Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10
16 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1906. Brandeis' success in securing the exclusive agency of this famous tailored apparel more than ever emphasizes our pos ition as the foremost style center west of Chicago The elegant fabrics used in the manufacture of the "Fashionstal" Tailored Suits are exclusive with this house. No duplicates possible in less expensive garments. I K J WD INTRODUCE TO THE DISCRIMINATING WOMEN OF OMAHA THE Ladies' Tailored Wear of the Highest Character 99 ' - ' Celebrated Suite at $25 7 . 1 It! nRANDElS has secured the exclusive right to sell these matchless tailored garments in Omaha an O adjacent territory. The "FashionseaPVMfg. Co. confines its output to suits, of the most meritoriou character every one is made(under rigid scrutiny and beautifully fashioned of vwell selecte woolens. We wish to state that the "Fashionseal" aarments are placed only in houses capable o handling large consignments of high grade merchandise and Brandeis was recognized as the only house in the west with sufficient outlet to warrant the placing of an agency. TO SECURE THIS AGENCY WE CONTRACTED FOR 500 FASHIONSEAL" SUITS These suits are in almost endless variety of beautiful styles and fine fabrics the newer style features., so artistically combined that th display cannot fail to impress you. We wish you to regard this as an invitation to come in and view these elegant tailor modes whether you are ready to buy just now r not. i 9 m HIT M m m m as - . m an m r n - n a ma mm a m m r- ark n m arm em W Ml a . fP fFm WAtit . JAUN1I LI 1 ILL- UULLK.U3 f AM1IUN 1AVUKLU fUNIS Anil t ULUi--NLA 1 LI 1 AILUKXU me mmminfts on tuese suits are spt'cmiiy attractive every garment sliows the work ol adept man tailors tue Vv ' 1 ' ! - - i i. i ..i ii in ! i . ii a , i-, - - i - ' ' j materials which are woven exclusively for the "Fashioiiheal" garments are extreme novelties that show a refine .- j 1 1 ' '" ment characteristic of the highest class apparel. Suits, of this class rarely sell for less than $40 choice of our line $25 IiOXO XOF.LTV CliOTH COATS The long loose coat haa a favor all Ha own this BprlnR. vlceable and sensible as well aa one of the smartest featured garmenta In many seasons, plaid and checked novelty cloths specially priced, at It U accepted as the most ser We show clever new effects I $9.98 VOILE WALKING and DRESS SKIRTS These are exceptionally pretty skirts that will have great vogue this spring the round walking lengths the circular and flared effects with the new jsQfi wide and narrow taf feta bands will go at 9! Ladles' 1 Handsomely Tailored Suits These suits are specially notable for their stun ning little style features that add the ultra swell touch to a high grade suit the new shadow plaids trrays, i .17 are specially prominent the favorile grays, re corln onm. old rose, etc. a splendid f 50 variety, will go at New Arrivals LINGERIE WAISTS from the Famous ,,Opera"-"Roya",Klllckerbocke,, Mfgrs. A new line of these attractive separate waists hown for the llrst time Monday. Patterns are all new and show little touches of individual style that only waists of highest class reveal sheer white fabrics, charmingly trimmed $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 The Stunning New Covert Coats These coats are making friends this season more than ever before a smart mannish air about them that appeals to everyone form fitting ef fectstaffeta or satin lined selected shrunken fabrics they are special for this sale, at 14- NOVELTY CLOTH