Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Oponinc Streebth in Wheat on 8m all
Market Drtgi and (lose Lower
Larger .Morrait aad Smaller
lslble Make Cora Kaay
Oat (lose Lawer.
OMAHA. March 26, 1906.
Wollda wheat shipments were smaller
than exjected. Thla, with higher Liver
pool cable waa the cause of opening firm
ness, other features, however, were
lavorable. to the bears and they began
pounding the market. Receipt were much
larger .tnan last year, and mere waa mora
moisture In the southwest with predictions
of fair warmer weather for Tuesday. Thfl
visible, Instead of decreasing, aa predicted.
Ihi wed a email decreaae. The demand waa
poor and the bears were successful In
lowerlnir prices at one, time 'c. At the
done there waa a reaction, and th market
renamed '4c ror May.
1'rloes were a little higher In corn at the
opening. Receipts overran estimate and
predictions were for a better run thla week,
the weakness in wheat atarted selling and
prices eased off Vic. Covering by ahorta on
the large visible caused a reaction, and the
close was but ' lower than Saturday.
. Oata opened firm, but eased off early and
closed luwcr.
Wheal vlslhle Increased 8.000 bu., corn
ih- rpR d 1.677,000 bu. and oats decreased
rs.a.'sm bu.
, Primary wheat receipts were 827,000 bush
el and shipments 2i4.oo bushels, agtttnst
receipts lust yeiir of 692,000 bushels and
shipments of 148.000 bushels. Corn receipts
were St U, 000 bushels and shipments 277. (J
bushels, against receipts last year 01 st.i,
Mio bushels and shlrjmerits of aoJ.OuO bushels.
Clearances were (il.toO bushels of wheat and
a,l:w barrels of flour, 244.000 bushels of corn
and 4.VJ.IMI buf-liels of oats.
Liverpool closed unchsnged to lower
on wheat and tUlad lowsr on corn.
Local range of options:
Articles. Open. I High. Law. I Close.
Wheat- I I
May 72A 72A 70 TlVi
C'orn I I
July 3SH4A 39VAI 39HA 894B
May ...4 I I ian
Omaaa. Caah galea.
WHEAT-No. 8 hard, 1 car, TO'-ic; 1 car.
70c; No. 4 hard, 60c.
CORN-No. 2 wlUte. I car, 3iec; No. 3, 1
car, 34c. .
Omaha Caah Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 7Mt74V4c: No. 8 hard
fiS4('71o; No. 4 hard, tsVat&c; No. 2 spring, Ti
WIW. ei.I IIIH, lit,
CORN No. 3. 38c; No. 4. Sttte; No. 3 yel
low. SHf;3i'c; No. 2 white,- Sfi3c; No
I White, 89c.
OATS-No. ft mixed, 294c; No. 3' white,
I4c; No. 4 white, 2iWc.
HYE-No. 2. 66c; No. 3, 51V4c
Carlot Reeelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Kansas City ....
Minneapolis ....
Duluth ,..
bt. Louis
.. 4
.. 31
.. 10
.. 00
.. 00
Fratares of the Trading! and (loalaa-
Prices oat Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. March 36.-The local wheat
market waa weakened today by Increased
receipts In the northwest and reports of
springlike weather In the southwest. At
the close the May option showed a net loss
cf Coin was off We. Oats were
down Vic. Provisions were 2Wi6c lower.
Despite a number of bearish Influences
the wheat market opened nrm as a resul
of the strength of the Liverpool market
where prices were up d notwithstanding
the decline here on baturday. Traders for
a time Ignored the lltx-ral crop movement
In the northwest and the favorable weather
in the south and bought freely. With this
support the market held sternly at a sllgh
advance during the first hour. Later, how
ever, leading commission houses became
active sellers and prices declined sharply
wnen It was learneil that the Liverpool
market had closed weakly. Other factors
lavoilng lower prices were the visible sup
ply statement which Indicated an Increase
of 67.n0 bu. In the place of an expected
decrease, and the Increased primary move
ment, the total arrivals today being (Ci.tioo
bu,, against hK.oot) bu. for the correspond
ing dity a year ago. Shorts furnished the
principal support for the market during
the last half hour of the session. The close
was weak. May opened WtiSc higher at
i intfi7Mic1 declined to 77'ac. and. closed at
77vui'1c. July ranged lietween 77c and J
78V, and closed at a net loss of ,o all
nV', Clearances or wheat atul nour were
eual to K9.MI bu. The amount on pnsssge
Increased iL'g.tuo bu. Minneapolis, Duluth
and Chicago reported receipts of 678 curs,
against 624 cars last week and 548 cars one
year ago.
The early firmness of wheat Imparted
some strength to the corn market, hut on
a small advance there was free selling by
a prominent local trader and prices eased
off. 1 -artfe. local receipts, including a
heavier percentage than usual of corn of
contract grade partly accounted for the
decline. A decrease of 1.677. mo bu. In the
visible supply caused free covering by
shorts and brought about a steadier tone
at the end of the session. The market
closed steady, with prices very close to
the final quotations of Saturday. May
opened unchanged to So higher nt 44'rf
444c, aold off to 43VSl;tSc and closed at
4i7c. Local receipts were 348 cars. -1 being
of contract grade.
The market In oata waa weak all day.
The warm weather was construed as prom
ising early seeding and this Induced liberal
profit-taking by local longs. May opened
unchanged to Vie higher at 30Vn.10V, de.
cilned to 30Vc and closed at JOSc Local
receipts were 177 cars.
The provisions market opened weak on
a loc decline In the price of live hogs. Later
a good demand from Investors resulted In
a recovery of nearly all the early loss. At
the close May pork was off. '."Vic at II.3Jt.
Lard waa up a shade at S8.&.'ift8.36. Libs
were 6c higher at tR.70.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 4
cars; corn, 4 cats; oats, 220 cars; hogs,
28.0(10 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles ! Open.l High.l Low. Cloae. Tesjr.
May July
May July
l! a
44V, 4SHflSI
44S 41S44,
44M 44H
43-4, i
44 .
44 44T
r 901
2!1 2294tl'i
" a
I It 25 I 14 35 I 16 20 I 16 X'4 16 V
16 17V,! 1 27V 1 16 I 111 2.', 1 24
t 35
I 27H! e I
8 35 3 42H
8 ti I 8 52,I
. ... J
8 l-'4j
8 40
8 45 I
8 42V!
8 62V,
8 65
8 70
t 65
I 70
S R ,0
8 55 8 RJ
70 I 8TO
8 7t4j
8 60
8 (T4
No. 1.
Cash auotatlona were at follows:
FLOUR Dull; winter patents, $3 40
3.90; winter straight. U.t'S, spring pat
ents. $3&T3.8u; straights, $3.a3.5o; baker.
$2. ;v 11 1 90.
W HEAT No. 1 spring. 76V80c; No. 3,
7TiiJt79c: No. 2 red, teVjV
CORN No. 2, 42VH-c; No. ! yellow,
OATS No. I. )"4,fi304,c: No. I white.
ST . 4 32 toe; N"o. S whit. ii31toc.
RYE No. S 60c.
HAKLEV-i'lood' feeding, 3788c; fair to
choice malting. 41t6oc.
8EEI1S-N0. 1 flax. $107: No. 1 northwest
ern. $1 13- Clover, contract grade, $!S5o.
PROVISIONS Mess pork. per bbl.,
$15 .12to51-- I-rd. per bbl.. $8.27S Short
i lbs sides (loosei. $ Koe 65; short clear
sides (boxed). $.1.858 9t.
Keceipts and shipments of grain and flour
were a follows
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
C ru. bu. . .
uts. bu. .
Rye. bu. ...
Mhi'lry. bu.
.... 22,7i0 17.100
.... 7. 6o.4i
....2M.7ia VXPai
. ...ul J l nil
l. 2 U"l
on the Produce exchange today the but-t-r
market ass steadv. crvamerle. l','u
Ititoc; dairies. 1.V02.V. flrni at murk,
cases jnrluded. Uto'; tint, liitoci prime
tUHt, lutoc; entras, 15c. Cheese firm, 11
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O. March 2. SEEDS - 1 er.
cash and March. 17 sf'; April. 7 72; Ociorer.
Timothy. U.6t. Alsike. Ik-SO. googly of Oral..
NEW YORK March .-TI. visible up
plv if gialu M-trrh !4 as compile, 1 hy the
Na oik I'lodure exchaiige a a a f,,l-
Iowa: Wheat 47.KS7.oni bu.. Increase 67.000
bu.; com la.ftlj.nna bd.. decrease 1.7O7.0U0
bu.; oata 2(W,oii0 bu.. decrease WR.0WV bu.;
rT. flSiiiVA K, , . . ft.,, h.ll.v
1,887,000 bu. decrease 47,0nn bu.
