Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 12

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YourCredit Is Good
Duy a Diamond
now and pay for
ii while you
wear it.
I offer you credit lib
eral credit ancT I want
you to take advantage of
It. ' It's not the -everyday
Bort for it allows
you to buy
' and Jewelry .
of standard make and
pay price I have figured
low enough to win pat
ronage n every .race
competition. Don't de
laybut act at once.
1522 F&rn.m Street
a 1
"We take pleasure in announcing a special
showing by a representative of a leading New
York manufacturer and importer of Ladies'
High-Class ; ..Costumes, Tai.ored Suits and
Skirts . :-
Monday, April 2
'All the newest Parisian and -Viennese mod
els will be' shown and orders will be taken for
special measurements from any of the models
yoji may select, insuring a perfect fitting gnr
.. ment and strictly .exclusive garment.
Your presence is earnestly requested; ' .
Successors to
3 C
2 C
1 t
Bjergets "
Oontinuaiie Sale
' Owing to the overcrowded condition of our shop
Saturday and our inability to give our patrons the propor
personal attention, we will run our great
Ladies' Sy it ale
Monday, April 2.
. TVe otTer exclusive model, man-tailored suits in all
styles, materials nnd shades from $5.00 to $10.00 cheaper
than any other store in Omaha.
-novelty mixtures
$22.50 Suits-
- sjs.W.00 Suits plain colors or
novelties at., v ,
$37.50 Suits tiecial values
" Covert Coats worth up to
$17.50, at
Dress Skirts worth up to $7.50
'and $10.00, at
Closinsc Day of Lent See Boniethiut; in
Way of Gaiety.
Calendar for th) foaslair 81s Day
1 Reasoaably Pall f Mttle
thlae that Promlae Mark
n '
T Bp, p Net to Bef
Oh. Hella Ii the girl I love
And la Ii Btella, too.,
I love them hoth no very much,
I don't know what to do.
: For Bella' hnlr Is chestnut brown,
- And Stella's hair la gold; '
I cannot quite make up my mind
To which on 1 will hold.
Now, Bella's eyes are soulful, dark,
And Stella's, smiling, blue;
It's really very hard on me.
Oh, how can 1 be true?
I have not very much of gold.
And neither has Miss Bella,
And neither has Miss Btella, so
1 guess I'll marry Klla!
The Vaclllator.
The Social Caleadar.
MONDAY Daughters of the American Rev
olution meeting at Mrs. E. P. Peck's; Miss
Tyler, Council ItlufTs, luncheon (or Miss
Chant snd Miss Man..
Tt ESDAY Mrs. b T. M'.irphy, box party
at Burwood for South Side Whist club;
Tuesday morning musloale at Mrs. E. A.
Cudahy's; Mrs. E. O. Eldrldge, Travelers'
Protective Association kenslngton; Miss
Laura Montgomery, Thimble club; Miss
C. M Power, luncheon for Mrs. Stover
and Mis Keenan; Mrs. Cheney, muslcale
t home for Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooko;
Tuesday Luncheon club, Mrs. John New
lean. WEDNESDAYr-Mrs. H. P. Stoddard, lunch
eon for Mrs Stover and Miss Keenan;
Mrs. O. C. Madison, South Side Card club.
THIRSDAY Water color exhibit by Mtas
SpriKC at Mrs. A. J. Beaton's; Edwin
Chesney, children's party; Mrs. O. W.
Wlckersham. box party at Burwood for
Mrs. Richard White; Marchtonett club,
Mrs John Ross, jr.
FRIDAY Mrs. Tliemas Allen, Kountie
- Place Luncheon club.
Although the calendar did not contain
many events the first of the week, It was
nevertheless a full week, many small and
enjoyable affair being given for a number
of charming visitors. Miss Han and Miss
Chant, who are the guests of Miss Marlon.
Johnson and Miss Etta Beeman, have been
the guests of honor at many luncheons and
theater parties In fact, something has been
given every afternoon and evening, while
Mrs. Hursh, who was the guest of Mrs. E.
O. McOUton has been likewise entertained.
The calendar for the coming week holds a
number of affairs in honor of visitors also,
and there arev several card parties and
luncheons to be given for which dates have
not yet been set. Although it Is Ixpt, so
ciety is far from dull. .
