Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Affairs at south omaiia
Closing Republican Enllj .to Be Held it
Sinkula'i Hall Tonieht
retiree gaaaar Bventntg reeling? cVr.
tnln mt Vletary at 1h. Poll aa
twesaa- fr the CMIrt
At Kinkule'a hall tonight will Y the final
republican rally of the campaign. Jt In not
rpeetI that there will be a large
crowd aa waa at the monster meeting at
Workmen temple Saturday night, yet there
will be a fine crowd out to witness the taut
effort of the winning; candidates before they
give their cause to the people.
The meetings which were held yesterday
ly the Lithuanian at New Settler hall
nd by the people of the Third ward at
Twenty-flrat and C street In the new
Turner hall were well attended and much
Interest waa evinced. The candidate went
home last night and "slept roundly In the.
'nnfldence that they would have no cause
to mourn after1 the . polls cloned Tuesday
Chairman Jay Laverty of the city, central
committee paid; "I bav notblng further to
add. than that our men are all doing fine
and getting stronger every hour. Every
body knowa what we are standing for and
believes we will do what we promise after
we are elected, aa we are going to be,
We have been working hard, too hard to
attack the little slanders which have been
thrown our direction, Nobody believes
hem.' I am glad to say we have not found
It necessary to resort to abuse of the other
men. All the statement we have felt called
upon to make concerning any candidate
we are. willing to produce the proof for
In the records."
Heary Tote Ksnerted.
Tuesday South Omaha will likely poll the
largest vote In Its hlgtory. The city charter
provides that electors shall have been in
the city for sixty days next precodlng the
election. Anyone who haa been here a lees
number or days will be subject to challenge,
by anyone knowing the circumstances. Sev
eral names are reported registered whose
residence in tlio city has been made a
matter of record, with lens than sixty days,
The police have taken the namesof several
men whose cases will he looked Into.
Those who have failed for any reason to
register in any of the opportunities given
will still have a chance to swear In their
votes. They will be obliged, however, to
appear In person before the city clerk and
l.rlng with them two men of the same
, ward and precinct who have known them
me year, who will vouch for the correct
ness of the statements offered as an excuse
lor not registering.
Gathering; Election Itetnras.
Partial arrangements have been made
with the city clerk concerning the election
returns tomorrow night. Among the In
xtructtons given to the judges Is a blank
form for them to nil out with the unofficial
returns. These will be sent In as soon as
possible after the polls are closed. With
good work the entire ticket should be re
ported at 7:15. It has been arranged with
Mr. Carter to leave a aet of instructions
with the telephone operators that will ma
terially assist In hastening the work: The
public will be excluded from the office of
the oierk, but they will be Invited to make
ue of the council chamber, where prompt
announcements will be made of the returns
hs they come In. ' This will give the crowd
a chance and will not Interfere with the
work of tha tabulators In 4he clerk's office,
Only t hope who' "have assigned duties will
lw allowed In the latter office.. The public
wilt greatly assist the work of the clerk
by refraining from using his telephone
until 7:30. There are three other "phones
In the building which are just aa easy of
corse and a man will be at each to answer The numbers open to those asking
tiuestions are il 90 and MO. After 7 o'clock
tientral, wljl ask this question of thoae who
call No. .194, "Do you wish to send In elec
tion returns?" If the answer Is yea the
' connection will be made; If no, the con
nection will be diverted to one of the other
three numbers. This will keep the wire
to the clerk's office open for the ahort fif
teen minutes necessary to get all the re
turns In. It Is expected that the council
chamber will be rilled to the limit at 7
o'clock, when the polls close.
wctratth Makes Used Haa.
. William McCralth, the republican candi
date for council from the Fourth ward, la
one of the hardest hustlcra of the repub
I'can camp. He conies from what la known
un the strongest democratic ward in the
city, but he will poll a big vote there. The
i -canon Is that he la so well known and
popular among all dances of people, lie
The Reliable
MI Druggists
,25 50 O !.00.
,u ro uurnl fuMKJoM. TkT THB4.
Iks It kiii(fct-Crar Co.,
will awxr If- you us tha propar rem.
dtaa ta elaar your system af bupurUiea.
ocnrm liver pillq
tlo Pot Paid. lli A Dudtf SU.
1517 Douflas St.
. -T . ., "TTTi je-
hss been a skilled workman in the park
ing houses for many years. Ho owns prop
erty In three of the city Wards, and hi
record has proven that ha has the good
of the city at heart. In the primaries he
polled one of the largest votes In the city.
