f TnU OMATIA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, MARCH inon. PRICE OF COAL IS RAISED Advanced at Minna from Fifty Oent to One Dollar a Too. RAILROADS LICK UP ALL THEY CAN Local Dealer InilJr e Get Ordars Killed Believe Meaaatee Art Determine to Force Strike to Hall the Market. "The coal mine magnates will force tha strike If they possibly can. If John Mlt. ihcll and his brave men withstand tha unjust treatment In alore for them they will do more tlian mortala usually do. The uperutors are determined to set more money for their coal." TIil to the view of a local coal dealer. What Vlll be the condition of Omaha a few weeks from now as regard coal, If the expected strike in Uie inlnea cornea off? This to thu question of uppermoat Intcreat with tha coal dealers of the city. The, developments of the last few days linve alarmed them. Advance at tha mines have increased the wholesale price of coal 60 cents to $1. end the cause, aa given by the mining operator". Is that they consider tin' danger f a Ktrlke dally more Imminent. Wholesalers hero are receiving their orders hack from the mlnei, accom panied by letters stating that coal has ad vanced and order will be filled only on a higher buds. J. N. Marsh received a letter Tuesday from Oentervtlte. Is-, returning orders, and stating that prices had been advanced $1 on coal. A similar letter from one of the big Illinois mines said the prices nuked was 60 cents higher than It was last week. Railroads Are lloBKlnw It. A worse result of the Impending strike, say the coal men, Is the fact that the rail roads are taking up all the coal they can get In order to tldo them over a strike, and they rob the dealers Indiscriminately and unmercifully. They arbitrarily take coal, hundreds of cars of It. without asking the leave of anybody, paying to the con signee the price asked of him by the con signor. The railroads always have done thin and there seems to be no relief from this practice. If a dealer enters any pro test against the stealing of his conl. the railroads say. "nil right, we haven't ffot coal to move this train If we can't use thin coal. We'll have to set the coal on the sidetrack." The dealers could get redress by law, but they say they cannot afford to get the railroad "sore" at them, for their business would be ruined. Retailers said Tuesday they had not raised the price to consumers, preferring to take a loss themselves rather than raise the price to their regular customer. As for new business, they declared they could not take any. for the reason they could make no money on it, and because they wanted to have enough coal to supply their regular trade in case of a strike. The jobbers are of opinion the retailers will be forced to iinrne an advance soon. Only a few of them have large stocks on hands: some have liberal stocks, and many have but a small quantity. Scarce at Any Price', "I am afraid It will be a question of getting coal at any price," said A. L. Havens. "Between the strike. If It comes, and the railroads, we will be In a tight box." Steam coal Is very scarce In Omaha and It cannot be bought at the mines. The packing houses are the largest consumers of this cdsi. Armour 4 Co., laid In a large supply , early In the season, and have enough to carry them for months, but Swift nml company, are not In such fortunate circumstances. No changes In the wholesale prices of bard coal have been named, and probably there will be none, ns the season for the cunsumptlon of anthracite Is practically over. Mini I J Manila.