Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 18
the omaiia daily bee: Sunday, Aran, i, i9or. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF auditor of rrm.ic accounts LINCOLN. Feb. 1. 190rt. TT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That tho New KnKland Mutual Life Insurpnce Co. of Boston, In the state of Massachusetts, hns complied with the Insurance law of this state applicable to such companies and l therefore authorized to continue the busi ness of life Insurance In this state for the current year ending January 31st, 1WJ. Summary of report filed for the year ending- December 31st, innr: Income. Premiums $ 5.74S.51H.1K All other sources i,H:;&2.3$ VIEWS OF INSURANCE MEN How They Size Up the Present Situation in Their Line of Talk. GREAT VARIETY OF INTERESTING OPINIONS Total $ 7.491.17 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders... 3. ST", 230. 54 , All other payments.. 1.4K7.0J6.47 I 6.7,277.01 $40,702,691.55 Total Admitted Assets LIABILITIES. Net reserve S35.893.S98.45 Net policy claims 22R.oiitt.39 All other liabilities.... 480.666.11 31,00.270.95 Capital stock paid up 4,10J,4:O.BO j (Surplus beyond cap ital stock and other ' liabilities 4.Ki2.4ar.0O Total $40,702,691.55 Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. E. M. SEA RLE, Jr., ' (Seal) Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy. G. W. NOBLE General Agent Bee Bld OMAHA Certificate of Publication. STATE OF NERRA9KA, OFFICE OP AUDITOR OK PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1 LINCOLN, Feb. l.,1i. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, That the Union CentraJ Life Insurance Company of Cincinnati, In the state of Ohio, has com piled with the insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and Ih there fore authorized to continue the business of life Insurance In this state for the current year ending January 31st. 1907. Summary of report tiled for the year end ing December 31st. 1906: INCOME. Tremiums $ S.22S.533.84 All other sources.... ' 2,792.221.90 Total DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders.. $ 3.397,168.85 All other payments.. 1,966,355.10 Total Admitted assets LIABILITIES. Net reserve $40,436,928.00 Net policy claims... 126,676.00 All other liabilities.. Capital stock paid up Surplus beyond capi tal stock and other liabilities $11,020,755.54 S 5.363.511.95 $49,611,297.84 718.197.87 $41,281,801.37 100,000.00 8.129.496.47 9,229,496.47 Total $49,611,297.84 Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year nrst above written. E. M. SEA RLE, Jr., (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts, JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy, Eighty per cent of this company'a assets are Invested In farm mortgages, MORE THAN S6.O0O.OM) OF WHICH ARE HELD IN EASTERN NEBRASKA. No fluctu atlng stocks nor bonds. This General Agency was established In 1S82, and we have more' than $4,200,000 IN SURANCE IN FORCE IN NEBRASKA. We have several good openlpgs for the right agents, and we Invite correspondence. J. M. Edmiston 5c OSNS, General Agents. P. O. BOX 1443, LINCOLN. NEB. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance . Certificate oi Publication. STATE OK NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. , LINCOLN, Feb. 1. 1908. IT IS HEREBT CERTIFIED, That the Commonwealth Insurance Co.. of New York, In the state of New York, has com plied with the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and Is there fore authorised to continue the business of Fire and Lightning Insurance In this stale " for the current year ending January 31st, 1907. , Witness my hand and seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first above written. E. M. SEA RLE. Jr., (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. W. II. THOMAS S03 First National BinX BIJj j ReaJ Estate Investments Rentals Fire Insurance CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Etata of Nebraska, Office of Auditor of Public Accounts. Lincoln, Fob." 1. 1906. It Is hereby certified that the Pelican Assurance Company of New York, in the state of New York, has complied with the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and Is therefore author ised to continue the business of file and lightning Insurance In this state for the current year, outing January 31st, 1!I7. Witness tvv h.nd and the seul of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and yeur lirst above written. K. M. 8EARLE. JR., (Seal 1 Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN I. PlEjlCli. Deputy. Russell & IHcKitrick COMPANY 433. 