V 10 THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: TIIURflDAY, MARCH 20, l&Oft. . n't. FOUR FUNERALS ARE nELD Miss Too Body Taken to Old "Hon: a in Oolnmbut, Ohio. MISS ESTHER NASH AT HOLY SEPUlCHER t Mrs. Mmry K. Son I hard and Trof. Henry .Mien Are laid at Rest at f'arrst l.im Cemetery. In accordance with her own wishes th funeral services for Ils Ann Too, princi pal of Kellom school, were of a simple character Wednesday afternoon. Rey. Newton M. Mann. minister of Vnltjr church, delivered a short eulogy at the home, IMS Karnara afreet. The services were attended by the teachers of Kelloni school and a few Intimnte friends. Shortly after Iho services the body was taken to the Bur lington elation by O. W. Anderson of Den ver, a nephew, and Miss Catherine Foos of Omaha, a sister. Mr. Anderson and Mia Fooi accompanied the body to Columbus, O., where the burial and final rite will be held Friday afternoon. Columbua was the old home of MIhs Foos. In honor of the memory of Miss Fooa the flags were raised at half mast at the school Wednesday and the Kellom school dismissed for the afternoon. Thero were no pallbearer. At i:30 Friday afternoon a publlo memorial service for Miss Fooa will be held at First Congregational church, where the public school teachers and general public will at tend. At that service the principals of the city will adopt resolutions of condolence. Funeral of Mlsa Sash. The funeral services of Miss Esther Nash were held Wednesday at 8:30 a. m., from St. Cecelia's Catholic church, on Fortletn near Burt street, and were largely attended. tho church being filled to overflowing with xympathlilng friends. Father D. P. Har rington was the chief officiating priest, with Father J. W. Stenson as' master of cere monies. Father Bernard Sinne a sub-deacon. Father James Dobson, assistant to Father Stenson; Father A. M. Colanerl, celebrant. The Impressive ceremony of solemn reiulem high mass was celebrated. Bishop Scannell presiding. with Father M. P. Uowllng.and Father P. F. McCarty as Hssistunts to the bishop. Father John Jennette also assisted In the ceremonies. The requiem was sung by H. Burkley, as sisted by the choir of Sacred Heart In the responses. The sermon was preached by Bishop Scannell. He spoke of the high Christian 'character of Miss Nash. 'Following the addresa of Bishop Scannell tho ceremony of annolnting the casket waa observed, Bishop Scannell performing the ceremony. Mrs. Welpton then sang "An gels Ever Bright and Fair," after which the clergy retired and the ceremonies Inside tho church ended. present at the ceremonies and seated near the casket were twenty young women, classmates of Miss Nash at Saered Heart school. These girls were attired In white, with veils, each carrying a cluster of Easter lilies. Upon the conclusion of the ceremonies the twenty young girls formed in two lines outside from the church door to the hearse and the cvaket waa car ried out between them. The pallbearers were: Eddie Crelghton, Ed Balrd, Frank Keogh, Paul Gallagher, Thomas Davis, Barton Millard, IUehurd Co ad and Lee Me ghan. As the pallbearers passed through the opened ranks of the twenty young girls with the casket containing the body of Miss Nash the great throng of friends out side reverently bared their heads, remain ing uncovered until the casket was placed In the hearse. Interment was made in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Teaerable Mother at Rest. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary 8. Southard took place Wednesday afternoon, from the home of her aon, Charles P. Southard, ltOti North Seventeenth street, with a large number of friends present. The services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Muckay. rector of All Saints' chuch. The TUlbearers were: J. T. Beckrnun, H. A. IJoud, William Keller, Albert Krug, Oeorge M. Nattlnger and Charles L. Saunders. Among those present from abroad to at tend the funeral are: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Southard of Denver. On account of the Illness of Miss Clara Southard fche Inter, ment services at Forest Lawn cemetery were private. Prof. W. H. Allci. The funeral of Prof. W. 11. Allen, super intendent of the publlo schools of Edge niont, 8. D., was held Wednesday morning. Services were conducted at the Second Presbyterian church, by Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck. . Burial was at Prospect Hill cemetery. Among the relatives who were in attendance at the funeral were. Dr. Q. D. Allen, a brother, of Belleville. Wis.; Dr. Ella Hollls of Hartford City, Ind., and L. H. Allen, another brother of Kansus City. Prof. Allen was formerly a teacher !u the Omaha schools. Chamberlaia'a Cagt Remedy a Fav.rlt.. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to any other for our children," says Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining, Mich. "It has also done the work for us In hard colds and croup and we take pleasure In recommend ing It" DIAMONDS Freuxcr. 16th and Dodge. DE UNGER HELD TO ANSWER Ma Charged with Misappropriating Money ( Aaother Bosad Over for Trial. 8. Vlrtor DeCnger, who was brought lclt from Des Moines by Detective Ferris on a charge of larceny as bailee, was urralgned In police court Wednesday morn ing by Attorney Fitch. DeUnger pleaded not guilty and agreed to waive the preliminary examination. He was bound to the district court in the sum of 11.00. DeUnger was charged with appropriating to his own use $760 given him by R. ii. ,Cameron. with whom DeUnger formed a partnership as the Midland Publishing company. Cameron alleged he gave De Vngor $750 to be used as a guarantee with a publishing firm which was to get out a look on Omaha for Cameron and DeUnger. DeUnger Is said to have absconded with the money. DeUnger and his wife were urrested on a train at Des Moines last week. The wife was released. DeUnger fought the extradition but lost his suit. Jla will not talk of the affair. "Get well quickly" Foe iclkfeu Bouulcu, f 1 Heat Jellies and itrcDfuv f M.TMM. !.. MW, IIIIIM HUM - S! LKEIGCOmAILYS f ti Fv.Mrnssi i t I 1 i! C K Sill Patten TiMi Cloths Sals Pittsri Tibti (Ms The Swagger LortJ Co&.t it (he Right Thing A new model jfi ladies' long This Spring It is Immensely Popular Novelty Coats 6 98 r These coats arc spring's newest nor elty In roat ntylesmade of pretty nov elty materials, neatly" tailored made In long "coverall", andtourlat effects very smart appearing for all stylish outdoor wear a special at Ladies' Smart Little Covert Jackets $5 'Them tmartly tailored little coat come fn the new polo, oortet and box effeclt telf trimmed and ?tot of them thomvgMy lined the f nri lie $pring txtat, a spe cial at Spring Tailored Suits A specially attractive lot of new suits for spring ' la the pony coat effects, the dressy little etons, etc., in new high colors. Including corals and re sedas, the season's favorites, also the new grays and mixtures very fetching new ideas, at TT. . . 12L Silk Veiling at 10c Yard Fine silk veiling with chenille dots, hair line stripes, etc., In, blacks and great variety of colors a spe cial bargain, worth up to 35c yard, at, yard ...... 