Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1906, Page 5, Image 5
THE 0MA1IA DAILY BKE: MONDAY. MARCH '2G, V.W. CARNEGIE TALKS OF SPELLING Steel Kin? Bays Proposed Reforms Are Bonnd to Come. EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGL TO CONTINUE Kdltora of tlnndrl Win II nice Mill lanah at the CrndU ll-s of Kdlrors of Toriay. HUT 81'RING3. Va., Marcli 25. Andrew I'mncgio lias inado a statement giving lil ' mi tin; prnposre rerorm of Eng llxh prllit;K. Ho said: 'From rhuucrr'a time nn.l till now our languasn lu.e been constantly changing and Improving, not under any rule or sys trm, hut elmply an occasion has require' new words and new spelling. "The great OxTord dictionary, now under publication, gives the history of each word and show thut words creep Into our lan guage In the most haphazard manner. A new 'Word expresses a new want or an old waut better than the word In use did and so forces itself into use. Nothing can bar It out, whllo the word Invented with the strictest regard to rule may apply In vain. What Is slang- one year is correct English a few years later. Thus is our lauguoRe enriched. It Is a alow process, but a steady and sure one. All the struggles of pedants and purists are helpless against It. ''me organized effort I have agreed to finance Is not revolutionary far from it. lis action will be conservative. Word after word It will endeavor to Improve the spelling and v the language; slowly, of course, but haste nlng the pace If possible. Reforms Rare to feme. "The editors who are disposed to ridicule the effort, themselves use words and espe cially spellings which their predecessors of a century ago would have denounced as degrading to literature. The editors of the next century will In turn marvel at the un couth spelling of tho present scribes. "Since our language has been constructed through unceasing change, literary men should welcome new words and new spell ings with favoring rye. since It Is by these alone that further Improvement can come. Hcholars denounced "plow" for "plough," for Instance, but "plow" has been accepted. Ho with many words that will readily occur to readers. ' "Our language Is likely to prevail In the world and we may hope It Is to become finally the universal language, the most potent of all Instruments for drawing the races together, insuring peace and advanc ing civilization. The foreigner has the greatest difficulty In acquiring it because of Its spelling. This Is at least his chief obstacle, for lis grammar Is easy. "Hundreds of scholarly men have agreed to use Improved spelling for twelve words. These words are already well started In iictUHl line. Other simplifications will he suggested. If meritorious, they w ill he ac cepted. . Will Have Time In School. "Teachers have assured me that children would be saved more than a year's In struction If our spelling were simplified. "Why the perverse 'ongh' Spellings should be one cannot understand. When we write "tho" It expresses exactly the same sense as . 'though' and expresses the sound better. This change la so obviously advantageous that I And many already using It in writ ing, and some of these are British authors. . Indeed, 'tho,' with the superfluous apos trophe abounds In Rrltish authors from Addison down. We Just drop the apos trophe. That 'tho' will get into, general use soon Is certain. Our successors will smile at the 'ough' spellings as we today at what we called the 'iiueer' spelling of t'haucer. "In trying to hasten the use of hlmpll-' fled spelling and to Improve our own lan guage for the struggle for first place which is even today upon us, we are engaged In a most useful work. "I hope that thoughtful people will give this Important and conservative reform due consideration and resolve to use at least two or three simplified words, and thus range themselves with us in our effort to carry on tne unceasing work of Improv ing our mother tongue and mlaptlng It for its noblo purposes and high destiny." Tumors Conquered Without Operations Unqualified Success of Lydia E. PinKham's Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams. W7)T rile Fox iiLudam' One of the preatest triumphs of Lydia P.. rinkharn's Vegetable Compound is tiie conquering of woman's dread enemy. Tumor. So-called " wandering- pains'' may come from its early ttares, or the pres ence of danger may be made manifest liy excessive monthly periods accom panied by UDuatial pain extending from tha abdomen through the groiu and thighs. If youhave mysterious pains, if there re indlcationaof