Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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. l--a "tH T
pnai n
I onic
Sells on Merit, not' on Sensa
tional Advertising.
A Hair InvlRorntor Just 'what
Its name implies, It supplies
nourishment, the . elements of
growth, which, when absorbed by
the hair, strengthens and beauti
fies it in the same way that sap
glorifies the foliage of a tree.
Even where the 'follicles are
seemingly dead. If the scalp Is
massaged daily with Mme. Yale's
Ilalr Tonlc a vigorous growth will
be produced. It has honestly
earned its title of, "the great hair
grower." It stimulates the most
stunted growth and makes ' the
hair mangiflcently healthy and
beautiful. By iU use women can
provide themselves with a trailing
mantle of halr-i-woman's natural
raiment,' her birthright.
Mme. Yole'a Hu'lr Tonic is prized
equally by men and women,
particularly when the hair begins
to weaken or fade. Cures bald
ness, grayness, splitting of the
hair,' dandruff and all diseases of
the hair, scalp ' and beard. One
application usually stops hair fall
ing. . A nursery requisite; no
mother should neglect to use it
fo her boys and girls; when the
v''T lav made strong in childhood
Veniatn8 proof against disease
a tetalns Its Vigor and youthfuf
n through life.
v. Yale's Hair Tonic is a
col ess, fragrant, delightful hair
dre. ig; neither sticky, gritty nor
grei makes the hair soft, fluffy
and pssy. Cntainsno artificial
color g;.!would not soil the whit-
J-festores original color
orating the scalp and re-
lngi- formal circulation
per distribution 01 me
ring matter. Beautiful
hair redeems, the plainest countenance,-
and any one can secure it by.
using - Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic.
Now in threo sizes; prices, fl.'OO,
50c and 25c.
Our special prices, 2ftc, 45c, 89c
Mme Ynto may b consulted by
mall free of cluinfp. Twenty-seven
yeare of practice and experience In
treating the human hair and scalp,
combined with natural adaptability
and nciciitlllc study, has given this
wonderful woman complete mastery
of tlic"cailllary structure.
Mme. Yale 'a Books Are Free
Mme. Yale' book - on the subject of
Hralth and Beauty and the Human Hair
will be mulled fra upon request.
Address, MME. M. YALE,
396 Fifth Avenue. New York City.
'Follow the Flag."
Mexico City, Mex., and Back
- April 25th to May 5th
IiOiiK Limit Ilcturulng.
Cheap" Rates South 1st and
3rd Tuesdays in April.
1601 Fantam Street
Omuhu, Neb.
k cause aaa astsra as
.uni bfciuri rusvuosft. TRY tlils,
1 hm 11 kncht-Crmic XBi4 Cm.
est' 1 fv
by in V
and 1 t
live. ' clio
ihuiii - Miiiii'
HlcLUnden Appeal from the Decision of
the District Court.
BallHrn t liable tn Pay Wk It Will
Be Completed. 0tfrmnt la
low rrofldlni It with
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March J. (Special.) A brief
was filed this afternoon In oenair or ine
Tloyal Highlanders to prevent the taxation
of their reserve fund. The, lower court of
Hamilton county decided against the order.
The ordpr claim exemption from taxation
on the following grounds:
1. The entire property sought to be here
taxed Is "used exclusively for charitable
Z. The legislative and executive neparr-
mente continuously and without question
for thirty years since the adoption of our
constitution, and und-r the Identical statute
now In force, construed that constitution
and statute to exempt from taxation the
property or rralernal riencnciary associa
tions used exclusively for the purpose of
said association, and such construction and
exposition Is conclusively binding both upon
tha stare and trie courts.
. The anoellsnt. in arriving at tne
amount of the credits. If any. which It wsa
required to return for taxation, nan me
right to take an account of Its business
and deduct Its outstanding liability from
the amount of the Item listed in ciaasea
3 and 4.
