Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    Till: OMAHA DAILY WKFr. K1MDAV. MAKCII 30, 1fKf.,
Office. 10 PeH St. Tel. 43.
T"avts sella lru. .
ftockert sella carpetsA '
VA Jlouert" Tony Faust beer.
Plumbing and heating;. Hixby II Bon.
Woodrtng-Brhmldt. undertakers. Tel. K!.
lrs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Iarl street.
Flour II. lu a esck at the Olen, Avenue-tirtM-ery.
IMamonds ao lnveatment. Talk to i
-Spring term Western Iowa college opens
i Monday. Knroll then.
flet the old folks gallon of cute Cali
fornia, wine at JarvhV.
Millinery opening today at Min. Hriiik'a.
Oordon rya, beat on cartb. Jurvls.
Hee Hicks for a nobby ault. Fine grey
plaids. Imported suitings, l'iice Just rmht.
New ehlpment of benutlful fancy frames
just received, c K. Alexander, Mi a way.
For Imported wlnea. liquor a and cham
pagne, I ltosenield company, Sia Main Bt.
Six per cent mortgages on real estate
for sale. Absolute aecurlly. C'llfton-
alkef Co. '
Tomators lu centa a can at the Glen Ave-
Don't fall to attend. Mn M. I'felffer'a
millinery opening, Friday and Saturday.
Alerch. 91. . -
8ee pur blue flame Oil stove; absolutely
safe; no odor. I'addock-llandschy llurd
irt company,. .
If you want your fire lnaura nee to In
aure have Clifton-Walker Co. write it In
ir liable companies. , .
Mrs. H. C. Brandes waa brought yester
lny to the Council Bluffs general hospital
to undergo an operation.
The lit tlo daughter of forlner County At
torney W.-H. Ktllpack fell yesterdiiy ami
suffered a. fractured arm.
Dr. N. X. Rice la. alated for the position
ol c ity physician by .'the republican ma
jority of the city conned.
J. W. Oratlan of Alth. III., formerly rrr
KHnlat of flt. Inula Kpiscopal church, Is in
i ha city renewing acquaintances.
Children don't cry for tha caatnr oil that
w make tasteless, but they take It with
out a grimace. Clark l3rug Co.
The only up-to-date ehoc repair shop In
the city. Shoes half soled while you wail,
iic. Sargent's Family Shoe Store.
Freab salted ' almonds, salted peanuts.
Swiss milk caramela. Burity Candy iUtchen,
U West Broadway. O. C. Brown.
Don't forget that Kaater la vary near
and E. 8. tilcka can make you a line ault
at tha right price lu up-to-date atyle.
Japan eee tea pole, J&c; Japaneao cupa and
saucers, 10c. Call and aea litem. Now on
display In our window. W. A. Maurer.
Fenoa poala at bottom prices. If you ate
in need pf fencing material of any kind,
we have It at bottom price". C. Hater.
The city council will meet thta evening to
cloaa up outstanding Jmslness before the
reorganisation of that body Monday night.
Squire Annia, money to loan; cash on
hand, no delay; city and farm property for
aala on eaay teruta of payment. Office, lul
i'earl a treat.
A bnsar for the benefit of the Associated
Charitlea' Creche will be held Wcdneaoay,
Thuraday and Friday of next week In the
Masonic, Memule.
Look? here, don't waste your time hunt
ing aome place else. Borwlck haa the best
wall paper In the olty. Prices right. 211
Main BU Tel.a3.
t'rlah MoMaekln left, foat evening for
Mount Pleasant. Mich., where he has been
called by the aerlous lllneaa -of a brother,
Jacob McMackin.
C. H. Jackson of Avoca brought In the
a'-alpa of four ctib wolvea to County Audi-
t ruyne yeateraay ana received tne
nty of til a scalp. ,
Fd F. Watla of North Fliat atreet was
taken yesterday to the statu hoxpiial at
Knoxvliln tinder a commitment from the
uistrlct court, for two years. -
We have the flneat line of sample monu
ments tOf select from Jn the wet. Sheely
A Lane Marble' and Qrantta Works, 217
Kant Broadway, Council Bluffs, lu.
A snap for somebody, a 3U0 ice wagon
for flit.- W haveuaetl it only four months,
la practically new. Brldenateln & Smith,
coal and wood, Hlh Ave. and 4Ln St.
