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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, lOOfi. CATTLEMEN'S LATEST MOVE Prominent Hansen. Under Chartre Want Million Acrea for Grazing. WOULD SEGREGATE IT FROM HOMESTEADS It Pimm la Adopted It Will Xalllfr lro (lii Aajalnat Petitioners (or Aliased Illegal Fraclac I I'abllc Uad. A new move haa Just been Inaugurated n the part of the cattlemen, with a view to nullifying the proceedings against them In the United States courts fur this district, for alleged illegal fencing of public lands. A petition Is bring circulated which asks that the IHsmul ltlver forest reserve be extended to the North Platte forest reserve through the counties of Hooker, Thomas, Blaine and McPherson, whereby over 1,000, OuO acres of public land will ba segregated from the privileges of homestead entry, and thus turned over for general grazing pur poses. Among the petitioners are the Dawson Bros., ltev. O. Q. Ware and the U. B. I. Itnd and Cattle company, Black Bros., T. B. llord and others, all of whom now have suits pending against them in the l.'nlted States circuit court for maintaining illegal fences around vast tracts of public lands, obstructing public highways, inter cepting the United States moils. Should the petition be granted extending the forest reserves, the civil cases now pending against these parties will, of neces sity, huve to be abandoned. However, the extension of the forest reserve as petitioned for will not cause the abandonment of the prosecution of such of the petitioners as are under investigation for procuring fraud ulent land eatrles within their enclosures. These investigations will be continued by the secret service department and sub mitted to the federal grand Jury for its determination in May. WAHE'I BILI, OF EXCEPTIONS FILED There Hundred rases of Reasons Why Verdict la Unsound. The bill of exceptions In the case of the United States against Rev. George G. Ware, recently convicted of conspiracy in securing fraudulent land filings within the U. B. I. ranch enclosure. In Hooker county, and for which he was sentenced to pay a flna of 11,000 and be confined in the Douglas county Jail one year, was filed In the United States district court Tuesday morning by T. J. Mahoney. attorney for Mr. Ware. The bill comprises -upwards of 300 pages. The principal pleadings pertain to the Htatute of limitations and exceptions to the Instructions given the Jury by Judge Munger in the case. No exceptions are taken to the evidence Introduced. The case will now go to the United States circuit court of appeals on a writ of error Hnd assignment of errors. It may not be hrurd until the December sitting of the circuit court of appeals. In the meanwhile ltev. Ware remains nt liberty under his bond of $5,000 until the final determination of the case. J. M. RICHARDS PASSES AWAY Old Resident of Omaha Dlea of Cancer of Stomach After Continued Illness, J. M. Richards died Monday night at the fnmlly residence, 1115 South Thirty-second street, after a long illness, with cancer of the stomach. Mr. Richards was M years of age, lived twenty years In Omaha and was a member of the U. S. Grant post. Grand Army of the Republic. The funeral will be Thursday afternoon. Rev. Lucius C. Baird of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church will conduct the services at 2 p. m. Burial will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr. Richards was born April II, 1842, in Portland, Me. At the outbreak of the war of the rebolllon he entered the northern army and helped fight its battles until peace was proclaimed In 1805. When he was discharged he was a noncommissioned officer In the Thirteenth regiment. United states rogulars, under