Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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We started years and yean ago at the foot, and ours has not beon
a mushroom growth, but a steady, healthy, upward and onward quick
step through, and over obstaclf-s, till today our business stands in the
front row. . - . ;
But are not llvlns; on past gloria and what we. ''have been,"
but upon what "WB ARE" and "WILL BE."
Manufacturers tell us that no other dealers are as exacting as we
are In toe details that is the Iteynote. . .
Thoroughness In everything big and little.
Beginning with our Cramer Piano, the loader of all $110 Pianos,
made so well that If we chose we could deceive the most critical as to
Ita actual value, in other words, could sell them for $250.
And then, whn you stop a few minutes to examine thoHe truly
wonderful Burton Pianos, styles M and K, selling at $210 and $225,
by far the peer of any Pianos Bold In Omaha at $250 and $300, and
, in many, Instances at $360. ,
And then there Is that famous Piano, "The Best In the West."
the pride, of Chicago, the Kimball Piano. We sell the latest, most
, unyrovrti bij lea 01 JViinuau lor StfDO.
And then tmnic oi tnose weser and Cable-Nelson Pianos at $2io
and $300, as good aa you can buy elsewhere for $400. Figures don't
lie and Quality will count.
' We guarantee you will find lir our store the largest stock of the
best known and most reliable Pianos shown In this country.
The Hoepe one-price, noncommlsslon-paying plan saves money.
A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St.
Total Amount in Hand for T. W. 0. A.
Thirty-Two Thousand.
Uiimca Are Greatly Eprortf d OTf r
SBCeeas Orchard Jt Wllhelm'e
Percentage Proposition Horn
Into Effect Tklt Meek.
Th .workers in the campaign of the
YounK Womi'n'i Christian association
building" fund are enthusiastic over the I
progress made, and hope to have a largo
amount to their credit by Saturday even
ing. Over $1,100 was raised since Tuesday
noon, as Is shown by the diagram. Tha '
diagram , on tha left shows the required
. amount 112S.000. divided into dlffereht
mnounts, and the number of people re
quired to give .those amounts to obtain
the $125,000. The diagram on the right
Knows the amounts received and number
nf people who have given them. Tomor
row will bring the second week to a close,
and tho women are anxiously hoping the
morrow will bring another gift of $10,000,
4ir s large amount, aa the close of the
llrst week did.
Many people, out In the state are Inking
a great Inteniet In the campaign and let-
ters, containing checks and money are
received In every mail.. Among the let-:
.. - vtii,..
itra i one i...... ...,,
Uaish 24.
Miss Kdlth tinker, boulh Omaha. Neb.
l)ear Madam: Youra of the Xld lust, re
ceived, soliciting subscription from me for
the Young Women's Christian association
building at Omaha. I enclose pledge card
v.v would be very giaa to maae it
times this amount for this great under
taking, mil l am sure you win realize inn
1 am giving to a great many tnings, many
more than I would were It not for the
Ksitlon I hold. My donations cover a
Krrnt many points In the state, but I
gladly contribute this small amount of $30
and enclose card herewith. Youra very re
Kpeotfully, (Signed JOHN H. MICKEY.
' Letter from Blair.
.iiothej JctjOr received .ont) the morning
mall was to one of the girls Ju the teams
from a young woman hi' Blair, who Bent
several dollars, with the following letter:
I am only too glad to help the cause
along a little, as It Kiirely I a very worthy
one. 1 have been thinking about it since
reading in the papers how they were trying
to r ii loe the money, and I had about de
cided to offer you a donation, aa 1 knew
you would le on a team and would not
1 lefuse a little from me. Even if I never
liHve a jchance to ue the new building,
there are Jots of girls who need It more
than 1. I am not much good myself, but
maybe, my money can do a, little.
I. W. Carpenter, president of the Young
Moil's Christian association, was a visitor
at, the rooms Wednesday, and took
luncheon with the finance .committee. He
cave them much Valuable advice about'the
c!i(npa!a;n, and congratulated them upon
VjV tlwlr splendid success.
: Headquarters will be up
) V. morning In Victor White con
jperted Thursday
i coal office, and the
huge clock erected In front.