Mrs. George W, Perk of New York City,
ormerly .Mlsa Nell Kallejv, of this city, Xi
registered at tne, vrnna notei. Bne ta en
route to San Frr.nclsco to visit friends. ,
Mlasouri oak dry cordwood. It a cord;
shellbark. hickory, 17; Arkansas anthracite,
I' per ton leas than hard coal. William
Welsh. 1 Norm Main SU Telephone 12s.
Mrs. Harriett Lumer. who underwent an
operation for appendlcltla Wednesday at
the Council Blufla general hospital, waa re
ported laat night to be In a most critical
The steel towers which will carrV' the
cable of the Independent Telephone com
pany, from thia aide of the river to South
Omaha have arrived and will be placed lu
poblilon at once.
State- Gahia-'and Ffah Warden George A.
Lincoln oi; Cedar Kaplds was In the city
yesterday. He la expected to name In the
near future a auceesr to Deputy Warden
1-1. C. Brown of this city.
Do not sell your pld Iron, cupper, brass
ud old rubbers before you aee ua. We pay
W per ton for No I machinery Iron. Coun
cil Blufla Junk Fiouae, J. Kattloman, pro
prietor. 'JJ South Main. Tel. a0.
Mra. Krtna Thompson, aged 7 yeara. died
yesterday morning t the residence of her
daughter. Mia. H. O. Sedgwlrk, Grace
Plreet. from paralysis. The remains will
bo taken to Cwmanuhe, la., today, wheTe
the fuqtjral will be held Saturday.
The- grand concert to be given In the
ball room of the Grand hotel tonight prom
lsea to he, a social as well aa a muslcul
occasion: The concert la given under the
auapUs or the' women of the Congrega
tional church. The sale of tickets haa been
exceptionally large. . ,
M. P. Muthlasen. the. young iiutn under
liuilrtmmit for Dussinir a number of forged
check, la giving his relatives and friends
whu went on Ma .bond mucu anxiety, i uey
ranmil liMMte him and theV lira anxious to
surrender htm to the authorities. His wile
recently secured a adlvorce from nun.
William Neltfou, 'umier Indictment on a
1 charae preferred by Mra. Bessie Anderson
has been granted a divorce (mm Ills wife,
who did noL contest it. The decree had
lieeit arre-,l upon and Nulaou Is now free
to nuiriy Mra. Anderson and thus escape
prosecution under the aiiargu on which he
a as inuiciea.
Tell raur roof troubles to Spencer. He'
Ilia man that can tlx your spouting and do
your sheet ineutl work, and do ll right,
and, what's more, lie will guuraiitee to du
It right. Ha will five you the beat figures
and beat attention, whether the Job la
great or small. Call him up. Telephone
U VVeat Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. L A. Casper are home from
a four months' sojourn In Florida. Mr.
Casper la anything but enthused, over Flor
ida. He said all .there was to be seen
theroi were iialnietto roots and pine trets.
Mr. and Mrs. M Wollman. who aceom- I
panied Mr. and Mra. Caier south, expect
to rentln there niud May- t
New Dormitory for Little Ones Ponnallj
Opened by a Public Eeception.
Cumins; Mummer Keeled t Witness
the llrrrtlnn of Another Korinl-
ory for the lie of the
lo a.
The public opening yesterday of the
newly completed building at the Christian
home, ereet -d na a memorial to Itev. J. G.
Lemon, foundei- of the Ir.htitutlon, nnd
his wife, who Ixlh devot'd the best parts
of th'-ir lives in its management., attracted
a lurg number of people Interested fn
the work of the home, both In the after
noon and in the evetiliia- The beaut of
the building and its Interior arrangement
nnd fitting excited nothing -but admira
tion and compliments from the ninny vis
itors. The building,' which Is designed as a dor
mitory for the smaller children. Is of
aitiHslve appearance, constructed of pressed
brick with stone trimmings and 'ornate
pillars at the entrance. It Is seventy-nine
ret long and fifty-four feet deep and two
stories In helghi, with a .basement under
half of It. The Interior Is finished In j
hard wood, while the sanitary arrange
ments are of the 'latest and most perfect
On the ground floor Is a reception room
to the right of the main entrance, a larg'!
dormitory for the emnll boys, a play room
and nurses' quarters. The second floor
contains tne dormitory for the little (M''Is,
the sick ward, bath rooms, diet kitchen,
nurses' rooms and kindergarten. , The
lows of little white enameled iron cots
with their snowy linen in each room pre
sented an exceedingly pretty sight.
