The Omaha Daily Bee. , NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS 0FHCE Ground Floor Corntr Tfc Bee Building . 17th and fsrnsm NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS OFFICE Ground Floor Corner The oet Diilldlnr I7lk ass Farnam ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TIIUKSDAY 3JORXIXG; At ARCH '-'J, 19U(-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THUEE CENTS. MINERS IN SESSION Joint Scale Committee Continue! Its Delib erations AH Day. SHOT FIRERS LAW UNDER CONSIDERATION Illinois Operatori Say it Adda to Expense of Mining. MINERS REFUSE TO STATE POSITION Adjournment Taken to Allow Them to Confer Among Themselves. , ANTHRACITE OPERATORS MAKE STATEMENT Allre that Dtmaita of Men Menu Revolution la Condition of Work la too Col. llerte. A INDIANAPOLIS. March scale committee of the joint 1 nee of the coal operators and miners c Ijntral competitive and southwest dlstr session almost the entire day, bv ai accomplished toward arrivlrv agreement. "n. The committee of the central couip itral couip i, Indiana, devoted Its . Held, composed of Illinois and western 1'ennsylvanla slona to discussion- of the Illinois shot-Art. law, which the operators of that state claln puts an additional expense of from 2 to 10' cents on each ton of mined coal. The min ora' representatives on the committee re fused to make any declaration upon tho subject and asked for a recess until tomor row morning (hat they might caucus. Their caucus wan devoted to discussion as to the lieitt means of getting the argument In the Joint committee awuy from the shot-fliers proposition and getting before the commit tee the general proposition of wages, run of mine basts, differential and oilier matters contained In the demands made by them In the former Joint conference, which ud Journed February 2. They regard these as more important and desire that they uhn.ll be settled first. These Uemands were placed before the Joint committee, today as the banes for argument, and no utner proposi tion or motion was made during the day. The operators and miners attending the Joint conference spent the day amusing themselves. The committees of both dis tricts will report to their several Joint con ferences a noon us they have reached a definite understanding. Any agreement reached must be ratified by those several conferences, the members of which are awaiting the action of their committees. Illinois operators held a caucus and reit erated thetr firm poeltlon In their demand for relief from what they consider an un just situation caused by the expense en tailed by the shot-fliers law. Compromise I'ader Consideration. It was stated tonight that the miners' representatives on the Joint scale commit tees of the cwntral and southwest district at, their joint meeting tonight decided to a4' for ?te suiwiitaalon of the' wage scale matter to subcommittees tomorrow. These ; subcommittees will. It Is stated, be pre- stinted with a proposition from the miners to restore the scale of two years ago in the central competitive district and a rela tive advance In the southwest district. It Is further stated that a movement is on foot among the officials of the Illinois miners to propose to the Illinois opera tors that if they agree to the restora tion of the scale of two years ago, which la equivalent to an Increase of 5.55 per cent, the shot flrers' question will be taken up and some arrangement mode after the present Joint conference adjourns. southwest District Conference. Thu Joint conference of the southwest dis trict named a Joint scale oommlttee and look an adjournment pending Its action. President Mitchell of the Mine Workers eM today he had not received a letter from President Boer in reply to his proposition for another anthracite meeting, and until he had received it and submitted it to the miners' anthracite committee, the members of whluh are here, he could not discuss the time and place for the meeting-. The entire wage matter of the -southwest district waa referred to the following Joint scale committee: For the miners Kansas W. IL McC'loskey, Alex Howalt, John Hoy and John billings. Missouri James Mooney, J. T. Mussell, Giant Parker and Thomas Rose well. Indian Territory. Texas and Arkansas. J. M. Morgan, Homer Uowur, Peter, Slew art and John Ingram. For the operators: Kansas. II. Sliaw, Peter McCalU 8. J. Tonkin and Ira Fleming. ' Missouri J. II. Hovard, J. C. Tarsuey, Edward Nevis and Oejrge W. Klcrstad. Indian Territory, Texas and Arkansas 11. P. Hush. William Busby, K. Uache and W. K. Gordon. Statement af Anthracite Operators. NEW YOllK, March Ti. The demands of the anthracite workers for a readjustment of wage and conditions In the anthracite fields would, if granted !y the operators, taaan a veritable revolution in mining con ditions, according to a statement issued by the operator' committee of seven today. The statement declares it to be a matak to assume that an eight-hour day and a 10 per cent wage Increase represents the sum jvouil of the demands of the miners. "This new and uniform scale," aaya the state ment, would, place every man on the same basis. Increasing tho wages of some men as much as l&u "per cent. The average in crease under the uniform scale would be nearly