Qaotatloa ( the Dag " Varloaa
NEW TORK. March 26-FLOUR-Re-
celpt. 17,368 bbls. : exports, 1.5.SJ bbls. ;
Market firm with light Inquiry; Minnesota
14.164.26; Minnesota bakers. 3.4-a3 76; win
ter patents. MHOru-4 26: winter straignis,
13.7041 A SO: winter exlrss. I2.7f-i3 26. Rye
flour, quiet; fslr to good. I3.4is6i.90; rhol"c
to fancy, i.1 6fe4 JO.
COBNMBAIj-Barelv steady: fine white
and yellow. 11.16; coarse, tl.OSl.Oo; kiln
dried $2 Zfii 65.
BAKLiKY-Bteady; feeding, ioc c. 1. t.
BufTalo; malting. 4!ortc c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT-Receipts. 1.0M) bu. : exports, 31,-
972 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red. 864c
elevator; No. 2 red. 8xv nominal, afloat;
no. 1 northern uuuitn, shvic r. o. o. anoai.
There was a firm oiwnlng In wheat today.
based on better cables, light world s snip
mente and commission house support. lter
It broke nearly 1c a bushel under liquida
tion, good weather, better cables and dis
appointing visible, but rallied finally on
export rumors and closed 'c net lower.
Mav, 85 8-la6 l-lc. closed at 8Mc: July,
M 13-HVaMHc. closed at 84c; September,
MS'oVi'ic, closed at 82 15-16c.
cokn Keceipts, 33.IU6 bu.; exports. !W,1lt
bu. Spot market easy: No. 2. 4c elevator
and 61c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 yellow, 62c;
No. i white. 62c. Ontlon market was dull
and easy under liquidation, large receipt
and lower cables, but rallied late with
wheat closinc .o net lower. May. SOVii
60V. closed at 6"Ac; Julv, 5y&57iC, closed
at 604jc; September. G0litr61H', closed at
61'c; December closed at 6ic.
OATS Recelots. 8I.0110 bu. : exports. 18.067
bu. Spot markt steady; natural white. 26
to 3Z pounds, 86c; natural wnite, .10 to xi
pounds, 3ta7c; clipped white, 38 to 40
pounds, 37H39'ic.
ha 1 wtearty; shipping, 4brq30c; gooa 10
Chnlre. SJiH5c.
HOI'S Dull: state common lo choice.
19i. liWUc; 1904, 7'fl9c; olds, 6'97c; Paciflo
coast, 19IS. Sfllc; 1904. Sfiioc; olds, 4(?6c.
1IIDK8 Firm; Galveston. 20 to 35 lbs..
20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texaa
dry, !4 to 30 lbs.. 19c.
LKATHER Stead v; acid, 26HS27V-
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $11 &)
13.00; mess. 19 0010.00; beef hams. $0.0ii
2160; packet, tio.mitolu.M: extra India mess,
tl5.00fa 18.50. Cut meats, firm; pickled
bellies, tf.wvgi0.2n: pickled shoulders, $7.00
?i7.50; pickled hams. $10.2Mill0C. Ird,
firm 1 western stetmed, $8.45l68.r4), nom
inal; refined barely stead v; continent,
I&7.60; pickled hams. $10.2.V&10.75. Lard,
barely steady; western steamed, 18.4tf(i8.43,
nominal; rerlned barely steady; continent,
$8 85; South America, t9.36; compound. tt.26
i624 Pork, firm; family, $l6.8oal6.85;
mess, tl6.751H7.!S.
TALLOW Steady; city, 5c; country, 6'3
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra
3Vi"ic; jHpan. nominal.
BUTTER Irregular. Street prices: Ex
tra creamery, 27jj27Hc. Official prlcea:
Creamery, common to extra. Ili2ic; De
cember, extra. 15u22c; state dairy, common
to extra, 15ir2Kc; renovated, common to ex
tra, 12nl9c; western factory, common to
firsts. l.VSiec: western Imitation creamery,
extras, 20c; firsts, 17c.
CHEESE Strong; state full cream, large
and small, colored and white, fancy, 14tt
144c; state good to prime, 13'4i8 1.1ie ; stale
common to fair, 11(8 13c. '
EQ08 Steady: extra Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected, white, 20c; state
choice, 171j19c; state mixed, extra. 17r;
western firsts, lnfcc: western seconds, lb
16i4c; southern, MfalsVlc.
POULTRY Dressed, firm: western chick
ens, lOG 13c; turkeys, 14fil9c; fowls, 1K&14V4C.
St. Itnls General Market.
ST. LOUIS, March 2o. WHEAT-Lower;
No. 2 retl. cash elevator. 82S9c: track.
8PCu83Hc; Mav, 7t5Hc; July, 74V(?74Sc; No.
2 hard, 77i82c.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 41Sc; track.
427'J43c; May. 41Hc; July, 42ic.
OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 30 V; track,
32c; May, 30Hc; July. 24Hc; No. 2 white.
83H934C. -FLOl'R
8teadv: red winter patents
$4. 164.26; extra fanoy and straight, $3.70
4.00; clear. fl.fl.SO.
SKED-Timothy. steady. $2.5062.80.
CORNMEAL 8teady, $2.20.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 85c.
HAY-Steady; timothy, $6.00614.50; ptalrle,
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing,
$123. Lard, higher; prime steamed. $7.9".
Dry salt meats, stead v; boxed extra shorts,
K 75: clear ribs. K.87A: short Jears. $100.
Bacon, steadr : boxed extra shorts. $.50:
clear ril. $9.62V4: short elrars. $9.75.
POULTRY" Quiet: chickens, loVc;
springs. 12VC; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 13c;
geese, 7tyo.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 204f2Sc;
dalrv, 16Tg21c.
EOG8 Higher, 12;c case count.
The tecelpts and shipments of flour and
grain were: Keeeipts. shipments
Flour, bbls......
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
.. 60. Old
Minneapolis ftraln Market.
Firm; llrst putents. $4.0fi 4.10: second pat
ents. I3.804j3.ft0; first clears. $3.50(3.60; sec
ond clears, $2.40)2.56.
BRASs'-ln bulk, $13.50i1!.75.
(Superior Board of Trade quotation for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices, aa furnished by K. D. Da)
A Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade building, was:
Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. I Clone. Sat'y.
May . ..
77 V.
117 t
1 18H!
' ta'4j!
1 171
1 19
1 17
1 18HI
79 M.
1 17! 1 1:
1 IKS 1 18S
Kansas City (irala sad Provlaloas.
KANSAS CITY, March 26.' WHEAT -May,
72Vic; July, 7tK-; September! 9tC)
cash. No. 2 hard, 75((j79c; No. 3, 7870Vc;
No. 2 red. 91fK'4c; No. 3, M4i91e.
CORN May. 394,c; July. 4oSc; cash. No.
2 mixed. 41V; No. S white, 42c: No. 3, 42c.
OATS No. 2 white. 31j:i2e; No. 2 mixed.
RYE-Steady, 57f67toc.
HAY Rteudv to l)Kher; choice timothy,
$ll.6o'(t12ti; choice prairie, $9.W.
BUTTER Creamery, S6c; packing. 11c.
I'XWIS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 13c; cuse
count. 12toc; cases returned, toe off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 2o.i
Corn, bu o. 54,0fl 15.010
Osts. bu 2 000 14.000
Milwaukee firala Market.
Easier: No. 1 northern, 8it81c: No. t
northern. 77j79toc; May. TTtT7T,c asked.
RYE Higher: No. 1. 65jfific.
BARLEY' Steady; No. 2. 55c; sample, 40
CORN Ixiwcr; No. 8 csh, 42f4;v;: May,
434c asked.,
Dalath ' Grata Market. .
DULUTH, March 3ti WHEAT To ar
rive, No. 1 northern, T7'd77c; No. 2 north
ern, 76Hc; on track. No. 1 northern. 77Sc;
No. 2 northern. 75Sc; May, 77ic; July.
41AT8 To arrive and on track and Mav,
I.lvrrpeol firala Provlaloas.
'LIVERP(X)L. March, 26.-VHEAT-Spot,
nominal; futures, easy; May, 6s 7,d: July,
6a 6d.
CORN Spot American mixed, new, firm,
4s 3d; American mixed, old. quiet, 4a 7d;
futures. iulct: March, nominal; May, 4s 3d.
HOI'S -In London 1 Pacific coast 1, uulet;
1 6s j 13 5s.
Peoria Grata Market.
PEORIA. March 26 CORN I-ower; "No.
S yellow. 42'. c; No. 3. 2e; No. 4, tic;
no grade. 39toS39ic .
OATS-Steady; No. 2 white. S0,c; No. S
wiiiie, o , io. a wniie. -3T,uoi.
WHISKY-On the bala of 41 2S for fin
ished good. , .
Philadelphia Prj4.-e Market.
Steudy; extra western 'leatnery, Mc; extra
nearby prints, 20c.
in;8 Steady; western, 15'c at mark.