Mrs. Lemen died September 10, 1!K2, and
Hoc. J. G. Lemen passed away on Oc
tober 26, 1S04. The movement to. secure
funds to erect this building to their memo
ries was begun February 20, 1!)"5, the nnnT
versary of Rev. Mr. Lemen'a birthday!
and In less than- four months the needed
sum, $20,0110, was subscribed by friends of
the home from all parts of tlnt I'nlted
States. The work of construction wus
commenced July 2d, and yesterday marked
the opening of til building with everything
ready for occupancy by the little inmates
of the Institution, which Is a home In
every sense and meaning of the word, to
On- More Halldlna Planned'.
I.eas than two years ago and shortly be
fore the death of Rev. J. G. l,enien, the
first large brick and stone building In the
home, the dormitory and dining hall for
the elder girls, was opened. The third of
thiS style of buildings, a dormitory for the
boys. Is to be erected this year. It wlH be
northwest of the building opened ysterduy,
IJke the other two It will be two stories In
height and of pressed brick, with stone
trimmings. It will be 110 feet long and sixty
feet wide. Its cost will be in the neighbor
hood of $30,000 and the money to pay for It
Is on hand. With the ercetjun of these sub
stantial and permanent buildings the nu
merous small frame cottages which formed
the homes of the 220 Inmates, young- and Old,
of the Institution are disappearing.
Over the windows and doors of the build
ing opened yesterday are- the names of all
those who donated $100 and upwards to Its
construction. The handsome furnishings of
the entrance hall and reception room were
donated by the Christian, Home society of
Red Oak In memory of Mrs. Emily Fisher,
a life-lour friend of the institution and
founder of the Red Oak society.
During the reception yesterday afternoon
and evening Mr. II. R. Imen, who suc
ceeded to the management of the Institution
on the death o' his father. Rev. J. G.
Lemen, and wife .cere assisted in reeeivine
the visitors by Mrs. Denny, Miss Denny,
Mrs. Emmet Tlnley and Miss Olson. Music
was furnished by Whaley's orchestra, while
fruit punch was served in the vertibule oft
the hall by Miss Opal Goodman.
During the ufternoon a number of the
members of the Commercial club visited
the building and Mr. Lemen waa the re
cipient of many congratulations and compliments.
J.ill awaiting trial on th- rharge of for
gery, a former government scout in Indian
Territory at the time Nicholson was driv
ing tnulea for I'mie Hani. It whs ill 1"1
that Nicholson was in the government serv
ice as a driver when he met Stewart, who
was a scout iuurterei at Camp Supply.
I. T.
When Chief Nicholson called to sec the
old man at the county ll yesterday after
noon Stewart at once recognised Nicholson
as the 'Council BlutTs kid." this being the
name given Nicholson by the scouts and
the other men at Ciimp Supply. Chief
Nicholson and the old man spent a couple
of hours talking over old limes and re
calling stirring Incidents among the Indians
In which they both participated.
Tall I'l l:D tit II. TV TO KOBHKHV
Sentence of One Kuapenrferf n
ceo tint of sickness.
John Fosdlek nnd Charles Lloyd, who
were Jointly Indicted with Charles Steven
son for the theft of overcoats from 8am
Friedman's and Sam Snyder's pawnshops,
entered pleas of guilty yesterday In dis
trict court to the Friedman roblx-ry. Both
were sentenced to six months In th'
county jail. In Foxllck's case, however,
Judge Wheeler directed that the commit
ment he not Issued until further orders of
the court. Fosdick took an apnea! to the
supreme court and filed a supersedeas bond
In the sum of $.'!uti. thus securing his release
from the county Jail. This waa by arrange
ment with the county authorities. ' Who
desired Fosdick out of the county Jail, as
he is suffering with a disease which made
his detention there unsafe for the other
prisoners. In Lloyd's case the court or
dered that his sentence commence from the
time he was committed to the county. Jail.
