Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 14
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 190(5. Tim Omaiia Sunday Bee B. ItOBEWATF.R, editor. PI-BUSHED EVERY MORNINO. TKRM9 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally ! (without Pundft , nnm year. .14 00 Itsilv H" and Sunday, one year 00 Illustrated B. on year ZM PunrlHy one year 2 60 Kaiunlay He, on year l.M PKUVEHED BY CARRIER. Dally Hea (Including Sunday), per week.lto Pally B (without Sunday), per week..Uo Evening B (without bunday), per week c Kvrning Be (with ftunday), per week. .10c Bundy Bee, per copy to AiMresa complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Uepartmsnt. orncEg. Omaha The Br Building. fotith Omaha Oty Hall Pudding. Council I)!un 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 140 fnlty Huildlng. New York W Home Ufe Inn. Bulldln. Washington 6n Fourteenth Btreet. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and edi torial matter should he addressed: Omaha. Bee, Elllorial IV-partment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only S-cent stamps received as payment of mall accounts. Persona! checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PLBLI8IUNO COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btste of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss : C C. Rosewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, soys that the actual numrwr of full and complete copies of The Pally, Morning, Evening and Bundsy Bee printed during the month of March. 1:", was as lollows: 1 31,n-40 S SlJUtO I H2.120 4 fi ai.-tno A A1.-470 7 m, mo 1,H.W 31,3 TO 10 .i2,or( 11 2,100 12 is .'. .aa.oro 14 S1.410 15 31.1BO 18 8 1 ,:v 17 33,120 IS . xojtno 19 31.4m) 20 S1,XIW 21 31.120 22; SH 24 HSl.litO 25 y 2f,1BO 26 3t JIIO 27 M.OBO 2S 31,340 29 81Jif0 an 31.300 Jl 32,130 Total , WIT.4flO Less unsold copies 10.741 Net total sales tettft.709 Dully average 81.1BI C. C. ROSEWATER. General Manager Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this Slst day or Marcn, is. (Seal) M. B. HL'NOATE. Notary Public. miei oit of tow. Hahscrlbers leavlaar the city tern porarlly shoald hare The Be mailed to them. Address will be ehanajed as oftesi as reqnested. Hocont developments suggest that IrhnpB the cwtr was welcomed to the rank of the reformers too soon. Japan, is in favor of the open door in its Asiatic concession, bnt only after it shall have nailed down everything. If it is to be held responsible for the good behavior of Ralsouli, France may regret that it carried its point at Al gectras. I'lfttrit't Attorney Jerome has no precedents to cite in the Terklns case, but he may strike a Judge who would be pleased to make one. . The trade unionist victory iu the British Parliament shows that revolu tions are not all confined to absolute monarchies and republics. The next national campaign may have to be started earlier than those of re cent years to enable the finance commit' tees to tlevlMe new methods of acquir ing fundH. "The Karning Tower of Railroads" Is the title of a little book Jut Issued. "The Tax Shirking Tower of Railroads" will be the appropriate title for a com punlon volume. SJfeSjaBsBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBSBSBBVBBBBBB) , ChhieKO coolies have an Idea they would rather work In Transvaal mines thnn starve at home; but if Chinese can afford to be slaves Britons cannot af ford to be masters. Report of prubable I' " tuients for Oregon land frauds wo;: ' ,-iate more interest were not the perpetrators per mitted to wander' at large after the Jury luid returned Its verdict of convic tion. If A. 11. Ilenulngs could bo safety trusted to handle more than $18,000,000 of tfie people's money, he can be safely trusted to exercise the mayor's pre rogatives to protect the people against graft and Jobbery. All the numerous candidates for nom ination for municipal office aro hereby given timely 'advice to fortify them selves against the Iiock of discovering how many of their friends who prom ised to vote for them are liars. Kvery democratic follower of Jim Iahlman hopes that Benson or Broatch will le uomtuuted by the republicans and that Ilennlngs will lose out What the democrats want the republicans to do, should indicnte what the repub licans wlkould avoid. Jefferson Darts of Arkansas probably agree with the Idea expressed by Judge Parker regarding the selection of a feuthern 111 11 u as leader of J tho demo eratlc party, but he wlllud that his name does uot curry as much weight all over the couutry as In Arkansas. One anthracite mining company an nounce that It will refuse to sell coal to dealers who take advantage of preseut conditions and advance the price of fuel lu