CHEKSB Steady; New York creams,
ft lie.
4'oltua Market.
NEW YORK. March SS. 4X1TTON- 8pol
chisrd I points lower: nilltliiiig uplamis.
11 loc: piiddlint, gulf. ll.S.V'; Kalea. .'..i-l
In fair deiiiand: prices uncliangatl ; Amer
ican middling. o.wVi. the sales of the day
were Hutu balek. of whii h 2. ism were for
speculation and export and included ILtsi)
American; receipts. I.W4 bales, inrluding
4 Aioerlcsn.
ST. IX) I IS. March IT.. COTTON" Quiet :
ni ddllng. llec; sales, none: receipts, nope;
shinmenta. none: iick. 4.1.1 nals
fl Slt closed easy: snies. J.lOu t.sla: oirli-
e-a . g(MKl OIMIIiar. VM-ie-: ltw
n.ld.lllmr. HP,. : Middling. 11'.,-: B.Kw ,d-
4saasanas H
Appetranoe of the Market it a Good Deal
Kxpaasloa In Aggregate of Deal
lag la Not Notable, hat.
Closing Tb I
NEW YORK. March 26 The appearanco
of the market waa a good deal Improved to
day. Early advances encountered no Im
portant realisation and the upward move
ment of prices spread here and there In the
market until the show of strength became
fairly comprehensive. Buying waa largely
concentrated still In a few speculative fa
vorltes. notablv Reading, which absorbed
large proportion of the total transactions
for the day. Even with Reading and a
few other prime favorites Included, the ex
pansion In the volume of the day s sggre-
gate dealings was not notable. With the
favorites excluded the market remalna but a
poor affair, with very meager transactions
nd a sluggish ana unimportant movement
of prices.
with the market rree tooay iroin any
selling pressure and with no evidence of
stringent condition In the money market
with the near approach of the April period,
the speculative element was emboldened
to take steps In the market to anticipate
the supposed coming demand. Most 01 ins
thovement reflected the operations of well
dertned parties to the speculation. The
Heading movement naturally associaieu 11
self with the suposed strike outlook in the
anthracite mining region. News of actual
developments either In the antnracuo or
the bituminous dispute was vague and
meager, but the rumors alleged a favorable
prospect for a settlement. The copper and
melting stocks again movea upwmus 111
common. The Hill stocks, accompanied vy
Northwestern, made another center of
strength and there was a movement In the
Vanderbllt group In which New York Cen
tral fullv shared. Atchison had the lenetlt
of the extraordinary showing of net earn
ings for February of which the rate of In
crease over the preceding February was no
less than 132 per cent, current reports m
gross earnings of railroads, however, for
the third week of the present month showed
the unfavorable effect of the torm
weather. , .
A sharp drop In foreign exchange under
offerings of bankers' bills was a feature of
the day. the proceeds going Into the local
money market. Imlon discount declined
and there were heavy receipts of gold in
that market from Berlin, supposed to be In
transit from Russia. The price of gold was
marked up In London. New Y ork exchange
at Chlgo rose to par from 20c discount
last week. The Imperial bank of Germany
showed a gain In cash for the week of
$7,335.0110, with a nominal increase In loans,
but an experodon in note circulation In ex
cess of the cash gain. The uhtreasurj
starts the week with a gain of nearly $1,00 .
W0 at the expense of the banks, and that in
stitution hnd a credit at the clearing house
today of $823,930. The Influence of the Rfd
lng movement on the market was sustained
and price, went to the best of the day n
the last hour with the closing tone falily
"Tlo'nds were Irregular. Total sales par
value $2 06..O.iO. Uniied States 3s. registered
advanced C and the 4s, coupon. H per cent
on call
Quotations on the
New York Stock ex
Falaa. High. rJ"?4
.. 400 4J 41H
TOO 101 W
SOB S4' S4V, .14
change today were:
Adama Expraaa
Amalgamated Topper
American C A F
Amerlran C. A F. pfd
Amarlran Cotton Oil
Amerlian Cnlton Oil pfd...
Amarlcan Eipreaa
Amer. H. A T. pfd
Amur-Iran Ire. aeroritlaa..
Amartran Llnaead Oil .
Ami-rlran Llnad Oil pfd.
Amarlran Loromotlva
Amar. Ixicomotlva pfd
Amerlran . ft R
Amarlran . R. P'
Amarlran Kufir Refining.
Am. Tobarro pfd. rtfs
Anaconda Minlni Co
Atrhlaon pfd
Allanllr Coaat I.lns
Baltimore Ohio
Baltimore Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt..
Canadian ParlBr
Central of Naw Jersey.....
Cheaapeake Ohio
fhlraso Altos. ...1
ii.ji'io isa1 167
sun in hi
1.1.10 140
1 100 1044
I04 4, 1"34
hS. 172V, 2M
H.JO0 4S
t.too lH'a 1S
'i.ttio lltv no's ni4
..... ..... 4
ii'ion - M4 w
4,.i0 17JV 172 17V
100 J17WH7H 31
J.600 MS 3H
.., 10
" 7i
'"too in7 ' MSi M'a
I.SO0 281W tM't
Chlraso Slion pta
Chlrago Oreat Wealern...
( hlraso A Northwestern,
rhlraeo. Mil. St. Paul
4,300 174-4 174' 11
hlraiiO T. A T.....
t'hliago T. T. pin
('., C, C. ft St. Iuta...
Colorado Fuel ft Iron....
i.itVi 101 m mot,
l.O0 4' ? (',
l.aolt MH M
SOO 704 70 70
is coo ui im ui
200 I M 54
00 JPI J"',
.f.00 4A1 4S 45
JOS 7 ', T4
11.700 t '4
6.4O0 4t4 4!4 41 t4
4on n 7ita ti
400 41 47 41
"'vo t: nit,
.4'H 231, Tl
l.OOO U M H,
t0 64j la
300 It'a 4
'! Jl HV li&
, eon M U 7ti
ino sit, !4
00 V. II
io H.tHk no, iwi,
1.S00 144 J44 i4,
1.100 111 IWI 142
Colorado ft Southern
Colorado Bo. lal pia...
Colorado ft 80. td ptd
Consolidated Osa
Corn Product a. rlfa
Corn Producta pfd rtfa...
Delaware ft Hudson
Delaware. L. ft "
Denrer ft Rio Grande....
Denver ft Rio Orande pfd
Diatlllera' Securities
Erie lat pfd
Krle !d pfd
General F.lerlrlr
Ilorklns allejr
Illinois Central
International Paper
liner-national Paper ptd...
International Pump
International Pump pfd..
Iowa Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kanaaa City southern
Kansas City eo. pfd
Loulavlllo Naahrllle...
Manhattan I.
Mittnpnlllan street Ry...
Meiiran central
Minneapolla ft St.
.. St. P. ft 8. S
M . Ft. P. ft B
ilisaourl Parlftr .
Missouri, K ft T
Missouri. K ft T.
Kalinnal Lead ...
Loula. ..
M. pfd..
S too M HI A'e
3.U1U : let "w
l.oo 72k 7:4
4.i"o i:v, ci;, us
I.IOO 14K 141 144
I. too 104 (0 9OI4
t.4o0 ass M Sit,
ino 2', :, )i
I. 000 100 a it x
1.100 4is t.W
II. 400 nv, isa
4.100 f,i li .ti
100 7 71 aO
1.0)10 t.', K!t4 ol'dj
4"0 17V 17 1
III. 400 131 111 1M
'V i '."J-i
100 S 101
4la) :', M4 .'',
100 4t M'-a KiW
ino 4H 4Vk tc
200 J.1 , '.4 4
100 Bi, S41, M t
II, M 7 47 47
411 111 117 "'"a
10.4"0 407, 40 40
10!, 102 i2 1"
too 144 144 ill
I.I1S1 Sl 31 Jl1,
tiM 14 (4 .. ,
T1.400 lu lf.1 laJ
100 N M
14 100 M l.1 ,V
) 1111 11 113
4:..(."0 4' M 40
11.7o0 10 100 10t
too 21 11 i:
10 11 V1' M
National It R f M. pfd
Nta York Central
New York. O ft W
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk ft Weatern pfd...
Noun Amerlran
ranflr Mall
Tvopla'a liaa
P., f'., C. ft SI. Loula...
Piebeed Steel Car
Preeead Steel Car pfd
Pullman Falai-e Car
Reailini lat pfd
Reading Sd pfd
Repuhllr Steel
Ucpubllr Sleel pfd
Km k Island ("
kock Island re. pld
Rubber Gooda
Kuhber r.noila pfd
St. Iviuls ft S F. 2d pfd
St. Louia Southwestern...
kt. ltuia S. W. pfd
Southern Parlftr
Southern Pad tit pfd
Southern Railway
b.iulhern Rallwav pfd....
Tennraaee coal ft Iron...
