Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Mff. Co, Imperial Chambray,
Mfg. Co. Toil du Nord, lo
New Easter Neckwear for Men
and Yotrag Men.
Nw arrteaJ designs i and color, on
fined exclusively to ua. beautiful evening
shades. In plain colors and neat figures,
5ne. If lis here, He It: "if It's It, Us here,
i Fumlshlggs for men. at popujar prices.
Choice Wash -Materials at Fop
4 ular Prices.
Our wash foods art choice, for the rea
son that every piece Is carefully selected
from th choicest of this season's styles,
tl'a buy only .-the choicest productions of
th most reliable mills, goods that ths
manufacturer ar proudly stamping their
trade-rpfcrk or name upon, and which you
can hfuv with confidence.
Bates Mills Seersucker at 12Hc yard.
Aherfoyl Shimmer Bilk at 25c yard!
Aherfoyl Silk Gingham at 4Se yard.
Andarron Scotch Olnghama at IBc yard.
Arnold's 811k Organdies. 25c, SOc, 35c yard.
Imported Wash Chiffons at 25c yard.
.Arnold's Taffetas, silk finish, 18c yard.
VcBride'a Irish Dimities at 25c yard.
In Our Economy Basement
Cloak Department.
New Spring tiouae Wrappers for $1.00,
$1.28. SI M up to $2.00.
New Spring House Dresses, ' many very and pretty style, at $1.65. $1.76 up to
123. ,
Vary large selection of new Spring Coats,
tettlcoat. Waists . and Rain Coats at
greatly reduced prices. "
Easter Veils.
" V hav Just received some very- choice
and exclusive styles In Parisian Veils, In
ths Very 'newest shades. ' These . pretty
novelties come In lengths from two to
three yards and are made of lace and
chiffon, reseda, rose, violet, pale blue,
gray, champagne, empire, cel, Bordeaux,
while and . black colors. The yery newest
wrinkle for automoblllrig and hat draping.
Prices, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. $3.50, $4.00. and $5.00
eiach. '
Thee are exclusive styles, no two of a
?. Gloves for Easter.
We hi- starting the season with one of
the most attractive showings In the city.
Our sale ladlea are all expert Utters and
capable of carrying out yuur Ideas. Noth
ing . would be more acceptable for an
Cor. 16th St.
DM, April 1, 10S.
The Greatest Silk Sale In Our History Com
mences Monday arnd Continues to the End of the Week,
at 29r, 30c, 40c, 59(v79c. Ikar in mind from the first that the silks to be sold are neither samples
or seconds, but first quality, first hands, just the chic and beauty you are looking for, for the new
Easter gown.AVe have made such sweeping reductions that you will not say, ",l)o I need a new
dress!" butrather "Can I afford to let this great sale pass?,"
NOJfc Reraembfr this one fact, if you forget everything else: We have a most charming line of the new
Queen'Bray and navy blue, In the dainty new checks and hair stripes, that are the top-notch of elegance right
now. . , .
60c navy blue and. brown novelties, In this sale 29c yard.
65c, 75c novelty checks the color combination in this line is most
charming all go at 39c' yard.
75c queen's gray and navy blue, checks and novelties, in this -sale 49c
ft5c Parisian gray checks and stripes, in the soft finish, 69c yard.
90e navy and brown hair stripes, a most beautiful texture, now 69c yard.
$1.00 navy and gray, in the pretty Loulslne weave, beautiful luster, 79c
Note See these beautiful silks displayed in our 16th street window.
Easter gift than a pair of Long. Washable
Kid Glows.
felbow Length , Washable Kid Gloves,
equal to any In quality at the price, and,
besides, has the property of washing
In black, white and mode $3.50 per pair.
Washable Pique Street Gloves, two-clasp
and broad stitching. In white and assorted
tans. Per pair, $2.00.
Mousqtietaire Gloves, 1-Inch or 18-Inch
Suede or Glace In all the popular shades
for-street or evening wear. Per pair, $1.50,
$2.00, $3.00. $3.50.
Elbow Length Silk Gloves We have just
received a new shipmenc of black and
white Silk Gloves, extra qood quality. $1.25
per pair.
. Glove Certificates sold here.
Special. Sale Monday Morning.
that have accumulated during our MARCH
Remnants of Embroidered Swisses.
Remnants of Persian Lawns.
Remnants of French Lawns.
Remnants of Dotted Swisses.'
Remnants of Indiri Lrnons.