WALKING SKIRTS Several hundred smartly fash ioned skirts In this lot nov elty mixtures and grays the black and blue panamas, etc. made in circular and flared models very stylish will go at a, eic 4- HANDSOME NOVELTIES IN SPRING DRESS GOODS 150 pieces finest American and imported dress goods, selling at $1.50 everywhere, Silk Eoliennes, Voiles, Taffeta ( Cloths, Chilton Panama, Serges, etc. black f Q U and all colors, at, yard. 100 pieces of the newest styles for this season's selling, at $1, in all stores, 54-in. SlciUlana, black and white, checks And plaids, Panamas, Poplins A Q v' Serges, etc., at, yard. . . . Tr rC Fine wash goods, 60c and 60c silk washable Loulsone, 27-ln. wide, Alice blue, old rose, re seda, gray, white, black, . cream, tan, navy, etc., yd.JlC EMBROIDERED BATISTE , ROBES ...... Partially made fine white lawn and batiste embroidered robes, regular $7.50 grades for Monday Lingerie Waists, embroidered, finest material, dainty lace in sertions, most novel 1 7 C , 1. I 4.50 embroidery New ArrivaJs in Spring Dress Gcods Finest imported black Voile, regular $1.50 grade, OP at yard., OJt Tropical Panamas, black and col ors, 54 In. wide, $1.35 Q grade yard O C Wool taffeta cloth, old rose, Alice blue, reseda gray, navy, OP black $1.25 grade yd, 03C Cream serge, 64 inches, regular $1.50 grade for C vnrd vD I Cream .yachting worsted Serne, 54 inches, Fponged and shrunk, regular $1.75 grade TQ for, yard J J HIGH CLASS WASH DRESS GOODS -lnrh white bund-made Gr- Rrr man linen, yd OyW Sheer white IrlHh Linen 1fl, yard OVC Colored Irish Dress I.lnen, all B. colors yard Fine dotted white Swlsa Sp ff (St. Gaul IniDortrdi, yd. 4 Novel Ideas In finest French organ dies, veiling- in New York AQr ul 7oc yd at yd TT TT r f TT T TT rTTrfflTT TV T TT TT TT TT TV T TT TTH T jLAyUilMliL MlllLLllrliLrKlI Brandeis Beautiful aad Exclusive Models for Spring , Our newly enlarged and equipped Millinery Department presents a'n enchanting scene. Not only are the hats themselves beautiful In the extreme, but the surroundings and appointments of this magnificent de- partment are lovely enough to make a visit a lasting pleasure. We have recently, received from our Paris offlco a new consignment of original pattern hats from the, hands of several of the leading stylo authors. ! i . Elegant Millinery , at $10 Tht later tcaton stykn ;inv millinery elww a more fetchimj beauty than the Arst expressions of style. In our group at $10 tee slvorc many absolutely new ideas that are extremely becoming, Wt invite inspection. - $10 Stunning New Dress Hats These hats are adapted for GreaJ 'Special Purchase SPRING SILEiS Just at the time when silks are in great demand for Suits our New York buyer sends one of the greatest lots of new Spring SUks, comprising all the favorite grays, white and black checks and neat figured silk suitings. Chiffon and Lining Taffetas, 23-Inch Pongee Silks in all the newest shades, fancy Taffeta Suitings, Poplin and Loulsenes, 7(1 MJM etc., worth up to 76c a yard, at yard. Check Silk Suitings in ten differ ent styles, plenty of black and white effects Jasper, gun metal, 27-Inch chiffon taffeta, peau do mesgalines, oil boiled black and colored dress taffetas, worth up to $1.25 It f yard, at. yard rC Extreme Novelties High class silks, Louiscnes. Jac quards. fancy broken checks and barred silks, 27-inch and 36-inch heavy Habutak and Lyons dye summer silks, and a fine collection of novelty crepes, dots, Dresden, etc., worth from $1.00 to $1.50.' fl at, yard 01 C -Silk Sllltlnea nn hplntr ahnvn In nn 'on- Urged silk department New Ideas