Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
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Hsturdsy Bee, one year
Daily Boi (Including Sunday), per w?k'Ji!!
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Kvenln Bee (without Sunday). per week So
F.venlng Bee (with Sunday), per week....loo
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Address complaint of Irregularities In C
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, a.:
C C. Roewater. secretary Of The He
Publishing Company, being . duly "wa,n:
ays that the actual number of full ana
complete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Kvenlng and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of February. 19u6. u fol
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Dally average 81,874
C. C. ROSE WATER. Secretary.
Subscribed In my presence and worn to
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Notary Public
Subscribers leavlea- the city tem
porarily shoald ht Tk Be
mailed t tbem. Address will
ekaxt ftea .eated. .
Iowa Is facing Its animal floods. The
rivers should take this year off to give
the politicians a chance.
It Beems to have taken a combination
iK'twecn a Missouri congressman aud a
pension bill to atlug "Uncle Joe" Can
non to remonstrance.
With Judge Fawcett as city attorney
there will be no need of drafting demo
cratic assistants to argue the city's most
Important law cases.
Small home owners have united with,
peasants In Russia against the. aristoc
racy. Folltlcs seems to. come naturally
to tho land of the csar.
tf Senator Tillman succeeds in getting
the annate to fix a time for voting on the
rate bill he will have demonstrated th
d the
of A
wisdom of 'placing him In charge
republican measure.
" v Sines Canada has reserved the right
to revoke permission to use the water
of Niagara falls it is possible the south
side of the oateract will be the more
popular with Investors. ,
Now that America has made the sug
gestion which saved the day for peace
at Algociras It Is to be hoped Europe
will carry out the program In Morocco
without . calling on this country.
The Omaha Grain exchange Is rap
idly forging to the front, as witness the
little contention within its own bounds
rles. A grain exchange must be full
grown before it can develop factions.
Another good reason why Ilennings
should be the preferred choice of re
publicans for the mayoralty nomina
tionthere would be absolutely no
doubt of bis election after nomination
If, as alleged, Illinois coal operators
cannot increase miners' wages, because
they receive too little money for the
foul the fact would show one reason for
the higher net learnings of the railroads.
The United Htates may be in favor of
high tariffs, but in giving Turkey notice
that it cannot change the schedules until
it fulfills its promises there Is evidence
that Uncle fam recognises that circum
stances alter cases.
Argument In the Sraoot case will last
four hours according to the present pro
gram. The majority of lawyer would
desire a longer time to attack that part
of the constitution intended to divorce
religion from politics.
It is not too late for the present coun
cil to get action on the proposition for
a city workhouse, but it cannot delay
much longer. If this council does not
set, the next council will get the credit
for responding to the demand.
The Reiiaun red Ink organ has swal
lowed the whole Fontanelle ticket,' in
cluding the disreputable Westberg and
the notorious Butler, all In the name
of reform. . Flty, the pxy reform god
dess of this bunch should be relocated
In the city hall.
Goveruo Mickey has suddenly dis
covered that be Is a convert to the doc
trine of municipal home rule. It is a
af proposition that If Omaha had had
luimlclpal hoine rule our people would
never have inflicted themselves with
Hroatch for i-olli-e commissioner.
Cota lclcn ha developed political ex
I client even ahead of those in use in
'Colorado. The candidate for president
of, Coata Ilica in oppofltion to the pres
ent administration has been deported to
gether with s former president of the
Tiiubilc who epoi'.od his cause.
er.wvr.vs asp klkws-
Without regard to the question of fact
at Issue between IJnvrninr Cnmrulna
and Senator F.Ik In.' ns to the propriety
of the treatment of the former when a
witness before the senate Interstate com
merce committee at Washington nearly
year ago. the governor hns been quick
to make adroit use of the controversy in
bis own interest as a candidate for re-
nomlnatlon for a third term In the Iowa
Unfortunately for himself Senator
Elkins Is conspicuously Identified In
the public mind with those who
are out of sympathy with and at heart
hostile to the great popular movement
for regulating railroad rates and sub
jecting corporations to' irresistible rule
of the law, the very policy with which
Uovernor Cummins is endeavoring so to
connect himself as to enable him to i
break down the strong force of anti
third term precedent. His retort to ;
Senator Elkln's Impeachment of his
eraclty Is a skillful appeal to the popu
lar sentiment to which the senators
name Is offensive, and to this end the
Iowa candidate notably illustrates the
resources of the trained and astute con
troversialist. I
It Is, under the circumstances, a rare
feat by which a candidate Under hot fire
ha the address to relegate the immedi
ate point of attack to secondary place
and at the same time to make it the
means of effective appeal In his own be
half to public attention, the more espe
cially since Governor Cummins personal I
experience before a senate committee at
Washington, whether it was In fact
what he or what Senator Elkins says It
was, has little legitimate relevancy to
the Iowa gubernatorial contest.