In the argument In aupport of their con
tention the attorney for the lodge aay
among other thing:
The question here presented to the court
Is a,, new one. Never, so fr as we are able
to ascertain, has any slate prior to the
year lf6 made any attempt to tax tha
mortuary funds of a fraternal beneflclary
association. Nebraska enjoy the unique
distinction of being the pioneer In thla
movement. No other state hna thua far
seen fit to follow It lead. On the con
trary, our sister states have proceeded on
the rational theory that the provision made
by these societies Is the best possible pro
tection for the dependent a provident safe
guard against a day of certain disaster;
that It Is the greatest aid to the state yet
devised to reduce to a minimum poverty,
dependence and crime, and for these reasons
merits ana should receive all possioie en
couragement from the state.
. Xebrnslcn Waits on Ordnance,
Oovernor Mickey this morning received a
letter from Moran Brother, builder of
the battleship Nebraska, stating the con
tractors could not tell when the hlp would
be ready for commission. The governor
some time ago wrote to the firm asking
when the ship would be ready for commls.
slon and the letter received this, morning
waa In reply to that. The reason no data
can be fixed, the letter stated, was be
cause the government ha to furnish the
ordnance material, and there is no telling
when thla will be ready for the vessel.
Were the material on the ground now, the
letter stated, the vessel could be finished
within six months.
Good Times for Treasury
Based on the amount of money Invested
the last three month have been the beat
for the state treasury In the history of the
state. During that time Treasurer- Mor
tenson ha Invested 1704,000. against (232.000
invested for the same period "Inat year.
Today $50,000 In warrant was taken up by
the treasurer. ITnder the provisions of the
Sheldon Mil enacted Into law by the late
legislature there ha been collected $115,000,
and thla sum represents a portion of the
big Investments. .
Notwithstanding this enormous amount
of money Invested, which seems to indi
cate a large amount of prosperity, tha
state debt still hovers around the $2,000,000
mark, with little Indication of any material
reduction during the year... About tho-time
the bills contracted by the last legislature
are all paid up then another legislature
will begin, and thus there will be more
bill to pay. - ' .
Pollard Confer with Friend.
-Congressman Pollard! Is still In Lincoln
and during . the day he conferred with a
number of nolltlclans and business mm
relative to his candidacv. Rinne It
!,, .hot k. . t..,. ,
tlon Mr. Pollard said he had received
many letters from over tha ditrict and
even from Lancaster county, aasurln. htm
of support and asserting that he would b.
given a second term.
Chairman Teegarden left for hi home
thi morning and-will return to attend
the committee meeting a week from Fri
day night. It ha not been decided whether
a primary will be called but many of Pol
lard's friends are urging him to this
Agrlcaltare In Jnnlor Normals.
.Agriculture will be taught In the Jurilor
noYmal school of the state this summer
and tho Instructor will be supplied from
the1 Agricultural college at the -expeme
of the university. This suggestion came
from Prof. A. E. Davtsson, principal of the
college, in a letter to Superintendent Mc-
Brlen. At a meeting held recently the
letter waa discussed by Chancellor An
drews, Prof. Davlsson, S. H. Thompson of
Holdrege, Superintendent McBrien, Deputy
Superintendent Bishop and O. H. Thomas
oi jjct-ook, ana ine suggestion maae in
the letter were adopted.
Clearing Hoaao Organised,
Representative of the Lincoln bank, ex
cept the Farmers and Merchant met at
the Lincoln hotel last evening and or
Few People Know Row Uaofnl It la In
PrtMrriag Health and Deanty,
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safeat and moat efficient lainfotant
and purifier in natura, but few raalisa Its
value taken Into ths human system lor tbs
same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the mor you
take of it the better; It Is not drug at all.
but simply absorbs the gases and Im
purities' always present in tha stomach and
intestines and carries them out of the
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetable.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion. It whitens ths teeth and
further acta as a - natural and eminently
safa cathartic.
It absorbs Injurious gases which collect
In the stomach and bowel; It dialatecu the
mouth and throat from the poison of
catarrh. '
All druggists sell charcoal In on form or
another, but probably tha best charcoal
and ths most for the money Is In Stuart'
Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and
other harmless antiseptics In tablet form
or rather In the form of large, pleasac
lasting loaengea, me cnarcoai oeing mlaed
with honey.
