Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Indianapolis Prelate Oommendi to Christiana
Power of Supplication,
ddest Tnlnn- 111 World, tf nyB.
Is Fla4 Persens la Despair
Wkti Prayer Weald
Bishop Vlncint, from Indlanapolla, of the
Methodist church, preached on the topic
of prayer at Trinity Methodist church,
Twenty-first and Bmnsy streets. Sunday
morning from the Cnxt, "What la the Al
mighty that we serve Him and what profit
should we have It we pray for Him."
"I picture In my mind five classes of peo
ple who are willing- to call on Ood Id
prayer." said the bishop. "One la a man
on his bed at midnight. He Is sleepless
and distressed because of past wrongs and
hi conscience troubles hlm.v There Is the
man with a sense of heavy responsibility
imposed by his employer or by some official
duty entrusted to htm, and he trembles be
cause of a sense of Insufficiency. There is
av woman In the agony of bereavement. A
roan with a fiery temper and Intense pas
sion which he would pray to Ood to assist
him to control, and last, a refined and cul
tured man, well balanced, who has the sen
sation of a man who cannot give up the
old teachings and Is. perplexed because, be
ing a magnanimous man, he cannot accept
the new Ideas.
"In the Instance of the first man the
sceptic and philosopher would tell him he
should learn to control himself, should say
to memory, "be silent,' and should put fear
to sleep and drive It out the door. He
would tell him to go to nature and carry
to It his cares. Innate the wholesome fresh
air and study the songs of the birds. He
would be told to resort to the realms of
literature aj4 study philosophy, romance,
biography and busy himself with work. If
these fall he would be told to confide his
cares to a friend. A rationalistic friend
would suggest the above, but still there la
a 'clamor for-the Infinite which can only
he reached by prayer.
"Suoh Is the answer of religion. The
higher the form of Christianity the more
religion Is taken into account. The root
of religion Is Individual fellowship with
Ood. Prayer Is thinking about Ood, reas
oning about Ood and resting" In His power.
"Boms of the reason for prayer are that
man has an Instinct for prayer; the entire
reasonableness of prayer; the Instinct for
prayer is sustained by the reasonableness
of prayer - and the experiences of saints
and Christians for ages. '
"He who prays does not pray to nature,
but to the' Ood of nature. The saddest
thing In this world 1 to find people despair
because of some wrongdoing when they
might' find certain relief In prayer. Pray
every day and surrender your personality
to the care of Ood."
Christianity aa a Militant. Power la
Rials Proarreas.
' "Christianity as a Disturbing Factor In
Human Society" was the topic of the
sermon by Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke at the
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church yester
day morning. In rart he mid:
"Christ was a disturbing factor In His
country, and His followers have been dis
turbing factors In the world ever since.
Neighbor haa been alienated from neighbor,
and 'country arrayed against country
through Christianity, but the result la al
ways good, .cnriat n meek and mild when
He Is laboring with a suffering soul, but
when He cornea In contact with wrong.
With falsehood or oppression He ceases to
be wild." , ' '
To bring out the strong attributes of the
Character of Christ as a contrast to the
Qlementy of the meek and lowly Jesus, the
minister referred his congregation to the
Bon of Ood In' His dealings with the money
chsngers In the temple, - ,
"What did Christ do, what did He say
to these men, 'gentlemen, .won't you please
go elsewhere to carry on this sort of busi
ness; this la the house of GodT No. He
did not. No, Ha took a scourge and with
might applied It to the backs of those men
who had dcflled the temple. . He drove them
Out and turned over their money tables.
"Bending over the suffering In meekness
and le, tenderly, administering to wants
that Vr Jesus? but that Is not all of Jesus.
That is Jesus rebuking the haughty, hypo
critical Pharlaes, scourging the money
tnongers In Ood temple, toe. It Is this
militant spirit of Christianity that has been
the disturbing factor In human socloty ever
since Christ came- upon earth.
"There are- some who belong to the
peace-at-eny-prloe party, who want to tem
porise and compromise and get along the
best way they can, and they think they are
: i U
.-' i i
' ' -
-.- ..I .-
: U
of Christ. Those who advocate peace at
nny price are not tms followers of Christ.