BnMhe circumstance does suggest the
vulnerability in the sensitive conrt of
public opinion of . those who have
aligned themselves, or who are sus
pected of having done so, to frustrate
the paramount purpose of the people
with respect to corporation control.
It was by no means hasty action when
Senator Tillman, who has formal charge
of the rallroud rate bill, rose In the sen
ate Tuesday to suggest the desirability
of securing an agreement upon a day
for a vote on that measure. Four
mouths have now passed since the ses
sion began. The subject .was before,
congress during the whole session a year
ago. The senate interstate commerce
committee was charged with the duty of
considering the subject and acquiring in
formation during the long recess be
tween the present and the last sessions
of congress. The whole subject was
elaborately discussed in the committee
of the house before It was acted upon by
that body, and it certainly should have
been likewise concurrently considered
in (he senate, as it was all the time by
the country at large. ''?
But it was not less natural that Sen
ator Aldrich, the head and front of the
senate forces hostile to the purpose of
the measure, should object to and de
feat agreement at this time to fix a date
for a vote. The public will not regard
as materia what grounds for his action
it may have pleased the Rhode Island
senator to state before the senate. His
real motive will be construed to be hos
tility to the bill. -
The refusal of the leader of the oppo
sition In the senate may have at least
this reassuring significance for the ad
vocates of public control of railroad
rates, that be fears the result of a vote
now or soon, and can do no better than
resort to dilatory tactics in the hope that
something may turn up later to help de
feat oi emasculate It.
It is not necessary to go the full
length of Senator Tillman's, extreme
views on all points in order to agree that
there is substance in his deprecation of
"the tendency to, punish the man of
straw, the corporation, without paying
attention to individuals." The penal
sections of the anti-trust,' the interstate
commerce and fthe conspiracy laws
would lose most -of their force If they
could be applied only to corporations
and not to the men through whom alone
corporations act. A corporation, apart
from the men who act through it is, of
course. Incapable of intentional crime,
neither can It be penned up In prison
nor U It susceptible of the shame and
mental suffering which are among the
most grievous consequeuces of guilt.
As corporations are merely a form of
action the Inherent sense of Justice re
volts at any result by which the men
who under that form design and consum
mate lawless acts escape the legal pen
aUies. The very necessity of the case,
emphasized by the recent moral awaken
ing as well as by the Increase of law
less "corporation nggressJou, requires the
enforcement of the criminal penalties of
th law upon the law-breukers who act
for and through corporations the same
as upon those who not connected with
corporations commit like offenses.
How serious are the practical difft
cnlties in the way has Just been lllus
trnted by the failure of the Indictments
agrinst the Beef trust men. It is a ques
tion, not alone of administration, but
also of legislation. For the president in
that case had pushed with rigor in line
with public demand to apply the rriin
inal penalties, and if as the laws stand
this U practically impossible the laws
must be changed so that punishment
sluill reach the . officers Bud agents of
lawless corporations equally with 'other
v h'li; tors. ' ,
The public will not and cannot permit
flnrl failure rtf criminal justice as to
tbe who are resion8ibl for corpora
tloiw whowe sope now covers so vast a
part of the field of life. To do so would
lf virtually to confess the failure of all
luw. for if such offenders are to go free
ttiTi wwuid Uj n Jllillc - punlablug
other offenders. Such a fiasco as a
finality is not to le thought of.
Th; struggle which has only begun for
subjecting this class of offenders to the
legnl t onsequences of their guilt will go
on to success with redoubled vigor at
each successful attempt on their part to
btftlf the execution of the law. And In
ihe face of an aroused public sentiment
nothing could be ,iiiore foolhardy than
to persevere In lawless and law-evading
Candidates for republican nomina
tions for the city council, whose names
do not appear upon the ready-made
slate promoted by the Benson machine,
have a right to resent the charge made,
without exception or qualification, that
they are all cat's paws of the "allied
corporations." This charge, circu
lated )n' a special campaign sheet
Air!'. out In, the interest of Benson, ac-
riluM fklrlitr.atv nut nf titntv.olirht can. I
1 . v-uv . ...... 1 J . -
dldates filing for the official primary
ballot of being parties to a conspiracy
concocted by the corporation managers.