General Sherman, and in his service as a soldier marched with Sherman to the sea. At the close of the war he removed to Howard county, Iowa, where he lived until he came to Omuha about twenty years ngo. He .was engaged In the insurance business ftor nearly thirty-five years ami traveled In Nebraska for about twenty rive years of that time, having been for merly state agent of the Continental Fire Insurance company of North America. Mr. Richards had a Jovial and sunny tem perament, which endeared him to his pro fessional associates. He leaves ' a widow and three children by a former marrlagu, CHptaln Charles M. Richards. Guy M. Rich ards and Miss Maud Richards, all of Omaha. The Interment will be at Forest Lawn and tho funeral services will be held from his late residence, 1115 South Thirty-second street, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. GAIN jN . TOTAL RECEIPTS Increase In Grain Shipments to Omaha for Frbrnary Dsc to HeaTy laflaa of Oats. Secretary Merchant of the Omaha Grain exchange has prepared his report for March for the Department of Commerce and La bor. It shows a gain in receipts of all grains of ST8.BO0 bushels over February, due to the largely increased movement of oats. Receipts of this grain were 1,249,000 busheisj as compared with 756.800 bushels in Febru ary. Whest receipts were 1.400 bushels lighter than In February, corn 197,9u0 bushels lighter, rye S,0u0 bushels lighter, and barley 6,000 bushels lighter. The following tablo shows receipts and shipments for March: Wheat Corn . Outs . Hye , l",, hurley i5ww Totals Receipts. Shipment. ... M7.1W0 ...LilO..! l,744,i. .. .1.2'9.ri. l,ii3,(w !". Ii.ul 4.011 00 3,143.0) Good Words for t'hamberlula'a Conith Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure In tes tifying to the good qualities of Chamber lain's Couph Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phil lips of Barclay. Md.. write: -I wish to till you that I can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My little girl. Catherine, who Is 2 years old. has been taking thij remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was I months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself, but took Chamberlain s Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever. Recently when my husband was buying a bottle of this remedy a man stepped up and said, 'Mr. Phillips Is that a good mediclneT and my husband replied, lt can't be beat." Palmer Speaks at Pawnee City. Cnptaln II. H Palmer lm been Invited to deliver the Decoration Iav hiIcIivks nt Pawuee City and has acceptrit the Invift tioit. The Invitation Ik extended by John A. Insiiam pout, tirand Army of the Re public No. '.C Klahorate preparations have lrn niadH by the J'uwnee county veteiuns lir the observance of the ila IllaliKnrru. If disfigured by plmplna, ulcers, sores. Bucklen's Arnica Salv will heml you up without a scar. 25 cents. Guaranteed. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Big Lace Curtain Sale Monday mm.- 7V1 II I ITSJFRV : -riJ A J Mm, as. J- at a i i J a a Big Lace Curtain Sale Monday A Thousand Stunning Hats in Our Fashionable Showing of SPRING . - 5. '. m When Easter comes a greater variety of shapes and trimmings will be shown in the millinery than In any other previous sea son. Such a broad choice gives a most satisfactory chance to suit Individual tastes and find many styles that are especially becoming;. BRANDEIS' GREAT SPECIALTY IS THE CLEVER LITTLE HAT THAT IS TO SELL AT A MODEST I'RICE Our neat little Street Hats at $2.50 are proving to bo very popular. Sailors lead in favor and .the smaller shapes are all represented in this group. Look like $5 hats, at wide ribbons, etc., ; These hats are made to Kive tne whole costume a smart air. Every hat is correct in style and g.50 Flowers, wines are used with splendid effect this spring in fashionable, moderate priced hats Brandela' C flrt great leader, at J.UU beautiful in color, effect, Cfl splendid assortment, at. . . I.UU UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY EASTER TABLE LINENS Jl.i.OM.OO purchase of fine pattern tablo cloths and napkins at 334c on the dollar. John 8. Brown & Sons and other well known linen weavers. Table cloths worth $12.00 and Ilf.