'A TIIK OMAHA DAILY RKK: SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 100(1. mmm res -.jsr KlXn0W!14i' 1 You will save at least 20 percent on any goods you need--we do just as we adver tise and never misrepresent. Uring this ad with you and get the goods aa quoted. Easy Terms to 1 HOT SHoiiob - JL ) k v $10 worth - if ii.ff $20 worth , f( S'li. HI MX $5 down on I r m; .V $10 down on ::j 'f ipf. ; Ji) $100 worth ; plrj;' -ho1 Steel KnnR-e and Closet g m 7r r43P'p asbestos lined 16 Inch J U. " BnlUVOak Beveled Frcnoh IA 7P oven big bargain L't Plate Mirror swell 1 f"! at drawer, for ....... I"IU l4 Yr Rubber tired Go-Cart, ' 1 ball bearing, steel I -SfSsSSffiJi: Oak Cane Beat V velour upholster- f Ping ear ''. Vrace UdC ,-P'??.fuitA a.h-0?.BTy "nl.hed' . 1 9 0.1. or more. V? , 3-plece Suite, mahogany finished, L.l 1 .J . . . 1 1 I . . .J . . ruuuru mill i"iiinnrui upholstered In velour, at I maha Clothing o Rtmtmbtr th plat. OTfelSToo LadySKoeCJ' Lady is 1 mi I tions In our cheaper shoes. "JVe allow only the most skill ful of our large force of men to build the Tourist shoe. It feels right; looks right; wears right; costs hut $3.00. Soli r tk bwt dealer everywhere. ' H NORTH STAR SHOE CO. MteiieapoHs f V , ... ,. ... iiwi i ii-n-iKr-i-ii-- Good Endorsements of a Good T.ian by Those Who Know Him : 1 ' - i LETTERS OF ENIK1R8FMF.XT. To tha Voters of the City of Omaha: As we are atx'Ut In select councilinen l "TVS for the next three years. It gives me 1 rreat pleasure to speak a g XVl word for tienry I. Plumb, candidate from the Thlid WBT1 Ho Is at present manager of the 1 "hathant ApartniPtit Hotel, lately erected iv Blr Horace Plunkelt. whos lUnalia es ate I represent. Mr. Plumb Is a man of ,d busJiiesa quallMcations. and trust worthy and noooiauie in nn, and 1 would It- pleased g'tied) J. V. CRAIG, would their influence for I; i e le tmu. tMgncu, Iwn Cemetery. Reaiiectfully, H- J- Mt'bl'n- Mr Plumb haa rerelvrd thf endorwiurut of the Fonlenolle club u land with ihrm In th.-ir effort for god gove nuu. nt. Honesty and a Square ' Deal In public Affairs A Resident of Omaha Si Years. Tk Travel. a Mea's t'.dlt." JOEL S.GRIFFEtl MEMBER CITY COUNCIL, SEVENTH WAED. Jtrhvitfulljr Mniitlt Your Support. wa. 1316 FANNAM 8T. BBS i Made entirely of selected leather. We could not afford tku except that we can xae the poorer selec Sl'MMER MILL FARM. Col. J. II. Pratt, Prop. Jerome Pratt Mauee, Manager. Douglas County, Neb. . Dealer! in IIori', Cattie, Sheop and lligs. Oniuhu, Neb., March XI, lo. To the Republican Voluia ot tne Clly of Uuiaha: HavInK been frequently asked aa to the character of Mr. henry 1. Plumb, candidate for tha city council for the Third ward, 11 fives me great pleasure to state that Mr. Mumb has been In my employ for 17 years. During all these years he liua had ut times the entire charge of all my business af fairs, and I haw always found him honest, faithful and capable. He Is a man of k.hicI business Ualitu.'Hlluns and well flttrd to fill the uflice ot councilman, and I sincerely hope he will be elected. Respectfully, tSlgned) J. li. PRATT- WHERKA8. We are about to select a re publican councilman from the Third ward to serve the city for the next three years, and as a lxre taxpayer 1 am desirous of having only 'he very best men of knuwu ab.iuy Irom each ward to represent us, and there being thirteen cannjoHies from the Third ward seeking the nomination, some ot whom I d not personally know, slid wishing to ussist line whom 1 do know, I am much pleased to recommend Mr. Heniv I. t'luino. wnu w,i the secreiury of the Forest Uon leineiery Aasocialion for ten years, during nil ul whlcn time lie at tended to the duties of said otlice to the entire satisfaction of the directors, and knowing well the qualtiicatii'iis nyun.-U ot a man to honestly and fearlessly represent us in the council. 1 hereby uk and re quest the republican voters of (his city to a,1 .