: Orchard Wllhelm'e Plan.
The first of the percentage propositions
uUl go Into effect this week, when Orchard
i & i Wllhilm will give 10 per cent of tha
pibceeds of the sales of Friday and Batur-
iliy of this week to the association. The
1 women are accordingly making out lists of
nulled articles for months to come, so that
the association v. Ill be largely benefited
byi their patronage.
The Ooal IlL'S.noo. Entries to Date.
D'ra. Anit.. Total. D'rs. Ami, Total.
f. $a. $ XV" ' i nxouo $io.ono.oo
1 1 i.of"i
e li.OiO 4 1.(0) 4.HH0.0O
J Wl 10." 7 6m :i.nii0.00
-' '.'"' 5.UMI ti 2 l.bnO.IK)
.i S.ii" 'i 2i1 . 1,LH).im)
L II w I'll :l.(sK lit . liKJ l.SeO.llO
. '.i o ln. K) 0 l.tiPO tW
. 1 ' ; 6.i 41 i5 1. oil. 00
tviiiUl sunm.. R.ivm Small unis..l.enl ro
Tomi ld.uoo Teams SS
Total VYi.M.hi
i Beat All.
'When your eyea are dim. tongue coated,
appetite poor, bowels constipated, Electrlo
bitters beat all cures. 60 cents. For sal
t y Sherman McConncll Drug Co.
I r .
i .'IlLffAU Jz
Jadge Eallgthtens aa Aadleece on the
Object anal Werklegs of the
A sped feature of the very pleaslug
and largely attended meeting of Omaha
court No. 110,' Tribe of Ben Hur, Tuesday
evening In the Rohrbough block, was the
address of Judge Sutton of the Juvenile
court on the subject of "The Juvenile 1-aw
and Court."
Preceding Judge Button's address a short
musical program was given. J. M. Van
Glider acted as master of ceremonies, ant'.
i after statin the object of the gathering,
introduced Judge Sutton, who spoke for
a short while upon the subject of fra
ternal organisations and the excellent re
sults flowing from them and their Import
ance toward developing-, a better citizen'
ship and brotherly feeling among all men.
On the subject of the Juvenile court the
Judge said
The Juvenile court and Juvenile law con
stitute the most important subject that
we have had yet to encounter or will en
counter for years to come. The object of
the Juvenile law la not to punish, but to
protect the child: not to injure, but to
help mm. The Juvenile law gives to tne
juvenile court absolute power over the
children of Nebraska under 16 years of
age. Unless the parents show that they
can take better care of their children, the
children can be taken away from the
parents. If the parents do not . take care
or tneir children tne juvenile court win
Prior to the enactment of the juvenile
court lsw the only recourse for handling
an incorrigible child was to place him or
her in Jail among old and hardened crim
,na from out ot whl,.h tm,y would come
Jin most cases confirmed criminals, lnocu-
lattd with the poison of their association,
As a last resort, incorrigible children are
sent to the Industrial school at Kearney
or Geneva. We always seek to give them
a rnance before resorting to tnia last ex
pedient. It often happens that we parole
the children, but keep a strict surveillance
over them through the nrotmtlon omcers
At the Detention home they are given the
beat 01 Christian care and are surrounded
by every good and moral Influence, under
a kind and motherly manager, who seeks
to win them back to a moral life by ten
der affection and love rather than by s&
vere measures.
There is some good In every child and
we seek to find and cultivate that good
element within them. Some of the chil
dren are homeless waifs - and orphans,
Others are worse than orphans, being the
neglected children f intemperate- arid
vicious parents, who haw abandoned them
There are now twenty-six children at the
Detention home.
Th tllvnllik orturt lina inm In atuv
It Is your duty as good citixens to heip
In this great work. It la as much to your
interest to ee to the full enforcement
of the juvenile Inw as it is ours. If you
know of bad children in your own neigh
borhood or block that need the attention
of the juvenile court it is your duty to
report them to the court. If you do not
care to do so in person or by signing you
name to the complaint, do not sign yon
name. But It would be better for you to
make the complaint In person. In any
event the report will be looked Into. Th
officers of the Juvenile court are doing
tneir ouiy rauniuiiy una mum good
coming from their work, but without yon
assistance but little can be done effectively.