In fcllk suitings received every ay the 4S-lnch fancy radium tillka ar a twii foiinm on oc clusive patterns grays, new blues, corals, new greens 7 f white and black $1.50 down to a yard I DC -More BargaLin. in Oil Boiled Black TaJetiaL x Positively the best value ever offered In first-class Taffetas A guarantee with every yard. 36-lnch Taffeta, worth $1.50, at rtO yard. . , VOC r-lnch Taffeta, worth $1.25. TSC I RMnch Taffeta, worth 89c. ee at, yard M t yard OOC NEW JAPANESE SILKS The qualities are selected, having no artificial finish, but Just as they come from. the looms our own importation. U rlec-ea of heavy quality 3-lnch I 25 plecos of .a similar quality. S7 white Japanese Silk. - CQC t Im-hea wide, at rtn ' worth $1. at. yard O J yar(, OVC all social functions, evening parties, dressy afternoon wear. etc. all the newest color schemes are repre sented. A brilliant assemblage at this price J50 a Jt Brandeis' Famous $5 Hats ' Nearly every one of these hat are new they art faithful copies of the most charming French and New York model hats shapes becoming to every face, and a splendid line at Pretty Novelties in Ready-to-Wears Hats that are suitable for street wear are in this group they are serviceable and sensible thewidest variety I i.u of street shapes and every one the topnotch of simple, Jaunty 6tyle, at 198 We are constantly hearing Brandeis Millinery . spoken of in terms of highest praise this season. We do not let our efforts lag, but are continually alert to bring out even more bewitching millinery than before. Our display Is now In the height of Its glory. High Class Easter Novelties in Laces s Embroideries Every Piece ir this Elegant New Stock is Marked at a. Moderate Price New Gold and Silver Cloths In elegant PATTERN ... OUR. GREATEST SALE OF TABLE CLOTHS MANY OUR OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION We never held such a great sale of Table Linens as this one. Wo were never able to offer 6uch bargains. W bought at a price that almost passes belief. $15,000 PURCHASE OF PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS AT 33 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. These fine Table Cloths and Napkins are the most celebrated Irish, Scotch and Belgium makes. Many of these lines are Imported direct for Brandeis in this country, being sent by our own European buyer. Many foreign patterns of the most beautiful nature that are rarely seen in this country. We specially mention goods from the famous John 8. Brown & Sons and other masters in the art of linen weaving. These cloths are in all conceivable sizes, from 2 yards square up to 2 yards wide and 3, 3$ and 4 yards long Table Cloths, worth $22.50 and $25.00 for 8.98 7.98 6.98 Table Cloths, worth $3.00 and $10.00, fjg 3.98 2.98 ?:.o.: 1.1 Table Cloths, worth $18.00 and $20.00. for Table Cloths, worth $12,00 and. $15.00, for Table Cloths, worth $7.00 and $8.00, for , Table Cloths, worth $5.00 and $6.00, for Table Cloths, worth $3.50 and for 98 The napkins to match cloths In this lot will be sold at propor tional prices. j Dainty rtaby Irish All Overa Baby Irish and oriental combination All Overa with Insertions, bands, galloons, medallions, editings and tlounclnKi to match In white, cream and ecru. Baby Irish and Combina tion Batiste All Ove. Insertions, wide bands, galloons, medallions, edgings and flounclngs to match. ' Elegant black silk crochet and Venise All Overs with handsome bands, edg ings and sepable appliques to match. Fine French and Normandy Vala, mechllns and dainty Cluny Laces in Var ious widths and almost endless