inflammation, ulcera tion or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital opera tion; secure Lvdia K. Pinkhain's Vege table Compound at once and begin its use and write Mrs. Pin Wham of Lynn, Mass., for advit-e. Read these hiring letters from grate ful w omen nho have been cured: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (First Letter.) "In looking over your book I tea that your nmljcma cures Tumors. I cava been to a doctor and be tell ma I haa a tumor, i will be ntora than grateful if tou can help me, as I do iirea.1 an operation." Kauuie D. Kx, Bradford, Pa. Dear Mrs. Pinthain: (Second Latter.) ''1 Uke the hbvrtv to congratulate you on the meow 1 Uava tuul with your woudarful medicine. " Kighlean months ago my perk Is ttiped. Hbortly after I Colt so badly 1 ub uutted. to a thorough eiaJuinaUon by a pity, aiciaii, und was tulil that I bad a tumor a -id would hnve to undergo au oparatiou. " I soun after raad one of your advertise ments and deputed to give Ijrdia K. Pink ham' a Vegetal. la Compound a trial After taking tit buttles aa directed, tha tumor is muraly gtaie. 1 bava again been axafiuned IjuU . PioUuuB's etet?.bl Cunpouadi OUR LETTER SOX. Frank K. Mnorea aa a f.ratefnl Friend. OMAHA, March i'l To the Editor of Tha Uce: Omaha never saw a more generous minded man than Frank K. Moores. The local press teems with proof of the truth of this statement. His loyalty to friends was one of his most striking traits. But he also had the rare quality of gratitude, as a case I am about to cite finely demon strates. Thirty years ago a tall, handsome young man appeared In the IlersM-office, and, with fine and modest bearing, introduced himself to its editor. With suitable apology and explanations he said that he had just been appointed hs passenger agent at Omaha for the Wabash railroad. He had heard some klrid things said of me In re gard to helping young men, nnd he hud come to see whether I could venture to belli him. He hud come from St. Joseph, 1 Mo., but he had no friends either there or In Omaha whom he could nk for such a favor as he greatly needed. He wanted somebody to aid him or he would Jose the place to which he had lieen promoted 111 the railroad service, and he wanted to know if. after all he had said for himself, I would go on his bond for $J,ieo, whlcll was necessary before he could enter upon his new duties. He won my confidence, and I signed his bond for that amount, In which Mr. layman Richardson Joined me. Twenty-two years Inter I was appointed surveyor of customs at Omaha and dis hurslng officer for the construction of the new postofflcn building by Crover Cleve land. The double bond I had to give was a very heavy one. I did not need the help of Mayor Mcores. Walking up Farnam street the next day after my appointment I met the mayor. He was moving at a rapid pace. This was his greeting: "Hello, Oeorge Miller, where have you leen all day? I have been hunting for you ail j morning. Voy have to give a big bond unaer your appointment, end l to go on that bond. When 1 came here a poor and friendless young man may years ago. you and Lyman Richurdxnn went on my bond, and I now want to go on yours." Nothing could dissuade him. and he had bis noble wny. This Incident illustrates the generous heart or our dead mayor, end it Is the more worthy of record In The IJee because at the time he was a man of means ayd financial standing, and my own personal circumstances had changed. Insomuch that our respective positions had been completely reversed. . OKOROE I-. MILLER. MORAN MAKES CONFESSION Second ew York striker Tells of Alt pt to niMv lit the HIIsb Building. NEW YOKIv. March a. Charles Moran, a member of the llridg, mrr.f and Hmise suiilli.s' union, who was arrested several weeks ago. with two other ironworkers, charged with attempting to dynamite the BIIhs building, lchig erected on fciisl Twenty-third street by Test and McCord. today made a complete confession to Assistant District Attorney Train. Mr. Train Buys he implicated several walking delegates and the New York and New Jersey branches of the union, declaring that they furnished the money to have not only the Bliss build ing, but other buildings destroyed and the work of construction halted. The district attorney's Office has refused to divulge the names of the walking delegates in volved. Lnte today Moran, who was to have been placed oti trial on Monday. ..sent wold to the' district 'attorney's ofllee' that he was willing to waive trial and. plead guilty to the charge on which he and the others