Remnants of Checked Dimities.
Also remnants of our Attest Handkerchief
Linen, Linen Uwna, Linen Suitings,
Plqnes, Walstlngs. Repp Suiting, French
Mulls. Perline Lawns, Nainsooks, Long
A sale Involving every desirable weave
of white goods, at Jl'ST HALF PRICE.
Beautiful Novelty Brilliantine
Monday at Less Than Half
Rrllllantines, the beautiful, line, silky,
silvery luster, in all the new and practi
cal colors, chlo checks, minute pin stripes
with tiny Jacquard figures. Women who
want suits or dresses that are light and
strong for, their summer traveling, general
every-day use, cannot afford to overlook
these special prices. Note carefully the
Ixt 1 Medium and dark mixed effects,
Monday 19c yard.
Lot Z Pin stripe novelties, here and
there small woven figures; nuvy, gray,
browns black and white; regular $1.00 qual
ity,. Monday o yard. -i
; .Lot., Shepherd's check novelty, d.irk
gray, v green, gray, - brown and blue, tiny
broken checks, regular $1.3 quallts-, Mon
day 69o yard.
Ladies'Knitted Corset Covers.
" Ladlea' fine -whit gauae cotton Corset
Covers, hlah beck, long sleeves, or high
neck, no sleeves, 60c each.
Ladles' fine ribbed Mercerised Corset
Covers, medium weight, high neck, long
sleeves, hand trimmed, $1.00 each.
Fancy beaded, gold tinsel and shirred
silk Elastic Belts. Just arrived.
Beaded Belts. In black and silver, at
from 75o to $3.50 ench.
Oold Tinsel Belts, made of plain and
fancy tinsel, at 50c, $1.50 and $2.25 each.
Shirred Sll'c Elastic Beits, made of good
quality of taffeta silk, black and white
only, at $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 each.
A very neat Tailored Black Silk Belt, all
slses, at Wc each.
Leather Belts, colors, navy, brown, gray
and black; made to fit the form perfectly,
30c each.
Kid Belts, gray, black ami white, with
very pretty gilt buckles, at 75c, $1.00 and
$1.25 each.
Iowa Idea in Nebraska is Case of Now You
Gee it and Now Ton Don't.
Irulor Millard Will Introdare Pill
Providian for a (oirlrrmaar'i
Sapply Depot to Be Lo
cated at Omnhn.
iFroln a 8taft Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March $l.-(8pecial Tele
gram.) Th fact that Senators Millard and
Burkett took a quiet, but exceedingly ef
fective hand In the Blair pnetofll" fight
has caused some members of the Nebraska
delegation to wonder If the so-called "Iowa
Idea" of dispensing patronage Is really a
flesh and blood agreement, or a "spook"
to be "shooed" away at the option of the
It will be recalled that after much dis
cussion over th district attorneyship and
marahalship vacancies, created by the re
moval of Judge Baxter and Mr. Matthews,
the whole Nebraskardelegntion was invited
by Senator Millard, as dean of the delega
tion, to participate In the selection of their
successors. At that meeting the "Iowa
Idea" of filling vacancies waa debated at
length and adopted. This '-'Idea" gives
the senators one vote each on every propo
sition, together with the representatives
Interested. That Is to say, should a vnc
ancy occur In the North Platte section
then the representatives from the North
Plalte section. Including the senator, would
decide on the succession. Of course, this
did not happen In Mr. Goss' case, for every
body took a hand in his selection, but that
is the theory of the "Iowa Idea."
t'nder the "Iowa Idea" the senators abso
lutely keep their hands olt the postmasters
ships. In Nebraska the senators have
tacitly told the members ff the house,
through their action In the Blulr case, that
they must be consulted and if the ni;in
ordered established April IS at rrlueetnn,
Lancaster county, Neb., serving VO people
and eighty houses.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Floyd,
rout 2, R. O. Dudley, carrier; James P.
Barney, substitute. Maqiiokola, rout 4.
Ralph 8. Norton, carrier; J. R. Evans,
substitute. Noble, route 1 John II, Witt
rig. carrier; Joseph O. Wlttrlg. substitute.
Ogden, route 1, R. O. Webster, carrier;
Harry R. Aker. substitute. Snbula. route
2, John. A. Jones, carrier; George J. Miller,
substitute. Staeyvillc, rout 1, Paul H.
Palmer, carrier; Thomas Fuller, substitute.
South Dakota-Mitchell, route i, Amos K.
