Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Crowd Takes
Bull Side
and Wheat ia
rlln Friendly far $.! Fw !
and gelling Less Aaaresslve
( ir Ilnll and I.lstleas,
i Inning lontr,
OMAHA. March 2V, 19',.
On the rally break commission houses
''f the buyer and on this fact mid on
the relative strength III Minneapolis, 'lie
crowd took the bull side, holding the market
strong uniil the rlojf, when realizing caused
a, set-lieck. 1'iisetilcd weather prnvailrd
I liioiishoiu the belr, with further precipi
tation predicted for the west and south
west tomorrow. The feeling fur the iasl
few Imvs nas lieen friendly und the selling
less aggressive. ,
'urn was dull and listless until the last
Imlf hour, when several Chicago pmfe:..
slonals worked against the market, after
i'ilmtn of a4 ram fr Monday wild
posted, fn the absence of trade their tf
lort vr'rn successful. Country movement
Is light, receipt, moderate ami domestic
diM.mnd good.
Tho trade In ontii wan limited, but the
tiiMtket Was steady, finally cubing somo
whal in sympathy with wheat and pom.
Export bids are Improving and the domestic
demand I good.
I'llmarv wheat receipts were TSi.onn hu.
ehllinieuts 1.71, ueo bu.. against receipts (
lift year of hu. and shipment of
lli'.mo hit. Corn iioclpts were 34.oii bu.
it nd shipment 2VVioo hu., against receipt
lust year of i.Si.two bil. and shipments of
ttw im.
Clearance were bu. wheal, ;
Mil floor, T7. bu. corn mid W,ii bu. oat.
r.ioonihall cstimutes world' wheat slnp
inenta lor Monday at 9.iino.nii- bu., against
:'.;.Ki bu. a week ago and 9.744.U-H bu.
list year. Australian wheat shipments
till week were 7'., bu.. against 1.424,nuo
bu. Inst week and 1, hu. last year.
Mverpool cloned unchanged to d higher
on wheal and d lower on corn.
l'roni the Inter Ocean: "Oats are selling
ill Unmlm at le higher than can be ahlpped
to C hicago and at Kna City and Pi.
I.oul they are bringing blither price than
Chicago. In the lat three duv Minne
apolis miller have sold Isn.Ouo burrela of
Hour, according to a report from there.
The Washburn Crosby company I said
to have ground 3n,iiii barrel of flour
Wednesday and nld 4.0)111 bnrrelN yeterday.
A cereal company recently bought ftnn.fiiio
bualiel of choice white oal at Minneapolis
mid all of the bushels held there
noma time ago have been aold and la be.
Ing moved out. Thl removes competition
from thnt quarter."
The local range of option:
I Open. High. Low. Close.
A sto4, B bid.
Omaha aah galea.
C(JRX-Nn. 3, 2 car. 3Sic
Osnaba, Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 3 hard. 7?fl75c; No. S hard,
'fi71'r;-No. 4 hard, fti'fJ'W'tc; No. 2 spring,
7-'i74c; No. 3 aprlng, 7;j74c; No. 4 spring,
C)KN--Ni. 3, .tSU'ft.'WUo; No. 4, :7rt37Hc
a white. 3iAc.
OAT8 No. 3 nilxtd
iKinflJic.; No.
white, Js4f(!)0c- No. 4 white,
H YK-'-No. 2, Mt: No. 3, 62c.
Carlot Heeelpl.
- Wheat. Corn. OaH.
lilcago 2
Kansas City 17
Minneapolis 310
Omaha, 5
Dulutli 3;
tn. ixiuis lit
Peatarea u( the Trading; anil Ooalng
Prices o Board of Trade.
CH1CAOO, March 34 Profit-taking by
llsc.unragcil Jioldern. Imparted, a weak tone
to the local wheat market at the close
today, final quotations on the May delivery
being off He. Corn wa also down He.
Oat showed a loss of H'5,c Provisions
were Jcil5c lower.
Trading In the wheat pit Was very light
in id during the greater part of the aesslon
heiu lininl was Inclined to bearlshness.
Owing to the failure of the Liverpool
wheat market td respond to the strength
In the local wheat market yesterday there
was a moderate decline at the Blurt, the
May option being off 4ic to 7Vi'7leo.
Toward the end of the first hour there waa
it slight tally, following a sharp advance at
Minneapolis, the strength of the northwest
cm inai get being1 due to decreasing stocks
and a lively demand for cash wheat. For
tho May delivery the highest point of the
day waa reached at 787c. luring the last
hour there was moderate liquidation by
local longs, and aa a result the market be
came quite weak. The clone waa at the
lowest point of the day, final quotations on
May being at 7e,c. July ranged between
77o and 1&V4C and closed with a not loss of
c. at T7V. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 1S4.0U0 bushels. Primary re
ceipts were 390,000 bushels, compared with
Bo.uOO a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and
Chicago reported recelpta of 348 cars,
against X last Week and 22S a year ago.
Belling by cash Interests and commission
houses caused weakness In the corn mar.
ket, a heavy tone being manifested during
the entire day. Lower cables and a decline
lu the price of cash corn were the main
uepresaing tnnuencea. onerlnga were taken
largely by shorts. The market closed weak
at the lowest point of the day. May opened
'n'tV lower at 44Va44So. sold off to 43'dc
and cloned at 44c. Local receipts were 23u
cars, wiin I 01 contract grade.
Trading In oat waa exceedingly dull and
prices rangea witntn narrow limits. Sent!
inent In the pit was a trifle bearish In eynv
ioiiiy wnn otnnr grain. May opened a
naae 10 MCf -4c lower at WSfcftaofcc. sold tin
to 80o and closed at 30Hc Local receipts
were l'J9 cars.
owing to a 60 decline In the price of live
bogs there was considerable proflt-takliig
In provisions, the selling of lard being a
icuuire. 1 ne market ruled weak through
out the session. At the close May pork
tjas off l.Sc at 1 as, lard was down 10c at
iiu were isc lower at S3.K3.
Kattmated receipts for . Mondsy are
nneai, cars; corn, -am cars; oats, 135
imnn, iu,vai nean.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. HIgh. lw. Close ! Yes'y
July Bept.
May July
May July
781,1 ;
774 1
44 Vfl i'
44Wi44V'n '
. "V-, V'I 4i'
3 .I0tl'i
ai at',
-V-t 'l !
2ti-,ii9'l -v
1G 46
lti 30
111 4t I
Jti 33
II 5Ji,
8 62t
8 60
8 75
8 7IS
1H 35
lb 25
Hi 25
Iti 50
111 424
8 l.Vfc
8 3241
8 4 I
8 S2V
8 6,
8 32'4
8 4L',
x i. .
8 (il'S
t 7S
a 70
8 tio
8 m
8 i'.ts
8 b'l
8 67,
8 .'!
No. t
Cssh ouotatlons were as follows
FLOUR Steady ; w inter patents. $3 iy
$.9u; wiater straights. $3.3uru3 so; spring pi.
vuts. $3"; straights, $o.3n.y3 jri. bakers
9i J"ri ;v.
WHEAT No. I spring, TTtislo: No. 3,
Uc; No. 3 red. MWfrjM'.c.
t'OHX-No. 2, 434c; No. 2 yellow. 434c
OATS No. a, 3oac; No. 2 white, 334c; No.
I nite, so4mii,c.
RYE No. 2. -fi4c.
bARLEY Good feeding. 374'u3lic; fair to
cliolee malting. 4iTiooc.
SEEI'8 No. 1 flax, $1 ti7: No. 1 northwest
mi. $113. Timothy, prime, $3,174. Clover.
coin raet graae, sio.oo.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $ir, X
tilb.:. Lard, per lot lbs., $4 27', Short ribs
sides 1 loose 1. 5.Vn on, short clear sides
I boxed 1. $8u(n 5 96.
Receipts snd shipmenl of grain and flour
were as follows: Receipt. Shipments.
Flour, bbl 23.100
Wheat, bu 5 ( 39
Col 11, bu 1791 124el
Oats, bu 14Ssi j4.7'i
Re. bu 2vi i.uiO
llarley, bu 3."
On lbs Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, h.ti
2u4c; dairies, 15n23-. Eggs, easier; at mark.
csm-s includerl. 124c; lirais, 124-: prime
first. 14 V- Cheese, strong. 11j134c
Ualalk Ursla Market.
