THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MARCH 22, 1P06. Si - v GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eastern Crowd OttiMi Blump bj Hard Hammerinc WHEAT PRICES EVEN CENT LOWER fragging; Market is Corn and Small Ranges-No AetlTlty EipMt4 t illl Receipts lacrei Oata Are Firm. OMAHA. March JO, 1908. Wheat opened strong on higher Liverpool cable and advanced further. The eastern crowd began to hammer the market and price want steadily down, cloning an avan cent lower for the May. The northwest re ceipt were larger and tha weather favor able. The corn market dragged, running through a narrow range and closing at tha name price an yesterday. Receipts were light. Dealers aay they look for no change In the market until the movement Increases. Oat opened strong and eased oft a little before the close. lYImary wheat receipt wera 378.000 bushel and shipments 173,000 bushl. against receipt last year of 281,000 bushel, and shipments of 238.000 bushels, corn re ceipts were 874,0'jO bushels and shipments jr.P.fl.10 bushels, aaalnst recelDt last year of f3,M0 bushels and shipment of bushels. Clearances were ien.OOO bushels wheat. n.Vn barrel flour. 92,000 bushel corn, and fa.", or I bushels oats. From the Inter Ocean: That millers are doing ciport business on the quiet Is shown bv the encasement of ocean tonnage for 600 cars of flour for Imme diate shipment bv the opening of navlga tlon within the last two week. Con siderable tonnage of corn and oal to the continent na alo been booked for clearance within the next three month, showing that the other side continue to want foodstuffs." Omaba Cash galea. WHEAT No. t hard. 1 car. 70c. CDHN-No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 38c. Tha local rang of option; On track. No. 1 northern. 76V-: No 1 northern. 74Se; May, 77c; July, 78 V; Sep. temper. 7c. IMTS-To arrive and on track: vc; May. S'a.c. SEW i OBK GRUERAI. MAItKKT Maefatle-as Article. I Open. High.) Low. Close. Wheat I May 71T4A 717A 70V 7014 Corn I May 8J14B 38 H July 3UA 3UA. S;4A 3911 Oats May.. 1 29KB A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 72S74V4c: No. I hard. s,j7"c; No. 4 hard, tkitjj oowc : No. 3 spring. ,.ii,iWc: No. 3 surlna. o6ii.0a. COKN-No. 3. 3Vue; No. 3 yellow, J"c; ro. 3 white. iVc OATS-No. S mixed. 2Hc; No. t white. 3c; rxo. 4 white, ZoVkO'iac RYE No. 2.- Uc; No. X, 63c. Carlot Kecelpta. - Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago Kansas City.. Minneapolis .. Omaha Duluth ... at ...239 ... 3 ... 67 116 1 JO CHICAGO GHA1 AND PROVISIONS I-'eatares o( the Trading; aad Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 21. General liquida tion caused weakness today in the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was down Tec. Corn waa practically unchanged. Oats showed a loss of 4c., 1'rovisions were WwWftO higher, The weakness In the wheat pit developed toward the end of the first hour, a leader of the bulls suddenly becoming active on the ' selling side of the market. This brought about selling by small holder which with numerous stop-loss order added to the weakness. There was little In the news of the day 'of a bearish character. the most Influential factor being large pri mary receipt. Before the decline the mar' ket was steady on a fairly active demand uy snort ana smaller receipts in tne north west. : An advance of small dimension at Liverpool also strengthened price for time. The market closed weak, with .prlcea doe to tha loweat point of the day. lHy opened VtfSic higher, at 784,itV78So, nom.un io 9uih.c ana declined to 77o. The close was 77V9C .July ranged between Vic. ani) 77V(i'8c, and closed .with a net ,l'M0.f i4i, At..7Ztc. .deurance..r-of Wheat and hour were equal to 296,000 bu. primary receipt were. $.6,000 bu.. against m.iw iu. tor the .corresponding day a yoar ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re torted receipts. t 811 cars against 391 car last week ana 144 car a year ago. Higher price for corn at Uvcrpool caused a rum opening In the local market. The knarp oreaa in w neat,-; however, weakened j rices somewhat after the first hour. Pit uudera were active seller during the last half hour of the session chiefly because cr an inorease In country, offerings. The nose was steady. May - opened HtWc hlgner, at 44Vttj444c, sold up to 44,(tn4-.,o -.and declined to 4UV844C. The close waa at 4iw44c. Ixxsl receipts-were 116 car with ; i cars oi contract grade. Ihe oat market waa tlmi at the opening on a fair demand from shorts, who covered irceiy oeceuee ot tne small local receipt, ijin-r tne market weakened In sympathy ".i,, wi.-ui. v nun . iiuuat- were tne prm clpal sellers early In the day and com mission nouses tnrew considerable on the market Just before the close. May opened .mm iiniiinj iv w uigner. at 30H4'Vic soki on to ic and closed at 30c. local "'"I"" "ir iu cars. 1'rovisions were mm auring tne greater part of the day i.n.iiiiK wa iiKiit cuieny oecause of ,j hi uiieriugs. mere was some selling at the opening because of the easier; i i no nve suit a marxet, but average t.j, ii-auiiia pucaera caused siuiiKer leming. ai the close May pork Has up 12V9C. at $16.49. Ijird was loo higher nioi'1. Ribs were up lotfjUHc, at $8.76.' j.xiiinacru iwipii ror tomorrow: Whea 1 our; corn, luo cars; oats, 1X4 car; hogs - 1 ue .tuning future ranged as follow Ai tlcles.l Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yesy I 'Wheat Mny juiy 8 pt. Coi n .May Juiy Wept. nais May . Julv bept. Pi'l'K ' May July rd May July Sept. Itilia May July Sept. I ! 7My6H 7SSfi! C"U siTTIsiu'idi I I I 77! I ! PHI 7H 7b 1441 4l xt 43'l4t 44441, mm Varleas 38 to to f the Hay Cemmodltles. NEW YORK, March 21. FLOUR Re ceipt, bhls. ; exports, 11.M6 bbls.; market dull and about steady: Minneapo lis ps tents. 344 60: Minnesota bakers, I3.4Wi3.7K; winter patent. t.9iii4.2B; winter straights. H.7fr3.Sn: winter extras, ; 7MJ 8 35; winter low grades, 92 6f'n3 i. Rye flour, dull: fair to good. 13. 4" Nh 3. 90; choice to fancy, $3.''P'4.5). 4 OKNMKAI urm; nne wnite ana yel low, II. lo; coarse, fl.0yal.06; kiln dried. 6-2.76. BARLEY Dull: feerilng. 40Uc. c. 1. f. Buffalo; malting. 49j6c c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT- Receipt. 82.0HO bu.; exports. W.774 bu. Spot market easy; No. i red. 4Vc, elevator; No. I red, 864c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, Kif, f. o. afloat. Although firm and higher early on strong cables, wheat gradually turnea weak and in the-afternoon ran Into stop loss orders, which broke prices a point per bushel. Late heavlnes was aided by larger receipts, bearish weather news and commission houses selling. The market closed Vfl'V net lower; May, M l-164jttv closed at It4c; July, KPyuM -lc, closod st 834c; September, 2Hti3 l-lc. closed at V.. COR." Keceipt. ss.obo mi.; exporm. i.i" bu. Spot market firm: No. 2. 624c eleva tor, and 50o. f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, 61c. Option market was firm at the opening on cables ana wiin wheat. Later It yielded to realixlng. nut In the afternoon was steady again, closing net unchanged: May, 6lii60c, closed at 60V; July, 6iMS'6'S-'. closed at 50V; Sep tember closed at oic; uecemoer tiu . We. OATS Receipts, 106,5tW bu.; exports, u,- 075 bu. Bpot market firm; mixed oats, to 33 pounds, 3SSfj'3BHc; cllpied white. 