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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
1f rHE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AVRU, 1, lf)0(T. Suggestions for Spring Cleaning Those bright, Funny days make us feel that Spring is at last here with hvv many duties of house, cleaning, laying away oC winter clothing, and bringing forth the last year's garments to be put in shape for another season's service. More and more each year the women of Omaha realize the great help The I'antorium is to them at such times. Below wo mention a' few of our specialties. ITOUSEIIOLD ARTICLES Thers are many soiled articles that re quire mrctful and eipert handling, such as piano crfi! sofa pillow covert", draperies, portlTB, etc. W clean any of these, and rrstnr them to their original brilllanry without the leart danger of Injuring them In any manner. RUGS AND CARPETS We have bjr far the most up-to-date methods and machinery in tha city for cleaning and disinfecting carpets and rugs. Our price for carpets is 6c per yard and for nigs 10c per square yard. THE NAFTHA PROCESS Is the latent for carpets and rugs that are badly soiled and full of grease spots. It makes them clean ss new and does not take the life out of them. The price Is 13c pr yard for carpets and 20o per square yard for rugs. We have the only plant In the city quipped for this work. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S GARMENTS For many years we have set the pace and price for the care of men's and women's clothes. Realizing that a "sat isfied customer Is our tMst advertisement,'' we make It a point to give them Just a little better work and service than they can get elsewhere REGARDING WINTER CLOTHES Many people have a habit of laying away their winter garments - without first hav ing them dry cleaned. Fuch a course often proves expensive, as the dirt and grerne that are In them tend to rot the cloth. By having ' them cleaned before laying away you will find, when you un pack them next fall, a fresh, clean suit, all ready to put on. If you failed to take our advice last fall you will soon be unpacking some dingy looking spring clothes, 'it so. send them In and we will put a spring look on them that may save buying new ones. ALTERING AND REPAIRING We have a special department for alter ing and repairing both men's and women s garments. vWe put In new linings, re-blnd skirts, alter suits and Jackets, etc. We employ only skilled workmen In our various departments. On April 15th we will move our office to 1613 Jones street, where we have the largest and best equipped cleaning and dyeing plant in tho west. Our present de livery service will be enlarged and every effort put forth to give our customers still better work and service than we have In the past. The same old "phone, Douglas 163. will bring a wagon promptly. Out-of-town business receives prompt attention. THE PANTOEalUllI Picscnt Office-407 South Fifteenth St. Works 1513 Jones St. Rn- Porto "f.7"iv:. J in Mil New Stiles for 1906, $2 Up. Our new line tor lOoO embodies every known Improvement that can be prac tically applied to po-onrts. WK SKLIj ptuixt from orit FACTORY TO YOU FOR FACTORY PRICES, which nienns a saving of nenr ly one-half the unuiil price. Don't neglect baby's health and com fort at your pocketbook by purchiiHlnjr a Inferior go-cart or baby carriage, but conic to our saisple room and satisfy yourself. ' Write or call for catalogue FRKE. OMAHA A HATTAX WORKS Phone' Doug: UOM 1512 Howard Dig Moving lMctore Show. Manager Ulllun returned yesterday from Chicago, where lie contracted for somu great moving pictures for the Automobile Show at the Auditorium this week. Tho pictures wilt Include the famous Gordon Bennett 'races, the Vanderbilt cup races, the hazardous automobile adventure, tho iutomotjile holdup or modern brigandage, and a ldt of humorous and startling stunts performed by automobile experts. The show Will be put on In two parts, the first part beginning at 8:30 and last ing twenty-five minutes. The second part will begin at 9:30 and continue about twenty-flve minutes. These pictures will be put on by osc of the best expert moving picture men of Chicago, and the canvas will be thirty feet square. The canvas will be located, on the stage and the machine In the west end of the balcony. This great show will be put on every night of the Automobile Show, beginning Wednesday night. WATCHES-Frenier. 