Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
THE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 23, lfHW,. ?5J V J ( 4 I V. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA )' COUNCIL Office, ! Ptari MIOR MKTIOV Dsvls Mill drug. Jtbckert eells carpets. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust bier. Plumbing and .nesting. Bin by & Bon. Woodring-Bchmldt, undertakers. Tel. 33. Dra. Woodbury, dentists. 20 Pearl street. Flour 1. Kj a sack at the Olcn Avenue ( Sro erjr. Plamonda aa an Investment. TMk ta l-effert about It. 1 MM-lnv K...l.rn T II. ,1 nest Monday. Enroll then. See Illcka for a nobby ault. fine grey plaids, Imported suitings. Price Just right. New shipment of beautiful fancy frame Just 'received. C. K. Alexander, B way. For Imported wtnes. liquora and cham pagne, I Roeenteld company, ills Main Su Six per cent mortgagee un real estate for sale. Abaoluie security. Cllflon V alkcr Co. Tomatoea 19 cenla a can at the Glen Ave nue Grocery. Don't fall to attund Mia. M. Ife!iYcr's nillllriery opening, Friday and Saturday, March at. M t Margaret Kuntx Was granted a di vorce In the dlKtrlct court yesterday from August Kunta. Hre bur blue flame oil stove; absolutely safe; no odor. h'Hddock-Hnmlsehy Jlard ware company. A special meeting of F.xcclslnr Masonic lodge wIJ be held tnla evening for work In the flrat degree. If you waut your fir Insurance tu In aura have Cllf ton-Walkr Co. write it in reliable companies. Children don t cry for the castor nil that we make tasteless, tail they take It with out a grimace. Clark lmg Co. The only up-to-dalo shoe repulr shop In the Pity. Shoes half soled While you wall, .be. Bargcnt a Family hhoe Blore. Fresh aalted almonds, aaited peanuts, Hwiss milk caramels. Purity Candy Kitchen, 44 West Broadway. O. c. ilrown. Don't forget that Iaater la very near and E. 8. iilcks can niaKe you a una auit at the right price in up-to-date atyle. Japanese 'teapots, iic; Japanese cupa and saucers, luc. tail and see tiiem. fow on display In our window , W. A. Maurer. fence posts at tiottom prh-ts. it you are In need ol fencing material of any klnu, we have It at boltom prices. C. Hater. quire a Annla, money to loan; uli on hand, no delay; city ana farn. property fur aaia on easy terms ot payment, cniico, iut Pearl atreeu Look here, don't waste jour time hunt ing some place eite. Borwick has the licit wall puper In the city. Price rlgnt. HI .Main et. Tel sua. We have the finest line of sample monu ment to select trojn In the west. Bneciy Lane Marbio and Granite Works, ill Kaat Jdroaatvay, Council KiutTs, la. A snap for soraeboay, a Joo ice wagon lor liiu. We haveuseu 11 only four moniiia, la practically new. Brldenstein & amita, coal and wood, 14th Ave. and bth at. Missouri oak dry vorawood. Ml a cord; sheiibara. hickory, 7; Arkansas anihracile. Via" per toil ivaa than Jmrd-coal. Wiiluun Weieii. 1 Isorih Main bt. Telepiionu La. Do not sell your old Iron, copper, braes and old rubbers before you see u. Wa pay 'J per tort" for No. 1 machin"ry Iron, coun cil Miuffa Junk House, J. Kattleman, pro prietor. StB boutn Alain. Tel. boo. Fire Chief Nicholson hna completed hla annual report.' The loss for tne twelve moll t lis was 12,:. " me department re sponded to 1X6 alarms, which In the greatest number In the history of the department, yfet Z. -tv Undue y of-Omaha brought ault In ' he district court here yesterday against 11. B. Undue y to recover l,(0S7.t on prom issory notes and asked attachment on tne grounds of nonreaidenco of the defendant. Rev. VV. R. Coventry of Hlair, Neb., will lecture this evening at the Union Christian church, .Broadway and Thlrly-tlfth street, on "Tbft.Ljand ot the Bky Pilot, the Great Canadian Northwest." 't he lecturo will be tree. In the ault brought by Cora B. Richards and husband to restrain Mrs. Trephagen from. ousting ttvm.lixun the Garner tauilly homestead tarm In Garner township Judge Whoeler yesterday ordered that the Injunc tion Issue on the plaintiffs furnishing a bond In - the -sum of f l.imo. Barney McCormlck and Joseph Sutton, arrested In Omaha and brougnt to this city on suspicion of having stolen a large quantity of copper wire, nave been re leased. The county authorities concluded they had not ' a auftlclentiy strong rasa against the men to warrant holding them. Tell your roof trouble to Spencer. Ha the man that can tlx your spouting and do your sheet metal work, and do It right, and, what's more, he will guarantee to do it right. lie will give you the beat figures and beat attention, whether the Job la great or small. Call him up. Telephone 690. lot Went Broadway. James Boggs was given ten days In po. line court yesterday morning for being drunk.' lie may be thankful that the motora on tha Omaha line carry powerful head lights. He went to sleep on the track late Tuesday night at Avenue A and Fourteenth street. The motorman saw Uogga in time i stop his car and prevent running over him. .