Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 11
unday Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. Pages 1 to 10 Advartlaa In THE OMAHA DEC Oest Jr. West ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUNINO, APIUL 1, 1906. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Fhe Omaha r fatSiTCagae GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME CROCKERY DInnerwarc!! Dinnerware!! Largest Assortment lowest Prices Elegant Goods New .White China for Decorating, beautiful flat Coupe Plates, each 30c, 25c, 20c and 15c Salts and Peppers, several different shapes, a pair 25c and. 22c Sugars and Creams, a pair.w .$1.00 Hat Pin Holders, each 30c and . .25c New White and Gold Toilet Sets, pretty new shapes and treat ment of gold 6-Pieee Sets $2.48 10-Piece Sets .$3.20 12-Piece Sets .$5.00 v Other splendid values in our line of Toilet Ware. cAM?Siss.d Photo Supplies Eastman Films and Papers are the Stand ard f the World m Photography Cameras, Films, rapor, Developing Solutions and Powders, Cramer Flatos, Svm1 Plntca, etc. IlEAlTIFl Ii XKW MXK OF PIIOTO AMUMS Specialties A New Brownie Folder, sultablo for 24 Brownie prints, put up in book form f with cloth rover to wear, each. ...... 1 4 v TcbMe Board Album Brownie Folder, Interlaced tissue paper. For 4x5 prints, will contain 24 prints jn carbon or sepia, laced back, etc. . . . , wUC Same for 6x7 prints 30c Developing and Finishing Is Our Long Suit HP Bennett Oldc Amsterdam I ln Tha Finest Clrade of L'nen Fabric Fin lylllCll h Paper lor Po.lte CorrjsponJence. J . White, blue, gray and violet colors, with envelopes to match, in the "wallet and pointed flaps. Pound package, 100 sheets 25c Package Envelopes, (25) 10c Tablets, (2 sizes) 20c and . .10c Quire box paper and envelope 25c Stationery Main Floor Easter Novelties in China, Salts and Peppers, 20c and 10c Other pieces up from 25c, 10c and 5c Johnson Bros. English White Porcelain Plates, 7-inch size, Monday each 6c Cut Glass Table Tumblers, very pretty neat cuttings, Monday each ' . '-15c SEE THE NEW COLONIAL GLASS it is very pretty Tumblers dozen ...'...$1.00 Bowls, each 35c, 30c and.. 25c Sherbets, 'dozen $1.00 Jugs, each 75c and 60c MONDAY IN SPRING MILLINERY A Distinctive Feature Display of Automobile Mifinery Automobile Hats and Caps Chips with Long lie Veils Caps with Head Curtains and Veils A VERY ENTRANCING and COMPLETE LINE OE DOWN-TO- THE-MIN UTEt SPRING A UTOMOBILE MILLINER Y A FEW STYLES, CAPTIVATING, NOVEL and EASY PRICED The Queen of All Automobile ITats A direct Paris Import made of aid rose chip, trim med with berries of pale pink and reddened tints a perfectly natural foil- in An age, draped with beautiful long grenadine automobile veil 10UU nit A New High Crown Automobile Hat With tan rosettes, tan head curtain; for all cars, occasions and t( fl A weather IUsUU An Imported Tan Straw Automobile Hat With tan rosettes, tan neaacurtain, the acme of comfort and becomlngness 9.00 APRIL MEANS SPRING IN FULLEST ' BLOOM For the first few days of the week, we make a specialty of $5.00 hats trimmed sailors In newest, fancy shapes; bonnets and toques, all styles and materials your choice from hundreds of -' patterns $5 Rainproof Caps Charming, sensible and becoming, finest materials, fresh and lustrous, with head curtains, 95 and i Children's Hats and Caps Displayed In an Immensity Not Attempted in Any MUM. nery House in the West All Ideas All Prices. Bring the Little Miss and Let Her Have Her Choice. Trices Right. Automoblllsta are especially Invited to Inspect our automobile millinery Ideas during the Auto Tournament. MM TTDTC GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME PERFECTION" CLOTHING "PERFECTION" CLOTHING! Each suit is tested and guaranteed. Padding is hand-molded--the shape stays--Strain points are reinforced No ripping or tearingStitching is se curityTwice