The dally use of thr lozenges will aooa
tell In a much Improved condition of thJlih the work, A committee was appointed
neneral health, better complexion, sweeter
bwath and purer blood, and the beauty of
it Is, that no possible, harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary.
a uuno pnysician m speaking of ths
benefiis of charcoal says: "I advise StuarTi
charcoal Loaengea to all patients suffering
from, gas In stomach and bowel, and to
clear the complexion and purify the breath.
mouth' and throat; I also believe the) liver
is greatly be nail ted by tha dally us of
them; they cc but ti cents a bog at drug
stores, and although In soma sens a patent
preparation, yet I believe I get mora and
better charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal
Loenge man in any of the ordinary char.
j i coal tamest
ImPortant SeUin Agreement
Between Two
I grading
Safe Con-
New Tork. March 29th. 1! An an
nouncement of arest Importance to ins
general public has Just bn mart by rep
resentatives of the Herrlng-lIall-Marrln
Safe Company of New Tork, and the
Manganese Steel. Safe Company, of Flaln-
(leld. New Jersey, respectively the largest
and mod Important" the maker of
standard fire-proof safes, and the bent
known of the manufacturer pf standard
burs-la r-proof safe.
The Herrlna-Hall-Marvln Safe Company
haa endorsed and arranged to sell to Ha
cutomera the Manganese Steel Burglar-
proof afe manufactured by the Mangv
ness Steel Safe Company, while this latter
company recommend and will s"ll the
standard fire-proof safe manufactured by
the Herrlng-Hall-Marvjn Safe Company.
Both companies will continue to market
their respective Are and burglar-proof
bank vaults.
The Importance of the announcement
lies In the fact that these two companies
have, without any formal union or con
lolldatton. 'agreed to unite In a selling
policy which will enable each company .to
offer It customer a complete line f both
fire and burglar-proof safes of the highest
quality and reputation
The Herrlng-Hall-Marvtn Safe Company
Is the manufacturer of the celebrated
Marvin and Hall fire-proof safes, which
for over sixty years have been recognised
as the standsrd fire-proof safes ' of the
world. The Manganese Steel Safe Com'
pany manufacture solid burglar-proof
safes, utilising for this purpose the spe
cially treated metal known as "Tlsco"
Manganese Steel. A the name lmplt
this metal Is the product of the Taylor Iron
Steel Company, of High Bridge. N. J.,
the well-known maker of high-grade steels.
and the company which discovered and
patented the process of treatment by
which Msns-artese fiteel u made more
than a scientific curlosltv and .riven com-
man a scientinc curiosity, ana given com-
merciai value. I
gnnlxed the Lincoln Clearing House as
sociation, W. E. Barkley being elected
manager. The Farmer and 'Merchants
bank haa Indicated thit It will be a mem
ber of the association, although unrepre
sented at the meeting last night.
John Hanley, Asleep Jiftr Track.
Meet Death In Right.
LEXINGTON, March 28. (Special Tele-
grain.) A man whose name 1 given a
John Hanley, was Instantly killed three
mile west of this city last night, by train
No. 6. The man, with two champanlon.
hid been walking on the track a fid becom
ing sleepy, all three laid down and. fell
asleep: Hanley's head being close to the
rails, was struck and broken. The train
sped on, the crew being apparently un
conscious of Its deadly work.
The two companion or Hanley were
aroused by the accident, cam to this city
and reported the affair. The local train
this morning brought the body in and a
coroner's Inquest we held. The verdict
exonerated the railroad company from all
blame in the matter. Twenty-eight dol-
lar was found In the man s "pocket, In-
dicatlng that he was a laborer, who had
been at work. Effort are being 4)iade to
locate relatives, as the man is a stranger
here and his companions know little about '
Dark Hunter Injnred.
AUBURN, Neb., March 28. (Special.)
Henry Egelback, living near Brock, met
With a serious accident yesterday evening
while out hunting duck. He was shoot
ing a No. S shot gun and one of the shells
seemed to be heavier loaded than common.