an arbitrary nmnuer. This may meau either that it wants to keep its friends or that it wants ull the traffic will bear for Itself. The Fonts nttlle club was organised by corporation hirelings aud carried along by corporation money. It takes decidedly much brass for the Fonta nel II tea to lay claim now to Immunity from corporation taint, especially when a large number of tbelr favored can didate have at various time been 00 " corporation pajroiU. AFTER SOMIXATIUX-miATI I Three candidate are seeking the noir. Inatlou for major on the rcpublknii ticket: lirrmtcn, r-Tii-MiitliiK t'1( ninud for a wlde-opeu town; Ueusoii, representing the demand for a rejr'iue of Turitanlcal law enforcement, and Ilennlngs, occupying the middle grouud of decent and progressive government by a Miislble enforce uient of the law ac cording to varying circumstances as they arise. Before thoughtful republicans commit themselves by their ballots to one or the other of these candidates, it will be well for them to look ahead and figure on what may be exiwetcd to happen after nomination. If Benson should be the successful can.lWate a large part and perhaps all of the so-called liberal element would unipietiouably go over to his demo cratic oppouent The fact that he ran last time as an independent against the regular republican nominee would fur nish those so disposed with an excuse for refusing to support Deuson. It would become a question then whether he could offset the republican defection with democratic gains and whether the deinetrnts who voted for Benson as an Independent when It was hopeless for their own candidate would not be driven back into their party lines with possible success for a..democratlc candidate. If Broatch should be nominated, the more respectable element of the party would be antagonized and alienated. If Omaha were doomed to an administra tion of license and licentiousness, many of them would prefer to have It come under a democratic mayor to save the re publican party from the odium. They would not vote for Broatch. They might not vote at all. They would vote for a decent democrat, if the democrats gave them an opportunity to do so. They might even vote for an objectionable but nr-trled democrat, convinced that he could be no worse than Broatch, who ha been tried to their sorrow. If, however. Ilennlngs should be the candidate, there would be no good rea son why he should not receive the sub stantial and undivided support tfi the whole party, which would mean an elec- tlon hands down. The Benson followers would surely prefer Ilennlngs to Broatch and the Broatch followers would prefer Hennlngs to Benson In a word, Ilen nlngs would satisfy the greater number of Omaha republicans In a degree much more thau either of the other two com petitors. ,' One other feature of the after-nom inatlon campaign deserves attention at this time. It is the effect of a distaste ful nomination for mayor upon the nom inationa for other offices. The defection of any considerable number of repub licans from the h,ead of the ticket would Jeopardize seriously all the republican candidates for minor offices. With the voting machine In use republicans driven away from their mayoralty can didate would, to make sure of no mis- take( be inclined to pul) the lever for a straight democratic vote with later cor rections for special candidate of their choice. Every one knows that such voting would ' help the democrats all along the line and might result disas trously to the whole republican, ticket. notwithstanding the fact that Omaha Is nominally republican by more than 2,000 majority. In a word, it is to the interest of every republican candidate for mu nicipal office below mayor to have the ticket headed by a candidate for mayor who will hold the united republican strength and thus Insure the machine recording of straight republican votes. If Omaha republicans want t& make the election easy and safe, they will rally to the support of Ilennlngs when they cast their ballots at the primary CR1MIXAL CAW REFORM An article on "Criminal Law Re form," by George W. Alger, in The At lantic for April, emphasises some phases of a subject which is sure to press for more serious consideration. It Is peril nently shown that lynching, one of tho blackest atalns on American life, la' merely a reaction from the futility of the criminal law, which, to be respected, must be respectable. But beyond that the necessffy of applying criminal penal ties to a vast class of offenses peculiar to modern industrial and business forms, af necessity which is only lately fairly dawning upon public consciousness, must compel as the condition precedent thor ough reform of criminal procedure. The defects of American criminal law rotten ripe as they have grown to be In the lapse of more than a century, never theless represent a humane and honor able origin. Our forefathers went to extremes to protect the Individual from the cruelties and outrages of the ol English criminal code, establishing a system of constitutions! safeguards against possibility of wrong or oppres sion from the state. These fundamental barriers by themselves, under conditions here, would have transformed the peril from wrong to the individual to wrong to the commuulty, but our courts by construction hare built them so ini measurably higher as long since to be a public menace. For we have trans ferred on behalf of the defendant, who under our constitutional safeguards was more than amply protected, a those technical refinements by which the Eng lish Judges mercifully sought to temper and evade the barbarous severity of the crlrv.lual code. Tike whole welgLt of our crlmlnul system U-ars against the rights of the coinmunltj, aud makes It exceeding! difficult to vindicate Justice upon the criminal. Restrictions ujMtn the jower of Judges. Intricate requirements In pro ceeding against the offender, iutermin able delays and appeals and perverslo of technical hair-splitting have built up agslust public authority walls which it Is almost Impossible to scale. "We hare long sluce passed the period." a outh ern Jurist Is quoted as aptly gaging. when It Is possible to punish au lauio- ont man. We are now struggling with the problem whether It is any lot.gwr possible to punish the guilty." But the more serious aspect of t ubject Is now presented through pnblW sentiment aroused to the danger froih nullification of the criminal law by corporations, their officers, agents and confederates, and this aspect cannot be letter stated than in Mr. Alger's words: A system too complicated to deal out certain Justice to ,comnv(n offenders, Ignor- nt and brutal, poor In purse and Influence, can never adequately deal with our new lasa of big business criminals, with men who get rich by fraud, the corporation in ftaters and wreckers, the faithless trustees nd grafting directors, the exploiters of municipalities, the magnates who give bribes nnd the bosses who take them, the trust operators who sin against honesty In business, who break the law against monopolies, who give and take rebates. How can predatory wealth, powerful. In fluential, "often entrenched In office, be punished by a system which cresks. groans and often breaks down. In bringing a border ruffian to Justice? The signs are multiplying on every hand that the people are awaking to the criminal side of the evils which are oppressing them and with which they are now grappling. But It may well le questioned whether they can achieve complete victory without also solving the problem of reform of the criminal law. 1XSVRASCK. This issue of The Bee again devotes considerable attention to the subject of insurance in Its multitudinous phases. f the Insurance investigations and dis losures of mismanagement and corrup tion during the last year have done one yiing more than another they have awakened the public to a realization of the tremendous scope aud influence of the institution of insurance in the mod ern Industrial and social world. While serious abuses have been un covered, the necessity of insurance for all the hazardous ramlflcntlons of com mercial and personal relations has been reaffirmed and emphasized. The vast field of fire Insurance, for example, has leen practically untouched, because, as it is conducted, the opportunities for mischievous faithlessness are fewer than in life Insurance. The same is true, although to a lesser 'extent, as re gards insurance against dishonesty or liability, although the business of the casualty companies is likely to undergo some transformation. The cataclysm in life insurance has really involved but a few of the life insurance organiza tions and the nssvement for regenera tion is well under way. The remarkable thing about the whole Insurance situation Is .that . notwith standing the severe trial none of the life companies, big or little, have been thrown into bankruptcy either by the plundering of their resources by those on the inside or by the Impairment of confidence of thoe on the outside. We may safely say, therefore, that insurance in its numerous forms, and probably In forms yet to be devised, is an Integral part of the progress made by civilized nations. The total of Insurance transac tions is bound to increase without re spect to occasional setbacks, because the principle of securing protection against unforeseen events through co operation has become thoroughly estab lished nnd has