the usual thread used. Prices most moderate. Short Trousers, 3 to 16 sizes 7.50, 5.95, $4, 3.95, 2.95 and 1.95 Young Men's Suits 17.50, $15, 12.50, $10, $9, $8, $7, $5 " J j Great Silk Values at a Bargam--Moiday Marie Antoinette Silks Most popular s k 1 fabric In the world of fashion for smart silk suits and gowns leader of the season for corect style beautiful range of . shades 24 Inches wide Monday a I iC yard I.AaJ 85c Clilffon Taffeta Over 60 Bhades. also white, cream and black and a full color range of pure Silk Crepe de Chine regu lar price 90c 24 Inches wide CC1 special bargain Monday a yard... Sli-lnch Blacar Taffeta oft chiffon. fln Isa and excellent quality for wear full on yard wide regular selling price 1.25, Monday a yard ....Ui 86-tnch Cream Japanese Silk The kind that launders full yard wideregular 5o quality special sale Monday CA. a yard JUt COLORED DRESS GOODS. 150 Piece Mohair and Silk and Wool Plaids Shepherd and plnhead checks, shadow checks and Invisible plaids, waterproof auitlng In fancy checks, stripes and plaids right weight and firmness for children's school dresses, separate skirts for street wear and short Jackets all worth CH 75o a yard Monday, a yard, only. , JUC 54-inch -Panamas In all the latest shades crisp, hard finish, very durable makes a chic, natty suit regular value A A $1.60 Monday only a yard I."J v Complete Lines of Popular Gray Suitings a yard at $2.00, $1.6, $1.25. f $1.00. 75c and JUC Cream Mountain Serges With blue and black pencil stripes all the rage J or out ing suits worth $1.00 a yard J C Monday only yard I DC BLACK DRESS GOODS. 04 -Inch Black Sicilians Rich, glossy, finish, dust-resist lng regular value $1 Frt yard Monday only a yard JIC 48-inch Black Wool Chiffon Taffetas Poplins, Invisible checked Panamas, extra fine im perial twill French serges, Ovledo cloth, with invisible checks, clay serges, silk and wool Tamlse Cloth, with shadow checks and dots all go Monday at a I An $1.25; special Monday, a yard 1UU 40-inch Black Chiffon Panamas and Batistes Nothing better for shirt waist suits drapes beautifully and does not wrinkle regular price $1.00 yard Monday 7 C only a yard . . . . . I JC 64-inch Black Showerproof Coating Serge Never sold for less than $1.75 a IOC yard, Monday a yard Mammoth Sale of Embroideries. Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric Embroid eries three great lots: , " ' Lot 1 3,000 yards line Corset Xdvtr Embroideries, 18 inches wide 40c values special a yard 25c -. 60c value special a yard 29c 75c value special a yard 30c $1.00 value special a yard 48c Lot a 1,000 yards finest Swiss Embroideries, best of Edges In the most effective pat terns 2 to 10 yards wide not, a yard sold less than 60c others worth 95c all go for this big sale a ' 23c Lot 81,000 yards fine Embroidery Inser tions, 4 to 6 Inches wide, for waist fronts and skirt Inserting worth 49c yard all go at a yard aJC A GREAT WASH GOODS SALE. 25 Pieces Fine Dotted Dress Swisses 27 and 30 Inches wide small and medium sized dots very sheer and pretty . Monday only a yard..' &DC 30c White Waitings for lc Yard 20 pieces new h hlte goods for waists or dresses, with small uesigns good 80c value f for Monday a yard. kJC Chiffon Voiles 25c Yard 27 Inches wide in all newest Bhades very fine qual- JJ ity yey special a yard DC Embroidered Madras Suitings All shades one of the most pop alar Bultlngs f Monday a yard 13C A Gret Towel Bargain 100 dozen Bleached 11 uck Towels, plain hem, some are hem stitched worth 18c and 20c I'll Monday, each IJtlC 50 Pieeea Apron Ginghams Special 1 for Monday a yard O-C 30-inch White Curtain Swisses Plain white wun small patterns for Monday . only a yard ,. . 