38 to Si pounds, 6'nnMr3. naiiui . 33 pounds, ahivi-imc; cnpp-u wimc. 40 pounds, 373B1o. ' . HAY O ill; shipping. xawc; gmiu choice, SOiaKo.-!. . . . HOPS-eteady; state common to choice, 1905, l.l&16c; 104, 7i!K-; olds, BftTc ; Paclfio coast, saiu; va. vu u, Steady; uaivesion, ji t 20c; California. 21 to 36 lbs., ,tie; lexas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHKR ritrong; aciu, J-r-'T-PROVISIONS Beef, barely steady; fam ily. IlOsWuH.00; mess. tDWa IO.oii; heef hams, IjOfKKa'.T.fio; packet, 10.0Wii1i.SO; city extra India mess, iu.i"rM".i. -u ..-.0, .. ..... pickled bellies. IK-OCa 10.2o; pickled shoul ders, t7.0u;r7.50; pickled nams. I,erd. strong; western pi imt, - S" ",K fined firmer; continent. Is; Houtn America, If 16; compound, V.Wy tV firm: family. I17.S1.00; short clear. li6.7Mn7.75; mess, hd.ovtii.w. TALLOW steaoy; ciiy ''"iCE-Qulet: domestic. SM,Wr; Jaiaa, nominal. .,.,. LtiOo risy; siaie, i nearby fancy selected white, axfi'-nc; stai to. choice. 18'dlc; state, mixed extra, 'J'Jp. western firsts, lfic; western seconds, 15tC southerns, 14Vfcfi1c- ... POULTRY Alive, nrm; wesieiu ens, lHic; rowis. ivc; h, .,,.:;: Dressed, firm; western chickens, Wjil3c, turkeys, 14ai9c; fowls, 1K314V4C. St. lmla General Market. ST. LOUIS, March Jl.-WHEAT-Lower; No 3 red. cash, elevator, (tun wo; iraca, 8X((j93c; May, 75Vic; July, 4Vc; no. a nara. - ... ... - w COKN-i-ower; fo. t .on. -.i. ..v. lQA.alu.o- Mav. 414C: JUiy. tiWHiflC. 6ATS-Lower; track. 3lc; May. i4c; T..iv 9WU., - No. 3 white. EC. Fiji m sifaav reu W imi I4.154i4.26; extra fancy and straight, 4.00: clears (j. . BBED Tlmotny, sieaay, i.f-u..m. t'OKNMEAL -flteady, Ii20. KH AN Hteadv: sacked east track, foe. HAY Firm; timothy, KOW4.50; prairie, e5,00l50. , IRON tVl 1UH11I.D BAGGING 8HC HEMP TWINE THc. PROVISIONS Pork. higher! Jobbing, i"a ird. hiicher: nrlme steam. 17.80. ury salt meats, sieaay; oosea ciiin 18 H: clear libs, IS.87H; short clears. ItUiO. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 9.u: clear ribs, tt.fihi: short clear, IS.75. poiti.tht ivm cnicaens. iwiv; sorlnas. 12Wc: turkey. lc; due its, jc; a-AanA IU4 BUTTER Firm; creamery, 20&Xc; dairy, Wlilc. t . virH dteadv. ' UVtx) rase count. RecelDts. Shipments. ... 7.000T T 7.4a .....V TS.OOO " 45 0.0 74,0110 3H.U00 SO.OUO 78.IXK) 5c; country, Vii fair to extra, iFlour,: bhta w neat, uu. Corn, bu... Oata, bu... Minneapolis Grain Market. (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The rang of prices, a furnished by F. u. Day m CO., uu-liA ooara oi intua uuuuiug, was Artlcle. Open. I Hlgh. Low. 1 Close. Yea y. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sharp Slump in Hew York Central Diiturbs Entirfl List MARKET GENERALLY DULL AND LOWER Lowest Pries of Day Are Reached In Final Hoar, bnt There la at light Rally Baying y ahort. NEW YORK. March M The behavior of New York Central stock late in today' session of the Stock exchange had a dis turbing element and served to enliven what otherwise promised to be the most uninter esting day and the smallest day's trading of the year. New York Central up to the early afternoon wa as sluggish and dull any stocks in the market, and its down rd course was very slow at first. But from 144 the price broke abruptly on the next transaction to 142i and after selling t 143 the nrice declined bv U ooint Inter vals to 142. with subsequent sale a low 141V4. The source of the selling wa not ascertainable, but the demonstration of the poor absorptive power of the market on any urgent selling made a formidable Im pression on sentiment. The whole market was weakened In sympathy and sold off pretty generally to a level considerably below last night. Previous (o thl episode the price movement was little more than a drifting match. During the early part of the day vigorous efforts were made to ex tend the recovery which had set In yester day, but the best efforts of the trsders proved Inadequate to restore prices fully to Saturday's closing level from which Mon day's decline was started. Such strength as wa shown was confined to specialties which have been favorites In the specula tion or subject to pool manipulation. ine more cneerful feeling abroad over the Moroccan outlook was a factor In the advance. So was the report of additional gold secured In Berlin for shipment to New York, which was known during yesterday's seslon of the Stock exchange. This waa followed by an abrupt reaction in the rate for sterling exchanae at Berlin, althnuah discounts In London were uuotably lower again today. The firmer tone of forelan exchange In the local market seemed also to be the result of the gold engagement. The heavy tone of Reading from the start today was attributed to the increasing be lief In a strike In the anthracite regions. In dicated by the reaffirmation of the uncom promising stand by the operators against any of the concessions asked by the miners. Texas A Pacific was unfavorably affected by its annual report, which disclosed the same disadvantage In the last year's busi ness which was reflected in the Missouri Pacific's annual statement. The rally In the cotton market today indicated some re vision of opinion on the significance of the census bureau on the season's cotton gin ning. The lowest prices of the day were touched In the final hour, but there were some substantial recoveries on covering of shorts by the bears and the market closed firmer. Bonds were steadv. Total sales, tar value. !1,S5.000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sties. High Adams Kxprest milimi:tj Copper 111. too Amer. Car and Foundry.... too do pfd , wa Amur. Cotton Oil too do pfd Amor. Evprea Amar. Hide ft Leather pfd 1.M0 Amar. Ira Securltlaa l.rOO Amar. Llnaead OH pjo do pfd Amar. Locomotive 10,600 do pfd Amar. Rmaltlns ft Reflnlns Il.Kie 10' 41V 101 4 , Low. 104 fr4 101 V, Clou. 147 1UVI 41 '4 10ft 23 14 .1 44 1, S en 1.4O0 too 4 J TOO ,O0 loo ine l.00 11 ', iitn 4. I'M mn l.soo too 1.700 lo. sue 100 . M.400 U0 too too 15.400 MO too Wheat I May.; Julv.., Sept.. Flax May.. July.. WT7H 77 Vi! 114Vd 1 16 7S 77 1 lB'sl 1 l&H 76'il 7WI 77 V,, 1 14 1 1U 78SI T7VI 1 1 16 784 7 r. l 144 1 16 4t"S,44V I AH I .-II I I l4.4?4ll 10 M Iti 2a I 21" . i 44 44 44, 4tS 44-.Hl W 44-1.1 44, I I Wtl 30' 30 8 2-jm' 3j I 4iS 8 6S 8 h5 I 8 7i', ! 45 , 16 174, Id 41 1 3-': lti U'Vi lo' & I 36 8 4Ji 8 5.'! 8 75 8 7il I 8 77m 8 it 8 60 8 t)0 I 70 8 32 s 4U 8 60 8 75 I IS 16 X! is 8 ni 8 30 8 4JVi 8 U 8 M 8 7o No, :. cash otiotstions were a follows: KlAll'K Dull; winter patents. I3.1liig30; winter straights, B.(lfo; spring patents, 4xtilw; niunula, J.AKui.Co; bakers' Li.ji iiiw. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 77i!)c; No V i No. 2 red. SiKWvv:. CORN No. 2. No. I yellow, 4?.'c OATS-No. :. 301,0; No. 1 white. 8Jc; No. I while. 3n431 V- R Y K-Nn. 2. iSc ' BAHLKY Oool feeding. J7J(37tc; fair to choice malting, erituc BKKDS No. 1 tux. Iliio'i: No. 1 north western, 1 liH. Clover, contract grade, PROVISIONS Mess pork, tier bhl J16 JO 3t. Ird. per 1W lbs.. IS. IT1. Short ribs side I loose i. ti(B!