Tlil'J OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATVKDAV. MARC1T .11. W. 5 o as m mimmid WBs"i m 'SSlSSBgr w E fA ttvti w are tiling tn 0 btM inlrreM of (ntr polrnn wA we urtj; an early Sffwfwm ttf hats fnr sprini. Chir aurfiiay u :ne aamtraitnn of funtJtamu or rumor, ii has noir rtirhta t'4 most tmuiam pmwn. ."eiriun rnnat nmo are bound to be more satisfactory to thane (ui who like to elioose from a great number of beaming shapes . Drandiei Announces -Big Special Sale $)f . JUVENILE SPRING ATTIRE COATS, SUITS. SKIRTS AND DRESSES FOR GIRLS AND LITTLE MISSES Through Car Own Pari Office We Import Prsnch Models Direct la Bond to Onrena. I"n ii mm in in i i ii I,., in .....iji s m. m The Moat Lavish Assemblage f Franca Pattern Ever Presented to Women liLThls Aactton. f 5 I 1 NO SIMILAR DISPLAY IN AMERICA SURPASES THIS EXPOSITION OF ELEGANT SPRING MILLINERY Shown in Brandeis' Richly Appointed Millinery Dept. Entirt Third Floor. Saturday will be the most important millinery went so far thin season. We have a wraith of new and stunning models to how for the flntt time. Then hata, many of them absolutely Individual and exclusive, are In strict accord with the dictates of late spring style. The sailors are very prominent, while the graceful Warwick hats, the Cromwell effects and the saucy derby crown conceptions are beautiful arrivals. H a M a GIRLS' CONFIRMATION DRESSES - A broad range of styles in these little dresses of dainty white adapted for confirmation number of clever new models dainty white nets, white lawns, point 'esprit and Swisses trimmed with laces, embroideries, tucks, pleats and ribbons specials at - 3.98, 4.98, 7.50, 8.98 and up io $19 LITTLE MISSES' SUITS Jacket effects mixtures, J.98-4.9S-7.50-9.98 Children's Spring Jackets for school and dress wear; the nobbiest coat seen In many seasons for girls 6 to 14 years, swell mixtures, novel ty plaids, coverts, etc., at 2.98-3.98-4.98- The Charming BRANDEIS HATS at $5 Prnrtic'dly every hat in this group is thown for the Arst tivte Saturday. All the correct new shapes, all the favorite color schemes. Mare style and beauty to a Brandeis $6 hat than in others usually bringing $10. 5 Toes are smart new styles In etons and Panamas, serges, etc.- make the finest school suits prices are Misses Skirts These skirts are regular 5 and f 4 values, cleverly fashioned of all wool fabrics,, cir cular effects, . aide pleat, . etc., etc., at. BEAUTIFUL MODELS at $10 An array of bewitching beauty. Some of the pretty mod el just received in thi$ lot are perfect gems. It will be easy to select a becoming hat from this great assortment Saturday at CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT 98c e A great variety of dressy little spring frocks, plain cham- $ ? Sc M at M brays. -checked and striped ginghams, etc., etc., a great Vsvll Variety of colons very special values In children's de- fif I jiinmoni, oaiuruay, ai Brandeis Is exclusive agent In Nebraska for many of the leading lines of children's dresses and a great many of our prettiest styles can not be found elsewhere In the city. Easter Post Cards and Novelties 10 SMART LITTLE STREET HATS These art serviceable, jaunty little ready-to-wears each with a touch of smart style so charao teristie of a Brandeis hatoi ' executed by our own staff of art. ists stylet absolutely correct SPECIAL SALE Ladies' Sample Spring Coats Covert Jackets Novelty Coats Brandeis bought n manufacturer's line of ladies' abort and long spring coats, fine silks, coverts, novelty mix tures, etc. These are the coats that are setting the fashion all over the country the very latest most prac tical effects, indisponsible to the proper spring wardrobe. We bought at a low figure and make wonderfully low offers for Saturday. All the $10.00 Covert Jackets, go at $500 i I ThU hat I snerlglnel Braa4sU nedal.sketcBsd la ear Sept. 98 SPRING FLOWERS A wonderful assortment of the newest, most popular flowers for trimming your spring hat all new andfresn every variety that is high in faixr large bunches on big bargain tables bunch 25c 39c All the f 12.50 Covert Jackets go at All the 910 Long Nov elty Cloth m vvua u ai si at V 6.98 All the "l.VOO Covert. Jackets go at All the Long All the Jjong Xov Novelty Cloth Q QH elty Cloth Coats go . I Coats go. at w Hl. 9.98 g Nov. 998 ; . Ladies Spring Tailored Suits $14.85 The newest and jauntiest styles tn handsomely tailored suits for spring the newest fabrics