When he fired it exploded, blowing the
stock of the gun completely off, breaking
Mr. Egelback'a right arm tn two place
and left a bad flesh wound.
A'BI mono to He snort.
UKATJUCB. Neb.. March Z8.-(Bpeclal
Telegram.) Joseph Schuck, district agent
for th Natlonal Benevolent .oclety, ha
turne1 un missing at this place, and aince
nl departure he has been found short in
hl accounts by State Organiser McClaskey,
who is here checking up the book of the
omce- neaa nce of the company
1 " t y
Kewa of Nebraska.
YORK Mrs. Caroline Matilda Swart.
mother of Mr. E. A. Van. Frankln, died
after an Illness of nine day. .
BEATRICE Albert Penner. a farmer liv
ing west of the city, waa severely In.
jured by falling from a windmill tower.
I a distance of twenty feet.
BEATRICE1 The annual meetlnr nt tha
Boutneastern XMeoraska Educational asaocl.
ation will be held here next week, April I
to o. adouv oou leacner win be tn attend'
BEATRICE Pawnee Cltv has withdrawn
from the Inter-high school debate to he
held here during the annual meetina of th
Southeastern Nebraske Educational associa
tion, and Auburn ha taken Pawnee Cltv's
AUBURN Word reached this cltv lajit
.vrniiiK mi a siigni wreca naa occurred
at Julian In which a freight engine and
several cars were derailed. It took several
hours to get them on the track and starts
on tneir way again. No one was injured
YORK The Commercial club will min
make an effort to have the Burlington
build a new depot here. The Ladles' Im
provement club is considering appealing
to the city council and having the building
condemned a being unsafe and a menace
to me neaun oi ine public
BEATRICE Charged with lncnrriirlhllltv
Ollle Martin and Harry Morris of Cortland,
sea is ami it years, respectively, were
nrougm ueiore judge bpnnord yesterday.
They were released for thirty davs. nenri.
ing good behavior, and are to report to the
coun ai ins expiration oi mat time,
FREMONT Chris Kuehl. an oM resident
of this county, died at his home four mile
norinwesi or mis city true morning at the
- ' ui i .j. i n . native oi irtrminy
wiiu. iiiuush ,u, mule man miny years
a resident of this country never learned
to speak or write English. 11 widuw
BUTTE AdolDh Sternburr. a hachoW
about 40 year old, waa adjudged Insane1 bv
the Board of Insanity tonight. The com
plaint whs sworn out by the father, a man
it year old, and a cousin with whom they
have been living. He is not violent, but
very melancholy, lie will be tuken to Un
coin loniorrow
YORK The city election promise to be
ona of the liveliest In many vears. Tha
contest will be for councilman. In the
rlrst. Second and Fourth warria n.ntin..
have been circulated and candidates will
be placed onMhe ballot. In tha Fourth
ward C. A. Bcharndt will be an Indc-
x-ruu-iii vaiiuiuair.
TUKK-Mon. N. V. Harlan arrived this
morning from Valdes. Alaska, bringing the
remains of his only son who died at Val-
de on March 17. The mother and sister
HTm at ,iuiV ui urain. ine runeral
sen-ices will be held tomorrow at the
Methodist Episcopal church and will be
conducted by Rev. O. W. Flfer. a fuimer
r AFILLION A mass meeting was held
ai ine ooun no use esterday by the cltl
ens of the east end of the county to con
sular me maiier or airaiKhtenlnir tha Pa.
pillion creek. It was decided to go ahead
to make estimatea of the work and re
at tne next meeting, which will be
April .
GIBBON One of the largest land sales
made in Nebraska this year has Just been
clcaed by L. P. Sargent, a real estate
agent at Giboon. The principal part or the
land consisted of what Is known aa the
Merritt ranch near Lexington. Thla, to
gether with other lunus. made a total
acreage of S.'M acres. The consideration
I touu.
renort has been
current for the last few weeks to (he effect
that Mayor Shulis would not appoint A. 1.
