Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Pally Fee (without eiundey), on year. .ICO
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I1lurtratd Bee, one year 2 5"
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Da.llv Br (without Runriav). t week. .12c
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Annreas complaints or irregninrmes in v.
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Th Be Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluff 10 pearl Street.
t hirmrn lfcto t'nltv Ruildina.
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rfiMmiiniMHmi raiatln to new and edi
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ft ... - ukM.ka rwMisria Countr. as.:
C. C. Roeawater. general manager of The
Be publlahlng Company, being duly -worn,
saya that th actual number ot full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Be printed during the
month or warcn, iw, was - ii.
1. .. .ol.a-tO
t .... ita,iBO
4 ... IVOO
7 ai.ono
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17 IUt,ln
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19 S1.40O
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Jl SI, 130
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15 R1.1BO
is 1.-430
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!.. iinnold eorjlee 10.T41
Net total sal.. 4B,T0
rmllv averaa-a 81,151
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
befor m. this at day -"fc,
VD ' Notary Public.
Sobseribem lea-ring- the r -orarllr
iksill kava The Bee
mallan to then. Aadress will
ehnae4 a oftea aa reo,re.
Perhaps a few days' idleness will give
both miners and operators a better opin
ion of work".
The good old bock beer season cornea
Just In time to lend est to the con
cluding weeks of the municipal cam
lr. Bobbins evidently believes that
a bad compromise la better than a good
fight when the people of the entire na
tion Is affected.
Orent Britain la to spend $15,000 In
advertising for recruits for ita army.
Thus does another "Yankee" idea gain
headway abroad.
' The anow blockade in Colorado "la
'broken and the; coemtry may prepare
Hot blockades by Hood - In the lower
Mississippi valley.
, . k. - . . i ' .
ha 3oago .commission reports in ef
feet that King Leopold has managed
affairs in a proper manner, but should
change his methods.
Mrs. Storer and Mrs.' Morris have
learned that sex is no excuse for fool
ishness when dealing with the occupant
of the White House.
Indian records at Muskogee have been
stolen, showing that the "speculators'
re letting nothing escape before the
tribes are disbanded.
The Integrity ot Morocco la assured
and now European statesmen might
turn their attention to making unques
tioned the Integrity of Its ruler.
The self-styled Good Government
league admits ttat It got the cart be
fore the horse and it has therefore un
hitched and gone back to the atable.
By the time Japan has solved the
problem of national ownership of the
ralroads the United States will have
discovered some constitutional plan of
rogulatlng them.
The Omaha Grain exchange insists
upon maintaining its aepmrate Identity.
For two-year-old the new Grain ex
change to a vigorous youngster, quite
uble to stand alone.
That Sioux Falls man who could not
Hud s preacher in Connecticut to marry
him because be had been divorced
should have stayed at home, where the
preachers are' not so particular.
Tne United Irish society Is planning
another campaign In the United States.
It would pay Irishmen- In America to
do what they can to have members of
the British Parliament placed on a
The competing ' claimants for the
93,000 prise hung np by the last legisla
ture for the first discovery of coal in
Xebraska in paying quantities should
get together sod divide the pot before
It eludes their grasp altogether.
fcweditth-Amerlcan voters should re
member that three year ago John But
ler ran by petition for the express pur
pose of beating an eminently respected
Kwedlsh-American who had secured the
republican nomination for building In-siK-ctor.
And they should remember also the first name on Butler's petition
as an independent candidate against the
Swedish nominee for building inspector
wus' the traitorous name of John West
iKMg. who has for years traded on his
Swedish nativity and traded off Lis
SffedlkU countrymen for his persoual
iMottt or aggrandisement.
rorcLAn choice of.sesatoks.
The democratic World II erg Id, which
lias been vociferously demanding di
rect primary nomination when not
within reach, is openly opposed to di
rect primary nomination of candidates
for the democratic state ticket this fall.