and colors, new polo, pony, Eton and Bolero coats, the new -circular skirts, little touches of Individual style tn each special Ladies' Walking Skirts Made of cheviots. Panamas, mohairs of moder ate weights for spring wear, the new circular and side I9R HaturdHV ............... i S - I48i Pretty Easter Post Cards, remembrances prepared especially for the season, choice, each 4 Easter's Prettiest Novelties, candy receptacles, chicks, 2ic ister'e Prettiest Novelties, candy receptacles, chicks, f 0 . J A dncks, rabbits, comic figures and all size eggs IP lfl.UP Saturdav nrlces V U J Fresh Impert&.tiort Ja.p Novelties IN ARCADE, DAINTY CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC AND NOVELTIES. Saturday Beautiful Rose Decorated Cup and Saucer .CO J at.. ... .....- , .sJJV ?SMBeivieieBsiiiBeBeisieieiiiieiiiBiilv s THE NEWEST STYLES FOR. 1906 LADIES SPUING OXFORDS A smart and ultra swell quality to their new Oxfords this season. The gun metals are popular blacks Russia are favorites vicl kids -patent kids and pat ent colts In the new COURT TIES. SAILOR TIES. CHRISTIE TIES AND OX FORDS in light, medium or heavy soles ex- treme or conservative. Many of the styles are exclusive. Saving of 50c to$l on every pair 25L$3;35o We Mention New Arrivals in the Dainty WHITE and LINEN SHADE OXFORDS. Will Be the Rage This Summer. Novelty Jewelry for Easter Gifts Pretty designs in Easter Lilies, Book Marks, Silver Pencils, Files, Pen Holders, Violet Holders, Souvenir SpoonB, Hat Pin Holders, Sewing Sets, Stationery Sets, etc. ' ' Imported Mounted Combs Violets studded with fancy Kmnestones, goia oanas, nugree gold a hundred styles, worth up Ji Q to 1. B0. at f"iC Ladies' Jet Side and Back Oomb Imported Whitby Jet, hand policed and crepe ;r.,.u.T",ng.T...:.$l to $12 French Mounted Combs High back, shell, amber and champagne 4 CI C shades 4 IU tiplJ The Holdfast Comb (Like picture) The comb that Is always In place beautifully mounted Just half the usual price!!-.B0.rnd.!!,.....75c a $1 Latest styles In Beaded Bags with belts to match fancy silk, gray, tan green and black each . '49c$10 If' BRICADIEUS MO WILL WAIT 3ven Men Eot Included in Latest Lirt of Proposed Major Generals. REORGANIZATION OF ARTILLERY BRANCH teast ut Flel4 Arllllery Will Be Separated mm Latter Will Have Reerlmeatal Foraaatlea It Plaae Prevail. WABH1NQTON, March ).-Sevei briga dier geaerals, all veteran of the civil war, were not Included tn the list of such offi cers eent to the senate recently by the president for promotion to the grade of major general. Their names were not omitted from any lack of consideration, but rather because tn five eases they were ataff officers and at the moment only line vacancies were In mind. Ift five cases the officers were at the head of great staff departments and It was rot deemed wise or desirable from any point of view to re lire them at this time from active service. However, it le now proposed that at least It shall be made possible for them to attain the arade of major general when they ac tually so upon the retired list. The officers on staff duty are:. Brigadier General tleorge B. Davis, Judge advocate general; Brigadier General Charles T. Humphrey, iurtermaster general; Brigadier Oeneral Alexander MacKensle, chief of engineers; Brigadier Oeneral Robert M. O'Reilly, sur geon general, and Brigadier Oeneral Fran cis 8- podge, peytnaater general. Wlat Waltlaa L.I.I. The two line officers of the rank of briga dier general are Jeaae M. Lee, selected to command the new brigade punt at Fort Ktotaenberg, Philippine ialanda, and Theo dore J. Wlnt, commanding the Department of the Missouri, at Omaha. Complete reorganisation vf the coast ar tillery and the separation of the Held and roast artillery is contemplated In a bill by Representative Hull of Iowa, chairman of the house committee on military aflairs. introduced at the request of Secretary Tatt and the chief -of -staff. Oeneral Batra At present the coast and field artillery are under the chief of artillery, Oeneral Miles and both are organised into batteries, but have no regimental organisation. As the field artillery and the coast artillery are entirely unrelated and have wholly different duties, the War department de sires mat trie reld artillery shall be organ ised as the cavalary and Infantry are, and shall In every way be governed as those branches of the services are. Consequently the bill provides for Its organisation