(irk t,,r f ki. eletLuin on next Turrday of Henry 1. Plumb of tha Third -rrf full v My Friends: Please don't believe the cam paign lies which some of my po litical opponents are, circulating about ine, but ttaml put. W, H. Hatteroth. Charles A. Potter UKKKKJUj bTICXOtiKAPUiai. DpotOou. CtrreiMudeac. Hriel Vork and SpcU Uportinc oa Short Not tea. NOTAKY fl'BLIC. Tel. lata. tt B BaJIgt. Y. M. C. A. CORNERSTONE LAID Cerfmcny rerfoimed by Fresident I. Carpenter of the Aswciatioti, W. H. H. BALDRIGE CHIEF ORATOR OF DAY Says Association la . l-ermaaeat Or. aanlullon Rerasse Horn for Definite Work and Kal i Alls Its Mission, Nature seemed In Its most, pleasing mood Saturday afternoon on the occasion of the laying of the cornerstone of the new Young Men's Christian association building at the southwest corner of Harney ami Seven teenth streets. A throng was present to witness tltc ceremonies, which were car ried out on an Improvised platform. I. V. Carpenter, president of the association, acted as master of ceremonies. The pro gram opened with a song, "I Will Life t'p Mine Eyes," by the Kountze Male quartet, consisting of R. J. Spoerrl, C. P. Daniels, E. N. Bovell and A. L. Dick. Rev. D. K. Jenkins delivered the Invocation, following which Howard H. Baldrige, chairman of tha cltlxens' .committee, delivered .the ora tion. President Carpenter placed the stone In position, making an address In which he described the work of the association and told the story of the building evolution. Oration of Baldrige. In his oration Mr. Baldrige said: Recently, 1 believe, the association hat more comprehensively grasped what ought to be Its methods, means and mission. It Is a permanent organisation, because It was born' for a detinue nnd permanent work. It Is not an ephemeral or fast pass ing institution, for It deals with that which Is permanent In meil. Jt Is here to stay because it has work to do. It Is not hero to do the work of the church or the home, nor to supplant the church and the homo. It is ancillary and supplementary and not antagonistic to these. It deals with the whole man In his three-fold powers. It touches the physical, mental nnd moral nature. Its business Is to develop the whole man, the complex faculties of the mind; to train them for definite specialized work; to develop the physical man and give him a strong, healthy body; to elo vate the soul, and to surcharge It with aspirations for a higher and better life. Its business Is to ncourag growth and furnish tha opportunity for It. The law of growth Is the law of life. No life Is stationary. Every day Is a day of development or a day of deterioration. We either know mora today than we did yesterday or we know less. We are either better today than yesterday or we are worse. Hence the need of 'well directed meAtal. physical and spiritual activity. We ara like an engine on an up-grade plane we must either go forward or we will go back ward. It is so easy for men to let them selves slide down grade. It requires no effort. The movement seems Involuntary. Just turn 'off the steam and release the brake and they will soon be at the bot tom. Persistent effort Is the only thing that counts In life. If the young man drops the oar he may pleasantly drift for awhile on th placid sea of life, but he la sure to land on the shoals nnd the bars. He must have the stimulus for exertion. It Is found in the association of other well directed young men. He must have the place and the opportunity for growth and development. It will be found here. In the beautiful building you are about to erect. It will add much to the worth of the cllr. We have false Ideiui of worth. A man's worth consists not so much In what he has, but in what he is. We ought not to meas ure the greatness cf a city so much by the beauty of Its streets, the magnificence of Its buildings, the magnitude of its business enterprises, as by the character of its .citizenship. Whatever makes for the character of Its citizens makes for the greatness of the city. To the state, as to the individual, morals are more than money end principles moro than price, and thla building will stand for the morals and the manhood of this city. It must not be a school to breed a weak, boneless, namby pamby type of Christianity, nor of a wild and unreasonable fanaticism, but a strong virue nesn ana blood type of exalted young manhood. It must not be a home for milksops, but for men. It must not be a sectarian temple. It must be open to all creeds and denominations. Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Protestant, must be equally welcome to its portals and Its privileges. It must be broad and catholic in Its endeavor and comprehensive In the sphere of Its Influence. Its constant aim and ultimate purpose are and must be lo make man better physically, mentally, morully. To this end havo you wrought. To this end have the people of Omaha generously contributed to your plans. To this end will this structure be erected and dedicated. The people of Omaha have given liberally of their substance to this building. They kave a faculty of arising to the occasion and meeting every public obligation as they have met this one. They have almost shown a genius for giving. They could not make a better public investment. We recognize their liberality and their open handed benevolence which will make this building possible. President Carpenter's Address. President I. W. Carpenter said prior to the ceremony of laying the cornerstone: Before performing my duties with the trowel 1 desire to make a brief statement regarding the finances of the association. We sold our old building at Sixteenth and Douglas streets for l'JD,i cash. A mort gage and other Indebtedness 'amounted to about S7J.C0O, leaving $12t.uoft on hand. We then bought the lots at Sixteenth and Howard streets for 1115.000 and later sold them for S12o,0u0, leaving 1131, ouO on hand. We then bought this property of 142x171 feet for $.i,3fxi, leaving about I72.0HO on hand. We raised by subscription I1U6.000, making about tlTa.OnO In cash with which to erect this building. The building will cost, when equipped and furnished. In the neighborhood of liSO.oort, so we will have about tT&.oiO to raise thla 'winter If we dedi cate it free of debt. In behalf of the Board of Directors, I desire to thank all contributors to the association fur their donations. I desire to thank our citizens as a community for their generosity on the occasion ot our canvass, and I In-speak for the present canvass of the the association, which Is in progiess at this moment, the same gener osity which characterized the canvass for this building. The laying of the corner stone of this great building Is an evidence of a marked advancement of this city morally as well as materially. We should pause here to praise the noble work that was done by a similar committee of pro gressive Christian men, who with your aid erected the old Young Men's Christian as sociation building nineteen years ago. That was erected for a city of 75.WW Inhabitants. We are erecting this for a city of 2jO,fW people, and we must not fall to provide for the future. The ready response of the citizens of Omaha to our call for tlOO.OOU last July has been far-reaching in its re sults. 8t. Paul. Inspired by our example, sent for the Onuiha cl ick and raised t-UJ.O'i. Then came Duluth. Denver and Kansas City, who S" nt far 'the clock and rsised amounts sufficient for the building of as sociation temples In their respective cities, making a total of over a million dollars raised for tills purpose through the ex ample of Omah.t. Do not think for the moment It was tho Omaha clock that raised the money. Hut it was first the merit of the cause ilself ami then the same kind of organization of btirlness men in conjunction with the Board of Directors in these various cities which created the enthusinsm for better thing for moral advancement which awakened tha civic pride of the public and they re sponded most nobly In all those cities. Do you regret for one moment what you have helped us to do? Do you regret what you have helped these other cities to do by the inspiration of your example, and will you not help our sixtera In their noble work of building their building? And will you nut help us when the time comes to dedicate this building free of debt? Articles I ndrr tar Ktoar. Following Mr. Carpenters address the cornerstone was placed In Its position, but first In a cavity beneath It in the stone on which It was to rest was placed 'an oblong copper box containing this list of articles: An English bible. Articles of Incorporation of the Omaha association. A history of the association, compiled by William Fleming, Charles K. Reynolds and Charles E. Moigan, containing the names and dates of service of all presidents and general secretaries of the association from Its organisation. Names of the building rominittee of the new building and Us work up to the pres ent time, giving the names of the orig inal committee and all changes; also the names of architects and contractors. Prospectus of the new building, contain ing picture of Mr. P. C. HlineUaugh, the largest donor to