10c Ladies' 50c Read Mav.de Veils at, each, 15e, In yard and a half lengths, silk chiffon and liberty silks, worth regularly up to 50c each, at, each 15c Charming Spring Millinery Brandels Handsomely Trimmed Spring .Millinery at $5.00 embraces every correct and popular spring style many of these hats are- made by our own skilled artists and copied after expen slve French models, the new greens, the old rose shapes swagger black and white hats, etc., a splendid assortment PRKTTT DRE88 AND EVEN I NO HATS In small shapes and the more elaborate edects new models Just received 750 NEVER WERE 8TTCH STUNNING HATs SOLD AT $10 These aio original model hats and reaeh a high standard of millinery art $10 SMART STYLES IX STREET HATS. Have you seen the little sailors that are making the great success this spring? Brandels ' shows the smartest styles the season has brought forth for Thursday we sell a number of these datihlng little hats, easily worth $5.00, at. 50 THURSDAY SPECIALS IN CARPET DEPT. We have Just received a new line of Chinese and Japanese Good Quality Straw Matting An almost endless variety of desirable patterns. A good quality of China Matting at 12 He yard up to 35c. A good grade of Jap Matting, linen warp, yard, 19c, 25c, 30c 35c Fiber Matting Your choice of an immense range of pat terns, worth up to 65c a yard, at, a yard Sanitary Carpet Yard wide and reversible, - a splendid wearing carpet, a yard, . at 35c The best values in Axmtnster Rugs In Omaha, floral and beautiful Oriental patterns 27x60, at 92.54) 36x63, at S3.50 La- cc;:s SEVEN. MURDER CASES LEFT Remainder to B Wiped '. Chit, at Present Tefm of Court. 'flBlBBBBBBBBB D0YLFS CONVICTION MARKS THE FIFTH tir the Flic Disposed of One Brlaas Ieth IVaallr and Oae Life, f Other Seateaees Yet lo.Coute. The convlotion ot John Doyle of the mur der of John Kelly Tuesday afternoon marks the close ot the fifth of the twelve murder rases now pending In this country. This Is tu unusually large number, but the cases are belnf disposed of rapidly and County Attorney Blatmugh hopes to be through with most of them before the rlcSe of this term ot court. These with the lane num ber of holdup and burglary cases, have Slutted the criminal docket, and It has practically been determined If necessary two or three of the Judges will be asked to take up criminal cases near the end of the term. Of those charged with ' murder Jay O'Hearn and Leo Anrus of the quartet of Tusten murderers have been disposed of, the former gelling- the death penalty and the Utter a life sentence under a plea of guilty. Leslie Allen, a colored man charged with killing lee Jairett, was found guilty and has been sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary. William tlartee, another colored man recently 'was convicted of murder In the second degree and has not been sentenced y.. In both his case and that of Doyle the Jury recommended clem ency. The murder cases still te try are those of Nelson and Warren, co-defendants with O'llcarn and Angus; Cal Waln. Harrison Clark and Clarence Cathrigut, charged with killing Street Car Conductor Edward Flurry; Leo Osborne, charged with shoot Ing his father in a quarrel between his father and mother; Frank Noonan, charged with stabbing Charles Larson of Bouth Omaha, and James Dlggs, charged with the murder of Frank Wheeler, Starrlag. When your body la starving-robbed by Indigestion Dt. King's New Life Pills will relieve and cure. 26 cents. ' For sale by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to tho Board of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Wednesday: Births Harry Duval. 21110 Kim. girl; Wil liam Trurkey, 1612 Bherman avenue, boy William Arnold. lfUiVi North Twenty-first rlrl; Mike Antoniak. 23J Hickory, girl; 1). II. Bererners. 