Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Special Sale of Undermuslins
Enrh wrek the lnfcrr-st In our special sales of Vndcrmnsllns Incrraseei.
Ihcrf'i no better advertisement than a delighted customer, that' the rewon,
lor no woman who aeea oar offering can help but he delighted with their
lxant and bargain worth. Don't mlsa Saturday's Rperlals.
Ls lies' Skirts, gene-'nusly proportioned,
splendidly made, trimmed with clusters
of tucks or deep lac and Insertion, or
embroidery flounces, all hsve extra dust
ruffle.' Thfw are well worth double our
special prices.
(1.60 and.
Ladles' Clown. msde extra long and full,
nicely trimmed with dainty laces, em
broidery and tucks, eftr
nap at Wc, TBc and OlW
Ladles Coraet and rrawers. nicely
trimmed, special at ftPc and
Children' Muslin Irawers. trimmed with
tucka, embroidery and ruffle, lOp
at Kc Kio and
Ladles' Gause Vests, In all sises,
regular lfto values, choice
Ladles' Uile and Regs Silk Vents, silk
taped. In color and while, regular OR,-,
(Do value, at sScJts
Newest Styles in Ladies9 Gloves
Yon'll find a complete itock of style and colors The Monsquetalre Is
here In all lengths and colors. The short sleeve dresses bring the long glore
strle In vogue and we're prepared to supply your every wish.
black, white, all new spring; shades
ma'' of finest Suede, In 12 but- O R(
ton gths, all sizes, at
UD. d' 81'EOK GLOVES. In 11 to 1
button lengths black, white J
and all colors, at $3.00 and.... "
OLACE GLOVES. In 12 to 1 button lengths
black and all the new spring o c(k
shades, at ' "JU
button lengths, all colors, at from
li.N to '.
will place on sals 600 dozen real kid
gloves with Parts point stitching and
large clasp they come In all the latest
shades for street and dress wear, and
are worth from 11.00 to $1.60. A lucky
purchase enables us to sell them Qr
Saturday only, at, pair WW
Ladies' Neckwear
Tba grat neckwear bargains of the season will go on tale Saturday morning.
Fancy Embroidered snd Hemstitched
and Turnover Collars, worth He, 20c
and 25c all In one great lot, Br
at, each
too . dozen latest style Front Tab and
Stock Collar. In plain and fancy em
broidered novelties, worth up to f)c
Mc, go on sale, at, each, 26c, Ififl andvw
Ruchlngs, In all colors, worth up to f)c
20c per yard, all go at. per yard ... w w
too Pearl Buttons, at, per Qn
Fanoy Silk Veiling In all the newest
novelties and colors, worth S0c Irto
per yard snap, at, yard aww
Gold Belts A new line Just received OKn
60c values, all sices, each cw
10c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, Sc
at "w
60c Satin Pad Hose Supporters, 25c
26c. Hose Supporters, all sizes, IOC
Special Bargains in Men's Furnishings
Opportunities which no economically Inclined person should fall to
srasn. Kvery Item a splendid bargain. Nee them.
Men's 4-ply Linen Collars, in b!1 sires and
newest styles all bright, clean stock,
worth regularly 16c, 7Ac
choice w
Men's Half Hose In llsles Hnd tnaco cotton,
in bla ks. tans, silk embroidered and
fanrv stripes bose in this lot worth up
to 60c, tit 19c, 12-Vfcc IOC
Men's Shirts, In stylish spring patterns,
no ft or pleated bosoms, collars and
cuffs attached or detached, worth up to
t!.i sale price 96c, (Site 50 C
Men's Underwear, In medium or spring
weight, all sixes, all colors, at per
vurnierit. 7iV. 49c and mmKJM.
Men's Combination Suits. In spring weight, silk finish In blue or ecru,
regular $il.0 values, special Saturday, at
Sale of
Sample Suit Cases and Bags
An Immense line of suit cases and bag traveling men's samples will
be placed on sale Saturday at prices far below their actual worth. Xo two
alike, but all splendid bargains. Be them Saturday.