-.: The will of the late John W. Crossland was opened and read yesterday In the of fice of the clerk of the district court by the special administrator. Liocal relatives are not remembered in the will and the estate goes to relatives outside of Council Bluffs. I. W. Otis la named aa executor and he is .directed to dispose of the real estate and divide (be money as directed In the will. . A WORD TO THE GAME HUNTERS I have the most complete atock of high grade ahotgun shells In the city, and at the lowest prices. . WARRANTED NEW GOODS. Wooden decoys, per doaen, I30U; No. t Acme canvas decoya, per 0aeu, 14. Si; wrt have alnKle-barrel shotguns for tt 7a; Brownlna automatic shol gun, hainnieiless shotgun. tU.H) and up. 1 have double-barrel shotguns for t 6': Winchester repealing rifle, is.vo: 1 also have good bargains In second hand ahotguna and rifles, all In good condition. Everybody is welcome to come In and Inspect my stock. AM SNYDER, X'S West . Broadway. Tel. Ftili THE MANHATTAN RESTAURANT la ' now open for business under new niaiuigement. Everything is neat and clean, obliging waiters and good cook. Ever) thing good to eat Is our 'VlU of fare. We want your trade for your fiatiouage He will give you 1 1 k-si we can find to eat Jit popular ' prices. BF9T COFFEE IN THE CITY WITH CKBAM. TKO J. MIVCR8, - - MANAGE I.EtiAl, KUTItUg BRILHJK NCTICE. Sealed propoaals will be received t the nfrlce ut Ihu county clerk at O'Neill. Na luakka. aiid at the offlie of the county clerk al bulte, Nebrabku, until 12 o'clock, noon, u April T, 1J1. lor the construction ot a budge, five hundred and forty reel long, i nolo or less, with sixteen-foot roadway, across the Niobrara river, between Holt and Hoyd counties, Nebraska, at or near a point hiioaii aa Parshall's crossing. In township tlm ty-thre, ranae thirteen. West of tlio slxlh princli! meridian. t MldJers will be required to furnish their own plana and speciflcationa. All bida to be abated and .marked, "Pioposala for hrldge." The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated February 1$, liMi W. P. P1M Alt. - County Clerk. Holt Oounty. Nebraska M.-l.-.V22-? , TOO I.ATK TO L4MKt. ) A.NTKll-ii well-appearing young man a !iu understand the dry goods buslne.s uihJ wlio can do simple interior and win- !.. dr-coraiing; WttKea $15 a e-k. Friend Clothing Co.. KlieixL Neb. B M112 Hi W.ANTEIs-Ttuert men of good ieisonI ap pe4i din-. ; outside position, si.-adv fin. "mfu.ent. C '. Adams Co.. IM li- -id fcu a Jim BLUFFS Bu Tel. 43. COUXHLMEX HOLD CAUCUS Make Up One Blate for Offices in Their Gift and Then Wipe it Out. SECOND ONE CHANGES ALL BUT ONE PLACE W. F. fa p. to Be ll ( lerk anil lap. tain Holirrl Jones to Be Chief of Fire Department Mayor Appoints Poller. Republican councllmeu-elect and other party leaders held a caucus Tuesday at which the council appointments were de cided upon and the policy of the republican majority in the city council practically defined. Later In the day a second caucus of Ihe couiicilmcn was held and the result of the lirst one overturned. The slate us Dually agreed upon Is as follows: City Clerk W. F. Sapp. Chlet of Fire Department Robert W. Jones, captain No. 1 hook and bidder com pany. '' City Electrician James G. Bradley. Street Supervisor George Rockwell. Sidewalk Insector Jim Peterson. Custodian of City Hall William Larson. Poll Tax Collector D. J. Whitlaker. Poundmaster Charles Burke. W. F. Sapp, who headed the republican ticket. Is to be compensated for his defeat at the polls by receiving the appointment of city clerk. No decision, however, was reached as to the deputy city clerk. The city clerk, theoretically, has the naming of hla deputy, but It is no secret that the councllmen have a good deal to say us to tho appointment. Mr. Sapp, It Is under stood, is anxious to retain E. R. Bowman, the present deputy, but H. A. Balrd, D. J. Whltaker and T. L. Hall are applicants fur the position. The first caucus favored John L. Temple ton for chief of the fire department. Two years ago Templeton had to step down and out to make way for Charles M. Nicholson, the democratic appointee, and many repub licans now feel that it would only be fall to Templeton to reinstate him. The caucus decided on replacing City Elec trician Atkins with a republican and It la understood that ihe position will be offered to Ed Carr, electrician for the motor com pany, but it was not known yesterday whether Mr. Carr would accept the place or not. James G. Bradley, who held the position for a numlwr of years, but was re moved to make way for Mr. Alklns, Is an applicant for the appointment. Theodore Gull tar waa slated for street commissioner, but he yesterday stated that ho did not want the Job and would decline the appointment, Joha Halle, formerly trus tee tor Kane township, was to be rewarded with the appointment of sidewalk Inspector, while John Taylor was to be offered the appointment of poundmaster. William Larson. Janitor at the North Eighth Street school, was the choice for custodian of the city hall, the salary of which is STiD per annum. The appointment of the members of the police force la one of the perquisites of the mayor's office and It la understood that at the caucus Tuesday night It wna decided to respect the mayor's prerogative and not Interfere with his appointments. The -chief and members of the police force will be named next Monday night by Maynf Macrae, while the chief of the fire depart ment and other appointees will be elected by ballot by the eight members of the city council, six of'whom are republicans. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee March 38 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Heirs of August Gromann to H. Men del, wHi (wli 4 and e se'4 and seU ne4 s-77-41. w d tlO.tltl Katherlne Gromann. guardian, to H. Mendel. wVi sw4 4 and e',4 se and se'i neVi 5-77-41. gnd d 2,0X3 II. Mendel to Feid Floerschinger, nw'j swVi 8-77-41, w d 2,400 G. M. Cuppy and wife to Juat Peter Nelson. eV4 ne'.i and cty ne4 2S-77-39. w d 9.U00 G. M. Cuppy and wife to Jens C. Miller, se't nwVi and wl wH ne4 36-77-Hi. w d 6.4(10 Rachel R. James and husband to Rob ert Bounfleld, lots 13. 14. IS and lti. block x. Central Subdlv. Council Bluffs, w d 1,00 J. B. Blake to Robert Bousfleld. lots and 10. block X, Central Subdiv. Council Bluffs, w d Hi Charles R. Hanuan and wife to Soren Myrtue, lot ai, Auditor's Subdlv. of part k4 nei 25-76-44. w d 901) Thomas H. Cleland and wife to Susan Riniter. part lot 5. block 2. Curtis Ramsey's ad. Council Bluffs, w d 800 Caroline Cook to Jens C. Jensen, lots 4. 6, , 7. 8, and 10. block K, Bayllss' Third ad, Council Bluffs, ' d 360 Heirs of William Siedentopf to Rob- ' ert Roustield. lots 8, 8 and 10, block 36, Central Subdiv. Council Bluffs, n c d Johanna Schulta to Christian Busch, nwVi 27-74-42, q c d 1 County Treasurer to J. P. Oreen shlelds, part ne4 and part nw4 ne'4 34 and part sw' nwVi 36-7K-44. t d.. 1 County Treasurer to J. p. Green shields, elfc se 27-7l-44, td County Treasurer to J. P. Green shielda, eeV, nei, 27-7H-44, t d J County Treasurer to J. P. Green shields, lot 14. block 112: lot 4. block IM, and lot 8, block 182, Crescent City, t d County Treasurer to j. P. Green shields, lot 2. block 3, Steele 4 Woods' Subdlv. Council BlufTs, t d' 1 County Treasurer to J. P. Green shieldH, lots 1 and 8. blea k 26, Cres cent City, t d j Total, eighteei transfers.. 33,wa Do not overlook that "Van Brunt" carries a fine, high grade line of harness, especially made for this trade. Anyone buying a Van Brunt vehicle will be entitled to a sneciul preposition on a set of harness. Investigate this, will you? New vegetables, nice, tender lettuce, onions, parsley and carrots. They ure all fresh, . Just brought Into market. j,,!in Olson "3-741 Weat Broadway. Sunday School Workers Unatiaet. A meeting of the executive committee, of the tiumluy School Workers' union was held yesteiday for the purpose f piuklng arrangements for a conference and banquet to be held Monday evening, April . Rev. O. u. Smith of the First Congregational church and Rev. W. B. Clemmer of the First Christian church were apixjimed a committee on program and Dr. N. J. AltltOW CUtracoaaacHK ccaaTaasisas S cent each 3lorcut CLUiTT. PfAIOOV CO. tUkm Ctnu mmd iumk Stmt. I Rl. e and Prof. 8. 1.. Thomas a committee ot, publication. At this conference plana for the enter tainment of the State Sunday School as sociation.' which will meet In Council Bluffs June 19 to M, will be discussed. A chorua choir of frv voices Is to be organ ised for the state meeting and the local union contemplates having a May musical featlval on some date in the latter part of that month. To Rev. Mr. Clemmer has been assigned the task nf securing a competent conductor for the. choir. MAIOH PIT" OX THE MXIMY I.IU Both Front anal Bark Doors of Kaloona to Cla.e. Council BlulTse Is to be a dry town on Sundays from this out. Mayor Macrae yesterday garve orders that all saloons had to close on the Sabbath. This order the mayor explained applied to all of the hotels In the city. The order, he stated, was to be iigldly enforced and no side door or back cntruncc business would be tolerated. All saloon will be required on Sunday to have all blinds orawn tip and screen doors open, so that .the Interiors seen from the street. This order from ihe mayorcreated con siderable surprise, coming as it does but a few days after election. Mayor Macrae said that he had bad the enforcing of Sun day closing under consideration for some time, but refrained from issuing It before election, as he feared his action would not lie considered sincere. ro Bale. New dwelling near new High schooi, $2, Number of new dwellings for sale. Beautiful lot on Glen avenue, fl.iuo. Insure your house and furniture with me. Tel. , Clias. T. Officer, US Broadway. 