- If tan I Shirts v- Wi tell the Man hattan Shirts far Kan Everybody is talking of the stunning spring hats that are being shown in Bran, deis' elegant new millinery department. ha? The colors and the clever blending of shad's giws millinery an in dividual air this anting quite distinct from sea son's previous The oral and reseda shadts art extremely popular while a now departure s the silver gray with trimming of oJcu-Je and grny etriped ribbon. The roses in natural and r-xtrtme shades shoto many novelties, particu larly in our French hats. nrnndels' Smart Mode at 10 The new est shapes are shown here, the Empire Hats, the dashing sailors, the peter Fan Turbans, the graceful rolled brim hats and hundreds of va rieties special numbers, at . Small sailors are leading in favor. The Cromwell shapes are gaining popularity . his distinctly a season for the litm hat and he great majority of thi less expensive hats are now being made this way. Xew Spring Models at $."1 Every correct shape and every reany popular trim ming fashioned by style ex perts a hundred brand new things, at $10 $5 The Charming and Ultra Fashionable SUITS FOR SPRING Ladies' Tailor Modes at the Rep resentative Style Shop of Omaha We are presenting au excep tionally good value this spring in a Ladies' Tailored Suit, made in new eton style, very smartest trimmed, new 'circular skirt, etc. The colors are the new shades of coral, Alice blue, reseda, old rose, etc. as well as the quiet staple effects. There is no question but that it is much the best suit ever offered Decidedly Stunning Spring Suits The finest tailoring and finishing in' these pretty suits retons, ponies, f' 1U j lll'SUUU $10 polos, box effects. shades, also brand new checks, etc. featured specially,. etc. prettiest 17.50 tXxVV1 V WA SWF s . f i li I I i y . J., w m COMPANY ASKS NEW TRIAL Mater People File Motto for Rehear ing; on Case for Hydrant Rental. Tlio Omaha Water company Wednesday morning tiled Its motion for a new trial In the cane agitint the city for 1100.000 hydrant rental recently derided against it In the rnltcd States circuit court. Tile grounds for the application for a new trial are: That the verdict waa contrary to law, error of law occurring during the trial; court erred in admitting evidence a to the purity of water, piping and pumping- rapacity, purchase price of Are engine liouees, value of Are engines, value of real estate bought by the city, thus, compelling the plaintiff to abandon Its right to go before a jury; error of court in ad mitting evidence of the ordering of hydrants not placed without requiring the city first to show that lt hud a levy and money to meet such obligations; error of court n dlrectinc a verdict for the defendant; error of court in not giving to jury plaintiff's Instructions directing a verdict for the plaintiff; error of court In refusing to permit the plwlntlff to amend Its petftion In accordance with the proof. The plaintiffs have not yet filed their findings of fact with the court and until tbin Is done the motion for a new trial and petition to set avide the verdict can not be heard. THE NEW ARRIVALS At the White Goods Dept. Extra fine quality fancy, white woven Madras, just the weight for Off spring wear, at, yard J" New silk Organdies, Boft lustrpus fab ric prinieu norm aesigns, 9cn a. w of great beauty, at, yard Embroidered Cause, neat cheeked grounds, in every color, OS for, u yard , CS, All colors in the real French Sheer cloth, beautiful printing, Q- yarn - Cotton Serge Waistlngs, dark styles in splendid weight and a very desirable fabric, for, a yard at. 19c Plaid white dress Swiss, corded effects, for, a yard Yard wide white dress Linen, every thread pure linen, tor, 2 Of yard. White dresa Swisses with embroider ed dots, in all sizes, for, 2Sc a yard. Imported Dimities, Btitlstes and Lawns all this season's newest de signs, none better made, iRc at. yard ac,v wool effects, 17c SPRING WOOLENS! naHE cloth matters oftha world war certainly at their beat in producing this season's tempt. Ing fabrics. Over 1,000 styles. You'll ptok from the oholcest u If you plot now. Treasirs. $5 ti $12 Suits, $20 to SSO A!LE? WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. 