( at, each Table cloths worth I1S.0O 7 .Q Table cloths worth $3." and 14.00 at, each Table cloth worth Jj.00 and tfi.oo at, each 1.98 2.98 Table cloths worth $7.00 O Oft and $8.00 at, each J.VO 4.98 Table cloths worth JH.50 and $10.00 at, each.... 6.98 nnd $.'0.0O at, each. Table cloths worth $22.50 Q QQ and $25.00 at. each O.O rtendv-to-use table cloths, CQ QQa worth up to $1.75, for, eaOSO-OOli Napkins to, match pattern cloths will be sold at less than one-halt ordinary price. Here Are the Styles Worn by the Smartest Dressers Ladies Fitted Covert Coats The Covert Coat occupies high favor this spring styles are snugly fitting with self trimming and rows of stitching very carefully tailored a range of prices Cravenette Coats, $9.93 Covering all the dress and shielding it for any sort of bad weather stylish, too, and very pop-x f r ular any time and any vB4 place special m mf YJ See the lndow Display for the BIG RAMS OK LACE Cl ItTAIXS FOR NEXT MONDAY. OMAHA MF.ATT1PR ron IT AST Wednesday, (older. NOTION SALE Basement Ladles' pad and side liose Supporters, reg ular 25c, at Bl each Cotton Thread, all col ors. 200 yard spools, at, spool... Good quality Pins, full count, regular w So, at, paper. Wire Tlalr Pins, regu lar tc pkg at. w 3 for The Premier nickel plated Hafety I'ltis, regular Re card, (",-, at, 3 cards for The best quill bone. 3 yds. in box, er Metal back and bone Toilet Combs, regular 25c value, at. The Nameless Stockinet lrt'SN Milclds, r rcg, jflc, at, pr.. AVIre Hairbrushes, reg ular 25c, at. 71n each TJW Bone Collar Buttons, regular 5c doz., fl at, dozen 7c All silk veilings in Indies Neckwear, loo Wash Ibices. Vals and al vaM IOC 3tylP!;- 150 IOC 60 nd.. . Vln at Jard and lUt, Torchons, at iC Great Lace Curtain Sale Next Monday All the Fine Lace Curtsln Bought From a Philadelphia manufacturer THE MOST AMAZING BARGAINS IN OUR HISTORY Jl CI All the BOBBINET Tuesday BOBBINET Tuesday, 15c Yard .,.'.,.. ,.,.., ....; r 1 11,1 " "". 1 SEEING IS BELIEVING" r ft,. Headquarters for Popular-Priced Millinery GRAHD OPENING WEDNESDAY A beautiful bunch of souvenir violets free to every lady visitor TODAY. Showing hundreds of beautiful Imported and Domestic Pattern Hats. The grandest display of new, pretty, popular-priced Millinery ever shown in Omaha. Lagrotta's Italian Harp Orchestra in attendance. Get It From Us KERN 1508 Douglas St. The Omaha Trade School Of PLUMBING, HEATING and VENTILATING Is now open and will give to students a' life scholarship for $100. The course usually takes from six weeks to two months, but you can stay until satisfied without additional expense. OFFICE 701 S. 16th Street Busines Boosters s ff .....Easter y Vanity Pure I lUwk and Side Coiabii. VI I BrocoleU Crosses I j Th-e ra all new and our 1:1 stock is larse, nd they jjj ore Just what yj the Indies V XV wnt. j VuraCjtv- J'Aj'Siafcii pi aasint ,j( Drow n & Dorsheim ii .TF.WF.T.F.n.l A 5outh iesStreetOmaha.1 nd fu- 1906 r.l.l.j P- v I St.ll tilt I D JJ GREEN TR&DiNj STAMPS EVERT TIME . wMSswaMMaassaMwawiMiMMiaMaaaa Prc-Easter Millinery. First Showing o f E aster Hats Every Variety for All Wetrtrs From the Little Miss to the Elderly Matron. Style Advice of th". HUjliesl Value tritli