Following Judge Sutton's address a short
musical and literary program was ren
dered, after whjch Mrs. Mary I.tky of
Lincoln, supreme deputy of the order, pre-,
sented the prize banner to the court for
Uie largest percentage of increase in mem
bership, during the past year of any court
in the qtate. The evening closed with serv
ing of refreshments, followed by dancing.
One Fare (or tho Ronad Trip:
Via Chicago Great Western railway to
points within 150 miles. Tickets on sale
vary Saturday and Sunday to April 1,
190$. Good returning the following Monday.
Low. rates to other points on sale every
Friday, For full Information appiy to H,
II. Churchill. O. A.. 1613 Farnam St.
li. I). Neely, Nebraska manager for the
Entiliable. has gone eat on busine8.
Among other thing he will stop at Plttn.
burg, where he will adilrvss a large as
semblage of agents at the Lunch club.
Clyde Barnard of Table Rock, the apple
man. or. in other words, champion reading
clerk of the Nehranka legislature, tipcnt
Wednesday In Omaha. For the lant to
selons Mr. Barnard baa been rlrnt as
slatant chief clerk of the house, and
such official prompter to the speaker, and
none who has watched the delicate me
rhatilnm of the house engine work will
question the credit long since bestowed
upon "Civile" aa a pa: master parliamentarian.
FOR Health's Sakeand the acme of Beef Enjoyment
cultivate the "Blatz Sign habit!' Step in where
see me signs ana ask
Any of the Blatz brands of beer are sure to please.
The component parts of Blatz beer possess food and tonic
properties that are most beneficial and all that means beer
honor is the basis of every brew. Then there are the
processes of cooling, ageing, sterilizing, and so on But
back of all this is Blatz Quality and Character there's
" the secret of Blatz "jpopulanty.
Bottled Blatz is available, or should be, in most first
class places. Auk for Blatz Wiener Beer.
Telephone Douglas J Oil or drop a postal to Omaha Bruua,
40J-X0 Douglas fciL. Cor. Ilk lor cam delivered horn.
celebrated brands Private Stock, Wiener, Muenchener
Export are
. Drewed Exclusively by
Secretary With Ho Side Lines Demanded
for Grain Exchange.
Use Messber says if Director 'Will
Sot Uraot It Sew nirer
Inn Will Re Pat
A petition has been presented to th
board of directors ot the Omaha Grain
exchange asking it to choose for secretary
man who has no outside Interests. It Is
signed by a majprity of the active mem
bers of the exchange, ,that is, those men
who actually deal in grain.
The petition was directed against pro
posed action by the board of directors of
the exchange to combine tha traffic Inter
ests ,nf the exchange and the club.
Will Oct It or Stw Board.
"We hope the lioard will accede to our
wishes in the matter." said one of the men
who signed the petition. "Certainly the
men who do the actual business in grain
are the ones who ought to have a say In
the government. If the board cannot give
the active members what they want, then
we will have a new board aa soon aa pe.
sible. Of course the grain men In the ex
change are less in number than tha Jobbers
and other business men, but when It comes
to voting on a new set of directors I think
they will act In the Interests of the grain
Mr. Merriam, in talking to a reporter for
The Bee, declared himself absolutely sin
oere in presenting resolutions Tueaday to
combine the transportation Interests of
the exchange and the Commercial club.
He added that he expected to see the reso
lutions pasKed in amended form at the
meeting Friday.
'The grain committee, the chairman of
which called the meeting Tuesday, has no
right to resolve," said one of the board
of directors. "All Its resolutions will not
make make or prevent any consolidation
of interests with the Comercial club. The
question of Mr. Merchant's successor is
one for the board of directors to handle.
Nathan Meriam and A. B. Jaqulth were
the only members of the board present at
Tuesday's meeting."
Transportation Committee.