Men Soft Felt Hats, good styles, all col-1 $12.fi0 Trunk, linen lined, with extra shirt
tray, special, y 50
ors, worth up to $2.60, Saturday, QC
Every Special
Here Listed a
Don't Miss
Promptly and
Carefully Filled
Remarkable Suit Bargains for Saturday
Xo idle boast, but plain facts, and Its with greatest pleasu
In plain Panamas, neat checks and plaid materials, also
Bites, 32 to 46, and are equal to any $15.00 suit sold e
$15.00 Tailor Suits at $8.95
re we announce this great bargain event. Newest styles,
many taffetas In the lot. They come In all r arm f
lsewhere greatest bargain ever shown l
....... Vlkf
Exquisitely designed garments In panamaa,
vo'.Ies. silks and many other materials,
jackets are taffeta lined and elaborately
trimmed, high-class garments that
would sell In the usual way so on
at $30.00 to $36.00, special at .IC5.VU
Beautiful silk Suits, made from the best
taffetas and guaranteed not to crack
either long or short sleeves and Cbme In
black, white and all shades, garments
that would sell at $:'0.00 anywhere. Our
special price Satur- g gQ
Only the lateness of our buyer's trip to
New Tork and very extensive purchases
enables us to otter such remarkable coat
bargains. Don't miss these Saturday
Covert Jackets, In corset and poney styles,
lined with Wtnslow taffetas, sizes 22 to
. 4. garments worth $12.6u, y e
choice. . OW
COVERT JACKETS. In nobby new styles
of a quality you'll find sold elsewhere
at $7.50, special bargain Saturday, g
Women's to length Coats, in the new
plaids, with or without collar, good
value at $20 Special a
Saturday li&.OU
blues, blacks and fancies, worth reau-
larly up to $10.00, A (IS
styles, best materials,
from $5.00 to
BEAUTIFUL WAISTS In lingeries, Japs,
taffetas snd crepe de chines, all colors,
newest styles, worth up to $8.00, 1 nu
special at t OiVO
New Lingerie Waists, at $10.00
down to ' .',
values In the city, at $2.26 $2.00, s OS.
$1.76, $1.60 and I-40
FROM till 9 A.' M.
Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts.
Saturday at.....
FROM 9 till 10 A. M '
Women's Wrappers, worth $l.2S,
special, at
Oak ctn? bet.. iiiir. brsce nrm, 7lr
. for 'OC
Oak Chair with leather rob- f Ofl
bier H.-at ',uu
Oak n: ui 1!" .i !;i r, rodrlrd arms, leather
cobhlr". nefit, 1 i5(J
Tlilbl.ei-tlreU Co Cart.
luidli: . tor
Furniture Dept.
Here you have the Hoosier Kitchen
Cabinet. The cut from which this
picture is made m sent us by the
Hoosier Manufacturing Company of
New Castlo, Ind., to aid us in adver
tising the Hoosier Cabinet.
This is the cabinet that Is adver
tised in the "Ladles Home Journal"
and other leading magazines. If you
want to see the genuine Hoosier Cabi
net, come here. We make you factory
;rlren. '
Here rc some prices that are com
mon with us:
Oak Dresser. French bevel plate ST 0
inirmr, fur drntjiJ
Oak Chiffonier, well-made, good 'X T Ji
finish, for J.At3
Oak Sideboard, one large and two small
drawers, large cupboard. French Q B
Plato mirror, for
Immense stock of new good just in,
all marked at the loweal price possible.
Exquisite Millinery
New creations added daily to the already large display of
spring millinery.
The best that money can buy is found here in abundance
and after you have examined our goods and price you will voice
the opinion of many others, "How Exquisite and How Cheap."
Our object is to give you the best values ever offered in millin
ery and on these merits we are enjoying a most splendid trade.
For tomorrow we will offer some exceptionally good bargains.
The tip-tilted sailor is jauntily right this season and just the hat
for early spring wear, made in pyroxaline and fancy straw
braid, trimmed with quills, ribbon, flowei's and gold CIQ
braid. The best values of Hie season, for $5.00 down to J13
The new turban, made of hair braid, in black, brown and navy, trimmed with quills
and rosettes, worth $2.98, for
Oniaha's Greatest Grocery Dept. Prices
Big Special Sale of Candy and Fruit Saturday.
