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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1906)
6 TTTE OMATTA DAILY REE: MONDAY.-' ATOTL fi.- 1006. SPECIAL 10TICES AlTrrtluarali for tHes enlasai will k antll 11 m. for 4h edlttoa and watll . a. for tko Mornlnac Maadar edltloa. Hates 1 a word Urs lasertloa. in a word thereafter. NotnlasT. 4akea for leea tkaa to for the arat laser, tloa. These aavrrt Iseaaeats at a at ba raa oaawatlTlr. Advertisers, by rMantlai a dressed la a aasahered iMIrr la vara of Tha Bra. Answer aa addressed will ba delivered aa arearatatloa of rhrck. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE BPRINO TERM. MONDAY, APItIL 2. Day and night. Nw rlaaaea In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, scoilhand, typewriting and English. Get a catalogue. Address H. B. BOKLES, president, Boylea Hldg., Omaha. R Mnu OMAHA Sara and Iron Worka make a spe cially of lira escapes, shutters, doora and ilea. a. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. It 16(9 Rata TlPH R AUMBEL BON, 1124 paie Xie8 N. Utn a Omaha, ' R-X SIGN PAINTING, B. 1L Cola. 1303 Douglas. R-4W1 WB BUT and aall typewriters. Wa will sell your machlna on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 828 Nevlll Blk. Tel. Doug. 4608. R MS72 BTEINWAT piano, upright, big bargain. Ferneld Piano Co, o.. Mil SI Farnam St. R 901 GUNSMITH, keya, trunk locks, repairing. Heflln, 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2W4. R-803 TRT KELLY'S TOWEL, SUPPLY. TeL Doug. 8680. R 804 SECOND-HAND Typewriters aold. rented and repaired. Ferer's Typewriter It Sup ply Co.. 807 Bee Bldg. 'I'hona Doug. 7.ui K Si? Apr 1 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 191 Farnam. K 661 MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to order. R-M698 A21 J. H. BTANWOOD. ARCHITECT and Builder. Kea, 2427 Lake. Tel. Doug. 4727. K-M629 Al'J SURVEYING. BUckenaderfer. 312 Bee Bldg. K Ma HAVE Wllaon hang paper; quick, clean paper cleaning a specialty. Tel. Douglas SWL K 644 A19 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 60DA FOUNTAINS, any aisa. 1S1 Fat nam. Q-940 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman at McConueU Drug Co Omaha. Q Ml HALL'S safes, new, id-hand. ISIS Farnam. Q 843 FOR BALE Two lit scholarships on Omaha business college. Addreaa Dwlght Williams. Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. tm MILCH COWS, on aaajr tar ma. 43d and Center. Q 2W FOR BALE At a discount, due bill from one of the moat aesirabi lite Insurance oompanlea, which may be applied on a llrat year's premium; any one considering taking out a policy can save money. Addreaa P 57, care Be g yoi PIANO FOR SALS Party who purchased piano only a few weka ago will aell It at a dlacount from the caan price paid. Addreaa P el, car Bee. Q u PIANO Square,' 310: SO cents weekly. Per neld Piano Co., loll Farnam St Q 843 CRIBBING, nr timber, 80 teet and under; suueo uauwwyu i uuiuvi. iui as laara. Q K WE buy everything la tha furniture Una, Chicago Furniture, Co., 1410 Dodge. 1 Q-477 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famoua Old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the inoubator man. Stud for 124-paga free cata.ogue; 2o0 pouluy Illustrations. M. M. Joiuisoa Co., Clay Center, Neb. Q WJ CAUTION 1 Beware of take piano ads.; genuine new bteinway pianoa are sold ONLY by Schmolier It Mueller and ttmy are the ONLY authorised Nebraaka rep resentatives. Tel. Doug.-itta. Uvl Har ney Bt. W-Maai KINDLING for sale; good wood, sawed and split, ready for slow. Balbach &. Huge dorn Piamug Mill. .'Phone ilurney l&j. Q M?3a As CHAMBERLAIN'S Pertect Chick Feed beat in tne world for young chicks; try 't Hlewart a Seed Store, 119 North Mth St . the only aulliorized selling agent in Omaha. W M; A26 GASOLINE engines slightly used. norse power una IV, horse power. Air Cooled Kelly. 'Phone Douglas La2 Wagner Bros., 1215 Leavenworth. FQR- BALE Choice early Ohio potatoes . for seed; modlum-aised, smooth free from scabies; grown from Hud river aeed; prloe 7ic per bushel, parked f. o. b Atkinson. Send draft with order. Ad dreaa J. M. Bonnett. Hotel Dellonj. Omaha. q ;x FOR BALE One small Ice box. Peter son's Meat Market, 1921 Clark St. TeL Jted-XM.- . U M2i4 A2 ion SALE An eight-room house. In good reA,alr- ..Vant 11 tn from the lot, and will nell cheii p. Inquire of J. R. Criud. belL 1611 South 29th St. -4 3x AUCTION BALE at Johnson Tiros. Trans V .