vindicated its right to permanent recognition. GKXKRAL COAL strike averted. Notwithstanding the union, coal miners and the associated operators have failed to agree at their reconvened conferences, the paramount Interest of the public. which far transcends that of the im mediate parties to the labor dispute, has been saved from, the disaster of a gen eral strike In the bituminous regions. This fortunate escape Is due in large part' to internal divisions both among the miners nnd among the operators. A minority of the latter were willing to grant the wage sile of 100,'l, or an Increase of 5..V per cent, and many more wonld yield It as a last alternative to a general strike, and notice was given that the concession would be made no matter If the majority of the operators stood out against concession. But this would be of no avail If the miners' organization had stood to the Ryan resolution adopted at the Indianapolis convention a month ago, prohibiting agreement in any district until there should be agreement In all districts. The crisis of the controversy" was plainly not passed, after the lmpossl bility of a general agreement had lieen demonstrated, until the conservative ele ment of tho miners, led by Tresldent Mitchell himself, on Friday carried by a good majority a motion formally re scinding the Ryan resolution and au thorizing agreements with operators In the several districts who will pay the w-age advance. How serious the Issue among the miners themselves was is shown by the fact that Tresldent Mitchell declared before them the adoption of the motion to be a condition of his remain ing at the head of their organization. It la clear also that many of the miners were convinced that they could wot. under the circumstances, successfully maintain a struggle on the extreme ground of the Ryan resolution. Fuel production in the bituminous regions therefore ' will not cease, al though many of the mines will sus pend. It Is to be remembered that there are extensive nonunion mines not af feded at all by the conferences Just terminated. An Immense tonnage will lie produced with little or no Interrup tion by union agreements In nearly all the districts. I'nrler the strong Indus trial demand for coal the tendency csn hardly fall to le etcadilv to Increase the outp-it both by union agreements aud at the nonunion mines. The failure to reach a general agree ment Is to be regretted, not only be- cause of the material restriction of the conl supply and the business disturbance which apprehension of worse has al ready caused, but also N-canse of the extensive strikes which will follow and the Irritations ami losses which they will use. But these consequences, dlstress- fng as they sre. are small Indeed In comparison witn those 01 a universal and protracted labor war, cutting off the fuel supply of a nation which fortu nately have been averted. CAVPAIGX FfXD 1SSVK XOYEU The argument lu the case of former Vice Tresldent Terklns of the New York Life develops the singular fact that this Is the first time the question has been raised In a court whether a contribution from the funds of such a corporation to a political campnlgn committee consti tutes the crime of larceny, felonious In tent being presumed from the net Itself. Trosecutlug Attorney Jerome Is com pelled to admit that although he had searched diligently no case could be found In which such an Issue had arisen. It Is of course common knowledge that Innumerable political contributions of corporation funds have Itecn made; that In fact such contributions have been an nlmoHt universal custom since there have leen corporations, and especially during the last two generations. These acts could hardly have been In contem plation of the criminal laws or they would have been challenged in court decades ago. The raising of the issue at this time, whatever may lie Judicially held as to the bearing of the law. at least signally demonstrates the progress of public sentiment along moral lines. It Is also the harbinger of legislation providing stricter safeguards of a penal character against a multitude of acts of corpora tion officers and agents which the public has heretofore tolerated or condoned. ASK Afft. BRTAX. The editor of Harper's Weekly ought to be more thankful than he probably will be for the flood of light which ex- Governor Alva Adams of Colorado, by a simple suggestion, pours over the sub ject which has been engaging the anx ious attention of Its editor for weeks, to find a presidential candidate for the democratic party. He hna himself be nevolently gone to the length of propos Ing a candidate in the person of Tresl dent Wood row Wilson of Trlnceton uni versity, interrogating by letter the