While fire chief because he was an appli
cant for a saloon license, at a meeting of
the clly council last evening Mr. Whits,
who was recently chosen chief by the fire
department of Beatrice, W:is named ss j h
officer by the mavor and was r.ntim,..i
I Toe iMvot tei'orlcd thai Lc hid vuntuuted
for Hell telephone In the offices of the city I
clerk, police .1une. water work etatlon and
the went side hose nous lor tn comma
year at t.lT per month. A warrant for
fe.SiO was ordered drawn In favor of the
city treasurer on the Msssllrh turtsrnricnt
fund, and the Judaea and clerka for tho
coming spring- municipal election were ap
pointed. PKATHICE O. P. I.Iton. who haa neen
commercial aprent for the Rnck Island road
In this city for many years, has tendered
his reslgnxllon. to take effect April 1. He
has accepted the position of aaent at thla
point for the I hlted States Kxprews com
pany, which will open an office In the Pad
dock block on North Sixth street the first
of the month.
BEATRICE; At a meetlna of the North
western Business college cadets last night
A. H. Hollingyorth, who hns been captain
and Instructor of the nrgsntSHllon ever
since It was perfected, tendered his resigna
tion, and as a token of hla valuable service
as such officer the company presented Mr.
Hollingworth with a beautiful- watch fob
and scarf pin.
OAKIjAND-Oust Andrrson. an old resi
dent of this city, died Wednesday mornlnn;
of paralysis, from which he had been un
conscious for over a week. Mr. Anderson
has been In the employ of the Farmers'
Grain and IJve Stock company for the last
twenty years. He Is survived by a wife
and four grown chlldreif. The funeral will
take place Frlaay afternoon from the Luth
eran church.
TEKA MAH Mrs.' Molly Smith, wife of
Julius C. Smith, died at her home in this
city very suddenly at Jo'clock this morn
ing. Mrs. Smith attended Kastern Btnr
chapter last night, returning home about
10:.Ti).i Shortly after he complained or a
pain tn her head and a doctor waa called.
wno pronounced It Daralysls. The deceased
leaves a husband and two sons, Waldo A.'
and Roy J. Smith.
PL.ATT8MOUTH Mrs. M. I White
passed quietly away at her home lu this
city today after a lingering Illness. Her
maiden name waa Roba Pierce. She was
born In Vermont and came to Nebraska
with her husband In about- the year o2
and celebrated her 90th birthday anniver
sary last Frldsy. Her husband died ev
eral years ago, but no children survive
them. For a -tramber of year they re
sided In Omaha, Rev. J. E. Houlgate will
conduct the funeral service in the Meth
odist Episcopal church Thursday afternoon
HASTINGS Tha fuslonlst hava with
drawn ail opposition to the re-election of
the republican municipal administration and
lor tne nrat time In its history Hastings
will have a third-term set of officers. The
IU"lon convention nominated a complete city
llck.t but chrl8 Keonl,, candidate for
mavor. and John Powers, candidate for city
clerk, have formally withdrawn from the
race, leaving the way open for the re-elec
tion or Ydayor c J. Miles and Clerk A. T.
Bratton, who are serving their second
terms. One of the fusion candidate for
councilman haa also withdrawn. Two year
ago Mr. Miles was re-eiectea by a majority
oi Hi in a total vote or leas than 1.0U0.
Omaha Mas Retara to Kebraaka with
Body of Edaaaad V. Harlaa
of York.
Assistant United States Attorney Harry
L. Colin, formerly of Omaha, but now
stationed at Fairbanks, Alaska, arrived
In Omaha Wednesday morning. Mr. Cohn
made the trip across the snow. and lea from
Fairbanks to Valdes, Alaska, starting
February 23- Arriving in Vades he found
Edmund V. Harlan, son of Judge N. V.
Harlan seriously 111, later dying. Mr. Cohn
accompanied Judge Harlan and the body
to York, Neb.
