Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Hats for
One of These Alleged Murderers Will Be
, Placed on Trial Then.
Flnrr rrlMBrn Will Hage Their
Trial la District Coart Before
1 kelson of I.aaaten
. ' Quartet.
Either Harrison Ciarx or Calvin Wain,
two of tha alleged murderers of Street
Car Conductor Flury at Albright; will
be placed on trial In district court April
2 If the plana of County Attorney 81a
baugh are carried out. Judge Slabaugh
anld Wednesday he had fixed on that
day for the beginning of the trial, but
tie did not know which one of the two
would be tried then.
Clarence Gathrlght,; tho one of the trio
who confessed and pleaded guilty at hla
preliminary, hearing, win not be tried until
after hla two companions are dlsiwsed of.
Both of the other two are Inclined to
"stand - pat," but County Attorney Sla
baugh ' believe ho has a strong case
against all of them outside of the con
fession. .,.''-.
It is understood the three men will be
arraigned some 'time' Thursday and will
then be taken Immediately to Lincoln
again for safe keeping. Their present
whereabouts will not. be disclosed by era-
ployes of the sheriff's office, but the an
nouncement la positively made that they
will not be taken- to the county Jail.
It la now the intention of the county
attorney. to try. one orlwo, and perhaps all,
of the FlOry murderers before the case of
Raymond Nelson, the Lausten murderer,
Is taken up.
I'eraona In noemer Saloon Say lie
Helped Ford.
James P. Maher, the alleged accomplice
of Mickey ford In the holdup of the saloon
of Leo Roenier at Twenty-fourth and J
streets. South Omaha, was positively Identi
fied by a number of men In the saloon at
the time In the trial before Judge Troup
Wednesday. Itoemer waa the first wit
ness, aid he testified that Maher and Ford
entered the saloon with drawn guns, with
which thry covered the crowd. Ford, who
had a handkerchief over his face, first told
Itoemer to hand over his money, but he
refused. One of tho men in the saloon
threw 15 cents down on the bar In front
of Ford, but Roeiner picked it up and put
it In his pocket.
The bluff worked and Ford began to back
out of the saloon. Then, the witness s!d,
Maher came over to him and told him to
turn around.
"I won't do It," Roenier answered. Then
Maher began to back out also. Outside the
saloon the men ahot four or five tlm-a.
There were five or six men in tho saloon
at the time and they were called to the
stand to Identify Maher. The holdups got
no money from the crowd. Ford was con
victed for his share in tho crime some time
ago and lanow awaiting sentence.
The defense Introduced witnesses yester
day afternoon In an effort to prove that
Maher Is a mental wreck and was drunk
on the day of the holdup and Incapable of
forming an Intent to rob. Dr. Ensor of
Bouth Omaha said he had observed Maher
while making professional visits to the
home of Mr. Scott, where Maher was stay
ing, and while he did not think he waa In
sane) he believed he was a mental wreck
from drink and irresponsible for his acts.
Several other witnesses testified he talked
irrationally at times and did not know
what he was doing. Evidence was also In
troduced to show he was drunk on the day
of the holdup, but In rebuttal the stale
recalled several witnesses to show he was
not badly Intoxicated we..- he was In the
saloon. Police officers wno saw him a
Help! Help!
Fm Falling
Thus cried the hair. And a kind neigh
bor came to the rescue with a bottle of
Ayer's Hair VigofT Thehairwas saved!
In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and
with all the deep, rich color of early life.
Druggists have sold it in all. parts of
the world for. over sixty years.
The best kind of a testimonial-
a. o 11 r
OOlu jor uvcr
Mao by tha I. O. Ayw
imt lSAPARTttA-Vor tke Moos.
Ilaa'tCduakr raOrsKAL-rM seusat.
Here It
Let your new spring hut be m "Lonirworth," it's
the most popular hat out thin season. They fores In
derbies and soft shapes, In black and all the new
spring shades.
The World's Best Hats, "Stetson's" Are Here for
Those Wanting the Finest Headwexr Made
That's what you really got in our "Stetson's". "Without boasting we
have the largest display of Stetson '8 in the oitj To see our largo assort
ments would make you think you were in Stetson's salesrooms.
few hours after the holdup testified he was
not drunk.