There can be no doubt that he will be
Mole la Ike l.ld.
A' folr-slaed hole was found In the lid
In South Omaha yesterday aftrrnoon. and
as a result Barney Cogan, who has a sa
loon at 2700 Q street, was landed In Jail.
Fifteen men were found In the saloon,
several of them drinking at the bar. The
door waa open both at the back and the
aide. Several times formerly the police
have been trying, to see what was being
done. No attempt waa made at conceal
ment In this case, and for that reason
It may be thought that an attempt was
being made to aee what the attitude of
the Board of Fire and Police Commission
ers waa concerning the question of Sun
day opening since the presentation of the
recent petition. After going to Jail Cogan
secured bonds for his appearance. It waa
stated at the Jnil that complaints would
be filed this morning charging Cogan with
a breach of the Slocumb law.
laaram l,nss Ha ad.
Ed Ingram of Omaha, who works at the
Lucerne Food Products company's mills,
met with a serious accident Saturday
morning. While working at the mill near
Tweaty. ninth and B streets he accidentally
got his hand In one of the feed cutters.
Which clipped It completely off. He was
taken to the South Omaha hospital, Where
his wound waa dressed. He suffered con
siderable pain yesterday, but Is reported
doing batter today.
Balka Holdup Mam.
Edward Trapp, a earpenter living" at
Thirty-first and K streets, visited the Jail
last night and reported that aa he was
going home last Saturday night In the
vicinity Of Thirteenth and U he was ac
costed by two men with revolver who
made a demund on him for his cash. He
said he had no gun In his pocket, but
made a strong bluft of drawing one, but
In reality drew only a jrnrpenter's rule.
It worked. In the dark It could not be
distinguished. The men begged to be al
lowed to back, away In the dark. He
thought It better to let them go. They
had been hiding behind a ruined house at
that point, and around IV they disappeared.
Trapp then proceeded to his home, and as
he had lost no money did not report the
case until last night. The officers were
sorry that he did not send In an alarm
at once. Captain Shields and Officer Turfi
qulst agreed that It was just such good na
ture on the part of many people which
keeps many criminals from being brought
to justice. Too many people will not re
port these holdup Jobs, unless they lose
considerable sum of money or get
wounded. v
Maa-le City Gossip.
Miss Mary Burness Is visiting In Sioux
.letter's Bock Beer Is on draught at all
first-class saloons today.
Mrs. W. J. Taylor la visiting relatives In
the city. She lately returned from Brook
Dr. Wilson of India will speak at ihe
First rresbyterlan church Weducsday even
ing, April 4.
The democrats hold their cloning meeting
tonight at the Ancient Order of l nlted
Workmen's temple,
Mrs. John' William of Kansas City, for
merly of South Omaha, Is In the city visit
ing a number of old friends.
The Board of Education should have a
meeting tonight. It Is likely It will bo ad
Journed Until after the election.
Jot Pntach waa arrested yesterday for
assault and battery, alleged to have been
committed yesterday alternoon, near Brown
Hob Robinson waa arrested under a
charge of petit larceny. It Is said lie took
some lumber and building paper from the
llowland Lumber company. ,
All of the victims of the srt ear -wreck
at Thirteenth and J streets' are doln r well
at the present, i he cms .i i. E. r-eterson
continues grave, and may at any time lie
come alarming.
Jetter'a Bock Beer delivered to residences
In i-doa. quart or pint cases. 'Phone No. 8.
The city council will meet in regular ses
sion tonight. It is likely that an adjourn
ment to Wednesday or Thursday night wbl
be at once taken on account of the nearneaa
of the election. At the latter dates all the
general bills for the month of March find
the salaries will be allowed.
State's Attoraey from Boasteel on His
way to Lincoln for Ex
tradition Papers.
States Attorney W. B. Backus of Bone
steel, S. V., arrived In Omaha Sunday
forenoon and Is staying at the Merchants
hotel. He is on his way to Lincoln to
secure extradition for a man wanted in
South Dakota on a statutory charge.
We are having a warm time up in my
state at the present time over tne sena
torial seat, which will be settled In
June. Gamble and KIttredge. the oppos
Ing forces, are stirring things and every
body In good shape." .