per. cent for outside men. The proposed schedule would mean a veritable revolution In mining conditions. The statement says that the miners Insist upon a uniform wage scale for Its separate and distinct classes of workmen about the mines. "For years," It continues, "the operslor and employe have recognised the different value of labor lit different localities and even In different sections of the same col liery. Yet, now the miners' committee de mands equal pay for the engineer wlio sung a little ten-horae power engine and lite man who- ha a giant engine in his charge. They allow no more for the men working under the difficulties and dangers than for the same cls of workers at posts of ease and simplicity." According to the statement, masons In tku Mahoning and Shamokln division would have their wages increased 111 per rent under the new rate profioaod by the miners' committee. They now receive 17.4 coma per hour and demanded cents. Some sort en tenders In the Sioux mine In the same divi sion who now receive 12. cents per hour would receive an increase of 117 per cent under the new rate. The wagea of black smiths' would be increased el per cent, dumpers would receive per cent lncreuse aud plate n ten would get within 1 cent of double the wages they now command. The statement adds: "Other similar inatancea are numeroua tCouUaued on Heooud PsB INSURANCE ELECTION BILL ew York l.ralalatare Will Take Ip Measure Reanlatlnu: Mutaal Companies Today. ALHANT. N. Y.. March 2i.-The assembly committee on Insurance In executive ses sion tonight voted to report favorably to the assembly tomorrow with amendments assembly bill No. 9b4, Introduced by the Joint special Investigating committee, which legislate out of office on November IS next all the directors and trustees of the mutual Insurance- companies and would nullify all proxies hitherto secured by the companies themselves or by any person or committee. The most Important amend ment provides that no proxy executed prior to September 15 next will be valid or can be voted at the reorganization elec tion, which the Mil sets for November 15. It was stated that the amending and re porting of the bill were at the Instance of the Investigating committee on Insurance. It Is said upon reliable authority that the reason for the pushing of the particu lar bill Is the fact that the election of trustees Of the New York Life Insurance company would take place on April 11 and It Is the desire of the committee that there may be no question that this elec tion shall be among those postponed by the act. According to the same authority the amended bill will he reported also In the senate tomorrow In behalf of the Arm strong committee and the effort mill he to threes the bill to passago with all possible, -ceed so that It may be enacted and veil In the hands of Governor Hlgglns . ty next week. .rhe bill affects "every domestic mutual life Insurance corporation whether Incor porated by a special act or under a gen eral law," and provides that the annual election of every such . company which under Its charter or bylaws would be held "hereufter and prior to November 15. 1906." shall be postponed and held on that date. All present directors shall hold office until then and until their successors arc elected. ST. JOHN HELD WITHOUT BAIL Idaho Miner Extradited to Colorado Arraln-ned for Murder of Hen Huranm. ( TKLLURIDK, Colo., March Jl.-Vimvnt Bt. John, president of thu Miners' union at Burke, Idaho, who was brought to Colo rado from Itoise on requisition to answer to the charge, of being Implicated in a con spiracy to murder Ben Burnam, was today bound over without bail to the district court. Burnam was killed In the labor riots at the Smuggler-Union mine on July 8. 1901. At that time St. John wa-s president of the local miners' union, which Is affili ated with the Western Federation of Min ers. Before the hearing of testimony to day attorneys for St. John filed a motion for a change of venue, charging that Jus tice L. M. Brown was not qualified to sit as an examining magistrate because of his former relations with the Citizens' al liance and Mine Owners' association. This motion was denld and Justice Brown took .occasion to refute the churgea of favorltlsny ugalnst him. Testimony of nearly a score of person's wus Cukon. till Maying that St. John was present at or soon after the battle In which Burnum was killed, and a written agreement signed by the assistant manager of the mine and St. John arranging for a truce waa also offered in evidence. 1 " .V SEARCH FOR SNOW VICTIMS Large Parties niacin for Bodies uf Men Killed by Shenandoah. Colo.. Snowallde. SILVE'RTON. Colo.. March 21. News reached here today that the Mountain Queen mine was swept by a snowsllde last Saturday and all the buildings, Including the compressor house, were destroyed. A force of twenty- men escaped without In jury. The financial loss Is not heavy, as the company had not Installed the ex pensive Improvement planned. The Mountain Queeri Is situated In Cali fornia gulch, ovej- the ridge from the 8unny Sldo and Gold Prince properties. A large party of men left today on snow shoes for the Shenandoah mine, tn Arastra gulch, above Howardaville. to assist in digging for the bodies of the twelve miners who were swept to their death by a snow slide. 