As one of the Incensed candidates puts
It in a letter addressed to The Bee:
Thla document makes the general charge
that tha corporations concocted a scheme
of getting as many as possible of Omaha'
favorite sons to run In each ward, so a
to weaken the Fontanelle candidates. I am
a candidate fqr the city council. I am also
proud to say that I am a son of Omaha
and hope I may be termed a favorite aon,
and I want to say to those responsible
for the publication of that" slanderous
charge that ao far as I am concerned it I
absolutely false. No corporation asked me
to run for the council and I am not con
nected with nor am I asking or receiving
support ' from anj corporation. I entered
th race because I wanted to and because
my friends wanted m to. I consider the
charge an Insult to myself and to every
other respectable son of Omaha, and I
trust the people will give me an opportunity
to make a good record in the council for
my constituents and myself.
The attempt of tho Benson managers
lo label every one who is not hitched
up with, their candidate aa a corpora
tion tool or dummy is altogether too
presumptuous, (specially in view of the
fact that Benson has linked with htm
as Active backers, or associate candlt
dates, spme of the most notorious cor
poration cappers and hirelings who
ever infested the community. Unless
we are badly mistaken, the republicans
of Omaha are too intelligent and too
well Informed to be misled by such cam
paign fnkes and the effort of the Ben
sonltes to brand all the other candi
dates with the corporation stigma will
react upon themselves. ,
In explaining' his Appointments for
fire and police commissioners for Omaha
Governor Mickey declares that "the
governor lias to appoint men on the
recommendation of others and b never
knows whether he'ls getting good men
or not." But the governor cannot ap
point men with bad records without
knowing that he Is ' getting bad men.
Wheu Governor Mickey reappointed
Broatch he knew of the malodorous rec
ord Broatch had made in every public
capacity in which he had served, and
instead of heeding warnings he went
at it bull-headed,, reckless of the conse
quences and in absolute disregard of
the interests of tha people of Omaha.
Governor Mickey cannot escape bis re
sponsibility for Broatch and Broatchism
in the police and fire departments now
by trying to throw the blame onto bad
advisers. v
First district politicians are going
through the same old performance that
was witnessed here In Douglas county
when direct primaries were first pro
posed. The barter and sale" patriots in
sisted It could not be done under the
law, but It has been done and we now
have city officials, county officials and
even .a congressman whose nominations
were procured by direct primary expres
sions; There is absolutely nothing In
the law to prevent a political committee
from establishing and enforcing any
reasonable rules relating to the nomina
tion of candidates, providing only they
do not conflict with the law, and no pro
vision of the law requires convention
In the first edition of the Philadelphia
Fubllc Ledger, reprinted bn its' seven
tieth anniversary, is one paragraph
which has possibly been used In effect
ever since. Editorially the paper says:
"Congress seetus .determined to fritter
away Its time Instead of rendering It
profitable to the nation." At that time
it was stated that the circulation of all
the New York, newspapers .combined
ws 70,000 a day.
A little Junta styling Itself the Good
Government league has lssnt'd a ik
llticaj rat'ing book, purporting to give
the amount of political capital to the
credit of each of the various aspirants
for nomination at the coming municipal
primary. The responsibility of the
heads of the junta, however, is not dis
closed by inspection of the rating book
of Bradstroet'a or Dun's.
Omaha never before held out better
prospects for real estate activity than
it does right now, and unless all signs
fall more money will be made out of
Judicious investments in Omaha realty
within the next year or two than was
made in the old boom days, when peo
ple got rich over night.
While American financiers may have
leeu outwitted in Chile, where a Ger
man concern has succeeded In loaning
money to the government, some satis
faction may be derived from knowing
that the kaiser will be the one to look
to his warships when the debt falls due.
14 Blaaded Hot Air.
Chicago Record-Herald. - -Governor
Cummins of Iowa intimates
that Senator Elkins of West Virginia la a
prevaricator, and Senator Elkins broadly
hints that Governor Cummins Is a dein-
bier. It Is perhaps a fortunate thing that
neither of the gentlemen I the possessor
of much hot southern blood. ,
Free and Independent.