Many prominent women are giving their
time to soliciting funds for the. Young
Women's Christian association building
fund as a Lenten work,-oertainly a nobis
way to do one's duty. in Lent. It means
the sacrifice of much time and energy on
the part of the women and requires unlim
ited, patience and tact, for many are the
trying and amusing experiences talked
over at headquarters. One o the most
amusing .was that which happened to two
of tho most prominent workers last week.
These two women, perfectly gowned, went
into one of the laundries and on inquiring
for the proprietor, were informed that he
was not In, nut would return presently.
The - young man In charge of the office
asked if he could do anything and followed
up the question by asking If they were
seeking employment. Needless to say, they
returned to headquarters with their ardor
Somewhat' dampened.
return to her home !n Boundbrook, N. J.,
this week.
Miss Nell Haines, ulio has been tha
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. M. Lungwell,
for two months, leaves today lor her home
In Springfield, Mo.
1 Mrs. Hursh of Minneapolis, who was the
guest of Mrs. E. O. McQllton and for whom
many delightful entertainments were given,
has returned to hi r home.
Mrs. J. J. Dickey. Miss Uertha Dickey
and Miss Helen Scoble sailed yesterday
from New York on the Finland, to bo gone
six months or more In Germany.
' Mrs. Joy Morton Was the guest of Mrs.
Guy Howard this week for a few days. She
left for Chicago lust evening, accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. Charles Deuel.
Among those who are going to Chicago
for the grand opera this week are: Mrs.
Myron Learned, Miss Juliet McCune and
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase ant family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. George returned
Thursday from an extensive wedding trip
on the Pacific coast and are stopping with
Mr. and Mrs. Tunnicllff on Twenty-fifth
Miss Katharine McClanahan, who is at
La Salle, near Boston, at school, will spend
her Easter vacation at Annlsquam with
Miss Mllikln, who Is the art - teacher at
La Salle.
Miss Lucy Blrnie, daughter of Major
Rogers Birnle, V. 8. A., ordnance depart
ment. Governor's Inland, N. Y., is the guest
of her cousin,- Miss- Nellie Ulabaugh, for
two weeks.
Miss Leila House,' who has been visiting
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and Miss Ida
Smith for several weeks, left Thursday for
St. Louis fo visit before returning to her
home In Texas.
MIbs Hazel Chant and Miss Gladys Han,
who have spent the week as guest of Mr.
and Mrs. F. R. Beeman and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnson, will return- Monday to St.
Mary's school at Knoxvllle, 111.
Mr. Lewis Reed, son of Mr. and Mr.
Lewis S. Reed, who has been in London
for the last year, sailed on the St. Louis
last Saturday for New York and will soon
be In Omaha for a visit with his parents.
Mrs. George E. Pritchett, accompanied
by her son, Harold, left Thursday for Wash
ington to visit her daughter, Mr. John L.
Kennedy, and Congressman Kennedy. Mrs.
Pritchett will also visit in New York before
her return.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates and Miss
Ystes have been heard from at Gibraltar.
They had a pleasant voyage, and a Georgs
Washington banquet waa given on board,
at which Mr. Yates responded to the toast,
The Ladles."
Social Chit-Chat.
Mr. and Mrs. Casslus Crawford are re
joicing over tho birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Zlegler will be at home
to their friends at 2U69 Farnarn street Sun
days in April.
The many friends of Mr. A. L. Meyer will
be pleased to hear of his steady improve
ment after a recent serious operation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Nason have taken
apartments in the Wright flats at Six
teenth and Chicago streets. They have
flat No. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellne are ex
pected home from their wedding trip in
California the first of the week, having
given up the trip to Honolulu.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young leave Omaha
today for fit. 'Joseph, where they will make
their home. Mr. Young for several years
has been one of Swift's buyers at South
Omaha and has been promoted to a still
more responsible position with, the same
company at St. Joseph.
Miss Mildred Lomax, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L Lomax, returned last
Saturday from Chicago, and her many
friends are glad to welcome her home and
to hear of her recovery and gradual return
to health and strength after the last two
months' illness, resulting from an operation
for appendicitis.
Miss Sadie Rentf row, oldest daughter of
Sergeant, of Police and Mrs. Lout 'Rent
frow, and Atfred Peterson will be married
at I o'clock next Wednesday evening at
the home of the bride's parents, 2411 North
Eighteenth street. Only the most intlmat
friends of the two families will be present
at the ceremony. 1 The young couple will
make their home at Walnut Hill. .