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Women's 9-t.OO and 3.ftO fine vicl kid
and turns, including several linen
5:1. oO shoe for women
Mn's Omaha UNION MADE work shoe,
regular price $2.fiO, made of heavy plump
stock nnd cut without a seam,
Misses', Children's and Women's shoes, up.
to-the-mlnute In strle, UNION f '1
MADE, $2 00. $1 S and I.OO
patent colt and calf, in welts
of the celebrated I 11 KA
Men's heavy satin calf bluchers,
Misses' $1.60 lace shoes,
at :
Women's shoes, worth up to $3.60,
Boys', snd Youths' $1.60 satin calf
Isce shoes, at
Chllils' 7S- and $1 00 hnnd turned lore sn
button shoes S-6 and 6-0 fsc 4HC
H. W. Merrlam shoes for boys and girls,
no better wesrlng shoes made, f S.i
$2 00, $1 7S and I.OU
we csrry in 29 stvles. all slies snd widths.
Are they easy? Ask the woman!!l.
Ladies' and
Children's Hosiery Specials
Our Hosiery stock Is now complete, and such an array of splendid value
was never before seen in Omaha. Htate what yon want It's here! Cotton
Hose, Lisle Hose, Silk Hose In almost unlimited variety. Several fortunate
purchases have enabled us to offer you some exceptionally Interesting bargains,
for Saturday.
Ladles' Lisle Hose, In blues, pinks, white
polka dots or fancy stripes, In plain or
lace effects, a great special, iOin
at pair Ib
Ladles' Black Cotton Hose, with double
heel and toe, all sizes, worth n.
double, at 1UC
Ladies' All-Over Lnce Hose, In blacks only,
all sizes, 60c value,
pair OOC
3 PAIR FOR $1.00.
One lot of Ladles' Hose, In blacks
and grays, at, pair
Ladles' fancy colored and embroidered
Hose, regular 26c and 36c qualities, ICirt
Misses' 26c Shawknlt Hose, special
Saturday, at
Children's Hose, fast black, with'
sole, at W.ic, 10c
All Day
Sheet Music Sale
Ask to Hare
Your Fivoritet
This Is certainly the lowest price popular sheet music has ever been sold
at. All mall orders will be promptly tilled. Add one cent extra per copy for
postago. Don't let this great opportunity pass yon by. losltively everything
will be placed on sale Saturday nnd Monday.
Vocal Wait 'till the Sun Shines Nellie, i Instrumental Wedding of the Winds.
Moon Dear. My Irish Molly 'O. You Can't Sllverheels. The GlgKle Meditation. Soko.
tluess Who Flirted With Me. Cheyenne, r Chicken Chowder. shful Bachelor. Wll-
Hpnon I line. Mrs. O'Hanrahan. Have You helmlna Waltzes. Heart Courageous. La-
reen My Henry Brown? Drum
mers Hong iHm Tree), Jessamine
My Hindoo Man. Why Don't
You Cry? What Has the Night
time to do with the Ulrl? It's
the Same Old Olrl. Mv Irish
Daisy. Moonlight. In the VII
Ibifte by ttie Sea. Shade of the
Old Apple Tree. Only You. When
the Mocking BirdB are Singing
In the Wild Wood. On a Crocodile. On .n
Automobile Honeymoon. (Ham Tree). The
Little House That Love Built. Sympathy.
Will the Angles Let Me Play? Bright Eyes
Oooribye. I Ixve You All the. Time. A
Llltlo Class of Otic. Ciood Bye Maggie
Doyle. Lonesome, and hundreds of others.
8lc ach
3 for 25c
xnree Waltzes. hplrlt of Ixiva
Walts. Irlflng Leaves. Kyes
of the Soul. Happy Heine. Ran
Itnl, (new march and two-step).
Moonlight Regimental Daughters
(march by composer of Gondo
lier). Bo-peep inew Intennessii.
Lady Laughter, tlolden Sunset
AVulixes. Dunce e,f the Brownie
Red Hiding Hood Waltses. Fool
ishness (new march and two-step). Heart
ease Waltzes. Fighting the Flames. Sa
turn Waltzes. Rose Leaves. Frolic of ths
Brownies. Yankee Olrl. Bouncing Betty.
Love is King Waltzes, and many others
too numerous to mention.
Pieces below mentioned will be placed on sate, at
Melody In K Tarn
Home Sweet Home (Variations).