the old building. The plana of the new building. Photograph of Mr. Guy C. barton, whose I splendid gift of IK'."") was a grent stimulus In mining money for the new building Newspaper article about thirty-day cam paign for building fund. Photograph of the money riilslng clock, and lis Inventor. Mr. J. C. I'entland. PhotogrspIS" of the old building. Plctuie of the temporary quarters. Photographs of the. new building, now under construction. ' The names and dutes of service of the present hoard of directors. A photograph of the present executive force. Samples of printed matter of the Omaha association. A copy of "Association Men." Copy of Young Woman's Christian asso ciation prospectus and button. Copies of latest Issues of Omaha papers. A complete list of senior and Junior mem bers of the Omaha association. An American flag. "The Kountze Memtwinl church quartet sang "Speed Away," which was followed with prayer by Dean Qcorge Alien Beecher. and the ceremony was tfided. TOM TOY IS FULLY CLEARED Janitor at Conrt House t'nanlmaasly Exonerated of Charges Brought Against HI in. The county commissioners Saturday morning, by unanimous vote, exonerated Jsnltor Tom Toy of the charges made against him by Superintendent McCaffrey which resulted In the recent investigation by the commissioners. The report of the committee of the whole was to the effect the evidence did not sustain the allegations against Mr. Toy and a transcript of the evidence was attached to the report. All of the commissioners voted to adopt the report. Messrs. Kennard and lre both said they thought the Investigation should have gone farther and expressed the opin ion if It had It would have been shown neither the Janitors nor the superintendent were responsible for the conditions alleged to have existed. John C. Lynch, city gns inspector, re ported he had Inspected the gas meter in the county Jail and had found It 1 per cent fast. He' had ordered a new one In stalled. The meter was Inspected after ;t was discovered the gas bills for the Jail were unusually large without any apparent reason. The board adopted appropriate resolutions In memory . of the late Mayor Moores. They pointed to his public services In the army and In civic life and expressed sym pathy for the bereaved family. The Sarpy county commissioners who recently asked for a meeting with the Douglas county board to adjust the cost of grading the road between the two coun ties and cost of building and maintaining the bridges, failed to show up at the ap pointed time Friday. FATHER MOELLER IN OMAHA ProTlnclal of Missouri Jesuit Colleges Is Given Reception by Sto " dents of Crelghton. At Crelghton University hall ( Saturday morning the students of the university tendered a reception to Very Rev. Henry Moeller, S. J., provincial of. the Missouri province of Jesuit colleges. This progrnm was rendered before a large assemblage of students and friends: Liberty March Llberatl t'nlversity Band. Address of 6enlors William Donahue. Medley, "In Dear Old Georgia. .Van Alstyn University Orchestra. "Mark Anthony's Oration" William Sternberg. Poem, "Our Welcome" Eugene Noonan. Bass Solo Rodney John Jamleson. "Moon Wink" Stevens T'nlversity Orchestra. The Junior's Oreeting Michael Stagito. "The Quarrel Scene",".. . Brutus and Cssalus William Donahue and William Toung. March, "St. Leon" Whltely University Band. Rev. Henry Moeller. 8. J acknowledged his appreciation of the reception, and de livered a short address to the students. Father Moellor Is a polished orator and his appeal to young men to follow true ideals was Impressive upon tho audience. SEVERAL NEW REALTY DEALS Mrs. Ward M. Burgess Sells to .. P. Bostvrlck Twentieth and Douglas Property. Mrs. Ward M. Burgess has sold to S. P. Boat wick her property on the south sldo of Douglas street and east of Twentieth, for I8.