county, who
waa her today attending supreme court,
la anxious that the next legislature tlnil
soma legal way whereby a fee can be
charged for filings under the primary elec
tion law.
"Nearly everyon In Omaha was glad
when the aupreme court knocked out that
provision which provided a fee ahould be
charged candidates for filing their names.
But it aoon developed Ulat It would be
much better were the fee charged, even
though It Is only a small fee. Many can
didates announced themselves, because It
cost them nothing and gave them an op
portunity to ret before the public and re
curs free advertinlng.
"Were a fee of only 18 or S10 charged It
would causa a lot of these people to hesl
tats a long time before announcing them
selves. Many of -the candidates do not ex
pect an election and I feel sure they an
nounced themselves merely to get their
names In the papers. This could have been
prevented by a small filing fee. Of course,
the fee made the primary law unpopular,
but the large number of candidates will
also tend to do that unless there la some
way to put a atop to every man who wants
little advertising having his name put
on tha ticket" '
After delivering himself of the above
Judge Blabaugh took a look around the su
preme court rooms and said:
"The newspapers should advocate the
adoption of a constitutional amendment pro
viding for an increase In the pay of state
officers. Just think of It, the attorney gen
eral gets only 12,000 a year. As county
attorney of Douglas county I receive more
salary than that. Parties from other states
who come here and learn we only pay our
attorney general )2,000 wonder If that Is
the caliber of tnen we elect to such offices.
Tha stats of Nebraska should pay Its of
ficers higher salaries."
Kornsal Ballots Rejected.
Tha State Normal school at Kearney Is
not yet ready to be accepted by the State
Normal board, though about all the work
on the building has been completed. Some
time ago the board rejected the building
because Architect Berllnghof refused to re
port that It had coma up to the specifica
tions set out In the contract. The contrac
tors were then given more time in which
to make the changes demanded. Mr. Ber
llnghof will make another report to the
board next Monday and It Is understood
he will again recommend the structure be
rejected. Mr. Berllnghof said the fault was
not so much with the contractors as with
tha men who furnished tha stone for the
building. He will recommend that the
board go after these firms and compel them
to coma up to the specifications. ,
tato Lota Contrasts,
The State Board of Purchase and Sup
plies concluded its work this afternoon. No
coal bids were considered as all the state
Institutions are supplied at this time, loe.
which last ycir was bought for the state-
house for 16 a ton, was contracted for at $10
a ton today. It will be furnished by a
Lincoln firm, which was the only bidder.
Saloon Cases Not Arcstl, -
The Omaha saloon cases were not argued
In the supreme court this morning as had
been anticipated, as none of the lawyers in
terested, who asked for the argument, was
present and the court merely ordered the
case submitted in briefs. This Is the case
In which Elmer E. Thomas, attorney for
the Civic Federation, seeks to have a num
ber of the saloons closed pending a decision
In . a case where he is seeking to have
licenses revoked. One of the questions to
be settled Is who will have to pay for tha
transcript of ths testimony In the bearings
on protests before the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners.
At the next sitting of the court will be
argued the light of the county assessor of
Douglas county to assess business colleges.
County Attorney Slabaugh holds if these
, commercial colleges are exempt from tax
ation then it will be necessary to exempt
dancing schools and other schools of a like
nature. ' '
Toatla Rlaht of School Board.,
The supreme court has been called upon
to decide whether a school board has the
authority to expel a pupil from a school
without first granting a hearing to the child
and notifying the parents of its contem
plated action. The case has come up from
Merrick county and - It has been In the
courts since 1904, when the school board of
District No. I expelled Edith Englehardt.
John T, Englehardt, father of the girl,
brought mandamus suit and forced the
board to allow the child to attend tha
school. A rehearing was asked for and It
was contended mandamus was not the
proper proceedings and, further, that, the
father of tha girl ahould have appealed to
the courts from the decision of the board
THE NEW 1906
Spring Overcoat-
I The suit style is father to'the
Overcoat style.
' Because the sack roat is longer,
the overcoat is longer this year.
Because the sack roat flares at the
back-bottoms, the new spring:
Overcoat flares also.
As it's stiictly gentlemen's
Overcoat, we recommend quiet,
subdued fabrics, such as our No.
(Ill Gun Club Plaids (our own
importation and an exclusive
style) made to measure in Over
coat style, $ aa to 43.
As it la hard-to-tallor Over
coat style, we would recommend
that you have MacCarthy-Wllson
make it for you.
Phone Pouglas 1S. .- 8. 16th 8L
Kelt dour to Wabash Ticket Offlct.