Mnnney, csrrler; Millard F. Bailey, sub
stitute. Twin Brooks, route 2, James J.
Robinson, carrier; C'lyd Waloot, substi
tute. Iowa postmasters appointed: Delaware,
Delaware county. Earnest E. Irnman vice
A. E. Irson, resigned; Spalding, t'nlon
county, Edward Graham vice F. L. Lynch,
resigned.' ,
All tx
In th pprinr
thousands ., t u
thrown if' 9 syst
attlriiKT II l.nMriti
r I Mood humors
,:. I " :m.le. and tt"
arVs an.l 0i appetite, uu
The mc A, tired ,
,11,7 I. TO -- ... ;
a a . i .i.mtsands annua") .
riooar ' tu
iu liquid oivarrr"
(Continued from First rage.)-
not involved with a dangerous, aggreaslro
power. As . for . the future, the Foreign
office Is not so optimistic, the officials look
ing upon the agreement as merely a tem
porary relief. It stops aggressive action,
but does not prevent the Interested nations !
continuing to strenglhe
until cither feels stro
without parley what It fulled to secure
through diplomacy. It Is not believed that
Germany will give up Its effort to obtain
a footing In the Mediterranean,
It la Interest
are more geil
(taaas Marl
street disturl
ation today.
cars after t
was accorded
The Mlnlst
to know
.lly ued than
ire. ''
L Mont to J I
- v
Manitoba. V . ,
ices marked Varcn. ,
: .temnt waaN. Sflk lu j
m . and but Itttmao"
ni.. Htm .1..,- jia '
i hem during th d pat0"
nt SHSnclatlon hsa htVa ,
hen their position tlvo pn t(j l arj : tsrmtnatmg th tn,H.
a enougn w under the.lemrshlp of Rev. C. W.
better known jl-s "Ralph Connor, ' in iwvr
Over Thirty. Thonsaad Mlaera
Part la Demonstration
at Lesi.
AmVlian LaCP Curtains Third "eleclcd by ,no representative Is not to
Araman jac lyurwuns, xuuru thelr way of thlnklng tnon !hpy w)U
New and Fashionable Easter Coats, Suits and Waists.
We use the word "new" advisedly and we mean new in the full
oense of the word. The value and desirability of a woman's garment
depends on Its newness of style and fashionable make. No garment
Is allowed to get old or shopworn at Thompson, Belden & Co.'s.
Every garment is protected from dust and careless handling by being
kept in dust-proof cases. Come in Monday and se the new coats, the
new Waists, the new Skirts, and the new Suits.
Butts from $23.60 to $50.00.
- Coats from $10.50 to $18.00.
Waists from $1.0 to $10.00.
Sltlrts from'O to $18.00.
Ladies Will Find Great. Pleasure in Examining the
Easter Hats We Show.
Hundreds of expressions of delight have come from as many ladies
who visited our Millinery Salon Friday and Saturday. They spoke
with great enthusiasm about our beautiful styles and endless variety.
If you deny yourself the opportunity to see our Easter showing, you
are not allowing your money a chance to do all it can for you. It
costs you nothing to see and try on these hats. Our superb styles at
$5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $S.50 and $10.00 are as "different" from the
'styles shown elsewhere at these prices, as this store Is "different"
and better than the others. .Other styles to $65.00.
In' our Howard street w Indow we are
showing some extra good values In Arabian
Lace Curtains We will b glad to show
you our entire line. We know that prices
like these will pleas you, If you but take
the trouble of comparing them.
Ecru colored Nottingham Lace Curtains
at 11.25. 11.50. 12.50. $3.00. $4.00 a pair. Some
of these have pretty corded work.
Ecru colored Cable Net Curtains at $2.50,
$4.00; with - beautiful corded work, M 60,
15.00, S6.B0, .To. $7.00, $8.00 a pair.
Ecru colored Fish Net Curtains at $100,
2.50. 1.00 a pair; with beautiful corded work
at 3.5C, 4.00 a pair.
Ecru colored Novelty I .ace Curtains, with
real cluny lace trimmings, at $1.78, $6.00,
$10.00 a pair.
Ecru folored Novelty Lace Curtalni
with real Battenberg trimmings, at $1.60,
$3.50, 15.00. $S.0O, $7.00, $8.00 a pair.
Ecru colored French Hand Made Novelty
Curtains at $5.00, $8.00, $15.00 a pair.
Ecru colored Bonne Femme Lace Cur
tains at 2.50, $4.60, $7 00 each.