-"i" lm Farn" . on Tuesday. April S. at 10 a. in., comprising three complete sets of II. H. kimmIn for -room houses; also lot of new farm Implements . ' ' Q-2XI 2 FOR SALE-One large Ice box about 7x12 In best of condition. Call on T. T Muni ger. 411 N. 2ulh St.. So. Omaha. Must sell at once. W-2K1 3 FOR BALE Fox typewriter; good condi tion, tor particulars address A 5St Hec . Q-.M4S3 7x ' CIX1THLNO FOR BALE To country mrr rlmnta or railroad contractors. We will make good prices to double your money on broken lines of men's and youth's suits. Bennett's Clothing Department Q-M519 Hx FOR BALE One kitchen ranRc. with water front, nearly new, lii. 24.ii Caldwell eL w m m tx BUSINESS CHANCES 0tJ3",blJ"hel eU.Pump and wtndmlll business for aale. J. E. Hoover. Lock Box 4a, Benedict. Neb. T-Mlfi AluT 1H you want to aell your property? IK you want to buy a home? 1 o you want to rent a house? o you want to get In or out of business? I K ynu want to borrow money? If so. lift your wants with us; we get results ' TEMPLETON MANKtR S0rBee Bldg. , Tel. Douulas-ll , , ' , Y-MS71 FOR SALE Complete set of bar fixtures' cash or diamonds. Address R. Hee tnHce' Council BluRa. Y M'6o A ' A GOOD restaurant for aale at a barsaln J. E. Smith, Jr.. Ashland. Neb. V j Y-M243 A5 t'OH SALE One of the best barber shops In the middle west. Address A 48. care of 'Bee. V-Uv 7 FOR SALE Meat market In northern Ne braska; only ahop in town. Write at once. Addreaa A 46, care Bee. . , Y-MI71 Ax HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR BALK Small horse, harness and buggy. Addreas A 3u. Bee. V Mi;o DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, well broke, and gentle. Apply Jones' Stable, 1114 Dodge. P 21 FIVE had of work borsvs, uu easy term. 444 and Center. P-4M WANTED MALE HELP Spring Term of tha Omaha Commercial College 19Hi and Farnam. BEGINS MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 1 i ataiogue f ree. ROHRBOL'Oll BROS., Omaha. - B Mm n WANTED Four trustworthy boys, wlN bicycles; permanent positions. A. D. T. Co.. 211 B. Uth St. B M570 At DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted, t. v. finest, aJ4 N. X. L. B 901 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied men between ages of 21 and 3S; oltisens if United Btates, of good chsrscter and tern, perate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For Information apply to rtecruittng Omce, Uth and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island. Neb., or Btoux City. la. B 171 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays fo a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chr csko. Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B-408 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Ten truniLiuns ior every graauate; top wagea paid; few weeks completes. Course In cludes tools and diplomas. Can nearly earn expenses If desired. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam SL B M268 Aox WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outside position; steady em ployment, C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. . B Mill WANTED A good all-around plalnlng- miu man. tjtate experience and wages wanted. O. G. Collier, Fairbury, Neb. B 961 A WANTED Experienced stenographer and oroer ciera in Dakery ana coniectionery. Apply WM Farnam St. B M279 WANTED An able-bodied young man capable of assuming full charge of small omce and supply department. State age, experience and salary expected. Address A 64, Bee. B M481 S BECOME a chauffeur at home; positions guaranteed at $26 weekly. Write for par ticulars. Automobile, Dept. K, No. 742 Seventh Ave., New York. B M4tSJ 7x WANTED 1 coat, 1 vest, 1 pant maker; sieaay work. Laa the Tailor. Bloux Falls, 8. D. B M478 6x WANTED A first-class, experienced win now sign writer; apply at once. J. L. Brandies & Sons. H MK I WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. c 0 WANTED Experienced coat ana skirt nanas for ladles alteration department; good salaries. S. Fredrick Berger Ac Co., 1317 Farnam St. C 24( WANTED Girl for general housework: reference required; three In family; good wages. 922 N. 22d St., Bouth Omaha. C-96J WANTED Girl for general housework; iraujr oi inree; no wasning. looz a. aza. Ave. . c M263 WANTED Experienced stenographer and oraer ciers. in nakery ana coniectionery. Apply 1520 Farnam Bt. C M27S WANTED First-class cook, best of wages paia; uerman or nonemian prererred; prl. vate home, with all modern conveniences. 11 B. S2d Ave. C 27 2 WANTED Middle aged ladles In the country ana small towns surrounding Omaha to work at home in spare time. Liberal pay. Call on Mrs. Lee, 1701 Cap itol Ave.. Omaha. ; C M50S 7x WANTED Experienced salesladies In mtl- j uai lhihl, njipiy ueiwetD s ann 10 a. m. to A. D. Brandels at J. L Bran dels 4 Sons. C M4C1 3 WANTED Experienced salesladies In iuuipb ciuaa aepartment. Apply between " m. to a. u.tnranaeis. J. Brandels ' & Sons. C M4H2 S WANTED Experienced trimmers In mll- miery uepnrimeni ; apply millinery de partment J. L. Brandels & Sons. C M193 3 WANTED Seamstress for cloak alteration iuuiii, npjuy ciuuk uepartment. j. L Brandels & Sons. C M494 3 EXPERIENCED hand buttonhole makers lumuiii Biuns. Aioen .cann. Kar HMTL C-Mi6 4 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to sell American DeFor- esi ireiess l eiegrapn stock. This sys tem Is the one used and endorsed by the I 8. government; good territory and liberal contracts to active, energetic so licitors. Call and see us. Walinsley Wumott, 644 Bee Uldg., Omaha, Neb J-M296 7 AGENTS make t dally selling the cheap. .v iiiwh j-ihii w.irr niter ever Jii venled. Retails at 2. Big profit. Ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co Sneca. Mo. J M 78e A3x AGENTS The Fsrmers Manual is the greatest farmer s book ever written; price only II. 7S; commission 66 per cent. Anenis maae a week now; exclusive territory; outfit free. J. L. Nichols & Co. Naper vllle. HI. . , J2S 6x A GFNERAJj agent wanted for Nebraska nanuie me cleverest invention of the day (patented specialty); exclusive con trol to right man. who can make big money. Call on W. L. Haines, Paxton House. J-M311 3x WANTED SALESMEN WAN TFD Experienced salesmen, who can furnish their own team and wagon to sell and deliver Medicines and Household articles on commission. Expenses paid and a reasonable earning guaranteed The Haller Proprietary Company, Blair. Neb. JMJrUyLL. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To Invest $10,000 to $60,000 In good Income brick business property. GARVIN BROS., lis FARNAM. N--M454 i WANTED-To buy horses, all classes. Call 1810 Harney St. Tel. Red-7518. N-M241 W ANTED Houses and Investments. We huve a constant call for small homes under $3.nO and brli k stores or flats for Investment. If you want to sell your property and will sell at low price list It vtlih us for io days. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. N M460 1 WANTED ACRES Five to ten acres on good car line. Tel. Harney-lTfW. N-MS18 Sx DRESSMAKING U HOWELL it school, l&a Far., room 24.. um MRS. ROYS lingerie waists and fancy summer drtaitts. Douglas 274$; 2604 Lav nport. -llul As SCANLON, robes, dressmaking. 119 N. lftb. M748 As RADMAN, ladles' tailor: riding habits and evening coats, special prices 1U April IS. 2UVs Farnam. TeL Douglas MIL. Mt Alt FOR dressmaking done at home. Doug. STiH. M-2; BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES r . WHY pay trust prices? Solid oak billiard and pool tablea $lu. Also bar fixtures. No agency rxpenavs. Catalogue malltd free. Chaa. Pasaow Sons, Chicago. m . 171 WE TRUST EVERYBODT. eaa' caymanta, tnd lead the world In cheap srlcvs on illiaid and pool tablea and bar fixtures; catalogue free. I The Brunawlcke-Balke-Collend.r Co.. 407 8. 10th (it. Omaha. Neb. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 4U N. T. L TeL Doug. DR. WELLS, V. (X and M. D. Neville But. il swO As FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. Uth and Farnam. . E 913 Doug. 611 OMJZ. Haul Trunks . . E 914 NihEL7 'urnlshed south front parlor, suit- " man ana wue; Home cooking; "if.8 nt: modern. The Capitol. lMh nd Capitol Ave. E MiW A19 W,LL. furnished, modnrn, steam heated i carnain. Flat ft. Tel. Doug. zm E 701 NTirT.,urn'8hi rooms. 2634 Davenport; luaiance. a 433 Fi'nR,n8.EU room for Mnt K4 Day vupur, bt. is 7na Nmrl ,ur,nlflhl lrge southeast room; ior ono or two genua- men. 417 South 26th St. K 179 STRICTLY modern rooms In private fam- t,V.:. rUent wcatlon. 2310 Webster. IOUg-o39Q. E-676A26 FI;rifl8!i.ED r?m for 1 or 2 eentlemen In "'uueni nome. sue IHiuglas St. E 439 2x NEWLY furnished outside rooms. The araworm, J.6Z1-KI Leavenworth Bt. E M437 3x NEWLY furnished rooms for two gentle- m sn 'nhnna aa-r - J t . . m exchanged. 2222 Farnam St. E-M472 2X NEW, N. 24tp. modern rooms, housekeeping. 3320 E M2W3 Ml FURNISHED-ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafa 911 Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunke F-910 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1309 8. 2Sth St U -6 TWO largo rooms, with alcove. 2412 Cass. O M707 iei. iteq oi'iti. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES ft" PrU ol lho city. n. U Ulu DOUSES ln fu Prt of tna Clty- Th D 91a HOUSES, Insurance. Kingwalt, Barkor Blk. V 91 1 THE Omaha Van Storage Co.. pack. move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Otllce. 1LU Farnam. TeL Doug. 1669. D-Vlt WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Vaa &. Stor age co. let uoug. 141. omce, .713 Wet ter St D 019 t-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. c. to., aenmano. M paxton uc. Tel. Red 263. D-224 SEE us when iihlpplr household goods to large cities west. we can stive you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth bt. Tel. Doug, lilij. D M121 FOR RENT Soven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. . cor. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth; house in perfect order; new plumbing; hut water heating; rent $40. W. J. Connell, 101 Bee Bldg. D M292 11-ROOM house, 2573 Harney: $30 per month. Charles Montgomery, iua it. x. Lire mug. D M272 FOR RENT Ten-room modern house, 2D21 Mason St. Inquire at F. P. Ivlrkendall & Co., U03 Harney St. D M441 7 FOR RENT S864 Seward St., 9 rooms, mod ern, porcelain bath, gas, furnace, etc., good repair, $30. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. D M462 3 (-ROOM, modern dwelling, good condition. lawn and shade trees, ajth and St. Mary's Ave. J. B. ivelkenney, Kurbach block. D 442.x $32.60 Eight -room strictly modern brick noiisc. wo. Houtn !tn at. tel. tiarney 1767. D M4 2x $16 8-room house, 2 blocks from car; city uRici, larse yaru. o-i r.mmet si. $20 Furnished 8-room house. 2 blocks from vai ; jniu, ymiiv, iiuii'-i ol. D-M481 2 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas-1626. Uchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1407 Harney. D M512 6- r. mod. ex. furnace, 230 JMrker, $18. 