Suits to Order S to 13.
Hlh claaa tailoring at popular prices.
a vHusam us r
If Jii
Some cocoa are half flourtome are
half sugar naturally these adulterated
tort cost lesstomanufacturethan Runkel'i
Cocoa because sugar and flour and starch
are cheaper than cocoa beam. The
Runkel way it the tafert, surest, taneit
way. Just enough of the cocoa fat is
extracted(by terrific mechanical pressure)
to make it readily digestible, but sufficient
it left to render it nourishing and nutritious.
Runlcel's Cocoa
is just the powdered cocoa bean (from
which the husk and the core are first re
moved), ground so fine and smooth that
its solubility and digestibility are certain.
One can of Runkel's Cocoa will hut
longer than any other because it vPall
cocoa. There's no flavor like it, because
it is made only of selected qualities of
cocoa beans, so subtly blended that a
most delightful aroma and a most enticing
flavor are attained. The price it just
the tame at though the quality were
not at high.
Send c for sample of Chocolate
and miniature can of Cocoa.
Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturer
Now Yorfc
Instead of bringing the mandamus suit. At
torneys for the school bosrd ask that the
decision of the lower court be reversed. The
girl was expelled November 1, 1904. but
went back to school November 16 under
the protection of the mandamus. The father
of the girl contended there should have
been a hearing on the charges brought
against the girl.
Mandamna Against School Board.
Attorney General Brown late this after
noon filed a petition In the supreme court
for a mandamus to compel the Lincoln
Bchool board to permit the children of Gov
ernor Mickey to attend the Lincoln public
schools without paying tuition. The board
has ruled that state officers voting else
where have no legal residence here and
consequently their children must pay tu
itlon as nonresidents. Ths governor has
four children attending school. Several
days ago the board refused to allow them
to continue until the governor paid the
tuition. Other state officers, including the
attorney general, will be affected by ths re
sult of tha suit.
Three Peoplo Inlnred, Ono of Them
Perhaps Fatally.
: OAKLAND, Neb., April (Special Tele
gram.) A north-bound train on the Ash'
land extension of the Great Northern was
wrecked three miles below Uehllng this
morning, seriously Injuring three persons,
as follows: J. W. Gate wood of the depot
carpenter crew, which was on Its way to
Lyons to build the depot, several ribs frac
tured and sustained internal Injuries which
may prove fatal. He was brought to this
city to the Crana hotel, where he received
medical attention and is under the care of
a nurse.
Isaac Van Wlrk, also of the carpenter
crew, was cut about the face and badly
bruised, but was able to proceed with the
crew after his wounds were dressed.
L. E. Nelson of this city, the only pas
senger on the train, was Injured about the
head and neck, though not seriously.
The other occupants of tha coach escaped
with slight scratches and bruises. A soft
track caused a car of lumber to go Into
the ditch, containing five feet of water,
taking with It the passenger coach, which
turned completely over. The engine and
remaining cars proceeded to this city with
the Injured and a wrecker was sent for to
clean up the wreck.
Lars Attendance at the Sessions at
TECUMSEH, Neb., April I (Special Tel
egram.) The annual convention of the first
district of the missionary society of ths
Christian church has assembled bare. DjlO'
gates have been arriving all day and the
attendance will be the best ever accorded a
similar meeting. Although there waa noth
lng on the program for this afternoon, an
Impromptu service was held, with Elder A.
L. Ogden of Bethany as the speaker. Thl
evening the praise and devotional servloa
was conducted by Elder F. L Pettlt of
Auburn, after which greeting was extended
by the pastor of the Tacumseh church. El
der A, L. Zlnk. Elder E. R. Hunt of Ver
don responded. Miss Mae Corbln of Te-
cumseh sang a vocal number and Elder J,
D. Forsythe of Peru delivered an address
on "The Church of Christ and Evange
Those of Fonrth District In Seaalon
at A arora.
AURORA, Neb., April 1 (Special Tele-
-rm uTh first convention of the Fourth
.n-trW-r nf women's cluba convened In
Highlander hall In this city at I o'clock
this afternoon. Although It rained stead
iiv all afternoon about 100 were In attend
ance. The program aa given below waa
carried out:
. i , Ti. 1 1 T ' n f . .1 ,1
muic iv nen 1, .... i
Invocation Mla Norma Whit more
Address of Welcome Mrs. JleUel
- Mr I'lurb
IelHuw ......