Into six regiments with two battalions each and each battalion Is to contain three batteries. Iacreas Uoaat Artillery. The coats artillery Is by the provision of the bill to continue with the battery as the unit of organisation and Is to be under the direction of the chief of artillery, whose title is to be changed to chief of coast artillery. The officer commanding the coast artillery Is still to be a member of the gen eral staff, as the chief of artillery is. A marked increase In the size of the coast artillery Is provided for In the bill. The number In that branch is about 14.000 and the bill provides that It may be In creased to ,147. Provision Is also made for special grades among the enlisted moii and for Increased pay tor electricians and other skilled men neceesary to coast de fense work. Much trouble Is experienced in holding mechanics and other skilled private required" by the coast artillery and consequently the portion of the bill offering special inducements to men of this class Is regarded by the War department, as one of its most important features. BARGAINS IN MEDICINE. A"womn once wrote us that she was not going to, buy Scott's Emulsion any more because it cost too much. Said she could get some other emulsion for less money. Penny wise and pound foolish. Scott's Emul sion costs more because it is worth more costs more to make. x We could make Scott's Emulsion cost less by using less oil. Could take less care in making it, too. If we did, however, Scott's Emulsion wouldn't ,be the standard preparation of cod liver oil as it is today. SCOTT A aoWHE, PM I Iwe, . y4 HAZING BILL AGREED UPON Hoaae mm Keaate Oet Toa-elhrr 1 Pl t Cover Aaval Cadets. WASHINGTON, March . The cunii'i-.t. on the antl-haxlng bill for the Annapolis Naval academy reported a complete agree ment today. The agreement retains the houne bub stltue with au emendment to the nrit section. This section provides for the dis missal of nildhlpmen from the academy by the superintendent for other causes than hasing. The amendment agreed to in conference stipulates that then an Issue of fact is raised between the specifications of dismissal and the answer of the midship men it shall be determined by a nrciul board of inquiry. This does not apply however, to questions raised In the records of the midrhlpman disclosed by deuuut records. COM MITTKK FOR FRCK ALCOHOL LEGISLATIVE BILL IS PASSED House Approves Measure Appropriating Thirty Millions for Departments. age limit for clerks ruled out Sectloa Hedaclaa- Salaries of All Employee Over OS Years at Are Kllmlnated on Point of Order. WASHINGTON, March 30. The house today passed the legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill, carrying $30,000. 000, after considering the measure two weeks. The feature of today's proceedings was the elimination of the age limit of clerks, a provision which created much discusHlon and which incited the fight against the bill. The bill as passed carr!e nearly $700,000 less than the last appropria tion bill for similar purposes. The legislative bill wss taken up Immedi ately after the reading of the calendar. During the consideration of the bill t!ie bureau of standards wss severely criticised by Mr. Blayden of Texas and Mr. Gaines of Tennessee. It started with twelve offi cers, and the present bill carried an ap propriation for eighty-seven officers and employes. The Item was allowed to stand. When section S was reached, classifying tersons over 66 years old and making a horizontal reduction in salaries after that age. Mr. Keifer of Ohio mnde a point of order and was sustained. The committee having cmiipltited the reading of the bill, proceeded to Insert the several items against which points hnd been made previous to the passuge of the rule prohibiting points of order. Critli'iHrn of the Standard Oil compuny for participation In politics whs made by Mr. Mitnn of Illinois. He recited the fact thut he had made report and had hud charge of several bills in the past aimed at this company, and that now the company was tnUenvoring to retaliate by activity against him in his dixtrict. The house completed and juisned the legislative, executive and judicial bill at S o'clock, when it adjourned until tomorrow. HBresHtsivea Waald Have Internal Tas Takea OBJ Spirits lard aa Kael. WASHINGTON, March SO. The house committee -on ways and menus today au thorised a favorable reijrt on the free alcohol hill. The bill vat reported