One man figured out Mr. Merriam s rea
son for presenting the resolutions, In this
"Mr. Merriam doesn't care so much about
the secretaryship. The resolution in which
he is interested In that regarding the trans,
portation committee. He wants a com'
mlttee of five, consisting of one line cle
vator man, two terminal elevator men and
two brokers. The two elevator men would
mean himself and a man from the Inde
pendent elevator company. They would
control the committee, for one of the other
of the brokers would always side In with
them as against the line elevators. Notice
these words of the resolution: Through
this bureau all freight matters shall pass
to the traffic commissioner.' Mr. Merriam
would control the commissioner through the
committee, and dictate the whole policy of
the exchange."
It is taken for granted that some of the
directors are in favor of having Mr.
MeVann placed In charge of tha traffic
Interests of the exchange, and that they
have been assured by members of the ex
ecutive committee of the Commercial club
that if there was a good chance the club
would approve such an arrangement.
Annoancemeats .of the Theaters.
Those who attend the theaters to laugh,
who have a fondness for bright, breeiy
comedy, brilliant stage pictures with a
background of handsomely attired girls, ac
companied by catchy' songs and rhythmic
dances, should find an offering much to
their liking in E. D. Stair's big musical
comedy, "Down the like," which will be
the offering at the Krug the first of next
week. The piece Is declared to be an em
phatic laugh hit, much of this pleasing
condition being due to the presence In the
leading) roles of Johnny and Emma Ray.
A company of fifty people is announced
in their support, and the production Is
said to be extremely elaborate.
Valerie Bergere will be seen in "Carmen"
at the matinee today at the Orpheum.
Interest is never more Intense than In a
story of hazardous love- with a tragic
denouement In which a young and beautiful
girl's love is contested for. In this re
spect "Carmen" Is the most powerful
drama ever seen at the Orpheum, besides
which. It is the most sumptuous produc
tion. Bergere makes an excellent Carmen
and brings to the character the charm
of her wonderfully magnetic personality,
lhe seven other features on the program
round out an enjoyable program.
Mr. K. S. Willard opens at the Boyd
treater this evening an engagement of
four performances. For this evening a
double bill will be offered, T. W. Robert
son's classic comedy, "David Garrick." to
be followed by a one-act play based on
Kipling's story of "The Man Who Waa.
This has been pronounced a most powerful
bit of tragic acting. On Friday evening
and at the matinee on Saturday the bill
will be the delicious Barrle comedy, 'The
Profeasor's Love Story." For Saturday
evening "The Middleman" has been ae
lected. This arrangement will show M'
Willard In a wide variety of plays classl
comedy, tragedy, modern comedy and melo
drama. The advance Inquiry for seats in
dicates that the audiences will b large
at each performance.
W. Itlackbara la Forced
Health to CJo to f al
Iforala. hy III
One of the leading politicians of tha
Fontanelle machine has been compelled by
bad health to forego much activity in the
present campaign. T. W. Blackburn, who
waa one of the foundera of. the organisa
tion and tha prime promoter of Benson,
left Tuesday for California, where he will
remain a month and possibly longer to
benefit his health. Some time ago his
physician ordered Mr. Blackburn to south
ern California because ot a nervoua break
down, due, it ia said, to overwork. He -haa
relatives living near Los Angeles and will
spend his time with them. Mrs. Blackburn
did not accompany him.
Those who have heard Rob Houghton's
denunciation of the Fontanelle . machine
aay it la more caustic than anything yet
appearing In print. The other night Hough
ton chanced to attend a strictly Benson
ward meeting, but waa called upon by a
kindly chairman to talk. The erstwhile
Fontanelle enthusiast responded with a
triple expansion discourse on why he bolted
the bolters' organisation' and how ignoble
Its methods are. Mr. Houghton failed to
get a eouncllmanlc endorsement from the
club and he undertook to show that west
of Tammany Hall no tighter or more
arbitrary political mechanism existed In
these broad United States.
"And," said Houghton, In telling about
It, "what atruck m as odd waa that I
got considerable applause. I thought I
waa in the midst of tha enemy, but seemed
to be making lota of friends."
Anent the Good Government league, of
which there has been some Interrogation
of late. City Clerk Elbourn says:
"Several weeks ago the secretary of the
league, A. H. Packard, appeared before a
meeting of the Twelfth Ward Republican
club, solicited members and distributed lit
erature. He made certain statements re
garding the membership, dues, etc., on
which we afterward figured It ont that
President Ware has about $6,000 a year
trickling Into his office from membership
fees. That is calculating on the basis of
2,000 members, the number claimed, at $3
a year. Some of us wondered what Mr.
