Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Over Eleven Hundred Names Added to the
Bccistration Lists,
Itepabllean Rally It nnrkmli
Temple Folly Centra Ip to the
- Esertntlonaaf rtal4ti
4 Committee.
. The revision of registration yesterday
waa attended with no unusual features,
1 bough the registration was a trifle larger
than predicted. Full returns were in by
VI 30 and were verified except as to the so
eiallstlc and scattering- vote. The total reg
istration was 1.117. The registration by
precincts yesterday was as follows:
Rep. Dem.
First Ward
. First precinct
Second precinct
8rnd Ward
27 40
44 30
(7 31
61 69
72 6s
44 a
62 W
22 25
41 U
IS 22
U t
Second precinct
Third Ward
First precinct .. ,
Second precinct
Fourth Ward
r irn nrprinri.
Worm precinct
Fifth Ward
' First precinct
Second precinct
Sixth Ward
: First precinct
..- Second precinct
Republican lead, 24.
' Independent and socialist, 61. ,
- The unverified vote on the socialist and
Independent or scattering registration will
add a few to the grand totals, though the
voia nf thn ronuiillcan and democratic
partkjs is verified.
Blcgeat Itally of Csmpslgs.
Every seat In the auditorium of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen temple
war. filled at an early hour last night to
list in- o the speakers who 'united to make
the meeting- the biggest event of the cltir
campaign. As soon as the seats on the
lower . floor were filled the gallery was
.upened and a large number ot people
flocked; there and many stood at the back
of tha room. A number of Interested
women were present, though, naturally,
the men were In the great majority. The
speakers of tha occasion, aside from the
candidates, were J. U. Von Dusen and L.
O. Gibson. The favorite candidates were
.ctoeered roundly as they appeared. H. C.
.Mufphy. B. L. Howe and W. P. Adklns
were specially singled eut for an unusual
demonstration. ' The speakers of the even
ing brought out tha merits of the present
cam Da Inn with vigor and eloquence. Borne
of the Indisputable facts brought out dur
Ing the evening were as follows: There
has been, a regular reduction In the rate
of taxation -since- the republican party
came Into power. The rate grades down
from 11 mills in 1900, thus: 1901, 9. mills;
1902. .2S; 1903, 49; J904, -84; 1905, 7. In
ltW) the corporations paid 118.017.81 and' In
1P05 $84,047.6V,an Increase ot $66,029.75. The
home . pwners ot South Omaha yaid less
taxes' In K05.than in. any year wince the
1lrst dataiSMmtloned. r f-.'
; There was tn the .treasury April 1, 1900,
only $40,496.11, while -March 8. 1905, the
amount stood $255,5:4.14. Out of the present
year's levy the city has paid for a new
Are hall, $20,000; on a pest house, $1,000;
on voting machines, $1,200; on primary
Veleotlon. $700.
:-, An answer to the challenge of the dem
rcrata as to what was done with the scav
enger funds was niade a point of argument
.Thin, it was explained, has been accruing
Slineo 1904, and the total amount received
was $24,799.61. Here are the itemised dis
bursements: January, 1906, paid old Judg
tnents outstanding against ttu city and
cleared up every outstanding warrant, $,
371.67; May, 1906, paid all the outstanding
sidewalk warrants, which had run against
the city for four years back, $4,310.88; June,
1906. appropriated to 1906 levy $6,761.12. Since
that time $186.89 has been paid out on war
rants which can be produced in evidence at
the treasurer's office. There remains as
cash balance to be appropriated to the 1908
levy $7,170.25. So every dollar is accounted
for by the records. Anyone taking the
trouble ran And the exact items.
' ' Mr. Houseman's Attltade
' George Houseman has made it so plain
what his attitude will be as a member of
tha Board of Education that no one need
have any doubt as to his policy. In speak
ing of his attitude with reference to the
school board, Mr. Houseman said to a rep-
esentative of The Bee: "I want it dis
tlnctly understood that I shall have no part
Interest In any factional or personal
right on the board. My aim will be to help
in every . way to promote the general wel
fare of the schools, regardless of personal
a- political quarrels. I want to sue the
schools grow in size and In strength. I am
proud that we have one of the fluent high
school buildings liv the west, and am proud,
too. that we have a fine corps of teachers
-it may be stated that Mr. Houseman Is a
man of ripe experience and splendid Judy:
ilient, Ho is a scholarly man, liberal in his
views and peaceful In his nature. He has
made a clean campaign and he has aseur
ances from the voters of every class and
Ian that he .will be elected on Tuesday
next,' '..""'
Adklns aa .Campaign
' W. P. Adkiov the republican candidate
fur niayor, expressed himself as well satis
tied with the outlook for a complete rrpub
llcun. victory at the approaching election!
In the phrase of the. .moment he said,
"Wo ve got 'eini skinned." He was more
than satisfied. with the result of yesterduy'a
registration. The returns looked so flatter
ing that he could not see a cloud in the
way of success. Ho said:. "You may say
for me, with regard to lite much talked
of question of the vacating of the stub
ends of streets aud alleys In South Oinuha,
that In the first place these streets went
buck to the owners of the lots which con
nected with theoi. according to the elate
law, and not to the corporations as so post
Mvely stated. Cf course, if a corporation
owned property on one side or the otlie:
of the vacate property they got their half
of the streets so vacated and iu more. In
HK4 the city collected In taxes from tl.i
very property, $HM.65, and Id lao5. owing to
a reduction In the rate of taxation in the
city, be 41. The tax list will show tha
over twenty firms, companies and private
parties have contributed to this tax fund.
Wa ve got two viaducts that never cost
thn city a cent, one on O street and lb
other at West L street. We are going to
have twa more within the next two years.
That will be better than a bonded debt of
$78,000, such as we got on account of the
Q and It street viaducts. By yielding these
ainreta we have Increased the yardage fa
cilities to a large extent. We have made
room for elevators and Industries such as
the Peter's company and others which will
follow soon.- Watjave made it possible to
be accommodated with tao new and sub
stantial depots. With regard to the rentals
on hydrants, let me nail that right here.
There Is always a semi-public interest in
the property of any corporation, and It Is
tmly Just lee to the heaviest taxpayers In
the city to allow them to remain. I am
tKiafldnnt that they cannot legally be moved.
"One of the best arguments for the con
tinuation of the re publics n policy is the
n conditio! of the city's finances. It
means that the city has been economically
governed When Treasurer Howe took his
office. h could not collect his own salary
for tha ftm tix months be was la ottlce, by
reason of the se vere depletion of th-4reas-
uiy. At the present moment there Is $ift,
oriO deposited In the South Omaha banks
u the credit of the city. The rate of taxa-
tlon has been reduced from what It wss
hen he took hie office. It means economy
and common sense In governu.',nt. The
people of South Omaha are not going
forget these things when It comes to vote."
f lothes Bold fcy Jnhi Flyan.