were. Indicted. His confession was then 'aken. Moran was arretted along Willi Thomas Weir and John tJuthrie by a squad of Cen tral office detectives as they were about to place twenty pounds of dynamite in the bliss building and blow It up. A week after they were arrested Guthrie confessed. Implicating Moran and Wetl and the walking delegates. The story told to Assistant Hisiilct Attorney Tialn to ilay was substantially the same a that r-cit-d by Guthrie. by tha physician and tie says I bave no signs of a tumor now. It bas'aWo brought my periods around once more; and I am entirely well . I shall never he without a bot tle of I.ydia Pinkham Vegetable Compound in the bouae." Fannie D. Pox, Bradford, Pa. Another Case of Tumor Cured by Lydia K l'iukhaiu'a Vegeta ble Compound. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Alout three j ears ago I bad Intense pain in my stomach, with cramps and raging headachee. The doctor prescribed for me, but fltwlin: that I did not got any better he examined me and, to my surprise, declared I had a tumor. "1 felt wire that it niaant my death warrant, and was very disheartened. I ient hundreds of dollars in docoring, hut the tumor kept growing, till the dm-tor utid that nothing but an operation wonl I save me. pot tunatrlv 1 oa-reepoaded with my aunt in one of the Nisr F.mcland ritate, ho adviied u- to trv Lydia K Fnikham'fcVegetnbleCuniiKHind beforub initttng to an operation, and I at om-e started taking a regular- treatment, finding to my f;reat relief that my general hoalth Gr?an to niprove, and aft.r turee months I noticed that the tumor bad reduced in siar. I kept on taking tha Coiuxuud. and in ten mouths it had ent.rely liuappeansl uilhont au oper ation, ami using us medicine hut Lvdia K. Puikham's Vegetable CoiiiixHmJ. and words (ad to ecpreka how grateful I am for the good it has done ule., Mow Luella Adams, Colon cade Hotel, heatUe, Wa&u. Such unquestionable testimony proves the value of Lydia E. I'iukliain a Vegetable Compound, and should give confidence aud hop to every aick woman. Mrs. Hnkhain invites all ailing women to write to her at Lynn, Ma., for advice. ft Wamaa't Kcniedy for VenMso't Ills. SEVEN AND HALF YEARS, FORD Sentence Im potted by Judge Troup on Another South Omaha Highwayman. SWHSBBBBBSBSBB ILL-HEALTH SAVES HIM FROM LIMIT standing- Hetneen Tito Cratches Fnrd Listens to Ilia Doom and Timely Words from tha toart. Michael Ford, convicted Of an attempt to hold up the saloon of Leo Roemer In South Omaha December 17, was sentenced to seven and a half years In the penitentiary Saturday afternoon by Judge Troup. In passing sentence Judge Troup told Ford he would have given him the full penalty, which is fifteen years. If It were not for the had condition of his health. Ford stood before Judge Troup lo receive sentence propped up between two crutchea. His left ankle, which he sprained In an at tempt to escape from Jail, Is still too weak for him to use. He spoke very briefly when asked by the court why aentence should not be passed upon him. W. W. Dodge, his attorney, asked for the mini mum sentence of two year, as Ford's health was very poor and h might not survive even the short sentence. H also referred to the fact that James P. Maher, Ford's accomplice was convicted of plain assault, the maximum penalty for winch Is ninety days in the county Jail. Jndae'a Timely Words. "At tliis time." said Judge Troup in pasfc Ing sentence, "any man can earn a good living or even a liberal competence If he wants to work. lAhor is in great demand. In the face of this when men will hold up their fellowmen at the point of a deadly weapon and compel them to give up tho competence they have rightly earned there is a call for all good men to do what they can to put down these conditions. Tou and your companions have-brought the name of Nebraska Into disrepute. If it were not for the state of your health I would give you the limit. 