15th and Dodge Bts. ; A Seat Cataloagae. The Regent Shoe Co. have Just received from the printers their 1906 catalogue. It Is a handsome little booklet, containing X pages. The front cover Is an attractive dnHlgn printed In two colors on hard pa per. The entire .12 pages are generously Illustrated with the popular, conservative and latent stylos In men's shoes. It Is hurk full of good shoe Information and is a handy booklet to have around If you ure Interested In foot comfort and shoe luallty and economy. An Instructive paper on "Fruits and Flowers'" is assured at the meeting of the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday, when Mr. E. L. Emery will deliver the opening address. Mr. Finery hna been a life-long student of plant life nnd has devoted much time and labor In the preparation of a lper that cannot fail to he lxth entertain ing and edifying. The society meets al 3 o'cUwk, p. ni. In Room 3, Patterson block, Pevfnteenth ami Knmam streets. Sterling riilvcr Frenicr, 15th and Dodge. Rubber! We hope the bad weather of the past Week will add greatly to our collections of old rubber. While the bail-weather of the past week bss hindered In a measure the collection if old rubber, we trust it will eventually help iih by Ini'rcuHlng the supply. Wo are still calling for all the old rubber our . friend can find. Send to the Child Sav ing Institute. 1Vi' Ohio street. Ilotnesrr kers Kinnloii. On Tuesday, April S. the Missouri Pa cific will sell round .trip tickets at very low rates, with MojMivcr privileges. to certain points In southwest Missouri, Kan as. Oklahoma. Texas, Arkansas, etc. Full Information at I'nlon station or city offices, F. E. corner loth and Farnam 8tn., Omaha, Neb ATRIL RIIITHSTOXES-Edholra, Jeweler tars of Thiaki. ' We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown during the late bereavement and death of our son, also for the beautiful floral offerings. . MR. AND MRS. (JEO. F. HOWKLK Frl Kreet Until March Slot, either a genuine water color or an 810 art enlargment free with each new doxen photos. HETN. THE PHOTOO.R APHER, jlS-li-17 Bouth litb 8L (Odd Numbers.) A 15 per cent discount 6n Art Steel Ceiling, .. For next 30 days. ' The Vintun Steel Works, Vinton, la. ttamilrruri Wasted For cloak alteration room. Avply Cloak Oejit, Braodei A Bon. Spring Shoes are Ripe When you're ready for yours, sir, we're ready to Berve you. Just take a peep Into our store any day now and see the handsome Spring Styles. There's nothing missing that's worthy of a plate In this Home of Good Shoes. It's true we sell Men's Shoes on a small profit, but we sell lots of them. At your service, sir, any day. FRY SHOE CO. Hth and Douglas Sli. .l.ill.LN.,.ll.l. III...... BUajHSJUS.! 1 I, iiiirT r , - a ' U . : t ' t , . i . I - -M' - - - Johi M. Macfarlaqd Repablleaa Caadldat for CITY ATTORNEY. .tOO New York Life BalldlR. W. J. IIISLOP For the 12th Ward A Techical Engineer An export machinist and nn educated man imbued with highest city government ideas. Look him up. Vote for Ilislop. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER laefwl rituit. Saserlftloa . . Oa aellar year. tr DREXEL'S $3.50 MEN'S SPECI ALS If you have never worn them yon hsve seen them on the feet of your friends. Nothing in Omaha can com pare with them In value, no matter what nnmn Is given them. This Is the best 3 & value ever shown In a man's shoe. We guarantee this and refund your money If you are not satisfied that It Is true. What mora could you auk? Made In all leathers patent colt, gun metal calf, velour calf, box calf, vlcl kid.. Button, lace or blucher all sixes all widths, AA to E. 0!!E PRICE $3.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. I it .'?VV: fit ' The recent call for councllmanlc re cruits "strong men, loyal and true, to serve and to save" our city, has met with u response never before equaled In the annals of mutihipal affairs. VIKW THE 8PKCTACLE: ON K HL'.NDKKD AND THIRTY-SEVEN putrtots have enrolled, realizing full well that in the coming battle of ballots on the SD OP APRIL, but twelve will survive to tell the awful tal. I present herewith my card and beg to solicit your vote for whnt I conceive to be one of the most responsible positions within the gift of the voters the office of COUN CILMAN FROM THE FOURTH WARD. I base my claims to your support upon substantial grounds. I assert it to be the duty of every cltl xen and taxpayer to demand of every aspirant to a position of trust, a certificate of character, a record for honesty. In tegrity and capacity, and u COGENT rea son, why he Is entitled to the confidence ami support of the TAXPAYINU ELE MENT. I am opposed to granting special privil eges to use any of our streets or alleys without paying the city proper compensa tion for such privileges. I am In favor of granting lenient conditions to enterprises seeking location In our city, always with an eye single to the rights of the tax payers. I