3;u Ames avenue, girl. Deaths Anaa Fooa. fiisst Farnsm, 81 Robert Knajp, 1411 Sherman avenue, : J. W. MrElhaunon, 2ng North Seventeenth ; W. F. Rice. ll Bouth. Twenty-fifth. 4: Martha Kaesmarek. Twenty-fourth and Center. 6; Carrie Cliff, West Tolnt. N.-b M; Mary Richardson. 114 South Nineteenth, "; Kenneth Smith, 4M1 Decatur. 1; Harold Howell, hug South Eighteenth, S years Jacob J. Bellner. 2CT Grant. t:?.s. ivi::slov's J autieea ftuUdrm w It C3Tni::3 syrup esse dt ! Uoa or ktotaera tot ttetr "H'le Tt-OuiiS f'j omc fin, v. Ski) 1. uhna i . I eU UIl mraa la . 7 .T M" ' i t-m lj lor lirrt,. J Dr. WctrnU', OJClNl A LIVER PILLS For Old ar Yos.x For Billiotisness. Constipation, Sick Headache. Sour Stomach. No Opium. . no Cocaine. A Vegetable Pill HERMAN V M'CONNBLL DUO CO. X postpaid. A6th and Podge Sta OMAHA WEATHER FOUKCART Thunwlny Fnlr. NN WW 1 1 11 3 crecn teal::3 stamps evert TiE Thursday in Dry Goods LADIES' SILK WAISTS $3.95. Sheer Glace Taffeta, lace trimmed, colors white, light blue, champagne, black, helio and pink, Z CC $5.00 QUALITY FOR JJD Extra Quality of Japan SilkBlack and white, with plain pleats; also white with elaborate trimming of T QP eyelet embroidery and lace, regular $5 waist, for.J J LADIES' LACE WAISTS $4.95. Fine Oriental Lace Pointed Yoke Self collar newyf Q C cuff, worth $G.50, Thursday TJ Ladies' White Band Aprons Made of good mater ial, extra large and full, plain with pocket Ladies' White Band Aprons Made with a deep ruffle with cluster of three tucks on ruffle, at Ladies' Gingham Band Aprons Good quality ging ham, full and long Ladies' Black Sateen Aprons Large, square with pockets; also the small square office aprons 25c 25c 25c 25c BARGAIN TABLE SALE OF TOOTH BRUSHES. ONE THOUSAND TOOTH BRUSHES, at 5c ONE THOUSAND TOOTH BRUSHES, at; ...... ..10o 1 n 7.n Bennett's Bi Grocery SPECTAL VALVES IN TEAS, ON LY RELIABLB QUALITIES HAN ILED. Jos. Tetley & Co., Ceylon and inula, teas. ,..,, , Bartraln V?l ner.e CAN 65c And fifty Green Trading Stamps Half pound can ureen OSn Label OOW And twenty-five green trading stanrpa. Quarter-pound can Ureen Label. ...18c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps HEADQUARTERS FOR COFFEE ROASTED DAILY Three pounds finest Java and Mocha Coffe I1.U0 And Bfly green trading stamps. BFECIAL CANNED UOOD3 OFFER 2 cans Diamond 8 Succotash 30c t cans Omar Lima Beau. 2&c it cans Diamond 8 Blfted Early June Hea,:f 33c And Blty Green Trading Stamps. Velvet Cocoa Toilet Soap, 6 cakes.. Kc Three packages I'needa mcuits..S6c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps Jell-O, assorKd flavors, i pkgs 2c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps Bennett's Oapllul Baking Powder, pout)d can.,.c 24c And Ten Green Trading Stamps S Fruits and Vegetable Cucumbers, Onions. Radishes, Lettuce, Parsley, Pie Plant, Strawberries Freh Every Day 5c FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, pound REMEMBER, A POUND 18 NEARLY TWO QUARTS, AND THIS PRICE IS LESS THAN IN CARLOAD LOTS.. JUST A-FLYER FOR THURSDAY. CALIFORNIA LEMONS, dosen 15c Swe-t, Juicy naval Oranges, OCr doien 25c and UW lc J3ENNETTS CANDY SticlTCfilfdy Special -Assorted'flavon, C sticks for. . 30 sticks for. 5c Easter Eggs and Novelties trom......... lc A MONEY SAV ING SALE OF SEWING MACHINES. Drop Head, -Automatic Lift Head Sewing Machine, Full Line of Attachments, S.