Alleged Accomplice of Mickey Ford
Escapes l or lotion.
The Jury in the case of James Morrlsey,
alias Morrison was discharged shortly be
fore noon Wednesday, without reaching a
verdict. It Is understood tho balloting stood
seven to five for conviction from the time
the Jury went into the Jury room at noon
Tuesday, until it came out Wednesday.
Only once was there a deviation from this
vote, but the change was on account cf
an error on the part of one of the Jurors
and was immediately corrected.
In view of the fact no verdict appeared
possible. Judge Troup discharged the Jury.
The case against Morrlssey waa not con
sidered a very strong one. Only one wit
ness identified him and he was not positive
in his Identification. Other testimony
showed he had been seen in company with
Mickey Ford the night of tho holdup about
six blocks from tho saloon of John Rybln,
which was held up. The defense Intro
duced evidence to show the defendant was
too drunk the night of the crime to have
participated In the holdup. The defendant
was informed against under the name of
Morrlssey, but his true name Is Morrison.
John Martin, who was charged with
burglary at a room In the Roma hotel and
stealing a suit of clothes worth $25, pleaded
guilty to petty larceny before Judge Sutton
and on the recommendation of the county
attorney was sentenced to thirty days in
the county Jail. Martin occupied one room
In the hotel and according to his story went
Into an adjoining room and took the clothes.
He found the door standing open and the
defense contended It did not constitute a
Ole Jackson, charged with criminal as
sault, was released on a $1,000 bond signed
by Chase Green, a colored man.
Frank Noonan. charged with the murder
of a man named Carlson In South Omaha,
was released on a $5,000 bond Wednesday.
Kearo "charaed vrlth Morder Fares
Coart and Jsrr.
The trial of William Bartee, colored,
charged with the murder of Henry Brown,
was begun Wednesday afternoon before
Judge Sutton. The murder took place on
the night of February 4 at 205 North Elev
enth street while Bartee, Brown and some
other negroes were drinking a can of beer
which had been brought into the place.
The charge Is murder in the second de
gree. The work of securing the Jury was
begun at t o'clock.
Wife of Notorious Character Asks
Coart to Grant Her Legal
Put Crowe is the defendant In a divorce
suit filed late yesterday afternoon by Har
riet M. Crowe through her attorney, J. A.
C. Kenneoy.
Mrs. Crowe, who Is a domestic and
housekeeper In South Omaha, alleges In the
petition that she has been a resident of
that city for tha last twenty years. She:
and the defendant were married August
ft. 18S8, at South. Omaha, and three children
have been bom to them, all of whom have
Fifteen years ago, she says, he deserted
her and since that time has not contrib
uted a cent toward her support. She has
been forced during this time to earn her
own living by hard labor.
Since their marriage, she says, he has
served two terms In the penitentiary, both
exceeding three years In length. One term
whs served In Illinois and. the other In
Bhe says she Is wholly without means
and asks the court to require the defendant
to furnish her money on which to live dur
ing the pendency of tho suit and finally
allow her permanent alimony. Bhe says
$u.iy icuo.
Os.. IsveU, Haas.
ATta-a PII I Tor eestrtparlea.
altaa'a Ats CUkJt- SaaluiaMaaf,
Is Gentlemen!
...THE NEW...
he Is now earning a good income. Bhe
asks that her maiden name, Harriet
Murphy, be restored.
No mention Is made In the petition of the
Cudahy kidnaping case.
Session Called by Warner at Lincoln,
April 5, to Fix Date of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 21.-(Special Telegram.)
Chairman Warner of the republican state
committee today announced he would call
a meeting of that committee at the Lln
dell hotel. Lincoln, for April S. i . m. At
this meeting the date for the state conven
tion will be fixed and the primary election
proposition discussed. '"
Rnmor Line Is to Be Extended Into
Rosebud Country.
NORFOLK, Neb., March 21. (Speclal.)
The Great Northern railroad Is soon t.i
break Into northwestern Nebraska and the
Rosebud country of southern South Da
kota, according to rumors at Hutte, the
county seat of Boyd county, through which
town the road is expected to pass. Th'j
Hill line Is to extend from O'Neill north
west, thus capturing much stock and grain
for Sioux City, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
During the past two or three days an
official of the Great Northern has been In
Butte, talking with leading business men
of the town regarding the projected roaJ.