Mr. Cohn Is Quite enthusiastic over
Alaska. To a reporter for The Bee he said:
"People In the middle and eastern state
do not know what a wonderful country
we have up in Alaska. Almost every In
dustry tf any part of the world Is to be
found some place within the territory: Of
course the principal Industry Is that of
mining, but all forms of vegetation are
being produced. Right now those In the
Interior, such as at Fairbanks, whera I am
stationed, are greatly Interested over the
prospect of a railroad penetrating the In
terior. You see, during the winter months,
when the Tukon river I frosen, it Is a
terrible hardship to attempt to go to the
outside. I crossed 40fff miles of snow and
Ice to reach here. The railroad will obviate
all this trouble. . :
There Is more or less excitement there
now over the possibility of the territory
dr district' having a voice In congress.
Heretofore, you know, we have been unrep
resented in Washington. The delegate bill
will greatly aid tha district.
Candidate for this place are looming
up already. However, queer as it may seem
to you here where politics Is quite bitter
at times, in all probability the contest for
the place will not be along political lines.
More probable it 1 that the different lo
calities will place in the field a candidate.
and the locality having the largest popu
lation will succeed in having Its man
elected. In this way the people there are
quite partisan, taking great pride in their
separate localities. I
Fairbanks Is the leading town of Alaska
now. its output of gold for lu6 waa the
largest tn the history of Alaska, with tha
exception of tha early years of Dawson.
Dawson, however, is not the great camp
it was, its people having flocked to Fair
'I often meet Nebraska and even Omaha
people up there. Some of them have grown
quite prosperous. In fact, I have never
seen a more prosperous country. ;
'I will return to Alaska In about thirty
day. By the time I reach Ekagway the
river will have opened and I will not be
compelled to experience the great hard
ship, as well a the dangers of crossing
over the inside trail."
n. Roller Skatlog Again.
In response to urgent requests from hun
dreds of the young men and women who
enjoy roller Kkatlng Manager Glllan has
decided to continue the roller skating sea
son for the latlauce of this week at least.
The rink will be open both afternoon and
evening for the next three days, and pos
sibly until the opening of the Autumobile
show on April 4.
An exciting race will be put cm each
evening. Thursday afternoon will be ladles'
nay And all ladies will ,ne admitted free.
Thursday night Henry Blomberg will goi
against wiuiam jnaineriy in a lime neat
lor the cnampionsnip or uniaua.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In Se
bra'ska, Iowa, Bonth Dakota
and Wenli.
WASHINGTON. March a.-Forecast of
the weather for Thursday and Friday
For Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri. Kansas,
South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming and
Montana Fair Thursday and Friday.
Local Heeord.
OMAHA. March 28. Official record of tein
perature and precipitation, compared with
corresponding aay or tne last three
years: 19U6. 1KK. IStX. 19u3
imum temperature.... 41 6 49 41
Minimum temperature.... SS 44 29
Mean temperature Si oo tn M
Precipitation 00 T .0t .U0
Temperature and precipitation departures
rroin tne normal at umana since Marcu 1
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 41
Iiencleiicy for the day
Total deficiency since Marrj) 1
. 1SU6 213
Normal orecloltatlun ...
... .07 inch
... .07 Inch
Deficiency for the day
Total rainfall since March 1...
Excess since March 1, 1 fa si
Iiellclency for cor. period 19n5.
Deficiency for cor. period 19U4.
Reports front Station a
... 1. 75 Inches
... .46 inch
... .59 inch
... .38 Inch
t T P. M.
Station and State
of Weather.
Bismarck, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Ienver, cloudy ....
Havre, clear ,.
Helena, clear
Huron, clear
Temp. Mag. Raln-
7 p. m. Temp. fall.
.... 4 14 .uu
4U 44 .04
i T
3b . 3 T
44 48 .02
M 64 .j
& oJ Ml
40 4i .00
& 3x .00
64 &H .1
41 .00
53 M ,u
S 42 .on
34 J .no
6o &3 .00
48 M .rj
s2 M .w
Kanaas Clly, cloudy .
North Platte, clear .,
Omaha, cloudy
Rapid City, cltar ....
Si. Ixuls, cloudy .....