2u per cent discount on our pianos this week only, before stock-taking. The finest line 'of high and medium grade pianos. Bourlcius Piano House, 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs.' Ia., where the organ stands upon the building. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado, IS per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; beat of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee, U'4 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Geo. A. Hoagland has Just received a car load of the famous Amaeon Ruhhoe rsn- i and will make you very attractive prices ' on large or small quantities. Now Is tha time to get your roofs In shape befora tha heavy spring rains. Tha Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books date hurt, j 1853. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately ana promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 138 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, Ia. Wuick Meal gasoline stoves. Don't fail to see them before you buy. Swalne A Mauer, 336-338 Broadway. Looks Like Iaoendlary Fire. Fire of supposed Incendiary origin did considerable damage to the cottage resi dence of Emmet E. Daniewood, 23 Avenue A, about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Oscar Henderson, night foreman at the street railway car barns, noticed the flames snd with other employes of the motor com pany ran to the house with several fire extinguishers. Hose company . No. J re sponded to the alurni. but the men from the car barn had ihe blase extinguished before its arrival. Investigation showed that the fire had started in five different places In the house, nd. It la said, there were indications of kerosene having been spilled about the house. The firemen on kicking In the back door of the house found a five-gallon can of coal oil. The interior of the house and furniture were badly damaged by the flames and smoke. Mr. and Mrs. Daniewood are visiting in Shenandoah, la., with relatives, but It was said yesterday that a man had been occupying one of the rooms at night during their absence. . Kitchen tabtneta. A large ahlpment of kitchen cabineta Jusl put on aale. Our cabinets are of the better make, combine new features not shown in other makes. Many .styles up from 13.75. Cash or credit. Keller Farnsworth Furni ture company. We save you from 30 to (LOO on a piano. How.? By asking at the start the lowest price It can be sold at, with all commissions eliminated.' Decide on the piano you want, the plain or rich ornamentation, and the price named Is the bedrock figures. That's wh;- a child can buy as well as a man at A. Hospe Co's.. 33 South Main street. Coun cil Bluffs. The big house of Schmoller A Mueller Piano company are showing some of the most excellent pianos and are selling them at an unheard of monthly payments of $3 per month; $300 pianos for J186. Three months free music lessons with each piano sold. Phone SOS. 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. y Take Thlna. Kmmy. Get all the comfort you can. Let us aeil you a nice rocker, a luxurious couch or reclining chair; they will add to your com torts. Wc have them In great variety and it the moat moderate prices. Peterson & Schoening Co., Council Bluffs. A Is the leading letttr of the ulphubet and likewise the first letter In Adam. This ia not strange when you uiideratand it. nor ia It atrange that Big A Hour, made in your home mill, leads them all. Cse no other. If you prefer quality t quantity and absolute aatlafactlon to youreelf, get Schmidt's nhnlna A ' . --. - .j m suaranieea te please. 'Phon 857. 4ot Broadway. 2o lba. best granulated cane augar for ! Glen Avenue Grocery. N. I. Plumbing Co. lei. o. Night , swltcnae. Graven,' It Peail street, carry tha finest line of switches in the city. Call and see them. Do you waul good steak, mutton chops or pork chops, cooked Just the way you want it. and plenty of nice vegetables and a good cup of coffee with the best of cream? If you do Just get your meals al the Vienna restaurant. Parties having houses for rant or aale list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sales have greatly reduced our Hat and we have customers waiting fur investment. Mora Uronnal for Keheol Hons. In anticipation of the probable neceaaitv of building an udditiou to tha Thirty-second street school, the Board of Education lias arranged to purchaae three lots sou:h of the building. The lots ure tho property of Mrs. Kate Shaw and they have been offered to the board for lTS. The board ia also negotiating Tor the purchase of a lot in the southwest corner of the block from A. C. Keller. When these purchases are consummated the school district will om a th enlUe iiM block fronting wu Thlliy- second street between Avenues B and C. An alley at present cuts this strip of ground In two and as aoonas the board acquires title to. the four lots It will tetltiot te city council to vacate the alley, which runs east and west,.' and In