7- r. tm Farnam, $13.60 8- r. mod. good furnace, barn, 964 N. 23th, $. 8-f. mod. good furnace, barn, 1316 8. 3.d, $-(0. 8-r., city water. 2 lots, ana Maple, $18. 6-r., west Hanseom Park, bath, gas, $20. F. D. WEAD, 1624 DOUGLAS. ; D-A 2 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room ln Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St., Soutu Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22xluO separately; 10u3-t Farnam Bt. Inquire 214 First National Bank Bldg. I-i CENTRAL, drug store, with ttxtures: also laundry, with power. 'iUarci, 220 North Sid. I-M6-1 $40.00 Largs Harney St. N. tore room fot P. DODGE 4 CO. rent. IMS X M563 THREE-STORY and basement building, with electric elevator, in wholesale dis trict. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. 1 M516 7 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Houses, flats and stores to rent. We are turning away good ten anta every day. Our ground Moor loca tion brings ua the good tenants. N. P. DODGE - CO., 1714 Farnam St. K-M461 S WANTED Immediately, furnished or uu furnished house; small adult family; good references and pay. Give full particulars or no notice. W 16, care Bee. K-633 3x PATENTS H. A. 8TURUES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less succeasfuL 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. . t(i 9 F. J. LARSON CO.. patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb BHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. t. lotn m. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Block. -i2 FOR EXCHANGE; IF YOU do not find what you want !n this column, put an ad. In and you will soon (Ct It Zr-g-i ONLY, HOTEL In town; trade for land or sell; bus line and mail from train; livery barn. Paya from $1,600 to $2.ou0 a year. Sell on account of wile's health. Address W-2L M 144 A12 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ROSALIA A. BAALFEI.D. PIANIST and teacher. ' Rootu , Arlington block. U-m Alt -oolr fo Special Announcement, on another page of this paper, regarding REAL ESTATE AND FARM EDITION To be issued Sunday, April 8. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A $70n LOT In Bemis Park for $T10 cash If sold at once. Address A 35, Bee. RE M106 THE Glover Cuban I -and Co , R. t, N. T. L Bldg., Omaha, sell lands In Cuba. Round trip. Omaha to Havana. tt7.86. RE 936 $300 EACH SOUTH FRONTS NICE BUILDING LOTS 28th street to 2Sth avenue on Ruggles; sewer and city water. If you are looking for place, to build moderate price home see these. Tel. Douglas-21ia. 443 Board of Trade. R. H. LANDERYOU RE-M4o 3 20,000 INVESTMENT PAYS TEN PR CENT NET Six brick flats within five blocks of busi ness center, where property Is rapidly In creasing In value. GEORGQ CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE M 301 3 WHOLESALE DISTRICT Southwest corner 12th and Harney Sts.. 44 feet on Harney by 132 feet on 12th Bt. Price $12,000. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Fumam. RE M275 FOR SALE The elegant 8-room house at 1306 South 2th St. Modern In every respect, tasi iront; lot aoxu0 feet; small earn. Apply Conrad Young. 1D1S Doda St., Tel. Douglas J571. RE M431 3 DESIRABLE ACRE TRACT NEAR SOUTH OMAHA $2,600 for 2.6 acres 8. E. of Swift packing house and S blocks from Albright car line. Improvements consist of good 7-room house, large new barn, 2 chicken houses. , hog pen, 150 fruit trees of all kinds, one acre In alfalfa, high board fence all around premises, good place to raise chickens and hogs. Get oft at Polk street and go 3 blocks east. GEORGE" & CO., 1001 FARNAM. RE-M300 3 FOR SALE BARGAINS $1,800 -room house, 18th near Vinton St $2,100 -room house, corner lot; lith, near Vinton. $l,ono 5-room house, 20th near Caatellar St. $ 460 Fine lot on grade on South lath St. Also fine trackage property and many Other properties. Inquire, MKLCHIOR. LEI3 & SON. 'Phone Douglas-5688. 1943 So. 20th St. $2.200 4-roum house, all modern, on South 20th St. RE M458 FOR SALE A home worth $30, on. for $11 000; west side. Address L 17, Jlee. li M861 TRACKAGE A One piece of trackage property, 147x284, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sts., $12,000 will take it for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE M530 Cis Williamson Co.tJ- 5,tBpi JgP"- ,'JV RE-937 FARMS and pity homes, tater. Blair. Neb. Kemp. Real Es-R-M SOUTH PART OF CITY Six-room dwelling, new, near, Vinton, hamry to both cities; owner anxious to sell. $2,600. Shimer & Chase Co. Moderate Priced Modern Dwellings. 1609 Farnam, Ground Floor. Douglas S867. RE M36 2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans ana warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4s Co.. 1320 Farnam St W-824 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-936 BUILDING loans on residence property; f per cent W. M. Melkle, Ramge Blk. 11 W 921 LOWEST RATES Be mis, Paxton Block. W-927 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. 6ARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam; city loans. and 6i per cent interest; no delay. W 82J $l,OUO,0U0 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1. N Y. Life. W-atO t at VA PER CENT loana on city property. W. IL Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W Mi WANTED City Loana. F- C. Peters Co. w-w: FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros.. 1110 Farnam Bt. W-W3 City & farm loana. O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y.L. W 689 FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands. Hebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Land Dept. U. P. It. It.. Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." H-3t OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH to North Dakota to select a 320 or a t40 acre farm out of our 100,000-acre tract for $12 to $16 an acre; will yield over $12 as acre; free coal, living water, black soil; send fur mape and Brown's Farmer. Wm H. Brown Co., 131 La Bail St., Chicago or Rlchardton, N. D. ii I VaJt Al FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS, also deeded lands, both Irrigated and upland, for alfalfa, augar beets, grain, fruit and atockgrowlng. Mapa, pictures, price lista free. Agenta wanted. The Sterling In vestment Co., 201 Front St., Sterling. Colo, H M2.';i DRAMATIC Chambers" School of Stage Arte, Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction in Stage Crait. publlo performances by pupils In their own theater, under personal directorship of Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead ins character with "Arizona," "Frederick Warde," "Frohman's." nlue years Wood ward Stock, Kansas City, Omaha. Tele phone. Douglas lifTl 148. Wlllard E. Chambers, Manager. PRINTING I VMHTAh High grade 1908 Calendars. o Vr,..",- 8 K Cor. loth St and Ot JUKVC Capitol Ave. EN DLL Printing Co.. 310 & Uth St. M-23S FLORISTS L HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. IIFSS SWORODA. 1416 M STORAGE MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. Goods stored at lowest prices; insured without extra charge. Phones Douglas lu&t nd Douglas lttt vl AM V MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $ $ $$$$$ $$ IN OMAHA THAT HAS THE BEST RATES AND THE EASIEST TERMS. ' If you need ready cssh for moving or spring purposes you can get it here on short nuucv. IMPORTANT. Den't let a desirable residence slip your on account ot reaay money. WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN FROM $10 TO $500 ON SECURITT 8PCH AS PIANOS, HORSES. WAG ONS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AL ARIF8. ETC., LEAVING SAME UN DISTURBED IN YOUR POSSES SION. PRIVATE RECEPTION ROOMS. If you cannot call, write or 'phone. RELIARLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Streets. X M925 OUR LOANS Our i employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. W tell you to the wiwt the cost will De, and if you conclude tint it will not pay you to borrow there is no harm done. W loan on furniture, pianoa, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people ui"'n wieir own agreement to pay. we offer you" rates as low as you will iota ana our facilities for quick and con, fioentlal service Mr unsiirnunaeH We are the oldest concern In our lln in tna city and we always try to please our patrons. OA1AHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. U9 Board of Trade Bids. 'Phone Doug. 2296 (-staollshed, is92. JUi 8. lttlh SL DR. PRIBENOW'8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, lioreea, el0 iu any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any teiini Wunled; payments suspended In case ot sickness or out of employment Room 214. Karbach blk., 209 S. 16th Bt 3C s;o When ln need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 632-3 Paxtcn Blk. $ $ INDEPENDENCE Why be obliged to others? It's easy ' lo get money of me. No red tape. Pay whon you can. BOWEN, 703 N. Y. Life. Open evenings until 7. X 973 Money loaned salaried peoplb and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol mau, room 714. New York Life Bldg. ., .-7J SEE the Western Loan company for furni ture, diamond and salary loans, 331 Ne ville blk., Uth and Harney. Tel.,Dougias el. X-4i4 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loana Duff Green Loan Co., Room , Barker Block. X-876 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam Bt X 97 MONEY loaned on pianoa, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 310 8. Uth. X-77 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-v.S Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. Ypu get money same day asked for at small . cost. Open evenings until 7. X M467 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills women's " monthly regulator, has brought happlneaa to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in t to i days. W have never known of a single failure Price, $2 by mail. Raymond's Monthly Regulator ln lluuld. $3. Dr. R. u h.L. mond Remedy Co., Room 36, 84 Adams Bt, LADIES. $1,000 REWARDI I positively guarantee my Never-Failing EUGo KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest most obstlnuse cases of delayed Monthly Periods ln 8 to S days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall, ii 6a. Double strength, $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. H H BOUTH1NGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY, JD.V BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerv roou rma i dox. postpaia. tstierman As jscionneu urui onwm. PLUMBING JOHNSON, THE RELIABLE. PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE LOWEST PRICEa TEL. DOUGLAS 6990. 