1 hope when you come out of the penitentiary you will be better in health and morals and will come back and lead an honorable life." Before the sentence was Imposed a mo tion for a new trial was argued and over ruled by Judge Troup. Attorney Dodgu made a hard effort to secure a new trial on the grounds the defense had been forced Into trial without time for preparation and that new evidence had been secured. Judge Troup said he did not think the defense could have been Improved upon and that the new evidence was not sufficient to war rant a retrial. ENDS TROUBLE WITH POISON J. Walter MeF.lhannon. Use uf Fastest Linotype Operators In Country, Kills Himself. J. Waller McKlhannon, ug"d 111 years, a linotype operator, committed suicide by taking a large quantity of strychnine in hln room at the Center hotel, 3mj North Seven teenth street, at 1(1 o'clock last night. Death ensuedun hour later. In spite of the efforts of Police Burgeons Morsman and Wills to revive him. The circumstances connected with the suicide us related by other occupants of the bote) are that McKlhatition had been low spirited during the dicy. causing hlin Jo ! Indulge In liquor. The cause of hts ne I pressed spirit was soli to be the separation from the woman with whom he had been living as man and wife, which took place Thursday. 'The' woman took herHtilngs and moved to 612 South Thirteenth street, where she i3 now living as I,oii Batram. The separation weighed heavily upon McElhan non, so he had confided to acquaintances. Ijist night he went out. and. although he had been seen to be badly under the in fluence of liquor during the eurly evening, returned with an envelope containing the polnon. The paper was marked with the name uf the Howell Drug company. Six teenth and Capitol avenue. Soon after re turning to his room lie was heard to call, hut when a man In the next room tried to enter the doors were fonnd to be locked. This caused several moments' delay, ai'd when entrance was at last secured the poison hud almost done Its work. The police were notified and the surgeons sent to the scene, but their efforts were futile. Coroner lirailey"took charge of the ibody. McKlhannon was known to be one of the fastest linotype machine operators In the country. He was born at Atlanta. jCla., and hud worked In nearly every large city In the Cnlted States. A letter In his clothing indicated his mother lives at Winder, Ga., und thut he has a wife and children, but their address wus not mentioned. A brother at Atlanta is also mentioned. He came to Omaha about two years ago for the first tlino from Washington, D. C. lMing employed on The Bee and the World Herald. He was last employed on The riec, but had not been ut work since Monday. He was a member of Typographical union No. I'M. BIG BLAZE, LITTLE DAMAGE flurnlnic Hay Mied at Distiller) Attracts I. a rue frond to I be Scene. What promised to be a disasuous fire lust night was nipped In the bud by the prompt efforts of the Omaha flr rienmr. ment. Fire was discovered In the hay sheds of the Willow Springs distillery about 11 o'clock und the flames were soon leaping Into the sky, until they could he seen from all parts of the city. The hay shed was about fourteen feet wide and a block long and was said to contain about MO tons of hay. This was soon all ablaze and threatening to jump across a small alleyway to the cattle sheds, where hun dreds of cattle were confined. Chief Baiter and his men soon had four streams of water pluyiug on the cattle liedx and kept these from burning until the fire In the hay sheds waa under con trol. The principal feature of the fire was the yiousands of people who were at tracted to tha scene. The fire was dis covered Just ss the theaters were empty. Ing their crowds Into the Rialto and nearly all wended their way. Jo the scene of tha conflagration. When It was discovered that the nre was to be confined to a hay a:.d and that there was no danger of the dis tillery being destroyed all eoon returned to the city. It is thought the fire may have bean Mined by a spuik from a passing engine. HAYWOol) BACK uT BOISE Three Men harared aitk Hfaaeaberi larder Coalned la t'oaaty Jail. BOI8K. Idaho, March a. W. D. Hay wood was brought here from Caldwell today by 8 hen ft James Nichols and waa placed In the county Jail with Moyer and Pettlbone. The three prisoners, pending their trial for the murder of former Gov ernor Stcunenberg, will have tha use of a luige room in the daytime and at night will be lo. ked in separate cells. Moyer's health Is uld to be much Improved. The prts ouers dully receive a large quantity of mall. I l'IAMu.M'8-Prcnur, litU and Dodge. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS The brief season nf Kngllsh grand opera closed last night with a tremendously fine production' of the "Valkyrie." The or chestra did splendid work under Mr. Behenk's capable baton, lie Is master of the art of conducting and gives a very finished effect with the Instruments under hla control. Then, too. If scenery is part of the opera and It certainly has a big share In producing fine effects the stags settings were triumphs of scenic art, espe cially In the second wnd third acts; the rough mountains, the flying clouds, the restless, shouting Valkyries of the third act being absolutely thrilling. It cer tainly Is deplorable that there was not ! "packed" house to hear and enjoy this geni of the Nibelungen Ring series. Miss Rennyson made a chrmlng and lovable Blegllnde. Physically she fitted the part to a nicety und did some very good work as an actress. Her voice showed to best advantage In the love scenes with Rietmund. and a feeling of comfort Is ex perienced that the war maidens have so nobly stood by her in her sorrow. The fact that Miss Rennyson could do so wsll In such opposite style of music as tha Italian style of "La Boheme" and tliM very trying Wagnerian music shows her to be a versatile singer. Her voice shows a great improvement over the work she did last year aud she has sung her way Into Omaha hearts. Of William Wegener nothing but words of praise csn be said or written. His fine tenor robusto, softening in the higher tones to beautiful head tones, crealed the greatest enthusiasm. His love making was superb, being full of fervor, tenderness and with a keen sense of the dramatic possibilities, the bext opportunity for ef fective work being, as was the case with Sieglende. In the first act. The hymn to spring was a delight In itself, and his renunciation of the Joys or Wuhalla for Bieglende's sake ws nobly done. Pleg mund's combat with Hundlng was not effective, lacking reality. Hunding's part was taken by Mr. Parker, who did not do as well as on Friday night. His voice was Inclined to be dead'' in all of 1 bis work. Neither was he particularly force ful In the part assigned him. Woten's pert wus very well done by Ottley Cfanstnn. anil it does not give much opportunity to display his voice except In the last act. when his fatherly devo tion Is fully felt In his song moderating Brunhllde's punishment. Miss Crawford only appeared In the one scene, but did good work ss Krlckn. Of the Valkyries. Brunhilde Is. of course, the most brilliant role. Miss Rita New man's work in this was superb from her first thrilling shout of the Valkyrie bund to her last song entreating her fatier to forgive her for her rash disobedience in protecting flegtnund. Miss Newman did fine work last year and fully kept up the favorable impression she made last year. The assembling of the bend among the rocks, their shouts of laughter and calls to each other was most excellently done. As a matter of fact, the whole opera was given with a great amount of finish and there was liurle to call forth any un favorable criticism. The matinee performance of "Faust" did not leach the excellent stu"dard set by "r.a Hoheme" and "Die Wnlkurp." These two operas were given, with remarkable ef fect and balance.. The cast for the afturnoon Included Mine. Miner as Marguerite: Mr. Francis Maclen nan. whom we heard last season In h title role of "Parsifal," ns Faust; Mr. Har rison W. Rennett as Mephlstophelcs; Mi s Claude Albright n . Sfc!e1 : - Mr. - Arthur Deane as Valentine 'and Miss Helen Petri as Martha. MrY Maelennun sang his pa't In a conscientious and muslcianly manner, with much beauty "of tone but little pas sion. Hla Interpretation of the cavatlna "All Hall Thou Dwelling Pure nnd Holy" wns most satisfactory, although he marred j his climax by avoiding the c. an oppor tunity wnicn most tenors use witli avidity. Ills singing In the last part of the garden scene was unusually artistic. Mme. Miner's Marguerite was veiy good. Her voice Is well trained nnd tru.;. Oc casionally she seemed to have 'trouble in attacking her upper tones. She also lacked In intensity, although she rose to a con siderable height In the trio. Her rendition of the Jewel Song was n pleasure and put to shame a certain great prima donna who recently had this number upon her program in Omaha. Miss Albright's Hiebel was just fair. She has a pleasing personality and shows much earnestness In her work. The Mephlsto of Harrison Hennett was a conscientious study, hut artificial in its ring. Mr. Dennett's voice is not one of natural beauty. Valentine was distinctly bud In the first net. How he did flat! He redeemed him self to h great extent in the duel and death scene, but his production is wretched, he will never sing true until he mends his method. His voice in quality is pleasing. As Martha Miss Petri did delightful work, although the part Is small. Two of the choruses were tlrst-cluKs, tiie street revel "valro eeoed" and the soldiers' chorus. These were given with absolute Intonation and much spirit. The orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. Kmanuel did thoroughly satisfactory work. It Is to be hoped that Omaha may have the pleasure, of hearing the Savage forces every season.