And, more than that, it la said on good
Information that tho Great Northern has
purchased an old abandoned grade between
O'Neill and Butte, which will be used.
Morder Trial On at O'Neill.
NORFOLK. Neb.. March 21. (9pecial.)
The trial of Myron Irwin, charged with
the murder of Bob Cearns a year ago
near Badger, near the .. Boyd-Hoit
county line, began at O'Neill today and
will continue during the next ten days.
This Is tha second trial, Irwin before hav
ing been found guilty of murder ' In the
second degree. The killing Is alleged to
have resulted from a quarrel that" started
at Butte, Neb.. March SO. 1905. It is alleged
that Irwin .subbed Cearns twice after
they had left town, and after they had
crossed the Niobrara river Into Holt
county. Cearns died a half hour after he
was stabbed. One wound was in the heart
and the other In the stomach.
Copper Smelter Coins; I p.
PEARL, Colo.. March 21. (Special.) The
Stemp Spring Coal and Power company will
build a 250-ton smelter, matting furnace
and concentrating plant here soon. Within
a "short haul" from the smelter will be
found thousands of tons of copper ore that
can be treated ata nice profit, and with
the smelter in operation It is expected
many new mines will be opened. The
building of the smelter insures the perman
ence of the camp of Pearl.
Colambns Democrats Nominate.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. March 21 (Specials
Democrats of Columhns In
, ... .uniriiiiuH,
nominated the following: For mayor, George
w. rnilllps: for treasurer, G. B. Splece; for
city clerk. William Bec ker; for police Judge,
William O'Brien; for city engineer, R. L.
Rosaiter; for Board of Eudcation, M. Brug
ger; for councilmen. J. II. Johannes. A. W.
Clark and Max M. Rothlletner.
Fair Today In Nebraska, Exeept Bala
or Know la Southwest Portion
Fnlr Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, March Il.-Forecast of
the weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska-Fair Thursday, excent
rain or snow In southwest portion; Friday
i talr-
! For Iowa and Missouri Fair and colder
Tnursday; Friday fair.
For Kansas Fair Thursday, except snow
and rain and colder in south and west por
tions; Friday rain or snow.
For Colorado Showen. In west, snow or
rain In east portion, colder In southeast
portion Thursday; Friday showers In west,
fair In east portion.
For AY yomlng Fair Thursday and Fri
day, except snow In southern portion.
For Bouth Dakota Fair Thursday and
Friday, wanner Friday.
Loral Keeord.
OMAHA. March 21. Oflielal record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresiKinding day of tiie last three
years: lsue. 1905. iil. !,.
Maximum temperature.... SS bi x ai
Minimum temieralure ; SK :tx
Mean temperature 31 4ti 43 411
Precipitation T T .16 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
ami comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature an
Deficiency for the day 6
Deficiency since March 1 lot
Normal precipitation iZ ir."h
iJetiriency for the day 06 lncn
Total rainfall since March 1 1.27 inches
Excess since March 1 34 inch
iK-rtcleney for cor. period, 16 z& Inch
Deficiency for cur. period. Iu4 a Inch
Reports from Station at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Raln
of Weather. 7 p. 111. Temp. full.
Bismarck, clear 10 10 .00
Cheyenne, snowing 2i M ' .11.'
Chicago, clear at- 40 T
Davenport, cloudy at 4U T
iH-nver, cloudy 3 44 .00
Havre, clear 2b : .00
Helena, cloudy . 3X .im
Huron, part cloudy 14 :i T
Kansas City, clear 3h W .u0
North Platte, part cloudy 43 ti .00
Omaha, part cloudy 2a 38 T
Rapid City, clear 24 ! .00
St. Iuls, ek-ar 42 f .00
St. Paul, clear S ? T
8HTt l-ak City, cloudy 54 M .00
Valentine, clear 2 JC .)
WUliston, clear v S Li .00
X Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A, WiO-ail. Lmw1 a hit-easier.
Puhlio Serrioei to Be Held Tridgj After-,
noon at 2 O'clock.