return the board will deed to the city auftlclent ground for an alley running north and south. For the present the lots will be used for a play ground, but the rapidly Increasing popula tion In the weat end, the board realises, will In the neat future tiecesspatc the erect ing of an addition to this school house. For a nlem. n1e. I will offer the Ave-roomed hous? and lot at )646 Avenue A for one week at tsao. New house; city water. Easy terms. No better Investment In Council Bluffs. Make a fine home. Wallace Benjamin, room L First Na tional bank. I write fire Insurance. Office 'phone, 2fJ; residence, 'phone. Black 1444. "In' Hie springtime" everybody cleans house, and McAtee is offering the house keepers of this city the most efficient and most economical clenner ever placed on the market, vis., "KLEANSALL." Cleans everything, Injures nothing. Try It and be convinced. , See the Stockert Carpel Co. before you buy anything hi rugs, largo or Small slses. Carpets with beautiful new patterns, stair pads and mattings. They have the finest stock of Chinese and Japunese cocoa mat ting in the city. Don't worry about the price; they will make that right. The difference In our goods and the cheaper kind Is so great that we pride our selves in saying that we sell cheaper, con sidering the quality of our goods. We want you td see our new line of gocarts, side boards, bookcases, buffets, dinner seta, parlor lamps and our new line of house furnishings. D. W. Keller. 103 South Main. Swanson Music company, new location, 407 Broadway, We sell pianos In our reg ular businesslike way. No new schemes; no certificate. Prloes right; goods re liable. Terms, from 85 to flO per month. We have splendid storage room for pianos. Will not need to be boxed. Tuning and repairing a specialty. When you are ready to move or clean house, call up 'phone 510 arid let our wagon call for your carpels and rugs. They will be cleaned thoroughly and absolutely at a small cost. Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg. Co., 84 North Main. Jensen 4 Nicholson, 23 West Broadway, contract for painting. They use pure white lead and linseed oil. Now Is the time to let them do the work, before the rush commences. Tou can get your work done right If you let them do It For Sale Southern Alberta land for sale from 86.50 to 17.60 per acre. Tho next ex curalon ia April 3. Come and get some be fore it Is all gone. D. T. Kerr. 546 Broad way. 'Phone 417. We have 320 acres choice Nebraska laud. Price until April 1. 831 mr acre. Can ex change for Council Bluffs residence prop erty. Cllf ton-Walker Co. Spring term Western Iowa college opens next Monday, -Enroll then. Egg or green gage plums, 2 cans for 23c. Glen Avenue Grocery. ; . larrlne l.leenaes.' Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: ' J" ;f 1 Name and Residence! T' 1 ' v Age Charles Herman Goodner, Council Bluffs. 20 Stella Watson. Council "Bluffs.-. is Edward Blusher, Council Rltiffs Grace Headley, Council Bluffs..; jg Charles Reynolds,' Council Rltiffs "is Leona M. Benner, Council Bluffs 23 i FLOOD O THE CEDAR RIVER Waterloo and Cedi Falls M offer from the Overflow. WATERLOO, la., March IW.-The water In the Cedar river rose over eleven feet last night and early today broke the weat le und flooded the business district of V cj'loo. . Hundreds of families we're rendered homeless. Rock Island tracks were washed out for half a mile and all railroads are tied up. Cedar Falls reports a similar disaster and J00 ramiles there were driven from their homes. Bridges and dams were also wiped out. At 7 o'clock, the waters came to a standstill and danger for the present is believed to over. WEBSTER CITY, la.. March 28.-(Spe-cial Telegram.) Boone river Is on a ram page and out of Its banks. Bottoms are flooded and residents of the east side and the flats are preparing to move. The water Is up to their doors, but has remained sta tionary today. Indications,- however, .are for rain and a further rise. Danger to the Northwestern tracks ia imminent should the water go higher. ATLANTIC, Ia.. March 28.-(8pecial.) The creeks and streams In this vicinity are all out of banks and covering the bottoms like great lakes as the result of the frost coming out of the ground and the" heav rains of the past few days. Rural carriers are experiencing difficulty in making their rounds. For two days traffic from the euat has been cut off by the rise In Troubleaome creek and the business of the town has suffered from the condition of the roads. Uautaar Case Mettled. SIDNEY, la.. March 28.