Every Hat from Mc to tuO.00. Npeolsl Priors for Wednesday. C1IARMINO SAIlAiRS Trimmed with quills, I'lbliuns, wings and flowers $2.50 to $5.00 FANCY PHAPB HATS-Trlmmed with pretty garniture of ribbons, flowrrw. foliage or moss $3.50 to $7.5U LAROK PICTfnF. HATS lmporled French models, and -others dcnlsntd from and copies of the most famous Parisian creations $8.50 to $50.00 Omuha'a headquarters for little folk's millinery, ltonnets. Pokes, Toques, Hus sars, Turn O'Shunters, Balmorals, Glen garries, etc. ",i 1 i-'r EASTER ART SUGGESTIONS A MUSICAL PICTUKK "The Beethoven Sonata" by the Italian Artist Balestri eri. This beautiful picture depicts a number of artists in the Latin quarter of Faris, listening to the rendition of Beethoven's beautiful Son ata. The depth of feeling and expression the Artist brings out, is everlasting. Above Carbon Pictures, Iiandsomely framed in quar tered oak moulding, a $5 value everywhere, sale price, 171 "Wednesday J Other good values from l;':::n. lOc PICTURE FR AMTNO We refit and clan old plcttirnB. See our new mouldings and frames. (OGAWARE THE NEW LIGHT COPEN HAGEN COLOR-Ifs beautiful about twen ty shapes. $2.00, $1.50 and $1.25 IN IfXHA BROWN EFFECTS, WE HAVE VASE.S AT &oo, c, 87c, 98c, $1.26 and up to kP"J (Worth Double.) GOOD SENSIBLE JL'OS, Qfin at ll.nn, $1.25 and (SEE HARNEY STREET WINDOW.) NEW PATTERNS IN JOHNSON UROS." DINNERWARE P ratty green. Illuminated with gold, com plete 100-plece sets, 16.50 Sold In separate pieces at lowest prices. NEW CUT WATER SET Consists of six tumblers nnd Jug. a very pretty cut design, Wednesday, f fiQ at. a set l,Uy NEW JAPANESE-CHINA SUGARS AND CREAMS Dark blue, with floral decoration, gold-traced, QUp pretty shape, a pair Many new things received dally In this vast glittering China Department. Always pleased to show goods and have the pleasure of quoting prices. Wednesday Sales irv Our Cloak and Suit Department Sample Snto l.alW KtonR and Jackets, black, tan and rastor. these garments are worth from h to $8.50. We have only sizes Q C 32. 34 and 36, and to close them out, the price Is tJJ Ladies' Craenette Rln Coats new models, half fitting and full barUs, large box pleats, colors Oxford, tan, olive and castor. In Cf plain and checks, values $15 to $16.50, at laW.U Ladle' Silk" Petticoats, black and all new colors, prices Z Q C $4.95 and , Misses' All Wool Sei-Re. Dresses, ages 8. 10, 12 and 14 years, colors navy, brown and dark green, with deep collars In new shades of red. pleated'back Jacket with belt; this was a pick up of $10 J QC Suits that we will bcII at ifJJ Lutlies' WMte Knibroldered Waist, dollar quality, . AQn Wednesday Ui Itargain Sole of Children's' rmlerniuslins 50 dozen . Children's fino Muslin Drawers, plain tucked, heavy. band, worth 19c pair, lrtf Kale Wednesday, a pair 1UC Special Lot of Children's Skirts, plain, tucked and lace trimmed; also embroidery and lace trimmed Drawers, all sizes in this lot, IP 35c values, all go Wednesday, each t DC Children's Gowns Big lot of Children's fancy embroidery trimmed Gowns, made of the finest muslin, tucked yokes, this lot Cfly Wednesday, each ...3UC Xew lrft of Fancy Kibbons 300 pieces of new Imported Louisene silk RlbbonB in Scotch plaids, fancy embossed effects and Pompadours, all colors, over fifty patterns to select from, 3 to 5 inches y P wide, worth to 60c yard, this sale only, yard.... m0C Colored Dress Goods Just Received a Line of the Popular Grey Tropical Suitings 54-ln. wide, light and dark grey mixtures, in checks and plaids of different colors, a regular $1.75 cloth, on sale Wednesday, IOC a yard, at !) Very Special Sale of Wash Goods Russian check Suitings, all shades, in neat stripes and dots, lots of plain shades, special for f Wednesday, a yard lawlC Dress Sateens, yard 15c 50 pieces of fine dress Sateens, soft finish, all new patterns, regular 25c goods, Wednesday, a yard " IDC German Linen Suitings 25 pieces of Linen Suitings, in all ia the new shades, worth 30c yard, Wednesday, a yard lifC Madras and Cheviots for Shirt Waist. 