DIHTH. March 34 -WHEAT To sr
rive: Nt. 1 northern. 7IU-; No. I north sin.
r On track: No. 1 northern, TV; No. t
Wheat I I I
May 72A! ?!A! T1SA 71SB
Corn 'I i I
May a4A 'lAi3.')''(i'! 39'i
July ?;ai svM sha! v.
Oats I I I
May 1 ) 1 29tB
northern. 7 ; May. 7Vc; Julv, 79Se; (Sep
tember, 7V.
OATS-To arrive and on track, 2!V; May.
oh A lit w iioi.r. tt.r: market.
Coadltiaa of Vrarie and 4ta(atlons on
staple anil Fancy Prod ace.
EOO.5 ueceipls, liberal; fresh stock, case
fount, ljc.
UVU POC'LTRV Hens, lOfcloV; old
loonier.", o' ; turkiys. if; ducks, IIm;
young roosters. Milic; geese. Sc.
DRESSED POl l.Tin Turkejs. lMilUc:
old tonio, l&'uliK-; chickens. loyKc; old loost
ers, 7c; ducks. 12'il3c; geese, l'V.
Rl'TTER P.u king stock, choice to
fancy dairy, lVy liic; creamery.
HAY Prices quoted by Uiuaha teed coin
pany: No. 1 upland, $7; medium, $ri..j;
coarse. f;.iaatto.SK Ryu straw, $ri.0o.
MSA N Per tun, 117.60.
DATIiS-Pcr box of i 1-lb. pkg.. $.' i;
Hallowdcn, III 7"-lb. boxes, per ll., ic; fay
ers, per II).. 4c; walnut Muffed, 1-lb. pkgs.,
ter doX.; s.0. l.K,xe9. $1.W(.
CiRA.VUKS-Californiu, cn'ia rainy Ked
Innd navels, all sizes, 13.U; lamy navels,
) in; choice, all aiies,
LK.MOX8- l.iiiionieis, extra f;uicy :
Sire. ;,7j; av to mo size. It. .6
KItiH California, per li-lb. carton, 7.7'if
"c: Imported Suiyina, llirec-:i own, lie; U
frown, 13c.
HA NANA S Per medium slztd bunch, J1.7i
I 2.25; Jumbos. l.'.JviXQU.
T A N( ; Kit I N California, per bog of
about U'i, fli.iiu.
(IHAI'K l'TUTI'-l'lorida. per box, J7.l"y'
7.5o; Culifoinia, per box, $I.oii4.5o.
Pi:AUy-Vlr.ter Nclli. JJ.iO.
Aj'PIjKS California Newton, pippin and
Itiililwlns, J3 per bu. Iwx; Hen Liavis, U
per bu. box; Wlncnap. f.P" !er bu. box;
ther vaneiies. rx r bu ; New York
spples, Halriwins'and Kussets. pi .00 per bid.
.Vjii.At'KH Imported Malagas. i.uo.
Ol. li K.ui;TAi:Lb;.
POTATOES Jlunie grown, per bu., to.j
COi'; South Dakota, per bu., 75c.
NAVY HKANS-Per bu 1.w; No. 2, (1.75.
LIMA HKANS-Per lb., 5'sc.
CABHAUK Calilornla, :fc wr lb.; Wis
consin, In crate per 'b.. -4'!,2:;4C.
I'er bu.. 8f'C.
CEI.KRY-Oaliroinla, $1 pr dos.
HWEKT POTATOES Illinois, t-er ll-'uk.
bbl., 84.50.
TOMATOES Florida, wi crate of 30 lbs..
net, $ti.6u.
WAX BEANS Per baniDcr of about 30
lbs., net. t.
ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red.
per bu.. hoc: boamsli. per crata, 12. 2o; Colu-
l-ad.i. red and yellow, la r bu., 81.
STIllNti I'.ICANS Per humcer of about 30
lbs., net, 83.H''f 4.00.
utt ken I'liiTtits-Florida, per -ua8Kei
ci ate, 4..i0.
Louisiana, per dos. bunches, 75c.
bllAI.I.Ol lb EouiMnnu. uer doxen
bundles, 75c,
HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, tier bbl..
fl.WtW 00, per doa. heads, $1 .OOiJj 1 . 26.
LKAk LKllltlS- Hothouse, per uoz.
heads, 4T.O.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doi., il.70'0
NO. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 2 ribs, 114c: No. 3
ribs, 84c; No. 1 loins, lc; No. 2 loins, 13c;
No. 3 loins. 10c; No. 1 chucks, 54c; No. 2
chucks, 5u; No. 3 chucks, 4c; No. 1 round.
740; No. 2 round, iyc; iso. 3 rouna, ic;
No. .1 plate. 4c; No. J. plute, 34c; No. 3
plate, 3c.
ai ink. uija i r,oi' o.
CIDER Per Keg, 3.7i,; per bbl., IG.75.
HONEY New, per 24 lb., $3.50.
CHEESE Swiss, new. ltic; Wisconsin
brick, l.Sc; Wisconsin limbcrger, loc; twins.
134-; Young Americas, 6c.
V , J VI nlnl. V n 1 a.ifl ltnll l.tttV
crop, per ID., 1:14c; nnra sneus, per 10.,
JM40. I'ecans, large, per iu., ic; email, per
lb 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 04c; roasted, per
lb., so. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12i&134c.
Almonds, soft MuUh, per lb., 17c; hard
shells, per lb., 1m. cocoanuts, i per. sack
of loo. ....
FRESH FISH J rout. Jlc; nanoiit, ioc;
pickerel, dressed, 7e; while bass, 11c; sun:
bsh, 8i9c; perch, skinned and dressed. Sc.;
pike, 10c; redsnapper, 11c: salmon, 11c;
crapples, 69c; eels, 18c; black baas, 22c;
wtuiensn, ic, iron irgB, i-. uo., pgc, iuu
Biers, green, 33c; boiled lobsters, 37c: blue
fish, 16c; herring, 4o; Spanish mackerel, lOc;
haddock, loc: shrimp, tl.OOl.&O per gallon:
smelts, 12c; cod, 12c.
RADISHES iiomouse, per aos. Duncnes,
50-'fl7oc. , lt
Ml ftlKOOaiSS AviiiiMBC, per io., wpK.
HVSTHH8-Fresh standard. 11.40 per sal.:
shell ovsters. ll.OKtl2.oO per 100; Little Neck
clams, $1.60 per 100. ....
BUuAK uranuiatea cane, in dois.,
granulated cane, in sucks, Jo. 01; granulated
beet, in sacks. 84.91.
BtRUr-in Darrein, sic per gni.i m cases,
t lo-lb. can, 31.60; cases, 11 b-1I. cans, 83 8o;
cases, 24 24-"- cans,
COrFKf itoaatea: io. .), ivc per io.;
No. 30, 204c per lb.; No. )S, ll4c per lb.;
No. 20, K4c per lb.; No. 21, 124c per lb.
FLOUR, twnoiesaiei neai nign giaue ise-
braska, per cwt., $19o; best high grade pat
ent Minnesota, per cwt., 32.30; straight pat
ent Nebraska, per cwt., ii.w, secoud pat
ent Nebraska, $1.80.
CURED lort amny wnuensn. per 4
bbl.. 1'( lbs., 34.uO; Norway mackerel, per
bbl., 200 lbs., bloaters. 840.00; No. 1, l8.o;
f"o. 2, 824.W; No. 3. 8ji.U0; Irish, No. 2. llg.Oo;
lerring, In bbls., iOO lbs. earn, Norway, 4k,
313. 00; Norway, Sk, 813.00; Holland, mixed,
ill. 5o; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers,
8oc; kegs, mixed, 70c.
CANNED wouiffl t orn, stanaara west
ern, 66'U'jOc; Maine, i ..a. l ulna toes, 3-1 1),
cans, $1.2.V1.60; 2-lb.. 9;4c(&1.0". Pineapples,
grated, 2-lb.. 82.Ufxii2.80; sliced, Jl. 902.20.
Oallon apples, fancy, (3.50; California apri
cots, 81.4otU2.00; pears, tl.1bfgl.b0; peaches.
fancy. I17,Ai2.40; ii. c. peaches, U(albJ.
Alaska salmon, red, $1.15; pink. 80c; fancy
Chinook. V.. $2.10; fancy sockeye. F.. $
sardines, 4 oil, $2.6o: mustards, $2.kxrf
810. sweet potatoes, i.ia'gi.a; sauerkraut,
$1.00; pumpkins. 80ca$1.00; wax beans, 3-lb.,
76'(i9'.'c; lima beans, 2-lb., 75c'j 11.33; spinach,
8l.354i2.0o; cheap eas, 2-lb., Sue; extra, ?a
foe: Yanev. 81 S54il.75r.