"Our country has been disturbed lately In
its business activities. It has felt the touch
of Christ and graft- and corruption have
been disclosed. The same Influence has
been felt In of titles. 8ometimes we think
the reformers nre going mad for going into
bribery and corruption. But that Is the
work Christianity la supposed to d-v, They
say, 'You preachers Just keep yeur places.
lon't you project your religion into our
affairs; there la nothing In common." This
Is the cry the gTafter has always set up.
but Christianity haa to touch every ac
tivity of life. ' .
"No preacher haa the right to nay what
man to vote for or what party to adhere
to, but It Is his duty to teach the principles
that men ought to follow. Christ came to
destroy the works of the devil, and it thnt
was His work It is our work."
Rev. Mr. Clarke's sermon was heard by
as many aa could be aeated In the church.
their May Be Able tn lntredace It
Eaater Ssaasr,
' Owing to delays In preparation the
Gregorian chant was not Introduced at
high mass at Bt. John's Collegiate church
Sunday morning, and the usual choir of
male and female voices sang a complex
composition. The male choir that will
sing the Oregorian chant la rehearsing,
but it may not be until Easter Sunday
when It will participate In the masses.
Rev. Father W. P. Whaien delivered the
sermon, which was an exposition 6t the
reasons why aome persons fall to. find
Christ. He found the solution of the prob
lem in a willingness to obey Ood and ac
cept the means of salvation provided by
the church. He severely criticized Catho
lic who, had become weak In the practice
of their faith or Ignored It altogether on
the plea that It was not broad enough
and that Its membership did not Includo
the cultured and Intellectually developed
people they wished to associate with. '
"Those who refuse . to co-operate with
Ood by using His means of grace become
hardened In sin," said he. "With the' loss
of the light of faith their thoughts are
obscure, they forget the purposes; of life
and are dead, spiritually. The shadow 'of
death hovers about them and there Is dark
noss In them.
"There Is the class that has allowed
the fickle opinion of others, self-sufficiency
and other ailments to mould their charac
ter and have made, themselves Impervious
to the gentle action of grace. From such
aa these does Jesus hide Himself. We
readily understand from whom Jesus hides
Himself and why."
Father Whaien then- enumerated some of
the personalities that rendered the Savior
easy to find. These were all , beings In
whom the spirit of self-sacrifice had be
come operative.
One Who Takes Christ as Redeemer
a ad Thas Lives.
"A Christian la one who believes Jesus
Christ Is hla redeemer. That is the whole
Icflnltloji. To be sure, he must live ac
cordingly." Thus said Rev. Leonard Oroh
at St.- Mark's English Tuitheran church
Sunday morning. He had taken for hla text
the words of Paul to the Oelatlans. "Who
Did Hinder Tou That Te Should Not Obey
The Truth?" ' r ' " '
"We cannot be hindered except by our
own Inclinations. There are those who
smile with delight at the word of Ood, but
the soil of whose souls Is thin, with hardpan
underneath, so that the roots of Christian
ity don't go deep. Borne are hindered be
cause they have quit the old faith, aide
tracked' themselves on some motion outside
of Jesus Christ. They are going backward
Instead of forward, like the ship In southern
waters which met with an undercurrent,
and which was actually drifting backwards
when the sailors thought it was going ahead
about six mites an hour. Some try to serve
Ood and Mammon, but' they4 can't, for the
Lord Is a jealous God.
"Can the world hinder you? ' A Christian
must be in the world and has the work of
any other person,' but he need not be of
the world spirit. Can Satan hinder you?
God says His people shall not be tempted
above that thoy are able to bear.
"So I say the causes ot hindrance are
within. Sweep them away and tret In the
race. We don't run In uncertainty as, the
Olympian runners did, when there, was only
one crown. Dosens ran, but the cheera and
the laurel crown were only for one. , All of
us may run in the Christian race and be
sure there is a rrown for all. If we run
well We know we Will be crowned with
Christ's love and with a glorious eternity'
Frensted with Pea IP
are many who develop lung trouble. Dr.
King's New Discovery . will cure . them.