To excuse Its backsliding it offer
plan for getting public sentiment on
democratic aspirants for tho Lnitel
States senate by requiring tliem all to
take advantage of the constitutional
provision permitting them to go on the
official ballot by petition. This propo
sition, so far as it relates to the demo
cratic choice for United States senator,
would not call for a discussion, but for
the fact that it had already been previ
ously suggested for the republicans by
those who are opposed to both direct
primaries and state convention nomina
tion. '
The plitn to submit the names of all
senatorial aspirants to an expression of
popular preference on the regular bal
lot at election time might be feasible
if all agreed to do so and all legislative
candidates agreed In advance to stand
by tho candidate in his own party who
made the best showing. " The rub would
come, however, in enforcing the popu
lar choice, should the party majority
in the legislature be close and the cor
porations control enough unscrupulous
membera to thwart the popular will.
That is what happened when Senator
Van Wyck sought re-election in
and that is what happened again in
The - constitutional expression of
preference at the election, however,
would unquestionably be better than a
knock-down and drag-out fight iq the
legislature, or a barter and sale market
In a state convention, but it would not
be as good as a direct primary nomina
tion, which would give every member
of the rank and file of the party a voice
as to who should be the recognized
candidate for United States senator and
entitled to undivided party support in
the legislature.
Agreement on a Judicial review
amendment to the Dolllver-Hepburn
rate bill by the known friends of that
measure marks an important stage in
Its progress in the senate. The amend
ment, while it specifically provides for
appeal to the United States circuit
court from the orders of the commis
sion, has obviously been drawn with
the purpose of limiting appeal strictly
to the minimum required by the con
stitution. Jurisdiction being conferred
on the circuit court only "to hear and
determine In any such suit whether the
order complained of was beyond the
authority of the commission or In vio
lation of the rights of the carrier se
cured by the constitution." - .
It has been the view of many of its
strongest advocates, including the pres
ident himself, not only that the con
stitutional right of appeal would exist
In any event, but also that the validity
of the bill would not be impaired if
express review provision were not made
In it. . Others, however, who claim to
b friendly to its purpose, hold that the
measure would be unconstitutional with-
out such provision for court review
Still others, who It is believed are really
hostile, have taken advantage of this
point to obstruct the bill and to cloak
the real motive of their effort to defeat
or to weaken it.
The fact that President Roosevelt ap
proves npy proposed amendment will be
accepted by the public as assurance that
it surrenders no substantial point In the
struggle for ratr control, and that at
the same time It may secure substantial
tactical advantage for the bill In the
senate. If on the one hand the amend
ment removes honest constitutional
scruples of senators favorable to rail
rate control, It will tend en the other
hand te unmask those who have merely
made pretense of such scruples.
The public has Justly looked with ex
treme suspicion on the obstinate efforts
in quarters hostile to the bill to enmesh
the findings of the, commission to the
utmost in Judicial proceedings, but no
suspicion can attach to an amendment
really drawn to strengthen the law
when It runs the gauntlet of the courts,
as it must eventually do.
One noteworthy feature of the recent
coal conferences is the indisposition of
the nluers all the way through to coun
tenance settlement of differences with
the ciierators by arbitration. Several
proposals of arbitration were formally
made by the latter, but all were ignored
or rejected by the former.
The offer telegraphed to President
RooFevelt by the operators of the south
western district compromising Missouri,, Arkansas, Texas and Indian
Territory, to submit all questions at is
sue to arbitration btore a commlsslou
to be appointed by him. the award to
be binding on both operators and
miners. Is Identical with the proposition
which the miners unanimously and de
risively voted down. W. I. Ryan of
r.llhois, one of the leaders of the miners,
who n.ade the motion that "the arbitra
tion proiKMltiou le referred and placed
on filo among other memoirs for future
refcMrce," in his seerh declared, amid
applause: "I don't believe in arbitrating
anything unless I know I am golntf to
It is therefore .not likely that the
president, for the preseut at least. Mill
take any step toward arbitration in the
southwestern coal region.
The ballot as made up for the coining
primary includes alleged fftrfig for the
oflWa of city treasurer and tax com
missioner, but no authority to canvass
votes for these offices has yet been dis
covered. Ho far as the provisions of
the law go. votes for cm ml Mm tea
i iiotilnat'ons to offices that are not to
be "voted on at the election have no
mora force or effect than votes at tills
time for president of the United Ststea.