BROOMS No. 1 carpet, 3.2a; No. 2 carpet,
uw; in. a piain. .j.
green hides. 9c: No. 2, Re; No. 1 Baited
lie; No. 2. 10c; bull hides, "H'gsqic; dry
hides,, liSLW. Horse nides, latge, a; small.
i oneep pens, eacn oocy i . zo. lauow, jmo,
4c; No. 2, 3c; rough, 14c
gt. Lonls tieneral Market
ST. LOUIS, March 24. WHEAT Lower;
iso. 2 red, cash, elevator, fc3isc; track,
931130; May. 764c; July, 747,c; No. ;
hard, 7Si83c.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 410; track
434c; May. 41,c; July, 42441 42c.
OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 314c;
32c; May, c; July, 29c; No. 2
FLOUR Steady: red winter patents
$4.15ii4 26; extra fancy and straight, $3.70)3'
.e0; lears. K.Txi
S BED Timothy. Meadv. $2.50ai.8O.
COHN MEAL Steady. $2.20.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 85c.
HAY Steady; timothy, $6.oo'a 14.50; prairie,
$.Mt 10.J0.
PROVISIONS Pork", steady; jobbing.
$lt 26. Lard, lower; prime steam, $7.90:
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
$s.76; clear ribs, $H .874; short clears, $9 On.
Hacon, steailv : boxed extra shorts, $9 50;
clear ribs. $9,624: short clears. $9.75.
POULTRY Quiet ; chickens, 104c:
springs. L'4c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, l"c;
geese, 74c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery. 2o$28c;
dairy, lSu.'lc.
EOOS Steady at 12c. case count.
Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbls 7, W0
Wheat, bu R4.AW
Corn, bu 3'.i,imi io.eou
Qat. bu 39,uoo 7.000
Kansas t Ity tiraln aiitl Trovlslona.
changed; May. 73c; July, 704c; S"ptember,
74e. Cash: No. 2 hard, 754l7c; No. 3. 724
ti7r;4c: No. 2 red. 9lti34c: No. 3, i'j504c.
CORN Steady: Mav. 39,c; July. 'c.
Cash: No. 2 mixed, 41 4 42c; No. 2 white,
4-4i4:ic; No. 3. 44c.
OATS-lliglici ; No. 2 white, 32'324c
RYE Steady, 674c.
HAY Steady: choice timothy. $11. -o'g 11.50;
choice prairie. $.75v.i..
lil TTER Ellin; creamery, 2iic; packing.
EOOS Steady; Mlsaourl and Kansas, new
No. 2 wliitwood cases included, 42c; case
count, He; vases returned. 4c off.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu 24,010
Corn, bu lS.ouo 25. mo
Oats, bu 5.0UO 13.uoo
Vilnaskr t.raln Market.
Steady; No. 1 northein, S"4imc; No. I
northern. 77i79c; May, 7s-v,c, asked.
RYE Steady; No. 1. 4c.
HARLEV Steady ; No. 2, bbc; sample.
37Vi We
t URN Wiwer; No. 3 cash, 42'4fi42c;
May, 4.:i:,e. uskrd.
rkllaaelphla Produce Market.
Weak; prints lr- lower; extra western
creamery. 2o; extra nearby prints, Sue.
EUriS-Flrni; nr-ai by afresh and western
fresli. lf,4' a 1 mark.
CHEESE Steady; New York full creams.
Ilrerpool Crais an Pravlsloas.
LIVERPOOL. Marrh 24 - W H EAT-e)ot
roinlnsl; futures, sicady; March, iioiuinul;
Msv. i'S,d: July, 6a 7d.
CORN Spot, Aiueiican mixed, new, linn.
4 3d: Anierh an loixert. old. 4
Head); March, nominal. May.
id: future
4s IlSd.
nf the liar on
4 'nmmoa Itles.
NEW YoltK. March 24-FI.OI R-Re-cetpts.
4.:.ks l.hls.: exiKiits. 15.44: bids.
Market (Hoi with light Inquiry: Minnesota
$4.1.S;4:; Minnesota baker. M.1ia.75; win
ter patents. $:(.9e'a4 .25: winter straights.
83.7&J.S; winter extras, $J.7.Vfi:i :5. Rye
Hour, dull; fair to good. $.:.4l"'i3.91'; choice
lo fsncv. $!.9Mi I ;i
ctiR.NMEAl Firm: fine wlilte and yel
low. $J;lo. coarse, $l.iCiil.o5; kiln dtied,
'H MSLEY-rnill. Verding. 40', c c. I. f.
Buffalo; malting. i',M- c. I. f. Huffulo.
Wl I EATt Receipt. fi2.) bu.; spot inar
l;'t steady; No. 2 red, k elevator; No. 2
led, nominal. I. o. b. afloat. Except right
at the opening, when It temporarily weak
ened under disappoint ing cables, fine
weather and heaviness in the northwest,
wliet was Unit all the foreoou. selling
above the close. Its hulllsh Influences
were light Austrian shipment, timidity of
short, commission house suiqiorl and
prospects for lather siiihII worlds shlp
nienis on .Monday. The close was net un
changed. May. ii l-lfitiiti'iic. closed at Sic;
July. M4'nM4c closed al Sljc; Septem
ber. Vi",e. closed al 3V
CORN Receipts. U.ti bu.; exports. 25,
1N bu.;.spot market steady: No. 2, 64c ele
vator, iiinl 51'c f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yel
low. 5:'u,c; No. 2 while, ,":''4c. option mar
ket was ijulei tiud a shade lower through
pressure from long, closing at i,c net
dei lin... May. .'o'x.ilc. closed at 51c; Julv,
.Su'n.'ilc. closed at file; September closed at
51',c: Deecmher closed at 60c.
OATS Receipts, hii.fil bu.; exports. 23.W7
bu.; sihiI market til 111; mixed oats. In to
32 pounds. :tHc; natural white, 3" to
pounds. W'i:i7e; clipped while,
pounds, :C4'ii::;"c.
HA Y Steady; shipping. 4MijOc
38 to 4i
; good to
cliolee. ii.x.,c.
HOPS Dull; state common to choice.
I!6, UKul.Sc; 1IM, 7'n9c; old. 6f7c; Pnclflc
coast. 1!'5. ftttl:lc; lii. 9"tl0c; olds, 4fiiic.
HIDES-Firm; Oalveston. tn 35 lb.,
:'oc; Calitornla. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas
dry. 21 to 31 lbs., 19c.
LHATIIK.R-Steadv; acid. 2Vi271lic.
PROVISIONS HeeT. steady; family. $11 50
:'.: ines, $!MkJi lo.lo; beef hams. $.ti.oo'a
21 .So; packet. 1o Kuri 10.50; extra India mess,
$15 wi IS.1. ut meats, steady; pickled
bellies, J9.rii1o.25: pickled shoulders, $7.00 pickled ham. 8in.2rvrilo.7ii. I.ard,
barely steady; western. steainrd, $S.rruS.4n,
nominal ; retlned barely steady: continent.
3X5: South America. $9.35: compound. $n.25
W'i.'4. Pork, linn; family, $l6.Srril5.Si;
mess, $1i;.7.Vrj17.26.
1 ALI.OW-Sleadv ; city, ov: country, iff
Kit E Steady: uomesiic, lair 10 exira.
3'4'ri'ic: Japan, nominal.
1 nUTTEK Unchanged; receipts,
ell EESE-Steady and unchanged
r elpts. 5,355 boxes; weekly exports.
EOt.S Easier: receipts. 14. .3 pkgs.: tate,
Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected,
white. 20c: state, choice. 17i19o; state,
mixed, extia. 17c: western 4'irsts. loiv:
western seconds, 15'ril5'c; southerns, 14
164c ' , , ,
POULTRY t-p, firm; western chicken.
ll'Ac; fowls, 14'sc: turkey. HVrilHo: dressed
flrni: western chli-ken. ly&13c; turkeys, 14
fi19c; fowls, 11rjl44c.
Minneapolis Hrala Market.
iSunerlnr Board of Trade Quotations for
Minneanolis and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices, as furnished by V. D. Day
& Co., no-m uoara ot lraoo puuuina.-
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close ! Yes y.
Wheat I I
77J 7,
7041 S04
77', 7N4
May.. ..1 iti -i
July... 79:
Sept ... 1 .74;
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
bard, 7K-V; No. 1 northern. 7S'4c; to ar
rive, 78'4c; No. 2 northern. 704c; to arrive.