The case of the Stale of Iowa against
W. W. KohlT of Omaha was dismissed by
County Attorney lless. Knhler was Con
victed of maintaining unlawful relations
In this city with a Mrs. Cohen and was
sentenced to two years In the peniten
tiary. He appealed and the supreme court
reversed Hie verdict and" sent the case
lck for trial. Kohler's wife, who since
ihe'tiial had secured a divorce, refused to
prosecute any further ana7 this left County
Attorney Hess no alternative but to dis
miss the case. Koliler, It Is understood,
has since mar lied Mrs. Cohen.
Judgo Wheeler yesterday began the hear.
Ing in the suit of W. C. Hills, publisher of
the Oakland Acorn, against G. L. Wilkin
son, publisher of the Neola Gazette-Re-porterlnvolvlng
a dispute overithe right to
publish the official proceedings of - the
Bonn! of County Supervisors.
The Green Bay Lumber company wus
given a Judgment yesterday ugainat Feter
B. Jacobs and wife for $2,168.21 and fore
closure on property in Minden, la. Jacobs
wus president of the Northwestern Trust
company and Is wanted here, having been
indicted with Alexander Buchanan, secre
tary and general ninnager of the company.
for conducting a building and loan business
without authority from the slate. Jacobs
and Buchanan were both out on bond and
have so far evaded efforts of the authori
ties to locate them.
T. W". Caster, who was 'defendant In a
suit brought ngainst him by Clyde Orlnger,
an employe of- his. before Justice John W.
Miller of Neola. has filed original notice of
suit against Justice Miller for $1,000 actual
and exemplary damages. Caster alleges
that the Justice acted wilfully wrong and
unlawfully In the Oiinger case, which was
decided by' Miller against Caster.
The big house of Schmoller A Mueller
Piano company are showing aome of tha
most excellent pianos and. are selling ,them
at an unheard of monthly payments of $3
per month; $300 pianos for $183. Threa
months free music lessons with each piano
aold. Phone 3oS. C02 Broadway, Council
Bluffs. la.
Ws save you from $50 to $l-un a piano.
How? By asking at the start the lowest
price It can be sold at, with all commissions
eliminated. Decide on the piano you want,
the, plain or rich ornamentation, and the
price named la the bedrock figures. That's
why a child can buy aa well as a man at
A. Hospe Co's., XI South Muln street, Coun
cil Bluffs.
The difference In our gooda and tha
cheaper kind is ao great that we pride our
selves In saying that we sell cheaper, con
sidering the quality of our goods. We want
you to aee our new line of gocarta, side
boards, bookcases, buffets, dinner sets,
parlor lamps and our new line of house
furnlsjilngs. D. W. Keller, 103 South Main.
I he the most complete stock of
high giade shotgun shvlla In the city,
and at the lowest prices.
Wooden decoya, per dosen. 30i; No.
1 Acme canvas tlwcoys. per doseu,
tt.U'-; e have single-barrel shotRiins
for $.15: Browning automatic shot
gun, $JS 1; liMiumei less shotgun, ll-.'l
and up. t have double-barrel ahotguna
lor $ S": -2 Winchester repealing
rtne.- $.".
I al have g'wxi bai'Kalns fn aecond
hand shotguns and rules, all in good
coiKlltlon. Kverybody ia welcome to
come ill and Inspect my stock.
S2k Weat Broadway. Tel. Fbl2.
I.aaadrlrs Have Only Week's sappi;
on Hand.
Heavy uaera of steam coal in Council
Bluffs are on the anxloua seat, and this Is
particularly true of the steam laundries. M
B. Grout, one of the proprietors of ths
Bluff City Steam laundry, stated yesterday
they had only about a week's supply of
coal on hand and the prospects for secur
ing more were not of the brightest. I'nleas
'the situation is relieved soon, Mr. Grout
said, he feared they would have to shut
down. The Fagle and Kvans laundries,
Is said, are no better off.
Manager Kngllsh of the Citiseua Gas and
Electric cuiupany said the company had a
little coal on hand and a carload some
where on the road. Mr. liiglish said ha
was not worrying , to any extent, as If It
j came to the wort they would put in twr
I burners, as they had a large supply of tur
on hand.
Manager Hart of the water worka alated
he had a Unit a month's supply (.n hand,
and ex;eied more In a few days.'
Kllebeu t'ablnrla.