party seers throughout the country for en couragement and corroboration of his sagacity, all the seers except only the one who is most likely to know. Ex-Governor Adams advice is short and to the point: "To get on the track of sure prophesy Jtlst cable Bryan; be will either be the man, or he can tell you who he will be." We doubt If the Harper's Weekly editor will avail himself of this promising source of in formation. Moreover, Mr. Brynn'a mod esty. If nothing else, might forbid him at this particular time to break the seals on his own knowledge. Still the Colorado man's mere sug gestion Is almost as Illuminating as anything Mr. Bryan would need to say. When you come to vote for a repub lican candidate for mayor, think of the effect on Omaha's prestige nbroad. The election of Broatch would be another black eye to Omaha's reputation, Inas much as It wonld be notice that Omaha was going back to the discredited days of a free-and-easy, wide-open town. The election of Benson would also react by placing Omaha In the list of Tu ritanlcal Sunday school towns. The election of Ilennlngs would be a boost for Omaha by signalizing Its determina tion to stay in the line of progress, pros perity and common sense. Keep in the middle of the road. Messrs. Gompers and Mitchell are evi dently more .anxious to know what Mr. Moyer and his associates have to say than what Harry Orchard has con fessed. Eastern trnde unionists can well afford to wait the result of the trial of Western Federation miners, Justice does not always miscarry and Idaho has a reputation to maintain. Justice Harlan of the supreme court promises to resign his place on the bench In order to devote his personal attention to the building of a new church In Washington. Several other Judges occflpy seats on the federal bench for whom the people would rather fur nish funds to build a new church In exchange for their, resignations. Omaha has two grand Jury Inqulsl tlons In prospect one by the regular federal grand Jury and the other by the grand Jury especially called by the Judges of the district court. Some ma terial for grand Jury investigation may be furnished by the Impending municl al primaries and election. That Cincinnati grand Jury which re fused to Indict bankers for giving gra tutties to office holders because the of fice holders had put the money back was evidently of the opinion that the county in lu the business for the money and cannot afford to send good money after bad. Every candidate who has filed hla name to go on the official primary bal lot has signed a oledge In advance to abide by the result. Those who fall by the wayside, however, will le excused If their Interest In the election Hags after they ure counted out. , Willi a representative of the weather bureau to accompany the Wellmau ex Iedltlon. tbi explorer will not be cut off from all of the sdrantages of civiliza tion. Ielng able to cct the only guess whl'ii can le sent through the United States malls. Sr.RMOe BOH.F.n Dflfft. A tree Is known by Its fruits, not by Ha shoots. People who are always picking bones get little meat. Some saints try to prove their faith by their ferocity. He who scorns the poor turns hi Lord from his door. Tou cannot climb the heavenly ladder on stilts of dignity. - There may he more love In a warning than In a reward. A bunko game Is not made a blessing by coming Into a church. He cannot pray for himself at all wbo prays for himself alone. The downward road often looks like an ascent to the eye of pride. The fruits of heaven are not In the life hnless. Its climate Is In the heart. The man who has blisters to show does not need to talk about his burdens. The man with time to waste Is a bigger fool thnn the one with money to burn. We might have lighter loads on our backs If we had less starch In our necks. There's many a man who never prays for rain until his neighbor has his hay out. The man who goes out to buy religion never gets anything but the gold brick variety. When a man really has the robe of right eousness he is not afraid to let It touch his neighbor. The man who sits In the back at prayer meeting often wants to walk In the front In the parade.. The devil is never so near being your sovereign as when he seems to be wor shiping your superiority. Bt. Louis Republic. SKCI I.AR SHOTS AT THE PIXPIT. Cleveland Leader: There has not been a noticeable rush of maiden supporters to the minister who advocates the turning away of all young men callers who fall to pro pose marriage within six months. Boston Transcript: The kaiser throws bouquets at his own artistic tastes while he calls for more flowers In Trotestant churches which often "are too monotonous, dull and leaden." He Is