7tV; No. 3, 7467&iC; No. 1 Durum, 71c;
No. 2 Durum. 9c. Corn: No. 3 yellow.
Iisc; No. 3. 37c. Oats: No. 3 white, 29e;
No. 3. 27y2Sc. Barlev: 37ffl47c. Rye: 55'4
Sj56o. Flax: Cah. $1,144: May. $1.16.
Peoria 4;ralu Market.
lirnnl -MaVlt 4 IVinW TTirm" Vrt
S vellow 4214c: No. S. 42c: No. 4. 414c: no
grade. 39&t40c.
oats Firm; io. 3 wnue, jo-:tc; ino.
White, Sue.
WHISKY On baslg of $1.28 for finished
Toledo Seed Market.'
TOLEDO. March 24. SEEDS Clover, cash
and March. $7.80; April. $7.72; October, $6.22.
Timothy, $1,50. Alslke, $8,25,;
London Closing; Blocks.
LONDON, March 24. Closing quotations
on stocks were:
ronoln. money ... Wl-14 X. Y Ontrnli
., kl
.. hi
.. 7.;-
.. H
.. 4'i
.. 50
.. 4IV
do account
u l-l ftorrolK tc
da ptd
Pal. ft Ohio
Canadian PaitAc
t he. Ohloi
Chicaio Ot.. W...
C, M. St St. P..
Dnrr A R. O...
do pfd
do lut pfd
do 2d pfd
,. l"-k do pfij ....
.. KnH Ontario W
..lll PenilBylvsnla
..IISUj Hind tllne .
..174 Reidinf
.. hit si do lftt pre..
..III.1 n M -pfd.
. .1791 Southern Itailwajr
.. IKS' do pfrt .
..44 So. Partllr i
.. no jl niun Pacific I9I4
.. 4.1H' do P''1
.. 74 V. 8. Hteel 41
. . 1il 1 frl "S
..174 iWahaari 1:IS,
Illinois central
IxiuliTlll & Naah...l"4.i do pfd 62'
M . K. A T 3 I
SILVER Rar, firm, 30 3-ltkl per ounce.
MONEY 3ij34 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 34 per cent; for three
months' bills, 34'5j3 9-16 per cent.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, March 24. COTTON Spot
closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.75c; mid
dling gulf. 12c; sales, 500 bales.
Spot closed firm; sale, 2.860 bale; ordi
nary, c; good ordinary. 9 U-lHc; low mid
dling. 104c; middling, 114c: good middling.
HSc; middling fair, 12c nominal; receipts,
4.570 bales; stock. 2i'5.737 liale.
ST. Lol" 1 8. March 24 COTTON Firm:
middling. 114c; sales, none; receipts, 677
bales; shipments, 28 bales; stock, 43,122
In fair demand; prices b point higher;
American middling fair. .55d; good mid
dling, 8.25d; middling, K.oml; low middling,
5.89d; good ordinary, S.Tld; ordinary, 6.6od.
The sale of the day were 8.000 bales, of
which 1.000 were for speculation and ex
port and included 7.1u0 American. Re
ceipt, 2,oo0 bale, all Apierican.
Sniar and Molaase.
NEW YORK, March 24. SIO AR Raw
etiKV: fair refining. 311-lis-: centrifugal. ftH
test, 5 17-S2i.1 Hoc: molasses sugar, 2 26-32rt
2 13-160. Ketinen, unlet; rvo. o, 4.2W-; No. 7,
4.15c; No. K, 4. UK-; No. 10, 4o; No. 11, 3,5c;
No, 12. 3.9IK-; No. 14, 3.85c; confectioner' A,
4.55c; mould A, 6.05c; cutloaf. 5.4oc; crushed,
5.40c: powdered. 4 80c; grsnulated. 4.70c.
MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 3xc.
Finn; open kettle, centrifugal, 2S&3 7-1HC;
centrifugal white, 3ty4c; yellows, S1
9 i;i-ior; seeonus. aTi,-.4c.
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 17(8
Sue; centrifugal, 7'tiL'Oo.
SYRUP Nominal. 25'i30c.
t'learlnsT Hons Averages.
NEW YORK, March 24 The statement
of the New York clearing bouse bunks for
this week shows that the banks hold $b,3ti3,
7 1 a over the legal reserve requirements.
This is an Increase of $t9$,ij5ti over last
week. The statement follows: Loans
$l,o29,H33,iino, increase $3,9ol.2uo; deposit
$l.o3.o1.3uti, Increase 4.2n2,UO; circulation
$51. 159.7UO, Increase $4:tH,iii legal tenders
$7T,2o7.U, decrease $i-,3,5'; specie $l2.4-4.-5ro.
Increase $1.972,si0; reserve. $:5!.ii31.ii. In
crease $1.549.3no; reserve reijuned $.'53,2b7. Increase $l,v50.ti5i: surplus gri.3tU.775. in
ert as $49.'i5o; rx-Unlted Stales deposit
$9,317,575, increase $4il5,3;5.
Bank (leariuas.
OMAHA. March 24 Hank clearings for
today were $1, 570.361. 03 und for the corre
sponding date last year $1.2r4,992.7.
19i. 19u5.
Monday I1.W7. 749.14 $1,514.29
Tuesday I,oo3.9h4.n
Wednesday 1.52.079 Si
Thursday 1.59.7(i0.24
Friday l o25.mi.74
Saturday 1.57o.3ol.u3
1.241. 916.29
1 'k7.:i .
1.S7S.763 iT2
1.304, Wi. 47
Total $9.79'. ST $4. Ill, 665.20
Increase over last year, $1,617,300.67.
Exports ana Imports.
NEW YORK. March 24 Total Impuiis of
merchandise and dry goods at New York
for the week ending today were valued at
$13,971,751. Imisirts of specie at New York
tor Hie week were 151. (Ml silver and $917.30$
gold. Exports of specie were $'.5.u55 silver
and no gold.
Rank af America Dividend.
CHICAGO, March 24 D. D. Healv, re
ceiver for the bank of America, aiino.ineerl
today that be was ready to pay a further
SO per cent dividend on account of deposits
III the defunct hank, making a total pay
ment of 70 per cent.
Treasury statement.
WASHINGTON. Marrh 24. -Today s state
ment of the treasury tkulnnce u the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $l5cu'i.iao gold
reserve, shows: Available rash balance,
$15.4M.9l7: gold coin and bullion, $77,94367;
gold, en tifleate, $45,3X,,7y.
Most Kinds of Cgttls. a Little Lower j
for the Week. !
Heeelpis nf sheep and Lambs Consist
Mostly of Thro nan Mlt (on.
slaned to I'nstern
Feed Lots.
south omaha
March 24. V.H
Heceipis were:
Oflicial Monrlav
OiUlihI Tuesday
OtlieiMl W, ilnesilny ..
official Thursday
Oflicial Frlil v
Official Sal 11 ills)
Totals this week....
Last week
Two weeks ago...!....
I'hree eek ago
Four weeks ago
Cattle. Hogs. SlierB).
. . 4.117 3.i.: 1 i. :t
.. 5.072 II. IM 15.'.':;7
. . 5.37s ii.v.x 7,;ii",
.. 4.4r 15.4SH 4.294
.. 1,750 12.3.VI ::j
1" 7,io 7.4"
..21.71.1 i.l,r.-1 M.12!
..19,:r!l 4I.7'4 M.nix
..18.7x2 4i..;:io :ti.2hi
..:4.21 ;,S.'1 Ki.aSti
..21.732 lil.JlX 44.011
. . 18.0-15 45.951 31,175
me loimwing snows the receipts or cat
tle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
trie ymr to date, compared with last year;
I,,.! IU'. I,n
I'e i;ie.:i.':;
1 -..;
oii'ep 407.187 375.354
Fit 1 1 1 1 v a mil pi i.' Td
The following shows the number of cats
or nil c kers and feeders shipped to the coun
try Friday and their points of destination:
O. Nli kl,, n. Aiiriersoii la R.
1 1
n. a. "ien-, Prcseott, la. (4
J. Cromwell. Murdork R. I
S. H. tlassmnn, Persia, la. Mil
J. B. Hlrgh. Brayton. la. R. I
letorson N., Osceola, la. U. p....
Cranrlull. Dow Cltv. la. 1. C
A. Hnkhopper. lhiw Cltv. la. 1. C.
H. J. Smith, Blair M. & O
Eiffei t Hr is.. West Sid ', la N. W.