1813 HARNEY. R-M238 Alt RICH A FALCONER, repairing a specialty; aiso conirucung. r. utn. tjougiaakii. -MM7A17 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. r. a. rnuuin. uu f arnam. rnon ooug. 784. -S4 LARSON at JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Doug 1836. -4W7 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY T,F.S,FC Down cement block ma xi I iiiio chinery. or wm. M(J lo, us show you our lln. 'Phon, (juiia. lapp Construction Co., 303 Neville Blk. -646 Alt TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit, shads and ornamental treea, vine, ahrubs. rosea to. Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. M8u0 A24X CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St, upataira Resullful prediction absolutely given. B-S07 REV. EDWARDS, spiritual life readlnga: also readings by mall. Room 1, Patter son Blk., 17th and Farnam. 8 M634 7 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS vrywhra The New Snow. Church Co.. mala Door N. Y. L TL Doug. 123. J. M. MACFARLAND. 30 N. Y. TeL Doug. 6668 L Bldg. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN GuUleuian. 703 N. 14th. Douglas M. MtS At t $ $ tun $$$$$ i t $ i i H m t $ t $. ttttitt t it urn $$$$$ $ $ i $ $$$$$ PERSONAL FLFSH. white, pink, brunette; Hatln skin powaer is msde in 4 dainty tints, 2fj LAUNDRY CITY 8 T PI A M TeL Doug. JM. XU B. Uth Bt U 961 PLEATING Rushing.5' Buttons! -- iV gnd lor prtce list ana narrrpies. THE GOLDMAN PLKATINO CO.. 300 Douglas Block. TeL Doug. TO U Ml MAGNETIC treatment A Baths. Mm. u ANY POOR GIRL In need or a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home lor women at t Vt N. ?4tb Bt., Omaha. Neb. U MUX) OMAHA Stammerer InsUtuta. Ramg Blk, u tx PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All rnuslc lessons free. JOIN NOW. PerMeid Piano Co., 1611 Farnam Bt. U 96 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. UardelL 2211 cnarics. Tel. Doug. ttlL u THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in ract, anything you 00 not w, we collect repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phon Doug. 4136 and wagon will caU U-AH FREE medical and surgical treatment at tjreignion oieaical college, Mtn ana w DniMirt Htm ani-l ,.,,,,,,. rM to con flnement cases: all treatment supervised Dy college professors. 'Phon Doug. iii. Calls answered day or night U 129 MARCEL-WAVE 2$?? Ti. Bryant, tit Be Building. U-M627 Al 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $3. femaia riano -., 111 FarnahL U-86t RUPTURE CURED No knlf. no lnjo tlons. Call or writ tor booklet Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. ttiug. Omaha. U 9U TRY KELLY'S Doug. 360. LAUNDRY. PHONU U-6t t!L ROY. Chiropody. R. 3 t, UOt Farnam. CMLD STICKPIN FREE To any person sending us the nam of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano ouyer. PERFIELD PIANO CO., TeL 70L 1611 Farnam St U-117 GREEN TRADING wTnea and liquors; by jug or bottle. Cackuy ros. opposite poatomc. U 12 AU fU A M DirW Carpet Cleaning Works, vnrmn iwn BeautlfuL unlqu ruga from old carpets; prices reasonable. 720 a. Mtn Bt let Dougiaa-665 U 166 Jelt MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten- nouse, u n. letn, room z, second floor U-616 A-l8 C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging; mga-crass work at low prices. Doug.-8t8 U M193 A14 YOUR saving 40 per cent Investigate. i-enceu aiiiunery Co., iu tsoutb 16th St. ' U-704 WALL PAPER cleaner. TeL Harney 3296. U-64 MANICURING, handdresslng and mas. aage. Hatti Haul, 2u6 Nevill Blk. TeL Doug. thai. U 663 SPENCER If .TTRBBBM renovated. ea.ww njllll V. U-M587 A22 RArVlSRp,U!Uc,ll Hatter. Hats reno IXAillO a. IVaL1l. 120 H Mth ill rvnV S&i. U-M417A6 BUTTERMILK at creamery. 1008 Casa. U-M647 AS FOR Enster millinery at reasonable prices. ouuin viu ow 4J MW& AV PRIVATE confinement home: babi , adopted. Jars. or. lung, mM N. list Bt YOUNG woman keeping house wishes lady .wMiiiiaic. auuich 4k v, care i?ee. U-M223 A6x Runaway Boy Herman Wulf, 14 years old, left home at oniowa, md., siarcn sa, riding white mare, 23 years old, 900 to 1,000 pounds' medium-weight saddle. Had grip and 22 caliber rifle. Will pay reasonable ex pens for his detention. Telephone or wire Information to John C. Wulf Oblowa, Neb. . U M247 2 ' FURNITURE packing and repairing; up uuibici ui uu iiiaurvaa maaing. L. Smith. 1918 Lake. Tel Douglas 6668. U-M170 Alt MASQUE COSTUME8. Lleben. Tel. 411. U-M744 PRIVATE hospital during confinement Ba- 1-ilAsa nrlnntaarl. HeMt Anil rhaa n.s 4 city; 2319 8. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U-M661 A20 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies BUUlflCU, . Ila VWU Mlll.l IIB OHIlltHrlUHl 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 771 U-322 WE RENT sewing machines, $1 week arid per nio. we repair an makes of ma chines: second-hand machines, $6 to $10 Neb. Cyclo Co., Tel. Doug. 163. Cor. 35th and Harney. U 57 KOCHER, carpet weaving. U1I Izard. U-M25I Alt TREES trmsc Jtrspevines trimmed; llLL.kig0 la the time. John fo-. 1810 Cuming. Doug. 1641. U M208 A14 INCUBAIORS, brooders and chick food Burr Incubator Co., 26th and Davenport U M634 A22 ' CARLSON & CO., upholstering and repair lng. Tel. Douglas 2813. U M663 423 SF.WING machines and supplies. P. E. riuaman ct vo., ion capitoi av enue. M321 Mayl SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wks.; 2221 N. 2oth. Doug.-lfiht. U-M3e9 Ml GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QI'AR termaster. Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 1, 19o$. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock, mountain time. May 1, l!)m, and then opened, for constructing, plumbing, steam heating and electric wiring, one barrack for hospital corps, Plana No. 1-729 Spl, Bidders must state In their bid the time In which they will complete the work. Proposals must be accompanied by two guarantees, justifying jointly. In double tha amount of 10 per cent of the bid. Full Information, blank forms, plans and specifications furnished on application to this office; also to the ofMco of Depot Quartermaster, Chicago. Bt. Paul. Omaha, St. Louis, Denver. United States reserves I he right to sccept or reject any or all bids, or any imrt thereof. Envelopea con taining I Ids to le endorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo., and ad,lresed to Captain W. 8. Scott, Constructing Quartermaster, Chey. enne. Wyoming. Apr2-9-16-23 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master, Sheridan, Wyo., March 80, 19o8. Bealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived at this office until 10 a. m. (moun tain time), April 30, 1, for construction. Including plumbing, heating and electric wiring, of an administration building and a post hospital, both brick, at Ft. Mackenile, Wyo. Plana and specifications may be aeen at office of Chief Quartermaster, I'. S. A., at Denver, Omaha. Chicago and St. Paul. Depot Quartermaster, I. S. A , at St. Louis, and at thla office, at which latter flace all Information may be obtained. T. B. reeervea the right to 'reject or ac cept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for Public Buildings," addressed, Capt- James 8. Par ker, Q. M., U. 8. A. M30-31-A2-S-27-28 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE. Whereas, the South Omaha Produce com pany haa sold Its business to the Beatrice Creamery company, Omaha, Neb., and aa all book accounts due lt South Omaha Produce company were Included ln said aale all moneys due on aald account are to b paid to th Beatric Creamery company. MUdilMB GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTFRMASTttR'S OFFICW Omaha. Neb., March "7, IM. Beslee In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received by lho Quar termaster. Fort Crook. Neb., until 10 a. m.. central standard time, April Ifi, 1, and then opened In the presenre of attend ing bidders, for repairing hospital, Includ ing painting, varnishing, etc., at Fori Crook, Nebraska, ir. s, reserve the right to re.tect or accept any or all proposals m any part thereof. Blank forms for btddlns and circular giving full Information n4 requirement will be furnished on ap plication to the Quartermaster, Fort Crook, Neb., to whom envelopes containing pro posals marked '"Proposals for Repairs t Hospital," should be sd.lressed. M. Gray Zallnskl. C. Q. M. Mch29-S0-31 Ap3-13-1 RAILWAY TIME CARD IMION TATIOn-TENTU AMD MAROY. ViUa PaelCa. Ly. Arrtra, Overland Limited a 9.40 aa a lot am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:11 pm a 1:10 rr.s Colo. A Calif. Es a 4:16 pm a $: ars California A Or. Ex. .a 4:xi pm a 1:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:30 am alO:l pia Faat Mall a 1:66 pm a 1:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Piatt Local a 1:10 am a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b t:lt cm b 3:0 pnt Chicago Great Wwms. Leay. Aniy. St Paul 4k Minn a 8:90 pm a 7:18 am Bt Paul Minn a 7:46 am a 7:66 pm Chicago Limited .a l:0 pm alo w ar Chicago Express a 3:01 am a 340 pot Ckloaga, Heak Islaag m ifaMlBsj, JuAaT. Chicago Llmltaa a 1:38 am a T:lt asa Cnlcaao ExDress a 7.00 am a a u Chicago Expreas, LocaLbU:U ant a 4 0 run Des Moines t,xpr .... a 4:30 om hll:aaan Chicago Faat Lxpreas..a 6:40 pm a 1.16 pia WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:10 am 1 11 Colorado Express a 3.-01 pm a 4:61 pea Oklahoma 4k Texas Ex. a 4.40 pm pm Chleaso at Kortkwsitsrm. fit Paul Daylight a 7:60 am Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am :00 pr U:60 pm Uara Chloago Limited ........A :3S pm Carroll Local a 4:33 pm St Paul Fast Mall a 1:2 um am 7:i am Bloux C. Bt. P. Local. b 1:60 8:38 am Fast Mall :a pia Chicago Express a 6:60 pm a 7 Jo am Norfolk It Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10:36 am iiuuoiii tK juwiib 1HU...W ..wain lv:3 am Casper 4k Wyoming 3:tw pm tat pin oeaawooa & uncoin-.a :uu pm 6:16 nm Hastings aV Albion b 8:60 (is t:16 pm Chicago Local all .30 am t:4i pm Chicago Limited all ;0Q yta 11:16 La Wabash. St Louis jCxcreaa. .a t J0 pm al:taia St. Louis Local (froE Council Biuns ...a l:l sua alOilo n Btanberry Local Urom council uiunaj. ........ o a:w pm Ml: 30 ant Illinois CeatraL Chloago Express a 8:00 an 3:66 pre Chicago Liuuted a 6:00 pia a 1M ana Minn. 4k St, Paul Kx...b 8.U0 mat b 1.6s pm Minn. 4b St Paul Ltd... a 840 pin a 7:30 La tkleaso, gllwHkM A It- FaaL Chicago Colo. Bpeo'L.a 7:6 am a 7J ara California It Or. ikx...a 6:4 pm a 8:10 put Overland Limited a . pin a 9:3u moi Marlon C4ar H. Lo..b 4.46 aw bU.uu put Misaoarl Paclno. St Louia Express a 8.-00 am a 1:30 pm K. C. UU U xprM.Ua pm a k.uu pm Mlaaoarl Pala- Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive. W oping Water b 3.W pm hU.A pm BUBXINGTOH ITATIOM LOTH MMMitB Barllagtosw Laava. in.. Denver 4V California.... a 4:io pm a t:W pra black Hills r. a 4:10 pm a to La Northwest Bpsclal a 4:10 pm a 7:iu ZZ Northwest Jbaprasa jum m jy Nsbraaka Local -a 8:uu am a 7:o pm Neoraaaa luxpress a .iu am a 7:u pm Lincoln Local a 9:06 am Lincoln Faat Mail b 2:1a nm mll M Ft Crook Plattsin'h.b 3:6o pm blO: am Bellevu 4k Platuui n...a 7:60 pin a 8:80 am Denver Limited a 1M am Beuevu It Pao. Juno.. a 1:30 am a 8:j am hellsvu & Pac. Juu...a 8:10 am a s m n Chlcsgo Special a 7:26 am a 7:36 am . 1.1. . w ...... . 1 AS. .. . u ,. - Ullivasu K" - ...... , w.w iiu s:oo pm Chicago Flyer A 8:06 pm a i-.m Iowa Local a 9:16 am al:6j pro Bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm all: am Kansas Clty-bt Jos h..al0:46 pm a 8:46 ara Kansas City-tit. Jos h.. a 9:16 am a 8:10 nm Kansas. Clty-Bt. Jo h..a 4:46 pm ( ,..f WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH A WEBSTEB Chloago, Bt. Fatal, KUnsstlU Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..b 1:80 am b 1:18 pn Bloux City Psssenger... a 2:00 pm all: 20 ara Oakland Local b 1:46 pm b 9:10 ara Emerson Local ....o 8:46 am e tuw pa a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, a Sail except Saturday, e Bunday only, a Daily except Monday. MILLIONS SAVED BY CHILDREN Money Plied Ip by Yfraoarstors .Who Were Taagrfct tha Habit of . BaTlag. While It Is very true, that we need postal savings banks, and should have them, It Is well to remember that we have a valu- able form of thrift teaching ln the school savings banks system In a number of our public schools, and that this system, where by the children's pennies ara regularly col lected by the teachers In tha public schools and placed to the scholars' credit In banks. Is quietly proving itself one of th best forces extant ln training th young to thrift, business methods, happy self-dependence, good habits and good citizen ship. It Is In soma schools In twenty-eight of our states and our school children hav saved over $2,000,000. Often older people open bank accounts, induced, to do so through their children having this op portunity. In Chester, for Instance, ths officers of tha Delaware county savings fund tell me that perhsps 30 per cent of the parents ot the scholars who had not earlier been bank depositors hav them selves opened accounts, to which they add regularly. It Wa had . had postal savings banks they need not hav waited for "a little child to lead them," but would likely have been depositors of savings from thelt youth up. The Long Island city scholars have, slnc 1888, deposited to their credit $190,62.80. A few figures of th children's savings In publlo schools elsewhere may be of gen eral Interest. Over 1,200 ot th scholar! In Atlantic City, K. J hav their indi vidual bank book and their deposits average $8,000 a year. Th scholars of ths Noriistown . public schools hav saved $140,000. During 1906 their deposits wore $13,418.42. and for the last month of tha year, December, 8091.8L The scholar of Pottstown hav saved $108,200; those of West Chester, $34,000, those of Cheater over $600,000, whlla Phoenlxvlll. Royers ford. Spring City. Consbohocken, Oxford, Coatesvllle, Cheltenham and many other near points are doing proportionately well with th thrift teaching. The system was taken up In the public Schools of Pittsburg in 1894. and th scholar there hav de plted over $180,000, whll In 1903 and 19H th thrift teaching' was adopted ua Carnegie. West Liberty, Rankin. Sheri dan and other places near Pittsburg. I simply cite these facts and figures as proof of how willing people are to save small amounts of money, that are otherwise frittered, away, when opportunity . la granted them. Philadelphia Ledger. Fally Diagrammed. "Why." asked th man with th thick eyeglasses and the sympathetic smll flut tering about his lips, "why Is tha Indian that cooks th dog soup Ilk th old fashioned bandanna that was worn as a political badge when Thurmaa ran tor ylca president T" "Say all that again, will you?" asked th man with th discouraged hair. The other man repeated the conundrum, "I can't figure it out," announced tha nan with the discouraged hair. "vWby. It's as plsin as day," gurgled tha nan with th thick eyeglasses and tha sympathetic smll. "11 lg a r4 4Uta chefc" Judg. .