Musk Irish Love 6ong..Mre. Klvine Aldan
Atloress Dumiiici
kl. ...... .A'nolum. Wnlta . M r Ij.urli
Civil Service Mrs. t'uscadden
Industrial Work '..Mrs. Langworsty
Music Song ol a jiean
Mrs. Myrtle Mathe
The delegates and two clubs of Aurora
took dinner together at the home of Mr
A. G. Peterson.
Seeond Trial at Married Life.
FREMONT, Neb.. April 3. (Special.) J
W. Zwcliel of this city and Nora Saunders
of Valley were married today by Count
Judge Brig at the court house. 8ven
years ago at the same place they were
also married by the county Judge. A few
.ears later they were divorced and have
now decided to make another try of ma
rled life. Tha groom occupies a reaponalbl
position with May Bros.' wholesale grocery
hasten Strokera Fall.
B08TON. April t. Tha brokerage firm
Fools at French announced Its angnmen
today. It Is said that tot failure u not
Question of Wet or Dry tha Issue in Host of
the Cities and Towns.
Sehnyler Tarns tp a Sarnrlse by
Gains; Republican and All Towns
In Sheridan Connty
Go Dry.
BEATRICE, Neb., April ,-(8peclal Tel
egramsThe election today was the quiet-
est held In Beatrice In many years. There
was only one ticket In the field and con
sequently the republicans had everything
their own way. There was a little scrap 'n
the third ward between Charles McCall, re
publican candidate for alderman, and John
Bealer, petition candidate, the former win
ing by nearly t to 1. The ticket elected is
as follows: For counctlmen, First ward.
Albert Bage; Second, E. W. Clancy; Third,
C. J. McCall; Fourth, J. B. Parker. Mem
bers of Board of Education, J. A. McCal-
lum, W. E. Lenhart, B. H. Begole.
HARTINQTON. Neb., April t.-(8peclal
Telegram.) At the city election 251 votes
were cast. Ex-Mayor A. B. Cable, repub
lican, is elected mayor over H. E. Burkett,
democrat, by a majority of S9. Political lines
were not closely drawn and the main fea
ture of the contest was that tha defeated
candidate represented the element which
wanted the lid put on tight.
FLORENCE, Neb., April .-8pecial Tele
gramsWith a comparatively light vote
the republicans elected three of the five
officials In the election at Florence today.
The vote was about twenty short of a full
vote. Following are the results:
Mayor. F. M. King. dem.. 79: J. W. Blmn-
son. rep.. IIS. Clerk, M. B. Thompson, rep..
192; no opposition. Treasurer, J. B. Brts
bln, dem., 99; Frank C. Brown, rep., 90.
Councilman: South ward, David Andrews,
dem., 61; A. C. Cubley, rep., S3. North
ward, Jacob Weber, Jr., 69; Robert Craig,
em., .
BENNINGTON. Neb., April ..-(Special
Telegram.) Bennington went "wet" again
today at the annual election of members of
the village board. For the one-year term
C. Peterson was elected over Charles
Koch by a vote of 31 to IS. For the two
year term the vote was ss follows, the
three highest being elected: J. P. Boyer, 30;
Claus Ernst, 49; Charles Koch, 24; William
Voss, 15; Nicholas Witt, 20. Sixty-six votes
were cast, being a good turnout.
Llcenae at Kellsch.
NELIQH. Neb., April 8. (Special Tele
gram.) At the election today J. C. Jenkins
defeated J. D. Hatfield for mayor by a ma
jority of 88 votes. About two-thirds of a
vote was polled. The council remains pre
sumably solid for license. Prohibition was
not an Issue.
TEKAMAH. Neb., April 8. (Special.)
The annual city election passed off very
quietly today, there being but one ticket in
the field. The only proposition to be voted
on was for or against the Issuance of
liquor licenses, the former winning out by
one vote. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Mayor. A. M.
Anderson; clerk, M. 8. McGrew; treasurer,
Ed Latta; police Judge, James C. Shaw;
city engineer, W. E. Pratt; councilmen,
Chris Johnson and Chris Jeep; for members
of the Board of Education, Frank E. Ward
and James Rt, Foree.
WTMORE, Neb., April S.-(8pcclal Tele-
gram.) The election resulted: L. H. Arch-
ard, mayor; L. E. Caldwell, clerk; George
Stevenson, treasurer; J. M. Hurst, engineer.
Councilmen: First ward, William Steward;
Second ward, E. H. Mordharts.
