Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1906, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Ground Floor Corner
Tae Rte Buildinj- l7ta ass Faraam
No Filthy Sensations
Best A". West
New York Banker Charged witi Grand
Larcenj in Tirrt Decree.
Will Determine Local Etatua of Insurance
Campaign Subscriptions.
Continuance Granted. Until Triday at
Bequest of Defendant.
Mr. Perkins Advaaeed iS,T(3.0 to
fornello- 'l. Bliss at Rf"t of
Jali- "all and Mor !Va
Re , t Mew York Life.
new Ton.
that Ms connev
of l.70:.60 froiT.
York Life Insun.
. ' 28. On a charge
j the contribution
, da of the New
V osny to Cor
nelius N. Bliss, trea.
national commute .
1904 constituted grand
he republican
" mpalgn of
' - In the Cwt
i, a member of
degree, George W. Perk ...
the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., and until
recently first vice prraldent of the New
York Life Insurance company, waa today
arrested on a warrant Issued by City
Magistrate Moss. When a detective went
to serve the warrant upon Mr. Perkins
ho found that a writ of habeas corpus had
ulrendy been obtained from Justice Green
baum of the state supreme court and the
matter was immediately taken out of the
magistrate's hands. Mr. Perkins appeared
before Justice Oreenbaum and at the re
quest of his counsel ' the hearing In the
cuse was adjourned until Friday. Mr.
Perkins wns paroled in the custody of Ills
personal attorney, Lewis A. Delafleid.
The warrant for Mr. Perkins" arrest was
applied for yesterday by District Attorney
Jerome. Magistrate Moss would not act,
however, until affidavits were filed. These
were presented to him today. They were
signed by Darwin P. Klngsley, vice presi
dent of the New York Life; Edmund D.
'Randolph, treasurer of the company, and
by Thomas A; Buckner, also a vice presi
dent. Admissions by Mr. Perkins.
Mr. Perkins' counsel admitted to Justice
Ureenbaum that Mr. Perkins had advanced
the sum named to Mr. Bliss upon the re
quest of the late John A. McCall, president
of the New York Life. He was afterward
reimbursed tnrougn tne action or tne com
pany's finance committee. It was con
tended that Mr. McCall bad executive au
thority to order the payment and that If
any crime was committed It was partici
pated In by every member of the finance
committee present when tho mutter was
acted upon. In response to questions from
tlio magistrate Mr. Dclailuld said that the
payment was entered on the ledger of the
New York Life Insurance company, but
that the record did not show the nature
or" the tranaaotion. ' '
Despite . the action of Mr. Jerome In
applying for a warrant for Mr. Ptklns
and thus taking the matter to the higher
courts of the state, Judge O'Sulllvan In the
court of Hpecial sessions today again ad
dressed the grand Jury which is consider
ing life insurunce matters and Instructed
them that it was their duty to continue
the Investigation to the end. II told the
grand jurors It was tbclr right to demand
that the district attorney subpoena wit
nesses to be examined before them In any
matter they may have under consideration.
Robert A. Grannlss and Walter A. Gil
lette, as vice presidents and trustees, and
Elbridge T. Gerry, as trustee of the Mu
tual Life Insurance company, today ten
dered their resignations at a meeting of
the board of trustees of that company.
They were accepted. A report of the Truea
rlale Investigating committee was received
and ordered printed, but no other action
was taken upon It.
tluestlon Before Supreme Court.
The affidavits on which Magistrate Moss
acted In Usuing the warrant for Mr. Per
kins' arrest was forwarded to the supremo
court tonight on a writ of certiorari. The
statement sworn to by Vice President
Klngsley gives some of the details of the
meeting of the New York Life's finance
committee In December, 1901. when Presl-
. dent McCall appeared and stated that Mr,
Perkins had advanced certain large sums
of money to Cornelius N. Bliss, treasurer
of the republican national committee, pur
suant to Mr. McCall's agreement to con
tribute $50,000 for use In the presidential
campaign of 1904.
District Attorney Jerome tonight made
public correspondence between himself and
Mr. Perkins which showed that upon the
district attorney's request for Information
and without promise of any Immunity
whatsoever. Mr. Perkins had supplied Mr.