36-ln. wide, light and dark colors, worth 15c and 18c yard, Wednesday, I'll rd r IZ2C Sale of Bed Pillows 2 V4 lb. Bed Pillows, covered with a fine ACA quality ticking, filled writh good feathers, worth 85c each, M f Wednesday, each tyZJG Cheap Lace Sal Wednesday Big lot of Imported Lace Bands, Appli ques and Trimmings; fine wash laces, Venetian Trimmings goods in this lot to suit any fabric, worth to 35c a yard, this sale r a yard J( $1.00 Waist Patterns 7Xe Fancy embroidered, fine Batiste Waist pat terns, warranted enough material to make any waist to size 4 4 embroidered front and cuffs, a $1.00 value, for this sale 7 m ' tOC Pretty Neckwear, Cheap Fancy Embroidered Wash Stocks and Buster Collars, and fine, linen lawn, fancy embroidered Turnovers 1 1 worth 25c each, special Wednesday, each lUC WEDNESDAY IN HARDWARE Demonstration of the One Min ute Dangler Gas lUnge. the quickest and best baker on the market saves from !!0 to 30 per ceut gas. All styles and Bizes H ) C prices up from J nJ Extra good one-piece A, Steel Hoe rwft And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Extra good riveted Jt Hoe And 20 Green Trading Stamps. 24-tooih Lawn 41 'n Rake rt And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Extra good Steel Rakes, TC. 35c, 30c and JK And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Jap-a.Iac, the great Varnish Stain makes old floors, doors and woodwork of all kinds look like new. Comes In thirteen dif ferent colors. Bennett's Candy Section Peanut Squares, pound, IA at IUV Easter Novelties, up f from 1C Several hundred raks Walker's Mascot Chocolate, each. J-C Bennett's Big Grocery A Sensation for Green Trading Stamp Collectors. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES. Special Lots, Special Values. Ten to Two Hundred Green Trading Stamps with each special. Lots and Green Trading Stamp Extras on special display. Good Wednesday and Thursday only. Fruits and Vegetables OMAHA'S BIGQEST 1'KL'IT MARKET. Fresh Ripe Straw- n berries, pint box . . law 2C Heavy Daily Supplies of Strawberries. Right Buying. for Your Spring 1 Suit's Here. It's Hart, Schalfner&Marx Hand lailond. THE RELIABLE fWE Buy lion CHr Laces and Save 1 1 f b VV VI Duff. We're Omaha Agts, Interesting Wednesday Specials. Fcfpr Millinprv. mwm w aar a w ai ai The nobby little allor for The lariat selection of untrlmmed ahnpes In the city Feather and materials of all kind", ars hera in plenty. $15 New Eton Suits at $7.50 173 81'ITS in the popular eton style, will be placed on sale Wednesday at Just half their real value. These aults are well made, beautifully trimmed. Jackets ar sutln lined, sizes 32 to 4". garments well worth I1S.W -J C for Wednesday, only M Jr $1.50 Mercerized Underskirts, 79c iimn ywu rxiunni your .asir nacl If not. now In the time to ret It- . while you hnvw time to compare prlcci at the different stores, W want your patronagn and know that when you compare prices nnd quality you will buy your hat here. Indies' trimmed hats, misses' trim, wed hats, children's hats, girls' hats, infant's head wear the trrandestt largest and most exclusive display of thoroughly now and up-to-date style you have ever seen. Trimmed Hats. t'netinlled and unmatohable hata, such as you would expect to pav 17.50 to 110.00 for any of them at A visit to our millinery department will convince you that we are the greatest sellers of J4.H8 hats In tha city. 2 50 An1 