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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
THE OMAHA PAHA" BEE: THURSDAY. MARCH 2D, 100ft SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaemeate for Itnrnliam will Itkn til 13 m. for too rreoln edit lea and aatll R a. m. for the nirilif aaal ftarriay rdltlon. Ratea 1 !- ward tirat fnarrtion. le a word thrrrafirr. KntMac likra for l-aa than 3M for the rat laeer tloa. These tl vertlaeaaeete raaat he raa roaarratlvrlr. Aelverllaers, by reejaestlnaj a nam tiered eheelt, ran have anawera ad dreaaed to a namhered letter In rare of The flee. Aaawers ao addreaard will he dellrered oa preaeatatloa of check. ' MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE SPRING TERM. MONDAY,.APRIL 2. Day and night. New claeses In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and English. Get a catalogue. Address . B. BOYLES, president, Boyles Biilg., Omaha. K MlWt CM A LA Safe and Iron Works make a ape. dally of tire escapes, snuttera, doors and ales. U, A mi rein. Prop., lux S. 10th Bt. II 899 Hal a Tips H- RUM bel, & a U&IV AiCB N- nth St... Omaha. R. RUM BEL. & BUN, 1124 R-00 K1GN PAINTING. H. IL Cole. 1802 Dougl R 9-8 VB BUT ana sell typewriters. We will m il your muchlna on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 128 Neville H!k. Tel. Dong. 4603. R M872 BTEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain. Perfield Plane Co.. lul Farnam St. - R-tOl GUNSMITH, keys; trunk locks, repairing. Heflln. H7 B. 14th. TeL Douglas 2974. B-4VH TRY KELLY'8 TOWEL, SUPPLY. TeL Doug, 8o30. R-H SECOND-HAND Typewriters sold, rented and repaired. Ferer s Typewriter A Sup ply Co., 607 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 7o5, R ail Apr 1 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1818 Farnam. R 661 MARTIN MEVER, shirts, underwear to oi der. R-M598 A21 SECOND-HAND Typewriters sold, rented and repaired. Ferer's Typewriter and supply Co., 1608 Farnam. 'l'liona Doug lus 7266. R-oi7 Apr. 1 J H. STAN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Res. 247 Lake. Tel. Doug. 4727. R Ma-I A19 BURVEYING. Bllckenaderfer. 313 Bee Bldg. R W HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean paper cleaning a speclaltv. Tel. Douglij U1 R-j44 A19 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any else. 181i Farnam. Q 0 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman 4k McDonnell D:ug Co., Omaha. Q 841 HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 11S Farnam. . Q .42 FOR BALE Two life acholarehips on Omaha business college. Addretia Dwlgtit William. Omaha Bex. Omaha, Neb. Q829 li'LCH COWS, en easy terms. 43d and Center. Q-S FOR SALE At a discount, dua bill from one of tho moat desirable life inuurance companies, which may be applied on a lirsi year's premium ; any one considering taking out a policy Ban save money. Address P f7, cara . . Q 8oJ PIANO FOR BALE Party who 'purchased piano only a tew weks ago will sell it t a diacouut from the cash price paid. Addreua P 63. care Bee. W-fr PIANO Square, Ilv; 50 centa weekly. Per neld Piano Co., 1611 Varnaai St. Q W3 CRIBBING, fir Umbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 16iu & Isard. 4 mo I V buy everything In the furniture Una. Chluufo Furniture Co., itiu uuaue. k .. U 477 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEURASivA. The lanioua Old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the inoubautr mtin. oVud for 124-paga trea catalogue; poultry illustrations. M. M. Johusoa Co., Clay Center, Neb. W Wi CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads.: genuine new titelnway piunoa are sold ONLY by Schmoller at Mueller and they are the ONLY authorised Nebraska rep resentatives. TeL Doug.-16Ci. 14u7 Har ney St. g-Miil KINDLING for sale; good wood, sawed and pllt, ready for stove. Balbach & Hags- liorii Planing Mill. 'Phone Harney oa. Q il.'tt As FOR SALS V karat diamond ring, no flaw, perfect atone, valued. 41.600, will lake iit'M cash. Don't write unless interested, and have tiia money. Address, W 69, care of Bee. Q 613 as FOR SALE Entire household, new fur niture, becauae leaving city, all pure-baaed 60 days' ago. Barney Wolfe, 5-1 South 24th Ave. . Q-933 28 FOR SALE Furniture .of 5-room cottage. For particulars address A K), care Heo Vr M"o 29 X 'led; CHAMBEHUINS Perfect Chick F iiMt in the world for young chirks; trv 't. Stewart s Seed Store, 119 North lt;th't.. the only authorised avlliiit; aaent u Omaha. Q M'JJ8 A28 FOR SALE At reasonable price, 100 tons of clear Inks ice from 12 to 14 Inches thick. Write R. Rhode, Heenier, Neb. . . 0.-M!)71 30 SEE Broodier; good as new; used last summer; '10. Frank. 1SCI Davenport St. H4 i BUSINESS CHANCES CLD established well pump and windmill business for sale. J. E. Hoover, Lock Box 4a, benedict. MIX X M1U A14x FOR SALE On easy terms, or will lease to lishl party, new hotel; auly pne in town; not furnished. Address C. L. Rot hall Ciab Orchard. Neb. Y Mii39 lx you wartt to sell your property? Ho you want to bay a home 7 Do you want to rent a liouseT Do you want to get in or out of business? lo you Wiint to borrow money? If so. list l our warns with us; we gt results. TFM PI-ETON at MANKER. 