Leaving political discussion, Mr. Backus
spoke of the breaking up of a horse steal
Ing gang, which seemed to give much
pleasure. This gang haa been atealing
horses by the score and had a very clever
way ef getting away with the animals.
Daniel Webster and Bam and Joe Craay
Bull, full-blood Sioux Indians, are among
those In custody for doing the work. They
turned the horses over to white men at a
small fraction of their actual value They
were doing huslnesa In a wholesale manner
and their capture la a matter of relief to
hundreds of farmers and' ranchers.
"By the way," continued the state's at
torney, "I notice dispatches dated from
Montana state Tat Crowe la in that' state
on a tour. I saw and shook hands with
him In Bonesteel Saturday, where he la
visiting a friend, John Dugan, so he can't
be in Montana."
Mr. Backus will leave for Lincoln today
and return Tuesday. '
torus of Nebraska Veteran Retnrn
l-a front Cnba for Rnrlal
j la Omaha.
! The truruipoi't bearing the body of Paul
! Vahdervoort, past commander iu chief of
the Grand Army of the Republic sailed
' from Cuba Friday and Is expected lo ar
i rive at Brooklyn Tuesday. The body prob
! ably will reach Omaha Thursday and the
! funeral will be held here. General Culver,
1 aa a member of a committee appointed by
Ihe Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic,
i will make the funeral arrangements. The
removal of the body from Cuba was 111
tharge of F. J. Riley, an aide to Commindjr
In Chief Tanner, and la under the direction
of the National Grand Army of the He
public, the department of Nebraeka and tho
Women'e Relief Corpa.
qneatlna laa Kverr Man khunld
Decide fnr HI mar It
Ther la one subject In which many of
i us arc Interested, and that Is, what is tha
quickest way of getting rid of a t rouble
son cold? Is It best i take aonw new
remedy put out with exaggerated claims,
or to pin your faith to 'Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, a preparation that has
wuu a world wide reputation and limnenve
aale by Ita cures of this 4MaieT
DIAMONDS f user, iath and Pod it
The fMnnh Hotel Clerk's asiux-iatli.n win
me Monilay evenin at tha Arcade hotel
for tha transaction of iuipurtani .business
Borth Blars Again Beat Your Fa't Colts,
Fir to One.
Stf (inane Tnda, hat Taesdny Keller
and Ills Men Will Be Here
to See Meanings
Minneapolis won the second of the ex
hibition series from Omaha Sunday at
Vinton Street park by the score of 6 to 1
In a game filled wih Interesting features.
Three double plays were made, two by the
Millers and one by the Omaha colts, and
several other fast plays were pulled off
which kept the spectators keyed up so
all stayed to the finish In spite of the
cold east wind which made the day aome-
what disagreeable even to the most hard-,
ened fan.
The Millers lined up In about the same
positions as . Saturday, while Rourke
changed his men around a trifle owing to
the absence of Joe Dolan. Dolan was hit
on the wrist by a pitched ball Saturday,
and while his wrist Is badly swollen, he
will be back in the game In a day or two.
Welch was sent to first and Fenlon was
given a try In the middle garden, where
he showed considerablo speed, taking "two
difficult chances.
EacfT team used three pitchers, Fa send
ing In McNecley, Banders and Koukallk In
the order named, and Kelley pitching
Orrlng, Welsenberg and Brittsen, each
working three Innings. For' the home team
McNecley And Koukallk pitched good ball,
the latter holding the Millers without a
hit, but Sanders had a bad Inning and waa
touched up for four hits in one Inning,
with a total of four runs. Sanders always
has been backward In the spring In get
ting Into condition. x
Minneapolis made the first run In the
third and Omaha evened up In the same
inning. Bassey lilt for a double to third
on Carter'a single and scored on Free
man's error.
The Millers made four in the tilth In
ning. Sander had gone through the fourth
Inning by being touched up for only .one
double, but In the fifth the bombardment
began. Sullivan started the fun for Min
neapolis by making a new kind of bunt.
He started on the run and threw his bat
at the ball at the same time and scored
on Graham's double to right field. Fox
singled and stole second and both he and
Graham scored on Welch's error. Persons
was given a life by Runklcs' error and
scored on Yeager'a double.
No game will be played today, but the
Millers will be back for a game Tuesday.
The score:
AB. ti. II. PO.