Cor. 16th St.
Angus Mar
turbances ye
months' Imp?
others being
(Jown this afternoon, not to work again
nntll an agreemel la reached between th
miners and operators. There are 150 mines
n the district, employing 10.000 union
mlnertrln good standing with thel local.
AH of these will be Idle pending a settle
ment. All the mines wer cleaning up
today preparatory to be shut down Mon
day morning, when no mine whistle will
blow for work. Although no order had
Keen received up to 7 o'clock tonight au
thorising a shutdown from President
Onorg R. Richardson of the district, Act
ing1 . President Davis and Vice President
Lindsay concluded that preparation was
the right course to pursue.
Operators Paat Sot lee tkat Old Seal
WU1 B Paid.
PHILADELPHIA. March 31. When the
mine worker In the anthracite field fin
ished their week'g work at noon today
there was every Indication that th order
of th scale committee of the United Mine
Worker of America, .suspending operation
pending th result of next Tuesday' con
ference with the operators, would b gen
erally obeyed. Reports from every district
received here tonight are tq the effect that
a .majority of mine workers Intend to re
main' away from the' workings until fur
ther Instructions are received from Presi
dent Mitchell and the members, of the.
scale committee. In the' lower field, com
prising the collier In Schuylkill county,
aom Indecision on (he. part of th men Is
reported and th impression prevails (bat
sufficient mine worker will return to work
on Mbnday to permit the operation. h" i
handed, of a number of the colllerlu. Lm
tho fuel that In the vicinity of Mahauoy
City and Bhamokln, hundred of men failed
to report for duty today Is regarded as
evidenc that there, will be a. complete sus
pension of ' mining throughout th entire
nnthraclt territory.
'The men left the mine today aa usual,
making no dcmoiwtration at atny of the
The lead taken yesterday by the Dela
ware, Lack wanna c Western Kallroad
conipany In posting notloes announcing the
continuation of the strike commission's
award for th three ensuing years wa fol
lowed today by other opeiatora, especially
In the northern Held. At Scrantoo today
and tonight official of th companies whose
holdings are located In th Lackawanna
and Wyoming districts held conferences for
the fturpoe of discussing th situation. It
was decided to keep the mines In readiness
for operation soild the "men Ignore tho
scale, de:n!ids. ' ' " '
Tho moBt Important development In this
city was-a conference between A. J. Cas-
satt, president of tha Pennsylvania Rail- '
road company, and Oeorge F. Baer, presi
dent of the Heading railroad. In the lat-
ler's office. Shortly after the departure of
President Cassatt, W, G. Brown, secre
tary of the Philadelphia & Beading Coal
and Iron company, waa summoned by Mr.
Baer. Most of th statistics bearing on
the mining operations of the Reading com
pany are compiled under th direction of
Mr. Brown. Neither Mr. Baer nor Mr.
C as ha tt would discus the object of their
conference. President Baer stated, how
ever, that the Reading company would
probably keep Its collieries open on Mon
day In order to give any miners who de
sire an opportunity to go to work.
Mr. Baer stated that It was th inten
tion of the Reading company to continue
the existing coal prices. He said the com
pany would make every effort to discourage
speculation on the part of the retail deal
ers and declared that ths charging of ex
orbitant prices by retailers would result
In th cutting off of their supply. The
stock of coal on hand, he said. In the event
of a strike-, will be - Judiciously distrib
uted, special attention to be -given to mu
nicipalities. Institutions and Industrial es
. While complete reports of th anthracite
operation for the month of March have
not yet been compiled. It la believed the
production will break all records. The
Ueadtaig company's output Is expected to
reach 1.100.U00 tons, which would Indicate
a total production of S.VO.OOO tons.
In this city coal prices were advanced
zi and 60 cents a ton. All domestic sixes
brought $7 a ton and pea coal brought as
much us $ in some cases.
mUMfVIl HEDRUttV RTII ldrM8 the enaU Montny and therefor
AJlLllU ULlDLlUV DILL he waa chosen to offer the amendmunt and
' J speak on lur H will say fliat the amend
ment meet the demands of those who hav
Conference at White House Acmes Upon a
Court Benew Provision.
(liter Seaaatloa
In stomach, bark or bowels are signa of
certain dangers, which Electric Bitters are
guaranteed to cure. 50 cents. For sal by
F henna n ec McConnell Drug Co.
. Player Ritchie Pre.