Tmu ft Parthr
Toledo Bt. L. ft W
Toledo. St !.. ft W. p'd.
t'nlon Parlflr
I'nion I'arllir pfd
1 oiled ftatee F.ipn-aa ...
1 ni'ed Staiea Realty
fulled Metee Robber
I'lilled Statea Rubber ptd.
I nited Statea Sieel
lolled gtatee Steel pfd..
Va. -Carolina chemical ...
Va -Carolina Cheat, pfd. . ,
WaUsh ptd
Wrtla-Kar,o Csprsa
Westinshouse F.lecirir ...
Western I nlon
Wheeling ft Lake Krle...
WistoBMn Central
Wimonain Ce-itral pfd
Northern Parlftr
Ctutral Lee 1 her
Central leather pfd
aloes Sheffield fcteei
17 'a
no !A 1IV4,
I.S10 J7ta
1 xn 7', M'a
11. JM' Jit
l.aoo 4t 45 '4
'i,4 ii 714
Total aalea for ths day. 754. SOo shares.
London Closing Slocks.
' LONDON. March 20. Closing quotation
on stocks were:
Conaola. money ..
do account
do pfd
Baltimore. aV Ohio
Canadian Parllc .
t hes A Ohio
Chlcsfo CI- W
C. M. A St. P ..
Iienver Jk H O ..
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do Id aid
... V
... Ha
... UV
... . a
. ..t4a
... 40
... .-4j"
... iaa
V. Y. Central 141
Norfolk W
da pfd 14
Ontario- aV W i
rennaylvanla 71
Hand Mlnea t
Headln as
So lat pfd 47
do U pfd ,0
Southern Hallway ... 41 '
do ptd
Southern fai lllo
So I ulon PanO, ..
444' do pfd
. 7s I S. Kieel
. 70 do pfd
.174 Wabaah
1 de pld
. M SpanisS 4e
41 'a
I Illinois Central ..
' l.oiiiille a Nash
af . K. A T
strady. Hot.d per ounce.
Wr.l-iVwN Per cent.
The late of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3 9-l4i:ia per ceni ; for
throe month' bills, l7-lom;!4 per cent.
Hank learlaas,
OMAHA. Msrch 3d Hank clearings for
todav mere II STil ehx 07 and f r the -orre-apondlng
date lust year 11.444 STt.M.
Ireasnry (lateiuenl.
WASHINGTON. M.trch K.-T'xlay s tafe.
oe.u of 1 l,e lieu,,,: I.I..1K-. in M.e ,e.
$1M.7jn.J16: gold win and bullion. $77.9lCtf;
gold certificates. I4S.Ro;. ISO.
New York NJeaer Market.
call, steady at 3'tyfi4 per cent: ruling rate,
4 per cent: closing bid and offered. Su. per
cent. Time loans. steady6; 0 and ' ds.
6I4 per cent: t months. 6 per cent.
per cent.
sllghtlv firmer with Sctiml business In
bankers' bills st $4 HMff4 M15 for demand
and $4.8?4n4j4.?4 for sixty day bills. Posted
rates. $4 8.fij 4 i'4j and $4 6'" 4.87; commer
cial bills, $4 82Hi.
SILVER Bar, 65V; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government firm: railroad. Ir
regular. 1 Closing quotations on bonds today were
sb follows:
IT. g rf. is. Tf Jipss t4 terlei
so rmipon l''V rto 4s rtf
U. f. S. rf..... t"t)M so 4H" "
dn fmipen flo Jd perlm
V. 8. old 4s. re inVl.. N snl. 4...
. t'
. i
. i
. !
. il
. M
do coupon .
. Hn. r
..1.13 H. t'sntral ....
(In 1st Inr
. . " Mlnn. II. L 4a
M . K T. ....
..104 I do is
.. !Mi N. R. R. of M. c.
V 8 new 4s. rt
do roucion
Am. Tobarro 4l....
Atrhlann gen. 4. . .
do ad. 4
Atlantic r. It. 4a..
ltal. Ohio 4a....
do ma
Bra. R. T. r. 4a...
Central of (la (a..
do lt Inr
do td Inr
do M Inr
rhea. Ohio 4'a.
Chlrasn A. 1t.
C, R. A Q. n. 4a.
C. R. I. P. 4a.
do rol. (a
rcc. St. I.. . 4
Colo Ind. la. aar.
do aerlaa R
.. N. Y. C. s. Its 'V
,.liMV N J. O. f l'-'5-4
.. S4 INO Pti-ldc 4 lfHV
. . I n h 7'
..llJlN. W. r. 4l 101t
.. n n 8. I,, rfrts S
.. ll'enn ros.
.. Hl Rridlns tn. 4a I""
..lWSI. L. I. M. r. SS..11T
ft F.
. .1( St. L. S. W
,. 7
... 7',lSeaboard A. L. 4a..
.. an jsn. Parlllr 4a
1.. 101l do lat 4a rtfa..k. .
A. 7a So Railway la
... 7f Texaa ft P. Is
...II T , St. I., ft W 4s.
... IM Inlon Pailflr 4a....
...114' do rone 4s
...1 r. S. Rleel Id a...
,. . kN Wabash la
. ..1"! I do deb. R
. .. M Western Md. 4a
...0'i W. aV L. K 4a
...101, Wis. Central 4s
.. o
. . 11
.. 14
. .int
. ,l(o'
.. .
.. 12
.. 17 i
.. "
.. 2
Colorado Mid. 4a..
Colo. aV So. 4a
Cuha 5a
D. a- R. O. 4a
Platlllera' Sec. a.
Krla p. t. 4a
do sen. 4a
Ile.klns Val. 4a.
apan an
Kee York Mining stocks.
NEW YORK. March 26. Closing nuotft-
tlons on mining stocks were:
Adaml Cos 23 Little Chief 7
Allre loo Ontario 200
Ureoc U ophlr . .47a
Brunswick Con M Hhoenlk i
Comstork Tunnel 1, Potoel f
Con. t'al. ft Va 123 iviii U
Horn Silver 2"i llerra Nevada 21
Iron Silver u Mall Hopra 11
LeadTllle Con i landard 101
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. March Iti. Money was in good
demand totlay for the payment of 10,ltii,dsj
In calls on new Issues. Discount were
easier. Traders on the rttock exenange
were occupied with the carry-over and busi
ness generally was iileless. consols were
steady. Americans opened steady; the
movements were iigiu on eiiner sine 01
parity, but the market rallied later and
tirlces closed Arm at the best nuotatton of
the day. Foreigners were fairly steady, ex-
ceot Peruvians, wnicn were sola neavuy
cn rumors of the postponement of the pro
posed loan. Japanese imperial os ot lm
were quoted at lo'.
hekli.n, March rraaing on me
Bourse, today was quiet.
PARIS. March X Trading on tne Kourse.
todav was calm. Russian Imperial 4s were
quoted at 84.70 and Russian bonds of l'.'i
at &u;.00.
omaiia whui.ksal;; MARKET.
Condition ot Trade aad Quotation on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGGS Jteceipts, liberal; fresh stock, cas
count, 13c.
LIVE POULTRY Hena, l(x&T0Vc; old
roosters, 6Hc; turkey, 15c; ducks, Uu;
young rooster, 4j!5o veese. 8c.
old torn., IM lo; chickens, HXl12c; old roost
ers, 7c; ducks. IJi&Uc; geese, inc.
BL'TTER Packing stotk, ):: cholca to
fancy dairy, lStltto. creamery, 21j?-TVc.
ha 1 J-Tlces quoted Dy umana reea com
pany: No. 1 upland, $7; medium, to-50;
coarse, 16.0046 60. Rye straw, J6.M.
BRAN Per ton. 117.50.
DATES Per box of !M 1-lb. pkgs.. 12 00;
Hallowe'en, In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; Buy
ers, per lb., 4c; walnut sttined, 1-lb. pkgs.,
$2.(0 per doi.; s-lb. boxes, $1.00.
OKAKUES-Californla, extra rancy nea
land navels, all sixes, U.ot, fancy navels,
$3.26; choice, all aisea, S3.
LEMONS Limonlers, extra rancy, L40
alie, $3.76; 3tX) to 360 site. $4.26.
FIOS California., uer 10-lb. carton. 7MJ
K5c; Imported Brn) rna,..lhe-ciown, 11c; aix-
crown, loc. ., .
BA NANAS Per medium alzed bunch. 1.6
62 26; Jumbos, $2'.aVti3.0U.
TANGERINES California, per box ot
about 125. $3.00.
ORAPE KRL'IT Florida, per box, $7.ra
7.60; California, per box, $4 0uo4.50.
PEARS-Wlnter Nellls, K.60.
APPLES California Newton, Pippin and
Baldwins, $2 per bu. box; Ben Davis, $2
per bu. box: U'lnesaDS. 12.50 Der bu box;
other varieties, $2.WK8i.60 per bu.; New York
apples, Hiiawini and Russets, o.uu per doi.