pay into the treasury every year the four-hundredth part of the annual levy. Am 1 not entitled to represent you in, tho office I seekt I will give my loyal support to any mavor elected who will stand for good f overnment and an Intelligent adminlstra lon of the laws. Finally, let us elect a council composed of members whose Interests are so closely Identified with Omaha that it would hardly be possible for any of them to disappear In a night and leave no trace behind. The sooner the city awakens to the neces sity of running its own household, the sooner rational economy will take the place of reckless extravagance. Sincerely yours for good government, F. B. KESXARD. IDicfures AMD FBAMIHC- Beautiful new mould- logs to select from Mats that blend prettily with them I The best of work. ' mansbip I h lowest of prices are soma of the reasons why you should bring your framing here. Easter flood's Chlcka, Rabbits, Errs. etc.. from Ic to 25cl EasUr Card A corn pleta II oa at Ic, 2c, 3c and up. TME 99 CENT STORE 1513DodiJeSt s5 A Regtaulleaa Caadldate for Coaaetlmaa, Sercath Var4. Vol for m, and set a aquAxa deal No graft. L, N. GONDEN Frk ConunlMloner, "Vote for tho issues of the day and men who havo tho courage to meet them." 'I iff f f . I -' ! ' - ysv w''wu f ? 'John & H"l Republican Candidate for Council Fourth Ward Owns real estate and pays taxes in Omaha. lias had ten years' experience in real estate and is well versed in taxes and valuations. (' Does not ride on free passes; is under no obligation to the corporations, and is free to carry out the will of the people. i Member of Royal Arcanum, A. O. U.W., W. 0. W., Sons iof Veterans and U. V. U. His record is, clean; he has no apologies to make, and a vote for him will not be wasted. IMlUdWUMIUlt'ilJIJMCEV I la ws iS Fox Furnaces Favorite Underfeed Furnaces 99s I 'i We are wholesale and retail agents for the above furnaces. We havo three carloads ready for delivery. We supply dealers at lowest wholesale rate. We are Scientific and Practical Furnacemen If we install your furnace, your house will be properly heated and ventilated. We do not make mistakes. We have passed the experimental stage. Take a look at one of our jobs and see if it ii not the best you ever saw. Then let us figure for you. The best is surely the cheapest. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407 Cuming St. "If you buy it of Hussy, it's right." 'A The National Highway To California Is via "TUK OVERLAND ROUTE." If you ' contemplate a trip to this pleasure seeker's par adise, this route offers you the highest degree it comfort and luxury with no additional cost tnd a great saving of time and expense. r. Be, sure your ticket reads over the UNION PACIFIC two meals quicker to San Francisco than via any'other rout Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnajn St 'Phone Douglas 334. Send for Our SPECIAL CLOTHING CATALOGUE It's Free THE RELIABLE STORE 1 1 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED and Satisfaction Guaranteed Headquarters for Best Clothing ' iFfl Clothing that in style character iff ' meo every requirement of tha most fastidious nressera of a qual ity in workmanship and material that will satisfy those who demand most service for their money. It's always easy to be well and stylishly dressed at a very smalt price if you come here. Let us show you our line of Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand tailored clothing, the best read)-to-wear clothing on the market. When you try them on you'll readily se our reasons for recommending them. Onco worn yon will always say give me IL S. & M clothes, please. Men's Suit Hand tailored throughout In a most masterly manner, with individu ality and quality unmatched at our prices. 130.0 down to $20.00, f C fli! $18.00, $16.60, and IJ.XtV Time to Buy that Hnin Cost V are showing an unequalled line of hand-tailored cravenettes that will please you. Prices. $18.00, $15.00, $12.60, n CA $10.00 and J V Men's 1'ant In all newest shades and patterns, stripes, plaids, mixtures and plain colorsat $6.60. $3.60, IOC $2.95, $2.60 down to Youth's Long Tanta Snita Single and double-breasted styles, all newest ma terialsat $10.00, $8.60. c nn $7.60, $6.60 and J.UU Buy the Boy Top Coat We carry a complete line at $3.96, $3.60 T OC and J J Combination Knee Pants Knits Made of all wool cheviots, with double breasted belted coat, one pair of Knickerbocker and one pair of T r plain pants with each suit prices, $4.60, $3.95 and. V'O J Other Knee Panta Suits in all newest 6tjies $5.00 f Ai I.., L Copyright 1906 bj Hart Schsffbcr kj Marx to BR0' THE LAST WEST" MECCA OF HOME3EEKERS. Rd Carpenter's letters About Writ ers