8tlt( another party Is on its way to the Green Mountain mill to search for the body of Foreman T: R. Hlrkey. Alarm Is felt for the "members of these rescue gangs, as they will 'je compelled to go over trails where slides are known to run frequently. ' I MOVE BY NEW YORK CENTRAL Stockholders to Vote on Proposition la Increase Capital ttoek aion.noo.ono. NEW YORK. March A circular was Issued to the stockholders of the New York Central & Hojson River Railroad company yesterday by President W. H. Newman calling on them to attend a t pedal meet ing at Albany April 18 to vote on a prop osition to Increase the capital stock of the company from IllSO.OOO.ftOO to $3on,(nr).O00. The proposed increase Is designed "to provide additional capital for such corporate pur poses of the company as the board of dl rectora may determine and may be issued when the directors deem It advisable." It will comprise l.Ooq.iat shares at ItOu each. It la announced that this action is taken pursuant of a resolution adopted by the board of directors on February IS. The market price of New York central atock was unfavorably affected In the Stock exchange by the announcement of the proposed stock issue. Late In the day It declined from Its high point of list, to UIH and closed at 113V OREGON DEVELOPS WEAKNESS HtiurTural Defect la Discovered I'nder the Heaviest Cannon nf Amer ica n Battleship.' HONOU'Ll', March Jl.-The battleship Oregon, which la returning to Bremerti.n for repairs, has arrived here from the Orient. It is reported that a structural weakness has developed under Its heavy guns. For some tine there has been an order not to use the lS-lnch gun except in caae of dire liuceaaity. ' WASHINGTON, March 21. One of the keelplate of the Oregon waa found to be somewhat destroyed six or eight months ago, hut the condition was thought to be due to docking. Order were given at that time not to fire the big guna of the vessel It Is on It way home for an overhauling. No report have reached the ordnance officer of any wealtuksg to the (uiuuounts ot the bstUeabJp, ROOSEVELT TO LABOR MEN Delegation of One Hundred from American Federation at White House. URGE ENACTMENT OF LABOR MEASURES thief Executive States Ilia Position on Injunctlona, Right Hour I.a vr and Chinese Exclusion. WASHINGTON, March 21. President Roosevelt received a large body of repre sentatives of organized labor this after noon at the White House and talked to them about their urgent request for the enactment of labor measures now pending before congress. Samuel Gompers. president, and Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Fed eration of Labor, headed the delegation, which consisted of about 100 members of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor and officials of the organizations which comprise the federa tion. Practically all of the Important la bor organizations of the country were rep resented. Secretary Morrison read to the president a memorial of the executive council of the American Federation urging action on the various demands for legislation being made by the organized labor Interests of the country. The memorial dwelt particu larly on the eight-hour law and Its en forcement on government works. Including the Panama canal, and the Immigration laws, especially the Chinese exclusion laws. President Gompers and James Duncan of Quincy, Mass., first vice president of the federation and president of the Granite Cutters' union, followed with brief ad dresses on the lines of the memorial. Pres ident Roosevelt, after listening to the statements, replied in un extended ad dress. On the subjects of general Immi gration and the exclusion of Chinese la bor, the president Indicated that he was In practical accord with them, but on Home other matters he differed from them rad ically. The text of the president's re murks as given out at the White House this evening follows: Address of President Roosevelt. Mr. Compels: If your body objects to the passage of the proposed antl-injunctlon bill 1 hnva no doubt that you can stoo it, for there is not a capitalist concerned, who, simply as a capitalist, is not against It, though I believe that a goodly number hoth nf ranltallsts and waae workers who are concerned primurily aa citizens favor , It. I Me olaw was woraea over una nuo stantiallv whipped into its pitsent shape at a number of conferences between rep resentatives of the railroad organizations, of thu Department of Justice and with the bureau of corporations with me. It goes as far aa I personally think it should go In limiting the right of Injunction; at any rale, no argument have hitherto been advanced which make me think It Rhould go farther. I do not believe It has any cliHtice of passing, because there has been great criticisms in both houses of con gress against the attitude of tho admin istration in going so far as we have gone; and If you think It Is not far enough, why, "ou will have no earthly difficulty In kill ing the bill. Peraonally. I think the pro posed law a most admirable one and I very BlneHrely wish It would be put through. .As for the right of injunction, it. i abso lutely necessary to mve thl owrr lodged In the courts, though of course any abuse of tho