It is hardly worth while for the
present to speculate on the application
In our country of the plan of govern
ment ownership of railroads which has
Iteen adopted in Japan, or to take seri
ously the calculations which have been
made in Washington, to the effect that
on the basis of purehose in Japan, or
b capitalisation at 5 per cent on the
average annual net earnings during
three years, it would require I12.MK),
0fkMK to buy outright the American
roiuK We are actually engaged in an
effort to solve the problem by an en
tirely different method which has not
jet been tried out nor Indeed more than
fulrly itegun government control of
roads under private ownership. The
alternative of government ownership
will not le here resorted to until the
method of control without ownership
shall have been tried out, and that, too,
with the utmost patience and thorough
ness. Iu point of fact ownership Involves
most of the difficulties which are In
volved in control, besides many others.
The fixing of a valuation for purchase
Implies precisely the prerequisite to con
trol of roads as to charges on a basis
of fair compensation for the investment
In them. The question of fictitious cap
italisation In the form of watered stocks
and bonds is involved in Its length and
breadth In the one case as In the other.
We have not come decisively to that
question as yet, although we must reach
it and apewer It before the paramount
obJ.7ct of control can be attained. What
we are engaged Upon Just now is an
effort to supply the necessary legal
means of applying the public authority
to rates, by Itself not an easy thing,
but when this shall have been accom
pi lulled it will remain to fix the rates
reasonably, that is to say, to determine
a reasonable valuation of transportation
property, on which the owners are en
titled to compensatory returns.
There Is this advantage of the con
trol over the ownership method, that
It affords more opportunity for progres
siye application. Government can direct
lta course in the light of experience ag
each step Is taken. Under our lustitu-
tionn ownership could not begin except
by fixing irrevocably a purchase valua
tion In advance, which under existing
conditions could not now be done with
any sort of safety or certainty. If pro
prlc-tary Interests and interests In syni.
pnthy or in league with them are so
potential In government now, few would
L ! 1 1 1 i .
w wining io risK so tremendous an
issue as that of final valuation on a sin
gle turn of the political lottery wheel,
even if no olber hazards were Incmdod.
It is by no means accepted by our
people, however they may be dlssJi "Sflcd
with transportation abuses, as probable
that the public authority through the
machinery of our government, particu
larly the courts, is incapable of ascer
tattling a fair valuation of coinmou car
rier propei ty as a busls of rates to be
enforced without taking on the burden
of ownership. Our people were able
for centuries to do this. The chances
of coimi free the last half century have
1eel1 R0 immense that the readjustment
of legal means is difficult and requires
time. It would not be surprising if the
adjustment proceeds through such
moven-ents as the one now coming to
a neau in congress and later in the
courts, the interest that wiJ cry out
serloufly for government ownership
may be the proprietary corjioratlon in
For the public now striving for con
trol, without ownership, on the line of
fair rates to falter with or turn towards
ownership would be to lose all that has
been giiined and to postpone, at least
for n long time, even the Wginulng of
tllo nov regime.
ine primary election campaign in
Omaha, which is approaching its close,
is replete more with side Issues than
Issues. Among the issues of ,the cam
paign, or course, are, economical and
business-like administration of city af
fairs, the regulation of public servk
corporations and the requirements of
honesty and honest labor from every
city omclal and employe. On these
points all candidates are profuse in the!
promises. The further Issue on .wblc
there is a divergence is that between
the enforcement of the law with purl
tank ill strictness on one side, or with
unrestricted license and licentiousness
on the other, or Mith reasonable and
sensible discretion as the third choice.
The effort to ring iu municipal owner
ship by resurrecting the subject of
water works purchase has made no im
pression because those attempting now
to flaunt -the municipal ownership ban
ner have shown themselves in the past
to be obstructors of municipal owner
ship when wltblu reach and their claim
for credit for promoting the water
works purchase is sadly punctured by
the fact that .Omaha seems no nearer
a municipal water plant today than It
was three years ago.