43 and 434 Ramge Building. Falnre nf laaaraaec Is Kail ! Promise Hrrmar of the Sab slant la I Koaadatloa I poa Which II Heats. John Dale of the Aetna Life: "For lefclti mate life underwriting the prospect was never brighter. The searching Investiga tion of the methods and practices of several of the Urge life insurance companies by what is known as tho Armstrong committee and the wide publicity of their findings will not only result In placing the said conaanlcs In a more favorable light before the insuring public, but the principle of life insurance will hereafter be better under stood and appreciated as a result of said Investigation. No one questions the solv ency of those companies, no Intelligent policy holder will think of lapsing his policy, rnd If this be true of the companies In vestigated, then surely the score or more of companies against whom no breadth of suspicion has rested notwithstanding the whole business has been in the limelight for moaths will continue to do business as before with this advantage an enlightened public. The assembling of the legislatures of the several states will doubtless result In the enactment of laws controlling the com panies and placing additional safeguards around this business that touches the most sacred Interests of a majority of American homes. No company honestly and .Intelli gently managed need fear the fullest In vestigation, and let us hope that life In surance companies whereever located, east or west, will continue to conserve the sacred Interests Intrusted to their care and ever prove worthy the confidence reposed In them." 11. A. Cameron, manager of the Insurance department of the R. G. Peters company. said: "We heard considerable about the union and there Is a great deal to all this talk. Every poor company is a nonunion company, yet many good companies are without the union. Besides these reliable companies, there are many others, stock, mutual and Lloyds competing for business upon any basis they can secure It. As they bear no share of the expense Incurred by the" union companies for classification, sur veys. Inspections, ratings and other mat ters essential to the proper conduct of the business, they nevertheless derive many of the benefits as do the union company. As they share none of this cost, they are In a position to sell and do sell their policies at less cost, and Induce many people to be lieve they are the cause of keeping down the Insurance rates. Instead of this being true, If the costs of classification, surveys. Inspections and ratings were shared equally by all companies, the rates would be less than they now are." Oerdon W. Noble, general agent. New England Mutual. Life Insurance company. "Life Insurance Is as necessary as ever, mora necessary In fact. The best asset a man can leave his family Is a policy In a good company. , "The present revelation! and scandals In New York may deter aome men from making this provision, but this should not be tha result. Tha real question for the prospective buyer la now and should have been In the past., ' 'Does the company operate under wise and wholesomelawsT' v 'Has It throughout Its history shown a disposition to comply with those laws fully and without evaslonT' " 'Do the results to patrons Indicate man agement of ability and Integrity? In other words has this Institution character?' "A company may present a bewildering array of figures, It may have as directors men known the world over, and It may offer a policy with so many 'features' that there is no room for 'hair,' and still be aa 'sounding brass and tinkling cymbal." Mere nretenses will no longer satisfy. The worthy companies (and there are many) will get more business an better busl ness than ever. They fear no legislation In the Interest oft. the policy holder. The business has expanded so wonderfully that It was not surprising that evils crept In, Now, companies must line up for In spection. Some will pass the most careful Inspection, some must brace, the cripples must retire and a few new recruits may be received from the hord of new companies not coming forward. When the sifting process Is over, I think that the real life companies will occupy higher position In the estimation of the peopleMhan ever. Alfred C. Kennedy: "The many new build Ings In process of erection and In prospect assure the Insurance fraternity of an In press In business during the present year. Right here It may be well to offer a Utile advice to the man who has Insurance to buy. Not all Insurance Is equally good and In event, of loss you want the best. Look up the companies you Intend placing your insurance with, ascertain that they have ample capital to provide for an emergency that the management Is conservative and up-to-date and that the risks are selected and statter.d oyer a wide territory. Lastly, be are of mutuals and cheap cut-rate com panics." W. O. Wigton. Equitable Endowment company: "The people of the state are be coming more and more of the opinion that life Insurance for Nebraskans by Nebraska life insurance companies is a good business proportion. Insurers examine the policy conditions more than formerly and realise thut a company that maintains the legal reserve la safe and sure to carry out Its policies. Policy conditions being equul, the homo company Is given the preference, The need and demand for life and invest merit Insurance Is Just as great as ever The gain in per cent of insurance carried by the Insurers nf this state in the stai companies 1 considerable. It Is a good thing that the policy holders take a greater Interest In Insurance and the natural re suit Is patronage of the home companies, where they have voice and Influence In the conduct of the business. I can only speak from my personal experience In the office and In the field, but would say that the life Insurance business In Nebraska was never better than at the present time.'" Iuqalry froat a Pleased Reader, J. R. Wells, assistant manager bondln department. Btennan, Love Co.: "Th amount of surety bonds In force continues to Increase steadily In Omaha an throughout the state, the practice of usin personal bonds falling more and more