probably right In contending for a broader, brighter and more beautiful church. Baltimore American: Ministers and social critics are now fiercely denouncing the cigarette habit among women, but perhaps It would be better to devote energy and action to abolish the smoke evil in chim neys before turning to attacking it In women. That Is the direction in which the most present need of effort lies. Cincinnati Enquirer: A Chicago preacher complains that there are men who will pay to go to theaters and will not go to church for nothing. Oh, well, It Is altogether de pendent on the way people were raised, their environment, their tastes and their development. There are men who support the chuich generously who would not even accept a "deadhead" ticket to the theater. It requires all classes and conditions of men to make up a world. Couldn't get along symmetrically without all of them. New York Evening Post: A standing nuisance and disgrace of the Monday morn ing press Is thrust In our faces again to day. We mean the reports of the proceed ings of the Bible class of young Rocke feller. To a right mind these are among the mobt disgusting and demoralizing things put in print anywhere. The reason Is that they stand for nothing but a toadying to a wealth and a dragging down of what purports to be a religious exercise into a vulgar peep show and a means of dis seminating the most hurtful social stand ards. We have not a word to say against tho heir to the Rockefeller millions nor against his Sunday school teachings. They appear to be about of the average vapidity. PEKSOX AL AMI OTHERWISE. Now the early bud comes forth to kiss the morning sun. Also to catch a lingering- frost. t'nless Nebraska City gets a move on. New York City will beat It In the race to abolish horse cars. Russell Sage is gradually pulling out of business In Wall street. Normal Interest rates afford no stimulus to his energies at 90. Simple Items of news often furnish food for thought. A Denver dispatch speaks of a fire originating in the starch bins of a candy factory. Chicago authorities want $70,000,000 with which to take over the street railways. Colonel Mulberry Sellers should at once hit the pike for the Windy City. A post-morten on the remains of the po litical bank at Allegheny, Pa., shows about SO cents on the dollar In sight. The fleeced depositors feel like It. The house of representatives Is truly loyal to Its chief. Action on a smoke law has been delayed until Speaker Cannon consumes an imported Cuban cigar a foot long. March 27 was fixed by a crasy woman in a local asylum as the date for the destruc tion of Memphis. Most of the darkles in town believed It and hundreds of them paid good money to the railroads to get out of town and back again. At last accounts the prophetess was not In condition to enjoy an "annual." The Philadelphia Ledger of Philadelphia bliishlngly puts its age at 70 and prints a series of pictures showing its progress to its present venerable altitude. The Ledger Is not as frisky and megaphonlsh as some of its contemporaries, but Is good to look upon at all times and "gets there Just the same." More power to Its robust elbow. "When woman will she will," or words to hat effect. A chorus girl at a rehearsal In a New York theater unknowingly sat on pet dog. The dog thought It was good and took hold. A series of yells Drougni as sistance, also a young doctor. The first aid was spurned. Bravely ske bore the pain until an Oslered medic came, solemnly stroked his beard snd cauterised the quiv ering cuticle. Strange to say. there wunn't a Plttshurg millionaire In the vicinity of the trag'-dy. AIX KOOI-S' DAY. Jami-a Barton Adams. The dav of All Fools, the one day In the year , , , nrt. .i'.tv Hummed mortal Is free To tell Mil his neighbors, with never a fear Of trouble, wlmt frols they may be. And oft when the day with Its folly has kA ih. iiut of our m nst-nse has conl d, We wondt-r: "Which one a's the fool should be clHSSfd, The foolrr or lit- who was foo-h-d?" Ws scan the conundrum, our brain In a muss. And then glvs It up as too hefty for us. No man. though as wis as the serpent, or yet As free as the dovelet trom harm. Vnlewe he be blind, ran escape from the net That's spread by some joker's fool arm. Wherever lie wanders some trap is in wait, Some Innorent looking affair, To stir up hla wesk curloeliv trait And give him u fool s cap to wear. And Into hla ears, like the bruy of a mulo, Comes the laimh of the fool who has made til iu a fool. 