The same is true with reference to
the Fontanelle claim for credit for the
direct primary law. This law was se
cured by the united action of the legis
lative delegation from Douglas county
in which Fontanelle members were in
the great majority. The principal of
the direct primary, on the other hand,
which requires free and unimpeded
choice of nominees by the rank and tile,
is practically nullified by the methods
of the Fontanelles, who undertook In
advance to make up a slate among their
own members and rule out all other
candidates, thus usurping to a self ap
pointed iHjlittt-al junta, rights that
should be exercised by the whole party,
Uvu If the Futuaaelle candidates were
otherwise unobjectionable the manner
of their projection subverting the basic
principle of direct nomination, should
count against them. In addition to
thin, the personality of the candidates,
the reliability of their pledges, their
records as private citizens and public
officers,' their claims upon the party for
party service, should ail be taken Into
consideration and given due weight by
each Individual voter.
William J. Broatch has sold out all
his business Interests in Omaha and
announced his Intention of retiring to
his farm in Virginia unless the city of
Oinaba gives htm a Job with the mayor's
alary attached. Unless we are' mis
taken, our people want a man for mayor
whose fortune is linked for both pres
ent and future with the fortunes of
One of the local weeklies suggests
that "Mayor Zimman, If he chose to
make the most of his opportunities,
might start something right interesting
In police affairs while he Is permitted
to swing the executive, baton." There
s no question but what the new mayor
could, if he would, call the political po
lice and police court officers to time.
But will he?
The World Herald has at last got
around to boost Tom Hoctor for mayor
of South Omaha. The last time Hoctor
indulged bis political ambitions this
same democratic organ announced In
advance that it would not support him,
if nominated, because he had no claim
upon democrats..
Calling; a Desert Peace.
New York Tribune.
Reports received by the Russian govern
ment show that 14,130 persons were killed
and 1,624 wounded in the internal disturb
ances of the last year. That can scarcely
be called making a desert and calling It
peace, but it suggests that famous phrase.
Recoarnlsed III t'lncli.
Chicago News. -Vic
President Archbold's frank admis
sions that he Is "familiar with the produc
tion of oil in this country" rnay be classed
as one of the truly extraordinary develop
ments of the investigation. Think of any
Standard Oil magnate's knowing anything
about the business.
Goes J a at the Same.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Just at present there Is no Indication, that
th horse will have to go. During the last
five years he has increased his numbers by
3.000,000 and these represent an added value
of 3222,000,000. Evidently the automobile
Isn't doing what some imaginative people
predicted It would do.
How the Yellow Sons Soothes.
New Tork. Tribune.
Of course all sensible people deplore the
extravagance and elaptrap of sensational
journalism. . but It Is surprising and also
not a little amusing to note the toleration
certain persons exercis In regard to It so
long as the sensational newspapers are
exploiting them, and how clearly they per
eeive the menace of this variety of journal'
Ism so soon as Its batteries are turned
against them. "
oiler Before the Court.
. Philadelphia Ledger.
The man had been arrested as he was
rolling a cigarette In Nebraska, but he
faced the court unblanchlng.
Your honor, he said, ' the right oft a
man to' roll his own cigarette In this atat
has already keen vindicated." He cited
"As to that, answered the judge, "you
seem, on the face of It, to be correct, but
my learned brother erred. There Is more
Involved than the mere rolling. Tou know
how you moUtten 4 cigarette after it has
been rolled?"
The prisoner admitted possession of the
"Well," resumed the judge, "it is our anti-
expectoration law you are up against."
Thereupon they soaked him duly.
Change oted la the Condition of
the Contest.
' Chicago Tribune. -
The world-wide struggle for success has
always been going on. but nowhere has It
been so generally participated In or ao hard
fought aa it in now In the United States
It Is the biological struggle for existence
carried Into the highest sphere of life. The
struggle for existence among animals Is
carried on chiefly with tooth and claw. The
battle for success among civilized men Is
carried on mainly with cunning, skill and
genius. There have been some changes In
the conditions of the contest besides that of
weapons which are worth noting.