H. Hancock, Rclmyler u. P.,
ary K., Anita. la.-R. 1
J- . Carlson, Atlantic, la. R. 1...
J. Duff. Desota, la. It. I
R. H. Woo. Bayard. Ia. -Mil
The official number of car ot
brought in tiulm' 1,1- ...... 1, ,..,..i .....
.. r. Cattle. Hogs. She p. H r's
. I . Of fM. I
Missouri J'aellic
Union Pacific svstem. 2
C. N. W., east
C. N. W west
'., St. P.. M. O
C, B. - t)., enst
C, H. Q., west 7
C., R. 1. ft P.. east
C. R. I. & p., west
Illinois Central
Chicago O. W
Total receipt 9
T"l. .11- ,1.1 - - .L.
19 .. 1
3-' 3
13 ii 'i
3 '..
lol 29 3
, 11,- uieusiuoii 01 me uay receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tlie Hum-
i 1 ui iieMii iiiuicaieu:
Hogs. Sheep.
Omahu pMcklnff Co
Swift and Company
Cudaliy Par kliie Co
Armour Co
2.910 750
Sheridan Meat Co
Other buyers
1R9 8,911 750
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $3.Va&.!3 J0.1,Vn.3O
Chlr-sgo l.iVinH.30 6tKHii.6
Kansas City 2.25'af.r5 5.J5'n6.374
St. Louis 6.'i6.5o
Sioux City 3.ooi6.70 .lryu6.26
The following will show the prices paid
for the different kinds of cattle on the
South Omaha market:
Good to choice corn-fed steers $4.S5$5.5
Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4.6Vcr4.o5
Common to choice corn-fed steers.. 4.WU4.66
uood lo choice cows and heifers.. 3. 754 50
Good to choice feeders 4.Xfi4.4o
Fair to good Blockers and feeders., i ,6o4.00
Common to fair stockets $.75'it3.50
Bulls, stags, etc 2.SO64.00
The following table shows (he average
price of hogs at South Omaha, for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 190$. 1U6.104. 1903. 1U3. 1901. 11900.
Mch. 7...
Muh. S...
Mch. ...
Mcli 10..
Mch 11..
Mch. , 12..
6 124
4 89
i T3I
6 301
i 19
6 11
6 Ul.
6 151
T 15
6 16
5 16
6 14
6 261
4 71
4 73
4 71
4 73
4 76
4 79
4 75
4 79
4 85
4 94
4 90
4 87
4 81
4 81
4 91
4 93
4 ft
4 8
6 15
tt 11
4 SS
7 26,
6 14
4 6
7 29
6 24
J 161
7 31
7 241
6 18
6 16
6 35
6 21
Mch. 13..
5 16
t 2b;
6 15
5 04
6 04
4 98
4 95
4 97
6 00,
Mch. 14..
Mch. 15..
Mch. 16..
Mch. 17..
Mch. 18..
Mch. 19..
Mch. 20..
Mch. 21..
6 03 V
4 tn
4 91
4 94
7 2D
6 22
6 15
6 17
6 22
6 271
6 07 41
ff 201
7 10
7 06i
7 19
7 33
6 11
4 9s;
6 20
5 29i
6 01
6 10
5 27
6 2ii
6 164! 6 08
6 IN41 t 131
6 174 5 08
6 15
Mch. 22..
5 13
6 15
Mch. 23..
Mch, 24..
0 j)'4i 0 on
I 6 f
7 44!
6 03
6 02
6 06
6 22
CATTLE Although the receipt yester
day were late In arriving, the yards were
pretty well cleaned up before the close,
very little stock being carried over. The
fresh receipts this morning ss usual on a
Saturday were extremely light In conse
quence of which there was not enough of
anything on sole today to be worth (pioltng.
Heavy receipts have been a characteristic
of this week's cattle trade. The total ar
rive without exception ure the heaviest
for any week so far this year. As will be.
noted from the table of receipts published
at the head of this column, there was a
largo gain over the previous week and a
slill larger gain over the corresponding
week of a year ago.
Another feature of the week's trade la
the large number of beef steers coming
forward to market. While there are 110
figure from which to make comparisons,
those who have been in the trade lor many
year claim that they cannot recall a season
when the receipts were so largely made up
of fair to good beef steers during the month
of March a at the present time. In spile
of this very large run the rattle market
this week has been in fair condition, al
though there has been a lower tendency to
values. A right choice bunch of prime
beeves would prubojjly sell very nearly as
high as last week. Good handy-weight
cattle are probably liVolSc lower for the
week, while rough heayy beeves have de
clined 15ti26c.
Cows and heifers, notwithstanding the
large receipts, have been in miMir.ute sim
ply and there haa been a very good buying
nemanil 011 the pari or local packers. 1 he
market on the better grudes has la-en will
inaintaiiiud. Anything on the fair to good
order can safely be quoted fully as high
as Inst week. Common canners and cutters
on the other hand, have been Inclined to
drag and gradually eased off as the week
advanced. This kind is as low as It has
been any time this Winter.
Blockers and feeders sold at very strong
prices during the hist half of the week,
but toward the close that i. on Thursday,
the receipts began Increasing quite rapidly,
the prevailing high prices having appar
ently Induced free shipments. At the same
time with tho growth ot the receipt the
country demand was somewhat disappoint
ing, so that under these two influences
working In opposite directions the market
eased off and at the close of the week is
generally 1oj15c lower.
Representative sales:
N's. At. ft. Nr. At. Pr.
11 .( 4 .".4 lliu 4 45
ti ilil 4 40 7.. l"7i 4 ii
7 17 I 11
HOGS A few loads of hogs sold early
this morning at prices very nearly su-urly
Willi yesterday, shippers and speculators
being the buyers. Par kers generally started
out bidding lower, and the trade al lirst
was very slow. Later on buyers ar.d sell
er got together on a basis of price mat
were Jusl about 24c lower than yesterday's
general market. The trade then became
active and ihe rece ipts soon changed hands.
The Hogs sold very largely al 0.224tii 25.
as against $6 22VU&274 yesterday. The
top today was $6 JO, w hich was 24c lower.
A load was aold very late yesterday al
$6 324. the high point of the year.
Hogs have shown considerable Improve
ment this week notwithstanding the fact
that the receipts have been extremely
heavy that Is. way in excess of previous
weeks and very much larger than for the
corresponding week of a year ago. Prices
have gradually tended upward, the higii
point being reached on Friday, when the
average of all the sales was $4,254, which
made that the high day of the year. After
allowing for the slightly lower prices pre
vailing today the market is still HKi124c
higher than It was al the close of lasi
Representative sales
Si'. . SU. St. No. At. b Tr
j" 1 ... 4 V' a; im si, 1 .711
11 T 44 4 " 141 ... ti'.
4! U ... 4 ti ! . . 4 'I
: it ... if ii m u in
14 40 I t'i 71 i:l ... 4
Hi r4 4 I tn 7' H ... 4 to
rf ins lit" I sc 7t-. tMi 4u 1 2o
rst 4 !ssi l jjo I 2'.
tl lo 4 N', T ti7 ki ):
11 -IT ... 4 l:sj U M g
M M It I V. IM U I s
1 : ... 4 II si 74 l.-a 4 :sj
... I t.'sj ix an 4 ::a
M r.4 ... 1 .", : j s in,
a........ri tn lit', K 1.4 .. 1 jjl
St. ...... .tit ... tts, 71 rat as 41: ,
.?sl ... I!:, at h tv 11!
' ... ICi ll..v.... 4 ... I t: 1
. ?rf
. ut;
I t:'i
1 1.',
I SI'i
1 is
;'T '
i'T 1
. ;i
. - -i
. J.
. .'Ii
' :'H7 ... I iTi,
74 S4 . . :-7i,
lit 2Sl ;',i :t b
5 "in ... 4 274
SHEEP Receipt
twenty-nine cars till!
in a 10
in .1",
. . 4 ;;n
number. I
f sheep
of winch
twenty-seven were Cnlorados on tlieir w -.y
to eastern feed lots to In- finished for
market, and wire not offered for sale at
this point. Two car of shorn ewes w hi -h
Included all the flesh receipts on sale,
brought $1 io.
The receipt of sheep this week, as will
be noted from the tunic elsewhere, have
been Very large, bring heavier than lasi
week and tar In excess of a year ago.
During the first two ds of the week tin'
market showed a considerable decline.
Hence with Wednesday there was a better
feeling owing to n letup lu the receipt
artrl w hile prices did not show any
advance any one day there Was a gradual
tinning up. At the close of the week the
In st light lambs and the best sheep are
not much different from a week ng .