A large shipment of kitchen cabinets Just
put on sale. Our cabinets are of the better
make, combine new features not aliown in
other makes. Many styles up from W.T5.
Cash or credit. 'Keller Farnsworth Furni
ture company.
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado, $a per acre for raising all
kinds of crops; good soil; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions first and
third Tuesdays of eacfc month. Send for
printed mutter. F. C. Lougee, 121 Main
street. Council Bluffs,- la. t
"leHrasknna Inquire About Wnlatuu.
William Findlay, secretary of the Farm
ers Co-Operative association of Gothen
burg, Neb., has written to H. V. Butley,
clerk of the district court, making inquiries
aa to B. F. Walstou, the Kearney, Neb.,
barber who became Insuno In this city and
Is now In St. Bernard's hospital. Mr. Find-
lay states he is much Interested In Wal-
Is now open for business under
new laaiuMfement. K ei ythlng is
lu at and lean, obliging waiters
and good cooks.
Kvei)nng govd to cat la our
1 ill of Urn
We want your trade for your
falronage we will give you (ha
..-l can fllid to cat at popular
For m Qnlea. at
I will offer th five-roomed houae and lot
at -i Avenua A for one week at $S80. New
houae; city water. Easy terms. No better
Investment In Coune.l Bluffs, Make a tin
home. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First Na
tional bank. I write firs insurance. Office,
'phone, 2"3; residence, 'pliune. Black Kti.
Swanson Muslo company, new location,'
407 Broadway.- W sell planoa la our reg
ular busi.ieaslik way. No new echamea;
no certiflcatu. Prices light; gooda re
liable. Terms, from $a to $10 per month.
W have splendid storag room for pianos.
Will not need to n boxed. Tuning and
repairing a specialty.
frlanarr an Old-Time krwnt.
Charles M. Nicholson, chief of the li:
department, yesterday recognised in Charles
L. tfuwart, the old man now lu tha county
A cup of COCO U
as noun&rung a
Dlate of CRM. It u
readily diaestibTe be
cause the rich natural
fats are partly removed
and iuat enough left to make
good rich blood and strong
healthful tissues. Cocoa is
as stimulating as tea or conee
Kiit unlike these, is also a de
lightful and invigorating food.
Runkel's Cocoa
costs mora la naka than any other. It
is all pawdered cocoa beans. It is sever
mixed with ttarcb, lour or sugar all
threa oi which are common adulterants
tbat (ncreaM tha nukar'a profit but Uka
away from tlx quality and aroma ol tha
beverage. Whes yog want cocoa, act
coco get Runktl't. One caa wilj go
twica as (ar aa any ether because it is
nothing bat cocoa. It is sold however
at the ami prica as any other.
bans Kc lor suapla ot i oncoun
na miulkiura cma of Cecua.
Cca u4 CW.UU Sin. H
J Urn
f IV
The Troallier man is kept busy Uieso days ringing on the changes. First
thing we know he will spring the warm clays and sunshine on us and then even--v
body will "get busy" nil nt once. Incidentally the ladies of the household will"
wish they had gotten their spring sewing done in advance when every other
body Mas not wanting the same dressmaker at the same time they are. A good
many are doing this very thing, too getting their dresses made now when they
have time to plan and execute without undue rush. AVhy don't you do likewise!
Offers You the Choice of the Latest atid Most Popular Creations in Dress Fabrics.
. None too good for us to buy none too common not to receive' our careful attention. All grades and kinds of dress
goods which are in popular demand known to the dress goods world are here at your disposal.1
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Mohairs and
Panamas, at, per yard
Sve the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Serges and
Batistes, at, per yard
Seo the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Fancy Novel
ties, nt, per yard:
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Panamas and
Silk Warp' Henriettas, at
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Ilohairs, India
Serges and Crepe de Chine, at
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Fancy Novel
ties and Prunellas, at
Every dry goods" store has 50c and $1.'()U dress goods
but very few of them are able to offer- you the splendid
values and magnificent assortment that you will find at
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Silk Velvet, I AA
at, per vard . . .laUtl
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in silk finished fiA
Velveteens, at, per vard JUC
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in Taffeta Silks, AA
at, per vard ; lallU
See the Banzia Silks, at,
per yard
See the big assortment of delicate-shades in the notr
famous Heatherbloom Taffeta linings for making fancy
petticoats and drop skirts.