- Music lovers will al ways give them' a warm welcome. MARY LEARNED. Chamberlain's Cough. Itemed? a Favorite. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to any other for our children," says Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining. Mich. "It has alto done the work for us In bard colds and croup and wo take pleasure In recommend ing It." Krle Hnad Kiperlnientlua. The Erie road Is following the lead of the t'nion Pacltlc and experimenting with power cars with a vitw of installing them on hrsreh and auhtirbun lines where com. petition is encountered with trolley line. The Erie is experimenting with an Ani' ii ean car which burns gasoline and with a ttans motor from Europe. This imported car Is propelled bv steam and will carry sixty passengers. It has an KO-horse power boiler, anthracite coal is used for fuel and ita power pUnt consists of two So-horse power steam motors. iForvvv All i Rhaum&lic Pains tvAchos r ! r"f it i f 1 r in Ciitqb Sore Throat At all Druli&t8 Pric2t30tLL0Q OrFarlS Slcan Posfon Mana tfSUIaavMMaaeriMMMMiMMMa STANDARD BUYS REPUBLIC Take Over Stock in Nebraska and Western Iowa, Bays Local Manacrer. PURCHASE PRICE IS NOT GIVEN Although Ileal Waa nl Made Known at Once, It la n l.nasrer Kept aa eeret by Rockefeller. Coming on the heels of the official admis sion that the standard Oil comrsny owns the Republic OH company In Missouri the authoritative statement Is' given out that the Standard Oil company has bought the stock and plants of the Republic Oil com pany in Omaha and Council Bluffs and the business and goodwill of the company for Nebraska and western, Iowa. C. L. Alle. man. manager of the Standard Oil company for Nebraska and western Iowa, admitted the sale had taken place and that here nfter he would have charge of all the busi ness of this territory of the Republic Oil compuny. "The stock and plants of Omaha and Council Bluffs have been taken over." said Mr. Alleman. "and will le handled from my office In the future. The wagons if the old company have been repainted snd now bear the name of the Standard OH coinrnny. We have nineteen men travel lug for the Standard out of Omaha, hut I do not know how many the Republic has. These as well as all office men will be taken care of by our company. The Re public Oil company is owned by some Cleveland capitalists and operates In sev eral states. "The traveling men of the Standard Oil company In this territory hnve been In the city for two days, but the territory has not been readjusted ns yet. "I cannot tell you the pun base price, for the exchange of stock is not completed as yet." DRUNK AND ABUSING FAMILY John Krita Arrested by Police on Complaint of Ills rlghbors. ' With his wife hing sick In bed and the I fL,1i1f l., .1 1.1IJ I.. .' i ,i vi mi, n I,,,- .iiiii,-, in acutely destitute circumstances. John Kruza. lfibl Pierce street, was arrested lust night and locked up at the city Jail charged with being drunk and abusing his family. Complaint was made to the police by neigh bors who stated the husband spent Ills money In drink allowing those dependent on his support to go hungry and-without proper clothing, even denying his sick wife thu care she needed. Tatrolman A. Smith was sent to the house and found the condition of the family i xceedingly bad, with Krusa Intoxitated. Neighbors promised to continue taking care of the mother and little ones until Monday when the father will come before the court. He is a laborer. Booth Side Improvers. The South Side Improvement club met rriday evening at its hall with a big at tendance. After a lively talk on sldewnlk matters a motion prevailed the cltv clerk should be notified of all sidewalks and streets in the district In need of repair nnd that the city would be held liable for all accidents occurring on. such. A committee was appointed, consisting of Jacob Hurk ard. P.. J. Strolls and Mr. Klngsburv, to confer with all other Improvement dubs of tho city with a view to forming an or ganization lo further the Interests of nil clubs and make preparations for united effort In all matters of Improvements com ing within the scope of Improvement rich work. The meetings of the South Side club will be held hut twice a month here after Instead of weekly. Injnred by Mreet Car. In stepping from u Walnut Hill car at Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue before It had come to a stoti