Into disuse. The foundation of new companies and the competition of old ones is forcln the premiums down in individual value, but the additional business putsthe total amount ahead of past records. The suret bond differs in its nature from an lnaur ance policy because the principal primarily liable. Losses are recovered from hli i whenever possible. These and other circumstances enable a lower rate th Is customary with Insurance." P. F. Zlmmer. state agent of the United Mutuel Hail Insurance association of Lin coin, says: "Growing crops to the farmer are what stocks of merchandise on the shelf are to a merchant; they are his stork la trade, which he must turn Into profits In order to meet his obligations, and, while the merchant stands about ten chances In a thoussnd of losing his mer chandise by fire, the records show that the farmer stands about forty chances of losing his growing crops, by hall. The United" Mutual Hall Insurance association of Lincoln has during the past seven years sustained losses to the amount of $37 per $1,000. of Insurance carried. This Is cer tainly the largest risk nf any class of In surance carried In Nebraska, and every farmer depending on his growing crops to meet his obligations should carry hail in surance. The losses during the season of 1906 were heavier than tn any previous year on record, It being about $50 per $1,000 of Insurance carried." If given the opportunity of talking to all Omaha people who carry fire. Insurance. C. W. Hicks, secretary of the German Mu tual Fire Insurance company, would say: "We have not a word to say against eastern companies; they are good; but, be fore you patronise them, ought you not first to give the home companies what they can take care of? Other cities are doing this; why not Omaha? Not long since a city solicitor of one of our home companies 'called on one of our prominent retail merchants and asked him for a policy. The merchant said: 'No, I don't want a policy in any home company.' Stop and think of It! This Yuan Is no doubt a member of the Commercial club and Is shouting "Patronise home Instltu- lons; help build up Omaha." Is this right? this Just? Is this the way to build no Omaha? It takes, united effort to build up targe city. It should be the pride of ,-ery well thinking citizen to patronize 11 worthy home Institutions. All of these ome fire Insurance companies are worthy Institutions. They renreseat capital, they represent labor, they patronize our mer chants, they patronize our banks, their money Is all kept In Omaha and Ne braska. Being Omaha companies. In the event of fire, they are on the ground quickly and take pride in giving honest nd equitable adjustments. "The managers and employes of all these ve Omaha fire Insuranne' companies are with you In helping to build up a Greater Omaha. Their money and Influence Is ever ready to help all worthy home lnstl- utlons. We are all believers In reciproc ity. Patronize your home fire Insurance companies; thereby help to build up worthy home Institutions and a Greater Omaha." D. M. Martin of Harris. Martin Co.: The protection afforded the general pub lic by Insurance companies Is multiform. One never knows what Is going to happen, and he ought to be prepared for any kind of a loss. 8o there are many kinds of In surance to meet the needs of the many. Here are a few kinds of Insurance which can be secured at home by Omaha people: Fire, life, safe, rent, theft, credit, patent. marine, tornado, accident, burglary, sprink ler, lightning, plate glass, transportation, tourists baggage, bank and messenger rob bery, tailors' and furniture flqaters, physi cians' and druggists' liability, travelers' samples, fidelity, official, guaranteed attor neys' Insurance, contracfT Judicial and court bonds, teams, health, postal, elevator, casu alty, fly-wheel, leaseholds, automobile, con tingent, steam boiler, landlords' liability. use and occupancy, employer's liability. workmen"! collective, liquor dealer's license. general liability, hold-up Insurance, ac counts, plumbing and water leakage." ration ha sard Is reduced to the minimum, on account of our wide streets. Tho situation is Improving, and I do not look forward to any Increase In fire rates here. Then there Is a tendency to take out long term Insurance up to the five years Jrmlt. instead of a few years ago of taking out one and three year polices. The rate Is decreased proportionately by the long term and the Increasing percentage of the in surance taken out." C. L. Smith, city manager Nebraska Mer cantile Mutual -Insurance company: "We are writing a third more In surance than last years, and the outlook Is very encoiv-aglng. There have been fewer fire losses and our patrons are carrying from 40 to 50 per cent more insurance than formerly. Neighborhood confidence Is also being materially In creased. I mean by that that Insurance buyers are having more confidence In their adjacent neighbors, and while hls may hnfve a tendency to diminish the amount of Insurance because of the decreasing liabil ity from fire through the oare and caution of these neighbors, there Is not a noticeable diminution In the general amount of buol ness done. Merchants are Increasing their lines of stock, and hence there occurs a corresponding Increase tn the purchaaeof Insurance. I have not noticed any partic ular tendency to Increase the life of the policy, even though Insurance Is given at a less rate for a long term. Our company Is a home concern and we feel much en couraged1 by the steady Increase of pat ronage given us." l"f. 8. Curtis, western agent of the Hart ford Steam Boiler Insurance company: "Steam boiler Insurance In the United States dates back to 1866,' the Idea having originated In England some years before, The Hartford company was the first one, and It was organized in 1866 -at Hartford, Conn. It started In as small way, but soon its business spread to every section of the country where boilers were used to any extent, and now It writes insurance In every city In the United States. The business Is handled from general agencies, as Is the case with fire insurance, and there are branches In all the principal cities. 