2u lieu Llug. Tel. DuuKtaa-?4. Y-M571 'DO YOl" want to buy or lease an up-to-ilato brick yard In sn enterprising town? jf. (' if tivken soon. Good demand for i.rlck tk. Box 196, Prescott, la. Y-M914 2 W. E. STOCKHAM wants to exchaiixe his present position for that of city clAk. ; T-M943 Al FOR SALl Complete; set of bar fixtures; rath or diamonds. Address R. Bee Office, Council Bluffs. T-MW) A2 FOR SA I.E Established, very profitable Iowa Mfg. business; average annual net pionia for term of years more than IS.'fUO; this year will l doubled; best reasons for selling; write owner. Address A 32. care lie. Y M972 Al FOR SALE A good, clean stock Of general merchamiis In Blue Hill, Neb.; want to sell on avcouut of holding ortl.-e. Write me at Red Cloud, Neb. W. C Krahm T- M9 31 WANTED Party with tl.o for proposi ti..!! of merit in old Mexlcw; will bear . strict investigation. A ifi. Bee. ' Y-MllOJIx BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay truit prireey Solid oak billiard v j nd l tables liou. Also bar fixtures. No agency expenses. CaialoMue maikd i:ce. t'has. Pussow & Suns, iChicagn -174 WE TRUST FVERTHOPT. eas Mrmants. and lrttd the wold in cheap arics oa buii ir-1 and pool libles and bar nzturaa; cutuloxu frt-e 1 ne lir uu K ka-biina-(.cUcudai' Co., 4v7 S. l'AU 6u Omaiis, N-b WANTED MALE: HELP. Spring Term of the. . Omaha Commercial College 19th end Farnmn. BEGINS MUX 1 , Y MORNING, APRIL, 2. Catalogue Free. ROHRDOLGH BROS.. Omslia. B M631 ill Btenngrapher, 170. Htrnogi a pher, $". Stenographer, Oliver operator, $65. Office clerk. young man, 15. Grocery clerk, $ln. Young man, wholesale house, $.16. We can pliice bookkeeper. stenographers, ofTire el, rk and snlesincn, If competent, at all times. Call or write for complete list of vacan cies and booklet. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. (INC.) Dept li 810-1-2 N. Y.,Llfe Bid. B 9!3 28 WANTED Men to learn Tiarber trade: 12 great schools under one management; founded J8.1.1; few-weeks completes; little expense; our diploma assure employment nt top wages; call or write. Moler Barber College. 1116 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. B MK54 2!x TWO non-union Job compositors; first-class wages to first-class menr railroad fare refunded to men who will stay one year. Apply, statins; referenees, to Walker Bros. & Hurdy, Fargo. N. D. B-MS52 SO - WANTED Four trustworthy boys, with bicycles; permanent positions. A. D. T. Co.. 212 B. 13th SL B M570 A3 DRUG stores bought snd sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, 624 N. Y. L. ' B 307 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied men between ages of 21 and 35; cttlsens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb., or Sioux City. la. B 173 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays to a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 4KB STOPat th" Neb- House, 1307 Douglas; '' rooms 20c and up; beds (iron) lie; just opened; everything new and clean. B-M315 31 YOUNG man to learn trade, wire work. 611 S. 16th. B M9u 31 TA1IX1R WANTED One all around tailor wanted at once; steady work year round. Carl P. Lindecrantz, Holdrere, Neh. B M981 AlX WANTED A good all-nround plalnlng mill man. State experience and wages wanted. O. U. Collier, Fairbury, Neb. B 961 A9 WANTED Three young men experienced In handling men's furnishing" for whole sale trade; reference required. Address N. I (ioldstone (incorporated). Pes Mnlnes, la. B 970 23 WANTED A boy to learn the men's fur Dishing goods business. 1504 Farnam St. B 9iS 25 TAILOR, wanted immediately. 12n7 Far nam ' B Mlul A-l . 1 , k. FIRST-CLASS tailor shop; good location. Address A 6, care Bee. B MUM 30 WANTED 10.0UO men to vote for W, E. Storkham for city clerk. B M9.19 Al WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. c am WANTED Experienced shirt hands, on power machine; good wages; steady em ployment. Albert Cairn,, lxa Farnam St. 1 U M2i8 WANTED Experienced Coat ' and skirt hands for ladles' alteration department; good salaries. 8. Fredrick Bergur & Co., 1617 Farnam St. C 240 WANTED Ctrl or woman, to cook,- wash and Iron; family of three;. must be cap able and furnish references; wages S6 per week; also second girl for same family, W per week; permanent places. Address P. O. Box No. 668, Kc.rney, Neb. C M62 29x Stenographer, Remington, 50; good place. Stenographer, any machine, out of town, 160. X Reply at once. WESTERN REF. St BOND ASS'N (Inc.), Dept. B, 840-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 994 28 WANTED A young marrleB lady to earn money at home in spare tfhe. Lioeral pay. For particulars call on Mrs. Lee, 17ul Capitol Ave. C M(2 31x WANTED a competent girl; best of wages; apply, 3707 Jones. C fcil WANTELV-GIrl for general housework; reference required; three In family; good wages. 