URAPES 1 ni ported Malagas. $ti.OOi7.60.
POTATOES Home grown, pr bu., 604
GOc; South Dakota, per bu.. 76c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.86; No. 2. $1.75.
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 5ftc.
CABEAGB Cillforr.U, 3j per lb.; Wla
eonsin. In crates, per 'b., 2V4t2c.
Per bu., kic.
CELERY California, $1 per doa.
SWEET POTATOEBllUnols. per 11-pk.
bbl., $4 60.
TOMATOES Florida, ptr crate ot 301b..
net, $6.60.
WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30
lbs., net, Jo. 1
ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red,
per bu., K6c; Spanish, per crate, $2.26; Colo
rado, red and yellow. Del' bu.. $1.
STR1NU BEANS-Per hamper of about 30
lbs.Jvntt, $3.0Wl4 0O.
OREEN PbPPERS Florida, per (-basket
crate, $4.60.
Louisiana, per doa. buncliea, 76c.
BHALLOTTS Louisiana, par dozen
bunches, 75c.
HEAD LETTt'CE Louisiana, per bbl.,
$7.tAVil0.00; per dux heads, $1.00(31.26.
LEAF LETT CCE Hothouse, per doa.
heads, 46c.
CL'CL'MBEllS Hothouse, per do., Jl.76'0)
No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. t ribs, ll'c; No. 2
rib, Hc; No. 1 loin, 16c; No. 2 loin, 13c;
No. t 10I11, 114e; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 2
chuck, brc; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round,
8c; No. i round. 74c: No. t round, 7'4c;
No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, iVsc; No. 1 puue.
CIDER Per keg, J b: per bbl., $4.75.
HONEi-New, per U lbs., $3.50.
CHEESE 8wis. new, loc; Wisconsin
brick, 16c; A'Uconsio llnibtrger, 16c; twins,
ia'o; Yotii.g America. 16c.
NL'TS W atnuts, No. 1 aoft shells, new
crop, per lb., 154jc; h&li shells, per lb.,
13Vac. Pecans, Uige, per id.. Ho; small, par
lb., 12c. Peanuts. jer lb , bVc; roasted, per
lb., c. Chill wuiuts. per lb., 12ulvc.
Almonds, sou alielis, (.-er lb., 17c; hard
shells, per lb., lac. Cocoanut. $4 per sack
of luo.
FRESH FIBH Trout, 11c; halibut. 10c:
pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass, He; sun
fish, 6&W; perch, skinned and dressed, fcc;
pike, loc, redsnapper, 11c: taimon. 11c;
ci tipples, tVriVc; ' els, lSc; black bans, lc;
whllensh, 4c; frog legs, per doa., 66c; lob
sters, greeu, c; uuru iobatviB, 37c: blue
fian, 16c; hirrliig. .', Spanleli mackerel, 16c;
haddock, H-c; surimp, l.lnul.6o per gallon;
smelts. 12c; cod, 12c.
RADISHES Hothouse, per doa. bunches,
MCaiHROOMS-Xwti'.GUS. per lb.. 6ofaijOc.
OYSTERS Fiesii standard, $l.tu per gal.;
shell oikter. l.uii.M ptr luO; LltUu Neck
clams, $1.50 pur luu.
SUGAR Utanuluted cane, in bbls.. $6,(16;
granulated caue, In sucks, $5.01; granulated
beet. In sacks, $4.H1.
SRl'P In barrels, !4c per gal.; In cast.
( 10-lb. cans, $11; cas-s, 11 6-iu. can. J frj;
caees, ia .'.t-lb. tasn, $l.lw.
COFFEE Roasted: No. 13. 25Hc pet lb.;
No. SO. Mc per lb.; No. J6. lsvc per lb.;
No. 2o, 15; per lb.. No. 21, LVic per lb.
FLOL'R (wholesale) Best high grade Ne
braska, per cwt.. $; best high ktudd pat
ent Minnesota, per ct li 'io; Birdiyiit pat
ent Nebrasku. per cwt., II.Isj; secur.d put
ent Nebiaeka, 41.60.
CURED HSli r amlly is r.itchs Ii. per V
bbl., I'M lb., $( 60. Norway mackere., per
bbl., 'tuu lbs., bloaters, $4uuu; No. 1. $A iw;
No. 2, $-.!; No. 3. $.0.J; lrisli. No. 2. 1 W;
Hrrrina, In bbl., uu Iba. tjcu. Noruay, 4k
$13.tsj; Norway. 3k. $13 on; Holland, mixed,
tll6u; Holland herring. In kes, nilikei.,
c; kegs, mixed, iuc.
CANNED JOjI S Corn, standard west
ern, 56 g mc; Maine, $1.26. Tui-iatoes. s-lb
cans, Jl.2-.4i 1.6c; 2-lb . S.Stcdl.O1.'. Pineapples.
Mialed. 2-lb.. 2t4j.vl. sliced. Ilisrul-Ju.
Oalion apples,, 3 vr, t 'aiifcrnia apri
cots, $1.4ui2.iJ. penis, fl.7jti2.iio; peaclies,
fancy. Jl"..'4u; 11. C. pcacios. $uuu6i,
Alaska salmon, red. $1.16; ink. 9w; fancy
Chinook. F., $2'10: fancy sttktyc, 6'.,,
saidines. t oil, $2,611; , uiiisiards, $
1 10. Seel poiatoes, $I.Wul 2o; sajeraruut.
$1 (j; pumpkin. oc'ii$l.t4); wax beans ,
76-Oisx'; liimt lieans. 2-lb, 76c'k1 ii: spinach
ljoi02 0u; cheap peas, v-lb , frjc; .'kila ,fcu'
V; fancy. $1 1.76.
BRlHiMS-No. 1 carpet, $7125, No. 2 cartel
$: 4o, No. 1 plain $3 i.
green hides, so; No. 2. tc; Nu. I salted.
l ,-e. I"uv. lin.i. I M'i.'r-,,:ViU- ',?
lie: No j. jn,-; bull hid-s. 7.sVc. di .
Liebtest Receipts for a Monday Since Tint
of the Tear.
Liberal Receipt ot Hnth Sheep and
llaika, with (iooej Fat heep
Pally Steady aad I m a
Mnw and Faster. '
SOL'TH OMAHA. March 2, I
IteceiDta hr:
Hogs. Sneep.
Oftlclal Monday.
J.5') 12. 1
8ame day last week.... 4,'ifi 3.! Itk.:;"
Hanie day week before. . 3.no3 2,713 U.0'0
Heme three Weeks ago., j.on i.JU S.ail
(mine four weeks ago..., 4.1&6 7.i 14 S"4
Hame nay last year.... 5,. 3.Hi lO.rvIS
fhs loitowiug snuws tie in:elyv of cat
tle, hog and sheep at Houth -Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year:
lfeM. IP Inc.
Cattle 231,867 1H3.H82 47. 4W
Hogs BM4.21H .o4 M.tW
Sheep ,. 4l.t,C! IWi.tiN) 4o,8."ll
The following show the number of est
of storktrs and feeder chipped to the coun
try Saturday and their points of destina
tion: CATTLE Can.
Sheridan Meat Co., Sheridan, Wyo. Q....1
John Duff. Desota, la. R. I 1
J. Jensen, Adair, la. R. 1 1
John Stabler. Kewanee, III. Q , 1
M. Hrady. Adll, Ia.-MIl 1
J. Coleman, Marshall. 111. N. W 1
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $2.10120 Jn-l'u6j
Chicago l.fsygO.A o.iSBn. 16
Kansas City S.i6'K69o t.4i.lW
St. Loula 2.2uil.00 6.M-Hjii.45
Sioux City S.Otab&sXi .0Vn.W
lAMLK UL O'l A ilu.B.
The following will show the prices paid
for the Ullrieiit Kinds ol cattle on IDs
Houth Omaha mark:. a
(iood to ciioice coin-led teer t4.K5a5.64
rair to viiotua corn-fed steer 4.tu4f4.5
Common to cnoice coru-ted steers.. 4. Wat 06
Oood to choice cow and heller.. .1. 7rVij 4 Ml
Qood to choice feeders 4.0U'4.)
r'alr to good stockera and fetdera.. I ouhh.'w
Common to fair stocker I.7iv(jJ i'
nuns, stags, etc X.6oy4.Csj
The foilowlug table shows (ha average
price of hog at South Oumriw (or th last
several deys, with comparisons:
Datt. I UOt. 1906. !U4.lSu3.lta.:iMl.U0l.