Heavy lambs anil the general nui of fair
lo good sheep are lower, about loc off
fri in lust week's prices.
Qiintations; Good to choice, native lamb.
J6 ;i"0iH..i; good to choice liuht western lambs
$ti.2.i4iti.5o; good to choice hcuvv lambs, $ii.0U
46..I": fair to good lambs. i.ii'ij6.5o; cull
lambs, tl fj'-iiS To; good to choice mint year
lings. $.",; good lo choice heavy year
lings, $5.ti,Vn ,i ; tan- to good ncavy yean
lings, $3.41115. 50 good to cliolee wethers,
$5.5e4i.V75; fair to good wether. $5.2.V'i5 65;
good lo cliolee ewes, $4.7A'ii5 1: Islr to good
eaves, $l.25y 1.65; cull sheep and bucks, $3.00
Representative sal-
No. A v.
52 western ewes 96
4 00
Cnllle mid sheep VrnU Hon Wenk
lu Five tents I. oner.
CHICAGO, March 21. CATTLE Rec lpts.
head; market weak; beeves, $4.006.30;
cows anil heifers, $l."ti5.20; Blockers and
feeders, $2A,"4i4.75.
HOGS Receipts. 15.rmu head; market
weak to 5c lower; mixed snd butcher.
$6 25 ' 6. 5o; god heavv. $6.4sViH.5o; rough
heavy, t6.25'ii.35; light, t6.25ii6 .524; pig.
$C.iV(i6.3o; bulk of sales. $6.4"if.174.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 3,500
hem!; market weak; prices steady; sheep,
$3.2.Vg.00; lambs, $5.00(06.80.
Kalians 4 Ity Live gtork Market.
ceipts. 2uo head, including no southern.
Market unchanged; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $5 3n4i5.IK; fair to good,
$4.t!Vn5.25; western fed steers, $3.7r,ru5.25;
Mocker anil feeder. $3. 0014. 75; southern
steers, $3.7515.00; southern cows, $2.2.Vn 4 (K),
native cows, $2.25x14.611; native heifer. $:l.50
110.00; bulls. $3.1im4.25; calves, $.l.(Kij 1.00. Re
ceipts for the week. 3.1 head.
I IOGH Receipt , 3.50O head. Market was
1 higher; top, $6,374; bulk of sale. $;.2ryr
6.35; heavy, $6.3016.374: packers, $6.25'i6.:l5;
pigs and light. $5.25?i6.2rj. Receipts for the
week. 48.T0O bend.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipt, 500 head.
Market steady; native lambs, $5.25'ai.o0;
western lambs, $5.25ri6.O0; ewes and year
ling. $4 SO'ufi.sO; w estern fed yearlings. $5 10
fl6.75; western fed sheep, $l.2rVJi3.75; stock
ers and feeders, $2.75'u 1.50. Receipts for the
week, 3l,6o0 head.
St. Louts Live Stock Market.
ST. LOl'IS, Mo., March 24. CATTLE
Receipts,' 2'K) hr ad; no Tcxsns; native ship
ping and export steers. $4.35'n6 00; dress.-rl
beef and butcher steers, $3.75'i5.0O; steer
under lbs., $:i.254)4.60: Blocker and
feeders. $2. 4041 4.40; cows and heifers, $2.1oy
6.25; stockera and fr-cders, $2.4"rii4.4o; cows
snd heifers, $2.1iyfi5.25; canners, $1.751 2.;i;
bulls, $2.4;(ri 4. 10; calves. $2.6O''ri5.0o; Texas
and Indian steers, 3.00Hi4.70; cows and heif
ers, $2.20rn4.25.
HOGS Recelpls. 4.W head. Market
steadv; pigs and lights, $5.6oij6.45; packers,
$6.oikh'6.45; butchers and best heavy, $6.35-51
No sheep on sale.
St. Joseph. Live gtork Market.
Receipts, 125 head. Market nominal; na
tives, $4.2041.41 00; cows and heifers, $1.75
4.60; stucjier and feeder. $3.2Dd4.50.
HOGS Receipt. 3.958 head. Market
steady to a shade higher; light. $'!.15'u.li74;
medium and lieuvy. $.2047i.3o; built of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,019
head. Market steady.
Sioux City Live fl.-oek Market.
SIOFX CITY. March 24. fHpeclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar
ket steadv; beeves. $4.aV'j5.70; cow, bulls
snd mixed, $3.004.50; stockers and feeders,
$3 001-4.50; calves and yeiullngs, $3.00"ij.25.
HOJS Receipts, 4.3"0 bead; market
steadv; selling al $6.106.25; bulk of sales,
gloek In ".laht.
Receipt of live Mock at tho six principal
western markets yesterday were as follows:
came. nogs, oneep
South Omaha
Sioux City
Kansas City
St. Joseph
St. Louts
f " '
4 iii
200 7.010 7,4(iO
400 4.200
2i V 3.3' O Soft
123 3.853 3.649
'JO 4.00
3H! 15.000 3.500
1,426 37,655 17,049
Wool Market.
BOSTON. March 24. WOOL The Coin
mr rclal Bulletin today says of the wool
market: London's steady advances have
Inoculated consumers with the germ
of buvlng and consequently a large amount
of wool has cliangea nanos. t rices nnr
are being strongly maintained. 'he
worsted mills are particularly active, cut
woolen manufacturers are also doing 11
fair amount of buying. The principal
movement is that of cross-bred stocks, with
the honors divided between Australian,
New Zealand and South American. Fully
$ 000 bales of Australian and New Zealand
have been taken at 43c for 50 s grades and
41ifi'114c for 46 s grade. Territory wools
are selling a freely us limited stocks per
mit, on a basis of ubotit 73c for Hue staple,
and 6M1 70c for line medium. Fine clothing
Is moving well al 69ryi7'V, while fine medium
brings 6tVntiSc. Scoured X sells at 6Wi6Kc:
No. 1 at bPbtWe. and No. 3 ot Sifriftlc; fall
Texas Is selling at 24u26c greasy, or cn
a cleaned basis of 6'iif66c. California wool
are quiet ut previous quotation. Pulled
wools are receiving more call aud B super
are being taken more actively, at 52fa5fio.
Quarter-blood combing have begun to sell
al aiPiiSic. Medium unwashed fleece are
being purchased. For quarter-blood, Slfi
,,.,1,.. 1 nul.l wliila I hi'M.nlirhlliR n nil hulf.
blood brings 33t34e. A substantial sale of
Ohio XX has been made at 34o. Fleeces
of all descriptions are well cleaned up.
The shipments of wool from Bostou to date
from December 27, 19o5, according to the
same authority, are 56,522.587 pounds,
against 67,48 1K3 pounds at the same time
lasl year. The receipt to rlate are 55,
443.510 pounds, aguinsl 63.717.277 pounds for
thu same period last year.
tills and goals.
NEW YORK. March 24 Ol LS Cot ton
seed oil. firm; prime crude. 264f27e; yellow,
33'4ifi34c: petroleum steady; retlned New
rr,,hln mill l-tu ll im,.,-.
1 III A, l.w-, ......
$7.55; In bulk, $4.65; turpentine, quiet, 71471
OIL CITY. March 24. OIL Credit bal
ances. $1 58; shipment. Ho.T'W bids.: uverngc,
62,148 bbl.; runs, 74.402 bhls. ; average, 61.162
bbls.; shipment Lima. 79.772 hhl.; average,
62.Nol bbls.; runs, Lima, 46.627 bbls.; uveragj, bhls.
SAVANNAH'. Ga.. March 24. Oi L Tui -peiiline
quir'l, 68e.
ROSIN Finn: A. R, C. D. E and F. $;
G $3.85: II. $115: I. $4 35; K. $4.(io; M.
$5.30, VG, $5.95; WW. $6.iX.
Coffee Mnrkrl.
NEW YORK. March 24 4,OFFKE Fu
tures opened steady at unchanged prices
to an advance of & point in sympathy with
higher French rallies and continued light
Brazilian receipt. Theie waa no demand
of consequence, however, and the market
sagged off during the morning in the ab
sence of support aud closed dull, net un
changed. Saies were reported of only 7.250
bags, including: April. 6.75c; May, 6861';
.lulv, 7c; September, 7. '.!; Nuvinlier, 7.46c.
Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, $'4c.
Melal Market.