Jerome with all the facts connected with
the 1904 campaign contributions. In con
cluding his letter on the subject Mr. Per
kins wrote:
When I made the advances mentioned,
and when I was reimbursed therefor, it
neer occurred to me that there could bo
any question as to the propriety of such
xpemliture. which I believed to be for the
benefit of the company. It has come to
me as a, total surprise that the legality of
such payments xhnuld be questioned.
W hile so assorting, it is not my Intention
to -dispute or to deny civil liability to
account, to the company for these moneys.
three Mutual Life Officials Refuse (a
- - Loner Serve.
NEW YORK, March 28. Vice Presidents
Hubert A. Grunmss and Waller K. Gillette
and Trustee Eldndge Gerry of the Mutual
Life Insurance company, today tendered
their resignations at a meeting of the board
of trusleea of that company.
A report of the Truisdale Investigating
committee was received and ordered printed,
but uo other action was taken upon it.
Active Candidate for President of
Costa. Rico Deported with
Three Followers.
NEW YORK. March M.-Maxlma Tr
iiridts, a candidate for the presidency of
Costa Rica, who waa deported from bis
native land because of his active op.
position to the existing government, ar
rived here today on the steamer Siberia.
He was accompanied by bis wife and
even children and by three of bis poli
tical supporters, who were deported from
t'oU Rica for their work in Ferns ndei's
interests. One of them, Bernardo Soto,
is a former president of tne republic. The
others are Abel Pacheco and OcUvio Oar
eta. For several weeks prior to their de
parture from Port Llmon, Kernandea and
bis adherents were confined In prison, bav
fcbjT been arrested for conspiracy.
One Fireman Killed and Property
Worth Riant Hundred Thons
aad Dollars Destroyed.
JOHNSTOWN. Ttt., March .-Tlie fire
which broke out in the business section
of this city shortly after midnight waa
not fully under control until after day
light, when It had burned Itself out after
dcstroylnjf four large business structures
and causing loss of over 50ti.on.
During the progress of the fire William
Campbell, a fireman, was caught undr
a falling wall and probably fatally in
jured. It was a few minutes after 12 o'clock
when flames were seen Issuing from the
third floor of the Swank Hardware com
pany's flve-story brick office building at
the corner of Main and Bedford ntrceta.
Just how the fire originated Is not known,
but when It was discovered it had gained
such headway In which to render futile
for five hours the work of the firemen In
combating It.
Before ceasing Its ravages the following
buildings were completely destroyed:
Swank building, loss JC'W.OnO: Henderson
Furniture company's store, loss 175.IWO;
Fisher's wholesale liquor house, loss $fi0,-
OnO; the Journal Publishing company, loss, and the Louis Gels residence, loss
A score of tenants In the various build
ings sustained losses aggregating 1100,100.
The Journal was unable to issue this
morning, but annnouncement was made
that It would at once resume in new quar
ters. George H. Santamnure, the telegraph op
erator who disappeared during the fire last
night, made his appearance tonight. He
had escaped any Injury and had left the
building where he was employed only when
forced to do so by the approach of the
flames. Suntamoure was employed in a
newspaper office.
River aad Harbor Interstate ("onl
ine re e Bodies of House Chal
lenge Jurisdiction.
WA8HINOTON, Murch 28,-There is to
be a contest regarding committee Jurisdic
tion of dams between the river and har
bor committee and the committee on In
terstate und foreign commerce. A resolu
tion which brings this question before the
rules committee for action has, been In
troduced by Mr. Burton of Ohio, chair
man of the rivers und harbors commit
tee, upon which a hearing will be re
quested. The resolution has its inspiration be
cause of attention which the commerce
commission Is now giving a measure pro
viding that water may be taken from the
Bacramento river In California for Irriga
tion purposes. xMuch money lias been ex
pended on this river under the supervision
of the rivers and harbors committee to
make It navigable. This ha been ac
complished for a distance of L1S miles. The
proposition to allow water to tie taken
from the atream. will render it too low
for navigation by tho river boats, accord
ing to the belief of members- or Mr. Bur
ton's committee. Hence the resolution,
which . prescribes that hereafter all bills
for dams acroxsiiuvigable. streams skall
go to the rlvers'and harbor committee.