Guaranteed. 60a and $1.00. For .sale by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
APRIL BIRTH8TOA-Edho!m, Jeweler
unday, April
' On Sunday, April 8, The Bee will issue a Real Estate and'
Farm edition that will be invaluable to anyone interested in real
estate, whether as buyer or seller.
This edition will contain a larger list of 'homes, vacant lota,
business property, acreage and farm lands than ever before pub
lished by any newspaper in this vicinity.
Special Articles
and reviews of the Real Estate situation in ,
South Omaha,
Council Bluffs,
Also on Farms In Nebraska and Iowa,
will appear in this edition, written by prominent authorities on
these subjects. " i y '
No pains have been spared to gather a complete list of prop
erty for sale in this vicinity and the edition will be eagerly
watched for by every, prospective purchaser. Don't fail to let it
contain your list of properties.
CHANGE, or a house for rent, this edition will be of great value
to you.
Call Douglas 238 and an advertising man will , call and get
your ad.
I anHSBBBBBaasBsfe
Dr. Frank Game well Telia of Chance in
Flowery Kingdom.
Services at First Methodist nnren
Devoted to the Casit of Work
In.Enrone, Chlaa nna
Other Fields.
Bishop John H. Vincent of Minneapolis
and Dr. Frank B. Gamewell. known as the
"Hero of Peking." on account of his serv
ice during the Boxer uprising In 1W0, ad
dressed a mass meeting at the First Metho
dist church last night In the Interests of
the missionary convention, which will be
gin at the church Tuesday evening. The
church waa crowded and the audience
listened with deep Interest to the addresses
of the two eminent Methodists. Bishop
Vincent is the founder of the
movement and Dr. Gamewell haa won a
world-wide reputation by hie work In mis
sion fields.
"Methodist Missions In Europe" waa the
subject Of Bishop Vincent's address. He
referred to the prejudice existing in the
minds of many against the sending of mis
sionaries to Europe, Inasmuch aa there are
Protestant denominations there already. He
defended the Kuropean missions on the
ground the Methodist church is more spirit
ual In Its nature than the formal state
churches and that through missionaries the
church Is enabled to be of great help to
Ckaagei In China.
Dr. Gamewell declared a great change
has come over the attitude of the Chinese
during the five years since the Boxer up
rising. He said that movement was backed
by the official class who were determined
to drive the foreigners out of the empire,
and he exhibited an official document In the
red and yellow of the Imperial order, di
recting the Boxers to rise and exterminate
the foreigners.
"Since then there . lias been a bloodless
revolution going on," he continued. "The
result is that China haa been thrown open
to missionaries. Provinces which five years
ago boasted no foreigner dared 'set his foot
In them are now open to missionaries.
"Five years ago the streets of the large
cities were filled with temples. Now the
private temples have been sold and the
publle ones converted Into schools. The
loss of property In the Boxer uprising has
been adjusted and the government has paid
ua t per cent interest from the day the
property was destroyed. The churches and
schools are filled. The government that flvo
years ago ordered the extermination, of the
foreigners now sends an imperial high com
mission around the world to get ideas from
foreign countries." ''
Two Davys' Contention.
Dr. Gamewell is secretary of the Open
Door commission of missionary societies,
which is holding a series of ; conventions
In various parts of the country. - The con
vention here will begin Tuesday ' evening
and continue until Thursday evening. Be
sides Bishop Vincent -and Dr.'-Gamewell,
Bishop Hartsell, Bishop McDowell and a
number of other prominent Methodists will
be present. Similar conventions have been
held In New Orleans, Indianapolis,'. Flint.
Mich.; Fargo, Minneapolis, Fort Dodge and
One of the Interesting features will be a
missionary exhibit In the basement of' the
church which will be open to the-public
until 4 o'clock each afternoon. Relics col
lected by missionaries all over the 'world
will be shown. . . -
Announcements of tho Theaters.
Viola Allen-- will present (Clyda Fitch's
play, '"The Toast of -the Town,'? , at the
Boyd theater on Tuesday evening.- Mr.