200-21 Bo. 18th Street. DEAL WILL BENEFIT OMAHA Sale of Lead Works to Trust Fnts In t trrnlatlon Four Million Dollars, "Omaha will derive many direct benefits j from the saJe of the Carter White Lead works to the trust," said a prominent Omaha man Wednesday night, after read ing a complete account of the sale In Tha Hoe, "I understand Frank Rarker will LftER PILLS Fr oii mr Yuif. For biliousness, constipation, sick headache, sour stomach. Na opium, no cocaine. A vegetable pill. rlKRMAN 4V MCONNELL DRUO CO. 25c post paid. 16th and Dodge Bta "7 1 ASurcRemcdy Tor Lame Back Hcuralgia Sprains tSBruiscs PRICE 250100 SOLD BY All Druggists DcEarl S.SIoari eosrort hass.usjl still be kept at t, plant as treasurer, with his salary nearly doubled, and besides, all the money secured by the sale will remain in Omaha and will be Invested right bare by the old company, all the members of which are Omaha cltisena. Four million dollars Is quit a chunk, of money to be turned loose In any city, and Mrs. Carter, George Barker, E. J. Cornish, and E. M. Moriman will undoubtedly seek Invest ments for their money In Omaha, where they have resided for many years." 1 Women's Shapely Shoes COURT AFTERJHE DRUGGISTS Jarealle Officers Mill Proseeole Ay Pcrsalttlms Chlldrea Play Slot Maehlaea. Officers of the juvenile court are uiaklug preparations to Institute proceedings against druggists who permit children to play the slot machines for merchandise. One mother reported to the officers her son was in the habit of playing away all his spending money which waa given him for lunches at school and then going witb out a thing to eat. Several complaints have been made to Officer Bernstein and the matter will be taken up. - Chaaaberlala's t'oaasi Keasedy 'avortt. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cugb Remedy to any other for our children," aaya Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twmlg. Mich. "It has also done live work for u In bard colds and croup and we take pleast ra In recommend ing It." ) sUarllac BUverjfietUMi; UUi ud XX4 The Foster and Hanan Shoes for which we are exclusive- agents In Omaha are the recognised leaders in styles that are new. We can truthfully say to our Omaha and out of town customers, that we carry a line of shoes equal to any of the largest stores of the east. The new spring lines are now In and we are showing all the newest novelties in high and low cut shoes for spring and summer wear. These are styles never before shown in Omaha and are exclusive with us. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farmm Street. I9B93SBE OM4HA WR4THER roREC T-Thsirs.r Fair. GREEN TRACING STAMPS EVERT TIME IN THE DRY GOODS The new Featherbloom Petti coat. The new Featherbloom Skirt Fabric is as light as a sum mer's zephyr and as dainty as the choicest silk. We have just put on sale three numbers, in black only, each petticoat with heaps of frills and pleats, weighs but a few ounces, wears like iron and shines like ebony. PRICES, $2.95, $2.50, $1.98. Ladies' New Suits Thursday a. m. about 50 Ladies' Suits, new est styles, newest materials, newest colorings, all this sea son's purchase, not one worth less than $20, each, at. . .