Pleaary Sitting of Conference Today
to Ratify Committee Agrre
raent. ALGECIRAS, Spain, Murch ffl.J-The di le
gates to the conference on Moroccan re
forms spent the day In private discussion
on the remaining details of the proposed
compact, on which agreement was virtually
affected, In preparation for tomorrow's
plenary sitting. The Moors are displaying
a spirit of obstruction, protesting against
the decisions of the conference until they
shall have been given the ratification of
the sultan.
LONDON, March In an editorial ar
ticle on -the satisfactory outcome of tho
Algcclraa conference, the Daily Telegraph
today comments upon the almost passion
ate desire for peace which has been re
vealed as the prevailing sentiment at all
the European courts and chancelleries, and
also upon the significant fact that though
France and Germany have had a sharp dip
lomatic conflict they never have shown any
disposition deliberately to pick a quarrel.
Small Land Owners Join With land
less In One Contest in,
ST. PETERSBURG, March 38-The
province of Kostroma, European Russia,
Is, the first to have completed its elections
to the provincial congress. Forty-six
peasants, nineteen noblemen, eighteen mer
chants, six professional men and three
priests were returned. The preponderance
of peasants is significant considering that
they were only entitled to elect twenty
nine delegates, while the land owners had
thirty-five, the cities twenty-eight and the
workmen seven delegates.
The results show thac the small lsnd
owners who In reality are only peasants
of the more prosperous class, holding their
property In severalty, stood together
against the big landlords and chose elective
peasants. The peasants electors are not
classified and have but one plank In their
platform, nuinely the distribution of land.
The others are divided. Thirty-four per
cent of thorn are conservative and II per
cent constitutional democrats.
Turkey Must Come to Time.
CONSTANTINOPLE. March St. In reply
to further representations made by the
ports on the subject of the proposed in
crease in the customs duties the American
legation has reiterated that the, govern
ment at Washington can make no con
cisions until the American demands for a
settlement of the schools and bther ques
tions are granted.
Kansns City Thinks It Mas lararthed
Colonisation Neheme In
Fall Blast.
KANSAS CITY, Murch Jt. Within the
last twenty-four hours three additional
arrests have been made on warrants
charging Illegal registration for the com
ing city election. Two of the men ar
retted, negroes, confessed to the city
prosecutor that they had been paid by a
saloon keeper in the north end to register
Illegally, and luler tlie saloon keeper was
taken Into custody.
Special Prosecutor Durham hum un
earthed evidence of . oulonlxatlon In a
southwest boulevard district, where he
says be found thut men had been paid
from M cents to f 1 50 for each nan teg-tetsred.
Mntilated Bodies of Bulgarian Workmen
Tonnd in Lodinc House.
larilraflona that Two Were Killed for
Their Money and Other Met
Death in Klaht Over Di
vision of Spoils.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March , The
hacked and mutilated bodies of six Bul
garians, evidently workmen, were found ly
ing In pools of coagulated blood In a little
tumble-down house, 145 Tenth avenue south,
thfs morning. Four of the bodies were
found in a sleeping room on the second
floor, cut and slashed In a shocking man
ner, while in the cellar were two others
with thrlr throats cut from ear to ear. Near
the bodies were found five large bowle
knives with rasor-edged blades nearly eight
Inches Ion, and a blood-stained hatchet. The
The Dimitris were evidently father and
son. all of the men were comparatively
young. None of the men bore any names
about their clothing, those given being
taken from letters In the sacks and satch
els In the room where four. of the bodies
were found.
The nationality of the men wus determ
ined by Rev. Boskowic, pastor of the Greek
church here. He found among the papers
a discharge from the Turkish army, belong
ing to Agne Karofll.-
Drayman Furnishes Clue.
The only clue to the wholesale murder
which may lead to something definite was
obtained from a drayman named Mlckle
berg. Ho says he was approached last Mon
day afternoon by some men, whom he took
to be Italians or Greeks, who wanted him
to take six packages from the house where
the bodies were found to the Vnlon station.
On arriving at the house he found there
were twelve packages, and after some hag
gling about the price he took them to the
station. A young man, aged about 20 years,
rode on the wagon with him. The other
man walked. The man who rode on the
wagon said the party was going to Duluth.