'There are now about eight concerns of like nature, which do business all over the country, and several more who handle boiler Insurance in a local way. One peculi arity of boiler Insurance, as contrasted with fire. Is that none of the European companies work in this country, and none of tha American firms work across the water. "The principal feature, and In fact the strong point of boiler Insurance, Is the fact that boilers are Inspected every four months. It la deemed better to pay out money for inspection than for losses by explosion, and It is true that only 10 per cent of the premluma received go to pay losses." J. B. Conylngham, secretary of the Re- tall Merchants' Mutual Insurance com pany: "The spirit of the times points to organisation In all things, and it has breathed op the retail merchants along with men of other crafts and business. They realise that fire Insurance, which is necessary, Is an element of expense which can be curtailed by a pooling of mutual Interests, and so they organize mutual In surance companies, which reduces their cost of protection, and at tha same time affords them better protection. Nebraska has eight village and city mutuals, with out assessments, carrying over $15,000,000 In risks on limited liability policies, and 166 farmers' assessment mutuals, carrying up wards of 130,000,000 l$n risks. A Boston insurance expert says a com pany Is on an absolutely safe basis If Its annual Income equals In amount the face of four average policies. The Nebraska laws, which are the best In the work as regards mutual Insurance, make any other condition absolutely .out of the question." Irving G. Barlght. supreme president. Royal Achates: JThe principal question now bothering the home fraternal Insur- nee companies Is that of taxation of the reserve funds. However, fraternal Insur ance was never In better shape than It is at this time. We. are all profiting by .past experiences. With most of the fraternal the sick and accident benefits have been weeded out and the companies are on a much better basis. With the elimination of the special benefits and adhering to the straight Insurance feature a fair rate for Insurance contracts Is obtained and the companies are better able to take cafe of the risks. I look for a great progress In fraternal Insurance for the comirig two years than ever before. Where a few years ago there was little or no reserve funds In many of the companies, they now all have a big surplus. Fraternal orders cannot do everything or promise every thing, but they can and are now doing a clean, legitimate business on sound busi ness principles, more so than ever before." B rower E. McCague. manager Insur ance department, McCague Investment company: "The Insurance hituatton Is In a most encouraging shape Just now. I refer particularly to fire Insurance. Buyers of insurance are now seeking Insurance at 90 and 100 per cent of the full values of their properties, and are taking, out more Insurance, where formerly fhe tendency mas only TS or SO per cent of 'the valuation. Of course the tnore Insurance taken out the better the rate. Then wa have had , no large fires here In Omaha recently. Then an advantage that Insurance buyers have here Is that that there is no charges made for deficient water pressure or overhead wiring, aa la stuns dlki txid Lb coafisg- Ge.rvln Bros.: "The Insurance sltua tlon is very perceptibly Improving' in Omaha. The conditions are the most favorable along Insurance lines ever known in the city. Merchants are insur ing to within fully 80 per cent of their stocks, and buildings to within 75 per cent of their full value. Owing to the tremen dous building impulse In Omaha "within the last two years the Insurance business has correspondingly Increased. The In crease In the Insurance of dwellings Is also very noticeable. While we do not do a very extensive Insurance business, as we are engaged more extensively along other lines, we feci the big lmpulse"tf in surance Improvement. Insurance naturally grows with the expansion of the city. The Omaha rates are fair and reasonable and we look for a big Increase In every line of business during the coming season, both In real estate and fire Insurance." ,' F. H. Drake, local manager Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance company: "Tho recent Insurance agitations In the east have not materially hurt the Insurance business In the west. It has had the effect of giving people stronger confidence In the stability of the life Insurance com panies. Business Is Increasing very rap Idly with us, far beyond our