There's not a clothing nisnufarturer In
the United States who would not accept
It as a compliment to have his product
compared favorably with the Hart, ShafT-
ner A Marx make. John Flynn A Co. sell
the H., S. M. make. No heed to look
for better. You won't find better prices or
handsomer patterns than we can show In
our new spring line.
'Waalc ( ly Gossip.
N. M. Oraham will sneak at the city Jail
this afternoon.
Jetter's Bock Beer Is on draught at all
first-class saloons todsy.
For Rent Nearly new. modern, 8-room
cottsge. corner 21st and J"8ts.
The Lithuanian republicans meet this
afternoon at New Sealer's hall.
Jetter's Rock Hocr delivered tn residences
In 2-doz. quart or pint cases. 'Phone No. 8.
xtr 11 lively will e-lve her annual mil
linery owning Friday and, Baturdny, April
and 7.
A Kuan nf inesmles Is rcnorted St 1909 Q
street, where John Klcka is contlned by thu
liiirim the eonillltt- week the pupil of the
public school of the city will enjoy their
spring vacation.
Floyd McKay has donated to the man
school a nne collection of minerals, Whlcn
Is much appreciated. t
James Hamilton. Twenty-ninth and Madi
son, has secured a permit for Improvements
to be erected on his property.
Oaths nf nfflcA were sd ministered to all
the members of the South Omaha Board
ot Fire and Police commissioners.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will meet at the home of Mrs. eorgo
Casley, 7i9 North Twenty-second street.
There were no arrests made In connec
tion with the registration vesterday. Several
registrations will bo examined by the police.
Mm. I jive Thirlv-nlnth and 8 streets.
who has been a sufferer from rheumatism
for the laBt two months. Is now improving.
F. M. Slsson went yesterday to Randolph
to present the question ot license or no
license to tne people, wno are in a. hai
option tight in that city.
Wednesday of next week Kcv. jnmes
Wise will address Vie women of St. Mar
tin's church, being tne nun oi nts series
of addresses, ine nour is a p. m.
"he sale of stamps at the powtofilce dur
t March was 7,)m6.77, as against $8,740.22
for the same month last year. The postage
on newspapers amounted to $266.44.
The Jetter Brcwlna" company has been
putting the finishing touches on its ofltces
this week and is about ready to move in.
It will be a line addition to the plant.
The Eastern Star socioty will give a fare
well retention to Mrs. Edith Otterman,
P. M., at Masonic hall on April i from 2
to 4 p. m. All memocra are rpeciauy
invited to attend.
The Ladles' auxiliary of the Young Men's
Christian association will have a meeting
Tuesday afternoon. It will 'bo the annual
election of omcers, and tnere win to. a
social time and light refreshments.
Banner court No. 75. Tribe of Ben Hur,
will initiate several candidates Wednesday
night. C t". Way, stale manager, will be
pivaent and a degree team from Omaha
court No. 110 will have charge o( the cere
mony. Light relreslimcnts will be served.
The results . of the. preliminary debates
held at the high school auditorium lust Fri
day night placed tiurace Slsson nrst, r,nri
Clark second, Anna Ltue third and Mame
Bulla -fourth. .. Miss-bulla- will- act as an
alternate. The Judges Were S I Thomas
of the Council Blurt. High school. Attorney
K. H. Johnson ot Omaha and C. M. Brace-
len of the Omaha High school, xne winners
In this debate will enter the contest with
Blair on April 24.
Governor Geaeral of Canada Retarsa
Portrait of Fraaklla taptared
by His Great Grandfather, .
NEW YORK. March 81. Earl Grey, governor-general
of Canada, was the guest ot
honor tonight at the Pilgrims dinner held
In the Waldorf -Astoria. . At the reception
which preceded the dinner many ot the
most prominent and distinguished men of
the city were present.
Earl Orey, accompanied by lady Orey
and - their daughter, arrived in company
with his host, Joseph Choate. Shortly after
$ o'clock a bugle blast brought the formali
ties of the reception to a close and the
guests assembled In the banquet hall, in
the grand ball room. Regrets were received
from Bishop Potter, President Roosevelt,
Major General Corbln, Ambassador White
law Held and others. The toast, "The
President and the King," was drunk stand
ing, while the orchestra played see "The
Star Spangled Banner." and "God Save
the King." Then came a toast to "The
Right Honorable Earl Grey, Governor-
General of Canada."
In Introducing Earl Orey Mr. Choate
It was a remote ancestor of his hi
great grandfather. Major General Sir
Charles Grey, who became the first earl,
that 1 wish to speak of, because his ex-
ferlence in America furnishes us with an
iv:ldent which ought to give satisfaction to
ali American people. Sir Charles was in
the possession of Franklin's home In Phila
delphia at one time during the Revolution
ary war. In the ronfuaion of their de
parture a tine portrait ot Franklin dlaap
peared. Franklin himself was In Paris
forming that conquering alliance with
France. I suppose the British regarded
the picture as a suitable capture, since they
could not get him. How the picture got to
Kngland nobody can tell, but It came into
tiiw first Lord Grey's possession and has
hung for Ki years In the Urey ancestral
hall as a precious heirloom. And now Lord
Grey, In full recognition of the deire for
h irmony and f ricndMhip, has decided to
rcKtore to the t'nlted ritates, as a free
Will ofterlna this portrait, and a month
aito he wrote to President Koosevelt mak
lis; the formal presentation. It is hop-d
tiiut the portrait will reach Philadelphia In
time for tne oeienration next month.
Hie Karl made an. extended response,
dwelling upon the amicable relations be
tween Canada and the United States. Other
toasts were "International Comity," Sec
retary . Root; "The Empire State," Gov
ernor HlKglns, and "The Peace of the
World," General Porter.
Know Bluekada of Three Weeks
Lifted lifter Htreanons
OLNNiaoN. Colo., March 31. The Colo
rado ft Southern railroad was opened to
day between Gunnison and Alpine paaa and
Gunnison and Mount Carbon for the first
time in three weeks. A rotary and seven
i nglncs reached Gunnison today after hav
ing been snowbound for sixteen days on
Alpine pans, during which time the en
glueers were compelled to remain In their
cabs. Food was carried to the trainmen
over the froxen mountains
Superintendent Bacon ot the Colorado ft
Southern declared todr.y that the siege
of snowslidcs and blockades through which
the train ciYws have passed was the worst
in the entire history of the road.
Dakota Farmer Commits anlelde
YANKTON. 8. D., March $1. (Special
Telegram.) Brooding over his arrest for
hooting at Albert Olofson, his tenant. In
a quarrel over cattle, C. A. 'West of Volln
committed suicide last night by hanglna.
He was a prominent pioneer farmer, - 76
years of age.
Doahlo Crime at at. Laai
ST. I,Ol1s. March '81-Martln Giesebell
a machinist, aged 61) years, shot his wife
age,i 70 years, at their home today, mor
tally woundine; her. and then killed him
self. Neighbors, hearing the shots, rushed
11110 ine iioufee anl found the wonisn tin
conscious and aprrently dying. Giesebell
luy near her, dead. ull iIjmihiis tha ra.
volver In his hand. The cause sssig-ned for
iratfeuy is poverty nd lueUliiy tu
make a street linpiovetuenf uieut.