Fitch is said to have introduced Into this
play many striking novelties, for which' he
Is famoua as a manager and producer. A
poorly acted or badly presented play bear
ing Clyde Fitch's name has . never ' been
seen, and surely - would not be expected
with Viola Allen standing sponsor, to the
production. Mr. Fitch's fame as a stage
manager la only surpassed by his renown
aa a dramatic author. Miss - Allen haa
achieved a great success In this play and
her supporting company la - one of rare
excellence, Including - Isabel Irving, Mrs.
Fanny Addison Pitt, Alice Wilson, Harri
son Hunter,- Norman Tharp and C. Leslie
Allen. The engagement Includes Wednes
day evening and a special matinee on
Wednesday afternoon.
At the Burwood theater this evening the
three hundredth performance by the Wood
ward stock company will be commemorated.
souvenir photographs of Mtaa Lang being
given away. The bill la "Sowing the Wind'
and the prospects for a crowded house are
WATCHES Frenser, ISUt and Dodge Bti.
"Sowlas? the Will" at the Barrroori.
! The first discussion of tlie more -serious of
sex problems In their relation to society,
to be given at the Burwood theater, la had
this week In Sidney Urundy'a, "Sowing the
Wind." It Is not a "problem play" In the
present definition of the term, for Ita chief
woman Is a good woman. It's argument la
that the shortcomings of forbeara should
not be paid for by their progeny, with an
Indirect plea for a single moral standard
for . men and-jromeh.
In "Rosamond," Miss 1 -an It has a role
fully worth her powers and deserving the
best of her ambitious aspirations. In a
number of ways she-excels any. emotional
work ahe has done here. Most Important
of all is an Increase In her ability to convince.-
She displays a marked Improvement
In voice control and a further departure
from elocutionary methods. The role la one
of a life apparently hopelessly blighted.
Miss Lang manages to convey the full
meaning of Its bonds to the audience. Much
of her effort Is splendidly poised.
Mr. Owen's characterisation of Lord Pet-
worth Is cleverly executed, but la weakened
by -yielding to conventional standards ot
villainy. - Commendation Is due Mr. Todd as
Ned Annessley, for a consistent use of the
natural voice and a' conscientious perform
ance. Mr. Morrison s emotional nnaie in
tho first act Is good; otherwise his Inter
pretation of Mr. Brabaion la hardly up to
lta 'opportunities. -.'
"Down tho Pike" at the Km.
' John and Emma Bay might hide tlielr
Identity behind any aame, but they could
not conceal their personality. This pair of
entertainers has a local popularity that
grows aa each year sees them return, and
when the curtain . went up at Uie Krug
yesterday afternoon they faced a crowd
that filled the house to Its capacity. The
experience waa repeated In the evening,
and altogether the day waa a aucccss,
both for th box office and for those who
went to be amused. "Down the Pike" Is
mixture of music. and nonsense, Irish
foolery and foolery that is without nation
ality, and the Rays lead a merry bunch
of funmakers on a chase that gives every
body a chance before it Is ended.
Johnny (Ray seems to be the only one
of the old guard of "Irish" comedians
who can hold hla own and haa not had
to retire from-the line of work in which
he made his name. His foolery is Just
aa funny today as it was the first time
he startled - his audience with his silly
face and his Ingrowing voice. His wit
is keen and crisp and 'his humor Is such
as- all enjoy. He never flags In his seal,
but gives 'something new each season, so
that - he ' keeps himself fresh slways
in the affections "of - his following.
Hla good wife, Emma, Is no slighter than
she was a year ago and Is a most ablo
coadjutor for her husband. She haa ways
of. .her own that are. very funny and her
share in the performance Is no light one.
: Dan Coleman; Harry Lester Mason, John
K..Ha.wIey, Louis Powers, John Clahane,
Ralph ' Rockaway nd Will Llewellyn are
clever lot Of entertainers, in well bur
lesqued characters, while John T. Thomas
leads a cHorus with -his splendid big voice.
Jiilia Sweeney, Mabel Florence, Jessie
Chapman and Alice Jones head the female
assistants, who are numerous and comely.
The chorus Is about aa sprightly a lot of
girls as man ever gated on, and each seems
to enter tier, work as if there was a prize
for the On who did it neatest. The songs
are' all new -and some of them are very
catchy. -..'"".