Ihe ofnclal
number of cars of stock
Mch. 7...I 6 12m 4 8 6 131 161 ( 0; t lf 4 n
Mch. f... t (Vsi 4 a 6 I lot 6 t, 4 73
Mch. It...) 12i 4 so) 6 1 7 16 lo, s 14, 4 71
Mch lu..i ti 11 1 4 Id, b 11 "1 Jo, j 14 1 6 tt 4 V3
Mch 11. .T 4 Mi 6 lt( 7 2 04, s i4
Mch. U..t 1 1 16 7 31 IUIT
Men. IJ.. 6 U3, 4 80 1 7 K4 ( (Ki 4
Mch. It.. I UVsi 4 81 1 6 li 7 2D 1 a 13 6 1( 4 7
Mch. 16.. I C 08H, 4 til 6 26 6 23 6 26 4 7
Mch. 1.. 0,'l 4 all 6 15 T 20) b 16 6 21 4 H6
Mch. 17.. I 11 I 4 Mi 0 V4 i 1U 6 1 b 20 4 ill
Men. IS.. 1 I 6 ol, 6 04, 7 (l Xt 6 VVj
Mch. 1. . I 6 10 1 I 4 8i 7 14" 5 27 4 90
Mch. ai.. I6t b 0e 7 3316 271 1 4 37
Mch. :'!..! l, 6 13 4 92 7 36 6 15 6 26, 4 l
Mah. 22.. I 17H 6 08 4 95 02 6 13 1 81
Men. n i.-,, 0 mi 4 i I 7 44, 0 ' J, o 4 HI
Mch. 24.. I 23H 5 08 6 02, 7 37, 08, 5 22, 4 S3
Mch. 26.. 1 5 15 6 06 7 2l 6 Hi a lJ
Mch. 26.. 1 1 16 13)7 22, ; i li 4 89
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. She p. H'r'l.
C, M. A St. P 2 6 ...
Missouri I'aciflc .. 8
I'nion Pnclilc 27 14 34 1
C. & N. W., east 1 2 ..
C. & N. W, west 35 H 4 1
C, bt. T.. M. O.... 10 1 1
C, B. & west 14 f 12
C R. 1. A P., east.... 1
Illinois Central 1 4.
Chicago Gt. West 2
Total receipts .... 2 ' 44 64 - 2
The disposition of the day' receipt waa
as follow, each buyer purcnaslng tne num
ber of head Indicated: 1
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Omaha lacking Co.- 134
Swift and Company 623
(judahy Packing Co 604
Armour & Co 361
Van Bant & Co 42
Lohman tt Co 242
Hill & Son 116
Hamilton AV Rothschild.. 16
tVolf A Murnan 44
Mike Haggerty I
J. H. Root Co 75
Other buyer 3i
Totals 2,253 ,U 11,70.5
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning
were the lightest for a Monday that they
have been so far this year, with the single
exception of January 1. The unfavorable
weather which prevailed yesterdsy waa
evidently responsible for this marked fall
ing off In arrivala of cattle.
In spit of the fact that Chicago and
Other selling points were reported as alow
and lower, he market here, under the In
fluence of th very light receipts, was fully
steady with last week. If anything, It was
a little stronger on some of the more de
sirable kinds, such aa buyers especially
wanted. Owing to the very light offerings
the early utrivala were all cleaned up In
very good season In the morning. Several
"trains were late and these came straggling
In during the forenoon, but for the nvrec
pari were bought soon arter arrival.
Cows and heifers were In light receipt,
and aa the demand for all desirable klnda
of butchers' stock waa good, the market
waa active and strong. Common canners.
as noted last week, do not seem to be
much sought after and have been Inclined
for some time back to be a drug on the
market, especially when there Is any great
number of that ktnd on sale.
Blockers' and feeders move quite freely
with good kind in demand at nilly atcaily
prices; in fact, some of the best sold as
high aa any time.
Representative sales:
N Ae. Pr. Ne. ai. Pr.
11 1040 1 70 1 110 4 70
11 1401 1 ID 1 1120 TO
4 191 1 91 7 1100 4 7
14 415 4 It 11 1114 4 70
It M9 4 !0 :, 1,9 4 71
11 1111 4 10 1 1I7T 4 II
1 list 4 4 11 4 a.',
MO 4 It t lot! 4 IS
1 iso 4 :s . 11 i n
t 1011 4 40 IS 1274 4 10
10 M7 4 40 14 1411 t II
1 100S 4 44 ?! 124 4 M
11 I'M 4 41 1 1201 4 to
1 7r,0 4 10 1 1447 4 10
21 Kll 4 li II 1411 4 14
II 117 4 11 1410 I 00
1 lltO 4 10 I .....1400 1 (a)
I 1000 t 40 17 1.144 1 on
II loll 4 45 IT 1141 I II
4 1010 4 It
1 T,-n 1 10 1 101 1 I AS
1 740 1 on I ion 1 ot
2 20 1 10 1 1220 1
1 1000 I (0 1 ,.1'1 I 10
1 0 I In 1 Ill I 10
1 1 Ik, 1 too I 25
I M la 4 mi 1 it
J 7Ii I 2t 1 1041 1 ;t
11 170 1 ti 1 ...1120 1 24
1 1'0 I it 1 1160 I 21
1 1010 I ti t Ml I 40
1 loO I 16 11 14 t to
1 1000 I II 1 10i0 1 (0
1 HO t II I I ito f .SO
1 10O0 t It 1 1410 I 10
1 111 I 40 I 1S.VI I to
1 1100 t 10 t U95 1 (0
: Il i 10 21 !7 I 11
1 1M I 10 I lltl J Tt
1 m t 4S 1 a s I 1 to
1 110 1 ti, I IWI I 10
I i 70 7 1111 I t.,
1 1!" 1 H 1 111M I 11
t 1 75 1 114 4 Wl
1 1041 t 7a t 101 on
4 1ST 2 TI 12 177 4 M
4 lnH i 7: 1 1141 4 00
t 2 '. 4 llll 4 10
!!...., 7,1 I 10 5 , lo?! 4 10
1016 t so 20 1VIJ 4 J
12 1ST. I an I I 0 4 ;t
1 120 I Is) 4 !!! 4 21
I ?f I Ou 1 1U 4 25
1 720 I ) 1 HM 4 14
Ut ll
I 1 44 1 Ml 1 It! IS
4 t I 41 4 St4 IK
! 4 hi i II 1 ,. S10 4 00
1 120 i 71 1 1010 4 00
1 420 2 II 1 10,1 4 40
a HI t CO 15 , 71 4 ii
i 120 I A Ml 4 21
10 444 I 00
1 IS40 1 to I tut 1 n
1 14 t 75 1 14.UI I 40
1 Iil 1 75 1 lloO I 4a
1 I' I 10 2 771 I 4
1 1J 1 IS 1 1110 1 40
1 UIO 1 20 1 170 3 70
1 M0 U I '110 I 15
, ! ...10k0 I 5 1 .1700 s 7;
1 imo 1 00 1 :i $ ;i
1 140 3 i 1 1710 J so
1 110- I K 1 ia 1 as
2 1414 Is 1 sim 4
I 140 1 TI t l .tu 4 uu
3 2 1 .1 1 loOf 4 oil
2 I So ie tu
i 1 40 IK I IM fs
1 ID Phi t 110 i
1 170 I HO t 40 50
1 10 1 00 1 2- t
4 Id I to 1 it T OP
I ;lo I to
1 n-4" : vi 1 . .. . ..i4 4 0
1 110 I to 1 T' 4 00
17 771 1 IS I til, I r,.,
1 7W I 15 I... . 4'4 4 0"
1 L, as 2 I.'i 4 a
I Ill Ui f 4 '
t 1 -4 7M 1 if
1 ISO IT 1 40 421
17 ISO T 1 4x 4 4
IS IK 41 1. Ml I V
I 40 I to
S. Knosl Neb.
1 steer 7M 75 I steers. ... S J 2
f feeders. Mil flat 1 stsg H.U I ho
m feeders It'll 4 00
H04J Receipts of hogs this morning
were 4egh. as ususl on the first day of the
week, only forty-eight cara being reported
In the yards.
The market opened with buyers bidding
considerably lower, on account of the breaa
at ( lilcago and In spile of the light run
loc II v. At first th trade was very low,
as sellers had a pretty good opinion of I he
value of their holdings and were not In
clined to let go without a struggle. Huyer
snd sellers finally got together on the hasls
of a i:S1ic decline, and the trade was fairly
active at (he decline. The early arrivals
changed handa in very good season. The
close waa dull and easier the bulk of all
the hogs sold at td ITSIiti rH.
In spile of the decine today the hogs
sold on an average Just about l)c higher
than on Mnntlay of last week.
Represehtstlve sales
aa. P.. So.
k Pr.
to 4 la
to 4 e
... 4to
... I to
... I t
110 4 20
to 4 11
40 I to
40 to
... I BO
0 Ml
t I to
... I to
... Ill's
... 4 22S
IM 4 lit
110 t it'
10 I 21 '
120 4 tt
. .21
. to
t tt i" in
4 11 71 1,1
IS 117
I 1714 M 3-4
I 17', I in
17 is 101
I If'i 71 ltd
4 l7Va II IM
4 20 II 234
4 0 41 121
I to 47 12
to tu 324
4 20, II 11.1
t 171
I 0 74 131
I N 72 ,.271
I to IS 224
I 20 77 211
I M 17 204
Ifi SI .141
TO. .