Lnorease in BagineRt Shown by Reeister of
Deeds' Report.
Xew Addition to Be Platted la .VnMk
Part of Town, the Old Fair
ftroande Tract to Be
A large Increase In real estate activity In
Douglas countV this year is shown by the
quarterly report of Register of Deeds Bandle
which has Just been made up. In the total
number of Instruments recorded the first
three months of 1906 has the best of the
same period of 1905 by 642. an Increase of
practically 2S per cent, $.170 Instruments
having been recorded in January, February
and March, 1906. and lh"94 for those months
In 190S, Receipts of the office for the first
quarter ot 1906 were $2,750.80. and expenses
$2,319.59, leaving a surplus nf $431.31. Receipts
of the, qfllce for the first quarter of 190S
were $3,279.40, and expenses $139.89, leaving
a surplus of $9S9.51. This shows an Increase
of $568.20 In the surplus of the present year
over that of the previous year.
The week was characterised by a decided
lull In real estate. After a flurry ot two
or three weeks. It was natural a quietness
should ensue for a few days, say real estate
men who note that business always comes
In "bunches." This term lull can be ap
plied to the situation only so far as big
transactions are concerned. For while big
deals have been few, nothing having been
reported Involving a consideration of as
much as $20,000, yet business In smaller
properties has been brisk. One desler te-
marked Saturday thst he never had so
many trades to close, and most of them
were on properties ranging from $2,0U0 to
$1I00. Requests for houses and lots were
mainly from those who wanted to buy for
An unusual number of inquiries Is noted
from persons out in the state who wish
to come to Omaha to live, and several
sales'' have been made to such people in
the last few days. T,here is a consider
able number, also, of men In the smaller
towns who arr buying Omaha real estate
as an investment. Some ot them come
from the western part of the state to look
at Omaha property.
Alfred C. Kennedy reports the following
recent sales: Double house on southeast
corner of Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets.
to Peter Jessen, Jr., for an investment.
$7,500; one and one-half lots In Morsman
park to Judge Howard Kennedy for a
residence, $3,750; a house and lot at 4420
Harney street to Julius Thlele for a home,
$1,700; two vacant lots In Fearon Place to
James W. Davis to build a home, $1,100; 33
feet on Cuming street, between Sixteenth
and Seventeenth streets, to D. A. Hart for
an Investment, $1,660; vacant lot on north
west corner Forty-third and Dodge streets
to Mrs. Eliza Wlthrow to build upon, $t00;
vacant lot on Thirty-first and - Jackson
streets, to Charles G, Somers, $600.
May 1, which is moving day In nearly
every city In the country, is only a
month off, but Omaha has never come to
give that day the character It has else
where. In Omaha the rental business, ac
cording to local rental agents. Is peculiar
unto itself. The people rent whenever
they can and usually try to get in with
or without leases. When they make
leases they make them for a stipulated
period ot one year or two years, with
out reference to them expiring at any
particular time; as a consequence there Is
no general exodus, although, of course,
the spring and, fall are the favored periods
for house hunting, In Omaha, as In. east
ern cities.
Family of Governor of Ohio Expects
to Take Him Back to Heme
la Mllford Boon.
COLUMBUS, O., March 31. Governor
Paulson's condition remains practically un
changed tonight. The bulletin Issued by
the attending physicians at U o'clock says:
"He was somewhat restless in the early
part ot the afternoon, but that has sub
sided and he Is now resting well."
Ills temperature continues normal with
the pulse at 96 and respiration 20.
The members of the family continue
hopeful that Governor Pattlson may im
prove to such an extent that his desire
to be taken back to his home at Mllford
O., may be gratified, but. the physicians
have given no assurance that this is
' ' Watehln for Contraband Arma.
WASHINGTON, March II. United States
Minister Dawson at Santo Domingo has
been advised by the State department to
look out for the American bark Livonia,
which sailed from Philadelphia for Ban
dies two weeks ago and is supposed to be
carrying- a large quantity of Mauser car
tridges for revolutionists.
v - - - - 1 .
Bonaparte Talks to Naval' Kuraeons,
WASHINGTON. March . Secretary
Boaaparte waa the chief speaker today at
the graduating exercises of the fnltedJ
eiaiea iavai ueaicai sen 001 and presented
diplomas to the twenty-one young doctors
who finished their course.
War Veterans Meet la October.
WASHINGTON. March 31. The date for
holding the national encampment ot the
United States War veterans in this city
waa definitely fixed today. It will begin
in October and last throughout the work.
The president will address the veterans
and review the prooesslon.
Klekapoo Ktrkere Heard.
h ABtu.u iu.N, Marcn XI. The senate
committee on Indian affairs today heard
eaveral witness's on charges that the
Klekapoo Indians had been defrauded in
making sales ot their land In Oklahoma to
purchase a large tract In Mexico.
lal Amhasaador to Weddl...
WASHINGTON, March Sl.-President
Roosevelt has appointed Frederick V.
Whltrldge of New Tork, as special am
bassador to -represent the United States at
the wedding of the king of Spain.
Harrlmaa Takes Man from Hill.
SEATTLE, Wash., March 81 The Post
Intelligencer today says that J. D. Faireit
former asxistant to the president of the
Great Northern railway and Great Northern
Steamship company will affiliate with . tr
rinian In a position analogous to the one
held by mm wltn the Ureal Northern. Of.
flclal announcement has not been made
hut It la expected soon. This means that
Farrell will be the executive head of the
1. Dion facmc in ine uonnwesi.
Mrs. Hodman Keeps Child.
NEW TORK. March II. An agreement
out of court has been reached by Mrs.
Joseph Hoffman, wife of the pianist, and
her former bushand, George P. Eustis, by
which Mrs. Hoffman retains poscesslon ot
George fcustl. their e-yeer-old son.
t. PU -ty lean Old.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. March 81 St. Paul nut
on Its holiday attire today In honor of its
Dllieia aiiuivriMif , mei m muuicipaiM r ana
celebrated, with parades of bands, military
ana civio organization.
- -.BMaaBaaHa
meet In Indiana.
INDIANAPCL1H, March A heavy
sleet storm broke wires, windows and
limbs of trees la central Indiana today
r '
Mrs. H. J. Grove has been ill during the
last week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Doughrrty,
on Friday, a son.
The brick for Peter Gravert's miw ele
vator Is on the ground.
el us J ml ire has reropered and repainted
the Interior of his shop.
Sherd Qnlnn Is erecting a two-story resi
dence on South Morton avenue.
' Rev. J. M. Ieldy presides at the St. Ed
wards Methodist church today.
J. M. Degan went to Shenandonh, la., on
Wednesday on business matters.
Ml.-S Ptlger Is the guest of friends in
Plattsmouth. She will return tomorrow.