(.7t); short clear slues (boxed). S SOuN.W. Receipts and shipments of grain and flour Here as follows: 1 ecelpts. Shipments flour, bbls 31.4ml 29,700 Wheat, bu L1) ioc Corn, bu lK6.rt.nt LSo.iMJ Oats, bu :!4.tou 3i.3) Hye. bu S.in0 ifrrt Barley, bu 101 I'D 133.0 On the Produce exchange today the but ler market was steady; creameries. ltdcjlSP-ic; dairies. l,c-4-. ten, steady; at mark rases Included, 13c; firsts. 13c; prime firms. 14Sc; extras, lie. Cheese, steady. in13c. Vllaranhee t.raln Market. MILWAl'KKE, Manh 1.-WHEA1-Mar-krl steady; No. 1 northern, tiMc; No. I northern 7'Wi7c: May, 77,c, asked. RYr-Flrni: No. 1. c. HAKLEY Active; No. X 64'&44c; s 3Kvb4c. Ct'KN-Hlgher; No. 3. cash. (!'gC.V a:-u44c. inple. May, Peurta (iraln Market. PKORIA. III. March 21 -CORN-Fli m; No. 8 yellow. uic; No. . fc; No. 4. 41W: no grade. SD-ajy;. OATS Quiet; No. 3, 3w630c; No. 4 white, 2H fi c. RTK-Steady; No. 3. Sf3c. WH1SKY-I118. ttalaih brain Market. Dl'LIITH. March n. WHEAT To arrive Na 1 (MstUiern, 7iiSc; No. t ourthoru, 74 o Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. 77Vc: No. 1 northern. "c; to arrive, 76V: No. I northern, 76Wc; No. 3 northern, 73VS74c; .No. 1 durum, ilc; No. 2 durum, the. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 3xVij'ase; No. 3, S7".437c. Oats: No. 3 white, 'J&c; No. 3, 37??. Barley, 370'47c. Rye. 634y&3c. Flax: Cah, 31.12V ' Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March II. WHEAT May. 72c; July, 7o(c; September, 70c; cash. No. 3 hard. 76Vu'"c; No. 3. 73 77Hc; No. 4, 66740 ; No. 2 red, 9Kp93c; No. 3, MtiVlc. CORN May, 4c; July, e04c cash. No. t mixed, 40c; No. t white. 4214542c; No. 3, 4c OATS No, i white. 81Ht?82c. HAY Strong: choice timothy, 314. 11.50; choice prairie, 38 5C;8.7B. RYE-Steady; 6Mi57Hc. BOGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood cases included. 12c per dosen; case count, 12c; cases returned Ho less. BUTTSR Creamery, 3c; packing, 12Hc. Receipts. Shipments. Whf.t, bu 23,iK) W.O00 Cr n, bu 1. H.OuO Oits, bu 16,000 ' 1S.0U0 Philadelphia Prednce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March a. Ull'TER 8teady; western creamery, i9c; extra nearby prints, S.'c. EOtJS Firm; nearby fresh and western frexh, 15lc, at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full cream, 12H14c. Liverpool Urala and Provisions, LIVERPOOL. March 21. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; May, to td; July, 6s 6Sd. CORN Spot American mixed new, firm, 4s 2d; American mixed old, quiet. 4a 7d; future, firm; May, 4s 3Vid. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. March 21. SEEDS Clover, cash and March. 37.70: April. 17. ho; October, Kin Alslke, prime, Timothy, prime, 11. to. . . Metal Market. NEW YORK. March H. M ETA 1 There waa an advance of 2s td in the London tin market with snot closing at C167 12s t'd --d futurts at 1:166 17 61. lyxally the market waa firm and several points higher, w. spot quoted at Iai.ii3i.2i. Copper was 5s higher In loiidon. with spot quotvd at CM b and futures at 78 las. Locally no change was reported with the tone firm. Lake is quoted at IIS 6i(i 18.75 electrolytic at I IS. 26 a lD.Sn and casting at tl8.(kKitl8.25. I-ad was unchanged at to aid 5. 45 In the New York market, but was lower at 18 Is 3d in Lou don. Spelter was unchanged at 24 15a In IamiJoii and at 36 l&'ni.J locally. Iron was lower In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 47s led and Cleveland warrants at 47s lid No change was re ported in the hH'al market. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at 31 8. 25 19 36; No. 2 foundry, northern, at 117.7'xois 6; No. 1 foundry, southern, at lis 2-n U.75, and No. t foundry, southern, at 317. 7!yii 18 20. ST. Loi'lrt Mar.h 21. META1H lud. steady at 6 27. Spelter, steady at lti 18. do pfd Amar. 8unr Rannlng A mar. Tobacoo, pfd ctfs... Aosoonda Mia. Co Atchlaon do pfd Atlantir Coast Una Baltimore ft Obio do pfd ,.t Brooklyn Rapid Transit... Canadian Pacific Cantral of New Jsrasy.... Chaaapaska ft Ohio Chlcaso ft Alton..., do pfd Chlcaso Great Western... Clilcago A N. W C. M. ft Bt, Paul Ihlcaso Tarmlnal ft Trana. do prd C, C. c. ft Bt. Lou la Colorado Fual and Iras... Cilo. ft Soutbara do 1st pfd do Id pfd Consolidated Gaa Cora Products do pfd Dataware ft Hudaon 11.. Lack, ft Waiters... Denver ft Rio Grande do pfd Manners' Securities Erie do tat pfd ee M nfd General Electrle Hocalns Valley Illinola Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter Pump uo pra Iowa Central an pfd K. C, Southern do pfd LoulaTllle ft NaahTllle. . . . Alannattan L Met. Street Ry Mailcan Central Minn, ft at. Louie M.. St. P. ft Baull Sla. M. do pfd Miaeoiirt Paclfle Miaaourl Kanaas ft Teiaa do pfd National Lead National R. R. of M , pfd.. N. 1. ( antral tt.lM ew Tork. Onl. ft Weatera 300 1M I1H4. 10i J7H MS 101 unit 17144 !i 47H tna 1741, II MS i Hai 17 toii 4M 1.400 (04, t.tmo 4i 1.700 ni sos rt too 1MU l.ane i.tuo 1T0 1114 164 14 11114 llt 101 l'4 " lot 1M14 lo4 iiii 170 114 Ml . 17f4 11 BO 14t4 17 loj" 444 41 let ie44 5H4 m i 4 11.700 100 100 l.l'JO J.ino no 14. I0 l.ttIO 1.400 10.100 Norfolk ft W'eetern. do pfd North Americsn rarlflc Mall Pennarlvams People's Gaa I Ittshurg. C, C. ft St. L.. I'raoeed Steel Car do pfd Pjllman Palace Car Headlni do lat pfd do M ptd Republic Steel lo pfd Kock lelaao Co do pfd 8t. L. ft S. K Id pfd St. Louie South weatera.... do prd southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Toon. Coal and Iron leiaa ft Pacific Toledo, at. L. ft Weatera. do pfd f'ninu Paclfie do pfd C. a. Eipreea C. 8. R.alCy U. 3. Rubber do pfd V. a. Steel (lo pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical 1I0 pfd Wabaah Uo prd Wclla-Parso Enpreaa Wcatlshouae Eiectriu W eateru t mou '.illni ft Lake Brio ... Wiaronain Central do pfd Northern Pad Ac Central Leal her de pfd fcloes-Sk.fBald Total sales 100 'toil 400 14. too 1.700 L0O0 U0 1S1 197(4 1I3 !44 is'i I7K4 M4 lfi4 ni K 14114 4-4 714 it" 44 U74 K ii4 74 144 1S7 1134 14 17 MS 44l 71 '4 7744 it 714 ' 44 IMS M so(4 sIV4 47,400 in tL to) 400 700 o 400 "lii l.tWO too l. "0 400 t.OOII 100 too 5J.7UO 1S M 141, 4S 4 MS MS 111 40 101 IM114 l "4 MS us 1.IM1 100 47.HO 11.100 l.KKl ioo M0 100 10s loo 10. ioo 1.700 TOO 51 -4 lljv, 40 Iftiti 41 iii.' IIS 1(4 U14 MS 317L4 104 4 . 7t for the dar, 471.100 abans. 54 i It M 4 S4S S I1T'4 4 lo? 1MI US tt'4 44 S 11044 lltj 1US PM 141 "S toS is 14 MS ill" 41 14 104, II5B..W.4SJ: gold coin and hullion, 3T7.TS3.Sf7;; gold certificates, 44.T.SSt. Mew Tork Meaty- Market. NEW YORK. March 21. MON E Y On call easier: highest, 6 pr cent; lowest. 4 per cent; ruling rate. 41'i44 per cent: lust I'win. S per cent; closing hid. 3 per cnt; offered. 4 per rent; time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days, o'-.tifc' per cent; six months, JvJjf.1 per cent TRIME MERCANTILE PATER-StiSH per cent. STERLING RXCHANOE-Hrmer. with actual business In bankers hills st ft Stii 4 wJ for demand and at 1 4 s2&ri74 s.'.'A for slxtv-rlav hills; posted rstes. l .H4j4.oJi4j and 34 .fr4 S7; commerclsl bills. 34 si BILVKK-Bar. 6Sc; Mexican dollars. 