"Down the Plke't Will stay at the Krug
until after Wednesday night, with a mat
inee Wednesday- aftertnoon.
VaadevUIe at the Crela-htoa-Orvheam.
! The bill t the Orpfeeum this week la one
that-appeal to the lover of variety. It
haa nothing of the" solid in It, being ar
ranged for amusement solely. The Rooney
sisters open the show with a well sung
song, and some of the cleverest Jig dancing
aeen there- this season. In order come the
Dlertckx brothers, whose muscular ability
Is almost beyond conception; Alice Lyndon
Doll, who sings some pleasant little songs
very daintily; Katherlne Da hi, who sings
some more songs very -well, one with an
"echo" from an upper box that made a
hit; Hermann the Great, with some new
things to mystify the public, his feats
being very cleverly done; Carson and Wll
lard, a pair of "conversation" artists, with
some good Jokes and no dialect to speak
of, and Bailey and Austin, "the American
beauties," who Just'dd foolish things in a
foolish way. The klnodrome pictures are
also good, the "chase" being through the
streets of New Tork and over the house
tops. All In ' all the bill is one that
pleaaea the aeeker for mere amusement and
deserves liberal patronage.
MWaa. H. West" Mlastrels svt the Boyd.
Sanford B. Rickaby's company of William
H. Weat .minstrels gave two performances
at the - Boyd theater yesterday afternoon
and evening. At neither performance waa
there a very big attendance, nor any
eapeclal riotous demonstration of aoDrov&i r
on part of the spectators. The stay was
for one day only.
Little Incident Which Recalls Tea
derness of Heart of the Late
Layer Moores,
Another story of the largeness of heart
which so strongly characterized the Ufa
of . Frank B. Moores waa told yesterday
afternoon to a group of men.
The man who told the story Is one of the
leading men of the city, a man who has
been closely identified with the city for
fifty, years. -
"One of the many little acta, which came
unbidden from the : heart of Frank E.
Moores and which won for him many. fast
friends cornea bark- to me at thla time,"
began the man mho told the story. "On a
bitterly cold night about fifteen yeara ago,
a messenger boy, now a -man of a respon
sible position in this olty, called with a
message- at the home of a prominent church
member, who lived next door to Mr. Moores.
By chance Mr. Moores opened his front
door and espied the boy standing outside,
while the prominent church member was
within writing an answer to the message.
Mr. Moores'. first impulse was to ask the
boy Into his house, where the little fellow
was warmed and given a cup of coffee. As
that boy grew to man's estate he never
forgot that incident He was one of the
late mayor's beat friends and admirers."
Patera ( Nerthera Coaaty Pruultlag
as Sew Rallread Will Be
' H. M. Du Val. an Implement dealer of
Spring-view, la highly optimlstlo over tin
future of Keya Paha county. "When the
Midland Central Railway company shall
have opened Its line from Spalding, on the
Union Pacific, to Bprtngview. a new Impt-tua
will be given that section of the country,"
declared Mr. Du Val at the Merchants hotel
yesterday. The route of the new line baa
beea surveyed and construction will begin
within a few weeks. At present Bprtngview
la twenty-five villeo from a railway autloa.
Bnbjecta of Discussion at Meeting of the
Philosophical Bociety Suuday.
l'rtif. Krishna. CatlTe Scholar nf
I ait la. Advances Home Ideas
oa Kaatera Society
'and Rellgloa.
K. L Emery waa the prlm lpsl sneaker
before tho Omaha Philosophical society
Sunday afternoon, which met In room I,
Patterson block. His address waa on the
subjoct of "Fruits and Flowers," their
propagation, cultivation and hybridization.
Mr. Emery read a carefully prepared paper,
going Into thu subjoct in minute detail.
He gave a lucid explanation of different
parts of the plant and the part that each
exerted upon the perfected flower or fruit.
The address waa Illustrated by practlcnl
demonstration -In the dissection of a number
of roses, which he said belonged to the
same vegetable class as the apple and like
fruits. He described the peculiar qualities
of the herb kingdom, and the three classes
Into which they were commonly divided,
notably the annual, bi-annual and perennial.