The struggle for existence among animals
In a state of nature necessarily is Imme
diately destructive, however much in tba
long run It may promote evolution, while
that among civilised men generally is and
almost always might be wholly construc
tive. Under natural conditions the nunibe;
of animals that can find In a given area
enough nuts or fruit or grass to live on Is
strictly limited. The success of some,
therefore, means the death of others. If
the vanquished are not killed by the vic
tors they must starve to death.
The same thin? was true once among
men, but science, the arts, division of labor
have made it true among hem no longer.
Whether one man's success hurts other
men depends now on the way he wins and
use It. If he win It by treachery and rob
bery and use It for purposes ft extortion,
like some American "captains of indus
try," It Is Injurious to others. Its effects
are strictly analogous to those of the de
structive vlctery of the beast that preys.
On the other hand, the success of the man
who rises, and. having risen, holds his
place by sheer force of character and
ability, is a blensing not only to himself
but to those over whom he triumphs and
everyone else. A man cannot honestly get
to and keep at the top of a great business
without Introducing Into it economies or
improved methods which benefit his custom
ers and the public. He cannot honestly
get to and keep at the top of his profes
sion, whether it be that of lawyer, phy
sician, engineer or statesman, without ren
dering services that redound to the advan
tage of the community.
The public does not think things out fast,
but usually In the end it geta around to
the right conclusion. Cnder the Influence
of the classic iugllli political economy,
which came near teaching that everything
economic that la I right, there long ex
isted a tendency to regard every man who
achieved large material success as a kind
of publio benefactor. It has lately dawned
on the popular consciousness that a man
may amass wealth nnd give employment
to thousands of people and still be only a
public robber a human beast that preys.
It seems likely, therefore, that hereafter
a healthier public sentiment regarding the
struggle for success will exlxt. There will
be. as there should be, a disposition to
measure a man's genius and claims to pub
lic rpct less by the results he achieves
and ssers by th way h achUvt them.
bit or wAsnixtiTo l.irr,.
Mlaor Seeaes a. 4 laeldeat sketefceg
a th S.
Senator l.a FVIlrtte ot Wisconsin I not
saying much In th senate, but what he
saya and does Is effective. Through his
watchfulness and knowledge of schemes
h has prevented the consummation of a
deal through the five tribes bill whereby
corporations might have secured posses
slon of 00,nno acres of Indian coal lands
valued at KOOO.onO.OiO. Th senator ha
not as yet Uken part in the rate regulation
debate, but Is actively co-operating with
th supporters of the Hepburn bill. When
Penator Bailey was called away by the
death of his father, the Wisconsin senator
took the Texas senator's seat as general
counsel to Senator Tillman, custodian of
th rate bill. The New Tork Times corre
spondent says "this combination between
a republican and a democrat Is a curious
Illustration of the extent to which party
lines have disappeared In the debate. It
attractod no comment, and It seemed per
fectly natural that a republican senator
should take the place of a democrat as
counsel to another democrat. From the be
ginning of the session the progress toward
this remarkable state of affairs has been
continuous. The statehood bill, sent over
by th house as a party measure and
dragooned through that body by appeals to
stand by th organisation, was disposed
of In the senate without the slightest at
tention to partisanship. There was no
party division in the disposition of the
Philippine tariff bill. There had been lin
gering traces of party division, however,
prior to th advent of th rate bill. What
finally broke It up was the sensational
performance of Mr. Atdrlch In placing
Tillman, a democrat. In charge of Presi
dent Roosevelt's Interests."
The other day Senator La Follette sat in
Dolllver's seat In the back row listening
Intently to McCumber's speech, when Rep
resentative Babcock entered the chamber.
The two are foes to the death. The sen
ator nearly bowled Babcock out of con
gress two years ago and has a long knife
whetted for his scalp this year.
Babcock rolled along bark of the seats
In a preoccupied way and flung himself
down in Alger's seat, which is - next to
Dolllver's. Then he turned about toward
the Wisconsin senator to see who his
neighbor might be and shake hands with
him In the customary manner of repre
sentatives when they visit the senate.
When he saw who his neighbor was, a
look of horror possessed his entire coun
tenance, his Jaw fell and he hurriedly
gathered himself together and fled through
the side door.
la toilette sat through It all with a
castiron smile-
Every day is Tillman's day in the senate,
The senator from South Carolina has de
veloped into a poet. He was asked when
he would write his book in response to the
criticisms of the senate.