At the station he noticed that the men from
the house were Joined by several other
men, a woman and a little girl. From this
clue the police believe that the murders
were committed some time between mid
night Sunday and Monday morning. Thfs
suspicion is clinched by the statements of
8. Magnuson, owner of the house. At
about 10 o'clock today he aked the pollen
to acurch the house. He said that an aged
German who occupied tho lower floor of
the house could not be found. He It was
who notified Magnuaon that a fight hud
Aged Herman Missing,
Tlte German said he heard shuffling in the
rear of the house, but thought nothing of It
until today, ' when ho observed that the
tenants above him were not moving about
aa usual. After notifying Ma&nusoar,- the
German dbnuioearcd und: laa not . beon lo-
' MLtml un to a. lute hour today. Majtnuson
at onuo- notified the police who broko open
the doors and made the horrifying dis
covery. Magnuson told the police that
about four months ago u well-dressed
Italian rented the upper floor of the house
and puld four months' rent in advance. The
Italian told him he was foreman of a rail
road construction gang, and that none of
the hotels would keep the men. The next
day twelve men moved their few belongings
In. They went to work each day and re
turned In the evening. They were quiet,
never drauk, and those living about the
place paid little attention to them.. Magnu
son never inquired their names and merely
entered them on the books as tenants for
whom four months' rent had been paid in
advance. The "foreman" was never seen
again, and the police have absolutely, no
knowledge of his Identity. The two bodies
in the basement, according to , Coroner.
Klailer. had been dead nearly two days.
The blood surrounding the bodies in the
upper rooms was more fresh' than that
around those In the cellar. Also the wounds
on the four appeared to have been made
later. -
Fight Follows First Murder.
The men In the basement had been killed
by having their throats cut. and the police
are Inclined to believe that they were mur
dered for their money and that a free-for-all
fight followed over a division of the
spoils. This Is indicated by the wounds on
the bodies found In the upper room. Their
faces were slashed almost beyond recogni
tion and there were wounds all over the
bodies, all, however, having deep slashes
in the throat. One man had fallen against
a hot stove and the right side of his face
was burned past all Identification. Beside
this man lay the bloody hatchet. The fight
for money theory is borne out by the find
ing near the bodies of money belts In
which was toOS in United States currency
and gold. On one of the bodies was found
a watch which was still going. Some of the
bodies had been stripped, evidently for
robbery. The police here and at St. Paul
are looking for two boys, agd about 12
and 15 years, who were In the house Sun
day, who are missing, but who are not
supposed to have had anything to do with
the murders.
Iu the two satchels found In the house
were, besides some woodsinens' clothing, a
curious set of regallu. consisting of caps,
robes and kerchiefs containing characters
and emblems which t is thought may have
belonged to an order of the Greek church.
There were also beads and several other
religious emblems.
Bill Postponing Mutual Insurunce
Election to ovember Is Unani
mously Passed.
ALBANY, N. T.. March 28. The Insur
ance bill, postponing the -mutual Insurance
elections until November 15, was passed In
the senate unanimously today.
The bill aa passed by the senate reached
the assembly late in the afternoon and,
on motion of Chairman Rogers of the in
surance committee, who is also bead of the
assembly delegation on the Investigating
committee, was substituted for the Identical
assembly bill, which waa on the order of
third reading. This will probably bring it
up for final passage tomorrow, and there Is
little doubt that It will be painted without
material opposition, and go at once to the
governor, whose prompt approval of It is
generally regarded aa a foregone conclusion.
Chile Borrows German Money.
SAN IT AGO. March, 28. President Reisco
yesterday signed a decree authorising' a
loan of lli.JK'.X) from a German financial
bouse for the construction of a rullroud
from Alien, Chile, te La Pas, Bolivia. .
Conduct of Farmer Representatives of
(ovrrument la China Is
Severely Criticised.
WASHINGTON. March 2S. The presidnt
today sent to the house of representatives
the report of Herbert H. D.- Pelrce, as
sistant secretary of slate, regarding the
consular service In the orient. The mes
sage Is accompanied by a letter from Sec
retary Root, In which he says:
1 wish to call especial attention to one
feature of these reports. They disclose
grave misconduct on the part of two con
suls formerly occupying important posts In
the east. These -onsuis are no longer In
the service. I regret to say. however, that
there are Indications of other cases of mis
conduct or Inefficiency among consuls in
various parts of the world.