-Speclal. i-The case of Owen Cavanaugh, who brought suit for JJO.OOO damages against Henry Parkison and nine other prominent citi zens of Perclval, was assigned for this morning In .tho district court here, but was settled between the parties. The terms of settlement have not been made public. Cavanaugh was shot by Parkison something over a year ago and the former alleged In his petition that the other de fendants at that time maltreated him. The shooting grew out of offensive re marks made by Cavanaugh concerning Parklson'a wife. What Pure Feed Laws Will Mean Tlu-y Will I'roUHt the I'coi.k- .lgaju.t Adulteration and ubwtltution Every sane, wholesome-minded person should welcome adequate, equitable pure food laws, a ii,l should lend his every effort to the passage and enforcement of such pure food laws as will make adulteration and Injurious substitution impossible 111 tbeae days of adulterated foods and food products such a food as is known to be pure and wholesome s Indeed wel come. Among all the breakfast and cereal foods offered tho public today, we believe we are warranted In saying that Maita Vlta la the only food that ia simply and wholly pure grain product and nothlna else. exc'jjt a little salt. Malm-Vita as it comes to you from the factory is all of the wheat. It has been thoroughly cleaned steamed to gelatinise the larch ti.n' added to It Is lai ley-malt nuide from se lected barley this acting upon the starch turns It into ma 1 1 ore or malt auaar pronounced by physlclana and f.Kxl experts Ihe finest, purest, mom healthful sweeten liiliing agent knoaii. Then the wheal is rolled out into a lliin wafer flake and talked in tha ovens. . It cornea to you fresh, crisp, pure aad sweet absolutely nothing but a grain product prepared In the cleanest and luosi wholesome way and turned Into the most delirious whole wheat food that can be found. All giocers sell A4aK- ita. Now lu teuts. IOWA TO PROBE INSURANCE Senate Passe Bill for Investigation as it Cornea Orer from House. TWO-CENT FARE Bill LAID TO REST A..M.o.t M.a ta.t Aapropria. Hons Already Made More Than lts pose of tatoaat ta He llalaerf by Tax Levy. (Eroiii a Staff Cnrrespondriii.l 1ES MOINES. Match 2S. (Speclal.)-lli the senate today the Insurance Investiga tion bill waa passed by a vote of 42 to I with practically no amendment. A report of the appropriations committee cut down the appropriation from Iio.ono to IT.SuO, but this was voted down. The bill thai passed Is a substitute for ihe Warren hill, though It emobdles some of the provisions of the Molslterry resolution. It charges the com mission, which shall Consist of two sen ators nnd three representatives, with the duty of Investigating the question of In surance, the methods and relations of com panies and if the commission detms best it has the power lo summon witnesses and examine theiu under oath and to call for books and papers and enforce .Its orders. Oppose Primary Low. s When Senator Crossley sought today to get his second primary bill made a spn-lal order for tomorrow at 10 o'clock Lambert, Garst and Smith all objected And in stating his objections Smith of Mitchell lei It lie known that he did not think much of the primary bill thatklt Is sought to have considered.' The nuestlon was put to a vote and carried, 22 to 17. The debate today disclosed that the Cummins wen, who stand champions of the prUnary principle, will oppose this bill on the ground that it la an abandonment of the primary principle and seeks to force the conven tion upon thirty-nine counties which have a voluntary primary. What the Senate Did. The senate today passed the Jamison resolution to appoint a sifting committee. passed a resolution offered hy Maytag lim iting each senator In debate to ten minutes, indefinitely postponed the bill to Increase the custodian's salary. Indefinitely post poned the bill to regulate trust companies nnd confer on state and savings banks the authority to act aa trustees, indefinitely postponed the bill to increase the compen sation of assessors, passed the Hanna house Mil amending tho code as to levying counly road funds, passed the law restrict ing the importation of nursery stock, pussed the bill limiting to 5 per cent or moneys collected the salaries of township clerks, passed the law to facilitate the con solidation of county schools by permitting the consolidation of part of the territory of one or more township In one or more counties, pussed appropriation bills for the relief of Andrew Ness and W. J. Mo Ahren. N Appropriations Kxrerd Panda. In arguing against the appropriation of 10,000 for the Insurance Investigation and for the limiting of the expenditures for that purpose to $7,500 Senator Garst stated today that it had been informally decided by the appropriations committees of the two houses to limit the appropriations tills year to 1750,000, though the closest figuring would not under the 3-mlll levy give the state more than 12S,O0O for appropriations. Kill Two-Cent rare. The house disposed of the 2-ccnt fsre bill again today. It was pending on a minority and majority report, favorable and unfav orable. There was some discussion. Mr. Sankey read a statement as to the reasons for the passage of the bill. Mr. Lundt talked In favor of the bill and showed by figures hs had compiled that the railroads can afford to reduce