922 N. 22d St., South Omaha, C 962 GOOD girl, or second girl. 627 Park Ave. . C M9S0 SO WANTED 10.000 ladies to Induce their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons and gentlemen friends to vote for W. E. Stockham for city clerk. C M940 Al WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 1126 8. 2th 8t. C 9X4 30 WANTED Competent girl. Inquire 1124 So. 29th St. C M998 31 WANTED A girl that can sort and check linen; must tie experienced; City Sieam 1-aundry. 211 8. 11th. , C 989 2 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all acci dents, diseases and occupations; some thing entirely new and issued by this society only; easily understood and easily sold; cost but W per annum each, pay able monthly it desired; large commis sions paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Ac cident Society, 3jJ0 Broadway, New York. Established 20 years. j GOOD agents can secure liberal contracts for territory In Nebraska and western Iowa to sell an investment proposition that cannot fail to bring very large re turns to both agent and Investor A great opportunity for successful life in surance agents. Call or address Walma ley &. Wemott. 644 Ilea Bldg. J M927 Al A MARRIED lady with large circle of sx- quaiiKances can make money without canvassing. Call on Mrs. Lee, l?oi Capi tol Ave. J-Mool 31x WANTED I or 4 men to canvass; will pay 118 a week and expenses; T. Z. Davis Oakwood. 111. I J MuiO Alx ' AGENT8 make l dally - selling the cheap, est ana most perfect ws,ter filter ever iu ventd. Retails at ti. r Big profit. Ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co Si neca. Mo. Jm 7 X3x ' PICTURE agents. Imxe 24x28-lnch framed wail pictures, coat 3t; complete, sell for 9tc easy; lo subjects; credit given; en close stamp for catalogue. Poitmit Co Wayne. 1IL J-!;88t'" WANTED SITUATION IADY wishes position as cashier. Ac curate; good penman. Address A. G 6M 8. 16ih. . - A 9W 2Sx FOR EXCHANGL ' A NINE-ROOM briuk bouse, steam heat, S .mm (ihiiiib, iMre vomer 101, ciise In; will "" i"r eiuuy iii in a a nats or stori property. Price, MI0ii. Two full city loi.. near Crelghton college corner with alley on west and south' ground 162x147; will trade for equity n improved rental -oropei ty. Price S 0"i N. P. DOIKJK & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. , K-f,n IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put as ad. in and you will soon l Z-sal ONLY, HOTEL in town; trade for land or sell; bus hue and mail from train; livery barn. Pays from $lx) to fc.uui a year Sell on account of wtWs health. Address W-21. ii M m Ali GASOLINE engines slightly used. Su horse power and IVj horse power. Air CooU-d Kelly. 'Phone , iKiuiclas lzi. Vaguer Bi'oa , Lli Laaven worth. JEXW I y Loi s of People Arc Looking for Houses. x THE EASY WAY TO RENT YOUR HOUSE IS BY TELLING V THEM JUST "WHAT YOU HAVE IX A WANT AD. F0RRENT FURNISHED ROOMS LEVE Y European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 913 Doug. Cll O.M.E. Haul Trunks E 914 ki furnished south front parlor, suit able for man and wife; home cooking; team best; modern. The Capitol, lS'.h -nd Capitol Ave, K M328 A19 WELL furnished, modern, aream heated rooms, 34 Farnam, Flat S. Tel. Doug. 22eS. EJ 781 KEWLT furnished rooms, 2S34 Davenport; walking distance. . E 432 FURNISHED rooms for rent at 2534 Dav enport Bt. E 763 NICELY furnished large southeast room; modern . ! t .. 1 . i , . . . i men. 217 South J6th 8t. E 179 1 v. NICELT furnished la rge south front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2702 Farnam st- E M895 31x RJRICTLY modern rooms In private fam- .'j , ei-,-iieni location. ffilOv. ebster, Ioub.-u30. Km76 A FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 gentlemen In io muuern nome. Uoiitlns 8t. ; E M979 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NICELY furnished front and back parlors, inouern, use oi piano ana phone; very reasonable; private family; board; refer ences. 316 So. 26th St. - F 967 2Sx VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.- F-U Doug. Gil O.M.E. Haul Trunks F 910 ROOMS and good board. 16 per week and v-om luu ,uavaai, V VIA ELEGANT meals. Home cooking, 2037 Harney St. Private. 21 meals, 3.50. PhoneRed6ll4. F SSS Alx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT modern rooms, parlor floor. 1509 8. 28th SJ 4jr CENTRAL; 8 rooms, parlor floor. 220 N. 23d St. G M97S TWO large rooms, with alcove. 2412 Casa. Tel. Red 6276. G M707 . FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES ,n aU prt ol the citr R- 1J UOLiO c- Meters & Co., Bee Bldg. L Hli FOR RENT. Three and 4-room flats; modern except heat; waiKing aisiance. nuo-1 IN. mn fcL; tg and $12 per month. Inquire Tt. C. Meters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D M19 HOUSES ln " ParU of the City. Tha "UL,1"3 O. F. Davla Co., SOS Bee Bldg. D-916 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk, THE! Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and atora PL H. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, loUVt Farnam. TeL Doug. 1669. D 911 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Sl Stor age Co. TeL Doug. 14l& Office, i713 Web ster St D-19 8-ROOM modern house, axoept furnace, $30, r U 4 L- u v .1 n 14 i 1 Tal Red 2639. D 224 MODERN 11-room house; convenient for two families; beautiful location, near two ' car lines. Call 2512 North 22d D M339 A-l SEE us when nhippln household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. TeL Doug. 1196. i D-M121 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. E. cor. i6th Ave., and Leavenworth; house in perfect order; new plumbing; hot water heating; rent $40. W, J. ConnelL ,101 Bea Bld D-M292 FOR RENT STOKES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room ln Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St.. Souta Omaha. Apply to manager. i 134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement, elevators-will rent 2zxlu0 separately; 10uu-a Faruaui St. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. 1-9-3 GROUND FLOOR space 66x122. light three sides. Union Pacific trackage, suitable for manufacturing or light storage. L. (J. Loup, 13lh and Nicholas Sts. I-M593 STORK room in a brick building, 4201 Hamilton SL, for rent, only $10 per month. R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee-4ldg. 166 STORE ROOM. ON S. 16TU ST. 'NEAR HARNEY. Best retail district in city, GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. .1990 31 CENTRAL, drug store, with fixtures: also laundry, with power. Tiaard, 230 North Zid. I M661 FOR RENT Desk room or half of a pleasant office. Address W t. Bee. 1-M464 FOR RENT Store room on S. 16th 8t., near Harney. Best retail district In city. George & Co., 16U1 Farnam. 1646.28 $40.00 Large store room fot rent. IMS Harney St. N. P. DODGE & CO. v I M563 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Either two medium sized connecting offices or private office with use of reception room; must be In ' modern office building; preferably The Bee or New York Life. Satisfactory tenants with first-class references. Ad dress at once, stating location, size of rooms, etc.. F. W. Potts, Minneapolis, Minn. K M97 Al WANTED By three careful adults, cot tage or small two-story house; good ref erences. Address A 34, Bee. . K MD63 29j WANTED One or two desirable rooms for a young lady, furnished or unfurnished, between Dodge and Leavenworth, ami not too far out.) Address A 31, cure Bee. K M'XiJ 29 x LOST LOST An opportunity to vote for W. E Stockham lor city clerk If you are not registered. Lost M941 Al LOST A silver bracelet made of half dimes; between 16th and Farnam to 2Mh and Poppleton. Liberal reward if re turned. Martha Schaeffer, ?4 Poipleton Ave. LOST 9)7 2x LOST a white mare, weight about Kw pounds. J,V. J. Celford, 4-d and L Ht. South Omaha. LOST 983 28 LOST Dark-red .row, long horns. Liberal reward for return to 1311 Cass St. l-iost M107 3X LOST Lady's gold watch, open face; re wurd. Mrs. W. D. Godfrey, 24 N street, South Omaha. LOST S2 28 FOUND W. E. STOCKHAM. a msn that wants te be rltv clerk. Fnund-M942 Al TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. f H, PhJibin. 1Mb Farnam. 'Fboue Doug. Ts4. L A RSON JOHNSON, 14V Fmn. Doug Dec Want Ads Bring Best Results. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE DESIRABLE ACRE TRACT NEAR SO. OMAHA $:.fiTo fnr 2 acres. S. K. of Swift Packing House, snd 8 blocks from Albright cat line. Improvements consist of good 7-room house, lurire new barn. 2 chicken houses, hog pen. 150 fruit trees of all kinds, one acre alfalfa, high board fence all around premises, good to raise chickens and hogs, tvt off at Polk Street and go 3 blocks east. GEORGE & CO.. 1G01 Farnam. RE-9!2 30 COME QUICKLY . $4200. To see this new house ln West Farnam district; hard-wood finish, reception haH, papered In burlap, gas and eleotrlo lights, nlckle plumbing and enamel bath, laundry, s complete modern home; east front .in 2Sth street, near Dewey Ave.; all pave ment and permanent walks paid for. $1800. A seven-room cottage all on one floor; large pleasant rooms, east front on Jarao lot near 27th and Cuming; new plumbtnc; enameled bath; house In thorough repair. This la our greatest bargain for the price and It only takes S.iOO down to handle it. 11400. A neat 5-room cottage, east front on 2Uh, near Cuming; south exposure; close In. within walking distance. Only $400 down. Can you beat this? N .P DODGE & CO., i 1714 FARNAM 8t. i RE-9o8 29 CHOICE HOME IN CHOICE , LOCATION No. 3022 Pacldc St., an 8-room modern house; oak finish and floors below; com bination fixtures; handsome , mantel; nicely papered; cemented basement; Car ton furnace; permanent walk, and as phaltum pavement. Specials all 'paid. Re member this Is a home. Price $6,500. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, No. 220 South 17th St. V RE-M995 31 . FARNAM STREET BARGAINS 125,000 56x132 ft., corner 20th and Farnam. This Is absolutely the best buy on the street. Will double In value. $5,650 ' 115 ft. on Farnam. corner 29th Ave. This Is a big pick-up, and you must come quickly to get It. J. W. ROBBINS.' 