Sullivan, cf b 2 2 1
Freeman, lb 4 0 2 JO
Graham, 3b 113 0
Fox. 2b 6 1 1 a
Persons, If 4 10 2
Yeager. c .... 4 0 2 9
(tagnler. ss 3 0 0 2
Brlttlem, p 1 0 O 0
Gcrlng, p-rf 3 0 1 o
Wiesenberg, p-rf 4 0 0 0
S 11
H. PO.
1 0
Bassey, lf....i..
Carter, rf
Fenlon, cf
Welch, lb
Runkle, ss
.. 3
.. 4
.. 3
.. t
.. 3
.. 4
.. 3
.. 1
.. 1
.. 1
Perrlnc. 3i
Howard, 2b
Kreeee, c
McNecley. p.....
Sanders, p
Koukallk, p
Totals 30 .1 S .XI W t
Minneapolis 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 06
Omaha 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Bassey, leaser (2). Ora-
ham, Oerlng. Wild pitch: Uerlng. Bases
on balls: Off Gering. 1; oft Welsenberg,
Mil Dy pitched ball: By McNee v. 1.
Struck out: By McNeely, 4: by Gering. 2:
by Welsenberg, 4; by Krittlem, 2. Double
plays: Runkle to Howard to Welch, Fox
in rrveinn, r recman lo r ox to r reeman
Sacrifice hit: Freeman. Stolen bases:
uranam, rox. I niplro: Laruthers. Time
1:40. Attendance: 1,000.
Conth Omaha Team Open. Season
with a Walkaway.
Base ball waa started In South Omaha
Sunday by the Frank Crawford team and
the J. J. Malys, the former winning by the
score or 11 to AtcAlanon started to do
the slabwork for the Crawford and pitched
in last year a torm. isner relieved htm in
the fourth and he alao made good. Casey
nnisnea nut ne game rrom tne seventh In
ning and held them sate for the balance
of the game. lonahue. Milieu. Corrliran
Marsh, Wehde unci McMillan were the best
for the Crawfords. The team probably will
be organised for games in a short time and
would then like to hear from all comers.
Score: RUE
Crawfords 3 2 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 U 11
Malys 0 0010001024
Batteries: Crawfords. McMahon. Usher,
Casey, Marsh and MUlett; Malys, Van Or
den and Clssna.
The lineup of the Crawfords Is. with two
or tnree exceptions, tne same as last year,
iney are: Marsn. manager; imnanua, cap
tain; Wchde, second base; Corrlgan, third
bane; McMillan, left held: Sullivan, right
neid; casey, i slier ana MCManon, pitchers
Mlliett, shortstop.
The team is ready to hear from any ama
teur cluba In the city. For cha Mr Hires ad
dress L. C. Marsh. ln North Twenty-third
street, boutn omana.
Object la to Raise Fanda to Sccar
the) National Convention
, for Omaha.
A very pleasant ball was given last night
by Zlon council, t'nited Zionist society of
Omaha, In Washington hall. The affair
waa for the purpose of raiding funds to
help In the effort to secure the next con
ventlon of Zionists of the United States
for Omaha. This meeting will be held In
December, ana oy giving tne project an.
early start the chances for success. It is
hoped, will be greater. There waa a good
attendance of both the very young and th
very old. The masters of ceremonies were
U Kneeter and H. S. Wolfe. The commit
tee of arrangement having the event In
hand waa composed of J. Llpsey. Mrs. S.
Robinson, Louis Adler, Mrs. Milder, Mrs.
Ravits, Arthur Marowlti, M. Kntelman, J.
Roinanack. Sarah Greenberg. Sadie Ketel
man and Mrs. S. Ravita. Others holding
places on committees were Abe Ketelmun,
Max Oetrowski, flattie Nathan. M. Chason,
Mrs. Flsherson, H. FlsherwoH and D. Toibb.
Dr. U. P. Mokea Badly Hnrned.
Dr. O. P. Stokes of the Omaha Medical
and Omaha Dental colleges lies at the
Swedish hospital suffering from burns re
ceived In an explosion of gasoline Saturday
morning. He was working with a blast
when the exploalon took place, burning hi
hands and face. He also inhaled kiwi of
the flame, but his condition, although seii
oua. is not dangerous. Ha was reported
to be doing well last night, but hla friend
were not allowed to sec him.
Harry V. Hayward haa returned' from
linker City, Ore., wlmre ha went to attend
the funeral of Lis youngest brother.
W. 1 Browne of Uncoln and H. M.
Brundley and I . K, Mot of Chadron were
registered at the Merchants botat Sunday.