WEST POINT, Neb.. April S.-(Speelal
Telegram.) The entire people's ticket was
elected against -the cltisen's ticket. 8. D,
Hunker, for mayor, has 75 majority. The
other officers are: C. C. Malchow, clerk; R,
H. Kerkow, treasurer; J. C. Elliott. J. II
Thompson and Dr. H. L. Wlllson, Board of
Education. Councilmen: First ward, Peter
Poellot; Second ward, W. C. 8. Nellgh;
Third ward, Elmer Peterson; Fourth ward,
Harry Radler.
BLUE SPRINGS, Neb., April (.-(Special
Telegram.) Following is the result .of the
city election: E. H. Burlington, mayor; E.
8. Gillette, clerk; Frank McNutt, treasurer;
E. W. Poor, police Judge; William Crump,
city engineer; L. 8. Daniels, councilman.
First ward; Reuben Vavett, councilman.
Second ward.
LONG PINE. Neb.. April l.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) In celebration of today's election
results a great demonstration Is being made
here tonight. P. H. Elghmy and Uriah
Chester, the candidates endorsed at the
cltisen's caucus last month for vacancies
In the village council, were elected by large
majorities over two opposing tickets. Both
men are, substantial cltlsens. In the vote
for and against licensed saloons, the license
voters won by twenty-five majority. Re
liable telephonic reports Just received here
from Alnsworth, the county seat of Brown
county, state that the anti-license voters of
that town won by six votes.
No Gambling at AUJance.
ALLIANCE. Neb., April I. (Special Tele
gram ) C. O. Aspenwall. a leading business
man, was elected mayor here today on a
policy of rigid enforcement of laws govern
ing saloons and the total wiping out of
gambling. The result is being celebrated by
numerous bonfires and a general good feel
lng on the part of the cltlsens generally.
EMERSON, Neb., April 3. (Special Tele
gram.) James Ireland and Webb Kellogg
were elected village trustees and C C.
Doudreau and W. G. Martin were a tie.
There waa no politics In the election, but
the new board Is supposed to be In favor of
strict enforcement of the law as re
garde saloons and slot machines.
SCHUYLER. Neb., April 8. (Special Tele'
gram.) The election today turned out to be
a republican victory. The republicans
elected six out of nine candidates. The fol
lowing officers were elected: W. A. Rath-
ssck, rep., mayor; W, J. Hlggina, rep..
treasurer; J. L. Woods, rep., clerk; L. C,
Smith, dem., police Judge. Councilmen:
Thomas Wacha, rep.. First ward; C. H.
Smith, dem.. Second ward; Ed Vrsak, rep..
Third ward. Board nf Education: Clrll
Schmld, rep., and Frank Shonka, dem. The
Board of Education waa elected by small
majorities, while the city officials were
elected by sweeping ones. The Third ward
turned out to be the greatest surprise. This
ward returned majorities for republicans
except In two rases. The Second ward
elected a democratic councilman while It
gave a sweeping majority to all the other
republican candidates. '
DAVENPORT. Neb., April 3. (Special
Telegram.) The local election passed oft
quietly today, the question at laaua being
llcenae or no license, snd the result was a
victory for the wets. The license ticket
was W. II. Pike, Charles E. Belby and L.
L Slagel.
RU8HV1LLE. Neb.. April 3 (Bpeclal Tel
egram.) Rushvllla went dry In today'a elec
tlon. the new board being Messrs. II. O
Morse. John Mann, Dr. O. L Wilson, T,
D. Sutherland. Messagea over the tele
phone announce both Hay Springs and Gor
don are dry- This makea all the towna In
the county anti-saloon for tha first time
since Its organisation. "
CRETE. Neb.. April 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Today'a vote in Crete reesulted in
the election of 8. L. Malna for mayor by
a majority of 67 over L. IL Dennlaon.
There waa no political contest, all candi
dates having been nominated by a cltl
sens' caucus In which a double ticket was
put up. Tha other successful candidates
Dredta. clerk; Fred Hler,
V. Fuhrer engineer; August
T. Buchsnsn, John Bryson.
treasurer; J.
Segetke. W.
councilmen. -
BLTTEv Neb., April 3. (Special Tele
gram.) The cltisen's ticket wss elected to
day by a majority of only ten, which
means Rutte will be high license. Mike
Slegel and Don Sinclair were elected new
members of the town bosrd.
Norfolk Is Democratic.
NORFOLK. Neb., April 3.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Norfolk went democratic by about
100, re-electing John Friday as mayor. Jul
ius Hssse Is elected treasurer, Julius Hulff.
clerk; H. Salmon, engineer; Matrau and
Johnson, members of the school board;
Hasse, Craven, Brumund and Ppellman,
councilmen. W. H. Johnson and Dan
Craven are republicans and the others dem
ocrats. The $40,000 sewer bonds csrrled by
100 majority.