CINCINNATI. March SI Plaver Ritchie
of the Hiouklyn base ball team, accused of
contract Jumping, was today declared a
free agent by the baa ball commission.
Coaaertlrat Store Robbed.
BRItVJFPORT. Conn., March SI. C. M
Hatch's store. In whicn was located the
poxttitnce, wus robbed of $5,0u0 In money
and stamps last nignt. t
(HQ" '
AV U i I
It C'oafera loa t'lrcalt Coarts Power
to Determine Whether Caaa
anlsstoa Has Exceeded
Ita Aathorlty.
opposed the pending bill on the ground that
without a provision for Judicial review the
measure is unconstitutional and that it Is
satisfactory to the real friends of the bill.
Others who participated in the conference
hav pledged themselves to support the
amendment. They believe that If It Is
shown that there' is a majority of the
senate In favor of the measure th bill as
It I proposed to amend it will be passed
by a practically full vote of the senate.
' - - Every month when aha pays her gas bill
She realize the economy of having the genuine
lUruiriuber We Are bOLK AtiKMil In Omaha.
Miltoa Rogers Sons Co.
Garden Tools."
RefrUerator Headquarter.
11 te aud Faraaiu Si.
Water Filter
WASHINGTON, March SI. Friends of the
house railroad rate bill. In conjunction with
President Roosevelt, at the White House
today agree on an amendment providing
especially for Judicial review of orders of
the Interstate Commerce commission. This
amendment will be presented on Monday
by Senator Long, a pronounced opponent
of any amendment which would permit
the railroads to obtain a review of a char
acter amounting to a retrial pf the merits
of the commission's order.
Senators Allison, Cullorn, Dolliver, Clapp
and Long, Attorney General Moody and
Interstate Commerce Commissioners Knapp
and Prouty were called to the Whit House
late this afternoon. Soon after they as
sembled the president submitted th court
review amendment that was afterward en
dorsed by all present. A number of th
conferee previously had seen the draft.
but It authorship was not disclosed. Th
president announced that he had decided
upon the; meeting because he desired to
ascertain th present state of feeling In
congress regarding a Judicial review feature
In the legislation. It waa made clear that
he had not changed his views regarding
the pending bill, and similar stands wer
Uken by th others. The president thought.
however, that in deference to lb large
number of senators who honestly believed
that the bill without such a feature would
not be constitutional, the bill should be
amended. If It could be done without a
surrender of th purposes of the legislation,
This could be done, he believed, by an
amendment which h then read.
Test of th Aueadnaeat.
The amendment proposes to strike out
the paragraph at tho bottom of page 14, and
Insert aa a part of section It the following:
That all order of the commission, except
orders for the payment of nwiney. shall
take effect within such reasonable time as
ahull be prescribed by the i-ommUslon and
shall continue for such period of time, not
exceeding two years, as shall be prescribed
In the order of th commission, unless
sooner set aside by th commission or sus
pended or set aside In a suit brought
against the commission in the circuit court
of the t'nlted States, sitting as a court of
equity for the district wherein any carrier,
plaintiff in said suit, has its principal
operating office, and Jurisdiction Is hereby
conferred on tho circuit court of the United
Slates to hear and determine In any such
; suit whether the order complained of wa
oejoiiu ine auinoniy or tne commission or
In violation of the rights of th carrier
secured by the constitution.
Discussions of the amendment continued
for an hour or more. It was carefully
analysed to ascertain whether under Its
terms an order of the commission lowering
a rata could be delayed In taking effect
Attorney General Moody and other lawyer
point out -that the discretion of th com
mission Is absolute. Without specifically
declaring against restraining order It
makes It extremely doubtful whether a
court would attempt to Interfere with an
order except la the manner provided.
Beaat Will Accept It.
When th president asked whether an
amendment of that character would b
adopted by the senate th senators present
said they thought they could ' promts
twenty-nln republican vole for It, and
there is little doubt that practically th
entire minority would aupport li
lt waa agreed that th amendment ahould
be effered as soon aa possible. Senator
Loug bad givtu uotlce tuat h would ad-
Haaared aaa geveaty-Mne Private
OUIa Considered aaa Paaaed
WASHINGTON, March SI. This being
war claim day In the house, only those
directly interested in legislation on the pri
vate calendar were In attendance. The
house during th four hours It was In ses
sion considered and passed 179 bills, many,
however, sending the particular claims to
th court of claim for adjudication.
r-revious 10 taxing up tne calendar a
bill was passed granting to th Capitol
City Improvement company of Helena,
Mont., the right to construct a dam across
the Missouri liver in Montana.