Frank H. Nlckeraon and Misses Sara and
May Muukler and K. rkiira of Norfolk
weie guests at the Murray hotel yesterday.
W. B. Hat kua of Bonesteel. stata attorney
for Suutn Iakoitt, spent tiunday In tha city.
Mr. Backus waa superintendent of the In
dian school at Genoa, Neb., before moving
to South Dakota.
Arthur Met! has returned from . Hot
Springs. Ark., whera ha spent eevaral
weeks. Hu got out Jast before the lid was
put oiii aa he said yvaierday waa Iw bav
b a u di4r am an
A Tree Tonic
'' c
Fifth District Oonereesman Discusses Meaa-
'nre for Popular Election of Senators.
Provision Uxtendtnav the Terms of
Representatives to loir Year
Will Make Bill Topolar
In the Senate.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 1. (Special.)
Judge George Norrls. who represents the
Fifth Nebraska district in congrese, has
broken Into the Inner circles of house legis
lation. He has accomplished this by a
steadfast desire to be right and his straight
forwardness and his ability have given him
a prestige In a body which, although made
up of 3S6 members, together with the dele
gates from the territories, is controlled by
a few Individuals.
Recently Judge Norrls had the honor paid
him of having his bill providing for tho
election of senators by the people and the
extension of the term of representatives
from two to four years, made the basis
for a committee bill. Which has been re
ported favorably from the committee on
election of president, vii'e president 'and
members of congrca and Is now on tho
house calendar.
Norrls Defends His BUI.
In discussing an editorial recently pub
lished In The Bee, taking exception to Judge
Norria' bill, because of the extended term
given to representatives In congress, he
made the following statement:
Yes. I have read the recent editorial In
The Daily Uee in regard to my proposition
now before congress to amend the constitu
tion by providing for the election of sena
tors by the people andjyr the election of
members of the hou.-- fi representatives
lor a term or jour yenrn(
In my Judgment,
tha claim made in the" editorial that the
provision lengthening the term of ofilce of
members of the house will lessen the
chances In the senate of passage of the
provision to elect senatots by the direct
vote of the people, la not well founded. U
Is quite evident to me- that the eltect will
be exactly the reverse. The house has sev
eral times passed resolutions providing for
an amendment of the constitution in the
matter of the election of senators uy me
vote of the people, and in every instance
the provision has failed to pass the senate
by the constitutional majority.
There are senators wno inina ihhi any
proposition to amend the constitution af
fecting the senate ought to originate. In the
senate and not In the house, and there
aeems to be a prejudice in the senate
against any such propoaltion that cornea
from the house, tor years mere un-n
a sort of understanding that any law af
fecting only one branch of congress shoulu
orlKlnate In such branch. And there has
alao been an understanding that any propo
sition so originating wouia receive uivoi
nble consideration In the other branch.
I nder this understanding, at proposition to
amend the constitution affecting the term
of ofilce of members of the house, having
originated In the house'and passed by the
house, would be looked upon with more
favor in the senate. On this aecount, 11
was deemed best to couple the two propo
sitions with the Idea that a proiKiscd
amendment emliodylng both pmpotntiona
would doubtless ba looked upon with
greater favor in the senate. Then again, an
attempt has several times been made, as I
have said, to pass the proposition relating
to tha election of senators, -and In each
Instance such proposition has met wltn
failure. What proof have we that the sen
ate has experienced a change of heart anil
that auch proposition, standing alone, would
receive favorable consideration In the sen
ate? The most Important part of my propo
sition is the part relating tn 11el?,!"
of senatora by the people, and while I be
lieve that more good would result, to tne
country from the adoption of that portl'in
. . C. .u.r. ..intinir to the term of otllce
of members of the house. yetyI am most
heartily In favor of the latter proposition.
I'nder the present law members of the
house are elected In November, and unless
there Is a special session of congress called
by the rresldent, they do not actually begin
their official duties until a year frotn the
following December. Their term of office
la thus practically half gone before the
commence the active duties pertaining to
their office. Before they ai fairly star ed
In the work for which they were elected
they are plunged Into another campalgn
a campaign for venomlnatlon. tfhey wish
"o be returned. Their attention Is thus di
verted from their work-the work In which
they Hhould be engaged, and much of theli
time is devoted to securing a nomination
and a re-election. This is not only unta r
to the congressman, but is likewise unfair
to the pe"Pl ha represents.