"I have neither the ability nor the tfme
to write a book," said Senator Tillman,
"but 1 can write poetry. Watch me.M
Senator Tillman sat down and wrote
these lines on a typewriter:
Teddy and Till went up the hill
To get the people a good rate bill;
Teddy sent messages. Till he snorted.
And all the while the lawyers cavorted..
When In the senate the vote was over
The people were not In It, the railroads In
Will Teddy fall down and break his crown
And Till come tumbling after?
During a speech In the senate Mr. Till
man quoted Mr. Bpooner's recent speech
devoted to pointing out the necessity for
careful legislation anl also made mention
of a cartoon Illustrating the effect of Judge
Humphrey's recent decision In the Beef
trust ease. The -Wisconsin senator ob
jected that his friend was going too far.
and declared that It was the first Urn
that he. had ever known a judicial opinion
to be Impeached by a cartoon.
"Cartoons often point out some pertinent
facts," remarked Mr. Tillman.
"The last cartoon I saw of the senator
from South Carolina." said Mr. Spooncr,
"showed him being kicked over by
"The last I saw," said Mr. Tillman,
"showed me riding a donkey and the ele
phant tied to the donkey's tall."
There was a roar of laughter in the gal
leries which extended to the senate floor.
"I saw a cartoon of myself," said Mr.
Spooner, when he could again be heard,
"which showed me in a suit of Secretary
Taft's clothes, but I did not Illustrate any
At another point Mr. Foraker made iin
inquiry as to what question was before the
"I am before the senate." responded the
South Carolinian.
"Nothing unusual in that. The senator
is always before the senate." retorted Mr.
Speaker Cannon was undertaking to lay
down the law of party regularity to Rep
resentative Month 11 of Wyoming the other
day on statehood. He held that Mondell
was playing Into the hands of the demo
crats by opiios'lng the Cannon policy. Mon
dell had only one answer to every argu
ment. "I don't need the mileage," he kept telling
the speaker every time the speaker laid
down a proposition which, when divested
of Its word covering, meant "Follow me."
"What In thunder do you mean by' telling
me you don't need the mileage?" demanded
the sneaker.
"Why, If I am to vote your convictions
on this matter Instead of mine I might
send you my proxy and stay in Wyoming."
said Mondell. "The only thing I would
lose would be mileage."
The speaker did not like that argument,
so Mondell Is marked as being given over
to his Idols in Irredeemable fashion.
Among the crowds of visitors In Washing
ton th other day was a young Ohioan
named Bud Keifer. Two of the sights he
wanted to see were Senators Foraker and
Dick, but one of these gentlemen was ab
sent and the other too busy. The door
keeper Informed Bud that he would cull
out Senator Clark's secretary. Oeorge GUI!
land, an Ohio man. Bud was delighted, he
and Mr. Uilliland having bees' schoolmate.
As they stood chatting over old times Hud
was Introduced to one or two senators who
passed by. Then Vice President Fairbanks
came along and Mr. Gilllland said: "Mr.
Vice President, let me introduce Bud Keifer
of Ohio." The vice pretddent stuck out Ms
hand. Bud grasped it briskly and said:
"Glad to meet you, sir. What's the name.
m Blend la the Court.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
The supreme court of the I'nlted States
Is a body of great dignity and a gisd de- I
gree of seclusion. Some men go to that i
august elevation and are forever afterward
"dead to the world." With William If.
Taft It will be different. He will still have
the gloss and ginger of young manhood,
and will occasionally cast his judicial
Wiin. .- contemptuously in a corner and go
It nJin-'l liown Pennsylvania avenue, stop
ping In th hotels, -clubs and pi a res to see
whnt the Ix'.s are doing.
HrMn4 HI Imagination.
; wv.s! '.ji be forgotten thut it was abso
lutely impossible for the man who declared
that fine words butter no parsnips to have
any adoquat undrataoding of the compre
hensive oop ot th modern jolly.
The movement is the essential part
of a watch. A Waltham movement
is always right.