8t. Paul, cloudy
Salt I-ke City, clear
Valentine, clear
Willlaton, clear
- Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Tea and Wafer Served
Day Sate. Tea Booth
Wyoming Stream! Swollen by the Sudden
Meltinc of the Heavy Snows.
Cedar and Other River In Iowa on
the RampaaTO part of Railroad
Bridge mt Fremont Taken
Ont for the lee
CHEYENNE. Wyo March . (Special
Telegram.) Flood condition In Wyoming
are causing much apprehension and fear
of heavy loss of life and enormous destruc
tion , of property ara , entertained. . Al
ready the damage wrought by the high
water will aggregate over 1250,000 and aa a
number of ranchmen, sheep herder and
others are missing It la certain live have
already been lost.
The overflow from the Platte aner Big
Horn river I causing themost damage.
From L point twenty mile north of the
Colorado line In southern Carbon county
to the Nebraska line on the east the
valley of the Platte I filled with water.
broken Ice and debris. In soma places
ranches are completely inundated and
much livestock has been carried away.
Few bridge are now left along this great
waterway. Today two government bridge
at Alcova and Bessemer went out and
were followed by state bridge at Alcova,
Bessemer, Casper, Olen Rock, Big Muddy
and Orln Junction, the destruction of these
bridge alone amounting to over $100,000.
The Big Horn, Gray Bull, Shoshone and
tributary stream In Big . Horn county
are doing great damage also.
The entire state 1 a sea of mud and It
Is almost Impossible to move livestock
or wagon. Business is partly paralysed
and unless the thaw subside soon the de
struction to property and loss will be
something enormous.
High Water Near Casper.
CASPER, Wrt., March 28. Tha ' North
Platte river haa been rising at an alarming
rate auring tne last lorty-eigm nour.
The great dam at Colva, erected by the
reclamation service a a temporary con
struction to divert the water of the river
while the Pathfinder dam la being built,
ha bcerT washed away and It loss will
seriously interrupt tha completion of the
government enterprise.
Although the heavy rains of the last few
day had caused much apprehension among
resident of this part of Wyoming, none
was prepared for the overthrow ot such a
piece of engineering a the huge dam.
Whenthe water swept through the Im
mense masonry many worlMTTeri barely es
caped with their Uvea. The dam had been
built at a cost of nearly H00.O0O. Tha steel
bridge built by the government six mile
below the dam at Pathfinder yVas also
carried away. 1 N
Small cabins, barn and property of all
descriptions are floating down the swollen
stream, which la spreading over the low
land and causing great los to stockmen
and ranchmen. Miles upon mile of the
low land are flooded and It I feared much
stock may have been drowned.
A report from Lander say that 300
We are putting in a
We have put in a
New Stock
The Front will be "Handsomer than
shown elsewhere"
The Stock IS "Handsomer than
shown elsewhere.
Succoasor to C. Frederick Co. -
pedal Notice!
ELP the Y.W. C. A. build their
We donate 10 per cent of our
for Friday and Saturday of this week to the
Y. W. C. A. building fund. We are anxious to
make this donation a very generous one and ask
the co-operation of our customers and prospective
buyers to make their purchases, if possible,
Friday and, Saturday of this week. We wish
to further announce that we have not in any
way raised our prices, but on the other hand,
will have many specials to offer in all1 depart
ments. Don't forget the days, Friday and
Saturday, this week.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet 2o.
Dorinf This Two
Main Floor..
sheep belonging to Charles Souther, which
were housed In a large shed, were drowned
and awept away.
Tart of Railroad Bridge Destroyed.
FREMONT, Neb., March 28. (Special.)
Two span of the Great Northern bridge
aero the south channel of the Platte wore
carried out by the Ice today. This port
of tha bridge had not been replaced wtlh
ateel spsns. Aa It was short and It, was
not thought that lee would do much damage
In that channel tha company thought tha
piling would be all right. The other part
of tha bridge and the wagon bridge are
uninjured. The current south of the island
I much atronger this year than usual. The
road on tha Platte bottom to the north
and east of the city are In an almost Im-l
passable condition on account of the anow
and rain of the last two week and some
of the street are not much better. Tha
frost la coming out of tha ground and a
few daya of warm sunshine, would put them
in good traveling condition.