10c imsS riTTlNO FOOTSgaR Other Styles $3.50 O gun metal ties o FOR strMt and general wear, Cua Metal leather Is greatly favorad by women diacarning and par ticular as to drew. It ia soft and pliabU and a baauti fal leather particularly when polished. The atyU illuatrated retails at $3.00. But "Dorothy Dodd Shoe include txry atyla and leather which aa in telligent regard for fashion and good taite require. They fill ovary want and meet Try taste. Tim wa whan stylish ho wer expected to b uncomfort able, but by studying nature's line th "Dorothy Dodd" was made th most stylish a wall as th most MnforUbl of shoe. Sold by us exclusively fo wr Dodd" was mad U most sryusn as wen aa inw man a- !( - WorUbU of shoes. Sold by us xclusivly fLXJ Hardware Specials Monday THE DANGLER DIRECT-ACTION GAS RANGE Saves From 20 to 30 Per Cent of Gas Coiiwumpt. Special Demonstration of This Great Range of the Future ON ALL WEEK. ALL RANGES SET UP AND CONNECTED FREE Extra High Grade Insurance Gasoline O CH Ranges Prices up from OiJU Gasoline Stoves, best quality. $3.98, $2.98 1 QO And Fifty Green Trading Stamps with Each Stove Monday. Gasoline Ovens best grade $1.98 1 50 And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Regular 3 to 6-quart size Enameled Preserv- ffl nc Vfotttpa and Sauce Pans iWv Regular 2-quart size Enameled Covered Bucket Regular 2 to 3-quart Bpameled Pudding 10c Regular 2-quart Enameled Cups Lawn Rakes twenty-four-tooth A.n -rv 10c 10c at And Thirty Given Trading Stamps. Spading Forks extra quality 84c and And Forty Green Trading "Stamps. 74c r House-Cleaning Time is Coming. Buy Your JAP-A-LAC Now. Double Oreen Trading Stamps on All Palnta flonday. -18c a p and lJl Special Sale on Quadruple Coated Imported En amelware AT LESS THAN KEGl'LAU WHOLESALE l'RICE. 1 15-lb. and 25-lb. Hardwood Floor Polishers, worth J2.50 and $3.2o special Monday at C ; I. V $1.75 and. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY 8 poumlfl finest Java and Mnrha Cnrfee.Sl-00 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. 1a. assorted klmlx, r''ii'l 58c And Fifty Green Tnidlng Stamps. Sack Hennett's Exc-lsior Flour $1.60 And Sixty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Fruits, can 26c And Thirty Grcrn Trading Stamps. Bennett's Burgaln Soup, 10 ban 25o 2 lbs. 4-Crown Cnllfornla RulKlns 25c And Thirty Green Trading B lamps. Bennett'B' t1aptt(A -Baking- Pewdef, puund can Ma And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Two cans Omar Lima Beans 2So And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Two cans Diamond S Succotash 30c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Two can OrnoFoo Corn SOe And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Velvet Cocoa Toilet Soap, 6 cakes 25c Three lDc Wiggle-Sticks Bluing 26c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Six Dc WlKKle-SllokB Bluing 25o And Tea Green Trading Stamps. 3 pkgs. Ji'll-O, assorted 2So And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Diamond S I'eaeheB, I 'ineupples, Cherries and Ht rn wberrleH, cnti Z5o And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Imported Macaroni, - Vermicelli anil Spa ghetti, pound packaKe 16c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Fancy Salmon, pound can. ..So And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Unoeria Blsculn. tlire packages 26c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Flower ttnd Vegetable Seedtt, pkg So Omar Baked Beans, 3-pound can 9c And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Ml. Klneo. Maine, Corn, 2 caim Uttc And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, 2 pks tOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oat, 3 pkK" 200 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. New York Full Cream ClieeHe. pound.. 