"Th Perfected American Wtch," n iHastnted book ofMeresHng
information aboat nvttches, free upon request
Cuir County Beacon: The Idea of Jim
Dahlman being elected mayor of the great
city of Omaha! That's the trouble with
so many of our large cities now they seem
unable to shake oft their Dahlman.
Schuyler Free Lance5 It's a rare day
when Omaha does not have a robbery of
some kind. Omaha Is considered th worst
criminal resort of th nation. The Oma
hoga shquld elect W. J. Broatch mayor and
keep right along In the procession.
Kearney Democrat: Th Burkett bill
making two judicial districts has been
accepted by the senate, which Indicates
that the senate has listened to the voice
of the politician rather than to the voice
of the people. Vox Del, vox popull, never
goes far enough to be understood by the
senate, and our state will be divided by the
Piatt river.
Nebraska Politician: Self-government Is
something for which the cities and towns
of Nebraska long have contended. The
decision of Governor Mickey to recommend
to th legislature that chartered munici
palities be permitted to govern themselves
In the future will meet with general ap
proval. There Is no argument to be made
against th plan of allowing a city to mnke
Its own charter. As It Is at present legis
lators who can hav no possible personal
Interest In the drafting of charter measures
sometimes are Induced to assist In passing
or defeating a charter by the promise of
support for some pet measure of their own.
Fremont Tribune: The Burkett bill for
dividing the state Into two federal Judicial
districts has paseed the upper branch of
congress and gone to the house, where it Is
said to have good prospect of getting
through. The Bee wants to know what
Senator Millard was doing for Omaha when
he let It pass, for if It becomes a law It
will diminish the importance of Omaha as
a Judicial center. Judge Munger has helped
the cause of the measure by citing th
number of long days he has had to -work
during the year to keep up with the docket,
and the showing Is a shocking one to those
who have had anything to do with courts.
The Judge has actually had to work most
of the time, finding very little leisure ta
shoot ducks and flan. Mr. Burkett has
demonstrated his capacity for legislation
by expediting the bill and getting It through
far In advance of Ita place on th calendar.
II knows a tew things about how this
work Is done.
Pro A table Game Worked to a Finish
la Lincoln. -
IJjicoIn Journal.
It develops that the ladies of the Grand
Army of the Republic sold for 110 the right
to use their name In connection with the
advertising book that has Just been rather
unpleasantly exploited. Of course the
good ladles had no idea of whnt tho sale
meant. They needed the money to use for
the relief of worthy peoye and ' never
dreamed that their little $10 bill would cost
the merchants of Lincoln more than 1250.
But that's Just whart it did, or will if this
book ever comes out.
The game Is worked this way: Bright
and handsomely gowned young woman calls
on some charity and offers to give a
"benefit," paying all expenses herself.
Sometimes she agrees to give a percentage
of the profit, sometimes a lump sum down,
for authority to uie the name. Ladles con
ducting the charity gratefully and Inno
cently give the authority. Toung woman
works the business men for advertisements.
! This is the way she comes out:
Received for advertising
t oat or printing nook .o
Paid to charity 10
Net profit 1130
Which isn't so miserable for two or three
weeks of work, is it? As usual, the easy
marks among the merchants foot the bill.
Chew on This Awhile.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
It Is quite evident thut there Is no Beef
trust in Argentina. It is reported that beef
Is so cheap there that cattle are valuable
chiefly for their hides. Just think of being
surfeited with porterhouse steaks!
l.lntlt of Tj-onhle.
Washington Post.
The orator who claimed that the only renl
troubles are those of the heart probably
doesn't know what It means to be forty
miles from home with a busted buss wagon.
How Many '
You must have had 60 at Iast!'
What? Only 40? Then it must be
your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor
stops these frequent birthdays. It gives
all the early, deep rich colors to gray
hair, checks falling hair, and keeps
the scalp healthy.
The best kind of a testimonial -"Sold
for over sixty years."
aua. ta. j. e. Ay a... lw.n, Mas.
ilM auiiMum .1
mi l AiaAAtnXA-rr ta tie. ATia a ruXAWrer ssstlaatioa.