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES in delicate shades
of Batiste, at, per yard
See the EXTRA GOOD VALUES we carry in the cel
ebrated Priestley's Black Goods-alw PRIESTLEY'S Grey
Goods and PRIESTLEY'S Mohairs.
Everywhere you look at Hunter's it is new goods fresh from the mills, and an absolute value back of every yard of them.
Next Saturday, we are going to have another concert by Covnlt's fine orchestra, afternoon and evening. Those who
heard this fine orchestra at Hunter's last Saturday were delighted with the music nnd it is certainly. relaxation from the
usual way when you can mix business and pleasure together. It is one of the points which is making "Shopping at Hunt
er's" a pleasure. Tell all your friends about the Saturday concerts by Covalt's fine orchestra at the A. E. Hunter Com
pany store. These concerts are absolutely free to the public and the pleasure of hearing the music is yours for the coming.
A. E. HUNTER CO., Council Bluffs; la.
33 35 Pearl Street. 32-34 Main Street.
W. A. MAURER, Secy
A. E. HUNTER, Treas.
znA i
stun,' who formerly taught school In Goth
enburg, and waa a man of most exemplary
habits, hut bwame more or less deranged
fiver Youne Men's Christian association
work. Walalon, Mr. FJndluy writes, be
came Insane while In OoiheiibuiK nnd was
placed ft a hospital' aii1 Inter was sent
to the urate asylum ut Lincoln. Aa Boon
as the authorities carf 'fli d riulne where
Walaton'a legal residence 'lit Nebraska Is, he
will be turned over to the authorities of
that state.
(ash la
Hundred aad Teu Dollars
Merurrd. .
The nostofflce Ht Weston. Pottawattamie
-uuuntv. was broken' 'Into am
fleers: President. Newton Karrell; vice
president. Vcre Spetman; secretary, Tulare
Llnkey; treasurer, Qua Sailer; sergcant-at-arnw",
Charles Arnold.
Grand Olienliia at Rramloa A Kleni
. Milan's Xtore.
Grand opening at Urandon & KlciiunlnB's
store, No. 515 B'way, head of 4th St., Sat
urday. The Kvans Bros, will furtiieh in
strumental music !wth afternoon and even
liiB. Souvenir cvrtllicfttes with u cash value
of iKe
redeemable at ,our store, to each
Do you want good steak, mutton chopi
or pork fhops. cooked Just the way you
want it, and plenty of nice vegetables and
robbed" a good cup of coffee with the best of ci-earn?
Wednesday night. II belug the second lime
within u few months. "The poatofflce Is lo
cated in the general stove of Smith & Peter
son, successors to Wllliiims & Ilanies. Mr. is pofctmusler. The thieves suc
ceeded In opening the safe without resort
ing to force, as the combination bad not
been set and the handle merely . tinned.
I'hey took a sack , containing Jim in cusn
and cheeks. The robbery was discovered
yesterday morning when Postnmsler Emflri
opened the safe. There Is no clue to yne
thieves. Mr. Barnes, who was In the city
yesterday attending district court, said two
strangers bad been seen, around Weston
Wednesday and he suspects ihey did the
Job. '
See the StoekeTl Carpet Co. before you
buy anything In rugs, large or small slices.
Carpets with ea,utiful new patterns, stair
pads and mattings. t They have the lineal
stock of Chinese and Japanese cocoa mat
ting In the city. Don't worry about Hie
price; they will niuke that right.
"In . the springtime" everybody cleuna
house, and McAlee is offering Hie house
keepers ot this city the most efficient and
roost econoinli ul cleaner ever placed on the
market. "Kl-KANSAIX." Clean
everything, Injure initflipg. Try It and lie
convinced. '
Take Thiuajs Kr.
Get all the comfort you Uiui. us aci
you a nice roeKer. a luxurious coueit or
reclining chair; ihey will add to your coin
lorrs. We have them lu great variety and
at the most moderate prices. Peterson A
Behoenlng Co., Council Blnffs.
It you do Just get your meals nt the Vienna
restaurs nt.
Do not overlook thut "Van Brunt'' carries
a llae, high grade line of harness, espvdnlly
made for this trade. Anyone buying u Van
Brunt vehicle will 1 entitled to a rfpcclol
preposition on a set of harness. Investigate
this, will you?