His description of the Importance that the
leaf occupies to the plant, tree and herb
was a revelation to most of his hearers
and the difference between exogeneous and
endogeneous leaf veins waa explained at
length. . '
The exogeneous leaf was one which had
a network of veins radiating all through
the leaf, while the endogeneous leaf's veins
were parallel to the stem. Plants lived on
earth and air entirely. He gave also an
Interesting description of the cellular sys
tem of all plants, and the reproduction
process by means of stamens, pistils and
pollen, and how hybridization waa pro
duced by the artificial transfer of pollen
from one flower to another, also by the
means of budding and grafting.
Mr. Emery la a botanist of many years'
experience and above all a lover of flowers.
His address had necessarily to be of a con
siderable technical
Xatlve Indian Scholar.
Prof. Krishna, a native scholar of India,
was the guest of the society and gave a
short address upon India, and Its bellefa.
Prof. Krishna was not' at all conventions
In hjs remarks, and at once asserted tbe
Intellectual eminence of the Hindoo, as
against the popular conception regarding
the Intellectuality of Ills race.
"Indln," he said, "was producing the
most beautiful roses 2,000 years before Eu
ropean civilization Was dreamed of. While
European and American artisans were and
had made, many beautiful things, yet Utey
were not able to make a Cashmere ahawl.
Slavery was never known In India, and no
religious war ever disturbed the peace ot
India. HinduHtanese are a non-reslstent
race, and India' never sent a missionary
out to Inflict any nf Its beliefs upon any
other people. The conception of a Ood was
first originated with the Malayan race, and
the modern religions are derived wholly
from the early Malayan beliefs. The Eng
lish people are proud of their language,
which, after all. Is but a conglomeration
of all languages, and contains but 80,000
words, while the Chinese, -who were - a
civilized people. 4,000 years before the Chris
tian era. spoke in a pure language of over
120,000 words.
'I have spent some few years in Russia,
but admit I am not as well posted upon
Russian matters and characteristics as
some of the newspaper correspondents who
nave writtep an aoout it and have never
been there. There la a religious idea incu
bating In Russia today that will. In a few
hundred years, look back to Tolstoi aa the
Chriat of that new religion." 1
Gettlnar Ready for the Ante) hawt
Roller skating at the Auditorium will he
laid off all this week on account of the
automobile show, which begins on Wednes
day. Monday and Tuesday will be given
over to cleaning and decorating the big
building and getting the machines In place
for exhibition. Mr. D. J. Bell of Chicago
will arrive on Tuesday and install his
moving picture machine, preparatory to
throwing upon the big canvas an exact,
reproduction of the famous Gordon Bennett
and Vanderbllt cup races and other notable
and amusing automobile feata.
Homeaeekera' Excursions.
On -Tuesday, April 8, the Missouri Fa-1
clflc will sell round trip tickets at very
low rates, with stopover privileges, to
certain points in southwest Missouri, Kam
saa, Oklahoma. Texas, Arkansas, etc. . Full
Information at Union station or city
offices, 8. E. corner 15th and Farnam Sts.,
Omaha, Neb. 1
Christian Science Lectnre.
At Boyd's Friday evening, April 6. at
I o'olock Rev. Arthur R. Vosburgh, C. 8.
B., of Rochester, N. T., will lecture on
Christian Science. Those who have heard
this lecture pronounce It one of the best
and most convincing yet given. Rev. Vos
burgh is well known as an able exponent
of hla faith. The lecture is free.
Diamonds (of own Import), watches and
Jewelry, at 20 per cent below prices, at A.
B Hubermann's, 13th and Douglas; paya
i,o rent and buys for cash.
Junk Dealer Arrested.
John Welselman. 911 Douglas street, a
Junk dealer, was arrested Sunday by Ser
geant Whelan and locked up at the police
station on the charge of aiding and abet
ting a delinquent child. It Is asserted
Welselman has been running a "fence"
for youthful thieves, buying stolen property
from little boys.
Embers Are Rekindled.
The smoldering debris of the hay sheds
which were destroyed by fire a few days
ago at the Willow Springs distillery broke
out Bunday noon. As a matter of precau
tion the tire department was summoned and
a few streaias of water turned on.