as prepared by the subcommittee and Introduced by Chairman Payne. It provides that, beginning three months after its passage., domestic alcohol of such degree of proof as 111. y be pre scribed by the oiumlMSioner of internal revecue and approved by the secretary of the treasury may be withdrawn from bond without the payment of intefhal revenue tax for use In the arts and industries und for fuel, light and power, ptovided It shall have been mixed In the presence und under the direction of an authorised government offlwr before withdrawal with denuturiug material suitable to the use for which the alcuaol Is withdrawn, but which destroys its churacter aa a beverage and renders it unfit for liquid medicinal purposes. A penalty of five years" Imprisonment and $j.uO flue Is imposed for either re distillation or the ue of any process to tender the alcohol so wtthdrawn saleable as a beverage or for medicinal purposes. The bill appropriate $36O.0i for the em ployment of such additional force of clic.u irrt v 'ty be nece.sry to the internal r-.-i. '(au ly administer the act. WIRELESS WORDS ARE IGNORED I alted fftatea May laslat Messages Itelna Transmitted by the ' Heeelvor. WASHINGTON. March .- -Possibly the experience of Nuvy detriment in Its efforts to keep In touch with the 'dry dock Dewey In Its reharkalile cruUe from the Chesapeake bay to the Philippines may re sult in a concerted attempt to secure an International control wiihln certain limits of wireless telegraphy. The officials have had good reaxon to believe that In several Instance Commander Hosley, in charge of the towing expedition, might have suc ceeded In communicating with the depart ment, and that, too, at limes when there was genuine apprehension as to the safety of the tow, hud the shore wireless sistions responded to his signals. At this time, when the supply ship Uhuier is passing through the Mediterranean waters, with wireless stations on adjacent shores, noth ing can be heard from It, and this is said to have occurred to ether naval ships through the refusal of some of the wire less companies to accept messages from vessels equipped with instruments not Is sued by them. Some years ago the German government, whose merchant marine had suffered in thus w, liiade inquiries u. eacertulu whether thei was uot a possi bility of securing an international agree ment like the existing convention for the protection of ocean . cables for the regula tion of the marine use of wireless telegraph, but owing to the undeveloped state of tho art at that time nothing was accomplished. It is possible now, however, attention hav ing been directed strongly to the subject by the cruise of the Dewey, that the effort will be renewed to the end that all wireless companies will be .obliged to accept any messages from any other company. MENDOZA TO CONTINUE WORK Colombia a Minister Has Aa.ther . Word to Say Rearardlasr Stralned Relations. WASHINGTON, March 30.-The an nouncement at the Colombian legation that Mr. Mendosa, the Colombian minister, will return to Washington from New York early next week Is regarded in diplomatic circles aa an Indication that he intends to con duct further negotiations with Washington regarding the strained relations between Colombia and the United States. It was freely predicted that Mendosa was about to leave the United States, but It is now believed he has some new proposition to lay before Secretary Root. RAILROADS AID COAL M1ES Kastera Lines Asked A boat Relations with Fnel Companies, WASHINGTON, March 30. The Inter state Commerce commission announced to day that In connection with the coal and oil Investigation ordered by congress It had directed the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad com pany, the Chesapeake Ohio Railway company, the Norfolk & Western Railway company, the West Virginia Central &. Pittsburg Railway company, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway' company, and the New York Central Jfc Hudson River Railroad company to furnish the following information: A list or statement showing the names and locations of all coal mines upon the said lines or roud or upon the lines of other roads in which the said tompunles are in terested, giving the rating of each such coal mine for cur distribution, when car distribution Is made upon a baels Involving the rating of mines. A list of the names of stockholders at last dale when slock books were closed, sieciiylng