O. B. Furhush will aeeompany sixteen
of his friends to North Dakota Tuesday.
G. R. Williams Is entertaining a brother
from Minnesota, who arrived Thursday.
Mrs. C. D. Totman Is slowly Improving.
She expects to leave the hospital by Easter.
There was a successful sale of twenty
horses at Wolff's corner by Oscar Ander
son. Mrs. B. F. Miller entertained on Wednes
day Mrs. Ed Morncll and Mrs. Elrod of
Miss Rtull came uo from Plattsmouth
on Wednesday and made a brief visit with
friends here.
Mr. Harrison, formerly of this pHce.
came In from Albion, Neb., Wednesday for
brief visit.
AV. A Tuvlor ha- resumed work this
week after a long absence on account of
severe Illness.
Miss Bee Hoffman entfertulned a number
of her young friends at her home on
Thursday evening.
Miss Emma EM1na of Omaha, who form
erly taught In the Benson school, was a
Benson vixltor Sunday.
Mrs. Clarence Pamp and daughter of
Irvingtnn. visited her mother, Mrs. G. K.
Williams, on Thursday.
Kert Thursday the Sunshine club of St.
Bernard'a chapel will meet at the home
of Mrs. Joseph McGulre.
Th Ttenson rami) of Modern Woodmen
will give a smoker in connection with its
regular session next Tuesday.
r'iass were lowered to half-mast on
Monday out of respect to the late mayor,
Frank E. Moores of Omaha.
Hev. Mr. Totman Dreaches at Irvlngton
this morning to fill a vacancy made by the
departure of Rev. Mr. Rawson.
i-innnra tin, r has taken nermnnent em
ployment In the Benson meat market, lie
was formerly employed In Omaha.
Last night the Fraternal Union of Henson
Initiated about fifteen new canaioateB.
Banner lodKe of Omana pui on me woi
The Indies' Aid society met last ween
with Mrs. W. S. Wedge. Next Wednesday
thev meet at tne parsonage tor important
a nutin of the Ancient Order ot Lnlted
Workmen lodge ot Benson was held on
Wednesday. John weroBi waa a
die" ate.
vtevera returned to her nome
In Lisbon, la., on Friday, after ylailtliiaT her
sister. Mrs. C. D. Totman, at the Swedish
A s.'.ght blaxe In McGulre's elevator at
an early hour Tuesday evening was dis
covered and put out before serious dam
age resulted.
tc Monrtav evenlne at tne usual nunr
a meeting of the Benson lire department
will be held. The annual election ot otllceri
will take place.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Morrison of South
Halcyon avenue had as their guests last
week Mr. and Mrs. William Newman of
Amsterdam, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Williams have re
turned from New Orleans, wncie iney
visited and attended the Mardl Gras. Ihey
report an Interesting trip.
William Hackman. sr., who has been on
the sick list, Is again able to bo out. He
expects to leave for North Dakota on
Tuesday to Investigate land prospects.
cv,,tun nf Hurt Chllds friends irom
Irvlngton and Benson gathered at his home
on March 24th. Cards, refreshments and
sociability passed an enjoyable evening.
Tha n.aann nubile schools will be Cloned
during next week for the regular spring
vacation. Last Wednesday afternoon a
holiday was granted lor tne jiiu jv
Next Tuesday evening a meetlng for rne
organization of a lode of Knights ana
Ludtes of security in una " K
called oy Biaie aianaaer iuum " ....
chief officers.
Two candidates received the third ae
cr f.m In the inld Fellows' lodge last weea,
"lans for the anniversary celebration were
made. A smoKer lurnisneu uj mi.
funilleas followed.
A committee composed of Messrs. uenry
and Will Hackman and ilunry 1 nonian,
representing the Benson Pleasure club, will
give their first grand ball next Saturday
evening at the Odd Fellows' hall.
Rev. Mr. Wlnshlp ot Walnut Hill win
.i,., rshursa nf the morninir services at
the Methodist church today In Mr. Lcldy's
absence. The Ephworth league will hold
the evening service, Deginning ai .".
C. C. Williams, former proprietor of a
general merchandise and grocery store on
North Military avenue, has taken up the
Dlumber's trade. He has sold his store to
Haker & Meisinger of Cedar Creek, Neo.
A surprise party waa tendered to Mrs.
re nu.m i.,hnim on last Wednesday even
ing High-five and whist were played with
Drizes given, and won by Miss C. Johnson
anM Mr H. O. Wulff. About fifteen
auesta were present.
v,i.Tnpirli three village trustees will
be elected for a full term and one to fill a
vacancy. The candidates on one ucsei am,
James Howard. Jesse Long, John Peterson
anrf Rnrt Childs. On the other ticket.
Charles Hansen, Frank S. King, Ben Mor
ton and VV. E. Somes. A large voto :
looked for.
Frank Blelck and Alvlna Schomer were
married on Wednesnay, Marcn in. uoin
bride and groom have been well known .n
this place and have many young frlonds
throughout the vicinity. The bride le a
daughter of Henry B. Schomer, .sr., and
the groom is a son of Albert Blelck. The
young couple lett tor their future home In
North uaKota.
Last Thursday the school board elected
ten,' hers as follows: John Speedle, prin
cipal: Misses Alice Culbertson, Margaret
Frances Bell. Emma David, &
atrlce Hoffman, Anna Janes and Nellie
w,,r,eei The last two named will take
the places of Hattre Plckard and Adele
Hvan. resigned. Improvements to the
grounds were authorized. Regular bills
were allowed.
rha hnva' irvmnasium is making great
progress, having been affiliated with the
Omaia lOUOg JVItftl llUiauail,a.,.,v,,i.
VI r. 8. P. Morris will have supervision of
the local club. It will be their purpose to
have debates, social stunts and practical
tuika In connection with the regular ath
leti,.. work. Monday evenlnr they will have
a 7 o'clock supper followed by a debate
and "a-vm ' worK. ine following nave oeen
appointed chairmen over their respective
... . . ,1 -. 1 t. 11... ..
comniitiees: imve ,ibiiuuiii, muku
and Walter Congdon.
Last Thursday evening the Epworth
leaauers entertained a large number of
friends at an Indoor picnic at the Odd
Fellows' hall. Bright decorations and
the summer attire of the waiters were
verv atonrotiriate. Mr. Denison, boys' di
rector of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation of tlmaha, rendered several Inter
esting recitations. The Boys' club of Ben
son then gave a splend:d exhibition of their
gymnastic class work. This being their
tint public appearance they were heartily
applauded and encouragea.
J. B. BrUbln returned Thursduy from a
trip to Galveston, Tex. (
Mrs. O. K. Turner nf Emerson is visiting
Mr. and Mia ti. K. Turner.
Father Senle ot Omaha Hill say mass at
St. Phillip Nerl church . today.
Miss Emma Lund of Omaha Is the gu(St
of Miss Ethel liersklnd for a few days.
The regular school meeting will be held
Tuesday evening at tne scnooi Dunning.