A bill to pay th claim of the French
Transatlantic Cable company for $77,71$,
growing out of the cutting of cables dur
ing the Spanish-American war waa paaaed.
'knock" him. And that Is the "Iowa Idea"
with "Nebraska trimmings."
BUI for Quartermaster's Depot.
A letter received today by Senator Mil
lard from the Commercial club of Omaha
set forth a series of resolutions adopted
at a recent meeting urging the Nebraska
senators and members to work for the
passage of a bill creating a general quar
termasters' depot at Omaha. This depot.
If established, will make Omaha the dis
tributing point for practically the entire
west. There are now seven such army
depot In existence, the one farthest west
being at St. Louis. Senator Millard will
Introduce a bill on Monday along the lines
suggested by tho Commercial club, carry
ing an appropriation of $100,090.
Federal C'oart at Graad Island.
Congressman Norrls and Senator Millard
saw the attorney general today in relation
to the Norrls bill fixing tho term of United
States circuit and district court at Grand
Island. Judge Norrls stated that the In
terview was satisfactory. The bill has
passed th house and Is now pending in the
Tra Laad OfMce Vacancies.
The Nebraska delegation, which really
means the two senators In this case, will
be asked to flit positions In the land offices
at Alliance and Broken Bow In the near
future. At Alliance the vacancy will be
created in the receivership by the retire
ment of Captain W. R. Akers, who do.
cllnes a reappointment. At Broken Bow
James Whitehead's time will be up about
May 10.- Mr. Whitehead Is a candidate for
Senator Millard today called at the De
partment of Justice in regard to the Bur
kett bill creating a new Judicial district
south of the PU.tte river, which the Junior
senator has got through tho senate a few
days ago. Senator Millard said the attorney
general Informed him he had,tio objection
to the measure and he believed the presi
dent would sign the bill.
Senator Burkett tonight served, as one
of the Judges of the debate at the National
law school.
R. II. Haselton of Lincoln and J. A.
Donohua of O'Neill, Neb., have been ad
mitted to practice before the Interior de
Minor Matter at Capital.
Judge Norrls today secured a pension for
Julia M. Parker of Homer,' Neb., at $8 per
month from January 17, liM8, and also ac
crued pension. , .
Judge Kinkaid'a bill for the relief of M.
A. McCafTerty of O'Neill passed the house
today. It give $fi8 to McCafTerty for hav
ing furnished a casket and hearse and de
fraying the expenses Incident to the burial
of Jdhn DeBoer of Troop G, First United
States cavalry, stationed at Fort Meade,
B. D.
Congressman Kennedy waa notified today
by Assistant Postmaster General Hitchcock
that a hand power canceling machine had
been ordered for the stock yards station pf
th South Omaha postofllce In order to fa-
LEN8, France, March 81. The strike is
being renewed throughout the mining re
gion. A sanguinary affray has occurred at
Henln-Leltard. A striker was killed, three
gendarmes were wounded, houses Were
sacked and windows were broken. ,
Over 30,000 strikers are parading and hav
engaged In riotous manifestations. A thou
sand additional troopd have arrived here.
The parliamentary committee today began
its Investigation here into the catastrophe
of March 10 and the strikers made demon
strations before the committee's headquar
ters.. ,
The survivors of the Courrleres mine dis
aster of March 10, who" were brought to
the surface from pit No, S yesterday, passed
a good night. Their condition - la much
ameliorated despite yesterday.' excitement.
L. . . MA, MnJ ...... I ,
A HQ w fV- iui a uu iiu, .in. tuv wtvx ml w Burl
ferlng from fever except the youngest mu
Anselm Provost, whose temperature1
slightly abnormal. The floor of. the "
Dltal where the rescued itlen are ln"
t reiUod are covered with straw to pr''ent
noise and the patients are kept I 4en'I
darkness. The families of the t,tlant
were admitted to see them for brief f r!ods.
When the prefect visited the mer Nany,
the leader of the rescued party, aa
"I. have some additional detail t
My mine boy, Provost, vraa Injured
explosion and I was obliged to lead
carry htm -luring our search tor the out
let. . His sharp ear heard three responses
to our calls. Afterward I heard men using
pickaxes and Provost rapped on a water
pipe. To this we received repeated an
swering signals. It waa the noise made by
a working party which guided us out."