S. Fredrick Berger & Co. n
Authorities on Style,
The New Cloak Ghop. 1517 Farnam St.
3 C
1 C
3 C
4) ...
Easter Cards - Easter Crosses
Japaaeaa Eifacta la CHICKENS, RABBITS. DUCKS. ETC.
'i THE M0YER STATIONERY CO.. 220-222 S. Uth. Onuh. t
7 ., i
Com tid Go Gossip.
Judge Wool worth Is in Jacksonville, Fla
Miss Flora Webster is now visiting Miss
Law at Henry, 111.
Miss w. hi. Martin has returned from a
week's visit in Chicago. x .
Mrs. John Patrick is visiting Mrs. J. N
H. Patrick at? the Winona.
Miss Letta M. Stone will return from
Colorado Springs this morning. .
Mrs. P. T. McGrath went to Chicago
Thursday to spend a few day.
Colonel 8. B. Curtis Is expected honi
from New York the first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen and son have
returned from a trip to the Pacific coast.
Mrs. A. J. Poppleton and duughter, Mrs
Shannon, are expected home from the south
about Easter.
Miss Blanche Woolridge of Bloux City
la., la the guest of Miss Marie Hardin
and Miss Hestur Peters.
Mrs. Nathan Merrlam and Mis Mcrrlam
are expected to return from Excelsior
Springs the middle of this week.
Mrs. Keene, who has been the guest of
her sister, Mrs. -Tllf ton Richardson, will
return to her home in Chicago today.
Miss Mary Phllllppi will siud her
spring vscation with Mis Edna Sneeley
at D Pauw university. Green Castle, Ind,
Mr. Gould Diets, and his mother, Mrs.
G. P. Dltts, returned yesterday from Cut
and Florida, where they spent the wlnte.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountie leave .o-
n.orrow for San Francisco, to sail on 'he
Siberia April T, for Japan, to be gone three
Gowrnor Boyd and daughter. Mrs. Bier
bower, left last wek to spend several
weeks In Texas for the benefit of the guv
ernor'a health.
' Mrs. Ferguson of Sterling, 111., arrived
Monday from Mexico and Colorado, to
spend two weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Isaac E. Congdon.
Mrs. E.. F. Test and her daughter. Mr
IXaugltey, relumed Tuesday from Calif or
ula. where they were with Mrs. Test's son.
lieutenant rrvaouik rest, who Is sta
tioned at Angel Island. Airs. Ilauxhey will
t ,!s!-J?er1-.lS'.;' tfyl!i -Ctf-sVl!'
- j aJl uJ r n n n m m m m m
Tt7', C I
txvi-p ' J ! V"m 'TTj
rrrv iiY , JWrK luiSsillriliiril 171 KilKllmHlltl!nlmllf:lMltlljniiffJ&j'DUnoi
KXtrZL --ir 3 U-J -ii l.-i fci L--J Uii WiU k-l t'.VU W JAVT. '4
i BDOogoatoaoa
I noQa4aivnoDOc,l:f
FnrTr-TI-inw'.Tir-ir-inr I ! .
ifi?".H3'-Ji-,ya !
Silk Gloves are the mode.
Fashion decrees it
The chic gown demands them.
The "KAYSER". rewards
your expectations.
i-iltoootrf-av i Kiii
,-w r lrn 'in If II II I
J rinrirtriA-i..(Virlf II ll H 1 I
rr I n jl it J - '
'itf,.LJ-'- :
ilijaaagaocig i
'I I 1 ATln.t-'iJIJLJl i
mmmr nna-,3Ms
L-J WW jp,Hr-,innnnnriilLi i iMnr-ii-,iiiirlniin,inrinnnnii riri niinnfinnhnnnrinni ii i n Ti ) nndi.M n iintin n I I n f in n PI
I. Jhai LJ-- i-r-s L-r TTl'iii
Wftva - T& V
Pleasures Past.
The Entre Nous Card club met at the
home Of Mr. C. Nelson last Thursday
afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. L.
Ncble and Mrs. Dr. L'ucke.
Mrs. Samuel R. Rush gave an enjoyable
card party yesterday afternoon at her home
In Dundee. The rooms were prettily
trlmmex) with spring flower. Six-handed
high-five waa played at throe tables.