power is strongly to bo reprobated. During the four and a half years that 1 have been president I do not remember an instance where the government has In voked the right of injunction against a combination of laborers. We have invoked It certainly a score of times against combi nations of capital. I think possibly oftener. Thus, though we have secured the Issuance of injunctions In a number of cases- against capitalistic combinations it has happened that we have never tried to secure an In- i unction against n combination of labor, lut, understand me, gentlemen, if I ever thought it necessary, If I thought a combi nation of laborers were doing wrong. I would apply for an Injunction against them just as quick ae against so many capitalists. Haforrement of Eight-Hour Law. You speak of the eight-hour law. Your criticism, so far aa It relates to the execu tive, bears upon the signature of the ap propriation hill containing the money for expenditure on the Panama canal, with the proviso that the eight-hour law shall not there apply. If your statement la In tended to mean that no opportunity waa given for a hearing before, then the state ment is not In accordance with the facts. There was ample opportunity, but not a single request for such a hearing came to me. I received, however, some hundred of telegrams and letters requesting the veto of tbe entire appropriation bill because It contained that proviso. Frankly, I found It difficult to believe that you were writing and telegraphing with any kind of knowl edge of the conditions in the case. I be lieve emphatically in the eight-hour law for our own people in our own country. But the conditions of labor, such as we have to work with In the tropics, are so absolutely different that there is no possi ble analogy between them, and an eight hour law for thu Panama canal la . ah absurdity. The conditions that make the eight-hour law proper here have no possi ble reference to the conditions that make j the eight-hour law entirely Improix'r there. I You hamper me In the effort to get for j you what I think you nualit to have In i connection with the t Ight-hour law when you make a request that W Indefensible, and to grant wlih-h would mean Indefinite delay and Injury to the work on the isthmus. Chinese Xot a Menace to I .a hor. Now, about the Chinese exclusion. Th number of Chlnege now In this country Is. If I remember aright, some Sn.ono or A.f. So far from there being a great Influx ot Chinese the fact Is that the number ha steadily decreased. There are fewer Chi nese than there were ten years ago, fewer than there were twenty years ago, fewer thau there were thirty year ago. The delegation remained with the presi dent about three-quarter of an hour and the subjects auggested were considered Informally after the address had been de livered. It was agreed that on points of difference the executive council of tho Federation should appoint a committee of three which should draft the views of thu organisation and submit to the president at a later date. It Is likely that President Gompers will be chairman of that oom mlttee. Memorial Presented, to Cannen. Earlier in the day the delegation called on Speaker Cannon and Senator Frye of Maine, president pro tempore of the sen ate, and laid before them the name memo rial which they presented to the pres ident. The document expresses the opinion that the eight-hour law la Ineffective and insufficient and deplore the government's attitude toward the law. a affecting work on the Panama canaL It complains that the worklngmen has not been protected against convict labor; aud that appeals for relief from undesirable Immigration have been without result. "Recognizing the danger of Chinese In,, migration," say, the letter, and responsive to the demands of the- people, congress years ago enacted an effective Chinese ex clusion law; yet, despite the experience of the people of our own country, oa well a those of other countries, the present law la flagrantly violated, and now, by act of con gress, it is seriously proposed to Invalidate that law and reverse the policy." Ae to avlaatien Una, The letter then goes on to state that law for the protectluu of seamen are inade quate. Such disaster a the burning of the Slocum and the wreck of tlie Rio de Ja- SHIPPERS FORCE REBATES Interstate Vommerre Commission Proaalse Interesting Ivelop rncata at .ew York. WASHINGTON, March .-Tlie Inter state Commerce con-miisslon today gave out for publication the following notice: "t'pon reports to the commission that many shipper in and about the city of New York have been persistently under billing and mlsrepreer.Aing freight shipped by railroads from that city and other point In eastern Wrttory the commission ha ordered an Investigation and. set the matter down for hearing at fnlted States court rooms. New York City, on Friday, March 23, at 10:30 a. Mb It la expected that ome highly Interesting developments will take place indicating fraud on, the part of tho shippers which amount to forced re bate from published .tariff rates. The member of the commission were loath to give any of the details which led to the decision to conduct the Investigation, but the Information was Imparted that be yond question tho und rbilllng waa