Flower Song. Con Ainore; Valse
Bleue. Heather Rose. Good Even
ing. Remember Mo.
Only 5c
AH teachers and scholars should take advantage of this.
11 Trovatore. Anvil Chorus.
Thine Own. Frollo of the Frogs.
The Talms. Maidens Prayer.
Spring Song. Rustic Dance. Silvery
Waves, and a great many others.
Our Corset Dept.
The Only Money-Saving Meat Section
Choice Lamb Logs .9iOLard, a-lb. palls 29c.'
Shoulder Roast '. ...0Up!ltex Bacon llficj
Fhoulrter Steak' I Sausage, all kinds Wc
Dolling Beef 27icl Whole Codfish, Georgia SH1!
Headquarters for all Lenten Fish.
il lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar. $1.00
4R-lb. ntok very fancy highest patent
Minnesota Flour (nothing liner for
family use), per sack $1.15
S lbs. best breakfast rolled Oatmeal .26e.
7 lbs. hand-picked Navy Beans -oc
OH Sardines, per can $u
1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon 9c
J-lb tan fancy sweet Sugar Corn 5c
I-lb. can fancy Wax, Lima or String
Beans 6ic
1-lb. can Rex Pork nnd Beans to
3-lb can fancy New Jersey Sweet
10 bars best brands Laundry Sonp.......,i6c
1-lb. jars pure jtuu ana sugar pre
serves .' SVjC
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per
lb 6c
J-lb. package Fruen's Wheat Flakes or
. W-Cclo, per package 'Mq
Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb 3c
1-lb. package Corn Bturch 4c
Fancy separator Creamery Butter, equal
to anything sold in packages at a
much higher price per lb 23o
Fancy full cream Wisconsin Cheese,
per lb lac
Fancy full cream, Wisconsin brick
Cheese, per lb 15c
Fancy full cream Llmburger Cheese,
per lb , 16c
Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, equal to
imported, per lb....t 18c
Fancy Imported Roquefort Cheese, per
lb 33c
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
URDAY. On our famous brand The Highland Na
vels. There is none to equal thein for
brightness, rich flavor and .iuciness.
Saturday we wll sell 20 OF THESE
FOR 25c
Fresh, Vanilla Flavored Marshmallows.
per lb n loc
Fresh Vanilla Flavored Chocolate
Creams, per lb 10c
Fresh Burnt Pemiuts, per lb loc
Fresh Jelly Dates, per lb 10e
Fresh Molasses Chips, per lb 10c
Fresh Yankee Peanut, per lb .,...10c
Fresh Taffy, assorted flavors, per lb loc
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per lb loc
Fresh Boston Brittle, per lb 10c
Fresh Cocoanut Bon Hons. Chocolate
and Vanilla flavors, per lb 10c
10 sticks Chewing Gum, for , 6c
Carrtes a full line of Uie justly nop-
The girdle shapes in tape and ribbon
" offers an acceptable solution of the prob
lem of Feeniingly corset comfort No.
I 460, berp Illustrated, In mercerize.! tape
with security hose supporters f fill
in front at M.XJKJ
Same In silk.
We show W. B.. R & G.'s. Royal Wor
oesters and Kubo & Thompson Glove
Fitting Corsets in afl new models, f (W
at up from
The Ferris Bust Hupiorter is a boon
. to stout women, J (JfJ
c'oRSlCT ' SPeV'i'a LBiiMste corsets, in
long or short hip models, also fancy
girdles, worth 75c, A.tin
special Saturday.
China Department
Muddy water becomes almost a certainly
at this time of year. Why drink It when
a Roberts' Germ and Dirt-Proof Filter
will insure clean pure water? The most
perfect filter manufactured, can be at
tached to any faucet. We
show them here, at.
at $1.76 to
Decorated Cuspidors,
Complete Welsbach Burner, mantle
chimney and shade, at
Decorated Dinnerware, odds and ends of
stock snap, at - yi
piece , d jC
Star Cut Bell Shape Tumblers, reguhtn
K.60 per set value, i ' Sl-
at each IOW
Drug Dept. Specials
...... 15c
Skin Food,
Buth Sweet,
Tulcum Powder,
Toilet Soaps, three boxes
Williams' Shaving Soap,
Water Bottle snd syringe,
complete, for
Packers' Tar Soap,
Howlers from the Quaker Git; Roll Up a
Sooto of 1,268.