Mrs. Foster entertained the Albany High
Five club Thursday afternoon. Prlxes were
by Mrs. W. E. Baehr, Mrs. G. G.
Wielage, Mrs. E. M. Birch and Mr. Tom
CahiU. .Mis. Chapek will be hostess at the
next meeting.
TKe B. T. W. club was entertained oil
Friday evening by Miss Jewell Simpson.
Refre?htrtent were erved and a pleasant
evening waa spent by games and ' music.
Those present were: Misses Grant, Jewell
Simpson, Irene McNamara, Llllle Reeeon,
Clara Etchmson, Maude Page., Olna Yel
iton, Goldle Houck and Clara Headley. j
In compliment to Miss Gladys Han and
Miss Hazel Chant, Mrs. Harry E. Chapman
gave a pretty luncheon yesterday after
noon, taking her guest to the Boyd thea
ter. The table, prettily decorated with
yellow jonquil and gn en-shaded candles.
was laid for Mis Chant, Miss Han, Miss
Marion Johnson, Miss Laura Montgomery,
Miss Etta Beeman and Mrs. Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles B. Honek entertained
at dinner at their residence, 4201 Harney
street, In honor of Mis Mildred WerU
eighth birthday. Miss Mildred was ring
bearer at their wedding. Covers were laid
for eight, the table being artistically decor
ated with pink roses, ferns and amilax.
while a beautiful birthday cake, decorated
with eight tiny pink candles, held by little
pink buds, rested In tho center of a wreath
of sinllax.-
Judge and Mrs. Benjamin 8. Buker enter
tained at a beautifully appointed dinner
Saturday evening in honor ef Miss Claude
Albright and Mis Gertrude Rennyson of
the Savage Opera company, also Colonel
W. II. Green, a eat tie king of New Mex-
ico. Mies Albright sang for three seasons
at the Opera Comlqtte In Paris. At the
close of the present season she will go to
Washington to Be the house guest of Vice
President and Mrs. Fairbanks for two
Mr. J. W. Welch entertained the Pictus
Club Tuesday afternoon.' The member
monogramed towels, which were giveu to
the hostess. A lunch was served to the fol
lowing members: Mrs. H. A. Hale, Mr.
E. E. Stewart, Mrs. J. J. Mullen, Mrs.
H. A. Pierce. Mrs. IH. W Sawyer. Mrs.
M. Adams, Mr. Joel T. Stewart, . Mrs.
M. C. Mitchell, Mr. B. Woolstencroft. Mrs.
A. F. Leermakera, Mrs. W. D. Clark, Mrs.
J. W. Welch. The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. E. E. Stewart.
Mr. and Mr. R. W. Hoddcr entertained
Thursday evening in honor of their daugh
ter, Mrs. W. J. Gorst of Minneapolis. Fifty
guest were present and the evening was
most delightfully spent in difficult conun
drum tests, Mr. C. Gorst winning the first
prise, while Mrs. J. w. Nicholson won th
second. Musical selection were given hv
Mr. C. Gorst 'and Miss Ida M. Morse.
L'uinty refreshment were served and the
guest bid farewell to Mrs. Gorst. who de
parted for her home at Minneapolis Satur
day morning.
vii nmuiaay evening, March M, a party
of friends surprised Mr. William Mala at
her residence, atftf North Eighteenth treet.
bringing with them an elegant dinner et
of china, the occasion being her birthday.
iirmiiiL evening or ocouu song was
enjoyed, refreshments being served before
the guests left. Among those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. snd Mrs.
vvime. sir. and Mrs. Wellinaii, Mr. and
Mrs. Brunner, Mr. and Ml. Bunnell. Mrs
i.i n Quay, Air. and Mrs. Simes. Mr. and
Mrs. F. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Main.
in compliment to her little niece. Cath
erine Stover of Snencer. Ia.. Mm. c tut
rower gave a aoiigntrul children' party
Saturday afternoon. The rooms were pret
tlly trunmed with pink carnations and the
table was adorned with the same blossom
and pink candles. A peanut hunt and ch!I-
drens' games were the amusements' Assist
ing were Miss Florence Power. Miss Mary
jvinutrr ana biikh earan Martin. Tile guests
were iJUsei t.'utheriue Stover, Dorothy
mack, tialyt'oit Cotton, Charlotte R
water, Margaret Penny, Helen Pearce,
Helen Payne. Jean Patuison, Eleanor Mc
Gilton, I vols Kobblns, Blanche Frank and
Florence Jenks.