'Tis the w-amiii of folly, the day of all days When frolic and fun are the rule, When slalii men indulge In ridiculous in fooling the part of the fool. The wisest go up against some silly game That proves th-y at times may be green. Then Muxhia envelop their fares in shanio To think what darm-d fools they have h-en. But olh-r. when fooled far too many, ws feai Nver nunil it. Thev're fools every day In Oi ear. STRICTLY ONE PRICE Plainly marked on each Tlano Corner Stones of tho Iiospe Piano Store These corner atones were laid years ago and are built Into the olid structure of thla business. Upon these foundation stones we are build ing the most thorough, serviceable and satisfactory piano business in the west. If you are thinking of buying a piano will you look over those displayed in our warerooms? CRAMER Pianos. 1110. BURTON Pianos, $210 and $225. KIMBALL Pianos. 20 up. CABLE-NELSON Pianos, 1276 up. BUSH & LANE Pianos. $335 up. KRANICH - A. BACH Pianos, 1376 up. KNABR Pianos. $460 up. ' PLAYER Pianos, $560 up. A. HOSPE LOWEST PRICES We save you $33 to $150 on a Piano A BOOST FOR THE Y. VV. C. A. I will give 25 per cent of the premium on nil policys written in the next 30 days in Douglas county to the Y. W. C. A. To any one inter ested in the Y. W. C. A. and Life Insurance will find it advantageous to address a card to II. J. EGAX, MANAGER, KANSAS CITY LIFE INSURANCE CO., 552 BEE BUILDING. The Policy issued by the Kansas City Life has no Superior as to liberality or solidity. "We -write insurance on WQuien as well as men. Don't fail to send in' your name by postal, or that of any one interested in Life Insurance and the welfare of Y. V. C. A. H. J. EGAN, Manger, Kansas City Life Insurance Company DOMESTIC PLKAIAXTR1ES. "If you feel chilly,' said he, as they trolled, "remember i have your shawl here on my arm." "You might Dut It around me. she said. demurely. Philadelphia Press. Mrs. Vera Rltch Were you frlahtened when you proposed to me? Mr. Knotso Rltch No. your rather had previously told me just how much money he was going to lve you. Cleveland ueaaer. Hicks Jialey Is married now, and he's got a reputation to live up to. wicks i neara ne was marneo to mat young widow; but what's the reputation you speak of. Micks His wire s nrst husband s. Phila delphia Ledger. Mrs. Hlghmus (making a call) I should think you would And a social secretary a convenience. Mrs. CJaswell Te-es. but where would w find rouin for It? Our apartments are as full of furniture already as they can stick. Chicago Tribune. 'Did you read that article about you in the magaslne?" Yes, answered Mr. Dustln Btax. "I was a little conscience-stricken about soma of my transactions until that came out, but now I must say my feelings are those of in jured Innocence." Washington Star. "Do you think women have a sense of humor?" "Certainly, answered Miss Cayenne. But we have to suppress it. No man would like to know how ridiculous he Is when he Is proposing to a girl." Washington Star. Agnes Algy-Is making ' sheep's eyes at me. Pandora I always thought him a mutton- head. Judge. "Isabel says aha will never marry any man who Isn't a hero." "But she can easily convert any man Into a hero." "How?" "By getting him to marry her." Cleve land Plain Dealer. "Maria, who is that young chap that's coming to see Bessie?" ' His name Is Hanklnson. Ha aenms to te all right." "Do you consider him a safe young man?" "Bessie does. She says he's In good cir cumstances and has been operated on for appendicitis." Chicago Tribune. Road This 1 V Aloud! On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will hold a first of the season sale of Juvenile Suits These suits were delivered us from our New York fac tory so late last season that we simply had to carry them over and right now at the beginning of the season, when you want to change the boy from the old winter suit, wo have decided to hold this sale and give our customers the benefit of a "good thing." There are about 300 Russian and sailor blouse suits, in sizes from 212 to 7 years, that were bought to sell for $4.50 up to $!).00. We have divided them into two prices &2.oO and $3.50 , Our reason is that we want to convert these suits into cash at once, and we consider it a level headed business method even though it means a loss toms. OUR PROOF Come in and see. Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday. Browning, R. S. WILCOX, Manager. NO COMMISSIONS Paid to anyone for tailng or bringing customers hare CO. 1314 Douglas St. Omaha. Nebraska BEST PIANOS We are Factory distributers lor the best In the World "SIIO-NOT" INVISIBLE LENSES are about half the price of other Invisible lenses and are made in our own shop on the premises. We are Exclusive Makers of Rrtfo Toric Lenses (the curved kind). BHl'R-ON EYEGLASSES. FITTED THE "HUTESOS WAV." IWTESON OPTICAL CO. 213 South 16th Street. Factory on the Premises. King & Co ( M Lv . That Curra.