passenger rates. Mr. Meredith Insisted In general terms that tho bill was fair and that if the railroads would cut off free passes they could re dues fares. He declared his belief that the time Is not far distant when the state will have the J-cent fare. Wise and Fruddon opposed the bill and presented the figures 'which were given before the committee In relation to the cost of passenger service snd the net loss to the companies. The vote to substitute the minority report fav oring the bill was 40 to 5T. and then the bill was Indefinitely postponed. The bill to provide for disposal of Mis souri river beds was passed. Board of Ilraenta Bill. The special order of the bill to create a board of regents for the government of the State university and other state educa tional Institutions was called up and Mr. Wright made the opening speech In favor of the bill. He talked moat of the day, traversing the ground which had been cov ered In the senate and presenting u strong argument in favor of consolidation of the boarda. Hamilton Acrepta Position. John T. Hamilton of Cedar Rapids has been tendered the position on the board of control made vacant by the death of Judge L. O. Klnne and this afternoon acceptance of the position was received from Mr. Hamilton at tho governor's office. Mr. Hamilton ia a banker and farmer and Is 61 years old, having been born In Henry county. 111. He was at one time mayor of Cedar Rapids, and at another time con gressman. He Is a lifelong democrat. Roads Almost Impassable. SIDNEY. Ia.. March IX. Special.) The roads were seldom If ever In a worse con dition than at present. Since (he melting of the recent heavy snows the mud Is so deep that It Is almost impossible to haul even an empty wagon without a four horse team. The Riv-erton-Sldney stage uses four horses, something never known before. The streams are overflowing. The Nishnabotna has burst through the dam into the new channel where the Rankin dredge boat la at work and haa flooded the lauds heretofore protected by the dikes. The roads are under water and im passable. Hant Daiwaae laa oa Trial. LOGAN, la., March 2f.. fSpeclul.) At the district court the sensational $lo,i60 dam age suit of Mrs. Daisy M. Hunt against George W, Egnn is on trial. Yesterday was taken up In drawing a Jury and this morning trial b. gan by examining the plulutlff and her witness. Attorney Emmet Tlnley of Council Bluffs Is acting for the defense and V. A. Turner of Acuta for the prosecution. MODEL OF ONE TRANSPORT itaartermaaler General Haa Design ttklck Attrarta Attention of Pro ale at War Department. WASHINGTON, March .-t"nUer di rection of Quartermaster General Hum phrey of the anny, models have been pre pared of the United States transport Sher man, and they are attracting much atten- 1 tion at the War department. The models j are about fifteen feet long and shorn- ,not only thu exterior of the ship, but also tiie Interior. One model represents the trans port cut In halves and shows the relative positions of uuarters for soldiere, the pas sengers' rooms, coal bunkers, freight com partments and machinery roomx. With great detail the exterior bus lven worked out In such '.uauner that nothing is left to the Imagination. Kvnt the beds for the men are reproduce.) m a small trilniatuie barrels and boats. 1 7Jai)rodcEDd All of this can he avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby cornea, as thia reat liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of thia wonderful book, telling all about thia liniment, wi Tki Bridfle'd Regilator jJAPfiOSg UHPEOSEI- if pWEl 1 'ly IT I) 'ill r iT I Jap Rose aa. (TaAAB lUSIl TaAAB Soap An exquisite production. No skill can make a soap less harmful or more delicate. It beautifies the complexion, keeps the hands soft and white, imparts a constant bloom of freshness to the skin. JAMES S. KIRK & COMPANY LABOR BILL IN GREAT BRITAIN Government Introduces Measure Desieuod to Offset Taff Vale Decision. ATTEMPT TO TAKE A MIDDLE COURSE Proposed -Law ot Nnllafnctwry o Labor Members and Many Liberals ' I ntonlata Jnbllant Over I net lea I Mistake. i IvONDUX, March IS. Tno ttadc disputes bill, which is a direct outcome of the Taff Vale decision, which held that trades union funds are liable for the Illegal acts of In dividual members ot a union, was Intro duced In the House of Co, unions today by the attorney general. Sir J. Lawson Wal ton. In explaining the features of the measure he said that the recent court de risions had seriously curtailed the useful ness of trades unions. Their undoubted rights of - peaceful persuasion had been cut down to the point of extinction und funds contributed to provide agnlnxt sick ness and luck of employment hud been held liable to meet claims based on the repudi ated acts of unauthorized official. The present bill provides thut no act of a trades union shall be held to be unlawful If surh act Is lawful when committed by an Individual. It