Vnfortanntes Thrown Into Water fey
Collapse of Bridge.
CHETENNE, Wyo., March 28. (Special.)
The Lander-Casper stage, filled with
passengers, mall and express, waa tumbled
Into Wind river by a bridge giving away
twelve miles east of Lander thla morning.
Tha 'passengers were being carried down
stream when a party of Arapahoe Indians
came to their rescue. Some ot the buck
swam, boldly Into the water, while other
threw rope to the traveler In the torrent.
All were finally rescued, but many would
have drowned but for the prompt work of
the red men. The horse and some of the
express matter were also aaved, but the
stage coach waa carried down stream and
tha mall waa entirely lost.
Reformed Chinese Active.
TANKTON, S. D., March 28. (Special.)
Added interest to the so-called Chinese Im
perial reform movement will be tha result
f-of the announcement, from a most reliable
source, that General Falkenberg of San
Francisco ha Issued order for tha selec
tion of a number of bright and capable
Junior officers to be selected to proceed at
once to China to act a military adviser to
the viceroy over the numerous province of
China. General English of thi city, him
self leading staff officer of the association
admit sueh an order ha gone out, although
aa usual, he refuse to talk much for publi
lee . Break nt Pierre.
PIERRE, S.J D.. March 28. (Special Tele
gram.) The lea on the river her began to
break 'up and run out today after being
In a rotten condition for a month. Thi
will allow boat to operate and get home
seekers across the river.
Iowa Man Demented.
f PIERRE. 8. D.. March 28.-(8peclal.)-C.
Van AndaTl of Sheldon, la., was picked
up in a demented condition' here today by
officers. His relatives have been notified
and are coming after him.
Trying n Battleship.
ROCKLAND. Me., March 28.-The battle
ship New Jersey, built for the United
States government, wa given It official
standardisation trial on the Owl's Head
mile course today. Its contract requires
the development of a speed of nineteen
Knot an nour.
new home.
gross sales'
So. 16th St.
&be Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chloago
, ONE-WAY- ;
Settler's Rates
to points la
North Dakota and f
Canadian Northwest
Is March anJAprlL
City Offices
1401-1403 FAR NAM
TIL. C14-CS1
Our charges are within the
reach of all. Many are treated
free of charge.
Dr. McGrev, Specialist
Blood Poison,Varicocele, Etric
ture, Loss cf Vitality
and all weaknesses and disorder of men.
Over 30,000 Cases Cured.
Charge lAtm Thau All Other.
Treatment by mall. t'aH or write, flux
5 Houth Fourteenth lin,
Omaha. Neb.
Every Wcnna
uusranad sim mount Liuw
MAIWL Mhlrlina Sorav
I rus nw .! Srnaca. Jm Ire.
fu-eetvi ,Mrua. baat H.r
m. UMV-
sal- M..M
V -
unaaa laMaatij
aatyaar (rank ar a.
1 1 h "arm
For Bala l
lull and IXidgs bta.
Thiaa snffering Tram weak-tli-afte
wtiK-h au Lb pleasur-
of life shoulil tuke Juau I ul.
One bn a ill tril a siori ot
marvelous results. This u-edu-iu has snore
rejuvenating. Tiialliiur fores Uiaa Las ever
before beaii oflWad. hr:i ii J la Plain
parka- eDif ou reclpt f f luia ar. and ft.
Mail br lis one mai-Ts ' ' lluud to., pro
aiairs H-Kxl'a fcajaauariila. 1 jaeLL slaaa.
ultuppiTth X"
Sln ,, uo ax To. -
olitpr. bill ertd tiup fur M J" .
miiairair tx..k-...W. Itrlras V. ' I
full ikatii-.ulni and .tiwimr.. tl. Cv' I
valuable n. a-1ira. ntmt.1, IO.. w , J J
aa at. aa sr., aav tuak A