rrP,,y turbanB f"jtn IS.tR 1.50 Flowers, Foliage, QuiUa. Wednesday we will place on sale 7S dox. mercerized underskirts, la 4 different stylos. $1.50 values Special, at ., 79c The Boss' Clothing Question. Is one which Is Interesting most mothers at the present tittle. Wearing qualities un surpassed, the very beet style and great variety for selection, are advantages you'll tind here. We're offering valuers Wednesduy that will surprise you. COMBINATION KNEE PANT8 flUITB Tn double breaotod. belted coat style, with two pnlrs of pants and one Knick erbocker style, inadu of very best mat. . rluls. In all newest colors and patterns. at $4.50, $3.!fc and .'. O.aO YOUTHS' IXNG PANTS SUITS In great variety of newest materials and styles greatest vnlues In Omaha , e nn at $H .50, $7.50 and O.UU Linens from Custom House. HOYS' KNEE PANTS SL'ITS In Norfolk, eitllor blouse, Russian blouse, eton and double breasted styles. In serges, cheviots, easslmeres and worsteds, all newest colors and patterns, special bin-gain, Wednesday , O dt $2.95 and .OU SOLD FOR DUTY, WILL BE ON SALE WEDNESDAY. 50c Barnsley Table damask at. yard "OC SSc Brtrnsley Table damask SiOf Hi, yarn . . . 95c Barnsley Tattle damask fxfin at, yard UVW $1.35 Barnsley Table damask at, yard $1.75 Barnsley Table damask at, yard $2.00 Barnsley Table damaak at, yard ...OSo .1.25 .1.50 A very extensive line ef PATTERN CIX'THS at one-third to one-half any advertised linens. This Is unquestionably the best purchase we and our friends and customers will net the benefit. FROM 10 A. M. TIM. 12 M.. we will sell BLEACHED JIUCK TOWELS, and heavy quality, worth up to 12VsC limit of 8 to a customer at, each less than ever made extra long 5c Wednesday Shoe Bargains. Little (tents' and youths' $1.60 satin bals.. Women's and misses' $1.50 dongola. lacet ........980 Women's fino $2.00 kid lace 1 lO shoes at mm k J 30") pairs women's $2.2$ kid shoes with dull tops, patent tips, a very dressy shoe western J 50 Infant's Sc soft ' lOr soles- .., Buy your Easter oxfords early. no. $S 50, $.1.00, $2.50. $1.50 and "OC GnOVEH soft shoes for tender feet ar the easiest shoe ever put on a woman's foot. We carry and make a SPECIALTY ot these celebrated shoes. 29 STYLES to se lect from. Uhe Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to (Jnlcago VERY, VERY LOW ONE-WAY Settler's Rates to points In Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian Northwest EVERY TUESDAY la March and April. -City Offices: 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-61 V I r i 1IOTE1.H. (TWhen in Chicago m titon at lae mmm. StrSlord Hotel European Plan Rrftned, Klrcaut. Quirt. Located ear ner o( city's two tcrmt buuivvardii, coDvealent to entire bulrtt canter. ( lose to beat theatres and shopping dUtrict. Z-S mom. It) private buin; laxurioua writintf and recspttoa rooms; woodwork maboKan throuffbotit; brats bodi and ail modern comforts; telephone in every room; beautiful dining rooms the beat of evorytbiiig at moderate prices. isaicBinBltaa.inajawwB Just a Word, Ala da in! We're sure that you'll Boon be looking for something new In Spring Foot wear. If the best that money oan buy will Interest you, we're at your ser vice. Borne women have learned the z cellence and superiority of our shoes by testing them, others are learning by hearsay. All women are learning that. THERE'S NO STORK LIKE THIS. FOR WOMEN'S SHOES. ' $3.50, $4. $5. FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOWERS. i6tk and Douglas Si CRAPSHR'Si f'jn ill iLii curb CONSTIPATION I AND HEADACHE ' H v III o H II "" sst-i aatars a rwuma luturtt tanctlun. TBT THImT Ika ate Knl(ht-Crmper tUax4y Ce Coiurado Sprtasv. Ceia. 9 Try the Want Id Columns of Tha Baa, iO i31I.lkszb3.Sk it