&00. The lot Is 611x132 and the house a two-story frame. E. S. Efner has bought, through Payne Bostwlck, for I2.CW). the house at 116 Hamilton street. Mr. Efner la from western Nebraska, and will engage In business In Omaha. Charles G. Trimble's house st 4220 Farnatn has been sold by the same firm for 3,O0O. Charles R. Sherman has bought from Lewis 8. Reed a part of lot 3 In Capitol addition, on Farnam street, east of Twenty fourth. The consideration was 9,000. Deeds went on record Friday for the transfer of a 130-acre farm Just southwest of the city from A. L. Reed to Charles M. Johnson, the price being tlO.000. The sale was made about a year ago. SUIT" AGAINST MARGRAVES Aetloa Begnn by Government to Prosecute Kansas Parties on Fencing Deal. A supplemental civil suit was died In the United States circuit court Saturday morning by 6pecial District Attorney S. R. Rush, District Attorney Qoss and Attorney General Moody, entitled the United States of America against William A. Margravi of Kansas, James T. and Earl Margrave of Nebraska, charging them with ille gally maintaining fences around certain described public lands, approximating 50,fo acres, in Sheridan and Cherry counties, Nebraska. The suit la of the same general character filed In the United States circuit court several months ago, In which the same parties are mao co-defendants. The peti tion asks that the defendants be required to remove the fences within five days and that they be restrained from further main taining the same or otherwise Impeding public travel and the transit of the United Slates malls by the maintenance of such Illegal fences. Chancery subpoenas 'sere Issued in the cases Saturday afternoon and will be served at once. Marriage Liveware. The following marriage licences have been Issued: Clark II. Bufflngton, Omaha 2J Goldie E. Wisdom, Omaha 2o James Bourett, Sioux City, la...'. js fhena Carlson, Sioux City, la 'tu lwrence Skow, Omaha 43 lunation, uanium. Umaha , zi Alfred C. Anderson. ' Omaha....'. 26 Mary C. Dangaard, Omaha Is George R. Thirtle. Douglas county 14 Christine Bena, Douglas county 24 Godfrey Kuncel. South Omaha Jl tinma Slavic. South Omaha 18 tIer J. l. llermansen. Omaha 2 Anna C. Wlberg. Omaha u Benjamin F. Field, Turin. la n EfUo C. Baber, Omahu ti DIAMONDS Edhoun, 16th and Harney. LOCAL BREVITIES. Frank E. Colby, optician, is now with the Columbian Optical Co., 211 So. Itith St. A complaint has been filed In Juvenile cvurt against John VVieM-lmMn. a Junk dealer, who is charged Willi buying brass stolen from the Union pacific rtuln-Kd by Joseph Vlctk, a II-J ear-old boy. 1 f Good clothes are a business asset worth good, hard dollars to any man. Genius in rough clothes gets ahead slowly. Good clothes are our business not ordinarily good, but top-notch, eighteen karat, extra dry, swell garments. If you will resolutely turn your attention hitherward you will find yourself in line with several thousand of Omaha's best dressers, headed for the biggest and handsomest display of spring goods we have ever shown. ( It wasn't luck that got together this assortment it was good buying. This season's big color is Gray. You'll find on our tables temptingly displayed every shade and mixture in exclusive patterns of, suitings and overcoats. The rush season is just starting. Don't wait and have to put up with delays. Come in now and get an early choice. Make the others pick after you. Trousers $5 to $12. 209-211 SOUTH 15th ST. (Karbach Block) n To California Very low and popular round trip rates; from Omaha $50, direct routes; $12.50 additional via Shasta Route and Puget Sound. Tickets on salo April 25 to May 5. To California, Portland and Puget Sound, Daily Low Rate Summer Tours. Very attractive excursion rates commencing June 1st, over variable routes em bracing the wonderful scenery between the llocky Mountains and t!je Pacific Slope. The greatest railroad journey in the world within your reach. Round trip from Omaha $u0.06; via Shasta Route and Puget Sound, $73.50. To San Francisco for N. E. A. Low. rate excursion tickets June 26th to July 7th. One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. From Omaha, $52.00, direct routes; $64.50 via Puget Sound and the Shasta Route. s To Colorado. Daily low tourist rates to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, commencing June 1st. From Omaha, $17.50 for the round trip. i To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Still lower rateet for the great Elk' gathering at Denver. From Omaha, $15.00 round trip; tickets sold early in July. To Western Resorts Generally. Summer tourists tickets to many Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Black Hills and Montana destinations, with every facility for in eluding all attractions enroute. Yellowstone Park. 