BLAIR. Neb.. April 1 (Special Tele
gram.) The city election passed off quietly
today, although there was a hard fight put
up on the license or no license question,
which carried for a no license and dry town
by a majority of 61. Hon. W. O. Harrison
was elected mayor by a majority of 69 over
L. A. Williams, the present mayor, and T.
Llpplncott, candidate on the socialist
ticket. F. W. Kenny and Joe 8. Cook were
re-elected on the Board of Education; Paul
Peterson, councilman for the Second ward:
Emmet Bolt, Fourth ward; Guy Mead,
Third ward; James Christiansen and Al
vln McKInney. First ward. If the new
mayor and council carry out the wishes ex
pressed by the vote of the people it will
be the first time In the history of Blair that
no licenses have been granted for the sa
loons. NEBRASKA CITT, April S.-(8peclal
Telegram.) One of the most exciting cam
paigns ever held In this city ended today
In a sweeping republican victory. John
W. Stelnhardt. republican, wss elected
mayor by 377 over C. H. Kressen, demo
crat, candidate for re-election. Charles
Schmlnke, republican. Is elected treasurer;
E. J. Goes, republican, police judge; M. C.
Berry, democrat, city clerk. For the city
council: First ward, "William Csrmon, re
publican; Second ward, A. N, Nelson, re
publican; Third ward, F. L. Koeppel, re
publican, and John Stelnhardt, democrat
(father of the mayor-elect), are tied;
Fourth ward, George Kregel, republican.
For the board of education B. W. Schmlnke
and William Meti, republicans, and Dr.
Claude Watson, democrat, are elected.
TECUMSEH, Neb., April (.-(Special
Telegram.) License carried In Tecumseh
by 17 majority. The following nonpartisan
ticket was elected: Mayor, H. T. Wsrd;
clerk, , C. M. Wilson; treasurer, L. M.
Davis; engineer, Roscoe Gore; councilmen.
First ward, Frank Nail; Second ward,
George Mueller: Third wnrd, long term, S.
B. Parker; short term, O. L. Brown.
High License nt Holdreac.
HOLDREGE, Neb., April 3. (Special.)
The result of the city election In Holdrege
today waa a complete victory for the en
tire high license ticket. Max Vhllg. for
mayor, was elected by a majority of 1:19,
the largest majority ever given any can
didate for mayor. The total number of
votes cast In the city was 590, 200 short of
full vote, the stay at homes being about
evenly divided between the two parties.
License or no license was the only Issue.
HASTINGS. Neb., April 3. (Special.)
Regardless of rsin and snow Hastings
voters turned out today and elected the
entire republican ticket with the exception
of two councilmen. Mayor Miles was
unanimously elected for the third term,
as the fuslonlsts failed to secure a candi
date who would make the race against
him. The ticket as elected: Mayor, Clar
ence J. Miles; clerk, A. T. Brat Ion; treas
urer, A. H. Cramer; water commissioner,
L. A. Payne; councilman,' First ward, 8.
B. Williams; Second. 1 E; " L. Gauvreau;
Third, O. C. ZInn; Fourth,' C. Ingstram;
school board, E. E. VanPatten, D. M. Ball,
E. N. Hallen and George T. Brown.
BENSON. Neb., April 3. (Special.) The
village election resulted as follows: Coun
cilmen, James A. Howard, rep.; Jesse V.
Long, labor candidate (full term); Burt L.
Childs to fill vacancy.
BENKELMAN. Neb.. April (.-(Special.)
The high license ticket came out victor
ious at the village election today, J. A.
McDonald. M. S. Owens and J. C. Ough
being elected by small majorities.
O'NEILL. Neb., April 3. (Speclal.)-The
city election passed off quietly today. A
heavy vote was polled. Politics did not
enter Into the contest. Mayor D. A. Doyle
was defeated for re-election by ex-Mayor
Ed. F. ' Gallagher by forty-five votes. R.
D. Saunders wss re-elected city clerk, J.
F. Gallagher city treasurer and Sheridan
Simmons police Judge. Councilmen were
re-elected as follows: First ward, T. D.
Hanley; Second ward. Nell Brennan: Third
ward, Henry Zimmerman.
Reopening; Old 0.narrtea.