Inten tional and that the shipments were delib erately mlsclaaalfied' In order to secure tne lower freight rate. N,o.,one at the offices of the commission was willing to admit that the railroad were a party to the al leged frauds. Many witnesses have been subpoenaed to be present at the hearing. A member of the committee stated today that the commission proposes to go to the very bottom of the alleged frauds .and false description of property. They will see, he said, what the Investigation de veloped before entering; Into consideration the question of criminal prosecution. "In this Instance." suld the member, "we will most assuredly apply the correc tive of publicity. "The Inquiry In . New York will have spclal reference to merchandise traffic shipped from that city usually in less than carload quantities.' "It is reported to the commission that In numerous Instances shippers actually sending articles that belong in one cf the higher classes described by a different name, which would place them in a lower cluss and so get the advantage of the lower rate. This operates not- 6nly to defraud the carriers of revenues to which they are entitled, but also has the effect of a serious discrimination against the honest shipper who must meet his competitor In common markets." MRS. HUNTINGTON FILES SUIT Wife f epbew of Bnllder of Southern Pnelde Rullroad Ask or Divorce. SAN FRANCISCO. Marcli 31. Mr. H. K. Huntington today tiled a suit lu the superior court praying for a divorce from H. E. Huntington, the Well known railroad man and nephew of Che late Colli P. Huntington. . ' Mrs. Huntington's complaint Is very brief, simply alleging desertion since the year 1900. The case han been et for hear ing before Superior Judge Graham to morrow. It Is understood that there will be no contest, a satisfactory arrangement of property interests having been made. ; Jin-- If unling-totr )is pTrtfersd-'O sa11 for the orient tomorrow. Immediately after obtaining an Interlocutory - decree of di vorce. Mr. Huntington left the city for Los Angeles today. Mr. and Mr. Hunt ington have two grown daughters and one son. NIGHT OPERATOR IS ARRESTED William Vandrnsen Taken Into Cus tody, hut Released Pending lervlo of Subpoena. PCEBLO. Colo., March 21. William Van deusen,' the night operator at Swallow for whom Operator Lively waa working on the night of the Rio Grande collision near Adobe, was taken Into custody by police here last night, but subneqnently was re leased by order of the sheriff of Fremont county. Vandeusen say no subpoena to appear at tho coroner's Investigation has been served upon him. He will remain here until this afternoon, when the sheriff of Fremont county will arrive and serve a subjiocna on him. Vandeusen say he knows nothing of the whereabouts of Lively. Help the Omaha Y. W. C. A. build their new home by getting your friends to subscribe for The Bee Twenty-five per cent, on all new sub scriptions goes to the Y. W. C. A. fund A iiew building means a home for the working girls, a pleasant noon hour and a warm lunch, instead of a cold one. Are not the girls whose dally work Is in the factory and shop en titled to a home as much as the boys. Omaha has given tbe boys a V, M. C. A. home, let us not be "weary In well doing" until we have gallantly done the handsome thing for our girls. We owe them "much. Remember they are to be the wives and mothers of our boys and chil dren. The home-makers and builders of the coming generation, and early home Influences and aaaoclations should be more their necessity than privilege. Let everybody help a little Just a little, and the girls are assured a handsome home. Will you do your part? For the Fiscal Yer. 1904-05 Paid-up membership 1.65.1 Total number lunches loat year 166,142 Iaiiy average 6i! Employment found for l&l Boarding houses found for 115 Enrollment in gymnasium 19.; Enrollment In educational classes 2t4 Knrollment In tut'lc classes 2-'4 Goaiel meeting and noon niietigs ....i Factory meeting Vv. 71 The amount exiwndud in this wosk last year waa The Omaha Bee Offer: We will give toward the Y. W. C. A. building fund 25 per cent of all cash iu the sums of $1.00 or more received for new subscriptions to The Omaha Bee morning, evening or Sunday editions and 10 per cent of all prepaid subscriptions in amounts of f 1.00 or more from our old subscribers. No payment will be accepted as prepayment until all arrearages have been paid to date. A $6.09 payment on a. new subscription yields $1.50 to the Yt W. C A. fund. LET EVERYBODY HELP SHAW GETTING INTO GAME Secretary Returns to Iowa to Look After tbe Political Sitnation. EXPECTED TO SPEAK AGAINST CUMMINS Senate Committee Favorably Report House Resolution for Postpone ment of tbe Opening ot the Shoshone Reservation. (From a Staff Correspondent.) -WASHINGTON, March 21. (Special Tele gramsSecretary Shaw has gone home for the purpose of taking a hand In tho cam paign against Cummins. On Friday even ing the secretary of the treasury will de liver an address on "Republicanism" before the Polk County Republican club at Pes Moines-. It is the opinion In Washington that the fight between the Cummins and antl-Cummlns force is the bitterest that has been waged In Iowa politics for many years. Efforts have been made to