Indianapolis News.
In connection with Mr. Carnegie' ad
vocacy of federal control of railroad rates
It will be recalled that Mr. Carnegie bus
retired from business ana doesn't want to
din rich, anyhow.
rroddlnat the H. U.
Baltimor American.
Justice Is not always slow In thl World.
It depends altogether how' the blind god
dess, is prodded. For example, the pass
les policy of the railroads wa quickly
followed by the discovery of their lawless
rats. ,
In Line vrlth Pnblle Opinion.
Minneapolis Journal.
Oovernor Cummins states that Senstor
Elktns had to him the appearance of a
man who had his mind all made up, no
matter what the evidence brought out.
Strange, but that is the way he has Im
pressed the country, too.
Sonth Dnkota Ontelnaaed.
San Francisco Chronicle, x
South Dakota will take off Its hat to Cal
ifornia after this. Whatever reputation It
may have achieved as a lightning dis
patcher In the divorce business must seem
slow beside the seven-minute record of a
San Francisco court.
Sn-re Tears for Heme.
Brooklyn Eflgle.
We sacrifice ten times as many children
at home every Fourth of July, by the
rowdy use of firearms, as we sacrificed un
wittingly at Mount Dajo. Suppose we spar
a few tears for our own and use a little
common sense to stop the slaughter. On
difficulty Is the children wilt not allow us
to do so (
The Public Be Blanked.
Minneapolis Journal.
Divine Right Baer Informs the public
that it must keep Its hand off the labor
dispute or pay Jl.JO more per ton for coal.
The publlo Is In A dickens of a fix. If the
coal miner win coal will go up: if the coal
miners strike there will not be any coal
at atl. Is It any wonder the public Is In
clined to say, "A plague of both your
houses," and take hold of the coal business
Itself? . '
Grandpa Rockfeller'a Joy.
Portland Oregonlan.
The human side of John D. Rockefeller
ha come to the surface. It disclose him
sitting at the telephone awaiting, as anx
iously as any laborer about the grounds
would do under like circumstances, news
from a birth chamber that would proclaim
him again .a grandfather and fulfill his
long-deferred hope of an heir that would
perpetuate his name. Happy? Of course
the aged and much troubled millionaire
was happy, since he could be forgetful, for
a brief time at least, of the harraaslng
condition Incident to great wealth ac
cumulating by dishonorable methods and
allow the human In his nature Joyful ex
pression. No one will grudge the feeble
harassed grandslre In hiding the real Jo
which quavered In the message: "Kiss the
little rascal for me." "Little rascal."
Wise men tell us there Is a great deal In
heredity, and "little rascals," as all the
world knows, have a way of growing into
"big rascals." .
Ex-Senator Thayer's Death Recalls
Historic Trial.
Boston Transcript.
The death Monday of ex-United States
Senator John MltQn Thayer at his horn
in Lincoln, Xeb., .'remove one of the few
surviving members of the senate which
tried President Andrew Johnson on th
article of Impeachment preferred against
him by tha national house of representa
tives. The senate then consisted of fifty
four members, and nearly all of them have
passed, away. According to our recollec
tion, the following seven are the only ones
of them now surviving: John Conness, then
a senator from California, who now re
sides In thla city; Edmund Gibson Ross,
then a senator from Kansas, who now re
sides In Albuquerque, N. M. : John Brooks
Henderson, then a senator from Missouri,
who now resides In the city of Washing
ton; William Norris .Stewart, then a sena
tor from Nevada, who now resides in Car
son City, Nev.; George Henry Williams,
then a senator from Oregon, who now re
sides In Portland, Ore. ; William Sprague,
then a senator from Rhode Island, who
now resides at Canonchet, R. I., and George
Franklin Edmunds, then a aenator from
Vermont, who now resides In Philadelphia.
The youngest of these seven survivors Is
William -Sprague. who was born on Sep
tembei 12, 1830, and the oldest Is John Con
ness, who wa born on September X), 1821.