$12.50 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S APRONS Ladies' White Band Aprons, 50c, 40t 35c and. 25c Ladies' White Bretelle Aprons, 50c, 45c, 40c and 35c Ladies' Gingham Aprons, regular and extra sizes 25c Ladies' Gingham Aprons, Mother Hubbard style ,35c Ladies' Gingham Sleeve Aprons, high and low neck 75c Ladies' Black Sateen Aprons, square and round, with ruffle, at ; 25c Children's Dress Aprons, 69c and. 35c A BIO OORSKT ATTRACTION Serviceable Coutllle. In drab und white, fine Batiste In white only, this season's models, sizes j to sn, regular prices oOc and 75c, sale Thursday. . . 39c Colored Dress Goods 48-ln. all wool Panamas In navy, blue, Alice blue, brown, tan, green and grey, dust proof, regulur price $1.25 a yard, sale price, OP. a yard ODC 44 to 56 Inch new grey Suitings in plain mixtures, checks and plaid enecis, me most popular weaves and shadings of this sea son, Hale price, a yard 1.25 Black Dress Goods 4!l-in. black Chiffon Panamas, sheer and drapes grucefullv, fabric for shirtwaist suits, regular price 1.Z9 a yard, sale price, a yard . Sale of White India I.inons 100 pieces of fine sheer white inaia unons, worth 12'fcc a yard, Thursday a yard Xew Spring Suitings in plain colors, with 'T'lK-oi'' ' ' -s, new tuning, very popular new goods, worth 22c, Thursday, a yard beautiful floral pat- splendid 1.00 .8c Plaid 12 c I 60 pieces new, pretty Plaid Organdies, terns, for . Thursday, a yard Very Special Male on Curtain Swiss 36-in. wide, all new pat terns, for' Thursday onlv. a vnrd Great Neckwear Bargain at 5c and 10c Fifty dozen Ladies' fancy Neckwear, 8 oek Collars and Turnovers from our big Neckwear purchase, will be on sale again Thursday, regular 16c and 25c values., FOR THIS SALE. EACH 10 J and ..... . . 75c Chiffon -Veils 30c New, up-to-date Chiffon Veils,' three "yard lengths homst thoH h.Ar. ....... j T. lulcc jaiu u ' - - vv.(UV7lo. IISVV. HUM WI11TA regular 75ralue, this sale, each. !n lu Big lot of fine Torchon Edges-and Insert ions. Wn-i, Antique and Oluny Bands, and heavy Venetian drEfemWi,n"ecr,u' tTeam and whlte' wo, tn to 25c a yard for,tnis sale, a yard . ' ' . New Japanese Ware A VHT SHOWING OK ALL THE XBW NOVKLTIKS IN THIS BEACTIKl'L. IMPORTED CHINA IT'S WORTH LOOK1NO OVER PLENTY OF PRETTY PIECES FOR CARD PRIZES, SMALL. GIFTS, NEW CUPS AND SAU CERS 6.1c, Eoc and NEW SALTS AND PEP PERS 2 for Inc. luc and. NEW TOOTHPICK HOLD ER8 each 26c und NEW CHOCOLATE SETS $tj.o0, 17.50 and up, NEW PIN TRAYS lCr at 26c, 20c and . 13b NEW OLIVK DISHES -et 38c and JOC NEW MTBTARDS at 60c and 25c 15c ..19c 25c DINNERWARE THE NEW PATTERN FROM ED WIN M. KNOWL.ES POTTERY. PRETTY GREEN SPRAY AND BORDER EFFECT mil 100 Dipca SETS. ALL THIS BEST PIECES A 115 VALUE IN ANY fk OQ BTORE special Bennett's Big Grocery Our enormous business i a .nv- nice against stale nr uhir KKdS. THREE LARGE CANS OMAR BAKED BEANS, plain or wltli atlljue Anderson's Tomato Soup. J can T ...u.-iuuii iomaio Boup. can 5c '.rr.".'.,i.!,8p GlnK-r Snaps, pound... 5c Vr,T,V PL'NT)S BEST GRANT aHE?? SUGA i.oo mu j lliriy wreen i rAfl nff Htumn. FLO WE It VEGETABLE and SEED, per pk 2c WHITE CORN MEAL FOR YOUNG CHICKEN FEED. 10 pounds for joe- 1"0 pounds for ."."$1.00 nnnnett'a Bargain Soup, 10 bars.... 25c Shrimps, prr can I0c Coin "-pound can .' c Peas. 2-pound can Oil Sardines, can jc Salmon, 1-pound can ...9c Pickles, assorted, bottle 8c Bennetts Capitol Baking Powder pound can . .24o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, two pack- aRes gnu And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, two pack ages aoo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'8CANDY. SPECIAL ON EATING CHOCOLATE Four Vakea Sweet Chocolate 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Easier ' Eggs and Novelties, up Horn ic Fresh Fruits and Vegetables COCOANUTS, LARGE and FRESH, each Trl NEW CALIFORNIA