such date and including the postofhee address of each stockholder, if tht will not occasion delay In complying with this request and in cave where the lal dividend was paid to Mranns not stockholders of record, the names und post office addresses of such persons. A list of the names of stockholders pres ent in person at the hiMt annual meeting and a lint of the name of stockholders voting by proxy, togther with the names of persons acting aa proxy si such meeting and a blank form of the proxy uxed. A map or maps of the lines of railway owned or oiierated: also a map or maps of any lines or railways in which said com panies are Interested. A map or maps of the coul territories served by the ad company or by com panies in which said companies are in terested, shoaing the location upon said lines of such companies of each coul mine, over which coal Is offered for shipment. Uon at the post and in a few days will leave for Pierre to enter upon duties. CANNIBALISM IN THE NORTH Russians Hear Stary of Avtfal Fata of Xatlres la Arctic . Circle. ' ST. PKTERSBCRG. March .-The hor rible accounts are reaching St. Peters burg of cannibalism and starvation among tribes Inhabiting- the fro sen Arc-tie plain of the Chukchis peninsula, at the ex tremity of Asia. Most of the reindeer died of starvation during the winter of 1904-6, leaving the Inhabitants without means of communica tion or food. During the last winter whole tribes have died and members of the Omolona and Ololya tribes, when facing starvation, assembled in council and de cided thai nothing remained but death. They agreed that , each head of, a family should kill his wife and children and then commit suicide. The tribesmen gath ered on a plateau covered with" snow and ice and In the darkness of ' the Arctic winter the spartan decision was exe cuted, not a single member of the two tribes surviving. More revolting still is the story of what occurred In a family of the Yukahir tribe. A mother and nine of her children having died of hunger, the father, a surviving dsughter and a nephew lived upon the remains, and when they were consumed the father murdered the nephew. A Russian named Dulganoff, who went to the region to buy furs, reported the situation to the authorities at Yakutsk, Si beria. He entered a snow hut of a Yu kahir family while the latter were eating the head of a murdered relative. DIAMONDS Edholm, 16th and Harney. NOTE TELLERUNDER ARREST Joseph P. Tnrney, Old ev York Bank Kntploye. Taken for tirnnd Larceny. NEW YORK, March 30. Joseph P. Tuv ney, note teller at the National Rank of North America, whs arrested ami arraigned In police court today on a charge of te-il-Ing $34,000. The alleged peculations. It Is charged in an affidavit presented to the court, hftve been going on for twenty-five years. OTi clals of the bnnk appeared In court tc press the complaint. Cashier Wire of. the bank said thai $25,000 of the amount alleged to have be-r stolen was taken before 1W0. Tnrney nt remanded without ball until Monday. H Is 50 years old and has been In the employ of the bank for about thirty years. Twenty Millions for Bnlldlasra. WASHINGTON. Msrch ). The houae committee on public buildings and grounds today 10 ported favorably a bill carrying appropriations of I.'" Oui.KiO. The details of the bill are not fully completed and the committee voted to refrain from disclosing the projects to be included In the measure until the report la finally completed, which will be In about ten days. I .en fsr state Kasiarer. STI'ROIS. 8. D.. Min i) A). (Special.) Samuel II. Lea or this city, who for more than a year has been employed in the construction quartermaster's department at VoriK Meade, has been appointed stale engineer rf guutu Dakota by Governor 'iwl. iis Lsa has ic(mI bis posl- I ..V'. I The Children Enjoy Life out of doors and out of the fames which they play and the enjoyment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results irom the use of the old time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle- Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to increase their profits. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. is printed on the front of every package. In order to get its beneficial ' effects it is always neces sary to buy the genuine only. For sale by all re liable druggists. t Y -'J Ni.. ( iih -:. ,--:;,v wrx. r. vj iv r.. I ' V. I tm t. v A T- 7 -l: ---.vSOsi2f'' : ..V .':-y5V,7i '. )