1802 FARNAM ST., SOLE AGENT. RE M996 A-l DE. SI It ABLE HOME NORTH TAUT, npnt'rrn vrnr omvi h FOR QUICK SALE. A-oo tor gjoa v-room house, an modern except furnace, on ,L6c(ist street, near 18th St. In best of condition, iron fence around place; owner leaving city and must be aold soon at that price. , .' !' GEORGE & CO.,' 1601 Farnam St. M r. - RE-991 20 A GEM 7-room house, strictly modern; has gas, bath, hardwood floor, fine, large rooms, only two blocks from good car line. In north part of town. Owners ask $2,000, but an offer of $1,700 might take It if made soon. Payne. Investment Company, First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug.-lTSl. RE M949 29 FOR SALE Near 25th and St. Marys Ave. Ixt 50x112 ft., with two cottages; all spe cial taxes paid. Price, $2,750. 8-room house, modern except furnace, lot 60x130 ft., on South 40th St. Price, $2,200. Lot 93x156 South of Farnam St. on 40th St. Price. $2,600. M CAUUE INVESTMENT CO. 1500 DODGE ST. RE 77 28 MUst JJe Sold at a Sacrifice QUICK Best Built Modern Residence Choice Location BEMIS PARK See me nuick about this If you want an elegant home at a bargain. WILLIS TODD. 1021 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M108 20 WEST 'FARNAM Absolutely the choicest piece of ground In West Farnam, 100x136, on' Farnam St. Price, $7,750. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug.-1781. RE M960 29 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. Y'ou don't buy a lawsuit when Lou buy a "Kerr" abstract, luus N. Y. ,ife Bidg. 'Phone Doug. 44. BE TH E Glover Cuban I Jind Co.. R. 3. N. T. U Bldfc., Omaha, sell lands In Cuba. Round trip. to Havana. $67.86. RE aM FARMS and city home. Kemp, Real E. tatar, Blair, Neb. RE FOR SALE A home worth $30,0Ou for $ll, OuO; west side. Address L 17. Bee. Ki-MS5s CH8 Williamson Co.u tFZi'- RE 137 REAL ESTATE WANTED. I HAVE $Ji-,i"io to Invest in Omaha real estate that offers the best bargains. Wisli to deal direct with owners. Give descrip tion and best price In first letter. Ad dress A 4. car a Bee. RE M788 Alx 313G MASON STREET I large rooms, high ceilings, strictly mod ern, brand new, attic all floored, good cistern, pump ln ' laundry, which Is In cellar; good barn, lare lot, nice shade trees and Shrubbery, street paved, per manent sidewalks, all paid for. Price, $,ooa. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. T. L. Bldg;. Tel. Doug.-17Sl. RE-M961 29 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x284. on U. P. track, at sth and Jones Bis., $lX0ut will take it for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg. RE M5 $600 FOUR ACRES NEAR FOREST . LAWN." Within t mile Forest Lawn car tililMER ac CHASE CO. Fruit and, Iriultry harms 14 Farnam St., Gimind Floor. Tel. LVus'las-itMi. . - JE-102 ."9 ESDBES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DUNDEE LOT South front on Underweod Ave., one-htlf block west of 50th. St. and car line. New houses being built on each side of It. Nice sliade, very attractive. Price, $6fi0. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnnm. RE MP7B Jl A $7o LOT In Bemls PaVk for $Ton cash If sold at once. Address A 35, Bee. RE M105 OWNER leaving city will sell home. 41n1 Chicago St., 8-room modern well built bouse. Fine lawn; shade and fruit trees) one-half block to Saunder s school; three blocks to Farnam; Dundee car. Call week days only. RE Mint) 31x FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Land Dept., U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." H-S3I OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH to North Dakota to select a 320 or a 640 acre farm out of our ldO.Ooo-acre tract for $12 to $16 an acre; will yield over $12 an acre; free coal, living water, black soil Bend for maps and Brown's Farmer. W'm H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, or Richardton, N. D. H MA33 At MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ twi . WW st $ $ $ $ $ $m$ $ss$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $m$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $m$ Wf $ $ $ I ,J,$ r.j u ui ; i , $$ts $m$ . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$ $m $$ IN OMAHA THAT HAS THE BEST RATES AND THE EASIEST TERMS. If you need ready rush for moving or spring purposes you can get it here on short notice. IMPORTANT. Don't let a desirable residence slip your grasp on account of ready money. WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN FROM $10 TO SO0 ON SECURITY SI'f'H AS PIANOS. HORSES. WAG ONS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SAL ARIES. ETC., LEAVING SAME UN DISTURBED IN YOUR POSSES SION. PRIVATE RECEPTION ROOMS. If you cannot call, write or 'phone. RELIARLE CREDIT CO., . Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block, Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Streets. X M925 OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent wht the cost will be, and If you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow there is no haiii done. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock nd other chattels, and to salaried- people upon their own agreement to pay. , We otter you rates as low as you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern In our line In the city and we always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN " COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 228s (Established, 1893.) 306 8. 16th St. X 188 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned oh furniture, pianos, salary, burses, etc., ln any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any termr wanted; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214. Karbach bik.. 20 S. loth bL X-4170 When in need of " MONEY. ' Call on us. .PHOENIX CREDIT CO. ' 632-3 Paxton Blk, X 971 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obliged to others? It's easy to get money of me. No red tape. Pay when you can. BOWEN, 7u3 N." Y. Life. Open eveninga until 1. X 4)72 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE nd others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-973 SEE the Western Loan company tor furni ture, diamond and salary loans, 331 Ne ville blk., ltitn and Harney. Tel. Douglas 6619. X-9,4 FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., Room 8, Barker Block. X-976 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St. X 4(76 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 318 8. 13th. X-877 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. x v; MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans ant warrants. W. Farnam hnuih at Co., 1JJ0 Faruain 8L W-924 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-825 BUILDING loans on residence property; ( per cent W. M. Melkle, Kanige Blk. W-828 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W-.7 PRIVATE mousy. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. SARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam; city loans, t and Ma per cent lutereat; no delay, i W-828 81,0U0,uu0 TO LOAN on but-lness and resi dence property ln Omaha; lowest rates; no delt.y. Thomas Brennao, H. 1. N. Y. Life. W-830 8 t 6Ss PER CENT loans on city property. W. 11. Thorn, 1st National Bank Bldg. wtai WANTED City Loans. H. C. Peters ae Co. W-832 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros.. 1710 Farnam St. - W-IU3 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W 66 WANTED TO BUY , WANTED 100 shares of American De Forest Wireless Telegraph stock. Quota price. Address A 8. Bee. N M928 Al WANTED To buy S to 8-room house to move. J. H. Purrotte, Paxton block. N 973 2i WANTED House, about seven rooms. In KXi-hunge fur Chicagu residence. W 60, Bee. N-M103 Alx I WISH to buy meat market In town of too to l.OuO; must be located in corn belt. Address-, A 3i. care ol Bf. N-9.10 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE Small horse, harness snd buggy. Address A 2u, Bee. A'-Ms70 DEATH NOTICES PIERCY. David A., sged (, of Kennedy. Neb., died st Macon, tia. Funeral Friday, March an. at in a. m. st ft. Itarnahns' church. S.t North Nineteenth. Omaha. Frlemls Invited. Family now at Ksrbach liotcL H1N7.1E luise M.. seed . widow of E. C. Illnile and mother of C. W., George It. and Harry Hlniie. Funeral from Davis' undertakings rooms, L.T" p. m.. Thursday, March 2S. Inter ment at Mount Hope. No flowers. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN A Gentleman. 702 N. Hth. Dons-las K.VW! -Musi At PERSONAL LAUNDRY CITY STEAM TeL Doug. &4. Ill a LUll St. U-961 PLEATING I n 111V- Send lor price list snd samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., rOO Douglas Block. Tel. Don. 193. U-4152 MAGNETIC! treatment & Batha. Mme. U 866 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home lor women at 3824 N '-'4th St.. Omaha. Neb. U M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Raroge Blk. U 964 PIANO CLUB . Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All muslo lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam BL U 966 1 RIVATE home during confinement: babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gatdell. 318 Charles. Tel. Doua. 6311. U 866 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; I i.uneci, repair and sell, at i St., for cost of collecting to the worthy ' Door. Call Tlmn. iinui 4136 and wagon will call , U-el WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of. machines: second hand machines, $6 to $10. Neb- Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. 