On draught on and
after HcUunlay. MVIi
31sl. Our bottled bock
is dt-llcious. Phono
Douglua l-ioM, quirk.
m $0
Doualua l-ioM, quirk. !
Clean Medical
UR medical practice to large because of the mnnner In which
we deal with our prttlents. We never promise them mora
than we perform. Our business and professional method
are clean. While we are naturally ambitious to rescue aa
many men as possible from the ravnupg of disease, yet if
they engage our services we want them to do so upon an honest, fair
and square basis, with confidence and respect between physi
cian and patient. Our specialty and modes of treatment are more
fully commented upon below and are well worth tho careful perusal of
all In need of medical attention.
It - I
This well known, reliable and long established Institution Is con
ducted solely for the cure of Male Pelvic Diseases. Moderate charges,
fair dealing;, faithful service and speedy cures are responsible for lta im
mense practice.
Our offices are equipped with the most modern and scientific me-1
chanlcal devices for the treatment of men.
By the latest and best methods we cure to remain cured Nervo
Vltal Debility, Blood Poison, all Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers,
Swollen Glands, Varicose or Knotted Veins, Plies, Rupture, Kidney and
Bladder Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to In
heritance, exhaustion or the result of specific diseases.
Consultation free, confidential and Invited. Office hours, 9 a. m.
to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9 to 12 noon. '
Northwestern Medical & Surgical Institute
Nerthwest Cor. 13th and
Where Land Yields
Twice Its Cost in the
TX7MI wah Vf T?wMja t rt Attrl 4
Da til W n I'll , mvi II. jiu nuvi it
hard natter to much more than "make
ends meet" just reason out this propo-
The land in South Platte Valley,
Colorado, yields 20 tons of sugar beets
to the acre every year sure crop, never
0 a failure. 1 Choice land ready for plow
in cr a vera ires 40 ner acre. 0 acres.
D costing $1600.00 will yield 800 tons of
right now to pay you $5.00 a ton for all the beets you can raise Q
for 3 years and a field superintendent of the sugar factory will Z2
visit you several times a week to give you the benefit of experience Q
in beet culture and help you install proper methods to insure 20- m
ton-to-the-acre crops. . ' Li
vt til you just sit right down now
for their South Platte Valley folder full of valuable Information that will enable
any man with agricultural experieooe. a little capital and plenty of "hustle'' to
acquire a fortune in a few yean? ,
Addreea. CITY TIIHKT unnri.ioiri n,
P"! 'Phnns1 rtniiwtn. I'll
Ua cixia
Longest Established, Most Successful and Reliable Specialist,' aa Medi
cal Diplomas, Licenses and Newspapers Records Show.
IT IS SAID THAT A DROWNING MAN will grasp at a straw.' How
many weak, nervous, drowning, sinking men are grasping at straws today to
get cured of their ailments (diseases), which are drugging them down to the
bottom of the sea of despair and misery? Why not awaken to the realisation
of the fact today that boasting promises nf quick cures, misleading statements
and unbusinesslike propositions to the afflicted are but strawa that will sin
you deeper and deeper into the sea of despal-? As for others, let them grasp at
straws, but you, who are in need of substantial medical aid, go to the Honeat,
Skillful, True Specialists, who will not deceive you with any false promises,
but will save you and restore you to perfect health, strength and vigor, and
place you safely within, the boundary line of prosperity and enjoyment of life.
We do not wish to be compared or classed with mushroom medical concerns,
that spring up all over the country. We have in our day seen hundreds of
these rise and fail into oblivion.
We cure safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases.
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex
cesses, self-abuse, or the result of specific or private diseases.
We make no misleading statements, no deceptive or unbusiness
like propositions to the afflicted, neither do vre promise to cure them In
a few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to secure
their patronage. Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to
such methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure in the
quickest possible time, without leaving injurious after-effect in the
system, and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and success
ful treatment.
rnPP Consultstlon If you cannot call write for symptom 'blank,
rltuu t4 examination Office Hours 8 a. in. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb:
behind the unsurpassed
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is what makes advertisers
The Bee advertising
Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
First Year
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for Gfl EKI
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know that it pays to ua
oolumns liberally.
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