bring the entire Iowa delegation In the lower house Into line against Cummins, but Congressmen Haugen, Blrdsell, Connor and Dawson re- fused to take any hand In the Cummins fight on the theory that their fight for re nomination as congressmen had no bearing on the gubernatorial situation. The fact Is that all of the gentlemen mentioned rec ognize that they are In so-called Cummins territory. Other members of the delegation are In doubt as to their position In the game now being played and In frankness It may be truthfully said they do not know where they stand. Congressman Hull of tho Des Moines district ha gone pot-haste to Iowa to rehabilitate his machine, because one of his old-time political managers, George L. Dobson, has come out as a candi date against him. Hepburn has troubles of his own. Congressman Hedge has not made up his mind whether he will be a candidate for renomlnation. and altogether the Iowa delegation is in a chaotic condition over tho reports from Hamilton county, which yes terday sounded the note for Cummins' re nomination as governor. , Menuce to Khan Room. Secretary Shaw's presidential boom is one of the political Institution of Iowa that are conceived to bo endangered by the success of Cummins. It is expected that In his ad dress at Des Moines on Friday night the etretary will stick some pin Into Cummins and the Cummins movement, and that hi apnea ranee will give a new turn to the con test. Potmatcr Reappointed. Judge Norrls today recommended the re appointment of G. M. Prentice aa post master at Fairfield. He-also r.-wmmended the reappointment of J. C. iiltcheli as post master at Alma. Judgo Norrls was Informed today that the Poatoftice department would reappoint J. H. Tower as postmaster at Sutton. Mr. Jower was originally appointed under the second Cleveland administration and has been continuously In office since that time. Hla appointment will mean his fourth term In office. . Distribution of Tribal Funds. - . ... n . . J,y-t. today introduced a bill' to restore to tl. Sisseton and Wuhpeton Indians In the Dak )Las their annuities and give the pres ident authority to aay to whom tbeae an nuities shall be paid. The Burke measur la intended to separate certain Indians en tirely from their tribal relations, making them Independent American cltixena. Tho . proposed bill la tn line with the meaauro passed by the house ten day ago for -patenting lands to them. It authorizes the president to apportion and pay such Indiana aa are capable of managing their own affairs their pro rata of the tribal fund. Before, however, any payment la made each Indian Is to sign an agreement releasing the government from the pay ment of any further money to him. Senator Klttredge toduy gave notice of an amendment to the Indian bill which 'he proposed to push for the further Improve ment of the insane asylum for Indians at Canton. 8. T). He wants .000 for a laun dry and $3.5)10 for au improved water sys tem. Public HnlldluaT for Plattamonth. ' A favorable report was ordered today by the senate committee on public build - (Continued on Second Page.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Thursdny, Except Rain or la Southwest Portion. Friday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdnvi Hour. Hen. Hour. Peg. a. m Kit 1 p. ns HT A a. m VO it p. nt H T a. m 241 II a, m HI a. nt as 4 p. m t 9 a. m B p. an at lO a. m .14 H p. tn XO It a. ni ST T p. m 2 13 m It p. m l f p. an Sit FINLAY'S MEMORY IS POOR Vice President of Wntera-Pleree OH Company Remember Little About Important Transaction. .ST. LOUIS. March 21. The oil hearing In tho ouster case of the state of Missouri against the Standard. Republic and Waters- pierce oil companies, which was resumed Monday, adjourned today until April t and Attorney General Hadley, accompanied by Assistant Attorney General Rush C. I-ake, Immediately departed for New York to attend the oil hearing there on Friday. The Illness of H. Clay Pierce, formerly president of the Waters-Pierce Oil corn- p.iny, who was expected to be . the princl pal witness of the session, prevented hi appearance. Charles M. Adams, secretary-treasurer of the Waters-Pierce company, was recalled to the eland briefly and waa followed by Vice President Andrew M. Flnlcy, who testified that ho had gone to New York and talked with H. M. Tllford of the Stand ard OH company, but could not remember whnt they talked about. He was severely cross-examined on the subject of whether Waters-Pierce company report were made to the Standard Oil company in New 'York, but the majority of his answers were to the effect that he could not remember. In the middle of his testimony adjournment was taken and he waa admonished to be ready to continue hla testimony on April S. "I regret to be Informed .that Mr. Pierce i still 111. I will call for him aa a witness the first thing this morning. If he Is unable to appeur today I will not be able to hear his testimony at this hearing, as I must leave for New York this even ing to attend the. healing there. Mr. Flndlay, vloe president of the Watera Plerce Oil company will probably be the only witness today." "Will you hear the testimony from Mr. Pierce at a Inter day?" was asked. "Oh, certainly," replied the attorney gen eral. "Hs Is