20o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Virginia Swiss, finest, pound 223 And Tea Green Trading Stamp. CANDY SECTION Hoarhound Drop, special Bale, lb..l0o Don't fail to get a supply ot this extremely low price. EaBter Egg and Novelties, up from 1 Sensational Sales for Monday Ladies' and young ladies' suits-just one price, $!).90 talceH in qualities worth $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50 Ck fw. Monday at , .....1U Ladies' .Jackets and Coats Just one price, $7.05 takes in values worth $8.95, $).90 and $10.75, in tan covert coats, tight fitting ami box styles, new mixtures, short and three- f ( n quarter length Monday, at J Heathcrbloom Cloth The new fabric for ladies' underskirts. Feels like rubber silk, rustles like real silk, is as light as Vthe bloom upon the Heather" Four Prices-$2.95, $2.50, $2.25 and $1.98. Ladies' Embroidered Linon Waists Two Offers for Monday Dollar Waists, at 69c Dollar Fifty Waists, at 98c Ladies' Waists for Service Black and figured sateens, fleeced cloth and heavy percales, worth $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, all at. 89c Ladies' Pony House Sacks, neat patterns, washable lawn 50c New Kimonas Cyrian Crepe, Short $1.19 and 95c New Kimonas Cyrian Crepe, long $1.95 and $1.50 New Kimonas Jap Crepe, handsome colors, long. $2.50 New Kimonas-Jap Silk, new design, short .$3.50 im- New Kimonos Jap Silk, new designs, long.j $6.50 cr.H h.-t y.-ke, low ne. k. no -ieevei.. -"ca nu wxuiuicu a vuiiis -Ages i) io i years, xan i!iil"kAND ,:...:...95c covert cloth, in fitting and box styles, at $6.95 and $4.95 .Bll.-K. 1.25 Little Ones' Dresses-Ages I to 5 years, Outing Flannel NEW SCKING HOSIEHY-We ar nnd lirw Cllfi'k (iimrlcinw ohowlng I ho inoM complete line of i,IJt "l W lit I K tllllgnaillS JDC w-u. i.""e" h."7;;Tnbl:M New Spring Underwear-Ladies' fine French lisle gauze vests, I'hM.ira low neck, no sleeves, in pink, blue and white, silk taped, sj- r 7 UADIFS- SILK VESTS The bst norti.l Hi!k and silk mined Ve nun Swisk with deen .jc, 6uc and. cial price, each 50c Easter Art Gifts 100 Beautiful Carbon Pictures, Cupid Awake and Asleep, both in one frame, quartered brown oak, oval openings, QQn Sale Price Monday. .. Ul And 50 Greon Tradinff Stamps with each (Limit one to a customer.) 100 Oval Carbon Pictures Hoffman's Child Christ, Ma donnas, etc., rich brown moulding, sale . price Other useful gifts at 75c, f A 59c, 48c, 3!)e, J5c and. . Ill C PYROGRAPHY SPECIALS. tifV (ilovo or 'Kerchief Boxph t'lOc Wlilxk BrK)ui and Tooth Brush IIoKler. nickel trlin- niltiKx. . . . : 4.V Oval Kfult ranclx 3.V (irotip Dutch Boya 1'uneln Oval and Square Frames. Oulnt, fS.OO, $.'J.2S and Send for latest Catalogue. PICTURE FRAMING We Refit and Clean Old Pictures. 59c 48c Brush 50c 35c 23c I9c 1-69 Ism etfs Furniture, Carpets and Draperies Buy at at Cash House and Save Money KITCHEN CABINETS The finest in the market for the money, Cabinet (like cut), regular $10.00 O AA value, at OaUU Top (like cut), at. $175 We have a line of Kitchen Cab-V inets that will interest you, $4.75, $6.50 and up. Go-Carts ' HERE'S A SAMPLE: Heavy Rubber Tires, best qual-ccpr" ity reed, nicely upholstered, with a'l styles of, 17 C umbrellas, at.? I Monday Bargain Sale Here's Your Chance Very Best Two-Ply All-Wool Ingrain Carpets mm that sell the world over for 75c and PP 85c, Monday, while they last,' yard. . . v7C Half-Wool Ingrain Carpets that sell for 40c, Monday, yard. : Japanese and China Matting, regular 2 2c grade, C for a yard .' UC Japanese Mattlnga in beautiful floral and conventional designs', in all colors, worth 30c and 35c, Monday a yard Jv KIMUXG IXDICKMKXTS IX DRAPEKY SKOTIOX. Opaque Kliudefi, complete with fixtures, 36 Inches wide and full 7 feet long, In all colors, Monday only each -JC Heavy Tapestry Table Covers, with ' double knotted fringe, a Llg variety to select from In all 'l ors. AT LKSS THAN 1IAI K TIIK1H HKAL VAU'K 6-4 Covers, worth 1.60, for 7.V S-4 Covers, worth 2.(0. for lHc 10-4 Covers, worth $3.50, for $!.. Xev Spring Line of IUpe Tortierea at $M.ftU, IOC W.OD, t.S, a.OO, 2.S0 and I.aJ acts