Carl Taylor of Council Bluffs has been
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Ice has been coming in the past week In
carloads and is being stored In the Talbot
Henry Stoltchburg has opened up his
confectionary store. Miss Dolly Lowry Is
in charge.
Father Senle of Omaha spent Tuesday
and Wednesday here, the guest of Mr. and
si is. William I'uite.
Miss Katie Clayconib visited Mrs. O. K
Tucker at Wife Memorial hospital lu
Omaha 1 uesxlay afternoon.
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Brown,
Thursday afternoon, a baby girl. 1 Mother
and daughter are doing well.
R. II. Olmsted returned Thursday tilplit
from a trip of several days In western Ne
braska looking after some legal business.
Mrs. Newel Burton returned Saturday
from several weeks vlait with releUv
and friends at Imporial and beaver Cross
John 8. Paul and dausrhter. Maim ret
Clarence Rlsley and John Felduheea saw
Jim Key at the Auditorium Tuesday after
noon. P.ev. Joseph anil John Cramer, brothers,
and cousins of William Pulte. from Kan
sas City, are here for a few days visiting
Mr. I'uite s family.
A move Is on foot to ret a canning fac-
ory to locsle In Florence. The Improve
ment club will take the matter up at Ita
meeting Wednesday night.
John Bell snent several risvs visitinr his
family. Mr. Bell Is located st Missouri
Valley and will dispose of bis property
here and move his family to Iowa.
The ladles' Aid society of the Presbr-
erlan church held a seml-snnusl sale of
fancy articles and lunch boxes Wednesday
night. There wss a good attendance.
Harry Swanson, Miss Hllma Swanson,
lenry Dathmsn, Mabel Anderson and Her
man Smith were an Omaha party Friday
night that visited Miss McMaster at her
The cltv election will be held here on
Tuestlny, April S. Full tickets are In the
nem, notu republican and democratic, ex
cept that the democrats have not nomi
nated for clerk.
Theodore W. McClure. who mirchased
Mr. J. 8 Paul's grocery store some time
ago, has with his family taken up lus resi
dence at the Hotel Brown until he can erect
a house of his own.
Charles Hansen, who formerly lived lust
west of Florence, has purchased land near
Fort street and the Boulevard, Omaha, Mtid
will erect a residence there. He purchased
umber here last week.
Several members of Jonathan lodge No.
l-o. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Vis
ited Beacon lodge No. 20 at Omaha Tues
day night, where the decree of truth was
conferred on several candidates.
The benefit dance clven for Mr. Wiley
King was a suecesK. George Gamble. George
roster and J. McOregory had charge of the
dancing. Mrs. Charles Tletx, Mrs. Georg"
amble, Mrs. George Foster and Mrs. A. C.
Cubley looked after the supper. From
dance and supper I'd was realised.
The Nebraska Telephone company has
two gangs of men here putting In poles
and cables, preparatory to putting In the
Florence exrhanae and running the country
lines. Already a large numlw-r of the coun
ty residences have subscribed. All phones
will connect with the Florence exchange.
and go direct to Omaha and Benson, and
also in part to South Omaha.
Weat Ambler.
Little Geonrie Blakely la again suffering
from rheumatism of the neck.
Mr. Halplne Is Retting settled tn his new
home on the Martin homestead.
Mrs. Frank Hensman entertained her sis
ter, Mrs. Bert Gantx, and children on
Mrs. D. Bartlett baa been 111 at her home
near the county hospital with a severe
case of bronchitis.
Owing to the Inclement weather, the ex-
erclaes of the Young People's society were
postponed until tonight.
Mrs. R. M. Henderson was the guest of
her friend. Miss George Blakely, In East
Ambler, 011 Wednesday.
Mr. and Mra. A. M. Oleson will remove
from Georgia avenue to their new home
In Eckerman this week.
Little Martha Fa vert v has been staying
with Mrs. Aughe during the absence of
Mr. Aughe Mie past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Scott were guests of
the In iter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Smith, for dinner Thursday evening.
Mrs. Donahue removed from the home
of Mrs. J. Benewitz, where she ha lived
so long, to Fortieth and Leavenworth on
Mrs. J. Carroll of South Omaha was a
visitor nt the Beals school on Wednesday
as the guest ot her old teacher friend. Miss
V. White.
Mrs. L. Arnold of Forty-eighth and Cas-
tellar has been ill with a severe case of
the grip and been unable to attend to her
duties at the high school.
J E. Aughe arrived home on Friday nft-
ernoon from n' week visit witn reia
tives in Ashland, where a reunion of the
four brothers and two sitters was held.
Mr. Newman and family returned to the
neighborhood after an absence of several
years and are occupying the home of Mr.
Strawn on Fifty-first and Pacific streets.
Mr. James Doyle and family spent the
week with Mrs. Maestrtek. motner of Mrs
Dovle. on Fifty-fourth and Woolworth ave
nue. They left (Saturday "for their future
borne at is jkngeics, . at.
Mr.John Hensman and fajnily are staying
with their neighbor, Mr. Fox, until their
home, which was almost destroyed by
lightning on Sunday, can be rebuilt. Mr.
Hensman Is slowly recovering from his se
vere shock.
s The Ladles' Aid society was delightfully
entertained on Thursday at the cosy home
of Mrs. JudMOn ttigely on orty-seventn
and Pacific. A largo quilt was almost com
pleted. A fine dinner waa served by the
hostess, assisted by her committee. Mrs.
Henderson und Mrs. Shandy. Miss vir.
Kinia White, principal of thn Beals school.
and her corns of teachers, were guests of
honor, as were also Mrs. W ill eatn. Miss
Ella Roesslg and Miss Ada Ganti. The
proceeds for the day were $3. The attend
ance was sixteen. .The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Stultz, In Ecker
man. on 1 hursday. April 12. Mrs. Aughe
Mrs. Blakely and Mrs. Hensman are the
committee to assist the hostess with the
Mrs. Stewart of Kearney Is the guest of
Her daughter, Mrs. f inch.
Miss Margaret Barr spent last week with
the Micses Hancock In Omaha.
Mrs. S. R. Rush entertained twelve
women at earns Saturday afternoon.
The Dundee Woman's club will meet on
Wednesday of this week with Mrs. A. H.
A daughter was born Inst 8unday tn
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters at Cass and
Forty-ninth streets.
R. B. Haaker and family moved during
the week into their new house on Caoltol
avenue ana roriy-nuun street. .
The Ladies' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyterian church gave an apple pie
social Friday afternoon at. the home of
Mrs. John H. Harte.
The annual meeting of the Dundee Pies
byterlan church will be held at the church
Wednesday evening. Light refreshments
will lie served at the close of the business
The Dundee school closed Tuesday after
noon, when a large number of its pupils
availed themselves of the opportunity thus
given to witness tne wonaertui perform
ance ot Jim Key.
Mrs. Elisabeth Colfax left during the
week for a visit to Keokuk. Ia.. accoin
iianvimr her brother. Mr. Theodore Bald
win, who was on his way home from a
trip to California.