5"c. BONliB Oovernment and railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were a follows: ..lOJS Japan . Id oerlea. .1C' ..IH' do 4Sa. ctfa 5'S ..10SS do Sd eerlea 04 ..ions do 4a. ctfa i ..10'l. ft N. unl. 4 I"IS ..1044 Manhat. r. roM 4e..loS ,.1l(aMlcan Central 4a.. IIS ..IMS "Minn ft St. I.. 4a.. MS .. Tt)S;Mn.. Kan. ft T. 4e.lon ,.li4t, do la ..IMS N. R. of M. r. 4s.. .. N IN. V. C. fen. I'4a.... .. riN. J. C. sen. U 1I4S ,.10414No. Pacific 4a....'.... 74 .. M N. ft W. e. 4a Ill .. M lOre. a. b. rf. 4e.... M lat Ine. MSIPens. cr 314a l' t(iReadln( fen. 4a H4S re. V. . ref. la. do coupon ., V. g. Sa. re., do coupon .. t S. old 4s, do coupon . . V. a. new 4a, dn coupon . , Amer. Tab. 4e. do (a Atcbleal gea. do adj. 4a... Atlantic C L B. n. 4a.... do l',e rk. R. T. ct. Central of Oa. do Id Inc., do Id Inr WW!Mt L. A I N. Chea. ft Ohio 4Vaa..l0t St. U ft a. P. f(. Chlcaso ft A. ISa.... 7'4 St. L. a. W. eon. C . B. ft q. a. 4e.... W4 Seaboard A. U ' C . R. I. ft P. 4a.... 71 o. Pad Be 4s do eol. to Ml do let 4a ctfa.. Oct. ft at. L. .. a lMVSouthern Ry. ta . ir. A. 77 Trraa ft Pacific la 74 4 Tol., St. L. ft W, 77 L'nlon Pacific 4e. I3 do rone. 4a. ,. . H f. S. steel Id Is t Wabaah la .la do deb. B. ... .101 Wretern Ml 4a.. . II W. ft L. It 4a.. .ir.H Wla Central 4a... .101S Colo. Ind le. do ear. B Colo. Mid. 4s Colo, ft So. 4a... Co ha la D. ft R. a. 4a Plan Hera Sec. la. Krle prior Ilea 4a. do gen. 4e Hock. Val. 4 We... Japan le Offered. 44.117 4s. MS 4a. M4 la.. .... S 4S ...1IH ...111 4a 14 ...KHS ....I.M .... ....111 .... I14 .... 17 .... "4 .... I2S OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET ft Beerei 8tetdy, Oowj 8teady to EtronCi leeders Etronc'r. HOGS OPEN STRONGER, CLOSE EASIER sheep aad l.amhs Kelt Rather More Freely Than on Moat Day ( .ate, bat at I'rlcea o Higher. l?o 74 yen foo 14H 4 OS 4 So t nn ie e I.. I. 1 . IIS t 15 I t as 44 I. it'!'.!!".!! iiotn STOCK ERS AND FK.r.rERS. 4ej .... w too .... SM .... 71 111 .... OKI .... eat llKS f J" UO . I ' 4 (.. 4 15 4 4 t 4 4" 4 i 4 4 W lir. GkMII lo.. 4 H.SM7 I. DO' I0.3S3 1D.M4 t,.4o4 it, .hi lCfiu. of 3,7U m.joi i,u:44 BI,Sf,8 1S..K1 London Closing stocks. LONDON, March 21,-Closlng quotations stocks were: on Consols sionor . do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd B. ft O Canadian Paclfle Chea. ft Ohio ... Chicago c. W.. C. M. A St. P.. DeBeera D. ft R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illinola Central Loula. ft Naak.. St., K. ft T 0S V T. Central 140 ..-! Norfolk ft W .... US "o pfd W .... M Ontario ft W 61S ....lot 'PonrtrlTenle 70S ....UiS Rand Mines t ....17 Readlnt 4(4 .... el do lat prd 47 2iS do Id pfd Xi ...,ln Bi-uthern Rr 4174 .... la-4 do pld I04-4J 4SS So. Pacific la .... to l'nlon Paclfle 167 .... U do pfd M .... to l 8. Steel 4IS .... tS do pfd lOSTe lio Wabaah U ....145 do pfd M MSlSpanlah 4a IIS BOt'TH OMAHA, March 21. Receipts were: (.attic, nogs. Official Monday i.tK, m, Olficlal Tuesday 5,R7i 11, iM l)fhclal Wednesday o,ut ll.tayi inree days this week. .. .15.48 Three nays last week 14.(.' Hame two wrens ago lj.dlM Hamc three week ago.. ;.: Hame four weeks ... .14.1 Same days last year. . . .13,ill tne tnuea luu tie, nogs auu sneeo at boulh umua tur tne year to uate. compared with iai year: l!Jb. lli. Ino. Cattle 3i7,mj In.iwS tj.iUi og ODO.iM Odt.VU tS,44 nP s,wii te,i4 asi.uil .. Ulil.ll Wlui.i110.0. The following wilt suow tne tyilces pa,l for the u.liuiuiil ainua ut vstue v.u die fcoulii Omana markt.. uoou to cuoice voi u-ied steers tl tiMl&.oO tail- iu (.uoice coin-leu sievi .tHt.iw v..iiiiiiii tu uuoice corn. leu 11u.1i. mihma 10 cuoice covis and neilets. (joou to dunce leeucrs rair to good Blockers and feeuei. (-OU1I1I01, to lair aloukei uuna, aiaa, t.c nANUn (JF tKlClia. 1 :h 11 1., Omaha $ (.inuago i.ouno.40 Kunsas City .wuo.J Ol. 1 A1U1S 2.l(i,u.0l) OIOUK city e.uuMw.iw auuuwiog tauiu siiua-a in ntidtu pnue 01 uugs at bouin ouiaiia. tor 111 tt aasverai u, wuu uuuipusuiis: t-it 4SS 44 2044 44 MS 114 1.5 lIS 11744 lol MIS US 11 1I1S to It M US 170 111 ST SO 711 30 IM( 171 IS US s s a i s 0 144S It 54 20JS 44T 4SS M4 U 41S 74S tts 1M IU 141 u I. II II .IS M VI 17 S 1414 157 111 74 lt7S 174S 14 '4 14 7114 7'H MS 14 S 4IS & M 4JS 117 MS 71 at 7 4 117 n K US 14 tt 44 S II MS 5S 1174 4S 10!'; 14IS 151 at 117 14 s lit l'4 IS 50 114 luS 4S M2 H'.VJ n us aS 314 44S 101 71 81LVKR Bar, steady; 30id per ounce. .Tij,r.i-4uri per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 3 per cent; for three month' bill. 3 -l pec cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON. March 21. Money was In good demand and scarcer In the market today owing to revenue collections and the ap proaching quarter-end. Discounts were quiet. Operators on the Stock exchange were fairly cheerful and hopeful In view of the brighter outlook at Algeciras. The deal ings, however, were restricted. Boston Stock anal Beads. - BOSTON March 21-4-all loan. 6Hf, per rent' tfniM nm U.AAlx '. V - ... r,vna mm uunua; Eiaperalrd Apples and Dried r'ralts. XBW YORK. March 21,-EVAI'ORATKD AHRLK8 Keeling gulet. with little jnhhlng demand for prime fruit, but the outside quotation given are rather extreme. Com mon to fair are ounted at 7uhS', fair to good. in, at !Vii"-,i'. nearly to strict prime at l'f)tSc, choico at :ai10c and fancy at He. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITB-Prtnes continue lo move stca.lily into consumption at recent prices, which change fnmi 4'c to kc. according to grade. Aprlco show a somewhat easier toue on spot, bu prices sre not o,uotahly lower and genera' condi tions eeeni to (avor fruit, owing to reports of Light supplies In primary markets. Choice are quoted at loic, extra choice at lie and fancy at UMjliSc- Peaches are being offered from Interior points. O'nlce are quoted at luc, exlia choice st l'Hc. fan-- at l"SiilKi and extra fancy at 1IV3 13c. Rail. I ns are oulet. with Moa mui-atel quoted at Sim-Sc. swelled lamliis at f)'4ii Vc and Loiidou layers at 31 6cj 1 it). Atchlaon adj. Atchlaon 4a Mei. Central Atcblaos t do pfd Boston ft Albanr... buetoa A Maine... Boeton KleTaled ... Pltcbburg pfd Met. Central N. V., N H. ft H. Vnlon Pacific Amer. Arso. Cheat. do pfd Amer. Poes. Tube... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel. ft Tel Amer. Woolea.... do pfd Pom. lroa ft Steel Kdlaon Bier, ft I Maes, klectrlc do pfd Maea. (iaa I n lied Krult t nlled Shoe do pfd . . . I . . Steel do pfd W eal lit common Adtenlure 'Asked. Bid . Ml, Allouea .loif, Anial(aniate4 SO Amer. Kmc .. . US Atlantic " . 10H4 Bingham 4 csl. ft Hecla...." lilS Centennial .154 Copper Range ...!. .ii:S ISIr Wast . ilSjIrrankila .Iu0 Uranbr iMSiaie Roral 17 iMaas Mlsla ' wl eocnifas .. 1114 Mohask ..1U Mont. C. ft C ' ..litVdld Domlaloa ..lMta Merola I.... .. 41 : Parrot ..104 Ivuiucr 11 S Sliai aoa 44 , Tamarack w TrinKjr tl Called Copper ... 4 r. S. Mining io 'I', a on Mach.. 441 I tab . Vietoris W lOfc I Wolverine I North tluite S . IT .ifu . I . Jl . I7S .110 . S4'a 7IS . J4 . 11 . US s s . la . W . IS . 44S -1UO . J4 4 . l s lua . It . M S . ii US IS .iu US t.ta i.tju S. 4.1 eo a.iitaut.UK .. (.aMar-t-IAl Hogs. $ 4.UVNe.M b.oV4aS.ou S.UV1440.M .W.4t4j ltte. uto. ll.ltH.!U.llrJ3.l'JUl.lJ0. cil. 7...1 li lift) 4 all a Ui K lol k tHI l. loi 4 .i ... 4 uMI l Wi ii An i t w, i is, 4 ,i Aicii. ...( u ivai 4 soi a 13, 7 li tun 14! 4 il wen io.. IM, t ii 1 v i, e a .a sucu il... - IIM.IUI i aviia Hi elcft. U..II0N i i isi 4i, lata. 4 71 aicii. i.. twin, 4 sV) r i t) ov, 4 t Mch. 14,. 