Ware did with all thia money. Mr. Pack
ard said the secretary was the only officer
who drew a salary. Up in the Twelfth ward
the mystery of what becomes of $H.010 a
year remains unanswered."
Sam K. Greenleat is trying to make him
self believe that he is a victim ot one ot
the most tyrannical bits ' of strategy yet
recorded in politics. A few months ago
Greenleat became a candidate for city
clerk while holding down a desk- in that
office against his chief. W, H. Elbourn,
who sought a third term. Qreenleaf did
.not resign, arguing that he needed the
money he was earning by favor of El
bourn and waa therefore not required to
observe the strict ethical rules of the situ
ation. Ten days ago. however, Greenleaf
offered to resign. The head of the depart
ment advised him 'he could not well dis
pense with his services and bade him re
main. Greenleaf stuck through the ordeal
of awearlng in voters and then concluded
he ought to get out and do a little hustling
for himself. He broached the subject ot
resignation again, but Mr. Elbourn had a
contrary mind. It grew upon Mr. Green
leaf that his detention waa calculated to
hurt his candidacy, but that on the other
hand adverse capital might be made against
him if he quit the post at this lata and
busy time. Meanwhile- "fleets still on the
payroll and working politics only between
resta on the ledger.
The speechmakinff of 'Slim'er E.' Thomas
In behalf of Benson appears to have ceased,
It waa expected that Elmer Thomas would
Immortalize the campaign with a series
of radical harangues,1 but he has not done
so, and tha public Is asking why. An an
swer to the question comes in the report
that the Benson managers have asked Mr.
Thomas please to desist. The laat speech
delivered by him at Seward Street
Methodist church appears to have had
two-edged effect that knocked more
votes away from Benson than it secured.
The thought of what the inimitable Hoff
man was doing to the Broatch campaign
by his xeal alarmed the Benson people and
they got panic stricken in the fear that
Elmer Thomna would do as much, if not
more, for their candidate. Hence his re
cent silence.
Addressing the Musicians' union Tuesday
morning W. J. Broatch savagely attacked
the Civic Federation and some of its lead
ing members, picking out I. W. Carpenter
for a pet target. Mr. Broatch repeated his
paradoxical statement that he favora the
enforcement of the law, but stands for a
wide-open Sunday. He then denounced the
Civic Federation and the personality of its
leaders, especially Mr. Carpenter, whom
he pictured as a hypocrite who led In
church services on Sunday and belied his
preaching during the week. Julius Meyer,
although a democrat, put in a word on be
half of Broatch.
The Omaha Liquor Dealers' association
formally endorsed the mayoralty candidacy
of W. J. Broatch at a meeting held Tues
day afternoon.
This is a copy of a letter swnt to Hie
colored rally held last night at Unwood
hall. Twenty-fourth and Burdette streets:
OMAHA, Neb., March 3, 1906 To the
Colored Republican Benson rally, in session
at Llnwood hall, Twenty-fourth and Bur-
aette streets: .
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: A circu
lar nas rearnea me wnn tne above head
Ing and with tny name at tne bottom
thereof aa one of the speakers. I wish to
have it announced that my name has bemi
used without my knowledge or consent;
that I do not make anv Dublic nolitlcxl
speeches, and thirdly, that I am not wholly
In harmony with the meeting, and whoever
the officious gentleman was that had mv
name fixed to the bills will refrain from
doing so In the future without my con-
sent. itt. J. A. eiAUAMAN.
The calm among the democrats caused
by few contesta at the primaries haa
been rubbed the wrong way by the id
peat ance of a eouncllmanlc slate, alleged
to have been sprung from Jacksonlan club
sources. This Is denied by Jacksonlan
leaders, who say that Dunn-Abbott and
Company are responsible. In the Firm.
Third, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth and Elev
enth wards there are no contests. In the
other wards these favorites are picked:
Second, Bridges; Fifth, Dalley; Seventh,
Jackson; Ninth, Robertson; Tenth, Cer
mak; Twelfth, Bedford. Some feeling baa
been stirred up by the breaking of the
beatific calm which has heretofore marked
democratic affairs.