The survivor were all republican at th
time, of the Impeachment trial, but two of
them Henderson and Ross voted against
conviction. The trial was In 1868, and th
friends of President Johnson claimed that
Nebraska, which was admltetd Into th
union In 1R6T, wa admitted on purpose to
givs the republicans th requisite number
of votes In the senate to convict him. At
th time of the trial the aenator from Ne
braska, other than Thayer, was Thomas
W.J, Tipton, who. In 187J, suported Horace
Greeley for president and who remained a
democrat the rest of hi life. Of those who
voted to convict the president one beside
Tipton namely, Lyman Trumbull of 1111
nola afterwards became a democrat. Sena
tor Ross, one of the republican senators
who voted aganat conviction, afterward
affiliated with the. democrat. Ex-Senator
Henderson Is a radical antl-imperlallat.
I and probably I now more of a democrat
than republican. Ex-Senator Thayer, who
ha Just died, was a native of thl state,
having been born in the town of Belling-
It almost makes you
sick to think of It, but it
isn't nearly as bad as it
used to be. The improved
method of refining it
makes it much easier to
take, and when made into
Scott's. Emulsion almost
every one can take it.
Most children like it and
all children that are not
robust are benefited by it.
When the doctor says
Take cod. liver oil," he
generally means Scott's
Emulsion; ask him if he
doesn't. They know it is
more easily digested and
better than the plain oil.
tcerr lowyg, rri $, w Y
noun wotT uw lnnK.
Ripples mn Ihe a Trent f life la the
' Wetraaolla.
What will h the tallest and broadest
skyscraper In New Tork City la to b
built on Broadway Cortlandt and Church
streets, at an estimated cost of IIO.niio.ono.
In its central portion It will rise to a
height of thirty stories, and the roof over
this thirtieth story will be 41 feel ahov
the curb.
The caisson foundations which will sup
port It will be carried down to bedrock,
about eighty feet below the curb, o that
the entire structure, above and below
ground, will be very nearly S"0 feet high.
The basements and sub-basements will be
excavated to a depth Of forty feet below
the curb.
The building will contain 18.000 tons of
structural steel almost enough to furnish
th framework for three Flatlron build
Th rentable space In th new skyscraper
will be 6O9.0O0 square feetor, If It were
spread out on a single flofir. an are
equivalent to about six blocks the slie of
the Madison Square garden. The building
will Inclose 11,000.000 cubic feet of space.
No less than twenty-one very large plunger
elevator will be Installed to provide the
structure' great transportation system.
These will be arranged along the southerly
side of the arcade, which will extend clear
through the building from Broadway to
Church street.
This arcade will in Itself be one of tha
building's ' most striking features. Th
Broadway entrance will cover the whol
of the fraa'tage on that thoroughfare,
thirty-seven and . one-half feet, and the
arcade will maintain -thl width through
out. It will be SIS feet long and forty feet
high, rising through two entlr stories.
Deaths in New Tprk City during 1WK.
according to health department records.
numbered 73,714, giving a death rate of
18.81 per 1,000 on an estimated population
of 4.034,780. As there were 108,81 births
during 1905, the net gain over deaths was
80,167. There were 42,675 marriage re
ported last year.
Almost exactly one-third of all the
deaths were of children tinder 6 years of
age; 24,539. Tuberculosis of the lungs
caused the most deaths, 8,536, and there
were also 1,128 deaths from other forms of
tuberculosis.' There were 4,476 so-called
violent deaths, the total Including 860
cases of suicide and many of accident as
well as murder cases.
During the year the large total of 20,831
cases of tuberculosis were reported al
most one-third of all of the cases of conta
gious diseases.
The New Tork Central railroad; which
contemplated the erection of an enormous
skyscraper on the site of Its present sta
tion In New York, which was to serv as
a hotel and office building, has abandoned
Its original purpose and will now erect
a massive structure, which promises to be
a genuine ornament to th locality In
which It will be situated. In appearance
It will resemble a magnificent public build
ing rather than a railroad station. There
Is no information respecting the cause
which Influenced the change of plan, but
there I some reason for believing that
the attention paid to esthetic considera
tions In laying out the new union depot In
Washington had something to do with It.
For 'small folks the law as administered
in New Tork shows small consideration. A
lawyer convicted of forgery was given
twenty year in prison by a Judge of the
court of general sessions last week, and the
same Judge sentenced a street car conduc
tor to ten years, the Utter s offense being
that he took the place of the motorman
for a moment to accommodate him, and
ran Into a wagon, the driver of which was
thrown to the ground and killed. Judge
O'Sulllvan of th same court ha ruled that
Insurance officials who falsified the' ac
counts are guilty of forgery under the law,
but the question Is not whether they ar
to get twenty year for the offense, but
whether they are to be prosecuted at all.