regu'arly sworn a a wit ness and must appear and give testi mony. I can't say Just when tho next hearing will be held here. That, of course, will depend upon how long I remain In New York, but I trust Mr. Pierce will have recovered his health In the mean time. Today's proceeding will close the present session of the hearing." BANK PRESIDENT IS CALLED Claelanatl Prosecutor Will Have Orataltle" to Officers Probed by Graad Jury. . r CINCINNATI, aiarcn 21, uevrga . lramsa.r-m tua. re- r"0,"iT,,. , ,, m, -CINCINNATI, March 21, George B. Cox, at the close of the last campaign, was on f the bank presidents summoned to ap ,ear before the grand jury here today to testify In regard to the payment to county treasurers of Interest, or "gratuities" for tho deposit of public money. The other bank officials summoned included the heads of all banks In which county funds have been deposited during the past few year. This action was taken by County Prose cutor Rullson, following up the investiga tion by the Drake commission Of the state senate by which County Treasurer Hynicka and others testified that the banks had been paying what amounted to 2 to 2 per cent on funds deposited with them, such payment being made personally to some one In the county treasurer's office and that deposit would not be made in any of the banks until in understanding as to the payment of these "gratuities" had been reached. Check for t2E,0ta) and 135,000 to cover the amount of interest es timated to have been paid bv them were yesterday turned oer to Mr. Rullson by County Treasurer Hynicka and former Treasurer French, respectively, both of whom promised to pay any additional amount it this waa Insufficient, the money to be held until the courts had decided whether It belonged to the county or to tho officials personally. METAL TRADES IN SESSION strikebreaker May Re Protected by Standlnar Force of Guards is at Mines. CI.KVEUAND. Marrh 21. The eighteenth annual convention of the National Metul Trade association met here wlthvabout v members from all parts of the country In attendance. One of the question to be considered dur ing the holding of the convention Is the pro tection of strike-breaker. In this connec tion the association may, it I said, be asked to sanction the maintenance of an enlarged force of guards, resembling the coal and Iron police of Pennsylvania. The men, it is asserted, would be armed and drilled for service at the point of any member who might have a strike on hand. The uniting of the association with the National Founders' association, for the pur pose of being able to more successfully com bat labor strike Is recommended in the re port of a special committee, and the mat ter was taken up during the afternoon. BANKER PREACHER INDICTED Rev. Ituls Kellcy of Peoria Charged with Receiving Deposit When Rank Was Insolvent. PEOBIA. III.. March 2I.-Rev. LouIh Kelly, the Baptist minister who waa a partner with the late Rev. George Simmon In the defunct People Savings bank, waa Indicted for embexxleinent by the grand Jury this afternoon. The Indictment charge that Kelly received deposit on Monday, February 6, the day berore Pr. Simmon committed suicide, when he knew that the bank was Insolvent. Recent development In the case have shown that the bank held notes signed by Kelly and Simmon with a face value of Sm.flOO. TRAIN IS DUGFR0M DRIFT Pnaaenger oa tho Illlaol Ceatral Arrlv at Chamnalca Two Day J ate. BLOOMINQTON. 111.. March a. The Illinois Central train, marooned In the drift near Aigenta, twelve miles from Uecatur, has been released and reached Champaign two da ys late. Neighboring farmer supplied the passengers with food. All roada are now open, though Lot run ning on aohedul tu&s. PACKERS WIS FIGI1I Judee Quashes Indictments So Tar st Individuals Are Oonoerned, CORPORATIONS MUST STAND TRIAI Court Finds that Individuals Wsra Com pelled to Furnish Evidence. ACTION OF GOVERNMENT NOT DETERMINEC Attorney Morrison Will Look Up Eil Eis;bt to Appeal.' GREAT JOY AMONG THE DEFENDANTS Among Men affected Are Edward Curiahy, J. Oaden Armour, Louis Fa Swift, F.dnard Morris. Arthur Meeker, p. A. Valentine. CHICAGO. March Jl.-All of the packers who were Indicted by the federal grand Jury last summer upon charges ot being In- conspiracy In restraint of trade and commerce were today granted immunity from criminal prosecution under the Indict ment. While the Individuals are to j free the Indictment found against the cor-, poratlons of which some of the Indicted Individuals are members and other ate employes, are to stand. A decision to the above effect was handed down this afternoon by Judge' J. Otis Humphrey In the district court. The argu ment In the case were concluded shortly after 3 o'clock. Judge Humphrey soon commenced tho delivery of his opinion. It was oral and the Judge poke for nearly an hour before giving the slightest indi cation of what the ultimate decision would be. Ho reviewed the caso at length In all It bearings, cited all the essential facts which had been brought out and concluded as follows: Vnder the law In this case the Immunity pleas tiled by the defendant will he sus tained as to the Individuals, and denied na to the corporations, the artificial persons, and tho Jury will find in favor of the