House Passei Insurance Investigation Bill
and it Does to Governor.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1S53. Books are si, up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, IZi Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, Ia.
Geo. A. Hoagland has Just received a ear
load of the famous Amason Rubber roofing
and will make you very attractive prloei
on large or small quantities. Now la Tha
time to get your roofs In shape before the
heavy spring rafna.
20 per cant discount on our pianos Oils'
week only, bt f or stock-taking. The finest
line of high and medium tcraile plunos.
Boiiiiciua Pano House, ."5 Broadwiy,
Council Bluffs, In., where the in-nan stuniV
Upon the building.
For gale.
Sew dwelling new mh xcliool, tz,
Number of new direlllngs for sale.
Beautiful lot on Ulen avenue. fl.SOtf. .
Insure your house and furniture with me.
Tel. , Chua. T. Officer. 1S Broadway.
A la the leading letter of the alphaLc,
and likewise the first letter in AdaT.
This is not strange when you Miulerstand
it, nor Is it strange that Big A fiour. made
In your home mill, lends th-m u 11. Cse
no other
Heal Katat Transfers.
These tranafers were reported to Tim Bee
March 29 by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
Henry J. Schierbrock and wife to An- ,
drew M. Cheney, nli ne'j 31-77-11.
w. d I 5.WJ
J. W . 8iulies and wile to Maty I.
Dillon. 's lie', 11-77-tt, w. d
Lydiu A. Hpooncr et al. to Henry R.
Cain, lots 1 and 2, block 1J, Myu
atrr s add , w. d
Gtaee F. 8wearlngen i? Alfred Mo
rain, purl of I jIi I" ami 15. originul
pint, w. d
J. W. Trapp to Mrs. Grace V. reedlovr.
lots 1 and 'J. biu'k &. 'Vr.;nt' add..
w. d : -
B. P. Shilling tu J.::-a M. I'...t 1 1,
w4 lot 4, block 1. Stutsman's 1st add.,
o.. c. d
Suiuh K. Merrlam to James Meltoli
ert, wg lot 4, block 1, Stutsman's
1st add., q. c. d
Margaret ltngdon and husband to K.
Kvipeneamp. lot 4, block 13. Kver
ett'a add., q. c. d
County treasurer to B. P. Shilling.
lot 4, block 1. Htuixman s li
add , I. d .
William A. Miller and wife lit Khodu
Miller. sW nw ne' A-77-44. q.
c. d
When you are ready to move clean
house, call up 'phone M and let our wagon
call lor your,carp is and rugs. "They will
be cleaned thoroughly and alatolillely at a
small cost. Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning
and Bug Mlg. Co., 34 North Main.
2u lbs. best granulated cane sugar fur tl.
Glen Avenue Grocery.
Kenate Hals Klaal (iuirlua on
Primary Kleetluu Bills for This
Messina Af4er a l.ltely
' Debate.
I Final a Staff Correspondent. )
DKS MOINKS,. March 2!.- Special Trie
gram. ) The house toduy passed the bill
providing for an investigation of the Insur
ance question. It has already ) parsed the
senate and will le signed at once by the
governor. It calls for the appointment of
two senators und five representatives to sit
during the summer and Investigate the' in
surance laws. ,
The house pased the t'Ai.") appropriation
for a tubtrculoHis tuiiiltarlum which has
passed the i senate; the appropriation of
$7,5ou to dedicate the soldlerV monuments
on sauthcrn fields; the five-year limit mulct
bill, which was stolen or lost earlier In the
season, and the Courtright bird protection
The house spent the greater part of the
day In discussing the Board of Regents
bill, discussion of which opened yesterday.
At '.':JU a vole was reached and the bill was
lost, 38 to u4. A motion was at once made
to reconsider, which failed by a vote of 40
to 51. This kills the bill past all resur
rection for this session. The bill waa the
work of a couiriilxslon appointed at the ses
sion two years ago. It was considered one
of the most iiniHivlnnt bills of the scxai.m
and passed the senate by a good majority.
The bouse today passed Ihe bill sent over
from the senate a few days ugo Including
cemeteries with schiSol houses ainl other
places within Uon feet of which saloons are
not to be allowed to operate.