Committee Holds that Brooklyn Man's
Performance l Irregular anil
Void Day's Scores In
Varlona t'lasaes.
TjOUISVILLE. Ky.. March 2).-(8peeial
Telegram..) Several Omnlia men shot in
i he doubles In the national bowling tourna
ment now running In this city tonight, nor.c
of them landing In the prlzo money. Only
one squad of five-men teams shot today,
nd the Crnturys' 2.7M remained unills
iurbed. Hamilton and Hussey of Phlln
Orlphla went Into the lend In the two-men
ivent with l.MS. the highest mark ever
lolled In a national meet, second place
Vlng taken by Jack Reed and Enrl Dree
back of Columbus. Walter Tut hill's lead
in score of 675 was thrown out by the
egecutlve committer, leaving Dan Meyers
t Detroit high with B50. Tuthlll's mark
van protested on account of his not having
. ntered regularly, but took Carlson's place.
.It is now certain that the east will form
1V l
another national congress, lenv'ng Chi
cago oh. Detroit. Cleveland and other
cities are going east.
Scores of tho Omaha pairs:
Bengelo 1T!
Walcnz 15!
Johnson 214
Zimmerman ZS2
The breaking of records by two two-men
teams and the action of the executive com
mittee of the American Bowling congress
In throwing out a high mark established
last night resulted in several changes today
In the positions of tho contestants.
The previous world's tecord for u two
man team rolled under slightly different
conditions, was l.?37. but Read 'nnd Dres
back of Columbus today went as high as
1.217, only to be themselves beaten In the
same set by Hamilton and Hussle of
Philadelphia, who rolled 1.26S.
The executive committee, throw out tli
record of 875 made last night by Wajte
Tuthill of Brooklyn, rolling in the Indl
vidua! matches for Charles Carlson of th
Chicago Crnturys. The record was dis
carded because Carlnon, who hud a broker
finger, should have engaged 8tevens, the
man who look liia place two days ago. The
standing of the individuals now shows p.
Meyers of Detroit first with 650, R. Hollo
way of Indianapolis second with 618 and
Vandcrsyde of Chicago third with 64.1.
The executive committee hesrd several
protests, but till were thrown out and there
In selecting a whiskey three quali
fications should be considered
the age, the purity and theflavor.
Possesses these qualifications In a
greater degree thanany other whiskey
A ninteh game for the women's single
championship of America and $200 a ildo
between Mrs. Gertrude Hull of Chlongo
and Miss Birdie Kern of St. Louis wns
announced today. The match will be rolled
next Wednesday afternoon, the last duy of
the tournament. Mrs. Hull claims to be
tho present woman champion.
Individual Scores.
The highest Individual scores follow:
J. J. Rowe. Cleveland
Knoll, Cleveland
V. XV. Prouty, Cleveland....'
C. Gillwrt. Cleveland
J. Harmon, Columbus,
H. Collins. Columbus. O
K. B.-lz. Columbus,
K. Lech lei, Kansas City
W. Knox. Philadelphia
F. Makepeace, Kansas City
W. Dunbar. Philadelphia
I. . Kruse. Toledo
H. M. Haxbe. Columbus, O
J. Wolfe. Philadelphia
J. Trent, Deli-nit
'.. Boot. Buffalo
3. Ilolloway, Indianapolis
I. Volte. Cincinnati
". Hamilton, Phtlxdelplun
VV. Gnhiuan. Philadelphia
Martin Kern, Si. Iuls
A. Scliwibke, N.-w York.'
J. Watts. New York
K. George, Chicago
. Two-Man Teams.