gov ernment as far aa the corporations are concerned, and against the govornment, as fur as the Individuals are concerned. During the rendition of the decision the court was crowded by tha defendants and numerous spectators. Edward Morris and Edward Swift were In court and both smiled happily when the decision was an nounced. Joy Amonar Defendant. J. Ogden Armour was not present, hut some of the men prominent In the em ploy of Armour & Co., who were named in the Indictment, were there and their Joy wa great. When the' Judge announced that the Indictments would not He against them they crowded together and com menced to shako hands in mutual con gratulations. The attorneys for the defense were also highly pleased, and whon the decision had been announced they shook hands all around, and hastened to the Jury' box to shake hands with the Jurors, who had been excluded ' from the court room' during all of the arguments made- in the case, and had rendered a verdict in ac cordance with the directions of the court. District Attorney Morrison, who has han dled the case alone with the exception of the argument by Attorney General Moody, sat with bowed head for a short time after Judge Humphrey had concluded, and then walked over to the jury box and also shook hand with the Juror. Immediately following the dismissal of the Jury, District Attorney Morrison raised the question of the date of the trial of the corporations. He asked that the case be set for trial and that it commence within two weeks. This met with a storm of. protest from the attorney of the packers, who Insisted that they would be unable to prepare for the case before the fall of the year, pleading the number of witnesses which It would be necessary to bring to Chicago, the strain of the present trial and various reasons. Uwrrra to Agrree oa Date. Judge Humphrey directed that the law yers agreo. among themselves on a date and notify hit of their decision next week. It is expected that the total number ot witnesses in this trial when -it begin will be at least l.fiuO. The attorneys for th packers declared today when asking for a postponement of the trial that their wit nesses would number 1,500, and the gov ernment ha already said that it would havo luO or more. The court proceedings for the day were commenced by the argument of Attorney John S. Miller, who had waived a portion of his time In favor of Attorney General Moody. He scouted the contentions of the attorney general, saying that it waa evi dent to the most casual reader nf the In tel stale commerce law that no distinction txisted In fact between evidence given vol untarily or evidence given, under compul sion. He deelared that there could not be the slightest doubt but that the de fendants In the present caae wers entitled to Immunity. Derision of the Court. Attorney Miller concluded his argument shortly after 3 o'clock and Judge Hum phrey shortly after commenced speaking from the bench, announcing hi decision. Part of the decision waa a follow; The defendant are Indicted under the Sherman act, charged with a conspiracy la restraint of trade. They have pleaded that a to them that act should be suspended because they should not be compelled to furnish evidence concerning the ma iter in the iudlctment. and under the law such furnishing .f evidence gives them immunity. The law under consiueruiion whien tn court Is called upon to deride U tne com merce and labor act. It ir clear that the primary purpose of this act waa to enabiu congress to provide, through the channel of officials charged with the execution of laws, remedial legislation. The act la a snl.stl. tute for one of the most cherished rights of the American ritlsen which Is the right to remain silent when ouestinned about any subject the answer to which might Incrim inate him. It Is concedad that the privi lege amendment to the constitution cannot he taken from the citizen without return, giving to htm something equally valuable. The privilege of the amendment penults a refusal to answer a question relating to the onense. The privilege must he claimed by the witness at the time. The immunity Mow to the witness without any claim ua his part. It is contended that the defendants la this case were volunteers beeuusa they hag gled with Garfield at times, detwtrd, in sisted, gave less than he asked and with held some things. The record does now that, but the fact remains that every ap proach was made by the government. Oar held mode Ida demands and it does not to my mind destroy the character ot the com pulsion under which they acted that the defendant after having considered the law and after having decided that they had no legal right to resist, still debated with the cuiiimlBoioner In the ho;ie of inducing hint to lake something less than ho originally demanded. Garfield came to the del, -n, lams and held up before them the (siwera of hi office. They did not go to him and volun teer anything. Now since the ip-fendaiM volunteered nothing, but leave omy nhil was demanded by an offlc. r who had , fie rights to rruae ihr demand and gave in a od faith uuoer a s.-ns of legal nnni'ia. sion. I am of the opinion that they ic en titled to Immunity. Judge Humphrey then entered upon an sla-boralv, UisvuMiun v( lit twulenuvu