NEW YORK. March 24. M ETA I. S The
metal markets were generally quiet and
unchanged in ihe absence of rabies. Spot
tin is quiilcd al $ 17 ''ri :17. 30. 1-Mk.e copper
Is held at $lg.5"ii 18 75: electrolytic. IiH. J-q
18 .So: casting. $! -'n 18.25. I .cad was un
changed at V.2.Vri5.45 and sM-lter at $6.15fi
6.25 iron was quiet and unchanged.
ST: 1'I'IS. March 21 M ET A LS l.ead,
steady, $5.i74. Spelter, dull. $r.T4.
Korrlga r'laaneial.
LONDON, March 24 - Money was in g'jod
demand in the market today and rates
were easier, resulting from Gould disburse
ments, lnsr-ounts w ere also easier. Ti ruling
on the fttuck exchange was umet and Irregular,
1 The law authorising the ltixrporatlon
or lllnge diss not contemplate im liKltiig
in tlte corporate limits remote tcrrltoi.
or purely agricultural lands, not artualiv
connected with the Milage and not nduntid
to municipal purpose. State againsl Mote,
IN Neb., ij3.
2. Such hinds- ramml be included within
Ihe limit of the proposed village for the
sole purpose of obtaining a sufficient nuni
lier of actual .esli1enls neerssary U In
roiHirati', wlihout Hie consent of tlie
owner, and sui h owner can maintain pro
ceeding by quo warrnnto to determine the
lability of tin. older of Incorporation.
State against llmond. 14 Nidi., 151.
.1. Evidence examined ami held to show
loss tiiHii the required number of actual
resident within the village lu-cessury to
Incorporate at the time Ihe proceedings
for tout purpose were had.
11164. ItHtikers Inlon of the World
UKulnst Lmdis. Apcal from Seward. Af
firmed. Barnes. J.
1. Questions mil raised by the pleading
In the court of nt-iglmil jurisdiction can
not be considered by the supreme court on
2. Where II would ho proper for a court
of law to grant a new tiial, If the applica
tion hail been made while that court hail
Ihe power, it is equally proper for a court
of equity tn do so. if the application is
made when the court of law has no means
of graining, such a trial; but a court of
equity will only grant such relief lu case
of newly discovered evidence, surprise or
fraud, or where 11 parly is deprived of the
means of defense by circumstances be
yond hi control. Horn againsl Queen, 4
Neb., Irw.
3. Where It is show 11 that the plalutllT
has not used ordinary dlligem-e in making
or attempting lo make his defense in the
former action he will Ik; denied a new
4. In uch a case Ihe plaintiff must also
pletid ami prove that he ha a valid de
fense to the action In which the Judgment
complained of was rendered.
5. Evidence examined mid held sufficient
to sustain the Judgment of the district
14317. Several Tracts of Land (A'elseri
against State. Error from Douglas. Af
tlrmed. Letton, J.
In a tax suit under the scavenger act the
action of the district court In disregarding
a volunteer and unauthorized aipiaraiui' of
an attorney pursirt lug to answer for all
defendant In default anil lu rendering a
default decree againsl such detenilunt,
held to be profar.
143K8. Kccles against Walker. Apienl from
Gage. Reversed and dismissed so far a
Judgment Is sought against the company
Tor the statutory penalty of $5o. Duftie, C;
Letton. J., not sitting.
1. The surety on the oMVIhI bond of an
officer I not liable for the penalty of 150
Imposed by section 34. chapter xxvill. of tlie
Compiled Statutes, for exacting fee In ex
cess of those nresr-rllieil bv statute. Eocles
v. I". S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., lol N.
W., 1023, disapproved.
2. An appellate court, mi a second appeal
of a court, will not ordinarily re-examine
question of law presented by the first ap
peal, but Where the case was on the first
appeal remanded generally for a new trial
and the same question are presented on
the second trial, the appellate court 1 not
bound to follow opinion on question of
law presented on the flrt appeal ami may
re-examine and reverse it ruling on ucii
questions, and should do so when the opin
ion first expressed 1 manifestly Incorrect.
14391. State againsl Omaha Elevator Com
pany. Original. Motion nml demurrers
overruled. Letton. J.
1. All statutes upon the same general sub
ject are to lie regarded a part of one sys
tem snd later statute are to be considered
a supplementary or complementary to
those preceding theni upon tho same sub
ject. 2. Statute In pari materia should be con
strued together.
3. Repeals by implication are not favored.
Where the legislature has passed two stat
utes upon the same subject, the later cover
ing the entire matter embraced In the flrsl
and also additional provision, the later act
uperede the tlrsf anil repeals the first by
Implication.. Rut If the later statute docs
not cover the entire field of the first and
falls to embrace within It term a material
portion of the first, It will not repeal so
much of the first ss Is not Included within
II scope, but the two will be construed to
gether so far a the first still stands.
4. Rule applied and held that the nnli
:rust act of 1897, known ss the Gondrtng
act. wa repealed by Implication by the
anti-trust act of 1905. known as the Junkin
act. except a to the first section thereof
defining "trusts."
5. Unless It appears from lis terms that
an act applying to a certain class of per
sona Is meant to cover all Inhibitions ami
regulutlona affecting them, a later general
act applying to all pertains and prohibiting
in general terms the acta specified In the
former art. as well s a 1111111 1st of other
ar ts and purposes, defining new crime snd
prescribing- new penalties, and giving new
civil remedies, will not be hold to except
the persons embraced In the former act
from Ihe operation of the latter.
it. Rule applied and held that the acts of
1887 and 1897 prohibiting combination by
grain dealer and other to fix the price of
grain, etc., do not except such dealers from
the operation of the later general anti
trust acts of 1897 and 1905. applying to all
Illegal combination to tlx price, etc.
4. I'pon prosecution for contempt In the
district court, the Judge before whom the
cause Is regularly to be heard may refuse
to transfer the cause to another Judge of
the same court for hearing, unless it Is
made to appear by due proof that a fair
and Impartial trial can not be had lw fore
him. or that some other ground for change
of venue prescribed by siatule exists.
5. A prosecution for constructive contempt
is based upon an affidavit or Information
alleging the farts constituting the contempt.
If such Information is amended by Inter
lineation in matter nf substance, It must
be reverlfled and there must be a trial
thereon as upon a new prosecution.
6. In a prosecution for constructive con
tempt in the violation of a restraining or
der the affidavit or Information must set
forth the acts constituting the violation.
The general allegation that the defendant
hu disobeyed the restraining order is not
sufficient to give the court jurisdiction.
7. A prosecution for contempt Is "in the
nature of a prosecution for a crime," and
the affidavit or Information must stale the
acts constituting the offense with as great
certainty as Is required in criminal pro
ceeding. In the interval It will be pre
sumed necessary to support the Jurisdiction
of the court over such proceedings, that the
order of ad Inurnment waa vacated and the
court reconvened.
14479. State, ex tel. Cronln. against
Croiiin. Appeal from Holt. Judgment de
nying will affirmed. Order tuning costs
against relator reversed anil cause re
manded with direction to tax costs of tlie
in in-ceding to " lespondent. Albert. C. Di
vision No. !.
1. Section 7, article 9, chapter lxxvll. Com
piled Statute (Section loriou, Cohhey's An
notated Statutes; provide for the publica
tion of notice of the filing of a petition in
the district court, under what i known as
the "scavenger act," and that "the county
commissioners shall designate the newspa
per lu which said notice, and In which all
notices of tax sales, made by the county
treasurer." under said art, "shall be pub
lished; provided, the county treasurer shall
designate such newspaper when the county
commissioners fall lo do so." Among other
proceedings of the county board, Its record
shows the following: "on motion the print
ing of the scavenger delinquent taxlist was
awarded to the O'Neill Frontier." Held,
that such record la sufficient to show a des
ignation by the county hoard of a news
paper to publish the notice required by said
2. The? writ of manilumus Is propeiiv de
nied where it would be unavailing if al
lowed. 14.-i. State, ex rel. Connie.
against Drexel. Oriainal. tYiite il.-nu ,1 1
Sedgwick, C. J. I
1. The object of the court lu construing
an act of the legislature I to ascertain ,
the Intention of the lawmakers. That in- I
trillion when ascertained will prevail ovtil
me urriai sense or me worus uscu.
2. In counties of more than 15, 000 inhubl
tants tlie salary of the county clerk
fixed at I2..o0 ner annum hv 1 liuntrr Iwli
laws 19U5. Crtbhey's Sup. 9m,9, and he is also
entitled to one deputy whose salary shall
be $l.uoU per annum.
11(49. Fsrnham against City of Lincoln.
Appeal from Lancaster. Reversed and dis
missed. Barnes, J.