Tho Round Doien club met on Wednes
day with Mra. 8. H. Rush. In the nues
Ing contest which, with delicious refresh
ments, formed the features of the after
noon, Mrs. W. K. Lighten won the prlxe
The meeting of the Dundee Card club,
which was to have been held on Wednes
day evening Willi Mrs." W. B. Howard.
was postponed two weeks on account . ot
tne illness OI Mrs. ttowara s iniani son
Miss Nannie Tlllson's Sunday school class
of the Dundee Presbyterian church, which
Is making a study of Japan, met at the
home of Mrs. P. J. Barr 011 Saturday and
were shown some beautiful plotures, furni
ture, china and bric-a-brac of Japanese
Prof. John B. Hamilton, who has re
signed his position as principal of the high
school al El Paso, Tex., to continue bis
studies at the Chicago university, was
the gueBt during the paRl two weeks of
his brothers. James w. Hamilton ana ur,
II. P. Hamilton.
The program rendored by the Browning
society was entitled "Women of Fiction."
Famous authors were guessed at by their
peculiar personal characteristics. The pro
gram was further supplemented by an
essav by Kuth Burchard and a humorous
recitation by Nell Carfenter.
The Frances Wllland program was:
Bertha Neef read "I,adv Psyche's Address
on the Ascent of Woman." An essay on
"Colonial Education" was presented by
Ethel Doran. Evelyn Mortensen and Etna
Parker each developed a theme on the
"Growth of Education" in the north and
In the south, respectively. Two recitations,
"My Aunt." by Ethel Sawyer, and "The
Schoolmaster's Guest." by Emily Jenken,
were given prior to adjournment.
The program by the Uniger Travel club
was: Katherlne Dunnlgan gave the "Early
History of Ne York City." "Bill's In
Trouble" was recited by Katherlne Len
hart. Addle Cronk, affirmative, and Goldle
Btarkcy. negative, engaged In a discussion
of the question, "Resolved. That the people
of the I'nlled States travel In their own
country." Irene Devltte then gave a
sketch of "New York City of Today." In
closing, Valentine Mix gave a reading and
a brief dialogue was given by Ruth T ellip
se 1 1, Josephine Doherty, Margaret Flan
agan and Bernadotte Khellby.
The following program waa rendered by
the Pleiades society: First In order waa
a piano duet by Jean McMaster and Hael
Smith. Following this came a recitation,
"That Baby of Mine." by Genevieve
Glover. Sadie Mutton then gave a violin
solo which met with hearty applause. An
essay on "Alice and Phoebe Varey'' was
j read by Viola Pederson. An original poem
bv Vera Manning was read by her. Mona
Dillon read "The Unpreached Sermon.'" A
plnno and msndolln duet was given by
Katherine Likes and Vers Denning May.
Grace and Jean McMaster gave each a
reading before closing. At the close of
the prnerrsm the members regaled them
selres with fudge.
The FJalne society anticipated April 1
by giving an April fool program. Florence
Van Horn read selections appropriate to
the occeslon. "lxuls' First April FtmiI''
was read bv Ruth Tsschurk. Margaret
Cole told Interesting anecdotes. "An Un
usual April Fool'' was the subject of
a paper by Fernlee Wlthnell. Dora John
son told amusing April fool Jokes. April
root customs were driven by tJianys com
mon and in rlnslnr recitations Were given
by Lillian Talleruphus and Eleanor Mc
Gavok. The Margaret Fuller soc etr rendered
this program: A Piano duet. "Ettid." by
Johannes Bolhm. was given by Irene
Jaynes and Mvra BreckenrldKe. Mabel
Stromburg gave the "Life of Joel Chandler
Harris. -silver Ft ream, by nendie, was
rendered on the piano bv Myra Brecken-
rlili-e. Helen Harris read a paper on
'Richard Ilardinr Tavla." A selection
from the works of this author was read by
Elisabeth Chsrlton. Irene Jaynes brought
the program to a close bv reading a paper
entitled "The Hand of Fate."
the Lincoln and Webster societies held
heir championship debate on Tuesday last
before a large audience of students and
their rrlends. The victory went to Hie
IJncoln society after a spirited contest.
The question debated was: "Resolved,
That the power of supervising Insurance
business of sn Interstate character .should
cease to be execlsed by the state In which
such buwtneas Is written and should be
assumed by the federal gnvernnient, con
stitutionality to be waived." Lyman Pry
son, an alumnus of the class of IK. pre
sided. The debaters were Csrroll Belden
and Paul Hommell and llarrv Rvan and
Carroll Burkhard for the Lincoln and
vxebster society, respectively. Far Felker
opened the afternoon's program with a
piano solo, "Nocturne." by Doehlrr. and
responded to the hearty applause by an
other, "Twilight on the Mountain." bv
Rathbun. Rollln Andrews entertained the
audience during the retirement of the
Judges with amusing remarks pertaining to
the participants of the afternoon's delate.
The Judges consisted of Mrs. gudbnrougb
and Messrs. Bernstein and Woolery.
Fort Klobrara.
FORT NIOBRARA. Neb.. March 31.-
(Speclal.) Captain nnd Mrs. J. P. O'Nell
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hnurks
and son, Leonard, of Valentine on Sunday
Captain and Mrs. OTs'ell entertained Cap
tain Ienihan and Lieutenant and Mrs.
Ball at dinner on Sunday.
Major and Mrs. c. W. Penrose enter
tained Lieutenant and Mra. Bull at din
ner on Thursday.
Colonel and Mrs. R. W. Hoyt entertained
the Bridge club on Saturday night.
Carl Amandus. the Infant son of Lieu
tenant and Mrs. Brandt, and James Leltch.
thn infant son of Lieutenant and Mrs.
Grler, were christened at the home ot Cap
tain and Mra. Foweu on Wednesday after
noon. Rev. Dr. Wells of the Episcopal
church of Valentine officiated. All ot thn
officers and ladies of the garrison wit
nessed the ceremony, after which refresh
ments were served.
The new Springfield rifles, model lHon.
were received by all the organizations here
on Tuesday. They are a great Improve
ment over the old Krags.
The nrst twelve-mile marcn ns presennea
In general orders No. 44, War department,
took place on Thursday afternoon.
An examining ooara, consisting of lap-
tain A. B. Shattuck, Captain M. J. Lenl
han, Captain 8. P. Lyon and First Lieu
tenant t red W. Bugbee, convened on Mon
day and Tuesday to examine the non
commissioned officers in the "Catechism of
Outpost Duty." Each officer above named
examined the non-commissioned officers ot
two companies.
The schools for officers and noncom
missioned officers bava terminated for the
The student omcers were examinee in in
ternet lor al law on Thursday. The examin
ing board consisted of Major friaries w.
Penrose. Captain Joseph P. O'Nell and
Captain Michael J. Lenihan, all of the
Twentv-flftK Infantry.