1 11, 4 ti S 1( i u) io, a 1 4 7a ucn. ls.. Uovm 4 Hi, a, I J l 4 is Men. lb.. 1 k 0.7al 4 M lo, 7 2ui loi s 1 4 Sa sicii. k ii 1 4 so, o oa 1 iu, 4 ii t , 11H Mull. is.. 1 - 1 0 ui, a ih, 1 Obi 0 i- a Mch. 10 I 1 4 Mi ; IK, ) s i 4 90 Men. JO.. 4 ltHii 0 1 V 9ao 21 I 47 men. il.., 1 it lei 4 9 v k Isi 6 2b al Bank t learlags. OMAHA. Slarch a. -Bank clearings fur today were tl.tfet 079 a and for the corr-sp-jnding date last J ear, 3L287.3411 99 Treasary atatesaent. WASHINGTON. March Today s state ment of the treasury halance in the gen eral fund, exdiiiive of the liiu0.1 gold reserve, shows: Atailahle cash balance, OMAHA WHOI.KSALE MARKBT. Condition of Trade and tnotatlona oa ' gtaple and Fancy Prodnce. EUG8- Receipt, liberal; fresh stock, case count, lygMlfcu LIVE POULTRY Heu, lv&10Hc; old roosters. 6Hrc; turkeys, lie; dueas, Ue; young roosters, 8'ylOc; geese, Sc. DRESSKD POL LTRI-'l urkeys. 18fil9c: old tome, l6'olic; chickens, KH7l2c; old roost ers, 7c; ducks, KilSe; geose, liic BCTTER Packing stock. 13c; choice to fancy dairy. lQlic; creamery, SH&ttfto. HAT Prlcea quoted by Omaha Feed coin Pet1 y: No. 1 upland. 37; medium, ttj.uO; coarse. 3s.0O4j4j.3O. Rye straw, KW. BRAN-Per ton. 3U.W. TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgs., 2.00; Hallowe'en. In 7olb. boxes, per lb., ic; Bay ers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs.. fc.OO per do.; g-lb. boxes, $1.00. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red- land navels, all sizes. 13 Sfi: fancy navels. $3.26; choice, all sizes, $3. LUMU.vo- Limonlers, extra fancy, 40 lie. 33.73; 300 to 360 aixe. $4.26. FlOS California nr 1(1.11. rirtnn 7i"fl 35c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, 11c; l crown, 13c. BANANAS Per merlhim sized bunch. 31.75 62.2S; Jumlio. $3.uOa3.00. TANCt ERIN Eli California. nor box of about 126, 33.00. GRAPE FRUIT Florida ner hm. 17 (iii 7.50; California, per box, $4.0uU4.50. PEARS Winter Nelll. $2.50. APPLES California Newton, Pippin and Baldwins. 32 ner bu. box: Ben Davla. 12 per bu. box: VVinesane. 32.50 ner bu box: other varieties, $2.004150 per bu.; New Tork apples, Baldwin and Russets, $6.00 per bbl. ottArca imported Malagas, $6.ooa7.oo. OLu vauEIAHlLo. POTATOES Home crown, tier bu.. SO,,! 60c; South Dakota, per bu.. 7oc. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.86; No. 2. $1.7$. LIMA BEANS Per lb., &'c. CABBAGE California, 3c per lb.; Wis consin, In crates, per lb., 2Vi'02io. CARROTS. PARSNIPS Also i'tJRNIPS Per bu.. 86c. CEI.KRY-Callfornla, 31 per dos. SWEET POTATOES-Ilflnol. per U-pk. bbl., $4.60. NEW VEGETABLES. ' TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs., net. $t.60. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30 ids., net, so. ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red. per bu.. s5c; Spanish, per crate, $2.26; Colo rado, ted and yellow, per bu., $1. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 30 ids., net, n wry t.ou. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per It-basket crate, $4.60. TURNIPS. BBET8 AND CARROTS Louisiana, per dos. bunches, 7io. 6HALLOTT8 Louisiana, per dosen bunches, 76c HEAD LKTTUCE-I-otiisisna. per bbl., $7 .tjtVq 10.00: tier dos heads, $l.(Joyi.i6. LEAK LETTLCE Hothouse, per dos. heads. 46 o. CL'CL'MBERS-Hothouse. per dot.. tl.79 126. RADISHES Hothouse, per dog. bunches, 6097&C. . MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb.. &Og0c. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 13c: No. $ ribs, ll'tc: No. t ribs. feo; No. 1 loins, lc; No. 3 loins, Uc: No. $ loin. 10c; No. 1 Chuck, 6Vc; No. 2 chuck. 6c; No. 3 chucks, 4Sc; No. 1 round, 7Vc; No. 1 round. 7fcc; No. I round. 7c: No. 1 plate, 4c; No. $ plate, $bc; No. $ plate. 3e. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER-I'er Keg. 3.75: per bbl.. 33.7S. HUN KY-New, per 24 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, lbc; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin llmberger, 16c; twins, ISc; Young Americas, 160. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 oft shells, new crop, por lb., loVsc; hard rhells, per lb., 13c. Pecans, large, per ib., 14o; srr ali, par lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb.. Hc, roasted, per lb., sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., l'flUc. Almonds, soft sheila, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. Cocuanuts, $4 per sack of luo. FRESH FISH Trout, 11c; halibut. lOo; pickerel, dressed. 7c; white baas, l!c; sun nsh, iific; perch, skinned and dressed, 8c; pike, loo, redsnapper, 11c; salmon, Uc; crapples, 4&9c; eels, 18c; black baes. iic; whlieflah, Lc; frog legs, per dux., Utt; lob sters, gieeu, 33c; Polled lobsters, 3c; blue fliu, 16c; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; haddock, 10c; shrimp, 1.0u1.6u per gallon; smelts, 12c; cod, Lc OYSTEKS Fresh atsndard. $1.40 per gal.; shell oysters, $l.UKui.u0 per luv; Little Neck clams, $1.60 VkT luo. SUOAR Granulated cane. In bbls., 3o0; giaiiumted cane, in aucas, $5.01; granulated beet. In sacks, 34 91. BVRL'P lp barrels, 24c per gal.; In cases, 10-1 b. cans. $10; cases, U 6-10. cans, $i j; cases. 24 i-lb. cans, $1.90. COFFEE-Koasted: No. 35. 25Hc pet lh.; No. 30, IWro per lb.; No. Jb, 1HC Per lb.; No. 30, tfSfcC per lb.. No. 21, 12Sc per lb. FLOUR (wholesaler Best high grade Ne braska, per cwt.. $1.90; best high grade pat ent Minnesota, per cl., i 3. straight pat ent Nebraska, per cwt., $1.90; second pat ent Nebraska. $1.30. CI.'RKD FiSh Family whiteflsh. per H bbl.. ho lbs.. $4 ta); Norway niackcre., per bbl., an) lbs., bloaters, $4000: No. 1. $4 0j; No. 2, $:(; No. 3, I A, 00; Irish, No. 2, $i.oo; Herring. In bhls., iUi lbs. earn. Norway, 4k $1300; Norway, 3k, $1300; Holland, mixed. $U6o: Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, sue: kegs, mixed, 0r. CANNED uOiilJfi-foni, standard west ern. 5iioc; Maine, II. S. Toniatuea, 3-lb. cans. $1.2.Vril.6u; 3-lb.. 9101131.0. pineapples, grated. 2-fb.. $2 0t74 30; sllcrd, $19to.2 9o. Gallon apples, fancy. $3 50; CalifornU apri ctits. $1 4"4i2 ov; pears. $1.76413.60; peaches, fancy, $1 7fw2 40; H. C. peaches. $3.4Vii raj, Alaska aaliuort, red, $115; pink, $oc; fancy Chinook, V.. H 10: fancy aockeye. F $l.l; sardines, 4 oil, $2 60: K mustards, IJ b, $ 10. Sweet potatoes. 31 16Jil 26; sauerkraut, $1 oi; pumpkins, feoc$l iib; wax beans. 2-lb., 7fHJ(Jc; lima beans. 2-lb.. 7ic'i 41.36; spinach $1 av!UU: cheap peas, 3-lb., sue; extra, lb a tor: fancy. $1 36$1.7i. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, $4 36; No. t carpet. $i.4u; No. 3 plain $3 tt. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW No. 1 gieen hides, tv; No. 3. 1c; No. 1 salted. Uc; No. t. 10c: bull hides. 7SttSc; dry hides, i?$joc. Hoise hides, lsrge, $3: small. 