$25.00 3d FLOOR. BOOKCASES Best On The Market Beautiful Line Furniture 3d FLO OIL. Visit The Stunning Millinery LOW ONE-WAY RATES VIA union PACIFIC FROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO APRIL 7, 1906. S25.Q3 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $20.00 to Ban Francisco, Loa Aa geles, San Dingo and many other California point, to Everett FalrhaTen. " Whatcom, Vanconyer and Victoria. to Portland. Aitorla, Ta coma aad Seattle, to Aabland, Boaeburr, En gene, Albany and Balem, Including Bo. Pac. branch line In Oregon, to Spokane, and interme diate O. B. A X. polata to Wenatcbee and interme diate points. to Butte, Anaconda, Helena and all intermediate mala line points. to Ogden and Bait Lake City and Intermediate mala line points. For Foil Information laqnlre at CITY TJSKT OFFICE, 1324 f ARMM JT. S20.C0 S7A Motre Suits, Saturday, at $3.95 nn 111! mom THE RELIABLB TRB ladlef' , Regular $t,Si Values, SatMrdaj, 69 Ca Thursday Specials in Oar Busy Cloak and Suit Department. IV are umlntihtrffly doing tho buMnew In onr Salt IVpArtmen, Tft rresons are obvlons wrt etylcn, lrRost stk, lowest pricen. mKke, eclfcs Hon esy for yon end anlcs easy lor ua. 8co thc Thnrtiilay offcrlnir. FROM fi: TIJA 9 30 A. M. Womsn's Wash Vndersklrts, AQr FROM 9 Tli.L. IoX'm'.' Woman's 5.0o Bilk I'ndersklrts, QQ at. XJBW srRixa BUIT8-tn nobblost etTtMl snrt matniHls, ninds to Sfll f A lf at Jn: sptM liil Thnnolny Dimi IT . t. m . - 03 i uvcd iaiia pit piii nin una ps.iT. . French voiles, eollenaca. etc., tnsl n Hell at In. social at..;. ,, '- iv.yu BAMPIR Sl ITa of th very finest qaallt of niRtPrlal mid -workmanship. Mrftnt new deslrTis, worth double the in flfl price, at 40, IHB and......w.. OU.UW NEW SKIRTH SO of tliem Just received for Easter selllns-; lmnnwme trarrnent In shadow checks, strlnes anil plaids, finely tailored, exceptional Cfi values, at )15, $1.50, $10 and. ....... d . OU , 8TTLI8H COVKRT COATS Made of Dub lin and Mohecan coverts. In the nobhlost new styles, worth up to $18, In to icreat lots for Thursday, r ir at M W ami.......... l.VVI no KKW CRAVUNBTTB COAT8-lt olives, tnns and oxfords, made to salt at 116, special Thursday, O Q(1 St............. . .. .. i,hh ....... 'NF.AV BILK COATS-Th most complete as. wjrtnient In Oniahaj short, or lengths remarkable values, at $o0, 18.6" R flf $15, tl2.i. 110. 7.50 and 0tJ NEW 1JNOKRIK WAlST-4n most ex qulslte d ort I (tu s and flneot materials, at. tractive priced at t $.198, $1!.S8 )B 2.M, $1.98, $1.50 and FROM 8 TIL 9 A. M. Women's $1.00 Waists, t .tsHii iiiense eeeaei NEW nOME-MADQ WRATPEIIS 1.23 BEST VA1.UE8 IN OMAHA 45o e m w J12S, $2.00. fl.76, .60 and Grand Embroidery Sale. 60c EMBROIDERIES, . Oftr- THLRBUAY' FOR Thursdav mornlna we will nlu.ee on sale 600 pieces of the very finest Matched Setts elites and Inserung-s In Swiss and nainsook. Worth twenty-flve cents, lOLr at yard Ilv Worth thirty cents, 1Er at yard Worth thirty-five cents, at yard Wortli forty cents. at yard ........ Embroideries fully worth 60c, hi. at, u All perfectly new stock, no soiled or mussed (roods In this lot Undoubtedly tha Embroidery Snap of the Season. : 18c ;....20o .25o Attend the Hour Specials w the Great Do mestic Room. If you do not aeeA the roods now, it will pay you to buy them at theee prlrea and lay them away for future use. FROM S TILL 11 A. M.-86-IN. MBRCER- rFfl OlTKl-Vfl In hlar-lr ,! worth 16o yard, on sale 'lin at. per yard S FROM 10 A. M. TILL 115 M. Hl'ClC TOW ELS. In all linen and union, extra Ions and heavy, worth lZa and l&c, Rf, ' limit of 6 to a customer, at, each u FROM 2 TILL 4 P. M. STANDARD BLUE PRINTS, irood patterns, fast colors, worth Ps,c yard, fin sale lJr at, per yard OJW FROM 3 TILL 6 P. M. Unbleached Crash, 17-ln. wide, all linen, worth S'io yard, limit of 10 yards to a customer, Kir" at, per yard Jit Graniteware Sale. We have just received a carload of double-coated enameled ware, enaim eled on heavy titeel dark-niottlexl green on outside, white on inside, and will he placed on sale ihuraday at prices tx-Iow any ever offered on goods of sucls ' I high quality. 