One of the prettiest parties of the season
a as given on Friday evening at Chambers'
by the Crescent club, composed of young
men who are mill lu The bull room
wss gay with pennants of all colors and
descriptions and club colors, red and blue,
were used for deoorutlon, Willi the various
school trophlea, The west end of the
room was converted Into cvty corners by
the addition of rug., ottomans and palms.
I'uitcb was served from the ralfceO plat
form. About sixty couple were present
ant s program ' of twenty number and
several extras il-tuoed. The commutes
havu.f cba-a was iarry H. Smith, pr.s-
" Seein, ,Is Believin, "
Leader of Millinery Fashions in the Central West
Grand Opening Wednesday
POPULAR PRICES hav md this tor In thr yarV
Chicago. Not a littlo "sactlon" or "dapartmant" In a largo
Extraordinary Sale on Turban and Sailor
Street Hats Monday at 52.75 and $5.00.
It Pays to Investigate.
1508 Douglas 8t.
Musical Piano
We Invite you to our salesrooms, where Is shown the largest col
lection of Standard Pianos In Nebraska. If you are out of town. In
vest one cent In a postal card. Send It to us with your nam and ad
dress and we will furnish you full information relative to our .pianos.
5,000 Satisfied Nebraska Patrons
will testify how they socured a satisfactory piano and a "square deal"
from the
Matthe ws Co. , s
We are manufacturers of the Peerless Matthews Piano and west
ern representatives for 20 different makes, Including Weber, Steele,
Mnderrjui, Schiller, Schaff Bros. Ludwig, Foster, Darhman, Oabler,
fehaw, Weginan, Itudolf Crane and Other noted makes. - Prices range
from 150 to f 1,000.
TERMS: Cash or Easy Monthly Payments it Your Pleasuri.
Matthews Piano Co.
"The Square Deal Piano House."
Factory, Oregon, 111, Salesrooms, Omaha, Lincoln and Beatrice.
Ident; John B. Brain, vice president.; David
A. Fearon, treasurer; Morna J. unan, .
retar)-. Other members of the committee
were Rowland P. Thoma, Clinton E. Do
Jarnette and Allen C. Davison.
In compliment to her sister, Mr. Richard
vhii. nf fU JoeDh. Mr. D. B. Fuller
hgave a delightful luncheon Friday. It was
a pring luncheon and the decoration were
prettily carried out in yellow and white.
A beautiful basket of yellow jonquils and
white carnations, resting- on a lace center
piece, graced the center of the table, and
U6'' plate card were adorned with spring
scene In water color. The . rooms were
also attractively trimmed with palm,
fern and cut flowers. The guests were
Mr. White, Mrs. George I Hammer, Mrs.
Ed Bronne, Mrs. V. B. Williams, Mrs. Will
Baxter, Mrs. J. V. Mawhlnney, Mrs. J. J.
McMuIlen, Mrs. T. C. Byrne. Mr. Q. W.
Wlckersham, Mrs. C. N. Robinson and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell gave tm en
joyable card party last evening. The room
were prettily decorated with festoon of
red and whita crepe paper and red roses.
Blx-hsnded euvhre was. played at eight
tables, the prlaes being won by Mr.
Dooley and Mrs. S. 8. Duke. Painty re
freshments were served late In the even
ing, the luvors being tiny raffia baskets
made by the hontess filled wlih cundy and
frulu. Assisting were Miss iHhel Barker
and Mls Alice Houston. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. Joha Buihuitan, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward I'helan. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haney.
Mr. and Mr. T. W. Kendall. Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Conliigliaii. Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Doohy. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Owen,
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Oonkliu. Mr. and Mrs.
i. W. Uervey, Mr. and Mr. James Clarey,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. tpenet-r, air. and
Mrs. Charles Kdwards, Dr. and Mrs. A. O.
Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. 8. ft Towns, Dr.
aud Mrs. A. B. Homers. Mr. and Mrj.
Ili-rbcrt Mi Coy, Mr. and . Mrs. Marry
Macumber. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mldiug,
Mr. and Mrs. Mlure. Mr. and lis. Will
Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Dake. Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Maon. Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Ilopson. Mr. and Mis. W. C Bunderland,
Mr. and Mu. J1 W.. FiUk ul It.kwell
City, is. Ml. aad ilia. Fiank Hcldvn
of Kansas City, Mr. . E. J. Brown, Mr.