10. .
74 .
SHEEP RecelDt of sheen were much
lighter than on last Monday. Still there
was a very fair run for the first day of
the week, lortv-nlne csrs beln reuorted In.
The market was bare of any especially new
or Interesting features, and good, fat sheep,
yearlings and ewes were In fair demand at
fully last week's prices, and there seemed
to be some little activity on the opening.
The feeling on iambs waa weak, although
buyers evidently wanted a few good killers.
To call the trade on lambs slow and easier
would perhaps cover the situation more
nearly than anvthlng else. Oood Mexican
lambs sold as high a f'1.35. and while It Is
possible that an extra choice bunch might
sell as high as f . 50, there Is not likely to
be any great number at that price while
the market la In Its present condition.
The fact that Chicago and all other mar
kets were coming lower naturally did not
help the local situation any.
Quotations; (iood to choice native lambs,
6 3-U(i.oO; good to choice light western lambs
WJO'SaJ.:; good to choice heavy lambs, H.'tO
0.3: fair to good lambs, M.lslj'S.itf; cull
lamb, 84 BOfiS.Po; good to rlwiu- iignt year
lings. f5.6dii6.OP; good to choice heavy year
ling, ft botud.Ho; fair to good heavy year
ling. f6.40dj6.5O good to choice wether.
ld.ovt5.',6; fulr to good wethers, $5.2ft'il6.lw;
good 10 choice ewes, f4.7a'r)6.10: fair to good
ewes, f4.i534.65; cull sheep and bucka. 83.00
Representative saiea:
2 western cull ewes
8 western cull ewes
. lllo
. 05
. luo
. H.
. 102
. 7
. 78
. 85
. 68
. K8
. t8
. 78
. W
. 2
. 80
. 111
. 1
. 1u4
. 80
. (1
. 80
3 50
i 60
4 10
4 90
6 10
U 10
8 10
8 15
4 ()
5 06
6 06
1 western ewes ,
81 western ewe
I08 western ewes ..
449 Mexican lambs
:Ot western lambs
i'u')2 western lambs
Iu4 Mexican lambs
143 Mexican lamba
477 Mexican lambs
8 Colorado-Mexican ewes
8.1 Colorado-Mexican ewes
.1 Colorado-Mexican ewes
2 Mexican ewe
3H8 western ewes
87 Mexican yesrlings
120 wethers and ewes
362 western lambs
677 Mexican feeder lambs
3o4 Mexican lambs
830 Mexican lamba
114 Mexican lambs
5 western yearling and weth
ers J western lamos
S western lamba
9 western lambs
634 yomlng ewes
246 western yearlings and weth
ers 314 weatern yearlings and weth-
, TI
R4 Wyoming feeder lambs
SoO western lambs
463 Wyoming lambs
6 36
5 40
6 66
i 70
8 1!H
8 38
( 36
4 60
4 60
6 00
6 CO
6 89
I 80
6 0
Cattle aaal beea teady Hogs Tea
tents Lower 1. a ssbs Weak.
eelpta, 13,000 head; market steady; common
to prime steers, f3.85jM.40; cows, tS.6T.-ff4 ;
heifers, S2.76igiK.36; bulls, ti.9m.2b; calvea.
e3.0oW7.(0; stockera and feedera, f2.7Vgi.7.
HtK38 Receipts, 52.000 head; market 10c
lower; choice lo prime heavy, f8.400f8.46:
medium to good heavv, f8.S6'a,40: butcher
weight, fS.SMHI.42m good to choice heavy
mixed fS5(ia.40; packing, t5.SoH0.
SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpl. 30.000
head; market for sheep stesdv to strong;
lamba weak to 10c lower; sheep, f4.5ofl(i,2o;
yearlings, f5. 7f.Ji6.40: lambs, f6.7580.
New Yark Lire Stock Market.
NEW YORK, March 26. BEKVE8 Re
ceipts, 1,359 hesd; steers, alow but steady;
bulls, steady: fat cowa. steady; others slow
and lCVijloc, lower, about all sold. Steers,
f4.25ii5.90; stags, f4.80; bulls, f3.50$4.6O. one
fancy bull at 84.76; cows. fl. 90474. go. Liver
pool and lndon cable quoted live cattle
firm at UtSViUo per lb., dressed weight;
sheep, steady; refrigerator beef aelllng at
8K0 per lb.
CALVES Receipts. 4.384 head: veals.
6810c lower at 85.0uoj8.25: choice, 88.50; ham
yard calves, f.'l 0Cn&3.5fl: dressed calvea lower;
city dressed veals. 8(UISc per lb.; choice,
13c; country dressed, entile.
HOOS Receipts. 13,104 head; market
lower: state, f8 967.00.
SHEEP AND LAM US Reeelpta, i.Ohsj
head; market quiet, but steadv; aheep, 84.00
i00; yearlings. 88.78; lambs. f4.fWQ7.40;
clipped, lambs. f5.5(V&8.00: western and Colo
rado lamba aold mainly at 87.26.
Kanaaa City live stock Market.
ceipt. lO.tisJ head, Including 1,4011 southerns.
Market steady to strong; stockera 10c
higher; choice export and dressed beef
steers. f6.S095.R5; fair to good. f4.264j6.lK;
western fed steers, t3.756.24; stockers and
feeder. t3.tj4.76; southern steers, ff.75$
6.00; southern cow. 8?.75&4.00; native cows,
f2.2fVti4.fiO; native heifers. fS.5fs86.l6; bulls,
,2.8ft-ii4 ?6: calves, a.orw;.iA.
HOGS-Recelpts. i.00 head. Market Se
lower: close price best of dav; top, u KH;
bulk of sales. f.i(f!8..y: heavy, f 6. iSfte) J2'4, ;
packers, fti a6i.i); pig and light. fS.Sirt?
8IIERP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 1,5.0
head. Market for sheep steady, lamb 10c
lower; native lam he. to.2;irt.40: western fed
lambs, fA.Xfi8.40; ewes and yearling. 64.60
jG.itii; western fed yearling. f6.vifH.fif,
western fed sheep, f4.26ti6.70.
. I.oals Live Mock Market.
ST. LOT." IS, March to CATTLE Re
ceipts, head. Including too Texan.
Market teady: native shipping and export
steers, ft.Ttrtin.iu; dressed l;eef und butcher
steers, fift lO: steer under l.OH) lbs., fS.?5
IS.tS: stockers and feeders. llMitfi 40; cows
and heifers. 82 KUtS.lfi fanners, fl. 752.10;
bulls. t:'.4C'o4.40; en hes. f2.isVrii.0O: Texas and
Indian steers, f8.flnoi4.70; cows and heifers,
t2.2u4 .16.
HotiS-Recelpts, S.(00 hesd. Market was
6c lower; pigs snd lights, f5.6jitti.40; packers,
fs 0048.41); butcliers and best heavy, to 3i
head. Market steadv; native muttons, f4.uo
U6.50; lambs. f6.5Xftti.&3.
Bt. Joseph Live stock Market,
ST JOSEPH. March 18. ("ATTLK Re
ceipt. 1.749 head. Steers slow and steady; ,
natives, f I.16j8.(i0: cows anil heifers. fl.78'
4.50; stockers and feeders. fJ.2Vfj4.6u.
HOOS Receipts. T, l'7 head. Market was i
60 lower; light. fft.l.Vo-.. ; medium, t8.jL.47
6.30; bulk of sales, f-'. Jiaftfl.ITH. 1
head. Market active and steady; lamba, ;
fti.46; ewea, 4U.:&.
Iloai City l.lvr Mtek Market.
relDts. 8.84 hesd: market weak; beat stock-
era ateady; beeves. 14.246.(0; cows, bulla
and mixed. t3.Crj4Ki; stockers and feeders.
I.; i'"iH w; caive ani yeaning. iJ ii'st
HOOS Receipts, 2.6i0 head; market weuk;
aelllng at fi.06'u :'(: bulk of aales, t, ioa.15.
Stork la sight.
Receipt of live stock at the six prlne'fvt!
western markets yesterday weie a follows:
( stile, lloge. Pbet p
South Oi'ialm 2.' 8.6"t 1. sa - '
Sioux 'itv 3."" '-'i"" .... !
Kansas City li.J 5 "asi l..Vi 1
Si. Joeepl I.74:i t ill .IV 1
St. l-ouls l.tsi .i)i t.'H
Chit agu :"6,'wo j'J.Uai j.tX
Total 43.9M W.C7 6i.42
Wool Market.
ST. 1X)1"IS. XI arc 11 2S. WOOL Steady : 1 One-eighth commission on Grain, na
mediiini grade, combing and clothing. 14 rj 1 yumlar on Blocks. Prumpt and cartful
?.c; light fine V'4ic; h-vy fine, lfllc; i sttantion given to oulsld accounts, win
tub-washed. t7t"Ae. for rur daily Market Ltltar, matiag (r.