Primary Bills Die la Senate.
By a vote of 14 to Pi the second primary
election bill to be offered by W'-uatof Cross
ley at thia session was killed In Hhe senate
today, the vote being two short of the con
stitutional majority. Vnder special order
the Crossley primary election law No. i
was taken tip at 10 o'clock this mornlilg
and throughout the diacusslon of the mess-'
ure was quite animated.
The senate passed the bouse bill appro
priating I5.C00 to further decorate the In
terior of the state house. It Is under
stood that the executive council, under
whose directions the money will be spent,
will employ Charles Cummlngs. one of the
members of the capitol commission to
paint some pictures.'
The senate passed the bill requiring
township officers to publish Itemized state
ments of their accounts. v
The senate committees today reported tha
following for passage; A bill making all
telephone franchises terminate at the same
time, the purpose of which was to put the
mutuals on the same footing as the Bell;
a hill from the committee to allow a rail
road to meet the rate of a competing road
between the same points; a bill to require
companies to sell petroleum at a uniform
price over the state,' balng the Standard
Oil bill, hut amended to apply only to oil
which the committee finds will be consti
tutional; the bill to permit the Board of
Control to call in ministers of various de
nominations when putlenla inquest.
The ways and means committee tied on
the vote to report for passage the bill re
pealing the wage exemption laws and then
voted. to hold no more meetings unless a.
new bill Is referred to the committee. Thia
will throw the bill to the alfting committee.
tieim -Market wf ralat.
As George Washington Lay ton of tha
Veruon Music company of Kansas Clljr
passed under a sign at 61S Walnut street,
this city, a bucket of black paint used by
the workmen fell and most of Its content
were spilled on Mr. Goorge Washington
Laylon. His clothes were cleaned at tha
expense or Ihe painters. A few minutes
later Mrs. Mary Black of Patterson, la.,
aged 73 years, fell, by slipping on the puint
on the sidewalk. She did not seem to b
in.'ureu at Ilie time.
We baVe 3J0 acres choice Nebraska laud.
Price until April 1, SJ0 per acre. Can ax
change fur Council Bluffs residence prop
erty. Cllfton.Walger Co.
Jensen 4t Nicholson, s West Broadway,
contract for painting. They use pure whlta
Uud and linked oil. Now Is the time to
let them do tha work, before the rush
commences. You can got your work don
right It you let them do It.
For Sale Southern Alberta land for sale
from pi.M to I7.W per acre. The next ex
cursion la April 2. Come and get soma be
fore it Is all gous. D. T. Kerr. o4H Broad
way. 'Phone 417.
Parties having houses for lent or sale,
list them who Clifton-Walker Co. for quick
action. Recent sales hai greatly reduced
our list and wc have customers waiting for
t :s w vegeiames. nice, tender lettuce.
onions, puisicy ana carrois. i ney are nil
fresh. Just brought into market. John
Olson, 739-741 West Broadway.
Veil transfers, total
Kgg or gieen gage' plums, t cans for V-c.
ify Avenue Grocery. '
N. T. Plumbing Co. 1.1. iW. Night CM.
The junior class of the high school or
ganirtd yesterday will the following uf.
If )ou prefer quality tj quantity and
absolute satisfaction tu yourself, get
Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to
please. 'Pho"i g7. cX Broadway.
' Swttc-kva.
Graves,' Vis I'earl street, carry the finest
Hue of switches In the city. Call and a
yuli k Mesl aaollne stoves. Don't fail to
sc (hem b-foi. you buy. Swaiue 4k Mauer,
USO-STMt Broadway.
Spring term Western Iowa college open
bext Monday. Knroll then.
"Lorigeir, Higher
arad Jides- Berths"
This is an exclusive feature of The Milwaukee's -trains
to Chicago.
The sleeping onr, as well as the dining earn,
chair rar and coaches are owned and operated
by the
Chicago; Milwaukee S St. Paul
Leave Union Station, Omaha, 7:55 a.m.,
5:45 p.m. or 8:35 p.m. Arrive Union Btation,
Chicago, 9 :'M p.rii., 8:35 a.m. or 9:25 a.m.
f Iiuy your ticket East from your local agent, v
' but INSIST that it is via the Chicago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul Railway v
Canaral Waatarn Agant.
- I