These cases, the secretary says, shows
the necessity of A regular inspection serv
ice. The visit of Mr. Pelrce Included many
cities, but his severe criticism Is reserved
for ex-Consul General Goodnow at Shan,
ghal, ex-Consul General McWade at Can
ton and Consul Williams at Singapore.
Tho charges against McWade, former
consul at Canton, ore drunkenness, employ
ment of a felon. Issuance of fraudulent
Chinese certificates, extending protection to
Chinamen who claim to be American clti
sens, persecution of American cltisens for
purposes of revenge and corruption In of
fice. The charges against former Consul Gen
eral Goodnow at Shanghai are eighty-two
In number, some serious and some slight.
Some are sufficient to support suits at
law and giving evidence -of corruption In
office. The opinion of the better element
was unfavorable to him In Shanghai. The
report states that Consul General Levi L.
Wilcox at Hankau "cannot be said to be a
useful consular officer."
Regarding Mr. Greener at Vladivostok
the report says: "Everywhere throughout
the east I received unfavorable reports of
Mr. Greener. His habits are said to be ex
tremely bad." Other complaints of him are
that he has faults relative to his accounts.
8everal consuls are commended as ex
Bad Weather Interferes with Full
Attendnnee at Democratic
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. Murch 28. Cumu
lations, based on a large vote In the demo
cratic state primaries today, were upset by
bad weather and a consequently light vote
In a large part of the state.
In the contest for tho United States
senatorship, James R. Berry carried Benton
county, his home, by KO0 over Governor Jeff
Duvls. Later returns, however, show that
Governor Davis had a largt vote In the
country precincts. The total vote of the
state In the primary will decide the senator
ship und as the lengthy ticket makes the
count slow, definite figures will necessarily
be delayed. Both the Berry and Davis
forces appear equally confident tonight.
The reports thps far received Indicate
the probable nonrinatlon of Congressman
John 8. Little for wovernor over Attorney
General Robert L,'. Rogers and Samuel Q.
Sevier. V-"."- ,-
Former Indiana Ktate Auditor Sea.
teaeed to Prison Term ef Two
to Twenty-One Years.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., March .-Special
Judge James B. McCullough today handed
down his decision denying a new trial and
sentenced David E. Sherriek, former audi
tor of state, convicted of embexsllng Jl.'O,
000 of state funds, to serve from two to
twenty-one years In the state . prison at
Michigan City.
Sherriek leaned on the arm of his counsel,
W. N. Harding, when sentence was pro
nounced, but when asked U he had any
thing to say replied In a firm voice, "Noth
ing further, your honor."
It Is not known when he will be taken
to prison.
Will yoi Kelp with the
iew Y. W. C. A. building?
The Omaha Bee Offer:
W will glre toward the Y. W. C. A. building fund to per cent ot
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Start paper .
War Department Haa Plana for Improving
Forts Robinson and Niobrara.
Artlnar Secretary of the Interior Sends
to Congress with Ills Approval a
Bill tor the Leasing of
Graslnn; Ijinds.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 2S.-(Ppceial Tele
gram.) It begins to look as If Nebraska
weuld got one of the lare military po'"'
the War department is planning to buil.l,
and also the location of a camp for the
great summer maneuvers. It is alsj
practically ordered that Fort Robinson
shall be the place for the enlarged post
snd Niobrara for the maneuvers.
The Nebraska delegation has been labor
ing hard to secure two of the large posts,
one for Robinson and one for Niobrara.
Senators Millard and Burkett saw the
secretary of war this morning In an effort
to have Fort Niobrara designated as a
permanent artillery post, and also to see
what might be done for the Improvement
of Fort Robinson. Secretary Taft stato.l
thst thu necessities of the service wouli
require the permanent enlargement of Fort
Robinson and the department had per
fected plans to that end, provided congress
would afford the required appropriation.
Upon learning these facts it waa agreed
that Senator Burkett should Introduce a
bill in the senate today, . appropriating
$400,000 to be expended at Fort Robinson
for permanent buildings and other neces
sary works under plans furnished by thi
war office. Both Senators Burkett and
Millard expressed the opinion today that
tho senate would pass the bill. .
The secretary of war said further that
it was not the Intention of the department
to abandon Fort Niobrara as a military
reservation, but that it would be retatnod
for the regular annual maneuvers during
the summer, where troops from all posts
would be assembled. The department In
the reorganisation of posts Is trying to
get larger ' bodies of troops together, and
both Robinson and Niobrara are attrac
tive to. them on account of the largj
amount of land they contain.