First Lieutenant Henry, A. Wlegenstein
was absent several days during tho week
at the Rosebud Indian agency taking aepo
altlons to be used by tne general court-
martial In the case of Private Edward
Roa-ere. Troon A. Ninth cavalry. His case
was completed before the court on Wednes
day. The action or tne court win noi oe
known until published by the department
As First Lieutenant F. W. Bftll. tne pres
ent tudae advocate of the general court
expects to leave on Monday next for Fort
Washakie, Wyo.. It is probable that a new-
court will be convened nere.
Private Georae W. Davis. Company I,
Twenty-fifth Infantry, died of erysipelas in
the post hospital on Wednesday morning.
He was burled with military honors In the
afternoon In the post cemetery.
Private Noves of Company K. Twenty
fifth Infantry, was tried before the general
court on Friday afternoon.
Quartermaster Sergeant George K. Jones
of Company I has been transferred at his
own request as a private to Company A
so that he coma accompany mem 10 ion
Washakie, wyo.
Tha "Social Club." composed of a num
her of the noncommissioned officers and
their wives, met at the home of Sergeant
and Mrs. Barnes Thursday evening.
. On Wednesday evening tne i wemy-nnn
Infantry orchestra rendered the usual
weekly concert at Gordon hall.
On Friday evenlnr the officers and ladles
of the post enjoyed the regular hop at Gor
don ban.
A telerram reoelved from Washington,
D. C, states that Fort Rhblnson will be
made Into a large poet and that Fort Nio
brara will be practically abandoned, but
the nresent Intention is to hold maneuvers
on a large avaie nere eacn summer.
Fort Riley.
FORT RILEY, Kan., March II (Special !
The necessity for a correct large scale
map of the Fort Riley military reservation
for use In the coming maneuvers and for
Other purposes is very urgent and Cuptaln
Walter C. Babcock, Thirteenth cavalry, is
bending every effort toward the comple
tion of this work, wnicn was ocgun several
years ago.
Plana and specifications for a new fire
less cooker have been prepared by Captain
M. ft. Murray, post commissary. The
cooker which has been used in conducting
thn experiments at this post was found to
be unsatisfactory In Its dimensions. The
new plans provide for four compartments
Instead of six, and other minor changes In
Its construction have been made which will
Increase its adaptability to field service.
First Lieutenant Gilbert C. Smith, Sec
ond cavalry, was confined to his quarters
bv sickness during the first of the week.
Work on the new safety vault in the
offices being fitted up for use of the quar
termaster's department was finished Wed
nesday by the contractor, John Holmgren.
It Is the largest safety vault in this state.
Rev. W. T. Moffet, D. D., and Mrs. Morfet
have returned to their home in Arkansas
City, Kan., after having spent some time
here visiting their son, First Lteutenant
W. P. Moffet, Thirteenth cavalry. Dr.
Moffet lost his eyesight some time ago.
but while here a delicate operation was
performed upon his eyes by Major J. M.
Banister, of the medical department, which
restored the sight to a remarkable degree,
enabling him to read fine print with ease
and comfort.
A masquerade ball waa given In the post
gymnasium hall Friday evening by the
enlisted men of- the Ninth cavalry squad
ron. About 3W) ieople were present.
Veterinarian jonn lempany, rsmin cav
alry, returned to dury at this post last
Saturday from Wulla Walla, Wash., where
he has been for several months.
First Lieutenant J. W, iloore of the Sec
ond cavalry, who was granted leave of ab
sence while his regiment was In the I'hllin
plres, reported at the post for duty lav
Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell came
up to Fort Riley from Leavenworth last
Saturday to Inform himself with regard to
the methods and plana of the school of sp-
fllcatlon for cavalry and field artillery,
le returned to Fort I-a en worth Sundiy
afternoon. WrrHe here he was the giust
of the commanding officer. Colonel E. S.
Godfrey, Ninth cavalry.
W. S. Htusener, superintendent of public
Instruceflin In Junction City. Kan., preached
at the post chape last Sunday evening.
The basket ball season closed last week
with an entertainment and game at the
post gymnasium. The game was between
the Twentieth battery team and the Ot
tawa, Kan., team, and was won by the
soldiers with a score of 39 to 34. The enter
tainment closed with a masquerade ball.
Many ducks are Hying, and the hunters
of the post are lined up along the river
bank every morning.
Captain M. S. Murray, post commissary,
has Invented a collapsible bread mixing
trough for use in the held. The trough Is
made of canvas and weighs about forty
pounds, and about 160 pounds of dough can
be mixed In It at one lime. It will be given
a practical test In the field this spring, and
reports of the results will be submitted to
the commissary general.
First Sergeant Hlgler of tha Twentieth
field battery, while on leave of absence
recently, purchased a farm of 120 acres near
Bird s Eye. Ind. H has mult application
for hi discharge from the service by pur-
chase, and if It Is grsnted he will retire to
nls farm. . , 4,
Re, nrl 1 lent eon lit V 11 UlnSStord Ot Toe
artillery corps lias been appointed base boll
repieseiilatlve for Fort RH '. and n
selected Sergeants Kerrlcan ami Franks "s
his assistants. Lieutenant tllassford ns
drawn lip a plan tor the season which in
volves the formation ot a leegue "
teams tit the tst. one for each squadron
and each battalion.
Sergeant William T. Knoblock nr 1 rnop
E. Thirteenth cavalry, who hna been on de
tached officer as noncommissioned officer (
with the detachment of farriers and horse
shoers since last August, was relieved
Tuesday from that duty. and. under orders
from the War department, was sent to hi
proper station. Fort Myer. Vs.
The post council of administration Is n-
noil re. .H to ennatat nf i'olonel S. W. Taylor
of the srtlllery corps, Lieutenant Colonel
James Iarker of the Thirteenth cavalry
and Major J. M. Flanlster of the medical
department. The council will meet nexi
Monday to audit the accounts of the posi
First IJeutensnt F. M. Jones of the Mntn
cavalry has been relieved from special duty
with tne fletaenmem of terriers aim norse
slKiers and as assistant to the post adju
Without a contest the Elks Friday night
elected these officers: Exalted ruler, Wil
liam T. Canada; esteemed leading knight,
Dan J. Riley; esteemed loyal knight, John
A. Klne; esteemed lecturing knight, Wil
liam W. Cole; secretary, Frank A. Furayi
trcirsnrer, Charles I Saunders; tiler,
Frank 1 Brown; trustee, Frank J. Kim
ball; representative to grand lodge, James
R. Dewar; alternate to grand lodge, Ernest
C. Pago.
American Women.
State Deputy O. R. Chesnut of the
Brotherhood of American Yeomen has an
nounced the first homestead of the order
In Omaha will he organised April 10, with
fironaliiy 100 members. This is a fraternal
nsurance order whose membership in
cludes both men and women. 1
Ancient Order lnlted Workmen.
The Degree of Honor centra! committee
will meet Friday evening, April a, at the
home of Mrs. Robinson, 1131 North Seven
teenth street. The last meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. - Baxter, S14 Nortli
Frnternal lalon of America.