expectations in fact. Never In my observation have I noticed so great a number of men seeking old line Insurance. They realize the per manency of the old lines and the steady and inflexibility of the rates. They "(now Just what they have to pay and when to pay It. The dividend features are also very alluring. Our company Is offering a very attractive Inducement in the self paying plan when the Insured party be- comes disabled from accident or sickness from paying his premiums. Many of the other companies are offering excellent in ducements to policy . holders in various forms and buyers of life Insurance are beginning to realize that the safest and surest Insurance Is with the old line com panies, as well as really the cheapest and best." A. J. Harvey, secretary HMropolltan Mutual Bond and Surety Co.:, "We feel that we are doing a very good business for 4-year-olds. Our company, you know. Is a Nebraska enterprise and was -established only fouryears ago, and we are now enter ing on our fifth year. Our business has been very good. There Is a growing In clination on the part of employers to bond their employes, such as have the handling of funds and accounts with surety com panies. A surety bond Is much more sat isfactory than a personal bond, both for the party soliciting the bond and the party exacting the bond. A personal bond may be good today, but tomorrow It may be worthless. It is not so with a surety bond, It Is good at all times. With fourteen other fidelity and surety companies doing busi ness in Omaha, besides our company, we feel that we are doing fairly well. Being an Omaha concern, we would, of course, feel pleased to have a JfUle more Omaha patronage. But. then, we are not kicking." E. 8. Weatherley of the American Credit Indemnity company: "Credit Insurance, which originated over a -century ago in England, had not been written to any ex tent In the United States until about fifteen years ago, but the necessity and value of It has been so thoroughly demonstrated that the larger and more progressiva Insti tutions In the United States have adopted It, and the volume of business written Is Increasing more rapidly than any other form, aa It Is realized as being one of the essentials tn the conduct of a business. A great many merchants seem to feel that fire Insurance Is a necessity and credit In surance a luxury; little do they realize that actual losses through lnvolvency during the last ten yeara will exceed fire losses by over $340,000,000. It seems Incredible, but true, and still they hesitate.' y hesitate." DBS 3F955 INSURE AGAINST LOSS - BY 1 FIRE: auid TORN ABO IN- 1819 'ifi Nil Vs..J ii , r.... . r 'nii w 1906 "The Leading Fire Insurance Company of America.' Cash Capital $ 4,000,000 ' Total Assets ' ". 16.815.0Q0 Surplus as to Policy Holders .11,036,010 Losses Paid in 87 Years Over 102,847,800 NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT . OMAHA, NEBRASKA . Comprising Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Now Mexico and Oklahoma and Indian Territories. W. H. WYMAN, General Agent W. P. HARTFORD, Assistant General Agent JOHN W. ROBBINS, Sole Agent Telephone 529 OHIO KNOX, Ajent, Council Bluffs 1802 Farnam Street, Om&.K&. T. J. O'NEIL, Agent South Omaha, A HOME INSTITUTION The National Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Certificate of Publication. Btata of Nebraska, Office of Auditor of Public Accounts. Lincoln, Feb. 1st, 1900. It is herebly certified, that tha National Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha; in the state of Nebraska, has complied with, the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies and Is therefore author ized to continue the business of fire, f.glit ning and tornado Insurance In this state for the current year ending January 31st, 1907. Witness my hand and the aeal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year) first above written. E. M. BEARLE, Jr., (Seal .Auditor of Publlo Accounts. JOHN t,. PIERCE, Deputy. of this city, having its home office in "the McCague Building, la one of the growing strong business enterprises of Omaha. It combines in its makeup the two essential features the people want: FIRST Such experience in management and financial re sources as makes its business satisfactorily conducted with per fect assurance that all losses and obligations will be paid. SECOND The modern feature of permitting the policy holder to share In the profits of the company. A law was passed taking effect April, 1905, which permitted the establishment of a guaranty fund to which over $200,000.00 has beon subscribed and largely paid In. The statutes and by-laws of the company also provide that no one has any liability 'for premiums or otherwise except up to the board rate. The company collects down the full premium; and rebates profits at theend of the life of the policy. And under this new system its business has enlarged many times over durlag tha last few months until it is. now writing one of the largest business in the west. t A credit to Omaha and Nebraska and the west. J. L. MABIE, Secretary. J. A. Woodman, McCague Block The Insurance situation Is excellent and pros pects are good for business this year. Rates are much lower, particularly for resi dency properties. There Is a good call for tornado Insurance. Business properties In surance is Increasing with the growth of the