2-quart worth J-qunrt worth 4- quurt worth 6-ouait worth 5- quart worth B-quait worth t-quuri worth 2-quait worth 10-iuart worth Preserving Kettlos, V.c each, at Preserving Kettles, Mic each, at Preserving- Kettles, Too each, at Preserving- Kettles, flOc each. Ht Snuce Kettle, We each, at fctauce Kettles, 70c euch, at Sauue Kuttles, ',H)c each, at Tea and Coffee Pots, 70c euch, at Dish Pans, $1.00, sale price, ... 15c ..:25c ...30c ...40c ...30c ...40c ..45c 35c 49c 14-quart Dinh Pans, worth $1.30, sale price.. 17-quart Dish Pans. worth $1.40. sale price. ....... 21-quart Dish Pans, worth $1.75, sale price.. .... Enamel-covered Berlin Sauca Pans, worth 70c, at 10-quart Water Palls. . . worth $1.26, sulo price........ 25c London Dippers, . at .-. ti-quart Pudding- Pans worth 70c each, sulo price, . 45c Wash Basins, at 59e .-...69c 79c 25c .-.59c 15c ..-.35c .....20c HAYDEWBROS: Misses9 Shoes Our trade on Mioses' and Cldldren's Shoes Is Increasing every day. But why not? We are giving the public better shoes and more satisfaction nan any other store In Omaha. We lse nothing but the best of leather nd workmanship that money will buy. We employ Experienced Men to fit our Misses' and Children's Shoes ami guarantee that if you let us fit your hlldren s leer, iney win ie niit u bo ihey should be. Child's sires. 84 lo 11 $1.50 Misses' sizes. HVi to 3..' u0 Young women's slr-es, 2'4 to ti 1. 30 Drexel Shoe Co. (419 Farnam Street. SPRING WOOLEflS THE cloth makersofthe world were certainly at their best In producing this season's tempts King fabrtcs. Over 1,000 styles. YouH piolc from the choloeet ",f you pick; now. Troosers, J5 to $12 -Suits, $20 td $50 WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. 00-211 8o. IRtb StrceC Geo. D- Rice, of Hald & Riee. Coal Dealers. republican candidate: for -COUNCILMAN-ninth WARD plember BoarJ of Education for past I years VOTE FOR CHARLES L. THOMAS Repablleau Candidate for Councilman yth Ward TTTar-Av years taspayer ka.laets mmm la Omaba. Ke.ldeaes 1013 ... aitn at. umr. 41a u. uid. fl MISTAKEN IDEA Borne people have formed n Idea about several things connected wltli the retail drua biisini'Hx, wliich needs contlnunl ex planation to make them see their miHtake. JTST Bl'AI HK ANV PATENT MK DI CING OR ITHKH ARTICI.K l ADVEll T1SKD t) i:n ANY I)KI'GIMTS NAMK IS NO It K A HON WHV WK DO Nu f ,!Buch aoodJas IIYOMKI. D. I). D.. I'RIC BOL VIXOU KINfiS Dlfft'OVKRY, IiOAVB KIKNKY P1LLK. 8EX1NU 1'lLl.a, NKIIV l l'A. etc.. etc. WK BELL AM. THEBK GOODS a nil, Jl'BT AS CUKAP IF NOT CIIKAFliRl h-.n anv ottipr rims' store in America. ANOTHER TIIIN;-JuHt Imrmiw a prescription Is written on HOME i'I II EH imttiOlST B' BUNK; IB N R KAtyjN W HY we chii not till the PH ECRI PTK IN Jl'BT A8 A(CRAr.Y AND PROMPT LY and ror LESS MONEY than the dru Kist whnKC blunk was Ufed. We deliver free all over Omaliu, tin. Omaha and Council liluffs. SCHAEFER'S ,?5S. Corner l'Jth and Chicago, OMAHA. JHth and N . BO. OMAHA. Cor. 6th and Main St.. CO. ULI FF8. IA. M TAPT.c DENTAli 'AH b rooms 1 i 1517 Douglas St. DEPUTY BTATK VBTTEHINAJUAN. H. L RAMACCIOni. D. V. S CITY VEieRl.liRIU. Office and Infirmary, tstb and llasoa Sta ' COLLAR PINS Are worn verv mueh these days. We hav a dainty solid told pin for li t'. ll-iH and $1 60 Blmilar styles In gol.l tilled and silver for . 20c and b"K H( h. These are good stylish, up-to-date goods. We are also showing a band some line of '.M pins. ... Bpend a few minutes in our store. Look for the name. 5. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. ieie POUQLASST. 'Cwsa