Firms Which Have Not Yet Filed
Answers Asked to Do So Wlthla
Ten Days Referee to Take
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 21. (Special.) Arrange
ments for the funeral of General John M.
Thayer, to be held at 2 o'clock Friday after
noon at St. Paul's church, have about been
completed, and tomorrow Adjutant General
Culver will Issue his formal orders giving
In detail the plans for the formation of
the procession. As now outlined the order
of the procession will be as follows:
Second Regiment Band.
Military Escort.
Funerai Car.
, Pall Bearers.
Family and Relatives.
Members of Ola First Neoraska Regiment.
Grand Army of the Republic,
t'panlsh and Philippine War Veterans.
Distinguished Visitors.
The procession will accompany tho body
of the dead soldier-statesman from St.
Paul's church to Wyuka cemctery where
the burial will occur.
The services at the church will consist
of brief addresses by prominent cltlsens
who have Intimately lollowed the career
of General Thayer and each will talk on
some particular phase of his life. Tho
ceremonies will begin promptly at 2 o'clock.
At the hour set for the funeral all state
offices will be closed and it Is probable
Mayor Brown will tomorrow Issue a request
for all business houses to close during
the time of the funeral.
While all the members of the National
Guard companies located In Lincoln will be
ordered to participate In the ceremony,
General Culver has not yet decided what
other companies wilt be ordered to Lincoln.
At this time he is contemplating using
nineteen men from ten companies and it la
likely he will finally conclude to do this,
The body of the dead general will be
brought to the capitol and placed In the
senate chamber at 1 o'clock tomorrow
where It will remain until the same hour
Friday. Previous to this short services
will be held at the house by Rev. Mr.
Jones of St. Paul's church. A military es
cort will accompany the body from the
house to the capitol and will remain on
duty during the time the remains lie In
New Mo-re In Grnln Case.
The supreme court this morning ordered
all defendants In the grain case who have
not yet filed answers to the petition of
the attorney general to do so within ten
days. The court also announced It would
appoint a referee to take testimony In the
case and report on facts and law. The
appointment will be made at the next sit
ting of the court.
A rehearing was granted the state In the
case wherein the attorney general brought
suit for $84,000 against the State Journal
company for selling supreme court reports
alleged to have been copyrighted by the
Acting In accordance with the statement
of the court that it would recelye sugges
tlons as to who to appoint referee, Atlor
ney General Brown this afternoon sug
gested the name of C. L, Calkins of Kear
Assails Dipsomaniac law,
William A. Simmon of Dawes .county
who was sentenced to the asylum under the
provisions of the' dipsomaniac law, filed ft
brief In the supreme court this afternoon
In which he not only -vigorously attacks
the constitutionality of the law, but also
goes after those who operated It against
him. Simmons says he Is 50 years old and
Is worth about IJO.OOO, which he accumu
lated trading and dealing in horses. He
denies ever being an inebriate, but says
he has always kept liquor In his house and
has taken a pull at the bottlo whenever
the spirit moves him to do so. tie claims
the sheriff of Dawes county is a dealer in
horses also and Is a teetotaler, and that
no member of the Insanity board takes
drink, but on the contrary are prohibition
ists. The sheriff, he claims, managed thi
affair to get him in the asylum to get him
out of the horse trading business.
Western I'nlon Assessment.
It has been placed squarely before the
supreme court to say whether the fran
chise of the Western Union Telegranh com
pany la subject to assessment and taxation.
The case comes up from Douglas county.
where the district court held the value
placed upon the franchise by the Countv
Board of Equalization was wrong. County
Attorney Slabaugh seeks to have that de
cision "reversed. The county assessor valued
the franchise at some $27,000. The company
ascerted the valuation was arrived at by
making the franchise equal to the value
of the gross receipts of the company. The
company also asserts It was granted a
franchise by the United States and there
fore it was not subject to taxation by the
authorities of Douglas county. This ques
lion the county attorney holds is lmma
terial. The county attorney holds the
franchise gives the company the right to
Few People Know Dow Useful It la In
Preservlna- Health aad Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier in nature, but few realise lis
value taken into the human system for the
same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the mora you
take of It the better; it Is not a drug at all.
but simply absorbs the gases and Im
purities always present In the stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of the
Charcoal sweetens the breath after s.nok
Ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears 'and Improves
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
further acta as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic
It absorbs Injurious gases which collect
In the ctomach and bowels; It disinfect the
mouth and throat front tha poison of
All druggists sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably the beet charcoal
and tne most tor the money Is In Stuart s
Charcoal Losenges; they are composed of
the finest pondered Willow charcoal, and
other harmless antiseptics In tablet form
or rather in the form of large, pleasant
tasting losenges. the charcoal being mlxl
with honey.
The dally use of these lozenges will soon
tell In a much Improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It Is, that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician In speaking of the
benefits of charcoal says: t advise Stuart's
Charcoal Losenges to all patients suffering
from gas In stomach and bowels, and to
clear the complexion and purify the breath,
mouth and throat; I also believe the liver
Is greatly benefited by the dally use of
them; they or -4 but 25 cents a bos at drug
stores, and although In some sense a patent
preparation, yet I believe I get mora and
better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal
Losenges tban In any of the ordinary char,
coal table' a.1
use the streets and the right to be pro
tected by tho taws of the state and of
Douglas county and Is therefore a valusbls
asset. Incidentally, tho brief states the
company made no showing that ls fran
chise was not worth what the county sr-
sessor claimed It was worth.
Cnnareaslonal aitaatloa Mnddled.
The republicans of Lancaster county are
In a peculiar position Insofar as the selec
tion of a csndldatc for congress Is con
cerned. For some time politicians In the
outside counties, ss well ss some of the
home talent, have been flirting with Judge
Allen W. Meld to make the race against
Congressman Pollard. Recently Judge
Field and Judge Holmes discussed the mat
ter and now It Is said If I-ancaster county
Is to have a candidate J'idge Holmes ex
pects to be the man, as he was turned
down by the congressional convention a
year ago. If Judge Holmes comes out as
a candidate It Is said Judge Lincoln Frost
will also get Into the running.
This will give all the other counties an
excuse to get out their favorite sons, with
tho result that Lancaster county may not
only lose the nominee, but may also cause
a break with Cass county, which will give
the nominee to the outside counties for
years to come.
Many of the politicians In this county are
anxious for the delegation this year to be
given to Pollard, and thus cement the.
lleup with Cass county. Then two years
from now, If Lancaster county wants tho
congressman. It could, with some hope of
success, call upon Cass county for assist
ance. Should Lancaster break with Cass
and help turn down Pollard then Ijancaster
may have a hard time getting the lion's
share of the spoils of the district as It has
heretofore had.
Insurance Company Incorporates.
The Midwest Life Insurance company of
Lincoln filed Its articles of Incorporation
with the secretary of state this afternoon.
The capital stock of the company Is to be
$200,000 and the stockholders are N. Z.
Snell, George E. Howard, 8. H. Burnham,
A. J. Sawyer, J. C. Seacrlst, Victor Sey
mour. Paul H. Holm. Frank M. Hall and
others. The company will begin business
April 17.
Furnas County I.and Boomlnar.
ARAPAHOE. Neb., March a. (Spe.ial.)
That southwestern Nebraska has a boom
on prices for lands, as well as town prop
erty. Is attested by the many sales of farm
lands that have been made at from $20 to
$30, and even $00 and $90, per acre, above
Improvements, and where the tracts of land
were small and especially valuable, ex
ceeded the $100 mark; while town property In
Arapahoe and adjoining towns, has been
transferred at prices nearly blue sky high.
One of the sales, and cheapest according to
value, was that of the Star mills, by George
E. Clark to Iowa parties. Incorporated as
the Arspahoe Milling company, of his hold
ings of mill, dam, race and contingent prop
erty, for $14,000, and additional for stock on
hand, which will bring the price paid to
about $20,000, and regarded as a good buy.
The Boehner block hss been sold for $3,300
to Henry Puis and A. R. Sailor, but con
tracted for several weeks ago, and could bo
sold at several hundred dollars profit today.
If desired. William Hellman purchased from
John Harris sixty lots In the townslte some
two months ago, and has already sold not
more than half and realised a profit, retain
ing the most valuable. This Is western Ne
braska, a "get rich quick" country, and not
prohibited from the United States malls.
Hastlnars Railroad Man Killed.
HASTINGS. Neb.. March 21. (Special
Telegram.) J. F. Kealy, night yard master
of the Burlington, was killed late last night
while assisting In the switching of freight
cars near the roundhouse. He made a mis
step In front of a moving car and was
caught under tho . wheels. wHich parsed
over the right leg near the knee and the
left leg a few Inches above the ankle. He
lived only a few minutes after the accident
occurred. Mr. Kealy had been an employe
of the Burlington for twenty-five years. A
few months ago he was promoted to the
position of night yard master. Mr. Kealy
was SS years old. Mrs. Kealy, the widow,
two sons and five dauhgters survive him.
Wool Growers Reorganising.
BUFFALO. Wyo., March 21. (Special.)
The Northern Wyoming Wool Growers' as
sociation will meet here on March 31, and
reorganise. The association will probably
Join the Wyoming Wool Growers' associa
tion, and In turn become members of the
National Wool Growers' association. Tho
lOgOl association was organized many years
ago, but the members have taken no In
terest In Its affairs for several years, until
steps were, taken at the annual convention
of the state association at Casper to re
organize. Fred Kaltenback of Kaycee Is
the present secretary.
New Opera House for Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 21. (Sperlal
Telegram.) A number of local capitalists
announced today that plans wore under
way for the erection this coming summer
of a new opera house at this place. The
building Is to cost about $40,000. The plan
lfc to build the theater on the ground floor
and use the upper story for offices and
lodge rooms.
Bnell Oat of Congressional Race.
RAPID CITY, S. D., March 21.-Charles
I. Buell of this place who has been one of
the most prominent candidates for the re
publican nomination for congressman at
large from South Dakota today announces
his withdrawal from the race.
News of -Nebraska.
BEATRICE Fourteen young men from
various parts of the state took the civil
service examination to enter the railway
mall service hero todny.
BEATRICE A young man named Ste
Vena, who resides at Blue Spring, was
up before the Insanity hoard today and
ordered sent to the asylum.
BEATRICE Clement Drew was given a
necktie shower by his young gentlemen
friends last evening and Mrs. Drew a
linen shower by her young lady friends.
SCHUYLER The cold weather during
tliM last week enabled the Ice man to
finish putting up his crop. He has two
big houses full, making about 2,6u0 tons.
BEATRICE Fred Robare has a string of
nine head of horses at the Beatrice Driv
Ing park which he Is getting in shape for
the racing season. Among the animals
are Fred H. and Spill, two of the fastest
horses in the state.
SCHUYLER The merchants here are
raising money to hire an attorney to fight
the bridge case for them. The county
seems rather slow in putting the bridge lit
and the merchants are going to try to com
pel the county to repair It.
BEATRICE Beatrice hnige No. 130. An
cient Order of United Workmen, held a
largely attended meeting last night, at
which there were four candidates initiated.
Following the business session a banquet
w..s held at the Arcade restaurant.
FREMONT The subscriptions to the
Young Men's Christian association building
have reached $,Ouu. The committee Is well
satisfied with what has been accomplished.
The largest subscription so far received
for I2.UW and there are two for $1,000 each.
BEATRICE The fruit farm of John
Meyer, consisting of nineteen acres and
located two miles west of the city, waa
sold yesterday to Henry von Steen, sr.,
for $3.Oi.i0, or about per acre. This is
the top price paid for land in this section.
FLA TTH MOUTH The Missouri river U
steadily rising at this point, having raised a
fool and a half within the last twenty-four
hours. The stream is nearly closed be
low the Burlington bridge. Tiie Platte river
Is also reported to tw closed over near
FREMONT B. I- Morgan has resigned
his position aa deputy postmaster to take
effect April 1 and will be succeeded by fc-d
Mltlerllng, who has been mailing clerk in
the office for the last ten years. Mr.
Morgan haa only held the position about
li.r months.
COLUMBUS Sheriff Carrig has placed
notices on the door of McCllntock A Car
ter, druggists, and the store la cloeed on
an attatJlinient for f3.iX. It la claimed by
the firm that they have been swindled
"Pe-ru-na Has No Equal."
!. -.-g-r , v
v '
Mr. M. Broderlck. 435 EJ. 46th St., Financial Secretary Stable Employes
Union, No. 1041, Chicago, 111., writes:
"I linvc Iwn MilTcrlng from a weak bark and kidney trouble for some
time and have been able to find relief only through the use of reruns.
"During the winter season I usually keep a bottle of your medicine In
the house and i'y taking a dose at night, I am feeling fine the next morning.
"Some of my friends assure me that Peruna Is equally as good for their
various ailmentn as It Is for my complaint, but, I do know that for kidney
trouble and suVerlng from' a weak back It has no equal."
Kidney Trouble Is Not Always Recog
nized as Catarrh lV-m-na He
ll eves Kidney Disense Be
cause It Is a Remedy For
All Phases of Catarrh.
TWENTY-FIVE years ago, before Dr.
Itartman began distributing his
pamphlets, books and newspaper
articles, Bright'e Disease of the kidneys
was regarded as a disease wholly distinct
from catarrh.
Now, Rrlght's Disease is thought by
many the world over to be a phase of
catarrhal inflammation.
To relieve Brlght's Disease something
must be used that has the power to relieve
Any medicine that Is a remedy for
catarrh of one organ Is obviously a med
icine for catarrh of any other organ.
Peruna is an internal, systemic
catarrh remedy.
In a trade, their ready money gone and
they could not raise the money to pay
out. BEATRICE Fifty farmers comprise a
committee which Is soliciting funds for
tho new farmers' elevator at Hoag. The
building Is to cost $5,000, anil about one
half that amount has been raised.
NORFOLK Western Union telegraph
wires between O'Neill and Btuart, a dis
tance of fifty miles, together with the en
tire line of poles, will have to be recon
structed because of tho recent storm which
destroyed the line. Cars are being fitted In
Chicago to house the men who are to do the
BEATRICE Mrs. Sarah Coon of this city
yesterday received a telegram from Marys
vllle. Kan., stating that her brother,
George Parks, had dropped dead at that
place.. Mr. Parks was 82 years of age
And recently visited in Beatrice. He had
been a resident of Marshall county for
forty years. '
COLUMBUS Patrick Hogan, a young
man who was Injured yesterday while
working with a railroad bridge gang In
the western part of the state, died at St.
Mary's hospital in this city today at noon.
He was Injured by falling from a bridge
on which he was working. This city waa
Ills foi-mer home.
BEATRICE The Nebraska Telephone
company will soon begin the construction
of two trunk lines between Beatrice and
Wymore. The material is being placed
on the ground and work will be started
as soon as the weather is favorable. After
tho lines are in operation the rate for a
three-minute talk will be S cents Instead
of 15 as at present.
PLATTSMOUTH Two young women
from Omaha were arrested and fined $5 and
costs, but the fine was remitted on condi
tion that they leave the city within lour
hours. They went. The young man who
was with them when arrested In a hotel
pleaded guilty to the charge of being drunk
and disturbing the peace. He was fined
$5 and costs and paid it.
EMMETT Joel E. Phillips died at Lu
vern. Ia., March 14. Mr. Phillips waa a
soldier In the War of the Rebellion, having
enlisted the second year 01 the war at the
age of 16 years, at Waterloo, la., serving
lint", the close of the war. He came to
Nebraska lr. HW. taking a homestead near
Linwood. He resided in Nebraska until
about ten years ago, when he removed to
Iowa. He leaves a wife and five children
BEATRICE The mayor and city council
are considering tho advisability of cutting
down tho fire department, and a meeting
is soon to be held by the department and
Our Removal Sale of beautiful Standard Pianos at one-third and
one-half off regular prices is a great success, All the Pianos on our
second floor have already been disused of. Decisions must be made
quickly if you want the bargain of a lifetime, for we must surely vacate
our present location by April 1. No such prices will ever prevail again.
$6.00 CASH AND $3.00 PER MONTH
Buys a beautiful piano, fully guaranteed.