The work of the salvage parties Is ' de
layed owing to the exhaustion of the men
and the Increasing' danger from carbonic
gas.- An analysis of the ale In -the mine
this morning showed It to.;ba- heavily
charged with oarbonlo gas. ' Au engineer
named Weiss' who superintended the ex
cavations In Paris during the search, under
the auspices of General Horace Porter, for
the body of Admiral Paul Jones,- I super
intending the salvage work at Courrleres.
Namy Is the hero of the hour and a move
ment la on foot to have the government
decorate him with the cross of the Legion
of Honor.
The survivors of the Courrleres district
have Joined In sending a telegram to Heme,
Prussia, thanking the German salvage
corps for Its assistance.
onald, a 'hader In strlk 'dfs
terday, was sentenced to at
anniuent today, a number of
ued from First Pag-
the contract
were 1mm ed
enable then
Those who
names, fathi
I details; wer
I prints and
had th tet
. A than. Av, ?
upon which
were chartr
of Mlnea, a
tneny are
r took place. Thor rejected
ately supplied with money to
to .return to their homes,
passed, th test ;gav , their
r'a name, addresses apd other
measured, had . their finger
f .thcr marks taken, and then j
g ns of th contract explained
r and over again. Th hir"
they sailed wer 10.W0 ton, if
a dti the Transvaal Chamber !
,d wer specially fitted ouT in 5
transports. The ' aftansrc- 1
m i
-are laid to have been exeellent."
Do a
Never all
Too often
course Is to
Cough Ren
cold and dl'
There Is n.
and lung 1 1
Fmir aJtf 1 Warmer
. "".Ik,,! ' Today!
i. eeriest a Had Col.
Ba old-to Uk Its' course',
this a.A son of the rairlt
vard pneUtnonla, Chamberlain's
L dy wlll promptly.-euf yur
tpel all danger of thai dlseas.
thing better for acuta throat
imbles. ''
) r -
la Eastern 1 i
fthower aaa i
i.rter Tomorrow. - f
Another bill recalling th war with Spain
htch attracted little or no attention wa cllltat th handling of the mails at-that
that a propria ting $11,664 to the Ferrocar- point. Th question of an Increase of sal
rllea Railroad company of Porto Rico for
mail service performed by this company
during the military occupation of the island
by the United States. The bill passed.
The house In rapid succession passed th
bills acted on in committee of th whole.
and at 4:10 adjourned until Monday.
ary of the superintendent at that point,
Mr. Hitchcock said, would be taken - up
Postal Matters.
Rural free delivery route No. 1 has been
sas -Fair
Monday, sh
For Iowa
Sunday; Mo
For Color
Shower an,
peraturr ai
the corresi'
voa ra
. . inntA. uuu,
" a. a
DakouTTiiiiO''--' i
rmer to eat- portion i".
nhler. . I
nd Missouri-Fair and warmer f
iday, showers. f
Ldo, Wyoming and Montana-
colder 8unday;,Moday,.Sau I
Local neeodT . I
.vh si rifflHal reimril 'eF"letvb
fl precipitation, compared wt
Wjrjr riny if. th. last thr-1
JiSl. imm. iwn. unr
Miniilf n
gir Aaekland Col via Telle of Develop
ment of Valley of the
CAIRO, March 31. Special Cablegram to
The Be.) Sir Auckland Colvln, on of th
authorlUo upon Egyptian affairs, is out
with a statement which show th marvel
lous transformation which has been going
on In the valley of the Nile. He says:
;'The change which has come over Egypt
during the last few year haa been typified
by the progress her In Cairo. Thl city
I now in many respects ahead of town of
its six in Great Britain Itself.
"The constant flitting to and fro of the
tram cars, with their brilliancy, contrasts
strangely with memories still recent of
those long, shadowy (Ilea ' of noiseless
camels on the sandy Eibekleh.
J'The use of electricity In private houses,
hotels and public buildings is now general,
and Cairo Is now as Well Illuminated as
many of the prominent elites in Europe.
f,9 , 48
' 55 : 41
Vi 44 it
00 T .03 -H
re and precipitation departure
i-mal at Omaha alnce Marcp li
son with the Uist.two years;
lmperature... .52
- f erature 42
Precillatjl' ' "' l'"""' '.
Ten! 1-rai
r the day
luce March 1
,.r the diiy ,
11 since March 1
h March 1
r cor. period, 1905. v.
r cor. perion, iwn..