Leasing Bill Approved.
Acting Secretary of the Interior Ryan
today transmitted to congress with his
approval a bill drawn by the director
of the geological survey and approved by
the commissioner of the general land of
fice providing for leasing of certain lands
for gracing purposes. The proposed bill
authorises the secretary of . the Interior
to withdraw from public entry and lease
for grating purposes upon terms of pay
ment to be fixed by him. any unoccupied
government land in any state or territory
wherein he deems it for the public Interest
so to do, preference being given to owners
of stock who are settlers or residents In
the vicinity, and particularly to such as
are owners of small bands of stock. No
lease-shall be made (or period exceeding
five years and the proctitis derived from
the sule of lenses shall be covered Into the
reclamation fund. -., v ., " ' . .... -
Sale of 'Lands' for Cemeteries.
Representative Martin's cemetery bills,
which have passed the house, were favor
ably reported to the senste tuduy from
the committee on public lands. These bills
direct thu sale of public lands In South
Dakota which have been used for. burial
grounds.- One' directs the secretary of the
interior to issue a patent to the Keystone
camp of Modern Woodmen to a tract of
nine acres near Keystone, Pennington
county, and the other Is to Issue a patent
to ten acres of land In Butte county to the
Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Little
Missouri congregation.
Minor Muttera at Capital.
The application of Jacob Kroeker, J. J.
Kroeker, A. C. Neufeld, John J. Goosen,
Abraham Frans and D. J. Kroeker to or
ganize the First National bank of Hender
son, Neb., with J3.000 capital has been ap-
(Continued on Second Page.)
Fair Thursday and Friday
Temperature at Omuha Yesterdnyi
Hour. Dev. Hour. Dm.
tl n. m A4 1 p. m
A a. m M Bp. n......
T a. m ft I .1 p. m
a. m...... .t.t 4 p. m
A n. m .tn n p. m ..... .
10 a. nt RH H p. in
11 a. m nn T p. m......
IS m it H p. m
ft p. m
an I
4 !
41 i
no j
Chemical Ksploslves Deserlbed by
Aliened Murder Conspirator Die
rovered In Pocatello.'
POCATF.LLO. Idaho. March Is.-Thc
search for a deposit of explosives which
Steve 'Adams says he cached here in Sep
tember, l&fl, was completed today without
definite result. The ground In the sawmill
was thoroughly turned over, but all that
was found was a glass stopper that Adams
Identified as being Identical with those
which he says were In the bottles burled
by him: and a tin an, which may have
held the bottles which Adsms says he
burled. Detectives McPsiiand end Thiol.
Warden Whitney and Guard Robbins re
turned to Boise with Adams.
Four of the five bottles of Steven Adams'
"hell fire" were found shortly before 6
o'clock this evening. Ist spring a man
working In tho old mill found the tin box.
He opened one of the bottles and was
badly burned. After lhat he burled the box
In a pile of cinders outside. After being
found he pointed out the spot In the old
mill where they were discovered. It Is the
exact spot where Adams began digging
when taken there to recover the bottles.
Steve Adams left Pocatello this afternoon
to return to the penitentiary In charge of
Warden F-dwards. The place where Ad
ams registered September 24, 1904, was
Reported that Two Through Pas
senger Trains Collide Head
on in Arlsona.
ASH FORD, A lis., March IS.-Caltfornta
limited No. 3 westbound and the Atlantic
express, eastbound, on the Atchison,
Topeka & Santa Fe railway, met In a
head-eni collision at Cocnlno, a switching
station near Flagstaff, at o'clock last
evening. No passengers or trainmen were
killed or seriously hurt. Several passen
gers were slightly bruised and cut.
The trains came together with great
force and both engines were badly wrecked.
The buffet and smoking ar on the limited
also was badly damaged.
Engineer Goldsworthy ot the limited, had
the ' right-of-way and was standing at tbe
station on the main line awaiting the
eastbound train, which came' Into Cosnlno
at nearly full speed. Engineer Williams
of the eastbound express, asserts that his
air brakes failed to work. A wrecker
from Wlnslow cleared away the wreckage
and trains with new engines got under
way again ten hours late.