12. Sheep pelts, each 6nca$i . '.'5. Tallow, No. Sunday. YESTERDAY SHIPMENTS. The following snows the uuinuer of cars of stockeia ana feeders snippea to the coun try yesterday anu men- puints ot dcetin unon: Cattle. Car. J. W. Carlston, Atlantic, la. K. 1 1 W. S. Utisneger, olorm Laae, la. 1. C... 3 V. binogreeu, Artnur, la. N. W 2 P. It. binilti, Nessend, 1a. 14 1 J. T. Inorne, Bonesieei, u. L. F. E 1 A. Nelson, cnuerwooa, la. Mil 1 Valley Stock larus, v alley, u. p.. 1 K. H. Ferriii, isortli Bend. Neb. U. P.... 1 P'.L'ocKran. Tiiornion, la. G. W 1 UHeieley, Harvard. Li. N. W 1 E. Brown, Hamburg, la. SI 1 K. U. Heudens, Ciaiae clt, ia. 1. C... 2 i'. Blanchartl, Muscatine, la. R. 1 1 4. T. Gunnings, Maasett, Neb. F. E 1 b. 1. Houtnvtorth, Ravenna Q 1 E. M. Prokes, Bcnuyier, Neb. L. 1 1 The official nunioer of cars of stock brought iu today by each road was: battle. Hogs Bli p. H'ses. C. M. & 81. P 3 ,6 Vt abash 3 Missouri pacific 6 Union Pacinc 69 C. at N. W., east z C. N. W west 54 C, hit. P.. M. et O.... 30 C, B. & U., east.... 3 C. 14. o w . west 71 C. H. 1. P.. east 7 C. R. 1. & P., west 1 Illinois Central Z Chicago G. VV Total receipts 340 161 3 s 7 I 71 1 7- i I M 1 I ST, J 1 1 4 v 17 "t 4 on It.. 1141 urtno.1 kic main, this morning and I'airiy active al tic nilvance, so much so that 110 cars, whhh incuind pl'Sctlcally all the tatty iirrlxals. 1 na,inr,l hands in a short time. Tlv eriy , were largely at 6 ITHuo .'. with a spi ink ling at and a top st W By the time the Uo loads cn.ingcd hands reports arrived from other piaiKrl points indicating a general decline mi along the line. Chicago especially being limited J"v lower. This message was like pull I 'in a wet blanket on the trade, and busltion came to a sudden standstill. From thai time on until the close the market wa veiy slow and weak, all the Kirength of the morning, and more, loo, being lost. nepresentstlve sale: No. 14 14 rt ..... 1? .... 14.... 70 M 0 71 1 10.... f!..... 0 M II.... 4.... 41... 71.... 44 ... It... 1:.... 71.... 46.... 71.... I 14 If.... 70.... 17 71.... tt..,. 41. A. ..Is ...171 ...17f ..lit ... .It7 ...til ..III .117 ,..117 ,..H4 ...20 ...371 ..r.i ..211 ...107 ...141 ...Ml ...lf.0 .. .110 ...111 ...1 ...141 ...1 ,..115 ,..110 ...171 ...31 .211 so. Pr. I 10 I US t 1S4 t I t I t II I 1 t IS t It t 1 I7V4 I !7l I 171, t 17 V, I 17', t III4 t ttv, t 17k, I 174 t If, 17S I I7V t 17( I 17S. I 17V I 7S t 20 I to t M t 10 I 10 t III t Ml No. II... it.!! si... 17... tl... 4... at. .. 10... 47 .. 71... tl... 41... 4... ... 70.., SI... 41... 71.., 44.., 71... 04... o... 77.. to... I.., 74... I.., 121. S7.'.! II.. At ..2:i ..14V ....It . 14 ..M . U.4 . Ill . .rt . r7 ..2o . .24', ..! .30 ...4.1 . J'.l ..2il . ..H.'t 171 .ill .1.17 .130 .2T.4 .171 .; ,.;:i .let Pr. 20 t 10 t M t 1" t M t 10 rt t w t to 4 M t til t 10 :o I 2U I 24 t :u I 2" 4 20 I 22 '4 t UV t 22, 13 4 I .as I 22 , t 221, t 82 ' I 22S 21V, I 2 I t i;s t . 4 so 6 3 32 2 la 34 The disposition of the day' recelpia waa a follows, eucn buyer purchasing tne num ber 01 uead uiaicaiea: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co S17 5) Ml Swltt and Company l.ido . 2.'iit l.oH Cuoahy Packing Co l.Zio 4,440 1,a1 Armour ft Co I,tw2 Swift and Co.. f m St. Joe 4i Vansant & Co 33 .... Lobman t Co 147 Hill & Son al L F. Husi 78 Wolf v Murnan 19 Mike liaggerty le bol Degau . 3o J. B. Hoot St Co 32 Hoffman 2J0 .... Lane im ' Other buyers 263 3,a2 SHEEP There were verv few ahecu ill the barn when It was time for the market to open this morning, trains S a rule be ing late. The only regularity ahotil stock trains at the present time seems to be their lateness. By reason of the nonar rlval of the receipts the morning trading Waa somewhat limited. Still there seemed to be In some cases a little better feeling than yesterday. Buyers took hold a little better on the start and the eurly trading was somewhat more active than yesterday and day before. Still, prices were no bet ter and the demand on the part of the buyers waa limited. After the more urgent orders were filled the trade slowed up and it was harder work for sellers to unload. Quotations: Good to choice native lamhs, $i;.o 'fitj.60; good lo choice western lambs, $.2i.60; fair to good lamhs. Vi.0"'(!O.Z6: cull lamb. $4.tY)45.&o; good to choice fight year lings, $5.005.80; good to choice hoavy year lings, $6. noli 6. W; fair to good heavy year lings. $6.40j6.50 good to choice tvelhers, $0,6145.76; fair to good wethers, $6.2.'4i6 66; good to choice ewes, $4.75H6.10: fair to good ewes, $4.2o4.66; cull sheep und bucks, $3.00 C4.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 11 western cull lambs i4 4 60 ol western Mexican ewes !w 4 00 3! western ewes 12't i 10 (A western yearlings 81 5 00 249 western Mexican lambs H 6 75 360 western Mexican lamhs 58 6 75 288 western yearlings and weth ers 97 5 80 4DS western yearlings and weth ers I unchanged to 11 p ilnt lower. The dnno I was iii. n 1 uni'imiiK d Kilew were re. t XIte, 1 ll 1 II a.4(l, ,t 'Initios. MtU'll 111 ! t. iic ; At I.-, 1.. , .ui -1 c : Jui. : ,c r.eoii'ti,. ' Inr, il-c; iieci iniu'i . ,.4-c. fcP'l iti-i. st'4dy , No. i liuclie, 8sc Wool Market. l:iiiTON. March 21 WOOL The pules of wool iluilna Ine iii t e-ei.'l. have hci n wfid' i ' si atteieil at film pi ices. 1 he string opeituw I of the l.i imiiu wiol sales iant wct'K ha mm i jtl rinil tne lot a I m ai kit on nil gtad -e. There has been u fair unvt mvnt 01 n r.l I toili . iliKiikh Hie si cr' fl Cf t does not show n inater:iii t-nar.jce. rJ illd (mis are III ' fair iicniHinl. Forelifn giiles are firm. '. Iallng niioi.lh ns follow: Ohio ami I'enn svlvanlu, AX ami aoc. ,li.liV; 3.'i 1 Sic: No. 1. 3"tt.e; No. 2. $tv4'c; Pn un , waBlieil. 2ti 1. :.ii,r; qinu tcr-bloml, Unwahd, 3-"iiH:'(4c; tliice-eignllis hloou, il.tii J3I4C ; ; liaif-h.ood. iTn"1,c: utiwnshed ! 7n!Tir'. IVil :9r; line wnhcd tii lsine, ;biiyu.1Kr. Kentucky, ! Indiana, etc.: Three-eighths and quartri blood. S-Tia-tc. Tevnt'ily ti ml Idaho, fin.'. .'Mi, 1 ;3c; heavy fine. l'.iv'.T: line niedlunv 3:ti.':lc; 1 medium. ivi27e: low medium, '.''o '.'ic. iiinln. nn' ;l',i-i'; heavy fine. lua'.iV-; tine iiwuliim. ;-'i Ji'.' medium, I'''niie; low im -I ilium, 2Mi2ic. Utah and Nevada, fine. ;;it . ;'3c; heavy line. lS'ij 20c ; fine mctlinm, 2-.i-3c: medium. iViiic: low nicilivim. 2ii'tf2,c. 1'n kdta, fine, .",i'-3c; tine medium, 2.'if me dium. Tita.-: low medium. 2ii4i27c. Molilalia. fine choice, 2l'nJv'. fine average, tt'dtc; fine medium choice. 24u; awragc. 2J4iile; staple. 2741 'Jtc; medium choice. 2i'u ic. LONDON. March 21 WOOL The offer ings si 1 hp laondnn wool auction sales .to day amounted to 14.S4K bales. There was 11 good general demand and prices were Orni. The home trade secured the bulk of the offerings. France iNUHtht medium tine scoured. Americans secured several lots of good light combing crossbreds. The with drawals lo ilste amount lo 1.600 bales Fid lowing are the sales In detail; New Soufn Wales, l.i0 bales: scoured. Ikjj-Is til: greasy. Is 3d. Queensland. 7i hales; scoured. Is 3d; greHsv. Mrlld. Victoria. l.KW bales; scoured. Isfils lid; greasy. 74dr Is 4'.d. West Australia. i;i hides; greasy. Is Vrd m..w Vf.uiun.1 1 mm bales: scoured, lsfflls j 101.41; greasy. Tfils 44d. Caiie of Oood Hop" sod Natal, HiiO bales; scoured, Is 8d; greany. iHftUHd. ST. LOUIS. March 21.-WOOt-8teady ; medium grades, combing and clothing. 24fm 23c: light fine. 211 24c; heavy flue, lst2-; tub washed, 3-'fr4tc. .' Oils and Kosln. NEW YORK. March 21. OIL Cotton seed firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 2Vn 2c.v,c: prime vellow, Sliratijc. Petroleum, steadv; refitted. New York. 37 60; Philadel phia 'and Baltimore. $7 65; prime. In bulk, $4 6. Turpentine. 