- Main Oftlua. :
I aire Market. 110-111 B tea rat ol Tratta Mty.
NEW TORK. Mar.-h C4 COFFEE- Mar- Oat ABA. Itl.
kei i! entj steady at unchanged prices to ( Laasj Dlstaaaa 'ri.a. Ilasagla U14.
an advance of f points In response to
siedv cable, gules were reported tf 7.7V1
bags. Including April at .70c: May. ;
Julv, 7.oni; 05c; September, 7 JfV; Novem
ber. 7 ttc; December. 7 45c: January. 7.60c.
Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio. 8ac.
let! Market.
NEW TORK. Msrch -M KTA I-S-There
was an advance of Ins In the I .on, Ion tin
market with pot closing nt 1(77 Is and
futures at l(v Iam-sIIv the market was
steadv and a shsde higher on the average
at 837.0n1..7.2n. Copper waa nervous snd
Irregular In tnndon, owing to manipula
tion, "pot closed at 88 8s and futures at
79 fa. Ijocally the market waa un
rnangea witn iase qunteo at i..rr
electrolytic. fia.tttTCJkL casting, tl'
18.25. Lesd wss qiiast ah 5..Vfi5 46 In
local market, but d'KlfMrs) to lt 1IN I
changed with lake quoted at tia.5fN "R:
M In
I xi inlon. Spelter waa insert at 34 15s
In tendon. Locally tuf market ws essy
I it tone, but unchsnged st M Kill 28. Iron
wss Irregular In the K.ngllsli market with
Standard foundry quoted at 47 Rd and
Cleveland warranta at 47s d. The locnl
market waa quiet and unchanged. No. t
lonndrv, northern. Is quoted at , 118 W4J
1S6; No. 2 foundry, nnrthe-n. tl7.7rVr,l.;
No. 1 foundry, aouthern, lis 4 18.75; No.
! foundry, southern. fl7 7818 tfv
ST. lI'18, March 2 MKT A I. Lead,
dull at ti.tTV. Spelter, dull at 8.07Vt.
Rvaaoraled Apples aad Driest Fralte.
A PPI.K.S Market shows a ateadier tone,
although no Important transaction are re
ported. Common to fair are quoted at
7t4C: fair to g.Hid. 16. 84fl'4.c; nearly
to strictly prime, V"i!4c; choice, 9MM0c;
fancy, lie.
are very firm In tone with a considerable
Jobbing demand and some bolder Inclined
to hold for higher prices. Quotations
range from 4'c to 6c. according lo grade.
Apricots are offering less freely, surplus
supplies from the interior having been
pretty well absorbed. Choice are quoted
at UHtc; extra choice, 11c; fanny, 11 HI
12'V- Peaches are quiet but steady, with
choice quoted at 10c; extra choice at l4c;
fancy, lo8Hc; extra fancy, U(4ytfl3c. Rai
sin are selling slowly on spot with loose
Muscstels quoted st tiSjeiHc: seeded raisins,
6'4jl7 7Sc: London layers. 81.50tf1.nri.
Oils aaal Rosla.
NEW YORK. March 38 -Oil A Cotton
seed oil. Arm; rrlme crude, fiHTic; yellow.
KS'aftvMc; petroleum steady; refined New
York. 87.80; I'hilsdelphla and Baltimore,
f7 66; In bulk, f4.65; turpentine, .tjulat,
72c t
ROSIN FTrm, ateamed (-omtnon to good,
SAVANNAH. Ga , March 26. OIL Tur
pentine quiet, flip.
ROBIN Firm; A. B. C. D. K and F. 13 AO;
Q. .; H. (4.15: K. 84.65; M. 15.35; N,
5.78; WO, f5.95; WW. to.tsl.
OIL CITY. March 2. -OIL Credit bal-ant-e.
tl.5s. Shipments. 119.018 bbls.; av
erage. 81. 937 bbls.; runs, lot,467 bbls.; aver
age, 80.417 bbls.; shipments Lima, 12T.Nl
bbls.; average, 82.896 bbls.; runs Lima,
80i87 bbl.; average, 36.41 bbla.
agar 41 Molasses.
NKW YORK, March 38. 81 "GAR Raw,
easv; fair refining, S 11-leW; centrifugal, 9
test. 1 17-82HT71 9-lc; molasse sugar, 2 25-3:tl'
2 18-;.'". Refined, quiet; No. 6. 4. JOc; No. 7,
4.16c: No. 8. 41flc; No. 1l, 4c; No. 11. 96c;
No. 12. 8.90c; No. 14, 3.85c: confectlonera' A.
4.65c; mould A. 6.fl6o: cut loaf. B.40c; crushed,
6.40c: powdered. 4Mc; granulated, 4.70o.
MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, jc.
NBW ORLKAN8, March JS -SrOAR -Market
firm; open kcttl centrifugal, 2V1'
8 7-lc: t-efitrlftigal whites. Stitc; yel
Icwa, Xm 13-1'; seconds, 2$3lc.
MOLASSES Nominal ; open kettle, 176'
30c; centrifugal. 73ac.
SYRI P-Nomlnal. 26 30c.
' Hank af (aerntaar Rtaleasent.
BERLIN. March !. The weekly hank
statement of the Bank of Germany shows
the following changes: Cash In hand. In
creased 29.4W.n00 marks; treasury notes,
decreased 1.140,000 msrks; other securities,
increased 700,000 marks: note In circulation.
Increased, 31,640,000 marks.
Rlgla Batter Market.
EIX11N. 111.. March 36.-BUTTKR Firm '
and unchanged from lust week, at 17c.
Sales for th week, 491.000 pounds.
Many Mllea of rftw Track Are Being
lilal ' aa Naplgly aa '
, . Css Be.
Railroad work ha been progress! nk
rapidly on all the lines tinder construction
In Nebraska and Wyoming, and only a few
days have been encountered thla winter,
when It was Impossible to work. On tne
118 miles stretch of I'nion Pacific wont
between .'orth Platte and Northport, the
fnlon Paclfto contractors hava at praaent
400 men and 100 teams at work. It 1 re
ported the Burlington has taken . off Hie
gang of men which was at work on th new
Burlington lines between North Platte and
Bridgeport and that the men and teams
are now at work, on Irrigation dltufie. wtat
of Bridgeport. ,.
On second track work In Wyoming, along
the main line of the I'nion Pacific, 20ft men
and SCO teams are at work at present and
more will be added as soon aa lit
weather moderates to make tt practicable.
No work has been done on th Stronis
burg rut-off to Central City, aa thla Is
mostly prairie work and the contractors
must wait until the frost I out of the
ground. ,
A permanent bridge Is being built by the
I'nion Pacific at North Platte and a solid
foundation haa been found for thla under
th changing sands of the Platte.
On the Ijine cut-off, which will be it-it
mllea long and save ten miles In tho
distance between Omaha and Valley, the
contractor have 276 men, eighty-one teama.
five steam shovels, thlrty-nln car and
nine locomotivea at work. Some of the
rut and fill on this work are enormous,
the surveyors stopping at no obstlcle, but
running a straight line for , nine mints
through farm, barns and orchards. Ths
railroad wilt run 104 feet above th Little
Papplo and will be seventy-five feet In th
air when It croesee th Big Pappio.
Elizaheth Kuhlman to G. A. Thod.
lot 9. block 1. Redlck park 12,400
8. B. Joslln to F. 11. Monro, lot 14
and a1, lot 15. Franklin Square l.J
Edgar A. Balrd to li. S. Benawa, part
lot It block 6. Park Place....- 1
O. H. Benawa and wife to Amanda
W. Johnson; same '. for)
T. P. Eddy to C. ('. Crsblree, I1 lot
8. block 8. Plalrivlew '.. t. ...... 1,000
W. L. Selby and wife to P. J. Horan.
lot . W. L. Selby a add 823
J. J. Fingers Id and - wife to John
Vaora. p.H Jut 6. block 6, Potter A
Cobb's (tdd .: t)
Anna and Joief Vaora ta same, lot I,
block 110, South Omaha ISO
Th West Omaha Milling company t
1 J. 11. Butter, lota 17 and ii. block
1 4. Brigg Place 4,040
' J. M. Hlpherd and wife to F. II Wll
' son et al., lot 2. block t. Hammond
Place 1.1 .....1... 100
An Opportunity of a Lifetime
American Da Forest - Wireless
Telegraph Stock.
; Buy It now whlla the price la low. It la
1 rspldiy advancing. Nothing on th market
has equalled it in possibilities for large
profits since the eariy days of Bell' Tc.
Ution. Call or Address
F. Da Day Cl Co.
ktockt. Oraln. Proviavlan
tktp Tssr Crala t Is.
Chleag aad Miaaeaaolls DelUery.