TOPEKA, Kan.. March 28. At the gen
eral tifncaa- of -the Santa,. Fe railway Jn
this city It Is stated that nftecn persons
are known to have been Injured In the.
collision of Its passenger trains ut Cosnlno
last night. None wus killed. It Is stated.
Estimate that Ohio License Law will
Make Seventy-Five Hundred
People Idle.
COLCMBL'S. O., March 28. Thousands of
men may be thrown out of employment by
the enforcement of the Alkln Sl.OuO liquor
tax law, which has jusl been passed.
.According to one authority, the 5,000 'pro
prietors of the saloons that will close
will be out of employment. At least
half of them have barkeeper making 2,500
more. Many porters, men who get up the
Euloon luncher. and bakers may, It Is
also stated, be thrown out of employment
by the decreased demand for bread from
the saloons. Rrewery drivers and other
cmnlnves ut the breweries will also suffer.
! and It Is said today that between 10,000 and
I 15,000 people In all wilt be out of employ
j ment.
I Representative Aikin estimates that the
' gain in the state revenue will - be about
J3.tiO,OoO, three-tenths of which goes to the
Joe Miller, legislative agent for the brew
eries, Is authority for th statement that
between 10,000 and 16.000 people will lose
their Jobs by the closing of the saloons.
Mr. Alkln, author of the bill, Is authority
for the statement that 5,Ouo saloons will
cloie In Ohio.
Sew Mralro and Arlsona May II Per
mitted to Settle Question
for Themselves.
WASHINGTON, March 2S.-That the
senate and house will reach a compromise
on the statehood bill which will permit
Arlsona and New Mexico each to decide for
themselves the question of their admlsxlon
as one state, seems a correct conclusion
from present Indications,
The conferees met today for the second
time and while the session was devoted to
what are termed the minor amendments,
there are indications that a basis of agree
ment un the chief question Is suggcxtfiig
Itself naturally and will result In the
restoration of Arlsona and New Mexico to
the bill with the Foraker amendment and
inquiry among tho senators who opposed
the original house bill Indicates that they
will accept this compromise.
The senate amendment defining the limits
of the prohibition territory in Uklahnma Is
regarded as the result of a generul agree
ment lictween all parties Interested and is
acceptable. Likewise there stems little ob.
Jet tlon to the senate provision allowing lieu
school lunds to be selected in place of
school lands found to be mineral lauds.
Other senate amendments are to be consid
ered Friday. ,
sixth Attempt to Control the Roaring
Monster at Cnury, Kansas,
! . Kails.
I CANEY, Kan., March 28. The burning
gas well today defeated a sixth attempt to
smother the flames. Yecterday an eight
Inch pipe was lowered Into the well and the
j flames confined to the upper end of tho
pipe. Today u hood was placed about th
mouth of the well and around the pipe and
then an effort wus made to rUue a valve In
the top of the pipe. As this valve wus
closed gus burst through the hood below
and soon the well wus a mass of rluma
again. The hood was removed and the well
la burning as fiercely as ever. 1
Miners and Operators Considering New
Proposition by Mr. Robbins,
It Provides for Payment of 1003 Pricei
for Two Years.
Quostion of Endorsing Their Presidont'g
Action to Be Considered.
Mine Owners from Illinois, Indiana
aad Ohio Say They Cannot Afford
to Pay the Advance
INDIANAPOLIS. March S.-Th Join .
conference of the voal miners and operators
of the central competitive district ad
journed toduy until tomorrow afternoon at
it o'clock with no settlement of their wage
differences reached and apparently with
none In prospect.
A motion to continue the present scale
for two years made by the operators was
defented by tho solid vote of the miners.
An amendment to President Mitchell's mo
tion to restore the scale of 1003. offered by
F. L. Robbins of the Pennsylvania opera
tors, that It be made effective for two
years, was accepted by Mr. Mitchell sub
ject to ratltlcation by the miners' national
convention, which will meet tomorrow
morning to consider the question.