Canada, Pabllshed ETtrjr l. dr la This Paper They're E re Openers. Three thousand mllfis of new railway are under way In that rich farming country. Ninety million bushels of wheat trom 4,i0.wu acres In 9i6. The world's best small gTaln country. Splendid business openings. t neap land for money makers. Free homesteads for all who want them. The last chance to get free or cheap land in America's humid belt. One hundred and twenty thousand new settlers In 1W6 45,000 Americans. Sixty thousand Americans coming; this y ea r. Special homeseekers' railway rates Tues days. ljon't be too late. For free copies of a handsome magazine. Interesting" literature and all sorts of Infor mation about Western Canada, its fertllu lands and Its growing cities, write to West ern Canada Information Bureau, 7 Now York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. For particular Information write to C. N. Bell, secretary of the Board of Trade, Win nipeg, Man.; William Trant, Secretary Board of Trade, Re'glna, Saskatchewan; H. C Bentty, commissioner, ba&katoon, .Sas katchewan; Hugh McKellar, commissioner, Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan; Mayor F. G. Forster, Medicine Hat, Alberta; J. H. Wil son, secretary Board of Trade, Frlnce Al bert, Saskatchewan; C. W. Rowley, presi dent Board of Trade. Calgary, Alberta; 1. T KMiihffr Merretnrv Hoard Of Trade. Kdmonton, Aiberta; J. A. McC'aul, Indian Head. Bask.; secretary board of trade, Lett bridge. Alta; secretary Board of Trado. McLeod. Alta.; secretary Board of Trade. Cardston, Alta. OFF FOR WESTERS CAHADA. Thonaaads of Americana Flndlns; New Homes la the Canadian West Railways Tax:ed to the Limit. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March 81. This is the greatest year for Immigration from the states that western Canada has ever known," said Theodore M. Knappen, sec retary of the Western Canadian immigra tion Association, whli has Its headquar ters here. "The ralays are taxed to tho limit of their oar Any to handle the peo ple who are moving Into Canada and the freight cars containing their stock and household goods. Several hundred cars of settlers' eftects ore now held up at North Portal, Saskatchewan, on the Soo line, awaiting Inspection by (Canadian customs. Last year 46.WW migrated to Western Can ada. This year the number will b at least tti.OUO. 80 great Is the eagerness to get to the front In Western Canada that trains have actually left Minneapolis filled to overflowing and leaving scores of disap pointed homBeekers standing on the plat form of the Btatlon, to wait for the next train. To some this rush seems remark able, but 4o those who know that as a matter of fact Western Canada has the last considerable, body of cheap or home stead lands left in the American humid belt, tho movement Is not at all surprising. The course of empire Is taking Its way northwestward. J. J. Hill sees the signs of the times and Is planning some thousands of miles of Great Northern lines in West ern Canada. "Thirteen coaches of settlers left Minne apolis Wednesday on the Boo line alone, and twenty-two coaches are already en gaged for next Wednesday. At the pres ent time there are over 4o9 carloads of set tlers' effects enroute between Minneapolis and the boundary. The movement necessi tates so many special trains that the rail ways have difficulty in securing power." Always ,Busy..... But ever ready to talk to you about Printing that's our business. .....PRINTING that Is sent from our Prlntery Is tho distinctive kind. If we promise a certain type you get it. If we promise a cer tain delivery we're there with the goods. Mangiri&Co., 109 B. t3th St. Tel. Douglas 1S85. Few Tracts Left Tracts of Western Canada No. 1 hard spring wheat land are nearly all gone. The homesteads will last only two years more. The big land companies have disposed . of nil their blocks. I am authorized to offer two small tracts at right prices in "Fertile Sa.Wtchew&n" One of 8,500 acres at $8.00, easy torms; 10c survey fees. One of 0,000 acre at $7.00, easy terms; 10c survey fees. Both can be retailed rapidly this year. 1 may be able to offer one or two other tracts. Address B. 0. BALDWIN, N. V. Life Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. and omeseekers Excursions Tuesdays April 3 and 17 Via Bm B a as sa a. a a a a mm a m m IKUN 1UU1TA1 ROUTE To certain points in the South and Southwest STOPOVERS allowed within the limit FINAL LIMIT of tickets twenty-one days Tom Hughes ' Thos. F. Godfrey. Trav. Pas. Agt Pasa. and Ticket Aft. Southeast Corner Fifteenth and Farnam Streets, OMAHA, NEB. H. C. Townsend, . O. P. and T. A., ST. LOUIS, MO. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS