THK OMAHA DAILY HKK: TillKSDAY. MAIUII 2"J, 1SHK. FLA wise UdCLE SAL! M5 BEFIDEBIES RAPIDLY BUT SAFELV ADVAQGIQ 10 f Persecution by the criminal oil truit and their railroaj allies It driving whole regiment to th support of our cause. Remittance' for stock and re fined oil are pouring In from all over the United States. Lots of dealt are belnp closed by wire. Total net talet for stock and oil the past week were SZ7.610.00 f 13.310.00 of thlt wat cash and balance will be paid In on monthly instal.ment. Besides 'this, thousands of new Investor are considering the purchase ot Uncle Saoi (tick, and will likely do o during the next ten day. Chance are a thousand to one that all the stock will be placed In the next 30 days, if not before. (letter help yourself and this orfanlratlon, too, by joining our band today. With the balance of the stock sold at preset prices will give the Uncle Sam Company over (1400,000.00) four hundred thousand dollars yet to complete Its great work. However, 1300,000.00 is all we need, leaving 1100,000 to handle our rapidly growing business. Say what you may. go where you will, but vou cannot find an investment in all the fair land of the United States that offers vou as practical an Investment and one as certain of handsome return as Uncle Sam stock. The stock is as good as gold, and is in great demand, a can be proven by our books, and Is as sure to double up In value In the next 60 to 90 day as water finds Its level. Company ha just closed deal for fifty-seven mile more of main trunk pipe line, which win be delivered and completed during the next six week. Thus every day the assets back of the stock are increasing, hence the vaiua of the stock must and will greatly Increase. For more than one long year this great, Independent Company has been hammering Its way through to sue ce. Oil trust paid knockers and blackmailers have belittled it and prophe sied failure and all manner of evil, but 1 Is for right and in time will win, and although battle scarred, the Uncle Sam Company still in the ring, and has today a following that all of the Influence of ail the dirty millions of the criminal oil trust and their perjured hirelings cannot hinder or delay. 1 IDWHIOIEKIIIDS (DOKIKII&KFCDIE uxclb dam ntTixenr so. i compmctep and iv ICCESSFVI. OPERATION. This company It selling oil every day from th big plant which ha been In successful operation for several month, and being; operated night and day to keep up with our rapidly stow In it oil sale. ISI I R RAM RF.FINRF1Y NO. NKARINO COMPLETION. On ths banks of the Missouri river by Atchison thsj T'nrl Bam Company have is sores of ground on whlrh they are erecting the largest rennery In the state. From SO to tO men are now crowding this bit; rennery to com I'letlon. Materlnl Is arriving every day. VNCI B BAM RF.FINKRY NO. 1 V'NOKR CONSTRICTION AT TI .., INDIAN TKRR1TORV. From ths Arkansas river to the Missouri Is th lln- WD of the fnrle Ham. with Its chain of three greet re fineries under construction. Company has' twelve acres and sixty-seven lota at Tulsa, and work has commenced en foundations, and the first carload of material shipped from the East. Pon't wait until all this great work la completed, and then even expect to buy this stock at three times th present selling price. MAIN TRUNK PIPK LINK TO THK MISPOLRI RIVER NKARUT HALF COMPLETED. t.'ncl Ram Company will be Independent. Just a matter of a few months until the company will have this pip line completed, and over It w can transport ml to navigable water at a savins; of over a half dollar per barrel ahove freight rates. This savins; alone would pay large interest on stock at present prices. MHF.N TOI' HIV THIS STOCK YOU HF.CIRB AN IN TKIIKST IN ALL THREW REFINERIES AND THE PIPB LINE. This rompanv already hss great assets hack of ths stork, and Is Increasing them every day. When you buy the stock you socure an Interest in all three refineries and the pipe line. Sixty-four miles of this main trunk line Is screwed tog-ether, ana nve miie more on im ground, and all paid for. WILL HAVE OYF.R FOl'H THOUSAND BARRELS DAILY CAPACITY OVER THE PIPH LINE TO Til K REFINERY. I'ncl Horn Company la going Into the oil business to stay. Just a matter of days until all three refineries will he under full operation. There Is lots of gasoline In the Bartlesvllle nil. Company will build a large pipe line, one with a capacity of a little over 4.000 barrels per day, and same can be Increased by increasing t lie piimptng stations. WILL RCll.D VP TO EIOHTEEN THOUSAND (18,000) . RAHRELS CAPACITY Few people reallie th magnitude of th Uncle Sam chain of Three ttreat HeBaerlea and pipe Una. When fully completed, will havs between 110 and 115 miles of main trunk pipe line, wun me rmmriM cuiuyiTiea uy to eighteen thousand (1.000) bsrrels per day. By that time the slock vou can buy todsy for 1200 00 per 1,000 harea will Increase in solid value to at leaat 11.00 par share, and possibly higher. SIXTEEN LARGE DISTRIBUTING STATIONS AL HEADT COMPLETED. At the following big trsd centers In the Missouri Talley Unel 3am Company has large refined storage tanks on owned or leased greund. and at each place has from one to two tank wagons: Kaaaaa City St. Jeaeea Alralsaa Plttsbara; I,eaTeaeortn therryvala Aatheny Mlaeral M Infield Ottawa Wrlltagtea fnneordln allna Htelaen Wichita - Tnaekn Th company has men running our own tank wagons right now In all these cities except Kansas City and Ottawa, which start this week. CAN REACH OVER IN GOOD COUNTRY TOWN. From th above mentioned trade centers Uncle Sam j Company csn reach by wagon and short haul over one hundred (100) smaller towns and hundreds of country stores. NO TROUBLE TO MARKET THE OIL AT RIG PROFITS. People everywhere extend the Uncle Cam Company the glad hand. No trouble to sell the oil. There sre over FIVE HUNDRED MORE UIIOII TRADE CENTERS In th Missouri vslley where people want Uncle Ssm oil. With our chain of Three fireat HeSaerle completed. Uncle Bam can and will aupply them. , OVF.R ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN CROWDING THE WORK. From omce boy ta general manager, every department of th Unci Sam Company understand Its work and Is doing It. There is a regular force of over sixty people steadily st work handling the great work ot th com pany, while at present a force of from fifty to 100 extra men are crowding the work on reflnerles and pipe line. When you buy thla ktock you Join In a giant inde pendent enterprise, one that Is growing stronger every hour, and must eventually make the stock worth pur, or 11.00 par abar BOUND TO MAKE MONEY IF TOI SECURE PART OF THIS STOCK. Wc aw a aar awn taak ears. Owa four complete drill las rigs da aar own drtlllag at cost. Owa sr' control all rights la aver thirty thousand (SO.OOO) acres, and ararly one kaadred (100) arodncla all 'rs. Some af theae wells are rrrogatsed aa the great est producers la Kaaaaa-Terrltery ell Selda. With aur pipe llae Mad river barge completed, w will be abeelately ladeaeadeat af the all tmet aad their rail read a Hire. v WILL SECURE AND HOLD THE OIL TRADE OF THE MISSOURI VAXLEY. Men and woman all over th United State are fljht Ing with all their might the aggression of the criminal oil trust Uncle Sam Company Is th formidable foe that all can rally with, and they are doing it. It takes time to defeat every great evil. The day of th oil trust' career of crime are numbered. Just a matter of a few months until lncie nam company, o-cKea oy me AT THE RATE THE STOCK IS bKLLING ALL WILL BIB I TAKEN IN SIX WF.EKS. NEXT QUOTATION MAT BR CENTS PER SHARE. 2o We can complete our great work by selling the s iocs: i aprlng to buy etO'k at j resent prices. Kemember tha svery donar raieea goes o Duy vi" every minute, hour and day letters bringing cnecke an uipment to make the very stock you drafts are being mailed from all over tha United Htatei Pon't at present price. Every lines and reflnerv eoulmn, buv more valuable. For the past threa months remit tancea have been steadily gaining until the last two weeks have been record breakers. THOUSANDS ARE FIGURING ON THE STOCK. Ther are enough deals now pending to sell the bal ance of the stock Ave times over. InveMnra realise the price is right and see that Unci Sam will win th Any. TELEGRAPH WIRES WILL BE TICKING ORDERS. This announcement will be glad news to hundreds of Investors who will be fclad that mi opportunity Is still left for them to Join Our band at the old price. hlle away your time thinking you will have alt k at I resent prices. rtsmemner mai ana ate. r peep reallie tna magniiuaa oi iue v. nuiw i - - - -ki. -,, i v ;h- m-rw... an f v... ... n.s.ri. and tlca Una Whan1 common people, will 6e aola to auppiy tne maraeis. ano Of Three Great Henaerlea ana pipe line. v nan .,.. m k. ,.nhle in !) their nodi for averv the oil trust will be unable to sell their goods, for every loyal man and woman desplaea them, and will boycott their stolen oils and th hirelings and agenta who handle them. PEOPLE CONSIDER IT AN HONOR TO BE NUMBERED WITH OUR BAND. Our company now haa nearly seven thousand (7.000) shareholders, representing avery state and territory In the Union, also Old Mexico. Canada and several places access the sea. I.arge numbers of these stockholders are In Kansas. Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansaa. Nebraska. Iowa and Illinois. In these states thie company will sell ntnu These men have subscribed from 120. Ou to 11.000.00 out of principle and love for a square deal. We pgva aa loyai a oanu ok ihiiuiii ni-u nu "vmci, ever enlisted under any flag or fought for any cause. They are working among their friends, they ar lnoreaa in. thtr stack, and the daya are numbered that anyon will be able to aecur th stock under a half dollar per share. t.iissoum WILL OUST THE OIL TRUST Bvry day Justice Is making Inroads sgainst th criminal trust. After all th delay known and avery obstacle ' possible placed In Attorney General lladlay'a way by th oil trust attorneya, he ha Anally won and ha proven his case In Missouri. Tha daya are now numbered that tha oil truat can do business in Missouri. Thla leaves an opening for the Independent refineries, for a sQuaro deal Is all they need or have ever asked for, and tlila they are entitled to. For tha paat three month th Unci Bam Company hss crowded work on th big river refinery, and haa addi tional locations selected In th beet trad center of Missouri, ready to run Unci Bam s refined oil into the stat a quick a Keflnery No. 2 can be started to supply ths trads. Just a matter of a few months until all thla will be accomplished. On every hand on can see th oil trust losing It criminal con trol of th oil market. This gang of outlaws. Ilk all others, hsv run their race, have reached th senith of their power and are going down hill. Ther ar great profits to be made in the refining of oil on a legitimate basis. Uncle Sam Company Is the only large enterprise In a position to step In and teke'eare of the trade. Thla will be done; our oil stations will aoon be all over Missouri and our stock gon to par. Mlssourlans are backing Uncle Sam. There ar over four hundred stock holders in the state, and mor Joining every day. One man near Jefferson City Invested 1600.00 last Saturday In Uncle Sam etock, while some tlm back a Mlssourlan took 30.000 shares at 15, (00.00. Better follow their example. NET SALES WILL GAIN THIS WEEK. Vrnm telesrama and leltera received, w believe this week's remittances In cash will run to over Twenty Thousand Dollars (120,000.00). They ran IIS. 410.00 two weeks ago and I1J.S20.00 last week wun nunareos ot in qulrers who will remit this week HISTORY WILL REPEAT ITSELF. The very fsct that thousands of people ar backing this e-reat indenenoent ernei-prine ana umi iiu, nun over one year of abuse and blackmail, with every'dlf flculty possible thrown against It; with perjurer travel ing over the countrr belittling Ha motives and purposes, and now that the lie has been riven to the whole gang and th oil trust recognises that It is a real foe ana .ft., tne treita or th Missouri vallev more deter mined than ever, people will make a rush fer the Kalanca of the stock and thereby make It possible for us to com plete our great work -wunoui rurinor aeiay. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE READ BY OVER TWENTY MILLION PEOPLE. Uncle Sam Company has a low rate with th newsps ers because ths press of the land are with us In the slit for a square deal In the nil fields and this announce ment will appear In the leading Influential newspapers from the Atlantic to the pacific and from Canana to Msx Ico, and you need not be surprise,!' to see the stock all sold or advanced to SO cents per share before you see an other announcement. WILL COMMENCE PAYING DIVIDENDS JUNE S. ISO. Aa before atated Die comnanv haa ens arraat refinery In aucoesaful operation at Cherryvale. Thla rennery Is making big money for the company. Earnings from this rennery are now being set aside to par th June 14 div idend, it on rennery can earn a aiviaena on mis siock what will two more Iarg one dsT INVEST YOUR MONEY WITH THOSE WHO SUCCEED. Ons success generally follows another success. Uncle Sam Company la not yet fully started but In due time will have all three of th refineries running to their full capacity. WRITE FOR PICTURES AND FURTHER INFORMATION Address a letter or postal card to Th Uncle Sam Oil Company, Cherryvale. Kss. and the management will be more than glad to send you seversl pictures and other Items of Interest. REFERENCES. Montgomery County National Bank, Tbs People's Na tional Dank, Cherryvale State Bank, all of Cherryvale, Kss ; or to T. R. Clendenln. president Committee of Forty, Atchison. Kas ; or to William Stryker, editor of The Pern ocrat, Tulsa, O. T. Dun and Bradytreet both glv the com pany rating. DONT BE FOOLED BY SKIN GAME BROKERS. For several months there has been a system of black mall against the Uncle Sam Company. Certain hirelings of the oil trust have secured cut-rate advertisements on Uncle Sam stock snd sneaked them Into soma of tne large newspapers. These parties have no stock and when Investor run them down or send ttwm money tnev gen erally loss It or hare trouble. Borne of these notices have the address of Cherryvale, when th facta ar (hat not a slngj share or legitimate stock can be bought un der the market rrlc The thieving oil trust Is resource ful and there are a few people ready to do their bidding and a few of these traitors, sorry to say, can even ue found In Kansas, but tha tlm It coming when th stat will not harbor these enemies of home Industries. When you want stock remit direct to the company and you will receive same promptly and your money will go at once to buy more pip llni and refinery equipment and mak th very stock you buy mor valuable. HOW TO SEND MONEY. Remit by draft, check, express or postofnee money order made payable to The t nele earn Oil Company and your stock win ne sent to you promptly oy return reg Istered mall. COMPANY' WILL SELL STOCK AT THE OLD PRICES AS FOLLOWS. 100 sharea ISO shares 600 shares 1,000 shares 1,600 shares (.000 shares t 20.00 .0.00 100.00 200.U0 S00.00 1.000.04 -ES)(52 MONTHLY PAYMENT OFFER. In order that men of limited means may be able t aerure part of this valuable stock before an advance which Is sure to come soon, the company In addition ta offering ita treasury stork at the above cash prices wlil sew on the Installment plan as ronows: 100 shares, II 00 ctsh and six equal monthly pay ments of I! 00. IB4 sharea, 7.6 cssh snd six equal niontfelv pay ments of IMS. 100 shares, tit. OA sh ami six equal monthly pay ments ef IIS. 00. 1.000 sheree fs.0.00 cash snd iiitlt')l Inonthlv pay ments of 130.00. e.Oftf shares. $150 cash and six equal mouthlv ay ments bf 11.0 00. SPECIAL OFFER. Company will sell 15.000 shares to one man at II ' SPECIAL MONTHLY PATMTRNT OFFER. company win sell is. on snare to on man on monthly tiyments tor SS00 check or draft down ana balanc 1400 per month for six months. PAT NO ATTENTION TO OIL TRUST FAKE STORIES. Every day the oil trust through their different de ceitful channels try to spring something new against tne Uncle Sam Company In the hope of acarlng investors against their true Interest. The oil trust knows that If ths money keeps coming for Uncle Pam stock that our pipe line will be built, refineries completed and the company made Independent. These persecutions and lies generally react in our favor and don't let tnem fool yon while wiser Investors secure the stock you want. OVER geee.Oee CASH ALREADY PAID IN. It will be but a matter of a few days until the llair Million Dollar mark for The Untie bam Company will be reached. Thla amount of money bucked bv nearly seven thousand stockholders and their friends means a power fer auccess. A great aeal af thla snaaey haa beea iaveated where It haa lacreaaed arerold la valae aad la atlll grawlag. ONE MILLION DOLLARS CASH AND TUX THOUSAND STOCKHOLDERS Will be back of this company Inside of four months. With three great refineries, nearly three hundred miles main trunk and lateral pipe Una and close to one hun dred and fifty distributing stations In the Missouri Vai ley, will be our line-up. By that time this stock win be considerably past 11.00 per share. Better buy ours today. . IN CONCLUSION. The charter ,name ef this company Is "The Uncle Sam Oil Company." Authorised capitalisation Is ten million dollars. Par value of the stock la 11.00 per share. Stock Is non-assessable, and there Is no personal llablllt. Every share of ths stock drsws the same amount of div idends aa any other ahare. All th stock has been sold for cash or Its equal from the start. The men at th helm of this company are the same now as on the atari. The old guard are atlll In the traces. We have great faith In the bright future of the company, and the atock offered herein we honestly believe will pay everyone handaome returns who buys st the present price. Ther Is a chance that the stock will Increase In aolid values to at least It 00 per share, while, on the ether hand, it It even goes to tl.00 per share. It will beat t per rent ef the Investments offered In the United Statea. How ever, back of all this, every man who Joint us. ss before stated, helps a good cause. We solicit you In good faith to Invest with us, but you should Send draft or check by return mall to make sure of securing atock at price named herein. For further Information, write or xrirt THE UNCLE SAM OIL COMPANY ar H. H. TUCKERj JR., Sew. Cherryr!, Kas. GOSSIP OF THE POLITICIANS . .. Time for Withdrawals from Primary Ticket - Expired, gays Bill Xlbourn. ' . c EVANS EXPLAINS ANIMUS OF GATHERS Viatel Ward Councilman Hays Fonts, nelle's protest on Him la Baaed - on Personal Difference Between Them. John T. Cat hers discharged Ills other barrel Tuesday by filing a protest with the city clerk objecting to the name of Coun cilman E. O. Evans of ths Sixth ward going on th ballot upon the theory that Evans la not a realty owner and that this d) qualifies him as a candidate for nomina tion. The city clerk has sot a hearing on the protest for Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, whHl nil concerned will be notl rted to bo prescni and give evidence and Interpret the law.. Councilman 1". Ii. Kvaua uf the Sixth Ward save he think.' John T. fathers' pro test to allowing his name on the primary ballot as a coundliuanlc. candidate la In spired by a personal altercation he had with C'ethere on a down-town street corner bout a year ago. Gathers bases his ob orilTtrTi K( TOIUC J.K.! fe He , W v. That . Cure. HOW WRINKLES COME Man young woman is wearing prematurely old look through de fective tyenifht. lWtter call aul us. We are exelimlve makers uf Iietfo Torie and "Kant eum" x Invisible Bifocal lenses. About half the price of imilar lenses. ITuteson Method. IIITESON OPTICAL CO. 213 South 16th Street. Factory on Uie Premie e. jectlons on the statement that Kvans does not own realty In tho city. Kvans asserts tiiat ho haa owned property here fifteen years and still does. City Clerk El bourn haa set a hearing on the case for Thurs day hiorntjig at 10 o'clock in his offVo. Evans says the protest cannot be niado to stick." A second session of the secret Uenson meeting ,waa held In the Omaha Commer cial College building Tuesday night. After a discussion, terminating about 11 o'clock, It was decided to endorse an entire munici pal slate In addition to Benson. The com mittee, of which Howard II. Baldrige was chairman, reported In favor of endorsing a complete elite, but Mr. Bnldrige him self was opnWd to it, although not present. A row was precipitated because certain persons present wanted to endorse the Fontanelle ticket from top to bottom. Several warm and pithy speeches on this plan of action were made. The matter of picking out the elate finally was put In the hands of a new special committee, headed by John L.. McCague, and of which County Commissioner I're Is a member. This committee Is to make a report Satur day night, when a third star chamber seseion will bo held. More clergymen at tended the meeting last night than they did the one before, fully a dosen being re ported present. These Included Rev. 8. D. Dutcher of th First Christian church, Rev, E. Comble Rmlth of the First Methodist church. Rev. J. W. Conlcy of ties First rtaptlst and Rev. H. C. Herring of the First Congregational. C. F. Harrison again presided and Arthur Chase acted as sec rets ry. For some reason Industrious efforts are being made In the Rroatch headquarters to circulate aa strongly as possible an alleged tip that the supreme court will hand down a decision this week holding against the merger of the city and county treasury and tax departmenta and against the division of the city into twelve from nine wards. In thla contingency, It Is pointed out that the offices of city treasurer and tax comtni sinner -will have to be filled and the coun cilmans seats from the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth wards will go to th sera heap. What purpose this kind of talk can serve to the Broatch campaign la not niol clear. Geo. D. Rice ef Hald Rica, Coal Dealer. REPCBLJCAN CANDIUATK FOR -COUNCILAIAN- NIJfTH WART Board of Kducauoo tor Mat 1 ) ears The Colored Republican league will hold a big meeting In Washington hall Thurs day night. Dr. M. O. Rlcketts, formerly of Omaha, but now of Bt. Joseph, will make one of the principal addresses. Music will be furnished by a colored band and quartet. A number of the republican can didates will make addresses. JAQC1T1I AND M'VANN TOUTED Each Mentioned aa Suocessor to Secretary Merchant of Grain Exchange-. meeting hits Increased In corresponding ratios," ?ald Rev. Mr. MoQregor. The way some of the negroes brought up to the city clerk's office by Broatch' Third ward lieutenants for special registra tion actd when questious about their resi dence were put to them Tuesday, while swearing- to give true inforniHtion, hua created a suspicion that their records need looking up. Borne of them had to be posted openly as to their street numbers. This looked lad to the clerks and was freely commented upon. Managers of the opposi tion campaigns have arranged to investi gate tha facts Carefully and If evidence Is found of colonisation ther will be some thing spectacular doing. NO IMMEDIATE SELECTION PROBABLE Some Differences Rxlat In Kxchange aa to Man for Place and Wattlea' Retarn la Awaited. Two candidates are prominently men tioned on the floor of the Grain exchange Wednesday for the exchange secretaryship. They are A. B. Jaqulth and K. J. McVanu. Mr. Jaqulth Is president of the Exchange Grain company and haa been in the grain business practically all hlB life. Ho Is known as a lighter and his friends con sider him e i experienced rate man, even though he has never been in railroad em ploy, it is understood a number of them v. II endeavor to secure his consent to take the secretaryship if. elected, and will push his claims. In talking to a reporter for The Bee Mr. Jaqulth would not say whether the yosltlon would be acceptable to him. "No one has asked me yet If I will be come secretary and, of course. I have nothing to say," he remarked. The other plan la to get Mr. McVann to assume the duties of the secretary .of the exchange In connection with his duties as commissioner of the Commercial club, re lieving him of office management In both organizations, and leaving him free to at tend to matters of transportation, both for the exchange and the Huh. In carrying out this plan, those who advocate It admit there will bo considerable difficulty, for they have to consult the wishes of both Mr. McVann and the Commercial club, and there, Is a strong probability the latter will not agree If tha former does, on the ground that the handling of rates Is onlv a part of the duties of commissioner and the general affairs uf the club and Omaha's manufacturing Intervals should be looked after by a capable mnn. McVann Conanlta Merchant. Friends of Mr. McVann In the Grain ex change have been sounding him as to his attitude in case the matter were presented ta the club. He held a long conference with (Secretary Merchant, in the latter s office Wednesday morning. rrobably nothing will be done towards choosing Mr. Merchant's successor until the return of President b, XV. Wattles, who Is now in California, and does not expe-.'t to be In Omaha until Anrll 10. , The resignation of Mr. Merchant opens up the poaaibtlity of a very warm right. As long as the line elevator companies work in unison, there la but little doubt they could elect any secretary they wanted, but lately, growing out of the Milwaukee's ex port rate, the Jealousy between them has been growing and the uituation Is uncer tain. Thla la one reason for waiting until the return of Mr. Wattles, for It Is thought he can act as a bulance. NO ONE LIKELY TO BE HUNG Reeult nf Court rlnaw'Iaeatla;atln Thought, No jo" Involve Any I.lfe. ' ' The taking of testimony In the court house Investigation' by the county com missioner was finixhed Wednesday about noon and the comiulsisoners adjourned until Sautrday, when tney will render a written decision. - Some ' discussion as to what this decision would be was indulged In before sojournment, but no statement was authorised. It was' generally agreed that the evidence was not sufficient tu at tach any spei ltic blamo to any employe about the building. The hearing brought out the fact there Is considerable internal dissension among the Janitors and firemen and this is he. lieved to have had considerable to do with the tiling of the charges. OFFICERS FCR PRIMARIES Reglslrara to He Selected by onnell to Fill Vacanclea In the Mate. The city council wilt hold an adjourned meeting at 11 o'clock Thursday morning to fill vacancies In the lists ot registrars, who will act as Judges at the primary election, and to appoint two clerks for each pre cinct to serve for the occasion. The coun cllinen asked for two or three days to re vise the lists In their respective wards, but Ihink they can have them lined up In good shape by Thursday. City Clerk Elbourn has announced that he has made alt the arrangements for renting the polling places. DIAMONDS Edholm, ISth and Harney. Marriage .teeners. The following marriage licenses liar beeil iaaued: Name and Residence. Age Peter W. Ewtng. Waco s4 Maggie McCracken. Bentonpoit. la j Charles A. Salter, Omaha hi Adtlie O. Pariish, Omaha 3d (CIS. lKSLQW'S scaTcrca strip ) seed by llnoas ef Mothers 0"Uda teaUilua tor oex FlfljrY all Ul euiea wtti eji& ramwlt for atarrba. :- T 'To A ami, thaw Hit IS NEW BUILDINGAN IMPETUS loath Tenia Street , Met hud 1st Charrh Makea Blar tirowtk In All ta Draartiaeala. Rev. D. W. McGregor. - pastor of the South Tenth Street Methodist church, re ports a genuine revival among 1,1s people on the eve of the occupency of the new building, the first servtcea in which mill be held Sunday, April i, when Dr. J. W. Powell of Buffalo will preach. According to the pastor, within the last week the membership of the Ladles' Aid society has increaeed from twenty-five to alxty; the Sunday school froi:t 10 to 110; the Epworth league thirty new members, and the Junior Kpworth league twenty five, - "Ami Ui efauctai altcudauva l ail Uie Treating Wrong Disease. Many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, aa they Imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous eihausiion or prostration, another with pain here and there, and in this way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going Hud Indifferent, or over-busy doctor, sep arate and dlstl uct diseases, for which he, assuming them to be such, prescribes bid pills and potions. In reality, they are all only tvnivumn caused by some uterine disease. The physician, ignorant of the cause' of suffering, encourage this prac tice until large bills are made. The suf fering patieuigel no bettor, but probably worse, by reaaou of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, direciorf to the route would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling ail ihoNc distressing symptom, and instiliiutig comfort in stead of prolonged misery. 'It baa Uuen well said, that dl.seaae known is half cured." In. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised bf an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted W woman's delicate system. It is made of native medicinal roots and Is perfectly harmless in its e Hoc is m any onndtliun of the ytem. As a powerful invigorating tonic 'Fa vorite Prescription " Imparts strength to the whole system and to the organ dis tinctly feminine in particular, f or over worked, "worn-out," 'run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmaker, eanistrepej, "shop girls." house-keepers, nursing mother, ano feeble women gen erally, l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la the greatest earthly Ision. bciug un equaied a an appetizing ccvdial and re storative tunic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine Favorite Prescription Is unequaled and is Invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous ei ha ustion, nervous proelralion. neuralgia, hysieria. spasms, chorea. .Sk Vitus' dance, and other distressing, ncrv ous symptoms commonly attendant upon f nncU'Hiul and organic discse of the titern. It induce refreshing sleep and relieves uvtnta! anxiety mid despondency. Dr. Pierce Pleunt Pellets Invigorate the siooiarh, liver and hoaels. One vo three a finea. k aaV to la aa candy. 7 : TWO HARRIMAN BUILDINGS New Commissary Depot and Blacksmith Shop for Union Pacific BOTH STRUCTURES TO GO UP SOON Mora- Hooae Will Consist of Fonr Stories and Haaement and .Be Hundred and Slaty Feet Longr. Plans have been prepared for th Union Pacinc railroad by Architect K. W. Clarke for the construetlon of a large commissary house on the ground of the company west of the I'nlon station and near the Eleventh street viaduct. The present quarters, owned by Joseph Barker, are entirely In adequate, and the company has been forced by necesslta; to build more coiimodious quarters. The building will be four atories and a basement high, 160 feet Ion?, twice as long as it is wide. It will be used as a supply house for the dining car service and also for supplies for the eating houses of the system. Dining cars and private cars are now supplied at the commissary at Ninth and Jones streets. Here fresh produce Is bought, and several cars of produce, bought in the Omaha markets, ar sent over the line to supply the eating houses. The plans have been approved by Mr. Mohler, general manager of the I'nlon Paclc, and have been sent to New York for final approval. The two lower floors and basement will be used for the commissary and the two upper floors for the division headquarters, which will be transferred from the freight depot, where they are now located. New Blacksmith Shop. The Union Paciflo Wednesday morning secured a permit from the city for tha construction of a new brick blacksmith shop on the general shop grounds to oust r,000. The building will be one-story high, but 276 feet long and 90 feet wide, and will he equipped. It Is said, with about $75,000 worth of new machinery and tools. This is the building which General Manager Mohler announced last fall would be built this spring-. . . The Conservntive Savings vnd Loan as sociation's plans for Its new i,0u0 building at 1614 Harney street show an unusually ornamental and elaborate front of brick and stone. Fisher & Ijtwrte are the archi tects. The building will be two stories with a banement, 33 feet wide and VJi feet long. Excavations were made last fall and construction will begin at once, a per mit having been secured. summer to fill the sixty-six feet between the garage and the Davldge block, and now the latter Is to be Increased In height. ORCHARD-WILHELM TO GIVE Farnltnre Firm Will Make Liberal Donation to Y. W. C. A. Batldlnar Fund. A gratifying proposition came to building headquarters of the Young Women's Christian association Wednesday from the Orchard & Wllhelm Co. to donate 10 per cent of the entire sales of their store March 30 and 31 to the association build ing fund. A guarantee will tie made of a sum not yet named, but it Is understood that It will be a generous amount, and If the sales for two days exceed that sum the association will fare that much better. A Habit t Be Eaeoaraged. Th mother vho has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bott'.o of Chamber lain Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are sus ceptible, are quickly cured by Its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to re sult in pheumonla and If given as soon as th first symptoms of croup appear, It will prevent the attack. This remedy contains nothing Injurious and mothers give It to little ones with a feeling of perfect security. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS J. C. Haines, prominently Identified with mercantile Interests In the Black Hills country, whose home Is at Rapid City, Is sn Omaha visitor, stopping at th Hen shaw. Mrs. Bertha Cohn has received word from her son, Harry Cohn, In Alaska, that he will accompany to York, Neb., tha body of Fred Harlan, son of Judge Harlan. The young man died In Alaska. Mr. Cohn will sail about April 1. Railway Notes and Feraonala. H. J. Phrlpa, division pasnenger agent of the Illinois Central at Dubuque, is in the city. F. M. Parsons, assistant superintendent of telegraph of the Illinois Central, la in the city. Two families of Quakers attracted con siderable attention at the I'nlon station Wednesday morning in their queer hats and bonnets. They were enroute from Jopltn, Mn.. to Butte. Mont. The Illinois Central hss announced the low laborers' rates between Omaha and Chicago and Minneapolis and tit. Paul which the Great Western put Into effeot Monday. These rates are