JUICY t LEMONS, dozen EtJL LARGE, SWEET. JUICY NAVAL TA ORANGES dozen 25c and iU C Lettuce. Onions, Radishes, Asparagus -FRESH DAILY 3 BIG STORES to buy goods for enables us to buy In such quantltes we can well afford to undersell any WOULD-BE COMPETITOR in these parts. If you doubt this, read this SAMPLE list of CUTS: ?Sc Juvenile Soap 10c 2nc Graves' Tooth Powder luo 6c Packers' Tar Soap lie -oc Mennen's Talcum Powder lc 26c 4711 Soap llo bOc Socletie Hygenique Soap c few Hind Honey and Almond Cream.. Ac tl.00 B'-ef. Iron and Wine 6oc Plnaud'a Hair Tonic 3Tc 11.00 Hoswark's SarsapHrllla Too Silo Pozzont Face Powder 'Ac Tooth Brushes, worth up to &0c, for., lo Some emporiums advertise they have no branches WE HAVE and they do busi ness, too more of it than any other store In the rtlles where they are located. We deliver anything we sell In Omaha. South Omaha or Council Bluffs. Will any other druggist do tnat ior you; cut AuArBrn(n okuo Corner lth and Chicago, OMAHA. 24th and N.. SO: OMAHA Cor. th and Main St.. CO. BLUFFS. IA. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER PaMiakes TlaaeLr Vara Tojlee ijtfosrrsi" OPENING OF Spring end Summer Jlfillincry- Thursday and Friday, Mmrch 22 and 23 YOU ARE INVITED F.M.SCHADELL cr CO. DENTAL 1Arl 5 ROOMS. JjIZBfliizlas.sk TOR Z BEER it lusrainingi It talcet tlic place of food becauie It contaiiu ill the rich nutriment of malted sailey, dilutrd in tparkbng Anerian water. Ai a beverage STORZ BEER it better than tea, coffee or water better tat the stom ach, the nervea, and the muscular tissue of the bodyt Pron.iotnt physician have (o stated. Alw ft order STORZ BEER. A6 mmm. Sole Selling Agents tor lion City laces and Lace Curtains liilMY Wmi THE RELIABLE STARE v Buy Zion Cit Laces and Save the 60 Per Cent on. Foreign Goods Manufacturer's Stock Sale of Ladies' New Spring Garments ' S-vrn manufacturers' ptockx afM-tirorl hy our ltiycr at a itrral hargnin, trill l ilacd on n1c ThuistJny. Mortis fail to pxprrKa tlio grew M)l beauty anil bargain worth of tUN grrnt rollcrllon. Vou mut wee' thorn In ortlcr to appro Into their vain. Only a few ran bo mentioned In the limited spare, but every one in an unmatched bargain. :W TAIU1R BUITS-In tlie nobby new Eton and Blouse el vies. newest materials and colors. Slu.CO ' U values, nt J.JJ r. XQflBITE SAMPLE SU1TH at a saving of about one-third to you prices. n.X 30.0 24.0 and CRAVENETTK COATS Made of ITIestley s best Cravenettes, In Oxfords, tans and olives, sires 32 to i, worth up to 2 n() tt.v. 825 TAILOR 8UIT8-ln the new materials and colors. Pony, Eton and Blouse styles, with hew clr culnr and gnre pkirts, made Ma!....-...14.90 COVERT COATS 1M ol them to select from, worn up to 115.00. H Oil choice 'vu COVERT COATS Satin lined, loose and light fit ting stvles. worth A 7. choice " -" HANDSOME BIT.K SUTRT WAIST SUITS Made of Glveinaud's. all new designs and colors, :!o.no values, 1 A Qf rhnlr. WOMEN' S $5.00 WALKING SKIRTS, nt NEW SPUING SKIRTB-In Voiles. Pans mas and Taffetas, all newest de- Q QJS signs, at H5.un. $12.50 and New Lingerie and Batiste Waists. at. 2.98 1.25 H.fo Jap Bilk and Ungerle Waists, 2 Q3 sperlnl Thursday, nt ' Magnlllcent Dress Waists, at M-UOTRO down to FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Women's 79C $1.60 Underskirts, at FROM .S0 TILL $9 SO A. M - ' AQq Children's $1.50 DreHses, at FROM 9 TILL W A. M.-Womens QQq waists, n"iui i.''