AYIW,tCaUtRKVI'aXTOKAtrrfC(aa. ATM a60C0K-FiaiaUma4aX.
According to the anthracite coal operators
-there are 1000.000 tons of the precious staff
stored within 100 miles of New Tot.
If all that the New York politicians ar
saying about each other Is true, no wonder
Commissioner Bingham is calling for 1,009
more police.
The Algeclras conference, It appears, with
out the presence of the American element,
couldn't have got unanimous enough to
carry a motion to adjourn.
Because of unpaid poll taxes only six
cltiiens are qualified to vote at the coming
election In Virginia Beach, Va. A mayor
and a town council of six are to be chosen,
somehow. One ot th dlsquallAed votets
la the present mayor.
A young lady who accepted a proposal
of marriage by telegraph repeated "yet"
ten times In order to get the full allowance
of words. When the matter was cleared
up th lucky man was glad to know he was
to get so thrifty a wife.
Lieutenant . Schmidt, who was shot at
Otchakoff on March 19 for his leadership of
the mutiny in the Black Sea fleet at
Sevastopol, transferred, Just before his
execution, his whole fortune, amounting to
1160,000 to the revolutionaries. .
A Hungarian blacksmith recently ant as
a present to th emperor of Austria a horse
shoe, a pair of pincers, a file and a knife,
all Ingeniously nailed to a goose's egg with
out the egg being broken. Th emperor
sent In return bis photograph, a gold medal
and 30 ducats.
Dr. Ballabone, an ex-staff captain of the
Italian army medical corps, has enriched
the English language with a word that will
no doubt become popular. Athralgonlcoti
is the name he gives to a new remedy for
neuralgia, rheumatism and all gouty affec
tions which he has discovered after many
years of experiment.
Mrs. Rounder (sarcastically) Going to
"lodge" again, eh? I suppose some of your
crowd Is going to ride the "goat" tonight?
Mr. Rounder (leaving) No, not th goat
this time, my dear. We're going out on a
little lark. Cleveland Leader.
"I suppose you are ready to stand be
tween the public and the railroads?"
"I don't know," answered Senator Sor
ghum, thoughtfully. "What la th us of
deliberately 'getting caught In a collision?"
Washington Star.
Lady NO, I can never be yours.
Gent Then farewell forever!.
Idy You aren't going to harm your
self? Gent No, I'm going to marry somebody
Lady Dear boy, won't you give me an
other week to consider? Cleveland Leader.
Horatius was about to Ms bridge stunt.
"The stakes are a little high, he mur
mured, "but I'll see it out."
Whereupon the opponents made it tio
trump and Horatius led with a club.
Later on he scored the odd trick and all
the honors. Cleveland Plain Sealer.
Friend of the Family Your rich old uncle
died of softening of the brain. I hear.
Ardluck (who got nothing) Softening of
your granny! He died of ossification of th
heart. Chicago Tribune.
Do you really believe It true that old
Gnmmldge Is worth a million?"
"Guess it must be true. He's having
searchlights put all over the grounds."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Saturday Evening Post.
In the Valley of Contentment, Just beyond
the Hills of Old.
Where the streams are always silver and
the sunshine always gold.
Where the hour Is ever morning and the
skies are never gray.
In the yellow hnse of springtime stands the
Castle Yesterday.
Oh, th seasona that we spent toere wj.v.i
the whole wide world was young;
The friends we've had as mi and lad,
the sot gs that we have nnx'.
Th echoes of their niuslc cannot, quttn
have died away.
But still must thrill the rootr of tb
Castle Yesterday.
And the loving hearts we knew titre in
the lime of trust and truth,
Surely still they, wsit behind us in the
. Pantheon of youth!.
But the angel of the valley at the portal
bars our wav. ,
And a flaming sword forbids us from th.
Castle Yesterday.
When the pllgrtmsge Is ended,-- my we
turn then, may w change v
To. the vanished and familiar frpm th
' present and the strange?
Who so chooses to his heaven 1 shall be
content to stay . - 1
Where the ghosts of dead years' wander
through the halls of Yesterday, .