This was the only action taken during
the day. The rest was argument, durlncr
the course of which great earnestness upon
the part of the miners end both factions
of the operators was shown. President
Mitchell charged that many coal companies
are owned by railroads and the profit on
coal Is not Indicated by the books of the
coal companies, as much of It Is absorbed
by the railroads. He unnounced that tho
miners would continue In the future to
ask for more wages If the market Justified
and stated positively that the miners would
adhere to their demand for an Increaso at
this time. Operators of Illinois, Indiana,
and Ohio, speaking through A. J. Moores
head of Illinois who said he thought Illi
nois should break awuy from the inter
state ugrecmotit; H. N. Taylor of Illi
nois, R. R. Hammond, Chairman Winder
and Secretary Bent of the Illinois miners,
reaffirmed their refusal to pay an advance.
F. L. Robbins of Pennsylvania offered to
pay ine aavance hhkcu noi oniy in tne
mines of the Pittnburg Coal company, but
In his own mines In Pennsylvania, Ohio
and Illinois, and urged the miners to sign
the scale wherever' It was offered, even
through the mines of the other operators
should lie Idle.
Hints of Arbltrntlon.
There were a numlwr of suggestions and
hints ut an arbitration commlHlon during '
the' day. W. D.Kuhn of -he' Independent
operators mode refcreni-e ' Of a possible
committee appointed by the president. Mr.
Mitchell said in one of his speeches?
I want, to ask the operators of the
Pittsburg district If they are In accord
with the suggestion as to an Investigation?
I wunt to uHk Mr. Winder and the opera
tors of Ohio and I want to ask the opera
tor of Indiana If this contemplates an
Investigation us to the relative cost of
coul in pick and machine mlnesT
J. II. Winder, chairman of the operators,
If there Is to be an Investigation upon
which the prices of mining Is to be fixed
nnd the relative differences adjusted be
tween the various portions of the Inter
state movement, then I think It would l
proper to take Into consideration all and
any questions that are pertinent thereto.
Answering the arguments made during
the day against an advance, Mr. Mitchell
closed the debute for the afternoon with
tho following statement:
The miners, so far as we are ooncerned
in case of a strike, will have no riots,,
und no bloodshed. V may. If a prolonged
strike takes place, have hunger and w
may wear poorer clothes. We may endur.
greater hardshlpx, but the miners are Just
as law-abiding and .lust as patriotic as are
the gentlemen on your side.
Operators' Motlou Discussed.
The Joint conference ot the bituminous
coul operators and .miner ot th central
competitive district met today in what was
generally understood to be a final effort to
reach an agreement on the wage scale Sn
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and western Pens
sylvanla. G. W. Truer, the chairman, an-'
nounced that tho question was on the sub
stitute motion offered by J. II. Winder to
reaffirm the present wago scale with condi
tions as they existed when thut scale wus
adopted, 'the miners to pay the cost of
mining, loading, shooting und timbering.
A. J. Moorehead, of the Illinois operators,
spoke first for the operators. He said
operators would be pleased to pay the
miners an increase In wages, but it was
a business 'impossibility at this time,
"You miners," said he, "have the ad
vantage over us. You can combine and
centralise your voting power upon a fixed
object or desired action, but if operators
combine wenre threatened with the peni
tentiary. We could control the coal mar
ket and iwy you higher wages If we could
buy up all the. coal mines, but unfortun
ately for you and for us, we have not th
money to do It."
"I want to say," continued Mr. Moore
head, "that no operator will go farther
than I will to meet our employes. Ti'
cannot control the markets. It Is a com
petitive condition beyond our power. It
may be true thut in some parts of thu
country, western Pennnjivanlu, for In
stance, they may be able to pay an ad
vance, but I do know thut in Illinois It Is
He said that miners In the thick vein
mines could eurn tft to tlO a day.
This statement was received with laugh
ter by the miners, which brought a rebuke
from the chair.
"But." said lie, "a man in Illinois l
not able to dn the best he ran for himself
and family, lie has been restricted an!
prevented from realizing his full earning
power and making from $125 to ll&o a
month. The miners in my district are
permitted to woi k only five or six hours
a day.
"We in Illinois believe the time has come
to fever this Interstate agreement. Our
affairs had better be settled alone. We
had better work single banded than be in
an interstate convention. We had better
be employed in meeting with our owa
miners and put in our time In that state.
The gentlemen from Pennsylvania and
from Ohio have different market rendi
tions different coul, alinotit everything
different from us in Illinois. Their wants
! si rarely our wants. Their troubles are
rarely our troubles. And Illinois would
not be here today if 1 hud my way aJveut
It, for I cannot, after two or three years'
experience, find that It is ut any us to