The highest t wn-Jtieii-teuin scores follow:
Mauple jnd Ilellwlg, 81. Paul 1.171
Klmore iiikI Slierkr, Peoria l.7ij
Heinz and Nellsirnm. Chicago l.u;:2
Murphy and TulhtH. Chicago l.OMt
F.rntst ond Yost. St. Paul 1.012
Welfer snd Stoddard. Buffalo I."i77
Greenwald and Huger, B.irbertou, O.... 1.043
Iee and Mener. I'em'ia. i,'.il
Williams and Meyer, 1 m Crosse, Wis.. '.'2
Cooper and Barrett, Wushlnxtou, D. C, UTO
I.eiion and Rice. Washington, 1'. C !M7
Rowe and Allien,' Cleveland 1,J
Salburg anil RuIhI. Cleveland P73
Hamilton and Hussle. Philadelphia.... 1
now seems probable thai' the university
conch will be employed to take, charge of
the simad immediately.
Frank fiotrli Tlirons Charles Olsen.
A8Hi:VIMj:. N. C. March 23.-Frauk B.
Gutcli of Humboldt. la., successfully de
fended his title to the American heavy
weight championship here tonight by de
feating Charles Olsen of this city in a
wresiliug match, winning the first and
third bouts of the match. Olsen took the
second liout. winning the fall In three min
utes with the side roll, followed by a crotch
hold and half-Nelson combined. Both of
notch's falls were won with the foot lock,
which Golch three weeks sgo agreed to
bar, but later Insisted should be allowed.
The time of dutch's falls were thirty-three
minutes and twenly-Mve minutes, respec
tively. The men will meet again in six
weeks, the match to take place In this city,
foot lock to be barred.
Murals the Champions.
STCRGIS. 8. D.. March 2:!. f Special.')
In the annual contest lor the tiia.'.ininn
sliip of the Black Hills, the Sturgls High
school basket boll team won agaUist Lead
City by a score of 31 to 25. The Sturgid
lsiys have played straight and won aames
against every team in the Hills five In
iM-esbuck and Reed. Columbus, O
Gehman and G.'iman. Philadelphia...
Sehwepke and Watt. New York
Sperger and Metz, Cincinnati
Kiililenlieig snd Votel. Cmointuitl
DeWltl and Myers. Detroit
Palterson und Murdlson. Buffalo
Kern ond Betting. Cincinnati
Myers anil Douglas. Detroit
Slay and Pretrhi tt, Indianapolis
Collins and Harding. Columbus..,
De.ieen and Contre, Chicago
Sweeney and Kohl, Sioux City
Barlow and Roderick. Washington
llertiek and Mackay. Barberton, O...
Nlrhoff and Harris, Cincinnati
Fell and Lefflngwell, Chicago
Lord and Hardin. Washington
Hays and Johnson. Philadelphia
I,oulser and Hall. v. PhiladelDhia 1.00
I Berdine and Mlile, Washington l.OM
! Allison and Krusg, Washington 1,044
j Five-Man Trains.
: Scores of live-men teams follow:
I No Name, Mollne, 111 2.(179
' Wnnburn. Cincinnati 2,472
. Hyde Paik, St. lxmls
Blue Ribbon. Kile, pa
Pabat Blue Rihlsjn, Milwaukee
I Wiedmann, Newport. Ky
cupper, Oehkosli. wis
llnavyweights, Buffalo
Kloenipkens, Chicago
imperials No. 2, Indianapolis .
1 .073
1,1 US
1 ,ovs
Williams lo loach Ames.
A MRS, la.. March (Special )-Prof.
Bsyer, general manager of athletics at
I he Iowa State college, has been In com
munication with Clyde Williams, one of
the best all-round athletes in the state of
Iowa und who was- one of the best foot
ball players that the State university at
Iowa City ever had. in regard to Williams
taking charge of the State college base
ball sijuad this soring. Williams, who is
with the Marshalltown team this year,
has agreed to come to Ames for a period of
fHe weeks and coach the team, resuming
bis position with the Marshalltown team
St the end of the time. A meeting of the
athletic council will ba held soon, and it
Mtke hell reck fleets Dsre Barry.
TKI111K 11 AI'TK. Ind.. March 23 Mike
Sehveek of Cincinnati defeated Dave Barry
of Ireland in the eighth round of a fast
contest nt I-akcvlew Park tonight. Bchreck
weighed nearly twenty pounds more than
Barry und forced the fighting .throughout.
J Wuh often, west
IC.'P-r -ij si i
4v.i .i
osve me auaiity, sppearaocs sod
f veenng abuiues ol cuitom made
garmeou. W hits or cojor-laa tsbnc.