business districts. There is also a good demand for accident Insurance. H. V. Neely Life Insurance Is somewhat unsettled aa a result of the action of the New York legislature. New business Is In creasing and the condition is generally good and we are hoping for a good business during the present year. Hutchlnson-Bollard Company The Insur ance prospects for tha coming year are far better than last year. The better prospect for all lines of fire insurance Is owing to the great Increase of new buildings In this city. A noticeable Improvement la also manifest In dwelling Insurance, and insur ance buyers are generally taking out larger risks and insuring nearer to full values. Crelgh ft Baldrigel The insurance agita tion In New York is not hurting the fire Insurance companies. Our business Is much better than last year, and we are looking for still larger business before the close of the year. The Increase Is owing to the number of new buildings being erected In the city and numerous other, but chiefly to the general business prosperity. Klbourn & Gibson The Insurance busi ness has been exceptionally good with us. As a rule the business Is encouraging and we are looking for an Increased business this year. Business Is much better with us than last year. Charles E. Ady, National Life I am heartily In favor of most of the recom mendations of tha Armstrong eommlttoa to the New York legislature. However. I am not at this time prepared to express an opinion. None of us know what tha out come will be, but I ua h?eXul that all wui end eii. The (HQefropol.ftan ond and Surety - of Omaha Will Bond Youy utua ompany OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LlncoIh Nebraska Fab. 1. 10. It Is hereby certified that tha Metropol itan Mutual Bond and Surety Company of Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, has compiled with tha Insurance Law of this State, applicable to such Companies and is therefore authorized to continue tha business of Fidelity and Surety Insurance tn this State for the current year ending January 81st. 1907. Witness my hand and tha aeal of tha Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. E. M. BEARLE, JR. Auditor of Public Accounts JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. WE EXECUTE nearly all kinds of FIDELITY and SURETY BONDS. . Our business compared with the Kebraska business of Fourteen other companies writing bonds in this state shows that during the past four years The Metropolitan ranks Fifth In Premium Receipts while Its losses have not been One-Fourth the amount incurred by any other company doing as large a volume of business. This shows conservative management for this Nebraska Company which merits your patronage. We Solicit and Appreciate Your Favors A. R. HARVEY, Secretary Telephone, Douglas 552 Office, 425426 N. Y. Life Bid. Omaha, Nebraska W. R. H O M A N CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF Al DiTOK OF P11U.1C ACCOUNTS. LINCOLN, Feb. 1, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That the Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg, In the Stale of Ger many, lias complied with the Insur ance law of this state applicable to such companies and Is therefore au thorized to continue the business of fire and lightning insurance in this state for the current year ending Junuary Ust. 1907. ' Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. K. M. BEARLE, JR Auditor of Public Account. (Seal) JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF IM Ul.lC AX"OUNT-l. LINCOLN, Feb. 1. Jl6.' IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. That the Herman National Insurance Co. of Chicago, In the State of Illinois, has compiled with the Insurance law of this state applicable to such com panies and is therefore authorized to continue the bustneHs of fire and lightning Insurance in this state for the current year ending Junuary 31st, ltsi7. Witness my hand and the seal of tho Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. E. M. SKA HI. E. JR., Auditor of Public Accounts. (Seal) JOHN L. PIERCM, Deputy. ReaJ Estate, Rentals, Loans, Fire, Tornado jj Plate Glass Insurance Phone Douglas 664 H . 1517 Farnam Street CERTIFICATE 6f PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AUDJTOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LINCOLN. Feb. 1. 19"6. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIEP, That the National Life Insurance Company, of Mont pelier, in the state of Vermont, has com plied with the Insurance law of tills state, applicable to such companies, and is there fore authorized to continue the business of life Insurance In this state for the current year ending January Slst, 19u7. Summary of report filed for the yesr end ing Lecember Slst, 1906: INCOME. Premluma t 6.WS.3U 1 All other sources .... 1.4.H3,3i8 04 Total DISBURSEMENTS. :.8!, 147.81 l.,S).068.4 t 7,441,6ja.J Paid policy holders..! l.Mt Ul 81 All other payments.. Total f 4.41M17.27 Admitted assets 134.51S.S&.41 LIABILITIES Net reserve ...139,097, 158 M Net policy claims 77,638 d All other liabilities... 130.697.S4u.S3 Surplus beyond capital stork and other liabilities S.81MS6.M S,ll.l M Total S34.tlS.S3ii 41 Witness my hand and aeal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, tha day and year first above written. ' E. M BEARLE. JR.. (Seal.) Auditor of public Accounia. JOHN L. PIERCE, Leputy.