LOUISVILLE, Neb.. April S.-(8peclal.)-
It Is reported that the old stone quarry
east of this olace haa been leased for n
number of years by Omaha and local parties
and that a force of 100 men will be set to
work shortly. This quarry has not been
worked for over fifteen years. At that
time it waa worked by convict labor, a
large number of prisoners from the state
penitentiary being employed. The large
three-story stone dwelling that fronts the
cliff above the quarry and which has been
a landmark for years from all parts of
Sarpy and Cass counties wss erected from
rock taken from the quarry by prison
labor. It is understood that ths quarry
Is now to be worked for the purpose of
obtaining the rock to be crushed for ce
ment purposes. t
News of Nebraska.
Rt.AITt A heavv rain began falling here
at 7 o'clock tonight and continued for two
OFN EVA While duck hunting Sunday
Will Carson shot his left arm badly,
shattering some of the bones.
GENEVA Tha weather Sunday and Mon
day waa fine and the mud haa dried and
work in the neias is commencea.
CLAY CENTER The Clay Center State
hank one ned for business here today. J. U.
Walker of Ong Is president and F. t. Swan-
son, former county treasurer, is casmer.
Its capital stock is (JG.OuO.
n.AY CENTER Prof. W. L. Bowling has
been re-elected as superintendent of schools
of this city for anotner year, mis won
the present season has been satisfactory.
He formerly taught in the Madison High
OXFORD The State university officials
have officially notified the Board of Educa
tion that the Oxford public schools have
were : L. C.
1 CJ -I .-as !
Tourist was originated to meet tke demand (or S stylii n
sboa tkat is also perfectly comfortable. Most so-called
comfort sLoca bare keen flat-footed, fbroad-toed, ungainly.
Tie Tourist is dressy and graceful, yet comfortable as an old
slipper. It feels right; 1 00 t right; wears right; costs but $3.00
Sol4 ky tke sc osalers mrywlnri.
"Within a few days wc will move to our new building, 1311
and 1313, Farnam street, but in the meantime we will make the
final eut on all instruments yet unsold. AVe also have three
earloads of fine pianos on the railroad track, and rather than
pay demurrage have decided to unload and sell them to the
public at absolute cost plus the freight. Your only oppor
tunity to own a fine Steinway, A. B. Chase, Hardman, Emerson,
or Steck Piano at practically your own terms and price is now
at onw, for we are positively forced to move within a few days.
You can buy at
A beautiful Ebony Case Upright,
standard make
Fine Vose & Sons, good
Fine Walnut Erbe ft Co., ivory
New beautiful Rosewood Case Sample
Every instrument fully guaranteed as represented or money refunded. You can make
a bona fide saving of from $100 on a feair pian o to $200 on a fine instrument. Free catalogues
and prices with bargain list furnished on request. Sale in progress from 8 A. M. to 9 P. SI.
Schmoller & ElQueller
Closing Out the Entire Stock
been placed upon the accredited lift. A
twelve-year courne has been carried for
some time past, and with Incrensed facili
ties and a strengthened faculty It Is ex
pected that our educational system will
be excelled by n3 other school In south
central Nebraska.
GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Aufrust Bau
mann, wife of the head clerk nt the post
office, pusned away Inst night after a
lona; and severe Illness, attended by a most
severe operation for cancer. She leaves
three children, e'eral sisters and brothers
to mourn her loss, besides her husband.
OXFORD William T. rettygrove of the
hardware Arm of Pettygrove & Son of this
city is a happv Benedict, having been
wedded to Miss Bertha Inglesbee at Onaga.
Kan. The groom has recently built and
furnished a cosy home, and with his bride
will he at home to their frlenda after
May 1.
NEBRASKA CITY The mortgage In
debtedness of Otoe county was Increased
last month by H.679.0l. The figures were
as follows: Farm mortgages filed, sixty,
amounting to S1R1.207.J6; released, fifty-five,
amounting to S133.740.M; increase, S47.4W.30.
On city and town property the mortgage
Indebtedness was decreased $789.29.
HUMBOLDT Prof. Oahcr Schlalfer. prin
cipal of the city schools, last evening en
tertained the teachers and Mrs. Hoff, wife
of the superintendent, st the home of Mrs.
J. C. Segrist. the event being primarily in
honor of Miss Eva Cooper of the high
Bchool corps, who leaves next week for the
Philippines, where she will take up the edu
cational work under direction of the gov
ernment. HUMBOLDT A traveling "doctor," who
was engaged Saturday afternoon in dis
posing of his wares and telling of his won
derful healing power from the street corner,
waa arrested upon complaint of one of the
local phyalclans, and brought into the court
of Justice Smith to answer to a violation
of the state laws regarding the practice of
medicine. The proceedings were quashed
In the Justice court and the oomnlalnants
are now seeking tne aid of the county
authorities in prosecuting the stranger.