1. The power conferred by statute upon
cities of the first class to sue and be sued
carries with It the power to compromise
and settle such suits, snd the city council
may, when it acts in good faith, accept a
less sum in settlement og a litigated ease
than Is claimed lo lie due the city thren.
2. The provisions of section 4, srtuie ix,
of the constitution do not apply to special
assessments to uav for local imrirovements
I levied upon Ihe properly benefited Iherr-by.
ana municipal sutnoritie nave puuer to
settle and compromise suits Involving tho
lability of such sis-cial assessments, not
withstanding that action.
13949. Blanks Tea and Coffee Compiiny
against Eager. Error from Ijim asler. Re
versed and remanded Duftie. C. DlvUioa
No. 2.
1. Evidence examined and held not to sup
port the verdict of the Jury.
14013. St, James Orphan Asylum against
Blielby. Appeal from Ihiuglas. A ft! lined
Jackson, C. Division No. 2.
1. The original Jurisdiction of the district
court over an action to quiet tlie title to
real estate Is nol affected by the fact that
Incident thereto there is Involved the con.
strui llou of a will.
2. Parol ev idence I admissible to explain
a Intent ambiguity In a will where Such
evidence Is necessary to enable the imorl lo
Bscoiialn ihe Intention of the testator.
II1O6. Parrot t sRHlnst Wolcolt. Appeal
from Ruffalo. AfoiTnrd. Letton, C. Divi
sion Xo. 1.
1. Where s district Judge by written order
In vacation arllouruerl the tvtohcr term of
the district conrt. which w set for Oc
tober 21. to November 11, w hich order w
eii'.ered upon the lournnl. but no other pro
ceeding had. the day tn which the Court
was adjourned being Ihe first lUV Upon
which tiie Judge was present and the court
ready to transact business, was "the Mist
tin y of the term" as applicable to the lien
of lurlgineiit rendered during the term.
14153. Slate rx rel. Pond against Clark.
Error from Holt. Reversed With direction.
Barnes, J.
14125. olsen against Collin. Error from
Saunders. Altiruicd. Jackson, C. Division
No. 2.
In an action for damages on account of
an alleged beach of contract evidence I
admissible under a general denlsl to show
that lu far t 110 contract existed.
11127. Pan-alt against Hsrtsnff. Error
from Douglas. Reversed Snd dismissed s
to defendant Hendrlx: reversed, and re
manded a to defendant Cady; affirmed n
lo defendant Parian. Oldham, C. Divi
sion No. 1.
1. In a proceeding for a deficiency Judg
ment under section 847 of the cod as It
existed prior to the amendment of 1897. the
usual und better practice I not to deter
mine the liability of a defendant for such
deficiency until after the report of thn
sale, when for the first time It 011 be defi
nitely ascertained that deficiency ac
tually exists. Brown v. Johnson, 62 Neb.,
2-2, followed snd approved.
2. W hile the decree finding personal
liabilities first rendred In a foreeloMire
proceeding I to a certain extent Interlocu
tory, yel as to Hurling of fact made In such
decree on Issues properlv pleaded it Is not
subject to review on objection td a de
ficiency Judgment.
3. The contract of a married woman rsn
only be enforced against Ihe separate es
tate which she possesses at the dste of the
contract. Kochor v. Cornell, 69. Neb., S1S,
followed snil approved.
4. Where there I personal, service anil
default stieh default confesses every ms
terlal allegation of the petition which I
well pleaded.
5. The cause of action for a delli-lencv
judgment does not ai-cruo until the. coining
In of the report of the sale.
6. Application for a deficiency Judgment
may lie heard on a motion after the com
ing In of the report of the sale.
14128. South Omaha National bank
against Stewart. Error from Cherry. Re
versed. Duffle. C. Division No. 2.
1. A defective or Incorrect description of
property covered by a chattel mortgage
is Immaterial, so far as the parties to the
mortgage I concerned, when It Is ad
mitted bv tho mortgagor that the property
claimed bv the mortgagee ss Included
therein Is the identical property intended
to be mortgaged.
2. A chattel mortgage giving a Hen 011
the mortgaged properly H against the
mortgagor is. notwithstanding an Imper
fect description of the proierty covered
thereby, good a against a subsequent pur
chaser or mortgagee who falls to show
that he jiurrhascd in gisid faith and with
out notice of the mortgiige.
14112. Poggensee against Feddern. Error
from Cedar. Affirmed. Albert, C. Division
No. 3.
1. An assignment of cause for trial made
at the opening of a term which does not
fix a day certain for the 4 tin 1 of each cause
Is generally provisional and subject to such
changes a may be required to meet un
foreseen contingencies and attorney anil
litigants are chargeable with notice of Hint
a(t- - ...
2. In the absence of special circum
stances a party h no right to complain
because Ills case Is advanced on the assign
ment a a result of a continuance of a case
preceding It .
3. Where neither the plaintiff nor his at
torney Hie In attendance when the cause I
reached for trial a judgment of dismissal
should not be set aside in the absenre of a
showing of due diligence.
4. Evidence examined ami lield insuf
ficient, to show due diligence.
14071. Hawlev aguinnt V4inLaukn. Ap
peal from Washington. Affirmed. Jackson,
C. Division No. 2. ' -
t. Court of equity have Inherent power
lo refuse relief after undue and Inexcus
able delay, independent of the statute of
2. In applying the doctrine of laches the
true Inquiry should be whether the adverse
party has been prejudiced by the delay In
bringing the action and whether a reason
able excuse I offered for tho delay.
3. Where the laches of the plaintiff and
the stateness of hi claim are apparent
from the petition objection may be taken
by demurrer. ,
4. Courts will take Judicial notice of the
clamged conditions during the Yiast thirty
eight vears n affecting the values pf real
estate' and of the probability that during
that time witnesses who were of mature
year and iliacerning Judgment In the year
1865 have either died or permitted the ordi
nary events of that period to p from
their memory.
14093. Norton against Brink. Apnea! from
Buffalo. Reversed and remanded. Duffle.
C. Division No. 2. t
1 The law is well settled that a contract
within the statute of frauds while execu
tory Is not objectionable to the statute, but
will be enforced when completely executed.
2. While not determining whether a naroi
contract Tor the formation of a partner
ship to deal in land I within the. etatute of
fraud and enforceable to the extent of al
lowing one of the parties to assert an Inter
est in the land which was purchased under,
the agreement and the title taken In the in
dividual name ui uuc oT t'o partners It 1
held that when the agreement is fully per
formed by a sale of the land an action may
be maintained against the partner who held
title for an accounting for the profit
realized. ...
3. The evidence of partnership In such
rase must be clear and satisfactory and of
such character as to convince the court of
the existence of the partnership.
14o94. Orr against Hall. Appeal from
Scott's Bluff. Affirmed. Aines, C. Division
No. 1. . , .
An oral contract for Ihe sale of good,
chattel or thins In action for a price ex
ccedlne $50 Is void unless some of the good,
or evidences of some nf the thhig. have
been delivered to and accented by the
buyer, utile he shall have paid the whole
or some part of the purchase price. Section
9, cIih liter xxxii, ConiDlled Statute.
14TW. Price against Price. Appeal from
Hamilton. Reversed and remanded, with
Instructions. Oldham, C. Division No. 1.
1. It Is the right and privilege of hus
band to fix In good faith a domicile for
himself anil wife, and when he doe so It Is
the duty of the wife to follow her husband
to such domicile and live with Iilm there as
Ids wife.
2. It Is the duty of tlie husband to pro
vide for the reasonable support and main
tenance of his wife during the continuance
of tlie marriage relation, and when the hus
band, without Just cause, falls to provide
for the rupport and maintenance of the
wife she may maintain an action agalliet
him for reasonable maintenance, unl by
her own uct of abandonment of the bus
baud's domicile, or some other act wholly
Inconsistent with her duty as his Wlfe, she
hss forfeited her right to such maintenance,
3. To defeat a wife's claim fori support
snd maintenance on the ground of volun
tary abandonment of the nusriana s domi
cile, the fact of such abandonment must be
established by cogent proof.
4. Evidence examined and held not suffi
cient to establish a voluntary abandon
ment of the husband by the wife.
141 Hi. Pope against MrKndree. Error frotri.
Merrick. Reversed and remanded. . Ames.
C. Division No. 1. j.
1. An order by a county court made in a
probate pioceerling removing a special ad
ministrator for cause and appointing an-,
other to serve In his place and stead. Is a
final ord-r and appealable within the term
of section 4-', chapter XX, of the Compiled
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