Ob and off like a cost
$1.50 and men
laf UrtwUakMOCoUaraubsj(kltkWrliLl.
f) i- i'i CM It'll iJtTEK'ti KNttklsJ
MlUU Wm. i i i i I
Is HtU UI4 i
w4UMrlbMa. m tli. aflM
Uaa. B.J ( DrftggMA w mm 4. I
mmm u. (rllv. T Um wills
''Nailr f.r l4l Uum. .J r-
am Um.ll. !. Mmw MM
rii.A t-A.
mia sir si iiinufiuriL
gf Cllt.X I Vmi afori.tsrl
1. I w 4.rv i slKbr..i.l-'-itio.
i tia J IrrltalloBa M aloaiftilau
W .Ml
rrrmmu raauataa. Ptiulaa. set Ulrla
'HiEMlCiltM?i:Ct. SMI or pWlMSMS.
(ISSMIIAII.I t " 1 4) SrM
. . t.S.4. " i" Sla
J l SI r kUU
M - cucslaf Ml M
President Eays He Will Enforce Statute
' Kow on Books,
Secretary of American Federation of
Irfibor Requested to Notify Chief
Execntlve of Violations of
Federal statute.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Frank Mor
rison, secretary of the American Federation
of Labor, todsy received the following let
ter from President Roosevelt:
March 22, lf My Dear Mr. Morrison:
At our interview yesterday 1 requested
you to bring to my attention any specific
violation of t lie eight-hour law. I would
like you to call my attention as soon as
IKissiole to any of these complaints and 1
shall at once torward them to Mr, Ncul ol
the labor bureau and direct him to investi
gate them and report direct lo me.
Furthermore. 1 shall hereafter direct all
departments having control of work ns to
which this low applies to notify the l"o
partment of 4'onimerce and Ijilior when the.
work Is begun and I shall notify the sec
retary of the Department of Commerce and
Labor whenever sueh notification reaches
him. himself to notify the head of tho labor
bureau whose duly It then will be to, take
cognlsanc of any complaint made hs to
violations of this law, lo investigate tho
same and to report to me.
As vou know, 1 not only sympathize with
you on the eight-hour law. hut I intend
as a mntter of course to see that this luw
la efficiently enforced.
XI v lelief la that vou will tind that with
Mr-. Nelll perfectly supervising the enforce
ment of the law nil Just complaints will
bo met. Sincerely yours,
Mr. Morrison. Secretary of the American
Federation of I.abor.
At the executive council of the Federa
tion of Ibor It was decided to have com
piled a list of complaints as suggested by
the president.
' Disputes Betvreeu talons.
Mr. McSeerley of the Wood, ..Wire and
Metal I-athers union demanded the rejec
tion of a dual organization of that craft
and that they be required to recognize the
association which he represents.
Mr. Shlhley of Washington requested th.
executive council to press the demand fo.
the initiative and referendum.
Following a discussion on the appllcatloi
of the ateamfttters for a charter a resolu
tlon was adopted to the effect that in th
application of the steamfltters for a char
ter the executive council of the federatloi
found Itself between a vote of a conven
tlon advising that the charter be tssuec
id the constitution of the federation
which was rot entirely In harmony there
with. The council therefore Invited thi
contending unions to select three reprcsen
tatjves. each to meet a like number of thi
federation's executive council for tho pur
pose of adjusting thedlspute, the commltto
to meet In Washington not later than sixt
days from the adjournment of the preseni
Brewers aad Klremeu Agalu.
The controversy 'between the Breweij
Workers and the Engineers and Firemen'
union was taken - up and Vice president
Valentine, who resides in Cincinnati, thi
hedo,urteis of the brewery workers' or-
galzHtion, was authorized to confer with
the brewery workers and endeavor to per
suade tliem to conform to the decision of
th Pittsburg convention.
The executive boitrd of the Brotherhood
of Blacksmiths nnd of the Carriage and
Wagon Workers' International union will
have tholr respective representatives meet
in Joint conference to adjust the dispute
between them, and a representative of the
American Federation of Lnlior will take
part In that conference. This course was
also pursued In the dispute between tho In
ternntlunal Brotherhood of Teamsters and
the Bridge nnd Structural Iron Workers'
International association.