Ton Many Elections.
In my Judgment we have too many elec
tions We scarcely get out of one cam
paign before another 1 gin. -We all know
that campaigns, at least so far as tney
affect members of congress and national
questions, always have a depressing in
fluence on business and the prosperity of
the country generally. People contemplat
ing an enlargement of their business or
the investment of money in new I enter
prises alwavs hesitate If a national elec
tion Is approaching until the result is
known. There la always a tightening along
financial lines and neeessarlly along ail
lines of business Just pr.or to a milLonal
election. . ...
It Is unfair to the members of Ihe house
that thev should be put to the expense of
being continually in a raiuiiMlgii. Besides
taking their time and attention from thlr
ottliia-l ilutt'?a the expense connected with
a campaign make an inroad upon his sal
ary until it has heeome common knowledge
that only the wealthy can afford lo retain
a seat til our national legislature. I think
It would be an improvement if we eleeted
all of our state and county officers fur a
term of tour years.
KaTect of Krennenl f nninnlgna.
It Is not only the officeholders who s'muld
be relieved from rws frequent campaigns,
but tho people themselves are tired of this
continual quarrel and strife. In
my Judgment tills has a tendency to cauae
them to loan interest In pullltc matters.
They become tired of this julitical strife
and -are apt to become riist-allahed and
pay no attention to the piiinanea and con
ventiona the foundation of our system.
I'nder our present system of holding an
half aa many opponun.tie. ror mm to piy
his Hade
In our counties In Nebraska we elect a
clerk of the court for four years and a
county elerk for two years. Has thei
aver been any dissatisfaction from any
labile far any injury resuiUun. te u
election every r or every .wo ye.i a in. ; present manager of the knowing well the gue.llfWliuiia r qu.ied of
l."r.r - .M ?n I iiiL t i. ult i o?i Chatham Apartment Hotel, lately erected '" ' honestly and fearlessly represent
I.., ,, I m.r ewflon. were milv held Sir Horace Plunkell, whose Omaha ea- 'he council, 1 hereby ask and re- if our eieiiions were only field - . r,.prwnl Mr piUI11b i niMn of quest the repuiillian voiers of this city tu
.very ' jy"""! jou, and w,,rk for the eliio on ,il
r Rich, tissue-forming, blood making
properties will be found in
2 X for si &fcsK
A liquid-food containing, in- predigested
form, the strength-giving,' nerve-building
elements of Barley-Malt and Hops. More
potent than drugs and is harmless to the
most delicate person.
Mait-Nutriner unlike drucs, can be taken
Without fear of contracting a habit.
Sold by all Druggists and Grocen.
Prepared by
AnheuserBusch Brewing Ass'n
Si.LonU. U.S.A. -
pie on account of the clerk of the court
having been elected for four years? Many
thousands, yes, millions, of dollars would
be sAved In our own state if our terms of
offW were four year Instead of two years.
While it 1h very probable that most of
this tnoney remains In the state, there Is
a large per cent of It that la scnt for Il
legal and undesirable purposed, and the
spending of money In this way cannot help
but have a depressing and Injurious effect.
The tendency nil over the l'nlted States
has been to lengthen the term of office
of the public servants to four years. If
my proposed amendments were adopted
In my Judgment it would not be long be
fore Ihe state constitutions Slid stnle lawn
would be amended to conform with this
provision, and instead of having a con
tinual political turmoil to the Injury of tho
work of the offliiala and the dlcgust of
the people we would have some time for
work, peace and quietude, and some time
to cultivate the goodrcllowship of our
neighbor who happens to be of an opposite
potmrai uiiin.
It is a well known fact that a member
of congress hardly becomes acquainted
with the routine of his office during his
first term of two years, and that in order
to hnve any material effect upon legisla
tion he must have served severs! years.
In a large body like the house most of the
actual work Is necessarily accomplished
In the committee rooms, or at lenst tho
work Is outlined In the committees. To
obtain a position of advantage on an im
portant committee requires years of serv
ice and no slate or section of the country
can eTPect to have any material Influence
upon national legislation until their repre
sentative has served In the work for a long
Make Tour Wants Known Through The
Bee Want Ad Paga.
Fnneral of Colonel W. B. Dale.