Tony Pastor's Fourteenth street, theater
to a passerby looked Ilk a florist' and
gave forth sound like those from the Polo
grounds one night last . week when Tony
celebrated the forty-first anniversary of hi
start as a marager. Breathing room wa
at a premium. In the boxes and . front
rows of seats were many old-time actors
and politicians.
'After the audience had cheered , itself
hoarse Mr. Pastor said:
"I'm going to sing you a song I sang
Just forty-one years ago tonight. 'Sarah's
Toung Man.' Just forty-one years ago to
night I embarked with nothing but thla
song for Paterson, and I've been at It ever
since. I'll sing one verse and maybe more.
All right, professor."
Mr. Pastor, although more than 70 years
old, showed the audience that he still re
tains a singing voice better than some
heard on th vaudeville stage of today.
When he finished the house again let go,
and when Tony came on for his enooro
with a few old-time dancing steps It lei go
a third time.
"I'll sing an old song I used to sing down
on the Bowery that some of you may re
member," he announced. "I'm pleased to
see many here who used to sit up In my
old Bowery gallery and sing It with mo.
They're gone higher still, some of them.
There's Benator Grady out there and well,
I won't name more, but see If you remem
ber th old choru to 'Down In th Coal
Mine.' "
The aufllence caught on and fairly
shrieked the choru.
After the ong wa finished down the
aisle cam the ushers carrying wreaths,
horseshoe and baskets of flowers, until
when they were placed on the stage Mr.
Pastor was Surrounded by a wsll of flowers.
Hundreds of members of the New Tork
state Jurisdiction of the Ancient Order of
Vnlted Workmen, one of the oldest fra
ternal organisations In the country, are
likely to leave It because of the increase In
Insurance rates. The new rates are nearly
twice as high as the old. The change,
which will cause the ailing off of a not
Inconsiderable part of the membership. Is
of the same sort that brought about such
a stir In the Royal Arcanum recently.
The change In rates affects only the Juris
diction of this state. Unpaid death claims
are responsible for the Increase. The men
who founded the order back In the 'C"s
have been dying In great numbers In the
last year or two. The sudden rise In the
death rate caused a big drain on the order's
resources, and at last there came s time
when there was no money In the treasury
with which to satisfy claims. The widows
and orphan of the dead member have been
unable to collect anything lately. The
,l'nlted Workmen Includes In Its member
ship every class, from Cnlred States senat
tors down to hodcarriers. Its roll number
ing more than 4u0,0u0 In the I'nlled States.
Its form of government was modeled after
that of the I'nited States.
A Broadway Arm that deals In expensive
snd perishable bric-a-brac for a long time
suffered heavy losses through the careless
handling of their goods by sightseers and
prospective customers. In vala did they
display the sign. "Please do not handle."
People still handled and frequently they
broke. About two months ago the manager
In desperation, rang a few changes on th
1 l.n.iliar m'ftrnlnar The r.vlM(1 MrdnH
reads: "These goods handled at Ihe custom
er's risk." Nothing has bceu brokeu siuc.
Fifty years ago the founders of the
watch company of Waltham, Mass.,
Knit vlitiAniTnl m Tr -n V- - r r l rye I h C
ivuiuuuuiu vaLiiiuariii. i n. j
American Waltham Watch Company j
make and sell more
than any other concern in the world.
771 "Riverside" movement is ptrticuUrly recommended mide in ntl sites.
As John D. Rockefeller did not visit New
York to see the new baby, the enterprise of
the paper that snapshotted him In the act
becomes all the more remarkable.
An aeronaut announces that he is about
to fly from Denver to Washington In forty
hours. One of the acknowledged accom
plishments of th modern aeronaut Is the
ability to announce,
Representative James A. Tawney of Min
nesota, chairman of the house committee
on appropriations, was one th village
blacksmith of Mount Pleasant township,
near Gettysburg, Pa. '
The condition of Helen Keller, whose
health broke down some time ago, la much
Improved, but she Is still unabla to do any
work. Bh Is living at the home of her
teacher, Mrs. Sulllvan-Macy, in Wrentham,
Justices Harlan and McKenna of the
United States supreme court, play goif to
gether. "There's McKenna," says Justice
Harlan, commenting on his colleague's
game; "he has magnificent form, but h
can't hit th ball."