'Send for handsome park folders descriptive of this recrea tive wonderland. Very cheap side trip tickets through the part to holders of through 'tickets, also very low rate tours from the Missouri river through the Park and return, via Gardiner. Describe your proposed trip and let nn advise you the best way to make it at tho least cost and send you printed matter free, CITY TICKET AGENT. 1502 FARNAM Cen'l Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnam Omaha, Neb. 1Z OJR LETTER SOX. Plaaderlng Defenseless Women. PENDER, Neb., March 30. To the Editor Of The Bee: County Judge King announces his Intention to dismiss without hearing the cases of Father Schell against delinquent guardians of Indian orphans and minors, if bonds for costs are not filed, thus the laud able efforts of Father Schell, who has spent time and money to put the court In motion to quell frauds reaching Into over IIOO.OuO, is to come to an end. But the public will be reminded that the requirement to file cost bonds. Is to be the loophole for an official to evade one of his principal duties that of guarding the prop erty Interests of orphans and minors against plunder. Before the coining of Father Schell one of the worst evils lo be met with affecting the Indians of the county was that of throwing (under rolor of court proceedings) the states of Indian minors Into the hands of Irresponsible guardians with straw bonds. I'ndcr the present regime It Is not te de To Dress Shakespeare's Truism that "the the man" is as aDDlicable barcTs time only more so. , ' Individuality, if consistent, is the crowning point of a garment. - Good dressers know this. Good clothes cut and fitted by an artist absolutely correct in every line, make a man feel good all over make him feel as If he was somebody in particular. Imbues self-confidence. Suits $20 to $50, WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. Flami Klwir Yoyo3 ymmeir 'Tout sire of the "powers that bo" that any thing should be done to cleat up the mys teries of the county court's Jurisdiction In guardianship matters among the Omaha and Winnebago Indians. The truth seems to be that there is in the minds of a few "potent" individuals a fact, grown Into a doctrine with them, thut the estate of Indian minors and orphans arc the legitimate prise for plunder and no court proceedings at this time Is to thwart this easy means of satisfying the avaric ious. READER. V.sckti for Mr. Joaasoa. OMAHA, March SI. To the Editor of The Bee: I noticed with a good deal of inter est an editorial In your paper a few days ago to the effect that no one had as yel said anything against the character or ability of W. Ernest Johnson, candidate for city comptroller, and I agree with the state ment that no one can truthfully say any thing against him. Mr. Johnson has been associated with me in business for the last sixteen years, and I should be able to give a good Idea of him aft-T these years of contact. I believe him to be an hunusL honorable, upright aud con., inn loua man, and also a man of superior business ability He has demonstrated his ability and fitness Well TT Art 'lis aa apparel today as oft prod aim?, it was in the Top Goats $20 to $50 Samples Mailed Upon Rcqueit. as an accountant, and I wish to cuinmeud lilm to you and to the voters of the city as a man who would make an Ideal city comp troller. As to his moral lire, no one can say anything against It. F. B. LAWRENCE. President Lawrence Shot and Lead Co. Aanouneemeate of the Theaters. "Down the Pike," the rnerry musical farce. In which Johnny and Emma Ray are again appearing this season, will have its annual presentation at the Krug start ing tomorrow matinee. Possibly no more popular entertainers exist In their partic ular line than the Rays and it la declared that In "Down the Pike" both have parts to fit them to perfection. Usuaha Improvesaeavt Leaajae. At the meeting of the Omaha Improve ment league held Saturday night at the Millard hotel the committees all lusrte re ports of progress made In the various lines. The hill board committee reported the bill hoards a nuisance and steps will be taken to remedy thla evil. A public bath house was discussed and definite plana will be laid for this st the nest meeting. The necessity of raising aoma money tor the further Improvement of the public play grounds was discuswd an' this mut ter aill also be taken up at the next met lug. 1I. election of officers will be li.lti at the neat meeting.