COLI MBCS, Neb., April 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The funeral Qf Colonel Will B. Dale,
former editor of the Columbus Times, was
held this afternoon from the residence of
his nephew, John Bechere, on Ninth street,
and waa attended by a large number of
Columbus cltlxens. The sermon w-aa
preached by Rev. G. A. Munro, the paalor
of the Congregational church. The imll
bearers were Colonel M. Whitmoyer, Jnm
North, W. N. Hensley, W. C. Turner, Cnii
Cramer and G. W. Phillips. Mr. Dale was
about 06 ycara old and had lived here since
ISiW. He held many offices of trust In this
county, was a member of the Knights of
Pythias and formerly grand chancellor of
the state. He was a great friend of educa
tion and was in the early days one of tha
regents of the State university. He was
born In Albany, N. V.
Phelie Thompson gheltatn.
CHADRON, Neb., April 1. (Special.)
Phehe Thompson . Shelton, aged 70 years,
died In Chicago and the body was1 brought
here for Interment yesterday. Services
were from Grace Episcopal church, con
ducted by Rev. J. Lockwoyd Jenkins, and
attended by many friends. Deceased waa
the widow of Burr Shelton, who died in
a ho-mltal at Omaha eight months ago, and
tha couple were pioneers of this county,
coming here from Missouri Valley, Ja.,
before Chadron existed. She was a good,
urmtjtich 2tor?cenM
ATE TO f LtftKlFV.
STRAYED Black horse, weighing about
l.lTiil pounds, i years old. white spot in
forehead, some white on one ninil mot,
lump under chin on left side of Jaw.
lieuae return to .1ft and Paul arjd ic
if Ive reward.
Good Endorsements of a Good
Clan by Those Who Kpow Him
...' -'..iVV
- . :;
t ''
To the Voters of the City of Omaha
of the City of Omaha:
atjout to aelect councllinen to
As we are
aerve for the next three years, it givt-s me
great pleasure to speuk a good word for
cauditiate from the Third
I " : .- . . . . ull ,..',,:
would use their InJIuenca for Ms election.
llaneu 1 P iitnrt ra ml liiu la frini Ihu 'lhlr.1 in" nKn liniai I.UII III 1I1B II I TIM III rkl ml
Mr. Plumb haa received the t'lidortteiiH-ut of the Kontenolle club and
atajida with thrm In their effort for good govei-uuienl.
r.t."LT : HOPS ;r,3
benevolent woman, beloved by all, and
leaves one daughter, Mrs. A.v C. Putnam
of Chicago, and one grand-daughter. Mrs.
Mabeilc llnbcggar of Fort Robinson.
J. M. Slphara.
PAI'ILMOX. N b.. April l.-i8peclal.)-J.
M. Blpliard died this morning, aged (W
years, utter a lingering Illness. Mr. Sip
hard was an early settler, a soldlor of
the war of the rebellion and a member of i
the Methodist church.
Jasper II. I.nnniaii.
riTTBBlIlG. April l.-Jupei II. U.W
man. an American portrait painter of some
note, died at his home In this city today.
He was 81 years of age. Mr. Lawman
studied In Paris under Contcre. ;(
(General Franela llarrlnit toil.
KKW ORLEANS, I-a April 1. Brigadier
General Francis Harrington of the l'nlted
States marine corps, retired, died while
on a visit to his son-in-law, Captain Hall,
at the Algiers naval station here today.
,.votk con
John M. Macfarland
. Hepahllcan Candidate for
,iM ew VorL life Buildlnw.
E?Jichael Lee
CANDIDATE for the Council j
from the 2nd WARD. i
Has a good clean record as n I
councilman and as a member of j
the hjgislalurp.
If elected he will devote his
entire time to the duties of tho
Office. He is the father of seven
Omaha boys, the oldest of whom
is Dr. D. F. Lee.
Col. J. H. I'ratt. Prop.
Jerome Pratt Mugee, Maiiugt-r.
Douglas Counlv. Neb.
Dealers in ll..rsfH. ( aide, Slurp nj n8i
, Omaha, Nrh.. Aian-n ,,.,.
To the Ki'pubiicun Voters oi nu City of '
Omaha: i
Having b--ii fr.-,.i"f,cly ank-d as to the '
character of Air Herny i. l iumn, candidate I
ui ii. in) tiiiiiii ii mi- me i iuni vtr i it
gives inn great pieur.uie to Mat- thut ill
iiiimh has lieen in my em,.ov ror I. years'
During Mil tn. se years he nu hud at 'times
the entire charge of uil my ImmneKs aC
Im rs and 1 1 Inve always fuund him fconest,
faithful and capable. He Is a mt.ii ,f KJoi
biiKinecs qua 1 1 neat Ions and well fitted to
till the ortuv of councilman, and I siiiceruiy
lilies iin i. j 1 1 t... ui. .t...i i,.