WK8T POINT Frls Foellmer, one of the
best known and oldest cltlsens of Cuming
county, waa arraigned yesterday. In Justice
court on a charge of knowingly disponing
of fifteen head of diseased swine to a hog
feeder In West Point. A large number ot
witnesses were In attendance and great
Interest was manifested. The evidence de
vloped the fact that nearly all the hogs
died of an infectioua disease, after they
came Into the possession of the com
plainant, but failed to show any guilty
knowledge on the part of the accused.
The defendant was discharged.
TECUMSEH At a meeting of the Tecum
seh Board of Education last evening the
following teachers were elected for the city
schools next year: Prof. C. C. Danforth.
auperlntendent; Miss Bertha McCall, prin
cipal; Miss Helen Wright, principal gram
mar school; Miss Nannie Wilkinson, Miss
Sarah Bowen, Miss Lena Hodges, Miss
Jennie Stanton. Miss Mary Clark, Miss
Kdlth Crtsenherry. Miss Gertrude Easton,
MIks Margaret Wilson. Miss Zuella Trester.
Miss ldemna Swan and Misa Clara Zuta
vern. at present of the teaching force, were
not applicanta. George Pinnell was retained
as Janitor.
WOOD RIVER B. J. Oulnan, a farmer
residing six miles northwest of Wood
River, suffered a heavy loss by fire last
evening, which destroyed his barn, granar
ies, sheds and other outbuildings, besides
six head of horses, 4o0 bushels of oata
and corn, one stack of hay. harness and
buggy- The Are started this morning at
i o'clock from unknown origin and by the
Ime the family reached the hnrn It was In
lamea and they were unable to save the
horsea. One of the teams which Mr.
Guinsn recently purchased for $W0 was
burned. The total lose will be over $1,000
with no Insurance.
GRAND ISLAND At Its meeting lBt
night the Board of Education received three
bids on the recently registered $Hu.0OO 44
per cent high school bond Issue and ac
cepted the bid of Spider A Co., an Ohio
firm, for $314 premium upon a condition
which It is believed will be met by wire
today. The nrst advertisement for the
sale of the bonds, sll to be delivered at one
time, brought forth twelve bids. The
bid of N. W. Harris A Co. was at that
time accepted. The attorney for the firm,
however, refused to approve the Issue on
account of alleged trregularillea In the
election. The irregularities referred to
were since referred to the auditor of the
slate, who In turn referred them to At
torney General Brown. The latter found
the objections made Invalid and the aud
itor haa since registered the bonds. The
board then proceeded to advertise for the
second time. Upon the theory that such
a plan would save interest the second ad
vertisement waa for bonds in Installments
of $10,001) at atated periods of about three
months each, the laat falling due in Sep
tember, 1W7, aa to delivery. However, only
three bids were received last night. It
being spparent from these and from the
coiiiniunications of several other bidders
that the Installment plan was not very
favorably received by the bond companies.
The Ohio linn bid upon the bonds, de
livery being specified at the atated periods
"or earlier at our (the bldder'a) option."
This offer waa accepted as most nesrly
complying Willi the proposal, upon condi
tion that the firm would make the clause
read to the effect that the option to de
liver earlier would be In the Bchool district
of Grand Island. Adjournment waa made
at the call of the chair and a wire response
is expected today some time. It Is believed
that the firm will consent to the change
In the wording of the bid and that such
wording waa a clerical error.
OtfeXST $300
Lady's ShoeCJ
A New Snoc
ly a wall laown sad
Reliable Manufacturer
Three new pastern makes, Puritan models,
$215, $185 and
Elegant Chlckering Upright, rosewood
case, only
Handsome Cabinet Grand Oak Steger,
former price $450, now
Beautiful Ebony Steinway, slightly used,
at 1407 Harney Stree.
After April 7th 1311-1113 Farnam Street.
mm s
Others, we furnish the highest grade hand
cream separators made i n the world. Com
pare with any other separators made, ours
hag greater eapaolty, skim doner, skims
colder milk, runs easier. Ts stronger, less liai-le to get out of
order, will wear lonser, and besides our price is a mere fraction
of what others rhw. We give you two' month free use and free
trial, we Issue a binding twenty years' guarantee, we take care
of your separator for you free from the day you receive It, and
we will always in the years to come furnish you any needed
repair or part tiromptlv on a davs notice.
tlons wa send you. anyone without previous exiiericnt cun
operate it at once, and do better and more work tlian
can be done with any other separator made.