72i72Sc. ROSIN Firm? strained, common to good, 4Ol'L CITY. Pa.. March 21-OII-CTedlt balances. $1.6S; shipments, 4t.h"75 bbls.; av erage. f.1.623 bbla.; runs. 4S.7S9 bbls.; average, 53.675 bbls.; shipments. Lima, 67.824 bbls ; average, nn.075 bbla.; runs, Lima. bbls.; aversse. MOM bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March !-T?1,,''-11ur" pentlne. Arm; bt'4c; receipts, 1 bbls.- ship ments, none. .1 ,. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1.293 bbls.; A. B, t. D. K F, G. $3.75; H. $4.10; I, $4.56; K. $o.2u; M 35.46; N. $5 0; W G. $6.10; W W. $6.20. 702 western Mexican lambs.. 144 western lambs Hc) western lambs 211 Mexican lan hs 871 Mexican lamb $ western ewes 11 yearling culls 195 wethers and yearlings ... 97 64 79 84 73 73 S 83 84 5 80 a 9u On 6 15 0 26 I 6 26 ' 4 00 4 t 5 60 Totals 4,816 11.836 7,939 CAl'lLE If this matter of laie trains keeps up it will only be a matter of time when there will be no morning marten at all. As It is now it is well aiong toward midday before all the trains aie in the yards and the early morning market is renaereu slow and dull by reason of the nonarrlval of the stocK reported. Yester day a large proportion of the cattle did not reach the yards until midday and the after noon waa well advanced before everything waa disposed of. The old plan was lo have stock trains In the yards at uayiignt and then everything wouid as a rule be sold and weighed up lung before mldriny. This morning 236 cars were reported to arrive, but when the market opened there were not enough cattle actually in the yards to make a market. The early trade was slow and dull, but the cat tic aept stringing in a train at a time and selling at about steady prices. There was in fact no quotable change as regards beef steers. Cow and heifers sold about steady with yesterday. In some cases stronger. The supply of cows this week hss not been very large, so that the market has been In a good healthy condition. Blockers and feeder were scarce and the market strong. It would look as If this wa a very good time for people navtng good K60 to 1,'JOO pound feeders to get them Into mark't. as price are now a high a they have been at any time and the demand la good. rtepreseniaiive -aim. U W V w uT CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M 4.IIKET Cattle steady to Higher Hogs Fire Cents l.osser. CHICAGO. March 31.-CATTLE Receipts, 16.0K9 head: best 10c higher, other eteady; common to prime steers, $3.8Mf6.4fl; cows, $3.66(64.oO; heifers, $2.75i&6.3u; bull. $3.7. 4.25; calves, $3.00(ffT.OO; tockcrs nnd feed ers, $2.754.76. HOGS Receipts, 28.000 head: Se lower; Choice to prime henvy $..toa.6t; medium to good heavy. $fl.36134(.40; butcher weights, ..3Sii.lW; good to choice heavy mixed, $6.3(7ti.40; packing, $6. OUT, . 40. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 22.000 head; market steady; sheep, $3.4iiji;.50; lambs, $6.0iXa.f5. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. Ma:ch 21.-BICEVES-Rc-ocipt. 1,815 head: steer steady, fat bulls firm, other steady; bulls. $3.i4K74.4(: . one fancy bull, $5.00; cows, $2.00&l.30. T.ondon and Uverpool cables quo'ed live cattle firm at llfl 12c per lb., dressed weight, sheep selling at 14Sl4)4jC and lambs at 15fn5Vfcc. dressed weight. Exports today were 626 cattle, 1.087 sheep and 6.600 quarter of bei l. Tomorrow's exports 660 cattle. CALVES Receipts. 1.72S head; firm: veals, $4.609.00; choice would exceed quotations: barnyard and fd calves, $3.00ti4.w; dressed calves firm; city dressed vrals. 8'i5l3c per lb.; country dressed, kfillHo. HOGS Receipts, 6,316 head; firm; state and Pennsylvania hogs. M.Hi4i7.1n. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.W head; sheep nominal, but feeling steady: lamhs steady; medium to choice Inmbx, $7.00117.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 21. COTTON-8ut closed firm; sales. 4.1)60 bales; ordinary. 8 1-lilc; good ordinary. 9-o; low middling. 10 8-16c; mlddllni lo 13-lKc; good middling,. 11 5-liic; middling, fair, 11 II -Wo; receipts, 9,fiM bales; stock, 2S8,363 bales ST IjOUIS, March a.'O TTOrBleady : middling. Uc; sales, 3,263 hales; receipts! o.J bales; shipments, 341 balck; Stock, 43.4.9 LIVERPOOL. March n.-TOTTON-Bpnt In fair demand, prices 2 points higher; American middling, (air. .43d; good mid dling. .l:id; middling. 5.PM; low middling. 6 77d' good ordinary, 5.69.1; ordinary. 5.4M. The aales of the day were 12.C00 bales of 1.1..1. ,k.i u.ri. for aneculatlun nnd export i and Included ll.CWi American; receipts, Ss.tlO bales. Including Amcnmu. uftar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. March fl.-HUOAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. 8 1-lSc; centrifugal. 90 test, 3 9-Wc. Refined, firm; No. (1. 4.24-c; No. 7. 4.16c; No. 9. 4 06c; No. 10. I No. 11. 3.96c; No. 12. 8.90c; No. 13. S85c; No. 14. S.S&c; confectioners' A. 4.65c; en loaf. 6.4fK , crushed, 5.40c; powdered. 8.80c; granulated, 4 80c m6l.88ES Firm: New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 804"35c. NEW ORLEANS. March 21. 8T GAR Firm; open kettle centrifugal, 24.3 7-Wc: centrifugal whites. 8s&4c; ..yellows, Q. 318-10c; seconds. 2fg8'8c. : SOLE AGENCY PUN CARRIES gystem la Aoloptetl at Martin, ol too Omnha.Real L'stgte - . ... 1 F.xchange. , .;. 1tC Ka I t 1 1 I 1 1 t 14 13 1 t 4 10 11... 14 tt.... I 1.... 10.... I I.... 44 ... I.... It... .... t ... $.... I.... I.... I ... I.... 1.... 1.... I ... 1.... I.... 1.... I.... I.... 1.... I.... 1.... i.'.'.'. .... 1 Ml.... .... 1... it ... I.... I.... I.... I.... I ... ... 14.... ... .... I.... I.... I.... 1.... I I. ... 1.... 1 I.... I At. .. 141 .. 71 1. Ill ., MO .. 10 ..1010 .. 170 .. Ill .. 141 .. ri . . axo .. Ml . . el ., 7k .. Mk ..1274 .. Ill .. t ..1114 .. M? ,.1UI . .1WU ..1111 ..1241 .. 1.11 ..1141 ... Il ...1IH ... a.0 ... us) ..., ... 1:0 ... 77 ...11.14 ...lulO ...14 ... IlKl . .. tut ... MO ...1110 . .. IM ...10.0 ... . . Ml ...1140 ...l'.'M . ..!, ... ...1140 141 4M tau .... 171 .... 171 . . . 41 ....IK . ... 470 1140 lib .... 1,1,0 ....141" ...AUU lea lei luo BEEF STEERS. ft. I 4 7 4 a I II I U 4 im 4 00 4 II 4 1 4 2 4 I 4 2 4 li 4 34 4 4 4 44 4 W 4 40 4 o 4 M 4 SO 4 U 4 IS 4 4 4 4 4 M C 7..., II... 14.... 14.... ..., 2..., 11.... 10..., II..., I.. , til.... 20.... . ... 20... II... 24... 22 ... , ft... 44 .., 17... 14 .. 14... 10... SO... II... "Nl. .. cowe. 1 1 1 1 t u I i 1 40 I M I M I 0 I HI t 1 I W t to I 00 I 00 I 00 4 ill i .a J 4 3 M I 11 I lo 1 4 I 1 HEIFERS. 1. to!" 10.I! t. 1. 14. 1. At. ....1034 ....1171 .... Ill ....114 ....loll ... .1110 ...,H4 ....110 1114 ....1220 ... ,1HW ....1117 ....12ft ....ilia ..,.11,1 ....1111 ....12X1 ....1211 ...1141 ....llht Hal ....1441 ....1121 IJ-I1 ....Hi ....141) 10M 1104 ... .1430 lulO .... lat ....104 1M4 M ....1140 MO ....1470 ....110 luul ....1470 .... ! .... tes I04UI 107J 1174 l-'4 1140 1-11 104 Pr. 4 II 4 40 4 44 4 10 4 70 4 10 4 74 4 7t 4 71 4 71 4 M 4 M 4 lb -4 W 4 I 4 I 4 H 4 M 4 10 4 M 4 H t tu I t ot t 14 ft 1 I 71 I 71 I II I Ml 3 to I 44 I in I M I 0 I so 4 ot I 00 4 0 4 on 4 M 4 o 4 14 4 20 4 M 4 ! 