16th and llarne FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day er night. U 12 MARCEL-WAVE mLnlagrel.n"Luat0i,e Bryant, 816 Bea Building. U-M627 A19 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Peitield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U-968 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. Doug. 3630. PHONE) U-968 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Oniamv, U-4WI liR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 1 & S. 1606 Farnam. U 93 GOLD STICKPIN FREE To any person sending us the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PERFIELD PIANO CO., TeL 70L loll Farnam bu U-117 GREEN TRADING ?am' 7n'2 and liquors; by jug or bottle. CackUy Bros. Opposite postoffice, U 126 All P H A M PI ON Carpet Cleaning Works. t 11 Ml II IU11 Beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prices reasonable. 720 a. 14th St. Tel. Douglas -665 U 166 Jel2 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten house, 412 N. 16th, room 2, second floor U-618 A-i8 C. E. DAT, painting and paper hanging; high-class work at low prices. Doug.-a9 U-M11U A14 YOUR saving 40 per cent. lnv estlgate. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 16th St. U-700 HEAFEY A HEAFEY. Carriages for funerals, weddings and par ties; electrlo lighted. TeL 265. U-MS20 31 WALL PAPER cleaner. TeL Harney S296. . . U-654 MANICURING, handdresslng and mas. sage. HatUe HauL 208 Neville Blk. TeL SPENCER Jfil? renovated. $1.50 till April 20. Doug.6212 . U M597 A 22 652. . U-M617 AS BUTTERMILK at creamery, ma c U-M647 A$ FOR Easter millinery at reasonable prices. 1606 Leavenworth St. U M682 A8 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st SL TeL aou. U-M703 W.E. Stockham Republican Candidate for city clerk. U-969 Al FURNITURE packing and repairing; up holstering and mattress making. L. Smith, U18 Lake. Tel Douglas twos. . U M170 13 MASQUE COSTUMES. Lie ben. Tel 4115. U-M744 PRIVATE hospital durlne; confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest in tha city; 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. U-M661 A20 PRIVATE home during (ynnnement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Siinltnrlum 7-S First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel 77l' U-S.'2 ' i KOCHERj carpet weaving. 16U Isard. L AI2a3 A1S TREES ,-apevlnes trimmed; MXULJ now Is the Ume. John Cane 1810 Cuming. Doug. 1641. . U M2uP A14 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food Burr Incubator Co.. 28lh and Daveiiort' U M6J4 A2J ' CARISON & CO., upholstering and repalr Ing. Tel. Douglas 2818. U M663 AS! MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women s monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure price. $2 by wall. Raymond's Monthly Reaulator ln Mould. $3. Dr. R. o. k. moud Remedy Co., Room 36, M Adams bL, LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Failing Littiij. KOLO Remedy. Sately reilwea longest, moat obstinase cases of deUyed Monthly Periods ln $ to S days without harm, pun, or interference with work. Mall. $1 M Double strength. $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD, ER FOR LADIEJS FREE. Lit. B. H. bOUTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. -t .' LADIES Chlcheatei's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable. Take no otiier. Send 4c stamps for particulars, Relief for Ladies," In letter by retain mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co , Philadelphia. Pa. BIST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman at McConnell Lirmr Co . Onmna Soil PLUMBING JOHNSON, THE RELIABLE. PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE I-OWKBT PRICES. tel. Douglas two. mi harnky. - R-MJJ8 Ala RICH FALCONER, repairing a specialty ; also contracting. 2817 N. 2otb. Doui;as671. -M147 A 17 FLORISTS U HENDERSON, LCJ Farnam. Tel. Doug. Lbs. HEdS aV bWOBODA. 14i Faiuaiu. -t PATENTS II A. ST URGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade maika, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Llfq, Omaha, " -4lf F i. LARSON CO.. patent lawyara. Patent book free. Bee bldg., Omaha. Neb. 1 8HARPR MACHINE WORKS-Patenti procured. Inventions developed, drawlni;, patterns, castings, machine work. tM-lj S 10th St. -81 PATENTS procured, bought snd sold. Na tional Investment Co.. 63 Douglas Block. 9KJ DRESSMAKING M DOWELL n scnool, 16iS Far., room 4.. M933 M IIS. ROYS lingerie wslsts and fancy v . .' summer dresses. Douglas 2746; 2n04 fia v-vV. enport. M6M A6 "jyr SCANLON, robes, dressmaking. 11 N. 18th. I -M748 A8 -. ' . i, RADMAN, ladles' tailor; riding habits ami evening coats, special prices till April 15. 2129V4 Farnam. TeL Douglas 3611. , M-2S8 A 13 DRAMATIC rfiambers' School of Stage Arts Lyric Theater. Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction In Stage Cralt. Publics performances by pupils In their own theater, under personal directorship of. Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead ing character with 'Arizona," "Fredeiiek Warde," "Frohman's," nine years Wood, ward Stock. Kansas City, Omaha. Tele phone, Dodglas 1871 1488. ','11 lard E. Char.ibera, Manager. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th Bt., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 5 te-807 REV. EDWARDS, wonderful life reader also reading by mall. Room 1, Patterson I'lkr, 17th and Farnam. 