President Gonipers will communicate with
Or.-tanlzer MacArthnr of San Francisco
with a view to rcnfhiiutlon of the local
union of teamsters of tlat city with the
brotherhood. falllns which reafflllntlon
that local will he denied representation In
the Labor council.
Organizer tlrant Hamilton, now In 8t.
I-oiils, will bo directed to Investigate and
report on the complaint that the central
body of t hat city refused representation to
a delegate from the engineers' union.
The council adjourned until tomorrow.
versify were endorsed by a unanimous vote
of the Central Association of Colleges und
Secondary Schools at Its eleventh annual
meeting here today. The confereneo
pledged Itself to an absolute elimination
of professionalism from athletes in the ter
ritory which they control.
Ruhr Foot Ball for California.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. The joint
ntlileiin committee of the I'nlverslty of
California and the Leland Stanford, Jr.,
university hss adopted a resolution recom
mending that the two institutions substl
tutu the Rugby foot lmll game for the
present game until a satisfactory national
game Is developed.
Tinrthwritrrn Abolishes Foot Ball.
CHICAGO. March 2:1 At a meeting of
trustees of Northwestern university lust
night It was decided to abolish Intercol
legiate foot ball at the university for live
years. It was agreed to engage one mem
ber of the faculty to have ihnrge of all
athletics. The debts of the Athletic asso
ciation, amounting to $12,l"J0, will bo as
sumed by the university.
Professionalism la Kecrled.
'CHICAGO. March 2S. Professionalism In
college stsirt was decried, the abolition of
the professional coach for font ball and
base ball was urged, and the new foot ball
rules adopted by the recent conference
called by President Angel of Michigan uni-
Kportinsr Brevities.
Not a rirate has yet claimed that the
team will win tho pennant.
The spring series of seven games In St.
Louis between the two St. Louis teams
will begin March 31 and end April 8.
Omaha bowlers are speculating what
would have happened hnd Wallens made a
good score on his first game.
Hugh Duffy has rechtistened his team.
Ho calls it the "Harps of Erin." Look
over tho club roster snd the reason is ap
parent. Manager MeCloskey thinks well of the
Giants' chances for t he pennant this year,
but says that Chicago and Cincinnati will
give them a run.
Tho Giants will raise the world's cham
pion pennant on tho polo grounds on June
12. Tho Cincinnati team will be the attiac.
tlon on that occasion.
The veteran twuier. Kid Nichols of til
Philadelphia Nationals' muff. Is practicing
wilh the. Athletics in New Orleans. A re
port suys Nichols is living in Now Olieuns.
It was thought that Kk. " too firmly
wedded to Kansas City to change his abode
this late in life.
Carter's transportation was one day late
and he Immediately began to burn up the
wires at Pa's expense asking why was the.
reason. Tho same thing hnupens each
spring. Carter -an stay hllrlud In that
North Carolina burg Just so long and then
he, has to break out. i tin ticket was wired
to him to keep him from fretting himself
Nothing is more discouraging than to have an unhealthy sore or
ulcer resist one treatment after another, 'Bometirues scabbing over and
apparently getting well, then returning with renewed energy and becoming
worse than before. Sores and ulcers are not due to outside causes ; if they
were, salves, plasters, lotions, etc., would cure them. They are kept up by a
diseased and polluted condition of the blood brought on by the absorption of
refuse and waste matters of the body into this vital fluid. These accumulations
find their way into the blood, usually because of an inactive and sluggish
condition of the system. Nature intends that they shall be carried off
through the usual channels of waste, but the different members failing to
perform their duties properly leave the matter to sour and ferment. The
blood then, in its effort to keep the system healthj-, absorbs these poisons and
at the first bruise, cut or wound the sore is formed, and the constant
drainage of foul matter through it . keeps the place open and irritated
so it cannot heal. Another cause for old sores and ulcers is the pol
luting or weakening of the blood from the re
mains of some constitutional trouble or the
effects of a long spell of sickness. S. S. S.
begins at the fountain-head and drives out all
poisonous matter and germs, and makes a last
ing cure. aj soon as me system eis unucr
the influence of S. S. S. the inflammation
gradually leaves, the flesh takes on a healthy color, and soon the place is
permanently healed. Book on sores and ulcers and any medical advice with