sets forth In express terms the right of peaceful picketing, which the attorney general do.iared was an es sential part of the right to strike and de fines the law of agency as applied to trades union funds for any act unless It la per fectly clear that . the act was authorized by th governing body of tho union. In regard to the deman for the com plete Immunity of trades union funds from attack the attorney general declared that he did not think It right to create a special privilege for th proletariat. If the hill did not fulfil the expectations of the trades union, the government At least hud done Its best to solve the thorny problem. Labor Members Object. This statement, which closed the, attor ney general's speech, was greeted with shouts of "no", from the benches occupied by the labor party members of parliament. It speedily became evident that the gov ernment's measure wus not at all to the liking of the labor members, who before Us Introduction their opopsitinu to anything short of complete immunity for union funds. In their opposition to the bill the labor members are supported by the Irish and many ministerial members and u I: less the government measure Is extended so as to give union funds complete Im munity from claims for damages arising from strikes the lubor members will test the opinion of the house with a bill which they have, prepared. Tho Irish will HHk to have the bill extended to include Irish farmers and others who ure oieii to unfair treatment. , The trades dispute bill, which was reud for the tlrtt time today, will be fought on Ita second reading in committee. BUI Pleases ftobody. What is considered to be a tactical n. in take on the part of the government on coming Into serious conflict not only with the lubor party, but a large majority of its liberal supporters over the introduction of the trui"s dispute lull In the House of Commons yesterday, is avowedly doc to differences of opinion among the minlstera In Dr- Graves Toolli Powder there are combined the ele ments of safety and pleasure in kissing, your wife or sweet heart delicious after taste. Just ask her about it. Ia baudy auatal cans or botUoe, xge. Jr Prftyatt' TelK PflWf Pi W,,UlfiI5 I ClH rQlYu&T W3a Every, woman eorefl ft hapelv, pretty Rjrure, and many of them deplore tha loRsof their finish forma after rnarriape. The baring of children is often destructive to the mother'a . shapeliness. HXRgJ themselves, s strong minority being against a complete concession ' to labor views, and I lie compromise adopted apparently pleases noliody. The Incident Is tho snhjoct of unanimous and keen - regret on the part of the liberal newspaper this morning, because, they say. It bus already become, known that the government will yield by leaving the question to the decision of the house and that the -result of this will he a great loss of prestige to the government. Hesides, the papers say. It is almost cer tain to meet with opposition In Ihe House of Lords, which will send the bill back te. the House of Commons shorn of tho clause granting immunity to trades unions ami possibly of other Important features which probably Would have been accepted had th government boldly faced the problem. The House of Lirdw, the newspapers de clare, will now point to Ihe govemment'i . own course as Justification for Its reject ing the Immunity cluuse. The ' unionist organs naturally are jubilant, pointing out that this action is In fulfillment of theli predictions of the danger of the govern ment's unwieldy majority and heralding II us the brglnning of the disintegration Ol the-liberal battalions. Sterling Silver Frencer. I&th and Dodge. Dlvorre for B. L. Duke. NKW YORK. March Brodle L. Duk of Durham. N. ('., a relative of the presi dent of the American Tobacco . company, toduy was gianted a divorce from h'ii wife, Alice Webb Duke, whom he mar ried In this city December 19. 1WK. Wher the case as called for trial yesterday counsel for Mrs. Duke did not appear and witnesses were examined for the plaintiff. Justice Hlanchard ordered a sealed ver dict, which was returned today. . Tnro Stonemasons Killed. DAYTOV. O.. March 28 -By the collapss of a scaffolding around the tower of the new St. Mary's church today Charles Han dera and George Kllisnn, stone workers, were precipitated a distance of 100 feel to the ground and fearfully mangled. Han dera was Instantly killed. Ellison live about fifteen minutes. ANcccssHyWhwu Travail n For Toothache! JNcaraliaL Ml Accidents Price ArAJlDruists Business Boosters Trj the Want i.4 Col u tans of The Boa. MEN AND WD MIS. Cm B ! foraatsvl oWbsi K.lafia.siuu. irriiaooi, ar ulofik.a of mucous a(ata. fiHlM, se sot astria to I to ft T. sWtlr4 4 sx M4rv rraJSj1a ftaWtoaV 'Mill WIS Cht aUlCl aut or uiM,aous. t- 1 avoid br Uniftou, - or sit ia eUta ! M I BanWsaW rMS' H -s3v ' r f I W I! l.SV' i-KV Cutis 1 r ! V '1 , ' or ! ia slala wr I ar ?. prts j J si m m I itu- i r ' M imuiw mi a tn tie