aai SO It closar, battsr anS ealar than any ottisr para tor of
Ilk sin will skim SUO patinas in oas bout. ' f
last twice at longasany other hand cream separator made
ana yet we nirniMi it tor lum a tew aoiiars compared witn
the Drices charred bv others.
actual cost of material and labor, and Is a small part of
what other charge, AND OU TE&MS A& 80
On a costal card or In a letter to us simply
Free Cream Separator OSer," and you will
free, postpaid, our very latest special hand
losue (Just out), with pictures of our machines, copies of medals, diplomas and awards umciru, rAtiim... u iirevuiiu in auiiriLi()a whh oiner separators, pictures of
all the parts, full descriptions, testimonials, official and general endorsements and our great
SI, 000 00 quality .challenge, alto copies of our guarantees, etc. We will also tend you
our two moaw irsa trial proposition, and we will send
Ova separator will say you SIO.OO to $15.00 a year on every cow you keep, paying "
for Hell several times over In a year, besides two months' use costs vou nothing Don't fail -to
write and let us mail you our free book and wonderful free trial separator offer.
We will send you free these six larfe, full slse, beautifully finished, handsomely
embocted, hardwood otne seated chairs when all your orders to us have amounted
to (00.00, or you can have your choice free of many other vuluahle pieces of furniture or
other useful thliura; a buegy. harness, saddle, bedroom suite, organ, couch, dresser or vour
choice of hundreds of similar valuable articles. All this will be fully explained when you write
for our Free (Yearn Separator Otfer. On a posts I card or la a letter to us tori a v be sure to
ask us to send you our Free Cream Separator Offer, and get all we will send you free by return
mail, postpaid Address, ' "
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Iongrtt KKtablislied, Most Successful and Reliable Speclalista, as Mcdi
cnl P'-'omas, .Licenses and Newspaper Ier-nru Show.
and their dangerous development.
STRICTURE of the URKTHRA. whether chronic, acute or spasmotlc, prl
muriiy induced as a result of neKlecied or Improperly treated Gonorrhoea . or
other causes, obatructing the passage and liiip.-ding the flow of walr, and In
time closing the urethal canal entlroly, producing a frightful tension of the
nervous system, will soon Involve In its destructive course the whole genito
urinary system.
Stricture produces a burning or scalding sentmtlon when voiding urine,
obstructing Its How. or a persistent mucous discharge, causing Irritation
and pain, or prontatlc complications. When a man aeea that hl stream is
incoming slowly but surelv smaller, that It Is twisted, divided and Irregular,
that It passes with less force thun formerly, that ho urinates moro fre
quently than he should, that sometimes he niust get up in the night to re
lieve himself, and that at times his suffering Is InleiiHe from the scalding,
burning and hcariiiK-down sensations, and that he has a gleety discharge
that drains Ilia system constantly, thus weakening both his sexual and gen
eral system, tiien, we say. It is hig h time tnat he should do something,
booner or later, in every case, the urethra, the bladder, the prostata gland
and even the. kidneys become diaeased, and If matters are allowed to lake
their own course, the whole genUo-uiinary syrlein becomes disorganised an&
the general health it wrecked. Any sufferer should not let this diseaaa .
run on and on, only to become worse aa time progreuses. These troubles are
dangerous and treacherous, not only in themselves, but in the complica
tions that ensue, because these changes are constantly taking place and aro -hardly
percepts ble, hence attract little or no auentlon, but sooner or later'
the sufferer will awaken to the fuel that he Is In serious shape, und that lia
has committed a great error in allowing this trouble to Insidiously pro- ,
gress and tenaciously fasten llm lf upon the system. He may even be com
pelled to void the urine drop by drop or by the use of a catheter. . r
Hy our method of treatment the cicatricial tissue Is dissolved, the obstruc
tion and Irritation along the urethral canal removed, und the prostate gland. .
bladder and kiuneya restored to a normal condition of health, strength ami
vigor. We cure safely and thoroughly , ,
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, . v
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all dlrases and weaknesses of men due td Inheritance, evil habits, self
abuse, excesses, or the result of specific or private diseases. ,
Ceaaultatlen If you
see Baamlnatlea (Jrtlce Hours a. ni. to S p. in. Sundays, w to only.
1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
-rv y
McPhail, Steger, Kurtzman
at hand, but you must come
Piano Qo
Telephone Douglas 1625.
say. "Bend ma your
receive by return mail
cream separator cats
you our latest and
cannot call write for symptom ' blank. '
i. y . day anrs
'. " 5 . ' " rw a n 4
F- s -7 Creasa
tt II Separator