expected to briny a large number of laborers to Omaha fron the north and east, many being needed oi tha large buildings now in course of erec Hon and to be constructed this spring. CHIEF WANTS A WORKHOUSE Donahue ii Convinoed Omaha Would Profit by Such an' Adjunct, " VISITS . KANSAS CITY'S INSTITUTION Meed of Thla Kind of Plaee In. Omaha. He Kay a, la Daily Dem onstrated ta Folic Circles. Chief of Police Donahue is thoroughly In sympathy with the movement to establlsn a workhouse In Omaha. During his receive trip to Hot Springs, Ark., and other points the chief visaed the workhouse at Kansas City and received some pointers as to how the idle i less Is dealt with at Kawvtlle. "Omaha needs a workhouse. That fact has been and is being demonstrated here every day.," remarked the chief. "Before going Into the matter any further I would suggest the city council appoint a oommlt- lee ui two ur wire mnn iu vibii. a nuraoir of cities where the workhouse problem haa been successfully solved and then make a report on their findings. There must bo some definite plan on which to work, j the workhouse proposition is no simple thing. "At Kansas City, where I visited the workhouse, the authorities ars fortunat lit having a stone quarry near the city. The workhouse Is at the quarry and from to 260 prisoners are there all the time quarrying the rock and breaking It tip lit sixes to suit demands. Just what simple Industry might be adopted here Is a ques tion In my mind. In some cities the pris oners make chairs, In other places shoes and so on. Down at Kansas City, t waa told, th prisoners received on at aver) a sentence of three months In th work house, while In some coses a sentence of six months Is Imposod. The workhouse has demonstrated, that It serves a two-fold purpose, in that It not only relieves a com munity of much crime which otherwise would be committed, but the institution has a good effect on many of thoso who at ent there." The chief knows that much crime has been bred In the county jail among th prisoners sentenced from the city jail. New Ship Uaarksil. PHILADELPHIA. March Sl.-Th hlp Mexico, built for the New York ami uha. Mail Steamship company, wna lunched today at Cramp's shlpyurd. led today SALE OF THE DAVIDGE BLOCK Deul Sale to Be Closed for Haadred and Two Thoesaad Hollars. i . A current and credited report ill real estate circles is to the effect that the Davldge block, at the northwest corm-r of Klghteenth and Karnam streets, has been sold. The price mentioned Is lu!.0"0. John W. ItubbliiM. who ha the agency of the property, will not deny that a deal is on. but aays none has been closed. The purchasers are said to be clients of Har rison & Morton, who have been vry active lately In buying property lor people whose identity remains a secret. Mr. Harrison aoulil not commit himself on the subject. The Davidge block la a three-story struc ture, 6..X1.).' leet, built In 1V)7, ami re puted to have been a prolllable Investment. Plans are being made to add two more stories, the foundation and walls having been made heavy, with that Idea In view. The- block bi lweeil Kitihteentli and Nine teenth on Karnam has undergone a great change in the diet year, ami other im provements ate promised. The ItnhrUoiigh building and lite leulil parage huve been built. Mis. Jiiilrene has announced that she will revt a three-story building tulsj JiVil TROUBLES 0 ME PAINS AND ACHES While Rheumatism it usually worse in Winter because of the cold and dampness of a changing atmosphere, it is by no means a Winter disease entirely. Persona in whose blood the uric acid, which produces the disease, has collected, feel its troublesome pains and aches all the year round. The cause of Rheumatism is a sour, acid condition of the blood, brought about by the accumulation in the system of refuse matter, which the natural ave nues of bodily .waste have failed to carry off. This refuse, matter coming in contact with the different acida of the body, forms uric acid which is absorbed by the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. Rheumatic persons are almost constant sufferers; the nagging pains in joints and muscles, are ever present under the most favorable climatic conditions, while exposure to dampness or an attack of indigestion will often bring on the severer symptoms even in warm, pleas ant weather. Liniments, plasters, lotions, etc., relieve the pain and give the sufferer temporary comfort, but are in no sense curative ; because Rheumatism 1 a Mst a .'r.r l,fl MAM I. ...11 I . S - w m ue uil lau iuuucu away or fr drawn out with a plaster. S. S. S. is the best Vv treatment for Rheumatism ; it goes down into A tJ tte bloo an attacks the disease at its head, PURELY VEGETABLE. nd building up the thin, sour blood, cures Rheumatism permanently. Being made en tirely of roots, herbs and barks, S. S. S. will not injure the system in the least. Hook on Rheumatism and antr medical advice without charge. TVS SW.-FT SPCCMO CO.. ATLANTA, CA