Sirs. Joseph F. Korg hoff, a daughter of Chief of Police Dona hue, fell and suffered a sprained ankle last night. Mrs. Rorghoff had hoarded the ulnut Hill car wishing to go south on hlxteentu slrret. and .not knowing the car turns at Capitol avenue. I'pon learning her error she signalled the conductor to stop, but failed to wult unill the car could get around the curve before she got up and stepped off the plnu'orr.i. She was taken to her home, !ri South Twenty-first street in a cab. Cartoons In Portfolio. The Newspaper Artist club of Omaha has published a portfolio of cartoons and cari catures of the leading citizens ol" the city which have been run In The Hee. it pic tures the citizens "as we see em" and pictures them very clearly on heavy white paper so the lxiok Is a rn I liable souvenir for any citizen of the town to possess These pictures were wutciied with interest from day to dav and to meet a demand that they be put in book form the club bus published them all alphabetically In u neat portfolio. Kchryver Wins Holt. The suit of James A. Schryver against the George A. AduniH Grain companv to recover U:"i alleged to have been paid to the d-rfenrlant us a margin on a deal in wheat and com was given to the Jurv Sat urday morning. The market went the wrong way, according to the defendant, and Schryver had nothing coming to him He, however, denied the legnhtv of the imntnnion and contended the defendant had no right to keep the money. The lory awarded a verdict of t350 for the plaintiff. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES During the coming week the matter of caps and gowns will be definitely decided by the senior. The subject has caused an un usual amount of discussion pro and con among ihe members of the class. The re port of the committee appointed at the last meeting of the class will in substance be aa follows: The committee will recommend that subcommittees be chosen by the class as suggested by it to carry out the detutia of the fair. The following persons are sug gested as chairmen of these committees: Candy. 1 1. Koch; pennants, G. Prrcival aprons, L. Waterman; art, A. Powell; re freshments, H. Cahn; decorations, Joyd; rniui,, o. ciuuKiuer; rugs, u. Kobortson; committee on eighth grade, O PerrivHl-tl.-kets. C. Belden; furniture, R. Andrews; reception. H. (iarkson. In addition to this tiie committee will recommend that there be sideshows of a varied character. It is alao expected that the teachers of th- schools will lend their assistance to these committees ax they see fit. the members of the Junior and senior ,'iaases listened to an address bv Henry Porter Chandler, a member of the faculty and secretary to the president of Chicago university, on Friday afternoon. Mr. Chand ler spoke of higher education In general and of the advantages of Chicago universtty in particular, and illustrated his talk by stereoptbon Slides, which proved Interesting to his audience. The fiiwl debate to decide the champion ship between the debating societies of the high school will bo held next Monday aft ernoon in room 34. Tho debute will be be tween the Lincoln and Webster societies. The high school octet will give a muslcale on the night of April S at the CrelKhton university hall Twenty-fifth and California streets. The program will comprise favor ite songs as well as more classical ami less known songs. The patient and persistent work of this group of young men will un questionably t eel v the appreciation due them from the em ire school. All nominations for members of tha Rat Ister staff or for officers of the Register Stock company, should be In by May 1. The elect will be held May II. As usual, members of fraternities are precluded from holding any office. The preliminary ileimte for the Omaha against Hlair High schools debate will nut take place until after the spring vacation, which begins March :, lusting for one week. The qutsiion la that of federal con trol over life insurance against the present system of state control. All expenses In curred by the representatives are paid for them. The debate tills year will take place again at Hlair. The mid-term examinations will take place Friday next. The captains of the various companies are urging their men to turn in their dues promptly towards the camp fund. This la necessary aa the going to ramp this year will depend entirely upon thla revenue, since entertainments for tha purpose of raising these funds are no longer permitted. No plana have yet been made for truck athletics and Indications point to the fart that these will not be undertaken th.s veai. o RUNKEL'S CrCmc dc Milk CHOCOLATE I a nourishing confection'; It con;-' tains all the desirable food clement or a child's growing body. chocolate is pure delightful invigorating. It is ground so .1 It ! . t tnat even a baby can digest it. has a flavor all itsown jbecause it is made with ytream instead vlwW" milk. In large I and 10-cent packages IS Everywhere ky Everybody Send fc fur samp's of Choeolatt TWO "EXTRA WOMAN'S HOME T1TR TWEVT1KTH CKXTURY FARMER r.KVTCW OF REVIEWS X8MOrOMTAX WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION THK TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER REVIEW OF REVIEWS COSMOPOLITAN. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION COUNTRY CALENDAR W are very fortunate la twing able to arrange with tfce publlsTiers of these well known magazines to offer their publication at thla aaa satlonal price. It is an opportunity not often presented. Nerer befora baa a publisher been able to make so liberal aa offer on exclualTa high grade and high priced magazines. You ask how la this offer possible if the three magazines hara a fixed Talus and are not like the commodities nauallT offered t bargain prices. THE EXPLANATION It Is well known to everyone In business that in fixing a seniag price there must be added to the manufacturing cost the cost of mar keting. The cost of marketing a magazine Is a big Item, and tbesa three publishing houses decided to unify their efforts to get new read ers, making one organization do the work, and dtTide the cost of mar keting by three. That is why you can buy these magazines, that fit the needs of erery home, for nearly half price. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This is a magazine designed for every member of the farm home. Special articles on subjects of the greatest interest are printed each week. These are written by men of national reputation and cover a field so diversified as to embrace during the year all branches of farm activity and life. Frank G. Carpenter's "Letters of Travel" and Wil liam Jennings Bryan's "Around the World Letters" appear la no other agricultural paper. Either one of these features are worth the price of a year's subscription. No other farm paper maintains so many regular departments, such as Feeding, Live Stock, Veterinary, Dairy, Poultry, Crops, Farm Devices, Orchard and Garden, with four pages devoted to the women, young folka and children. Each of these ee partmonts Is edited by a practical editor and not by a theorlsC REVIEW OF REVIEWS. This magazine is almost necessary for the up-to-date man et woman who pretends to keep abreast with the times. Its Illustrations will consist of 1,200 pictures a year. Its departments give the best that is In all of the other Important magazines all over the world. Timely and Informing articles, almost as fresh and as full of news 1a terest as the dally papers. THE COSMOPOLITAN. This has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. With the recent change in ownerahlp it has been improved and is far better la every respect. Its gain iu newsstand sales and la subscription have been remarkable, and these are due to the new life and real merit. The Cosmopolitan Is printing what the people want. It contains regu larly the best fiction, the best special articles on timely topic and the beat Illustration money can boy. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. This magazine is for every memoer ot the family. It 1 an Ideal entertainer and helper in a thousand congenial ways. The issues for the forthcoming year will be unique in conception and execution, rich and varied in contents and brilliant with the finest and most elaborate and most artistic illustration obtainable. COUNTRY CALENDAR. This Is a beautiful magazine of country life, published by the Re view of Reviews Company. It la the most sumptuous, best illustrated and most costly magazine made in the world. It depicts rural or coun try life In America, both intelligently and instructively. It Illustrate and tall of the life and home surroundings of the farmer and ranch man, a well as the multi-millionaire and hi country estate. fla Nt WaW Arrange for yoer arw "sifc , w f til offer at but llttl more than the great 1 the reductloau The offer 1 good fer new and reaewal subscription and vm be aaaee for but a limited time. t Scad in Your Order T4y. n VffHOIUmi" f r pornrolty. Send rsmiittaacea aaf a4 drees all eummunlrattem t TUX TWEBTTTETH CLMTIHX VAXJkOfBU QUA HA. 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