A Heklt to Bo EbMaraged.
The mother who has acquired the habit
of keeping on band a bottle of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy, savea herself a great
amount of uneaslneaa and anxiety. Coughs,
colds and croup, to which children are sus
ceptible, are quickly cured by lis use. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold to re
sult tn pneumonia and If given aa soon aa
the first symptoms of croup appear, it will
prevent the attack. This remedy contains
nothing- injurious and mothers give It to
little ones with a feeling of perfect aeeurtty.
MarrUt Licenses.
The folio Ing marriage licenses have
been issued:
Name and Residence. Age
Joha Rex Henry. Fremont
Letlle Floyd Moulton. Omaha... '. 24
Harry Leigh. Omaha j-;
Emma feerdorfor. Omaha a
DU-MONDS-Eduolni, lwo and Harney.
Two Special
RaiiY Coat Values
Made ot an excellent quality of cravenette cloth, two box pleats In hack
trimmed around collar with braid styllHh, new sleeves Q
new patch pockets compare with any $12.00 rain coats M Jm
in Omaha colors, oxford, tan and olive Thursday : mm "
We have neveral handsome models
new materials perfect in fit and workmanship
garments that cannot be duplicated for less than $20.00-
comes in all the new shades Thursday
Insist on Supply of Ooal Before They Hani
to Other Customers.
Omaha Mil Yet Straaded, a l-lrs
and Blar laors Art Storked
with Eaoaa;h Coal to
o .While.
lUllruad managers generally have Issued
orders to the coal mlno owners that no
more coal will be hauled over the lines
to be sold for commercial purposes until
the. railroads ..get what they want from
the mines. Thin action Is taken In antici
pation of a strike and will have a heavy
bearing on the strike situation In the mid
dle weat.
From all reports Omaha la pretty well
taken cara of at present, and all the lars;e
corporations am thought to have a supply
on hand sufficient to last for at leant thirty
days. The packers arc well supplied, as
well as the elactrie light and the water
works companies. - Manager Smith of the
street railway company would give out no
information, but the - dealera sny he will
not be caught napping, as he has a good
supply on hand and plenty In sight. All
Mr. Smith would say was: - liave
enough for tomorrow."
Anticipate Nlrlke.
One local railroad man said Wednesday:
"The railroads are all anticipating a
strike and are straining every nerve to
get all cars possible to the mines before
the clash comes."
The western mines are not affected by
the present prospective trouble. The mines
being involved are those of Indiana, Illi
nois, Missouri, Ohio, Penneylvania and
Kansas. The Western Federation is not
mixed in the trouble.
Many of the western mines are operated
largely by machinery and nonunion men.
This Is so in Colorado and at the Kilpat-
rick mines on the Burlington at Cambria.
WomeiVs $20 and
$25 Sample Suits
Oil sale
Thursday, at
We have just purchased a traveling salesman's entire
sample line of swell tailored Women's Suits. We bought
them at 40 per cent less than regular price. 150 suits in
' all all the very latest models, in the most desirable spring
materials. These suits were made to sell at $20.00 and
$25.00. .14 - - 44Sa'a"
On Sale Thursday at $14.75.
at this price to select from in beautiful
Most of the Cambria coal is consumed by
the Burlington railroad.
The western mines will be a great help
to Omaha in the present crisis, especially
those on the Union Pacific at Rock Springs
and the Burlington at Sheridan. A re
deeming feature of the situation here, is
the coming of spring, so people will not
need much more coal for heating purposes.
Better Coal at Hlarber Price.
The Omaha Coal, Hay and Building Sup
ply company haa notified the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners that It Is unable
to supply Cherokee steam coal at the
price bid early In the year and will be re
quired to furnish "a higher grade of coal
at a very considerable aavance In price."
The board Is In the lurch because no con
tract haa been sighed wttn the firm, the
matter having dragged to date. The price
Is $2.M a ton and waa the lowest offered
by a number of dealers.. The coal Is used
to heat the jail and several ot the fire
atatlons. Last year's contract was held by
Sunderland Bros, and called for $2.80. Clerk
Harvey took advantage of the old prln
and stocked up the bullaings to the limit.