4 24 4 2 4 1 Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY'. March 21. CATTLE Re celpts, 11.500 head, including 2 0 southerns. Market steady to 10c lower; stocker and feeders. 10c higher: choice export and dressed beef steers, $!i.;f'sj5 W: fair to good, $4.26435.16; western fed steers. $3.769.4.2; lookers and feeder. $3.0Oj4.75; southern steer. $8.75(4.25; southern cows, $2.1iVa4.flo; native cow. $2 2614 1; native heifers, $3.50 4.15 26: bulls, $3.00t4.26; calves, $3.0mfi 7.00. HOGS Receipts. 11.2") head. Market opened strong and closed 5c higher; top $i.27H: bulk of sales,'iii.:i'; heavy. ei(i.274: packers, t.l.ii''--'i: P'g light, $50lr'a.17H. SHEEP ANU LAM RS Receipts, head. Market 5c higher: native lambs, A4.60: .western lambs, $6.6orij4j.5o; ewes yearlings, $4-60tfj6.sO; western fed yearlings $5.itV&5.6, western fed sheep, $4.25e6.i5 stocker and feeders, $3.204.50. Resolved. Tliat the exchange favor the sole agency system of real estate listing, and recommends that no agent shall ad vertise property unless be hss tne ex clusive salo. This resolution was the fruit of the Real Estate exchange session, Wednesday on the subject of realty listing. The committee oh revision of bylaw reported thHt he bylaws contained no section relatlve' to theMlsting of property, and hence no amendments could be mad. A recommendution was made by the com mittee that a paper be.pussed for tho ! signatures of the members, pledging thum to take no agency for property unicss given exclusive sale. Several membeis were opposed to this 011 the ground thai It would not be fair for some to pledge them selves when it wa evident that otherg would not. Iwl S. Reed. C. F. Harrison, N. 1 Dodge nnd H. B. Payne, said the only way to establish a sole agency system was to educate the public o til fact that Its Interests could best be subserved by such a system, and this education could best be accomplished by the personal work of the agent with their clients. In view of this genera! sentiment fx- 4 0 ; pressed, the plan of pledging the member was dropped ana tne resolution auopieu. $J.,S0 and $0.60 nd REAL E9TATK TRAFKRS. St. Lewis 1.1 ve Slock Market. 8T. LOUIS, Mo., March 21. CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.600 head. Including !l Texan. Market for natives strong; Texans lee higher;- natives, shipping and export steers, $4 iMfti.OO; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.6iKi6.40; steers under 1.000 pounds, fe.&d 4.60; stockers and feeders. $2,404(4.40; cows and heifers. $2.10-116.26; canncrs, $1.75f2.60; bulls, 2.40i.4 4o; calves. 34.iion7.75; Texas and Indian steers. $3.904.70; cows and heifers, $2.20ff4.28. HlKiS Receipts. 10,500 head: market steady; pigs and lights, $5. 5t&ti.45; packers, $d lCu4i.46; butchers and best heavy, W JfH 450 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600 head: market steady; native muttons. $4.00 t4 60; lamb. $6. bfa culls and bucks, $4.0Xa4 5o; stockers, $U.00fjf4.iO. St. Joseph Live Stoi-k Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March il . CATTLE Receipts, 1.788 head; market steady to loe higher; natives. $4 2o4 00; cows and heifers, $ll5u 4 60; stocker and feeder. $3 25 ti 4.60. H("Xl8 Receipts, 7.188 head; market weak to 6c lower; light, $4 0OV16; medium and heavv. 3o.lOiJ.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6,611 ' Jonn w McDonald, sheriff, to Iaiura head; market slow at yesterdays decline;) j 4 iot j, block W, lambs, Bhlnn s 3.1 add Wead and wife to O. J. Johnson, Harrow Kseape from poisoning, caused by constipation, had Mrs. Young. Clay City, N. T. - Or. King New Life Pills cured her. 20c. Tor sal by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 350 376 Marker rnmnsnv to Nannie C. McAl lister, lot 14, block 11. Orchurd HI11..I Jesse J. McMulien and wife t,o John A. Thull. lot 1.1, block . Poppletvn Park t. ...... a... George N. llourdman and wife to Ole C. Oleson, Prt 101 a, niocg ja, im provemciit Aesnciatlnn add , 1,300 Josenhlne 11. Weldetifeller to A. W. Partridge, lot 4, block , Hanscom Place 1.900 8 S. Wakeley et al to Abraham Bten berg, part lot 3. block 9. Omaha 4,000 , Alvln Saunders, trustee, tu Omsha Real ' Estate and Trust company, lots J and 15. block A, Blunders tc lllme- baugh's add 1 Joseph Anderson and wife to Midway Investment company, lot 11, Dioca t, I'otter A Cobb's 2d add Margaret Sullivan lo Elisabeth- H:! Charlton, part lot 3, block m. umaiuf 15 1 Slonx Itr I. Ire Stoek Market. filfif'V fITV March 21 iBnecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.30 head; mar- i get steady; smcxers strong: oeeves. n: 6-560; hulls and mixed. $.1 k.j4.0: stockers and feeders, 13.Mu4.26 calves und year lings, 33.044.25. HOGS Receipts, 6,500 head; market opened stronger, closed weak: selling at $tt.oo'ui.22tt; bulk of sales, $ti. 10ft. 15. Stock ta Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesierdsy. t attie. line. Hheep. 800 l.sOO t 1 . t I tt I 1 I I I 1 I is 4 tw 4 W In. 11. 22. I n l i u i i i u ft I M I .! I I I 4.1 BULL. . K .1000 . 1,1 114 lul .lu.ll .110 .11 JO . ..1440 ..170 . U .140 . . 1 14 ..! ..171 .114 STEERS AND HE1FER8. 144 13 CALVES. .... 140 1 el 3 UI 4 M 4 4 4 M 4 II I . 4 16 4 40 4 ! 4 I I t 4J I o I 44 I 70 $ Tt 3 II 1 W 04 South Omaha.... Sloua City Kansas City St. Joseph St. Ixuls Chicago . . $.tri .. 1X1 ..11.50. .. 1.7a .. 8 541 ..16. UUU 116") 6.6' 1 11.M0 7.1M 10,6, 28,fU 7.5.' 4'.('jo 5.iill ' 1 .".. 22.0UO i Totals 40.588 73.8 $ 40,1:1 s York 'Mining Storks. NEW YORK. March XI. -"-Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: AOaiu run 2o Utile ( lil.f 7 , Alice 3U i,lar:o IJ. Hreec 1 npblr Uei Brunami.k fee II phoentl 4 ('otneto-4 Tunnel 2.' Pol,! t'l ' ton (al. V 11 il.v.aa 17 Mors Sliver loo Sierra Navada ! lros Btlver ai4 Sauil Hooea 1 Lead vi lie Cos Ithsi-dard l;i f osTee Market. NEW YORK. Match SI.-COFFEE Pu tures opened dull at unchanged prices to a decline of I points, under a little lluulda tion by longs, and eased off slightly during the early Hading, with prices al one luu F. D. lot 3. suhlot 7. Glse s add. Geortre Co. tn Ellen IJnahan, part lot 8. block lm. Omaha J,MH W. A. Puxton and wife to Irving Alli son, lot 15. block 1H. Florence 175 William L. Gaehler and wife to Flora K Ijimb. lot 12 and part lol 11, block 1, Ames Pluce 2.9HO Ed Johnston and wife to A A Tlli blt. lots 10. 11 and 12. block 8, Spring Lake Park add 7oo A. E. Do'iahoo to Frank M. Donalioo, all acres In nw'i sw',4 a-15-lu 1 Andrew Jacobson and wife to Reity S, Koglund. lot 13, block 131. South Omaha l.SoO John VA'. Rattiu to Eliiibeth lie Naughtnn, part lota 2 and 3. block S, 1st suhdlv. of Griffin tt Smith add. !X0 J. C. Christie and wife to Cyrus O. . Nelson, lot 4, block 9, Spring I-ake Park ... 4K0 Fred A. F.uiley to Ann H. Fry, lo. s II and 12. hlo. k 14 Hah von Heights 1.60) Jjrceii Thoin-eii nnd wife to E. H. O'hoii. I' la 14 and I", bloc-k 1, Rose Hill add 500 F . D - D ly Cl Co7 Stock. Grain. I' Ship Tosr Urala lo I. Chicago and Mlnnrauolla Delivery. One-eighth commission on Grain, oiis quarler on Stock. Prompt and careful attention given lo outside account. Write for cur daily Market Letter, mailed (J. Main Office. 110.111 Board of Trad Bid). OMAHA. MSB. Lang- DUtaae 'Pkuae, Ueaglas tW14. 1 i t