...... vl riii-ii. Ji'J9prf'l!!IIIV.
(digtiedi J. 11. PK ATT.
WHEREAS, We are about t.j sclett a re
publican councilman from the Third ward
to aerve the city for the next three y-ms
and as a larae laxr.uyt-r I am Ueturoua of
having only 'he very beet men of known
aoility from each ward to represent uk
ar.d there being thirteen rsinliiiHien fruu
the Third ward fe.iung jne nomination
si ii ire of whom I do not Drrnnimln t....u'
and wishing to afcsitit one whom I ilo know'
I am murh pleased lo recommend Me'
I J ""Ml"' " me secretary of
n oreat Ijj wn Cemetery A..iiiiiion for
vu ), uuiiiis nu oi wnn-n tim it st
imiuea to tne amies of said t.lflie to the
f""re aatlitfaction of the dln-tors.
Heaia-clf uiiy.
tHigaedi J. y. CHAIG.
8upt. r'oreat Un Cviueter'.
it:. ' " f : . .
, .' '
' i V.
: j r . ...' :: ( e
v. ". V-
Republican Candidates
The Fonteneile Club.
Ta Voted For at Primaries Tnaa
day, April S. ItXMI N a. aa.
to B. an.
For Mayor, K. A, UENSON.
Real Estate. .
For City Clerk. 8AM K. UHEENLKAr.
For City Comptroller,
For Cily Attorney, JOHN P. EREbN.
Tor Uulldlng Inspector,
(To be voted for In all warns)
Flrtt Ward, E. A. WILLI 3,
Foreman Omaha Prlul
Ing Company,
geooud Ward. W..W. HlMjliAM.
Commission Merchant
Third Ward, HENRY. I. PLUMB.
'Mgr. Tha Chatham.
Fourth Ward, JOHN A. SCOTT.
Raal Estate. ' ."
Agent Ames Eatata.
Fifth Ward, L, E. LUCAS. .
v Ctal Dealer.
Alxth Ward, (ieorg L. Hurst.
Paxton-MUchell C'a.
fi.vemh Ward. C. 8. HAVWARD.
Hayward Broa. Bhoa Co.
Eight Ward, C. J. ANDERSEN.
Andcrsen-Millard Co,
Ninth Ward, J. C. PEDERSEN.
Carriage and Wagon Wk.
Tenth Ward. GEORGE COTT.
Martln-Cott Hat Co.
Eleventh Ward. FRANK CRAWFORD.
Twelfth Ward. D. A. N. CHASE.
Chat a- Co wholesale
Coffeo. Tea and Spices.
To the Republican Voters of the City
of Omaha i
You must decide whether you want
to elect or continue In office otDclaia,
many of whom, have demonstrated mWr
entire Incompetency and servitude to the
public service corporations, or whether you
will have honest and capable ottlciala whu
will represent all of the people at all times.
The above named candidates believe that
the city should own ita own government,
and they stand tor- .
Equal taxation, economical and honest
txpenditure of public money.
Impartial enforcement fl law.
An ample police force for" protection ut
life and property.
Clean itrceta and a CLEAN TOWN.
Public, improvements and city paving re
pair plant.
A welcome to capital and manufacturing
No graft or ring rule.
No gambling, law breaking or corpora
tion control of elections.
No free lights, no tree water and no fie
telephones to city ofllcialg.
No forma of compacts between city offi
cials and public contractors.
No more free franchises, find no giving
away of street awl alleys without sub
atantlal consideration to the clty
Make up your mind what yon want, anil
vote at the primaries for the men who will
carry out your Ideas. Do not lose the fore
of your conviction by votlpg for friends who
have no chance to win, and thereby defeat
candidates who stand for the above prlnci-
25 Years a Resident and Tax
I nepubllcan Candidate fur Connclliuaii,
Serenth Wnrd. . (
' Vole for me, and get a square deal
, No gran. .
William II. Ilattcroih
Republican Candidate'
Councilman, Eleventh Ward
I' I I 111 - I l.llll.