"Vw lncn
.07 Inch V
1.75 Inches
.25 Inch
.80 Inch
.18 Inch
ites trace of precipitation.
R.. WELSH, iocat rorecasior.
Ip tx Good Cause
-We will glv 10 per tent
ir order from April 1st to
uslv. toward the V. W. C
ng fund.
TUESDAY w will' clean and
ny kind-of men'a JJ)1.1)J
Tl'F.SDAY wa will clean and
.adies' Covert jacaeia
ber we do only first-class
d thoroughly press and clean
rment. . .
Aih Dye Work.
l6thSt. Phona Doojt. 1978
(Continued from First Page.)
the Japanese government will open Port
Annur 10 an ioreigners.
The claim is made that while Japan pro
fesses the principle of the open doer Its
own position of proximity gives it de
cided advantage and that by excluding
foreigners from Fort Arthur and Dalny
the Japanese win be able to establish
teiOO in'
ladlaa O me la I Shot While Trying t
Make Arrest and Constable
la Badly Injared.
ORLEANS, lad., March 31. --Deputy Sher
iff Harry Smith, was Instantly killed and
Constable Robert McCabe wa seriously
shot tonight about six miles aoutheaat of
Orleans by John Robey and Oliver Haycock,
brothers-in-law, who came here recently
from Crawford county. The officers were
called to the Robey borne by neighbors to
quell a fight and arrest the participant and
the tragedy followed. ' At this hour the
body of Deputy Sheriff Smith ha not been
recovered. . Robey and Haycock are well
armed and concealed In the houaa and a
poase from Orleans and Paoli, numbering
over 20 men, haa surrounded the building.
t--- imw. "3 mTl
. i
Merchants Par t'aatomara rarea.
YANKTON. 8. D.. March $l.-KSpecial.
Yankton merchant have organised Into an
association which will have for It object
free ferrage and fr transportation of th
pec pi who trad In Yanktoa. A committee
composed of W. J. Fantla, D. D. Gross and
L. L. Tyler are now at work oa th de
tails, which will embrace a percentage re
turned to th customer, which will furnish
bun. from all alore traded at, if sufficient
purchase ar made, enough to pay hi way
1 aad from horn.
- WHAT WE WANT Bright, anappy ferae In rhyma, tailing of tho auperior
and "Toriacui" lenaa. The versea ar t b uaad in nawipapor and etrwt car a
Tirst Priie, $30. Second Prixe, $25. Third Prlie, $20. Fourth Prize
Wa want too to try for one of th pritaa. Ton do not nd th ability of
In thla eonteet. Almoat anyona can writ a vara aufficUntly catchy and lmpral
in-. Why nott you?
Tb ooateat la free to all.
Conteat cloae April li. 10, and anieuacmat of oris
winners will a mad a soon after that data aa aoeatuia.
Verses to be ellgabla for a prise must not be mere than ten
line In length. Tny , may be . abort as th writer
line to length.
cLuosea. , .
Aa many verse may be written aa desired, tut aneh muet
b oaapVst la ileelf. - - x
Contestants may select for
"Torlecue" lenses, or both.
Th merit ef competing verse
from a standpoint of good
iuut accept our Judgment is
Verse for oom petition must
i- Coluntblaa Optical Co., Omai
envelop enclosed t Uteur
awarded them.
- Ordinary Lens In us.
Toriaco Lena ta aa.
pertor. t'
eys. O
can be f
old forti,
thus glv
and do.
f mm th,
1 snd vis;
Ins tl.r.l
th Vlu
mer;ta of our "Kryptok'
$15. Fifth Prize, $10,
i, $10 .
to w,i-f
Lon (fallow or Poa
t maka good advartis-
Vibjecu ither "Kryptok' r
will b considered solely
advertising and comiUtorB
s to their avaUaolliir-
b addresses to Ad. Dept.
. and self addressed stamped
heir return. In ease no prlie ta
re made for any 'wearer of
j . ,n era ai- .
Juki iur iiiaiiv - . a.
any other bna made for the.
iug to tueir lep curve Ibf
it closrr to the eye than tne
I without teuching tne ia"",
' ng an e
fnw n is so snnoying i -The
lens Is uialiy distant
eye In looking at any angle,
n Is iut aa good ,whea ieoH-
igh the e.lses as thl ceoler. .
i lerinee can also be niau la
isous'' . abup.
nkargert. field of vision
with - see ins .
Columbian Optical Cof pipany
211 South Sixteenth Street. Omnhaj J Ncb