8 M!26 31 LADIES consult Mrs. Faust, reliable palm. 1st. Readings 50c. Satisfaction gun ran teed. 17QM Jackson, 8 Mlort Sflx LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow- hurch Co., mala floor N. X. L. TeL oug. 128. ty J. M. MACFARLAND. ti N. T. L Bldg. ici. uiiug. naoa PRINTING LYNGSTADHlgh grade 1908 Calendars, o ,W.,rV B- E. Cor. 16tn SL and JUKVC Capitol Ave. EN ELL Printing Co.. 310 8. 12th St. M-23S MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ROSALIA A. BAALFELD, PIANIST and i teacher. Room 2L Arlington block. ) M-237 AU MISS IRMA SPRINGER, plana teacher. 1518 S. 28th St Lessons. 50c. 593 Ux , CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY MILES' Fc Down cement block ma chlnery. Ceil or write and let us show you our line. 'Phone Doug. 676. app winBirutuiin to., sus Seville Blk. f46 A 19 TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit, shad an.l ornamental trees, vine, shrubs, roses, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllnn, Neb. M800 A24X STORAGE MAGGARD VAN AND 8TORAGE CO.- uuoas siorea ac lowest prices! Insured without extra charge. Phones Douglas K.39 and Douglas 1496. , 001 AJll OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. 1664. , TeL Doug. DR. WELLS, D. O. and M. D. Neville Blk. M680 At .. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAL8 FOR BULLS AND HE1F ers. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March , ltnaj. Sealed proposals, endorsed on the outside of the envelope, "Proposals for Bulls and Heifers," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D.C, will be received at the In dian Office until i p. m. of April 4, I9u6. for furnishing and delivering at Rosebud Agency, South Dakota, 2U0 bulls and 4,981 heifers; said bulls to be 2 years old, to weigh not less than 860 lbs. each, and to be at least three-fourths Hereford oa. Dur ham; the heifers to be 2 years old, of na tive range, or graded Texas stock, prefer ably Durham or Hereford, and to weigh not less than 700 lbs. each. Schedulas, which will be made a part of the propos als, containing blank forms for bidding, detailed specifications, and conditions to be observed by bidders, will be furnished upon application to this office, to the offices of "The Bee," Omaha, Neb.; "Journul," Sioux City, la.; "Pioneer Press' St. Paul, Minn.; "Drovers' Telegram," Kansas City, Mo.;' "Breeders' Gaxotte," Chlcugo, 111.,' and' "Drovers' Journal," Chlcugo, III.; the U. B. Indian warehouses, 2K5 South Canal SL, Chicago, III.; 816 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.) 602 Stuth Seventh St., St. Louis. Mo., or to the U. 8. Indian Agent, Rosebud Agency, South Dakota. Bids upon these blanks are not essential; they may be made In anv other form, provided the conditions are observed. For further Information apply . to Edward B. Kelley, U. S. Indian Agent, Rosebud, South Dakota. C. F. La rr a bee. Acting Commlssisoner. Mchl3-15-17-20-2!-24-27-29-31 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFF1CE Omaha. Neb., March 27, )9mi. Sealed proHisals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will le received by the Quar-, terinaster. Fort Cnsik. Neb., until 10 n. m., central standard time, April 16. 19i, and then opened in the presence of attend-' lug bidders, for repairing hospital. Includ ing painting, varnishing, etc.. at Fort Crook. Nebraska. I'. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or anv part thereof. Blank forms for bidding and circular giving full InfornWuion and retirements will tie furnlslu H on ap plication to the Quartermaster, Foxt Crook, Neb., to whom envelopes containing pro poses marked "Proposals for Repairs to Hospital.'' should lie addressed. M. Ony Zalinski, C. Q. M. Mch29-30-31 Ap2-13-14 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BH RE-: ceived at office of Treasurer. Western- Branch. N. H. D. V. 8.. National Military - Home, !avenworth County. Kansas, until 12 o'clock m.. April 17; 19o6, and then opened, for furnishing material and labor for renewing gutters, roofing. valleys, flashings and down spouting or hospital building. In accordance Willi Instruction and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information, -may be had upon application to- Major W. W. Martin, Treasurer. McliU)-Ap3-8 TEAMMf IP. FRENCH LINE Compaynlo Generate Transatlantlquo ' rmmt Koutm tm I Ae Ominmt CajMifo - Tmln-Mormw mnd txmrmmm inxoaf In ausrf tlmgmnom How York ParU B'A Day LA ritOVs.JSt'E, newest of fst leviathans, having passenger elevator, roof cafe, sod many ether innovations, fleet of modern, t;inii Twin-Screw and Hprr.s titeauirr; naval ofh cerf man-of-war discipline. Company a veatk ouled train.. Havre-fans. ) hour. LA TOUR AINE .April LA DiRHAINK April II LA CHAMPAGNE April 18 I.A HA VOI F. April 2 LA PROVENCE . May I For plana, reservations and full Informa tion call on. telephone, or write to harry C. Moore. 1601 Fat-aunt Street LottU Neeae, care Firat National Bank t-ate tut Oaiaaa X t.