. immense Sale of Hosiery Thursday A purehase of I.OOO dozen pair of men, and ladte.' ho.e fro... one of i..,n mn,.frttirerH. tonHher with several H.i.aller lola fully all at i .1 1 ..... iMiirn tnU'l' America icnuiiiK itihwi"" ... ------ M,f,-iii. itf.rw of them neenred at a great bnrgHln. ulll be VU ed ... m c Thurs On, , -t lrl- ln many cases less than cost to manuiacture. .i.i t n y Ta.ll- line Lisle and Maco Cotton Hose, In plain black, white, blues, pinKs or fancies, in newest lace effects, are worth regularly up to :wc. aneclul 124c Tliursdity. ptilr " Ladles' Silk Embroidered Hose, In plain blacks, splendid l.c value, at, IOC pair LADIES' HOSE. In plain black or giey, regular 10c quality, special, at. nulr t CHILDREN'S HOSE Heavy ribbed, come in all sizes. Thursday s nrlcva. al. pair, IJ'.sC, 10c ami. Men's tine Lisle and Maco Cotton Hose, in plain black, tans, greys aim laucies. m newest spring pauern. v. mm ui a pair, special Thursday, at, Ptr V Men's Hose, in blacks, tans and worth 19c- a pair, special, at. nnlr. .' xi..i,- Hne in blacks, tans and with white feet, worth " nair. at. pair worth tuny uohuic 12ic fancies, . 10c fancies, 5c 5c Domestic Room hour Specials ON SALE FROM S TILL 10 A. M ' BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS Extra heavy and long, worth regularly up to 25c only six to a customer at, lQC ON SALE FROM 10 A. M. TILL U M -Reveille Percules for children's dresss and skirts, in pretty spring patterns, regu lar SH uuallty. at. 4c vara ii'.L-'ppmi -ru t. i w M.a HI.KAPHKD SHKFrriNG, from bolt, gtandiir.l bralids that sell regularly from ioc to :T,4c a yard-lo yards to a customer- at, yard Another Great Orange Sale We will sell tlies fancy Highland Nav Is Thursday at, dozen OR y FOR 2jC . . Extra large, very fancy Highland Navel Oranges Thursday, at, ..!20 dozen r SPRING STYLE BEAUTY REIGNS SUPREME. mm THE RELIABLE STORE SPRING STYLE BEAUTY REIGNS SUPREME. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING Will continue tomorrow, und the public is invited to attend the exhibit ot the NEW MODES AND SPRINGFsshlons that reflect he corieit st tendencies aa brought out by leading milliners at home and ABROAD in the cientlons of our own des gners. revealing a high type or aiiistie .nment'ln" VhiValnTlTf millinery8 The entire collect ion co-nprenslv. in Its scope, will meet the req uirements of the most exacting anu C,lF8PE-lALatA'rrKNTION la directed to our STREET AND WALKING! HATS embracing all that Is new, correct and most desirable of tha ipJiva STY KS Alwav. a little better than you have ever bought be- prices are absolutely the lowest. Prices range from $J.50, o.00, $7.60, $10.00. $15.00, $1UOO, $25.00 and up. ZZZLZZ1 C Store Open Every Evening Vntil April 1, 10, to accommodate those who have entered our 'lUer Contest" which appeared In last Sunday's patera, we have decided to keep our atorc open every evening until :30 p. m. that selections may be made. SEIID III YOUR COUNT If you have not already made an estimate, there is still time to do so. There are many incorrect solutions. lie sure yours is right. Matthews Piano Co. 'The Square Deal Piano House," 1513-151 HARNEY KTREKT. OMAHA, NEB. iln,w..H. Iliirwood Theater. iumiie, .Mgr, - i'i EMBLEM BUTTONS O and Pins - Masonic. Odd Fellows. M.W. A.. . O W., K of P.. R. A . Eastern Star, rlht ineis. Elks. Maccabees, Knights of Columhiis. gles and any other you d like. We make special designs of li?"d.'', Tr 8rnd a few minutes In our store. LOOK FOR THE NAMES. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 161OOUOLAST. mmm- EVERY DAY to April 1, 1906, one way colonist tickets will he sold from OMAHA to SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES and niauy other California points. VIA UNION PACIFIC Tickets good in Daily Tourist Sleepers. If you go to California in one of our Tourist Sleepers you will en joy the trip and save money en route. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FAR NAM KT. 'Phone Douiflaa S3 1.