Rodney Durkee, Mrs. Jessup, Mr. O.
Macumber, Miss Rld.
riare l PFope.
Mr. Thoma Allen will entertain th
Kountse Place Luncheon club next Friday.
Mr. H. O. Frederick will entertain the
Kountse Place Card club at th next meet
ing. ,
Miss Jean Newlean will entertain 4 he
Tuesday puncheon club, next Tuesday at
her borne.
Mis Marion Tyler of Council Bluffs will
give a luncheon tomorrow for Mlsa Chant
and Miss Han.
Mr. D. T. Murphy will give a theater
party at the Burwood Tuesday for the
South' Sid Whist club.
Mrs. C. M. Power Will give a luneheou
Tuesday In honor of Mrs. glover and Miss
Keenan of Madison, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Templeton enter
tained Governor Mk'key as their guest at
dinner Saturday evening.
Mrs. J. B. Rahni and Mrs. Rued Talmag
will entertain the C. T. Euchre club Thurs
day at the home of the former.
Miss Isabel Bprlgg lll give a water color
exhibit Thursday afternoon from I until 6
at the residence of Mrs. A. J. Btaton.
The Marchlonette club will meet Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. John Ross, jr., at
her home, South Thirty-eighth avenue.
Mis. II. P. Stoddard will entertain at
luncheon Wednesday in honor of Miss
Keenan of Madison, Wis., snd Mrs. Buirer
of Spencer. la.
Mm. Q. W. Wlrkersliam will give a box
party at the Burwood Thursday In honor
of Mrs. White, who Is visiting her sixer,
Mrs. D. B. Fuller.
The April meeting of the Omaha chapter
of the Daughteis of the AmerUan Revolu
tion will be held toinuiiuw afternoon at
J:3U o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. P. Peek,
17-4 Chicago street. '
Mifs Berolihelmerv from ' Chicago, will
display the latest In millinery for Easier
next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at
(he Paxton hotel.
1011 Douglas Street.
A superb showing of the latest
productions from Parts and a dis
play of exclusive models, of our
own designs, presenting an as
semblage of correct millinery of
the widest possible range,
The "hobby" with us in Suits is
Style and Value. Thoe wio
' "look" in other stores come back
to Shelly's to "buy."
Specials .This Week to Advertise
Our New Departments:
Kabo, Warner's and R. & O. sll
- 11.50 grades; this . 1 i Q
week, at XXv
.New Silk Gloves, 18 In. TKo
long, at $1.25 and..... . Ut-
Plain and fancy Hose that are a
bargain at 25c priced
this week at
large lots, at 83c, Z3e QA
15c and Jl'
Every piece is worth much mora
than the price asked.'
All silk Ribbons, full line of n
colors, ZM in. wide, at, yd. JC
S. A II. Green Trading Stamp
With Every Purchase. -
r in f
Free to All Music Lover
Visitors are not asked to buy nor is
any way obligated. Those who realtxs
that a VICTOR (price only 17.00
and upward) gives a family practically
its own OPERA TROUPE of the finest
voices in the world, including Melbu,
Caruso, Sembrich and 20 other stars,
as well as its own CONCKIIT ROOM,
may secure an instrument easily un
der' the remarkable offer given below.
The Great Uandniatiter, Says: ..'
"The Victor Talking Machine, as I heard
It, Is a human voice not a reproduction
not a machine, bjt the volc the voice In
all tlir original plory and splendor of the
world's gratet artists. Here is sn en Jo -meut
for the niosi cultured musician, a
lesxon cf Incalculable value for every vocal
student, and a royal pleasure for everyone.
This Week This. Great Offer
NOTHING DOWN We offer to sell
ING MACHINE on the condition that
you pay for the records ouly, and be
gin to pay for the Victor 30 days later.
Owing to the improved methods of
production, Rex-ords are now . Sftc
and Oc. ,
Vie prepay exprnta charges on all
retail orders. ' Write for 'catalogue.
Souvenir millinery opening Wednesday.
Exquisite bun.t of vfultts free. Kern, live
UEO. E. MKkEL, Maaaeer. .
t erser IBtb a4 Uf raey Street. ,
tU Broadway, Council Bluffs. ' ' ' "
C N. Mta St., South Orjjaaa.