George Howard Darwin, second son . of
the- late Charle Robert Darwin, has ar
rived in New Tork. He comes to this
oountry to attend the twentieth anniver
sary of th birth of Benjamin Franklin,
which Is to be held In this city on April 17.
One of Senator Beveridge's favorite ex
pressions is that h or h contributes to
the "gayety of nations." Wis book folk
say th phrase was first used by Johnson,
who. In referring to the death of Oarrtck,
said:. "His death eclipsed the gayety of
nations and impoverished th publlo stock
of harmless pleasure."
Certainly the courts cannot be hard bn
the Brooklyn man who married a second
wife when he thought his first was dying
and would be dead before he returned from
his wedding trip. It was not his fault that
the sick woman got well. He acted on his
best Judgment, so what more could a good
domestto man do? It all comes from th
narrowness of our Institutions In limiting
a man to one wife at a time, regardless of
his willingness and ability to carry an
The Horseman HI, madam! Get away,
get awayl You've had your dress cleaned
with benslne and my horse think he can
smell a motor car. Piok-Me-L'p.
She I suppose your uncle didn't fall to
remember you In his will?
He It was scarcely a remembrance
more like a faint recollection. Illustrated
Technical Education In the Army: Officer
(examining a mounted Infantry class)
Well, I think you understand about th
Ire Min
"... lap
Saturday will be the last day of our unusual
Clothing sale. All of, last spring V suits that sold from
$15 to $25 are now offered at
Overcoats and Cravenettes that sold up to $25
are now
Don't let the damp weather dampen the ardor
f -1
you should feel about such values.
There is nothing to distinguish these, garments
from last seasdh'a except OUlt knowledge that they
were made a year ago. Styles and patterns are prac
tically the 6ame we shall show in our spring opening
that will occur some time later. If you want a "bang
up" suit or overcoat at a big saving, come here at
once and take prompt advantage of a good thing.
Ho Clothing Fits Like Ours
15th Douglas Sis.
watch movements
hoof and what the frog is. Now, just tell
me where you would expect to And corn.
Mounted Infantry recruit (suspecting a
catch) In the manger, sir. Punch.
"Did you tell Wlille that father would
leave him out of his will If he marled that
"No; I knew the Idiot would marry her
In spite of that, so I told th gtri."
Sketchy Bits.
Barber Your hair is turning gray and
you sre going quite bald, sir.
Victim 1 should think so. Haven't yeu
nearly finished? Comic Life.
"Did you propose to Dolly as you Intended
to, when you took her out In the motor
yesterday?" "No; I couldn't manage It.
Every time I began to get under way the
blessed machine broke down suddenly."
Sketchy Bits. ,
Myer I wonder why Browne added the
"e" to his name after Inheriting a fortune.
Oyer He probably figured It out to his
own satisfaction that rich people are en
titled to more ease than poor people.
Sydney Town and Country Journal.
"111. waiter, this meat Is like leather."
"Saddle of mutton you ordered, sir."
Ally eloper's Half-Holiday.
Sunset Magaslne.
She went to a store where she'd traded
And left a handkerchief there;
She gayly went wheeling, or automo
billng. And left her handkerchief there.
For thl sweet little maiden wa minus a
And even a chain for her hanky to lock It;
So wherever she went. Ilk the trail of a
She left a handkerchief there.
If she went to the park for a stroll about
She left a handkerchief there;
And e'en at prayer meeting, she left as
her greeting,
A dear little handkerchief there.
Oh, her trail. It wa strewn, aa buds are
With hankya eh left, and with hanky
she needed.
For wherever she went, sh always suc
ceeded In leaving a handkerchief there.
She died, as we must, and over her d u s fi
Thoush she'd left a handkerchief there I i V
Her parent both wept for the maiden
who slept
They wept In their handkerchiefs there.
And "Oh,'r cried her mother, "I know I
shall And her;
She's certain to leave me one UU1 re
minder; All the way through the mist I will find
them behind ner,
The handkerchiefs she has left there."
Oh, maidens, dear maidens, Just keep on
Tour handkerchiefs ever in sailing or
Like seeds that you're sowing for reaping
or cropping,
Mayhap In the future we'll know where
you're stopping
By hand
Kerchief that
You leave there.
: 1 1
1 1
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