Upright Piano, medium size, variety of woods, former
price $225 now $146
Cabinet Grand Upright, eastern made, new, former price
$248 - now i..$158
Arion Uprights, Cabinet Grands, full size, former price
$275 now $175
Cabinet Grands, latest styles, former price $21)0 now. .$225
Steinway, ebony case, fully guaranteed. $250
Mahogany Steger, former price $450 now .$285
Elegant Sample l'iano, French walnut, former price $500
now $315
Vose & Sons Upright, ebony case .$ 85
Mahogany Upright, a beauty, for $115
Oak Singer, slightly used, only $138
Chiekering, rosewood case, large size, only $175
Square Pianos in good repair, $50 down to .....$ 15
Reed Organs, uaed, good order, $25 down to ....fl5
Reed Organs, new, fully guaranteed, former price $86 now. . .. .4S
Self Players, including Pianolas, Simplex, Appollette and other
at $65, $1)5, $I!U and up. Write for free catalogues and bargain list
today. Satisfaction guaranteed. We ship pianos everywhere.
Established 1HAD.
MR. M.
Like catarrh. It pervades tha whole
system, and counteracts the effects of the
disease. 11 '
A great many people believe that thav
have been cured of chronic Brigh.t'8 Disease
by the use of Peruna.
It is certainly true that in the earlier
stages of Brlght's Disease, Peruna Is
an effective remedy.
Numerous testimonials on this point
establish the fact beyond all. doubt.
Mr. Otto A. Flelssner, American epi
curean, formerly Chef to Col. W. J. Cody,
1412 Sixth Ave., Seattle, Wash., writes:
"I suffered with kidney and bladder
troule until life did not seem worth living.
I had tried many medicines, but did not
get any relief until I took Peruna. It was
really wonderful how much better I was
after I used this medicine only a week. At
the end of six months I found to my relief
that It had rid my system of all poisons
and I was cured to stay cured."
the city council to take some action in the
matter. The department comprises Ml
members in good standing, but of this num
ber fully one-half sre exempt members.
The contention of Mayor Shnltx Is that
the loss in poll tax to the city Is on tho
Increase nnd by reducing the department
to about 100 members the questtpn of a poll
tax shortage would be solved.
BEATRICE The democrat of Wymore
have placed the following ticket In tho
field: For mayor, J. H. Dodo's;, for clerk,
Samuel Caldwell; for treasurer. E. L.
Routh; for 'city engineer, John McCarthy;
councilman, First ward. W. N. Stewart;
councilman, Second ward, A. W. Fisher;
for Board of Education. Dr. A. H. Given
and C- P. Phllbrick. Mr. Fisher and Dr.
Given .have withdrawn their names from
the ticket and tho vacancies, have not yet
been , filled. . L. H. Archard is the repub
lican nominee for . mayor, and A. G. Tay
lor Is circulating a petition and expects
to enter the race as an Independent can
didate From all appearances things po
litical will be lively in Wymore at the April
ARAPAHOE Several citizens desiring
a more commodious and laager hotel, some
thing verv much needed, purchased the
Arapahoe 'house, intending to remove same
and build a large hotel building com
mensurate with our needs. Last week at
a meeting of the slock holders, C. S.
Roessen made a proposition to buy their
holdings and deposited a guarantee of
several hundred dollars to build such a
hotel building as was desired of not Imw
than twenty-five rooms, and if he proves
a good hotel man may make It a success.
Wlille the Arapahoe house, owing to sixc,
Is Inadequate to accommodate the demand,
yet Mr. Trimble has givon good serving
to the traveling public. Ho and his family
soon leave for the state of Washington.
FREMONT A barn belonging to A. Clark
Records was discovered ou fire about 10
o'clock this morning and owing to a mis
take in giving the locality of the alarm
was entirely consumed by tho time the de
partment reached It. At the lime the alarm
was given a team of heavy horses bclonglm;
to the Standard Oil company, which were
hitched In front of the Commercial National
bank, became frightened and broke loose
and started up Msln street. They collided
with Mortensen & Chrlotensen's delivery
wagon which was Just starting out with a
load of groceries and scattered ita contents.
They next smashed the back of a buggy be
longing to Charles Wile, a Saunders county
farmer. William Lucke's Ice wsgon was
next In line, but this proved too strong for
them and after shoving It and the team
attached to It for a block were caught.