He would be still buying coal under the
expired sgreement, but Sunderland Bros,
called off the deal a few (lays ago.
The Omaha Coul. Hay and Building Sup
ply company declares It cannot get the
$L'.M grade of Cherokee steam coal because
of the selsure of It by the railroad compa
nies. ,
Hesolntton on Mayor Moorea.
At a regular meeting of Georare A. Custer
fosl no. i, Department uf Nebraska,
Urand Army of the Republic, and of which
the late Mayor Moorea was a member, held
March Z7, lSuti, the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme
Commander of tire I'nlverse, in His Infinite
wisdom, to muster Into the grand army of
the farther nhore. our comrade, Frank E.
Moores. Therefore, be It
Resolved, That in his death the Grand
Army of the Republic In general, and Cus
ter pOFt In pertioiilar, haa lost a comrade
whose hand was always extended to greet
and whose purse wss slways open to assist
anyone who wore the button.
Resolved. That his pastslonate loyalty to
the flag, which waa shown on many battle
fields dining the long years of the rebellion
waa a shining example of patriotism which
should be a lesson to the youth of our land
not to be lost sight of.
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread on the records of tha post and a
Mece and Mepltew
off Uncle Sam
should be deeply interested m what he has said about soda
crackers, because they are the one food with which all of
thera are familiar.
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements,
properly proportioned, than any food made from flour.
Thi is saying much for common soda crackers, and
much more for UneedO OlSCUlt, because they are
soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked beitei
more scientifically. They are packed bettei more cleanly.
The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good
ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshnevs of the best
bakiug, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries.
Your Uncle Sam hat shown what food he thinks best
for his people. His people have ' shown that 'they think
Uneeda Oiscult the best of that food, nearly
400,000,000 packages having already been consumed.
. .. $11425
copy be sent to the family of our late com
rade, and the papers be requested to publish
the same. CHART.K8 U THOMAS.
Probation Officer la Glrea t'harae of
All Rails by Mayor
Mayor Zliuhian has decided to refer all
requests for public dances to Probation
Officer Bernstein. The latter has made
war on the tough dance halls and against
permitting children -of either sex from at
tending them The mayor supports tin
officer In these endeavors and will act upon
his advice in issuing permits. The first
application came Wednesday momlng and
was promptly referred to tha probation
officer. The mayor, said h.. would act
strictly according to- the. recom mandative
received. . . .
Th- following general court-mar Hal sen
tences have been approved and promulgated
by the commanding general. Department nf
the Missouri: Privates W. 8. Orem Com- 1
pany C, Twenty-elKht Infantry, Fort teade,
for desertion, dishonorable discharge and
eighteen months' Imprisonment; Jesse I'."
Sharp. Company M. Eleventh Infantry, Fort
Mackenxle. dishonorable atsctiarge and six
months' imprisonment, for fraudulent en
listment. Orders have been Issued from headquar
ters. Department of the Missouri, for tho
payment of troops in the department for
the month of March. Paymasters havu
been aslgned to make payment at the fol
lowing posts: Jefferson B.irracks. Mo.,
Major George T. Hollowav; Forts Niobrara,
Robinson and Meade, Captain A. P. Bufllua
ton; Forts Riley and leavenworth. Captain
John M. Big worth: Forts Crook, Mackenala
and Washakie, Captain Claude U. Hweexoy;
Forts Omaha and Des Moines, Captain 15.
D. Slaughter.
A general court-martial has leen ordered
to convene at Fort leaven worth, Wednes
day. March it. Detail for the court: Lieu
tenant Colonel William Paulding, Caplstn
Monroe McFarland, Elghteentl infantry;
Captain Herman C. fichumm, artillery,
corps: Captain Charles E. Stodter, Ninth
cavalry; First Lieutenants Charles D. Her
ron. Eighteenth Infantry; George E. Oumpe,
signal corps; W. L. Guthrie, engineer
corps; Second lieutenants Emll Kegel,
Ninth cavalry; DeWItt C. Jones, engineer
corps and First Lieutenant Ephraim G. Pey
ton, Eighteenth infantry. Judge advocate.
i I
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