variety. shimmering effects. The latest novelties in dresi trimmings new Persian gold and silver bands, elegsnt silver and gold embroidered galloons and appliques. EMBROIDERIES New lots of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroid eries, In a variety of widths, late patterns, fresh and clean on bargain 7 1 fi )P tables at yard 2C- French Valenciennes, Torchon, Mechlin and Net Top Laees and Insertlngs white, cream and ecru on bargain tables at Tl C HI yard ...J3C-JC-2C LADIES' EASTER GLOVES Kid Gloves In all the correct spring shades for street and dress wear, two and three-clasp effects many of the best known brands at ff Cf CJ regular Glove Dept., at pair . . ) ! I, U" J)a Long Gloves, Evening Gloves and Dress Gloves the proper thing for the new short sleeve dresses blacks, white and the dainty and C up T C( popular pastel shades, at pair.... 14) to.OU FIorheim's Shoes for Men NEW OXFORDS FOR 1VQ6 LADIES EASTER SHOES All the leading novelties la ladies' low shoes the ' pretty Court tit-s, Christy ties. Sailor ties and Ox ford ties in dull or bright leathers medium, light or heavy soles specials 15Q l 1 lfi shown for the tirst time va -lJr-J w Floraheim'a Shoes for Men SPUING CARPETS We are showing the best products of the best fac tories the choicest new spring goods the widest variety of desirable new patterns In high class car pets to be found In ptnaha Bent 9x12 AViltitti Rugs, usu ally si-IIh at 4S. at fHo Bi-n Wiltun Rugs, g-Sxln-6. a 5i value, at Best Body Bruarels Rug, lx 12. a KM value, at..., $JS Bi-st Body Brusxels Rug. 8-3 xlO-8. a t.T.&o value, at t.'-'.Lu Smith Tapestry Hugs, )xl2, worth $20, at Best 9x12 Axminster Russ a $: value, at 9x12 Wlltbn Velvet Rugn. a I3 value, at I.D Roxbury 9x12 Rugs, usually sells at $:6, at $.") Roxbury Rugs, g-Sxl0-. a I2.SU value, at IIS. DO 815 Your choice of our entire line of Lowell and Hart ford beBt all woo Jn- x grain Carpet Monday at. yd. . UUC Best quality of Extra Ax minster Carpet, never sells less than $1.50 a LRrrJ-at: 1.10 Best quality of Brussels Carpet, a good va- y(n riety of patterns; at, yard JL LACE CURTAINS More exclusive and up-to-date patterns in Lace Curtains, Portieres and Art Loom Couch Covers than you will find any place In the city. Brandeis' famous low prices. 'Lace Curtains, 60 inches wide, 3 yards QQrt long, pr OC Scotch Nottingham, Cable Net, Arabian, Fish Net Curtains, 125 patterns, pair Two-Toned Curtains, very i Arabian, Brussels new; go at, 1 AO Cluny, Duchess, pair 2.98 I ieia.1?!: Portieres, 3 yards long, good assortment of colors, pair , Art Loom Couch Covers, all copies of the real Oriental and Turkish goods, made in only the best grade of tapestry, new line, Swiss Curtains, 40 inches wide, In dots, fig- QQ tires, stripes; pr.OC 1.98 Net, $5 1.50 1-98. J-50.4.98 ) TH AT YoUW HAVE THE iVOFXD W IF THEY DoOT Fit, You LooK l 1 K c THIRTY CljaTo). rORfL CojToA Good place: butter mown rta ca. ffe 25c Imported Line a CbambrHy bluj sod gray washes f 7Sr. We 36 In. Mancbes ter Percales full piecss. I2ic mji 39c Flea Dotted Silk null-long UNBLEACHED SMEE1INU 0.4, 10-4, 1L4 bargain 1-4, tilt 13c Printed Batiste, colored dots, small 7J rr.r":. 2C YARD WIDE BLEACHED MU&LIN- 12Wc CAHELEJJ ABOUT THE TIT or YolR,-CLoTHES? DON'T IMAGINE YOUR. rR.IENDS VoNT NOTICE IT, dECAlJE THEY WILL. WHEN YoU BUY YOUR. 5UIT AT BR.ANDEIJ YOU DON'T NEED To VoRR-Y. YOU KNOW ITS R.I6HT. HUNDREDS OF THE B E S T DREJED MEN IN OMAHA oVE THEIR- COOD AP PEARANCE To BRANDEI J CLoTHEJ. r 5c LaMMaasiaaaaapMssaiaMwaaaBBaaaaaHj qualltr square, grad y yard. - yard.... CUS 4