Monday night Mondamln lodge No. Ill
will give an open meeting at 1U hall,
Seventeenth and Farnam streets. A vocal
and Instrumental program has been ar
ranged for the occasion. Saturday evening
the degree team Went to Benson to Initiate
clnss of candidates.
At the regular meeting of Banner lodge
No. 11 Thursduy evening a big attendance
witnessed the Initiation of a class of
thirteen candidates. Twenty applications
were acted upon. The for attend
ance was awarded to Mrs. Emma Johnson.
Next Ihursdar evening the lodae will
hold an open meeting. Progressive high
five and dancing will be featurea ot the
evening. Refreshments will also be served.
Loyal Mystle Legion.
The Iiyal Mystic Legion gave a card
party at Us hall In the Rohrbough block,
NinctiM-nth and Farnam streets. Thurs
day night. Following a .season at cards
refreshments were served and the re
mainder of the evening was given over to
Business of Importance Is to bo trans
acted at the next regular meeting and all
memnera have been urged to be present.
Royal Xeljrhbore of America.
Clematis camp No. l'liti will give a social
dance at Ancient Order of United Workmen
hall. Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Friday
evening. Refreshments will be served.
Ladles oi Modern Maccabees.
The members of Omaha hive No. W2 will
hold an open meeting st Ancient Order of
United Workmen hall the evening of April 7.
Mine Promoter Arrested.
rants were Issued today for the arrest of
J. F. Shaffer of Philadelphia, and L. H.
Mitchell of Ixis Angeles, Cal., charging
them with false pretenses and with de
frauding some sixty men of this city and
vicinity out of $ij0,0". which they Invested
in the Joacqulna Gold Mining company.
The investors claim that they have learned
that tho alleged mine wss a swindle and
that ore were false. Shaffer sold the stock
and Mitchell was president ot the com
pany. Fatal Dynamite Explosions.
NEW YORK. March 11. Two dynamite
explosions In different parts of the city
today killed one man and injured nine,
three seriously.
Inlon Pnclflo.
a :U am
Overland Limited
.a 8:40 am
The China and Japan
Fast Mall a 4:18 pm
Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:14 oni
California at Ore. Ex. .a 4:ii r m
Los Angeles Limited.... all :3u am
Fast Mall a 1:66 pm
Colorado Special a 7:46 am
North Platte Local a 1:10 am
Beatrioe Local m i-li sin
a 6:10 tf.n
a :30 am
a (:10 pm
al0:S pin
a 1:30 pm
a 7:44 am
a 4:60 pm
b i:mi pm
Ckloaao tireat Wwta.
St Paul & Minn ,..a U0 pm
t. Paul A Minn a 7:45 am
a 7:16 am
a 7:66 pm
alO:k am
Chicago Limited a t:uo pm
Chicago Express a :t am
a l:M pat
Chleaso, Kook Island as raeimo.
Chicago 1 lnnlleo a 1:26 am
a 7:10 am
a M pm
a 4:J pin
ChicaftO Expreee .., lt.Wio
Chicauu Exuiess, Local. UU: 16 am
Des MoUiea h,xprea....a iM pui
Chicago Fast Expreaa..a 6.W im
pu :av am
a 1:16 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltu..a 7120 am a 1:1$ am
Colorado Express a 1:01 pro, a 4.6t pui
Oklahoma u lexaa Ex. a .tu put pm
tklraas afc Noctfcweatorat.
SL Paul Daylight I:oO era
Cnltago Daiigiil A 1.00 am
Chlcaao Limited ...... ..a I -J pm
Carroll Local a 4. pm
10:00 pm
UM pm
.! am
.W am
7.o am
est. Paul raat Man a a: pin
bioux C. St at- r. lcai.u cell tin
h u.t Mall
I W pm
i'iiiiii EXDieea a M pm
k:,, rt,.iu jk. uoiiusteel...., 7:40 ain
Iv.ta am
10 M am
Lincoln t Lou PuiC.e 7:4u am
ai.ei Wi omnia z.on bin
6:16 pm
Lsldwood & Lincoln. .a : pm
luiiinm A Album b . tils
a:ie pm
1:1 pm
1:46 pm
U:l am
Chicago Local all :M am
Chicago Limlltfl aU;U0 pm
Wabatk. '
SL Louis ax press a $40 pm
1:40 am
a.i 1j,uii Local t from
Council Biuftai a 1:1 am
10:M pm
aii.m, err Local (from
Council Bluffs; ,...b t:00 pm
bU:M am
linnets Central.
Chicago Express a 1:00 am
Chicago Lluultd a .(Ai Dim
Minn. A Sc. Paul Kx...b$:tam
a I Si pm
a 7uw am
b U urn
Minn. 4k St. Paul Ltd.. .a k JU pia
a 7. am
islcsku, kiUwaakao U Pant.
Chicago colo. topee l-.a (.jm au a J :3 am
Caiuutnia at die. a.... a .e pm a i.iU pm
Uvvriaud Limited a -u piu a k.av am
Uaripn 4k Ceoar U. Lo..t t.4 aui ItliMt pui
Hi. Louis Expteaa a 1:09 am
a : pm
a 6.W pm
Ik. C eU L. aa.pieaa.Jt. Ha pm
jiiuoirl paoian.
tiira.aa Loci, via Leave.
Weeping Waisr b I.w pm
bu.t pm
, ,, Leave. Arrive
Denver California... .a 4.iu pm a ) pm
black Htila f. a 4.1u pm a kO pm
Nunaweal Special a i.ut pm a am
rturfitweal IbApresa ....ali.lw pu a .w pm
Nebraska Luuai a a.uw am a J.u pm
ieuiaa .Aviae a am a 7:al pm
Llucolu Local a k:ui am
Liucuin Fast Mall o l:u pin ali.w pia
fcu Crooa tt I'iattsin b.b i.ou pin blu: am
Bellevue at Plailaui u...a i.Uipin a am
Luver Limned al.lw am
beuevue at Pau. JuuO.,l. tin a k:ju am
Beuevue Pax. Juu... fc:iu am a I.uu put
Chitaao Sptcial a V.J am a 7:s am
cniiaso ixupiv biu s pm
Cuicaao 1 ir - M P-u a I. A am
Iowa Local a fc'la am alO.aj pm
St. Louis Expiexs a 4.4 pin aU.iv am
Kansas Cit-ci. Jos h. .aiW.46 pm a k: am
Kauaaa l lly-el. Jos n. .a aui a .lv pm
tojutn Cliy-bL Jos n..a .4e pui
Ckteaao, flt, .Paul,
Twin City Passenger
BJuux City PaSaenaer
Oakland Local
Eiueisoo Louil
,.b (.'30 am
.a 1.m pui
.b 6:4 pm
,.c (.46 am
b 1:10 pra
all :) am
b .l am
a O ta) pm
a Lady, b Dally except Sunday, d Daily
except Saturday. ttuudajr euijr. a Dally
except aUuudajr,